Well      04/04/2019

Delphinium annual growing from seeds. How and when is it better to plant a perennial delphinium

A perennial plant that is well suited to a variety of ornamental plantings- delphinium. The cultivation of hybrid forms is quite common in floriculture, although there are beautiful wild species. The delphinium has powerful bushes about two meters high. The leaves are palpable, large. Flowers of various colors (white, purple, etc.), reach a diameter of 5 cm. The flowers are collected in an inflorescence - a brush. It is the beauty of the delphinium. The brushes are long, thick, lush. Their length can reach 60-120 cm. Flowers bloom from the bottom up. If faded shoots are removed in a timely manner, then in some forms, with favorable conditions new inflorescences develop and decorative effect is preserved until the beginning of September. After flowering, the decorative effect is lost.

Growing delphinium from seeds

So that the delphinium seeds do not lose their germination, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator at a temperature of plus five degrees in or in a glass sealed container. Since seedlings are susceptible to various diseases, before sowing, the substrate must be disinfected with a 3-5% formalin solution, and the seeds should be treated with a fungicide or 0.1 percent (placed in gauze bags for ten minutes in the solution). Sowing seeds is done in different conditions. They are sown before winter in the furrow, when persistent frosts set in. The soil is prepared in advance. From above, the seeds are covered with humus, which is stored in a dark room until sowing. Sometimes seeds are sown in spring directly into the ground (April, May). Thick shoots are thinned out (10 by 10) when the seedlings have a few true leaves. Excess plants are transferred to the ridges, protecting them at first from the sun with shields. But guaranteed seedlings can be achieved when working in a greenhouse, room, greenhouse. The best time for sowing seeds is March. In this case, the delphinium blooms in August.


Humus: sand: sod land (2/1/1);

Leaf (peat land): river sand: (2/1/1).

How to grow a delphinium from seeds

It turned out that amateur crops often turn out unsuccessful. Indeed, sowing and growing delphinium from seeds requires observance of mandatory details. Below is a detailed technique that will ensure the high-quality cultivation of delphinium from seeds and the production of seedlings, developed by N. I. Malyutin, a specialist in delphinium culture. The prepared substrate must be sieved. The earth in boxes, especially at the side walls, is well compacted and watered abundantly. Dry earth is poured on top, after which the surface must be carefully leveled with a ruler. Otherwise, water will drain into the recesses, which can lead to uneven and even rotting of seedlings. Sown randomly, at the rate of 1-2 seeds per 1 cm². When planting, seeds should be lightly pressed into the ground with a rammer. Then carefully pour and cover with earth with a layer of about 3 mm, sifting it through a fine sieve. Sowing failures are associated with deep seed placement. In the case of a slight exposure of seeds after watering, they can be lightly sprinkled with earth. To protect the substrate from drying out, the boxes are covered with paper. After germination (about 10 days at a temperature of 15 - 16 ° C), the paper is removed and the boxes are placed closer to the light. It is necessary to ensure uniform moistening of the earth. The lack of moisture manifests itself in the form of a dark green color of the leaves and cotyledons, which are usually light. If during watering the water does not penetrate to the bottom of the boxes, they must be placed briefly in iron pans filled with water. Then the moisture will go to the roots, leaving the surface of the earth dry, and the seedlings will not suffer from the "black leg". If the cultivation of delphinium from seeds occurs according to the above method, the first leaves appear 4-6 weeks. Seedlings dive into the nursery at a distance of about 4 cm. It is important to consider that delphinium seeds with a dark color of flowers germinate longer than with light ones. Therefore, it is not necessary to postpone picking when sowing varieties with light flowers. When picking seedlings, care must be taken not to cover the growing point with earth. Deep landing is undesirable. Seedlings should be watered after transplanting. warm water and put in a shaded place for 5-6 days, and then give full light. Plants are ready for planting in the main soil by May.

Delphinium, or as it is also called, "larkspur spur", is a genus herbaceous plants from the buttercup family, represented by 450 species of annuals and perennials. A group of annuals of 40 varieties is often referred to as an adjacent genus and is called sokirkami. The main distribution is seen in the territory of the Celestial Empire (today about 150 species of delphinium grow there), as well as in the regions of tropical Africa and the highlands of both hemispheres.

The name comes from the characteristic unopened shape, which strongly resembles the head of a dolphin. In addition, some botanists believe that the plant is named after the ancient Greek city of Delphi, in which, according to sources, a colossal number of plants were concentrated. In any case, planting a delphinium can be very in a good way home garden decorations, so every grower is ready to give a lot just to see such a colorful "green friend" on his site.

Perennial flowers calmly endure any climatic changes, including drought and extremely low temperatures. Amazing appearance presented terry buds interesting shapes and shades, will always decorate landscape design your garden and make it presentable. Due to the incredibly diverse colors, perennial fits perfectly with any shades.

Of particular value are blue tones, which are possessed by an impressive majority of varieties. Delphinium flowering is seen twice a year, which allows you to enjoy its beauty doubly. Asking the question of growing a delphinium from seeds, you need to understand that such an activity does not require much effort, so even a novice florist will be able to grow a colorful ornamental plant without much difficulty.

Gallery: delphinium (25 photos)

Varieties of delphiniums

As mentioned above, in nature there are two groups of delphiniums:

  • perennial;
  • annuals;

If we consider annuals, then they are popular due to the varieties of field delphinium and Ajax delphinium.

The field delphinium is a luxurious tall plant that can grow up to two meters in height and have the most extraordinary appearance. Single or double flowers come in a variety of colors including:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • lilac;
  • blue;

In floricultural culture, the plant appeared as early as 1572. Growers are in particular demand for Frosted Sky, Qis Rose and Qis Dark Blue. Delphinium flowering begins in the first days of summer and continues until autumn.

Delphinium Ajax is a hybrid plant variety, which was the result of the selection of Doubtful and Oriental species, incorporating them best properties. The plant grows from 40 to 1 meter in height. It has almost sessile, strongly dissected leaves, spike-shaped inflorescences and a wide variety of shades, including purple, red, blue, pink and white. Some varieties received densely double flowers.

perennial delphinium

Growing delphinium from seeds at home from the group of perennials began a little later - in the 19th century. As a result of the hard work of breeders, the first hybrids were created, including varieties Barlow, Fine and Belladonna. After some time, the French breeder Victor Lemoine introduced terry varieties of perennials, which were classified as a separate category of “hybrid”, and soon “cultivated”.

Currently, perennial delphiniums can have a wide variety of shades. The total number reaches 800 shades. Among them there are tall, medium and undersized varieties with simple, semi-double, double and super-double flowers, ranging in size from two to 9 centimeters.

As for hybrid perennials, they can be divided into several groups according to their place of origin. Scottish hybrids, New Zealand and Marfin, named after the Marfino state farm, are especially popular. Representatives of each group are characterized by their unique differences and properties. For example, Marfin perennials are characterized by a frost-resistant character and weight decorative properties. They have very beautiful semi-double inflorescences with pronounced eyes. However, planting and growing such a perennial is a very difficult task, so not every grower is ready to start sowing a variety on his site.

Representatives of the New Zealand group were created relatively recently. They are distinguished by the high growth of the stem, which often reaches two meters, as well as the presence of semi-double or double flowers with a diameter of 7 to 9 centimeters. Some varieties have corrugated flowers. Hybrids are considered frost-resistant and resistant to various diseases. They are also excellent for long-term cultivation and stand for a long time in the cut. Due to such advantages, many flower growers prefer New Zealand delphiniums.

A prominent representative of the Scottish hybrid perennials is the Tony Cockley variety. Hybrids are characterized by dense inflorescences, double and super-double flowers, which can have up to 58 petals. The inflorescence can grow up to 80 centimeters in length with a growth of 1.1-1-5 meters. The "Scots" are famous for their wide color palette and unpretentiousness to the conditions of detention. Also they are durable.

How to grow a delphinium from seeds

The process of growing a delphinium at home can be divided into several stages:

  • disinfection of planting material (seeds);
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing seeds;

Before planting the seeds, they must be pre-treated with a manganese solution. To do this, you need to take the finished product and tie it in a gauze bag, lowering it for 20 minutes into a ready-made thick pink solution.

In addition to traditional potassium permanganate, they have proven themselves well fungicidal preparations, which can be prepared from ready-made instructions. After infusion, remove the bag from the solution and rinse it clean water by soaking the seeds in a solution of elin in the ratio of a few drops per 100 ml of water. In the end, dry the seeds so that they do not stick together.

As far as soil preparation is concerned, this stage you need to take an even amount of peat, garden soil and compost, add half the amount of washed sand to them and sift. To increase the moisture capacity and looseness of the soil, perlite can be added to the composition at a concentration of 0.5 cups per 5 liters of soil mixture. Try warming the mixture in a water bath to neutralize all weeds and fungal growths. Also remember to fill the planting containers and seal them.

As for planting, at this stage it is necessary to distribute the seeds evenly over the surface, attaching labels with the variety name and sowing date. Don't forget to sprinkle planting material A 3mm layer of potting mix so they don't float on the first watering. Also compact upper layer plastic wrap or package. Conduct careful watering of the crop by spraying the surface with cold, pre-boiled water. Close the container with a transparent lid or other covering material, which is necessary for more productive germination.

The optimum temperature indicator for rapid germination of crops varies between 10-15 degrees Celsius. In order for the procedure to be completed successfully, after 3-4 days, move the container to the refrigerator or to glazed balcony. Do not be afraid if the temperature drops below -5 degrees Celsius there.

Perennial planting features: growing from seedlings

It is not difficult to understand that the sowing was correct. Healthy sprouts are represented by dark green, strong leaves with a characteristic point. If 2-3 leaves appear on the stems, you can dive into pots with a volume of 200-300 milliliters with further growth at a temperature around 20 degrees Celsius. It is important that the soil is sufficiently loose and breathable, and the intensity of watering is moderate. Otherwise, the risk of the formation of the so-called "black leg" increases, which can cause the death of the plant.

Start accustoming seedlings to fresh air from the beginning of May, without removing them from the windowsill during seasonal airing. Also provide her with short sunbathing by placing the pot in bright sunlight. Fertilizing seedlings before planting is performed twice with a two-week pause. As a top dressing, you can use the composition of Agricola or Mortar. It is important that during the processing it does not fall on the sheet plates. As for planting ready-grown seedlings in open ground, then such a procedure can be carried out only when a clod of earth in a container with seedlings is completely braided with a well-developed root system. By the way, seedlings are very quickly taken out together with an earthy clod without harm to the rhizome.

When to plant a perennial delphinium

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out under the only condition: if the threat of frost has passed. As a place for growing, choose sunny areas where there is no stagnant moisture. Asking the question: how to grow a perennial delphinium, you need to dig holes with a diameter of 40 centimeters at a distance of 60-70 centimeters from each other, and fill them with compost, complex fertilizer and ash in the ratio of half a bucket of humus, two tbsp. spoons of fertilizer and a glass of ash.

The finished mixture must be thoroughly mixed with an earthen lump so that it does not get on the root. Having made a characteristic recess, you can proceed to placing a seedling in it. At the same time, the ground around is compacted and the beds are watered. At first, it is desirable to cover the seedling plastic bottle or a glass jar until it takes root. As soon as the delphinium grows, the shelter is removed.

Features of caring for the delphinium

Growing a delphinium at home is very simple. When the shoots become strong enough and grow up to 10-15 centimeters, they should be fed with a solution of cow dung and water in the proportion of a bucket of manure to 10 buckets of water. This composition can be used for 5 large delphinium bushes. After carrying out the procedures for cleaning the beds from weeds and the obligatory loosening of the soil, you should cover the upper layers of mulch based on a three-centimeter layer of humus or peat.

Thinning bushes will become necessary when reaching 20-30 cm stem height. About 3-5 young stems should be left in the bush, which will make it possible to grow beautiful and huge inflorescences. You need to remove the weak shoots of the inner part of the bush, breaking off or cutting them off near the ground. Such measures will protect the plant from the development of dangerous diseases and ensure productive air circulation. Cut cuttings can be rooted.

The cut is processed with a mixture based on charcoal and a crushed heteroauxin tablet, and then pinned in a mixture of sand and peat and covered with a film. When 3-6 weeks have passed, the stalk will give roots. After another 2-3 weeks, it can be transplanted into open ground. That's all, planting the delphinium with cuttings has been successfully completed.

If the plant grows up to 40-50 centimeters in height, three support rails up to 1.8 meters high should be dug near each bush. They will need to tie the stems with ribbons or fabric strips, which will avoid cutting into the stems when exposed to strong winds. The next tying is carried out at a height of 100-120 centimeters.

Throughout the growing season, a flower can absorb up to 60 liters of water, so during the dry summer period, it is necessary to pour 2-3 buckets of water under each bush weekly. Following these recommendations, you can protect the plant from various consequences and make it lush, beautiful and healthy.

Attention, only TODAY!

Among garden plants there is a small group of colors that are considered both "difficult" and unpretentious at the same time. These include delphiniums. Old simple varieties grow without problems in every garden, but modern chic delphiniums are not for everyone. The difference between these flowers is the same as between wild rose and noble rose. Elite delphiniums are a dense high ear, these are large double flowers, unusually bright or two-tone colors. How to grow such varieties? In this article, we summarized the experience of many gardeners, including New Zealand delphinium breeder Terry Dowdeswell.

There are several ways to grow delphiniums.

1. Buy seedlings of elite varieties in a nursery or in a store. New Zealand and English delphiniums in containers appeared on sale. The cost of these seedlings is quite high, but they have a 100% survival rate and quality assurance.

2. Propagate the variety you like with neighbors or acquaintances. Use young shoots (8-10 cm), which appear in the spring.

3. Divide an adult bush. It is necessary to divide delphiniums, since bushes older than 4 years bloom worse and hibernate.

4. Grow a delphinium from seeds. New Zealand and English seeds are not cheap, but compared to seedlings in containers, the seeds are inexpensive. But it's not about the price. Often the seeds do not germinate, or the seedlings die from the black leg. How to bring them to bloom?


Seed germination depends on the timing and storage conditions. At room temperature delphiniums quickly lose their germination. The same temperature can be in the store. Therefore, when buying, look not for the expiration date, but for the date of collection or packaging of seeds. It is best to buy delphiniums in the fall, then you can purchase the seeds of this harvest year.

Immediately after purchase, delphinium seeds should be refrigerated and stored there until sowing.


Many gardeners believe that if the seeds were stored in the refrigerator, this is stratification. But this is far from true. When sowing seeds from the refrigerator, germination is very different. Fresh seeds that have been properly stored germinate without stratification (under normal room conditions).

If the seeds have lain for more than a year, then special conditions are needed for their awakening.

Different gardeners use different methods, and at first glance they are completely opposite!

1 METHOD THERMAL. Old seeds in gauze are dipped in heavily hot water(like tea), and after 35 seconds in the cold. The procedure is repeated 5 times. After that, the seeds are sown.

2 WAY. The earth is shed in a bowl hot water and seeds are sown on warm soil. The bowl is placed on the battery, placing a newspaper or a towel folded in several layers under it. After 35 days, the crops are harvested on the windowsill, closer to the cold glass.

3 METHOD - COLD STRATIFICATION. Seeds are sown in bowls, covered with a bag and put in the refrigerator for two to three weeks. Periodically check if shoots have appeared. As soon as the first seeds hatched, immediately into the light!

In all three cases, exposure to a sharp change in temperature is used, but cold stratification is used most often. But the seeds do not need to be frozen. At negative temperatures varietal changes occur. Often the color of flowers changes, and terry disappears. Freezing or winter sowing is used only for "ordinary" delphiniums that do not have super-elite qualities.


How to understand whether seeds will germinate without stratification or not? Alexey Malyshev from Nizhny Novgorod has developed his own method of sowing. It is very suitable for New Zealand delphiniums, which are in a bag of 3-5 pieces. Every seed counts, so keep an eye on them! In fact, this is a double stratification.

First stage. We soak the seeds. In a plastic jar food products making drain holes. We put a wet napkin on the bottom and seeds on it. Top with a damp cloth. We cover the jar plastic lid or package.

It is useful to use melt water for soaking seeds. It is known to have a stimulating effect.

First, 7-10 days, the seeds are at room temperature (18-25C). Under such conditions, the seeds in the napkin can germinate. So, fresh ones are caught and they can be sown. But if the seeds don't germinate, all is not lost!

We proceed to the second stage. We put the swollen seeds in the same jar on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. After 23 weeks, the seeds begin to hatch!

The process is uneven, every day (or even twice) it is necessary to view the seedlings. As soon as we see a new germinated seed, we immediately take it out of the jar and sow it. For delphinium crops, it is convenient to use cassettes with 5x5 cm cells: one seed per cell.

The literature recommends a different soil mixture. Alexey Malyshev sows in ordinary purchased soil ( good quality) for growing seedlings.

Sprouted seeds should be sown carefully, for example, with a toothpick. Strongly do not deepen no more than 5 mm.


After the seeds have germinated, the crops should stand in a bright, cool place. Optimal mode 17-18 degrees. Such a temperature can be provided on an insulated loggia. IN last resort put the bowl close to the glass.

At all, good lighting one of the ways to prevent black leg. If you want beautiful delphiniums, buy a lamp!

You will also need additional lighting if you cannot provide cool conditions. The higher the air temperature, the more light is needed.

Another important condition air humidity. While the plants are small, the bowl with crops should be kept covered with a bag or a transparent lid. There must be condensation underneath. But do not allow excess moisture! Otherwise, the black leg threatens again. Every day, crops should be ventilated by opening the package for 10-15 minutes.


Where have you seen picky handsome men? This is such a rarity in the world of people and in the world of plants. The delphinium, which will be discussed, refers precisely to the most capricious colors. But for the beauty he is forgiven a lot. Dreaming of having this miracle on their site, summer residents make every effort to breed delphiniums: growing from the seeds of this plant is difficult, so the most patient and stubborn ones achieve positive results.

Thanks to such enthusiasts, we have the opportunity to publish the basic principles of the technology of growing delphinium seeds. The instructions are detailed, but you need to follow it, making your own adjustments: after all, everyone has their own approach to plants. And the difference in soils, weather conditions and temperature regimes must be taken into account.

Most amateur flower growers believe that the most comfortable conditions for storing seeds are a consistently warm temperature (maybe lower than the so-called room temperature, but always positive), “breathable” packaging and a dark place. But the delphinium completely breaks the usual stereotypes.

In order to be guaranteed to grow delphinium seeds, they need to be frozen - literally.

Paradoxically, at sub-zero temperatures (optimal - minus 150), the seeds of this plant retain their ability to germinate up to 15 years. If the planting material is kept warm, then it will remain usable for no more than 11 months.

Seeds stored in a hermetically sealed aluminum foil bag retain their ability to reproduce a little longer. Usually, all specialized gardening stores sell these. When choosing a product, be sure to study the expiration date and take an interest in the period of collection and packaging of seeds in order to know how high-quality material you are purchasing.

ATTENTION! Most seed companies determine the optimum shelf life for perennial seed is three years.

Rules for storing seeds at home

The most reliable seeds are self-grown. The owners of suburban areas have been convinced of this more than once. For growing a delphinium with seeds, this is extremely relevant, because in the case of self-providing a flower bed with bright vegetation, the owner is sure of the expiration date, the degree of germination, and the quality of the seeds.

For proper storage, the collected seeds should be placed in clean and dry glass jars, left in a fairly cool place: a refrigerator or an unheated balcony is ideal for this.

Sowing for seedlings

To get "seedling" delphiniums, growing from seeds becomes the first and rather difficult stage on the way to a beautiful flower. There is simply no general recipe for 100% germination, obtaining high-quality seedlings and their lush flowering in the future, but there are general recommendations that can help to avoid diseases and injuries that are dangerous for young "dolphins".


Sowing seeds for seedlings should begin in early spring. Actually, this period is appointed by nature itself for the growth and development of plants. But since the delphinium is the prince of the north and it needs some time to thaw, the seeds of this plant will begin to grow much more actively in late March - early April.


The container that you assign to the responsible role of the first "home" of small delphiniums can be varied, but must correspond to the number of seedlings.

If the number of seeds is limited, then they will fit perfectly in small pots with a diameter of 13-15 cm.

If you are preparing seedlings for a flower bed of impressive size, growing delphiniums from seeds should begin in a spacious box.

The required height of the soil layer in the container is about 10 cm, if the substrate is small or the container is too tight, the seedlings will turn out to be lethargic, depressed and will develop poorly.


Buying ready-made store soil in the case of delphiniums is a losing business. This plant does not tolerate too peaty and acidic soils, it needs a balance that only a florist can create - with his own hands.

There is no difficulty in preparing the right substrate:

All components must be brother in equal parts.

If there is no chernozem in your latitudes, then as an exception, you can use the same peat unloved by the delphinium, but in minimal quantities.

Let us explain why the cultivation of delphinium from seeds does not work with an “overdose” of peat: when there is too much of it in the soil, then at the slightest drying, peat “in company” with humus forms a thick, impenetrable hard crust, in which it is practically impossible for young seedlings to survive.

ATTENTION! Almost all substrates sold in retail outlets have an increased proportion of peat. Therefore, they are undesirable when growing delphinium from seeds.

Disembarkation process

After the “bed” in the container is ready, the soil must be watered - this will help the seeds “cling” to the soil better and stronger.

Since delphiniums are grown from seeds that are very small and dark, when sowing, you can simply lose your orientation and sow one area too densely and another too thinly. To avoid such an annoying oversight, do it in the simplest way: before laying the seeds, sprinkle the soil in the container with white river sand. Against its background, dark seeds will stand out very clearly and you will not be mistaken in planting density.

According to special calculations, the optimal sowing density should be two seeds per square centimeter. Delphinium emphasizes its paradox in everything: the denser the seeds are planted, the higher the percentage of germination. This feature is completely uncharacteristic of other flowers - they develop much better with some freedom of growth and a reserve of space. But the delphinium is not like everyone else, it is comfortable with a close company of fellows, without it it does not rise well.

When the seeds in the desired density are in the ground, they must be sprinkled with the substrate from above. This layer should not exceed 2-3 mm, otherwise the growth of delphinium seedlings will be greatly delayed, or they will not sprout at all. Germination of non-sprinkled delphinium seeds is also extremely slow.

One more watering and the containers can be covered. Old newspapers or burlap are suitable as a bedspread, but on top of them you need another layer of non-woven material (agril, for example).

Lux temperature

Again, we focus on the fact that delphiniums are cold-loving plants. Born in temperate latitudes, they do not tolerate heat and do not grow in excessively heated rooms.

For this plant - excessively, which means above fifteen degrees of heat.

Delphiniums begin to germinate already at +8, and the temperature limits necessary for the development of seedlings are indicated within 10-16 degrees plus.

When the temperature in the room with seedlings rises a little above twenty, the seedlings become lethargic and almost lifeless.

Subject to all the rules of sowing and temperature within the luxury range for the delphinium, shoots can be noticed already on the 8-10th day.

Delphiniums, growing from seeds of which is a very troublesome process, at the seedling stage should have an elastic and strong appearance and a pleasant dark green color.

You can wait for seedlings for three weeks, and if during this period they did not appear, it means that a technological error occurred during sowing or the seeds turned out to be of poor quality.

Care of seedlings in the first days

When the first shoots appear, remove the cover from the containers - now the seedlings need air, and be sure to monitor the moisture level in the box. The soil should not be overdried, as it will be problematic for delphiniums to grow, but it should not be too wet either - this is how the “black leg” can kill the seedlings.

As for watering, here the delphinium also requires compliance with special rules: no jet from above! Such watering destroys young sprouts, after which they fall and can no longer rise.

Therefore - only in the pallet! A gentle watering method protects seedlings, guarantees the desired percentage of soil moisture and prevents cracks and bald spots in the substrate.

Delphinium: "portrait" of a plant

This is truly a decoration of the garden and a source of pride for the owner: two-meter giants, spiked in white, purple, pink, blue, blue.

And to have something to be proud of, you need to make great efforts. But it’s not even about them: patience is not enough, caution when caring for a perennial delphinium when grown from seeds is not the same. Yes, and for the one-year-old too.

This flower is akin to a sick child: it must be protected from everything. Heat is not suitable for growing delphiniums from seeds, an abundance of water is also undesirable, drafts are undesirable, and it does not grow in too bright light.

A plant with a complex character and poor "health" - this is how flower growers jokingly call it.

But after all, what a luxurious, and therefore became the ultimate dream of many summer residents. The flower got its name from the Greek city of Delphi, where in the old days, according to legend, a huge number of such flowers grew. Delphi has been practically drowning in colors from the very beginning of summer.

Apparently, the local gardeners were masters of their craft: their delphinium did not die, but grew well (and this is in warm, close to tropical latitudes!).

Perennials and annuals

All types of delphiniums are very spectacular - whether they are annual or perennial.

But growing from the seeds of a perennial delphinium is much more profitable: having invested labor, effort and patience once, in return you get a flower bed decoration for several years to come.

The perennial delphinium plant gained popularity in the 19th century, at the same time, thanks to enthusiastic breeders, the first hybrids were bred, delighting flower growers with their luxurious appearance. They still exist, but in a more advanced form. Delphinium Barlow, Delphinium Beautiful and Delphinium Belladonna are still reference varieties.

The color palette of perennial delphiniums is more than diverse: up to 800 different shades.

An annual delphinium grown from seeds in the same laborious way is good because it blooms earlier than perennial species. If you have experience and a desire to plant spike-shaped flowers in a flower bed every year, then you can do it - this flower is worth the time and attention.

There are several distinctive characteristics by which you can recognize the annual delphinium:

But in terms of brightness and richness of the palette, it is in no way inferior to the perennial. Growing and caring for representatives of both plant varieties are identical.

I am glad to welcome you, dear admirers, as well as readers of my blog! If you were looking forward to the new release, then I'm not in vain trying, which I am very happy about. Today we continue our acquaintance with our beautiful companions - flowers. Every year I try to plant something new in my flower garden, but I don’t forget about old favorites either - they always show off on a good comfortable place. Certainly, among the abundance of flowers, they reach for the sun and magnificent inflorescences, the length of which often reaches half a meter. I'm sure you guessed it - this is a delphinium growing from seeds which often baffles novice flower growers. Have you already tried this difficult process and everything failed? Now you can safely purchase seeds, I will be happy to share all the secrets that will certainly help you adequately cope with the cultivation of this handsome man!

The family of delphiniums, these chic and unusual flowers, is huge, and has almost five hundred species. The homeland of the plant is warm China, but it can often be found in the tropics of Africa.

Where did it come from unusual name? It is believed that it was the ancient city of Delphi that was famous for the abundance of these flowers, each courtyard was literally strewn with bright lush arrows of various colors. Another version - the flowers are very reminiscent of the bodies of dolphins. Of course, I don’t see anything from fish here, but you already know that my imagination is a little lame.

Depending on the variety and species, the delphinium can be either annual or perennial. Almost every year, breeders delight us with wonderful new products, most recently varieties have appeared whose inflorescences grow up to a meter high! Can you imagine such beauty? In some flowers, the number of petals is also amazing - there are almost a hundred of them. I will share with you my dream - be sure to purchase at least a few seeds and try to grow such a miracle in your flower garden.

The first stage in the cultivation of delphinium

The easiest way to decorate a flower garden with a delphinium is to purchase seeds and grow seedlings. Do not think that the process is very easy, sometimes even experienced growers make a mistake and all the work ends in tears. Don't worry, since I've been growing young plants myself for years, my experience will certainly help to avoid trouble.

I want to warn you right away - seeds, even if you bought them in a store, should be kept in the refrigerator, otherwise they will quickly lose their similarity. My friends often ask me when to plant a delphinium. If you also do not know the answer to this question, I advise you not to delay and start an exciting process in February.

Before planting, soak the seeds in a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. It is convenient to do this by putting the planting material in a gauze bundle. After soaking (for half an hour), rinse the seeds thoroughly under running cool water and treat with Epin. Only after that dry them a little, and proceed to planting.

The soil in which delphinium seedlings will grow should be loose, well-permeable to moisture and fresh air. You can mix it yourself:

  • 4 handfuls of peat crumbs;
  • 4 handfuls of compost;
  • 5 handfuls of garden soil;
  • 2 handfuls of sand;
  • 1 handful of perlite.

If you prepare the substrate with your own hands, be sure to disinfect it. Some flower growers pour boiling water over the soil mixture, and then dry it, others calcine the soil on fire. I do it easier - I stand for an hour over boiling water.

Spread the seeds evenly over the surface of the substrate, and sprinkle with a thin layer of soil. Do not water the watering can for the first time, so as not to wash the planting material, it is better to spray the soil. Be sure to cover the container in which the seedlings will grow with dense polyethylene.

Stage two - proper care of seedlings

Now I will tell you what it will take for you to be pleased with tiny sprouts in a few weeks. Immediately after sowing the seeds, place the container on a cool windowsill, where the temperature does not rise above 12-14 degrees. After 3-5 days, send the container to the refrigerator (if possible - on cold balcony). Do not worry, it will not harm the seeds, on the contrary - fluctuations temperature regime will speed up germination. I want to warn you - if you grow a New Zealand variety of delphinium, it is better not to put it in the refrigerator, let it stand on the windowsill until it germinates.

After keeping the containers in the cold for at least two weeks, return them to the windowsill and check daily for sprouts. After that, remove the greenhouse and take care, as with other types of seedlings - often moisten and turn different sides to sunbeams, this will help to avoid curvature and stretching of young plants.

When the delphinium grows to 6 leaves, you can move the bushes to separate containers.

Relocation of a young delphinium to a flower garden and basic rules for care

I do not advise you to go to the flower garden before the frosts are completely gone. Only after that can the seedlings grown at home be relocated to open ground.

Prepare the pits in advance (up to half a meter deep). For each send:

  • 5 liters of compost;
  • a glass of wood ash;
  • a handful of complex fertilizer.

Mix the nutrients with the soil, only after that plant a young delphinium. The plant takes root in a new place for a very long time and is not easy, so protect it with a cut plastic container. Only after the young leaves begin to appear, you can remove the cover.

When the bushes grow to half a meter, weed and lay a thick layer of mulch. First, I advise you to thoroughly water each plant and carry out top dressing. What to take as a fertilizer? Better organics - half a bucket of mullein for 5 buckets of water. Of course, if you have only a few bushes, cut the proportions in half.

Thin out immediately after feeding. Why do it? If you leave a lot of stems, your delphinium will resemble a panicle with small inflorescences. It is necessary to leave up to 4 shoots so that the inflorescences are lush and large.

For tall delphinium varieties, you will need support - strong gusts of wind can damage the plant. If the bush has grown very much, then a few supports will not hurt - so you will surely protect your pet from difficult conditions.

Finally, I want to tell you about watering. Believe it or not, in extreme heat, each delphinium bush can drink up to 2 buckets of water, so do not spare moisture if the weather is hot and dry. Good regular moisture will help the plant to release a long arrow with numerous flowers. After watering, loosen - the penetration of fresh air to the roots also contributes to abundant flowering.

As you can see for yourself, growing a delphinium is quite difficult. I hope my advice will help you easily deal with capricious bushes. Do not forget about your friends - if it doesn't make it difficult - share an interesting blog release on the social network. I can't help but give the last useful advice for today - subscribe to the daily news, and always be the first to know what exciting things await you on the pages. All the best, friends!
