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Features of care or why royal pelargonium does not bloom? Royal geranium: pruning for lush flowering, care and reproduction at home

Our ancestors believed that geranium drives away evil spirits and protects the house. This flower can be used as medicinal plant. But most often, geraniums are bred for their lush flowers. Experts willingly share the simple secrets of caring for this plant, answering the question: why does the geranium not bloom?

geranium bloom

Homeland of geranium (pelargonium) - South Africa. In Europe, the flower appeared in the 16th century; it was brought to Russia in the 18th century. Usually geraniums bloom from May to October. Such long term flowering attracts flower growers. While creating favorable conditions you can make pelargonium bloom in winter.

Every room variety has its own characteristics:

  1. Zonal geranium. It got its name for the coloring of the leaves, on which dark circles are located, dividing the surface into separate zones with different colors. blooms zone geranium small white, red, pink flowers. They quickly fall off, but others bloom to replace them, so the impression of continuous flowering is created.

    Zonal geranium gets its name from the sectional coloration of its leaves.

  2. Fragrant geranium. This variety has a special persistent aroma. It is not the flowers that exude the smell, but the leaves. Aromas are different: mint, orange, rose, lemon, apple, nutmeg. The bush is low, compact, with a lush crown. The leaves are small, the flowers are bright.
  3. Royal geranium. An unsurpassed beauty among all types of this plant. The bush is tall, leaves with serrated edges. The flowers are large (up to 15 cm in diameter), collected in inflorescences. hallmark: dark spot on every petal. The queen blooms beautifully and very amicably. But, unfortunately, its flowering period is two times shorter than that of ordinary geraniums - only three months.

Why does pelargonium not bloom

Geranium is unpretentious, but if certain growing conditions are violated, it refuses to bloom. The most common reasons for this are:

  1. Rare feed. The plant is demanding on potash fertilizers, but practically does not need organic ones.
  2. Frequent or heavy watering. Geranium does not tolerate excess moisture. It is easier for her to endure drought than to swim in water.
  3. The pot does not match the plant. A large volume of soil causes the plant to build up the root system, and postpone flowering. If the sprout is small, then several shoots can be planted in one container. Neighbors will help you quickly cope with the task of filling the pot with roots and move on to flowering.
  4. The bush has not been cut for a long time. Without timely pruning (spring or autumn), flowering can not wait.
  5. Bad light. Geranium does not like northern or northwestern window sills. She begins to reach up, trying to catch an extra ray of sunlight. Therefore, it is necessary to change the location of the plant. It is necessary to ensure that the geranium is not next to large and bushy neighbors.
  6. Wrong winter conditions. Ideal conditions for winter flower maintenance: a cool room (up to 15 ° C), no drafts, moderate watering and lighting for at least 5 hours a day.

How to make geraniums bloom

It also happens like this: everything is done correctly, but there were no flowers, and no. You can try shock therapy. Nature is so arranged that any living being seeks to continue the race when there is a threat to life. Therefore, it is worth trying to create unfavorable conditions for pelargonium so that it hurries to bloom and preserve its genus. You can use several methods for this:

  1. Radical spring pruning, when a minimum of eyes (2 or 3) are left.
  2. Organization of a cool and hungry wintering.
  3. Summer transplanting from a room to a garden bed or balcony.
  4. Increasing the level of iodine.

Geranium does not like moving around the rooms from one window sill to another. When the first buds appear, it is better not to touch the pelargonium and leave it in its original place. You can’t even turn the other side to the sun, the plant can drop the inflorescences.

In order for the geranium to bloom, you can try to create unfavorable conditions for it.

Conditions for lush flowering at home

A few simple tricks for lush flowering geraniums:

  1. Watering the plant. Pelargonium should be moistened as the topsoil dries. In sunny weather or high room temperature can be watered every day. On cloudy and cool days, it is better to irrigate 1-2 times a week. Geranium tolerates a lack of moisture more easily than its excess. To understand that the plant is watered excessively is simple: the leaves of the geranium wither, a gray coating appears on them, and then rot. Then the base of the stem turns black, the roots are affected. If at the first signs of trouble it is still possible to save the bush by stopping the constant access of water, then at the last stage the geranium dies.
  2. Compliance with the temperature regime. If the geranium is in a room with an air temperature below 15 ° C, then the plant "falls asleep". The dormant state will continue until conditions are more suitable for flowering. In winter, if geraniums are allowed to rest until spring days, this state allows you to gather strength for the next long flowering.
  3. Good lighting. Sunlight stimulates bud formation. In the house for geraniums, a window sill on the south side is suitable. In the summer, in the garden under the bush, you need to allocate a sunny place with shading from the midday rays. If the pelargonium stalk is bare, then it signals a lack of light.
  4. Pot and soil selection. The capacity does not have to be large. The smaller it is, the faster the flowering of geraniums will begin. The soil must be composed of a mixture of turf and leaf soil, add humus and sand.
  5. No spraying. Geranium does not like water treatments. For a gardener, such a requirement of a plant is only at hand: you do not have to spend a lot of time on care.

Rules for pruning room beauty

A prerequisite for abundant and long flowering of geraniums is pruning. It should be carried out in compliance with certain rules.

  1. Formation ornamental bush must begin immediately after the rooting of the sprout. To do this, by pinching the main shoot, its growth is stopped. plant releases side shoots and peduncles along the entire length of the trunk.
  2. Pruning is carried out with a sharp knife at the level of the leaf bed. The tool should be disinfected: boil, treat with alcohol, ignite. The grower's hands should also be clean.
  3. It is worth paying attention to the location of the stems when pruning. All branches facing the middle of the plant are mercilessly removed to form a lush, beautifully shaped bush without thickening in the center.
  4. Cut points are treated with cinnamon or charcoal powder to prevent fungal pathogens from entering fresh wounds.

Video: how to prune pelargonium

pruning in autumn

After flowering is completed, autumn pruning geraniums. It is carried out in the following order:

  1. Remove faded inflorescences, wilted leaves and stems.
  2. Determine what shape it is better to give the bush in order to choose shoots for cutting.
  3. Remove too long, as well as bare stems. Cutting is done at bottom node. If desired, you can leave a small stump above the node, so that later fresh growth will appear from it and close this place.
  4. When preparing geraniums for wintering, it is recommended to remove a third of the length of the main stem.
  5. Pruning is prohibited during the winter months when the plant is dormant. At this time, it is permissible to pinch the shoots when the fifth bud appears.

Prepared in the fall and favorably overwintered pelargonium will delight the owner all spring, summer and autumn abundant flowering.

How to prune in spring

Pruning in the spring is considered mandatory, as it helps the bush to change greens and form many flower stalks. A small nuance: spring pinching and pruning inhibit the onset of flowering for several weeks. But the flowers are bigger.

Spring pruning occurs at the end of February-beginning of March. A large plant is pruned a little. Deep pruning will result in long foliage recovery and may prevent geraniums from flowering this season. It is enough to remove diseased and bare stems. You can experiment with small bushes: prune any shape. It is important to leave at least two kidneys.

Spring pruning helps the bush to change greens and form a lot of flower stalks.

Video: pelargonium after pruning

Formation of standard geranium

Geranium does not have to be a compact shrub. From pelargonium, you can create a magnificent standard tree. It looks unusual: a bare trunk over 1 m high, crowned with a blooming bouquet.

For a standard view, all lateral shoots are removed from geraniums. The central trunk is tied to a vertical support, after reaching the desired height, it is pinched. All side branches are again removed from the plant, leaving the top five shoots. Each of them is pinched after the appearance of the fourth kidney. Inflorescences form a large flowering ball. But with this method of circumcision, geraniums will bloom only after a year.

Standard geranium can compete on equal terms with a rose

How to feed geranium for its abundant flowering

Already in March, plants should be stopped feeding with nitrogen fertilizers, which stimulate the growth of green mass. Phosphorus fertilizers are required for good flowering. In addition, they increase the vitality of the plant. A good top dressing is an extract from superphosphate. You can use special formulations for indoor plants, for example, "Ideal". During the flowering period, it should be fed once every two weeks, during the winter rest period - once for the whole winter. If the plant continues to bloom in winter without falling into a dormant state, it is necessary to fertilize in the "summer" mode.

In the first year after transplanting into fresh soil, top dressing is not required, useful substances the plant will suffice.

Phosphorus fertilizers are required for good flowering of geraniums.

Flower growers are advised to give potash fertilizers in small doses to pelargoniums. At home, an ash extract will be an ideal supplier of potassium. For this, 1 tbsp. l. wood ash pour 1 liter of water, insist for a day and drain. 1 st. l. dilute extracts in water and water the plant.

Another important element for the abundant flowering of pelargonium is iodine. It has a positive effect on the number of buds and the formation of inflorescences. The solution is prepared from the calculation: 1 drop of iodine per 1 liter of water. 50 mg of solution is enough for a geranium bush. It is necessary to water along the walls of the pot so that the solution does not get on the plant.

How to care for flowering pelargonium

Blooming geranium requires special care. Timely watering and top dressing keep flowering for long time. At the same time, it is worth observing the plant and changing its care depending on the signs that it gives:

  • when the leaves turn yellow, and then begin to fall off, this is a signal of a lack of moisture. The room may be too hot, therefore, it is necessary to water more often;
  • sluggish and rotting leaves indicate excessive watering. Suspend it for a while and put the pot in the sun;
  • the edges of the leaves turn red due to the cold. Perhaps the geranium stands close by the window behind which subzero temperature. Move the plant pot;
  • there are few leaves, they fall, exposing the stem. The reason is the lack of light. Move the geranium to a sunny windowsill.

Behind good care geranium pays with exquisite beauty

As you can see, caring for geraniums is not difficult, but it is necessary. Behind correct watering, top dressing, pruning, a grateful plant will respond with lush flowering, which you can admire all year round.

Pelargonium, also known as “Geranium”, is a beautiful indoor plant that pleases the eye with flowering almost all year round. There are several types of pelargoniums. Royal Pelargonium is one of the most spectacular varieties. Like all indoor plants, geraniums also need proper care.

Care for royal pelargonium at home

All types of geraniums are distinguished by their unpretentiousness to the conditions in which they grow. However, they manage to bloom for a long time. But the royal pelargonium is distinguished by a sensitive flower, since its progenitors lived in a hot, high-humidity climate. If the plant is not provided comfortable conditions, it will begin to dry out, hurt, stop blooming. But for the correct and careful care, already in the second year, the geranium will thank with large inflorescences of extraordinary beauty. In order for this to happen, you need to follow a simple plan of action:

  • Watering should be moderate, but regular. Do not fill the flower, it will not benefit him. But watering should be done every day: in summer twice a day (morning and evening), in winter once is enough. It is enough to pour up to 50 ml of water per adult at a time. With too much watering, the delicate root system begins to rot, and gradually the flower dies. As for the additional spraying of the foliage - it should not be done, the leaves will only deteriorate from excess moisture;
  • The pot with the plant should be in such a cozy corner of the house where there is no direct sunlight and drafts. That is, it can be placed on a non-opening window in the northern or eastern part of the house. At the same time, there should not be batteries under them, since in winter they can regularly dry out the plant. And direct ultraviolet threatens to scorch the leaves, so in bright light you need to equip an additional shadow, but not completely hide the flower from the light. In the warm season, you can put on glazed balcony in a shaded corner, but before the onset of cold weather, you need to rearrange it in the room;
  • It is recommended to plant the plant in ceramic pots. It's no secret that natural materials better than plastic and those like him. In this case, the ceramic pot stands out for its properties - it better distributes the temperature throughout the earth filling and provides sufficient ventilation to the root system;
  • Do not get carried away with transplanting a flower. For geraniums, this can be a disastrous event. If the flower has grown very much and it really needs to be transplanted into a large container, then the transplant should occur at least 3 years after the last event;
  • Do not forget to regularly feed the pelargonium. She more often than other types of indoor plants needs an additional portion of fertilizer saturated with minerals;
  • During the first year of life, you need to carry out the procedure of plucking the tops. You only need to do this twice. The first time - when the plant grows to 15 cm, all the tops need to be cut by 2 cm. The second time you need to shorten the side shoots, when they stretch by 5 cm, they are cut by 1 cm. As a result of all the manipulations, you will get a rounded shape of the bush. With careful care, the royal pelargonium will soon give the first inflorescences;
  • It is believed that pelargonium can be planted in summer in open ground in the garden. This does not apply to royal pelargonium. The royal variety is characterized by increased thermophilicity and does not tolerate even the slightest breeze. Moreover, she hardly tolerates the transplantation process when the integrity of the earthen coma is violated. Therefore, planting in the garden can be fatal for the plant.


Note! According to the rules of feng shui blooming pelargonium develops friendliness and purposefulness in the inhabitants of the dwelling.

Royal pelargonium fertilizer

Royal pelargonium fertilizer should be carried out regularly. At the same time, it is necessary to fertilize the plant once a week in spring and summer. mineral view top dressing, and in autumn and winter - nitrogen and organic type of fertilizer. Nutrition is especially important for the plant in the first year of life, when the bush is just beginning to form and take root at the planting site. During this period, as a rule, a universal complex of fertilizers for young plants is used. Before the start of the first flowering, and subsequent ones too, the type of fertilizer changes. Top dressing should be saturated with potassium and phosphorus. Fertilization time with this mixture begins in late March - early spring, 2-3 months before flowering.

Diseases and pests

Every plant sometimes gets sick, is attacked by various pests. There are various reasons for these phenomena, which means that the treatment is selected individually.

Propagation of royal pelargonium by cuttings is the most popular method. Plucked tops and shoots are ideal for this during the formation of a bush. It is recommended to carry out reproduction during pinching in the spring. The cuttings are placed in a glass of water, and when more or less strong roots appear, they are planted in the ground. When planting, do not forget to use drainage soil.
You can also propagate royal pelargonium using seeds. But with this method, most often many shoots die, and there are few strong and hardy ones left. Rooting of young plants occurs in 2-4 weeks. Note! It is better to take plucks from the royal pelargonium in late February - early March. So future plants will have time to get stronger and take root firmly until the next flowering period - until next spring. Germinating young pelargoniums of the royal variety do not tolerate changes in temperature and humidity during rooting. Therefore, the first watering should not be too plentiful. After transplanting into a permanent pot, the watering regime should be established gradually, increasing the amount of water and the frequency of watering during the first month.

Discuss and share your experience of successful home care for the pelargonium

Pelargonium is a well-known and beloved flower by many. She received her popularity for the beauty of lush inflorescences, the colors of which delight the eyes and soul in spring and summer. She is not picky at all - caring for flowers with "bright hats" is not so difficult. Another reason for its wide distribution is that it can grow not only in room conditions, but also decorate balconies, loggias, as well as garden and park beds in the summer.

The historical homeland of the plant is South Africa. In the 16th century, it was first noticed on the expanses of the mainland by researchers of flora and fauna from Europe. They brought with them several specimens of flowers and began to breed it in their greenhouses. Pelargoniums became especially popular in England, during the reign of Queen Victoria. This fashion spread to other states, including Russia, where in every noble house one could find several flowering representatives of the southern flower.

Such a general fascination with the plant led to the fact that breeders set about breeding more and more new species. Their progenitor was the zonal pelargonium, which was among the first brought from the African continent. It was a rather tall bush, about a meter high, with bright, red flowers. But its main feature was the presence of dark zones in the form of a crescent on the leaves, hence the part scientific name- zonal. The color of the leaves resembled a well-known bakery product, so the people began to call the flowers kalachs. There is another name that can often be heard when it comes to a beautiful, bright and cheerful flower - geranium. But the fact is that geranium and pelargonium are two different plants.

Pelargonium and geranium - two sisters from the same family

Both flowers belong to the same family - Geraniums. Outwardly, they are really similar, especially in the box with seeds, which is tied after the plant has faded. Outwardly, it resembles a bird's beak. Actually, thanks to this feature, they got their names on Greek: pelargos - stork, geranium - crane. What is the difference between them?

Variety of types of pelargonium

Many years after the discovery of the flower, numerous types of pelargonium appeared, which later united into entire groups. Depending on the characteristic features, they are divided into pelargoniums: zonal, ivy, unique, fragrant, angels and royal.

Zonal pelargoniums: main types

A very large group, including such a huge number of varieties that this "community" is divided into subspecies. All of them are collected according to the features of the "design" of the flower.

Ivy (ampel) pelargoniums

Ivy (ampel) pelargoniums have long occupied their niche among numerous species and varieties. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that their stems are not erect, but long and hanging down (their height can vary from 30 to 100 cm). Rigid leaves in shape are not much different from ivy. And in terms of color and structure, plants can please any, even the most demanding, grower: simple, terry, pink, almost all colors of the rainbow. Such pelargoniums appeared a long time ago, the first mention of them dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. The most beautiful representative of the ivy is the white pelargonium Ice Rose. Its rather large, double flowers of snow-white color fascinate with their beauty, and jagged small leaves emphasize the amazing tenderness and purity of the "ice rose".

Uniques - a characteristic of ancient culture

Unique - "elder" among pelargoniums. In the second half of the 18th century, this specimen was bred with carved leaves, beautiful flowers and a fragrant smell. The species became especially widespread in the Victorian era, when almost no garden of the nobility could do without several representatives of this variety.

Fragrant pelargoniums: varieties

Not everyone will like the smell of pelargonium, which it emits if you accidentally touch its leaves. But there are varieties that simply smell fragrant, filling the house with a variety of wonderful aromas. At first glance, these are completely nondescript plants, with rare, modest flowers. But this group is valued not for beauty, but for the ability to refresh and flavor the air. If you want to smell spruce or pine, you can put a pot of Orsett, Clorinda, Fernleaf, Fair Ellen in the room. Fruity notes will fill the air with Mabel Grey, Orange Fizz (lemon), p. Moliconum (pineapple), p. Odoratissimum (apple), Fruity (fruity undertones), p. Grossularioides (coconut). Perfume connoisseurs may like the varieties Brilliante, Candy Dancer, Fragran. Minty freshness exude Gemstone and Lady Plymouth.

Royal pelargonium - the queen among the Geranium family

Perhaps the most beautiful of the entire Geranium family is the royal pelargonium, endowed with royally large flowers of various shades and lush maple-like leaves.

It was bred by hybridization of several types of flower. In Germany, it is called Pelargonia grandiflorum, and there are several other names - regale or large-flowered. royal at home is the same as zonal, but it has a more “capricious character” and requires more care. Another difference is not in favor of the "royal person" - her simple relatives, with proper care, are able to bloom all year round, and she blooms buds within 3-4 months. Pelargonium is especially whimsical in winter: at this time of the year it needs to create temperature regime within 10-12 °С. If this is not done, then the plant will not lay buds for the next flowering. But such troubles are compensated by the noble and luxurious beauty of the flower. A distinctive feature of the species is that the flowers are almost never monochromatic. On the petals there are always some spots, lines, borders, lines and other "decorative elements".

No other species will give such large, truly royal inflorescences: 5-7 cm in diameter - the usual size of one flower. The corrugated edge of the petals enhances the impression. This feature creates the effect of air clouds of white, lilac, purple and burgundy, accidentally caught on jagged, carved leaves.

Varietal diversity of culture

Today, numerous varieties of royal pelargoniums allow you to choose a flower for every taste. The most famous of them: Ann Hoystead, Black Prince, Bredon, Bushfire, Carisbrooke, Funchal, Margaret Soley, Lavander GeandSlam. Today, about a thousand varieties have already been bred, and work on obtaining more and more beautiful flowers from this series does not stop for a second.

Not only varieties can boast of the southern beauty of royal blood. On its basis, breeders even bred the new kind- Pelargonium Angel (Angel Pelargonium), obtained by crossing varieties of large-flowered and curly. In appearance, angel flowers are very similar to royal flowers, so they are often confused. But there are still differences between the species. Angels have smaller flowers, and the structure of their stems is ampelous with small leaves. If we draw parallels with other flowers, then Pelargonia grandiflorum resembles petunias, and Angel Pelargonium resembles pansies.

Favorite varieties of angelic flowers include: Deerwood Angel Eyes, Charmy Electro, Ansbrock Beauty, Quantok May, Tip Top Duet, Wayward Angel, Margaret Soley, Lord Bute, Morwenna.

Features of caring for royal pelargonium

In some respects, caring for royal pelargonium differs from the ingenuous care of ordinary "rolls". In order for the cultivation of royal pelargonium to become successful, you need to follow some rules. What special requirements does the beauty from South Africa put forward?

Lighting. Due to its origin, the flower likes to grow in a well-lit place. For him, you should choose areas filled with sunlight. Of course, during extreme heat, it is better to remove them from the windowsills so that the leaves do not get burned. And the rest of the time the plant should not suffer from a lack of light. If this rule is violated, then the immediate reaction of the "queen" will follow - shedding of buds, excessive stretching and "baldness" of the stems. In addition, the flowering of pelargonium is noticeably deteriorating: the quality and quantity of flowers are declining.

Draft protection. Unlike geraniums and other, less whimsical varieties of pelargonium, the queen flower will not bloom in gardens and parks. It is designed exclusively for indoor cultivation. Moreover, even at home, she is very capricious to drafts and gusts of cool wind. It grows best in glazed loggias, balconies, and also on window sills.

Water. Watering is the basis of the life of any plant, including pelargonium. She does not like overdried soil, as well as overly poured. In the hot season, it is necessary to water it more often, depending on how quickly the soil dries. It is desirable that the soil does not remain unmoistened for a long time.

Humidity. Regarding air humidity, Pelargonium Regale is not very pretentious, but in dry, hot weather it should still be sprayed. warm water. Until the moisture on the leaves and petals dries, you can not put the pots with the plant under direct Sun rays. Such negligence can lead to the appearance of yellow spots.

Top dressing. This flower does not put forward special "ultimatums" to the soil. But during abundant flowering in warm weather, it needs top dressing. Without them, the plant will not reveal all the potential laid down by nature and scientists. Inflorescences will remain half empty.

It is best to buy ready-made fertilizers specially designed for this flower.

Pruning. Enough milestone in plant care. Without the formation of a bush, one should not expect beautiful and lush inflorescences. Here the question arises: when is it better to prune pelargonium - in spring or autumn? It is most effective to prune the stems in autumn or winter time. If pruning of pelargonium is carried out in the spring, then it stops flowering. It is necessary to remove excess stems in two stages: immediately after flowering (in the last days of August), and then again after 45 days. It must be remembered that pruning of the royal pelargonium is carried out with a disinfected tool (scissors, secateurs), dry and “bare” stems are cut out, and the main stem is also cut off by a third. The bush itself is formed compactly and symmetrically.

Reproduction of pelargoniums - features

The cut parts of the central stem will help to reproduce the royal pelargonium if three or four pairs of leaves remain on them. Previously, royal pelargonium cuttings do not germinate in water. Propagation by cuttings of royal pelargonium does not require any special work - they are planted in small pots, having previously processed the sections with charcoal and dried a little (within 2-7 hours). Before rooting the royal pelargonium, the soil for the containers is compiled and moistened. The soil is prepared on the basis of sand and peat, which are taken in equal proportions. It is possible to consider cuttings of royal pelargonium completed 1.5 - 2 months after transplantation, when the seedlings are finally rooted. It is better not to cut pelargonium in the spring, as cutting the stems can adversely affect the flowering of the plant.

The second answer to the question: how to propagate royal pelargonium is the use of seeds. But this is a rather laborious process, and the seeds of royal pelargonium sometimes give not quite the expected result, especially if they were collected from hybrids that are known to belong to first-generation crops.

Problems with the "royal flower": how to solve them?

Even if all the rules listed above are followed, over time, some problems may arise with this variety of the Geraniev family. A lot of information has been written about how to care for royal pelargonium. All sources repeat the same nuance associated with the content of the flower - the shape and size of the container for planting it. Having planted a plant in a pot that is too voluminous, one should not be surprised that the royal pelargonium does not bloom, and the leaves and shoots no longer fit on the windowsill. This is the direct proportion of the species - the larger the flowerpot, the fewer flowers and more greenery. All the forces of a flower in large containers will be used for “greening the bush”, and not for the development of beautiful inflorescences, which flower growers are so expecting from it.

Yellow leaves - causes and how to eliminate them?

Most often, many connoisseurs given flower are faced with the fact that the leaves of pelargonium turn yellow and significantly worsen it appearance. They must be cut off in order to improve the attractiveness of the plant and rid it of unnecessary, obsolete leaves. The constant drying of the leaves leads to the fact that the stem eventually becomes completely “bald”. Leaf death - natural process, but if it turned into a large-scale "disaster", then you need to look for the cause and take action. The main reasons for the problem are as follows:

Pelargonium royal - it's incredible beautiful plant, strikingly different from other types of geraniums. It has large flowers, for which it received its second name "large-flowered", devoid of the characteristic smell of geranium. The latter further contributed to its wide distribution among home flower growers.

Breeders have bred many varieties of royal geraniums, differing from each other in color, size, and shape of flowers. Petals can be corrugated, wavy, double, soft pink and even inky purple. The leaves are usually large, rough or serrated, but some new varieties are quite small. There are even species with uncharacteristic smaller flowers.
The difference between the royal geranium and its "relatives" is not limited to external data. This type of pelargonium is quite capricious and whimsical both to the conditions of detention and to the breeding technique. However, following all the rules and recommendations, you can get a magnificent and lush flowering bush of the desired variety.

Methods for propagating royal pelargonium

There are several ways to get a new copy of the magnificent regal geranium:

  • Seeds. A fairly simple method from a “technical” point of view, but, unfortunately, not always justified. Flower growers usually resort to seed germination only in cases where they want to get a rare variety, that is, an adult specimen of the desired species is not available. A big role is played by the acquisition of a really good seed. If the seeds correspond to the declared quality, it is enough to follow the instructions given on the package.
  • Cuttings. Proven method preferred by both experienced growers as well as amateurs. The main thing is to have an absolutely healthy adult specimen, which will be propagated in the future. Unlike other types of pelargonium, you have to make a little effort. If everything is done correctly, no complications should arise.

The advantage of cuttings is that it is suitable for any variety of royal geranium. There is always the opportunity to get planting material from absolutely any bush you like.

How to get cuttings from large-flowered geranium?

Material for cuttings of royal pelargonium is obtained with the arrival of spring and until the very middle of summer. Cuttings are harvested either during the formation of the bush, or when performing the first pruning. In the first case, it is allowed to leave shoots for propagation throughout the year, and in the second - only from spring and the first half of summer.

Cut the cuttings slightly below the level of the internodes. The incision is made at an angle of 45 degrees. The tool is taken sharp. To exclude infection of the plant, it is recommended to pre-treat the blade. You should not break off the shoots. This will damage the pelargonium. The length of the cutting depends on the variety of geranium. If the mother plant belongs to dwarf variety, separate shoots about five centimeters long. From large specimens take ten centimeters. From cut cuttings, all available flowers and leaves are completely cut off.
Some types of royal pelargonium, grown for more than a year, have fairly long shoots. To collect planting material from such plants, the cuttings are simply cut to the required size, that is, each is cut into segments of 5-10 centimeters.

Features of propagation of royal pelargonium by cuttings

Unlike other geraniums, large-flowered is quite capricious. This is reflected in the scheme of propagation of the flower by cuttings. It differs from that of other types of pelargonium. The main requirement is that excessive moisture of the substrate should not be allowed. Otherwise, the shoots will simply begin to rot.

Vegetative propagation of geraniums is carried out in several ways:

  • using ordinary water;
  • with landing in light soil;
  • using a special peat tablet.

Each method has its own characteristics. The success of one or another is largely due to the way in which the adult bush was obtained, from which the shoots are taken. If you choose a similar scheme of actions, then the chances of success are much higher, and rooting is faster.

Common vegetative propagation of large-flowered geranium

It implies obtaining roots by lowering the cuttings either into ordinary settled water, or by planting directly into the ground:

  • 1. Shoots are placed in an opaque container filled with 3-5 cm of water, changing the liquid every two to three days. A glass or mug is placed on a well-lit window. When the roots cut through in 5-15 days, the cuttings are planted in temporary pots with nutrient soil.
  • 2. planting material dry for about two hours, treat the cut points with either Kornevin or charcoal. Further, without waiting for the roots to appear, the cuttings are immediately planted.

The pot in which young shoots take root is chosen with a small diameter. The lower part is filled with drainage. As a substrate, take peat with sand, which are mixed in equal proportions, watered. Then the cuttings are planted, and further watering carried out only along the edge of the container.

Using a peat tablet

This unique method vegetative propagation royal pelargonium is considered the best. It does not involve planting shoots in the ground, but is based on the use of a special tablet. It consists of peat, which is saturated with all the necessary micronutrients. This contributes to faster growth of the root system.

To prepare the peat base, the tablets are first filled with water. The complete absorption of the liquid indicates the readiness of the nutrient medium. A small indentation is made in the tablet swollen under the influence of moisture. However, planting cuttings in peat implies that they have germinated roots, that is, they stood in water for 5 or 15 days. Further, the tablets are simply put on the windowsill.

Due to the presence of a highly nutritious environment, the absence of conditions for accidental waterlogging, the probability of rotting of the shoot is reduced to zero. Growing roots have the ability to breathe, grow freely. Readiness for transplanting into a spacious pot is evidenced by the complete braiding of the root system of the peat tablet.

Is it possible to propagate royal geraniums in winter?

In cold weather, pelargonium is in a dormant period, grown at a temperature of 15 degrees. It is not always possible to create such a regime, and the plant is “harvested” until March. The bush is removed from the flowerpot, the shoots are shortened, cleaned of dirt and the roots are cut, and then wrapped with newspaper and film, hung in the basement.

This procedure can be combined with reproduction. The main thing is that the bush from which the cuttings are taken is healthy and fluffy. It is better to do this at the beginning of winter, that is, at least one to two weeks before the moment when the plant is harvested. mother plant pre-fertilize abundantly. It is recommended to do this three to four days before cutting the cuttings, which is done in the usual way, similar to how cutting is done in the warm season.

Sections must be dried for at least three hours. Sprigs are planted in the soil, previously watered with a solution of potassium permanganate. The containers are placed under the lamps, and the temperature is set at about 24 degrees. Pelargonium transplanted in this way will take root for a whole month.
This method is also great for autumn breeding royal geranium.

Caring for royal geraniums after breeding

The wide popularity of reproduction of the "royal" representative of pelargonium using cuttings is easily explained by the speed of rooting. Before the appearance of the first sprouts, it usually takes from three to four weeks. When this happens, you need to start increasing watering.

The main thing is to do it very carefully. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the soil will simply be soaked. Regarding the royal geranium, there is one simple rule. It lies in the fact that it is better to underfill the flower with water than to overfill it. The plant tolerates "drought" more easily than excess moisture.

This does not mean that the plant is ready for full care. They wait another month, and then they begin to gradually harden the pelargonium in the sun. Thus, the specimen obtained by cuttings is transferred to the care scheme that is also applied to adult large-flowered geraniums.

Transplanting into soil prepared from compost is carried out only when the root system is well developed. If this is done earlier, it is likely that the plant will die. The substrate, as a rule, consists of humus, sand, leaf and sod land, taken one by one.

They love large-flowered pelargonium for its high decorative effect. To always have a beautiful and magnificent flowering plant, geraniums are transplanted annually. This is due to the fact that it is young pelargoniums that provide such flowering. Some fans of royal geraniums simply "get rid" of old specimens, but most prefer to keep.

If you show a little care for the mother bush, he will release many flower stalks. To make this happen, in the fall it is removed from the flowerpot. Next, cut off both the shoots and the roots of the geranium. After that, the bush is planted in the same or a new pot, but with a fresh substrate. The renewal of the soil allows you to enjoy the abundant flowering of adult large-flowered geraniums in the spring, and use the cuttings obtained as a result of cutting the bush for propagation.

Geranium not blooming? There is a solution to the problem

About a flower with beautiful inflorescences - balls, called geraniums, all flower growers and those who just love to decorate their home with flowers know. One cannot remain indifferent to the fact that this is, quite unpretentious plant, pleases others with bright and abundant flowering for more than six months.

But it happens that this riot of colors stops, and the mistresses of their favorite flowers face the question:

Why did the geranium stop blooming? What to do?

Possible causes at home

Pelargonium flowering begins in February - March and can continue until late autumn. Then there comes a period when the flower needs rest, at this time it gains strength and prepares to pick up buds again. If this does not happen in due time, then there are problems, both for the flower and for its owner.

Geranium, which has ceased to bloom, disheartens almost all lovers of this plant. And before you do something, you need to understand the possible causes.

And there may be several:

  • the wrong pot
  • heavy soil
  • violation of the rules of watering
  • too much heat during rest
  • lack of fertilizer
  • lack of lighting
  • untimely pruning
  • no transfers

Having dealt with what prevents pelargonium from blooming, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive revision of the "non-flowering" plant.

Why does geranium not bloom, but gives only foliage

Why doesn't the royal geranium bloom?

Royal Pelargonium is more demanding to care than other types of geraniums. It blooms not so long, but these huge beautiful flowers fascinate at first sight. What to do so that the queen of geraniums pleases with flowers.

You need to know the basic rules of care. Common Causes no colors:

  • incorrect temperature, lack of light;
  • a large pot and the wrong fertilizer;
  • untimely transplant;
  • wrong cut.

As mentioned above, like any geranium, the royal one also loves abundant sunlight, in the shade it stretches out, shedding buds.

She is afraid of drafts, you need to provide her with a quiet, bright place.

The pot should not be large, until the roots completely fill it - flowering will not occur.

In winter, you need to give the flower a break:

  • in a bright place
  • cool +12+15°С,
  • Reduce watering to 2 times a week.

Royal geraniums are pruned in autumn or in early spring. For lush flowering, the tips of the shoots are pinched over 4-5 leaves.

Subject to these simple rules geranium will delight you with its flowers, as in the photo.