Well      03/03/2020

Which gas boiler is better to install? Rating of gas boilers for heating a private home: types, technical characteristics, prices. Chinese wall-mounted double-circuit gas boilers

If there is a main gas pipeline next to a private house, then the owners do not even consider any other options for heating the house, with the exception of one - heating the house through the use of a gas boiler. However, in order for a gas heating boiler for a private home to work smoothly and productively, you need to know the basic criteria for choosing this device.

First of all, when planning gas heating of a private house, the owner will have to think about the heating needs of the house. Based on these indicators, devices of a certain power are selected. Experts recommend doing this thermal calculations, which will take into account all the needs of the house and allow you to understand what boiler power a building of a certain area and layout will provide required quantity heat.

If in a private house the boiler will be used not only for heating batteries, but also for other needs, such as hot water supply, sauna, heating utility rooms etc., then the installed power must provide all consumption circuits when switched on simultaneously.

When using a boiler only for heating and heating water for domestic consumption, it is much easier to select its power. For example, for a house with an average level of insulation of walls and windows, the estimated power of heating equipment should be one hundred watts per square meter. In this case gas boilers To heat a private home, you can buy based on just two parameters: the area of ​​the house and heat loss.

Boiler type

To owners who wish to use heating boilers For a private gas house, there is another dilemma - choosing the type of boiler. Currently, any heating equipment store offers a wide range of products. Russian, German, Slovak, and Belarusian gas boilers are available for sale, as well as heaters manufactured in Asian countries. However, choosing a specific brand does not end there, because you need to select a boiler based on its design features.

Modern gas heating boilers for a private home, the price of which is about $400 for 6 kW models, are divided into the following categories:

  1. floor models;
  2. wall models;
  3. boilers with a condensing principle of operation.

Floor standing boiler

The main distinguishing feature of floor-standing models is their autonomy. Such gas boilers, which can be purchased at specialized retail outlets, can operate with the availability of one energy resource - gas. Owners adapt boilers of this type for the heating circuit of large cottages, since the line includes models with a power exceeding 30 kW. There are also devices with lower power, designed to heat buildings with an area of ​​60-80 square meters, so the boilers are quite versatile and practical.

The installation process of floor-standing models is complex and labor-intensive due to the large dimensions of the device. So that the boiler works properly and does not potentially create emergency situations During operation, during the installation process the following nuances must be taken into account:

An example of floor-standing appliances are AGV gas boilers for private homes, which are quite often used for heating various areas by domestic homeowners. You can read about other domestic gas boilers in our article. These boilers are reliable, safe and inexpensive, but at the same time they are inferior to expensive foreign analogues in terms of functionality and productivity.

Wall models

Boilers of this type have smaller dimensions due to the simplified design of the heat exchanger. If in floor-standing boilers the heat exchanger is made of cast iron, then wall-mounted gas heating boilers for a private home are equipped with thin coils made of copper or of stainless steel. To protect against corrosion, they are coated with a special compound.

Due to the small heat exchanger, wall-mounted models have compact dimensions, making the device easy to install.

The paradox is that the main advantage of boilers - their small body - is the reason for the main drawback - low power. It is rare to find a wall-mounted model whose power exceeds 25 kW. Of course, such power is not enough to provide heat to huge areas, but you can buy a gas heating boiler for a private house without any problems, because it will completely cover the heating needs of a building with an area of ​​about 250 square meters.

Before buying, owners should study other performance characteristics.

Other performance characteristics:

It is worth understanding that gas boilers for heating a private home, prices starting at $200, are much cheaper than their floor-standing counterparts. But behind the cheapness of the device lies its lower power and dependence on electricity.

Condensation models

IN last years The owners' interest was attracted by condensing heaters, whose efficiency is extremely high. Such boilers are produced by the manufacturer in floor-standing and wall-mounted formats, so the owner can choose a device that will best complement heating circuit his home.

The main difference between condensation devices is their operating principle. They take heat from gas combustion for heating purposes, and also collect the energy of hot water vapor removed from the boiler. Due to this, the coefficient useful action the device is almost 100% and allows you to achieve tangible cost savings in the long term.

Features of condensing devices:

Functionality of heating boilers

Discriminating consumers who choose a gas boiler in a store to heat a private home, prices for which can reach $1,000, pay attention to the functionality of the devices. The challenge is to choose a boiler that best suits your household needs. If the owners want to purchase a device used exclusively for heating, then they should choose a single-circuit gas boiler for heating a private home, designed to connect a radiator heating circuit.

If the needs of the household are not limited to this and the homeowners want to use the device for hot heating, then the best option would be to decide to buy a double-circuit gas boiler for a private home, which must be correctly selected in terms of power.

As additional options models can be equipped with the following functions:

The higher the functionality of the boiler, the more practical it will be in the home heating system, so owners should focus on models equipped with a number of additional useful options.

Choosing a boiler is a troublesome and responsible matter.

It requires the owner to have knowledge in the field of heating engineering and modern heating devices. Therefore, in the absence own experience the homeowner can entrust the boiler selection process to heating specialists. Professionals will correctly calculate the heating needs of the building and select a boiler that will become a reliable and stable source of heat in the winter.

When choosing a gas boiler for your home, you need to take into account a number of nuances related to the technical characteristics of the building, installed system heating, the actual demand for heat and hot water supply.

Domestic and foreign manufacturers offer a wide range of products. So finding a suitable copy is not a problem. You just need to know what to look for in order to understand how to choose a gas boiler for heating and not make a mistake. It is also advisable to understand how the presented options differ from each other, and which boiler to choose for a private home.

There are very few external differences between boilers of various modifications Source makemone.ru

Features of gas heating

Despite the presence large quantity alternatives (electricity, diesel, diesel, fuel oil, firewood, coal), gas heating is still the leader in the world. And there are serious reasons for this:

    Economical. Compared to other options, gas is relatively cheap and has high efficiency. In this case, not only the cost of the fuel itself is taken into account, but also additional expenses for its storage (for the consumer), maintenance of the entire system, etc. Yes, details for rare species boilers can be difficult to get, sometimes you have to overpay. This is also taken into account.

    Minimal human involvement. Heating a room using wood or coal requires mechanical addition of fuel. Here everything is automated, including gas supply and flame control.

    Cleanliness, absence of soot, soot and other things. Boilers can be easily installed in the kitchen.

    Possibility of heating large rooms. One powerful boiler can handle a building with several floors.

At the same time gas heating It also has its drawbacks. Or rather, specificity.

Installation should only be carried out by specialists Source nehomesdeaf.org

In particular, the installation of a boiler requires approval from Gaztekhnadzor. Installation can only be entrusted to an organization with a license giving the right to provide such services.

Do not forget that gas is explosive. Therefore, saving on automation is extremely undesirable: it monitors, among other things, its leakage (we are talking about modern technology).

In addition, you need to take care of ventilation. Combustion products can be removed from the building naturally. But if problems arise with draft, you need to change the installation location of the boiler (which is not always possible) or provide it forcibly.

Gas boilers for heating a private house: what are they?

There are many different boilers on the market now. And you need to figure out how one type differs from another for the consumer. This makes it easier to understand what to choose - a floor-standing gas boiler for heating a private home, or a wall-mounted one, and with what functions, so as not to make a mistake. Otherwise, you will either have to endure inconvenience or spend extra money.

Single and double circuit boilers

One of the main methods of classification is the division into one and double-circuit boilers. The latter heat water not only for the heating system, but also for domestic needs. That is, there is no need to install an additional boiler.

The difference between single and double circuit boilers Source remstrdom.ru

In a word, double-circuit gas boilers for heating a house are designed in such a way that they get cold water from the system central water supply. Then the liquid heats up. In addition, the design has special valve. It regulates where the hot water will be supplied. If you don’t wash anything or run a bath, the boiler works to provide the heating system. But as soon as the tap opens, the valve closes the device. And water begins to flow to people.

Consider another important point: in order to be able to take a bath rather than a contrast shower, you need a boiler with a capacity of at least 28 kW. The exact figures depend on the size of the heated premises and the number of consumers. Roughly speaking, the more people need to wash, for example, the higher the load. And the more powerful the heater should be.

Video description

You can clearly see the difference between single and double-circuit boilers in the video:

Is it possible to use single-circuit boilers to heat water for domestic needs? Yes, many modern models allow this. But you'll have to buy a boiler. It needs to be connected to the boiler, and in any case, the entire process, starting with the selection of a suitable model, should be entrusted to a specialist. Most consumers, however, in such situations usually simply take a separate boiler that runs on electricity.

An example of a combination of a heating boiler and an indirect heating boiler Source nehomesdeaf.org

Which option is better? Mostly they prefer double-circuit boilers: they are more convenient. But keep in mind that such models are always more expensive. The choice, in any case, depends on consumers.

Floor and wall boilers

Boilers can also differ in location in space: there are gas floor- and wall-mounted heating boilers for private homes. The latter occupy less space, they are generally more compact. In addition, they can be installed almost anywhere if certain requirements are met. Also, for wall-mounted boilers there is no need to organize a separate chimney: usually everything is solved through a pipe through which combustion products are removed.

What is the difference between floor-standing gas boilers for heating a house (that’s what they are officially called)? They are usually more powerful and noticeably heavier. Such models require more space: firstly, for the lining, and secondly, for the chimney. And this is not to mention the set consisting of a single-circuit boiler and a boiler. In addition, such units are quite noisy, so they are usually installed in a separate room (boiler room).

Most often, the boiler room is equipped in ground floor or basement Source makemone.ru

The choice of the optimal solution depends on what exactly you need in a particular case. That is, for an apartment or small cottage, the best gas boiler for heating is a wall-mounted one. For a large house - floor-mounted.

But when purchasing, you need to take into account one more factor that can become critical: dependence on electricity. Floor-standing boilers work stably in this regard. Even if there is no electricity in the house, the heat will still remain. True, now more and more often models are produced with automation, which removes this advantage. Nevertheless, options can be found.

But all floor-standing models depend on voltage: surges in the network can damage the equipment. Of course, no one bothers to install a stabilizer. But, firstly, this is an increase in costs. Secondly, the issue of power outages remains.

In general, both floor and wall products have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, figuring out how to choose a gas boiler for a private home depends on the specific premises, the quality of the electrical network and financial capabilities.

On our website you can find contacts of companies specializing in heating and water supply country houses. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the “Low-Rise Country” exhibition of houses.

Boilers with open or closed combustion chamber

Boilers can be with an open or closed combustion chamber. The first ones take air from environment. Therefore, the issue of ventilation in this case becomes critical.

Ventilation is needed even more powerfully than for gas stove Source teplo-ltd.ru

There is a risk that there will eventually be a lack of oxygen. These models are considered obsolete in the EU, where they are widely abandoned due to increased safety requirements.

At the same time, boilers with an open combustion chamber have a simple design. Therefore, they are less likely to fail (if we compare models in the low price category), cost less, and installation is easier. And finding specialists who will deal with them will not be difficult.

Options with a closed combustion chamber are considered more modern. They are safer, but require the installation of a chimney. However, this is exactly the case when you can spend money once on buying an expensive model and on installation, and then not worry that there will not be enough oxygen in the room. Or that someone will suffer from combustion product poisoning, as happens with problems with type 1 boilers.

But models with a closed camera have their drawbacks. For example, you have to install a ventilation system that requires electricity. Which, firstly, makes such a design dependent (along with the light, the heat will disappear), and secondly, it increases the cost of providing a home.

Such a boiler needs supply and exhaust ventilation Source aquagroup.ru

The easiest way is to choose boilers with a closed combustion chamber with a pipe outlet to the outside. But there are not always technical capabilities for installing this model. So in this situation it is difficult to say which boiler to choose for your home. We need information about the facility, whether it is possible to organize a separate room or to bring the pipe outside.

How to choose a boiler for heating a private house

When choosing a gas boiler, you need to consider not only what they come in. There are many more important parameters. Let's figure out what you should pay attention to.

How to choose a gas boiler for a private house by power

It should be noted that it is very important to calculate the appropriate power, that is, no less and no more. With the first, everything is clear: the building simply will not warm up sufficiently. But why is it undesirable for the boiler to be more powerful? In this case, the heating system begins to operate unevenly, which leads to excessive wear. The result is frequent repairs and premature replacement of the boiler. In addition, gas consumption increases.

Video description

Visually about choosing power in the video:

So how to do the calculation? In general, it is best to contact experienced specialists with this. The fact is that when calculating, you need to take into account a huge number of different factors:

    number of floors;

    ceiling height;

    the presence or absence of thermal insulation, as well as its type;

    year the house was built;

    wall material;

    selected method of water heating;

    climate zone.

And that's not all! It also matters whether the boiler is selected for townhouses or for ordinary houses (the former are usually warmer, although there are plenty of nuances here too). The calculation is also affected by the presence of other heating sources in the building, for example, heated floors. In addition, an experienced specialist always clarifies what the average room temperature should be. After all, there is a big difference between + 15 and + 23 degrees Celsius.

You can make an approximate calculation like this: you need to multiply the area of ​​the house by the indicator climate zone, and divide the resulting amount by 10. This option is suitable for standard buildings with ceiling heights of up to 3 meters.

Let's say the building is located in the northern regions of Russia. There the climate coefficient is 2 kW. Therefore, the boiler must have a power of 20 kW. But for a double-circuit one, this figure must be multiplied by ¼. That is, the result is 25 kW. And remember that he is exemplary!

For an initial assessment of power, you can use the table Source tarifi.info

Which boiler is best for a private home: the issue of the chimney

Boilers with an open combustion chamber, as a rule, do not have a chimney. But in this case, it is necessary to ensure the removal of combustion products. And keep in mind that some part may still get into the air in the room. Therefore, for the safety of people, it is best to install such boilers in a separate room.

If we are talking about a closed chamber, then forced draft is created there. And since the size and cross-section of the chimney do not affect the passage of air flow (blowing depends on the fan), installation is carried out using a coaxial pipe. It is easy to install and has a small diameter.

Turbine boilers are another option that is popular. Here the air flow is provided by a special fan. Combustion products are discharged directly to the street. Moreover, the hole is usually small (it is visible from the outside).

When choosing this model, you can refuse to organize a chimney. But turbine structures need to be cleaned from time to time: if the entrance becomes clogged with leaves, for example, the boiler will stop working.

Ventilation of a turbine boiler Source spetsotoplenie.ru

Each solution has its own advantages and disadvantages. But remember: only models with natural draft are considered non-volatile! So if electricity is often cut off in your locality or area, then the only option would be products with natural draft and without a chimney.

Which boiler is better to choose for heating a home: manufacturers

There are many options on the market. And there are more and more of them every year. What to do? Try to understand the assortment.

So, Germany usually offers the most reliable ones. These are Vaillant, Bosch, Buderus, Volf. Italian manufacturers They produce units with an optimal ratio of price, service life and reliability. One of the most famous is Ferrolli. Among the less popular ones is Baxi, however, the brand is not particularly well known in Russia, but in Europe it has long and deservedly enjoyed a good reputation.

South Korean Kiturami would be an ideal option for heating large spaces. If your budget allows, you can pay attention to the Japanese company Rinnai. Its boilers are environmentally friendly, safe and ultra-reliable: they are guaranteed for 10 years. In addition, the automation itself regulates the operation of the device depending on the gas pressure.

Video description

Additional food for thought about choosing a gas boiler in the video:

Among domestic manufacturers, Borinskoye LLC should be noted. The company's boilers are universal, suitable for most heating systems. Manufactured from high-strength steel. Many people are also well aware of the Zhukovsky boilers. Produced in the Moscow region, they attract surprisingly affordable price and simple design.

It is difficult to say which option is better here. Much depends on what exactly you are counting on.

Which gas boiler is better to choose for heating a private house: price

Prices for boilers, in terms of American dollars, start around 250 dollars and reach up to several thousand. Moreover, this amount does not always include delivery, and installation in most cases is paid separately.

In general, a double-circuit boiler is more expensive. But if you compare it not with a single-circuit one, but with a set of a boiler and a boiler, then the calculations are no longer so clear-cut. You will have to spend more money on the option with a chimney. And the most affordable one is a floor-mounted single-circuit boiler with natural draft of domestic production.

Single-circuit floor-standing boiler Source etechzone.ru

True, paying less for a product does not mean that the issue of saving is finally resolved, because if in a few years you have to undergo serious repairs or a complete replacement, then the benefit is frankly dubious. Therefore, it is not advisable to focus solely on the issue of price when purchasing a boiler.

The gas boiler is the heart of the heating system. It largely determines whether your house (or apartment) will warm up normally, how much you will have to pay every month for public utilities, whether there will be a problem with dampness, etc. Therefore, when buying a gas boiler, there is no need to rush. Moreover, there are many types of gas heating boilers on the market for a private home - for every taste and budget. This means you have the opportunity to truly choose best option. We have looked at the main criteria for choosing a boiler for heating a private home, and we hope that you will not have any problems when choosing this important equipment.

Choice necessary equipment for a heating system is an extremely important task. Owners of private houses are sure to encounter it, and in Lately and many apartment owners strive to achieve complete independence in this matter by creating their own autonomous systems. And one of key points Naturally, there is a question of choosing a boiler.

If your home is connected to the main natural gas supply, then there is nothing to think about - the optimal solution would be to install gas equipment. The operation of such a heating system is incomparably more economical than all others - the cost of gas is relatively low, especially in comparison with electricity. All sorts of problems with additional acquisition, transportation and storage of fuel, typical for solid or liquid fuel installations, disappear. If all installation requirements are met and the rules of use are followed, it is completely safe and has high performance indicators. The main thing is to correctly decide on the right model, for which you need to know how to choose a gas boiler so that it fully complies with the specific operating conditions and meets the wishes of the owners in terms of functionality and ease of use.

Basic parameters for choosing a gas boiler

Exists whole line criteria by which the model of the purchased boiler should be evaluated. It should be immediately noted that almost all of them are interconnected and even interdependent with each other, so they must be considered immediately and comprehensively:

  • The key parameter is general thermal power gas boiler, which must correspond to the tasks of a specific heating system.
  • The location of the future installation of the boiler - this criterion will very often depend on the power mentioned above.
  • Boiler type according to layout - wall-mounted or floor-mounted. The choice also directly depends on both the power and the installation location.

  • The type of boiler burner - open or closed - will depend on the same criteria. Accordingly, a system for removing combustion products is organized - through a conventional chimney with natural draft or through a forced smoke removal system.
  • Number of circuits - will the boiler be used only for heating needs, or will it also take over the provision hot water. If a double-circuit boiler is selected, then its type based on the structure of the heat exchangers is taken into account.
  • The degree of dependence of the boiler on the energy supply. This parameter is especially important to take into account in cases where power outages in a populated area occur with alarming regularity.
  • Additional equipment of the boiler with the elements necessary for efficient work heating systems, the presence of built-in control systems and ensuring operational safety.
  • And finally, the boiler manufacturer, and, of course, the price, which will depend on many of the factors listed above.

The first step is to correctly determine the boiler power

It is simply impossible to move on to choosing any boiler if there is no clarity about what heating installation must be in place.

The technical documentation of the boiler must indicate the value of the rated power, and in addition, recommendations are often given as to how much space it is designed to heat. However, these recommendations can be considered rather conditional, since they do not take into account the “specifics”, that is, the actual operating conditions and features of the house or apartment.

The same caution should be applied to widespread“axiom” that to heat 10 m² of housing area, 1 kW of thermal energy is needed. This value is also very approximate, which can only be valid under certain conditions - average ceiling height, one external wall with one window, etc. In addition, the climate zone, the location of the premises relative to the cardinal points and a number of other important parameters are not taken into account at all.

Thermal engineering calculations according to all the rules can only be carried out by specialists. However, we will take the liberty of offering the reader a method for independently calculating power, taking into account most of the factors influencing the efficiency of heating a house. With such a calculation, there will certainly be an error, but within completely acceptable limits.

The method is based on calculating the required thermal power for each room where heating radiators will be installed, followed by summing the values. Well, the following parameters serve as initial data:

  • Room area.
  • Ceiling height.
  • Quantity external walls, the degree of their insulation, location relative to the cardinal points.
  • Level of minimum winter temperatures for the region of residence.
  • Number, size and type of windows.
  • “Neighborhood” of the room vertically - for example, heated rooms, cold attic and so on .
  • The presence or absence of doors to the street or to a cold balcony.

Any owner of a house or apartment has a plan for his housing. Having placed it in front of you, it will not be difficult to create a table (in an office application or even just on a piece of paper), which indicates all the heated rooms and their characteristics. For example, as shown below:

Premises:Area, ceiling heightExternal walls (number where facing)Number, type and size of windowsThe presence of a door to the street or balconyRequired thermal power
TOTAL:92.8 m² 13.54 kW
1st floor, insulated floors
Hall9.9 m², 3 malone, Westsingle, double-glazed window, 110×80No0.94 kW
Kitchen10.6 m, 3 mone, Southone, wooden frame, 130×100No1.74 kW
Living room18.8 m², 3 mthree, North, Eastfour, double-glazed window, 110×80No2.88 kW
Tambour4.2 m², 3 malone, WestNoone0.69 kW
Bathroom premises6 m², 3 mone, NorthNoNo0.70 kW
2nd floor, above – cold attic
Hall5.1 m², 3 mone, NorthNoNo0.49 kW
Bedroom No. 116.5 m², 3 mthree, South, Westsingle, double-glazed window, 120×100No1.74 kW
Bedroom No. 213.2 m², 3 mtwo, North, EastNo1.63 kW
Bedroom No. 317.5 m², 3 mtwo, East, Southtwo, double-glazed window, 120×100one2.73 kW

After the table has been compiled, you can proceed to calculations. To do this, below is a convenient calculator that will help you quickly determine the required heating power for each room.

The level of negative street temperatures is taken from the average characteristic of the coldest ten-day period of winter in the region of residence.

Let's look at the variety of gas boilers. What should you ask the seller first? And what will he try to “smuggle in”? What is it better for private home owners to give up, and what should they strive for?

Let's start choosing a boiler for a home by considering the insulation of the building. What is available already significantly influences the choice or must be changed.

What sellers sell and buyers shouldn't take

Having bought a “slightly different” gas boiler, home owners then speak out as follows.

  • The biggest criticism subsequently comes from savings on brand reliability. Although breakdowns of gas boilers do not occur often, nevertheless, before purchasing, it is worth understanding which manufacturers have been on the market for a long time, and what they are. What can you buy in a particular store? In terms of reliability, products from concerns from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Japan and Korea are the leaders.
  • Significant criticism is caused by savings when creating a hot water supply based on a gas boiler. After all, you will have to use hot water all the time. “I should have paid a little extra and got this one... with this…." It turned out not as convenient as we would like, and it cannot be changed.
  • There are misunderstandings about saving on power when purchasing. It doesn’t happen often, but the most important complaints are...
  • Recently, owners of gas boilers have been complaining about overpayments for “super-new” technologies that turned out to be unprofitable. Although this is not very important...
  • Errors also occur in the fundamental choice - the best would not be a gas boiler at all, nevertheless, for some reason...

When a gas boiler is not the best

Does the house have the basis for economical heating?

Gas is becoming more expensive and will continue to become more expensive, like all other energy sources. Its waste will directly depend on the insulation of the house, which is also not cheap.

How better insulation- the more expensive it is. The worse the insulation, the more expensive heating will cost. Where is the “golden mean”? - what degree of insulation is required, and what heating power should be in order to keep the house warm?
The balance of this is determined by the building design, which specifies insulation measures, and hence the power of the gas boiler.

How to conduct your own capacity calculations

As a rough approximation, it is believed that the energy loss of a residential private house should not be more than 100 watts per square meter of heated area in the coldest month. This means that the building must be “well” insulated, and there are no obvious drafts in it, i.e. ventilation under control.

This also means that a gas boiler with a power of 1 kW/10 sq. m. must heat the house so that it is warm, and if this does not happen, then you need to look for and eliminate heat leaks, which in the end will turn out to be cheaper than buying additional boilers and radiators, and then burning a lot of gas.

Before going to the store to buy a gas boiler, it is advisable to put the building in proper shape.

What power to choose

Gas boilers should not significantly exceed heat loss. Otherwise, the powerful burner will overheat the coolant too quickly and the boiler will constantly turn off and operate in frequent ignition mode. And there is no need to overpay for powerful equipment. It is accepted that equipment power should be reserved at 15% of heat loss. But as a rule, hot water is also prepared from a gas boiler. Then the power reserve needs to be increased to 25%. Then, with a house area of ​​250 sq. m. and possible heat losses of 25 kW, the house must be heated by a 32 kW boiler, which should be used.

By the way, independently calculating heat loss is a waste of time. It is unlikely that the real moisture content of the plaster, the real damage to the insulation in the attic by rodents (for example) and the actual area of ​​shading of the front window by wood will be taken into account, given the usual wind rose... so it is not recommended to engage in invention in this regard.

What do you pay attention to when choosing a boiler?

In addition to brand and power, there are a couple more important nuances when choosing a gas boiler for your home. Firstly, already at the design stage, it is decided whether the boiler will have an open or closed burner. This is fundamentally important, since for units with different burners, completely different requirements at places of installation and operation.

Secondly, it is decided how many heating circuits should be in the boiler. The second circuit heats water for domestic needs. And you need to decide exactly how it will be prepared, how much it will be needed, and where the equipment will be located. Further details...

Is an open burner useful?

Burner closed type(forced ventilation) operates under the influence of a fan. Air is sucked in from outside the room through the same pipe through which gases are discharged. At the same time it is heated. Wall-mounted compact units are equipped with such a system, which can be installed in any utility room that is not damp, and the pipe can be routed outside through the wall. This is a universal, cheap and most common option. But floor-standing boilers with more advanced functionality are also equipped with such a burner...

Burner open type(atmospheric) are supplied to more powerful floor-standing boilers. They should be installed only in a separate combustion chamber, made according to the rules, equipped with an air supply to supply air to the boiler. The smoke is discharged through a high atmospheric chimney. Such boilers have no power restrictions and are recommended for big houses. Extremely reliable, equipped with a cast iron heat exchanger, etc...

Is a second heating circuit necessary?

There is always one circuit for the movement of liquid through the heat exchanger in a gas boiler - the coolant for heating is heated in it.
But there may also be a second circuit - it will heat water for hot water supply to the house (DHW). In practice, it turns out that the second circuit reduces the final price of equipment for hot water supply. But it also reduces comfort.

From the second circuit, water can flow directly into the tap. This is inconvenient, since the boiler will turn on every time you open it, you need to wait until it heats up and hot water arrives... Also, water can flow into an intermediate electric boiler, where it gradually cools down, and be heated up with electricity - the result is a little more expensive water...

Features of single-circuit

A single-circuit boiler is designed to work with an indirect heating boiler, in which for constant heating domestic water energy from the heating fluid is used. With this option, there is always a lot of cheap water, since it can be heated by the boiler constantly, and the boiler’s capacity is not small. The recirculation system makes it possible to get hot water from the tap immediately when it is opened. It is possible to fill the bath very quickly (draining the boiler), even when not high power the boiler itself. It is possible to get hotter water...
But the price for the equipment is higher.

Select with one or two circuits

A practical recommendation comes down to a single-circuit boiler.
The price of an indirect heating boiler with a capacity of 150 - 200 liters is not small. It contains a spiral pipeline for heating from heating and this tank has a special coating. Also installed additional pump, expansion tank recirculation pipes... But subsequent comfort is more important.

With a double-circuit boiler, you can immediately get hot water from the tap without any equipment; just connect the pipe from the tap to the outlet of the second circuit. It will be possible to take a more or less comfortable bath even if the boiler power is 20 kW or more. By paying a little extra for an electric boiler of up to 50 liters, you can already get an order of magnitude greater comfort. And yet, is it worth saving so much and giving up an avalanche? hot water Always?

As a rule, a double-circuit boiler is an economical option, which entails certain inconveniences in the future.

How does a condensing gas boiler work?

There is a lot of water vapor in the hot gases that are formed during fuel combustion. This water can be seen dripping from the chimney. In condensing boilers, steam turns into water on a secondary cold heat exchanger, which is then discharged into the sewer. For the system to work, it is necessary that the heating return be as cold as possible, literally 30 degrees.

Condensing boilers are designed primarily for low-temperature heating, to work with warm floors and with radiators (in-floor convectors) up to 55 degrees. Then they develop their “monstrous” efficiency of 110 (!) percent.
But they can also operate in normal high-temperature mode, when the coolant heats up to 70 - 80 degrees.

Is a condensing boiler useful?

In Europe, laws have been passed obliging the installation of condensing boilers - heat generators that use the energy of the phase transition of water. This increases energy savings by up to 15% and significantly improves the environment.

But our ordinary homes, in most cases, are not ready for such a turn of events. Firstly, the house must be heat-saving - not only insulated, but also equipped with modern ventilation and heat recuperators Wastewater and ventilation stream. Then low-temperature heating will cope well with our cold weather.

Also, the heating system itself should consist of a heated floor (preferably), and the area of ​​​​the radiators should be 20 - 30 percent larger.

It turns out that all this together, at current gas prices, is not economically profitable. An expensive condensing boiler, together with its heating system, will not pay for itself. In Europe, where the climate is much milder and the price of gas is higher, this is extremely profitable.
Therefore, such boilers are not very popular among us.

What to choose for your home

In terms of the degree of automation and the presence of protection, the range of boilers for a private home of the same power from different leading manufacturers are similar in price. Therefore, “picking through the bells and whistles” comes down rather to choosing in favor of one brand or design or another.

1. At the installation site

It’s better to start with this. What's the point of dealing with power if the “best” boiler you like is not suitable for a private home precisely because of the limited space for its installation.

1.1.Wall models

Such boilers are purchased for private buildings with a small heating area, city apartments in townhouses, duplexes or old-style houses.


  • For installation of wall-mounted gas boilers, a separate room in the form of a furnace is not required.
  • Compact and light weight (does not exceed 50 kg).
  • The noise generated is minimal.
  • The price is significantly lower than that of floor-mounted units.
  • The degree of automation is high.
  • A simplified option for connecting to the air intake and combustion products exhaust ducts. The problem is solved by installing a coaxial chimney.


  • Limited thermal power. Basically - no more than 35 kW. This causes a number of operational problems. Except as indicated (heating small areas), difficulties often arise when two circuits operate simultaneously - heating and hot water.
  • Experts point out that to reduce the weight of boilers of this group, manufacturers use components with thin walls (the same heat exchanger). The result is a reduction in maintenance-free operation time.

1.2. Floor-standing gas boilers

For large private houses, with a complex layout, especially several floors - the only possible variant, since wall modifications for heating large areas are useless.


  • Large selection of power.
  • The possibility of converting a gas boiler to another type of fuel, which, in particular, provides fuel redundancy.
  • One of the main differences from wall-mounted units is that floor-mounted units can be non-volatile. That is, the coolant moves through the pipes naturally, due to heating, without the use of a circulation pump. The disadvantage is limited functionality, primarily in the operation of automation.


  • Heavy weight. Therefore, either a concrete (tile) floor or a separate mini-foundation. Regular boardwalk is not an option.
  • Difficulties with placement in the house. And this is due not only to the large dimensions of floor-standing models. For these gas boilers, a separate room is selected - the furnace room. It can be organized, for example, in the basement of a house or an extension. But at the same time, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions - regarding air circulation, room dimensions, distance of the unit from the walls, doors and a number of others. By the way, the width of the doorway also matters - at least 0.8 m. If the house is not that big, then it is better to purchase a wall-mounted boiler.
  • High price.

2.By power

When deciding which gas boiler to buy, it is when choosing based on this characteristic that a mistake is most often made. Unfortunately, managers who do not know all the features of the client’s home often “help” with this. That’s why they focus on the ratio of 10/1 (heated area in m2 to the power of the device in kW).

What is taken into account

  • Any technical device will work out the repair-free period guaranteed by the manufacturer only if it is not used to the limit of its capabilities. The optimal load for the boiler is 85±5%.
  • A decrease in gas pressure in the line directly affects the efficiency of the heating device.
  • Quality of home insulation.
  • Wall material.
  • Ceiling height. A gas boiler does not heat a specific area. The devices included in the system (pipes, radiators) heat a certain volume. Therefore, the 1/1 formula is valid (and only partially) for standard rooms in which the ceilings are at 2.2 m. In many private houses they are higher.
  • Location of the building on the territory. It is one thing if it is closed on all sides (by plantings, other structures), and another thing when it is blown through.
Conclusion– when deciding how to choose a gas boiler for your home based on power, you should focus on the ratio of 10 to 1.3.

3. Dependence on electricity supply

In most gas boilers, circulation of the coolant is provided by force, by a pump. As a rule, it is already mounted under the unit casing. If not included in the package, it is installed on the pipe (“return”) in front of the heating device. It requires a 220/50 network connection to operate.

The second engineering solution is without a pump. That is, when heated, the coolant, increasing in volume, rises up the pipe, pushing cooled water (or antifreeze) through the system. And so - in a circle. Such gas boilers do not require power supply.

Conclusion– to decide which gas boiler to buy, you need to evaluate the stability of the power supply at home, as well as your own backup capabilities. In the presence of autonomous source power supply, it is advisable to purchase the first modification - it has advanced functionality. If there are systematic problems with power supply/voltage, then it is better to focus on a non-volatile gas boiler.

4. Number of circuits

Knowing what to choose is not difficult. With one - only heating, if two - then OV + DHW. In private homes, the problem of hot water is solved in different ways. If the building is connected to the central main line, then it is better to purchase a single-circuit boiler and receive hot water from a gas water heater or boiler. Firstly, it will be cheaper, even taking into account all the costs. Secondly, at the end of the heating period, you will not need to turn on the boiler every day just to heat the water. And this is the development of the resource of the unit. Consequently, the owner will have to decide for himself which gas boiler to choose for heating the house, taking into account the number of circuits.

5. Heat exchanger material

This is the most “sore” point for all boilers, and not only gas ones, since the quality of water in our mains does not meet the requirements specified by heating equipment manufacturers. Typically steel or cast iron. Options made of copper and silumin are better, but boilers with such heat exchangers are more expensive.

IN wall models they are mostly steel. It is desirable that it be “stainless steel”. As for floor-mounted gas boilers, it is worth choosing devices with a cast iron heat exchanger. They are more durable than their steel counterparts (about 50 years versus 15), if only because they are not destroyed by the so-called “acid dew.”

6. Burner type

Atmospheric modification is cheaper. But if we take into account the specifics of our climate (sharp changes in temperature, and therefore fluctuations in gas pressure in the pipe), then a gas boiler with a fan burner is better. With it, changes in weather will not affect the stability of the unit.

7.Combustion chamber type

  • Open– air is taken from the room. The plus is that such gas boilers operate almost silently. Minus - it is necessary to ensure reliable circulation of air masses in the room. Otherwise, such a boiler may interfere with the operation of other household appliances. For example, a gas water heater, creating a reverse draft effect in it.
  • Closed. Air comes from outside, through a separate channel. Since it is cold, and this affects the efficiency of the boiler, it is recommended to install a coaxial chimney. It eliminates all the problems that arise when installing an air duct pipe.

8. Ignition type

Electric or piezo. The only difference is convenience. In the first case, the boiler starts automatically, in the second, you will have to press the corresponding button (key). Another difference is that in devices with a piezoelectric element, the igniter “wick” is constantly burning, that is, gas is consumed. But how relevant this is is another question. Only for double-circuit boilers, and only in the summer.

9. Automation

This mainly applies to security systems. But in all modern models gas boilers protection on high level. And ease of use - the control method, the presence of a display, the number of options in the program menu - is at your personal discretion.

On a note! When choosing a gas boiler for your home, you need to purchase a voltage stabilizer. This primarily applies to imported models. Such boilers are very demanding on the quality of power supply, and when there are surges or a decrease in its nominal value, the automation immediately turns off the device, reacting as if it were an emergency situation.