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Indoor geranium flowers and their care. Geranium care at home for beginners, types and photos

Mar 29 2017

Home (room) geranium or pelargonium - home care

Houseplant Pelargonium (popularly it is often called home or indoor geranium), belongs to the Geranium family. This family includes 5 genera and 800 plant species. Geranium is the most numerous genus, and pelargonium is the most popular species from the Geraniev family. Therefore, when they talk about caring for geraniums at home, they most often mean pelargonium. We will help you figure out what are the similarities and what are the differences between these plants.

Their main similarity is that both plants belong to the Geranium family. And in appearance they are similar. The shape of the seed capsule resembles the elongated beak of a crane in both species. Their erect stems and leaves covered with glandular fine hairs, arranged oppositely or alternately, are also similar. Both plants have a characteristic specific smell, bright appearance are curative. They are unpretentious, resilient, love good lighting, they are easy to grow and propagate.

What is the difference between Pelargonium and Geranium

No one has been able to cross these plants with each other and get seeds - they have different genetic characteristics. Pelargonium is an alien from the African savannas, and geranium comes from the northern hemisphere. Therefore, the heat-loving pelargonium prefers the warm window sills of the apartment, and the geranium blooms in gardens and meadows until frost. IN middle lane Russian geranium, meadow and forest, is found everywhere, calmly endures the winter without shelter. Only in the Far Eastern and Northern regions does it not grow - there the climatic conditions are too harsh for it. Geranium flowers have 5 or, rarely, 8 petals. geranium flowers correct form. Domestic geranium, pelargonium, has five petal flowers irregular shape: the top two petals are separated from the bottom three and slightly larger. Geranium flowers are usually solitary, but sometimes collected in inflorescences. Geranium has ten developed fertile stamens. Pelargonium flowers are collected in spectacular umbrella inflorescences. Pelargonium has no more than seven fertile stamens. The rest are underdeveloped. Geranium flowers are painted in a wide variety of shades, often blue-violet. Only the scarlet color in geraniums is never found. Pelargonium, on the other hand, does not have blue flowers. They are usually white, red and pale pink. Geranium can be found in every garden - summer residents love it very much. Popular varieties of geranium: Gorgeous, Georgian, Oxford. It blooms from early summer until frost. And pelargonium pleases with its flowering at home almost all year round. In summer, it is quite possible to take it out to the balcony or even to the garden. But with the onset of a cold snap, pelargonium is returned to the house on a warm windowsill.

The most favorite varieties of pelargonium

Fragrant is a lush bush with small leaves and bright flowers. Gives off a pleasant lemon or mint aroma. Less common is fragrant pelargonium with the smell of nutmeg, orange or apple. However, the flowers are inconspicuous, and the leaves are rough and flat. Of these, allocate essential oils and aromatic substances for cooking. The leaves themselves are not used for food!

Royal is a kind of bush with a short stem, large flowers and serrated leaves without a zonal pattern. It blooms with very beautiful flowers, but not for long. This group of pelargoniums was bred in the 60s of the last century.

Angel is a hybrid of the curly variety, which is part of the group royal pelargoniums. Similar to the royal, but smaller, more compact, with small leaves and flowers similar to pansies.

Ampelous or ivy-leaved - this pelargonium has thin stems and an ampelous growth pattern. Its leaves look like ivy, and the flowers are both simple and double, and even in the form of rosettes.

Zonal - this bush has a developed upright stem and dark circles on the leaves that divide the leaf plate into multi-colored zones. Flowers are simple and double. They are not large, collected in inflorescences, umbrellas of white, red or pale pink. Many people call this pelargonium geranium.

Features of caring for geraniums and pelargonium differ no more than caring for garden plant from houseplant care.

We will consider growing in room conditions home geranium - pelargonium. It depends only on the care of its owner how long the external attractiveness of the plant will last, and the lush and bright inflorescences of pelargonium will decorate the interior of your apartment. In a home setting decorative varieties pelargoniums retain their spectacular appearance for at least five years. But there were cases when pelargonium lived and bloomed for ten or more years with good hosts. We will introduce you to simple conditions under which your pet will delight you with its beauty for a long time and strengthen your health.

Among the decorative flowering home flowers, there are very few representatives that are as attractive and, at the same time, unpretentious in care as pelargonium. Now you will see for yourself.

Content temperature

All year round, pelargonium feels great at normal room temperature. It does not require greenhouse maintenance, it is quite tolerant of high summer temperatures and in winter it will be comfortable on a cool windowsill, only its leaves should not touch cold glass.


Pelargonium loves well-lit places both for growing in a pot and for its summer content in a garden in a flower bed. On the windowsill, on the hottest summer days, it is advisable to cover its leaves from the scorching sun. In the rest of the year, she is only glad for the sunlight, because with its lack of leaves and flowers become smaller and brittle. On the balcony, if it is located on the south side of the apartment, pelargonium will bloom all summer. On the north windows winter time Pelargoniums may lack natural light. Her shoots will begin to stretch, the decorative effect will be lost. In this case, you will have to resort to additional lighting with a fluorescent lamp or a phyto lamp.

Air humidity

Pelargonium does not like too humid indoor air. Does not tolerate spraying of leaves and flowers. Ventilate your room more often. Take flowers in the warm season to balconies and verandas for fresh air.


In the summer, pelargonium should be watered daily, but little by little. Water should be at room temperature and settled. Avoid excessive soil moisture and water on leaves and flowers. Drain excess water from trays. Until it's dry upper layer substrate - do not water. This will protect your beauty from root rot and plant death. In winter, pelargonium is watered less frequently, a couple of times a week.

The soil

The soil for pelargoniums should be fertile and loose with a pH of 7 or slightly less. For home maintenance in pots, you can purchase a special soil mixture for flowering geraniums or pelargoniums. Independently, the soil can be prepared from a mixture of garden soil, sand and peat in equal quantities. Before use, disinfect the substrate - ignite or steam. And do not forget to put a good layer of expanded clay or pebbles on the bottom of the pot. In order for the roots of pelargonium to have good access to oxygen, the soil must be loosened both in the pot and in the garden.


Young pelargonium likes the pot to be small, which is 10 cm wide, which is 10 cm long. Accordingly, an adult beauty will bloom better when her root system braids the entire earthen ball in a flower container. You can plant two plants in one pot at the same time - with different, contrasting, flower colors, for example, with white and red petals. It will be very beautiful.

Top dressing and fertilizers for pelargonium

From time to time, pelargonium needs to be fed. Especially when she sits in a small pot. organic fertilizer, especially fresh, she does not tolerate, feed with mineral fertilizers. On sale there are special dressings for flowering ornamental plants. Apply them during the growing season and flowering, spring and summer, once every 2 weeks. Pelargonium does not need to be fed in autumn and winter. A good top dressing for pelargoniums is iodine water: in 1 liter. separated water drip 1 drop of iodine, stir. Water the moist (after the main watering) soil near the walls of the pot so as not to accidentally burn the roots. Geranium will immediately respond with a stormy and chic flowering.

Pelargonium transplant

If the pelargonium root system does not fit in the pot, its roots peek out of the drainage holes, and the plant wilts soon after watering - it's time to transplant the geranium into another pot. Take a pot 3 - 4 cm larger than it was, preferably clay. Pour boiling water over it to avoid fungal or viral diseases of its former tenants. As with any plant, transplanting for pelargonium is stressful. Therefore, try to transplant the plant into a new pot carefully, along with the ground, without damaging its root system. And do this procedure no more than once every two to three years. You can only from time to time pour fresh nutrient soil into the flower pot.

If you have a large pot, plant two or three pelargonium bushes in it at once. In close quarters, but not offended - together they will bloom better!

Pruning house geraniums

During the summer flowering, you do not cut the pelargonium. Just cut off faded inflorescences-umbrellas so that they do not pull moisture and nutrients onto themselves. In autumn, it happens that pelargonium turns into a voluminous shapeless bush, completely devoid of attractiveness. When flowering stops, homemade geraniums need to be cut. Moreover, the stronger you cut it, the more shoots will appear next spring, the richer and thicker its crown will be, the more abundant and longer the pelargonium will bloom next year. Deep pruning should not be afraid, because on a bare stem there are plenty of dormant buds that will start growing even in winter.

Particularly needed pruning zonal pelargoniums, it is they, more often than others, that are found on the flower shelves and window sills of flower growers. Royal varieties have a slightly different agricultural technique, so such plants are formed more accurately and only in the second year after planting. In winter, pelargonium is not pruned. In winter, the protective forces and metabolic processes of the plant are weakened. Cuttings cut at this time do not take root.

After winter, pelargonium usually loses its attractiveness and decorative effect. Depending on the care and place of its maintenance, individual branches are extended, others are exposed. At the beginning of spring, in no case in winter, it is necessary to put its crown in order - to make a pruning. Do not let the bush grow too strong - try to give the crown a beautiful look. It is better to cut large old stems, leaving only young shoots. If the shoot has six or more leaves, it needs to pinch the top in order for the bush to become more magnificent. For the same purpose, when growing pelargonium from a cutting, after 8-10 leaves, the growth point is removed. When growing from seeds, this is done a little earlier, after 6-8 leaves. Shoots that grow from the upper axils of the leaves are removed, leaving only shoots growing closer to the root. Keep in mind that pinching and pruning the plant will delay flowering for a while. Do these procedures in early spring.

Reproduction of room pelargonium

Homemade geranium, i.e. pelargonium, propagated by seeds and vegetatively.


This is the most simple and fast way- with the help of cuttings. In addition, the signs are completely preserved mother plant, and the first flowering already happens in the first summer after rooting. Cut the cuttings from the tops of an adult plant, 7-10 cm long, with four to five leaves. Make a cut under the kidney obliquely. Cut off the bottom pair of leaves. Let the cuttings lie in the air for two to three hours, so that the sections dry out and, as it were, drag on with a film. Sprinkle them with crushed activated charcoal and plant them in a prepared, slightly damp, substrate. Don't hide anything. Put the pots in a well-lit place, but not in the sun! Do not water for days. The next day, start watering very carefully, drop by drop, to prevent rotting of the shoots. In a month, good roots should appear. Young pelargonium can be transplanted into a permanent pot and cared for like other plants. To make the bush grow lush, pinch at the growth point at the top.

Sometimes, the cuttings are placed in a glass of settled warm water. With this method, rotting of the cuttings is more common. We recommend adding an activated charcoal tablet to the water. And store more cuttings for rooting at once, in case they die.

If your pelargonium has grown too high during the winter, leave only part of the trunk with the lower young rosettes in the pot, and cut off the rest and use it for propagation. We have already described above how to root the tops of the shoots. Cut the middle of the trunk into pieces so that each has several buds. Roots will grow from the lower buds, and shoots with leaves will go from the upper buds. Root the parts of an adult healthy trunk cut on a piece in the same way: dry it, treat the cut with crushed coal, it does not hurt to dip it in Kornevin powder, then plant it in the ground. Do not flood young plantings - they must breathe. In early spring the survival rate of cuttings is almost 100%.

Reproduction by seeds

It is believed that pelargonium grown from seeds grows more magnificently and blooms much better than grown from cuttings. May be. But this method is more complicated and time consuming. Purchase seeds in special trusted stores. Sowing time is January or February. Spread the seeds on a slightly damp surface of the substrate in a container, close the lid. You can use another container, then cover it with film or glass. Put in a warm dark place. The temperature should be within 20 - 25 gr. In a week or two, the first shoots should appear. Move the container or other container with seedlings to a bright place. Open the lid of the container slightly to ventilate the greenhouse and remove the condensate that has accumulated there. When two true leaves appear on the seedlings, they need to be picked. It is advisable to reduce the temperature of further maintenance to 16 - 18 gr. After a couple of months, the grown pelargoniums can be planted in small pots and begin to care for them, as for adult plants.

The division of the bush

Sometimes mature plant propagated by dividing the bush into two approximately equal parts. To do this, take the plant out of the pot. Shake the soil from the roots. Gently straighten and distribute the root system into two parts. With a sharp clean knife, the bush is divided into two parts. Slices must be sprinkled with crushed wood or activated charcoal. Each part of the pelargonium is planted in its own pot according to all the rules. successful landing. Healthy strong plants will quickly restore their shape and will bloom in the same summer.

There is no pronounced dormant period for domestic geraniums. She does not shed her leaves, but drinks less water and rarely blooms. During this period, it is desirable to water it less. Once every 10 days is enough. And don't feed. You will begin to fertilize in the spring with complex fertilizers with nitrogen, and in the summer - with potassium-phosphorus. But, a little. The temperature is also desirable to reduce to 20 gr. afternoon. Below 12 gr. It is generally better not to lower the temperature, even at night. It is good to put a flower pot on a cold windowsill - the coolness from the window glass will be enough for a quiet winter life of home pelargonium.



If the base of the stem turned black, it began to rot - your pelargonium became infected with a terrible disease for indoor flowers -. Most likely, you allowed waterlogging of the soil and hypothermia of the root system of the plant. We are sorry, but pelargonium can no longer be saved. The bush must be destroyed along with the earth. The pot can be disinfected and used again.

gray mold

On the leaves of pelargonium, a gray mold appeared in the form of a plaque or cobweb. On stems - dark spots. This happens with abundant watering, when the soil does not dry out well. The roots suffer without air. You most likely have heavy soil or poor drainage. Therefore, pelargonium developed a disease - gray mold. It is caused by fungi and is therefore treated with antifungal drugs - fungicides.

leaf rust

Small yellow-red spots appeared on the leaves of the pelargonium, which eventually turned into stripes. The leaves turned yellow, withered and fell off. This is a fungal disease. It appeared from high humidity in the room, uneven and irregular watering. But perhaps the fungi came to you with infected soil. Leaves and shoots affected by rust, remove. Spray the flower 2 - 3 times with a break of 10 days with fungicides, such as oxychom, Abiga Peak and others.

Biological products, such as phytosporin, do not treat rust!

powdery mildew

Mealy spots appeared on the leaves of the pelargonium and on its flowers. They are easy to remove, but they appear again and again, increase, become gray, dense, after that they turn brown. The leaves dry up, the flowers fall off. The plant stops growing. Perhaps your room has very high humidity and heat. You may have overfed your pelargonium with nitrogen fertilizers. Instead of blooming more abundantly, the flower got sick. Ventilate the room regularly, do not spray the plants, do not feed it with fertilizers containing nitrogen additives. Spray the flower with a solution of water with milk and iodine or fungicides such as topaz or oxychom.

Other home geranium problems

Other home geranium problems, why the leaves turn yellow and what to do in this case:

  • If your pelargonium leaves turn yellow and dry, especially the lower ones, there is a lack of moisture in the soil. Increase watering, after which always loosen the ground. Remove yellowed leaves with your hands, do not use scissors.
  • If the leaves at the top of the bush have become damp and loose, you are watering your flowers too often and abundantly. Adjust watering, drain excess water from the pan. Water when the top layer of soil is slightly dry.
  • If the leaves of the pelargonium turn red, and it suddenly stops blooming, it is most likely that a cold snap has come and the plant has frozen. Move it to a warm place, and everything will be fine.
  • If a pink tan from sunlight appears on the leaves of a flowering pelargonium, this is a normal phenomenon, common for summer cultivation in flower beds.
  • If the leaves began to fly around the pelargonium, and the lower part of the trunk was bare, probably the pot is in a dark place. The plant does not have enough light. Move it to a sunny windowsill, and the bush will grow back and begin to bloom.
  • If pelargonium is actively growing, does not get sick, there are no pests, but does not bloom, then the reason lies, most likely, in the too high temperature of the air surrounding the flower. Pelargonium is thermophilic, but it is hard for her to be constantly in the 30-degree heat. Indoors at high temperatures, pelargonium refuses to bloom. Take it out into the fresh air - to a balcony or veranda - we are sure it will bloom there.
  • Another reason for not flowering may be too large a pot or an excess of nitrogen fertilizers in the soil. Pelargonium fattens, increases the mass of green leaves to the detriment of flowering. Remove the bush from the pot, gently shake off the soil, inspect the root system. Now select a pot according to the size of the root system of the plant. Do not forget about good drainage, loose soil in which you will plant your flower again. Water sparingly but regularly. Place in a well lit area. After some time, the pelargonium will definitely bloom.


Since ancient times, people have been treated with indoor plants, specially grown those that are most suitable for them for medicinal purposes. Pelargonium has many magical properties. Flower pots with geraniums often decorated window sills in our grandmothers' bedrooms and kitchens. It has been proven that the aroma of pelargonium helps to get rid of headaches and stress. At the same time, ants and flies do not like their smell. Decoctions of leaves treat the gastrointestinal tract and nervous disorders in humans. They are drunk during insomnia. In addition, they treat joint pain, conjunctivitis, hypertension and much more. But there are contraindications - consult your doctor before prescribing this or that treatment for yourself.

Since ancient times, pelargonium (earlier everyone called it geranium) has been grown in every family. It was believed that she protects the house from damage and the evil eye, protects the family from conflicts and quarrels, and contributes to the material well-being of its owners. Where flowering geranium grows, love and harmony live there! Who knows?! But already for the fact that this abundantly flowering plant is so attractive and completely unpretentious - you should start it at home!

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One of the popular houseplants is geranium. Most varieties have bright colors, a pleasant smell and beneficial properties. Now many have forgotten about them. It grows well indoors.


Care for her is available even to inexperienced flower growers. But the features of the plant, for successful breeding, you need to know.

Approximately 300 years ago, pelargonium was brought to Europe from South Africa, mistakenly attributed to geranium varieties. Since then there has been confusion over the name.

Those flowers that our grandmothers still grew on the windowsills are called pelargonium. Flower growers have bred about 10,000 of its varieties. Geranium is a winter-hardy shrub. To avoid confusion, in the text we will call everyone by their usual name.


Currently, 6 varieties of geranium are known:



  • Differs in long branches that go down.
  • Their length can reach 90 cm.
  • It is best to hang it in a flowerpot.
  • Flowers are white, red, purple.
  • They are located at the top of the falling branches.
  • The inflorescences are in the form of a brush.
  • The leaves have a smooth surface.
  • There are about 70 varieties of ampelous geranium.



  • Geranium is the most capricious of all species.
  • It grows in a bush from 30 to 60 cm in height.
  • Her flowers are large, double.
  • Its inflorescences are in the form of umbrellas.
  • Located on long stems, they form a hat.
  • In color, they can be solid, from white to purple, or they can be spotted.
  • The leaves are round, with teeth along the edge.

  • The most common type.
  • Her bush in height can reach 80 cm.
  • Its leaves are round in shape with white, yellow or brownish edging.
  • The stems are long straight, on their top are inflorescences - umbrellas.
  • Their color is varied, from white to dark red, or purple.



  • Rare plant.
  • This is due to the complexity of reproduction: Cuttings take several years to root, and seeds are difficult to obtain.
  • It looks like kohlrabi cabbage.
  • The leaves, located on long stalks, are covered with hairs.
  • They have a velvety surface.
  • Flowers are on a branched peduncle.
  • Their color is greenish white.

  • Has variegated leaves.
  • They can be with spots, strokes, lines. different shades: red, yellow, red.
  • The height of the bush is from 15 to 45 cm.
  • Her flowers are small, have many colors, but are inconspicuous in appearance.

Beneficial features

Essential oil

Geranium home - medicinal plant. The healers claimed that she would cope with any ailment: from SARS to cancer. It is very often used in alternative medicine.

The folk epic says a lot about its benefits, for example, the proverb: "Geranium on the window - health in a basket."

Consider its main properties in more detail:

  • Modern scientists have studied its properties. It turned out that the aroma of pelargonium is bactericidal, it purifies the air in the room in which it is located.
  • The fragrance of the leaves repels insects. Everyone knows that she repels moths. Previously, clothes were shifted with leaves, putting them away for long-term storage.
  • Normalizes pressure. To do this, the sheet is applied to the wrist.
  • Treats colds. It is recommended to gargle with infusion, and the juice from the foliage is instilled into the nose, 2 drops each.
  • Relieves pain symptom. The leaf is applied to the sore spot.
  • Geranium essential oil has a calming effect on the nervous system.
  • With the help of geranium oil, you can relieve vasospasm.
  • Normalizes the work of the heart.
  • Decoctions help with diseases of the kidneys and liver.
  • Pelargonium red roots block the growth of cancerous tumors.


Speaking about the properties of the plant, you need to consider that it can be harmful:

  • Children should not be allowed to take infusions and decoctions. Use only externally in the form of lotions and compresses.
  • You can not use geranium in the treatment of those who have an ulcer, thrombophlebitis, constipation.
  • Use with caution in pregnant women and the elderly.

Reproduction features

Geranium can be propagated in three ways:

  • seeds
  • cuttings
  • Rooted

Each method has its pros and cons. Let's consider them in more detail so that you can choose the one that is convenient for you.


Geranium seeds

At home, it is possible to grow a pelargonium bush from seeds. They can be harvested from your plant or bought. The grown flower may differ from the parent bush. This method produces new varieties.

Minus seed reproduction - duration. The plant needs more time to grow and start flowering. After the end of flowering, fruits in the form of a beak are formed.

You need to let it ripen and dry without tearing. When you open the dried fruit, there will be seeds. By the way, pelargonium got its name thanks to the fruits. The literal translation means "crane's beak".

In order for the seeds to germinate at home, to sprout, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. The soil must be loose. For an ideal substrate, 2 parts of soddy soil, 1 part of peat and 1 part of river sand are mixed. It needs to be moisturized. Spread the seeds on the surface, keeping a distance of 5 cm. Cover with a layer of sand 0.5 cm on top.
  2. To make it easier for the sprouts to hatch, the seeds must be rubbed with sandpaper. She will remove the top layer. For greater efficiency keep them in the growth enhancer. If this condition is not met, the germination process will be delayed for 3 months.
  3. After sowing, the container is closed with a film and cleaned in a warm place. As shoots appear, it moves to a bright and cool place. The soil is ventilated. The condensate is removed from the film.
  4. You need to water in moderation. For watering, use a pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. Drops on the sprouts themselves should not fall.
  5. Geranium seedlings are dived 14 days after the plant hatches. You can not tighten, because the roots also develop. Late seating can damage them. Geranium is transplanted into a permanent pot on the 45th day.
  6. After the appearance of the sixth leaflet, they begin to pinch. This process will form a beautiful bush room geranium. Don't let him stretch too much.


Cuttings can be carried out at any time of the year. But the off-season will be the best: spring, autumn. They do have their pros and cons though.

Spring is the time of awakening. In the shoots of geranium is activated Vital energy. By planting a cutting at this time, in the summer you can enjoy the flowering of a young bush. But on the other hand, pruning cuttings will slow down flowering.

In autumn, after the flowering period is over, the cuttings are stronger. They, having got stronger, will be accepted faster. Flower growers consider the autumn breeding season to be the best. The downside is that the first flowers will have to wait until the summer.

How to cut cuttings:

  • Cuttings are cut only healthy, without damage. The optimal length is 7 - 10 cm. This should be done with a sharp knife or secateurs. The cut must be between the nodes of the branch.
  • Extra leaves must be removed. Only a few pieces are left at the top. This is done so that the food does not go to the foliage, but to form roots.
  • The stalk is aged in the purchased root stimulation solution for 3-5 minutes.

Rooting options:

  • A hole is made in the substrate, where the future bush is planted.
  • You can, after the solution of the amplifier, put in a glass of water. For disinfection, crush two tablets of activated charcoal there. It is transplanted into the soil after the appearance of the roots.

This method is not suitable for royal geraniums. She will rot in the water.

  • There is a way of rooting in a bag: soil is poured into it, tied, cuts are made, where the cuttings are planted. It is not particularly convenient, but moisture is thus retained, preventing the substrate from drying out. This is important for the appearance of roots.
  • There are special greenhouses. They consist of a container for the earth and a cover with holes for ventilation. The method is good for a large number of shoots. They are heated. Their use is convenient: the soil is moistened, plants are planted, closed. And it remains only to wait for rooting.

Whichever method is chosen, it must be remembered that the main thing is hydration. Water nourishes and promotes the formation of the root system. But you can not pour geranium. It will rot from too much moisture.

Propagation by roots

Sometimes new sprouts grow from the roots of geraniums. If you plant them, you get a new bush. To do this, the entire plant must be carefully removed from the ground. The root is divided so that the children have part of the root system. Then the bushes are seated in separate pots.


Watering a flower

  • Pelargonium is not whimsical. She does not require special care but you have to follow the rules. Then the plant will delight with lush foliage and beautiful umbrellas of flowers.
  • Geranium is a big lover of the sun. Pots with it can be placed under open rays. Cover the bushes only in extreme heat so that the foliage does not get burned.
  • Watering should be plentiful, especially in hot weather. Nevertheless, the measure is worth observing. From an excess of moisture, the geranium will begin to rot and die.
  • To avoid stagnant water, you need to consider good drainage for each pot. For example, put medium-sized pebbles at the bottom. The capacity should be small so that the root system can entangle the entire earthen clod.
  • Bushes should not be sprayed. Geranium foliage does not like excessive moisture. When watering, you also need to try not to wet it.
  • Depending on the period, you need to choose top dressing. So, during flowering, geraniums are needed mineral fertilizers, containing phosphorus and potassium. As it fades, you need to fertilize with nitrogen.
  • You need to feed every week from April to October. If a bush is transplanted, then it is not necessary to use top dressing for 2 to 3 months.

Features of care in autumn and winter

With the onset of cold weather, care for pelargonium needs to be changed. Temperatures below +12 degrees will become critical.

She loves warmth

In autumn - winter, geraniums should be placed on windows to ensure maximum illumination. It is desirable that the room was not very hot. Regular ventilation is recommended.

Watering should be reduced to 1 time per week. Be sure to check the substrate, it is also not necessary to overdry it. This can cause the geranium to wilt. Fertilizers also need to be reduced. Once in a month and a half is enough.

In autumn and winter, partial yellowing of the leaves can be seen. This is a normal process. They just need to be removed. If the tips of the leaves dry, this indicates a lack of moisture. It is solved by increasing watering.


Preparatory process

Geranium tolerates transplanting well, regardless of the time of year, although it is better to carry out the procedure in the spring. Waking up from winter dormancy, the plant tolerates any changes more easily.

In the summer, when the flowering period begins, its forces are directed to the inflorescences. The transplanted bush will spend them on the root system, adapting to the new environment.

Do not forget that geranium does not like space. The pot for transplanting should be chosen compact. In a large container, it will not bloom profusely, its goal will be to develop the root system.

To understand that it's time to transplant a bush, there are several criteria:

  • Plant growth slowed down
  • Soil dries out quickly, resulting in more frequent watering
  • Roots peeking out of a hole in the bottom of the pot
  • You can check by taking out a lump of geraniums. If the roots have braided the whole lump, then it's time to transplant

When the transplant is carried out in old pot, it must be disinfected. Wash in a solution of potassium permanganate or bleach.

Transplant process:

  • Drainage is placed in the prepared pot
  • Get a bush with a clod of earth from an old container
  • Check if all roots are healthy. Damaged or with signs of disease are cut off with scissors
  • Next, place in a new pot. The space between the flower and the walls is filled with moist soil
  • The substrate must be compacted so that air does not pass through it.
  • The first 3 months, geraniums do not need to be fed.


  • Pruning of bush branches is done to form a bush. The process stimulates the growth of side shoots. Geraniums begin to form from the moment of planting.
  • Geranium grows up. Without pruning, it may not produce lateral processes. She has buds in the nodes, which bloom and give a new process, when growth is blocked upwards.
  • Pruning is best done with a sharp knife. Scissors pinch the stem, damage the tissue. This leads to plant disease.

The cut is treated with activated carbon. This will prevent rotting and pest attacks.

  • Pruning should be carried out to improve the bush. When the inflorescences begin to fade, they are cut off. And also remove dried and damaged branches. And only after that, if necessary, strongly overgrown shoots are shortened.
  • The procedure is carried out regularly until winter. From December to March, geraniums are left alone. In this period of time, she is vulnerable, and her growth is slowed down.
  • In the spring, for lush flowering, weakened stems are removed. If there are long ones, they can be shortened. It is important to leave 3 buds, this will ensure lush flowering.

Geranium (Latin name Geranium) is known under the name "pelargonium". This is a perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plant belonging to the family and genus Geraniaceae. The genus includes about 400 species of geranium. They settled on many continents, are found in all climatic zones of the world, even on such remote islands as Madagascar and New Zealand. Some representatives of the species can be found in the highlands. The most beautiful representatives of the family are the genus Pelargonium. It is distributed only in the tropical zone and became the progenitor of room geranium.

Geranium has been loved by our grandmothers for a very long time and honorably takes its place on window sills and balconies. In Soviet times, this plant was considered philistinism. They just called him "crane". From the Greek language, the name of the plant is translated as “crane”. Similarly, it is called in England and the USA. In Germany, the plant is known as "stork nose", the name given to it for the shape of the capsule that forms after flowering. In Bulgaria, due to its medicinal properties, geranium is called "health resort".

Geranium extract has:

  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral;
  • tannic and other properties.

To preserve the decorativeness of the bush and lush long flowering, you need to know how to cut geraniums. In this article, we will describe in detail how to properly grow geraniums at home.

Garden geranium is large group cultural species of geranium, the ancestors of which were meadow geranium and forest geranium. They grow up to 60-80 centimeters in height. The entire stem is covered with fluff or glandular villi. The leaf blade is strongly dissected, most often five-lobed. Leaves on long petioles are located near the basal rosette.

Flowers solitary or in pairs, borne on a peduncle. Consists of five separate petals. The color of the corolla is blue, purple and lilac. Hybrid cultivars such as blood red geraniums have carmine red buds and beautiful carved foliage that turns red with the onset of cold weather. Himalayan geranium gave rise to varieties with terry bud, painted in bright blue, blue, and sometimes purple, for example, as in the Plenum variety. The root system is represented by a rhizome close to the surface of the earth. In some species, it reaches 1.5 centimeters in diameter and 10 cm in length.

Geranium room - the popular name of pelargonium. This geranium is native to the Cape region of South Africa. In the wild, these small plants are able to tolerate short-term drought and the rainy season. Breeders brought out of this unpretentious plant indoor geranium.

Pelargonium grandiflora is the most popular variety among lovers of indoor floriculture. Low varieties (up to 50 cm) are compactly located on the windowsills. The leaves are green, sometimes with a brown border, more often whole, have a wavy edge.

At fragrant geraniums leaf plate openwork, strongly dissected. All leaves on long petioles are alternately located along the entire stem, covered with villi. Stems erect.

There are also ampel varieties. The root system is fibrous. Flowers of various colors are collected in a lush umbrella inflorescence. Hybrids have not only a variety of pleasant smells, but also beautiful complex buds, similar to small peonies, roses or tulips.

Red geranium is the most favorite variety of pelargonium among our grandmothers. It is endowed with mystical and healing properties. These are zonal species that require formation. Having correctly trimmed the bush, lush umbrellas are formed from terry and simple flowers. On long inflorescences, they will rise above a dense mass of greenery. Leaves on long cuttings, green, in some varieties dark purple with green edge. The edge of the sheet is wavy. With the exception of ampelous varieties, the stem is erect. Among some varieties there are stems without glandular villi, with almost smooth shiny leaves. Ampel varieties of red pelargonium are a wonderful decoration for balconies or hanging planters.

History and interesting facts

The Cape region of South Africa is rich in species diversity of plants, most of which have long been grown by us as domestic ones. This area is home to the geranium plant. Together with the discoverers from South Africa, the flower came to Great Britain, where it was so popular that it was sketched in paintings, and the ladies adorned dresses with it. Cultural geranium came to Russia only at the end of the 17th century.

Geranium very quickly took root in homes. Her beneficial features hard to underestimate. For example, the air in the room where this flower grows is enriched with phytoncides.

Essential oil from geranium:

  • relieves migraines;
  • helps fight depression
  • promotes mental activity of a person;
  • helps to cope with asthma attacks, but can cause an allergic reaction.

In folk medicine, geranium juice is used for:

  • angina;
  • runny nose;
  • otitis.

Having geraniums in the house is not only beneficial from a medical point of view, but also from an esoteric one.

Due to such popularity, geranium has given rise to many signs and superstitions. Unmarried girls carried dry flowers of white geranium with them to find true love. The essential oils of the plant protected from evil forces and the evil eye. It is believed that the flower is able to positively influence the financial side of its owner.

People endowed different colors of geraniums with different magical properties:

  • white geranium is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Helps women get pregnant and bear a healthy baby. In houses with white geraniums, there are no frequent quarrels and scandals;
  • red geranium promotes strong feelings for young families and couples who have been married for a long time. Red geranium has the ability to keep the youth of its mistress. Young girls, if this flower grows at home, successfully marry;
  • pink geranium helps to find understanding in difficult relationships and find love. For girls who have been waiting for a marriage proposal for a long time, it helps to bring the wedding date closer.

Very often the question arises whether there is a difference between pelargonium and geranium, and how to call it correctly. Pelargonium (Latin name Pelargonium) is a beautiful representative of the Geranium family. Pelargonium is found only in South Africa. The plant is photophilous and drought-resistant. Cultivated on Reunion Island for essential oils.

Flowers of various colors are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence. After flowering, a fruit-box with dry sepals is formed. The opening of the box starts from the bottom to the top. Stems erect or creeping. From species with creeping stems, cultivated ampelous varieties for vertical gardening were obtained. The leaf shape is simple, palmate, in some species palmately dissected. Grow like indoor plant or taken out in the summer to the street.

Geranium and its many species are ubiquitous in the wild. They are hardy and suitable for growing in gardens. Flowers solitary or paired. The stem is erect, the leaves near the basal rosette have petioles, and are sessile on the stem. The leaf plate is strongly dissected.

Species and varieties

Geranium, a perennial garden plant suitable for sites with any conditions. There are varieties for open sunny lawns and, conversely, preferring the translucent shade of trees. Due to its wide distribution in various natural areas, bred geranium varieties (Himalayan geranium or large rhizome geranium) that can tolerate frosts down to -35 degrees. The homeland of these species are the mountain slopes of the Himalayas, the Alps and the Balkans, which made them not only frost-resistant, but also adapted to poor soils.

A long selection made it possible to obtain types of terry geraniums, painted in dark purple, almost black and carmine colors. In addition to flowers, greenery gives the bush a decorative effect, which in autumn turns red like blood-red varieties of geraniums.

This family has not only decorative properties. Such a variety of geranium as marsh geranium attracts with the content of sucrose, glucose, catechins, triterpenes, flavonoids, tannins and vitamin C. This species has long been used by our ancestors for treatment. The flower grows everywhere on the edges and meadows of the European part of Russia.

From wild pelargonium from the coast of South Africa, a huge number of varieties for indoor floriculture have been obtained. Among the geraniums home growing the most popular is pelargonium grandiflora. The unusual shape of the flower consists of two upper and three lower petals overlapping each other, making the flower look like a violet. With proper care, lush inflorescences reach 15 centimeters in diameter. This type is described in more detail later in this article.


Pelargonium norrland

Pelargonium Norrland is a representative of zonal species. Obtained by selection, it belongs to very resistant varieties that live well both in the garden and at home. The flowers are double, rich pink, form dense inflorescences. The plant is large, with thick shoots, so it needs to be shaped. Pruning is carried out in early spring before flowers appear. You can pinch a bush or cut off old shoots in the fall.

It is better to choose a place for planting in the garden in a translucent shade. Direct sunlight, as well as a very dark place, will have a bad effect on the decorative qualities of the bush.

Maintenance in winter should take place at a positive temperature (+ 10 ... + 12 degrees). In summer, at a temperature of +18 ... +25 degrees, the plant is taken out into the open air. For planting, you need to purchase ready-made soil or make it yourself from 2 parts of leafy soil, 2 parts of peat soil and 1 part of coarse sand. For good development and flowering of pelargonium, the pot should be small.

In the summer, the plant needs abundant watering. To avoid waterlogging, drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. The plant does not need spraying. Feed twice a month with mineral fertilizers, in winter there is no such need. After transplanting to new ground the plant is not fed for two months, as the fresh earth contains all the necessary nutrients.

It is better to transplant pelargonium in spring, before flowering. Pelargonium Norrland is susceptible to fungal diseases such as gray mold, and can also be damaged by insect pests ( mealybug, whitefly).


lemon geranium

Lemon geranium belongs to the group of fragrant geraniums. The ancestor of these varieties was brought from the Cape of Good Hope. Botanists became interested in this species and developed varieties with the smell of chocolate, cinnamon, apple, eucalyptus, strawberry and rose. Lemon geranium has a pleasant bright aroma. The leaves are dark or light green, with a strongly dissected leaf blade. The whole plant is covered with odorous glands in the form of hairs.

Flowers inconspicuous, white-red or white-violet. This does not affect the popularity of the flower at all, as it has medicinal properties. Crail treats infertility, insomnia, high pressure. Used in cosmetology for oily skin and against hair loss.

Growing a plant at home is not at all difficult. Pelargonium is not afraid of bright sunlight, it is not afraid of burns on the leaves. Watering is required minimal, only after the earth in the pot is completely dry. Regular pruning and crown formation in the spring gives the bush a pretty look. If you do not fill the plant, then it is rarely exposed to diseases and pests.


Pelargonium martha

Pelargonium Martha is a miniature representative of pelargoniums with a beautiful densely double inflorescence. The flowers are white, with a gently light green tint at the beginning of flowering and milky white at the end.

The small height, about 20 centimeters, makes it an ideal houseplant. During the summer, it practically does not grow, and dense saturated greenery does not fall for the winter. In a room for pelargonium, it is better to choose an east or west window. Bright sun will shorten the flowering period. Water regularly, but little by little. It does not need to form a bush. Responsive to mineral fertilizers for flowering plants.


Terry geranium

Terry geranium is a group of hybrids united by a beautiful lush flowering of multi-petal buds. There are 22 varieties in total. The color of the buds is the most diverse. Flowering plants are often compared to roses. The leaf plate is green, solid, with a wavy edge. Among the terry pelargoniums, there are also ampelous varieties. Usually these are small plants with long flowering, the buds of which do not crumble, but dry up on the peduncle unchanged.

At home, a window without bright sun is suitable for her. To maintain lush flowering and decorative look bush terry geranium needs to be formed. This variety is great for growing indoors, but in the summer they feel better outdoors.

Reproduction is vegetative. All domestic varieties are hybrid, as a result of which reproduction by seeds will not give a result and the young plant will not inherit all the maternal traits. Soil for planting can be purchased at stores. The cuttings root easily and begin to bloom in the first year.


Ash Geranium

Ash geranium is a beautiful garden species wintering in the middle lane. The name was given for the silver-ash color of the leaves. Lilac flowers with dark purple veins. It starts blooming at the end of June. For planting, choose partial shade or a sunny corner. Any soil will do, as long as it is well-drained. During the growing season, it is necessary to feed and cut dried buds and branches once a month in order to preserve the decorative effect and prolong flowering.

Natural habitat Europe and the Caucasus. On the slopes of mountains with poor soil forms bushes 15 centimeters high. Ideal for alpine slides and stone gardens. Based on the wild species, the Ballerina variety was bred.


Robert's geranium

Geranium Roberta - annual herbaceous plant with medicinal properties. Distributed in Russia and neighboring countries. Prefers wet meadows, swampy banks of rivers and lakes, rocky slopes. The stem grows up to 1.5 m, is covered with brown villi and strongly branches. The leaves are dark green, palmately separate, with long petioles, densely cover the shoot.

The flowers are simple, consist of five petals of purple color with white streaks. Flowering begins in June and ends in September.

The green part of the plant contains flavonoids, essential oils and vitamin C. The root is rich in tannins. Behind medicinal properties the plant used to be called God's mercy, it was used for fever, gout, bleeding. Before use, you should consult a doctor, as decoctions can cause allergies or indigestion.


marsh geranium

Marsh geranium is widespread in Europe. She prefers wetlands located in moist forests and meadows, as well as in floodplains. This is a perennial herbaceous plant with a close-lying root system, which in some places comes to the surface. The leaves located at the root rosette quickly die off and change their color, becoming reddish-brown. The height of the plant is about 30 cm, sometimes reaching 70 centimeters. The stem is erect, strongly pubescent. The leaf plate is five-parted, dark green in color, covered with villi. Unlike the leaves at the root rosette with cuttings, the leaves on the stem are sessile with three lobes.

Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter, painted purple. The petals are entire, ovoid in shape with a wedge-shaped base. After flowering, an elongated fruit is formed, covered with villi with dark brown seeds.

Due to the presence of tannins, catechins, sucrose, glucose, as well as resorcinol and pyrogallol in the plant, it is often used in folk medicine. Collect mainly the green part of the plant during flowering. Dried and used as decoctions.


Pelargonium grandiflora

Pelargonium grandiflora also has a more common name - royal pelargonium. Gained great popularity due to beautiful flowers. Outwardly, they resemble pansies, grow up to 5-7 cm in diameter. The inflorescence forms a lush umbrella, petals with veins and dashes, painted in various colors.

Royal geranium has earned special love thanks to its aroma. Selection was bred varieties that can bloom for 4 months. The flower is densely covered with greenery, grows to a height of up to 50 cm, while remaining compact and pretty. The leaf plate is green, solid, has a wavy edge with teeth.

Pelargonium grandiflora does not like drafts and direct sunlight. Successful flowering will be facilitated by additional lighting in winter. For keeping in winter, a temperature of 12 - 17 ° is suitable. Watering in winter is reduced to a minimum, the clod of earth must dry completely. In the summer, it needs regular and plentiful watering. In summer, the plant needs additional fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Pruning of the plant is carried out in the fall. It is better to stretch the procedure for 2-3 months, gradually removing the shoots. In winter, thin weak shoots are pinched. In March, this process is stopped so as not to damage the emerging flower stalks. Transplantation is done after flowering. The pot should be 1.5-2 cm larger than the previous one.

It will not work to propagate the plant by seeds, preserving the species features. The most convenient way is propagation by cuttings. They are obtained during pruning of the plant. Young cuttings are dried for 2 hours and planted in a wet mixture of peat and sand.

The lack of light leads to the stretching of the shoot and the pale color of the leaves. Abundant watering, especially in winter, provokes the appearance of root rot. A plant that is put outside for the summer may be attacked by insect pests. To combat them, it is necessary to use special insecticides.


Himalayan geranium is a perennial garden plant. This is very frost-resistant species, capable of wintering at a temperature of - 30 °. The ability to adapt to poor soils, the variety received due to its natural habitat. It grows wild on the slopes of the Himalayas, Tibet and the Alps. In the garden it can grow up to 60 cm.

The leaf plate is unevenly dissected into five lobes, up to 10 cm in diameter. Indigo-colored flowers, with a pleasant aroma and dark veins, about 5 cm in diameter. The inflorescence is corymbose, two per peduncle. Calyx lanceolate with three dark veins.

The wild kind gave rise to many garden varieties, capable of feeling great in open sunny areas and in partial shade. Selection has made it possible to develop terry varieties based on it, for example Geranium himalayense Plenum.


Pelargonium lake

Pelargonium Lake - representative terry varieties, has bright orange flowers. Peduncles - long. The petals are unevenly colored, lighter closer to the edge, creating an overflow effect and adding volume to an already densely double inflorescence. As with all zonal varieties, crown formation is required in autumn and spring.

The variety is valued not only for its beautiful flowering, but also for the decorative color of the leaves. A dark brown stripe runs along the edge of the leaf. In low light, the plant stretches strongly, exposing the stem. In winter, they are rarely watered; the temperature in the room is maintained not exceeding 17 °. In the summer it is better to take out to fresh air.


peony geranium

Peony geraniums are representatives of domestic terry varieties. Each flower is up to 5 cm in diameter. The size of the inflorescence is up to 15 centimeters. The plant is low, densely covered with leaves. The sheet plate is rounded with an uneven edge. In winter, peony geraniums are kept at room temperature. In the summer, it is better to take out to the balcony or street, away from drafts. The room is suitable with an east or west window. The bright sun of the southern window can harm and leave burns on the delicate leaves of the plant.

Any soil is suitable for transplanting, preferably with neutral acidity. You can make it yourself or buy it in a specialized store. The composition of the soil should include humus, peat and sand. The content of peat should be minimal, since its ability to accumulate moisture can lead to the death of the plant. A prerequisite for good maintenance is the presence of a drainage layer of at least 1-2 cm. During the growing season and active growth feeding is needed. Mineral fertilizers must contain phosphorus and potassium.

A flower is rarely transplanted, only when the root system tightly occupies the entire pot. Self-propagation by seeds is impossible, since all varieties are hybrids. The desired seeds can be purchased at specialized stores. Optimal shape reproduction - cuttings. To do this, in the spring, during pruning, save a few cuttings and leave them to dry for 2 hours on outdoors. Leaves are removed from the bottom of the cutting. After planting the cuttings, the soil is compacted, watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Peony varieties are prone to infection with gray rot, and insect pests love to feast on plant sap. Most often on geraniums you can find cyclamen and spider mite, aphids and whiteflies. The flower must be regularly inspected and sprayed with insecticides in a timely manner.

In addition to insects, the state of pelargonium can be affected cold air and high humidity. In these cases, the stem turns red or black at the base. If there is no flowering, abundant top dressing may be the cause. You can solve this problem by stopping feeding. The lack of flowering can be affected by a lack of light: the plant is strongly stretched, the foliage acquires a light green color.


Geranium is magnificent

Geranium splendid is a wonderful species to grow in the garden. Forms curtains 60 cm high, grows rapidly. The flowers are beautiful, rich of blue color, with dark veins. Large, widely deployed in the plane flowers were obtained by crossing the Georgian geranium and flat-leaved. Geranium blooms from mid-July to late autumn.

The stem is erect, densely covered with green leaves. Each leaf is divided into five lobes with a carved edge. The root system is fibrous. The plant is unpretentious, but in the garden it is better for him to choose well-lit places. In autumn, the leaves change color to orange-red. Gorgeous geraniums have been grown in gardens for over 100 years. It is an indispensable element of landscape design.

Seeds are not formed, the plant is sterile, propagation is carried out by cuttings or dividing the bush.


Geranium large-rhizome or Balkan

Large-rhizome or Balkan geranium has a pleasant smell and the ability to retain the green color of foliage even under snow. It easily tolerates severe frosts. Delicate purple flowers bloom for about a month. At hybrid varieties flowering may be longer, flowers are more often purple and white. In autumn, the leaves of the Spessart subspecies acquire a brick-golden color. The leaves are composed of six separate lobes with a serrated edge. The rhizome is thick (1.5 cm), lies close to the surface. Prefers well-drained soil without stagnant water. Shelter for the winter does not need. Attacked by aphids and whiteflies. During the period of stagnant water, it is affected by root rot.


forest geranium

Forest geranium is widespread throughout Russia. Most often found in meadows and edges of broad-leaved forests. Perennial herbaceous plant is able to tolerate low temperatures. The plant grows in height from 50 to 80 cm. The leaves attached to the rosette on long cuttings are pinnately dissected. The leaves on the top of the trunk are sessile. Stipules lanceolate, Brown. The flower consists of 5 separate petals, painted in purple. On one peduncle no more than 2-3 flowers. Flowering lasts about a month, from mid-June or early July.

Above-ground shoots are used as medicinal raw materials. It has astringent, disinfectant and tannic properties. A decoction of geranium helps with gout, rheumatism, treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Before use, you should consult your doctor.


Meadow geranium or meadow crail

Meadow geranium or meadow crail is a herbaceous perennial frost-resistant plant. The habitat of the species is the temperate latitudes of Eurasia. This species is often found in villages, growing along fences. Likes moderately wet edges and steppe slopes. The root system is represented by a thick root up to 10 cm long. The stems are often solitary, covered with small villi. The height of the plant varies from 30 to 80 cm. The leaf plate is green, densely pubescent. Leaves at the root rosette on long petioles (10-20 cm). The leaf plate itself is from 6 to 12 cm, divided into 5 lobes. The leaves on the stem are sessile and consist of three lobes.

During flowering, the flower opens wide, consists of five lilac-blue or purple petals. Flowering is short, about 1 month. In September, in place of the flower, a fruit is formed, similar to the beak of a crane, with a large number of seeds covered with speckles. The length of the box is up to 3 cm. Geranium prefers well-lit places, but can also grow in partial shade.

The crane has medicinal properties. During flowering, the green part of the plant is harvested. Closer to autumn, they dig up and dry the rhizome. Meadow geranium is a good honey plant, the best among all geranium varieties. In ancient times, this species was used to obtain a green dye. Based on this variety, breeders have bred a large number of others that can winter without shelter.

blood red

blood red geranium

Blood red geranium is a short growing variety of outdoor geranium. The height of the flower rarely exceeds 50 cm. The leaf plate is deeply dissected, each lobe is lanceolate. In summer, the leaves are green, but with the onset of cold weather they become bright red in color. Flowers cover the entire bush with abundant flowering. The size when opened is from 3 to 5 cm. Painted in carmine red, pink and pale - pink color. Unlike the previous species, the flowers on the peduncle do not rise above the leaves, but are in the same plane with them. Flowering begins in June and July, ends in September.

How to care for geraniums at home?

Caring for geraniums at home is quite simple. Like all indoor plants, it needs lighting, watering and transplanting. Timely pruning and crown formation will ensure lush flowering. Pelargonium is perfect for a beginner gardener. How to care for geraniums is described in detail in the article below.

Watering and humidity

Geranium domestica originated from a region with a very warm climate. Long dry seasons and well-drained soil did not allow even heavy rains to dramatically increase soil moisture.

The question arises: how to water geraniums so as not to harm? For successful cultivation at home, varietal pelargoniums need to provide good drainage and moderate watering. The clod of earth in the pot should be completely dry before the next watering. Water for watering geraniums must first be filtered and allowed to settle. If the geranium leaves are turning yellow, this may be a sign of insufficient watering. It is not necessary to spray the plant, it can harm its velvety leaves.

Lighting and air temperature

Despite the fact that geranium is unpretentious, it still needs care. She does not need additional lighting, but on the northern windows the flower will stretch, the flowering period will be reduced. In summer, the plant is recommended to be taken out into the street: a temperature of + 25 ... + 27 degrees is ideal. In winter, the plant does not lose its decorative effect, the leaves do not fall off. Optimum temperature for winter content ranges from 15 to 18 degrees.

Winter care for geraniums

Care for geraniums in winter is negligible. For content, a window is perfect for her. By controlling temperature fluctuations, you can achieve abundant flowering. Watering is reduced, it is enough to water once every ten days. The plant does not need fertilizing with mineral fertilizers during this period. Pinch in winter only very fast-growing zonal varieties. Most species, while at rest, do not develop green mass.

soil mixture

Geranium stores sell ready-made soil, or you can choose a universal one for flowering plants. To compose your soil, you need to mix equal parts of humus, soddy soil, sand and a little peat. The ability of peat to accumulate moisture can lead to waterlogging and flower death.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Most often, novice flower growers are wondering how to feed geraniums. A flower can grow in one pot for several years. During this time, the soil is depleted, washed out and loses its nutritional value, leaving only the function of holding the roots. For abundant flowering, you need to feed the geranium with something.

Like all ornamental flowering plants, pelargonium during the period of budding and flowering is responsive to the content of phosphorus in the fertilizer. In early spring, before flowering, flowers can be fed with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer. Throughout the summer, organic fertilizers will have a positive effect.

Please note that the more often you water, the more often you will have to feed the flower. You can also feed with improvised substances. For example, one of the proven effective supplements is sugar. A tablespoon of sugar is diluted in a liter of water and the plant is watered no more than once a month. Yeast can be added to water with sugar and left to react for an hour, then pour the flowers with this composition. It is impossible to store such a liquid, as well as use it in a dry form. Sleepy tea or coffee can be added to the soil for looseness, but it must be borne in mind that this increases the acidity of the soil.

Pruning and shaping a room geranium bush in autumn

When to prune geraniums? The most frequently asked question of flower growers. Geranium must be cut for the winter, not only to obtain lush flowering, but also for the purpose of reproduction. At home, pruning geraniums will preserve the decorativeness of the bush, will not allow strong stretching and “baldness” of the trunk.

How to properly prune geraniums in the fall - step by step instructions:

  1. Tool preparation. For pruning use a sharp disinfected knife. You can use a blade or a paper cutter.
  2. The cut is made obliquely - from the center to the outer side of the plant, 1/3 or 2/3 of the entire height of the plant.
  3. In autumn, pruning of geraniums is carried out to obtain young shoots. To do this, the cutting must contain at least 3 internodes and leaflets.
  4. To make the bush thicker in spring, the cut is performed above the leaf node.
  5. To reduce the density of the bush, the cut is made under the leaf node.
  6. The cut point is treated with crushed coal or cinnamon powder.
  7. Feed the plant after pruning.

Pruning pinching and crown formation in spring

In the spring, pelargonium does not need strong pruning. You can do a small "cosmetic haircut". Spring formation begins in February, but no later than March. Pruning of geraniums at this time is carried out so that at least three buds remain on the bottom of the trunk.

The basics of proper crown formation

How to properly prune geraniums so as not to harm the bush and not lose flowers? By forming bushes, you can only maintain its genetic form; by pruning, changing the ampelous view to a zonal one, or vice versa, will not work. Inner part the bush needs thinning first of all, this will allow better air circulation, avoid the appearance of rot and insects.

A support is used to form stamped pelargoniums, since the stem of the flower is very fragile. Cut off the leaves and branches at the bottom of the trunk. Large bushes are almost not pruned, the regeneration processes in them are slowed down. The flower will spend a lot of time and effort on restoring greenery, which means that flowering may stop.

Step-by-step instructions for spring pruning:

  1. Pruning of geraniums in spring is carried out no later than March.
  2. A sharp blade or a pre-sanitized knife is used.
  3. Cut off only weak and strongly elongated shoots.
  4. Be sure to feed the plant with a nitrogen-containing fertilizer after pruning.

Why and how to pinch a geranium

Geraniums are pruned in the spring to form a beautiful plant shape. The maximum pruning carried out in the fall gives new branches, on which lush flowering is formed. If the bush grows quickly in winter, pinch it with clean, dry fingers.

Mistakes when pruning geraniums at home

Spring pruning of geraniums is the most dangerous. Too heavily pruned plant may not bloom or flowering will come very late. To avoid this, it is better to either limit autumn pruning, or leave at least 2-3 leaf buds.

Diseases and pests

Geranium diseases are not terrible, it is a fairly strong plant. Like all flowers, with improper care and excessive watering, it can suffer from gray mold and rot. If you put the pelargonium outside very early, cold nights and abundant watering will lead to the appearance of powdery mildew. Being constantly at home, the likelihood of infecting aphids and whiteflies is not so high in geraniums. Each gardener must make his own choice whether to expose him to the pelargonium on the street or not. Despite the disease, the stay of geraniums in the fresh air will have a very good effect on development.

To combat insects, insecticides such as Fitoverm, Fufa-Nova, Aktara and Aktelik are suitable. Fighting rot is more difficult. The affected area must be removed with a sterile sharp knife and the entire plant treated with Chorus, Switch, Fitosporin preparations.

Flower growers who feed the plant with tea and sleeping coffee are faced with the problem of the appearance small midges. They do not harm the flower, rather they cause inconvenience to the owner of the flower, and are the result of waterlogging of the earth and a high content of organic matter.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of geranium

In this article, we have already talked about medicinal properties geraniums. The most common for raw materials is meadow geranium. In the summer, during flowering, the green part of the plant is harvested. It is cut at a height of 15-20 centimeters and dried at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees in special cabinets or in a well-ventilated area. The sun's rays should not fall on the raw materials. The roots are harvested in autumn: they are cleaned, washed in cool water and dried.

A decoction and extract of geranium is used for the following diseases:

  • uterine bleeding,
  • diarrhea,
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding,
  • dysentery,
  • enterocolitis,
  • nervous excitability,
  • epilepsy,
  • insomnia,
  • fever,
  • stomatitis,
  • eczema,
  • purulent inflammation

The properties of geranium essential oils are widely used. They are used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract and the treatment of the effects of a cold. They will help to cope with spasms that cause headaches and menstrual pain, cramps, and also normalize blood pressure. Treat herpes, fungus and eczema. In cosmetology, acne and pimples are treated. Soothe and moisturize the skin, removing peeling. They are part of anti-aging and anti-cellulite mixtures of oils. To strengthen the hair, the oil is mixed with water and apple cider vinegar. The resulting conditioner is not stored, used immediately.

Mixed with olive oil, geranium essential oils are used to remove kidney stones, reduce sugar, remove helminths, and also for stomach ulcers.

The healing properties of geranium perfectly preserves the oil. To get 100% natural oil you need to grind 4 tablespoons of leaves, pour a glass of refined sunflower oil. In the dark and cool, insist 5 days, then 1.5 months in the sun. Strain the composition and store in the refrigerator in a dark bottle.

Transplant and reproduction

Further in this article, methods for propagating geraniums by cuttings and seeds are described in detail, as well as possible difficulties in cuttings. Consider how to transplant geraniums at home, what kind of pot and soil suits her.

Reproduction by seeds

Geranium seeds have good germination. Reproduction of geraniums by seeds will allow you to get a large number of young and healthy plants. It is not difficult to get seeds on your own, but most varieties are hybrids, which means that their seeds will not carry all the signs of the mother plant. It is better to use seeds from a trusted store. There are also seeds that take more than two months to germinate (as, for example, geranium ivy).

How to plant geraniums to get good plants?

The seeds are covered with a thick shell. For faster germination, they must be rubbed on a fine sandpaper. Planting soil can be purchased from flower shop. Purchased land is enriched with minerals and nutrients, but not every soil is suitable for geraniums. Under the wrong conditions, geraniums from seeds may appear two weeks later, the bushes will be with a thick stem and poor flowering.

It is better to make the soil yourself. It should include peat, river sand and sod land, in a ratio of parts 1: 1: 2. The finished mixture is disinfected by treating with a solution of potassium permanganate, and then calcined in the oven. For seeds, a shallow pot or container will do. The container is filled with soil, moistened and left for a day. Seeds are planted to a depth of one centimeter and sprinkled with earth. Ready containers are moistened from the sprayer and covered with a film. Leave a hole for ventilation. When the first shoots appear, the film is completely removed. There is little soil, so it dries quickly. It is necessary to water regularly, but little by little.

Young shoots need a lot of light, the best place for them is on the windowsill. The soil is periodically loosened and, when the first leaves appear, dive into separate pots. Disposable plastic cups will do. After the appearance of the fifth true leaf, the seedlings are pinched to form a more branched bush.

Reproduction by cuttings

At home, propagation of geraniums by cuttings can be practiced throughout the year. Best results are obtained from cuttings cut in the spring. The rate of root formation also depends on the variety of geranium. So zonal and ivy varieties will give roots in 2 weeks, royal and fragrant pelargoniums will need 4 to 6 weeks for this. In winter, it will take twice as long to germinate the roots. Weak young cuttings tend to stretch out in low light in winter. It is better to use the backlight, and pinch in the spring.

How to propagate geranium cuttings at home?

If you want to get a beautiful lush flowering this year, you need to start cuttings no later than March. At this time, an active process of growth and movement of juice through the plant begins. autumn cuttings, cut in September and October, will also take root well, but will not begin to bloom until June.

The stalk for successful rooting should not be less than 2.5 centimeters for undersized varieties and 5 centimeters for tall ones. It must have leaves and 2-3 internodes with removed leaves. Flowers and buds must be removed, this will delay the rooting of seedlings. Cuttings are made with a sterile knife (you can boil or wipe with alcohol). The cut must be processed with "Kornevin" or coal. The resulting cuttings after the cut are left in the shade until the cut dries. Plastic cups with holes or specially purchased containers are suitable for planting.

The earth should be very loose, well, if 1/3 of it will consist of sand and vermiculite. At the bottom of the glass, you need to put a shallow drainage. The soil should be disinfected by spilling boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. After treatment with boiling water, the soil should cool. The cuttings are deepened into the soil by 2 centimeters and carried for 5 days in a dark place. After 5 days, the pallet with seedlings is taken out to the window. Watered through the pan, maintaining the temperature + 14 ... + 16 degrees. If individual plants begin to turn yellow and wither, they must be placed under jars. Geranium cuttings can be considered successful if new leaves have appeared.

Roots can be obtained by leaving cuttings to germinate in water. To do this, cut off the stalk, leave it to weather, and then place it in a glass of water and activated charcoal. After the appearance of the roots, they are transplanted to a permanent place in a small pot or glass.

There are species that take a long time to form roots. In this case, a circular incision is made on the branch of the mother plant through the kidney. In the place of the incision, gum grows and small tubercles form on it, these are the rudiments of the roots.

Transplanting home geraniums

Geranium incanum Johnson's Blue

In this chapter, we will look at how to transplant geraniums without harming the plant. Geranium is able to grow in one pot for a very long time, up to 10 years. A sign of a necessary transplant will be protruding roots from a hole in the pot. The new pot should be 1-2 centimeters larger than the previous one. A pot that is too large can kill the flower or delay flowering until the plant has taken up the entire space with roots. The first pot should not exceed a width of 10-14 centimeters and a depth of 10-12 centimeters. Be sure to have drainage holes and a layer of expanded clay.

The pot can be made from any material. If you love watering, an unglazed ceramic pot is the way to go. The lump of earth in it quickly dries up and is saturated with air. You can also plant in a plastic pot, providing pelargonium with a good layer of drainage and moderate watering.

For a flower, any acid-neutral soil is suitable. It is better to enrich universal and store-bought soils with perlite, sand or vermiculite. The soil should be loose and moderately nutritious. It should not contain moisture-retaining components such as sphagnum.

It is very important to choose right time years for transplant. Flowers transplanted in the spring (February-April) tolerate stress best. During autumn transplant the flower takes longer to recover. It is not advisable to transplant it during flowering and in winter. During the flowering period, due to a transplant, pelargonium can throw off flowers and will not give new buds this season. In winter, being at rest, the flower will not take root and may die.

The plant purchased in the store is most likely in a state of flowering, so do not rush to transplant it, wait until the pelargonium sheds flowers. A plant without flowers must be kept for two to four weeks in quarantine. During this time, the flower adapts to the conditions in the room. Make sure there are no pests on it.

Stages of transplanting a flower purchased in a store:

  • The pot is 1-2.5 centimeters larger than the shipping one.
  • Pour drainage and a layer of soil at the bottom of the pot.
  • Moisten the soil.
  • Place pelargonium in a pot with a clod of old earth.
  • Fill around the edges and top with fresh soil.
  • Water and compact the soil.

How to plant geraniums?

Very often, a flower that grows for a long time in one pot gives children, forming a lush bush that makes it difficult to form a geranium and thickens it unnecessarily. To provide nutrients to each new plant, they must be planted. In the spring, the bush is watered abundantly, removed from the pot and gently shake off the ground, separating the roots. The resulting young plants are planted in separate pots.

If you place pelargonium in a flower bed for the summer, it is not advisable to get it out of the pot. The possibility of infestation with soil insects in a pot is less. In addition, transplanting in the spring, as well as in the fall, when the plant returns home, is an extra stress for it.

Possible difficulties

Why does geranium turn yellow?

There can be several reasons for yellowing leaves. We will look at them a little later in this chapter. The leaves may turn red at the edges, and then the whole. This happens with flowers located on the street. Too cold air at night will lead to the destruction of chlorophyll and redness of the leaf blades. So the plant prepares for wintering.

Why geranium does not bloom - how to make it bloom at home?

Flowering may be affected by over-watering. During excessive waterlogging, the buds crumble or do not form at all. With very hot content, especially in winter, flower buds are not laid. Another reason for the lack of colors can be a lack of lighting. Too much pruning in the spring can also stop flowering.

To get a lush and long flowering, it is necessary to cut the bush in a timely manner. In winter, keep it in a cool room with good lighting, extend daylight hours in spring with artificial lighting, if there is not enough natural light.

Too frequent use of nitrogen-containing fertilizers can also cause geraniums to stop flowering. This manifests itself in lush greenery and the absence of flowers.

Why do leaves dry and geraniums turn yellow?

The reason may be in the natural development of zonal species, when the plant becomes old and stretches a lot. If the leaf begins to turn yellow from the edges, this is a sign of a lack of fertilizer in the soil. Whitish or yellow spots indicate the appearance of aphids. If the whole plant is weakened, and the leaves turn yellow, this indicates the presence of a whitefly. Root rot can also cause yellowing of the entire flower. To solve these problems, it is necessary to examine the plant and exclude all options unsuitable for development.

With the onset of cold weather, many plants require special competent care, because only in this way will your flower in spring and summer be able to please the eye with its abundant flowering. Geranium is one of these plants. But how to properly organize the care of geraniums in winter? How to properly prune a plant before wintering? You will find all this in our article.

We will pay attention not only to preparing the indoor flower for the cold season, but we will also dwell in more detail on what temperature regime and watering schedule should be followed to maintain the health and productivity of the plant.

Geranium care in winter

Geranium is an unpretentious plant, but in order for it to bloom in winter, it needs more thorough care. With the onset of autumn, many flowers need to be moved to a place protected from the cold. Geranium is one of these plants. It must be transferred so that it does not experience stress from sudden changes in temperature (Figure 1).

Note: Some varieties bloom almost all year round, so moving them indoors you need to create optimal conditions.

The main requirements for caring for geraniums in winter are:

  1. In cold weather, it is better to place it in a cool room. A south window is good.
  2. The plant will not disappear even with partial darkening, but then there will be no abundant flowering. Light day for culture should be 12 hours.
  3. In winter, the amount of watering is reduced, since low temperatures and strong moisture can provoke root rot. You should not dry the plant too much either - it will begin to wither, turn yellow, and shed its leaves.
  4. You need to feed the flower only once every one and a half months.
  5. Care in winter also involves constant pruning of branches. If this is not done, the flower will lose its decorative effect and become unattractive. By conducting timely and high-quality pruning of the crown, the geranium will become lush, and the flowering will be beautiful and long.

Figure 1. Under certain conditions, the plant will bloom in winter

Preparing geraniums for winter

The end of growth and the transition to a dormant state for plants occurs in September-October. For geraniums, the dormant period begins from November to February. At this time, the flower is kept in a cool room (8-10 degrees), carefully watered, preventing overflow (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Preparing a houseplant for winter

If the weather is sunny in September, then the flower has enough light to continue flowering. The longer the weather is warm outside, the more plant wastes nutrients, because of this they often need to be watered and fed. With the onset of cloudy and rainy days, flower pots are transferred to a cool place, watering is carried out moderately.

Note: in winter in warm rooms flowers grow strongly, forming light shoots, which are pruned in spring. In a cool place, it smoothly goes into a dormant state, slowing down its growth and economically consuming nutrients.

If your geranium was in the ground in the summer, then, with the onset of cold weather, it should be dug up, cut off one third of the roots and plant it in a small pot, and cut the bush itself. The flower pot must be placed in a dry, sunny place. Remember that the culture does not like a sudden change in microclimate, otherwise the leaves may turn yellow and dry. You need to moisten the soil as it dries.

How to care for geraniums in winter

In care, geraniums are not very demanding and can get along in almost any room. But with the advent of cold weather, her care will still change a little. With proper care, the plant will delight you with its flowering until January.

Traditional plant care measures include proper lighting (including artificial lighting), timely but moderate feeding, and ensuring optimal indoor temperature.


This is a very light-loving plant, so the southern window sill would be the best place to place it in winter. It is the most illuminated and the flower will grow and bloom well there. But you should be careful, as the constant influence of ultraviolet radiation can lead to severe burns that will cause the death of the flower (Figure 3).

Figure 3 The best place for a flower - a south-facing window

Daylight hours should be at least 12 hours. If a flower is left in a shaded area, there is a chance that its leaves will not develop and remain small. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to organize additional lighting for the plant. This can be done with a special lamp placed at a height of 10 cm from the top of the plant. As a rule, phytolamps are used for this purpose, but it can also be successfully replaced with an ordinary fluorescent lamp or a fluorescent lamp.


In the form of top dressing, mineral fertilizers are used, such as potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper. Fertilize twice a month. If you use complex, then it should contain minimal amount nitrogen. It causes excessive leaf growth and stops flowering.

Figure 4. In the cold season, watering and fertilizing should be moderate.

It is not recommended to feed the flower if the room is very hot, this can be a big stress for him (Figure 4). Before applying top dressing, fertilizer should be watered so as not to burn the root system. Remember that this culture does not like fresh fertilizer in the form of manure, manure or compost, so you do not need to fill the flower with them.


The air temperature in the room during the cold season drops slightly, so you need to create comfortable conditions for the flower, where the temperature will not fall below +12 degrees. Often, such extreme marks do not reach. You need to measure the air temperature not in the room, but on the windowsill where the flower pot is located. But if the room is not warm enough, there is a chance that the plant will freeze and shed all the foliage. The culture also reacts poorly to dry air, this happens when there is a heating battery under the windowsill where the plant stands (Figure 5).

Figure 5. The flower must be protected from too dry air

Given these requirements, you will have to take care of providing an additional temperature regime. For example, so that the roots of the plant do not freeze on the windowsill, it is advisable to place the pots on a sheet of foam, which will provide optimal thermal insulation. If the air in the room is too dry, you can install a stationary humidifier or simply place any container with clean water. Evaporating, it will increase the humidity in the room to the optimum level.

How to cut geraniums for the winter at home

The dormant period of the plant begins in the fall and the main thing to do is to prune it. In the future, this will serve as the foundation for future inflorescences. Subject to the following conditions, but without pruning the flower, one cannot talk about beautiful and lush inflorescences in the future (Figure 6).

The pruning sequence is as follows:

  1. At the end of September, all flower stalks and flowering ones are also cut off: this procedure will allow you to save your nutrients for the winter.
  2. Pinch off yellowed or wilted leaves: it is recommended to pinch off, and not cut with scissors. After the scissors, real protruding roots remain, which in the future can begin to rot and lead to diseases or even death of the plant.
  3. To get a dense flowering, in September the flower is cut off before the branching or slightly higher (3-5 centimeters) of the node. The cut top can be rooted as a propagating cutting.

Figure 6. The main types of trimming: pinching and shortening

The plant is pruned until it loses its lush appearance. Do not worry that the culture will lose its attractive appearance: such a radical pruning will help save nutrients and give the culture the opportunity to grow young lush shoots.

If your flower is still young, then they only pinch it, adhering to the following rules:

  1. Young plants begin to pinch when their height reaches 5-6 centimeters.
  2. The next pinching is carried out when the plant has grown another 5 centimeters.
  3. To give the flower a spherical shape, it is pinched a third time in a similar pattern.

Pruning of plants can be carried out both in autumn and in spring, depending on the variety. For example, zonal ones grow, and if the branching is not very long, they can not be cut off, and it is better not to touch small plants at all until spring.

For variegated varieties, pruning is a big stress, so pruning is best done in the spring. Ampel varieties are pruned when they grow strongly.

Yellowed leaves and flowers must be removed constantly, regardless of the variety, but cutting the stem is individual for each variety. For small flowers, pruning is not so important, but for larger plants, it is of great importance.

Reproduction of geraniums in winter

The easiest and easiest way to breed geraniums is to propagate by cuttings. To do this, in a strong plant, you need to cut off the top with two or three leaves, roll the cut in activated carbon powder, then plant it in the ground (Figure 7).

Note: The soil before planting must first be shed with boiling water, then with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. This is done to neutralize the soil.

In addition, the cutting can be placed in a container of water until the roots appear. Then transplant into the ground. You can also propagate a houseplant by dividing the bush during transplantation. To do this, remove the plant from the pot and divide into parts. After that, each part must be planted in separate containers. It is important to ensure that all parts of the root system are intact. As a rule, propagation of geraniums by division is used if the plant has grown too large and does not fit in a pot, or the owner suspects that the root system of the culture is affected by bacteria or fungus.

Figure 7. Stages of plant propagation at home

The most time-consuming is the process of plant propagation by seeds. According to experienced flower growers, geraniums grown from seeds bloom better and more beautifully than those propagated by cuttings. Sowing seeds is carried out in January-February. To do this, seeds are laid out in small cups with moist disinfected soil and sprinkled with earth. The top of the cups is covered with a film or glass. Watered by drip so as not to flood the seeds.

The first shoots can be seen already after 1.5-2 weeks, while the temperature should be 20-24 degrees. When young seedlings appear, the shelter can be removed. When two leaves appear, the seedlings dive and leave to grow. After 7-8 weeks, the plants are transplanted into pots.

Proper handling of geraniums during their dormant period will make it possible to get beautiful flowering in the summer. And even novice growers can follow these rules of care. If you need more detailed information about caring for geraniums in winter, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows in detail the features of this process.

Geranium is a marvelous indoor plant that has a lot of advantages and has not only luxurious and colorful flowers, but also a mass healing properties and qualities.

It can be both a garden plant and indoor flower decorating the windowsill and home interior.

Geranium has a lot of varieties and a sufficient number of varieties so that any grower, and just a lover and connoisseur of beauty, can create the right one for himself. flower arrangement.

Geranium will find a worthy place for itself on the windowsill among other flowers and protect them from the possible invasion of indoor flower pests - which literally cannot tolerate this plant and are afraid of it.

Features of growing geraniums

Geranium is unpretentious and will not require any special conditions for growing and caring for it from its owner. But still, there are some features and rules for breeding and keeping this plant.

Geraniums require proper watering, adequate lighting and warmth for good flowering. In winter, geraniums can be kept in the house, and closer to summer they can be planted in open ground in a garden or vegetable garden.

This flower can be grown both from seeds and cuttings. The plant easily perceives the bright rays of the sun, so that in hot weather it can only be slightly darkened.

The key to successful geranium cultivation is proper soil drainage, as well as the selection of medium-humid and slightly acidic saturated soil.

It is also necessary to feed and fertilize geraniums, especially if it grows in pots.

Geraniums need to be watered, but moderately, and during the growth period, weed the soil of the plant from weeds.

Geraniums need to be cut on time and correctly, otherwise it may die, especially in winter.

Geranium: home care - reproduction

Geranium propagation can be carried out in two ways - cuttings and reproduction of seed planting material.

cuttings- the most popular and uncomplicated way of propagating geraniums, which has been used by flower growers since ancient times. There are almost no failures here.

1st cutting method.

Cuttings are cut from the mother plant at the end of the summer season, well, or at the beginning of autumn. The stalk is removed from the very top of the plant, while at least 4 leaves must remain on the stalk. After this procedure, the stalk can be placed in a container with some water and wait for the roots to form. After the appearance of the root system, the plant must be planted in a pot with soil prepared in advance for this.

2nd cutting method.

The stalk, as described above, is cut from the plant and then placed in the shade until it wilts. Then the cutting is dipped in a stimulant called "Kornevin" or juice taken from aloe, then in charcoal powder, and at the end of the whole process it is planted in a prepared pot.

At the same time, it is important for cuttings to properly prepare the soil - garden soil or greenhouse soil mixed with sand in a ratio of 1/1.

Therefore, in both cases, you need to show a little care and attention, and your pet will delight you with luxurious abundant flowering and radiant health.

seed method of reproduction- this is not such a popular way to reproduce planting material, such as, for example, geranium cuttings. But for breeding new varieties of geraniums, this method is the most acceptable method, all the more so if a grower or just a lover wants to experiment and get seedlings from a certain variety of seeds that are different from the original material - in color, shape and dimensions.

In general, in order to avoid any failures associated with growing geraniums from seed planting material, it is necessary to start planting geranium seeds and experimenting with inexpensive varieties of this plant.

The soil for planting geranium seeds should be well loosened and, in addition, the main soil should consist of sand and humus. At first spring period you can start sowing.

Before you start planting seeds, the soil under the geranium must be well shed with a solution of manganese (to protect the plant from a disease such as black leg). After the seeds need to be poured into the ground with some kind of container and lightly sprinkled with a layer of soil, but so that they are not visually detected on the surface.

Then, for the planted seeds, it is advisable to create a kind of greenhouse in the form of a film, with which they will be covered, and then remove the planted material in a warm place.

Geranium: home care - soil, lighting, conditions for flowering

The soil

Geranium soil should be rich and nutritious, but not light. It is advisable to add a little clay base to the soil, as well as sand.

For independent mixing of the components, it is necessary to take part of the humus (leaf or sod), the same amount of peat, sand and the same amount of clay soil from the river bank.

Such a soil holds moisture quite well, and therefore the soil does not lend itself to acidification. In addition, it is recommended to loosen the soil under the geranium regularly for better health of the flower.


In the summer, when the daylight hours are long and saturated with the rays of the sun, the geranium, located on the windowsill, feels great from any side of the room.

However, the best location for geraniums is still considered to be the south side, near the window, on some kind of flower stand, because it is this plant that is most directly related to photophilous specimens of flowers, which even on hot days cannot bring any direct rays of the sun. or harm.

But, despite all of the above, on hot days, you need to protect the geranium from the sun's rays with the help of papyrus paper in order to avoid the appearance of burn spots on the plant.

The room where the geranium grows needs to be ventilated, but without creating drafts. And in order for the geranium to grow strong, fragrant and delight the eye with its luxurious and bright colors, it must be protected from being kept in the shade and taken out into fresh air as often as possible and sunlight.

Conditions for flowering

In order for geranium to delight its household with the beauty of its flowers all year round, it is necessary to create favorable conditions and proper care.

The abundance of flowers in the summer will directly depend on how the plant spent its wintering.

Geraniums just need to spend the winter somewhere in cool places as far as possible from fireplaces and heaters, with temperature regime no higher than 13 degrees. At this time, the plant absolutely does not need top dressing and abundant watering.

Subject to all the rules of wintering, not only will the plant not get sick with any diseases, but from spring until late autumn it will delight everyone with the abundance of its flowers and their beauty.

You also need to remember and know the fact that geraniums really need to break off faded inflorescences. And if everything is done correctly, then this plant will extend the flowering period from May until October.


For this process, you must use a knife with a sharp and long blade. They need to cut off the withered and yellowed leaves so that the petiole remains on the geranium. You need to start cutting geraniums, leaving shoots with several knots in the fall. All places of cuts must be lubricated with pre-pounded activated charcoal.

But when cutting a geranium, one must take into account the factor that after such a painful operation for the plant, it will not bloom soon. So you need to be patient and continue caring for your favorite plant.

Geranium: home care - feeding and watering


The main requirement that must be observed when caring for geraniums is regular watering. You don't have to worry too much about air humidity or spraying the plant; you don't need this geranium. It will even be better if spraying is carried out only on neighboring flowers and plants, in which case you can easily avoid such a nuisance as water getting on geranium leaves.

But it is also not necessary to fill the geranium, as this can provoke the appearance of mold and lead to decay of the root system, especially in winter.

It is necessary to be aware that with a constant lack of water, the flowering of the plant will be weak, and the flowers will be crushed.

So a prerequisite for proper care of geraniums is drainage at the bottom of the flower pot and moderately moist soil.

top dressing

Geraniums will feel great and bloom constantly if they are fertilized once every 30 days in autumn and winter and twice a month in summer and spring.

Phosphorus top dressing favors the abundant and long flowering of geraniums. Before you start fertilizing a flower, you need to water it well so that top dressing does not burn the geranium root system.

It is also useful to make such top dressings that have nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus components in equal proportions.

And also in the composition of these top dressings, various trace elements necessary for the good life of the flower must be included without fail.

Geranium: home care - why is she dying?

Proper care for geraniums guarantees her a life without diseases and life problems. However, all the same, troubles in the form of diseases of leaves, flowers and the root system can arise, and you need to be prepared for such a turn of events.

The main reasons for the death of geraniums are - lack of sunlight, excessive humidity, excessive watering and, as a result, the appearance of fungal diseases, such as:

Gray rot - formed on the leaves of a plant in the form of a cobweb or plaque, manifested on the stem by a dark substrate.

leaf rust- appearing in the form of damage to the leaf plate with yellow spots of small dimensions.

powdery mildew- enveloping the stalks and leaves of geraniums with a powdery coating.

Also a dangerous phenomenon that can destroy the root system of geraniums is nematode damage, which manifests itself in the form of nodes on the roots of the plant.

Another geranium can be attacked by such pests, leading to the possible death of the plant, such as:

Aphids, due to which geranium leaves wither and small spots appear on them. Below, on the leaf plate, insects of a gray-green color are announced, which multiply rapidly and draw all the juices from the geranium leaves.

The whitefly is also a very dangerous pest that feeds on the juices of the plant and gradually, if not taken care of, leads to the death of the plant.

These and other pests can be destroyed by spraying the plant by special means, harmless to the geranium itself.