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The horoscope for August Taurus man is accurate. Your personal compatibility horoscope

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August 2018 will be one of the most productive and unforgettable periods of the year in the life of Taurus. The influence of planetary aspects on the representatives of your zodiac sign will make them more purposeful, endow them with such positive qualities as resilience, courage, dedication and determination. In the life of Taurus this month, personal relationships with loved ones will be a priority. Good luck will accompany you throughout the entire period. Taurus will have many new opportunities to implement their plans.

representatives of your zodiac constellation will make higher demands on themselves, gradually raising the bar. At the same time, Taurus will demand the same from their loved ones, relatives, colleagues and other people around them. You should understand that everyone builds his own life and does as he sees fit. You should not impose your point of view on other people and demand that they live exclusively according to your canons. Otherwise, you risk losing the support of your loved ones and even ruining your relationship with them.

The first decade of August 2018, against the background of the harmonious influence of planetary aspects, will be quite calm, despite the fact that Taurus will have urgent business. But all these things will be connected with the implementation of the plan and will give pleasure, both from the process itself and from its results. Taurus will confidently begin to approach the goal, gradually gaining momentum. During this period, representatives of your zodiac sign will have to forget about rest, because the work schedule will be so tight that there will be practically no time left for themselves. You should use your time and energy effectively to save energy and finish what you started. To do this, it is necessary to determine priority cases in advance, draw up a clear plan and follow it. Try not to overload your schedule and do not get distracted by trifles. Thus, you will be able to save time for rest and communication without reducing your productivity.

The second decade of August 2018 will be quite a busy time for Taurus. New horizons will open before Taurus. Social and financial situation will begin to improve. During this period, Taurus will be able to completely close all debt obligations, freeing themselves from unnecessary ballast, which did not allow them to live and develop in peace. The influence of the astrological situation in the middle of the month will make it possible to resolve all household and housing issues with maximum benefit and efficiency. During this period of August, Taurus, despite the improvements, should be careful when conducting various financial transactions, since there is a risk of losing a large amount. Also, do not make rash and spontaneous purchases. It is better at this time to start saving money or spend it on yourself. Update your wardrobe, go to the hairdresser or sign up for some training courses. During this period, you will have more free time than at the beginning of the month, but this does not mean that you should give up and do nothing. Every hour spent should be useful.

In the final period of August 2018, representatives of your zodiac sign will be able to relax a bit and enjoy life. By the onset of the third decade of the month, all important matters and issues will be settled, all that remains is to complete minor tasks and assignments. Try to pay more attention to your family and friends during this period. You've seen and talked too little this month, it's time to catch up. Organize an unforgettable weekend, give your children or loved one positive emotions and a great mood. There may be moments when you want to be in silence. Do not deny yourself this pleasure. This will help you gather your thoughts and understand what to do and how to live on.

In the first half of August, the level of vital energy of Taurus will be low, but they will have to deal with household problems, support their loved ones, relatives. In addition, it is possible to receive unpleasant news, failures in moving, disorder, loss of communication and understanding with loved ones.

The second half of the month will be more favorable, and Taurus will be more open, sociable. They are waiting for unusual meetings, acquaintances, cooperation in interesting projects. At the same time, many of them will trust friends more than close people, and will even be ready for any sacrifice for the sake of those to whom they are devoted. The third decade will be very successful for self-affirmation and spiritual development. Taurus will be able to understand their true destiny, realize their global goals, and maybe even accomplish a spiritual feat.

Horoscope for August 2018 for Taurus women

Taurus woman. A difficult period for many women. Someone from your family will begin to put a lot of pressure on you, with which it will be very difficult for true Taurus to come to terms. In the second half of August, you will finally have the strength to resist the dictates of relatives. Of course, it will not do without scandals, but you are so accustomed to fighting for your rights that you will readily rush into battle.

  • Talisman of the month: selenite and rock crystal.
  • Auspicious days: August 7, 12, 15, 21.
  • Not auspicious days: 4, 10, 17, 22 August.
  • Priority interests: relationships with close relatives and partners.

love horoscope

In August, you will see that the relationship with your partner has become more harmonious, you will feel the manifestations of true passion. The closer August 8, the higher the likelihood of quarrels and disagreements with your loved one. Therefore, it is better to spend the first weekend separately. The most difficult days in a relationship are August 9 and 10. They will bring the struggle for leadership. Remember that you are a weak woman, try to find other ways to achieve your goals. Spend more time at home, do not fall for the most tempting offers of your loved one. Reflect on your past mistakes in relationships and draw conclusions.

Health Horoscope

Take care of your nails this month. You can do a wonderful salon manicure and pedicure even at home. You will idealize yourself a little, but it is thanks to this that all cosmetic products will work much stronger than usual.

Avoid excess liquid. In the first half of the day, drink chilled green tea in moderation. Let more flowers surround you in vases and pots. This will enhance your feminine energy and significantly improve your well-being.

Horoscope of work and finance

You will move from excessive spending to the same insane savings. The authorities may take pity on your throwing and throw a side job. Agree in advance which of your friends pays for the party so that there are no resentments later.

In the second half of August, you will feel a categorical reluctance to spend your hard-earned money. But the need for this will still arise. Be very careful in financial matters and business contacts, undesirable consequences are possible.

Horoscope for August 2018 for Taurus men

Taurus men will experience strong pressure from one of the family members. And if in the first half of August you treat your relatives quite loyally, then in the second half of the month you will want to play, if not the main, then one of the key family roles. Because of this, you may have problems with your wife and family.

  • Talisman of the month: rauchtopaz.
  • Auspicious days: August 7, 11, 15, 20.
  • Unfavorable days: August 3, 9, 16, 23.
  • Priority interests: home, family, relationships with business partners.

love horoscope

You will shine in the company of friends, and your beloved will finally understand that such a treasure should be appreciated. Weather, nature and life circumstances favor love! But the initiative in personal relationships should be taken later. Be patient, otherwise your lady will decide that you want to marry her immediately. Let the initiative come from her.

In the last week of August, a quarrel is likely, after which you will wait in vain for news from your beloved. Male pride and the desire to see her will fight in you.

Health Horoscope

A contrast shower is useful not only for the body, but also for the scalp. Only it should be taken separately from the usual hygienic shower. Eat less salty foods. It is better if your menu contains mainly dairy products: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.

In the second half of the month, tan even in the most active solar time won't do you much harm. This month is the best time to take sunbathing. Food should be plentiful, but still light in summer. For more greens, prepare a salad of cucumbers, lettuce, basil, garlic and cilantro.

Horoscope of work and finance

Feel free to ask powerful friends for help. Your financial affairs may suffer from intrigues at work. You will experience financial difficulties. Now there may be problems with the purchase of household goods and clothing. Your desires will exceed the real financial possibilities. The cash flow will decrease again, but you will survive it easily, career prospects will appear. Therefore, write down income and expenses in advance and decide how much you can spend.

August 2018 baby horoscope for Taurus


Boys want to be independent. With peers, the child will begin to behave like an adult, command, impose his opinion. Because of this, problems are possible. Do not let your son go free swimming at this time, in general it is better for him to spend more time with his parents. Now the little Taurus especially needs family support. If he feels that his relatives are behind him, then he will easily cope with his problems.


No need, dear Taurus, to blame only yourself for laziness, weakness of character and excessive slowness, which prevents you from taking and giving your being a brighter form. This moment does not depend on you (more precisely, it depends not only on you, but also on the mood that the leading heavenly leaders will experience at the end of this summer). In turn, the moods of the leading planets will be incredibly far from creative. As a result, your life will take on overly conservative features, and you will have to humbly put up with it.

It remains to find out which planets and why in August 2017 will “doom” you to a too boring existence. You should thank (or scold) for this "gift" only two celestials - Venus and the Sun. It is they who “stabilize” your life so much that any semblance of dynamics and development will completely disappear in it.

The sun, for example, for some reason will decide that you have been spending too much attention and effort all this year on moving towards new successes. So that you can relax a little, the daylight will make your August lifestyle extremely leisurely. Of course, you can categorically reject this "present", but first stop and think for a minute - why not use this temporary stop as a kind of "vacation"?

Venus, in turn, will think and decide that your personal life needs a little respite. That is why, while seeing off the summer of 2017, you will not be able to plunge into whirlpools of passions, your feelings will lose their sharpness, and you will no longer receive a full range of emotions from your personal front. And again, such advice will be relevant for you - do not rush to consider the influence of Venus on your destiny as negative! You have to admit that sometimes it is the absence of "volcanoes of passions" that brings a number of positive emotions, allowing your sensual sphere to go on a "vacation".

Such will be the influence on your life from your heavenly patrons. It remains to find out what problems you can expect from your main and only antagonist, Pluto. First of all, he will try to somewhat destabilize your too monotonous way of life, introducing some kind of chaos into it. However, the intrigues of Pluto will noticeably dilute your leisurely life, and therefore you will consider them not as “intrigues”, but as a “fresh stream” that revived your dull reality.

Ambiguous month. Business meetings may fail, conflicts and disputes with colleagues and management are not ruled out. You can achieve great success if you focus on independent work You will make important decisions yourself and act without waiting for advice. It is likely that you will receive unexpected news that will force you to adjust your plans for the future, to postpone indefinitely the things that you expected to do in the near future. At the end of August there will be an opportunity to conclude profitable deals, do not miss it.

Horoscope for August 2020 Taurus man

Auspicious month, allowing you to achieve great success in your work. You are ready to experiment, act at your own peril and risk, not expecting the support and approval of others; It is this approach that allows you to quickly achieve your goals. There may be disagreements with business partners and management, but you can prove your case, and all disputes will only benefit the cause. Unexpected acquaintances, unplanned meetings are possible. You learn a lot from the people you deal with. The beginning of a romantic relationship is not excluded, which will develop very dynamically and bring a lot of joy.

Full description on the topic: "financial (money) horoscope of a taurus of a man (guy) for the month of August 2018" from the best astrologers.

August 2018 will be a stable time for Taurus. Nothing unusual will happen and cash transactions will not lead to large losses or unexpected gains, remaining at the same level.

This month will not bring great hardships. The money will go to the family budget regularly, you can also count on the financial support of relatives and friends. Real estate can bring additional income. However, you should refrain from large purchases. In August, Taurus will spend more on entertainment and can lead to a shortage of money at the end of the month.

Patience and a penchant for logical thinking will help the representatives of this sign to get additional profit. In August, various financial transactions for the sale will be successful, but you should not rely heavily on additional money. There is a possibility of losing everything due to unplanned and sudden waste. It is best to stick to moderation and try to calculate every step you take.

The ability of Taurus to prudence will bring additional money in August, but do not spend too much time on financial matters. This can lead to trouble in other areas of life. Taurus can get involved in a risky adventure, but it will bring little success. Excessive enthusiasm for financial affairs can lead to a quarrel with close friends and relatives. In such cases, you need to feel the measure and not impose your problems on others who are not ready to help.

The current month will please Taurus with the solution of many problems that have accumulated throughout the year. To do this, you need to make a little effort and try to find a way out of the situation. Perseverance and the desire to succeed will help you find auspicious ways solutions. This is what will be a good opportunity for Taurus to go on a trip and relax without thinking about problems.

Taurus Woman: Financial Horoscope for August 2018

Taurus women are advised to pay more attention to waste and make it moderate. In August, it is better to give up some small purchases for the benefit of more serious ones. Money should be especially carefully calculated during the holidays, they can leave the family budget for entertainment unnoticed.

Women can count on success in small financial transactions, as well as in real estate. They can significantly improve their financial situation, but you still need to keep track of expenses. It is not recommended to spend money without prior planning.

Taurus Man: Financial Horoscope for August 2018

Men this month have to spend a lot of effort on financial transactions. Many of them will bring additional income, but you should not count on grandiose success. This month, you need to measure stability and try not to lose what you managed to get.

If a vacation is planned for August, then it is better to refrain from serious purchases, as the vacation will bring with it a lot of expenses. There is no need to hope that it will be possible to keep from unnecessary expenses, because there are a lot of them.

Your personal compatibility horoscope!

New, more complete and deeper compatibility horoscope. Analysis of relationship expectations, degree of fit and detailed description compatibility. The horoscope is built for compatibility in personal relationships.

The beginning of the month will be marked by vigorous activity both in public life and on the love front. True horoscope for August 2018 Taurus predicts you numerous meetings, negotiations, participation in various projects. You will become in demand literally everywhere, others will trust you and listen to your opinion! Perhaps you will even have the opportunity to act as an "arbitrator" - to resolve the conflict that will arise between your two close friends.

If June-July did not particularly please you in terms of money, then the end of summer promises to catch up! However, in August 2018, you should not rely on luck, because only own experience and inner sense. Taurus - employees of companies can count on another award, which will be a well-deserved result of your fruitful work. For entrepreneurs, the astrological forecast for August 2018 predicts the opportunity to find new partners and investors who wish to invest in your business.

Video Taurus horoscope for August 2018

The second half of the last summer month is marked by several important meetings and pleasant surprises. Between the 15th and 17th, Mars will be in direct aspect with Saturn, so it will become more difficult for Taurus representatives to concentrate on their work responsibilities. The stars recommend that this time be devoted to rest and communication with people who are pleasant to you.

August 29, 2018 Taurus should be more careful with piercing and cutting objects, as the likelihood of domestic injuries increases. Drivers should refrain from driving as much as possible on this day.

Favorable (happy) days of Taurus in August 2018: 3, 5, 9, 10, 15, 19, 22, 27.

Unfavorable (unlucky) days of Taurus in August 2018: 7, 12, 23.

Taurus love horoscope for August 2018

People who have already found their love will be able to prioritize relationships this month. Free Taurus will devote a lot of time to their image, to look for their own unique style. According to the horoscope for August 2018, in the first decade of the month, Taurus will have many meetings with various people, including representatives of the opposite sex. However, at this time, the influence of the planet Venus is extremely weak, which means that there is no need to especially hope for the beginning of a romantic acquaintance.

However, you should not be upset about this, because already on the 15th the planet will return its location and patronage to Taurus!

The love horoscope shows that some Taurus in August may have a desire to reanimate outdated relationships and reconnect with their former partner. Doing so is highly discouraged, because it will bring you both nothing but mental anguish. Turn over the old page of life and start acting with clean slate! The horoscope for August 2018 shows that there are many worthy people in your environment who can be considered for the role of a potential second half.

taurus girl, the astroscope claims that August 2018 will give you many romantic minutes and even hours! You will repeatedly catch the admiring glances of young men, listen to flattering compliments. However, before taking the relationship to the next level, other than light flirting, you need to make sure that this person is completely right for you. Is it difficult for you to draw conclusions on your own? Introduce him to his parents, listen to the opinion of the elders.

taurus guy, in August you should avoid vulgar unfamiliar women who behave provocatively. Otherwise, you may find yourself in the center of other people's love affairs, which promise you nothing but trouble.

The probability of successful romantic dating for August 2018 becomes the highest in the second decade of the month. Taurus should visit city beaches, entertainment clubs and other public places more often, but with one caveat - you should feel in your element there. Well, if you prefer to spend time in the library, rather than in entertainment venues, then it does not matter! Even in the reading room you can find your love.

The stars recommend family representatives of the sign to find a joint hobby, a hobby that you could do together with your husband or wife. This will help you overcome some of the coldness that has arisen not so long ago in a detached way. The horoscope shows that family Taurus in August 2018 may have problems with real estate. This may be difficulties with the exchange of housing or a utility breakdown that will lead to the need overhaul. It will be much easier for Taurus to overcome troubles in August if their family is a small close-knit team in which "one for all, and all for one."

However, the family life of Taurus in August will be not only negative. Fate will provide you with many opportunities to be alone with your other half, to return former romance and passion to a somewhat cooled relationship. Lack of finances is not expected in August 2018, so you can safely go on a joint sea cruise or take a short trip to an exotic country. Go at least to the village relatives who have not been for a long time! A change of scenery and getting rid of the boring daily routine will positively affect your relationship.

If you already took a vacation in June or July, then a little respite in August will still not hurt you. Ask a colleague to replace you for a couple of days or take a short vacation from the employer at your own expense. Now you should take a break from work and household chores, do what brings you pleasure. In addition, family Taurus should allocate time to communicate with children.

Wedding forecast, marriage

Suitable dates for marriage in August 2018: 2, 4, 8, 11, 17, 22, 24, 29.

Unlucky numbers for marriage: 7, 21, 28.

lucky colors: pink, maroon, blue.

flower mascot: chrysanthemum.

Best Compatibility Taurus in August 2018 with the signs: Aquarius, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio.

Taurus at work in August 2018

The astrological forecast shows that in the first decade of the month you will mostly have to deal with your official routine. Taurus will draw up schedules, reports for management, put archives and documents in order. You may have to replace a sick colleague a couple of times. Toward mid-August 2018, the situation will change dramatically, as you will be invited to participate in interesting project. This work will require a huge amount of energy, but the successful completion of the task will have a positive impact on your career.

The August horoscope warns Taurus against overly frank conversations with colleagues, especially if there are new people in the work team. It is likely that one of them will turn out to be an informer, a decoy duck from the leadership. So do not rush to discuss the company's policy, and in particular to criticize the actions of the authorities and the decisions they make. Otherwise, you may ruin your hard-earned reputation as a conscientious worker.

Business forecast for a businessman

Taurus entrepreneurs in August 2018 will face several difficulties, but they will be able to cope with all the problems that have arisen. First, you may experience a shortage of qualified personnel. So you will have to temporarily retire and personally engage in recruitment. Secondly, as the horoscope shows, your competitors are diligently trying to poach your clientele. Think about promotions and discounts for regular customers, which will help restore their loyalty.

Another difficulty may be the lack of finance due to the fact that counterparties will not want or will not be able to pay you in a timely manner. To prevent this, be sure to include in the concluded contracts a clause on the payment of a penalty for late obligations. The stars advise Taurus businessmen to avoid large expenses as much as possible in the second half of August 2018.

Financial horoscope Taurus for August 2018

There is a possibility that this month an unfamiliar person will try to drag you into a money adventure. You should not risk your money and rely on luck as the probability of losing is quite high. In addition, at the end of the summer, you are unlikely to need financial resources, since regular cash receipts in August completely satisfy all your needs. If you are saving money for an expensive purchase, then you are better off finding an additional part-time job than taking an unreasonable risk.

If you have free finances, then do not rush to take money to the bank. Anyway, the interest on the deposit is unlikely to cover even the current inflation. Investing in real estate is also not always wise, so it's better to buy shares of a steadily growing company. The horoscope shows that in August 2018 such an investment can bring you the maximum benefit.

Health and Wellness

For the most part, at the end of summer, Taurus will be in good shape, which will allow them to play sports or fitness, as well as perform physical work. However, the stars advise against overloading, which can adversely affect your health. Now it is very important for you not to break the daily routine, if possible, go to bed and get up at the same time. Taurus gourmets will benefit from a moderate diet, which will help unload the body and even throw off a couple of extra pounds.

Advice from Belshazzar: In August, many people prefer to spend their leisure time near water bodies. Water helps relieve stress, clears the energy background of a person. Taurus is recommended to choose "wild" places for recreation - where there are practically no people. If you love fishing, then you will need tips and plots for fishermen. You will learn about the superstitions that true anglers believe in, and also laugh at funny aphorisms about fishing!

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Who cares, but the Taurus business business will have to endure a financially difficult 2018, which can turn out to be quite nervous and stressful, with the most unexpected consequences. The thing is that this period portends to these people spending beyond his means, which will make him work doubly, which also will not save him.

All year, the representative of this sign will have to work for wear and tear, sometimes even seven days a week, however, all the money he earns, like water, will flow through his hands.

There will be unforeseen and forced expenses in the coming year, perhaps money will be needed for treatment, which will significantly hit the pockets of some of them, who will be affected by this problem.

In addition to supporting his family, he will also have to help his relatives, it is also possible that his business will be shaken and he will have to urgently look for funds to keep him afloat, for which he will have to turn to bank loans.

In any case, throughout the year, Taurus will regretfully understand that everything that was earned with such labor was spent so quickly that he will not understand how to find a way out of this situation.

At such moments, he will have a depressed state, which can have a very negative impact on his emotional state, it can even drive him into a depressive state, which should not be allowed.

The zodiacal representative of Taurus should not even dream of winning in some gambling, participate in adventurous projects, or give someone a loan, especially cooperate with unfamiliar people.

There is a strong possibility of what the stars are warning about this zodiac sign that by participating in risky operations, he will lose a large amount of money.

Investing in 2018 in any company other than your own is not recommended by the stars and astrological forecasts, just as it would be worthwhile to delay investing in your business.

The destructive power of the celestial planets, which will affect the financial component of these people for quite a long time, can present them with a rather unpleasant surprise, and such that, at best, he risks remaining, as they say, with his own people. worldluxrealty.com/node/3619

This person should expect a stable financial position, and hence harmony in life, closer to the fall of 2018, when Taurus will receive a large amount of money, possibly for his past merits.

The year will end, one might say well, although it will not bring Taurus much satisfaction, and nervous system will be out of order after all that has happened.

Finance and business Taurus in 2018 - will there be growth?

A professional horoscope and an astrological forecast for business and finance, for a Taurus business representative for 2018, indicate that this person can decide to start all sorts of actions on his part to move towards his goal, namely, moving up the corporate ladder. worldluxrealty.com/node/3619

Moreover, this issue will worry him like no other, the realization of ambitions will become the main priority, even more than material interest.

This year, the main danger for Taurus will come from it at the beginning, when tensions with management increase at work, while business representatives of this sign may quarrel with their business partners. worldluxrealty.com/node/3619

If you want to realize your career ambitions during this period, through your colleagues, work colleagues, and maybe influential patrons, be careful, it is not recommended to exploit anyone for your own selfish interests.

Taurus should be especially prudent and it is necessary to ensure that his ambitions in moving forward career ladder did not go against the norms of morality, as well as the plans of the management of his company.

For your own purposes, you should not “dig” for someone, achieve everything with your work and head. Pay attention to good advice colleagues at work and comments addressed to you by management and even subordinates, their advice can help you understand a lot and draw the right conclusions.

It is not recommended to change work on your own initiative next year, especially at the end of it. Do better during this period to improve your skills, especially if you are engaged in intellectual work, or creative work.

Financial horoscope 2018

It's time for Taurus to say goodbye to the old way of life and make a decisive leap towards achieving their goals. As the Taurus horoscope for August 2018 shows, this summer month people of your zodiac sign will be guided by a rather unusual conjunction of Mars and Uranus. This position of the planets opens up brilliant prospects for spiritual growth, as well as for personal development. The skills acquired in August will help you expand your social connections and make useful acquaintances.

A detailed astrological forecast shows that in August 2018 Taurus will mainly rely on their practical streak and common sense. Business people have a lot of telephone conversations, communication with counterparties, you are unlikely to be able to avoid some fussiness and nervousness. However, you have reliable assistants to whom you can delegate some of your responsibilities.

In the first decade of August, Pluto will be in a trine with the transiting Sun. This combination favors the successful resolution of issues related to insurance, taxation, investment and placement of joint capital.

The stars advise the Taurus sign to get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary: ​​obsolete furniture and broken appliances, inefficient work methods and obsolete relationships. Such a ballast in August will only take strength and energy, so it must be parted with as soon as possible!

The horoscope for August 2018 Taurus indicates that free representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to arrange their personal lives in all its aspects. Pronounced Taurus are known workaholics, but the romantic mood that will take hold of them at the end of summer can temporarily push work into the background. A truthful astroscope advises you to enjoy what is happening, and not try to break into two fronts. Take care of your strength, you still have time to work!

Good (favorable) days for Taurus in August : 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25.

Unlucky (unfavorable) days for Taurus in August 2018: 7, 22, 29.

Lucky Talismans and Factors for this month for you:

Animal patron: Cat

Color: Chestnut

Plant: Cedar

Taurus lucky number: 11

Name: Victor

Lucky August Stone: Chalcopyrite

Mascot: Money frog

Love horoscope Taurus for August 2018

An accurate astroscope for the last month of summer can give all Taurus free advice: if you want to improve your personal life, then you need to follow your heart and your instincts, and not the judgment of others. The patron planet Venus will become especially active in the third decade of August, but you still have to take the initiative, even if you don’t quite like it.

Go ahead, experiment, do not hesitate to show your extravagance! The only thing that the stars do not recommend Taurus to do in August 2018 is to try to start an office romance. It is unlikely that in the immediate environment there is a worthy person suitable for the role of the second half. So you should not risk your reputation without unnecessary need, it is better to look for your happiness “in foreign lands”.

If you have the opportunity to go to the sea for at least a week, then do not use it! In addition to relaxing by the water, in August 2018 an interesting heartfelt acquaintance awaits you. A holiday romance will bring romance and passion into Taurus' life, and help you boost your self-esteem. Perhaps you will even meet your fatal love, and find a person who suits you in every way.

taurus girl this month will be surrounded by the attention of several fans at once. This is very flattering and pleasant, but sooner or later you will have to make the final choice. The stars recommend being based not only on mercantile considerations, since money is far from everything that is needed for a happy and fulfilling life. Listen to your intuition, it will not let you down!

taurus guy, if you are not in a relationship yet, then now is the right time to actively search for the second half. But in order to get the opportunity to start arranging your personal life in August 2018, you will have to take a break from your usual routine and work responsibilities for a while. If you are already dating, then think about how to bring a touch of romance into the relationship. If you do not have the opportunity to take your beloved to an exotic country, then at least organize a soulful candlelight dinner under the starry sky! A cruise on a ship will also be a good gift and will help strengthen the emerging feelings.

Wedding forecast, marriage

As the Taurus horoscope for August 2018 shows, this month the representatives of the sign will have the best compatibility with Aries, Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. By marrying in accordance with the astrological cycles, you will make your union more durable and happy.

Lucky dates for marriage in August 2018: 1, 7, 12, 17, 21, 25, 29.

Wrong numbers for marriage: 5, 14, 24.

auspicious colors: scarlet, black, light green.

Your Flower Talisman of August: White Rose.

Taurus family horoscope for August 2018

As for other representatives of the elements Earth, the family is of great importance for Taurus. At home, representatives of this sign replenish their strength, wasted energy, and find inspiration for further achievements. As the astroscope shows, in August Taurus will not have reasons for family scandals and disagreements. Relations with a husband or wife will normalize and become more trusting. You will be able to work together on joint projects, such as redevelopment of the living room or renovation of the interior of the bedroom.

It is likely that in August 2018 representatives of the Taurus sign will have the opportunity to take part in social events: visit an exhibition or a new theatrical production, go to a concert. In the last decade of the month, problems related to your children may arise. The horoscope claims that Taurus will have to show wisdom and restraint in dealing with the younger generation.

At the end of the month, there is a chance of a visit from distant relatives who visit you quite rarely. The August horoscope advises not to share the details of your family life with them, so as not to give rise to unnecessary gossip. It is better to discuss neutral topics that are not directly related to you.

Work and business in August 2018

Healthy ambition is a positive phenomenon that helps a person develop and improve. However, the Taurus horoscope shows that your main problem in August 2018 is excessive ambition combined with a lack of moderation. Exaggerated ambitions can lead to stress and overwork, especially if you are striving to make a career at all costs. The stars advise Taurus employees not to overestimate their capabilities, and just do their job conscientiously without excessive fanaticism.

In August, your leadership may change, which will have a direct impact on the workflow. If this happens, then try to adapt to the style of work of the new leader as soon as possible. Taurus are real conservatives, they do not like change. But in this case, you will either have to adapt to the changes, or come into conflict with the new boss.

For business Taurus, August 2018 will be held in relative calm, no unscheduled checks and other unpleasant surprises are expected. If you have free funds, you can start planning advertising campaign. However, it makes sense to launch it in September-October, when the velvet season ends and most of your clients return from their holidays. The horoscope advises Taurus entrepreneurs to avoid speculation and any form of fraud. If you have even the slightest suspicion about your counterparties, seek the advice of a qualified lawyer.

Money, financial forecast for August 2018

When it comes to finances, Taurus tend to rely more on planning than luck. This helps them quickly resolve money issues, even in case of temporary difficulties. However, in August, Taurus will not have to complain about the lack of finances, at times there will be a feeling that money comes straight out of thin air. You can invest if you wish. available funds in a profitable business, as well as spend part of the money on new clothes for yourself and gifts for loved ones.

For businessmen, the Taurus financial horoscope for August 2018 portends imminent changes. You will have a favorable opportunity to take part in a promising project, but this will require quite a solid investment. If you do not have the required amount on hand, then try to get it as soon as possible! IN last resort, you can even take a loan from a bank, investments will pay off and bring solid profits.

Horoscope of health and well-being

If you are prone to allergic reactions, then the second half of August will hardly give you pleasure. At this time, plants are actively blooming, emitting pollen harmful to your body. To completely eliminate or at least minimize allergy symptoms, you can take tavegil or similar drugs. Also, the stars recommend that you be less likely to be outside - at the end of summer, excessive heat and high concentrations of pollen in the air are unlikely to have a positive effect on your health.

If you are engaged in sports training or go to fitness, then during August it is recommended to reduce the intensity of your workouts. Physical activity at this time of the year does not always give the expected results, especially if your goal is to get rid of excess weight. But a moderate diet now will be most welcome! Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, exclude starchy, sweet and salty foods from it. Be moderate with alcohol.

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Taurus horoscope for August 2018.

In August 2018, Taurus should be very, very attentive. As in a situation when there is a lecture at a medical institute and the teacher says: “A doctor must be attentive and non-squeamish. Look, I dip my finger in the urine and lick it. Who can repeat? Everyone was quiet. One: - I can. And repeats the actions of the preacher. He: - But the doctor must be observant. I dipped one finger and licked the other." So Taurus in August 2018 needs to be both attentive and observant. And carefully monitor other people's fingers, hands, words and deeds. And for the same reason, the horoscope for August 2018 for Taurus , strongly advises you in the next month to try not to "cling" to no, but to look for "yes", in any situation.

Because judging by the horoscope, in August 2018, Taurus, even in the most inappropriate environment, should look for an opportunity to have fun! But, on one condition, that you will easily and with humor treat not only what is happening, but also your plans and actions. And even to other people's actions and words. And then you can get real pleasure from the last month of Summer, even if you spend a whole month sitting in the office, in an apartment, in a summer cottage, or selling shawarma at the station.

The fact is that unlike the previous months, when Taurus, with their eyes closed and without a smile, dejectedly wandered to their own happiness through a field of rakes, in August 2018, Taurus will be able to easily avoid “rakes and problems” with a smile. And even if sometimes from the outside, your smile will not correspond to the situation, it will allow you to avoid conflicts where you yourself created them before. Do not forget that Humans do not take offense at children and half-crazy people, so use this simple trick to disarm even your most evil enemies and cheer up your loved ones.

Well and the main task, Taurus in August 2018 is not to go too far with the desire to be in time, still catch "summer by the tail", in search of either adventure or just a good mood. Of course, a person consists of a body and a head, and the body has more entertainment. But, try so that other areas do not suffer from the entertainment of your body, especially those for which the head is responsible.

Horoscope for August 2018 Taurus favorable days - 2, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22, 24 and 29.

Horoscope for August 2018 Taurus bad days- Have you ever heard the phrase - thank you for offering me to live in the presidential suite at your hotel for free and dine for free at your expensive restaurant, but I have an unfavorable day tomorrow?

Horoscope for August 2018 Taurus career, work and business.

For professional sphere Taurus August 2018 can give excellent chances for success. Of course, if you have not postponed your vacation until the very last moment.

True, in August 2018, some Taurus may have difficulties with their “conscience”. It can be caused like that. That you successfully “sat” someone, and comfortably sat in his place. Or with the fact that you will be offered not quite “clean” options for solving problems, or expanding your business. And if before such vital questions - A conscience in the know? Taurus cheerfully answered - Conscience in share! Then, in August 2018, you need to be more scrupulous about such issues. The fact is that August 2018 will be more conducive to transactions or simply actions that do not worsen the overall “ecology” of your professional relationship. Just remember that you, too, sometimes wanted to ask your cat - that the fish on the carpet is tastier than in a bowl? Therefore, trying to earn more money or authority, try not to throw out, like an ill-mannered cat, “fish from a bowl”, but eat it like everyone else - at the feeder that you have been assigned, in your herd or stall. This is especially true for Taurus businessmen and executives, who in August 2018 can chase after easy Luck, not paying attention to the ethics of issues.

Horoscope for August 2018 Taurus Finance.

Many Taurus men need a photo of their wife in their wallet only to constantly remind them that they used to have money there. But in August 2018, the same will apply to Taurus-women, since the expenses for personal or family life next month will make the wallet, almost all Taurus, lose a lot of weight, and, regardless of your income.

Love horoscope for August 2018 Taurus. Horoscope for August 2018 Taurus Love.

IN family relationships, and in relations with partners from Taurus in August 2018, it will be too often to hear the phrase - "Isn't it time for us ...". Moreover, this phrase can be heard both from Taurus women and from Taurus men. But, the whole "trick" is that the love horoscope for August 2018 for Taurus shows that ... "it's not time." And this can cause a small but unpleasant dissonance and disharmony in your relationship. Of course, the favorite argument of Taurus, and especially Taurus women, is “I can agree with you, but then we will both be wrong!”, And it will work in August 2018. But, the warm summer atmosphere in a relationship can still be broken. The ideal husband in the mind of any woman, not just Taurus women, is when he earns a lot of money by spending all his time with her, but deep down you know that this does not happen, so why draw fantastic stories with words in relationships, if it is better to draw them in the bedroom?

For male Taurus, in this regard, in August 2018 it will be much easier. Especially adult male Taurus. The fact is that with age, even in bloody wars between those who are stuffy and those who are blowing, you gain experience in avoiding conflicts, and in August 2018, Taurus men in relationships will be able to get away from quarrels much easier in relations than between those who are stuffy and those who are blown away. And even if you are stuck in love triangle- between those who are stuffy, and those who are blowing.

The horoscope for August 2018 advises lonely Taurus to pay attention to the second and third decades. It was at this time that your not even flirting, but just a fleeting smile can serve as a signal for the appearance of a new person in your life. The main thing is to be brave and don't act like they usually do. crayfish who find a person they like and stupidly start to wait and worry, hoping that he or she will be braver than them. Taurus You are without complexes. Moreover, now it is much easier to get to know each other than before and in any incomprehensible situation, you can always get your phone and just touch your fingers across the screen. But, this is after August 8th. But in the first decade of August, it is better for lonely Taurus to follow their amorous adventures and new acquaintances, as the results can be completely unexpected, especially, for example, waking up early in the morning, not there, and not with those with whom you were yesterday.

The main thing that the horoscope for August 2018 Taurus warns about is that next month you need to remember how important it is to enjoy the summer, every day, even weekdays, and even weekdays at work or school. Because this is the last month of Summer this year!

And don't forget that there are only four times you can find out the truth, from children, from drunks, from people in anger, and in horoscopes on the site - so don't forget to click "like" so you don't forget to read our next monthly horoscope!