Mixer      04/03/2019

Rules for the selection of linoleum for different rooms in the apartment. Which linoleum is better for an apartment: myths and reality

The range of materials for flooring is replenished with new types, presenting us with such exotic materials as cork and self-leveling flooring. But this in no way reduces the popularity of linoleum, which is still one of the budget and at the same time durable floor coverings.

In different rooms - different linoleum

Today you can find linoleum, which differs not only in shade and pattern, but also in performance and purpose (for an apartment, industrial or public premises). How to choose linoleum? Find out what type of room linoleum is intended for, possible by marking, consisting of two digits, the first of which indicates the type of room:

  • 1 - apartment;
  • 2 - office;
  • 3 - public or industrial premises.

The second digit indicates the level of coating strength:

  • 1 - low strength;
  • 2 - medium strength;
  • 3 - high strength;
  • 4 - very high strength.

Marking 23 indicates that such linoleum can be laid in the kitchen in an apartment in which two people live. in the same room, but a large number residents will need class 31 linoleum.

You can find out what type of room the linoleum is intended for by marking, consisting of two numbers, the first of which indicates the type of room, the second - well, the level of strength of the coating.

Here are the main rules for choosing linoleum or how to choose linoleum:

  • pay attention to the smell of the material. A pungent smell indicates the presence in linoleum a large number harmful chemical impurities, which means low quality. Quality linoleum has no smell;
  • choose linoleum with an additional protective coating(antibacterial or varnish). A floor with such a coating is easier to clean, dirt does not eat into it;
  • to determine the quality of the coating, it is necessary to unroll the entire roll. Only in this way will protrusions and irregularities, bumps and peeling of the film become noticeable, in a word, defects that cannot be corrected;
  • pay attention to the shade of linoleum. There should be no extraneous inclusions on the surface (their presence indicates the content of various impurities that are not present in a quality material);
  • When buying multiple rolls, make sure they are from the same batch, as samples from different batches will vary in color even if their part numbers are the same.

Acquired linoleum cannot be folded in half; adhesive tape should not be glued to its front side. In order not to damage the material during transportation, it must be rolled up. front side inside.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of linoleum are the following:

  • unpretentiousness in care. The material is easy to clean with a damp cloth, it is moisture resistant, it is only important to monitor the quality of its installation, as improper installation will damage the coating due to water ingress;
  • strength and durability. The right type of coating will last for decades, linoleum does not wear out and is not afraid of mechanical damage;
  • environmental friendliness. Natural linoleum or high-quality PVC material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;
  • high sound insulation. Unlike porcelain stoneware, linoleum muffles the sound of impacts, falling heavy objects, and even walking in heels;
  • budget. Compared to other analogues (parquet, tile, self-leveling floor), the cost of linoleum is several times lower.

Natural linoleum or high-quality PVC material does not emit harmful compounds and does not attract dust, which allows it to be used even in medical institutions;

The disadvantages of linoleum are:

  • Seams. When laying over a large area, it becomes necessary to join several sheets. Over time, dust accumulates in the formed seams, which greatly spoils appearance gender;
  • swelling of the surface, which is the result of unprofessional installation;
  • susceptibility to temperature. No matter how durable linoleum is, it is still not a tile and you should not put hot pots on it.

Which linoleum to choose from a bunch of types

Linoleum is divided into several types depending on:

  • production material: natural, PVC, alkyd, rubber, nitrocellulose;
  • purpose: household, semi-commercial, commercial;
  • the presence of a base: with or without a base;
  • number of layers: heterogeneous (multilayer) or homogeneous (single layer).

The highest quality, and therefore the most expensive natural linoleum. Its basis is jute, tree resin, cork, linseed oil and mineral supplements. Such material has high strength and thermal insulation, has a noble appearance and is safe for health. The disadvantages are the homogeneity of the structure (only one layer), a limited palette of shades and high cost compared to synthetic counterparts.

PVC linoleum can be either homogeneous or heterogeneous. The type of material depends on the number of layers. The most durable is commercial, followed by semi-commercial and domestic. Linoleum of the first type is indispensable for the kitchen and hallway, living room, nursery and other rooms with massive furniture you can lay semi-commercial linoleum. Household linoleum is the most vulnerable, so it is only suitable for a bedroom or guest room.

Alkyd linoleum has high heat and sound insulation characteristics, but low strength and low resistance to temperature fluctuations.

Rubber linoleum(relin) is made from synthetic rubber mixed with bitumen. This is a fairly elastic and moisture resistant material, but is not suitable for use in residential areas due to hygiene requirements.

For the kitchen a special approach

The requirements for the kitchen floor are much higher than for the flooring in any other room in the apartment. This is strength, and moisture resistance, and heat resistance, and a noble appearance. Optimal choice for the kitchen will be commercial pvc linoleum grade 31. Such a coating will withstand temperature extremes, and high humidity, and the ingress of chemicals. Natural linoleum is not used in the kitchen due to its low strength.

Which linoleum is better for the kitchen. Kitchen linoleum should have a multilayer (heterogeneous) structure with a protective layer thickness of 0.35 - 0.7 mm. Homogeneous linoleum is not suitable for the reason that it does not have a protective layer, and without it, the pattern will be erased very soon.

The strength of linoleum directly depends on its density, the denser the material, the stronger it is. When buying, it is easy to determine by weight: dense linoleum will be heavier.

As for the shade, most often the kitchen floor is finished warm colored linoleum(natural yellowish brown and beige tones). You can visually enlarge a small space by laying linoleum with a small pattern on the floor. But the coating with a large ornament will favorably shade the furniture. Next, we will discuss which linoleum is better.

Popular brands and approximate cost

Which manufacturer of linoleum is better? Depending on the material of manufacture and the type of linoleum, its cost per square meter. m. can range from 168 rubles. (household) up to 880 rubles. (commercial). The cost of semi-commercial linoleum averages 314 - 747 rubles per square meter. m.

The highest quality is the products of the following manufacturers or which linoleum is the best:

  • Tarkett. The company provides a huge range of household and commercial type linoleum with different performance characteristics. Among the products presented, you can find options for various price categories (from 300 to 1300 rubles per sq. M.).
  • Juteks also produces products of high quality and average cost (235 - 326 rubles per sq. m.).
  • Gerflor- a French company offering exquisite and high-quality products (369 - 895 rubles per sq. m.).
  • IVC- Belgian brand, produces linoleum under stone, wood, wool and marble (250 - 416 rubles per sq. M.).

Linoleum flooring.

It is easiest to cut around the edges, the resulting irregularities can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to cut the joint as accurately and precisely as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

Installation begins with the calculation of the required amount of material. For this it is necessary calculate the area of ​​the room by measuring the length and width. When taking measurements, you need to take into account the doorways, leaving 10 cm each for their share. Since the pieces of linoleum will have to be joined, another 5-7 cm must be added to the results obtained. For example, for finishing the floor in a room of 3 by 5 meters you will need 16 meters of linoleum (3m + 7 cm stock) * (5 m + 10 cm on the doorway + 7 cm stock) = 16 square meters.

How wide is linoleum? Linoleum available in widths 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 or 4 meters. The best option would be the one in which the linoleum will lie over the entire area with the minimum amount joints.

Next, you need to adjust the linoleum to the size of the room. It is easiest to cut around the edges, the resulting irregularities can be hidden with a plinth. When laying overlapping sheets, it is necessary to cut the joint as accurately and precisely as possible. This is easier to do by laying two pieces overlapping each other and cutting through them.

It is necessary to lay linoleum on the maximum flat surface. Surface preparation consists in cleaning it, removing debris and old coatings. If on concrete base there are protrusions they need to be knocked down, and irregularities (you can read about leveling the floor and).

In small rooms with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but fixed with skirting boards around the perimeter. The disadvantage of this method is that after a while blisters will appear on the floor.

If you have leveled with the help of bulk mixtures or concrete, then you need to wait until the surface is completely dry, because under the linoleum the moisture will not evaporate and will lead to rotting and mold development under the floor.

You can attach linoleum to the floor with glue or skirting boards. The first option is suitable for large rooms and when laying with an overlap. To do this, it is necessary to apply building glue to the surface of the floor and deploy a roll of linoleum on it, previously adjusted to the size of the room.

In small rooms with low traffic, linoleum can not be glued, but fixed with skirting boards around the perimeter. The disadvantage of this method is that after a while blisters will appear on the floor. Thus, laying linoleum without taking into account preparatory workwill take about 2 hours.

  • It is better to lay linoleum not on bare concrete, but on a substrate made of wool, jute, flax.
  • If linoleum already has fabric base, then it is better to glue it with dispersion glue or bituminous mastic.
  • It is necessary to lay linoleum at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees.
  • Joints can be sealed with wide-head nails, aluminum strips and cold welding(special glue). The last option allows you to make the seams less noticeable.

How much does it cost to install linoleum by a professional?

The cost of laying linoleum depends on its type. So the installation of household and commercial linoleum on glue will cost about 250 - 350 rubles per sq.m. (together with material), installation running meter plinth 70 - 100 rubles, installation of the nut 100 - 150 rubles. per running meter. If there was a need for additional work(dismantling the old floor, leveling, building a screed), then the total cost of laying linoleum increases.

Linoleum is the most popular flooring among the population with an average standard of living. Firstly, the price is not as high as that of parquet or carpet, and secondly, the service life is normal. And today's manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, choose any! But it turns out though given material consumers are familiar with, there are many nuances that must be considered when buying. Therefore, this article is devoted to the question of which linoleum to choose, because the house has different rooms with their own operational features.

What to look for before buying?

To understand in detail how to choose linoleum for your home, you should know the main criteria for a rational purchase:

  • compliance with the purpose - a nursery is a room, or a bedroom, a kitchen;
  • characteristics - the degree of wear resistance, noise absorption, antistatic, moisture resistance, antibacterial properties;
  • whether linoleum can withstand the load, given the number of people living and the rate of patency;
  • whether harmony is created in the interior - linoleum can be plain, with abstract patterns, with imitation different textures: wood, tile, stone.

If all of the above criteria are taken into account, the buyer will not get lost in the modern variety, because he will know exactly how to choose linoleum for an apartment, as well as for a private house.

What is linoleum anyway?

Perhaps, linoleum can be called the most democratic flooring. The arguments to confirm these words are significant, because the material fits in schools, offices, and, of course, in a house / apartment. Therefore, it is understandable why the market offers a variety of types of linoleum: how to choose the best one? The question is simple, you just need to understand the problem and then everything will become clear.

A wide range of linoleum

- made from wood flour, pine resin, limestone powder, natural dyes, and the basis is jute fabric. Due to the fact that this material is made from purely natural ingredients, it is perfect for a children's room, rooms where asthmatics and allergy sufferers live. Therefore, if the question is decided which linoleum to choose for an apartment, this great option- the material is environmentally friendly, not harmful to health, as well as resistant to abrasion, does not shed in the sun, and has bactericidal properties.

PVC linoleum is made either on a fabric basis or on a non-woven heat-insulating one. Domestic manufacturers use European technologies, so everyone can afford such linoleum, because the price of products is affordable.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • a wide palette of patterns, shades;
  • pronounced dielectric characteristics;
  • ease of installation.

There are certain disadvantages, we are talking about sensitivity to high temperature, instability to chemicals. So, if the temperature in the room drops sharply, then elasticity is lost and PVC linoleum may crack.

PVC linoleum - an acceptable option

In addition, the flooring in question can be alkyd, colloxin, and linoleum-relin is also common.

Classification and marking of coatings

To accurately answer the question of how to choose the right linoleum, you need to understand the markings corresponding to the purpose of the room. As for the first digit of this very marking, it varies from one to four:

  • 1 - for rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 - residential rooms;
  • 3 - offices;
  • 4 - industrial premises.

And the second digit indicates the expected load, which means that the unit, respectively, is the lowest, the four is the highest load. For example, class 21 coverage is great for an office and bedroom, it is advisable to buy class 23-24 linoleum for a kitchen and hallway.

To cover the topic in more detail, you need to give a few more examples. Let's take the hallway for example. Of course, the entrance hall, the corridor are rooms with a very high degree of patency. This means that the most best option- linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Important: it is desirable to pay increased attention to the thickness of the protective layer, it should be at least 0.25 mm.

Also, before buying, you need to evaluate the quality of the surface on which this flooring will be laid in the future. The smoother the surface, the thinner the linoleum can be and vice versa. Ideal Solution for the hallway household linoleum with foam base. Or it can be expensive semi-commercial linoleum, which is characterized by increased strength.

Linoleum in the kitchen: beautiful and practical

How to choose good linoleum? This multifaceted issue worries many consumers. So that the purchase in the future does not become a cause for disappointment associated with low quality, you should follow these guidelines:

  • trust your own sense of smell: the presence of a pungent odor clearly indicates that the coating contains harmful additives. High-quality linoleum, both synthetic and natural, does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the drawing must be clear;
  • compliance with safety standards - good linoleum undergoes a special examination, is labeled, and the seller must also present a hygiene certificate;
  • quality must be checked in rolled form: for the absence of bumps, areas with a peeled film. These indicators indicate a marriage, such a coating cannot be bought, because the existing irregularities cannot be smoothed out;
  • it is desirable to give preference to a material with a special protective film- such linoleum is easy to clean, retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • all linoleum must be from the same batch - even when the articles are the same, color differences are possible.

The question of choice is not so difficult, if you know all the subtleties and nuances. All of the above tips will help buyers make the right choice, the purchase will not bring grief in the future, that is, during operation.

Despite the expansion of the flooring market, the production of linoleum does not slow down. Application of safe technologies and affordable price made this product one of the most popular products in its category. At the same time, buyers are increasingly concerned about the issue of choice. The range is expanding every year, causing an urgent question: "what kind of linoleum is still better?". Today we will try to give you an answer to this question.

What to focus on when choosing linoleum?

Making a choice is always very difficult. Criteria that are of paramount importance for some are not so important for others. In order not to regret your choice in the future, you should consider in which room the linoleum will be laid. When making a purchase, be guided by the characteristics of the rooms, namely:

  • Maximum permeability of the premises;
  • Purpose of the room;
  • Premises that require special conditions(protection against moisture, grease, abrasion);
  • General design of the rooms.

Varieties of linoleum

To understand: which linoleum is better for an apartment, you need to understand its varieties. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of each, you can choose the necessary product without being disappointed later.

natural linoleum

Natural linoleum contains only harmless components. In addition to the basis of jute fabric, pine resins, cork and wood flour, linseed oil, lime powder, and natural dyes are used in the production of such products. The use of such coatings is permissible even in children's rooms. It is also safe for allergy sufferers.

Components that are part of natural linoleum


  • compliance with environmental standards;
  • bactericidal properties of the material;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • does not shed with time;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • does not support combustion;
  • variety of colors;
  • ease of operation.


  • not resistant to moisture, which is why it is not advisable to lay it in the kitchen and corridor;
  • when bending linoleum, cracks may appear on the surface, this should be taken into account when transporting and working with the product;
  • rather high price compared to artificial linoleums.

PVC (polyvinylchloride) linoleum

The main binder in PVC linoleums is polyvinyl chloride. The composition of the product also contains plasticizers, fillers, stabilizers and dyes.


  • antistatic coating;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • environmental Safety;
  • variety of colors.


  • instability to alkalis and solvents;
  • shrinks after laying;
  • Under the influence of low temperatures, the elasticity of the material decreases, which can lead to cracking.

PVC linoleums come with a base (fabric, non-fabric, foam), without a base, single-layer, multi-layer

By appointment, PVC linoleum is divided into:

  • Domestic. The thickness of household linoleum is 1-4 mm. It can have a polyester or foam backing. The service life of household PVC linoleum is not more than 5 years;
  • Commercial. Commercial linoleum has a very high degree of wear resistance. It has a very thick protective layer. It is used in offices and work areas. The service life of commercial linoleum is 1-25 years;
  • Semi-commercial. The structure of the semi-commercial linoleum is similar to the household one, but has a thickened protective layer (up to 0.7 mm). It is laid in the rooms of the apartment with the greatest traffic (kitchens, hallways), in office space with little traffic. The service life of semi-commercial linoleum is 7-20 years;
  • Specialized. This linoleum is designed for certain tasks. Sports - covered with a polyurethane layer that improves wear resistance. Bactericidal - contains antifungal and antibacterial additives. Anti-slip - thanks to the quartz chips added to it, it has a relief surface. Noise-absorbing - has a thickened base.


Glyphthalic linoleum is made by applying alkyd resin to a fabric base. Before laying the product should lie down in a warm room. So that after laying it is not deformed.


  • increased thermal insulation;
  • increased sound insulation.


  • brittleness of the material;
  • the complexity of laying due to the possibility of cracks.


Colloxylin linoleum is a baseless single-layer floor covering.

It is made from wood or cotton cellulose nitrate, plasticizers, fillers, stabilizers.


  • moisture resistance;
  • flexibility (preserved even at low temperatures);
  • elasticity.


  • shrinkage risk;
  • instability to organic solvents, alkalis, acids;
  • high coefficient of heat absorption;
  • responds to temperature changes.

Relin linoleum is a two-layer flooring material.

The top layer is natural rubber rubber, which has increased strength and hardness. The bottom layer is rubber based on styrene rubber, which has a medium hardness and improves the cushioning properties of the material.


  • low slip;
  • good depreciation properties;
  • firmness and elasticity.


  • high thermal conductivity;
  • instability to solvents;
  • presence in the harmful substances evaporating over time.

The choice of linoleum with a focus on the purpose of the room

To know which linoleum is better to choose for a particular room, you need to know the labeling of the product. It consists of two numbers. First digit:

  • 1 - means that the product is intended for rooms with minimal traffic,
  • 2 - for residential premises,
  • 3 - office,
  • 4 - production.

The second indicates the possible loads on the pavement and ranges from 1 (lowest) to 4 (highest).

What is better to put in the living room?

Passage of the guest room is moderate. For her, a coating with a thickness of 1.5 mm is chosen. Since the susceptibility to mechanical stress is low, an inexpensive PVC-based household linoleum is suitable.

Inexpensive household linoleum is suitable for the living room

Children's room

In children's rooms, the main attention is paid to the environmental friendliness of coatings. Therefore, it is better to choose a natural product. Let it not be so durable, but it will not harm the health of the child.

In the children's room it is better to lay natural linoleum

sleeping area

The bedroom is a low traffic area. Here you can lay linoleum with a thickness of 1.2 mm. As an option - PVC linoleum on a foam basis or household polyester.

Entrance hall, kitchen, corridor

These rooms have the highest traffic in the apartment. It is advisable to lay linoleum 3 mm thick here. For such premises, you can choose household PVC linoleum or even semi-commercial.

For the kitchen, you can choose semi-commercial linoleum

In custody

Understanding which company's linoleum is better, we can say with confidence that the domestic industry is not far behind European competitors. One of the leading domestic firms in the production of flooring can be called Tarkett. Imported linoleums are represented by such companies as Juteks, Forbo, Venus, IVS.

In addition to the characteristics described, when choosing linoleum for an apartment, you should pay attention to its appearance. The presence of relief and greasy shine should alert you. The strong smell of the product indicates its harmfulness. It is unlikely that such linoleum can be laid in residential premises. Therefore, do not rush to choose. As the saying goes: "Measure seven times - cut once!".

The design of the room not only creates a mood and improves the perception of the surrounding world, but also can tell a lot about the owners of the room. If the view of a house or apartment could be depicted in a play, then the flooring would be in the supporting roles. However, the perception of the whole play would depend on his “play”. Paul not only concludes, leads everything around, but also takes on almost the entire burden of the weight of the actors of the first plan: the furniture.

In this path, linoleum is a completely universal actor. And if once his game was cheap and of poor quality, today he has no equal in reincarnations. It is environmentally friendly, can be both natural and artificial, transform into any material or be itself. Meet linoleum - the king of the floor, the winner of the "Oscar" for the game of the second plan in the design of the premises.

What is the best linoleum?

However, not all linoleum is good. Good, high-quality material still needs to be able to choose. For this flooring, there are several recommendations that will help you figure out which linoleum is best. We are talking about the quality of the coating, because it has to withstand considerable loads.

  • Appointment of linoleum. The European notation system divides linoleum according to its purpose. There are 3 main purposes:
  1. Large industrial buildings, plants, factories, warehouse and logistics complexes. This group is indicated by the number 4 or a pictogram in the form of a plant with a pipe.
  2. The second group - offices various types, hotels, banquet halls, shopping malls, educational institutions, airport halls, etc. This group is indicated by the number 3 or the pictogram of a high-rise building.
  3. All private, residential buildings are indicated by the number 2 and have a pictogram in the form of a small 2-storey building.

The purpose of linoleum also determines its price, the stronger and more durable the material, the more expensive it is. However, recommended use does not mean mandatory. For a private house, you can choose linoleum with any purpose, but for large shopping malls, linoleum with the purpose of "private house" is definitely not suitable.

  • Abrasion class. In addition to the purpose, each group has 3 classes of abrasion or wear resistance. They are also indicated either by numbers or by pictograms of little men. First class, number 1, 1 man - light load; second class - middle; third class - high load. The purpose and load class for abrasion are applied side by side, complementing one another. So for the most accessible part of the apartment, the corridor at the entrance, assignment 2 and load 3 are suitable, general designation: 23. As well as with the appointment, you can choose any larger class for the premises, the main thing is no less than necessary.
  • Additional protective coating. Of the two copies with the same purpose and load classes, how to choose linoleum that will last a long time and will not cause trouble. It is worth paying attention to the additional protective layer. It is offered mainly by proven, time-tested manufacturers. For all manufacturers, it is called and designated differently, therefore it is not worth listing the names. It is only necessary to say that the best linoleum is likely to have such a layer.

  • Quality certificates. How to choose linoleum that will not emit harmful substances, does not cause allergies, keeps its shape, does not crack? Pay attention to quality certificates. High-quality products of European manufacturers are certified according to European standards EN, domestic - according to GOSTs. Information about this must be indicated on the label.
  • manufacturer and cost. You can buy good linoleum from a responsible manufacturer. Price quality material sometimes comparable to the price of handicraft. How to find a good linoleum, the label will tell. It must contain the address of the manufacturer, his contacts, all information about the product, its service life.

How to choose linoleum for an apartment

You need to choose linoleum for an apartment depending on the number of people living in it and on the purpose of the rooms. For a family of 2-3 people in the walk-through areas, you need to lay linoleum of class 23 and above. In the rest rooms, 22 classes will be enough. If the apartment has an office, a dressing room or a library, class 21 will show itself quite well there. For a larger family, it is better to choose linoleum of higher classes.

The main thing is to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment, because it will not sell through heavy furniture, and household members will not choke on unpleasant odors or suffer from allergies.

Thanks to various patterns and textures, you can visually increase the area of ​​​​a small apartment, brighten dark room or delimit zones in any room. Colors and shades set the mood of the rooms. Warm and muted tones will pacify, create coziness. And bright, saturated ones are conducive to creativity, play, active pastime.

For kitchen

The kitchen in an apartment or house stands apart for a reason. This room is extremely demanding on the flooring. The level of load on it is higher than in all other rooms; in this regard, even the entrance corridor cannot be compared with the kitchen. Therefore, you need to choose linoleum for the kitchen from class 31 and above. And 31 - for small apartments for 1-2 people. Why is that?

Linoleum in the kitchen is subject not only to the usual load from passing people. This is a room with an unnatural microclimate: humidity and high temperature. Under these conditions, various microorganisms feel great. Therefore, it is good if the linoleum for the kitchen also has an antibacterial coating.

In the kitchen, various abrasive materials, grease, acids, and dyes often get on the floor. High-quality linoleum for the kitchen must meekly withstand all the burdens. What kind of linoleum to choose for the kitchen, so that it meets all the requirements without exception? Kitchen linoleum must be with an additional protective layer and must be certified.

The color scheme of linoleum for the kitchen is also slightly different from the general apartment. Do you want your household to have a good appetite, choose warm colors, like to sit with your family in the kitchen and have a quiet dinner, enjoying the time spent - look at the calm, neutral, uniform tones.

How to choose linoleum for a private house

It would seem, what difference does it make where the floor is located, in an apartment or in a house. But there is a difference. First of all, in the load, the abrasion of the surface layer. In private houses, with the same number of residents, the load on the surface is higher than in apartments. Therefore, you need to choose linoleum for a house of higher classes than for an apartment. For rest rooms, class 23-31 is suitable, for common areas - 31-32, for rooms with increased load (furnace, corridor, warm veranda, kitchen) - 33 and above.

The design of linoleum for the home is often chosen to match the overall interior. Lately it has become fashionable to create a natural, ecological interior from natural materials. If finances allow, you can lay natural linoleum on the floor, it is much more durable and stronger than its PVC counterpart. However, its colors leave much to be desired.

If you choose PVC linoleum for your home without saving on quality, it will last for many years. And it can be matched to the color and pattern of the walls, imitating wood, stone, brick, various ceramics. For the attic, designers offer interesting option- light walls and light linoleum, this will visually expand the attic, avoid the "overhanging" of the walls.

Modern household linoleum is very different from the coating, which was produced at the end of the last century and the beginning of the 2000s. Now it is a safe material with high technical and operational qualities, which is not inferior to more expensive floor coverings.

The diversity of the assortment is both surprising and involuntarily confusing. Only in the budget segment there are more than three types of material with a dozen different characteristics. Let's take a closer look at which linoleum is best for an apartment.

Requirements for residential flooring

Choice facing materials is carried out taking into account a number of criteria

A typical one-room and multi-room apartment consists of several types of premises: for sleeping, leisure, personal hygiene, household needs, moving and storing items.

In each of the premises, the load on the flooring is different and depends on the degree of traffic, the amount of furniture and the conditions that are created during the life of the residents. It is worth remembering and considering when choosing linoleum for each of the rooms separately.

IN common cases linoleum requirements are as follows:

  • safety - the coating must be environmentally friendly, not emit harmful substances, not be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and prevent their spread;
  • wear resistance is a basic requirement that applies to any cladding. The material must be durable, not scratched, withstand the load from abrasives;
  • strength - heavy furniture and accidentally dropped objects should not cause severe harm to the front layer;
  • ease of care - the floor surface should provide for the possibility of wet cleaning using detergents. Moisture absorption and increased slipperiness are excluded;
  • ease of installation - the material should help the buyer to personally (after reading the instructions) prepare old surface and linoleum flooring.

Compliance with these points guarantees, especially in the case of linoleum, that the floor covering will not cause significant harm to human health. This is especially important for families with infants and small children.

What kind of linoleum is better

PVC linoleum universal coating for use in apartments and houses

There are several classifications and varieties of linoleum. We will consider the classification of only household varieties, since industrial options are not intended for use in an apartment.

The most simple and correct from the point of view of understanding is the division of material depending on its scope. This sorting allows you to understand which linoleum is better, which coating is suitable for a particular room, and which one is better to refuse.

Among linoleums, which are better to lay in an apartment, we can distinguish:

  • natural - linoleum based on natural raw materials: recycled wood, cork flour, coniferous resins, linseed oil, lime, natural dyes. The coating is completely environmentally friendly and safe. It has long term service life, high strength, good wear resistance and aesthetically pleasing appearance;
  • household - artificial coating based on polyvinyl chloride, chemical stabilizers and fillers. Has average technical qualities designed for 7-10 years of careful use. It has low thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture and aggressive substances. The total thickness is 1-2 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.15-2 mm, wear resistance class 21-23;
  • semi-commercial - the coating is almost completely similar to the household variety of linoleum. The total thickness is 2-3.5 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.3-0.5 mm, wear resistance class 31-34. The service life in a residential area is at least 12 years;
  • commercial - available in various variations, but for an apartment it is better to lay a PVC-based coating. It is an improved version of semi-commercial linoleum. That is, the material has even more impressive characteristics. In everyday life can serve up to 15 years or more. The total thickness is 2-4 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.7-0.8 mm, 41-43 wear resistance class.

combination various kinds allows you to more subtly choose the floor covering, focusing on the specific purpose of the room. This also saves money, as it does not make sense to lay a more wear-resistant coating where its qualities will not be used.

Specifications and qualities

Main specifications, which will help you understand which linoleum is best for the home - this is the wear resistance class, the thickness of the protective layer, moisture resistance, toxicity. In addition, you can consider materials on additional security qualities: class fire hazard, flame propagation, flammability.

The wear resistance class is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a material.

According to the European standard EN685, wear resistance is marked with a digital code, which is printed on a pictogram next to the schematic drawing. An example of an icon is shown in the photo above.

The first number in the code means:

  • 2 - living quarters;
  • 3 - office and commercial premises;
  • 4 - industrial premises.

The scope of linoleum does not always indicate that it is in this area that the coating needs to be laid. Many manufacturers have commercial-grade cladding, which they themselves recommend for use in high-traffic rooms.

The second number indicates the degree of load that this product can withstand. It is designated similarly from 1 (low) to 4 (very high).

The thickness of the protective layer is the second important indicator that is best considered when choosing. The protective layer determines the strength of the material and its resistance to abrasion.

Face layer thickness gradation:

  • up to 0.2 mm - for impassable premises intended for storage;
  • 0.2 mm - impassable rooms for sleeping and leisure;
  • 0.3 mm - residential premises with average traffic;
  • 0.5 mm and above - for rooms with high traffic and load.

To designate other characteristics, they are assigned the corresponding alphanumeric code. Toxicity is indicated by a capital letter “T” and a number from 1-4. The lower the number, the lower the ability of linoleum to evaporate and decompose into harmful chemicals.

Fire hazard class in capital letters “KM” and a number from 0-5. It includes characteristics such as fire propagation, flammability, smoke generation, etc. Their designation is similar, that is, the smaller the number next to the capital letter, the safer the linoleum is.

It is not necessary to remember all the additional characteristics, the main thing to remember is this rule. If necessary, you can make a small list of what is worth more detailed consideration.

Floor covering for bedroom and nursery

Can be used in children's room and bedroom household look 23 classes

In the bedroom and rooms dedicated exclusively to sleeping and private leisure, the load on the flooring is very low. A person uses the premises strictly for their intended purpose, and the usable area of ​​​​the premises is quite small.

For the bedroom, it is better to choose household linoleum of class 23 with a thickness of 2 mm. You can choose a coating on a heat-insulating basis, which will make the floor warmer and comfortable in the room.

In a child's room, the most important thing is that the material is safe. Optimal laying of natural linoleum of minimum thickness. If the child is very active, then it is better to choose a household look based on PVC.

For both rooms, a coating from Tarkett under the brand name Europe Akron 6 is well suited. The total thickness of the material is 3 mm with 0.25 mm of the front layer, which allows you not to be afraid for the safety of the material even with increased activity of children. The cost of the material starts from 340 rubles / m2.

Covering for the hall and living room

The living room and the hall are narrowly focused rooms where a person spends his leisure time, gathers with family and friends. The load level varies greatly and depends on the social activity of a person, the number of residents and family members.

In general cases, semi-commercial PVC linoleum of class 31-32 with a thickness of 2.5-3 mm can be recommended. The presence of a heat-insulating base and an anti-slip coating will only be a plus. The use of natural coating is irrational due to the high cost.

For example, it can be Tarkett linoleum from the Moda, Colibri, Iskra collection. This is a moisture-resistant material with a thickness of 3.5 mm with a front layer thickness of 0.6 mm.

Coating for kitchen and hallway

In the kitchen and hallway, it is advisable to lay wear-resistant linoleum of class 33

Floor cladding in the kitchen, hallway and corridor faces the most unfavorable conditions. In the kitchen, there is a risk of aggressive substances, moisture, falling heavy objects, etc.

In the hallway and corridor there is a high abrasive load. Dust, sand, dirt in the warm season. Moisture, water and snow in autumn and winter. Moreover, these rooms do not differ in large area, which also affects the rate of abrasion of the cladding.

It is optimal if it is a semi-commercial PVC linoleum of class 33 for the kitchen and a commercial homogeneous coating of class 34-43 for the hallway.

For example, it can be a cladding from Tarkett IQ Monolit Cmoni. This is a homogeneous linoleum with a thickness of 2 mm and 34-43 wear resistance class. The average cost is from 900 rubles / m2. You can choose a simpler coating costing from 600 rubles / m2.

Cover for bathroom and toilet

The bathroom and toilet are rooms for personal hygiene. There is a risk of water ingress and continuous high humidity. Oddly enough, but the load in these rooms is high due to the very small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

It is best to lay moisture-resistant heterogeneous commercial linoleum at the lowest cost. From some manufacturers, this material can be purchased from 400-450 rubles / m2, since the material has a small width.