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Stone grouting tool. Which rubber spatula for grouting is more convenient to work with? Epoxy Grout Tools

When grouting after tiling, two significant results can be obtained. Firstly, a harmonious surface is created that will fully comply with the design ideas. Secondly, the possibility of mold and mildew is neutralized, and general pollution is also reduced. Naturally, the work must be carried out in compliance with certain rules.

There is a certain period that must be waited before taking the necessary measures. Yes, grouting ceramic tiles carried out one day after laying the material. Much depends on the glue used. Why can't we wait longer? There are several reasons for this:

  1. On the second day, the mixture used for lining retains a little elasticity. This means that it will be easy to remove when cleaning the seams. Subsequently, you will have to make much more effort.
  2. The moisture remaining in the solution promotes better adhesion. Of course, it is possible to wet the gaps additionally. But this can lead to some disadvantages: it becomes liquid and less elastic. Working with such a mixture is much more difficult.
  3. Open seams get dirty quickly. small particles dust and dirt quickly get into the open holes and clog them. This leads to the fact that it becomes much more difficult to apply the solution.

It becomes extremely clear that such work must be done on time. Then it will be possible to get a coverage that will meet all the necessary requirements.

Grouting after laying ceramic tiles is carried out after a day

Solution preparation

For work, you can use a ready-made mixture, which is sold in construction stores. It just needs to be mixed well before use. There are also dry solutions, they have to be diluted in advance. For cooking you will need the following:

  • Water room temperature. She is allowed to settle beforehand so that possible inclusions settle to the bottom of the bucket.
  • Mixing container. It should be comfortable to work with, and also be larger than the intended amount of the mixture. It should be borne in mind that the amount of material being prepared must be such that it is used up before drying begins.
  • Spatula or trowel. This tool is essential for kneading. Of course, you can use a drill with a mixer attachment, but given the small amount of mixture being prepared, this will be a pointless exercise. It is better to do everything by hand to get the desired result and not to collect the solution from the walls of the container.

Grout mortar is best kneaded with a spatula or trowel

The cooking process looks like this:

  • Each grout for tile joints contains instructions from the manufacturer. It indicates the amount of water needed to prepare the desired volume of the mixture.
  • Water is poured into the mixing container. Next, a small part of the material is poured. Now you should mix the composition well. If it turns out too dry, then more water is added, or vice versa.
  • All components must be diluted to a pasty state. After that, the grouting solution is left for five minutes. Then the stirring is repeated.

It turns out a homogeneous substance, which has sufficient viscosity and elasticity. She is very comfortable to work with. But after a while, the properties will begin to deteriorate.

After mixing all the components, a viscous and very elastic mixture is obtained.

Grout technology

It should be borne in mind that grouting tiles with your own hands is carried out in several stages. The area of ​​continuous work should be two square meters. This is how you get everything done right. Of course, when there is enough experience, the process is much faster.

Before grouting tiles, prepare essential tool: rubber spatula, grater, rags, sponge, spatula for forming a seam (smoothener).

Immediately before applying the grout, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools and rubber gloves

The next steps are:

  • When unglazed tiles are used, they are pre-wetted. This is done with a sponge, which helps water penetrate deep into the joints. But this must be done very carefully, it is impossible to prevent the occurrence of streaks and the formation of excess moisture. When the material is glazed, this process can be skipped.

    Advice! It is better not to use tile sponges that are used for washing dishes. There are other options, they are sold in departments for car service.

  • The pre-prepared mixture is applied to the grater for grouting. The tool is placed at an angle of thirty degrees to the surface and they begin to move it diagonally. This method is used due to the fact that when performing a horizontal or vertical movement, it is not possible to apply the composition evenly.

When applying grout to a tile, move diagonally
  • The procedure for grouting tile joints requires some effort. It is necessary to press on the grater so that all possible voids are filled. You can also use a rubber spatula to work. But then the process will take much longer. After all, you will have to press the solution in small portions throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bwork. The spatula is great for hard-to-reach places and corners.

    On a note! Corners are a very prominent place that gets noticed a lot. Therefore, work in such areas must be done very carefully.

  • Having filled all the gaps in the selected area of ​​​​work, proceed to the grout using the dry method. To do this, clean the grater from the remnants of the mixture and place it at an angle of eighty degrees to the surface. And again, all movements are performed exclusively diagonally. This makes it possible to remove excess composition. It happens that unintentional removal of the mortar from the seam occurs - then the mixture is applied again.
  • The surface is left for fifteen minutes. During this time, you can overwrite another area. Now it's time to use the wet method. To do this, the sponge is moistened in water, and very abundantly, and they begin to drive it diagonally. But before proceeding with these manipulations, they check that the putty is no longer removed from the seam. You have to experiment a little first.

  • The next stage is coming. It resembles the previous one, but the differences are that the sponge is well wrung out. And the movements should be circular. Excessive pressure should be avoided. After all, this way you can remove the grouting material. It must be remembered that the sponge must be constantly rinsed and squeezed well.

    On a note! Such a process can quickly spoil the sponge, turning it into a useless thing. Therefore, you should have a spare product.

  • Sealing between tiles is not finished. Next, it's time to use special tools to form beautiful gaps between adjacent elements. It is convenient to use a special spatula, it looks like a small round stick. When the procedure is completed, the next turn of the sponge comes. It is led parallel to the seam - erasing all unnecessary. It is possible to obtain a rounded seam. If this is not required, then the gaps are simply leveled flush with the tiles.

  • A special round spatula allows you to create beautiful seams

    It seems that do-it-yourself grouting of ceramic tiles is coming to an end. In fact, it should be borne in mind that the event is quite long and requires further continuation. Now it is necessary to wait for the moment when the suture material dries sufficiently, and it will be possible to begin to remove the remaining excess, which will be everywhere present on front side products.

    For work, an irreplaceable sponge is used, which is well washed and squeezed. With quick movements, it is carried out over the surface to the length of an outstretched arm. Each successive pass must be parallel to the previous one. If everything is done correctly, then in this way it is possible to remove all the remnants of the solution. Of course, it will be difficult to do this completely, but it is not necessary. The main thing is to remove large excess from the tile, which will dry quickly.

    Removing excess grout on tiles


    Sealing - required process, which is executed immediately after completion trowel work. It is needed to give the seam increased strength. This will protect it from the effects of various chemical substances and water. The choice of material is approached with all care. For work it is better to use compositions that are completely transparent. They are made from silicone.

    On a note! This solution has a rather specific smell, similar to ammonia. Therefore, it is better to perform work in a respirator.

    The sealing process makes the seam more durable

    Before sealing joints protective compounds, are determined with further actions that will be focused on the type of ceramic product:

    • Glazed material. All activities must be carried out very carefully. Such a surface is very easy to damage or even completely spoil. Therefore, the work area is additionally pasted over with masking tape. And for work, sealant is used in tubes, which is applied with a special gun.
    • Products without glaze. Many craftsmen advise covering the entire surface with a protective compound, including tiles. Of course, you will get a layer that will protect it from various influences, but this will spoil the whole appearance. In addition, there is a high probability that such a layer will peel off.

    It becomes clear how to use grout and protective compounds. Sometimes it is believed that such work does not require compliance with many of the steps described. You can apply the mixture and quickly form a seam. But the result will be rather deplorable. Therefore, only strict adherence to all technological processes– a guarantee of reliability, quality and attractive appearance.

    VIDEO: how to properly grout the seams on the tile

Ceramic tiles are one of the most reliable and beautiful materials for floor and wall finishing. In order for such a surface to last as long as possible, because the work to replace it is very costly and voluminous, it is worth taking care of high-quality seams between ceramic elements.

The practical purpose of the space between the plates

Although tiles are durable floor or wall coated, which is able to withstand heavy loads, it requires grouting. It is worth figuring out why you need to rub the seams between the tiled material.

What properties do they have:

  • barrier to moisture. The composition that is used for grouting is not affected by moisture and does not allow liquid to pass under ceramic tiles. Due to this property of the grout, the appearance of fungal microorganisms is prevented, this is especially important for bathrooms, baths or kitchens;
  • protection of the product from temperature extremes. The material of ceramic tiles is able to both narrow and expand. To avoid cracking and preserve the integrity of the coating, the space between the tile elements is jointed.

    This technique creates a specific buffer and prevents damage to the coating;

  • aesthetic appearance. Depending on the color of the tiled elements themselves, the color of the grout mixture is selected. Thanks to even and neat seams, color and pattern floor elements becomes more expressive and the floor looks much more beautiful;
  • geometry adjustment. Not all elements of ceramic flooring material have perfectly smooth edges. This disadvantage is easily eliminated by jointing, due to which the surface is given a neat appearance.

REFERENCE: due to the correctly performed jointing process, the service life is increased floor covering. It is especially important to grout the seams in rooms intended for regular use, where the floor takes on significant loads.

Main types of tools

To perform grouting of the inter-tile space, a whole list of tools is used. How exactly to use this or that tool and which one to give preference to, as well as their varieties are described in detail below.

grout gun

The most convenient tool that facilitates work and reduces repair time by 2 times is a ceramic tile grouting gun. It consists of the following elements:

  • frame. A special container is inserted into it for filling with a mixture;
  • nozzles;
  • plunger mechanism with a piston that allows you to adjust the extrusion of the mixture during operation;
  • handles.

Using this device is easy. In order to carry out grouting with it, you will need to fill the tube with a mixture, install it in the body and, if necessary, using the nozzle, start the process.

The extrusion of the mixture occurs due to a slight pressure on the handle of the device. The required amount of the mixture is squeezed out through the spout of the nozzle and the grout is distributed in the inter-tile space.

Putty knife

Of the most popular tools for filling joints between tiles with a special mixture is a spatula. Tools vary in size, color, material and shape. There are several types of this tool:

  • rubber spatulas. The length of the devices varies between 5-50 cm. They are suitable for all types of mixtures;
  • metal. It is used, if necessary, to carry out grouting using a cement composition;
  • round spatula. Used as a tool that forms beautiful and even seams. By appearance it resembles an elastic and resilient wire. Due to its shape, it makes the seams smooth and even.

REFERENCE: For do-it-yourself work, it is recommended to purchase a set of spatulas in order to understand in the process which one gives the best result.

Other instruments

In addition to the above tools, in the process you will need the following devices:

  • grater for applying the composition by the slurry method. It involves the distribution of the mixture due to the repeated application of the composition, covering large areas of the tile with it, and not directly filling the joints, such as with a gun or spatula. The tool is made (its working part) of dense rubber. With the help of a grater, the composition is evenly distributed;
  • trowel. It is a foam rubber sponge, with the help of which, during the work, residues and excesses of the mixture are removed and the seams are aligned.

What else might be needed during the work?

In the jointing process, not only tools are needed for applying the mixture, but also for surface preparation, mortar preparation and other additional devices.

Surface preparation

Before proceeding with the process itself, it is important to properly prepare the surface. First of all, the inter-tile space is cleaned of dirt and glue. To clean the inter-tile space, a knife is used, carefully cutting off the excess composition, after which the surface is vacuumed.

You can use a metal soft brush in the process of preparing the surface. It is also good to use for the final cleaning of old grout.

REFERENCE: it is recommended to clean the seams even in the process of laying ceramic elements, using a sharpened wooden stick and a sponge for this. This will significantly save time and effort in the process of filling the joints with grout.

Solution preparation

On sale there are many ready-made formulations that do not require preparation. But, if before the application process you want to prepare the composition yourself, then you should do it strictly following the instructions.

Tools you will need to prepare the mixture:

  • rectangular trowel;
  • metal spatula;
  • drill driver.

From the listed tools, you need to choose the most convenient. The drill is used mainly for bulk work in which you need to stir the solution constantly.

REFERENCE: it is worth remembering that the time for which you need to use the solution is limited for each composition and varies from 45 minutes to 24 hours. This point must be taken into account when determining the volume of the mixture to be prepared.

Application of mixtures

To apply the composition to the interstitial space, it is recommended to use the following types of spatulas or choose the most suitable and convenient from the following:

  • trapezoidal rubber spatula. It is considered a classic type of such a tool, universal. Easy to use, with its help it is easy to apply the composition even in hard-to-reach places, for example, under furniture;
  • a rectangular spatula made of dense rubber. This type of tool should be preferred last and last. special occasions, since it is not very convenient for work and the process takes a lot of time;
  • trapezoidal spatula. Used for jointing mosaic;
  • angle spatula. It is used both for filling the space between ceramic elements in the corners, and for grouting decorative stone joints.

Tools for cleaning tiles from grout

The last step in creating seams is surface cleaning, there are 2 methods. In most cases, preference is given to the "wet" method, because. there is no dust left behind. But with the help of dry cleaning, the result is not worse than in the case of the wet method.

Wet cleaning

A cellulose sponge is used, which is moistened with water, squeezed a little and sanded the seams and clean the surface.

Dry cleaning

A grater with a fine mesh is used. During the grinding process, it is not necessary to wet the seams with water.

What else to buy to create reliable seams?

To create beautiful, even and reliable joints between tiles, it is recommended to additionally purchase a special grout pencil. With its help, the appearance of fungus and mold in the seams is prevented and the color of the mixture is restored, since it begins to darken over time.

With the help of a marker for tile joints, color is restored, dirt, stains are eliminated and disinfection occurs.

Tool Selection Summary

Each master should choose a tool for himself, focusing on his skills, abilities and ease of work. It is worth taking into account the characteristics of the material with which you will need to work. Everyone decides for himself which tool is more convenient to apply the mixture.

Basically, these are rubber spatulas. If grouting occurs on the wall, it is more convenient to do this with a gun.

We must not forget about grinding with the help of special trowels.

When choosing a tool, it is important to understand that with its help it is necessary to achieve high-quality and reliable seams between ceramic tile elements.

Video review

It would seem that the first rubber spatula for grouting, or even an ordinary gum, is suitable for jointing. But the convenience of the work and the final result will depend on the quality of the tool. If you often do tile laying or just appreciate ease of use, this article is for you. In it I will talk about the tool for grouting tiles, its choice and differences.

In the photo you can see several options for rubber spatulas.

  1. The first spatula is the most popular. It has a comfortable handle, but small work surface, so performance is reduced. Imagine how long it will take to grout a mosaic with such a tool.
  2. The second option has an uncomfortable handle, so it is more difficult for them to work, hands will get dirty.
  3. A third angled spatula will sometimes come in handy when plastering works, filling the seams between decorative stone, in corners or in curly friezes.
  4. The fourth trapezoidal rubber spatula from Raimondi is better than all the previous options: it has a comfortable handle and a large working surface. In fact, this is an improved version of the second option.
  5. Number 5 shows several options for trowels from the Raimondi catalog. Many master tilers prefer to work with such graters. They have interchangeable tips made of rubber or rubber. Such a tool can easily last even a dozen years, you can see confirmation of this in the photo. But when working with it, you need to carefully squeeze out the rubber from the remnants of the grout, otherwise it will lose elasticity over time. So I switched now to a thick rubber cone. The sharp edge of the grater makes it easy to crush the mixture even in the corners. Rubber is easy to clean and does not clog with the mixture.

A spatula with a rubber nozzle lasted about 10 years. Over time, the side became uneven, so I had to grind it with a grinder.

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Grouting tools

It is also worth mentioning other tools for grouting.

Tools for cleaning tiles from grout

Summing up

See the video for a master class on grouting floor tiles:

Basically, all the presented tools are needed for professional tilers. For one-time work, it will be enough to buy only one spatula-grater with a rubber nozzle.

The online store site offers to buy a tool for grouting tiles with special compounds based on epoxy resins, which are widely used due to the unique set of performance characteristics. Mixtures of this type, in contrast to cement mortars, retain color for a long time, provide tightness, show high resistance to temperature extremes, ultraviolet radiation and other negative influences. An excellent selection of tools is presented in our catalog.

Our range

  • Spatulas. The flat trowel with rubber sole and rigid handle helps you to apply mortar and fill joints as quickly as possible. This is important given the short pot life of grouts.
  • Sponges combined. The structure of the product differs from the usual foam rubber: it is specially adapted to work with epoxy mixtures. With the help of a sponge, it is possible to obtain tight, even seams in one pass.
  • Spatulas with synthetic fiber soles. The product is used to remove grout and perfectly removes excess mixture from both tiles and mosaics.

To buy a tool for grouting, call the company's website or leave a request in the form on the website.

After doing finishing works when laying tiles, mosaics, tiles, gaps remain. To improve the tightness of the surface, protect the base from moisture ingress and give the finish a finished look, tile grouting is performed. Work begins with the choice of material, tool, surface preparation.

For finishing walls and floors use tiles, ceramics, glass, porcelain stoneware, mosaics, clinker, smalt. The gaps need to be rubbed - this gives the coating an aesthetically attractive appearance and allows you to create a monolithic sealed plane. For grouting tiles, various mixtures are used:

  • Cement. The component composition includes Portland cement, additives, fine sand, polymers. Mixes are easy to use, suitable for the final treatment of tiled surfaces in living rooms, bedrooms.
  • Epoxy two-component. Two components are used - resin and hardener-catalyst. The finished paste has a short life of up to 60 minutes, so the grout must be worked out immediately.

  • polyurethane solutions. The composition of the mixtures includes polyurethane resins in the form of aqueous dispersions. In terms of quality and features polyurethane sealants similar to epoxy, have a limit on the thickness of the seam up to 6 mm.

For grouting tile joints, special materials are used if the tile is laid on a complex surface or it is exposed to aggressive environments. In this case, silicone sealants, heat-resistant solutions, compositions with furan resins are used.

Important: A high-quality mixture, in addition to the main binder component, must contain impregnations, additives, minerals, latex or other fillers that improve operational properties composition.

Tools for the job

In the building environment, grouting ceramic or other tiles is called grouting. The task of the master is to evenly fill the gaps with the prepared solution. For grouting ceramic tiles with your own hands, use the following tools:

  1. The solution is mixed with a drill with a nozzle or a construction mixer.

2. To fill the gaps, you need a set of rubber spatulas; for epoxy compounds, a hard rubber tool is taken.

3. Buckets or other containers in which it is convenient to stir the grout, a tank with clean water.

4. Preparatory work and cleaning of tile joints is performed paint brush, knife, special solvent.

5. If two are used component composition epoxy based, grouting tiles performed with a foam sponge.

Since the substances that make up the mixtures belong to the category of chemical components, you need to work with gloves, it is advisable to use a mask or respirator. To remove excess mass, a dry, lint-free rag should be at hand.

Surface preparation

An important advantage of pastes on any basis is good adhesion to any surface.. This is true when the treated plane is completely free of dirt. Therefore, before applying the grout to the tile, you need to remove dust and debris. How to prepare for grouting:

Some grouts will set better on a slightly damp surface, but these conditions do not need to be observed when grouting ceramic tiles with two-component mixtures. In order not to scratch the fragments of the cladding, the adhesive can be removed wooden stick rather than a sharp blade. If you need to grout the seams on a porous surface, the craftsmen recommend pasting the joints on both sides with masking tape so that less grout gets on the tile - on porous material it leaves stains.

Attention: You can grout the seams no earlier than 8-24 hours after laying the tiles. The time indicator depends on the drying speed of the tile adhesive.

Solution preparation

To simplify the work of grouting tiles with your own hands, you can purchase a ready-made mixture. The shelf life of such formulations is limited, and the cost is an order of magnitude higher. If a dry powder is used, then, depending on the chosen product (on a cement, epoxy, polyurethane basis), you need to mix the components or dilute them with water in the proportion indicated on the package:

  1. Dry grout is diluted with water or hardener in a clean container using a drill with a nozzle.

Related article: Do not know how to update the grout on the tiles in the bathroom? Step-by-step instruction and better ways

2. The tool must be turned on at low speed and mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed.

It is important to strictly observe the proportions indicated by the manufacturer, otherwise the composition will lose its beneficial features. Grouting is carried out on a prepared surface, and 1-2 squares of tiles should be grouted at the same time and the plane should be immediately cleaned of excess mass. Liquid cement mixture can be stored for 12-24 hours, and epoxy formulations are produced within 45-60 minutes.

Application of mixtures

Before grouting the joints of ceramic tiles, it is necessary to withstand the time required for the adhesive to completely harden. The drying rate is affected by the composition of the adhesive, temperature and humidity. environment. When using cement grouts, the seams are pre-moistened with water for better adhesion, and epoxy grouts are applied to dry joints. How to grout tile joints:

  • Gaps can be further treated with an antiseptic or antifungal primer.
  • When grouting tiles on the floor with your own hands, the mixture is applied with a wide spatula in a diagonal direction.
  • For planing on the wall, you can use a smaller tool, filling the gaps from top to bottom.
  • A small amount of the mixture is collected on a spatula and the joints are filled, pressing the solution with some effort.
  • If the spatula no longer crawls into the joint, then the gap is completely filled with mortar, and there are no voids in it.
  • After grouting the joints on the floor, a wall with an area of ​​1-2 m2, they begin to form and joint.
  • The plastic grout is trimmed with a piece of cable of the appropriate diameter, the excess mass is removed.

When working with epoxy compounds, the seams are formed with a sponge or trimmed with a finger. The tile is immediately cleaned, and when the agent hardens - with a special solvent. If problem areas remain after the jointing (tuberosity, pits), they are carefully sealed with fresh paste.

Note: The grout should be a fraction of a millimeter below the level of the tile. You need to form beautiful joints with a damp, clean sponge so as not to deform the joints with the remnants of the grout dried on the foam rubber.

After grouting tiles with your own hands in the bathroom or in the kitchen facing material must be cleaned of the remnants of the mixture until the paste is completely dry. For this, a cleaning method using a damp foam sponge or a clean cloth is suitable. Excess cement mass is removed 20-30 minutes after filling with mortar. When working with two-component compositions, the surface must be cleaned immediately. Master's recommendations:

Related article: How to wipe the grout from the tile - ways, the best means

3. You can prepare solutions with the addition of lemon juice, vinegar, toothpaste.

After cleaning, carefully inspect the condition of the seams. If necessary, prepare a new portion of the mixture and smooth out the deformed joints. final processing perform the next day - polish the ceramics with a dry rag and impregnate the seams with a colorless silicone sealant. It prevents the formation of fungus and mold, additionally protects the tile joints from moisture.

On video: The best way grouting tiles

Dry cleaning

In the process of grouting in the bathroom or in the kitchen, even with the most accurate application of the paste, excess mass is formed. If cementitious grout is used, residues of the substance can be wiped off with a dry cloth after drying. Some craftsmen grind non-porous tiles with a grater with a rubber nozzle. Epoxy and polyurethane compounds are removed immediately, until the mixture has hardened.

With a dry cleaning method, it is not allowed for particles of dried paste to fall on the seams. The grater works diagonally, constantly cleaning the tool from hardened pieces of grout. Relief tiles are cleaned with an old toothbrush. With a large amount of work and the use of epoxy mixtures, professional builders use electric monobrushes with removable felt discs.

To process the joints of the floor covering, cement or epoxy mixtures are used. Compounds resistant to mechanical damage are not subject to abrasion. To increase the service life, after grouting the floor tiles, the joints are coated with silicone sealants - not necessarily, but reliably. The technology for grouting joints on the floor between porcelain stoneware tiles is practically the same as doing vertical surfaces with your own hands:

  1. Prepare tools - a set of spatulas, a drill, a construction knife, a grater, foam sponges, a container for mixture and water, rags.
  2. Remove the fixing crosses, clean the floor, “sweep” with a paint brush.
  3. Prepare the mortar: the cement mixture is added to water or latex, gradually mixing.
  4. If a drill is used, the tool must be turned on at 300 rpm so that there are no air bubbles in the paste.
  5. Before applying the cement grout, the joints are moistened for a better setting of the composition with the floor base.

The next step is to fill the gaps between the tiles. Grouting floor tiles at the seams is done diagonally, and you need to start work from the far corner of the room, moving towards the entrance to the room. You need to rub the mixture with pressure, completely filling the voids between the fragments of the floor covering. After preparing the base, do-it-yourself tile grouting in the bathroom is performed as follows:

  1. A square meter of tiles is moistened at the joints, but there should not be drops of water.

2. The grout prepared for the joints between the tiles fills the gaps, picking up the right amount of the mixture on a spatula.

3. Some masters rub the composition with a special grater, others use a spatula - it depends on the tile (porous, embossed).

After processing one or two squares of the flooring area, the area is cleaned of grout warm water or by special means. For filling with mortar, you can use a construction bag (cone). The right amount of paste is placed in it and squeezed into the gaps, trimming the mixture with a grater or spatula. After 15-20 minutes, you need to walk along the seams with a damp sponge to even out the mixture and complete the jointing. While the composition dries up, proceed to the processing of the next square. If an epoxy material is used, knead the paste in such an amount that the solution is worked out within an hour. The seam is considered ideal if it is recessed relative to the tile joints and has a smooth structure.

Related article: How to remove old grout from tile joints - special and available tools

Differences from grout on the walls

There is no significant difference between how to properly grout the tiles on the wall and on the floor. The technology remains unchanged, and the work is carried out in the same order - drying the tile adhesive, preparing the surface, preparing the mortar, applying the mixture, cleaning the tiles from excess grout. Minor differences in performance:

  • The composition for the floor should be more resistant to mechanical damage.
  • On the wall, grouting tiles is done vertically from top to bottom, it is more convenient to work with a spatula.
  • The flooring is processed diagonally, you can use a spatula, grater, construction bag.

After the mixture has completely dried, you can treat the seams with silicone sealant. A transparent substance reliably protects the grout from moisture absorption and gives the composition dirt-repellent properties. The tube of sealant has a nozzle or brush for easy application.

Grout Width

A controversial issue that professional builders do not give an exact answer to is the width of the grout. Need to be guided simple rule- a wide gap between the tiles reduces the solidity and mechanical strength of the coating, but visually gives the surface strict geometric lines. Master's recommendations:

  1. The length of the tile on one side is less than 10 cm - the seam is 1-3 mm.
  2. The size of the material is more than 10 cm on the side - the joint will be 2-8 mm.
  3. For clinker tiles, it is correct to grout 8-15 mm.
  4. Between small fragments of the mosaic, 1-3 mm should be left.
  5. Extrusion tiles with large edges (up to 30 cm) are rubbed with seams 4-10 mm thick.

Between products irregular shape leave a large gap (up to 12 mm) so as not to draw attention to the geometry of the products. The seams on the floor can be made wider than on the walls. To restore the old coating, you can re-process the joints. This applies to cement grouts, which are prone to cracking if the technology for preparing and applying the mortar is violated. Old seams are treated sandpaper, carefully clean the dust and grout residues, cover with a fresh mixture. In some cases, it is more convenient to restore tile joints by staining. To completely replace the sealant, a special cleaner is poured onto the old grout. When the grout softens, it is removed with a joint expander. After cleaning the gaps, it is necessary to grout the ceramic tiles again, adhering to the technology described above.

Finishing tiles using grout mixtures requires accuracy and skill. Not all craftsmen will be able to get a grout of impeccable quality the first time. It is important to do the work gradually, filling small areas walls or ceiling, so that there is an opportunity to correct errors. The result of painstaking work will exceed the expectations of the master - after grouting, the tile acquires a beautiful visual effect.

Simple ways to grout tiles (2 videos)

Types and methods of grouting tiles (20 photos)