Well      06/15/2019

Testing of gas fire extinguishing pipes. Testing of gas fire extinguishing pipelines. False alarm protection

Good day, to all regular Readers of our blog and colleagues in the shop! Today we will discuss a new certified technical solution in the field of system organization gas fire extinguishing. It is no secret that the gas fire extinguishing installation itself is a rather expensive undertaking and the most expensive part of the installation is, of course, the piping from the fire extinguishing agent storage module to the GOTV spray nozzles. This is quite justified, since the pipes used to organize distribution pipelines must be thick-walled and seamless, and they are quite expensive. The range of pipes in terms of bore diameters, which even the smallest gas fire extinguishing installation provides for, is diverse, since the pipeline must “narrow” from the first spray nozzle to the next, and so on. This leads to the need to order in the specification for the project, for example, 6 meters of pipes of one diameter, 4 meters of pipes of another diameter, and maybe 2 meters of pipes of a third diameter. Trading organizations, of course, will not sell you pieces of pipe, but will offer to buy pipes of each article at least one piece, i.e. 9 meters. As a result, you will have excess waste from the installed pipeline, which you simply throw in the trash, although each meter of pipe costs between 300-400 rubles per meter. Well, a thousand and a half waste will, frankly, go to waste and a rare customer will compensate you for these costs. Customers like to measure the already installed pipeline with a tape measure, upon installation and pay money only for the length of the pipeline hanging on the ceiling. Also take into account all steel couplings, transitions, tees that need to be welded onto the pipeline. Consider welding sockets and spray nozzles, also test plugs, gas manifolds and hoses high pressure(RVD), which directly connect the pipeline to the gas cylinder. This entire set of elements necessarily provides for the installation of a gas fire extinguishing system, and you can’t get away from purchasing this set if you mount the system in the usual version, which includes the gas fire extinguishing pipeline. Now pick up the price list of any manufacturer of GPT systems and take a look at the prices - these small elements are sold quite expensive by any manufacturer, since all these parts are also certified and the manufacturer wants to “weld” on their sale. All of the above brings us one simple idea - a gas fire extinguishing installation, as a rule, costs about a million rubles with installation, includes three main elements:

  1. a fire automation system, which is not very expensive - fire detectors, light plates, a receiving-control device - all in general within 150 thousand rubles with installation;
  2. a process pipeline system is quite costly and laborious - it costs between 350 - 400 thousand rubles, with installation;
  3. directly gas bottle with a filled fire extinguishing agent, which is also quite expensive - for example, one 100-liter Ataka series module with Freon-125 GOTV costs about 250 thousand rubles with delivery, transport packaging, transport trolley and installation. Also, as additional costs, there may be the cost of a cabinet for the module, a pressure sensor (SDU), mounting clamps or racks for the module.

In general, just from all the listed elements, which include a gas fire extinguishing installation, the total cost is added up - about one million rubles to protect a small room.

In the context of everything written above, I inform all those who do not know yet - a new certified gas fire extinguishing installation appeared, which is mounted without pipelines and technologically consists of small GPT modules, which are mounted like powder fire extinguishing modules - directly on the ceiling or on the wall over the area of ​​​​the room. GPT modules are called "ZARYA", with a capacity of 3; 10; 22.5 liters, certificate of conformity from 12/17/2015 until December 16, 2020. In addition, the module includes a thermal lock, which allows the module to open autonomously, i.e. without a control trigger signal from the control panel. This means that even if the alarm and automatic fire extinguishing system is turned off, or for some other reason is inoperative at the time of the fire, the GPT modules will still open from an autonomous thermal lock and will extinguish the fire. This leads to the idea that a modular type gas fire extinguishing installation (so we will call it) is more tenacious and ready to perform the task in extreme conditions. The launch of the GPT modules is carried out, similarly to the launch of powder fire extinguishing modules, from 12-24 volts at a current of 0.5-1 amperes, lasting no more than 1 second, that is, the most common "S2000-ASPT", like other fire extinguishing devices, will completely cope with this task.

Passport for modules gas extinguishing"ZARYA" can be downloaded from our website by clicking on the link

In addition, we took the trouble, turned to the manufacturer with a request to provide standard project extinguishing of the server room (the most popular), in which a modular type gas fire extinguishing installation is used. As part of the project, there is a specification that can be calculated and the estimated cost of the work can be derived and simply compared with the cost of installing a conventional GPT system in the same room.

You can also download a typical project from our website by clicking on the link

I should note that this article is in no way advertising and does not set itself the goal of promoting products. I, as a designer and as an installer, simply give an assessment of new products and this assessment is positive, since these products make it possible to perform the same amount of work with lower material costs, lower labor costs and in a relatively shorter period of time. In my opinion, this is very good!

This concludes the article “installation of gas fire extinguishing without pipelines”. I would be glad if in this article you learned some useful information. I allow copying an article for placement on other resources on the Internet only if all the links to our website listed below are preserved, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with other articles of our blog using the links:

Operating mode of light annunciators

Two emergency exits from the trading floor

Fire alarm or fire extinguishing at the facility?

Systems automatic fire extinguishing– overview of options






NPB 22-96


Developed by the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Submitted and prepared for approval by the regulatory and technical department of the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service (GUGPS) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Approved by the Chief State Inspector Russian Federation for fire supervision. Agreed with the Ministry of Construction of Russia (letter No. 13-691 dated 12/19/1996). They were put into effect by order of the GUGPS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated December 31, 1996 No. 62. Instead of SNiP 2.04.09-84 in the part related to automatic gas fire extinguishing installations (section 3). Date of entry into force 01.03.1997

Norms of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia


Code of practice for design and application


Standards and rules of design and use

Date of introduction 01.03.1997


These Standards apply to the design and use of automatic gas fire extinguishing installations (hereinafter referred to as AUGP). These Standards do not define the scope and do not apply to AUGP for buildings and structures designed according to special vehicle standards. The use of AUGP, depending on the functional purpose of buildings and structures, the degree of fire resistance, the category of explosion and fire hazard and other indicators, is determined by the relevant current regulatory and technical documents approved in in due course. When designing, in addition to these standards, the requirements of other federal regulatory documents in the field of fire safety must be met.


References to the following documents are used in these Standards: GOST 12.3.046-91 Automatic fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. GOST 12.2.047-86 Fire fighting equipment. Terms and Definitions. GOST 12.1.033-81 Fire safety. Terms and Definitions. GOST 12.4.009-83 Fire equipment for the protection of objects. Main types. Accommodation and service. GOST 27331-87 Fire fighting equipment. Classification of fires. GOST 27990-88 Security, fire and security- fire alarm. General technical requirements. GOST 14202-69 Pipelines industrial enterprises. Identification painting, warning signs and labels. GOST 15150-94 Machines, instruments and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions climatic factors external environment. GOST 28130 Fire fighting equipment. Fire extinguishers, fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations. Conditional graphic designations. GOST 9.032-74 Paint coatings. Groups, technical requirements and designations. GOST 12.1.004-90 Organization of labor safety training. General provisions. GOST 12.1.005-88 General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area. GOST 12.1.019-79 Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection. GOST 12.2.003-91 SSBT. Production equipment. General safety requirements. GOST 12.4.026-76 Signal colors and safety signs. SNiP Fire automation of buildings and structures. SNiP Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. SNiP Technological equipment and process pipelines. SNiP 11-01-95 Instructions on the procedure for development, approval, approval and composition project documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. SNiP 23.05-95 Natural and artificial lighting. NPB 105-95 Norms of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Definition of categories of premises and buildings for explosion and fire safety. NPB 51-96 Gas fire-extinguishing compositions. General technical requirements for fire safety and test methods. NPB 54-96 Automatic gas fire extinguishing installations. modules and batteries. General technical requirements. Test methods. PUE-85 Rules for the installation of electrical installations. - M.: ENERGOATOMIZDAT, 1985. - 640 p.


In these Standards, the following terms are used with their respective definitions and abbreviations.


The document on the basis of which the definition is given

Automatic gas fire extinguishing installation (AUGP) A set of stationary technical fire extinguishing equipment for extinguishing fires by automatically releasing a gas fire extinguishing composition
NPB 51-96
Centralized automatic gas fire extinguishing installation AUGP containing batteries (modules) with GOS, located in the fire extinguishing station, and designed to protect two or more premises
Modular automatic gas fire extinguishing installation AUGP containing one or more modules with GOS, placed directly in the protected room or next to it
Gas fire extinguishing battery NPB 54-96
Gas extinguishing module NPB 54-96
Gas fire extinguishing composition (GOS) NPB 51-96
nozzles Device for the release and distribution of GOS in a protected room
Inertia AUGP The time from the moment the signal is generated to start the AUGP until the start of the outflow of the GOS from the nozzle into the protected room, excluding the delay time
Duration (time) of filing GOS t under, s The time from the beginning of the expiration of the GOS from the nozzle until the moment the calculated mass of the GOS is released from the installation, which is necessary to extinguish a fire in the protected room
Normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration Cn, % vol. The product of the minimum volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of GOS by a safety factor equal to 1.2
Normative mass fire extinguishing concentration q N, kg × m -3 The product of the normative volume concentration of HOS and the density of HOS in the gas phase at a temperature of 20 °C and a pressure of 0.1 MPa
Leakage parameter of the room d= S F H / V P ,m -1 The value characterizing the leakage of the protected premises and representing the ratio of the total area of ​​permanently open openings to the volume of the protected premises
Leakage degree, % The ratio of the area of ​​permanently open openings to the area of ​​enclosing structures
Maximum excess pressure in the room Р m, MPa The maximum value of pressure in the protected room when the calculated amount of GOS is released into it
Reserve GOS GOST 12.3.046-91
GOS stock GOST 12.3.046-91
Maximum GOS jet size The distance from the nozzle to the section where the speed of the gas-air mixture is at least 1.0 m/s
Local, start (switch on) NPB 54-96


4.1. The equipment of buildings, structures and premises of the AUGP should be carried out in accordance with the design documentation developed and approved in accordance with SNiP 11-01-95. 4.2. AUGP based on gas fire extinguishing compositions are used to eliminate fires of classes A, B, C according to GOST 27331 and electrical equipment (electrical installations with a voltage not higher than those specified in the TD for the used GOS), with a leakage parameter of not more than 0.07 m -1 and a degree of leakage not more than 2.5%. 4.3. AUGP based on GOS should not be used to extinguish fires: - fibrous, loose, porous and other combustible materials prone to spontaneous combustion and (or) smoldering inside the volume of the substance ( sawdust, cotton, grass flour, etc.); - chemicals and their mixtures, polymeric materials prone to smoldering and burning without air access; - metal hydrides and pyrophoric substances; - metal powders (sodium, potassium, magnesium, titanium, etc.).



5.1.1. Design, installation and operation of AUGP should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Standards, other applicable regulatory documents in terms of gas fire extinguishing installations, and taking into account the technical documentation for the elements of AUGP. 5.1.2. AUGP includes: - modules (batteries) for storing and supplying gas fire extinguishing composition; - distribution devices; - main and distribution pipelines with the necessary fittings; - nozzles for the release and distribution of GOS in the protected volume; - fire detectors, technological sensors, electrocontact manometers, etc.; - devices and devices for control and management of AUGP; - devices that generate command impulses to turn off ventilation, air conditioning systems, air heating and process equipment in the protected area; - devices that generate and issue command pulses for closing fire dampers, dampers of ventilation ducts, etc.; - devices for signaling the position of doors in the protected room; - devices for sound and light alarms and warnings about the operation of the installation and the start of gas; - fire alarm loops, electrical supply circuits, control and monitoring AUGP. 5.1.3. The performance of the equipment included in the AUGP is determined by the project and must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.3.046, NPB 54-96, PUE-85 and other applicable regulatory documents. 5.1.4. The initial data for the calculation and design of AUGP are: - the geometric dimensions of the room (length, width and height of enclosing structures); - floor structure and layout engineering communications; - the area of ​​permanently open openings in the enclosing structures; - maximum allowable pressure in the protected room (based on the strength of building structures or equipment located in the room); - range of temperature, pressure and humidity in the protected room and in the room where the AUGP components are located; - list and indicators fire hazard substances and materials in the room, and the corresponding fire class according to GOST 27331; - type, size and scheme of distribution of the brew load; - normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of GOS; - availability and characteristics of ventilation, air conditioning, air heating systems; - characteristics and placement of technological equipment; - the category of premises according to NPB 105-95 and the classes of zones according to PUE-85; - the presence of people and ways of their evacuation. 5.1.5. Calculation of AUGP includes: - determination of the estimated mass of the GOS required to extinguish a fire; - determination of the duration of the filing of the CES; - determination of the diameter of the pipelines of the installation, the type and number of nozzles; - determination of the maximum overpressure when submitting the GOS; - determination of the required reserve of HOS and batteries (modules) for centralized installations or the stock of HOS and modules for modular installations; - type definition and required amount fire detectors or incentive system sprinklers. Note. Method for calculating the diameter of pipelines and the number of nozzles for installation low pressure with carbon dioxide is given in the recommended Appendix 4. For high-pressure installations with carbon dioxide and other gases, the calculation is carried out according to the methods agreed in the prescribed manner. 5.1.6. AUGP must ensure the supply to the protected premises of at least the estimated mass of the GOS intended for extinguishing a fire, for the time specified in paragraph 2 of the mandatory Appendix 1. 5.1.7. AUGP should ensure the delay in the release of GOS for the time necessary to evacuate people after the light and sound alerts, stop the ventilation equipment, close the air dampers, fire dampers, etc., but not less than 10 s. The required evacuation time is determined according to GOST 12.1.004. If the required evacuation time does not exceed 30 s, and the time for stopping ventilation equipment, closing air dampers, fire dampers, etc. Exceeds 30 s, then the mass of the GOS should be calculated from the condition of the ventilation and (or) leakage available at the time of the release of the GOS. 5.1.8. The equipment and the length of the pipelines must be selected from the condition that the inertia of the AUGP operation should not exceed 15 s. 5.1.9. The AUGP distribution pipeline system, as a rule, should be symmetrical. 5.1.10. AUGP pipelines in fire hazardous areas should be made of metal pipes. It is allowed to use high-pressure hoses to connect the modules with a collector or a main pipeline. The conditional passage of incentive pipelines with sprinklers should be taken equal to 15 mm. 5.1.11. The connection of pipelines in fire extinguishing installations should, as a rule, be carried out by welding or threaded connections. 5.1.12. Pipelines and their connections in AUGP must provide strength at a pressure equal to 1.25 R RAB, and tightness at a pressure equal to R RAB. 5.1.13. According to the method of storing the gas fire extinguishing composition, AUGP are divided into centralized and modular. 5.1.14. AUGP equipment with centralized storage of GOS should be placed in fire extinguishing stations. The premises of fire extinguishing stations must be separated from other premises by fire partitions of the 1st type and floors of the 3rd type. The premises of fire extinguishing stations, as a rule, must be located in the basement or on the first floor of buildings. It is allowed to place a fire extinguishing station above the ground floor, while the lifting and transport devices of buildings and structures must ensure the possibility of delivering equipment to the installation site and carrying out maintenance work. The exit from the station should be provided outside, to the stairwell, which has access to the outside, to the lobby or to the corridor, provided that the distance from the exit from the station to the stairwell does not exceed 25 m and there are no exits to rooms of categories A, B and B, except for rooms equipped with automatic fire extinguishing installations. Note. It is allowed to install an isothermal storage tank for GOS outdoors with a canopy for protection from precipitation and solar radiation with a mesh fence around the perimeter of the site. 5.1.15. The premises of fire extinguishing stations must be at least 2.5 m high for installations with cylinders. The minimum height of the room when using an isothermal tank is determined by the height of the tank itself, taking into account the distance from it to the ceiling of at least 1 m. The temperature in the rooms should be from 5 to 35 ° C, relative humidity air not more than 80% at 25 °C, illumination - not less than 100 lux at fluorescent lamps or at least 75 lux with incandescent lamps. Emergency lighting must comply with the requirements of SNiP 23.05.07-85. Station premises must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation with at least two air exchanges for 1 hour. Stations must be equipped with a telephone connection with the duty personnel room, which is on duty around the clock. At the entrance to the station premises, a light panel "Fire extinguishing station" should be installed. 5.1.16. The equipment of modular gas fire extinguishing installations can be located both in the protected room and outside it, in close proximity to it. 5.1.17. The placement of local start-up devices for modules, batteries and switchgear should be at a height of no more than 1.7 m from the floor. 5.1.18. The placement of centralized and modular AUGP equipment should ensure the possibility of its maintenance. 5.1.19. The choice of the type of nozzles is determined by their performance characteristics for a particular GOS, specified in the technical documentation for the nozzles. 5.1.20. Nozzles should be placed in the protected room in such a way as to ensure the concentration of HOS throughout the volume of the room is not lower than the standard. 5.1.21. The difference in flow rates between the two extreme nozzles on the same distribution pipeline should not exceed 20%. 5.1.22. The AUGP should be provided with devices that exclude the possibility of clogging of nozzles during the release of GOS. 5.1.23. In one room, nozzles of only one type should be used. 5.1.24. When nozzles are located in places of their possible mechanical damage, they must be protected. 5.1.25. The painting of the components of the installations, including pipelines, must comply with GOST 12.4.026 and industry standards. Unit piping and modules located in rooms with special aesthetic requirements can be painted in accordance with these requirements. 5.1.26. Protective paint must be applied to all external surfaces of pipelines in accordance with GOST 9.032 and GOST 14202. 5.1.27. Equipment, products and materials used in AUGP must have documents certifying their quality and comply with the conditions of use and project specifications. 5.1.28. AUGP of a centralized type, in addition to the calculated one, must have a 100% reserve of gas fire extinguishing composition. Batteries (modules) for storing the main and backup GOS must have cylinders of the same size and be filled with the same amount of gas fire extinguishing composition. 5.1.29. AUGP of modular type, having gas fire extinguishing modules of the same standard size at the facility, must have a stock of GOS at the rate of 100% replacement in the installation that protects the room of the largest volume. If at one facility there are several modular installations with modules of different sizes, then the stock of HOS should ensure the restoration of the operability of the installations that protect the premises of the largest volume with modules of each size. The stock of GOS should be stored in the warehouse of the facility. 5.1.30. If it is necessary to test the AUGP, the GOS reserve for these tests is taken from the condition of protecting the premises of the smallest volume, if there are no other requirements. 5.1.31. The equipment used for AUGP must have a service life of at least 10 years.


5.2.1. AUGP electrical control means should provide: - automatic start-up of the unit; - disabling and restoring the automatic start mode; - automatic switching of power supply from the main source to the backup one when the voltage is turned off at the main source, followed by switching to the main power source when the voltage is restored on it; - remote start of the installation; - shutdown sound alarm; - delay in the release of GOS for the time required to evacuate people from the premises, turn off ventilation, etc., but not less than 10 s; - formation of a command pulse at the outputs of electrical equipment for use in control systems for technological and electrical equipment of the facility, fire alarm systems, smoke removal, air overpressure, as well as to turn off ventilation, air conditioning, air heating; - automatic or manual deactivation of sound and light alarms about fire, operation and malfunction of the installation. Notes: 1. Local start must be excluded or blocked in modular installations, in which gas fire extinguishing modules are located inside the protected premises.2. For centralized installations and modular installations with modules located outside the protected premises, the modules (batteries) must have a local start.3. In the presence of closed system serving only this room, it is allowed not to turn off ventilation, air conditioning, air heating after the GOS has been supplied to it. 5.2.2. The formation of a command pulse for the automatic start of a gas fire extinguishing installation must be carried out from two automatic fire detectors in one or different loops, from two electrical contact pressure gauges, two pressure alarms, two process sensors or other devices. 5.2.3. Remote start devices should be placed at emergency exits outside the protected premises or premises, which include the protected channel, underground, space outside false ceiling . It is allowed to place remote start devices in the premises of the personnel on duty with the mandatory indication of the AUGP operating mode. 5.2.4. Devices for remote start-up of installations must be protected in accordance with GOST 12.4.009. 5.2.5. AUGP protecting premises in which people are present must have automatic start-up shutdown devices in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.009. 5.2.6. When opening the doors to the protected room, the AUGP must provide blocking of the automatic start-up of the installation with indication of the blocked state according to clause 5.2.15. 5.2.7. Devices for restoring the automatic start-up mode of the AUGP should be placed in the premises of the duty personnel. If there is protection against unauthorized access to the devices for restoring the AUGP automatic start mode, these devices can be placed at the entrances to the protected premises. 5.2.8. AUGP equipment should provide automatic control of: - the integrity of fire alarm loops along their entire length; - integrity of electric starting circuits (for breakage); - air pressure in the incentive network, starting cylinders; - light and sound signaling (automatically or on call). 5.2.9. If there are several directions for the supply of GOS, the batteries (modules) and switchgears installed in the fire extinguishing station must have plates indicating the protected room (direction). 5.2.10. In rooms protected by volumetric gas fire extinguishing installations, and in front of their entrances, an alarm system should be provided in accordance with GOST 12.4.009. Similar alarms should be installed in adjacent rooms that have access only through protected rooms, as well as rooms with protected channels, undergrounds and spaces behind a false ceiling. At the same time, the light panel "Gas - go away!", "Gas - do not enter" and the warning sound alarm device are installed common for the protected room and protected spaces (channels, underground, behind the false ceiling) of this room, and when protecting only these spaces - common for these spaces. 5.2.11. Before entering the protected premises or the premises to which the protected channel or underground belongs, the space behind the false ceiling, it is necessary to provide a light indication of the AUGP operating mode. 5.2.12. In the premises of gas fire extinguishing stations there should be a light signaling system that fixes: - the presence of voltage at the inputs of the working and backup power sources; - break electrical circuits squibs or electromagnets; - pressure drop in incentive pipelines by 0.05 MPa and launch cylinders by 0.2 MPa with decoding in directions; - operation of AUGP with decoding in directions. 5.2.13. In the premises of the fire station or other premises with personnel on duty around the clock, light and sound alarms should be provided: - about the occurrence of a fire with decoding in directions; - about the operation of the AUGP, with decoding in directions and the receipt of the CRP in the protected premises; - about the disappearance of the voltage of the main power source; - about the malfunction of the AUGP with decoding in directions. 5.2.14. In AUGP, sound signals about a fire and the operation of the installation must differ in tone from signals about a malfunction. 5.2.15. In a room with personnel on duty around the clock, only light signaling should also be provided: - about the mode of operation of the AUGP; - about turning off the sound alarm about a fire; - about turning off the audible alarm about a malfunction; - about the presence of voltage on the main and backup power sources. 5.2.16. AUGP should refer to electricity consumers of the 1st category of power supply reliability in accordance with PUE-85. 5.2.17. In the absence of a backup input, it is allowed to use autonomous power sources that ensure the operability of the AUGP for at least 24 hours in standby mode and for at least 30 minutes in fire or malfunction mode. 5.2.18. The protection of electrical circuits must be carried out in accordance with PUE-85. The device of thermal and maximum protection in the control circuits is not allowed, the disconnection of which can lead to a failure in the supply of HOS to the protected premises. 5.2.19. Grounding and grounding of AUGP equipment must be carried out in accordance with PUE-85 and the requirements of the technical documentation for the equipment. 5.2.20. The choice of wires and cables, as well as the methods of their laying, should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of PUE-85, SNiP 3.05.06-85, SNiP 2.04.09-84 and in accordance with the technical characteristics of cable and wire products. 5.2.21. Placement of fire detectors inside the protected premises should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.09-84 or other regulatory document that replaces it. 5.2.22. Fire station premises or other premises with personnel on round-the-clock duty must comply with the requirements of section 4 of SNiP 2.04.09-84.


5.3.1. Premises equipped with AUGP must be equipped with signs in accordance with paragraphs. 5.2.11 and 5.2.12. 5.3.2. Volumes, areas, combustible load, availability and dimensions of open openings in the protected premises must comply with the design and must be controlled during commissioning of the AUGP. 5.3.3. Leakage of premises equipped with AUGP should not exceed the values ​​specified in clause 4.2. Measures should be taken to eliminate technologically unjustified openings, door closers, etc. should be installed. The premises, if necessary, should have pressure relief devices. 5.3.4. In the air duct systems of general ventilation, air heating and air conditioning of protected premises, air shutters or fire dampers should be provided. 5.3.5. To remove the GOS after the end of the work of the AUGP, it is necessary to use general ventilation of buildings, structures and premises. It is allowed to provide mobile ventilation units for this purpose.


5.4.1. Design, installation, adjustment, acceptance and operation of AUGP should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of safety measures set forth in: - "Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels"; - "Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations"; - "Safety regulations for the operation of electrical installations of consumers of Gosenergonadzor"; - "Uniform safety rules for blasting (when used in installations of squibs"); - GOST 12.1.019, GOST 12.3.046, GOST 12.2.003, GOST 12.2. 005, GOST 12.4.009, GOST 12.1.005, GOST 27990, GOST 28130, PUE-85, NPB 51-96, NPB 54-96; - these Norms; - the current regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner in terms of AUGP. 5.4.2. Local start-up devices of installations must be fenced and sealed, with the exception of local start-up devices installed in the premises of a fire extinguishing station or fire posts. 5.4.3. Entering the protected premises after the release of the GOS into it and the elimination of the fire until the end of the ventilation is allowed only in insulating respiratory protective equipment. 5.4.4. Entry into the premises without insulating respiratory protection is allowed only after the removal of combustion products and decomposition of the GOS to a safe value.


Method for calculating the parameters of AUGP when extinguishing by volumetric method

1. The mass of the gas fire extinguishing composition (Mg), which must be stored in the AUGP, is determined by the formula

M G \u003d Mp + Mtr + M 6 × n, (1)

Where Мр is the calculated mass of the GOS, intended for extinguishing a fire by volumetric method in the absence of artificial air ventilation in the room, is determined: for ozone-friendly freons and sulfur hexafluoride according to the formula

Mp \u003d K 1 × V P × r 1 × (1 + K 2) × C N / (100 - C N) (2)

For carbon dioxide according to the formula

Mp \u003d K 1 × V P × r 1 × (1 + K 2) × ln [ 100 / (100 - C H) ] , (3)

Where V P is the estimated volume of the protected premises, m 3. The calculated volume of the room includes its internal geometric volume, including the volume of a closed ventilation, air conditioning, and air heating system. The volume of equipment located in the room is not deducted from it, with the exception of the volume of solid (impermeable) building non-combustible elements (columns, beams, foundations, etc.); K 1 - coefficient taking into account the leakage of the gas fire extinguishing composition from the cylinders through leaks in the valves; K 2 - coefficient taking into account the loss of gas fire extinguishing composition through leaks in the room; r 1 - the density of the gas fire extinguishing composition, taking into account the height of the protected object relative to sea level, kg × m -3, is determined by the formula

r 1 \u003d r 0 × T 0 / T m × K 3, (4)

Where r 0 is the vapor density of the gas fire-extinguishing composition at a temperature T o = 293 K (20 ° C) and atmospheric pressure 0.1013 MPa; Tm - minimum operating temperature in the protected room, K; C N - normative volume concentration of GOS, % vol. The values ​​of standard fire extinguishing concentrations of GOS (C N) for various types of combustible materials are given in Appendix 2; K z - correction factor that takes into account the height of the object relative to sea level (see Table 2 of Appendix 4). The rest of the GOS in pipelines M MR, kg, is determined for AUGP, in which the openings of the nozzles are located above the distribution pipelines.

M tr = V tr × r GOS, (5)

Where V tr is the volume of AUGP pipelines from the nozzle closest to the installation to the final nozzles, m 3; r GOS is the density of the GOS residue at the pressure that exists in the pipeline after the estimated mass of the gas fire extinguishing composition has flowed into the protected room; M b × n - the product of the balance of GOS in the battery (module) (M b) AUGP, which is accepted according to the TD for the product, kg, by the number (n) of batteries (modules) in the installation. In rooms where during normal operation significant fluctuations in volume (warehouses, storage facilities, garages, etc.) or temperature are possible, it is necessary to use the maximum possible volume as the calculated volume, taking into account the minimum operating temperature of the room. Note. The normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration СН for combustible materials not listed in Appendix 2 is equal to the minimum volumetric fire extinguishing concentration multiplied by a safety factor of 1.2. The minimum volumetric fire extinguishing concentration is determined by the method set out in NPB 51-96. 1.1. The coefficients of equation (1) are determined as follows. 1.1.1. Coefficient taking into account leaks of the gas fire extinguishing composition from the vessels through leaks in the shutoff valves and the uneven distribution of the gas fire extinguishing composition over the volume of the protected room:

1.1.2. Coefficient taking into account the loss of gaseous fire extinguishing composition through leaks in the room:

K 2 \u003d 1.5 × F (Sn, g) × d × t POD ×, (6)

Where Ф (Сн, g) is a functional coefficient depending on the standard volume concentration СН and the ratio molecular weights air and gas fire extinguishing composition; g \u003d t V / t GOS, m 0.5 × s -1, - the ratio of the ratio of the molecular weights of air and GOS; d = S F H / V P - room leak parameter, m -1 ; S F H - total area of ​​leakage, m 2 ; H - the height of the room, m. The coefficient Ф (Сн, g) is determined by the formula

F(Sn, y) = (7)

Where \u003d 0.01 × C H / g is the relative mass concentration of GOS. The numerical values ​​of the coefficient Ф(Сн, g) are given in reference Appendix 5. GOS freons and sulfur hexafluoride; t POD £ 15 s for centralized AUGPs using freons and sulfur hexafluoride as GOS; t POD £ 60 s for AUGP using carbon dioxide as a GOS. 3. The mass of the gas fire-extinguishing composition intended for extinguishing a fire in a room with a working forced ventilation: for freons and sulfur hexafluoride

Mg \u003d K 1 × r 1 × (V p + Q × t POD) × [ C H / (100 - C H) ] (8)

For carbon dioxide

Mg \u003d K 1 × r 1 × (Q × t POD + V p) × ln [ 100/100 - C H) ] (9)

Where Q is the volume flow of air removed from the room by ventilation, m 3 × s -1. 4. Maximum overpressure when supplying gas compositions with room leaks:

< Мг /(t ПОД × j × ) (10)

Where j \u003d 42 kg × m -2 × C -1 × (% vol.) -0.5 is determined by the formula:

Pt \u003d [C N / (100 - C N)] × Ra or Pt \u003d Ra + D Pt, (11)

And with the leakage of the room:

³ Mg/(t POD × j × ) (12)

Determined by the formula


5. The release time of the GOS depends on the pressure in the cylinder, the type of GOS, the geometric dimensions of pipelines and nozzles. The release time is determined during the hydraulic calculations of the installation and should not exceed the value specified in paragraph 2. Appendix 1.


Table 1

Normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of freon 125 (C 2 F 5 H) at t = 20 ° C and P = 0.1 MPa


volume, % vol.

Mass, kg × m -3

ethanol GOST 18300-72
N-heptane GOST 25823-83
vacuum oil
Cotton fabric OST 84-73
Organoplast TOPS-Z
Textolite B GOST 2910-67
Rubber IRP-1118 TU 38-005924-73
Nylon fabric P-56P TU 17-04-9-78
OST 81-92-74

table 2

Normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of sulfur hexafluoride (SP 6) at t = 20 °C and P = 0.1 MPa

Name of combustible material


Regulatory fire extinguishing concentration Cn

volume, % vol.

mass, kg × m -3

transformer oil
PMMA GOST 18300-72
ethanol TU 38-005924-73
Rubber IRP-1118 OST 84-73
Cotton fabric GOST 2910-67
Textolite B OST 81-92-74
Cellulose (paper, wood)

Table 3

Normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of carbon dioxide (CO 2) at t = 20 ° C and P = 0.1 MPa

Name of combustible material


Regulatory fire extinguishing concentration Cn

volume, % vol.

Mass, kg × m -3

ethanol GOST 18300-72
Rubber IRP-1118 TU 38-005924-73
Cotton fabric OST 84-73
Textolite B GOST 2910-67
Cellulose (paper, wood) OST 81-92-74

Table 4

Normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentration of freon 318C (C 4 F 8 C) at t \u003d 20 ° C and P \u003d 0.1 MPa

Name of combustible material


Regulatory fire extinguishing concentration Cn

volume, % vol.

mass, kg × m -3

N-heptane GOST 25823-83
Rubber IRP-1118
Cellulose (paper, wood)


General requirements for the installation of local fire extinguishing

1. Local fire extinguishing installations by volume are used to extinguish the fire of individual units or equipment in cases where the use of volumetric fire extinguishing installations is technically impossible or economically impractical. 2. The estimated volume of local fire extinguishing is determined by the product of the base area of ​​the protected unit or equipment by their height. In this case, all the calculated dimensions (length, width and height) of the unit or equipment must be increased by 1 m. 3. For local fire extinguishing by volume, carbon dioxide and freons should be used. 4. The normative mass fire extinguishing concentration during local extinguishing by volume with carbon dioxide is 6 kg/m 3 . 5. The time of filing the GOS during local extinguishing should not exceed 30 s.

Method for calculating the diameter of pipelines and the number of nozzles for a low-pressure installation with carbon dioxide

1. The average (during the supply time) pressure in the isothermal tank p t, MPa, is determined by the formula

p t \u003d 0.5 × (p 1 + p 2), (1)

Where p 1 is the pressure in the tank during storage of carbon dioxide, MPa; p 2 - pressure in the tank at the end of the release of the calculated amount of carbon dioxide, MPa, is determined from fig. 1.

Rice. 1. Graph for determining the pressure in an isothermal vessel at the end of the release of the calculated amount of carbon dioxide

2. The average consumption of carbon dioxide Q t, kg / s, is determined by the formula

Q t \u003d t / t, (2)

Where m is the mass of the main stock of carbon dioxide, kg; t - carbon dioxide supply time, s, taken according to paragraph 2 of Appendix 1. 3. Inner diameter main pipeline d i , m, is determined by the formula

d i \u003d 9.6 × 10 -3 × (k 4 -2 × Q t × l 1) 0.19, (3)

Where k 4 is a multiplier, determined from the table. 1; l 1 - the length of the main pipeline according to the project, m.

Table 1

4. Average pressure in the main pipeline at the point of its entry into the protected room

p z (p 4) \u003d 2 + 0.568 × 1p, (4)

Where l 2 is the equivalent length of pipelines from the isothermal tank to the point at which the pressure is determined, m:

l 2 \u003d l 1 + 69 × d i 1.25 × e 1, (5)

Where e 1 is the sum of the resistance coefficients of the fittings of pipelines. 5. Medium pressure

p t \u003d 0.5 × (p s + p 4), (6)

Where p z - pressure at the point of entry of the main pipeline into the protected premises, MPa; p 4 - pressure at the end of the main pipeline, MPa. 6. The average flow rate through the nozzles Q t, kg / s, is determined by the formula

Q ¢ t \u003d 4.1 × 10 -3 × m × k 5 × A 3 , (7)

Where m is the flow rate through the nozzles; a 3 - the area of ​​the nozzle outlet, m; k 5 - coefficient determined by the formula

k 5 \u003d 0.93 + 0.3 / (1.025 - 0.5 × p ¢ t) . (8)

7. The number of nozzles is determined by the formula

x 1 \u003d Q t / Q ¢ t.

8. The inner diameter of the distribution pipeline (d ¢ i , m, is calculated from the condition

d ¢ I ³ 1.4 × d Ö x 1 , (9)

Where d is the nozzle outlet diameter. Note. The relative mass of carbon dioxide t 4 is determined by the formula t 4 \u003d (t 5 - t) / t 5, where t 5 is the initial mass of carbon dioxide, kg.


Table 1

The main thermophysical and thermodynamic properties of freon 125 (C 2 F 5 H), sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6), carbon dioxide (CO 2) and freon 318C (C 4 F 8 C)



Molecular mass
Vapor density at Р = 1 atm and t = 20 °С
Boiling point at 0.1 MPa
Melting temperature
Critical temperature
critical pressure
Liquid density at P cr and t cr
Specific heat capacity of a liquid

kJ × kg -1 × °С -1

kcal × kg -1 × °С -1

Specific heat capacity of gas at Р = 1 atm and t = 25 °С

kJ × kg -1 × °С -1

kcal × kg -1 × °С -1

Latent heat of vaporization

kJ × kg

kcal × kg

Gas thermal conductivity coefficient

W × m -1 × °С -1

kcal × m -1 × s -1 × °С -1

Dynamic viscosity of gas

kg × m -1 × s -1

Relative dielectric constant at Р = 1 atm and t = 25 °С

e × (e air) -1

Partial vapor pressure at t = 20 °C
Breakdown voltage of HOS vapors relative to gaseous nitrogen

V × (V N2) -1

table 2

Correction factor taking into account the height of the protected object relative to sea level

Height, m

Correction factor K 3

Table 3

The values ​​of the functional coefficient Ф (Сн, g) for freon 318Ц (С 4 F 8 Ц)

Volume concentration of freon 318C Cn, % vol.

Functional coefficient Ф(Сн, g)

Table 4

The value of the functional coefficient Ф (Сн, g) for freon 125 (С 2 F 5 Н)

Volume concentration of freon 125 Cn, % vol.

The volume concentration of freon is 125 Cn,% vol.

Functional coefficient (Сн, g)

Table 5

The values ​​of the functional coefficient Ф (Сн, g) for carbon dioxide (СО 2)

Functional coefficient (Сн, g)

Volume concentration of carbon dioxide (CO 2) Cn, % vol.

Functional coefficient (Сн, g)

Table 6

The values ​​of the functional coefficient Ф (Сн, g) for sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6)

Functional coefficient Ф(Сн, g)

Volume concentration of sulfur hexafluoride (SF 6) Cn, % vol.

Functional coefficient Ф(Сн, g)

1 area of ​​use. 1 2. Regulatory references. 1 3. Definitions. 2 4. General requirements. 3 5. Designing augp.. 3 5.1. General provisions and requirements. 3 5.2. General requirements for systems of electrical control, control, signaling and power supply augp.. 6 5.3. Requirements for protected premises.. 8 5.4. Requirements for safety and environmental protection.. 8 Annex 1 Method for calculating the parameters of AUGP when extinguishing by volumetric method.. 9 Annex 2 Normative volumetric fire extinguishing concentrations. eleven Annex 3 General requirements for the installation of local fire extinguishing. 12 Appendix 4 Methodology for calculating the diameter of pipelines and the number of nozzles for a low-pressure installation with carbon dioxide. 12 Annex 5 Basic thermophysical and thermodynamic properties of freon 125, sulfur hexafluoride, carbon dioxide and freon 318C.. 13
    Appendix A (recommended). The act of delivery and acceptance of the gas fire extinguishing installation into operation Appendix B (recommended). The act of carrying out fire tests of the gas fire extinguishing installation Appendix B (recommended). Protocol for autonomous testing of a gas fire extinguishing installation Appendix D (recommended). The act of testing pipelines for strength Annex D (recommended). The act of testing pipelines for tightness with the determination of the pressure drop during the test Appendix E (informative). Bibliography

State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 50969-96
"Automatic gas fire extinguishing installations. General technical requirements. Test methods"
(put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of November 13, 1996 N 619)

With changes and additions from:

Automatic gas fire extinguishing systems. general technical requirements. Test methods

Introduced for the first time

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to centralized and modular automatic volumetric gas fire extinguishing installations (hereinafter referred to as installations) and establishes general technical requirements for installations and methods for their testing.

The requirements of this standard can also be used in the design, installation, testing and operation of local gas fire extinguishing installations.

3.6 stock of fire extinguishing agent: The required amount of fire extinguishing agent that is stored in order to restore the estimated amount or reserve of fire extinguishing agent

3.10 modular gas fire extinguishing installation: Automatic fire extinguishing installation containing one or more gas fire extinguishing modules, which are located in or near the protected room

3.14 duration of GOTV supply: Time from the start of the release of GFEA from the nozzle into the protected room until the moment of release from the installation of 95% of the mass of GFFS required to create a standard fire extinguishing concentration in the protected room

3.20 centralized gas fire extinguishing installation: Gas fire extinguishing installation, in which gas vessels, as well as switchgears (if any), are located in the fire extinguishing station room

4 General technical requirements

4.1 Development, acceptance, maintenance and operation of installations should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004, GOST 12.1.019, GOST 12.2.003, GOST, GOST 12.3.046, GOST 12.4.009, GOST 21128, GOST 21752, GOST 21753, SP 5.13130, Rules,,, this standard and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

4.2 Installations in terms of execution and category of placement in terms of the impact of climatic factors of the environment must comply with GOST 15150 and operating conditions.

4.3 Equipment, products, materials, DHW and gases for their displacement used in the installation must have a passport, documents certifying their quality, shelf life and comply with the conditions of use and the design specification for the installation.

4.4 In installations, GOVs approved for use in the prescribed manner should be used.

4.5 As a propellant, nitrogen should be used, the technical characteristics of which correspond to GOST 9293. It is allowed to use air for which the dew point should not be higher than minus 40°C.

4.6 Vessels (vessels of various designs, cylinders installed separately or in batteries, etc.) used in fire extinguishing installations must comply with the requirements of the Rules.

4.7 Installations must be provided with devices for controlling the amount of GFFS and the pressure of the propellant gas in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53281 and GOST R 53282.

Installations in which DHW is compressed gas under operating conditions may only be provided with pressure control devices.

4.8 The composition of the installation, the placement of its elements and their interaction must comply with the requirements of the project for the installation and the technical documentation for its elements.

4.9 Installations must provide inertia (excluding the delay time for the release of fumes, necessary for the evacuation of people, stop process equipment, etc.) no more than 15 s.

4.10 The duration of the GOTV submission must comply with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

4.11 Installations must ensure the concentration of GFEA in the volume of the protected premises is not lower than the standard.

4.12 Filling of GFEA vessels and propellant gas in terms of mass (pressure) must comply with the requirements of the project for installation and technical documentation for vessels, GFFS, as well as their operating conditions. For cylinders of the same standard size in the installation, the calculated values ​​for filling GFEA and propellant gas must be the same.

4.13 Centralized installations, in addition to the calculated amount of GFEA, must have a 100% reserve in accordance with SP 5.13130. The stock of GOTV in centralized installations is not provided.

4.14 Modular installations, in addition to the estimated number of GFFS, must have a stock in accordance with SP 5.13130. The reserve of GOTV in modular installations is not provided. The stock of DHW should be stored in modules similar to the modules of installations. The stock of DHW must be prepared for installation in installations.

4.15 The mass of GFFS in each vessel of the installation, including vessels with a reserve of GFFS in centralized plants and modules with a reserve of GFFS in modular plants, must be at least 95% of the calculated values, the pressure of the propellant gas (if any) must be at least 90% of their calculated values. values ​​taking into account the operating temperature.

It is allowed to control only the pressure of DHW, which are compressed gases under the operating conditions of the installations. At the same time, the pressure of the DHW must be at least 95% of the calculated values, taking into account the operating temperature.

Periodicity and technical means control of the safety of GFFS and propellant gas must comply with the technical documentation for modules, batteries and isothermal fire tanks.

4.16 GFFS supply pipelines and their connections in installations must provide strength at a pressure of at least , and for incentive pipelines and their connections - at least

4.17 Incentive pipelines and their connections in installations must ensure tightness at a pressure of at least .

4.18 Means of electric control of installations should provide:

a) automatic and manual remote start;

b) shutdown and restoration of automatic start;

c) automatic switching of power supply from the main source to the backup one when the voltage is turned off at the main source;

d) control of serviceability (break, short circuit) of fire alarm loops and connecting lines;

e) control of serviceability (break) of electric circuits of control of starting elements;

f) pressure control in launch cylinders and incentive pipelines;

g) control of sound and light signaling serviceability (on call);

h) turning off the sound alarm;

i) formation and issuance of a command impulse to control the process and electrical equipment of the volume, ventilation, air conditioning, as well as fire warning devices.

4.19 The installations must ensure the delay in the release of GFEA into the protected premises during automatic and manual remote start for the time required to evacuate people from the premises, but not less than 10 s from the moment the evacuation warning devices are turned on in the premises.

The time of complete closing of the dampers (valves) in the air ducts of the ventilation systems in the protected room should not exceed the delay time for the release of GFEA into this room.

4.20 In the protected premises, as well as in the adjacent ones, which have an exit only through the protected premises, when the installation is triggered, the light devices (light signal in the form of inscriptions on the light panels "Gas - go away!" and "Gas - do not enter!") and sound alerts in accordance with GOST 12.3.046, SP 5.13130 ​​and GOST 12.4.009.

4.21 In the premises of the fire post or other premises with personnel on round-the-clock duty, light and sound alarms must be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 5.13130.

4.22 Centralized installations must be equipped with local start devices. Starting elements of devices for local switching of installations, including switchgears, must have plates indicating the names of the protected premises.

5.6 At the test site or repair work installations, warning signs "Caution! Other hazards" in accordance with GOST 12.4.026 and an explanatory inscription "Tests are underway!" must be installed, as well as instructions and safety rules posted.

5.7 Igniters used in installations as simulators during testing must be placed in assemblies that ensure the safety of their use.

5.8 During pneumatic testing of pipelines, tapping is not allowed.

Pneumatic strength tests are not allowed for pipelines located in rooms with people or equipment in them that can be damaged if the pipeline is destroyed.

5.9 The actions of the personnel in the premises, into which the fuel oil may flow when the installations are triggered, should be indicated in the safety instructions used at the facility.

5.10 Entering the protected premises after the release of GOTV into it until the end of ventilation is allowed only in insulating respiratory protective equipment.

5.11 Persons who have undergone special instruction and training in safe working methods, testing knowledge of safety rules and instructions in accordance with the position held in relation to the work performed in accordance with GOST 12.0.004 should be allowed to work with the installation.

6 Environmental requirements

6.1 In terms of environmental protection, installations must ensure the relevant requirements of the technical documentation for fire extinguishing agents during operation, maintenance, testing and repair.

7 Completeness, marking and packaging

7.1 Requirements for the completeness, marking and packaging of the elements that make up the installations must be specified in specifications to these elements.

8 Test procedure

8.2 For the period of testing, measures should be provided to ensure fire safety protected object.

8.3 Testing of installations should be carried out by enterprises (organizations) operating installations with the involvement, if necessary, of third-party organizations and drawn up by an act (Appendix A).

8.4 When accepting installations for operation, the installation and commissioning organizations must present:

Executive documentation (a set of working drawings with changes made to them);

Passports or other documents certifying the quality of products, equipment and materials used in the production of installation work.

8.5 Comprehensive testing of the installation should be carried out:

Upon acceptance into service;

During operation at least once every 5 years in accordance with RD 25.964 (except for tests according to 4.9-4.11).

Before acceptance into operation, the installation must be run-in in order to identify faults that can lead to false operation of the installation. The run-in duration is set by the installation and commissioning organization, but not less than 3 days.

The run-in is carried out with the connection of starting circuits to simulators according to 9.5, which, according to electrical characteristics correspond to the actuators (activators) of the installation. At the same time, all cases of fire alarm activation or control of automatic start-up of the installation should be recorded by an automatic registration device, followed by an analysis of their causes.

If there are no false alarms or other violations during the run-in period, the unit is switched to automatic operation mode. If during the run-in failures continue, the installation is subject to re-adjustment and run-in.

8.6 Testing of installations for checking the inertia, the duration of the GFFS supply and the fire-extinguishing concentration of GFFS in the volume of the protected premises (4.9-4.11) are not mandatory. The need for their experimental verification is determined by the customer or, in case of deviation from design standards that affect the parameters being checked, officials of the management bodies and divisions of the State Fire Service in the implementation of state fire supervision.

9 Test methods

9.1 Tests are carried out under normal climatic conditions, tests in accordance with GOST 15150, unless special conditions are specified in the test procedure.

9.2 In tests where the requirements for the measurement accuracy of a parameter specified as a quantity with a one-sided limit (except for time parameters) are not specified, when choosing a measuring instrument in terms of accuracy class, they are guided by the following: a possible measurement error should be taken into account in the measured parameter in such a way that it increases the validity of its definition.

For example, a requirement is set that the mass of GOV in a vessel must be at least 95 kg. When weighed on a scale with an accuracy of kg, a weight of 96 kg was obtained. Taking into account the measurement error in the direction of increasing the reliability of the parameter determination, we obtain the test result - 94 kg. Conclusion: the installation for this test does not meet the specified requirement.

9.3 Relative measurement error of time parameters should not exceed 5%.

9.5 The test for the interaction of the elements of the installation (4.8) is carried out using compressed air instead of GOTV.

Vessels with GOTV are disconnected from the installation. Instead of them (vessels), simulators (electric fuses, lamps, self-recording devices, squibs, etc.) and one or two vessels filled with compressed air to a pressure corresponding to the pressure in vessels with GFFS at the test temperature are connected to the starting circuits of the installation. In installations with pneumatic start-up, the incentive pipelines and the incentive-starting sections are also filled with compressed air to the appropriate operating pressure. Carry out automatic start-up of the installation. Hereinafter, the automatic start-up of the installations is carried out by triggering the required number of fire detectors or devices simulating them in accordance with the design documentation for the installation. The operation of fire detectors should be carried out by an impact that simulates the corresponding fire factor.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the operation of the units and devices complies with the technical documentation for the equipment being tested and the design documentation for the installation.

The test results are documented in a protocol (Appendix B).

9.6 The inertia test (4.9) is carried out with automatic start-up of the plant (9.5).

The time is measured from the moment the last fire detector was triggered until the start of the DHW outflow from the nozzle, after which the DHW supply can be stopped.

Here and further, during testing, the moments of the beginning or end of the GFFS outflow from the nozzle must be determined using thermocouples, pressure sensors, gas analyzers, audio-video recording of jets (liquefied GFFS) or other objective control methods.

It is allowed to use another inert gas or compressed air instead of DHW, which, when stored in a vessel, is a compressed gas. The gas pressure in the vessel must be equal to the pressure of the DHW in the installation. It is allowed instead of GOTV, which, when stored in a vessel, are liquefied gas, use a different model liquefied gas.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the measured time, excluding the delay time for evacuation, shutdown of process equipment, etc. meets the requirements of 4.9.

9.7 The test to determine the duration of the supply of DHW (4.10), which during storage is a liquefied gas, is carried out as follows. The vessels of the installation are filled with 100% of the mass of GOV required to create a standard fire extinguishing concentration in the protected room. Carry out the start-up of the installation and the supply of GOV to the protected room. Measure the time from the start of the outflow from the nozzle to the end of the outflow from the nozzle liquid phase GOTV (9.6).

When testing an installation with GFFS, which during storage is a compressed gas, the time is measured from the moment the GFFS starts to flow out of the nozzle until the design pressure in the installation (vessel, pipeline) is reached, corresponding to the release from the installation of 95% of the GFFS mass required to create a standard fire extinguishing concentration in the protected area.

It is allowed to determine the duration of supply using model gas instead of GOV. In this case, the duration of the supply is calculated on the basis of the results of the experiment to determine the throughput of the pipelines of the installation.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the measured feed time complies with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

9.8 Ensuring the normative fire-extinguishing concentration of fumes in the protected room (4.11) is checked by measuring the fumes concentration during cold tests or after extinguishing model fires during fire tests.

9.8.1 Concentration measurement points (model fires) are located at levels of 10, 50 and 90% of the height of the room. The number and location of concentration measurement points (model fires) at each level is determined by the test methodology. Locations of concentration measurement points (model fires) should not be in the zone of direct impact of GFFS jets supplied from nozzles.

9.8.3 In fire tests, model fires are used - containers with a combustible load, which, as a rule, use combustible materials characteristic of the protected room. The amount of combustible material is determined by the test method, it must be sufficient to ensure the duration of combustion for at least 10 minutes after the start of the supply of GFFS to the protected room. It is forbidden to fill containers with combustible materials that can create an explosive concentration in the room.) in the vessel is carried out by weighing on a balance or by calculation based on the results of measuring level, temperature, pressure.

Checking the pressure of GOTV and propellant gas in the vessel is carried out with a pressure gauge.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the mass (pressure) of the GFFS and the propellant gas in the vessels corresponds to 4.15.

9.10 Testing of pipelines of the installation and their connections for strength (4.16) is carried out as follows.

Before testing, pipelines are subjected to external inspection. As a rule, water is used as the test liquid. Pipelines supplying liquid must be pre-tested. Instead of nozzles, except for the last one on the distribution pipeline, plugs are screwed in. The pipelines are filled with liquid and then a plug is installed in place of the last nozzle.

During the test, the pressure rise should be carried out in stages:

first stage - 0.05 MPa;

second stage - ();

third stage - ();

fourth step - ().

At intermediate stages of pressure rise, an exposure is made for 1-3 minutes, during which the absence of a pressure drop in the pipes is established using a pressure gauge or other device. The pressure gauge must be at least 2nd accuracy class.

Under pressure () pipelines withstand 5 minutes. Then the pressure is reduced to () and inspected. Upon completion of the tests, the liquid is drained and the pipelines are purged with compressed air.

It is allowed to use compressed inert gas or air instead of the test liquid, subject to safety requirements.

Pipelines are considered to have passed the test if no pressure drop is detected and no bulges, cracks, leaks, or fogging are detected during inspection. Tests are drawn up by an act (Appendix G).

9.11 The tightness test of the incentive pipelines of the installation (4.17) is carried out after their strength test (9.10).

Air or an inert gas shall be used as the test gas. Pressure is created in pipelines equal to .

Pipelines are considered to have passed the test if there is no pressure drop of more than 10% within 24 hours and no bulges, cracks or leaks are detected during inspection. To detect defects during inspection of pipelines, it is recommended to use foaming solutions. The pressure should be measured with a manometer not lower than the 2nd accuracy class.

Tightness tests are drawn up by an act (Appendix D).

9.12 Checking the automatic and manual remote start-up of the installation (4.18, listing a) is performed without releasing the GFFS from the installation. Vessels with GOTV are disconnected from the starting circuits and simulators are connected (9.5). Alternately carry out automatic and remote start-up of the installation.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if, during automatic and remote start-up of the installation, all simulators in the starting circuits were triggered.

9.13 Checking the shutdown and restoration of the automatic start of the installation (4.18, listing b) is carried out by influencing the shutdown devices (for example, by opening the door to the room or, for installations with pneumatic start-up, switching the corresponding device on the incentive pipeline) and restoring automatic start.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the automatic start is turned off and restored and the light alarm is activated in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment under test.

9.14 Checking the automatic switching of power from the main source to the reserve (4.18, listing c) is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, when the unit is operating in standby mode, the main power source is turned off. Light and sound alarms should work in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment under test. Connect the main power supply.

In the second step, the tests are carried out in accordance with 9.12. In the period from the moment the automatic or remote start is turned on to the issuance of starting pulses by the installation to the simulators, the main power source is turned off.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if at the first stage the light and sound alarms are triggered in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment under test, and at the second stage all simulators in the starting circuit are triggered.

9.15 Testing of the means of monitoring the health of fire alarm loops and connecting lines (4.18, listing d) is carried out by alternate opening and short circuiting of loops and lines.

9.16 The testing of the means for monitoring the health of the electrical circuits for controlling the starting elements (4.18, listing e) is carried out by opening the starting circuit.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the light and sound alarms are triggered in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment under test.

9.17 Testing of air pressure control means in the launch cylinders and the incentive pipeline of the installation (4.18, listing f) is carried out by reducing the pressure in the incentive pipeline by 0.05 MPa and in the launch cylinders by 0.2 MPa from the calculated values.

It is allowed to simulate a drop in air pressure by closing the contacts of an electrocontact pressure gauge or in another way.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the light and sound alarms are triggered in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment under test.

9.18 Testing of means for monitoring the health of light and sound alarms (4.18, listing g) is performed by turning on the devices for calling light and sound alarms.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the light and sound alarms are triggered in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment under test.

9.19 The test of the means of disabling the sound alarm (4.18 listing h) is performed as follows. After the sound alarm is triggered (for example, during checks according to 9.13 -9.17), a device is turned on to turn off the sound alarm.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the sound alarm is turned off and in the absence of automatic restoration of the sound alarm, a light alarm is activated in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment under test.

9.20 Testing of the means for generating a command pulse (4.18, listing i) is performed without releasing from the GOTV installation. Vessels with GOTV are disconnected from the starting circuits.

A device for controlling technological equipment or a measuring device is connected to the output terminals of the element that generates the command pulse. The device for measuring the parameters of the command pulse is selected in accordance with the technical characteristics of the equipment under test and is indicated in the test procedure. Perform automatic or remote start-up of the installation.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the device for controlling the technological equipment is triggered or the command pulse is recorded by the measuring device.

9.21 Checking the delay time (4.19) and the activation of warning devices (4.20) is carried out without the release of GOTV during automatic and remote start-up of the installation. Simulators (9.5) are connected to the starting circuits of the installation instead of vessels with GOTV.

After starting the installation in the protected room, as well as in adjacent rooms that have access only through the protected room, they control the switching on of light devices (a light signal in the form of an inscription on the light panels "Gas - go away!") and sound notification. The time is measured from the moment the warning devices are turned on until the moment the simulators installed in the starting circuits of the installation operate.

Then they check the inclusion of the light warning device (light signal in the form of an inscription on the light panel "Gas - do not enter!") in front of the protected room.

The installation is considered to have passed the test if the measured time corresponds to the delay time required in 4.19 and the warning devices are activated in accordance with 4.20.

10 Transport and storage

The requirements for transportation and storage of the elements that make up the installations must be specified in the technical specifications for these elements.


* Installations designed or modified after the introduction of this standard.

** Test methods are designed to test installations that use newly developed equipment, substances, products, materials.




RD 34.49.501-95


Moscow 1996

DevelopedJoint-stock company "Firm for adjustment, improvement of technology and operation of power plants and networks" ORGRES ".


Agreedwith the Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Grids of RAO UES of Russia on December 28, 1995

Head N.F. Gorev

ApprovedDepartment of Science and Technology of RAO "UES of Russia" December 29, 1995



RD 34.49.501-95

Expiry date set

from 01.01.97

This Standard Instruction contains the basic requirements for the operation of technological equipment of water fire extinguishing installations used at energy enterprises, as well as the procedure for flushing and pressure testing pipelines of fire extinguishing installations. The volume and sequence of control of the state of technological equipment, the timing of the revision of all equipment of fire extinguishing installations are indicated, and basic recommendations for troubleshooting are given.

Responsibility for the operation of fire extinguishing installations has been established, the necessary working documentation and requirements for personnel training have been provided.

The main safety requirements for the operation of fire extinguishing installations are indicated.

Forms of acts of flushing and pressure testing of pipelines and fire tests are given.

With the release of this Standard Instruction, the Standard Instruction for the Operation of Automatic Fire-Extinguishing Installations: TI 34-00-046-85 (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1985) becomes invalid.


1.1 . The standard instruction establishes the requirements for the operation of technological equipment of water fire extinguishing installations and is mandatory for managers of energy enterprises, heads of workshops and persons appointed responsible for the operation of fire extinguishing installations.

1.2 . Technical requirements for the operation of technological equipment of foam fire extinguishing installations are set out in the "Instructions for the operation of fire extinguishing installations using air-mechanical foam" (M.: SPO ORGRES, 1997).

1.3 . When operating an automatic fire alarmfire extinguishing installations (AUP) should be guided by the "Standard instruction for the operation of automatic fire alarm installations at power enterprises" (M .: SPO ORGRES, 1996).

The following abbreviations have been adopted in this Model Instruction.

UVP - water fire extinguishing installation,

AUP - automatic fire extinguishing installation,

AUVP - automatic water fire extinguishing installation,

PPS - fire alarm panel,

PUEZ - control panel for electric shutters,

PUPN - fire pump control panel,

PI - fire detector,

PN - fire pump,

OK - check valve,

DV - water drencher,

DVM - modernized water drencher,

OPDR - foam-drencher sprinkler.


2.1 . On the basis of this Standard Instruction, the organization that adjusted the process equipment of the AFS, together with the power company where this equipment is installed, must develop local instructions for the operation of the process equipment and devices of the AFS. If the adjustment was carried out by a power company, then the instructions are developed by the personnel of this enterprise. Local instructions must be developed at least one month before the acceptance of the AFS into operation.

2.2 . The local instructions must take into account the requirements of this Standard Instruction and the requirements of factory passports and operating instructions for equipment, instruments and apparatus that are part of the AUVP. Reducing the requirements set forth in these documents is not allowed.

2.3 . The local instruction must be reviewed at least once every three years and every time after the reconstruction of the AUP or in the event of a change in operating conditions.

2.4 . Acceptance of the AUP for operation should be carried out in the composition of representatives:

energy companies (chairman);

design, installation and commissioning organizations;

state fire control.

The work program of the commission and the act of acceptance must be approved by the chief technical officer of the enterprise.


3.1 . When operating the technological equipment of water fire extinguishing installations, the personnel of power enterprises must comply with the relevant safety requirements specified in the PTE, PTB, as well as in the factory passports and operating instructions for specific equipment.

3.2 . During the maintenance and repair of the AFS, when visiting the premises protected by the AFS, the automatic control of a specific distribution pipeline in this direction must be switched to manual (remote) before the last person leaves the premises.

3.3 . Pressure testing of pipelines with water should be carried out only according to an approved program, which should include measures to ensure the protection of personnel from a possible rupture of pipelines. It is necessary to ensure complete removal of air from the pipelines. Combining work on pressure testing with other work in the same room is prohibited. If pressure testing is carried out by contractors, then the work is carried out according to the work permit. The performance of these works by the operational or maintenance personnel of the power enterprise is documented in a written order.

3.4 . Before starting work, the personnel involved in pressure testing must be instructed in safety at the workplace.

3.5 . Unauthorized persons must not be in the room during the pressure test. Pressurization must be carried out under the supervision of a responsible person.

3.6 . Repair work on process equipment should be carried out after depressurizing this equipment and preparing the necessary organizational and technical measures established by the current PTB.


4.1 . Water fire extinguishing installation consists of:

source of water supply (reservoir, pond, city water supply, etc.);

fire pumps (designed for the intake and supply of water to pressure pipelines);

suction pipelines (connecting the water source to fire pumps);

pressure pipelines (from the pump to the control unit);

distribution pipelines (laid within the protected premises);

control units installed at the end of pressure pipelines;


In addition to the above, based on the design solutions, the scheme of fire extinguishing installations can include:

water tank for filling fire pumps;

pneumatic tank for maintaining constant pressure in the network of the fire extinguishing installation;

compressor for feeding the pneumatic tank with air;

drain taps;

check valves;

dosing washers;

pressure switch;


vacuum gauges;

level gauges for level measurement in tanks and pneumatic tank;

other signaling, control and automation devices.

The schematic diagram of the water fire extinguishing installation is shown in the figure.

4.2 . After completion of installation work, suction, pressure and distribution pipelines must be flushed and subjected to hydraulic tests. The results of flushing and pressure testing must be documented in acts (appendices And ).

If possible, the effectiveness of the fire extinguishing installation should be checked by organizing the extinguishing of an artificial fire source (Appendix).

4.3 . When flushing pipelines, water should be supplied from theirends towards control units (in order to prevent clogging of pipes with a smaller diameter) at a speed of 15 - 20% more than the speed of water during a fire (determined by calculation or recommendations of design organizations). Flushing should be continued until a stable appearance of clean water.

If it is impossible to flush individual sections of pipelines, it is allowed to purge them with dry, clean, compressed air or inert gas.

Schematic diagram of a water fire extinguishing installation:

1 - water storage tank; 2 - fire pump (PN) with electric drive; 3 - pressure pipeline; 4 - suction pipeline; 5 - distribution pipeline; 6 - fire detector (PI); 7 - control unit; 8 - pressure gauge; 9 - check valve (OK)

Note.The standby fire pump with fittings is not shown.

4.4 . Hydraulic testing of pipelines must be carried out under a pressure equal to 1.25 working (P), but not less than P + 0.3 MPa, for 10 minutes.

To isolate the test section from the rest of the network, blind flanges or plugs must be installed. It is not allowed to use existing control units, repair valves, etc. for this purpose.

After 10 minutes of testing, the pressure should be gradually reduced to working pressure and a thorough inspection of all welded joints and adjacent areas should be carried out.

The pipeline network is considered to have passed the hydraulic test if there are no signs of rupture, leakage and drops in the welded joints and on the base metal, visible residual deformations.

The pressure should be measured with two manometers.

4.5 . Flushing and hydraulic testing of pipelines must be carried out under conditions that exclude their freezing.

It is forbidden to backfill open trenches with pipelines that have been exposed to severe frosts, or to backfill such trenches with frozen soil.

4.6 . Automatic water fire extinguishing installations must operate in automatic start mode. For the period of stay in the cable facilities of the personnel (bypass, repair work, etc.), the start-up of the installations must be transferred to manual (remote) switching on (p. ).


5.1 . Organizational events

5.1.1 . The persons responsible for the operation, overhaul and current repairs of the technological equipment of the fire extinguishing installation are appointed by the head of the energy enterprise, who also approves the schedules for technical supervision and equipment repair.

5.1.2 . The person responsible for the constant readiness of the technological equipment of the fire extinguishing installation must be well aware of the principle of the device and the operation of this equipment, and also have the following documentation:

a project with changes made during the installation and commissioning of the fire extinguishing installation;

factory passports and operating instructions for equipment and devices;

this Standard Instruction and the local operating instructions for the process equipment;

acts and protocols for conducting installation and adjustment work, as well as testing the operation of process equipment;

schedules for maintenance and repair of process equipment;

"Journal of accounting for the maintenance and repair of a fire extinguishing installation."

5.1.3 . Any deviations from the scheme adopted by the project, replacement of equipment, additional installation sprinklers or their replacement by sprinklers with large diameter nozzles must be pre-agreed with the design institute - the author of the project.

5.1.4 . To monitor the technical condition of the technological equipment of the fire extinguishing installation, a "Journal of accounting for the maintenance and repair of the fire extinguishing installation" should be maintained, which should record the date and time of the check, who carried out the check, detected malfunctions, their nature and time of their elimination, the time of forced shutdown and on fire-extinguishing installations, ongoing testing of the operation of the entire installation or individual equipment. An approximate form of the journal is given in the appendix .

At least once a quarter, the content of the magazine should be reviewed against receipt by the chief technical manager of the enterprise.

5.1.5 . To check the readiness and effectiveness of the AUVP, once every three years, a complete revision of the technological equipment of this installation should be carried out.

During the audit, in addition to the main work, pressure testing of the pressure pipeline is carried out and flushing (or purging) and pressure testing of distribution pipelines (clauses -) in the most aggressive environment (dampness, gas contamination, dust) are carried out in two or three directions.

If deficiencies are found, it is necessary to develop measures to ensure their complete elimination in a short time.

5.1.6 . Automatic fire extinguishing installation in accordance with the schedule approved by the head of the relevant department, but at least once every three years, must be tested (tested) according to a specially developed program with their actual start-up, provided that this does not entail a shutdown of process equipment or all production process. During testing on the first and last sprinklers, the water pressure and irrigation intensity should be checked.

Testing should be carried out for 1.5 - 2 minutes with the inclusion of serviceable drainage devices.

Based on the results of testing, an act or protocol must be drawn up, and the fact of testing itself is recorded in the "Journal of maintenance and repair of the fire extinguishing installation".

5.1.7 . Checking the operation of the AUVP or certain types of equipment should be carried out during the withdrawal for repair, maintenance of the protected premises and the technological installation.

5.1.8 . A special room should be allocated for the storage of spare equipment, equipment parts, as well as fixtures, tools, materials, devices necessary for monitoring and organizing the repair work of the AUVP.

5.1.9 . The technical capabilities of the AUVP should be included in the operational plan for extinguishing a fire at a given power enterprise. During fire drills, it is necessary to expand the circle of personnel who know the purpose and device of the AUVP, as well as the procedure for bringing it into action.

5.1.10 . Personnel servicing AUVP compressors and pneumatic tanks must be trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor rules.

5.1.11 . The person responsible for the operation of the technological equipment of the fire extinguishing installation must organize training sessions with the personnel assigned to control the operation and maintenance of this equipment.

5.1.12 . In room pumping station AUVP should be posted: instructions on how to put the pumps into operation and open stop valves, as well as schematic and technological schemes.

5.2 . Technical requirements for AUVP

5.2.1 . Entrances to the building (premises) of the pumping station and fire extinguishing installation, as well as approaches to pumps, pneumatic tank, compressor, control units, pressure gauges and other equipment of the fire extinguishing installation, must always be free.

5.2.2 . On the existing fire extinguishing installation, the following must be sealed in the working position:

hatches of reservoirs and containers for storing water supplies;

control units, gate valves and manual actuation valves;

pressure switch;

drain valves.

5.2.3 . After the fire extinguishing installation has been activated, its performance must be fully restored no later than 24 hours later.

5.3 . Water storage tanks

5.3.1 . Checking the water level in the tank should be carried out daily with registration in the “Journal of maintenance and repair of the fire extinguishing installation”.

If the water level decreases due to evaporation, it is necessary to add water, if there are leaks, determine the location of the damage to the tank and eliminate the leaks.

5.3.2 . The correct operation of the automatic level gauge in the tank should be checked at least once every three months at positive temperatures, monthly - at negative temperature and immediately in case of doubt about the correct operation of the level gauge.

5.3.3 . Tanks must be closed to access outsiders and sealed, the integrity of the seal is checked during the inspection of the equipment, but at least once a quarter.

5.3.4 . The water in the tank must not contain mechanical impurities that could clog pipelines, dosing washers and sprinklers.

5.3.5 . To prevent rotting and flowering of water, it is recommended to disinfect it with bleach at the rate of 100 g of lime per 1 m 3 of water.

5.3.6 . Replacing the water in the tank is necessary annually in autumn.her time. When replacing water, the bottom and inner walls of the tank are cleaned of dirt and growths, the damaged color is restored or completely renewed.

5.3.7 . Before the onset of frost in buried tanks, the gap between the lower and top lids the hatch must be filled with insulating material.

5.4 . Suction pipeline

5.4.1 . Once a quarter, the condition of the inputs, valves, measuring instruments and the water intake well is checked.

5.4.2 . Before the onset of frost, the fittings in the intake well must be inspected, repaired if necessary, and the well insulated.

5.5 . Pumping station

5.5.1 . Before testing the pumps, it is necessary to check: tightness of glands; the level of lubrication in the bearing baths; correct tightening of foundation bolts, pump cover nuts and bearings; connection of the pipeline on the suction side and the pumps themselves.

5.5.2 . Once a month, pumps and other equipment of the pumping station should be inspected, cleaned of dust and dirt.

5.5.3 . Each fire pump must be turned on at least twice a month to create the required pressure, which is recorded in the operational log.

5.5.4 . At least once a month, the reliability of the transfer of all fire pumps to the main and backup power supply should be checked, with the results recorded in the operational log.

5.5.5 . If there is a special tank for filling the pumps with water, the latter should be inspected and painted annually.

5.5.6 . Once every three years, pumps and motors in accordance with par. . of this Standard Instruction must undergo an audit, during which all existing shortcomings are eliminated.

Repair and replacement of used parts, checking of oil seals are carried out as necessary.

5.5.7 . The pumping station must be kept clean. In the absence of duty, it must be locked. One of the spare keys must be kept in the control box, which must be indicated on the door.

5.6 . Pressure and distribution pipelines

5.6.1 . Once a quarter you need to check:

absence of leaks and deflections of pipelines;

the presence of a constant slope (at least 0.01 for pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm and 0.005 for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm or more);

condition of pipeline fastenings;

no touching of electrical wires and cables;

condition of painting, absence of dirt and dust.

Deficiencies found that could affect the reliability of the installation must be eliminated immediately.

5.6.2 . The pressure pipeline must be in constant readiness for action, i.e. filled with water and under operating pressure.

5.7 . Control units and valves

5.7.1 . For AUVP transformers and cable structures in shut-off and starting devices, steel fittings, electrified gate valves with automatic start, grade 30s 941nzh, should be used; 30s 986nzh; 30s 996nzh with a working pressure of 1.6 MPa, repair gate valves with a manual drive of the brand 30s 41nzh with a working pressure of 1.6 MPa.

5.7.2 . The condition of the control units and shut-off valves, the presence of a seal, the pressure values ​​before and after the control units, must be monitored at least once a month.

5.7.3 . An inspection should be carried out once every six months. electrical circuit operation of the control unit with its automatic activation from a fire detector when the valve is closed.

5.7.4 . The installation site of the control unit must be well lit, the inscriptions on pipelines or special stencils (number of the unit, protected area, type of sprinklers and their number) must be made with indelible bright paint and be clearly visible.

5.7.5 . All damage to valves, gates and non-return valves that may affect the reliability of the fire extinguishing installation must be repaired immediately.

5.8 . Sprinklers

5.8.1 . As water sprinklers for automatic fire extinguishing of transformers, sprinklers OPDR-15 are used with a working water pressure in front of the sprinklers in the range of 0.2 - 0.6 MPa; for automatic fire extinguishing of cable structures, sprinklers DV, DVM with a working pressure of 0.2 - 0.4 MPa are used.

5.8.2 . When inspecting switchgear equipment, but at least once a month, sprinklers should be inspected and cleaned of dust and dirt. If a defect or corrosion is found, corrective action must be taken.

5.8.3 . When carrying out repair work, sprinklers must be protected from getting plaster and paint on them (for example, with polyethylene or paper caps, etc.). Traces of paint and mortar found after repair must be removed.

5.8.4 . It is forbidden to install plugs and plugs instead of faulty sprinklers.

5.8.5 . To replace faulty or damaged sprinklers, a reserve of 10 - 15% of the total number of installed sprinklers should be created.

5.9 . Pneumatic tank and compressor

5.9.1 . The inclusion of a pneumatic tank in operation should be carried out in the following sequence:

fill the pneumatic tank with water to approximately 50% of its volume (control the level on the water gauge glass);

turn on the compressor or open the valve on the compressed air pipeline;

raise the pressure in the air tank to the working one (controlled by a pressure gauge), after which the air tank is connected to the pressure pipeline, creating a working pressure in it.

5.9.2 . Every day, an external inspection of the air tank should be carried out, the water level and air pressure in the air tank should be checked. When the air pressure drops by 0.05 MPa (relative to the working one), it is pumped up.

Once a week, the compressor is tested at idle.

5.9.3 . Maintenance air tank and compressor, carried out once a year, includes:

Emptying, inspecting and cleaning the air tank:

removal and testing on the stand safety valve(in case of malfunction, replace with a new one);

painting the surface of the air tank (indicate the date of repair on the surface);

detailed inspection of the compressor (replace worn parts and fittings);

fulfillment of all other technical requirements provided by factory passports and operating instructions for the air tank and compressor.

5.9.4 . Switching off the pneumatic tank from the fire extinguishing installation circuit is prohibited.

5.9.5 . The inspection of the pneumatic tank is carried out by a special commission with the participation of representatives of the State Gortekhnadzor, local bodies of the State Fire Supervision and this energy company.

Note.The compressor must only be started manually. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the level in the pneumatic tank, since when automatic switching on compressor, it is possible to squeeze out water from the pneumatic tank and even from the network with air.

5.10 . Pressure gauges

5.10.1 . The correctness of the indications of the operation of pressure gauges installed on pneumatic tanks should be checked once a month, installed on pipelines - once every six months.

5.10.2 . A complete inspection at the fire extinguishing installation of all pressure gauges with their sealing or branding must be carried out annually in accordance with the current regulation.


6.1 . During the repair of the technological equipment of the fire extinguishing installation, one should, first of all, be guided by the requirements of the passport, the instructions of the plant for the operation of specific equipment, the requirements of the relevant standards and technical conditions, as well as the requirements of this Standard Instruction.

6.2 . When replacing a pipeline section at a bend, the minimum radius of the internal bend curve steel pipes should be atbending them in a cold state at least four outer diameters, in a hot state - at least three.

There should be no folds, cracks or other defects on the bent part of the pipe. Out-of-roundness in the places of bending is allowed no more than 10% (determined by the ratio of the difference between the largest and smallest outer diameters of the bent pipe to the outer diameter of the pipe before the bend).

6.3 . The difference in wall thickness and displacement of the edges of the joined pipes and pipeline parts should not exceed 10% of the wall thickness and should not exceed 3 mm.

6.4 . The edges of the pipe ends to be welded and the surfaces adjacent to them must be cleaned of rust and dirt to a width of at least 20 mm before welding.

6.5 . Welding of each joint must be carried out without interruption until the entire joint is completely welded.

6.6 . A welded pipe joint should be rejected if the following defects are found:

cracks emerging on the surface of the seam or the base metal in the welding zone;

sags or undercuts in the transition zone from the base metal to the deposited;


unevenness of the weld in width and height, as well as its deviations from the axis.

6.7 . In particularly damp rooms with a chemically active environment, the pipeline fastening structures must be made of steel profiles with a thickness of at least 4 mm. Pipelines and fastening structures must be covered with a protective varnish or paint.

6.8 . Pipeline connections for open laying should be located outside walls, partitions, ceilings and other building structures of buildings.

6.9 . Fastening of pipelines to the building structures of buildings should be carried out with normalized supports and hangers. Welding pipelines directly to metal structures buildings and structures, as well as elements of technological equipment is not allowed.

6.10 . Welding of supports and hangers to building structures should be carried out without weakening their mechanical strength.

6.11 . Sag and bending of pipelines are not allowed.

6.12 . Each bend of the pipeline with a length of more than 0.5 m musthave a mount. The distance from hangers to welded and threaded pipe joints must be at least 100 mm.

6.13 . Newly installed sprinklers must be cleaned of preservative grease and tested with a hydraulic pressure of 1.25 MPa (12.5 kgf / cm 2) for 1 min.

The average service life of sprinklers is determined to be at least 10 years.

6.14 . The performance of sprinklers DV, DVM and OPDR-15 is given in Table. .

Table 1

Sprinkler type

Outlet diameter, mm

Sprinkler capacity, l/s, at pressure MPa

DV-10 and DVM-10



7.1 . Possible malfunctions in the operation of the water fire extinguishing installation and recommendations for their elimination are given in Table. .

table 2

The nature of the malfunction, external signs

Likely Causes

Water does not come out of the sprinklers, the pressure gauge shows normal pressure

Gate valve closed

Open valve

Check valve stuck

Open check valve

Clogged pipeline

Clear pipeline

Sprinklers clogged

Eliminate clogging

Water does not come out of the sprinklers, the pressure gauge does not show pressure

Fire pump not working

Turn on the fire pump

The valve on the pipeline on the suction side of the fire pump is closed

Open valve

Air is being sucked into the suction side of the fire pump

Troubleshoot connection

Wrong direction of rotation of the rotor

Switch motor phases

Accidentally opened valve in the other direction

Close the valve in the other direction

Leakage of water through welds, at the points of connection of control units and sprinklers

Poor welding

Check the quality of welds

Worn gasket

Replace gasket

Loose tightening bolts

Tighten bolts

No pressure gauge reading

No pressure in the pipeline

Restore pressure in the pipeline

The inlet is clogged

Remove the pressure gauge and clean the hole

Sparking pressure gauge contacts

Contamination of pressure gauge contacts

Remove gauge glass and clean contacts

Annex 1


G . _______________ "____" _________ 19__

Object name ________________ ____________________________________

(power plant, substation)

We, the undersigned __________________________________________________

in the face ___________________________________________________________________

(representative from the customer, full name, position)


And _______________________________________________________________________

(representative from installation organization, full name, position)


drawn up this act that the pipelines _____________________________


(plant name, section number)

Security fire safety refers to the priority task at the facility and production. Automatic settings fire extinguishing - a set of various elements, the functional significance of which is associated with the elimination of the source of ignition. One of the reliable types of fire extinguishing, in which gas is used as a fire extinguishing agent, is gas fire extinguishing.

Automatic gas fire extinguishing installations, including pipelines, sprinklers, pumps, are carried out in accordance with the design documentation and work execution projects.

Components of gas fire extinguishing installations and the mechanism of operation

The principle of operation of the gas fire extinguishing installation is associated with a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the air, associated with the entry of a fire extinguishing agent into the fire zone. This excludes the toxic effect of the gas on environment, the damage to material values ​​is minimized to zero. Gas fire extinguishing installations are a set of interconnected elements, the main of which are:

  • modular elements with gas pumped inside cylinders;
  • Switchgear;
  • nozzles;
  • pipelines.

Through the gas switchgear extinguishing agent delivered to the pipeline. There are requirements for the installation and execution of pipelines.

According to GOST, high-alloy steel is used for the manufacture of pipelines, and these elements must be firmly fixed and grounded.

Pipeline testing

After installation, pipelines as components of gas fire extinguishing installations undergo a series of test studies. Stages of such tests:

  1. Visual external inspection (compliance of the installation of pipelines with project documentation, technical specifications).
  2. Checking connections, fasteners for detection mechanical damage– cracks, loose fitting seams. To check, the pipelines are pumped with air, after which the exit of air masses through the holes is controlled.
  3. Tests for reliability and density. These types of work are artificial creation pressure, while checking the elements, starting from the station and ending with nozzles.

Before testing, the pipelines are disconnected from the gas fire extinguishing equipment, plugs are put in place of the nozzles. The values ​​of the test pressure in the pipelines should be 1.25 pp (pp - working pressure). The pipelines are subjected to test pressure for 5 minutes, after which the pressure drops to the working pressure and a visual inspection of the pipelines is carried out.

The pipelines passed the test if the pressure drop when maintaining the operating pressure for one hour does not exceed 10% of the operating pressure. Inspection should not show the appearance of mechanical damage.

After the tests, liquid is drained from the pipelines, air is purged. The need for testing is beyond doubt, such a series of actions will prevent "failures" in the equipment in the future.