Well      04.03.2021

New life of street roses in your apartment. How to grow a rose at home: all the secrets from experienced flower growers Growing roses at home

Many of us have fond memories of outdoor plants. How often we, walking in the park or garden with our beloved, inhaled the delicious aroma of asters, tulips, and other no less beautiful plants. Admiring the variety of exquisite flowers, we would like these wonderful plants to stay with us indoors. Being in a romantic mood, we pick flowers and bring them home, hoping to tame them in order to inhale the amazing aroma of violets at night or admire the fragile ones ... But the inhabitants of the gardens do not want to live in seemingly ideal conditions at home and wither without saying goodbye. From this we usually conclude that outdoor plants cannot be domesticated and continue to sigh, looking out of the window into the garden, in which gladioli, irises and other beautiful fairies of the plant kingdom sway in the wind.

In fact, the definitions houseplants" - these are just words. Initially, all plants lived on the street, however, in different climatic conditions. Therefore, "houseplants" are flowers that have adapted to the conditions of our homes. Therefore, to see any beautiful plant in your room, you just need to help him get comfortable. Such popular and sought-after flowers as roses have been available for quite a long time in small and large pots, but, as practice shows, it is street roses that are most popular. The ones that are given in chic bouquets. The process of domesticating them is somewhat more complicated than other flowers, since roses are a very capricious and proud flower. There is even an opinion that this plant will take root only in a girl with the character of a “rose” - beautiful and a little cold, with a twist, sharp as thorns.

Varieties of roses that can be grown indoors without much hassle

Not so long ago, we only had access to Chinese roses, now at our gardening disposal are all kinds of varieties:

Ground cover roses - are considered the most suitable and suitable for keeping at home. Among their advantages are a long flowering period (almost six months), a strong aroma, a variety of flowers (double, simple, semi-double);

They are distinguished by a huge selection of subspecies. If you have a greenhouse or are ready to set aside a large space for a rose garden, this variety is perfect for you. They reach one meter in height and are often dotted with beautiful flowers.

· Bed roses and suitable for keeping in tubs, which in the warm season can be taken out into the garden. To communicate with street brethren, so to speak.

Difficulties faced by gardeners

The nuances of growing indoor rose garden

For transplanted plants the best soil there will be ordinary garden soil mixed with rotted compost (2 to 1 ratio). Sand and charcoal can also be added to such soil. But even the most good land does not guarantee successful domestication of the rose if you place it in the wrong container. The pot should not be as wide as deep. This is due to the tap root system of the plant. It is also worth paying attention to the material of the tub. In plastic and clay pots, the soil dries out faster, and along with dry room air- this can significantly harm your rose. The right choice there will be a wooden or ceramic container. Expanded clay or the most ordinary small pebbles are suitable as drainage. An important point is top dressing of roses. Unlike other flowers, this plant does not like excessive and early fertilization, so you can only add nutrients after the first flowering. In winter, your sensitive rose beauties can freeze. Water always cools faster, and even if the room is still warm, the rose can already freeze. The output can be external warming of a rose. Some put the plant under air conditioning with warm air, but this is fatal, since the hot air flow dries out the soil and air even more.

General rules for growing and keeping roses in a room

  1. In the warm season, take the flowers to the garden or to the balcony, regularly spray the plant with water;
  2. Roses need to be watered twice: in the morning and in the evening. Watering should be moderate;
  3. You can not additionally fertilize the flower before the first flowering. The rose has enough nutrients contained in the soil;
  4. For the formation beautiful plant, you need to focus on cutting off extra branches (ripened, tangled, etc.). There should be no more than 5 viable shoots in the bush. You can form a bush in the shade, but as soon as the first leaves appear, take the plant to the light!

If you follow these tips, then very soon you will have a real rose garden in your room for your joy and inspiration! Perhaps the only drawback of keeping roses in the house is the undeniable increase in the number of guests who want to look at such beauty! If you are not afraid of turning your cozy apartment to the branch of the botanical garden - boldly grow a beautiful and proud rose in the house. We are sure that the beauty will be happy with such a new life!

A rose can be grown not only from a seedling, but also from a small shoot. How to properly prepare planting material, plant cuttings and care for them, you will learn from our article.

Following the tips below, you can prepare cuttings for planting with your own hands, using popular and rare varieties of roses.

How to plant a rose from a cutting or a bouquet at home

Planting roses with cuttings at home is such a simple and effective way that it is very popular. It is also important that in this way it is possible to root them not only in different time year, but also both outdoors and at home.

Note: This procedure is most successful with summer seedlings, then with spring ones, and finally with winter ones.

For the procedure, you will need: a sharp knife, a freshly cut flower, and a pot of soil.

As a nutrient substrate, you can use a purchased universal soil, or you can prepare a nutrient mixture yourself. For her, you will need humus, ordinary garden soil and sand. All components are combined in a ratio of 2:2:1. It is advisable to fry the substrate prepared in this way in the oven in order to protect the plants from various diseases.

Figure 1. Harvesting, rooting and planting seedlings

The planting container must be at least 20 cm deep. Drainage must be poured onto its bottom, which will protect your sprout from excess moisture and prevent root rot.

After preparing the soil and selecting a suitable container, you can start cutting and planting sprouts (Figure 1).

How to prepare cuttings for planting

Gardeners know that all woody plants, including roses, take root best when the buds are just beginning to acquire their color on a young shoot, that is, even before flowering. It was then that the shoot passes from a grassy state to a lignified one.

When choosing branches, pay attention to their thickness. As practice shows, flowers reproduce most successfully from thin, fairly mature shoots. They can be distinguished by their color: they are no longer green, but just beginning to acquire a brown tint. by the most the best option is cutting seedlings into three buds. This is explained by the fact that weak plants grow from short branches in the first year.

To prepare planting material, you need to do the following steps(picture 2):

  1. Make the lower cut of the future seedling just under the kidney, stepping back from it by 1.5 mm. In this case, the cut line should be oblique, and the length should be about 15 cm.
  2. Make a straight upper cut, 1 cm above the kidney.
  3. Remove the lower leaves and shorten the upper ones by a third of their length.
  4. Remove all spikes.
  5. Tie the chopped sprouts into bundles and put in cold water (a special solution - root, for example) to stimulate root formation. The water should be changed every two days.
  6. After the appearance of the embryo of the roots (after 15-20) days, transplant the plant into open ground, or into a prepared container with soil.

Figure 2. Harvesting of crop seedlings

In this way, you can prepare cuttings for any type of planting, regardless of the season.

cuttings in autumn

Such reproduction in the fall is carried out in order to preserve the planting material until the onset of spring in a viable state. This is explained by the fact that keeping them in the house all winter is quite inconvenient, and therefore the method of disembarkation before winter is used.

Simply put, they are dug in the ground, and covered with a dry shelter on top to keep warm. With the advent of spring, it is transplanted to permanent place in the usual way.

How to cut cuttings

If you want to decorate your garden with roses, you need to know how to cut seedlings for planting. First you need to choose the right shoots suitable for cutting. Freshly bloomed stems, or those that are just about to bloom, are best suited. Their salient feature- easy removal of spikes.

Then the shoots are cut with a sharp knife or secateurs into pieces 15 cm long. Care must be taken that each cut stem has three buds and several leaves. In this case, the cut under the lower kidney should be oblique, while the upper cut is drawn above the upper node at a height of 2 cm in a straight line. The lower leaves and all thorns must be removed (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Rules for cutting shoots for planting

The cut branches are lowered with the lower cut into cold water or a special solution to stimulate the development of the root system (roots). Such a stimulating mixture can be prepared independently from a teaspoon of honey and a glass of water.

How to save cuttings in the winter

How to root cuttings of roses

When the seedlings have germ roots, you can begin to root them. If you are doing this at home, you will need pots pretreated with a potassium permanganate solution and filled with drainage and special soil.

Note: As drainage, you can use small pebbles, or other material that passes water well. A special soil for roses is laid on top of the drainage. Suitable for this purpose and the usual turf land. Upper layer soil is sprinkled with washed river sand.

The seedling must be inserted exactly into the sand, making sure that its lower edge does not touch the ground. If you do not use a pot as a container, but a box, leave a distance of 8 cm between the sprouts. And yet, it is better to root the plants separately from each other.

Under the condition of planting in a garden, the stems are dropped at an angle into holes previously disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, deepening the lower bud into the ground. Planted sprouts are watered and covered with a glass jar.

Sprouts continue to take root at a daytime temperature of at least +25 for another month. Next, hardening begins by removing the cans for a while. Soon the banks are completely removed.

Before the onset of autumn, young shoots grow up to 30-40 cm, and buds have time to form on some. In this case, they must be pinched to stop the flowering process, which inhibits the formation of roots.

in pots

After planting the sprouts in pots, they must be sprinkled with water and covered with a cropped plastic bottle or a plastic bag to maintain a certain temperature regime (Figure 4).

Tanks with rooting seedlings are kept in a fairly warm place (+22+25), away from direct sun rays. It is important to keep the humidity high by spraying the sprouts from time to time.

Figure 4. Seedlings after rooting in pots

As soon as you notice small sprouts in the axils of the leaves, this is a sign that rooting has succeeded. From this point on, you can begin to harden off the plants by removing the shelter for a few hours and controlling soil moisture.

In water

To germinate seedlings in water, it is necessary to lower the chopped stems into a container filled with water or a special mixture and keep in a warm, bright place for two weeks. It is during this time that the first roots should appear (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Germination (rooting) of sprouts in water

Sprouting in water is the easiest, but far from the only way to get planting material at home. Below will be described what other means can be used for germination.

in potatoes

How to plant a rose in a potato at home is of interest to many flower lovers. This is very interesting way rooting.

Figure 6. Rooting cuttings in potato tubers

The essence of the method is as follows: a hole is made in a medium-sized potato to escape. Then a seedling is inserted into the potato and planted in the ground (Figure 6). At the same time, potatoes not only keep the sprout moist, but also nourish the plant, and also protect it from diseases.

The video shows how to plant cuttings rooted in potatoes.

Growing in a bag

An alternative to the traditional method is growing cuttings in a bag. To do this, chopped seedlings are wrapped in a bag filled with soil. Then the bag is inflated, tied and hung on the window. Within a month, roots appear at the sprouts, after which you can land on a permanent place.

If the roses from the bouquet have sprouted, they can be rooted and planted in the ground. To successfully carry out this procedure, you need to know a few simple rules(picture 7):

  • Choose flowers of domestic varieties for this method of reproduction.
  • Use only fresh flowers.
  • Choose a stem that is in the woody stage.
  • The petiole should be of medium length (15 cm), three growth buds should be located on it.
  • All thorns and leaves on the bottom of the stem must be removed.
  • Place the cut stems in a vase cold water, change it regularly until the roots appear.
  • Transplant the cuttings into a pot or into open ground under cover using one of the methods described above.

Figure 7. Preparation and rooting of cuttings of roses from a bouquet

Roses from a bouquet can be planted in any convenient way, including in potatoes.

How to plant rose cuttings in a permanent place

To plant rose cuttings in a permanent place, you need to wait for the roots to appear on them, and then plant them, depending on the season, either in a pot or in the ground under cover.

Before planting, you should take care of the quality of the soil, if necessary, saturate it with nutrients, moisten, disinfect, and check the drainage. Only after all the preparatory procedures can you start planting (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Transplanting cuttings to a permanent place

At the same time, planting seedlings in pots is somewhat different from planting in open ground. So, when planting in the ground, the stems are located at an angle of 45 degrees, they almost lie in a recess, while the cuttings in the pot should not touch the ground with their roots. Their root system is in surface layer sand.

The author of the video tells in detail how to properly prepare and plant rose cuttings.

Admirers of this magnificent flower, who do not have, are often concerned about the question of whether it is possible grow a house rose on the windowsill.

Indeed, such a kind of culture exists, and at home it is easy not only to grow a miniature rose, but also to transfer some varieties from garden bed to the apartment.

Homemade rose on the windowsill

For indoor cultivation (apartments), special varieties of domestic miniature roses have been bred, which are sold in flower boutiques.

From garden species they differ only in size - the bushes grow up to a maximum of 35 cm. But they also smell inimitably fragrant and delight with beautiful delicate buds.

Like any queen, a wayward character distinguishes a home rose. Therefore, not every owner of a flower can take root.

For beginner flower growers, you should pay attention to the varieties of roses. baby darling, Cinderella, Starina, yellow doll, Angela Rippon, New Penny, Judy Fischer. It is they who most of all take root in the apartments of flower growers.

Having bought a bush once in a store, it can later be propagated by cuttings, observing a number of rules. Although some manage to settle in an apartment and a garden rose, growing it in a flower pot.

Here it is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what varieties of roses are suitable for this mission (so as not to waste time in vain).

Garden rose at home

Many tried to grow an ordinary rose from a bouquet in a flower pot, but not everyone succeeded. This is because they did not take into account the adaptability of the flower to other growing conditions. The main thing here is to choose the right variety:

  • Bengal roses are quite unpretentious ( Pink Grotendors, Ophelia);
  • highly branched polyanthus bushes take root well ( Miniatures, Clotilde Super, Orange Triumph);
  • tea hybrids with a fragrant aroma are not capricious ( Jules Boucher, Miss Rowena Tom, La France).

Find suitable variety roses in the garden are only part of the story. It is still necessary to decide whether this is a graft on a wild rose bush.

Only from an independent rose that has its own root, it is possible to grow a home rose by cuttings.

Cuttings of domestic roses

Planting material is obtained for the entire period from May to September. An already faded branch is chosen on the bush, while it should not be thick. For cultivation, you will need its middle part with 2 - 4 buds. You also need to make cuts correctly:

  • 1 cm recede from the lower kidney and make an oblique cut;
  • half a centimeter recede above the upper kidney, and the cut is made straight.

Keep the cuttings for rooting in sand with peat or water. At the same time, they try so that the branches do not dry out.

  • If rooting occurs in water, in no case should it be changed in a container - only add to the required volume. After waiting for 2 cm roots to appear on the cuttings, they are sent to a flower pot. The root neck cannot be buried - it is left at ground level. Therefore, first a stalk is placed in the container, then only gently pour the earth. After watering and slightly pressing the soil, the home rose is sent to a place protected from sunlight.
  • In the case of rooting in a sand mixture, the cuttings are placed 1 cm into the ground so that the lower bud is on the surface. After moistening the soil, the cuttings are covered with something glass or plastic. Flower pot with cuttings should stand in a bright and warm place. A sign of rooting are buds that have gone into growth. Then the cover can be removed.

Carrying out the propagation of a rose in this way, it is adapted to room conditions existence. To wait on the bud bush, it is recommended to follow all the conditions for caring for the plant.

Rules for caring for a home rose

To grow a home rose, she is created comfortable conditions. They are based on a set of rules.

  • Home rose (especially grown from garden variety) fresh air is important. In the summer it can be kept on the balcony, while in other seasons you should not forget to regularly ventilate the room.
  • The culture can withstand small short-term frosts and temperature changes, but overheating is fatal for a rose. Therefore, the air temperature above 25°C is not desirable.
  • Water the soil abundantly to prevent it from drying out. But at the same time, the water in the pan should not stagnate.
  • During the entire growing season home rose needs top dressing, which is carried out once a week. In this case, it is desirable to alternate mineral water and organic.

Having shown attention to the home beauty, you can have a chic fragrant bush with elegant flowers on your windowsill.

A wonderful bouquet of roses, received as a gift, causes joy, delight, tenderness. Unfortunately, the splendor of cut flowers can not be admired for long, because after a certain time they fade. Often this causes disappointment, regret, a desire to somehow preserve such perfect beauty.

Rose cuttings are a popular and effective procedure.

The most popular, often used method is cuttings. This method is used by the vast majority of flower growers who value its simplicity and efficiency.

Selecting the source material

The florist will need to prepare the source material by selecting specimens from a bouquet with live leaves, buds, strong, strong stems that are in the lignification stage. This can be concluded by paying attention to the color of the shoots, the compaction of their skin. It is necessary to abandon the use of immature, excessively thin petioles, as well as completely lignified specimens with a thick core.

Roses that have stood in unreplaceable water for several days will be unsuitable for rooting, since harmful microorganisms are guaranteed to penetrate into the tissues of their stems. It is best not to postpone grafting for a long time, but to carry out the procedure in the evening of the same day when the bouquet was presented or purchased. If it is impossible to carry out the work promptly, you should leave the flowers overnight in clean, cold water, after cutting off the ends of their stems by 1.5 cm.

In order for rose cuttings to be successful, it is advisable to give preference to fresh flowers, cut at the beginning of the summer season, grown in local climatic conditions. Varieties imported from abroad, hybrids are processed chemicals, which negatively affects their ability to root.

As practice shows, the effective cultivation of roses by cuttings can be counted on using stems crowned with pink or red flowers. More problematic is the process of rooting specimens with yellow, orange petals. The least chance of success is when working with cuttings of white roses.

To count on a good cutting of roses from a bouquet, it is advisable to perform a similar procedure at the end of spring - in the fall. It is worth noting that in June the growth of shoots is the most intense, in August-September vitality plants decrease, which negatively affects the process of root formation.

The choice of other dates may cause poor rooting of cut specimens. The most unfavorable period is January - February. At this time, the results of the work of an inexperienced grower may be negative. How to properly grow roses from a bouquet in winter at home: you will need to provide plants with maintenance optimal mode light, temperature, humidity.

Procurement of cuttings of roses

To carry out the first stage of work, you should arm yourself with a sharp knife, secateurs. This will avoid unnecessary injury to the cut stems. An experienced florist, who knows how to propagate roses by cuttings, must first disinfect the instrument to prevent infection of planting specimens. .

In roses selected from the bouquet, unopened buds and blooming flowers are removed. Then the stems are cut into cuttings (15 - 30 cm long).

The technology of the procedure is as follows: an oblique cut is made under the lower kidney with an indent of 1 cm, and then a straight cut is made above the kidney, located above. As a result, you need to get segments of stems, each of which will have 2 - 3 future shoot primordia. It is allowed to prepare rose cuttings (6 - 8 cm long) with one bud located in the middle, if there are a small number of flowers in the bouquet.

The resulting planting material removes the lower leaves, and the upper ones are shortened by 1/3.

This procedure will contribute to the preservation of moisture, eliminate the drying of the shoots. Cutting off all the leaves is not welcome, as this can adversely affect the circulation of the juice. Lastly, you need to get rid of the thorns on the stem.

Use of growth promoters

Next, pour clean, settled water into the prepared container and dilute the root formation stimulator in it. You can use purchased drugs (Kornevin, Epin, Heteroauxin, Charkor), the recommended dosage of which is published on the package. To stimulate the rooting of roses, the cuttings are placed in the resulting liquid with immersion by 1/3 of the length for 6 hours.

You can also use a solution containing water (a glass), aloe juice (20 drops) or honey (a teaspoon), chopped stems are soaked in it for at least a day.

Methods for rooting cuttings

Florists with experience who know how to root a spray rose from a cut bouquet practice several ways to perform this procedure. The most commonly used methods are germination in water, in soil with shelter, in a potato tuber, in a bag. Below are the features of each of them.

Rooting planting material in water

In order to grow roses from a bouquet at home without any problems, it is worth using the rooting of planting material in a glass container with water (settled or filtered), to which it is desirable to add charcoal for disinfection. This method is considered the simplest. Only the lower parts of the petioles are subject to immersion in order to prevent tissue decay.

Regularly (every 2 days) you should change the available water to clean water within 2-3 weeks. After 15 - 20 days, whitish growths - the beginnings of roots - will begin to be visible in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cuts. This is a signal to transplant the cuttings into the soil. There is no need to rush to hold such an event, it is better to give the opportunity to form stronger roots.

The disadvantages of the described method are considered to be low oxygen concentrations in the aquatic environment, due to which the germination procedure is significantly inhibited or may even fail.

Rooting cuttings in pots

Tips on how to grow a rose from a cutting from a bouquet by rooting in pots from experienced gardeners can be heard quite often. Application similar way ensures the development of strong roots resistant to adverse factors. Each cutting must be provided with a separate pot or a plastic cup (volume 0.5 l). Having placed planting material in a common box, it is necessary to provide for an interval between specimens of at least 6 - 8 cm.

Initially empty containers are treated with a solution of manganese, followed by drying. Then it is filled with a soil substrate preheated in the oven, which contains: garden soil (2 shares), rotted compost (2 shares), washed sand (1 share). Flower growers who recommend growing a rose from a bouquet at home allow the use of purchased universal primer in order to save time.

Drainage (small pebbles) should be poured onto the bottom of the planting container, after which the containers should be filled with soil, followed by manual compaction. In a recess made with a spatula or stick, you will need to carefully place the cutting. The deepening of a two-bud specimen is carried out with the provision of only the upper kidney above the ground surface, and the one-bud specimen is filled up to the level of the future shoot germ. Then the earth is compacted, watered.

To create a greenhouse effect, containers with separately planted cuttings are covered with glass jars, and the boxes are wrapped in foil. Solving the problem of how to propagate roses, it will be necessary to ensure that the temperature is maintained at + 25 ° C during the day, + 18 ° C at night. It is not recommended to install containers in a place that is strongly lit by the sun and is blown by drafts. Dosed watering is done as the soil dries up.

When a rose planted in this way from a bouquet gave a shoot visible in the axil of the leaf, one can judge the success of the procedure. As a rule, this happens after 30 days. A seedling can be determined for a permanent place after the formation of strong young shoots in it.

Sprouting in a potato tuber

When studying information on how to grow a rose from a bouquet in potatoes, you need to take into account that the use of this method makes it possible to create a regime with optimal humidity, feeding growing roots with valuable carbohydrates.

The priority is the choice of visually healthy, not sluggish tubers, which should be pre-washed, subjected to procedures for removing eyes, disinfecting with a solution of manganese, and drying. In each tuber, you need to make a deep (not through) hole, where the lower cut of the cutting, moistened with Kornevin, will be inserted.

In a bright, windswept place garden plot you will need to dig a trench (15 cm deep), the bottom of which will need to be filled with sand (a layer up to 5 cm thick). Tubers with cuttings are placed in a well-watered groove, covered with soil so as to ensure that the upper bud is located above the surface. After one more irrigation, plantings should be covered with jars, cut plastic bottles or film.

As part of further care, moderate watering is carried out. The emerging sprouts are released from shelter after 2 weeks.

Growing in a bag

This method, also called the propagation of roses using the Burrito method from an old bouquet, is the least common. However, it is not difficult at all and is very effective. Harvested, soaked cuttings must be removed from the water, carefully laid out on a newspaper. The paper edges are folded, and then a neat bundle is made with planting material inside, which should be well moistened with water and placed in a bag. Recommended temperature regime is within: + 18 ... + 20 ° С.

Once a week, the package is opened, the cuttings are carefully examined, the paper (if necessary) is moistened. Instances with identified blackened, rotted areas are to be removed. In this case, the newspaper will need to be replaced. After 2 weeks, roots will form in the cut area.

Landing in a permanent place

The best time to plant rooted cuttings is late spring. A gardener who knows how to grow a bush from a bouquet of roses will certainly prefer a sunny, wind-sheltered, non-flooded area.

The dimensions of the dug holes should correspond to the size of the roots. Organic matter is used to fertilize the soil. Before determining the seedlings in the ground for a permanent place of growth, they will need to cut the stems, leaving a maximum of 4 buds.

After planting, the soil must be watered, mulched using peat, sawdust. Bushes should be provided with reliable shading. You can count on the start of the development of seedlings in 2 weeks. After the growing shoots reach a height of 12 - 15 cm, you will need to feed the bushes using complex fertilizers, infusion of mullein, herbs.

During the first year, young plants take root thoroughly, which is why it is necessary to remove all buds from them. This will give them the opportunity to focus all their efforts on growth. In anticipation of the onset of cold weather, roses should be provided with reliable shelter.

Prudent flower growers practice digging up especially valuable varieties, storing them indoors until spring comes with maintaining right level moisture to prevent the roots from drying out.

It is quite possible to grow beautiful garden roses from a bouquet

Having studied how to cut roses in summer, in other periods of the year, you can be sure that it is quite possible to grow a flower that pleases with magnificent flowering. The main thing is not to be afraid of difficulties and competently, responsibly approach the implementation of all stages of work.

Who can resist the charm of delicate rosebuds? Certainly not enthusiastic flower growers!

Therefore, every flower lover must have a rose in a pot in his home collection.

Very often the purchase of a rose is spontaneous. Still, because in the store they look very attractive. Indoor roses are often given to women who love flowers.

In any case, if you purchased a rose or received it as a gift, our article will definitely come in handy.

How to save an indoor rose after purchase

A rose is not an easy flower for home maintenance, it is quite demanding and capricious. It is not enough to become the happy owner of this beauty, it is also necessary to save the flower and find an approach to it, otherwise the sad consequences will not keep you waiting.

Yes exactly. The purchased plant usually looks fresh and full of energy, blooms amazingly and it seems that it will always be like this.

In fact, the plants come to the counter fed with all kinds of stimulants, in addition, they have a special package that retains high humidity. Getting on our windowsill, roses are deprived of all this.

Almost immediately, experienced flower growers problems arise: roses begin to turn yellow, their leaves dry and fly around, the buds fall off and turn black. Rosette orders to live long and disappears, leaving behind nothing but frustration.

It should be noted that the rose is considered a plant open ground. Some varieties are more suited to indoor living than others. But this does not mean that keeping them in an apartment is an easy task.

When purchasing a room rose, after the purchase, it is simply necessary to take a set of rescue measures, even if the plant looks healthy and strong. Trust me, it won't be long!

So, what are the steps to take when you brought a rose home:

  1. Remove packing wrap, if present. Although the packaging helps to retain moisture, but because of it, the rose is often affected by fungal diseases even in the store, because. packaging interferes with air exchange, creating an ideal environment for fungi.
  2. Remove with secateurs or scissors wilted leaves, blackened and dried stems that are on the plant.
  3. Flowers and buds also need to be cut. Of course, for the sake of them we acquire a plant and we would like to admire them to our heart's content, but the plant, the flowering of which was stimulated by special preparations and greenhouse care, subsequently simply cannot withstand such abundant flowering, and giving him all the strength, dies. Therefore, we cut off all the flowers and buds that are present on the plant, along with the supporting stem.
  4. Pay attention to the number of bushes in the pot. Manufacturers indoor roses often several plants are planted in one pot to create the appearance of a lush flowering bush. Crowded plants weaken each other, nutrients are not enough. Bushes, if there are several, must be planted in different pots.
  5. After transplantation, it is necessary to process the rose antifungal drugs(Fitosporin) and pesticides (Fitoverm).

Transplanting a room rose

To transplant a rose, take it out of the old pot along with an earthy clod. Assess the condition of the roots braiding the ground.

If the roots are as thin as hair, brown or blackened, dry or rotten, the plant is likely to die. You can make an attempt to save him: cut the cuttings and try to root them.

Healthy roots are bright white or yellowish in color and look quite dense, like a thin wire. If the roots have disappeared only partially, you need to remove all rotten and damaged ones, leaving healthy ones.

Pour expanded clay or other drainage at the bottom of the new pot.

It is better to purchase a soil mixture ready for roses or garden. Do not take cheap soil, it has a lot of peat and few nutrients. It is better to choose a better soil mixture.

You can make the soil mixture yourself by taking: 1 part of humus + 1 part of leafy soil + 1 part of coniferous soil + 3 parts of soddy soil + 1 part of sand.

Fill the drainage with earth, compact a little. Place the rose bush together with the earthy clod, fill it with new earth, periodically compacting it so that the bush does not hang out in the pot, but is well fixed. Pour with settled or filtered water room temperature.

Treatment for diseases and pests is essential. A pruned and transplanted plant is weakened and susceptible to diseases, even if it was purchased in the store good care and there was no infection. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and process it.

Also, after transplantation, treatment with Epin is effective - it will strengthen the plant's immunity and reduce transplant stress.

Spray your plant, it needs high humidity, especially in conditions of working heating and dry air of the apartment. If the rose is very small and weak, then the pot can be covered with a bottle (with small holes) on top, creating a greenhouse, and only then gradually accustom the rose to the apartment air.

Room rose care


The rose is a photophilous plant. For her well-being, she needs a lot of light. South windows are very good for growing. On the other sides of the world in winter time lighting is required.


The optimum temperature for growing indoor roses is 18-25 degrees. Since the rose is an open field plant, it loves fresh air very much and it needs it for full growth. In summer, the rose can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. The rest of the time you need to organize ventilation, while avoiding drafts that are harmful to roses.


Homemade rose is watered with settled water at room temperature. Cold water is bad for them. The rose will be grateful for regular spraying both in the summer heat and in the winter. heating season. If the rosette is near the battery, then it is better to put it in a tray with wet expanded clay.


Rose is fed complex fertilizers for roses from spring to winter once every 2-3 weeks, gradually reducing the frequency of top dressing in autumn.


Indoor rose is propagated by cuttings. For this, cuttings up to 15 cm long, with several buds, are suitable. They are rooted in the ground, covered with a bottle or bag on top. To do this, you can take small cups for seedlings.

Roots appear in about 2 weeks. The greenhouse can be gradually removed after the appearance of new leaves. It is possible to transplant rooted cuttings only when the root system develops well.


Roses periodically require pruning to form a bush. It is best to produce it in the spring. Branches that have elongated during the winter, faded flowers, weak and dry branches are removed.

Diseases and pests of indoor roses

Problems and their solution:

The rose dries

Especially often this problem occurs in summer and winter. On hot days, the rose evaporates a lot of moisture, you need to closely monitor the soil moisture, preventing it from completely drying out, and spray it regularly. In winter, due to heating appliances, the air humidity tends to zero, the plant begins to experience a lack of humidity.

The rosette dries up in the following cases:

  • the root system is damaged or dead and the rose cannot absorb moisture and nutrients
  • insufficient watering and humidity
  • very dry indoor air
  • a rose stands near the heating appliances

If you notice that your rose leaves have begun to dry, do not wait to continue, but take measures to save the flower. First of all, you need to check the soil in the pot, if it is dry, water it. It is also recommended to remove the plant from central heating radiators. Put the rose in a tray with wet expanded clay and spray more often. If the rose bush small size, then you can cover it with a bag or bottle until the plant returns to normal.

If these measures do not help, remove the plant from the pot and see what condition the roots are in. If they are dry and brittle, darkened, then the flower is threatened with death, and all that remains is to take cuttings from it. Because if the roots of the plant have dried up due to rare watering, or for other reasons (sometimes they are already like this from the store) and died, then there is no way to restore them.

Rose leaves turn yellow

Why leaves may turn yellow:

  • excessive watering, the roots do not have enough air
  • poor beneficial substances soil: lack of nitrogen, potassium, manganese, phosphorus
  • iron deficiency (chlorosis)
  • putrefactive processes in the root system
  • pests

If your rose turns yellow, first of all pay attention to watering, if it is too frequent. What kind of potting soil? Doesn't it resemble swamps? In this case, watering should be reduced, leave only spraying for a while.

If after the purchase you have not yet transplanted a rose, then do it urgently. The land in which they are sold is very poor in nutrients. Either the soil in which you transplanted the plant was not best quality, this also happens.

You can try to feed the rose with complex fertilizers for flowers, preferably specifically for roses. Favorite fertilizers: Greenworld and Bona Forte for roses.

If top dressing helps weakly and only for a while, then it is worth transplanting the plant into a more nutritious soil. You should not transplant a rose into the ground from the garden.

If you find chlorosis in a rose - this is a characteristic yellowing of the leaves, then this indicates a lack of iron. Feed the rose with Iron Chelate or Ferrovit according to the instructions.

rose chlorosis

If the rose was flooded for a long time (maybe it happened back in the store + from high humidity often a fungus joins), then its root system could rot. If the roots look black or brown, easily crushed with a finger, then they are rotten and cannot be restored. If part of the roots is healthy, then the rotten roots must be removed, the flower should be transplanted into a pot with good drainage and no longer poured.

Water the rose only with water at room temperature. Strongly cold water poorly dissolves the nutrients that are contained in the earth and the plant does not receive them. It also contributes to the decay of the roots, a decrease in the immunity of the plant and increases the susceptibility to disease.

Roses darken, wither, leaves fall

Leaf drop may be due to dryness (see Rose dries above). If the leaves do not dry, but wither and fall, then this may be for the following reasons:

  • the rose is frozen (draft, airing in winter, if the wind blew on it, etc.)
  • pouring cold water
  • fungal diseases
  • viral diseases
  • pests

Dark, sluggish leaves and shoots should be pruned. If the rose is frozen, then gradually it will move away by itself, dropping frostbitten leaves.

How to recognize fungal diseases? Blackening or graying, covered with bloom, stems, all kinds of growths and plaques, spots on the leaves, “rust” of roses, powdery mildew- are a sign of fungal diseases. From them we produce the treatment with Fitosporin according to the instructions.

How to recognize viral diseases? Changing the color of the leaves, mosaic, deformation of the shape of the leaf plate are signs of a viral disease. Viral diseases are treated by removing damaged shoots and improving the conditions of the plant and increasing its immunity.

How to recognize a pest? Often the consequences of the actions of malicious insects are visible visually. On the leaves there are either the pests themselves, they can be very small, multi-colored and transparent, but still if you look closely, you will see how they move, or traces of their vital activity - spots on the leaves eaten away by spots, paths, black dots, cobwebs (when infected spider mite). Roses are generally very fond of ticks, aphids, thrips and other pests; in the summer, treatment with drugs against them is strictly required, even if you do not see them. In this case, we use the drug Fitoverm according to the instructions.

Still, it is worth remembering that no matter how hard you try to create greenhouse conditions inside the apartment, the rose may not appreciate it, and it is best to plant it in the garden, where it will definitely feel at home.