Toilet      06/17/2019

How to properly fix the imitation of timber inside and outside the house. How imitation timber is attached to the wall of the facade: technology features and types of connecting elements Mounting imitation timber to the ceiling

It's not news to anyone that the success of the designer's idea depends on the quality of the finish.

timber imitation

When it comes to interior design, design solution may not be implemented correctly, because of which the general atmosphere will be seriously affected.

The decoration of the house in a rustic style, in which the room is simply overflowing with wood elements, is very popular today. This design is very important role rests on the imitation of a bar, which is able to give the room a finished laconic appearance.

Imitation of a bar can be used for various reasons. Basically, it performs a decorative role, but it can also carry a completely functional load.

If the installation is done correctly, you will have the opportunity to zone the space, which will add even more extraordinaryness to your home. In the long years of service of the structure, there is no doubt at all.

Artificial timber is a high-quality, strong canvas that will not lose its attractive appearance during operation for many years.

The main types of material are shown in the table.

If you decide to sheathe a room with timber, and appreciate a lot of it positive qualities on merit, you most likely wondered how to fix an imitation of a bar?

Beam installation technology

Interior trim with imitation timber

A beam with imitation is a very unpretentious building material, the installation of which does not require you to have certain skills. Such available finishes do-it-yourself is easily implemented and is the main indicator due to which the material is so popular.

Do-it-yourself material installation has many similarities with lining fasteners, but needs less attention. But, some special nuances are still present.

After acquiring the material, he needs to acclimatize, for which it will be enough to withstand it for 7 days at rest. Such acclimatization is necessary so that during operation the material does not undergo excessive shrinkage. Also, such manipulations will simplify installation and it will be much easier to fix the canvas, after which it will last for many years.

Finishing the house with imitation of timber and its installation is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. An insulation material is applied to the brick surface (where you plan to mount the timber). To do this, the sheets are overlapped using any technology that is most suitable for you. How you do this is not very important, because in the future the sheets will be fixed with a crate.
  2. Next, the wall must be sheathed with a crate, for which a beam with a square section of 30 mm is most often used. This size is the most popular, but this is not a rule, but just a recommendation. The crate must be fixed in increments of 40 to 80 cm in relation to each other. The step length depends on the length of the surface, as well as on the dimensions of the insulation sheets. Installation of the crate can be done in different ways, it all depends on the basis of the surface.
  3. Then the space that has formed between the bars of the crate is best filled with any insulator, which is most often used as mineral wool or foam. Since insulation is a very important and significant process in the construction of any residential building, it is premature to think about its quality, because in the future, after the decoration is completed, such a finish will not be available.
  4. Now it is worth taking care of protecting the structure from the winds. To do this, the house can be covered with a film, fixing its edges in any way possible.

How to fix an imitation of timber inside the house?

When all preparatory work come to an end, you can proceed to the direct installation of the bar imitation.

To do this, the timber is laid from the bottom up, carefully leveling the base bar with a level. After that, it will only be necessary to stick to the horizon.

The beam should be fixed with a spike to the top so that the next board falls into the groove without much difficulty.

Finishing a house with a bar can be done different ways, but the most convenient and widely used is the following technology:

  • with a self-tapping screw, the fastener is screwed into the spike, adhering to an angle of 45o, after which the recess becomes absolutely invisible to the eye;
  • self-tapping screw with front side boards as deep as possible so as not to spoil appearance finishes;
  • the timber can also be fixed with nails, which should fall strictly into the grooves (such a finish is less attractive, but more durable);
  • you can sheathe a house in another way, for the implementation of which you will need kleimers.

The use of kleimers is the most convenient way, which is distinguished by its reliability and does not distort the external attractiveness of the building. Finishing the building with kleimers does not require a lot of experience: timber sheathing is done from the inside of the spike on each subsequent tier. As a result, after the work done, you will get a solid fixation of the bars without the use of additional fasteners.

Cost of work

Imitation of timber in the house

If you are not eager to do such elementary work with your own hands, you should take the help of professionals who provide highly qualified services in this area.

Price assembly work bar depends on the availability of building materials from the customer, as well as on the territory that needs to be arranged in this way.

Also, the cost may be affected by the fame of the contractor, the weather in which the work will be performed and the necessary time frame in which you require the delivery of the object.

If we evaluate the pricing policy on the market for such work (which includes laying insulating material, installing battens, processing and painting), then on average their cost varies within 1,500 rubles per 1 m2.

Of course, such a cost may seem a bit overpriced, but the work will be completed in a very short time, and the company will vouch for the quality of the finish. Usually, famous companies freely provide a guarantee for the work performed for a sufficient long term which will guarantee your peace of mind.

Cottages and houses made of wood are becoming more and more popular every day. But there are many people who do not want to use timber as a building material, but decorate the house in wooden style would not refuse at all. In such a situation, the most the best option Do-it-yourself installation of an imitation of a beam is considered.

How can I simulate a beam?

The effect imitating a beam, in modern construction achieved through the use of the board, with chamfered and made profiling under the timber. These wooden panels are mounted in a horizontal position, unlike the usual siding, and make it possible to create the effect of a building erected from natural wood.

Unlike timber, wood siding will never upset its owner with the appearance of cracks or mold. This result is possible due to heat treatment on special machines.

Wooden panels can be sheathed on various surfaces:

  • foam block;
  • aerated concrete;
  • brick;
  • concrete structures, etc.

A board imitating timber is often used as a sheathing internal partitions in the house. In addition to the bright effect of natural wood, the cladding will create a special microclimate in the premises of the house.

Panels made under timber are today presented on the construction market of materials for affordable prices, which makes them a fairly profitable option for finishing facades on a limited budget.

Taking into account the excellent operational and aesthetic qualities, including the low price of a profiled board, sheathe a building wood paneling is the best option for modern inhabitants who decide to build their own home.

Regarding the types of wood used in the production of panels, larch is most often used. The main advantages of this breed are its strength, durability and affordable cost. In addition, larch is resistant to temperature changes, is a durable material, has a uniform, aesthetically attractive color.

Also, due to the special smell, this breed does not attract rodents, which often bother the owners of houses made of natural wood. But this does not mean that a board profiled for timber is made exclusively from larch. Very often, manufacturers create an imitation for a beam of spruce, pine and other conifers.

Do-it-yourself installation of imitation timber. Video

Before purchasing a profiled board, you need to draw up a work plan with detailed description design and counting the amount of building materials and the exact dimensions of the lining. It is also important to take into account the fact that a thinner board is used for finishing wall ceilings than in the case of a facade. This makes it possible to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

In the event that imitation of timber is used for sheathing the inside of the house, you will need to pay attention to the quality characteristics of the selected wood. For example, pine has a rather noticeable smell, which for some will be pleasant, but for others it may be too strong. Cedar can also affect the sense of smell and slightly muffle the sound in the house.

If we are talking about larch, then one should take into account the fact that this lumber is difficult to grind and process, which are necessary for wall cladding. Moreover, the issue of grinding must be given Special attention, since without it the finish of wooden lining unable to realize its full potential.

First of all, grinding allows antiseptics and impregnations to penetrate to the required depth. This will affect the durability accordingly. building material and his operational properties. To date, one of the most suitable options Osmo oils are considered to cover the imitation. However, the market is full of other processing materials.

Sanding also helps to remove small spots and defects from the surface of the board and bring its surface to the desired state, in which the wood siding will look as attractive as possible with a decorative sheen and rich texture.

How to install a do-it-yourself timber imitation. Video

Before fastening the false beam to the facade, it is required to prepare the surface of the house. First, the wall is cleaned and a waterproofing layer is applied. Then the vapor barrier sheets are attached. In order to lay them correctly, they must be installed with an overlap (approximately 150 mm). The fastening of the sheets starts from the top of the wall, and the seams and joints are glued with aluminum tape. This is a mandatory procedure that helps to avoid the appearance of cracks.

Making sure that all the above work allowed the wall to get flat surface, it is necessary to proceed with the installation of the crate, on which the imitation under the beam will be mounted. Since the wooden lining is mounted in a horizontal position, the crate is fixed vertically.

To create it, it is best to use wooden blocks, which have a small cross section and a thickness equal to the insulation layer. In addition, a mixture of a refractory coating and an antiseptic will need to be applied to their surface.

If the rails have to be installed on brick wall, it is better to use special frame dowels as fasteners. For walls made of wood, self-tapping screws or nails are suitable. Styrofoam or mats made of mineral wool. If necessary, the insulation will have to be attached to the wall with special dowels. A moisture-proof film is laid on top of it, and all the resulting joints are glued with aluminum tape.

When all of the above activities are completed, you can begin the installation of the lining. Sheathing of the building with an imitation of timber starts from the bottom of the facade, which makes it possible to direct the spike of the board upwards. This technique will help to avoid the accumulation excess moisture in grooves.

50 mm gaps are left at the top and bottom for ventilation of the space under the lining. In turn, the distance between the boards themselves should be at least 3-5 mm, which will make it possible to avoid warping or deformation of the false beam during temperature changes or humidity levels.

The bottom board should be set with a level and only then attached. This is extremely important, as it will act as a guide for the other components of the cladding.

How to competently perform the installation of imitation timber with your own hands?

In order to correctly and reliably fix profiled lumber, it is necessary to adhere to several principles:
  1. Installation should begin from the bottom of the wall ceiling. After fastening the first board with a spike up, the second one is installed by a spike into the groove. There is a small gap between the boards.
  2. The siding is fastened with three screws on each side. They are driven along the plane: one at the bottom, the other at the top, and the third into the spike itself at an angle of 45 o.
  3. If clamps are used as fasteners, then the installation technology is slightly different. Metal brackets make it possible to install the lining without drilling the canvas. As a result, the integrity of the material is not violated. In addition, the convenience of this method allows you to dismantle the imitation timber at any time.
  4. As you can see, the process of installing a do-it-yourself timber imitation is not so complicated. If you approach this issue correctly, then there will be no problems. To see the simplicity and see the sequence of work, watch this video.

Before starting work, a person must decide how to fix the imitation of a beam to the surface of a wall or ceiling. He chooses the method of fastening based on his preferences for a particular type of fastener. Initially, it should be remembered that a properly executed crate allows you to create an ideal finish that will last a long time.

Basic principles

Fastening imitation timber to a wall or ceiling provides for robust design, which prevents the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, rain and wind on the main facade (in the case of sheathing external walls). Installation internal surfaces is more decorative than protective.
The main requirements are to create the maximum proximity to natural material and compliance with all required conditions during the performance of work. One of them can be called the masking of all fastener nodes without compromising the strength of the structure.

Mounting methods

Before mounting the block house on the facade of the house, surface leveling is required. Therefore, when choosing the type of fasteners, the material from which the crate is made should be taken into account. Naturally, if in its design it was used metallic profile, then the use of nails is excluded.
There are many ways to attach false panels to the wall outside the house:

  • Self-tapping screws, which are screwed at an angle of 45 degrees through a spike on an imitation of a bar. In this position, it will close with the next board and will be invisible in the future.
  • Self-tapping screws screwed through the front of the board to the maximum possible depth. His hat will hide under the wood fibers and will not be visible.

It is important to know

The crate must be made of very durable material. The self-tapping screw is screwed into it, cutting through the surface of the finishing board with its cap.

  • Nails driven through a spike. The disadvantage of using this hardware is as follows. There is an option for cracking the panel while driving a nail into it.
  • Mounting with kleimers is one of the most effective options for attaching a block house to the facade of a house. Most experts claim that the imitation of a beam is correctly fastened with the help of these fasteners.

Kleimers - what is it?

The concept of a clamp means a fastening in the form of a steel bracket used for mounting an imitation of timber, eurolining or a block house. The material from which they are made is iron with a galvanized surface that protects the product from moisture. Kleimers must be mounted on the profile of the crate using self-tapping screws.

Use advantage

Regardless of the fact that the kleimer is more expensive than self-tapping screws and nails, it is recommended to use it to fix the imitation of the beam. Mounting boards using this fastener provides a number of advantages:

  • reduces the time spent on work;
  • the outer side of the panel is not subject to possible damage (cracks and chips from self-tapping screws or nails);
  • fixing with kleimers is quite simple, all work can be done by hand;
  • the material from which they are made is not subject to corrosion, which allows us to talk about reliability;
  • a wide range of fasteners of different sizes.

Choosing clamps in hardware store, you should pay attention to some nuances:

  • metal strength;
  • integrity of the galvanized coating;
  • conformity of the sizes of products in one party.

Material calculation

It is necessary to understand that the high-quality sheathing of a house with imitation of a bar depends on how and what the boards are fixed with. Proper finishing requires the right amount of fasteners. Before starting work, it is recommended to purchase kleimers in the quantity required for this. You can make the calculation in two ways.

The first way to calculate

For an approximate calculation, let's take the following values: finishing 1 m2 requires 20 kleimers. The total amount can be calculated knowing the dimensions of the surface to be sheathed (we multiply this value by the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe facade and get the value we need).

The second way to calculate

The material calculation method is used if the facade of the house has a large number of decorative projections. It uses the calculation of the fastener pitch and takes into account the specific installation location of the block house:

  • straight facade, with a distance between the profile of the lathing of 40 - 50 cm - 4 pieces are consumed;
  • roof edges with a distance of 35 cm - 5 pieces;
  • finishing corners with a step of 25 cm - 6 pieces.

In addition to the cleats themselves, one should take into account the acquisition additional elements for their fastening (self-tapping screws, nails). Their calculation can be made starting from such a scheme: 2 - 3 self-tapping screws are required for 1 clamp.

Technology for fastening imitation timber

Finishing the facade with an imitation of timber using kleimers is a simple process, but there are some subtleties in it. This is how it is recommended to properly fix the block house.

  • the starting board is inserted into the bracket with the groove down;
  • Clamps are fixed with 2 - 3 self-tapping screws. If the crate is made of wooden beam you can use nails;
  • the next board is inserted into the bottom one, the groove is connected to the ridge;
  • fixed with the next clamp;
  • the last two steps are performed until the finishing is completed. The step between the fasteners is 45 - 50 cm.

Advice from the "facade"

Important! The first board should be carefully checked building level. The whole appearance of the work performed depends on how it will be located.

Important nuances

  • Buying imitation timber and fixing material, make sure of its appropriate quality;
  • finishing the joints of the boards with sealants is not allowed. To prevent moisture leakage, it will be correct to use under top coat polyethylene film;
  • after the installation of the imitation timber is completed, it is recommended to treat it with wax or special antiseptics. This will create a high-quality facade that is resistant to various negative influences.

Today, the construction market has a large number of finishing materials which can be used for both interior and exterior decoration. How great is the variety and how big is the gap in product quality. After all, it depends on the quality and characteristics of the material how the work with it will be built. And the service life of the finish will depend on the quality of the work performed. In order not to go through a variety of options and not waste time on this, the company LesoExchange offers you a quality and environmentally friendly material made from best breeds wood, which can be used for interior and exterior decoration of various buildings, as well as for construction in general.

We will talk about a very popular option for finishing with imitation timber and its correct fastening. This board gained its popularity due to quite the easy way installation, unpretentiousness and, of course, the visual effect. To understand this in more detail, let's look at how to work with a board, and how to fix an imitation of a beam in different options finishes.

Photo 1. Interior decoration with imitation timber

For interior decoration There are two types of panel mounting:

Monolithic- this is when the walls and ceiling are completely covered with panels and a dull monolithic coating is created.

Combined- this is when different parts of the room are finished and combined with other finishing materials that are suitable in style, texture and color.

Photo 2. Wall sheathed with imitation timber

How to fix the imitation of timber to the wall?

  1. Before you fix the imitation of timber inside the house, be sure to determine the microclimate of the room. This will help you choose the right type of wood. Depending on the characteristics of the species, wood behaves differently in rooms with different temperatures.
  2. For interior decoration, medium-sized panels are better suited, for example, the width of which is 140 mm and the thickness is 21 mm. They will not visually "eat up" the room and will additionally save unnecessary meters.
  3. Sanding and processing panels is one of the very milestones. This is usually done after the installation is completed, but knowing from work experience, we advise you to carry out both grinding and processing at the very beginning. While the boards are not mounted, they are easy to paint over from the end sides, which will help to avoid the appearance of untreated cracks on your wall or ceiling during further operation, which will affect the wear resistance and aesthetic appearance.
  4. After the panels are delivered to you from the warehouse, they definitely need to lie down for 7-14 days in the very room where they will be mounted. Any tree just needs to "acclimatize" in the new conditions.
  5. Carefully prepare the walls (ceiling) of the house before fixing the imitation timber. The surface must be flat, free of dirt and dust. If necessary, they need to be leveled or sheathed. sheet material. Then, a vapor barrier is attached to the base, not tight.
  6. The installation of the crate is carried out from a 30/40 beam, in increments of 50 - 60 cm. If you plan to insulate the room, then you will need a thicker cranial beam. The crate is attached perpendicular to the future location of the imitation timber. All bars of the crate are initially necessarily treated with antiseptic solutions.
  7. Installation of panels starts from the floor, leaving a gap of 1-2 cm for free circulation of air. Also, approaching the ceiling, do not forget to retreat the same space. This will allow the tree to breathe and change its geometry.
  8. The board is placed with the spike up and leveled with a level, which allows you to evenly and easily lay out subsequent panels. It is not recommended to butt the imitation of the beam end-to-end - leave 2-3 mm. When finishing all the walls in the room, it is recommended to lay row after row around the entire perimeter of the room, and not individually for each wall. When a monolithic finish is performed, the fastening of the imitation timber to the wall is done first.
  9. When laying horizontally, the question often arises - how to join an imitation of a bar along the length? Experienced craftsmen advise sawing boards with an exact 45% degree. Joints must be sawn to different directions. If there are supposed to be many joints on one wall, it is better to arrange them in a checkerboard pattern. Of course, for safety net and more accurate docking results, it is better to entrust the saw cuts to professional installations in the workshop.

Photo 3. Brushed timber imitation

We examined the general process of mounting an imitation of a beam in great detail using the example of attaching it to a wall. This process is applicable to all other planes. If you are wondering how the imitation of timber is attached to the ceiling or how to properly mount the imitation of timber outside the building, then all of the above information will help you.

Photo 4. Self-tapping screws for fastening imitation timber

There are only a few differences for the exterior:

  • work outside is carried out only in the warm season, or if work needs to be done in winter, then it is necessary to purchase ready-made, protected from rapid loss humidity or its set, painted imitation of timber;
  • for exterior decoration, a layer of thermal insulation is always laid between the crate after vapor barrier;
  • panel fasteners start from the ground with a spike up. This will avoid falling into the joints between the panels of natural precipitation.

There are three ways to attach the imitation timber:

  • "in face" (the front part of the panel). When the self-tapping screw is twisted with a screwdriver and a specialized bit, directly into the board. This method is very reliable and exterior finish eye-catching element - a self-tapping screw head, creates on panels original design;
  • "into the groove." This is when the self-tapping screw is screwed into the groove of the panel, going deep into the wood at an angle of 45 degrees. This method allows you to securely fasten the panel and leave the groove space free, which allows the tenon of the next panel to be freely fixed;
  • fastening with (reinforced) clamps. It's pretty easy way in execution, very reliable, but carpenters often do not like to perform it, believing that it will be faster for screws.

Photo 5. Reinforced clamps

If you have doubts that you will be able to independently install the imitation of timber, then our experienced craftsmen ready to help you. We fasten the imitation of timber with kleimers, professional screwdrivers. We grind with high-quality machines and do painting work in the workshop.

By phone you can find out about a wider range of services that we provide in the field of wood finishing and construction.

All photos from the article

Before finishing works many novice craftsmen want to know how to fix an imitation of timber inside or outside the house, as they make a choice in favor of this material. Such products are actually a kind of wooden lining, so all its qualities are inherent in it. Ecological purity and aesthetic appeal are especially appreciated by consumers.

Material base

Before fixing the finishing panels, it is necessary to prepare the surface properly. In this case, it is necessary to create an even and stable base that will not be deformed. It is recommended to consider two basic options.

Lathing from boards or bars

Very often, fastening the imitation of timber to the wall requires the creation of a supporting structure, since in most cases it is necessary to align.

As elements of the carrier system, bars with a different cross section or a thickness of at least 25 mm are usually used.

  1. Using the level, the most extreme racks are installed. If the wall is too uneven, then pieces of wood are placed in some places. When fixing, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws, since with their help you can pull out the elements of the crate;
  2. A string is stretched at the top, bottom and in the central part, along which the intermediate racks will be aligned. To do this, small screws are screwed in six places or cloves are clogged. The string used must be well taut;
  3. In increments of 40-50 cm, the remaining parts are installed supporting structure . Fasteners should be located at a distance of no more than 60 cm from each other. About 50 mm should be retreated from the floor and ceiling. In the presence of deflections in the lateral plane, it is necessary to use wood inserts.

If necessary, additional thermal insulation of the wall can be made using foamed polyethylene or mineral wool.
In the first case, the material is placed under the crate, and in the second - between its elements.

Racks frame structure

When erecting a new panel object finishing coating can be fixed directly to the elements of the finished frame. To protect the insulation, waterproofing is required. To create a ventilation gap, a control rail is usually mounted.