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How to quickly clean a stove from grease: working methods. How to clean a gas stove at home

The stove is the main attribute of any kitchen. During the cooking process, there will definitely be some greasy stains on the surface of this stove, and it is not always possible to remove them immediately. Therefore, the question arises, how to clean the stove from carbon deposits and grease at home? From this article you will learn how to quickly cope with such a task with a minimum of effort.

How to remove stains and burnt stains?

Wash gas stove removing carbon deposits is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If you pick suitable means and act in a certain way, all plaque is easily cleaned off.

Important! Before you start cleaning your stove, take a realistic look at the condition of your kitchen. It might be better to point it out right away full order, and not just wash individual surfaces. And in order not to spend the whole day on this process, read how to properly organize an effective one.

You will need:

  • soda ash 3 tbsp. l.;
  • any washing powder ½ tbsp. l.;
  • office glue (glass, not PVA) - 1 tbsp. l.

To use this tool:

  1. Pour everything into 1 glass of cool water and shake.
  2. Apply a thin layer of the mixture to the surface of your stove.
  3. If the mixture turns out to be a little larger and powder crystals are visible on the surface of the slab, there is no need to be alarmed - this phenomenon is not critical, you can leave it as is.
  4. During the washing process, after 15-20 minutes of waiting, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten with water.

As a result, all the dirt will come off along with the mixture without any effort on your part. You will also find this information useful if you don’t really like this method or find it labor-intensive, and in the future you plan to keep your house clean more regularly.

Cleaning the stove - what to consider?

In the room where food is prepared, perfect cleanliness must be observed:

  1. Soap splashes that appear on the tiles near the sink, as well as wet stains on the surface of the desktop and floor, can be removed with the most basic dishwashing detergents - there are no problems here.
  2. When it comes to the stove, burnt-on grease is not that easy to clean out. If no one has washed a very dirty stove for a long time, a huge layer of burnt fat will fill the entire space between the burners. That is why you need to have suitable means on hand to clean the stove from carbon deposits and grease at home.

Important! Since slabs are made today from different materials and with different coatings

Washing grease from a metal plate

More and more popular in last years become hobs that are made of stainless steel. They look impressive, inspire confidence with their solidity, which is why they differ from outdated enamel, and also tempered glass. But a polished metal surface certainly requires special care, because absolutely all the stains and splashes are quite clearly visible on it.

Important! Greasy drops at home are easier to clean if they are still fresh, so the stove must be washed every evening:

  • if the fat is not burnt, an ordinary sponge, as well as any dishwashing detergent, is enough;
  • You can also wipe the stove with a lemon wedge - wait until lemon acid soak into the dirt for 15-20 minutes and wipe metal surface with a clean sponge, there will be no more streaks.

When planning to bring complete order to your kitchen, take a selection of useful tips from another article on our site that will help you.

Soap and soda solution

This product perfectly corrodes grease, so you don’t have to rub the surface to clean the stove from carbon deposits and grease at home:

  1. Mix a couple of tablespoons of baking soda with liquid soap. Add some water.
  2. Apply the solution to the surface of the slab.
  3. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a clean sponge.

Important! If you have a stove made of of stainless steel, please note that products containing:

  • chlorine;
  • acid;
  • abrasive particles.

Modern methods

The household chemicals market offers a wide range of all kinds of cleaning products metal plates. They are sold in containers with dispensers. The composition of these products includes: surfactants, orthophosphates, titanium oxides and other caustic substances that perfectly destroy fat. Which brand to choose - decide for yourself. In this case, you can focus on the frequent choice of buyers: “Cilit”, “CIF”, “Shumanit”, “Topperr”, “Homestar”, “Sanitol”.

Important! If you haven't washed your stove in a long time, you can try a grill cleaner, which is used to clean ovens and cabinets in food service establishments. These products are incredibly caustic, so be sure to wear gloves and protect your mucous passages before using them.

If you have a steam cleaner at your disposal, it will excellent option to clean the stove from carbon deposits and grease at home in just 5 minutes. Hot steam perfectly destroys all drips, as well as splashes of grease, without any chemicals, and leaves no traces behind.

Many of these products will help you clean not only the hob, but also the oven. Read what methods to use in order to be able to cook delicious and healthy dishes!

How to remove grease from glass and enamel cooktops?

To clean enamel hobs, cleaning products that contain abrasives are not suitable. Any solid particles will simply scratch the enamel and thereby ruin it appearance. For this simple reason, the use of metal brushes is also unacceptable. It is allowed to wash the enamel only with a soft sponge and creamy cleaning agents.

Most likely, the walls are also strewn with frozen drops of oil. In an effort to bring your kitchen to perfect condition, use our tips!

How to clean the kitchen stove from grease if the grease is old?

Old grease on a stove is a real scourge, since peeling it off the surface can damage the material of the stove itself. Therefore, in this case it is necessary to use effective, but at the same time, delicate means. The options may be as follows.

Method 1

Baking soda in combination with other products available in every home can help you clean the stove from old grease:

  1. Apply baking soda over the surface treated with vinegar or lemon juice.
  2. As a result, a reaction will occur between acid and alkali, which will help you deal with old fat.

Important! When using this method, give the substances 15-20 minutes to react with each other, and after that, rinse thoroughly and carefully with a dry and clean cloth.

Method 2

  1. Apply mustard paste to the contaminated surface for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Rub a little and rinse off with cool water.

Important! For particularly heavy contaminants, you can use purified gasoline. Apply it to greasy spots, wait for 10-15 minutes, rinse.

How to clean burners, switches, and grates on the stove from carbon deposits:

  • To clean gas burners, remove them and place them in a foamy solution of dishwashing detergent and water for 15-20 minutes, rub with the rough side of a sponge, rinse with water and wipe dry.
  • To remove dirt from switches, the best option would be to use cotton swabs or cotton pads, which you first soak in ammonia or ammonia-anise drops.
  • Copes quite well with greasy spots on the switches and soda slurry. For hard-to-reach places, it is best to use an old toothbrush.
  • To clean the grates hob, put them in a large container or in the bathroom and pour hot water. Add dish soap to the water and leave for 1 hour or even 1 night to detergent had a better effect on pollution.

There are still many places and surfaces in the kitchen that require attention. Hurry to find out which is better, and in practice evaluate the ease of caring for your home with the right approach.

I have always strived to keep my kitchen stove sparkling clean. However, I didn't always succeed. Today I know how to clean a gas stove from grease, carbon deposits and leftovers of cooked food without much hassle and great expense. Now my stove is always clean. I'll share my secrets with you.

Home remedies for gas stove care

Of course, in stores you can find a lot of products that can quickly and easily clean the stove from any dirt. But their price is sometimes high, and you don’t really want to use chemicals in the kitchen.

Therefore, if you are not too fond of household chemicals, I will share with you several folk remedies that you can safely use at home.

Image Cleaning agent

Baking soda- a first-class fat remover. Before using it, you need to moisten the surface with water, then cover it with soda and rub lightly. After 30 minutes, the fat can be easily removed with a regular sponge.
Vinegar and soda- Another reliable means for cleaning the stove from grease. The cleaning method is the same as with soda. Only in this case, the stove needs to be moistened not with water, but with vinegar.
Vinegar and water solution indispensable for cleaning gas stove handles.

Ammonia, diluted in water in a 1:1 ratio will also help cope with dirty hands.
Lemon juice and citric acid help remove dirt and refresh stove surfaces.

Laundry soap 72% helps to clean the stove and oven.

All these products are also suitable for cleaning other kitchen utensils - refrigerator, kettle, washing machine, etc.

How to clean a gas stove?

Before cleaning the stove, you need to remove some of its parts. Instructions on how to disassemble the stove correctly:

  1. Disconnect the stove from gas and electricity supplies. This will protect yourself from unexpected troubles and injuries.
  2. Remove the grille and immediately place it in a washing container (large basin, bathtub) for several hours.
  3. Remove the burners and place them in a washing container.
  4. Remove food debris from the surface of the stove with a dry sponge.
  5. If you are going to wash your electric stove- adhere to the same sequence, taking into account the presence of certain design details.

Zone 1. Visible surface

Before removing grease from the stove, wet it with hot water. It will help break down fat and soften it. After this, you can pour baking soda onto the surface and leave for 30 minutes.

When the fat is soaked, carefully remove it with a soft sponge. To make the surface shiny, wipe it with a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Instead of soda, you can use a soap solution. To prepare it, simply rub a little laundry soap and dissolve it in warm water. Apply the resulting solution to the surface and remove with a sponge after 15 minutes.

Do not clean the surface of the stove wire brush or a sponge. It is also not recommended to use abrasive cleaners. They can scratch the surface, and subsequently the dirt will eat into it even deeper. For difficult stains, use a toothbrush or cotton swab.

Zone 2. Handles

Handles on a gas stove are the most frequently used and easily contaminated elements: grease and dirt settle on them quite often. hard to reach places.

To clean the handles, you need to place them in a container with cleaning agent. A concentrated solution can be used as a product laundry soap. The pens must remain in it for at least 8 hours.

To speed up the process, It is better to use a solution of two tablespoons of vinegar in a liter of water. Boil the handles in it for 5–7 minutes, drain the solution and let the parts cool naturally. Then all that remains is to clean them with a sponge.

If the handles on your stove are not removable- do not despair. A little patience and they too will shine clean. To clean them you will need several assistants:

  • Toothbrush;
  • soda;
  • cotton buds;
  • ammonia;
  • toothpicks.

  1. Apply to sponge a little baking soda and wipe the handles.
  2. For difficult areas use a solution of ammonia and water in a 1:1 ratio. Apply it with a toothbrush or a cotton swab, depending on the size of the gap.
  3. Wait until the ammonia is absorbed, and after 10 minutes, go through the dirty areas again with a clean toothbrush or sponge.
  4. For the most difficult places use a toothpick.

Zone 3. Oven

Despite their effectiveness, strong chemical substances- not the best the best option for cleaning the oven. Using folk remedies, it will be easier and safer to clean it.

I offer several methods that will help you deal with even the dirtiest oven.

Image Methods and means

Method 1. Soap solution

Wipe the oven with paper towels. Apply a soap solution to the inner walls and leave for 15 minutes.

Pour the same solution into a baking tray and place it in the oven. Warm it up for 30 minutes at 120°C.

Fat and carbon deposits will melt and can be easily removed with a soft sponge. Finally, wipe the surface of the oven with a sponge dipped in clean water.

Method 2. Soda and citric acid

These ingredients will deal with any stains. Apply a mixture of baking soda and citric acid to the dampened oven surfaces.

After 20-25 minutes, remove dirt with a paper towel and rinse with water.

Method 3. Vinegar

Small stains can be removed with a solution of vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio.

Moisten the inner walls with this solution and turn on the oven at 50 °C for 15 minutes. Rinse off dirt with warm water.

Method 4. Vinegar + soda

Apply vinegar solution to all oven surfaces and sprinkle on top baking soda.

The acid and baking soda will react and remove the nasty grease and food residue.

Method 5. Ammonia

Rub the oven walls ammonia and leave overnight. In the morning, thoroughly wipe the surfaces with a sponge dampened clean water.

Method 6. Salt

Sprinkle the oven thickly with salt and bake for 30 minutes at 100°C. After cooling, remove the salt along with any dirt and rinse the oven.

Method 7. Salt, soda, water

Apply a paste of salt, baking soda and water to all contaminated surfaces. They need to be mixed in equal parts. Leave the solution for 10 hours, then rinse with water.

Zone 4. Burners

I know two effective methods how to clean the burners:

Image Methods

Method 1:
  • Soak the burners in hot soapy water and leave for at least 25 minutes.
  • Wash all parts with a soft sponge. For hard-to-reach places, use cotton swabs or toothpicks.
  • Wipe them dry.

Method 2:
  • Make a solution of vinegar and water.
  • Pour it over the burners and boil on the stove for 5 minutes.
  • Leave the burners in the solution until they cool completely.
  • Clean them with a sponge.
  • Rinse the burners in warm water.
  • Wipe dry.

Zone 5. Grid

Cleaning the grate is perhaps the most difficult part of cleaning a gas stove. Depending on the material from which the grille is made, you need to use different ways cleaning.

Cast iron grate needs to be calcined. This can be done over a gas stove, in the oven, over a fire, or using blowtorch. After this, the grill bars need to be rubbed with a metal sponge.

Enameled and stainless steel gratings Can be washed periodically dishwasher at high temperature.

If you don't have a dishwasher- first you need to remove the grate and soak it in hot water with added detergent. We need soda, vinegar, soap solution. After 8–10 hours, the soaked grease and carbon deposits can be wiped off with an iron brush.

Regardless of the material from which the grille is made, you should not use sharp objects to clean it - this can damage the metal.

Radical ways to clean a dirty grill:

Image Cleaning agent

Car engine cleaner quickly and effectively deal with heavy carbon deposits. Treat the surface with it and rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Dry mustard, applied to the rods for several hours, will clean the grate from grease and carbon deposits. After cleaning, the grille must be washed with water.

Warm sand will help wipe off any dirt. An effective, but rather labor-intensive method.


As you can see, you can clean a gas stove various methods. You can verify this once again by watching the video in this article. And one more piece of advice: don’t be lazy to wipe the stove even with the slightest dirt, then “general cleaning” will take place without complications.

Share your methods in the comments, how do you clean the stove?

After each use of the electric stove, it should be wiped with a soft, damp sponge and dried with a clean, dry cloth. This will allow you not to think about how to clean the hob from grease or traces of burnt food. If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of dirt, you must at least organize the cleaning process correctly. As for electric stoves, the approach depends on such points as the type of contamination, the characteristics of the material, the presence or absence additional elements. Based on these data, we select suitable tools, effective means and a work plan is drawn up.

Things you shouldn't do

First of all, you need to remember which manipulations should not be used under any circumstances. Even at home you can choose effective and available funds, so you shouldn’t try to make your work easier by resorting to dubious experiments.

  • Many housewives heat the hob, hoping that this will help you get the desired result faster. This approach only increases the risk of cracks and scratches on the material. Even with preventative cleaning, you should wait until the surface has cooled down.
  • Do not scrape off burnt-on food with brushes, metal sponges or knives.

Tip: When using an electric stove, you should not use aluminum cookware, especially if the surface is glass-ceramic. This material leaves behind traces that are almost impossible to wash off. IN as a last resort, for such moments it is worth purchasing a special stand for containers in the form of a lattice.

  • The surface of an electric stove, unlike a gas stove, is very sensitive to the use of cookware made from low-quality materials. If objects leave scratches, stains or any other marks on the surface of the product, it is better not to use them.
  • Plastic products should generally be kept away from such stoves. If the raw material melts and gets on the hob, it will be almost impossible to clean it.

The easiest way to get rid of carbon deposits is when it has just formed. In this case, you can use gel or dishwashing liquid as an active agent. Apply it to the problem area with a cloth or sponge, leave for 10 minutes and rinse with water. After cleaning, be sure to dry the material with a clean cloth, otherwise streaks or limescale may appear.

Features of working with different cooking surfaces

When choosing suitable tools and products, you first need to evaluate the features of the hob. When cleaning electric stoves at home, the following rules are usually followed:

  • Metal surface. Fresh stains can be removed with dishwashing detergent. To wash shiny material from sugar or other dried substances, you should prepare a soap solution. It is distributed over the problem area, left for half an hour and washed off with clean water, gently rubbing the surface of the slab with a sponge. To clean stubborn stains, it is allowed to use caustic compounds.

  • Square made of enamel, glass, ceramics. When working with such capricious materials, you should limit yourself to a soft sponge or cloth; the most gentle detergents are selected. To remove serious stains, such as traces of burnt milk, you can use a paste made from baking soda and water. Distribute the mixture over the dirt, wait 10 minutes, after which all that remains is to carefully clean the area, rinse and dry. A solution of ammonia (1 part reagent to 10 parts water) is no less effective in combating stains on the surface of an electric stove.

If there is such an opportunity, then it is worth acquiring products suitable for cleaning a specific type of unit. Today you can find the most different means for caring for the surface of slabs. They not only remove all excess from the material, but also polish it, as a result of which the device looks like new.

Cleaning the stove using household chemicals and folk remedies

If you don’t want to wash your electric stove with water in combination with soap solution or dishwashing liquid, you can try other reagents that are found in almost every home. Some housewives prefer to limit themselves to folk remedies, others use household chemicals.

Here are the most affordable and effective products:

  • Window cleaning liquid. Ideal for stained slabs. Simply spray the composition over the surface and rub soft cloth. We work until the material begins to shine.
  • Baking soda. The product should not be used dry for cleaning, as it may leave small scratches that can become a source of big problems. It is better to prepare a paste from this product by diluting it with water. If the stain does not budge, then add a couple of drops of table vinegar to the mixture.
  • Vegetable oil. An unusual, but very effective approach that allows you to clean the stove even from stubborn carbon deposits. Apply the product directly to the stain and leave for half an hour. After the specified time, take a rubber scraper and gently rub off all dirt with it. Then we wash off traces of oil or simply wipe them off with a cloth.

You can count on good results even when using the most ordinary melamine sponge. True, with its help you can only wash off fresh dirt. At the end of the procedure, the surface must be additionally treated with a dry towel.

The good mood of the inhabitants of the house and their physical health depend on the cleanliness of the kitchen, because it is pleasant to cook there, the food turns out delicious and all family members can have a good time at dinner. And how long it will last depends on the condition of the kitchen equipment.

Especially it concerns kitchen stove, which bears the main blow - there the borscht will boil away and the fat will burn. All this needs to be removed and washed in a timely manner, and no matter how carefully this is done, you can thoroughly clean the stove from grease by starting a general cleaning.

Important to remember! Metal sponges and brushes have a detrimental effect on enamel, glass, and stainless steel surfaces. They leave there deep scratches, resulting in general form the kitchen will look worse, in addition, dirt and grease easily penetrates into scratches and it will become more and more difficult to wash it off each time.

Today, store shelves in the household chemicals department are replete with numerous care products. kitchen equipment. In advertising, they loudly tell how effective this or that product is, how quickly it removes grease and burnt stains. No matter how clean the surfaces are washed, it is still a chemical whose products have a negative effect on the skin of the hands.

But in addition to the now widespread household chemicals, you can also clean a gas stove using folk remedies. Our grandmothers used them, but even now they are also effective and always at hand:

  • ammonia;
  • baking soda;
  • laundry soap;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia-anise drops;
  • lemon acid.

It's no secret that all chemical cleaning agents are developed based on the above ingredients.

Sequence of cleaning a gas stove

In order for the work to proceed joyfully and efficiently, it must be done consistently, thoroughly washing one surface after another. In this case, the oven can be washed quickly without missing a single area.

Now we will consider in what order you need to perform this work, and then step by step, with common efforts, we will wash our stove from soot and dirt.

  1. It is necessary to remove the grate from the surface of the stove;
  2. Remove the burners and handles from the stove - this advice does not apply to an electric stove;
  3. Wash the surface of the stove;
  4. Clean the oven from grease.

How to clean the grate from grease

The grate is the most problematic place on a gas stove. It comes into direct contact with an open fire and, if you don’t watch it in time, the contents of the pan end up on the stove top, touching the grates.

Educational video on the topic of cleaning the grill:

An open fire quickly burns the wet part of the grate, immediately drying it out, and the escaped food instantly burns. There is always not enough time to wash them right away and, as a result, it is very difficult to remove stubborn fat.

The grate can be washed well in a dishwasher, but not everyone has one, so let’s find a proven method and try to clean it by hand.

Cleaning the grill does not take much time:

  1. First you need to prepare a soap solution. To do this, a grated bar of laundry soap is dissolved in hot water.
  2. When the soap has dissolved, the resulting mass is poured hot into the bath and a grate is lowered into it, which should remain there for several hours. The solution should completely cover the grate.
  3. In the morning, it is removed from the bath and washed in warm water with an abrasive substance. Soot and grease will be easily removed and the product will return to its original appearance.

If the grease is very old, you will have to make a significant effort when cleaning.

How to clean the surface of the stove

To avoid damaging the enamel surface, it is not recommended to use abrasive materials that can leave scratches on the metal. It is recommended to wash the countertop with a soft sponge or cloth. A hard metal sponge is suitable only when the carbon deposits cannot be washed off and there is nothing left to lose - either scratches on the enamel or completely ingrained carbon deposits.

The same tips apply to a stainless steel stove. Mild detergents will clean dirty surfaces until they shine without scratching them.

Let's look at some useful tips that our mothers used and still use today.

  1. We take ordinary baking soda, add water until a paste forms, and apply this mixture to heavily soiled areas. The areas near the burners are especially dirty; a thicker layer of solution should be applied there.
  2. For the solution to interact with carbon deposits, it is left for 15–20 minutes, after which the fat becomes soaked and can be easily removed with a soft sponge or rag. If there is any dirt left around the burners, you can clean the problem areas with a toothbrush.
  3. The surface cleaned of carbon deposits is thoroughly washed with water and wiped with a dry cloth, removing stains.

The stove has been washed and shines like new. In this way, you can clean the induction hob, which should also be free of streaks and scratches.

Useful video:

You can clean the stove from grease using lemon juice. To do this, you need to: squeeze the juice out of the lemon and distribute it over the surface of the stain. Lemon juice can be replaced by ordinary citric acid, which is also used to treat stains. The aggressive environment easily softens old grease and carbon deposits, and with the help of a soft sponge it is easily separated from the tiles.

At home, you can clean off carbon deposits using a mixture of laundry soap and water, which we did to clean the stove and grate from grease. Apply this mixture to the surface of a gas or induction cooker and after 15–20 minutes wash it off.

How to clean burners and handles from dirt

It is very difficult to wipe off grease on the burners, since they come into contact with an open fire and any porridge or milk that escapes is instantly baked on them. If the contamination is large, they can be sent to soak in a soapy solution along with the grates. After a few hours, all the scale and grease will be soaked away and can be washed off with a toothbrush.

If the burners are not overgrown with grease, you can try to wash them with any effective detergent, removing the plaque with the same toothbrush.

Burners electric oven cannot be removed, so they try to wash them with ammonia mixed with anise drops. From these components you can prepare a small amount of solution and apply it to the contaminated parts with a cotton swab.

Easy and effective cleaning of the burner - video:

If a cotton swab is ineffective in hard-to-reach places, you can use a toothbrush to help, the small bristles of which will penetrate into the most inaccessible places.

You can also clean it removable handles. They are treated with the chosen cleaning agent and left for a few minutes, after which they are washed under water, helping to remove stubborn grease using a toothbrush.

How to Clean Your Oven Effectively

This is probably the most labor-intensive work, since not only pies are baked in the oven, they also prepare dishes from meat, which splashes fat and juice on the walls of the oven - something that is very difficult to wash off. But folk remedies, made at home, work wonders. Here are some simple and effective ways cleaning the stove from grease:

  1. The soap solution cleans the oven very well. All surfaces oven treat with soapy water, close the door and leave. After 10–20 minutes, place a baking tray with a weak soap solution there. Heat the cabinet to a temperature of 100 degrees and evaporate the solution. Steam settles on the walls, and the soap solution corrodes all fatty deposits. All you have to do is wipe the oven with a dry, clean towel. Then you need to rinse it with hot water, removing any remaining fat.
  2. If you thoroughly moisten the oven with ammonia, close the door and leave it overnight, then in the morning all that remains is to wipe its surfaces with a towel and wash, removing the remaining fat softened by ammonia.
  3. A mixture of soda, water and salt in a 1:1 ratio helps to deal with fat very efficiently. Thoroughly wet all sides of the cabinet, especially heavily soiled areas. Close the oven and leave overnight. It can be easily washed off in the morning.

Important to remember! After general cleaning of the stove is completed, all its surfaces should be wiped with a dry, clean cloth. This will give gas oven shine, and at the same time, new drops of soot and grease deposits will not stick to it so quickly.

The above products are universal and can clean not only the stove, but also all household appliances, such as a boiler, refrigerator, freezer, washing machine, scale in an electric kettle, microwave and other household items.

Removing perennial fat - video:

The important thing is that these substances are not harmful and can be used if small children and people with allergies live in the house.

The stove is the most difficult appliance to clean in the kitchen, especially if it is gas. Indeed, unlike an electric one, it has a grate made of heavy cast iron, burners that periodically become clogged, and handles that very quickly become dirty with grease. Stationary gas stoves also have an oven and drying cabinet, rear shield or cover. In this material, you will learn how to clean a gas stove at home from grates to buttons, as well as how to make cheap and super-effective cleaning solutions with your own hands.

8 Steps to Cleaning a Gas Stove

Before you start spring cleaning your gas stove, turn off the gas supply tap, disconnect it from the electricity if there is an electric ignition function, put on rubber gloves and follow our step by step instructions.

What you need:

  • Vinegar 9% (for cleaning the table, body and handles of the stove);
  • Ammonia or soda (for cleaning grates and handles);
  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Plastic bag (for cleaning grates with ammonia);
  • Brush;
  • Sponge with a hard side;
  • Rags or paper towels;
  • Basin;
  • Toothpicks (for cleaning crevices);
  • A paperclip, pin or needle (for cleaning burners).


Step 1. First, let's clean the grates - the most problematic part of the gas stove. Remove them and scrape off any stuck-on pieces of food, fat deposits and soot in the corners with a scraper. Next, choose one of three cleaning methods:

  • Method 1. How to clean the grate of a gas stove with soda. Mix half a glass of baking soda with water to form a paste-like consistency. Coat each grate with the resulting product, focusing Special attention corners and joints, and then leave them for several hours (at this time, proceed with the next cleaning steps described below). After this treatment, it will be much easier to remove fat and carbon deposits from cast iron. However, with old dirt you will have to tinker a little, using the hard side of a sponge, detergent or ammonia.
  • Method 2. How to clean the grate of a gas stove with ammonia. According to most reviews, this method is the most effective. Dampen a sponge with ammonia and simply cover every inch of the grate with it. Next, put it in a plastic bag, tie it and leave it for a couple of hours or more (at this time, proceed to the next steps of cleaning the stove). Finally, rinse the grate with dishwashing liquid and remove loose grease and carbon deposits with a sponge.
  • Method 3. How to clean the gas stove grate with soapy water. Grate about a quarter of the laundry soap, dissolve the shavings in hot water (5-7 liters) in a basin or sink and leave the grates to soak for several hours. After this, rinse them clean with dishwashing detergent and, if necessary, treat difficult areas with ammonia.

Keep in mind that washing cast iron grates in the dishwasher is not only not very effective, but it is also not good for the cast iron. After all, after such a long stay in water, it will certainly become covered with rust.

Step 2. Also remove the burner covers and soak them for a while in a basin with hot soapy water (you can put them in the same basin where the grates are already soaked).

Step 3. Using a dry brush or paper towel, clean the stove from crumbs and any other surface contaminants.

Step 4. Let's take care of the burners: remove them, wipe them with a damp cloth and make sure that nothing is blocking the gas flow. If necessary, clean the holes with a straightened paper clip (pin/needle) and return the burners to their place.

Step 5. Generously spray the stove body with a spray bottle of a solution of water and vinegar diluted in a 1:1 ratio. Don't forget to spray vinegar on the handles (if they are not removable), the control panel, the back panel of the stove, and the oven, if there is one. Let the product do the work for you for a minute or so. Next, wipe the stove with a clean rag or paper towel.

By the way, if the body of your stove has White color, then you can sprinkle it with baking soda after treating it with vinegar. The resulting mixture will act on fat and carbon deposits even more effectively, although it will leave behind white coating, which will not be so easy to wash off. That is why washing the stove with a mixture of vinegar and soda is not recommended for owners of silver, black and other colored models.

Step 5. Soaking the stove in a vinegar solution will help remove most stains. However, to clean up old fat If plaque is present, you should additionally work with one of the following products:

  • Dishwashing detergent;
  • Ammonia;
  • Ammonia.

Apply the product to a small brush (a toothbrush is ideal!) and begin scrubbing localized dirt using small, circular movements.

Step 6. Separately, you should stop at the stage of cleaning the handles of the gas stove and the electric ignition button, which are so difficult to clean because of their small size, existing depressions and crevices clogged with fat.

  • If the handles are removable, then remove them and soak them for several hours in a solution of equal parts vinegar and water or in a hot solution of grated laundry soap. If, after such treatment, old fat is still not removed, treat difficult areas with a solution of ammonia and water (1:1), let the alcohol work for 5-10 minutes and wipe the handles clean.
  • How to clean the handles of a gas stove if they are not removable? The principle of operation is simple: treatment with vinegar + water or ammonia + water solutions, soaking for 10 minutes, cleansing with a toothbrush in a circular motion. The cracks should be cleaned with a toothpick.

Step 7: If your gas stove has an oven, now is the time to clean that too. Follow our step-by-step instructions to do it efficiently and correctly.

Step 8: Put the clean grates, burners and burner caps back in place, make sure the alcohol has evaporated (if you used it) and check the stove's operation.