Well      06/15/2019

The furnace from a barrel of 200 l. Complex and simple do-it-yourself barrel ovens. The principle of operation of a potbelly stove from a barrel: what you need to know

Homemade metal oven 200 liter barrel: drawings, scheme of the stove, photo and video. A barrel stove can be used to heat garages, workrooms, greenhouses and other premises.

A standard metal 200 liter barrel has a height of 860 mm, a diameter of 590 mm and a weight of 20-26 kg.

The dimensions of the barrel are almost ideal for making a stove from it, the only caveat is the thin walls of the barrel 1 - 1.5 mm, which will quickly burn out from the high temperature. Alternatively, the firebox can be lined with refractory bricks from the inside.

To make an oven you will need:

  • Two 200 liter barrels.
  • Door for oven.
  • Grids.
  • Sheet metal, corners and rods.
  • Chimney pipe.
  • Refractory brick.
  • Bulgarian with a cutting wheel.
  • Welding machine.
  • Electric drill.

Stove from a 200 liter barrel: scheme.

We cut off the top of the barrel with a grinder and cut out a side opening under the furnace door.

We weld the furnace door to the barrel with a welding machine. At a height of 20 cm from the bottom of the barrel, we install grates for ash.

Under the ash pan, you can make a separate door, slightly opening it, you can adjust the traction force in the oven.

So that the metal walls of the barrel do not burn out over time, you need to lay out inner surface furnaces with refractory bricks. To fit the bricks more tightly, we file them with a grinder.

For laying the labyrinth of the chimney, it is necessary to weld from the corners of the crossbar under the bricks.

Bricks are laid out on the furnace mortar. The composition of the furnace solution is 1 part clay to 2 parts sand, the mixture is kneaded with the minimum amount water to a very thick consistency.

The thickness of the joints for masonry should not exceed 5 mm.

To increase the heat transfer of the furnace, you can install another barrel on top. Under the chimney, you need to make a hole in the barrel and weld a piece of pipe under the chimney.

The chimney will have to be periodically cleaned of soot, so it is better to make it collapsible, I recommend reading the article - how to make a chimney for a potbelly stove.

Do-it-yourself barrel for burning garbage in the country house - a design that is on garden plots not so rare to be found. However, not every gardener knows how to make a stove as efficient and convenient as possible from a barrel. But most importantly, not everyone knows that burning waste in the country is generally prohibited by law. This article is about the nuances of getting rid of garbage in the country.

Before using a barrel for burning garbage in the country, it is better to carefully study the law.

Important! Russian legislation establishes a ban on burning garbage in the city and in summer cottages (ST 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Environmental services also talk about damage environment as a result of burning dried plants. Burning plant waste, especially in spring, often leads to numerous fires, which sometimes cover vast areas and end very badly. Fires for burning grass, lit in the city, have Negative influence on many residents with hypertension, asthmatic and other diseases.

Often, employees of various environmental services and fire safety inspectors carry out raids on personal plots in order to identify violators of fire safety and conduct explanatory work with them. However, many "arsonists" neglect warnings up to the moment of bringing them to administrative responsibility.

The prohibition of waste incineration is stipulated in federal law"On the Protection of Atmospheric Air".

Note! It is forbidden to burn plant and other wastes in open areas summer cottages, it is also forbidden to use barrels, urns, containers for burning garbage.

For non-compliance with the provisions of the law, a citizen may be held liable with the imposition of a fine. The following fines are provided for different categories of persons:

  • for ordinary citizens - 2,000 - 3,000 rubles;
  • for citizens who are officials - 6,000 - 15,000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - 20,000 - 30,000 rubles. (or suspension entrepreneurial activity up to 90 days);
  • for legal entities - 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. (or suspension of activities for 90 days).

The amount of fines may vary depending on the region of the country and the time of year (for example, during the established period of the fire regime in May, the amount of fines increases for all persons).

In addition to such monetary compensation, those whose garbage burning led to the fire will have to pay certain amounts of money for the environmental damage caused.

Employees of environmental services recommend summer residents for waste disposal plant origin use compost pits. For the disposal of other waste, it is necessary to resort to the services of specialized companies for the removal and / or processing of household waste.

About the ban on burning waste in summer cottages, about how violators are identified by service employees, they talk in this video

Having studied the legal aspects, we can say that it is still possible to burn plant debris in the country, but at the same time, all the requirements of the fire safety rules established by the Ministry of Emergencies must be met without fail, and the places for burning must be agreed with the fire department .

How to make a stove for burning from a barrel

If you nevertheless decide, having fulfilled all the safety requirements, to get rid of plant debris by burning yourself, then for this purpose you can use different designs from a barrel.

How to make a barrel for burning garbage so that it functions as a furnace? To do this, of course, you will need a metal barrel and some engineering skills.

Let's consider a few options simple designs from barrels used as a waste incinerator.

  1. A barrel without a bottom, mounted on bricks. First you need to prepare the site. To do this, pour sand on a piece of land with a layer thickness of about 10 - 15 cm. Then you need to put a sheet of metal on the sand, on which the enclosing brick support is formed in the form of the letter "P". On top of such a support, you need to put a grate. Then it is necessary to install the barrel itself (after removing its bottom) on a brick base. This design of the barrel allows you to put country garbage through the top, and make a fire at the bottom, in a brick fence. At the same time, the resulting ash is easy and convenient to clean. When it rains, it is better to cover such a structure with a lid.
  2. Barrel for burning garbage with a drilled bottom. At the bottom of the barrel, you need to drill holes in a large number (more than 10) for air to enter. For better penetration of oxygen and for pouring ash out of the container, attach 4 metal support legs to the barrel. Install a metal grate inside at a height of 15 cm from the bottom of the barrel. At a distance of about 20 cm from the bottom, cut a hole in the container that serves as a blower. Attach metal loops to it and attach it again to the barrel so that you get a door with which you can lay firewood and regulate the strength of the fire in the container. For convenience, when transferring the structure to the barrel, handles can be welded. Use a cover to keep out the rain.

The options considered are just some of the barrel designs that serve to burn the accumulated plant waste. The creation of such stoves is limited only by your imagination, and, of course, safety regulations.

About one of the rather simple designs of barrel-stoves that serve to burn leaves, branches, dry grass, etc. in the country, they tell in the next video

In addition, some craftsmen use barrels to create stoves to heat small spaces. With at least some knowledge of physics and essential tool, you can build, for example, a stove from a barrel of 200 liters (standard volume), which is used to maintain heat in a garage or greenhouse.

Pros and cons of burning waste in a barrel stove

Each design has both its pros and cons. From the general advantages and disadvantages, the following positive and negative points can be distinguished.

  • barrel stoves are mobile, they are easy to move around the garden;
  • allow you to avoid open fire;
  • the strength of the fire can be controlled.
  • constant exposure to high temperatures on the barrel leads to wear of the structure;
  • the use of barrel stoves, even in your own garden plot, is prohibited by law, their constant use is likely to lead to the payment of fines;
  • this method of disposal of garbage is not environmentally friendly, and also does not provide absolute fire safety.

Do they sell ready-made solutions?

In stores with garden tool you can find ready-made waste incinerators that provide maximum fire safety. By design and principle of operation, all turnkey solutions are like homemade stoves from barrels. A number of manufacturers install chimneys on their stoves to increase the burning rate of garbage. Such containers provide a high intensity of waste combustion even in the rain (with the top oven lid closed). The main advantages of purchased stoves over homemade ones are their Fire safety and more aesthetic appearance. Among the shortcomings of store ovens, their high cost can be noted.

Burning garbage in a barrel - easy way get rid of waste, but far from safe. The substances formed during the combustion process pollute the environment. It is for the reasons of the fire department and environmental safety it is forbidden to light a fire in the garden plots (open or in a container). But every summer resident has the right to decide for himself whether to deceive the law or not.


A potbelly stove from a 200 liter barrel can be installed in different rooms: in the garage, in the country house, warehouse, etc. Its main advantage is the high heating rate. It quickly heats the air in the room and cools down just as quickly due to the properties of the metal case.

most popular homemade model considered a potbelly stove from a barrel. For its manufacture and installation does not require expensive materials and special skills. It is arranged so simply that it can be easily assembled by hand.

About design

A home-made potbelly stove from a barrel has a height of 89 cm, a diameter of 60 cm and a weight of 21 - 25 kg, has a blind hearth and a fairly high chimney. Used as fuel sawdust, shavings, dry firewood and fuel briquettes. Due to the rather thin metal walls and the height of the body, the efficiency of such a furnace does not exceed 15 - 20%.

The principle of its operation is quite simple: the wood is laid in the firebox and ignited. When burned, wood emits a large number of thermal energy, which is transferred to the stove body of the potbelly stove. The heated metal gives off heat to the surrounding atmosphere and heats the room. The amount of heat is increased by a long chimney, through which hot smoke moves to the street.

Expert opinion

Nikolai Davydov

Baker with 15 years of experience

For the correct flow of gas-dynamic processes in a potbelly stove from a 200 l barrel, the blower should be located as low as possible. Otherwise, the lower part will take a significant part of the thermal energy and redirect it to the ground. If the blower needs to be placed higher, then you can wall up the lower part of the tank with a brick.

Choosing a quality barrel

For the manufacture of a potbelly stove, you can use any steel barrel used in the petrochemical, paint and varnish, chemical, metallurgical industries for storing and transporting technical products:

    bulk - oils, solvents, paints, diesel fuel, sodium liquid glass;

    pasty - thick lubricants, bitumen;

    bulk - caustic soda, various plasticizers.

They are produced in two types - with open and closed tops, they also differ in the thickness of the bottom, lid and shell.

Any of these containers can be adapted for a potbelly stove, if you first clean and rinse its inner surface well. However, the thinner the walls of the container, the faster they will burn out, and the stove will fail. Therefore, you need to choose a product with a metal thickness of more than 2 mm for a potbelly stove.

Expert opinion

Nikolai Davydov

Baker with 15 years of experience

Well, the most the best option- stainless steel barrel High alloy stainless steel is the most resistant to impact high temperatures in the fuel combustion zone, which means that the furnace made from it will serve a longer period.

Additional materials

For the construction of a heating device, except for the metal barrel 200 liters will require the following additional building materials and oven fittings:

    small steel sheet

  • fireclay brick for a vertical model or a reflector for a horizontal one;

    a small section of the channel;

    steel pipes for the chimney;

    fittings for the grate;

    sand, clay for making mortar;

    asbestos cord;

    furnace door;

    blower door;

    basalt wool for chimney insulation.

Required Tools

In order to qualitatively build a potbelly stove from a 200 liter barrel with your own hands, you need to prepare a minimum set of tools, consisting of:

    welding machine;

    grinders or hacksaws for metal;

    standard hammer, pliers and chisel;

    steel brush;

    drills with a set of drills;

    measuring instruments: tape measure, level and plumb.

The need for personal protective equipment welding work: protective mask, dielectric gloves, overalls made of thick fabric and closed shoes.

Crafting Instructions

During the operation of the stove, its body is strongly heated, therefore, such a heating device must be placed on a monolithic fire-resistant surface. It can be a layer of concrete, asphalt concrete, a metal sheet or just earth. The stove must have its own chimney, connecting the appliance to the chimney of other heating devices prohibited.

There are two options for assembling such a furnace: with horizontal and vertical arrangement barrels.

Vertical model

Vertical potbelly stove from a barrel

Scheme of a vertical potbelly stove from a barrel

The manufacturing process of a vertical furnace model looks like this:

  1. Prepare an opening on the side surface of the barrel to enable loading firewood;
  2. The door can be bought in advance or the cut-out part of the wall can be adapted: hinges and a handle can be welded to it, providing convenience when closing and opening the combustion chamber;

    Somewhat lower furnace door cut another hole for mounting the blower door. For the manufacture of the blower itself, a thick-walled pipe is used, cut along. It should be able to move along the metal rails, but not be removed completely;

  3. At a height of 20 cm from the bottom of the tank, install grates - a metal plate with holes or a welded cellular reinforcement structure. For their fixation, an ordinary steel corner is used.

    Option 1 - mesh grid

    Option 2 - fittings

  4. From the bottom of the barrel, you need to weld metal legs or simply install the structure on bricks;

    Role hob will be performed by steel wire, which can be welded to top cover furnaces;

    Brick lining (optional)

    To protect the walls of the container from burning through, the inner surface of the furnace can be additionally lined with refractory bricks, giving it a semicircular shape with the help of a grinder. Masonry should be carried out on a furnace solution, which includes 1 part of oily clay and 2 parts of sand. The mixture is made with a minimum amount of water and should have a thick consistency;

  5. Next, we make a chimney (more details below).
  6. A hole for a chimney with a diameter of at least 15 cm is cut out on the side of the tank in its upper part (or on the side). The height of the pipe must be at least 4 m. When installing it, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

    it is advisable not to install the pipe strictly vertically, the presence of horizontal and inclined sections increases the amount of heat received, however, the number of turns should not exceed 3 times;

    the bending angle should be 30 degrees, and only in exceptional cases reach 45 degrees;

    horizontally located chimney elements cannot be longer than 1 m;

    to prevent the appearance of condensate, the part of the chimney facing the street should be insulated with basalt wool;

    to reduce the load from the appliance body, the chimney must be attached to the wall.

On the chimney of the potbelly stove, you can install a rotary valve or a valve moving along the guides. With the help of this element, it is possible to adjust the intensity of the removal of heated smoke and completely block the chimney during the period when the stove is not heated.

Horizontal model

The efficiency of a potbelly stove stove from a 200-liter barrel will be higher if it is made and placed horizontally.

Potbelly stove from a barrel - horizontal version

Scheme of a horizontal potbelly stove from a barrel

The algorithm of actions for horizontal placement of the tank will be as follows:

Nikolai Davydov

Baker with 15 years of experience

Flammable things should not be placed near the stove, and when moving, beware of accidental contact open areas skin with its body to avoid burns. The room where the potbelly stove is installed should be well ventilated, at least naturally.

Operation features

During the operation of the furnace, it is necessary to alternate the cycles of its kindling, including:

    bookmark fuel;

    ignition of the furnace;

    directly furnace process with space heating;

    cleaning of ash products from the furnace and blower section.

The most responsible stage can be attributed to the stage of laying fuel, which must be laid in a certain order to facilitate the ignition process. First you need to put paper and thin dry firewood on the grate, light a fire and close the door.

After the kindling material has ignited, larger logs can be added. The wood must be loaded carefully to prevent the fire from dying out. At the end of the full laying of firewood, you need to tightly close the furnace door.

The draft in the potbelly stove can be adjusted with a valve on the chimney or by slightly opening the blower door.

In the process of burning the furnace, do not touch its body, so as not to burn yourself.

To restore draft after a long period of burning, it is necessary to periodically disassemble the chimney and clean its elements from accumulated soot.


A potbelly stove is a fairly simple heating device, and it is for this quality that it is considered a brilliant invention. How to make a potbelly stove from a barrel can be understood from the instructions and build it yourself. The potbelly stove will bring considerable benefits: it will solve the problems of heating outbuildings and country houses remote from the central gas supply lines. In addition, it is easy to transport and install, if necessary, it can move to another room.

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Stoves - practically free or very cheap material, and at the same time, they can turn out large ovens, including long burning.

Manufacturing progress.

First, remove the top of the barrel, then cut through the sidewall for the door.

We take welding and attach the door of the future stove. We measure 200 mm from the bottom and put the grate.

Under the ash pan, it is desirable to install another door for traction control.

You will need refractory bricks to protect the walls. We lay them out from the inside.

For chimney bricks, we install the structure, as in the figure below.

Bricks are laid out on the furnace mortar. The composition of the furnace solution is 1 part clay to 2 parts sand, the mixture is kneaded with a minimum amount of water to a very thick consistency.

The thickness of the joints for masonry should not exceed 5 mm.

To increase the heat transfer of the furnace, you can install another barrel on top. Under the chimney, you need to make a hole in the barrel and weld a piece of pipe under the chimney.

Two barrel oven

One of the highest quality barrel ovens made with my own hands, based on the large capacities available to us. The stove for kindling firewood consists of two barrels: one for 200 liters, the second for 100 liters. A certain novelty, which not everyone will think of, is to increase heat transfer due to an additional container, the walls of which are heated by hot air rising up to the pipe. In the second barrel, the fuel burns out as well.

Trumpet from of stainless steel Made from truck exhaust. The pipe is specially made curved to increase heat transfer to the room.

Looking at the previous video, the thought arises: what if we use the second additional barrel as an oven? The next model just implemented such an opportunity!

Three barrel cooking oven

The oven for cooking on the street is already made up of three barrels. In the video you will see how bread is baked in one of these barrels.

We made a stove for burning garbage in the country

Another stove for burning leaves, firewood in the country, and at the same time you can cook food on it. This oven is much simpler than those described above, but simplicity in manufacturing is simply necessary in some cases, and this is its advantage.
Eat great advantage burning garbage in a barrel. It's convenient and safe. A domestic barrel of 200 liters was used for the furnace. Its top is cut off by 16 cm. Firewood is laid and kindled in the blower, and then leaves are thrown over the top. The author made a special bottom for the firebox from fittings and a hoop from a barrel. The bottom is placed on the protrusions-corners in order to bring the fire from the wood to the top of the stove. A lid with a pipe is placed on top. You can cook food.