Shower      04/13/2019

Mirabilis - perennial flower “Night Beauty. Mirabilis - growing the night beauty of the garden. Achieving full flowering of mirablis: secrets of planting, cultivation and care

Mirabilis is very popular in Europe, it grows almost without care, tolerates infrequent watering, so it is indispensable for those who do not have the opportunity to frequently visit the dacha. Mirabilis is easy to grow from seeds at home, and after the end of frost, the seedlings are planted in open ground.

When to sow mirabilis

The easiest and most reliable way to propagate Mirabilis is through seedlings. In order to obtain sufficiently developed plants by the time of planting in the garden, sowing begins in early April.

How to prepare seeds, photo

Mirabilis seeds are large, covered with a dense thick shell. Therefore, planting with sprouted seeds is more effective. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, they must first be soaked for several days before the pips appear.

Before germinating seeds, treat them in a deep pink solution of potassium permanganate, rinse with water, place on damp cotton pads or cloth and cover.

Make sure that the seeds do not dry out. Moisten them with a spray bottle from time to time.

To germinate Mirabilis seeds, it is convenient to use food containers from the supermarket. First, thoroughly wash the container with dishwashing detergent and dry thoroughly, otherwise mold may form on the walls of the container and on the seeds.

Germination can be replaced by heating the seeds in hot water within half an hour. You can also use the scarification technique: lightly rub the mirabilis seed shell with a piece of sandpaper or make neat cuts with a nail file. Do this carefully to break the seed coat without damaging the seed itself.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

For sowing use ready soil from the store or make soil for mirabilis seedlings yourself. Mix 2 parts peat, 2 parts turf or garden soil, 1 part humus or well-rotted compost and 0.5 parts washed sand. Night beauty loves neutral or slightly alkaline soils, so add 2 tablespoons to the mixture dolomite flour or 0.5 cups wood ash for every 5 liters of mixture. Stir. Fill small pots ¾ full with the mixture and compact it. Pour until completely wetted with a fungicide solution (Vitaros, Fundazol, Maxim). Place 2 seeds in each pot.

If you have several varieties of the same flower, then put labels. Cover the seeds with soil mixture on top in a layer of 1-1.5 centimeters.

Water in a thin stream, starting from the edge of the pot, so that the seeds do not float to the surface.

Place in a greenhouse or in a clean plastic bag and place in a warm place.

Mirabilis from seeds: caring for seedlings

At a temperature of +18...+20°C, the sprouted seeds of the night beauty germinate in 5-6 days. Those prepared in a different way take a little longer to germinate. After the seedlings appear, place the pots with the seedlings in a bright place. When the first true leaf begins to appear on the seedlings, it is necessary to remove the weaker sprouts, leaving one of the most developed ones in the pot.

At the same time, make the first fertilizing with a solution of mineral fertilizer for seedlings (Krepysh, Fertika, Sortvorin), which dissolves well in water and, in addition to the main elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium), contains all the necessary microelements. Water the seedlings after the earthen ball has completely dried out, because Mirabilis seedlings do not tolerate waterlogging.

Once the plants reach a height of 10-15 cm, transfer them to larger pots and feed them again.

Mirabilis flower: planting and care, photo

Once warm weather has settled and the threat of frost has passed, the seedlings can be planted in the garden at permanent place. 2 weeks before, gradually accustom her to fresh air and sunlight.

Mirabilis bushes are quite large and spreading, so place the planting holes at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. He prefers clay and loamy soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the soil in your garden is acidic, then add 300-400 g of wood ash or 200 g of dolomite flour per 1 square meter when digging. m. About 1/3 of a bucket of rotted compost and 1-2 tablespoons of complete mineral fertilizer can be added to the prepared holes.

  • Bloom: from July until autumn frosts. The flowers open in the evening and close in the morning.
  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - in early or mid-April, planting seedlings in open ground - in the second half of May. Sowing seeds directly into the ground - in early May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fertile clay or loamy soils with a slightly alkaline reaction.
  • Watering: periodic, but plentiful. In extreme heat and drought - from 1 to 3 times a week, but in the season with the usual amount precipitation, you can not water the area at all.
  • Feeding: 2-3 times per season as a complex mineral fertilizers: before the buds begin to form, in mid-summer and at the end of August. From organic fertilizers humus and compost are used, and mineral compounds, introduced in the second and third terms, must contain minimal amount nitrogen.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: not affected.
  • Diseases: root rot, rust, spotting.

Read more about growing mirabilis below.

Mirabilis (night beauty) - description

Mirabilis jalapa is native to Mexico. This perennial with swollen tuberous roots, grown as an annual crop. Its elongated-rounded bushes reach a height of 30 to 80 cm. On erect, densely branched reddish stems, woody in the lower part, elongated-ovate, bare, entire green leaves are located opposite on the petioles. Jalapa flowers are funnel-shaped, up to 25 mm in diameter, white, crimson, violet, orange, yellow, purple, bright red or two or three colors, opening after 16 hours and closing at dawn - collected in apical fragrant corymbose inflorescences. In cloudy weather, the flowers can be open all day. The night beauty plant has the ability to form flowers of different colors on one bush. For example, one plant can have flowers of all shades Pink colour from salmon to crimson, and sometimes the petals of the plant are decorated with multi-colored stripes. The fruit of Mirabilis is large, single-seeded, dark brown in color, with sharp ribs. Night beauty seeds remain viable for up to 3 years.

Sowing mirabilis for seedlings.

The night beauty flower is propagated by seeds, which must be scarified before sowing, that is, slightly damage their hard shell with a file or sandpaper. Then the seeds of the night beauty are placed in a thermos with warm water. When to sow mirabilis? Sow mirabilis seeds in early or mid-April in cups filled with light neutral or slightly alkaline soil: you can buy ready-made soil in the store, or you can make the substrate yourself by mixing two parts of turf soil and peat, one part of humus or compost, half of washed sand and adding for every 5 liters of the resulting soil mixture half a glass of wood ash or 2 tablespoons of dolomite flour. The cups are filled to ¾ of the volume, the mixture is compacted and watered generously with a fungicide solution. Place two seeds in each cup, sprinkle them with a layer of loose soil 1-1.5 cm thick and spray them with water from a fine sprayer.

The crops are placed in a greenhouse and kept at a temperature of 18-20 ºC.

Shoots will begin to appear in 5-6 days, and once this happens, remove the covering from the mirabilis and move the crops as close to the light as possible. When the seedlings develop their first true leaf, cut off the weaker seedling in each pot at ground level so that it does not interfere with the development of the stronger one. Around this time, you need to apply the first fertilizing, for example, Mortar, Fertika or Krepysh.

Mirabilis at home needs watering only after the earthen clod has completely dried, since it does not tolerate waterlogging. When the seedlings reach a height of 10-15 cm, they are transplanted into large pots by transshipment and fed a second time with complex mineral fertilizer. As soon as the Mirabilis seedlings recover from picking, begin hardening procedures: within two weeks you need to accustom the plants to the external environment. To do this, seedlings are taken out onto the balcony or into the yard every day, gradually increasing the time the seedlings stay on outdoors until the night beauty can stay there the whole day.

Sowing mirabilis seeds in open ground

Mirabilis can be planted with seeds directly in open ground. The seeds are prepared for sowing in the way we have already described, and they are sown at the end of April or beginning of May. Try to distribute the seeds in the furrow in increments of 7-8 cm. After planting the seeds in the soil to a depth of 3 cm, water the area with warm water and cover non-woven material or film before emergence. As soon as the threat of frost has passed, the shelter is removed. Subsequently, the mirabilis seedlings will have to be thinned out.

Planting mirabilis in open ground

When to plant mirabilis in the ground.

Mirabilis seedlings are planted in open ground in late spring, when the soil has warmed up and the likelihood of frost has passed. The area for mirabilis should be well warmed up and illuminated by the sun, since the plant is very thermophilic. Do not spare space for mirabilis, otherwise it will take it away from other plants: mirabilis is quite aggressive. Mirabilis grows best in fertile clay or loamy soil containing lime, so acidic soils must be limed before planting. Mirabilis doesn't like excess moisture, so do not plant it in lowlands or wet soils.

How to plant mirabilis in the garden.

Mirabilis is planted at a distance of 40-50 cm in a row. The depth of each hole should be such that the root system of the seedling with an earthen ball, that is, the entire contents of the pot, fits into it. An hour or two before planting, seedlings in pots are watered to make them easier to remove and transfer to the hole. After planting the mirabilis and filling the holes, do not forget to water the area.

Caring for mirabilis in the garden

Growing mirabilis in the garden.

Caring for the night beauty is not at all difficult, since mirabilis in open ground is surprisingly undemanding. In order for flowering to begin in a timely manner, mirabilis needs to be watered abundantly from time to time. In severe dry conditions, watering is carried out 1-3 times a week, but if the summer comes with rain, then it may well be that you do not have to water the night beauty at all. After watering or rain, loosen the soil around the bushes and remove weeds.

Growing mirabilis involves fertilizing the soil two or three times during the summer. The first feeding is carried out at the beginning of the growing season, before the formation of buds, the second - in mid-summer, and the third - at the end. It is not advisable to use fresh organic matter as fertilizer, only humus and compost. Mirabilis also responds well to complex mineral fertilizers, and the second and third fertilizing should contain a minimum of nitrogen.

Pests and diseases of mirabilis.

The night beauty is very resistant to harmful insects and diseases, but from regular waterlogging it can develop root rot. The affected plant will have to be removed, and the soil in which it grew will have to be shed with a solution of a fungicide, for example Fundazol. And to prevent history from repeating itself, adjust the moisture regime of the area.

Sometimes mirabilis can be affected by rust or some kind of spotting - fungal diseases, which can be combated with a solution fungicidal drugs, but first tear off the affected leaves and flowers on the bushes.

Mirabilis after flowering.

If you find it difficult to part with the plant in the fall, dig up its tubers, which look like black carrots, cut the stems at a height of 10 cm: after drying, they will fall off on their own. Wrap the tubers thick paper, or better yet, cover them with sand and store them at a temperature of 3-7 ºC. With the onset of spring, the tuber is planted in warm soil or germinated in a pot on the windowsill, and when the weather becomes warm, it is transplanted into open ground.

As you can see, planting and caring for mirabilis is simple and not labor-intensive.

Types and varieties of mirabilis

As we have already written, Mirabilis jalapa, or Mirabilis laxative, or night beauty is most often grown in culture. We gave a description of this species at the beginning of the article. The most famous varieties of Mirabilis jalapa are:

  • Iolanta- a rounded bush up to 50 cm high with thick and strong knotty stems that branch strongly in the upper part. Medium-sized funnel-shaped flowers of bright color with stripes along the entire corolla bloom from late June until frost;
  • Red lollipop- a large plant up to 90 cm high with thick and smooth light green stems, branched at the top. The leaves of the plant are oblong-oval, simple, wavy at the edges. Funnel-shaped flowers up to 6 cm in diameter are painted bright red;
  • Elvira- a medium-sized dense bush with strong and smooth branched stems, dark green oblong leaves with a pointed tip and bright flowers diameter up to 35 mm;
  • T Time Red– medium-sized bushes with smooth, knotty, very branched stems at the top, oval-oblong dark green leaves and medium-sized deep pink flowers;
  • T Time Fomyula Miksche- a spherical bush 70-90 cm high with simple oblong leaves with pointed tips on branched, smooth and bare at the bottom stems. The flowers of plants of this variety series are funnel-shaped, smooth, with wavy edges, variegated colors, and 25 mm in diameter.

Mirabilis multiflorum is also grown in cultivation - a herbaceous perennial about 80 cm high with erect bare stems covered with elongated ovate smooth leaves. In May, axillary inflorescences are formed on Mirabilis multiflorum, consisting of 2-6 tubular purple flowers with a diameter of 4 to 6 cm located in one bell-shaped cover.

Mirabilis roundifolia is also known to gardeners - a compact plant up to 30 cm high, covered with oval sticky leaves 5-7 cm long. In the apical inflorescences in a common veil, up to three purple-pink flowers with a diameter of up to 1 cm are formed. Like all mirabilis, flowers of this species open in the evening and close with the first rays of the sun.

Mirabilis is an absolutely amazing plant that gives many reasons for optimism with the beauty of its gramophone flowers, wonderful evening fragrance (it’s not for nothing that it is called the “night beauty”) and ease of care.

Night beauty is an annual grown from seed, but you can make it a perennial by digging up its root tubers each fall, storing it over the winter, and planting it back into the ground the following year in late spring.

When to sow mirabilis for seedlings and plant rhizomes in open ground: planting dates

The main thing you should rely on when choosing the timing of planting mirabilis for seedlings or open ground is the threat of return spring frosts. As soon as it passes, it’s time to start planting. Accordingly, everything depends on the weather conditions of your region of residence. IN Middle lane(Moscow region) night beauty seeds should be sown for seedlings no earlier than April in order to plant them in the flowerbed in the second half of May. At the same time, you can plant tubers (“carrot roots”) in open ground.

Growing Mirabilis from Seeds

To get Mirabilis to bloom earlier, it is better to grow it through seedlings.

Preparing seeds for planting: germination

In order for the seeds of the night beauty to grow faster, they should first be soaked and germinated.

Step-by-step instruction for soaking mirabilis seeds for germination:

Important! Try to regularly check the soaked seeds, because once they hatch, they begin to increase in size very quickly, and if the root grows too long, it will simply be very difficult for you to plant without breaking it.

Container and soil

Mirabilis seeds must be sown in individual containers, for example, plastic cups. As a rule, they even endure transplantation into open ground quite painfully, let alone picking.

As for the soil, no special soil mixture is required; any purchased soil for flower seedlings will do (as a rule, it is loose).

Direct sowing

Step-by-step instructions for sowing Mirabilis seeds for seedlings:

  1. Prepare the container and fill it with soil (about a little more than half).
  2. Spill with a solution containing .
  3. Bury the seeds 0.5-1 centimeter. If you have cups larger than 0.2 liters, then you can add 2-3 seeds.
  4. If you watered at stage 2, then you no longer need to water. If not, then you need to water it generously.
  5. Cover plastic bag or film.
  6. Put it in a warm place, and when the shoots appear, put it in a bright place.

Video: planting mirabilis seeds for seedlings without germination

Caring for mirabilis seedlings

The seedlings sprout quite quickly, especially if you have previously germinated the seeds. And as soon as the shoots appear, the night beauty will immediately begin to grow and begin to develop at an accelerated pace.

Further care Planting mirabilis seedlings at home is as simple as possible: keep it on a bright windowsill and water it as the soil dries.

By the way! If you notice that the roots of the seedlings are not in the ground, but on the surface, then you should definitely add soil.

Planting mirabilis seedlings in open ground

As was previously said, seedlings of the night beauty should be planted in open ground only when the threat of return frosts has completely passed.

As for the type of soil, mirabilis is not picky in this sense; clay or loamy soil is perfect for it. The main thing is that it is not very sour.

The place for planting mirabilis should be sufficiently sunny and illuminated, because in the shade the plant will not bloom profusely and will begin to stretch out, but partial shade will do just fine. As a rule, mirabilis is planted close to garden house or paths, and as close as possible, since the night beauty is a rather aggressive plant and can easily outshine and crowd out its neighbors in the flower garden. You should not plant it in lowlands where there is a possibility of moisture accumulation, otherwise the root system may rot.

By the way! There are also low-growing varieties night beauties, which can also be grown in flowerpots. They are also suitable for framing flower beds, rockeries and borders.

It is better to plant Mirabilis seedlings in groups or at a short distance.

Disembarkation occurs in the standard way. Containers with plantings are spilled with water in advance so that the plant can be easily pulled out with a lump of earth. Next, prepare a place in the garden bed, place seedlings in it, cover it with soil and lightly water it. If the weather is not warm enough, you can cover the seedlings plastic bottles with a cut bottom.

The planting procedure is best carried out in cloudy weather, then the plants will take root much faster in their new location.

Video: planting mirabilis seedlings in open ground

By the way! In the southern regions, mirabilis can be sown with seeds directly into open ground. And then it will reproduce by self-seeding.

Planting mirabilis tubers in open ground

Previously, only seeds were sold in stores, but now you can also buy roots (“carrots”) of the night beauty.

Perennial roots

The main advantage of planting mirabilis with tubers is the ability to quickly obtain a large and lush bush. For example, if 1 seed produces 1 stem, then 1 tuber produces 2-3 or even more. The more mature the roots, the more sprouts they will produce.

Annual roots

Advice! The night beauty looks beautiful when planted alone, for example in a tire.

When planting “carrots” of the night beauty, they should be placed at a distance of 25-40 centimeters from each other, because the bushes grow quite spreading.

To successfully plant Mirabilis tubers, you should follow these steps:

By the way! If you are planting in a tire, you do not need to completely fill it with soil. Gradually, as it grows, you will fertilize the bush with humus or compost, and then it itself (the tire) will fill up.

Video: planting mirabilis in open ground

Caring for mirabilis in open ground

Caring for mirabilis in open ground is no more difficult than caring for seedlings at home.

The night beauty should be watered depending on soil moisture, the presence of rain and the condition of the plant itself. However, it is worth remembering that if the flower does not receive enough moisture, it will begin to wither and stop blooming. Although, as soon as you resume proper care and watering, the plant will begin to grow and bloom again.

Mirabilis can be fed with both organic and mineral fertilizers. Compost and humus are perfect. Ready-made fertilizers for garden flowers can be used as mineral fertilizers.

By the way! If you wish, you can form a bush by cutting off the side stems, then you will get a standard flowering tree.

There is no need to pick off wilted flowers; they fall off quickly enough on their own.

Advice! Collect mirabilis seeds in the fall and you won't have to buy them next year.

Note! In stores you can find odorless varieties of night beauty. They were specially bred for those who are allergic to fragrances.

When and how to dig up and store mirabilis tubers (rhizomes)

Mirabilis roots need to be dug up with the onset of the first frost. Depending on the region, this may occur in the months of October-November.

Step by step guide on digging and storing mirabilis roots:

  1. Cut off all branched bushes (tops) so that it is convenient to dig up the tubers.
  2. Use a shovel to dig up the “carrot tubers” to a depth of about a bayonet and preferably 5-7 centimeters from the bush, so as not to touch the tubers growing to the side.
  3. Wash and pickle in one of the fungicides (for example, in Maxim or copper sulfate).
  4. Trim all the roots and then treat them with brilliant green.
  5. Dry thoroughly and store. Wet tubers cannot be stored.

You can store the roots (tubers) of mirabilis in the same way as dahlias. For example, in a cellar in sawdust or sand. Again, a refrigerator will do, but it is advisable to wrap them first in newspaper and only then in a bag.

Video: how to dig up mirabilis roots

Video: how to store night beauty roots

Thus, there is nothing difficult in planting and growing mirabilis; any novice gardener can handle it. And as a reward, you will get a lot of pleasure from it. abundant flowering and a pleasant summer aroma.

Video: how to grow mirabilis

In contact with

Mirabilis is scientific name“Night Beauty” or “Evening Dawn”, well known to gardeners. This beautiful and mysterious flower is valued for its wonderful aroma and ease of care. And the unexpected coloring only adds to its originality - a bush strewn with gramophones different shades, looks fantastic. All you need to do is plant several plants of different colors nearby, and next year the mirabilis bush will turn into a small garden.

Mirabilis - a flower from a fairy tale

Mirabilis - description and features

The genus Mirabilis includes almost 50 plant species. Among them there are also annuals, but perennials are more common. In its homeland, the bush lives for 4–5 years, but in the Russian climate it is cultivated as a one-year plant. As a rule, the night beauty does not survive the winter cold even under cover.

This is interesting. Mirabilis is translated from Latin as “amazing”, “extraordinary” and, I must say, fully justifies the name - the flower is truly unusual.

The stems are straight or creeping, often pubescent, sticky in places, quickly overgrown with many side shoots and form a spreading bush with a diameter of 50–80 cm. Opposite bright green, elegant, elongated leaves grow on the branches. The central root of the plant is taprooted and long. Small tubers with a supply of nutrients develop around it.

This is what mirabilis looks like during the day

Another feature of Mirabilis is night flowering. Delicate, silky gramophones open after lunch and close with the first rays of the sun. For this reason the flower is called the beauty of the night.

Until the morning, mirabilis fills everything around with a strong and sweet aroma, creating the atmosphere of a tropical night.

The structure of the flower itself is amazing. In fact, there is none. And what we take for a flower is actually a calyx, smoothly flowing into a narrow tube with petals. In the depths of the corolla there is sweet nectar, which hummingbirds and large moths like to feast on in their homeland.

Mirabilis is a self-pollinating plant. The process of pollen transfer occurs during the day, in closed flowers. At the end of autumn, spherical fruits with a keel, containing one seed each, ripen in their place.

Popular varieties of mirabilis

Despite its southern origin and unusual appearance, zorka or night beauty are successfully grown in temperate and northern regions of Russia. True, only one species has adapted to the cold climate - the exotic Jalapa mirabilis. It includes several varieties and is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and resistance to weather conditions. Blooms from June until frost.

Tea Time Red is one of the most popular varieties of Mirabilis Jalapa

The most beautiful varieties Mirabilis Jalapa:

  • Tea Time Red. The bush has the shape of a ball, 80 cm high. The flowers are medium-sized, bright pink, 2.5–3 cm in diameter, wavy at the ends. The variety has good resistance to temperature changes and blooms profusely and for a long time. Recommended for cold regions;
  • Iolanta is a rounded bush 40–50 cm high. The flowers are 3 cm in diameter and stand out for their unusual coloring - the petals are densely covered with stripes in the form of strokes. Blooms from June until frost. Resistant to weather conditions, weak aroma;
  • Tea Time Formula Mixture. Variegated variety Tea Time Red - flowers are half white, half pink. Very fragrant;
  • Elvira is a spreading shrub up to a meter high. It is distinguished by the size of its flowers - 4–5 cm in circumference and its strong aroma. The color is white and pink, with streaks. The plant is suitable for warm regions.

Advice. In the night garden, varieties with light shades of flowers look more advantageous. In the early morning, plants with a rich palette will show themselves in all their glory. Well, variegated varieties are ideal for foregrounds, where the play of the pattern is clearly visible.

Mirabilis propagation

How to grow a night beauty flower? On hot continents, mirabilis reproduces annually, growing from overwintered rhizomes. In the harsher climate of Russia and Europe, the plant dies from frost, so here it is cultivated as an annual.

You can get new mirabilis flowers in different ways:

  • seeds;
  • annual planting of overwintered rhizomes;
  • green cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

The simplest method is seed propagation. In the southern regions of the country, the night beauty reproduces every year by self-sowing, sprouting from fallen bolls.

Growing from seeds

Mirabilis seeds are large and durable. They can be purchased at flower shop or collect in the fall from a strong, healthy plant. Store planting material at room temperature.

Sowing a night beauty in open ground

Growing mirabilis from seeds is possible by planting in open ground. True, flowering in this case will be delayed, but the plants will be strong and healthy.

Sowing begins in April, as soon as the snow melts and the earth warms up. The seeds are placed in furrows at a distance of 12–15 cm, watered and sprinkled with soil. A mini-greenhouse is installed on top to protect the sprouts from cold weather.

Advice. To avoid the death of young plants, it is recommended to sow them in a greenhouse, additionally covering them with lutrasil.

Despite the thick skin, the seeds germinate quickly. Within a month, the bushes are ready to be planted in a permanent place.

Sowing Mirabilis for seedlings

Growing mirabilis from seeds at home begins with preparing a soil mixture. The soil is made from equal parts of sand, peat and garden soil. The resulting composition is poured into deep pots, compacted and watered with warm water. Place a seed in each container, deepening it 2 cm.

It is better to start sowing in February-March. Grown plants can be taken to the greenhouse and kept there until warm days arrive. In this case, the seedlings will be early and strong, and the bushes planted in the ground will immediately begin to bloom.

For better germination of planting material, they resort to the following tricks:

  • the hard skin is sawed off or otherwise damaged;
  • Before planting, seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator for 10–12 hours;
  • containers with planted mirabilis are placed in a warm and humid place with a temperature of 22–24 ° C.

Such comfortable conditions the first shoots appear after 11–12 days. What 2-week-old mirabilis sprouts look like is shown in the photo.
Mirabilis seedlings with the first true leaf

Seedling care

Very important for mirabilis proper watering. If there is excessive moisture, the seedlings become infected with blackleg and die completely within 2–3 days. We should not forget about feeding young plants. The first time the plantings are fertilized at the moment the true leaf appears, the second time - after 14 days. Any flower or all-purpose fertilizer will do.

In the evening, Mirabilis seedlings are illuminated. The total photoperiod should be 10–12 hours per day. On sunny days, plantings are covered with a sheet of white paper or lutrasil to prevent the seedlings from burning.

In May, young plants are taken into the greenhouse or placed outside on sunny days, and in June they are planted in the ground.

Vegetative propagation

Mirabilis bushes that you especially like can be propagated by tubers. The method is quite simple and allows you to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.

In the fall, before frost sets in, the tubers are carefully dug up, cleared of soil and placed in a container with peat or sawdust. Planting material is stored in the basement at a temperature of +3... +5° C, occasionally moistening the soil surface. In spring, the tubers are brought out into the light, watered and germinated.

Mirabilis root can be stored in the basement along with dahlias

If necessary, the night beauty is propagated by green cuttings. Early in the morning, the selected shoots are broken off and dried in the shade for a couple of hours. Then the cut site is treated with heteroauxin and the cutting is placed in light soil. The top of the planting is covered with film to maintain moisture. Root growth takes 3–4 weeks.

Advice. You can root cuttings in plain water. Several grains of Kornevin are dissolved in the liquid and shoots are lowered into it by 2–3 cm.

Adult, well-developed mirabilis flowers can be propagated by dividing the rhizome. The selected plant is carefully cut in half with a shovel and planted as independent bushes.

Planting Mirabilis

Planting mirabilis in open ground and caring for it is very simple. The plant is not demanding and grows well in conditions personal plot. Only a few things can destroy it - hypothermia and stagnation of water.

When is the best time to plant

To plant mirabilis under the open sky, choose a time when the danger of night cold snaps has disappeared. IN different regions this period varies from mid-May to the first ten days of June. The place for the night beauty is dry and sunny, preferably on a hill.

Landing rules

Mirabilis grows well in light, well-drained soils with low acidity. If the soil is acidic, it is recommended to add lime in advance.

Landing rules:

  1. The area chosen for the plants is cleared of weeds, dug up and holes made;
  2. The seedlings are taken out of the pots and placed in the ground with a lump of earth;
  3. A pinch of flower or universal fertilizer is also placed there;
  4. The hole is covered with earth and watered;
  5. Plantings are mulched with peat or sawdust.

It is better to plant plants in the evening or on a cloudy day. In hot weather, young bushes provide shade.

Advice. When planting, you should take into account that mirabilis grows greatly by the end of the growing season, so the night beauty flower should be planted as in the photo, maintaining a distance of 45–50 cm between the bushes.

Mirabilis grows strongly, so it should be planted every 50 cm

The height of the plant depends on the variety and can vary from 30 to 100 cm. This should also be taken into account when choosing a place for planting.

Features of caring for Mirabilis

The evening dawn flower loves warmth and light. At good watering it easily tolerates strong midday heat and dry winds, but even slight frosts are destructive for it. The above-ground part dies at -4° C. In warm areas, all greenery is cut off for the winter, and the ground is thickly mulched with dry leaves or spruce branches. In cold regions, covering the plant is pointless; it will die anyway.

Watering and fertilizing

The mirabilis flower is quite resistant to drought, although it will be worse to bloom if there is insufficient moisture. The need for water is determined by the condition of the soil under the flower. In any case, it is better not to top up the plant than to overwater it.

Mirabilis is also undemanding when it comes to feeding. During the summer season, it is enough to fertilize the plant 3-4 times by applying a complex flower product at the root.

Advice. Manure or urea should not be placed under Mirabilis. Nitrogen stimulates green growth to the detriment of flowering.

After watering and fertilizing, the soil under the young plants is loosened and mulched. Mature bushes no longer need this.

Diseases and pests

Mirabilis is rarely affected by diseases; insects also avoid it. In cool, rainy summers, rust or rust may appear on the leaves. powdery mildew. In this case, the bushes are treated with Topaz, Skor or Oksikhom.

Aphids can be seen on young Mirabilis plants

Of the pests, only aphids can take root on mirabilis, and then only on a young plant. Spraying with Inta-Vir or Fitoverm will help get rid of it.

And finally, a few secrets successful cultivation:

  • Mirabilis begins to bloom in June. If by the end of the month there are still no buds, it is recommended to increase watering;
  • for abundant and long-lasting flowering, the plant is fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers;
  • Mirabilis loves frequent loosening and mulching, but does not tolerate thickening. Therefore, for better flowering, you should thin out the plantings and get rid of weeds.

If all conditions are met, mirabilis will fill the area with an amazing smell, and bright flowers will cover the bush from top to bottom. The night beauty does not require pruning; even without a haircut, it has a neat, spherical shape.

This is interesting. In cloudy weather, the mirabilis will not close and will remain fragrant all day.

Night beauty is successfully used in garden design. Tall plants are planted in the background, creating a green hedge, and borders are decorated with small bushes. Dawn looks especially good with daisies and white gladioli.

Mirabilis is also remarkable because anyone, even a novice gardener, can easily achieve abundant flowering. And once you acquire this amazing plant, you will never part with it.

Mirabilis - is one of the representatives of the Niktaginov genus, which also includes about 60 species of other ornamental plants. Such flowers are widespread in areas of North and South America. As wild plant they are often seen in the southern United States, where they grow freely and do not require much care.

Mirabilis Jalapa is a flower that differs from other ornamental plants that prefer bright sunshine, and feels good precisely at night. Due to this developmental feature, the plant is also called “Night Beauty”. Mirabilis – beautiful flower, the aroma of which reveals itself exclusively in the moonlight. Growing it does not require special knowledge and does not cause difficulties, but mirabilis is still quite rare in an ordinary flower bed. First, let's look at the structure of the plant, the features of its planting, care rules and flowering time.

Many gardeners admire the beauty of this flower during the flowering period. Not every plant in your flowerbed has a similar palette of colors. Any other types of flowers go well next to mirabilis.

After sunset, it begins to bloom its small buds, which have a diameter of about 3 cm. Below we will talk about the features of planting a flower in the middle latitudes, where a temperate climate prevails.

Where to plant mirabilis?

To achieve successful cultivation of mirabilis, its full development and growth in the flowerbed, it is necessary to choose the right place for planting. In our area, the plant is exclusively annual, therefore, among all representatives of this family, only Mirabilis Jalapa is grown.

The flower prefers areas of soil that are located in a warm, well-lit, dry place. The plant does not tolerate excess and retention of moisture in the soil. It is recommended to choose fertile loamy areas as planting sites. Another option would be to grow flowers in a greenhouse, where they can be planted in special containers.

Mirabilis propagation methods

The seed method of propagating this type of plant is often used. To do this, you need to collect dry seeds from an adult night beauty bush after it has finished flowering. Another method of propagation is the cultivation of Mirabilis Jalapa using cuttings and tubers.

Sowing seeds

The favorable time for sowing seeds is early spring. For this, seedling boxes are used, which can be placed in greenhouses or on the windowsills of the house after planting. The room must be maintained at a constant temperature and humidity. To achieve rapid germination of seeds, you can pre-soak them for several hours in a wet piece of cloth. In this case, you can observe the first shoots a couple of weeks after sowing. When planting seedlings in open ground, the depth of the hole should not exceed 2 cm. Transplantation of young plants from a seedling box is carried out only when warm spring weather has established and there are no night frosts.

All sowing work must be carried out taking into account the climatic parameters for a given region. To protect seedlings from death and protect them from unpredictable frosts, you can cover them on top with a special protective material. If you want to grow from flowers hedge in a flowerbed, then thinning is a mandatory maintenance measure. Due to the fact that the plant can reach a height large sizes, thinning makes it possible to get a tall, slender beautiful wall from fresh flowers.

Propagation by tubers

A common planting method is to propagate mirabilis using tubers, which are easy to find at any garden store or fairs. Another option is to use tubers from your own seedlings grown on your own site. They are carefully dug out and placed in sawdust or sand, where they are stored at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees. Spring transplantation of tubers into open ground can only be done if they are fully germinated.

This method of flower propagation is not widely used among gardeners, since it is believed that such planting material in the form of tubers can dry out during storage. In this situation, the tubers will no longer be suitable for planting for propagation in the spring.

Propagation by cuttings

Occasionally, the method of propagating a flower using cuttings is used, since planting and isolating vegetative parts from a plant is a rather labor-intensive and not always effective process.

Semi-lignified shoots are used for these purposes. They are cut, and the cut areas are thoroughly dried. The shoots are dipped into a special solution, which accelerates the growth process, and then planted in prepared seedling containers. After a couple of weeks, their root system will get stronger, and the young shoots will fully take root. Seedlings must be constantly watered and kept indoors room temperature. If conditions do not allow this, then containers with shoots must be heated from below. Grown and strengthened cuttings are planted in warm spring weather in a prepared area of ​​the flowerbed.

Mirabilis Jalapa - a flower that does not require special care and is a picky culture. To achieve abundant flowering and rapid growth of the plant, you must follow several growing recommendations:

  • Choosing the right planting site in the garden
  • Compliance with the rules of watering regime
  • Apply fertilizing as needed
  • Loosening the soil
  • Weed removal

Mirabilis bushes can be fed several times throughout the year. As a rule, conventional complex fertilizers, which affect the formation of buds and accelerate the growth of shoots.

Do not forget to regularly weed and loosen the soil and get rid of weeds, as well as water the plant in dry weather. However, you should not miss the fact that excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots and, consequently, to the death of the flower.

Based on all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that growing mirabilis is not particularly difficult. Even novice gardeners who have little practice in growing rare ornamental crops can easily cope with this task. You just need to put in a little effort and patience, and the result will exceed all expectations. The Mirabilis Jalapa flower will delight you not only with its exquisite aroma, but also with long-lasting bright flowering. This plant will be a wonderful decoration for your garden.

How to grow mirabilis (video)