In a private house      02.03.2019

Modern local treatment facilities for summer cottages. Choosing a septic tank for a summer residence

To make your stay in the summer cottage comfortable, summer residents will have to take care of solving several key tasks. Water is needed for irrigation and basic hygiene needs. Electricity will allow the use of electrical equipment, lighting the premises and the street in the dark. To complete the improvement, you need sewerage for the cottage. She helps create living conditions in which every inhabitant or guest country house feels at home.

Video guide for arranging autonomous sewage in the country

Why is sewerage necessary?

City dwellers think little about the comfort that is available to them by default. Water enters their houses, and all drains go to the central collector, the maintenance of which lies with the city authorities.

In the country, it is also necessary to collect, clean and remove Wastewater. They come out of sinks and washbasins, bathtubs and toilets. With the help of a pipeline, they are collected together, taken outside the building to the street.

Most often, summer cottages are not equipped with such structures. Therefore, the only solution is sewerage for a summer residence with your own hands. If there is no centralized drain, then you need to independently lay a pipeline that will perform such a task.

Sewerage in country house

Depending on the purpose set for it, the sewerage can be combined or separate. In the first case, both domestic wastewater and rain or melt water will go through the pipes to the treatment plant. In the second, separate drains are erected for them. Experience shows that separate sewerage is more rational. Because the cost of wastewater treatment and maintenance of the system is reduced.

Before you make a sewer in the country, it must be designed, having decided on the range of tasks that it will perform. Two situations are widespread in suburban areas, each of which determines the degree of complexity of laying the pipeline.

The first option is when the house has a sink and shower, and the toilet is outside. In order to remove wastewater from a residential building, no major work is needed to lay pipelines and create a treatment plant. It is enough to take the pipe out into the street, and then mount an elementary wastewater treatment structure.

How to make a sewage treatment plant for a summer residence

Reinforced concrete parts for sewer construction

For sewerage you will need:

  • reinforced concrete rings (one or two);
  • lid;
  • crushed stone;
  • pipes with a diameter of 110 and 50 mm;
  • cement mixture as a sealant.

The only obstacle to such an elementary solution may be poorly absorbable clay soil in combination with high level ground water.

If in the country house not only a shower and sinks, but also a toilet are installed, then a more serious cleaning system will have to be designed in order to prevent the spread of polluted waters across the site. In this case, septic tanks are used. It is worth talking about the design of such a structure in more detail.

Construction of sewerage with septic tanks

The sewerage scheme in the country house includes the following elements:

For internal system use pipes made of cast iron or plastic with a diameter of 50 and 110 mm. Washbasins, sinks, bathtubs, showers are connected to the first. The second is the toilet. It is important to consider that the angle of inclination of the pipes does not exceed 12 mm. Otherwise, they will clog more often.

What to consider when laying pipes outside

  • The depth of entry of pipes into the treatment plant is determined by the distance at which it is located from the house;
  • pipe laying is carried out at a depth of 1 meter, but it is important to take into account the degree of soil freezing on the ground;
  • it is desirable to avoid turning the pipeline, since in such places wastewater stagnates, as a result, blockages are possible.

Sometimes you have to make an additional structure - a viewing well. It is necessary exactly where it is impossible to do without turning the pipe, or in the case when the total length outdoor sewerage exceeds 25 m. Also, a well is erected at the site of a sharp drop in the depth of the trench. If a blockage occurs, it facilitates access to the pipeline, so you can perform any repair or maintenance work.

In the process of installing sewerage in a country house with septic tanks, it is necessary to provide that the treatment plant is located at a distance of 5 to 20 m from the house. The volume of the tank with a septic tank is calculated using a special formula: you need to multiply by 3 the amount of water that is consumed per day by residents of the country house.

Stages of preparing a waste pit

  1. Preparation of a pit with a depth of about 3 m, the bottom of which is carefully compacted with clay;
  2. walls are reinforced with formwork;
  3. holes are left in the walls for pipes, which are driven into the ground by at least 50 mm, then they will not turn out under the influence of concrete;
  4. concrete is poured at the bottom of the pit, only then can a filter system be installed.

Also important is the moment correct selection septic tank, of which there are many types on the market today. Different manufacturers offer products that differ:

  • the material from which they are made;
  • performance of the septic tank per day;
  • the maximum allowable salvo discharge parameters;
  • maximum allowable short-term loads;

There are products that will most effectively show their qualities in the case of a high location of groundwater.

The key to successful sewer operation is the right place for its location

According to reviews, sewerage for a summer residence is most effective when they carefully choose a place for its placement. You need to pay attention to such nuances:

  • slope degree land plot;
  • thoughtful access to the design of the tank cleaning machine;
  • remoteness from the fence, houses and other buildings, water supply systems.

A well-maintained sewer will last for many years.

A competent approach will guarantee that the pipes and treatment plant will be used efficiently enough.

The process of arranging sewerage is not easy, but this does not mean that it is impossible to cope with a set of works. on their own. The most important thing is to approach the construction of the structure responsibly. Then for many years it will serve without interruption, providing a comfortable stay in the country.

For many summer cottages have become a place of permanent residence in the summer. But in order to make life in the country more comfortable, it is necessary to equip the site with all the benefits of modern civilization. One of these “achievements” is sewerage. But in this case, there is a problem with wastewater treatment. In this article we will tell you how you can make a sewage treatment plant for a summer residence with your own hands.


by the most in a simple way there will be a cesspool device. As a rule, such structures are made without a sealed bottom. As a result, all liquid effluents seep into the ground, and solid waste accumulates in the pit. Then they can be processed using biological products or pumped out using a sewage machine.

Such cesspools are very popular in rural areas. But such facilities can hardly be called treatment facilities. In fact, all effluents end up in the ground and can harm the environment. In addition, according to existing sanitary and hygienic rules, the cesspool must be completely sealed.

For a summer cottage, where people rarely visit, such a structure can still be used, but if they live here permanently (even only during the warm period), then it is better to make a septic tank.

Barrel septic tank

septic tank more modern device for wastewater treatment. Today on sale are the most different models. Their installation will help to produce almost one hundred percent cleaning. But still they cost money and sometimes a lot, so many craftsmen build septic tanks on their own. For example, a barrel device is perfect for a summer cottage. How to make such a septic tank, we will now tell.

First you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • two plastic barrels with a volume of 250 liters. It is better not to use metal ones, as they are highly susceptible to corrosion;
  • geotextile;
  • plastic sewer pipes with a diameter of 110 mm;
  • drainage pipe;
  • fittings for connection;
  • gravel and sand.

You can start making a septic tank:

  1. The first step is to dig a pit and trenches for laying pipes. The pit for the septic tank should be 20-30 cm larger than the barrel in each direction. The depth must be done in such a way that the top of the barrel is below the freezing level of the soil, and for the second barrel the bottom needs to be somewhat deepened to ensure a slope.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, after careful tamping, a pillow of sand or crushed stone with a thickness of at least 10 cm is laid. Mountings must be made at the bottom to hold the barrels. Otherwise, in the spring, groundwater can push out empty barrels.
  3. Now let's prepare the barrels themselves. To do this, in the first one, which will play the role of camera No. 1, we cut out two holes. One on the lid, the second on the side at a distance of 20 cm from the top edge. There will be three holes in the second barrel. One is also on top, the other two are on the sides (through them the water will flow to the filtration fields). The diameter of all holes must be 110 mm.
  4. Now it's time for assembly. We lower both barrels into the pit and make their connection. The pipe from the house should enter the top hole of the first barrel. From the side opening of chamber No. 1, the pipe passes into top cover second barrel. From the side openings of chamber No. 2 we divert two pipes to the filtration fields. All connections must be sealed.
  5. Before starting backfilling, it is necessary to fill the septic tank with water. At the same time, you can check the tightness of the connections. The backfill is made from a sand-gravel mixture, in layers with tamping.
  6. Above the first barrel, it is necessary to make a manhole and ventilation. This is necessary to clean the chamber from accumulated solid precipitation.
  7. Two pipes from the second barrel should enter the post-treatment fields. For them, a foundation pit is also dug, on the bottom of which geotextiles and a layer of rubble are laid. Then pipes are laid with advance drilled holes, and everything is covered with another layer of rubble.

The resulting septic tank from plastic barrels does an excellent job of cleaning drains from a country house. It is designed for a small amount of sewage. If the house is constantly and all year round will live a lot of people, then such a septic tank may not be able to cope with its tasks.

Septic tank from improvised materials

It is possible to build a septic tank for a cottage from other materials. For this use:

  • old car tires;
  • concrete rings;
  • brickwork, for example, from old bricks;
  • concrete structures, etc.

All of these methods are inexpensive. Also, the low cost of all work contributes to the small amount of effluents at their summer cottage. People don’t come here so often, only on weekends, so it makes no sense to make large containers.

Whatever material is used, the main thing is to follow some principles. Namely:

  1. The septic tank must consist of at least two chambers, the first of which must be airtight.
  2. It is necessary to periodically pump out the accumulated sewage from the first tank.
  3. It is advisable to use post-treatment fields.

The best wastewater treatment occurs when using biological products with live microorganisms.


This video shows how to make a septic tank from eurocubes:

Choosing the Right Septic

Summer cottages they are not always supplied with a stationary sewerage system, and therefore summer residents rarely visit summer cottages in large numbers and simply do not bother installing any treatment facilities. But if a need suddenly arises, questions immediately arise about how to quickly and inexpensively equip suburban sewerage in the allotment.

The best solution in this case is local treatment facilities for summer cottages, which are a good alternative to the conventional sewer system, and also do not require much time and effort for installation and maintenance.

Before buying and subsequent installation of a treatment plant, it must be properly selected. How to do it, what points you should pay close attention to, what tips will help you do it right choice in favor of a decent septic tank?

So, let's answer the question: septic tanks for summer cottages, which one is better? In the process of choosing the right septic tank for your dacha, you need to pay attention to the following three parameters, on which the correctness depends decision about buying:

  1. The volume of daily effluents. The parameter depends primarily on the specific number of people living in the country, as well as on the equipment of the building with plumbing. It is also necessary to take into account the daily water consumption per person, multiplied by the number of residents.
  2. Soil parameters. The type of station, the possibility of installation depends on the level of groundwater, as well as on other soil parameters. drainage well and other treatment facilities.
  3. Tasks and budget. Purpose of the house - important aspect which is often underestimated. Thus, treatment facilities for houses with permanent residence people and temporary residences can be radically different from each other, and these differences must be taken into account! Also, the price should fit into the family budget.


Eurolos treatment facilities are a line of modern local treatment facilities that do not need regular waste pumping and are completely autonomous. It is thanks to these qualities, as well as the advantages listed below, that these septic tanks have won the hearts of many summer residents.

  • Rare and easy maintenance.
  • There is no need to call a sewer machine.
  • High environmental friendliness, productivity and duration of work.
  • Versatility, ease of installation and further operation.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that septic tanks from Eurolos will become the best choice for summer cottages - septic tanks Luck and Eco for sites with the possibility of arranging facilities for the post-treatment of household wastewater.

Eurolos Bio stations and Eurolos Pro aeration units are designed for private houses and cottages with permanent residence or limited space for installing a septic tank. These stations do not require the use of additional equipment and filtration facilities, and therefore do not take up much space on the site and are not tied to its boundaries.

Price Bio

m 3 per day
dimensions and weight Gravity
water discharge
Eurolos BIO 3 0.6 , for 3 persons 135kg 1.4x 1.8m 57000 rubles 64000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 4 0.8 , for 4 persons 148kg 1.4x 1.9m 62000 rubles 69000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 5 1 , for 5 persons 165kg 1.4x 2m 68000 rubles 74000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 6 1.3 , for 6 people 185kg 1.6x 2m 76000 rubles 82000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 8 1.6 , for 8 people 206kg 1.8x 2m 94000 rubles 97000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 10 2 , for 10 people 216kg 2x 2m 116000 rubles 125000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 12 2.4 , for 12 people 235kg 2x 2.25m 129000 rubles 136000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 15 3 , for 15 people 285kg 2x 2.7m 146000 rubles 155000 rubles
Eurolos BIO 20 4 , for 20 people 302kg 2.3x 2.7m 172000 rubles 185000 rubles

People who are accustomed to the fact that local treatment facilities for summer cottages require constant maintenance and costs are in no hurry to replace them with inexpensive and modern systems autonomous wastewater treatment. The most interesting thing that speaks in such people is not greed or laziness at all, but the fear of dealing with new technologies and making life easier for themselves!

Here are five reasons that testify to the superiority of modern wastewater treatment plants over the old ones:

  1. Easy installation, which is possible in absolutely any type of soil, as well as at any depth;
  2. Low cost systems biological treatment;
  3. High efficiency of cleaning systems. While the old options just send the waste to the cesspool, autonomous system perform wastewater treatment;
  4. Full compliance of treatment facilities with all the requirements of the sanitary authorities and legislation;
  5. Safety for environment- a feature of the new type of facilities is indeed the complete processing of wastewater to a harmless state.

The last point is important in choosing a local sewage system, because the discharge of not fully purified wastewater, which is produced by old treatment facilities into natural sources, destroys not only the earth itself, but also negatively affects human health. The fact is that such waters, in addition to pathogenic bacteria that the earth can theoretically cope with, also contain heavy chemical impurities.

Modern treatment facilities for summer cottages separate chemical compounds, turning them into safe waste.

If these factors are not decisive for you in choosing treatment facilities, then you really should not resort to the services of modern developers. Moreover, well-designed sewerage with cesspool also does not pose a danger to your family and the environment, but has a number of disadvantages. Similar local facilities often characteristic of noisy work, periodically appearing in the house bad smell, besides, they cannot be serviced without additionally hired personnel.

The choice of treatment facilities for the country

You can choose local treatment facilities based on the number of people living, as well as on the approximate monthly water consumption. In general, all treatment facilities for summer cottages can be called compact. At the same time, they will be practically invisible to the eye - the stations are placed underground, only the cover remains on the surface. It is needed in order to periodically open the system, if it is necessary to control the quality of its work, and also to collect sludge from the walls of internal tanks. This does not need to be done often, and the whole process is not difficult. Biological treatment involves the complete absence unpleasant odors, dividing the sewage entering it into garbage, waste and water, which in the end can be called technical and even used for watering plantations. Special anaerobic bacteria process all the excess, turning it into sludge. Interestingly, the silt itself can be used as fertilizer for plants and trees that do not bear fruit. Therefore, local treatment facilities in the country become, in a sense, waste-free production.

For operation, the biological treatment system requires a very small amount of electricity, and when working, it does not produce any noise, which is important when relaxing in the country.

The lineup L local ABOUT pure WITH weapons ( VOC):

Price: 96210.00 rubles

Installation supervision: 6000.00 rubles

4 m 3
Salvo drop: 440 l.
Processing volume: 1.5 m/day
Consumed e. energy: 1.5 kW/day
Weight: 350 kg
Length: 1.60 m
Width: 1.20 m
Height: 2.40 m

Price: 110430.00 rubles

Installation supervision: 6000.00 rubles

Estimated sand consumption: 4.5 m3
Number of conditional users: 8
Salvo drop: 440 l.
Processing volume: 1.5 m/day
Consumed e. energy: 1.5 kW/day
Weight: 400 kg
Length: 1.60 m
Width: 1.20 m
Height: 3.00 m

Price: 76950.00 rubles

Installation supervision: 6000.00 rubles

Estimated sand consumption: 3 m 3
Number of conditional users: 5
Salvo drop: 220 l.
Processing volume: 1.0 m/day
Consumed e. energy: 1.5 kW/day
Weight: 250 kg
Length: 1.10 m
Width: 1.20 m
Height: 2.40 m

Price: 121050.00 rubles

Installation supervision: 8000.00 rubles

Estimated sand consumption: 5 m 3
Number of conditional users: 10
Salvo drop: 760 l.
Processing volume: 2.0 m/day
Consumed e. energy: 1.5 kW/day
Weight: 450 kg
Length: 2.10 m
Width: 1.20 m
Height: 2.40 m

A septic tank is one of the most practical and convenient options arrangement of the sewerage system on the site. Due to the huge number of varieties of local treatment facilities, each owner can choose the right device: from the simplest makeshift installations to autonomous stations that perfectly clean waste streams. The only question that will have to be answered is which septic tank is better? It is worth purchasing a ready-made structure or it is easier to make a treatment plant at home with my own hands?

How septic tanks work

A septic tank is a stationary local installation included in the system autonomous sewerage and used to collect, treat and discharge waste streams from the home. Septic tanks or VOCs (local treatment facilities) are needed in the country house, at home suburban area or other building where it is not possible to connect to the central wastewater collection system.

The choice of design is a fairly simple task, if you decide in advance on the technical and practical characteristics of the device, the operating parameters and know the principles of the design. The standard cleaning system is a tank, in some models divided into chambers. The septic works like this:

  • wastewater from the house enters the chamber, where primary treatment is carried out by sludge. Heavy masses settle to the bottom, light fractions such as oil, fats float to the surface;
  • slightly purified water is poured into the next chamber, where additional purification from inclusions takes place different kind through a colony of beneficial bacteria;
  • the third chamber (if any) serves for the final filtration of flows, sedimentation and withdrawal of water to the filtration fields, equipped next to the septic tank. So, passing through the soil, the water is finally cleared of all impurities and does not poison the surrounding nature.

Important! When choosing which septic tank is better, you should look at installations equipped with biological filters deep cleaning. Such VOCs have an almost perfect cleaning ability, which saves on the construction of filtration fields (they are not needed) and saves space in a small area.

Choosing a septic tank: what to look for

Before purchasing a structure, it is necessary to determine the following parameters:

  1. The amount of waste generated per day. The indicator depends on the number of people, the large number of plumbing fixtures. In a house with a couple of bathrooms, a washing machine, a dishwasher and other household appliances, the water consumption will be much higher than in an ordinary country house, where there is a washbasin and a shower;
  2. Ground. Soil composition is also important in determining the rate of water infiltration into the soil. In addition, it will be necessary to find out the depth of the aquifer for the expediency of equipping filtration fields;
  3. Define home attendance: permanent residence or summer cottage;
  4. Draw up an approximate budget for the construction of a local sewerage system.

When the parameters have been assessed, you can view models of septic tanks or consider building a structure for sewage treatment yourself.

System selection by performance

The performance or ability of a septic tank to process the required amount of wastewater in a given period is one of the most important design indicators. The volume of the tank depends on the amount of water flow, the need for additional chambers for cleaning.

Based on the data, the following features can be distinguished:

  • The number of drains per day is not more than 1 m3 - a single-chamber or storage septic tank is suitable;
  • With drains in the volume of 1-10 m3, a two-chamber design will be required;
  • If volumes sewage water exceed 10 m3, it is better to use three-chamber models with good performance.

It turns out that when choosing a septic tank for installation on a site where the family goes only for the summer, you can opt for the simplest accumulative model. It is easy to install the structure, it looks like a reservoir of a certain volume, from where from time to time it will be necessary to pump out effluents through a sewer.

In the case of permanent residence in the country, the storage tank option is not entirely suitable, since you will have to clean the tank quite often (it all depends on the number of people). By purchasing an overflow design with two or three chambers, users will benefit not only in saving money on a cesspool, but also in more thorough cleaning of sewage. Which in turn will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil and soil on the site.

The construction of a country cottage involves the use of VOCs of high productivity. Mansions are usually equipped complete set household appliances, and also do not save on installing plumbing, which means that plums from the house will be very plentiful.

Advice! With increased water consumption, professionals advise taking a closer look at systems equipped with an aeration unit. An additional device helps the formation of aerobic bacteria, the colonies of which are necessary for effective wastewater treatment, which significantly increases the efficiency of the septic tank.

Selection by soil composition

Standard models of septic tanks require the mandatory arrangement of a post-treatment system - filtration fields. However, not every soil mixture is suitable for structures. For example, clay soils do not have the ability to filter runoff, and the shallow depth of the aquifer also does not imply the placement of fields. Thus, the best septic tank for giving with soils unsuitable for filtration fields is a system with a biofilter.

It is possible to equip filtration fields on alumina, but it will be necessary to remove part of the soil, replace it with a sand-gravel mixture and carry out a lot of work that significantly increases the cost of creating a sewerage system. If you use a septic tank with a biofilter, additional post-treatment is not required, which, in general, is what users need.

Buy a ready-made septic tank or build it yourself?

A homeowner who has the opportunity to place his own tank for collecting and treating wastewater on his acres may not purchase a ready-made septic tank model. However, you will have to work so that the sewer system functions flawlessly and copes with all the drains from the house. The options have their pros and cons, in particular, buying a ready-made septic tank is:

  • Ease of installation, which even a novice master can do;
  • Quick connection of the system to work;
  • Lack of construction processes of the "dirty" type.

The only drawback is the price issue: a good septic tank cannot be very cheap. But when arranging the system from scratch, there will also be a lot of costs: from digging a pit and arranging to the withdrawal of the pipeline. But if you have concrete well, not used for its intended purpose, it is quite possible to fill the bottom and lower a sealed container there, where to connect the pipeline later - this is the simplest storage septic tank.

Of course, the design will have to be finalized, equipped with a pipe system, cleaned and washed in time, however, as summer version on the site such a reservoir will fit perfectly. It suits for small house, but it is better to place a septic tank not near a building or an open water intake.

Advice! To minimize the risk of getting into the soil, aquifer untreated wastewater, a plastic sealed tank equipped with a pipe system is installed in a concrete well. As a storage device, a regular one is quite suitable. plastic barrel. But do not forget about the preservation of a home-made septic tank for the winter, since plastic is very susceptible to freezing and breaking, which means that the sewer system will fail.

Overview of the range of ready-made septic tanks

When choosing a VOC, it is best to rely not only on the popularity and price component of the models, but also on customer reviews, as well as performance, power, and durability parameters. Thus, the performance of many devices varies from mini-models that can fully satisfy the needs of one or two people, to the most powerful VOCs shown for installation on entire summer cottages.

Advice! When choosing which septic tank is best for the home, you should look at the indication of the number of people for whom this or that model is designed.

In terms of strength, the case material is usually made of plastic, but you can see models from of stainless steel or fiberglass. The most common plastic septic tank is good because it does not require the use of special equipment for installation. But to minimize problems with floating up and protecting the septic tank from soil movements, it is best to concrete the pit, where the structure will then be placed and secure the tank with straps, “anchor”.

And now it’s worth looking at models that are great for installation on the site, even if there are a few acres in it:

  1. Septic Tank is one of the best autonomous sewer systems which can be placed anywhere. By retrofitting the design with an infiltrator, the user receives an ideal wastewater treatment of any saturation. The reliability and durability of the design is confirmed by customer reviews.
  2. Triton septic tanks have a huge the lineup, able to work offline, suitable for a permanent residence, but require frequent filter cleaning;
  3. Topas - installations that are easy to mount and also difficult to break. Advantages: excellent strength, long term services. But these systems are quite expensive and volatile, although the reviews about septic tanks are the most positive;
  4. Cedar-type structures have high performance, long service life and quite cheap. However, filtration fields will have to be located near such septic tanks, since the level of cleaning leaves much to be desired;
  5. Ecoline - new generation septic tanks, which are ideal for country house seasonal residence. Distinguished by excellent functionality at temperature extremes and a high degree of purification, VOCs are extremely practical and are made of especially high-strength plastic.