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How to properly care for indoor chrysanthemums. Chrysanthemum indoor, home care, photo. The right conditions for the simple care of chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum - beautiful plant which is native to Japan. According to legend, one cruel Chinese emperor heard that on one of the islands located next to his state, beautiful flower giving people immortality. However, in order for this quality to manifest itself, an honest person had to rip it off. Deciding to gain immortality, the emperor sent several chaste boys and girls to the island. However, the envoys did not return. The island was so beautiful that they decided to stay here and named the new country Japan. The beautiful flower of immortality, the chrysanthemum, became its symbol.

Today it is a wonderful plant, whose homeland is indeed Japan and Far East are grown all over the world. Moreover, it is used not only in landscape design, but also planted as a houseplant. We will talk about what care a chrysanthemum in a pot requires in this article.

How to choose the right variety

Of course, you can grow a single plant in a pot, but bush or Chinese chrysanthemums look much more beautiful and spectacular in this case. On the trunk of these varieties, many shoots are formed, on each of which buds bloom. A properly planted bush chrysanthemum in a pot looks like a big bright flower ball.

This plant can reproduce in several ways. Hybrid forms are usually grown from seed. However, in most cases, lovers of home flowers plant ordinary varietal chrysanthemums. Such flowers are most often propagated by cuttings. Let's see how a plant like chrysanthemum is grown in a pot. Home care for this flower must be carried out according to certain rules. Otherwise, it will be impossible to grow a beautiful spectacular bush.

Where to place

Do not install chrysanthemum on the windowsill on the south side. This plant does not tolerate too much heat. Direct sunlight will definitely cause burns. But it is not recommended to install a pot with chrysanthemum in the shade. In this case, her flowering will be very poor. It is best to place the chrysanthemum next to the window, but in such a way that it is in partial shade.


What to do with a chrysanthemum in a pot - we will talk about this a little later. First, let's figure out how to plant it correctly. material with mother plant cut with a sharp knife. It is impossible to break off the petioles, otherwise they may not be accepted. A beautiful and lush bush will grow only if it has a sufficiently developed root system. Therefore, at the very beginning, the petioles are planted in a very large container. Drill a few holes in the bottom of the pot for drainage. Garden soil is poured into it, mixed with some kind of organic fertilizer.

The question of how to plant a chrysanthemum in a pot comes down, among other things, to proper preparation soil. Before backfilling, the soil mixture must be subjected to heat treatment. Chrysanthemum is a rather delicate plant that is easily infected with various kinds of viral and fungal diseases.

Cut stalks are carefully dug into the ground. After 20-25 days, roots form on them. As soon as this happens, they should be carefully, together with a clod of earth, transferred to a small flower pot. In this case mature plant will take the form of a beautiful lush bouquet. The same earth is poured into a new pot. That is, they mix nutrient soil with organic fertilizer. You can also use fertilized peat.

How to care for a homemade chrysanthemum in a pot: bush formation

In order for the plant to turn out lush, pinch the tops of all the cuttings. This must be done before the buds appear. Otherwise, the plant simply simply will not bloom. Do not be afraid to delete not too "successful" side shoots. Plants will quickly release new ones.

A very spectacular bush can be obtained after cutting too small buds from it. The more they are removed, the larger the rest of the flowers will grow. It is not difficult to find out the length of future petals. Usually they are about three times the size of the bud itself.

Subsequently, when the bush grows well, the cuttings can be planted in different pots. But you can leave everything as it is.

How to fertilize

So, with how to properly plant this plant, we figured it out. Now let's see how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot. Of course, this plant, like any other, should be periodically watered and fertilized. Top dressing is applied some time after transplanting into a small pot. In this case, it is usually not organic matter that is used, but a special agent - a solution of crystal. This fertilizer is specially developed for chrysanthemums and contains magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, molybdenum, nitrogen and zinc. Such a rich top dressing has a beneficial effect on the root system of the plant.

As a fertilizer, you can also use a not too strong solution of mullein. When watering, it is important for them to ensure that splashes do not fall on the leaves.

How to water a chrysanthemum in a pot

You will have to moisten the soil under the chrysanthemum very often. The plant is moisture-loving. Watering it should be done at least twice a week. In any case, it is impossible to allow the soil to dry out in a pot in any case. It is also not necessary to fill the chrysanthemum too much. Otherwise, she may develop some kind of fungal disease. Also, experienced flower growers do not recommend watering the chrysanthemum after sunset. If the droplets on the leaves and stem do not dry quickly, this can also lead to infection with the fungus.

When answering the question of how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot, experienced flower growers usually advise periodically spraying it. Perform this procedure better in the morning- after sunrise, and in the evening - before sunset.

Diseases and pests

As already mentioned, this plant is not very resistant to various kinds of infections. Very often, a chrysanthemum in a pot becomes infected, for example, with powdery mildew. This disease is usually provoked by a lack of potash in the soil and an excess of nitrogen fertilizers. Infected leaves should be removed as soon as they are noticed. The plant itself must be treated with Bordeaux liquid.

Also, quite often, chrysanthemums are affected by gray rot. In this case, the leaves and stem of the plant turn black. This disease is provoked by an excess of nitrogen in the soil, waterlogging and lack of air circulation between the stems. It is almost impossible to cure gray rot. Affected parts of the plant should be cut and burned.

Of the insects, the chrysanthemum in a pot is most often affected by the nematode. In this case, white spots appear between the veins of the leaves, which subsequently darken. Infection with a nematode can occur through water or soil. This disease cannot be cured either. Sick leaves and shoots are cut and burned.

Many lovers of indoor plants after the flowering of chrysanthemums simply throw away the bush. It is possible, of course, to do so. However, it is best to save the plant until next spring. To do this, you need to cut off the shoots from it so that only short petioles remain above the surface, and place the pot in a cool place. In the spring, new shoots will sprout from the ground.

Some varieties of chrysanthemums can grow quite tall. In this case, the stalk should be tied to some kind of support. You can use, for example, a very long pencil.

The optimum air temperature in the room where the chrysanthemum is grown is 10-25 degrees. In a room that is too hot, this plant will begin to wither. In the cold, it will not bloom. It is also not recommended to install the pot where the lamps burn for too long in the evening. Chrysanthemum is a short daylight plant. With prolonged bright light, it will feel uncomfortable.

Thus, we have figured out how to grow a plant such as a chrysanthemum in a pot. Home care for this flower is not too complicated. The main thing is not to forget about watering, to form a bush correctly and not to expose the pot to the sun.

A chrysanthemum can become a decoration of any home flower garden. Having planted a plant at home, you will admire its beauty for a long time. Few people know that indoor chrysanthemum is unpretentious in care. It is enough to know a few important rules on how best to choose seedlings and grow a beautiful autumn flower on a window at home.

Using special means, you can stop the growth of a flower

Features of room chrysanthemum

This plant, amazing in its beauty, comes from the Middle Kingdom. Among the Eastern peoples, the flower was associated with the Sun, so it is no coincidence that the word "chrysanthemum" means "golden".

Breeders managed to bring out more than 160 varieties. Bush chrysanthemums in pots belong to the genus Compositae. They differ not only in their colors (there are no only blue and purple flowers), but also in the shape of the bush, bud and petals. The plant is rightfully loved by many gardeners who have learned to grow it at home.

The flower is perennial, you can admire its amazing beauty for a long time. Yellow, white, burgundy, lilac or pink chrysanthemum blooms until late autumn:

  • the plant has a powerful root system;
  • its leaves are pale green;
  • inflorescences are arranged on a bush in a circle, forming a ball in shape;
  • a memorable characteristic smell does not allow confusing this flower.

Potted chrysanthemum is miniature. Flowers are prevented from growing by special preparations that are used for home cultivation of ornamental plants.

Choice of chrysanthemum in a pot

The appearance of a flower always signals its hidden diseases. Dull and dried petals and inflorescences covered with specks are an occasion to think about the health of flowers. Carefully examine the bushes for visible diseases. Rusted leaves, plaque on the stem, cobwebs - all these are signs of various ailments.

Do not place new plants next to other flowers. Let the first time they be in isolation, gradually adapting to the house.

Acquire such types of domestic chrysanthemums as Chinese and Korean. They are distinguished by a small bud size - up to 3 cm - and a rather short stem - 70-80 cm. Sharm and Minimum varieties are also in demand, which are characterized by a variety color shades and the miniature size of the bush is 15-25 cm.

Especially popular with people who collect chrysanthemums in pots are weaving ampel varieties of flowers. These species include the varieties White Cascade and Pink Cascade. These chrysanthemums are chosen to decorate winter gardens and greenhouses.

For growing on the windowsill, the Indian decorative chrysanthemum is ideal. This variety of flowers was bred specifically for indoor breeding. Choose varieties called Snow Elf and Aurora. The Indian chrysanthemum is not suitable for growing in the garden. It is forbidden to plant in open ground.

Features of home growing

Chrysanthemum at home does not need special care rules. It will be enough to provide the flower with regular watering, monitor the lighting and do not forget about feeding the flowers. In the summer, seedlings are allowed to be taken outside.

Temperature regime

Growing a flower begins with right choice places to put it in the house. It is important that the pot culture is located in the western part of the apartment. The sun can harm the plant, so it's best not to arrange flowers on south-facing windowsills. By placing the plant in the northern part of the house, you will contribute to the slow growth and flowering of seedlings. Most of all, decorative chrysanthemum loves glazed balconies, where there is always good lighting.

Chrysanthemum in a pot does not like heat. The favorite time of the year for the flowering of the plant is autumn, when it is cool and daylight hours are reduced. Gardeners use these factors to achieve repeated flowering. In early spring, to ensure active flowering, plants are exposed to coolness.

It is optimal if the temperature in the home garden is 21-23 ° C. The room must be ventilated. In summer, it should not let in direct rays. Flowers are not afraid of the cold, so in winter they can easily tolerate low temperatures (up to -8 ° C). The most suitable temperature regime for autumn is 16-18 ° С. This will help prolong the flowering period.

Watering chrysanthemums

Pot culture needs good watering. Remember that with abundant moisture it is necessary to monitor so that the soil does not fester. This plant does not like when water is added to the pan. Observe regular watering (every 3-4 days), otherwise you will encounter the fact that the inflorescences turn yellow and wither.

Do not forget to sometimes humidify the air and spray the flowers with water at room temperature. You can place a container with liquid next to the seedlings or purchase a special humidifier.

Top dressing flowers

Homemade chrysanthemums in pots need a constant supply of minerals and organic matter. Growing a flower includes fertilizing with nitrogen and potash fertilizers, which ensures active growth. Ready mixes for fertilizer can be purchased at any specialized store. The plant is suitable for humus, wood ash and compost.

During the flowering period, the frequency of fertilization should be increased to 1 time in 10 days. If flower depletion is observed, try adding organics every 3-4 days. For the care of potted chrysanthemum, manure dissolved in water (1:10) is best suited. Wait until the growing season and start feeding the plant with this organic fertilizer. To prevent the flower from emitting an unpleasant odor, take it to an open balcony.

Failure to follow these rules can lead to the fact that the plant will stop developing, and its leaves will turn yellow and fall off.

Wood ash - natural fertilizer for flowers

Storage of room chrysanthemum in winter

Growing chrysanthemums in a pot involves following a few basic rules.

  1. At the time of flowering, the plant should remain on the balcony, veranda or window. After the chrysanthemum has faded, it must be properly prepared for wintering. Pruning is carried out very carefully so as not to harm the flower. Withered buds along with the upper part of the leaves are removed. It is recommended to leave no more than 10-12 cm of the stem. The procedure will allow you to save the flower in the cold season until the onset of spring. After this procedure, the plants are cleaned in a dark and cool place. During the winter, the potted chrysanthemum is occasionally watered. With the onset of spring, the flower can be planted in open ground or continue to be grown in a pot on the windowsill. Planting chrysanthemums in the garden begins with the right choice of site. Remember that flowers like well-ventilated, but not sunny places. Fertilize the soil in which you will plant the plant in advance. Do not dig holes deeper than 50-70 cm. Carefully place the seedlings and sprinkle them with earth, remembering to water them abundantly.
  2. In the absence of a cool basement or cellar, it is allowed to leave the flower at home. In this case, pruning is much shorter. Sprouts should not be higher than 5-8 cm. Leaves, buds and obsolete shoots should be carefully removed. To place a flower pot, choose a well-lit place, do not forget to water it once a month.
  3. Caring for chrysanthemums in pots involves placing the plant in the basement for the winter. After pruning the bush, it is abundantly watered and taken to a cool place. In spring, a flower is brought into the house. Shoots after the procedure will appear very quickly.
  4. To grow chrysanthemums, many gardeners plant them in open ground for the winter. After planting, the plants are pruned and securely covered with dry foliage interspersed with peat. Film will help save flowers from frost.

For transplanting, take a larger pot so as not to damage the root system.

Care during the growing season

In the spring, potted chrysanthemums begin to prepare for flowering in early March. This can be done in several ways.

  1. Transplant the flower into new soil. Prepare the soil mixture. The substrate can be made up by mixing several types of soil. Take the soil from the garden and add sand, organic fertilizers and sod to it. Choose a large pot each time. Mature plants are transplanted every 2 years.
  2. Let the plant warm up. IN good weather chrysanthemum placed on the windowsill. Regular watering and fertilization will ensure proper care and flower growth.
  3. Planting chrysanthemums in the garden. With the advent of heat, flowers that are 2-3 years old can be safely planted in open ground. During the summer months, the seedlings will grow, and in the fall your garden will be decorated with amazingly beautiful bushes.

One of the most common problems that people who plan to grow indoor chrysanthemums face is a violation of the flowering of the plant. autumn healthy flower should open into beautiful buds.

Check the illumination of the flowers. Remember that the most suitable daylight hours for them are 9-10 hours. If your chrysanthemums spend less time in the light, this can affect the formation of inflorescences. Do not forget about the application of mineral fertilizers. For the active formation of buds, use potash and phosphorus top dressing. Check if you are pruning the plant correctly.

Reproduction of room chrysanthemum

There are several ways to transplant chrysanthemums at home.

  1. The division of the bush. Divide the seedlings into several equal parts. From one bush you can get 5-6 seedlings. Prepare small pots with soil in advance and plant flowers in them, carefully covering the roots with earth. The sprouts will start blooming next fall.
  2. Propagate chrysanthemums - prepare cuttings and plant them in the ground. For this, young sprouts should be used, no larger than 8-10 cm in size. Landing is carried out at a distance of 2 cm in the prepared ground on the site. Sprouts must be watered and covered with a film. Wait for the flowers to take root. After that, they can be transplanted into pots. Do not forget to pinch the seedlings - this will help you form a bush of the correct shape.

Diseases of home flowers

Caring for a potted chrysanthemum includes fighting various diseases. Home flowers suffer from powdery mildew, gray mold and septoria - these are fungal diseases that affect the appearance of the plant.

Reproducing, spores of the fungus affect the stem, leaves and even buds. This leads to the fact that the plant begins to wither, turns yellow, losing its vitality and gradually dries up.

Powdery mildew affects the inflorescences and foliage of chrysanthemums. The disease manifests itself in the form of a whitish coating on the plant. main reason, due to which the disease develops, is a violation of the rules for caring for the plant. Excessive humidity in the house contributes to the development of fungus on flowers. Fungicide solution will help to overcome powdery mildew.

Leads to the formation of brown spots and a bluish bloom on the foliage gray rot. Save chrysanthemums from the rapid development of the fungus will help medicinal product Fundazol. This tool is also used if large rusty spots appear on the plant - this is how septoria manifests itself.

No less often, home flowers are attacked by pests. In case of violation temperature regime in a dry room, a red tick settles, which very quickly entangles flowers and leaves with its web, preventing them from growing and developing normally. Special preparations "Pyrethrum" and "Aktellik" will help to overcome insects.


Chrysanthemum is a wonderful decoration for any home garden. This flower is unpretentious in care, and its Amazing beauty and a pleasant smell will delight you for a very long time. Tips for caring for chrysanthemum at home will help you grow a beautiful and healthy flower. The main thing - do not forget to regularly water and fertilize the plant, monitor the temperature and lighting in the room, especially in the warm season, and properly prune your seedlings in winter. If you follow these rules, you will definitely be able to grow beautiful chrysanthemums in pots.

Chrysanthemum is an amazing flower. Many people think that it is possible to admire the bright flowering of beauty only on autumn days. This is far from true. Today you can easily buy chrysanthemums in pots and enjoy the lush bloom at least all year round.

Indoor chrysanthemum is a potted plant from the Compositae family. At home, as a rule, it is customary to grow abundantly branching varieties of chrysanthemum with small flowering. These plants are annuals.

The most popular are the following varieties:

  • Chrysanthemum shrub

Up to 50 cm in height with openwork leaves and non-double flowers. In appearance, the flowers of the chrysanthemum shrub are very reminiscent of chamomile.

A plant reaching a height of 40 cm, with dissected leaves. Flowers can be double and non-double of a completely different color.

Chrysanthemum flower in a pot: home care

Home care for room chrysanthemum is relatively simple, but it has a number of nuances that will help the plant feel cozy and comfortable. After the purchase, the plant especially needs careful treatment. Help him adjust to his new home.

Chrysanthemum pleases with its flowers for about a month. Then the plant begins to fade, fade, gradually dry. A faded copy is removed by cutting.

Then the pot with the remaining rhizome is sent to a cool place with a temperature of + 3- + 5 degrees. Before this, the plant is carefully watered and harvested until spring.

Alternatively, it is possible to transplant into a larger pot with more nutritious soil and provide full-fledged typical care for your pet. Here it is very important not to forget to feed the flower once a week. So you will help him gain strength faster and start up a new full-fledged foliage. After a short time, the chrysanthemum will again please you with buds and bloom.

After the second flowering, let the chrysanthemum rest. Cut it off and put it in a cool place, as described above.

Video: Cutting room chrysanthemum

So we figured out how to care for a chrysanthemum in a pot. Leaving a minimum, and joy from a pet is a maximum.

Luxurious inflorescences on autumn flower beds attract the eye and amaze with a variety of shades. Indoor chrysanthemum in a pot differs from relatives in the open field in the compact shape of a spherical bush 20–40 cm high. Breeders have bred several hybrids and varieties adapted to lack of lighting and other indoor conditions.

"Home" chrysanthemums are not demanding for care, they grow well, bloom profusely and reproduce easily. In everyday life, it is customary to say "flowers", although the Asteraceae family has an inflorescence-basket. When buying, you should pay attention to the fact that there is a healthy chrysanthemum in a pot, care at home will then be much easier. A well developed indoor plant will continue to bloom on a windowsill. Under favorable conditions, the buds can bloom almost without interruption for 2 years.

It should be noted that after self-propagation by cuttings or root offspring, new plants do not turn out to be as compact and dense as those purchased in a store.

Outdoor chrysanthemums are sold in plastic containers. Such flowers are planted in open ground, or left in containers, used for container gardening, patio decoration, and the entrance to the house. After flowering, the stems are cut, containers with roots are sent to the basement or loggia for the winter. If a street chrysanthemum is kept indoors, its leaves will turn yellow and dry. These plants need fresh air and a certain lighting regime - the night is longer than the day.

Varieties of chrysanthemums for growing in pots

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, geneticists and agrochemists, plants have been bred that can bloom profusely and for a long time in a room. In total, about 40 hybrid varieties of chrysanthemums have been created for indoor cultivation. Inflorescences may be smaller or the same size as in outdoor plants. Often varieties are grouped by origin from one natural species.

Chrysanthemum Indian

In nature, this is relatively low herbaceous plant. The leaves are toothed, green-gray. The inflorescence is a basket resembling a chamomile with yellow petals and the same core. It is the ancestor of small-flowered hybrids for growing on the windowsill and balcony.

The Indian chrysanthemum was crossed with species having white and pink inflorescences. Breeders using chemicals, affecting growth, received compact forms 20–25 cm high. Today there is a large number of A variety of shapes and varieties that feel good in the room are in high demand. The flower is liked and appreciated for the richness of color and long flowering, which is especially attractive in the cold period of time.

Popular varieties of chrysanthemums in indoor floriculture:

  • "Golden Gloria" - dense bushes with a large number of large yellow inflorescences.
  • "Old Gold" - plants with petals of an unusual reddish-bronze color.
  • "Morifolium" - a variety with large simple, semi-double and double inflorescences 5 cm in diameter.

Chrysanthemum Chinese or mulberry

A group of varieties and hybrids, for the creation of which several species were used. Plants for indoor floriculture have compact shape, thin, highly branched stems 20–25 cm high. The leaves are saturated green, 7 cm long and 4–5 cm wide. Dotted glands are visible on the upper side of the leaf blade. Inflorescences of Chinese chrysanthemums - simple, semi-double and double, of various sizes and colors.

Chrysanthemum care at home

Buy a plant in a flower shop or accept as a gift. In any case, it is necessary to create conditions in the new room so that the buds do not fall off. Planting and caring for a chrysanthemum in a room is different from open ground and a greenhouse.

Lighting, temperature control

Light affects flowering and bud opening. The amount of light that is provided by placing the pot on a plastic or plastic windowsill is suitable. wooden windows facing west and east. Hitting the rays at noon can cause leaf burns, in this situation it is recommended to shade the plant. A young bush blooms with a day length of 6-8 hours in October or November (depending on the region).

The temperature comfortable for room chrysanthemum is 18–23 ° С. The variety, more demanding on the conditions of detention, reacts to the heat by dropping buds and leaves. It is advisable to spray the plant with water more often in summer to reduce the temperature. You can leave it in front of an open window, the chrysanthemum is not afraid of drafts.

Watering and feeding

The soil in the pot should always be moist. Chrysanthemum indoor prefers frequent irrigation, but not excessive. Stagnation of water in a pot can lead to root rot, the spread of fungal and bacterial diseases.

  1. The substrate must not be allowed to dry out.
  2. In autumn and winter, water once a week in the morning.
  3. Watering in spring and summer is carried out 2 times a week in the evening.
  4. In the heat, spray water near indoor plants to reduce air temperature.
  5. Used for irrigation and spraying settled water. If it is hard, then a white coating accumulates on the surface of the soil.
  6. Avoid getting drops on the flowers.

Abundantly flowering chrysanthemums require more frequent fertilization. Spend liquid top dressing once a week until the end of flowering. It is advisable to use complex fertilizers with added micronutrients. Actively growing shoots need nitrogen; during budding and flowering, more potassium and phosphorus are required. Feed the plant in a pot about 12 hours after watering.

Pruning and shaping the bush

The purchased plant retains its original shape for a long time. If in the future the growth of shoots is not regulated, then several long stems appear, which reduces the decorative effect.

  • Perform pinching of rapidly growing shoots. Small-flowered chrysanthemums will require 2 or 3 treatments.
  • Large-flowered hybrids can be formed in the form of a tree, for which the main shoot is shortened and the lower branches are cut off.
  • Pinching out inflorescences that are starting to fade helps to increase the number of new buds.

Pruning is needed in case of delayed flowering. Selective pinching of the tops of the peduncles will ensure the flow of nutrients to the remaining buds.

Plant transplant

Young and old plants need to update the substrate. Transfer to a deeper and wider pot once a year - in spring or early summer. The substrate is prepared from garden soil, peat and humus (1:1:1). You can use ready-made soil for indoor flowers.

For chrysanthemums, such indicators as loose structure, lightness, moisture capacity and nutritional value of the soil (mechanical composition and fertility) are important.

After transplantation, young offspring are covered with a plastic cup, adult plants - plastic bag. Provide at first diffused lighting, do not forget about watering.

Features of care after flowering

After the end of flowering, weak and diseased shoots are removed. Some growers recommend trimming the stems, leaving short sections above the surface of the substrate. After that, the soil is watered and the pot is removed in a cool, dry place until spring.

You can do without radical pruning at the root, leave the chrysanthemum in its original form on the windowsill in the room. The third option: to stimulate the growth of shoots and form a compact bush, pruning is done, but the pot is not removed. A strong chrysanthemum in the same season will start new shoots and bloom.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums at home

Adult chrysanthemums "acquire" root offspring (kids). From these additional shoots, young plants can be grown. Root offspring are carefully separated from the mother bush, planted in small containers. It is necessary to keep the depth of the plant at the same level. To do this, increase the height of the drainage layer or place the roots higher. Cover the seedlings with a plastic cup. In the autumn of the same year, young plants will bloom.

Rooting stem cuttings:

  1. Cut off young shoots from an adult plant.
  2. Fill a transparent plastic cookie or cake container with well-washed sand.
  3. Planted cuttings, cover with a lid from the container.
  4. After the formation of roots and the appearance of new leaves, young plants are transplanted into a pot.

Chrysanthemums are difficult to grow from seed. Hybrid varieties are often sterile. Usually, during seed propagation of chrysanthemums, varietal characteristics are not preserved.

The main problems when growing a plant

Why do leaves turn yellow?

Chrysanthemum leaves change color due to improper care and diseases. Yellowing may be due to lack of light, water, hot air from the radiator. The appearance of grayish-yellow or brown spots with a yellow border is a sign of a fungal infection. If yellowing is due to poor care, then it is easier to correct this deficiency than to treat plant diseases.

Chrysanthemum does not bloom - why?

Typical reasons for the absence of buds and flowers are a lack or excess of lighting. Chrysanthemum is a short day plant. If there is artificial lighting in the room in the morning and in the evening, then the biorhythms go astray. Another reason is associated with the rapid growth of stems and leaves, which happens with an excess of top dressing and no pruning.

Diseases and pests of room chrysanthemum

The plant is prone to rust, powdery mildew, gray and black rot. These fungal infections are treated with houseplant fungicides. Chrysanthemum aphids, black sciarid midges, soil mites, springtails harm. The leaves are treated with a solution of Actellik, Fitoverm or Bazudin. For spraying, flowers are taken out to the balcony. Window sills, window frames are washed with a solution of soda and soap.

After the death of the pests, they change upper layer soil in a pot to a depth of 2 cm. It is recommended that you carefully consider the choice of substrate. Usually, pathogens and plant pests are contained in the soil brought from the garden.

It is very important to isolate the affected plant from the rest of the green pets in the room, to carry out pest and disease control in a timely manner. Then the chrysanthemums will remain healthy, will delight in flowering for a long time.

chrysanthemums(Chrysanthemum) - the most beautiful flowers, a long and great love of gardeners, and more recently, lovers of indoor floriculture.

Chrysanthemums in the house not only deliver aesthetic pleasure, but also perfectly purify the air, releasing phytoncides into the air - substances that have a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms.

Ever since the flower shops had a lot of chrysanthemums in pots- a wide variety of colors, textures and sizes of flowers and the shape of a bush - from traditional to spherical, many were carried away by growing this plant at home.

Buying a chrysanthemum, you need to know that its indoor variety is obtained by artificial means in specially equipped greenhouses, which means that caring for it in an ordinary apartment will be quite difficult.

There is an opinion that a homemade chrysanthemum in a pot is a disposable plant, and blooms only once in an apartment. But how can you just pick up and throw away a lovely flower without even trying to save it?

After all, chrysanthemums live in an open-air flower bed for many years, which means that there must be a way to preserve beauty on the windowsill. Room chrysanthemum needs some care after flowering. This can be done d in two ways.

The first way: summer content in the garden

If you have a cottage or a private house with a garden, then the task of preserving chrysanthemums is greatly simplified. When the home chrysanthemum has faded, just move the bush to the garden for the summer.

So he will gain strength, get stronger, and in the fall he can be safely brought into the room and installed on the windowsill. In this case, you can safely count on the second flowering.

Chrysanthemum- a plant of a short day, it does not really like prolonged solar activity, therefore it blooms at a time when the day becomes somewhat shorter and the days are cooler - in late summer or autumn.

The second way: distillation

If you do not have the opportunity to equip the chrysanthemum with a summer stay in the open air, then you need to organize a full-fledged wintering for it, that is rest period.

As you can see, in both cases, you just need to let the plant rest and gain new vitality.

After withering of the last flower on the bush, cut off the old shoots at the root, leaving only young ones 7 to 10 cm in size.

Organize comfortable wintering is not difficult for chrysanthemum: transfer it to a cool room, where the temperature will be maintained from +1 to +3 ° С.

By this place can become a glazed balcony or basement. Winter rest is extremely necessary for these flowers, otherwise they are strongly drawn out and almost do not bloom. fertilizer during this period they do not need, and watering should be minimal - only after the earthen clod has dried.

In the beginning of April the dormant period will end and the chrysanthemum will come to life. As soon as young shoots appear, transplant it into a new substrate - slightly acidic or neutral drained. Young overwintered shoots can be separated, rooted and grown as a new bush, carrying out mandatory feeding every week.

We answer the question: how to care for anthurium? Read more.

Learn more about the alocasia flower in these tips for caring for it.

How to create the best conditions for chrysanthemum?

Houses for chrysanthemums are ideally reduced temperature air - from +15 to + 18 ° С, but not everyone has the opportunity to keep the plant in such conditions, since apartments are usually much warmer - up to + 20 + 22 ° С.

Temperature increase can be fraught for chrysanthemums with wilting of buds, yellowing of leaves and reduction of the flowering period to a minimum.

Very often when high temperature air happens another problem: attack aphids. In this case, regular treatment of the plant with a solution of soap or an effective insecticide is necessary.

Especially dangerous temperature change for young plants that have not yet had time to adapt to living conditions in an apartment. Adaptation is worth mentioning separately. Having brought a wildly flowering, beautiful chrysanthemum from the store, let it get used to the new conditions for 2 weeks, and then be sure to transplant it, otherwise the plant will die.

bushes can be planted several pieces in one container. Main condition- the pot should be wide, since chrysanthemums have a large branched root system, and it is important to provide enough living space for it.

Remember also about good drainage, which must be laid at the bottom of the pot to prevent waterlogging of the soil.

court for the chrysanthemum correctly, be attentive to it, and soon it will delight you with amazing flowers with a slightly bitter cool aroma.

And for the most curious, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video about home chrysanthemums

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Chrysanthemum is a beautiful flower and not only can be seen in the garden or in the country, but also at home. Usually the chrysanthemum is autumn flower when all the flowers have already departed and nature is preparing for winter, and here in your garden bloomed different shades lilac and white ball of chrysanthemums.

I love chrysanthemums very much)) There were 4 attempts to breed flowers at home. They just died. I wonder what kind of watering they need? Water at room temperature? And how often?
Still, I will buy a flower again and transplant it into a bigger pot :)

The chrysanthemum in the pot has faded. What to do?

The incomparable beauty of the chrysanthemum is very popular with many gardeners. But in Lately growing it at home is becoming more and more frequent. For such cases, even special varieties of plants were bred, which are grown in nurseries. Of course, caring for a room chrysanthemum requires a little more effort than one that grows outdoors. But the effort is worth the result - you will get brightly blooming, beautiful flowers that decorate your windows for a long time.

Some believe that the chrysanthemum is a disposable plant, and after it has faded, it remains only to throw it away. In fact, a flower can please you for years, so when blooming chrysanthemum in a pot, you need to take the following steps.

Chrysanthemum in a pot has faded: the first steps

Chrysanthemum at home usually begins to bloom in late autumn and can last until early spring. After that, she begins to shed not only flowers, but also leaves. if you have country cottage area, then the solution to the problem will be very simple - you just need to transplant it into open ground, where it can gain strength, and in the fall again transfer it to the windowsill.

If this is not possible, then it is necessary to create rest conditions for the flower. After the chrysanthemum has faded, its bush must be cut to the very base and a suitable place should be found for it. The plant needs a rest in cool conditions. If it is winter outside, then a pot of chrysanthemum can be put on the balcony or lowered into the cellar. The optimal temperature for relaxation is from -4 to +1 degrees. If you do not create suitable conditions for rest, the flower can stretch out and stop blooming.

Usually, already at the beginning of spring, the chrysanthemum will begin to wake up and give new shoots. Now is the time to transplant it to a new place using nutrient soil. To do this, you can purchase a special soil or mix it with your own hands: peat, sand and humus. When the warm season comes on the street, it is better to take the chrysanthemum pot out into the fresh air, where it will be warm and comfortable.

Basic conditions for caring for room chrysanthemum

The flower is not indifferent to cool temperatures, so it is better not to leave the plant under direct ultraviolet rays. Too high temperature or high humidity will negatively affect the appearance of the chrysanthemum: yellow spots will appear on the leaves, and the buds will begin to fade.

Chrysanthemum loves abundant watering and does not tolerate drought, so for a grower who breeds this flower, the main task is to comply with the irrigation regime. But moderation is also important here, otherwise the root system may suffer from severe waterlogging and begin to rot. Proper nutrition is also important, for which the use of mineral or organic fertilizers is suitable. Feeding should be done once every two months.

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to throw away a chrysanthemum that has faded. This plant, although slightly different from what is planted in open ground, is also able to please the eye of its owner for a long time, but only with proper care.

Indoor chrysanthemum: home care

With the onset of autumn, flower shop counters delight the eye with an abundance of varieties planted in small pots of chrysanthemums. Sometimes they are bought instead of a bouquet and thrown away after flowering. And completely in vain. Chrysanthemum in a pot is able to successfully grow on the windowsill for many years and become one of the most best jewelry home mini greenhouse. And if you do not want to keep the autumn beauty at home, you can transplant it with the advent of spring to the dacha, in open ground.

Home chrysanthemum: which varieties are suitable for growing in pots

Looking at chrysanthemums in flower beds, many gardeners are wondering if these beautiful flowers can be grown in room conditions. Of course you can! Growing a chrysanthemum in a pot is not at all difficult, you just need to choose the right variety and organize comfortable living conditions for the flower, and then homemade chrysanthemums in pots can decorate the interior of an apartment or office.

Often, indoor varieties of chrysanthemums are grown with the help of growth-inhibiting drugs. Thus, they turn out to be undersized, just suitable for a flowerpot.

For growing in an apartment or house, perennial chrysanthemums of the following varieties are best suited:

  • Chinese - hybrids with beautiful terry inflorescences;
  • Korean - unpretentious varieties with inflorescences of different shapes and sizes;
  • Indian - greenhouse varieties most adapted to indoor cultivation;
  • most dwarf chrysanthemums, called border chrysanthemums.

How indoor flower The “queen” of the autumn garden has been cultivated for many years, and the question of whether this beauty can be kept at home has ceased to be relevant. The florist is only faced with the task of choosing the most interesting variety for him, the decorative effect of which he can preserve after purchase and flowering.

Chrysanthemums in pots: how to care

Most varieties of chrysanthemums begin to bloom in autumn period when the air temperature drops. Coolness promotes long flowering. The same conditions arise at the beginning of spring, and many flower growers artificially provoke chrysanthemums to bloom again during this period.

In order to properly care for a potted flower, it is important to know the main features of its agricultural technology. The main thing to pay attention to is:

  • Care after purchase. It consists in adapting the green beauty to new conditions and its subsequent transplantation into suitable soil. Before transplanting the chrysanthemum into a new pot, the purchased bushes are kept in a warm, well-lit place for 2-3 weeks.
  • The soil. When choosing a planting substrate, it is important to understand what kind of land is needed for chrysanthemums. The soil for a room beauty should be nutritious and loose. This can be a ready-made soil for flowering crops or any other micronutrient-rich, not too acidic substrate.
  • Lighting. For the harmonious development of this potted culture, a long daylight hours are needed. It is better to place it on the east window, there is usually the most light there, and on especially hot and sunny days, shade it to avoid sunburn. The optimum growing temperature is 18-23°C.
  • Watering. The most important thing in how to water a chrysanthemum is to maintain a constant balance without flooding or overdrying the soil. Watering a chrysanthemum in a pot should be frequent, but not excessive. Moisture stagnant at the roots can provoke the development of fungal diseases, and a lack of water will adversely affect the appearance.
  • Top dressing. Abundantly flowering varieties need to be fed regularly: every week during the entire flowering period. Other varieties of fertilizer are needed less often - 1-2 times a month. You can feed the chrysanthemum with any complex preparation containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  • Pruning. Timely pinching and pruning help to form a neat bush. Before cutting a plant, you need to carefully examine it, choosing shoots that grow crooked, deviate to the sides, etc. They need to be carefully cut or trimmed, after which the resulting cuttings can be sent for rooting. During pruning, wilted buds, dry leaves and stems are also removed.

Most often, pots with indoor varieties of chrysanthemums feel great on windows facing west or east. This arrangement will allow you to get the necessary 8-10 hours of daylight and save you from direct sunlight.

Take care of regularly home green beauty is necessary, otherwise it will quickly lose its decorative effect.

What pot is needed for room chrysanthemum

When choosing a suitable container for growing chrysanthemums at home, it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • the plant has a shallow root system, so it can not be planted in narrow and tall pots. At the same time, flat wide bowls are also not the best option: it is difficult to organize good drainage in them, which is so necessary for proper air exchange of thin and delicate roots;
  • when transplanting, the new pot should be slightly larger than the previous one so that the root system has room to develop;
  • chrysanthemums can be grown in pots and flowerpots of any material, but they look especially impressive when kept in massive clay or ceramic planters.

How to transplant chrysanthemum from pot to pot

Chrysanthemums do not live long in the same pot. Young bushes are recommended to be transplanted once a year (in addition to the first transplant after purchase), adults - once every 2-3 years. In addition, a transplant is required in the following cases:

Before transplanting indoor chrysanthemum, it is necessary to assess its condition. If the plant is healthy, it is simply transferred from pot to pot along with an earthy clod (this way the root system is less damaged). Then the new container is supplemented with fresh earth. In diseased and pest-infected specimens, the soil is completely changed, carefully shaking it out of the roots. When planting, it is important not to forget to pour a good layer of drainage into the pot.

Chrysanthemum in a pot has faded, what to do next

When the flowering time ends and a dormant period begins. This is an extremely important time of the year for the plant, when it rests and gains strength before the new active season, and the question of what to do next with the chrysanthemum in a pot becomes relevant.

To prolong the flowering period, it is necessary to remove dried leaves and flower buds from time to time. On hot days, the flower is placed in a cool place.

After the chrysanthemum in a pot has faded, all its shoots must be cut off, leaving "stumps" no more than 15 cm high. For the winter, the plant should be removed to a cool, but well-lit place and watered regularly, but very sparingly: only enough so that the bush has enough strength to "survive" until spring.

A home flower can also overwinter on the same windowsill where its growing season took place. In this case, care for him is carried out according to the same rules as before. And so that the shoots of the faded potted chrysanthemum do not stretch out to it, you may need additional illumination.

How to propagate home chrysanthemum

Many flower growers mistakenly consider a chrysanthemum growing at home, annual plant and discarded after flowering. But this is a big mistake. A chrysanthemum bush can be saved and subsequently propagated.

Reproduction of room chrysanthemum is usually carried out by cuttings. Planting material is obtained during the forming pruning of the crown: powerful stems are shortened by 10-15 cm, the cut cuttings are planted in a moist substrate and the container is covered with film or glass. The "greenhouse" is regularly watered and ventilated. After the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in pots of suitable size and then they are looked after in the same way as adult plants.

Propagation by cuttings is the most effective, affordable and fairly simple way to get new bushes, which cannot be said about growing from seeds at home. The seed method requires patience and attention and often does not guarantee obtaining copies that fully preserve individual characteristics varieties. Before you plant chrysanthemums indoors with seeds, you must understand: it makes sense to use this method only when cuttings are not possible for some reason.

Potted chrysanthemums: planting in open ground

In the warm season, room chrysanthemum will be useful to be on the balcony or in the garden. If you want to effectively decorate flower beds, transplanting chrysanthemums from a pot into the ground is not at all necessary. They can simply be taken out to the terrace in beautiful planters and flowerpots or dig in the garden right in pots, and with the advent of cold weather, take them back home.

All indoor chrysanthemums, if possible, can be planted in open ground for the summer. There they will gain strength, and after transplanting into a pot in the fall, they will decorate the room. lush bloom until the New Year.

When the question of how to transplant chrysanthemums from a pot into the ground is still relevant, the main thing to do is to choose the right landing site. The better it is lit, the more comfortable for a flower will be outdoors. The time when you can transplant a bush to the street comes when the last morning frosts have passed. At the same time, the soil must be warmed up to at least +14 ° С. In this case, adaptation to new growing conditions will be faster.

Why chrysanthemum does not bloom at home

You can explain why a chrysanthemum in a pot does not bloom by the presence of the following errors in planting and care:

  • Badly organized lighting. To form buds, the plant needs at least 8 hours a day to be in the light.
  • Untimely pruning and pinching. Buds appear on young shoots, so to revive and rejuvenate the bush, it needs to be trimmed regularly.
  • Buds do not bloom due to lack of nutrition. Cultivation takes place in the depleted useful substances soil (the problem is solved by regular complex top dressing).

By eliminating these causes, you can make the bush bloom amicably and abundantly. And in order not to suffer every autumn with the question of why chrysanthemums do not bloom, it is important to initially correctly organize all the conditions for their cultivation.

Diseases of room chrysanthemum

Potted chrysanthemum is quite hardy and not at all capricious. But it can also be threatened by diseases and pests typical of most indoor plants. And if you do not start fighting them in time, the flower dies very quickly.


The main pests of indoor plants that flower growers may encounter are:


The diseases most commonly affecting houseplants include:

  1. Powdery mildew. It manifests itself in the form of a light powdery coating, gradually covering the ground part of the plant. Its causative agent is a fungus that is activated during prolonged high humidity air. White bloom on the leaves is one of the main reasons why potted chrysanthemums wither. There is no point in erasing it. To get rid of powdery mildew, the affected parts will have to be removed completely, after which the bush must be treated with any fungicidal preparation.
  2. Septoria. The first sign of this disease for room chrysanthemum is the appearance of yellow spots on the lower leaves. Without treatment, the spots turn brown and eventually turn black. The disease can spread throughout the plant, it dries and dies. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to remove all the affected parts in a timely manner, and then spray the bush with a fungicide.
  3. Withering. A disease that occurs when a soil fungus is activated, and manifests itself first in the loss of turgor by the leaves, then the foliage turns yellow and dries. Transplanting into fresh soil and treatment with a fungicide will help reanimate the plant.

Another reason why the leaves of the chrysanthemum in the apartment turn yellow may be care errors. Lack of light, overdrying of an earthen clod in a pot, too dry air and exposure to heating appliances - this is an incomplete list of factors that significantly worsen the appearance of a green pet.

Often, flower growers have to deal with the question: why do the leaves of room chrysanthemum dry. The reason for this phenomenon can be fungal diseases, and violation of the irrigation regime and normal air humidity.

Caring for indoor chrysanthemums is actually not at all difficult. They are quite patient, able to withstand adverse external conditions and transplanting into open ground. However, the chrysanthemum will please only those who do not spare attention and care for it with lush long flowering and positive energy.

What to do if the indoor chrysanthemum has faded, how to bring the plant back to life

In the fall, flower shops are filled with pots of bright, rounded chrysanthemum bushes. They are bought to admire the rich colors of flowers and inhale their delicate aroma.

Then, when the potted chrysanthemum has faded, it is thrown away. And absolutely in vain. You can breathe new life into it.

Do I need to throw away the chrysanthemum after flowering

However, in order to cause the chrysanthemum to bloom again, it is necessary to strictly observe the appropriate regime of humidity, lighting, and temperature. The slightest deviation - and the plant loses its decorative effect, turning into a disheveled and unsightly bush, or even dies.

But with proper care, it pleases with new flowers more than once. There are several ways to make the bush respawn.

Planting chrysanthemums in open ground for re-blooming

The easiest way to reawaken the plant is once the indoor chrysanthemum has faded, plant it outdoors in the spring when the weather is warm.

All summer it will collect useful and nutritious substances from the soil, harden in the fresh air and warm up with the sun's rays. Closer to autumn, it can again be placed in a pot and eventually enjoy the next flowering.

By the way, there are varieties of chrysanthemums that can survive the winter without disastrous consequences. True, no one can give guarantees that the bush will not die in winter. But for wintering it must be prepared carefully.

Plant it in the soil in the garden in advance. As soon as the first frosts come, cut the stems to 10 cm in length and completely cover the bush with dry leaves, peat or earth. From above, the formed hill must be closed with a special shelter, for example, with a film.

Keep in mind that even with all these precautions, there is no guarantee that the bush will overwinter. And after wintering, it will not necessarily bloom the next autumn, sometimes this happens a year later.

Pruning and preserving chrysanthemums after flowering

There is another way to save the bush when the chrysanthemum in the pot has faded. Leaving it in a pot, it is cut off, keeping only young shoots no more than 10 cm in length. Then the pot with the plant is placed in a room where the air temperature does not exceed 8 ° C.

It can be a loggia, a glazed balcony, but not a cellar, since the plant needs enough light even during wintering. There the plant is stored all winter.

It should be watered only when it is very dry, when the soil dries to two phalanxes of a finger. This doesn't happen more than once a month.

In the spring, the chrysanthemum is transplanted into new ground. It should have a low level of acidity, be well fertilized and loosened.

In order for the bush to grow even, dense, large, it must be carefully and correctly pinch.

The procedure is carried out three times. The first time immediately after planting, then - when the shoots reach 8 cm in length, and the third as needed, if previous pruning did not help form a beautiful ball.

In this case, pinching is done no more than once every ten days. The more pinches, the denser the bush and the thicker the flowering, but it makes no sense to do more than three. Dense branching in potted chrysanthemums is laid down at the genetic level.

It is not always possible to place the pot in a cool room, and it is left to spend the winter on the windowsill - the coldest, but also the brightest in the apartment. But in this case, pruning is done a little differently. Dry leaves and shoots, faded buds are removed, and living branches are pruned minimally. Watering in this case is carried out as usual.

Some flower growers still take risks and, when the chrysanthemums have faded, they send the plant to the basement for wintering. In this case, pruning is carried out as when wintering on the balcony. But watering is carried out once abundantly and carried away to the basement. Next, you just need to make sure that the earth is slightly moist, but do not allow excessive dampness.

Chrysanthemum wakes up around the middle of spring. This is noticeable in new shoots. During this period, it is worth taking the pot out into the fresh air or back to the bright windowsill into the room.

How to make a chrysanthemum bloom, little tricks

So, your chrysanthemum has faded, you have done everything to prolong flowering, but this does not happen - what to do? First, check whether there is enough light for her and whether the temperature regime is maintained?

Chrysanthemum can grow and bloom only if the room is at least 18 ° C. However, even in extreme heat, the flower can also die.

At this time, you need to monitor and watering. Too dry soil is also detrimental to chrysanthemums. Moisturize it regularly. Grown bushes need to be fed only during the flowering period. But spraying is required twice a day, morning and evening, especially in the summer.

By autumn, the chrysanthemum must bloom. If this does not happen, look for reasons in improper care. Most often, the problem is the lack of top dressing in poor soil. Then it is necessary to apply fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. Another common mistake is late pinching. But if it happened, there is no way to fix it.

Also, the problem may lie in the wrong light mode. This may be a very dark place where the intensity of the light rays is low and the daylight hours last less than seven hours.

Since the chrysanthemum has an extensive root system, it should be planted in spacious pots with good drainage. This will help prevent waterlogging of the soil.

Several bushes can grow in one pot, even different varieties, but it is important that their roots have enough space. Otherwise, you can also not wait for flowers.

As you can see, if you create proper care for a room chrysanthemum, it can delight with flowers for more than one year. A lush bush dotted with flowers, exuding a slightly bitter aroma, will create a warm autumn mood in your apartment. It is only important not to allow the soil to dry out and to observe the light regime.
If desired, indoor chrysanthemum can be planted in a garden, front garden or flower bed. Observing all the rules of wintering, next year you will receive an amazing flowering bush that will decorate your site.

Chrysanthemums in a pot have faded what to do

Basic care

Chrysanthemum is a moisture-loving plant, from which it follows that the soil should be moist, but do not overdo it, do not let the soil become damp. It is enough to water the flowers twice a week in the evening so that the leaves have time to dry by sunrise. You can refresh the plant with a spray bottle. This method is one of the highlights in the care of potted chrysanthemums. Faded stems are recommended to be removed (cut).

When caring for chrysanthemum at home, do not forget about replanting a flower. Young plants are recommended to be transplanted once a year, and older plants once every two years.

For growing chrysanthemums, there is no need to select a special composition of the earth. It is enough to mix sand, humus and turf (sand makes up no more than 20% of the total mass). To improve flowering, it is recommended to add bird droppings to the ground.

Propagation of indoor chrysanthemums

Cuttings are considered to be a longer process requiring additional labor costs. Cuttings about 10 cm long are separated from the main bush, which are planted in the soil. Cuttings are recommended to be rooted in the shade, having previously covered them with glass or film. Do not allow the room temperature to rise above 20°C. After the roots appear, the cuttings can be transplanted from disposable cups into pots. The volume of the pot should not exceed 200 gr.

Subtleties of autumn flower care

indoor chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is so popular with flower growers that it does not need a special introduction. Wonderful flower! Among other things, it is also interesting for its versatility. Along with some garden flowers (for example, rose, gerbera, etc.), it can not only grow as a houseplant, but also has its own potted variety, fully adapted to home cultivation. Here we will talk about it ...

Chrysanthemum room. Cultivation and care.

Before talking about caring for chrysanthemum, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that a small compact bush in pots is obtained (alas!) Not naturally, but artificially. In nurseries and greenhouses where they are grown for sale, their growth is artificially slowed down (while maintaining all decorative features) special preparations. Therefore, many novice flower growers are sometimes completely at a loss when they receive a much larger plant from a purchased chrysanthemum cutting.

A few words about buying a room chrysanthemum. I already wrote the basic rules for buying and what to do after it. What I want to draw attention to - be sure to carefully inspect the plant. It should be strong, with well-developed foliage, healthy and without living creatures scurrying along it. But even if you are sure that you bought a healthy flower, bring it home, do not put it next to other plants, quarantine the chrysanthemum for 2-3 weeks. During the period of adaptation to your conditions, it is especially susceptible to diseases and serves as a tasty morsel for pests. At the same time, it itself can pose a threat to already “settled down” houseplants.

About caring for room chrysanthemum

Temperature. It is a short day plant that prefers cooler temperatures. Of course, it will grow and bloom even under normal room temperature, but it is much better to develop and bloom longer, the chrysanthemum will be at a temperature of 10 - 15 degrees. The maximum temperature for its content is 18 degrees. At a higher temperature, the buds may dry out, the leaves may turn yellow, and the inflorescences will fade very quickly. This is especially true for newly purchased, unadapted plants. Chrysanthemums grown by you from cuttings and “brought up” at home are more resistant to elevated temperatures.

Lighting. home chrysanthemum the flower is light-loving, but as mentioned above - it needs a short daylight hours, within 8 hours. Shading is required from direct sunlight.

Watering and humidity. Chrysanthemum roots do not tolerate overdrying of the soil. Therefore, you should constantly water and keep the soil moist. To air humidity chrysanthemum flower special conditions does not present, but spraying and bathing will not harm her. During the flowering period, be sure to feed your plant with fertilizer for flowering plants every week.

Transfer. The frequency of transplants for chrysanthemums is the same as for most indoor plants - young annually, adults a year later. It is basically indifferent to the composition of the earth. The only condition is that the earth should not be acidic. Therefore, for transplanting potted chrysanthemums, you can safely use ordinary garden soil. But if you add humus, peat and leafy soil in equal proportions to it, then the mixture will turn out to be more loose and nutritious.

reproduction. Most often, chrysanthemum is propagated by cuttings or by dividing the bush. These are the most simple ways there is no breeding and special cunning in them. The only thing that can be advised is to plant several in one pot (from 3 to 5 cuttings). Chrysanthemum seeds are also propagated.

Care after flowering. After it has faded, prune it and provide cold wintering. The optimum temperature for chrysanthemums during the dormant period is + 2-3 degrees. The best place for such a winter - a cellar. In early spring, when the shoots start to grow, it is advisable to transplant it into fresh soil (for young ones - a must!). When the plant develops normally, young cuttings can be cut from it for propagation.

Some features.

To give the chrysanthemum bush a more magnificent appearance, it must be pinched and trimmed. Moreover, this must be done during the entire active growth of the plant. If it is not cut off or limited only spring pruning. the plant will turn out to be elongated and unattractive. To prolong the flowering of chrysanthemum, try to remove faded flowers in time and remove yellowed leaves.

With the onset of steady heat, it is highly desirable to take a chrysanthemum in a pot to fresh air. Moreover, many flower growers plant it in open ground, where it grows until the onset of cold weather (following the example of geranium), after which it, together with a clod of earth, is transplanted into a pot and it continues to bloom in the house. By the way, the same can be done with garden chrysanthemum, of course, if you have enough space to contain it.

Diseases that are most often affected by indoor chrysanthemum. powdery mildew, gray rot, septoria .

Pests. aphids, spider mites (rare), thrips .

What to do with a chrysanthemum in a pot - it has faded and dries up ..

Elena Happy Genius (90253) 7 years ago

Care after flowering:

Usually chrysanthemums are sold as annuals. houseplants and are discarded after flowering, but this is not at all necessary. If you want to save the plant, then after flowering, cut off all long shoots, leaving only short petioles. Place the chrysanthemum pot in a cool room with a temperature of 1-3°C. In the spring, with the growth of young shoots, the plant is transferred to a warmer room in a bright place, transplanted into fresh soil, and fertilizing watering begins every two weeks. It is also possible to cut cuttings from young overwintered shoots that will appear in the spring and plant them as a new plant.