Shower      06/15/2019

The best household water purification system in the apartment. Water purification system in the apartment Household water purification system for the apartment

The water purification system for an apartment should be modern, environmentally friendly, ergonomic and efficient. It includes a set of various filters with additional equipment (hoses and containers for supplying and discharging clean and dirty water). The water purification system in the apartment should be minimal. overall dimensions. That is, only compact or mobile is used, which is easy to fit under the sink or move.

Main connecting elements are fittings, plastic pipes, taps. Manufacturers usually supply components with their equipment. Thanks to universal adapters, filtration systems are quickly and easily mounted.

Types of cleaning systems

They produce several types of water filtration systems for an apartment:

  • sorption;
  • membrane;
  • ion exchange.

The private house has great advantage to install a cleaning system: you can select an isolated room or space. The apartment is limited in area, all items in it are in contact with its residents.

Today, many adherents of environmentally friendly products are beginning to abandon ion-exchange filters. In them, the filter mass is restored in regenerating solutions. Membrane systems are gaining popularity.

Sorption filters with replaceable modules are also often used, which are easy to replace and do not need to be restored.

Basic requirements for water treatment systems for apartments

As with any water filtration system, it should be chemically analyzed. apartment buildings nourishes with water central water supply. People do not need pre-treatment systems if the water comes from modern communications. Filtering devices in the apartment should work to remove chlorine and hardness salts.

In limited spaces, filters with storage tanks for storing filtrate are rarely used. A mobile and reduced version of such systems is a filter jug ​​that supplies water to a family of 2-3 people.

Often, drinking water purification systems for an apartment will contain non-traditional methods of water preparation: structuring, magnetic field, ultrasound. But many residents of megacities choose a conservative approach to water purification, which have proven themselves over many years of use in softening and removing chlorine, and comply with norms and standards.

Choosing a water purification system for an apartment

Each region has an individual composition of water. Therefore, there are no exact guidelines for choosing a water filtration system. But if it is firmly decided to use purified water, then it is necessary to start from the zero level. It is necessary to determine exactly what water should be purified from. This can be done in the laboratory or on your own at home.

We will warn you right away: one filter will not be enough. Drinking water requires a more careful approach than technical water.

Drinking water filters

In the apartment best options there will be a multi-stage system, a nozzle on a tap or a filter jug.

filter jug

At first glance, a jug filter seems to be a budget option. However, it is effective at acceptable quality. tap water. The filter jug ​​allows you to:

  • reduce the concentration of chlorine;
  • reduce the amount of copper and iron;
  • reduce water hardness;
  • remove mechanical impurities.

There are significant differences between filter jars from different manufacturers. Large enterprises try to specialize their cartridges for different water. It is better to give preference to products of well-known brands at a slightly higher cost. Cheap pitcher filters may only perform mechanical cleaning or may not be effective at all.

The advantages of this type of filters include:

  • low cost;
  • simple use;
  • does not require installation.

The disadvantages are:

  • short cartridge life
  • cartridges are not remanufactured;
  • not high cleaning efficiency.

Attachment on the crane

According to the method and effectiveness of the nozzles on the faucet, they are similar to filter jugs. they remove chlorine compounds and perform mechanical cleaning. Additionally, specialization may be provided. If the filtering mass is an ion-exchange resin, then heavy metals, hardness salts, iron ions, and aluminum are removed. When using activated carbon, most types of organics and bacteria, phenol are cleaned.

Why is a nozzle better than a jug? It all depends on individual preferences. Sometimes it is possible to regenerate the ion exchange resin, which is not typical for cartridges from pitcher filters.

Benefits of a faucet nozzle:

  • easy installation;
  • minimum system dimensions for good quality cleaning;
  • convenient to use.

The disadvantages are the same as those of the filter jugs.

Multistage systems

Multi-stage systems are used for serious water problems. Many of them are equipped with a reverse osmosis membrane. But even in its absence, the effectiveness is quite high.

Advantages of multistage systems:

  • great performance;
  • solves almost all water problems.


  • high cost;
  • requires a certain space;
  • complex installation;
  • slow work;
  • reverse osmosis requires a large volume of water (per 1 liter clean water you need 5 liters of "waste");
  • expensive Consumables.

Many people believe deep cleaning disadvantage: trace elements necessary for a person are removed. But you can always additionally provide a mineralizer or resort to other methods of increasing the mineralization of water.

Industrial water treatment systems

Firstly, the water must undergo a rough cleaning before being supplied to the apartment. This is necessary to protect plumbing and household appliances. It also extends the life of consumables in the drinking water treatment system.

Washing machines and dishwashers that heat water require separate water softening filters. They can be installed in front of the device.

But with increased rigidity, it is better to solve the problem in a complex way. After all, hair and skin suffer from hardness salts. The minimum cost will be a shower head filter.

Ion exchange softeners with high performance not suitable for small apartments, as they require a lot of space. Experts recommend using a magnetic softener.

The described filters are mounted pipeline with cold water. Hot water also needs cleaning.

Water purification is a complex task. To solve it, it is necessary individual approach to the creation of a water purification system from different types filters.

Ordinary water from a public water supply rarely meets sanitary and hygienic standards, and even more so does not add truly useful nutrients to a person. For this reason, a large proportion of urban residents have long switched to individual filtration systems. In many ways, this is a costly and troublesome decision, but from the point of view of health care, it justifies itself. The modern system in the apartment is presented in different options. Some of them stand out for their filtration efficiency, others are more convenient to use, and still others also include additional useful substances in the composition of the liquid.

What types of systems exist?

Industrial filtration is by far the most common direction in the field of cleaning systems. Thus, bottled water is produced, which can also be used in an apartment or house. Also popular are integrable and compact units serving small volumes of liquid. In the first case, the water purification system in the apartment is introduced into the water supply channel and subsequently requires special maintenance. The second option does not cause problems with installation operations and is operated as a conventional kitchen appliance. In choise suitable option it is worth evaluating a wide range of criteria, not forgetting that the filtration system can also eliminate some of the beneficial bacteria.

Pitcher type devices

The easiest and most popular way to get clean water at home. This system is implemented in the form of a small plastic jug, in the center of which there is a separating barrier with a filter cartridge. It is important to note that one such element is capable of passing through itself about 300 liters of liquid, while maintaining the optimal level of water treatment. The cleaning itself is implemented with a particle tolerance of about 20 microns. That is, against the background of other means, this is not the most effective filter system for water purification (in an apartment), but as a tool for basic or temporary preparation of a drinking resource, it can be used at home. Moreover, in comparison with analogues, this option wins due to several positive aspects. Firstly, the convenience itself is noted when using such a jug. It is mobile in use and does not take up much space in the kitchen. Secondly, the cost of cartridges is not so high compared to the maintenance costs of more technologically advanced and efficient installations.

Flow filters

This group of filters is by far the most common in the homes of consumers demanding water quality. They are of two types - upper and lower, which are located under the sink. As a rule, the installation of water purification systems in an apartment of this type is carried out using a plumbing tie-in into the water line. This allows the system to provide constant monitoring, and a high level. For example, an average flow type filtration system is capable of excluding particles with a fraction of the order of 0.1 micron. Models of this segment are also convenient in terms of operation, as they do not clutter up the kitchen space. However, if there is a need to repair local plumbing, having a built-in filtration device can be inconvenient. Relate to the shortcomings of flow systems and the need for regular replacement of cartridges - manufacturers recommend updating the equipment every six months.

Filtration with faucet nozzles

One of the simplest solutions to the problem of clean water supply is the use of a faucet nozzle. Such devices are simply put on the faucet head, after which they are also filtered. running water. From the outside, this solution seems to be the most attractive, but it also has significant drawbacks. These include a small amount of cleaning sorbent and low level performance. That is, if the flow-through installations described above have a minimal effect on the flow rate, then the water purification system in an apartment such as a nozzle can slow down the operation of the tap. There is another nuance of operation - the installation itself, although it does not have large dimensions, in some cases can cause certain inconveniences when washing large-sized dishes.

Manufacturer reviews

The segment of cleaning systems is quite densely represented by domestic products. In particular, the products of Aquaphor and Geyser are praised by users for the organic combination of low cost and performance. However, if you want to get a high-quality filtration result, then it is recommended to contact Atoll, BRITA and Teko-Filter. Effective complex solutions offered by Bluefilters. Even, according to experts, it offers best systems water purification for an apartment, based on the principle of osmosis. Innovative solutions are also mastered by employees of the AquaShield enterprise, under whose brand, for example, technological systems based on electromagnetic components are produced. The indisputable advantages of such models include the complete elimination of the need for regular replacement of consumables.

How much does a water purification system cost in an apartment?

The cost of cleaning devices is largely determined by the type of construction and the principle of filtration. For example, the most affordable jug models can cost about 300-500 rubles. For more high level there are flow-through water purification systems for the apartment. Prices in this case can reach 3-4 thousand. In the same segment, there are installations that provide filtration according to the principle of osmosis.

The most expensive cleaning systems are available for 10-15 thousand. What do manufacturers offer for this money? As a rule, these are sets of filters that are installed under the sink. The presence of a stylish case and the possibility of a separate installation is distinctive properties, which distinguish premium water purification systems for the apartment. Prices of filters in such configurations can reach 20 thousand rubles.


Despite the obvious pros and cons of different water purification systems, the question of choosing the optimal solution is far from simple. Apart from design features, one should also take into account the quality of direct filtration, which is provided by different systems water purification for the apartment. How to choose the best option according to this criterion? Integrated water treatment can be a win-win option. IN modern systems flow type, for example, provides for universal cleaning, iron removal, softening, bacteriological effect, as well as ionization and mineralization. But, on the other hand, a simple jug filter will be able to retain some of the beneficial salts and bacteria just because of the imperfection of its membrane.

In some countries, such as India, drinking tap water is dangerous: you can get an upset stomach or intestinal infection. In Russia, things are better with water supply, but many still use the filter. Why is it necessary and which device is more effective?

In large cities of Russia, water supply stations guarantee the safety of tap water. But before getting to our tap, the liquid goes through the pipes. Many pipes are old, rusty and worn out. Through them, harmful substances enter the water from the tap.

Some people don't drink tap water because they have a suspicious taste in it. But even if the water tastes normal, it is not certain that it is safe. To check if it contains impurities and contaminants, contact the sanitary and epidemiological service and hand over a sample of the liquid for testing.

You can roughly determine the quality of water yourself:

  • If scale appears in your teapot, white stains remain after washing the dishes, and after brewing tea, a film appears in the mug - the water is hard, that is, it contains a lot of salts.
  • The putrid taste of water indicates the presence of hydrogen sulfide, and the tart taste indicates an excess of iron.
  • If after washing the clothes have a gray tint, then there is manganese and heavy metals in the water.

In addition, you can look at the Internet project of Rospotrebnadzor "Water Map of Russia". The site has a map of laboratory studies of water in different regions. Most of the research is in the Moscow region.

Someone prefers tap water bottled from the store, but there are some nuances here. According to experts, bottled water does not always meet safety requirements. The list of "unsafe" brands is on the website of Roskontrol. In addition, water from the store, as a rule, is more expensive than filtered water at home. Therefore, many begin to buy filters.

The filter improves the quality of the liquid: it cleans it from heavy metals, impurities, viruses and bacteria. How worse water, the more powerful and expensive the device is needed. We made an overview of the types of water filters and at the end of the article gave recommendations for choosing them.

rough, or mechanical cleaning - from large solid particles of sand, rust, clay, etc. Coarse filters are grids made of steel or polymeric materials with small cells.

Filters fine cleaning use the following technologies:

  • Sorption cleaning- from, chlorine, oil products and other harmful compounds. During cleaning, water passes through a sorbent - as a rule, it is activated carbon.
  • Ion exchange– water passes through ion exchange resins. As a result, magnesium and calcium ions, which give water hardness, are replaced by harmless sodium atoms.
  • Reverse osmosis– the most efficient cleaning technology. Under pressure, water passes through the membrane, which does not let through almost anything except the liquid itself.
  • UV disinfection- Eliminates most micro-organisms. In urban water supply centers, water is already undergoing ultraviolet treatment, so it is necessary to get a water pipe from a well or a well as soon as possible.

Types of filters for water purification in the apartment

The most popular filter in the kitchen for drinking water. The device consists of three parts:

  • Jug glass or plastic. The volume of the container is 1.5–4 liters.
  • Receiving bowl, or funnel occupies almost half of the jug. A cleaning cartridge is attached to its bottom.
  • Cartridge purifies water. Periodically, it must be replaced: depending on the model, it is designed for 100-450 liters. There are cartridges with and without thread. The latter can be installed incorrectly, then untreated water will seep into the tank.

The liquid flows through several cleaning layers inside the cartridge:

  • prefilter retains solid insoluble particles;
  • Activated carbon removes most harmful organic compounds. As a rule, this is the main filter component;
  • ion exchange resins soften water and remove impurities of heavy metals;
  • silver iodide kills bacteria;
  • postfilter blocks the ingress of particles of filtering materials into the water - for example, the same coal.

Sometimes consumables contain minerals and trace elements that make water healthier.


  • The filter jug ​​is a budget option. A jug costs from 300 rubles, a cartridge - from 150.
  • No need to understand the installation, it's easy to use: poured water, waited, drank.
  • The jug does not take up much space, it is easy to lift and carry.


  • Low performance. Water flows slowly, so the jug is designed for a family of two or three people.
  • May not remove all contaminants. If the tap water is of extremely poor quality, you should purchase a more powerful device.
  • Small tank volume.

When choosing a jug, pay attention to which cartridges are compatible with it and how long they last.

The principle of operation is the same as that of a jug: water passes through the cartridge into the reservoir. Only in terms of volume the tank is more capacious; it has a small faucet through which water is poured. Typically, dispensers have a longer cartridge life than jugs. This type of water purifier is optimal for small offices and families with more than three people.

The nozzle is attached to the mixer and purifies water from chlorine, rust and small suspensions. Inside there is a cassette (cartridge), which must be changed every one to three months. The main filter component is activated carbon.


  • Relatively inexpensive - from 170 rubles.
  • Easy to use and install.
  • The cleaning speed is higher than that of pitcher filters.


  • You need to constantly remove and put on the nozzle so as not to waste purified water on washing dishes and other needs.
  • If an excessively strong flow of water passes through the device, the filtration quality may be reduced.

The filter for the apartment is placed near the sink and connected to the mixer using a flexible hose. The device has its own faucet, from which purified water is supplied. The cartridge needs to be changed every 2-4 months.


  • Easy to use.
  • Productivity is higher than that of jugs and nozzles - about two liters per minute.


  • Need a free space next to the sink.
  • The price is higher than that of the previous types - from 1,000 rubles.

Other names - prefilter, mechanical (preliminary) filter. It is cut into the main cold or hot water supply. It is needed primarily to protect plumbing, dishwasher and washing machines. It is also used as a well water filter.

For cold water a standard pre-filter is used, and for hot - from heat-resistant materials. The service life of such devices is up to 30 years.

The pre-filter is not a panacea. It removes only large insoluble impurities, thus extending the life of the main filter.

Main filters are divided into several types:

  • Strainers trap large particles of contaminants with a mesh. The smaller the grid cells, the more particles of different sizes it will hold. There are flushing and non-flushing devices. First, the dirt is automatically washed away running water. To clean the non-flushing filter, you need to rinse the mesh yourself.
  • Disc line filters they are also cleaned of mechanical impurities, but their performance is higher than that of mesh ones. Filter elements are pressed polymer disks. When the disks are compressed, the grooves on them form a grid. They need to be washed in a timely manner under running water.
  • Cartridge (cartridge) filters are replacement cartridges. They need to be changed much more often than the mesh or discs, but the cleaning quality is higher. Housings for cold water cartridges are made of transparent or opaque plastic. Transparent is more convenient, because through it you can see how dirty the cartridge is. For hot water housings are made of opaque heat-resistant plastic or of stainless steel. Corps are different sizes: the larger they are, the higher the performance of the device and the longer term his service.

You can embed the device into the water supply yourself, but this is a laborious procedure. If you are not confident in your abilities, ask a specialist for help.

Prices for a pre-filter start at 1,500 rubles, there are models for 13,000.

When buying this type, you need to know the diameter of the section water pipe and water temperature for which the device is designed.


  • Do not require frequent replacement.
  • Serves for many years.
  • Has high performance
  • Easy to use.


  • Removes only large particles.
  • The pre-filter is difficult to install without the help of a specialist.
  • To replace the cartridge in cartridge form, you need to shut off the water supply.

These are the most effective household filters for purifying tap water. Water goes through several stages of purification, disinfection and softening. The system contains 3-5 sections - flasks with cartridges. Cartridges are replaced every six months to a year.

You need free space under the sink and a place to output an additional tap. The liquid is supplied through a separate mixer with a drinking water filter. The device is connected to water pipes.

Filters "under the sink" are of two types - flowing And reverse osmosis.

The flow filter for water consists of three to four modules (cartridges):

  • pre-cleaning- from sand, rust, silt;
  • carbonic- from chlorine, salts, organic compounds, heavy metals;
  • with ion exchange resins- for iron removal and water softening;
  • with fine silver particles- cleanses of bacteria.

You can experiment with a set of cartridges - this way you will adjust the degree of water purification.

Some models provide ultraviolet lamp- it destroys dangerous microorganisms.

reverse osmosis systemspecial case wash-in type. Comparison of water filters shows that this is the most efficient option. In such a system, water can be 99% purified.

Cleaning goes through the following steps:

  1. The pre-filter purifies water from large contaminants;
  2. Water passes through the membrane - a material twisted into a roll, the pore size is 0.0001 microns. The membrane allows only water molecules to pass through, all other compounds are discharged into the sewer by a forced flow of liquid.
    The water is then stored in a 4–12 liter tank.

Membranes are not changed as often as cartridges - its service life is 1-5 years. The performance of household reverse osmosis systems is 150–300 liters per day.

After such a thorough purification, useful minerals are also removed from the water, so a mineralizer is built into the reverse osmosis system. This is a cartridge with mineral filling, which gradually dissolves in water, saturating it with magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and other elements. Mineralization improves the taste and quality of water. Cartridge resource - 3-4 thousand liters.

Flasks for cold water filters are made of transparent plastic, and for hot water - from brass.

With a high iron content in the water, as indicated by a red coating on plumbing, the filter mesh can gradually become clogged with iron deposits, which will affect the pressure drop in the tap.

Cartridge line filters

The cartridge main filter consists of a housing (flask) and a cartridge. The cold water filter housing is made of transparent or opaque plastic. In a transparent flask, you can control the level of contamination of the cartridge. For hot water, flasks are made of opaque plastic or stainless steel. When installing a stainless steel case, you need to leave a free space under it equal to the height of the case (this is necessary to replace the cartridge), but if too hot water is supplied to the line, it will not deform or leak.

Flasks have standards SL (Slim Line) - narrow and BB (Big Blue) - wide. Their height ranges from 5 to 40 inches. How larger size housing, the higher the filter performance.

The cartridge for such a filter must be selected according to the type of contamination that will be cleaned. They have the same size standards as the bodies, such as 10”SL or 20”BB. The larger the cartridge, the longer it will last.

To purify water from mechanical particles, cartridges made of foamed polypropylene, cellulose or polyester are used. They remove undissolved particles ranging in size from 1 to 50 microns. Cellulose and polyester cartridges are also called flap cartridges. They have a large filtering surface area, and, accordingly, a higher resource. However, the cost of such cartridges is higher.

Iron removal cartridges are used to remove excess iron from the water. They transfer iron from dissolved to undissolved form, then it is mechanically filtered out. The disadvantage of such cartridges is the low threshold of application - up to 3 mg/l of iron in water.

A carbon cartridge is used to purify water from chlorine and its compounds. It effectively removes chlorine, iron, heavy metals and organic matter that can cause water to bad smell, taste and color.

To reduce water hardness and protect household appliances using softening cartridge. When it is used, either calcium and magnesium ions are replaced by sodium ions, or they are converted into a form in which they do not precipitate on the surface of the heating elements. With high hardness or high water consumption, such cartridges are ineffective, as their resource quickly ends.

The filter for household appliances is installed directly in front of the washing or dishwasher and protects it from limescale. Polyphosphate backfill prevents the formation of sediment on the heating elements. In the process of work, the backfill dissolves, and it must be periodically topped up. You can control its level through a transparent case.

Magnetic transducers are also used to protect equipment. Such filters work magnetic field on the water and do not allow sediment to fall on the heating elements of household appliances.

For drinking water

The main task of filters for drinking water is additional purification of tap water to the state of drinking, that is, the removal of chlorine, organochlorine compounds and heavy metals, as well as softening, iron removal and disinfection of water.

Filter jugs

The pitcher is the most common filter for home use. This is a plastic container with a cartridge installed in it. Water is poured into the funnel, passes through the cartridge and, already purified, enters the lower part of the tank. The main advantage of such a filter is that it does not need to be connected to the water supply system. The main disadvantage is the low filtration rate and the small volume of filtered water - no more than 4 liters. Such filters have a low service life of replaceable cartridges and lose to other drinking filters in terms of water purification.

Faucet nozzles

The faucet nozzle is an inexpensive and easy-to-use device for water purification. The water passes through the cartridge and exits through a separate faucet or hole in the filter. The advantage of such a device is its low cost and higher filtration rate compared to jugs, the disadvantages are a small cartridge resource and the need to constantly connect a nozzle or switch water between a filter and a mixer.

Under sink filters

The flow-through water purifier is connected to the water supply system and can have from one to four stages of purification. The filter is completed with the separate crane for supply of the purified water. Such a system works quickly and effectively removes chlorine and its compounds from water, since at least one carbon cartridge is always included in the package. In a system consisting of three cartridges, water goes through several stages of purification, each of which purifies water from one or another type of impurities. Such filters can soften water, reduce high iron content, or combine several types of purification at once. It should be noted that the filter has a large resource for chlorine, but a small one for salts, hardness and iron.


In a separate group of flow filters, filters with an ultrafiltration membrane can be distinguished. They purify water from all impurities larger than 0.1 micron. And since the average bacteria has a size of more than 1 micron, such filters effectively purify water from them.

Reverse osmosis filters

The reverse osmosis filter consists of a pre-filter unit, a reverse osmosis membrane, storage tank, post-filter and tap for clean water. As a block of pre-filters, a two- or three-stage filter is used, the function of which is to protect the reverse osmosis membrane from large mechanical impurities, chlorine and dissolved iron, which can clog the pores of the membrane and disable it. Replacement of cartridges in the pretreatment unit must be carried out once every six months or a year.