Well      07.03.2020

Landscaping of a small suburban area. Landscaping a small area - design rules Simple landscaping for a narrow small area

Everyone has their own dreams of an ideal summer cottage, and often even within the same family they are very different. One wants to plant the entire area with beds, the other wants to organize a beautiful flower garden, and for the third it is important that there is a separate place for barbecue on the site, and if there are children in the family, then the task becomes more complicated, because kids need their own corner. What to do in this case, because the site is not rubber? At good planning and using some visual tricks in a small area you can place everything you need and even visually make the area larger. We reveal the secrets of professionals with the help of which you can independently develop the perfect landscape design small plot.

No. 1. Functional zoning

Planning for the future design of the site, like, begins with clear planning. It is necessary to arm yourself with a sheet with a pen or a special program, clarify the size of the territory and start creating a plan. This is necessary for proper organization territory of any size, but it is especially important for small areas. By the way, the boundary that separates a small area from a large one is very arbitrary. Small areas are called area from 1 to 6 acres, which are fully visible from any point. Sometimes territories with a larger area seem small, especially when there is a disproportionate amount of space on the site. big house. It's just a planning problem. Competent organization site and design tricks will not be able to push its boundaries physically, but will allow you to change the perception beyond recognition.

When drawing up a site plan, it is important:

  • define, what buildings and zones on the site are really needed. This, for example, is a house, outbuildings, a garden, a flower garden, a recreation area, a playground - who cares. Don't forget decor and garden paths;
  • correctly position the selected zones relative to each other. This stage requires the most attention, because a playground cannot be placed near the barbecue area, and a greenhouse in the dense shade of trees or at home will not bring the desired yields. Designers recommend alternating buildings with green plantings, hiding them behind hedges, shrubs and decorative elements. It is desirable that all buildings do not look too massive;

    The central part of the garden should not be burdened with various plantings and buildings.- this will create a feeling of clutter and it will seem that the territory is even smaller than it is. The best option for the species part of the site is a neat lawn, on the periphery of which there will be beds. Free space will give the feeling of a large territory. Nevertheless, this recommendation does not exclude the possibility of location on the lawn beautiful flower beds or bushes- they will become its bright decoration. Hydrangea, lilac and jasmine are excellent in this case - they are compact and variegated.

    A lawn in a small area will obviously also serve to move, because to organize an extensive network garden paths on a tiny territory is impossible, and to no avail. Therefore, choose the most resistant to trampling varieties of herbs.

    No. 6. Organization of flower beds

    From tricks and tricks we pass to competent planning of the territory. It is difficult to imagine a garden or summer cottage without a flower garden, especially since there is a place for it even in the smallest space. Arrange options flower bed in a small area a lot:

    • the classic way, suitable for plots of any size, is to break flower beds or put flowerpots near the entrance to the house, and they do not have to be symmetrical;
    • cascade principle involves placing low-growing plants and flowers in the foreground, then higher, and so on up to the tallest tree or shrub, which becomes the center of the composition. Such a flower garden will take up little space, but it will greatly decorate the site and allow the eye to slide not only along the plane, but also up;
    • great idea for a little one suburban arearoof gardening, but it is used here, alas, infrequently. The roofs of buildings can be used for planting a lawn or small plants. The practice is common in Europe, where even the roofs of large multi-storey buildings. It looks great, and in a small area, this technique will create the coveted multi-level effect;
    • flower beds optionally (and sometimes undesirable) should be of strict familiar forms - winding lines and irregular shapes. There are no requirements for flowerpots and planters - they can be either quite familiar or non-standard. To create them, literally everything that can keep its shape and soil is suitable: barrels, basins, bathrooms, wooden boxes, logs, carts, etc. Such flower beds look interesting and unusual, with minimal investment they are able to decorate the site and even become its highlight;
    • flower beds and mixborders along garden paths will also be appropriate in any area.

    No. 7. Garden organization

    A garden in a small summer cottage is the most difficult to place, but nothing is impossible. On a plot of 2-3 acres, you can find a place of at least 3 * 4 m, which will be enough to grow the most necessary vegetables for the table, herbs or berries. On a plot of 6 acres, you can arrange a larger garden, break a decent size vegetable beds, and there is still room for fruit trees and berries, if, of course, there is a need for all this. Some good examples 6 acre site plans can be seen on the plans.

    Of course, it is not easy to place everything you need in a small limited space, but everything advantages of a small area can be felt after the work on its improvement. And on a plot of 2-3 acres there is always something to do, but imagine what it is like for the owners of a territory ten times larger than yours.

    A small area of ​​​​a summer cottage is not a reason to forget about original design. With the help of some design tricks it can be turned into a piece of paradise and even visually expanded. By following certain rules for the compatibility of objects, colors, textures and shapes, it will be possible to avoid the problem of disharmony and tasteless design. Our site has prepared a theme for you - landscape design of a small suburban area.

    Three rules in the design of a small area

    Owners of small summer cottages will avoid design errors if they say "No" elements like this:

    1. massive buildings. The construction of a house, garage, barn and other objects must be planned so that they look lightweight and not grouped together. Should be used ornamental plants near buildings to hide their massiveness.
    2. Silent fence. There are several reasons not to build a high and completely closed fence in a small summer cottage. Firstly, it emphasizes the limited area, it creates the feeling of being in a large room. Secondly, the natural air circulation in the area is disturbed, which can damage the crops grown. A good option- a chain-link mesh, on which you can put lashes of curly flowers.
    3. Large plants. It is worth abandoning voluminous and tall trees, massive shrubs.

    Say "no" to oversized buildings and plants. as well as a deaf fence in a small cottage

    The way to design a suburban area

    The first thing you should determine is which main design method to choose for the site:

    • Regular - implies symmetry and a central object.
    • Landscape - the natural arrangement of plants.

    Having made a choice in favor of a regular design style, you will have to observe strict symmetry and geometry. Flat paths should prevail, and flower beds and lawns should have clear geometric shapes.

    If your choice fell on a more natural design of the cottage, then you can make winding paths and asymmetrical arrangement of objects. Landscape design of the site opens up more opportunities for creativity and is more suitable for a small area.

    In one or two places on the site, it is desirable to create a three-dimensional relief. You can choose from the following options:

    • rock garden - a flower garden, representing a piece of mountain landscape;
    • flowerbed with plants of different heights;
    • a small reservoir with a humpbacked bridge;
    • retaining wall.

    In order to successfully plant a small summer cottage, you should think through everything in advance, make a plan. Take a sheet of paper and mark the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site on it (clearly adhere to the selected scale). Mark the location of all available objects, in which direction they cast a shadow, where the wind rose is located. All this is important for planting planning and plant selection.

    First, make general marks on the plan: garden, vegetable beds, recreation area, flower bed. Next, be more specific. For example, specify what plants you will plant in a flower bed, what trees will be in the garden. Be sure to specify which conditions suit each crop.

    For the proper arrangement of a small cottage you need a plan

    Visual expansion of the plot area

    Smooth lines. Designers have many ways to make a small area look bigger. One of the main tricks is concentration on smooth lines and shapes. So, winding paths and smooth floral blotches will contribute to the expansion of space. The abundance of flower beds and decorative elements visually steals the area, so moderation is important in this.

    Illumination of distant corners. In addition to the rejection of a blank fence, you also need to pay attention to the far corners. With the help of white yellow flowers they can be lightened, thereby achieving an expansion of space. If all the flowers on the site are light - this is only a plus.

    Bright hues. An even more pronounced expansion of the space of a summer cottage can be achieved by planting it with flowers and shrubs of light colors. It is important to remember one rule: only a third of large plants should be evergreen crops. In addition, it is desirable to prefer light materials for buildings, fences and paths.

    Minimalism. Do not think that the design of a small suburban area must be boring and monotonous. You can use a variety of plants and decor, but in moderation. Do not abuse a large number of bright colors and shapes. At in large numbers various details, the cottage will seem smaller.

    Green fence. You can green the fences with climbing plants or create a green fence with suitable shrubs. In any case, the effect will be created that the cottage has no boundaries.

    Advice! If you belong to a huge number of summer residents who do not have the education of a landscape designer, be prepared to copy other people's ideas. It takes experience and time to successfully apply the design tips received. We offer you a lightweight solution to the problem - copy the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdecorating a summer house found on the Internet or peeped from another summer resident (not from a neighbor). This method is especially suitable for people with poor imagination.

    In a small area, experts do not advise breaking a flower bed in the center. It is better to do this on the sides of the main path. To make the flower garden interesting, you can decorate it car tires, flowerpots, pieces of furniture, dishes and other obsolete items.

    Container landings look interesting. Anything can be used.

    Focus on finding ideas - and you will succeed!

    It often happens that our desires go beyond the possibilities. And then it turns out that the idea to create a house, a garden and several necessary outbuildings on a small plot faces objective difficulties: there is simply not enough space for everything conceived. How, in this case, to arrange a modest space in order to realize what everything was started for? After all, the site was acquired in order to escape from the city and be closer to nature. So let at least a mini garden, but it will be.

    The art of decorating a mini garden lies in the fact that the space increases, first of all, in the imagination of the person who is in it. It is impossible to make something small big, but to make the viewer get the impression that there is a lot of space around him, it is possible and necessary. This effect is achieved by different methods.

    If you look closely, it turns out that this idyll with a pond and a gazebo does not take up as much space as it seems

    First of all, it is necessary to work with what physically limits the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe allotted space - with a fence. A deaf and impenetrable fence creates a feeling of isolation, turning a cozy courtyard into a box that is about to be closed with a lid. Therefore, it is better to use an openwork fence or, decorating it with flowering climbing plants.

    Until the plants grow, the fence will look too permeable, so some still prefer a solid fence.

    But sometimes, due to the proximity of neighboring buildings, the use of a "transparent" fence creates certain inconveniences. Possible way out in this case, a fence with blinds will become out of position. The space can be visually expanded only when the owner of the site has a need for it or until climbing plants not covered with leaves.

    The amazing optical effect of the “dragonfly eye” allows not only to visually expand the space, but also to gain a reputation as a conflict-free neighbor

    Even the presence of a neighbor's garage, the wall of which partially replaces the fence, will not be superfluous if you accept it as a full-fledged participant in your game with optical effects. Convex mirrors attached to this wall distort the reflection of the garden. The perspective that has formed in them is deeper than it actually is. These "dragonfly eyes", placed on a chocolate-colored wall, transform a small lawn into a fairly spacious lawn.

    The secret to a good garden path

    Fantasists like to use the technique of curved space, when a small object from the outside looks completely different from the inside. We will also try to bend the space with the help of curved garden paths. After all, if the path winds, then the journey along it will last longer. Walking it seems that his path runs through a much larger area.

    Garden paths running somewhere into the distance attract the eye of the observer, expand the space of your mini garden and look a little mysterious.

    If, where the space is clearly visible in the distance, make transverse paths, and allow the longitudinal paths to wind between the flowerpots and behind the bushes, there will be an illusion of a larger width of the site. If the path runs along a narrow strip of the garden, then you can paint the fence against which it rests in its colors and cover its upper part with flowers. It will seem that the winding stitch goes straight along the fence somewhere into the sky.

    A neat path runs away beyond our visibility, and an elegant arch, entwined with abundant greenery, turned out to be very useful here.

    Leading "to nowhere" look especially fabulous. If the path leads the eye into dense greenery growing near the fence, then the deceived vision of the observer will give him the impression that, in the place where the path ran, the garden itself continues.

    Mirror water surface

    So that the walker does not have the opportunity to fix his attention on the contemplation of the site as a single object, it is necessary to offer him new impressions. A magician operates on the same principle, making distracting passes with his hands. Spectacular small parts and their charm distracts from the fact that the area in which all this is located is extremely small.

    The two most popular reservoirs for a mini garden are a small fountain against the wall and a pond on two levels with a bridge.

    A great distraction is reflection. It has a mesmerizing effect. And what in a small garden can be used as a reflective surface? The water surface of a small! Such a reservoir will not take up much space. It can even be a stream running along the side of the site. Another option is a pond on two levels with a bridge thrown over it. Your own reflection in the water always attracts attention.

    If the area is small, it is better not to use flowing water. The noise of falling water can be too intrusive. If, nevertheless, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200barranging a fountain or a waterfall captures you and does not let go, choose a place for it somewhere near the fence, be sure to coordinate your decision with your neighbors. After all, the constant sound of flowing water should not annoy them either.

    One of the three phenomena that a person is able to look at indefinitely is flowing water. This secluded corner is designed to enjoy this spectacle to your heart's content.

    Tree size doesn't matter

    Even the smallest garden cannot do without trees. If you love big trees, the size of the plot should not dictate your life rules. Do you want to plant a big tree? Let it be! Just imagine what an intoxicating coolness its luxurious spreading crown will give you on a hot summer day. You can place a tree in the middle of the site, and plan a recreation area directly below it.

    Who said that without exception, all plants in a small area should be dwarf? This misconception can be easily dispelled.

    If you use a circular one, surrounding yourself with vegetation on all sides, even if it is just fences entwined with greenery, you will get the impression of being in a large garden. From the center of the garden, there is an excellent viewpoint: you can perfectly plan out the "folded" space around you.

    Here is the second placement option, in which a large tree will also not be superfluous. A recreation area in the shade of its crown can be the most cozy place throughout the garden

    Vertical gardening techniques

    Of course, the one and only, though big tree, you will not plant a garden. Turning it into a lush flowering corner will help not only right choice plants, but also a well-applied method of planting.

    Especially important for a plot of modest size. To make walls of greenery, arches, garden lattices, fences, pergolas, facades and fences of arbors are used. Screens and trellises are the most common decorative elements in the arrangement of mini gardens. They are used both as independent elements and in combination with flowerpots, flower beds and various garden accessories. They are also used to distinguish between individual zones of the site.

    When using vertical gardening, it is very important to carefully select plants for this purpose, because hops, for example, can fill the entire area.

    As plants for vertical gardening fit different varieties wild grapes, ornamental beans, hops, sweet peas, clematis. In order for all this wealth to be abundantly covered with greenery and flowers, many factors must be taken into account when planting: the condition of the soil, the amount of precipitation, shading, the prevailing wind direction and other features inherent in your site.

    By the way, not only garden plants, but also garden plants can be used as greenery. Very interesting vertical gardens are created using. To avoid monotony in perception, it is more correct to use different plants.

    A bench in flowers is a popular design technique for expanding space, which makes an indelible impression on the viewer who sits on such a bench.

    Place an ordinary one near the fence and build a tall one right above it. blooming arch entwined with roses. If you now sit down on this bench, there will be a complete feeling that a spacious garden stretches around you, in the depths of which you are. Techniques for creating a wild and slightly neglected garden are always effective in areas where space is limited.

    The lush greenery and mats surrounding the garden space create the illusion that real jungle surrounds your site from all sides.

    Planting is best done in a cascade pattern, where small plants in flower pots are brought to the fore. The size of the plants increases gradually. Tall flowers, bushes and small trees can be placed in flowerpots or even barrels. With a cascading design, it's easy to create an effect where the viewer's eye slides up diagonally. A similar result can be achieved using vertical gardens.

    Vases with flowers allow not only to create amazing compositions, but also to change them as often as the author wants.

    Why did we mention ? Because the placement of plants in them allows you to change the design of the site, simply rearranging them for even one season exactly the way we do in this moment I want to.

    Another one unusual idea, which we rarely implement anywhere: you can find a wonderful place for picturesque landscaping directly on the roof of garden buildings. This method allows you to solve two problems at the same time. Firstly, a new area for planting is created, and secondly, excellent additional thermal insulation of the roof is provided. Even in the heat, the interior will remain cool. Finally, it's just beautiful!

    Such an outbuilding with grass on the roof looks just fabulous. Of course, it is not suitable for every style, but the idea is not bad.

    Garden design at different levels

    It does not matter if the area is flat, like a table, for small garden you can always equip a small podium or even a terrace. For a site on a slope, a terrace is the most successful design technique. If the same plot is considered as a plane and in the form of zones located at different levels, then the illusion of a more spacious garden will be present only in the second case.

    It seems that the garden, broken into different levels, really contains even more of all kinds of elements, becoming more voluminous.

    By the way, you can create multi-level zones both in height and in depth. It is not necessary to dig the ground for this. It is enough to apply a 3D illusion, using materials when paving the playground for the play area different shade. This approach will never go unnoticed.

    And this is generally a pure optical illusion, which gives the viewer a complete feeling of deepening in the center of the playground

    Another trick from the magician's arsenal

    Bright handkerchiefs in the hands of an illusionist are also part of the program. Therefore, do not forget about decor elements proportionate to the site, such as garden sculpture, dry streams, lamps, bells, attractive and other manifestations of creativity that everyone loves so much. Do not forget about children - the flowers of life, if you have them, of course.

    openwork garden furniture in combination with the lace of flowers and the elegance of the arch, which is located nearby, creates a feeling of airiness, do not clutter up the space

    By the way, about flowers. The nuance of choosing flowers for planting in small gardens is the refusal to use plants of one variety. Choose a variety of flowers, when looking at which you don’t want to look for signs of a fence between them. If the use of one variety dictates the unity of the chosen style, choose a rhythmic planting of plants with bright colors.

    Using this example, I would like to show how a house can not compete with a garden, reducing its area, but organically merge into it, become part of it.

    If you don’t have enough space for a full-fledged lawn, and annoying bald spots appear in especially shaded areas, use moss. It stays green even late autumn and during the autumn leaf fall will help you fight seasonal depression.

    It remains only to look around the site with a critical eye. Is there still room for the manifestation of our creative imagination? If the owners of even a tiny plot have the desire to make it a truly magical place, they can achieve this. Check it out by watching the video below.

    Video clip #1:

    Building density in cities is constantly growing, and buy a large land plot in the line is either very expensive or impossible at all. Therefore, many are forced to build in cramped conditions, putting up a comfortable house, and trying to leave room for a garden that can also be decorated. Having correctly thought over the landscape design of a small area, you can not only transform the local area, but also make it visually larger and more beautiful.

    The right fence, the exact location of objects - and your garden turns into a fairy tale

    A small area is considered to be an area up to 2 acres. Their main drawback is the inability to separate the main objects from each other. They are installed very close, and this makes it difficult to divide the space into zones, which designers love so much. This problem can only be solved by correcting and reducing the number of these very objects (they can be combined or transferred to the house).

    landscape design a small area with your own hands - the smallest yard can be made a closed patio

    The space inside a small area seems closed and closed. A high fence installed along the perimeter seems to hang over - neighbors' houses peek out from behind it.

    • Almost always, you can get rid of the “box” effect if you place the accents correctly. Visual tricks are the first thing we need.
    • It’s good when the planning of the landscape of the site is done even before its development, since there is the possibility of any maneuvers - there is no need to transfer finished structures and try to fit the remaining space into narrow passages. If this is the case in your area, then you have come to a solution to the problem in time.
    • You need to know exactly what facilities will be needed. Each family will have its own set: someone needs a garage, someone needs a barn, and someone needs a bathhouse.

    Landscape design of a small area - interesting solutions
    • Correlate the ease of access to the premises with the location of the house - the central object in the territory. Its area can easily occupy up to 80% of the land.
    • definitely not required, but if you want to grow at least something, limit yourself garden plants- well, or select a small bed for grass.
    • An important attribute for a small area is a garden. Of course, it will not be a garden in the classical sense, but it is worth planting small trees, flowers, herbs, and undersized shrubs around the site correctly. In the center of the site, usually empty passages are left.

    Advice! For lack of extra space, flowers and small plants can be planted in pots, placing them around the perimeter.

    Landscaping of a small suburban area - instead of palm trees, there could be Christmas trees
    • The front yard, if there is one, should be taken under the car. Even if you are not a driver, you need to provide for parking, because when selling a house, it will be easier to find a client. In the meantime, this place is not occupied, it will be possible to place a recreation area on it.
    • The seating area is an important part of a small area. They make it in the form, since the perimeter fence already creates a small fenced area.

    And this could be the backyard:

    In what style of landscape design can you make a small garden

    Your choice is practically unlimited. Exceptions are areas that require scale - for example: classic, modern, Russian estate and others. You can try to imitate their main features, although it will not look like this without space.

    The best destinations for small lots are modern and rustic. Consider a selection of photographs by which the reader can evaluate the work of designers in tiny areas. With the right approach, something similar can be done on your own.

    • Example simple solution to achieve comfort and beauty. The yard is low fenced. Its entire internal area is circularly concreted. There is a small sofa, table and chairs for relaxing. Plants are placed along the perimeter, some of which are in pots, some in concrete flowerpots, and there is a kind of flower bed in the corner - a green island. The monotony of the picture dilutes the carpet in the center, which contrasts with the main concrete floor.

    Landscape Design Pictures for Small Plots - Mixed Style

    Advice! In general, correctly executed contrast zones make the courtyard beautiful.

    • The very name "minimalism" suggests the absence of everything superfluous on the site. This style refuses unnecessary buildings, furniture, everything you need is left on the site. important direct and simple lines. The garden does not need violent flowering plants(ferns and low-growing deciduous trees will do). From materials used concrete, glass, metal, polymers.

    Minimalist patio
    • If urban landscapes are alien to you and nature is close, you can turn a small area into a real green oasis. In this photo we see an English garden - a slight visible neglect, despite the fact that the plants are constantly looked after. In such a garden, there should be an area for planting shrub flowers and trees that look colorful and bright. Climbing plants will not interfere either. in a small area, you can make bulk - from crushed stone or gravel.

    English garden in a small area
    • Another style that looks very similar to minimalism. However, it is somewhat closer to nature, everything in such a yard looks technologically advanced. Zoning of such a site does not imply outbuildings, so storage space garden tools and other things should be located in the house or in the front yard.

    Read also

    Homemade crafts for summer cottages, gardens and gardens

    Hi-tech garden
    • If there is no parking space in the front yard, you can clean decorative zone without even placing tracks on it. A smooth, trimmed and juicy lawn is welcome. You can choose any plants. You can install, which will enliven the garden.

    Simple landscape design of a small area in front of the house
    • Our plots are usually rectangular in shape, but it is not at all necessary to try to keep them the same visually. The photo shows that a round arena was laid out of clay bricks, over the sides of which fertile earth was poured. These flower beds are planted with flowers, bushes and trees. They give a shadow covering the recreation area.

    Landscape design of a small area in front of the house

    There are many solutions. We showed the basic principles of designing a small garden, and what they are. Here is another small photo gallery with design options.

    The rules of landscape design in a small area or the subtleties of proper zoning

    So, suppose that you have a "bare" building plot in front of you. What is the best way to plan it?

    Landscape design of a small area: photo from the design project
    • First, it is worth arranging the overall buildings. So that they do not look like one array, they need to be separated, leaving space for plants between them. In this case, it is worth focusing on firefighters and sanitary norms, regulating indents from the boundary, buildings of neighbors and technical structures (study in the article).
    • If space permits, the house should be deepened into the lot so that a front patio can be made. There is a place for a car - in cities without it, nowhere. In the absence of such an opportunity, the house can be brought out with a side facade to the street. It is possible and the front, but the porch is not always possible to accommodate.

    Advice! If the house is two-story, you can place a garage below in the main part of the house or attach it to the side. The decision will be wise and will save a significant area of ​​land.

    Beautiful design adjoining territory with relief changes
    • When drawing up a project, you need to know the geological parameters of the site. It is very difficult to do such work yourself without preparation, so we advise you to turn to specialists for drafting a project, showing them your planning experience. They will evaluate the feasibility of its implementation and make changes.
    • An important part of this work is the determination of soil properties. Much will depend on its type - even the selection of plants and determining the place for them on the site.
    • Then we decide on the style of the design of the site. We have already written about this, we will not repeat ourselves.
    • The choice of vegetation is important not only for the style of landscape design. You should not plant tall trees - you need to move them further from the fence, and it is difficult to form a crown, and there will be a lot of shade, which is not always good.
    • We divide the area into zones. There was only a recreation area, which must be taken to the most quiet and windless place. In a small area, it is often carried far from home, to the back fence, along which plants are planted or decorative zones are made.

    Landscaping of a suburban small summer cottage with a play area for children
    • If children live in the house, you need to think about a place for games. It is enough to install a small slide or, or at least make a flat area on which you can ride a scooter.
    • Some can't live without a cooking zone. It should also be taken away from the residential building - it will be safer and smoke will not enter the rooms.

    Advice! Tracks should be abandoned altogether. Choose continuous coatings that will replace each other. For example, part of the yard can be sown with a lawn, and the remaining area can be concreted and tiled. In winter it will not look so beautiful, but in spring and summer bright contrasts will please the eye.

    Landscape design of a very small area - techniques for visually increasing the space in the garden

    And now let's talk about the most interesting thing - how to beat all the structures on the site in order to minimize the feeling of squeezed space. Let's discuss everything important details, and start with the fence.

    How to beat the fence

    The fence is an indicator of the boundaries of the site (read about in the article). It also serves to protect against penetration into the territory. outsiders, and hides the courtyard from side views.

    Interesting to know! On the territory of our country, standards have been established according to which fences in IZHS can be made of any material and go up to any height. For garden and garden partnerships, as well as settlements, this rule does not work. There, the fence should be at least 50% light-transmitting.

    • The taller and more massive the fence, the more attention it attracts. It crowds out other details and makes them visually smaller than they really are. If you are in a small yard, and your gaze, wherever you direct it, rests on a high and noticeable fence, then you will not get rid of the feeling of being locked up.
    • There are two ways to solve the problem and visually expand the territory. The first is disguise. Climbing plants and trees are planted under the structure to give the impression that the fence is part of the garden, its continuation. Ivy, lemongrass, grapes and roses are perfect for this.

    The lower part of the fence is solid, and the upper ventilated part is thuja in landscape design
    • The second method is more capital. The fence is replaced with a new one, installing a lighter and aerial structure. The best solution for a small area wooden structure(represented in the article). It can be continuous, since this material does not cause the previously described associations and feelings of discomfort in a person.

    Small landscape design garden plot- light fence around the perimeter of the site
    • The fence can even be open, in the form of a picket fence or a trellis. So that it does not shine through much, it is also planted with plants. You can create a full-fledged hedge.

    Read also

    Lawns for giving

    Read also:

    • what can be a hedge;

    The front part of the courtyard when there is not enough space

    In any garden there should be a front part that will welcome visitors. From this point, the garden should be viewed completely.

    Landscaping ideas for a small area - a narrow yard with a path

    Usually these places are freed from excess plants. There are no buildings here either. From the front point, paths can diverge, and along the edges of the flower bed. Along the periphery, you can also place a neat lawn (read in the article), on which garden accessories will stand, Lightning equipment and various decorations.

    Paths in a small garden

    As we already wrote, it is worth abandoning the tracks altogether, but this solution is not suitable for every style. If they are still needed, you should carefully consider the issue of their design.

    • It is worth abandoning the clear geometry - let the paths be slightly rounded and even wriggle along the way. The reason is that straight paths are shorter and they visually reduce the space. The winding path involuntarily catches the eye and makes you watch yourself.

    Landscaping on a small plot in front of the house - the stone path has a semicircular shape

    Ground gaps formed between the turns of the track must not be left free. This is a great place to plant ornamental grasses and installations garden forms. The presence of such inserts will attract the attention of the viewer even more.

    Landscaping along the edges of the path - you absolutely do not pay attention to the proximity of the fence and buildings

    A properly designed path will visually increase the space of the garden, so we pay a lot of attention to the issue of planning. Paths can be paved or paved. They use different materials:

    • Natural stone - it can simply be laid on the ground, indicating the direction of movement, or laid on concrete base. The second option will be more reliable. use different breeds, each of which suits different styles. Popular solutions: sandstone, shale, tuff, dolomite limestone.
    • Pebbles and crushed stone are used for solid bulk paths. They look good, but in terms of practicality they are much inferior. It is inconvenient to step on them even with shoes on, the stones will be carried throughout the site, there will be more dirt, and children will not be able to ride a bicycle or scooter along such a path.

    Combined path of pebbles and boards
    • Wood is used less often for walkways, as this material quickly becomes shabby due to moisture. But it can be solved. For example, lay the boards on a drainage base, which will allow them to ventilate.
    • Those who refuse paths completely, construct terraces and platforms from wood. The designs are well ventilated, so they are durable and attractive. Platforms can be used to divide the space into zones. This is a very effective technique that does not make the garden more convenient, but simplifies zoning.

    Landscaping of a small area in front of the townhouse - the platform marked a terrace with a dining area, the other part of the garden is made in the form of an alley
    • IN different styles garden parquet is used. It is made from WPC, and this material is known for its moisture resistance. It is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation and is quickly mounted - it simply spreads over the ground and compacts in it.

    Also apply and Construction Materials, the texture of which is selected according to desired style landscape design. Additionally, we highlight the following materials:

    1. Concrete tiles.
    2. Clinker brick.
    3. rubber coatings.

    Photo gallery of garden paths - beautiful design options for the local area

    Small garden lighting

    All we see is light and its perception by our brain. Playing with lighting, you can create the most interesting effects and achieve visual magnification territory, by highlighting the most important zones.

    Lighting up a small garden in a minimalist style

    Lamps in small gardens are installed at the following points.