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Do-it-yourself rocket stoves. Making a rocket furnace with your own hands Do-it-yourself rocket furnaces for continuous combustion

Drawings and videos of the rocket furnace required for DIY installation

Do-it-yourself jet furnace: diagram, drawings, step-by-step instructions for making a rocket furnace and more + video

The jet stove or rocket stove came about as a result of a departure from the tradition of building space heating equipment. It is considered an economical heat generator, the design of which is elementary. Therefore, many are thinking about building a jet furnace with their own hands.

Description, advantages and disadvantages of the rocket oven

A heat generator for heating the air in a room is called a rocket stove or a jet stove, because during operation, in case of excessive air intake, it makes special sounds. This noise can be mistaken for the roar of a jet engine. In normal mode, the equipment operates with a barely audible rustling sound.

The rocket stove serves as a home heating and cooking device. It takes about 6 hours to burn one batch of firewood in such equipment, more than in a standard metal stove. The reason for this is the creation of a heat generator based on a furnace with upper combustion.

The flame from the jet furnace can escape

The advantages of the rocket oven include:

  • independence from fuel energy;
  • simplicity of design, consisting of affordable parts, connected in a matter of minutes;
  • the ability to produce a lot of heat, despite the quality of the loaded fuel.

The jet furnace also has some disadvantages:

  • manual control, which implies constant monitoring of equipment operation;
  • danger of getting burned, because the walls of the equipment become extremely hot;
  • inexpediency of use in the bath, because it will not be possible to warm it up.


A unit that emits a rocket hum during operation happens:

  • portable (a unit of metal pipes, buckets or a gas cylinder); Portable rocket furnaces are mass-produced by the industry
  • stationary (created from fireclay bricks and metal containers); Such an assembly is more difficult to build than a metal furnace
  • equipment for heating air with a stove bench. The stove bench is equipped with back wall ovens

Portable structures are made in large batches, because they are used for hiking. The basis of these heat generators is a pipe made up of several segments.

True, such structures, unlike units based on fireclay bricks, are not reliable. The walls of refractory blocks increase the heat transfer of the jet furnace.

If desired, you can add a couch in the form of a sofa or bed, decorated with clay or sawdust.

Details and operation of a jet heat generator

An elementary rocket furnace is a device of two pipe fragments connected by a branch at an angle of 90 degrees.

The combustion chamber in this heat generator is usually a zone in the horizontal part of the structure.

But sometimes the fuel is placed in the vertical section of the apparatus, for which the rocket furnace is constructed from two pipes of different lengths, mounted vertically and connected by a common horizontal channel.

Primary and secondary air passes through the furnace

The functioning of the jet furnace is based on two actions: the unhindered passage of wood gases through the pipe and the afterburning of gases produced during the combustion of fuel.

Wood chips and firewood are placed in the furnace of this heat generator after a highly flammable material like paper has ignited there. A container with water or other contents is placed on the open section of the pipe.

At the same time, a small space is left between the structure and the installed tank, which is necessary to create traction.

The processes occurring inside a stationary jet furnace resemble the operation of pyrolysis heating units.

Calculation of parameters (tables)

The volume of the furnace should be determined with skill, because it is he who affects the power and amount of heat generated by heating equipment.

When calculating the dimensions of reactive heating equipment, an indicator of the inner diameter of the drum D is used, the value of which can vary within 300–600 mm. You also need to know the cross-sectional area of ​​the drum.

To determine this indicator of a rocket furnace, use the formula: S = 3.14 * D2 / 4.

The main dimensions of the jet furnace are presented in the table:

Particular importance is attached to the length of the flue with a stove bench. The maximum allowable indicators are shown in the table:

The volume of the secondary ash chamber is also an important indicator, depending on the volume of the drum and the primary chimney.

Building materials for the construction of a non-standard furnace

The production of jet heating equipment will require the presence of:

  • barrels with a volume of 200 liters and a diameter of 0.6 meters, an empty cylinder from under liquefied gas or buckets of tin to build a furnace drum;
  • square or round steel pipes 2-3 mm thick, which are needed to create a blower, a combustion chamber and a primary chimney;
  • fireclay crushed stone and furnace clay as heat-insulating materials;
  • adobe, which serves as an outer coating layer;
  • fireclay bricks;
  • sand from the bottom of the river;
  • pieces of sheets of zinc-coated steel or aluminum for the manufacture of covers and doors;
  • asbestos or basalt cardboard, which performs the tasks of a sealant.

Of the tools for the construction of a rocket furnace, you will need a welding machine. And if you plan to make heating equipment out of bricks, you will have to take:

  • Master OK;
  • mortar blade;
  • pick hammer;
  • stitching;
  • an acute-angled sledgehammer;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • roulette.

Preparing for the assembly of heating equipment

When choosing a place for a rocket furnace, they are guided by some rules:

  • reactive heating equipment is placed only in a room with an area of ​​at least 16 m²;
  • without floorboards under the oven, equipment installation will be easier;
  • above the structure that gives heat, it is forbidden to place wooden beams;
  • if it is understood that the chimney will go through the ceilings, then the heating equipment is placed in the middle of the house;
  • the heat generator cannot be installed near the outer contour of the house, otherwise the room will lose heated air;
  • the jet device must not be placed near the walls and partitions of their wooden materials.

To make it convenient to put fuel in jet heating equipment, it is more reasonable to put it with the front side opposite the entrance. It is important to leave at least a meter of unoccupied space around the rocket stove.

In a small house, builders are advised to allocate a place in the corner for the stove. In this case, the firebox should be directed in one direction, and the stove bench (if it is made) in the other.

The stove stands on a special platform that protects the floor from high temperatures.

Having found a suitable site for a rocket furnace, they begin to prepare it for construction work. If boards are laid on the floor in the house, then in the place where the equipment will be installed, they will need to be removed. A hole is dug under the open floor, the bottom of which must be pressed.

Before construction work, a special mortar should be mixed. It consists of sand and clay combined in a ratio of 1:1. Water will be needed so much that the building materials acquire the consistency of sour cream, that is, ¼ of the amount of dry ingredients.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for making

If it is planned to make a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder, then you can not be afraid of difficulties. The steps to create equipment from such building materials are quite simple:

  1. from a cylinder with a volume of 50 liters, the upper part is cut off in order to build a kind of cap;

    The balloon is cut at the top and bottom

  2. focusing on the instructions in the drawing, all parts of the product are welded to each other, that is gas bottle, a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm (future chimney), a pipe with a diameter of 7 cm (internal channel) and another pipe with a diameter of 15 cm (firebox);

    Dimensions are in mm

  3. the space between the two pipes is filled with a material that retains heat, for example, sand, which has been carefully calcined, that is, cleaned of organic substances;
  4. legs are welded to give stability to the structure.

To build a rocket stove with a stove bench, which involves the use of bricks, you need to act differently:

  1. The area for arranging the firebox is deepened by removing 10 cm of soil. The combustion chamber is formed from fireclay bricks. A formwork is created along the contour of the manufactured structure. To make the foundation strong, it is recommended to lay in it reinforcing mesh or metal rods;

    The platform will harden in about two days

  2. The structure is poured with liquid concrete. Then they wait for the solution to harden, and finish the job. Bricks are laid in a continuous line, creating a platform for the furnace. After that, the walls of the structure are formed, exposing several rows of brick blocks;
  3. They equip the lower channel of the structure, while one line of bricks is laid across to block the combustion chamber. The blocks are placed, leaving the vertical channel and the opening of the firebox open;

    Two sectors of the furnace at this stage of construction must be open

  4. They find a body from an old boiler and cut off the top and bottom covers on it. At the bottom of the resulting pipe, a flange is installed through which a horizontal heat exchanger will pass. Parts need to be connected to each other with a continuous weld;

    Work requires diligence

  5. An outlet pipe is inserted into the barrel, after which they take a brush for metal and scrape rust from the walls of the container. The cleaned barrel is treated with a primer, and a little later - with paint that is resistant to high temperatures;
  6. The horizontal chimney is connected by welding to the side outlet - the future ash pan. To facilitate its cleaning, a sealed flange is mounted;
  7. Spread the flame tube of refractory bricks. At the same time, a channel with a height and width of 18 cm is formed inside the structure. While doing this, they constantly use building level, which allows you to control the verticality of the product;

    The height of the pipe is predetermined

  8. The flame tube is covered protective cover, and the resulting gaps are clogged with perlite. The lower area of ​​the vertical channel is sealed with wet clay, the function of which is to prevent spillage thermal insulation material on the floor;
  9. From the boiler, on which the top and bottom were cut off, a fuel tank is formed. A handle must be welded to it;
  10. To improve the appearance, the structure is treated with adobe putty, consisting of sawdust and raw clay. The first component of the composition serves in the same way as crushed stone in concrete, that is, it prevents cracking of the furnace walls. It is recommended to apply adobe putty on top of perlite backfill;
  11. They create the facade of the furnace, for which the furnace circuit is laid out of stone, bricks, adobe and sand. The wrong side of the structure is filled with crushed stone, and the front side is filled with adobe mixture, which makes the surface perfectly even;
  12. A casing made of a metal barrel is placed on the previously created base. The lower branch pipe of the tank is directed towards the bench. The bottom of the structure is treated with raw clay, which will ensure its tightness;
  13. A channel from a corrugated pipe is brought to the combustion chamber. It will serve as a link between the firebox and the atmosphere from the outside;

    At this stage, the oven looks almost finished.

  14. A test kindling of the furnace is carried out, looking at how the gases are removed from the horizontal chimney. After that, the heat exchanger pipes are connected to the lower branch pipe installed on the red brick platform;
  15. The furnace is supplemented with a pipe for removing smoke. The junction of the chimney and the heat generator is sealed with refractory coating and asbestos cord;
  16. Using clay and adobe, the couch is given the desired shape. Only the horizontal section of the structure is left unsealed, which will then be used during cooking.

    The furnace functions as a whole system

Design improvement

A stove bench with a flue inside is not the only option for upgrading a rocket furnace. The design can be improved with a water jacket connected to heating system in which water circulates. It is desirable to give this part of the structure the appearance of a coil, created from a copper pipe, twisting on the chimney.

This design provides even more warmth.

Another way to improve the jet furnace is associated with the organization of the flow of heated secondary air into the flame tube. This will increase the efficiency of the heat generator, but will lead to the deposition of a large amount of soot in the primary chimney. Therefore, it is better to make sure that the drum cover can be dismantled if necessary.

The subtleties of operating an unconventional furnace

The rocket furnace is heated by analogy with the upper combustion heat generator. It turns out that the kindling of equipment called a rocket must be carried out according to certain rules:

  • the main raw material for the furnace of the unit should be laid only after the structure has warmed up well, for which, first, sawdust or paper is placed and set on fire in the blowing sector;
  • they necessarily react to the muffling of the hum coming from the furnace - they put a large batch of fuel into the combustion chamber, which will ignite on its own from the red-hot residues of sawdust;
  • the process is closely monitored, that is, after laying firewood, the damper is fully opened, and after a while, when the equipment makes a hum, it is covered to produce a sound similar to rustling;
  • as necessary, the damper is covered more and more, otherwise the furnace will become filled with an excess volume of air, which will disrupt the pyrolysis inside the flame tube and lead to the creation of a strong hum.

Since the jet oven was originally designed for field use, its design is extremely simple. This allows you to cope with the manufacture of the unit by an ordinary home master. But, despite the apparent lightness, the rocket stove is supposed to be assembled, taking into account the correct ratio of parameters. Otherwise, the equipment will be unproductive.

  • Ksenia Zubkova
  • print

Source: //legkovmeste.ru/stroitelstvo-i-remont/otoplenie/reaktivnaya-pech-svoimi-rukami.html

Do-it-yourself rocket stove - instructions!

Unfortunately, in our country, almost no one knows about the rocket stove. Meanwhile, such a design is extremely useful in a number of cases due to the almost complete absence of soot during operation and the high combustion temperature.

Jet Furnace

rocket furnace

Today we will talk about how a do-it-yourself rocket stove is made.

Principle of operation

Hot gases instead of a chimney enter a special hood, where they burn out (hence the absence of soot). At the same time, the temperature rises even more, and the pressure, on the contrary, decreases. The cycle is constantly repeated and soon the furnace enters the combustion mode with maximum thrust (the strength of the latter depends on the design features and the quality of installation).

rocket furnace

The temperature in the bell can reach 1200ᵒС, as a result of which all waste is burned almost without residue, and the exhaust consists mainly of carbon dioxide and water vapor.

Note! Thanks to this, the chimney can be laid under the floor or through some kind of heating structure (couch, for example, or a bench). What's more, the hot hood can be used for water heating, cooking, fruit drying, etc.

Jet furnaces

The benefits include:

  • high efficiency;
  • lack of soot;
  • high temperature;
  • the possibility of using cones, damp branches, dry plant stems as fuel - at a temperature of 1200ᵒ almost everything burns;
  • low fuel consumption - about four times lower than in the standard design.

Types of rocket furnaces

There are several types of rocket (or jet, as they are also called) furnaces.

  1. Portable structures from tin containers (paint cans, buckets, etc.). Great helpers on the construction site or on a hike that can be made in just a few hours.
  2. Furnaces made of refractory bricks and metal barrels, intended for heating heat-intensive masses. They feature a horizontal chimney installed underground and an external riser to provide draft.
  3. Fully brick structures are used for air heating gender. They consist of several chimneys at once.

Note! Due to the complexity of the implementation of the third option, only the first two will be considered in this article.

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

In this case, work traditionally begins with the preparation of everything necessary.

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel, blueprint

Stage 1. Materials and equipment

For construction you will need:

  • fireclay brick;
  • steel barrel 200 l;
  • chimney pipe;
  • metal brush;
  • old barbeque;
  • fireproof paint;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • expanded clay;
  • fittings;
  • adobe;
  • perlite;
  • cement mortar;
  • trowel. Production of a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Stage 2. Preparation

Step 1. A pit is pulled out in the floor (if possible) with a depth of about 30-50 cm. This is necessary so that the level of the horizontal chimney does not rise much.

Step 2. The steel barrel will serve as a cap for the furnace. First, the barrel is fired and cleaned of soot with a metal brush, after which it is painted with refractory paint.

Note! The paint is applied only after the chimney outlet flange is installed.

Stage 3. Foundation

Step 1 Formwork is being prepared for the future foundation.

Step 2. In the place where the firebox will be, several bricks go deep into the ground.

Step 3. Steel reinforcement is laid on the bottom.

Step 4 Bricks are laid around the lower point of the combustion chamber according to the level.

Step 5. The base is poured with concrete mortar.

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Stage 4. Masonry

After the mortar has dried, you can proceed to laying the rocket furnace.

Note! To do this, you need to use only refractory clay.

Step 1. On the first tier, the masonry rises, leaving only a hole for the combustion chamber.

Step 2. At the second level, the lower channel of the furnace is formed.

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel

Step 3. On the third channel, it is covered with masonry in such a way that two holes are obtained - for the combustion chamber and the vertical channel.

Note! Bricks after laying can not be hewn - they still have to be hidden with adobe and expanded clay.

Step 4. Preparation for laying the vertical channel. In addition to the barrel itself, this will require an old water heater of about 150 liters.

A flange is built into the barrel for connecting the chimney. Here it is desirable to install a tee for cleaning the chimney.

Step 5. Using the "boot" method, the ascending part of the structure is placed. The internal section of this part should be approximately 18 cm.

Step 6. A cut of the water heater is put on the ascending part, and the voids between the walls are filled with perlite. The upper part of the perlite is sealed with chamotte clay.

Step 7. The base of the furnace is lined with bags filled with sand, the base of the casing is coated with clay. The voids between the bags and the body are filled with expanded clay, after which the base is finished with the same clay.

Step 8. The chimney is connected, an inverted steel barrel is put on the ascending part.

Step 9. A trial run of the furnace is carried out, after which the barrel is painted with fire-resistant paint.

Making a jet furnace from a brick and a metal barrel, a diagram

Stage 5. Chimney lining

Step 1. The chimney is lined with sandbags and covered with expanded clay.

Step 2. The construction is given the appropriate shape with the help of fireclay clay.

Note! The rocket furnace needs a lot of oxygen during operation, so it is recommended to run an air duct from the street.

It remains only to install the old barbecue in the neck of the firebox and close it with a lid. The seams are sealed with clay. Everything, the brick rocket oven is ready for operation.

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, diagram

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, foundation

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, masonry

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, masonry

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, masonry

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, masonry

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, masonry

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, masonry

Stove stove, built on the principle of a rocket stove, masonry

Making a camping garden stove

In this design, as in the one described above, the principle of operation is to isolate the fire and direct the thermal energy to the right place.

Stage 1. Preparing everything you need

To prepare a portable rocket stove you will need:

  • two tin containers of different diameters;
  • a couple of corners;
  • steel clamps ø10 cm;
  • stainless steel pipe for chimney;
  • small-sized crushed stone;
  • Bulgarian;
  • scissors for metal. Making a camping garden stove Making a camping garden stove Making a camp garden stove In the second bucket - the bottom of the rocket stove we cut a hole for the pipe We cut the metal into petals and bend inside the bucket Direct flow Direct flow We fill the bucket with small gravel We put on the second bucket-lid on the pipe of the rocket furnace From the wire we bend the burner for dishes From the wire we bend the burner for dishes We melt the rocket oven

Stage 2. Assembly of the structure

Step 1. A lid for the structure is made from a smaller bucket. To do this, a hole is made in it for the chimney (the cover is not removed). In this case, it is better to bend the “petals” inward - so the pipe will be more securely fixed.

The lower half of the bucket is cut off with a grinder.

Step 2. A hole is cut in the bottom of the other container for connecting the firebox. The tin is cut with scissors into "petals" and bent inward.

Step 3. The forward flow is assembled from a pipe and a pair of corners. Then the pipe is inserted into the bucket and connected there to the "petals" with a steel clamp. Everything, the forward flow of the rocket furnace is ready.

Step 4. The space between the forward flow and the walls of the bucket is covered with fine gravel. The latter will perform two functions in the design at once - thermal insulation and thermal accumulation.

Step 5. The second bucket (lid) is put on the jet furnace.

Step 6. The burner for dishes is bent from steel wire.

Note! Instead of a burner, you can install three bricks.

Step 7. It remains only to paint the structure with heat-resistant paint (preferably gray or black). For melting, the forward flow outlet will be used.

Mini jet oven

Mini jet oven

Mini jet oven

Mini jet oven

Mini jet oven

Mini jet oven

Mini jet oven

Reactive mini-oven, kindling

Rules for the operation of rocket furnaces

Rocket stoves, as well as other designs long burning, need to run on a warm pipe. And if this is not so important for the second version of the furnace, then for the first option a cold chimney will only lead to unnecessary burning of fuel. For this reason, the structure needs to be preheated - fired with sawdust, paper, etc.

It is also worth noting that the jet furnace is unable to self-adjust, so at first the blower opens completely, and is covered only after the structure starts to hum strongly. In the future, the supply of oxygen gradually decreases.

About the rocket stove in the bath

Jet wood stove with sun lounger

Many, probably, were interested in the question - is it possible to use a jet furnace in a bath? It would seem that it is possible, because it is quite easy to equip a heater on a tire.

In fact, such a design for a bath is not suitable. For light steam, you first need to warm up the walls, and only then, after a while, the air. For the latter, the furnace must be a source of convection and thermal radiation (IR). This is the problem - in a rocket furnace, convection is clearly distributed, and the design does not provide for losses due to thermal radiation at all.

Do-it-yourself rocket stove


Be that as it may, but today in the manufacture of rocket furnaces there is more intuition than real accurate calculations, therefore, this is an almost limitless field for creativity.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video instruction for the manufacture of a rocket furnace.

- Do-it-yourself jet oven

Source: //svoimi-rykami.ru/stroitelstvo-doma/pechi_i_mangaly/pech-raketa-svoimi-rukami.html

Do-it-yourself rocket stove made of long-burning bricks: drawing, instruction, photo

A rocket stove made of long-burning bricks, despite its simple design, can solve a number of problems for owners of summer cottages and private houses. These include not only the functions of heating and cooking, but also the creation original interior and comfort in the room.

Principle of operation

During the thermal decomposition of solid organic fuel, gaseous substances are released, which also decompose and turn into wood gas during combustion, which has a high level of heat transfer during combustion.

In conventional solid fuel stoves, wood gas goes into the pipe along with the gas, where it cools and settles on the walls in the form of soot. In the oven missile type due to the horizontal channel, gases move more slowly, do not have time to cool down, but burn out, giving off a large number of heat.

In models of jet heating devices of complex design, heated air and gas passes through a number of internal channels. Then they move to the upper part of the body, under the hob, where it burns out completely. For such a rocket, there is no need for additional blowing. The draft in them is created due to the chimney, and the longer its length, the more intense the upward flow.

Principle of operation

In this diagram, the principle of operation of a rocket stove with a stove bench

Advantages and disadvantages

Rocket long-burning furnaces have the following advantages:

  • high efficiency - not less than 85%;
  • high speed of heating the room - 50 m² will become warm in less than 1 hour;
  • the absence of soot - the exhaust during the combustion of fuel does not form soot, but is formed in the form of steam and carbon;
  • the ability to operate on any type of solid fuel;
  • low consumption - fuel consumption by a rocket stove is 4 - 5 times less than a conventional stove under equal conditions: burning time interval and heating temperature;
  • the possibility of arranging a warm bed;
  • the duration of heat retention in a well-heated structure without adding fuel - up to 12 hours.

There are many advantages to such a furnace, but there are also bad sides.

The disadvantages include:

  • manual method of controlling the heating device - fuel burns out quickly, and it is required to report it regularly;
  • the high heating temperature of some structural elements threatens to burn the owners in case of accidental contact;
  • the heating rate does not allow the use of a rocket oven for baths;
  • the aesthetic component of such a device is not for everyone and is not suitable for any interior;
  • danger of penetration carbon monoxide to living rooms.


Do-it-yourself building materials for the construction of a long-burning rocket furnace are selected depending on the calorific value of the fuel. For laying the main part of the body, a simple red oven brick is usually used. The firebox and the furnace bunker are lined with fireclay bricks.

If it is planned to use high-calorie fuel (for example, coal), then refractory bricks are used for the construction of almost all parts of the structure. The masonry elements are fastened with an aqueous solution of a mixture of sand and clay.

Regardless of the type of design for a long-burning rocket furnace, you will need to buy furnace fittings:

  • blew;
  • grates;
  • furnace doors;
  • intermediate cap;
  • chimney pipe.


To build a rocket-type furnace with your own hands, you need to prepare in advance a set of tools for work, which should consist of:

  • trowels for scooping up and distributing the solution. It is more convenient to work with a tool with a handle slightly shifted to the side;
  • picks or hammers - picks for hewing individual parts of bricks;
  • grinders with a diamond blade for sawing solid blocks into quarters and halves;
  • mallets with a rubber tip for leveling bricks in masonry;
  • twisted cord - moorings;
  • building level;
  • square and tape measure;
  • shovels.

You also need to stock up on two containers for preparing a solution, concrete and a metal mesh for sifting ingredients.

How to do it yourself?

Before you make a rocket furnace, you need to decide on the place of its installation, with the dimensions of the future design, and develop a diagram. The technology of masonry itself is quite simple, any novice builder can master it.

The simplest design of a rocket stove can be built from 20 bricks in a summer cottage and used to heat food brought from home.

Location selection

Before starting construction, the first step is to choose a place. Rocket-type brick ovens are recommended to be placed closer to front door. In this case, the ash after cleaning will not need to be carried through the entire room, which will positively affect the overall dust content of the room.

It is also desirable that there are no rafters located closer than 40 cm to the chimney at the exit point of the pipe. And yet, the stove should not be adjacent to the outer wall of the house so that expensive heat does not go to heat the street.

Solution preparation

Cement mortar under the influence of high temperatures quickly cracks, therefore, only a mortar consisting of clay and sand is used for laying brick heating devices.

Their proportions are determined experimentally, depending on the quality of the clay. Most often in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3, and the higher the fat content of the clay, the less it is added to the solution.

First, the clay must be soaked, filtered, and then sand is introduced. The resulting solution should have the consistency of thick sour cream. You can check the level of its viscosity in the following way:

  • place a wooden stick or trowel handle into the mixture;
  • remove the tool and shake well;
  • check the thickness of the adhering layer: if less than 2 mm add clay, more than 3 mm - sand.

The preparation of the mortar must be approached with all responsibility, since only a plastic mixture of the required density can fill all the irregularities of the bricks and ensure their strong adhesion.

Masonry rocket stove of 20 bricks

Ordering a rocket furnace for 20 bricks

An example of a brick rocket stove

Masonry rocket stove with stove bench

A brick rocket stove, even equipped with a bench, is small. The order shown in the figures (below) allows you to assemble the structure without using metal products. Only the doors will be iron. Subsequently, the body can be coated with clay to give it more rounded shapes.

row number Number of bricks, pcs. Description of masonry Drawing
1 62 Formation of the furnace base (click to enlarge)
2 44 The formation of the base of the channels for heating the couch along the entire structure. Fastening mortgages for mounting a cast-iron door
3 44 Repeating the contour of the second row
4 59 Complete channel coverage. The beginning of the formation of a vertical smoke channel and a furnace
5 60 The construction of the couch (click to enlarge)
6 17 Continuation of laying the smoke channel
7 18
8 14
9; 10 14 Smoke channel formation (click to enlarge)
11 13
12 11 The beginning of laying the chimney pipe. From here begins the channel through which the air from hob drop down to move to the couch
13 10 The end of the formation of the surface under hob. Laying asbestos gasket, which is covered with sheet steel. (click to enlarge)
14; 15 5 Closing the chimney channel and forming a low wall between the bench and the hob.

After completing the masonry work, the home-made rocket stove must be dried, carefully, by heating at low intensity. First, no more than 20% of the firewood norm is laid in the firebox, and the device is heated twice a day for 30-40 minutes.

According to this scheme, the stove is heated until its outer surface is cleared of damp spots. Drying, depending on the dimensions of the device, may take from three to eight days. During this time, the room should be well ventilated, especially in summer.

Accelerating drying can lead to cracking of the masonry, that is, the device will become unsuitable for further heating.

Ready view

You need to start a brick rocket stove only with a warm chimney. For a small device, this property is not so significant, and a larger stove for a cold pipe only uses firewood in vain.

Therefore, before loading the fuel rate after a long break in operation, the rocket stove must be heated with paper, dry shavings, straw, etc., placing them in a blower with the door open. When the hum in the stove lowers its tone or subsides, then you can load all the fuel into the furnace, it should ignite by itself from the already existing fire.

A rocket stove with a bed is not a fully self-regulating device for external conditions and fuel energy efficiency. Therefore, at the beginning of the furnace with a regular amount of fuel, the blower door is left in the open position. After the stove starts to hum strongly, it is covered to a position where the sound emitted is barely audible.

Only dry wood can be used to heat the stove, wet wood will not allow the stove to warm up to the desired temperature, which can lead to reverse draft.


The brick jet stove is becoming an increasingly popular heating appliance for small buildings both temporary and permanent residence. This is explained by the simplicity of execution, the cheapness of the material, the duration of autonomous operation and the high heat transfer of this design.

To date, many types of furnaces of a wide variety of designs have been invented. For most of them, the rule applies: the higher the characteristics of the unit, the more skill and experience is required from the craftsman who makes it. But as you know, there are no rules without exceptions. In this case, the destroyer of stereotypes is a rocket stove - a very thoughtful economical heat generator with a simple design that does not require any special skills from the performer. The latter circumstance explains the popularity of the "rocket". Our article will help the reader to understand what is the highlight of this miracle of technology, and teach how to make it with your own hands from improvised materials.

What is a rocket stove and why is it good?

The rocket stove or jet stove got its impressive names only for the characteristic sound that it makes when the operating mode is violated (excessive air supply to the furnace): it resembles the roar of a jet engine. That's it, it has nothing more to do with missiles. She works, if you don’t go into details, just like all her sisters: firewood burns in the firebox, smoke is thrown into the chimney. Normally, the oven makes a quiet rustling sound.

Option for arranging a jet furnace

Where do these mysterious sounds come from? Let's talk about everything in order. Here's what you need to know about the rocket stove:

  • By appointment, it is a heating and cooking.
  • "Rocket" can be equipped with such an important and necessary element as a couch. Other types of stoves with this option (Russian, bell-type) are much more bulky and complex.
  • Compared to conventional metal furnaces, the operating time on one fuel load has been slightly increased - from 4 to 6 hours. This is explained by the fact that this heat generator is based on a furnace with upper combustion. In addition, due to the presence of adobe plaster, the stove after the firebox gives off heat for another 12 hours.
  • The furnace was developed for operation in field conditions.
  • Design Benefits

  • Energy independence.
  • Simplicity of design: the most accessible parts and materials are used, if necessary, a simplified version of the rocket furnace can be assembled in 20 minutes.
  • The ability to work with sufficiently high performance on low-quality raw fuel: bark, wood chips, thin raw branches, etc.
  • The principle of operation of the rocket furnace provides the user with a certain freedom in choosing its design. In addition, the unit can be built in such a way that only a small part of it remains visible and, in terms of aesthetics, minimal damage to the interior of the room will be caused.

    As you can see, the jet furnace has something to brag about. But first of all, lovers of the furnace business are attracted by the combination of simplicity of design and good, although not the highest, characteristics when working on waste fuel. These very characteristics are the highlight of the "rocket". Let's try to understand how we managed to achieve such indicators.

    The efficiency of a solid fuel heat generator depends on many factors, but perhaps the most determining factor is the degree of afterburning of pyrolysis gases. They appear as a result of thermal decomposition of fossil fuels. From heating, it seems to evaporate - large hydrocarbon molecules decompose into small, forming combustible gaseous substances: hydrogen, methane, nitrogen, etc. This mixture is often called wood gas.

    Small Rocket Furnace

    Liquid fuel, such as waste oil, decomposes into wood gas almost immediately and it burns right there - in the furnace. But with wood fuel, the situation is different. The decomposition of solids into a volatile product suitable for combustion - wood gas - occurs in several stages, and the intermediate stages also have a gaseous form. That is, we have the following picture: first, some intermediate gas is released from the wood, and in order for it to turn into wood gas, that is, it decays even more, it is necessary to extend the exposure to high temperature.

    And the wetter the fuel is, the more “protracted” the process of complete decay becomes. But gases tend to evaporate: in a conventional furnace, the intermediate phase is mostly sucked out by draft into the chimney, where it cools down without having time to turn into wood gas. As a result, instead of high efficiency, we get carbon deposits from heavy hydrocarbon radicals.

    In a rocket furnace, on the contrary, all conditions are created for the final decay and afterburning of the released intermediate gases. In essence, a very simple technique was used: immediately behind the firebox there is a horizontal channel with good thermal insulation. The gases in it do not move as fast as in a vertical pipe, and a thick heat-insulating coat does not allow them to cool. Due to this, the process of decay and afterburning is carried out in a more complete manner.

    At first glance, this solution may seem primitive. But this simplicity is deceptive. Engineers and researchers had to tinker a lot with calculations in order to link the required thrust force with the optimal combustion regime and many other factors. Thus, the rocket furnace is a very finely tuned heat engineering system, in the reproduction of which it is very important to observe the correct ratio of the main parameters.

    If the manufacture and adjustment of the unit were performed correctly, the gases will move as expected, while emitting a slight rustle; in case of violation of the regime or incorrect assembly of the furnace, instead of a stable gas vortex, an unstable one is formed in the gas duct, with numerous local vortices, as a result of which a roaring rocket sound will be heard.


  • The jet furnace is manually operated, and the user has to constantly monitor and adjust it.
  • The surface of some elements is heated to high temperatures, so that if accidentally touched, the user may be burned.
  • The scope is somewhat limited. For example, a jet stove cannot be used in a bath, as it is not able to quickly warm up the room.
  • One more circumstance should be taken into account. It cannot be considered a disadvantage of the furnace; rather, it is an important feature. The fact is that the “rocket” was invented in the USA. And the citizens of this country, where any idea can bring good earnings, are not so willing to share their best practices, as was customary, for example, in the Soviet Union. In most drawings and diagrams that have become widespread, it is not displayed or distorted essential information. In addition, we simply do not have access to some of the materials used in it.

    As a result, home craftsmen, especially those who do not know the intricacies of furnace business and heat engineering, instead of a full-fledged jet furnace, often get some kind of device that absorbs fuel in huge volumes and is constantly overgrown with soot. Thus, complete information about the rocket furnace has not yet become public property, and overseas pictures should be treated with great caution.

    Here, for example, is our popular jet furnace scheme, which many are trying to use as a model.

    Drawing: how the oven works

    Drawing of a mobile furnace-rocket

    At first glance, everything seems clear, but in fact, much remains “behind the scenes”.

    For example, refractory clay is simply designated by the term Fire Clay - without specifying the grade. The mass ratio of perlite and vermiculite in the mixture from which the furnace body (in the diagram - Core) and the lining of the element called Riser are laid out is not indicated. Also, the diagram does not specify that the lining should consist of two parts with different functions - a heat insulator and a heat accumulator. Unaware of this, many users make the lining homogeneous, causing the performance of the furnace to drop significantly.

    Varieties of jet furnaces

    To date, there are only two types of furnaces of this type:

  • A full-fledged stationary heating and cooking rocket stove (it is also called a large one).
  • Small rocket stove: used for cooking during the warm season. Unlike the first option, it is portable and has an open firebox (it is supposed to be used on outdoors). It is very popular among tourists, as it has a compact size and at the same time is able to develop power up to 8 kW.
  • The device of a small furnace-rocket

    As already mentioned, the jet furnace is easy to manufacture, so we will consider a full-fledged option.

    Design and principle of operation

    The stove that we will try to make is shown in the figure.

    Rocket oven: frontal section

    As you can see, its combustion chamber (Fuel Magazine) is vertical and equipped with a tight-fitting lid (prevents excess air from being sucked in), like in a top-burning stove (the ash pan is designated by the term Primary Ash Pit). It was this unit that was taken as the basis. But the traditional top-burning heat generator works only on dry fuel, and the creators of the “rocket” wanted to teach it how to successfully digest wet fuel as well. For this, the following was done:

  • The optimal size of the blower (Air Intake) was selected, so that the amount of incoming air was sufficient for afterburning gases, but at the same time they did not cool down beyond measure. In this case, the principle of upper combustion provides a kind of self-regulation: if the fire flares up strongly, it becomes an obstacle to the incoming air.
  • A well-insulated horizontal channel was installed behind the firebox, called the Burn Tunnel or fire tube. To hide the purpose of this element, it was indicated on the diagram with a meaningless flame icon. Thermal insulation (Insulation) must have not only low thermal conductivity, but also low heat capacity - all thermal energy must remain in the gas stream. In the flame tube, the intermediate gas decomposes into wood (at the beginning of the section), which then burns out completely (at the end). In this case, the temperature in the pipe reaches 1000 degrees.
  • A vertical section was installed behind the flame tube, called the internal or primary chimney (Internal or Primary Vent). On the diagrams, secretive Americans often designate this element with the meaningless term Riser. In fact, the primary chimney is a continuation of the flame tube, but it was placed vertically to create an intermediate draft, and at the same time to reduce the horizontal part of the furnace. Like the flame tube, the primary chimney has a heat-insulating coating.
  • Note. It may seem to some of the readers familiar with the design of pyrolysis furnaces that it would be nice to supply secondary air to the base of the primary chimney. Indeed, the combustion of wood gas in this case would be more complete, and the efficiency of the furnace would be higher. But with such a solution, vortices are formed in the gas flow, as a result of which the toxic combustion products partially penetrate the room.

    A capacious heat accumulator capable of withstanding such a temperature is fireclay brick (can withstand up to 1600 degrees), but the furnace, as the reader remembers, was intended for field conditions, so a more affordable and inexpensive material was needed. The leader in this regard is adobe (indicated by the term Thermal Mass in the diagram), but for it temperature limit is 250 degrees. To cool the gases, a thin-walled steel drum (Steel Drum) was installed around the primary chimney, in which they expand. On the cover of this drum (Optional Cooking Surface) you can cook food - its temperature is about 400 degrees.

    To absorb even more heat, a horizontal chimney with a bench (Airtight Duct) was attached to the stove, and only then - an external chimney (Exhaust Vent). The latter was equipped with a view, which closes after heating: it will not allow the heat from the gas duct of the couch to evaporate into the street.

    So that the pipe inside the couch could be cleaned from time to time, a secondary ash chamber (Secondary Airtight Ash Pit) with a hermetically closing cleaning door was installed immediately behind the drum. The main part of the soot, due to the sharp expansion and cooling of gases, settles in it, therefore, cleaning the external chimney has to be done extremely rarely.

    Since the secondary ash chamber has to be opened no more than twice a year, more simple design- a cover on screws with a gasket made of asbestos or basalt cardboard.

    Furnace calculation

    Before talking about the dimensions of the furnace, we draw the reader's attention to important point. For all solid fuel heat generators, the square-cube law applies. Its essence can be explained with a simple example.

    Imagine a cube with a side of 1 m. Its volume is m 3, and its surface area is 6 m 2. The ratio of volume to surface area is 1:6.

    Let's increase the volume of the body by 8 times. It turned out a cube with a side of 2 m, the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is 24 m 2.

    Thus, the surface has increased only 4 times and now the ratio of volume to surface is 1:3. In furnaces, the amount of heat generated and its power depend on the volume, and heat transfer depends on the surface area. These parameters are interconnected, therefore, it is impossible to thoughtlessly scale one or another furnace scheme, adjusting it to the dimensions you need - the heat generator may even turn out to be inoperable.

    When calculating a rocket furnace, the inner diameter of the drum D is set, which, as mentioned above, can vary from 300 mm (15 kW furnace) to 600 mm (25 kW furnace). This "fork" is precisely due to the square-cube law. We will also use a derived value - the cross-sectional area of ​​the drum S: S = 3.14 * D^2 /4.

    Table: main parameters

    Table: Maximum permitted flue length with bed

    Table: secondary ash chamber volume

    Intermediate values ​​are calculated proportionally (interpolate).

    Materials and tools

    The furnace drum can be made from a standard barrel with a volume of 200 l and a diameter of 600 mm. The square-cube law allows you to reduce the diameter of the drum up to 50%, so for a small oven this element can be made from a domestic gas cylinder or tin buckets.

    The blower, firebox and primary chimney are made of round or shaped steel pipes. A significant wall thickness is not required - a couple of millimeters can be dispensed with - combustion in the furnace is weak. A chimney in a couch, through which gases follow in an already completely cooled form, can generally be made from metal corrugations.

    For thermal insulation (lining) of the furnace part, fireclay bricks (fireclay crushed stone) and furnace clay will be required.

    The outer coating layer (heat accumulator) will be made of adobe.

    This is what freshly made adobe looks like

    The thermal insulation of the primary chimney is made of light fireclay bricks (ShL grade) or river sand rich in alumina.

    Parts such as lids and doors can be made from galvanized steel or aluminium. Asbestos or basalt cardboard is used as a sealant.

    Preparatory work

    As part of the preparatory work, it is necessary to cut all the available rolled products into blanks of the required dimensions. If it is decided to use a gas cylinder as a blank for the cap, the welded upper part must be cut off from it.

    Preparing the gas cylinder for use as a cap

    Note! If gas remains in the cylinder, it may detonate during cutting. For safety reasons, such containers are cut only after filling with water.

    Note that in most cases, a rocket furnace is made from a cylinder. Such a unit is able to heat a room up to 50 m 2. The "rocket" from the barrel only in very rare cases has to be used at full capacity.

    From the barrel, if the oven is made from it, it is also necessary to cut off the upper part. Further, two openings located opposite each other are cut out in a barrel or in a cylinder, through one of which a flame tube will be started, passing into the primary chimney, and a gas duct with a stove bench will be connected to the second.

    Step-by-step instruction

    Here is an approximate procedure that should be followed in the manufacture of this furnace:

    Firebox manufacturing

    The firebox is made welded using a steel pipe or sheets. The firebox lid must be hermetically sealed. It should be made of a steel sheet, along the perimeter of which a strip of basalt cardboard is fixed with screws or rivets. For tighter closing, the lid can be equipped with a screw clamping mechanism.

    This is how the firebox and ash pan look in the simplest rocket stove

    The ash chamber (marked as Primary Ash Pit in the diagram) is separated from the main part of the furnace by a grate welded from a rod with a diameter of 8–10 mm. The grate should be installed on the shelves from the corner, which are welded to the inner walls.

    The door of the ash chamber must also be airtight. It is made of steel sheet, to which a steel strip is welded in two rows around the entire perimeter. An asbestos cord or basalt cardboard is placed in the groove between these strips.

    It remains to weld the flame tube to the firebox.

    primary chimney

  • A 90-degree bend and a small piece of pipe must be welded to the pipe that serves as the primary chimney, after which this L-shaped structure is placed inside the barrel or cylinder, that is, the future drum.
  • The outlet with a piece of pipe welded to it should be led out into one of the openings in the lower part of the drum so that the primary chimney is located strictly in the center. Recall that the upper cut of the pipe must be located at least 70 mm below the upper edge of the barrel (cylinder).
  • After centering the primary chimney, its horizontal shank, which was brought out into the opening in the drum, is welded to its edges with a continuous seam around the entire perimeter.
  • After that, the shank of the primary chimney is welded to the flame tube, and a tire is welded to the top of the drum.
  • A short piece of pipe should be welded to the second opening in the drum, which will play the role of a secondary ash pan. In it you need to perform a window for cleaning. Studs must be butt welded along its edges, to which the lid will be screwed (recall that we decided not to install the door in this place, since it is rarely necessary to open it).
  • A strip of basalt cardboard should be fixed around the perimeter of the lid with screws or rivets.
  • Chimney installation

    We weld the horizontal part of the chimney to the exit of the secondary ash pan, on which a stove bench will subsequently be arranged. If the gas duct is supposed to be made of metal corrugation, then first a short pipe must be welded to the ash pan, and already to it - attach the corrugation with a clamp.

    At the final stage, an external chimney is attached to the horizontal flue.

    Furnace lining

    The metal part of the furnace is ready, now it needs to be properly plastered with heat-insulating and heat-accumulating compounds.

    The lining of the furnace part (up to the primary chimney) should be carried out with a mixture of furnace clay and fireclay bricks, taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

    Primary chimney lining

    The materials used for lining the primary chimney - light fireclay bricks or river sand - are porous, therefore, in the open state, they will quickly become saturated with soot and lose thermal insulation properties. To prevent this, the lining on the primary chimney is protected with a thin-walled steel casing, and coated with kiln clay from the ends.

    In accordance with the square-cube law, the ratio of the volume and surface area of ​​the drum depends on its diameter, therefore, the lining of the primary chimney, depending on the size of the furnace, is made differently. Three options are shown in the figure.

    Primary chimney lining options

    If the lining is made with fireclay bricks, the cavities between its fragments must be filled with building sand. If river sand rich in alumina is used, one has to resort to more complex technology:

  • The sand is cleaned of large debris (careful preparation is not required).
  • A layer of small thickness is poured into the casing, it is rammed and moistened so that a crust forms.
  • The subsequent layers are poured in the same way. There should be 5 to 7 in total.
  • The sand lining is dried for one week, then its top is covered with kiln clay and the kiln manufacturing is continued.
  • The last step is to coat all parts of the oven with adobe. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • clay;
  • straw (14–16 kg per 1 m 3 of clay);
  • sand (in a small amount);
  • water.
  • The stated ratio of straw to clay is approximate. In some varieties of straw clay, more can be added, in others, on the contrary, its amount has to be reduced.

    Ways to improve the jet furnace

    Instead of a stove bench on the flue, you can build a water jacket that will be connected to the water heating system. This part can also be made in the form of a coil from a copper pipe wound around a chimney.

    Scheme of a rocket furnace with a water circuit

    Another way to improve is to organize the supply of heated secondary air to the flame tube.

    Drawing of a rocket stove from a cylinder with secondary air supply

    With this design, the efficiency of the furnace will be higher, but soot will be deposited more intensively in the primary chimney. To make it easy to remove, the drum cover must be made removable. Naturally, it must be equipped with a seal.

    An improved version of the balloon rocket furnace

    How to heat a rocket stove

    A rocket stove, like top burning heat generators, only works at high performance if its chimney is hot enough. Therefore, before loading the main fuel into the furnace, the unit must be warmed up well (unless, of course, there has been a long downtime and the furnace has had time to cool down). For this, any “fast” fuel is used, for example, sawdust, paper, straw, etc., which is placed in the blower.

    The fading of the hum or a change in its tone indicates that the stove is warm enough and the main fuel can be put into the furnace. It is not necessary to set it on fire - it will flare up from the coals left after the “fast” fuel burns out.

    Melt the furnace-rockets through the firebox

    A jet furnace cannot adjust to external conditions and fuel quality, like, for example, Bullerjan. The adjustment must be made by the user. After laying the main fuel, the blower damper must be fully opened, and as soon as the unit hums, it must be closed until a rustling sound appears.

    In the future, as the fuel burns, the damper has to be covered more and more, still achieving a quiet rustle. If you miss the right moment, an excess amount of air will begin to flow into the furnace and pyrolysis in the flame tube will stop due to the cooling of the intermediate gas mixture. At the same time, the stove will remind you of itself with a “rocket” rumble.

    Video: how to make a long-burning jet furnace with your own hands

    They tried to create a jet or rocket stove as simple as possible, and this only plays into the hands of a home craftsman. However, it is by no means possible to make this heat generator at random, as can be seen from our article - instead of a rocket, the master will receive an ordinary potbelly stove, very voracious and constantly overgrown with soot. It is important to observe all the above ratios of parameters and then you will get a productive rocket furnace with quite decent characteristics.

    Imagine the situation: to heat a room at home or cook food, you need to quickly build a simple wood-burning stove. Quality and fuel consumption are secondary. Suitable option- a homemade rocket stove made from improvised materials. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the heater device and the assembly process at home.

    Design and principle of operation

    The rocket stove shown in the diagram consists of the following main elements:

    • a bunker for laying firewood of a vertical or inclined design;
    • horizontal combustion chamber;
    • a pipe with a lining - an afterburner (the second common name is a riser);
    • a metal cap that plays the role of an air heat exchanger;
    • blew;
    • chimney channel.

    In operation, the stove uses 2 principles: the occurrence of natural draft inside the vertical section and the combustion of wood (pyrolysis) gases. The first is implemented by heating the firebox and the waste products of combustion, tending to rise through the afterburner channel. The released pyrolysis gases burn out in it.

    Reference. The name rocket or jet furnace is associated precisely with the principle of operation - a powerful natural thrust arises in a vertical channel, causing intense combustion in the furnace and heat release.

    The algorithm for the operation of the stove is as follows:

    1. Firewood loaded into the bunker is ignited from below. Air supply is provided through the blower hatch.
    2. In the process of combustion, flue gases heat up the insulated walls of the afterburner and rush under the hood from thin metal, where they give off most of the heat to the air in the room.
    3. With a sufficient amount of secondary air, the pyrolysis gases have time to burn out inside the riser, releasing additional heat.
    4. The products of combustion are discharged directly into the chimney or are first sent to the chimney stacks.

    Variants of portable stoves "Robinson"

    In a simplified camping version, the stove is made without a cap and insulation. Accordingly, the secondary gases do not burn out completely, because they have time to fly out into the pipe. A small-sized portable heater, called "Robinson", is designed for fast food food on fuel of any quality and degree of humidity.

    Element size requirements

    The main heat exchange element of the rocket stove is a metal cap, the intensity of heating a room in a house depends on its size. In fixed brick constructions, a 200 liter barrel with a diameter of 60 cm is usually used. Portable versions are made from standard Ø300 mm gas cylinders.

    Scheme of a rocket heater with a bench

    Accordingly, the remaining dimensions dance from the dimensions of the barrel - the diameter and cross-sectional area:

    • the height of the cap is provided 1.5-2 times the diameter;
    • cross-sectional area of ​​the afterburner is 5-6.5% of the barrel diameter;
    • the length of the riser is made such that a minimum gap of 7 cm remains between the upper cut of the pipe and the cover;
    • the internal size of the firebox is equal to the cross section of the afterburner, the blower channel is half as much;
    • the diameter of the chimney is 1.5-2 times the cross section of the afterburner, the height is at least 4 m.

    To make it easier for you to calculate the diameters of pipes and linings, we present a drawing for various options rocket furnaces - from a cylinder, barrels and old buckets (the riser is made of a round or profile pipe).

    We make a furnace - a rocket

    The easiest way to make a light camping stove shown in the drawing is to find in household the following materials:

    • round steel pipe with a diameter of 133-150 mm and a length of 0.5 m;
    • pipe profile section 14 x 20 cm, length 0.4 m;
    • metal sheet 2-3 mm thick for grate;
    • bar Ø8-10 mm for legs;
    • scraps of iron on a stand.

    The vertical round pipe is welded to the profile pipe at an angle of 45 °, then eyelets for the legs are attached to the body (they should be easily removed). A grate is placed inside the inclined firebox, a lid is attached outside. For the convenience of cleaning the ash below, it is desirable to install a second door.

    Advice. Be sure to weld a stand to the upper cut of the fire channel - gases must penetrate between the bottom of the dish and the body, otherwise there will be no “rocket” thrust.

    Drawing of an improved version of a portable furnace

    The design of the furnace can be improved by organizing the supply of secondary air inside the flame tube. Modernization will increase the efficiency and duration of burning firewood. Drill holes on the sides on both sides, covering them with rocket "nozzles" according to the drawing. How this stove works is shown in the video:

    From a gas bottle

    The following materials will be used to make a furnace - rockets with their own hands:

    • round pipes with cross-sectional dimensions of 70 and 150 mm; with a wall thickness of 4 mm;
    • square corrugated pipe 150-200 mm in diameter;
    • chimney pipe Ø10-15 cm;
    • low-carbon steel (grade St20) sheet;
    • dense basalt wool (80-120 kg / m3) or loose fire-resistant materials, for example, vermiculite or perlite gravel.

    To begin with, cut the rolled metal into blanks in accordance with the drawing. Then you need to saw off the lid of the propane cylinder, after unscrewing the valve and filling the tank to the top with water. The tool is an ordinary grinder with a circle for metal.

    Further assembly technology is as follows:

    The master will tell you in detail about the manufacture of a rocket stove from a cylinder in a video:

    from brick

    The simplest rocket stove for cooking can be built from bricks without the use of mortar, as shown in the diagram with orders. Such a structure is easy to disassemble and move if necessary.

    A rocket stove with a bench should be placed on a foundation made of concrete or rubble stone. Material - ceramic or refractory bricks, sand-clay or fireclay mortar, respectively. The finished base is covered with roofing material for the purpose of waterproofing, then a solid first row of bricks is laid. The further order of work looks like this:

    Important. The construction is carried out in compliance with the rules of oven masonry, painted.

    The length of the smoke channels inside the couch is limited by the draft in the rocket furnace and the external chimney. It is better to keep the total length of the flues within 4 m. To prevent the heater from smoking back into the room, raise the top of the chimney to a height of 5 m, counting from the grate. How to build brick oven- a rocket without a barrel, see the video:

    In conclusion - the pros and cons of the stove

    Such structures are really made quickly, and the performer does not have to be highly qualified. The first and main plus of rocket-type furnaces is simplicity and undemanding to materials. In addition, they perceive a variety of fuels well - raw firewood, branches, brushwood, and so on.

    Now for the negatives:

    For the above reasons, a rocket heater is extremely inconvenient for a garage where you need to heat the room quite quickly. But the hiking option is indispensable in nature at any time of the year.

    Structural engineer with over 8 years experience in construction.
    Graduated from East Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dal with a degree in Electronic Industry Equipment in 2011.

    Related posts:

    In order for the jet furnace to work efficiently, the following rules must be observed during the installation of the structure:

    1. The chimney must be at least twice as long as the horizontal or sloped section.
    2. The fuel compartment must be the same length as the horizontal section. Usually the firebox is installed at an angle of 45 °, although there are designs with an angle of 90 °. But they are less convenient in terms of fuel loading.
    3. The cross section of the chimney should not be smaller than the fuel compartment itself.


    Robinson factory camping stoves are made from a profile pipe with a cross section of 150 × 100 mm. Homemade designs made the same size. In this case, the bunker is made of a profile pipe, and the chimney is made of a round one. In order for there to be normal draft, the chimney pipe must have a diameter not less than the cross section of the firebox.

    For such a fuel compartment, a chimney no longer than 90 cm is allowed. But such dimensions make the unit inconvenient for transportation, so it is better to limit yourself to a minimum of 60 cm.

    For the legs, a steel bar is taken. They are threaded, making the supports easy to install and remove. However, after repeated use of the jet stove, it is pretty smoky, so the process of screwing the legs is not very pleasant. However, other options are also common, where a steel sheet is used to make the stand or non-removable legs are installed. But this makes the design more overall and inconvenient during transportation.

    Robinson factory ovens there is no air supply to the combustion zone, and they do not have an adjustable cover that changes the air supply. This point can be corrected in homemade ovens. A plate is welded inside the fuel hopper, at the bottom of which there is a grate. Fuel is placed on the flat element. Air enters the combustion zone through the grate, and a damper can be installed at the top of the firebox, with which the air supply will be regulated. It is made somewhat smaller than the firebox and should not completely block the hole, otherwise the air will stop flowing into the compartment and the fire will die out.

    This design of the reactive furnace provides a number of advantages:

    • a small amount of solid fuel allows you to bring water to a boil in a short time, heat up food or cook simple dishes;
    • Robinson is not afraid of the wind, because the fire does not die out;
    • the jet furnace is easy to install;
    • the device does not smoke or smoke;
    • factory models are made of high-quality metal and covered with heat-resistant paint that can withstand high temperatures;
    • fuel does not burn out too quickly;
    • the device allows you to dry firewood;
    • the design is stable and easy to use;
    • the rocket oven heats up pretty quickly;
    • the maximum surface temperature reaches 900 °C;
    • thick steel (3.5 mm) ensures the durability of the device.

    The price of the factory model is approximately 5 thousand rubles. But you can save money by making such a unit with your own hands. This task is feasible if you have certain skills.

    Making a Robinson oven

    The simple design of the device allows you to make a rocket stove at home. The whole procedure will take only a few hours. Materials for work are easy to find, besides, they need a little. The do-it-yourself unit is compact in size and easy to use.

    The camping rocket stove is equipped with an important detail that greatly facilitates the maintenance of the unit. This metal plate with grating located at the bottom of the firebox. As a rule, it is made retractable, which allows you to remove the grate, put firewood on it and install it back. A similar plate also serves as a stand for long chips. In addition, with the grate removed, it is easier to clean the fuel compartment.

    To make a jet furnace with your own hands, you must use the following materials :

    • two square pipes 150 × 150 × 3 mm: one is 45 cm long, the second is 30 cm;
    • 4 steel strips 300×50×3 mm;
    • 2 steel strips 140×50×3 mm;
    • metal grate 300 × 140 mm (it can be made from a rod of the same material with a diameter of 3-5 mm and a length of 2.5 m).

    Manufacturing technology camp stove Robinson includes the following operations:

    Do-it-yourself Robinson factory model

    Making a rocket furnace similar to the one produced in factories is not a difficult task. There are not so many structural elements in this model:

    As for the dish rack, its configuration is not of fundamental importance for the operation of the device. Therefore, this element can be done in a different way. At the same time, it is important to observe the rule according to which the stand should not block the chimney opening, so as not to disturb the draft.

    In the model under consideration, 3 rings are cut in half and welded to a metal rod.

    A similar design is more complicated than the previous one in that the duct is rectangular in cross section, and the chimney is round. Therefore, it is important to correctly perform operations to connect two parts into one device. Generally production technology is as follows:

    1. It all starts with the manufacture of a plate with a grate that will divide the bunker into two parts. To do this, pieces of reinforcement are welded to a flat element in increments of 10 mm.
    2. The resulting part must be welded to the rear and side walls of the hopper. The distance from the lower edge to the grating plate should be 30-35 mm. The part must be attached with a welding machine parallel to the bottom edge.
    3. Then you need to carefully weld the joints of the walls together.
    4. The bottom is attached to the resulting structure, and nuts are attached to it.
    5. The top plate is welded to the back and side walls.
    6. A cut is marked on the pipe at an angle of 30 °. The unnecessary part is cut off.
    7. The end, which has acquired the shape of an oval, must be attached to the upper section of the bunker. In this case, the pipe is placed in the lowest part of the upper plate and equidistant from the side walls. This element is circled with a marker, a hole is cut out according to the markup. To do this, you can use a welding machine or a device for cutting metal.
    8. Then a pipe must be attached to the resulting hole. A stand is installed on top of it, and the legs are screwed into the nuts. Now the rocket oven can be tested. After that, it is covered with heat-resistant paint.

    Production of a modernized Robinson furnace

    The model described in the previous section can be improved with a door that is installed on the fuel tank. But if you make a hinged sash, it will simply lean up, which will not allow you to adjust the traction. Such a part can only be in the “closed” or “open” position. It will be much more efficient to use a damper that moves vertically or horizontally. To install it, small corners of 10 × 10 mm or 15 × 15 mm must be welded on the bunker.

    In addition, the following options for upgrading the furnace are noted:

    • the fuel bunker can be made of thicker steel, for example 5 mm;
    • replace the round chimney with a square one;
    • use a different design for the stand: as an option, take corners, balls or other elements that are at hand;
    • change the stand for a camping stove-rocket, for which a metal plate and a piece of reinforcement for making a leg can be used.

    To make an upgraded oven, you will need the following materials:

    1. Square pipe with a section of 160 × 160 mm and a length of 400 mm. A firebox will be made from it.
    2. Square pipe with a section of 120 × 120 mm and a length of 600 mm. It is needed to make a chimney.
    3. A five-millimeter sheet of steel and a piece of reinforcement with a diameter of 7-8 mm. Of these, an element will be made that separates the fuel compartment and the blower channel. The size of the part should be 300 × 155 mm.
    4. Steel sheet 350×180 mm. Such material is necessary for the manufacture of the oven stand.
    5. Steel sheet 160×100 mm in size.

    The production technology of this model of a camping stove does not fundamentally differ from the creation of similar structures:

    1. A metal plate with a grate must be welded to the walls of the bunker.
    2. Then the back of the tank is attached, and the chimney is on top.
    3. When the whole structure is ready, a metal stand is welded to it from below, and an additional support is made from a piece of reinforcement. For it, you can also use the part of the vertical pipe that remains after cutting.
    4. Pieces of corners are welded on top of the vertical pipe, which will form a stand for dishes. Its height should be 40-50 mm.
    5. The opening in the fuel tank must be closed with a hinged door or a damper inserted into the corners.
    6. The finished product can be tested. If everything went well, the welds are cleaned, and the jet furnace is covered with heat-resistant paint. This will not only give the product a more attractive appearance, but also protect the metal from corrosion.


    It can be concluded that any of the proposed models is quite easy to make at home. Finding the necessary materials is not difficult. The work itself is not very difficult for someone who has used a welding machine more than once and has some experience working with metal. It will take only a few hours to make a rocket furnace. And the resulting product will be a useful item for lovers of outdoor activities outside the city.

    In addition, such a rocket stove will allow you to heat a small summer cottage and will be a good alternative to a full-fledged heating system. The principle of operation of the Robinson jet furnace allows you to significantly save on fuel.


    Portable and stationary rocket stoves (reactive) have proven to be practical, energy efficient devices. The heating and cooking units got their name because of the characteristic roar, reminiscent of the sound of a jet engine - it is heard when excess air enters the furnace. Operating in the standard operating mode, the stove does not disturb the acoustic comfort in the room.

    Homemade rocket stoves

    Reactive Furnace Features

    The first oven of this type was created for use in the field - a unit was needed for quick cooking and heating, moreover, designed for operation in conditions of fuel shortage. The developers managed to find a solution that made it possible to manufacture a compact solid fuel stove with high efficiency.

    Further modifications of the unit led to the invention of a stationary stove with a heated bed. Unlike the usual Russian stove, rocket stoves are not bulky and easier to make on your own. The heat generator is able to work on one tab of fuel for about 6 hours, while the stationary structure, for the construction of which adobe plaster is used, gives off the accumulated heat for half a day after the firewood burns out.

    Stationary design rocket stove with a stove bench keeps heat for about 6 hours on one tab

    Design advantages

    The jet furnace is in growing demand as it is a non-volatile heat source that:

    • easy to install - a primitive version of the rocket stove is assembled from improvised materials in half an hour;
    • works effectively even on fuels with low calorific value - damp firewood, thin branches, chips, bark, etc.;
    • provides heating and allows cooking;
    • completely burns fuel with afterburning of wood gas, which minimizes the risk of carbon monoxide penetration into the room.

    The design of the stove makes it possible to use it in the house without fear of damaging the thoughtful interior - the body of the stationary unit can be almost completely hidden in an attractive "shell", which will serve as a heat accumulator.

    To understand how a good efficiency is achieved when operating on low-quality fuel, it is necessary to understand the principles of operation of a jet stove.

    During thermal decomposition, solid fossil fuel releases gaseous substances, which also decompose and eventually turn into wood gas (a mixture of combustible and inert gases), which burns with high heat output.

    In an ordinary solid fuel stove, the heat efficiency of wood gas is practically not used, since the gaseous intermediate phase goes with smoke into the pipe, where it cools down and settles on the walls in the form of carbon deposits, which are heavy hydrocarbon compounds. The higher the moisture content of solid fuel, the less wood gas is formed and the more soot on the walls of the chimney. Accordingly, the worse the stove heats up.

    A rocket-type furnace differs from conventional solid-fuel units in that its design makes it possible to provide conditions under which a significant part of the intermediate gases does not escape, but turns into wood and is burned. This is achieved through a horizontal thermally insulated channel, where gases move more slowly than in a vertical pipe, and a thermal insulator prevents cooling and turning into carbon deposits. As a result, even from crude fuel, much more thermal energy is extracted compared to combustion in a conventional furnace.

    In complex models of jet heating units, the principle of operation of a long-burning furnace, where afterburning of pyrolysis gases is provided, is combined with the design features of classical brick ovens, in which heated air and gas circulate through internal channels. At the same time, such a rocket does not need to organize additional blowing - the chimney creates thrust in it, and the higher it is, the more intense the upward flow.

    Despite the fact that rocket furnaces are able to squeeze the maximum thermal energy out of low-quality fuel, optimal performance They demonstrate efficiency when using dry firewood.

    Difficulties and disadvantages

    The disadvantages include:

    • manual control of the furnace - fuel has to be added regularly (the burn-out time of the bookmark depends on the heater configuration);
    • some structural elements heat up to high temperatures and threaten to burn in case of accidental contact with the skin;
    • it is not rational to use a rocket as a sauna stove, since it warms up the room for a long time.

    The design of the jet stove looks extremely simple, but it took a lot of time to invent such a unit, since the pledge effective work is an accurate calculation so that the combustion mode of the fuel is optimally correlated with the thrust force, etc.

    Important! Rocket furnaces are a heat engineering system that requires fine balancing. Failure to comply with the dimensions of the structure or assembly errors, improper operation of the unit turn into the fact that the stove roars loudly during operation due to an unstable gas vortex in the chimney, requires more fuel with low heat transfer and quickly overgrows with soot.

    The jet stove was invented in the USA, and the details of its construction are not disclosed - only corrected drawings are publicly available, based on which it is difficult to build a truly efficient heater.

    Stove stove at home

    Models for outdoor and camping use

    Suitable for heating water and cooking jet furnaces the simplest modification, made of metal pipes or bricks. They are easily made with their own hands for household needs.

    For the manufacture of a metal cooking outdoor stove, two pipes connected by a knee at a right angle are sufficient. Legs from reinforcing bars and a stand for dishes are welded to the structure (so that there is a gap between the bottom of the tank and the pipe cut for smoke to escape).

    Outdoor rocket stove made of pipes

    This design is improved by inserting another elbow with a pipe into the horizontal pipe, the height of which should be less than the chimney part - it will serve as a vertical firebox.

    An even more functional modification is a camp stove made of a rectangular pipe with a firebox welded at an angle (it also serves as an ash pan). It is quite simple to make such a rocket oven with your own hands according to the drawings.

    Robinson Camping Rocket Oven with Dish Racks

    It takes 5 minutes, 20 whole bricks and two more halves to make the simplest brick street jet stove. Plus a metal dish rack.

    Drawing of a Robinson oven with a stand for dishes

    Such a stove must first be brought to operating mode - to warm up the pipe, burning paper and wood chips, since gas stagnates in a cold pipe, preventing the fuel from flaring up well. When the pipe warms up, a powerful draft will appear when the firewood is ignited.

    jet stove from bricks
    Attention! A jet stove with a horizontal firebox has a significant drawback - it is necessary to constantly push the burning firewood. An inclined or vertical hopper, along the walls of which the firewood slides down under its own weight, makes the unit more convenient to use.

    Heating and cooking ovens for rooms

    For heating a greenhouse, garage or workshop, you can also use jet units, which are easily and quickly assembled by hand.

    An analogue of a primitive furnace made of a metal pipe is being built from bricks on earthen floor or specially prepared foundation. A brick rocket stove is assembled from solid ceramic or fireclay bricks using a heat-resistant mortar.

    Stationary brick oven on an earthen floor

    A more efficient version of a heating rocket stove is made using a metal barrel that serves as a casing and allows you to insulate the riser (an inner pipe that acts as a combustion chamber and chimney). As a heater, ash, sifted sand, a mixture of sand with fireclay clay are used. Thermal insulation helps to create conditions for the efficient production of wood gas, and the more it is released from the fuel, the higher the heat output of the wood stove. In addition, this thermal insulation material (it needs to be well compacted when laying) plays the role of a heat accumulator, capable of heating the air in the room for several hours after the firewood has burned out.

    Furnace Rocket of 21 bricks

    Advanced heaters

    A jet stove with a free gas outlet is not suitable for use as a heating one, so it is supplemented with smoke exhaust channels and a heat exchanger. Drawings of a rocket furnace of various designs help to visually see the difference.

    The principle of operation of the improved unit is as follows:

    • so that a high temperature is maintained in the vertical channel, contributing to the production of wood gas, it is thermally insulated fire resistant material, while a casing is installed on top (from a barrel or pipe larger diameter) with hermetically closed top;
    • the combustion chamber is equipped with a door, in the lower part a special channel is provided for supplying secondary air - this blower is required for afterburning wood gas (in simple models air enters only through the firebox without a door);
    • due to the installation of a chimney pipe in the lower part of the casing, the heated air does not go directly into the atmosphere, but circulates through the channels inside the furnace body, actively releasing heat;
    • flue gases with the highest temperature enter the upper part of the body, directly under the flat cover, which makes it possible to use it as a hob, and the already cooled stream rushes into the chimney;
    • The efficiency of the stove is increased by sucking in secondary air for burning pyrolysis gases, and the intensity of its supply is regulated by the system itself, since it depends on how quickly the flue gases cool in the upper part of the body.

    Advanced reactive heating units include a long-burning rocket stove, which can be made from a gas cylinder, as well as a water-jacketed stove.

    Jet heating unit from a propane cylinder

    A gas cylinder rocket stove is an easy-to-make wood-burning stove that consumes fuel economically and heats the room efficiently.

    It is used to assemble:

    • empty propane tank (unit body);
    • steel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm (for arranging a chimney and a vertical channel);
    • profile steel pipe 150x150 mm (firebox and hopper are made);
    • sheet steel 3 mm thick.

    Making a furnace from a gas cylinder requires the use of a welding machine. If you plan to assemble such a rocket oven with your own hands, the drawings will help you accurately observe the optimal dimensions of all structural elements.

    Scheme of the processes in the rocket furnace

    On preliminary stage work, you should prepare a gas cylinder - turn off the valve, fill the container to the top with water to ensure that gas vapors that can explode from a spark are removed from the container. Then the upper part is cut along the seam. In the lower part of the resulting cylinder, a hole is cut under the chimney, and in the bottom - under the combustion chamber with an attached firebox. The vertical channel is brought out through a hole in the bottom, a structure from a profile pipe is welded from the bottom side, according to the rocket drawing.

    Attention! The sheet metal cover should be made removable and a non-combustible seal (asbestos cord) should be provided for reliable sealing. The flat lid is used as a cooking surface.

    If you are installing a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder on your own, you should carefully consider the quality of the welds and check their tightness - air should not flow uncontrollably into the operating furnace. If everything is in order, you can install a chimney.

    Important! The top of the chimney must be raised to a height of 4 meters relative to the level of the firebox in order to provide the necessary draft intensity.

    Such a furnace for the home is regulated in terms of power by the volume of fuel loading. The jet stove is put into operation by supplying air through the combustion chamber, this is regulated by the bunker cover. Further, secondary air is constantly supplied to the unit. This stove for heating explodes at the end of the combustion process, since it is impossible to shut off the supply of secondary air, and soot settles on the inner walls of the vertical channel. The cover of the casing is made removable so that it can be periodically removed.

    Boiler unit

    A long-burning boiler can be obtained by mounting a water circuit on the chimney of a stove made from a gas cylinder or other materials, but according to the same scheme indicated above. However, the heating of water in the circuit of such a unit will be inefficient, since the main part of the thermal energy is transferred to the air of the room and to the containers on the hob.

    An effective version of a rocket furnace from a metal barrel

    If you want to create a rocket boiler for water heating with high efficiency, you will have to sacrifice the cooking function. Do-it-yourself rocket stove according to the drawing below can be mounted in a short time.

    This will require:

    • fireclay bricks and refractory masonry composition (for mounting the base of the stove with a firebox);
    • steel pipe with a diameter of 70 mm (for a vertical channel);
    • steel barrel (for casing);
    • refractory heat insulator;
    • sheet steel 3 mm thick and a metal barrel (or pipe) of a smaller diameter than the casing (for arranging a water jacket and smoke channels for heating the water circuit);
    • steel pipe with a diameter of 100 mm for the chimney;
    • container, pipes and connecting pipes for arranging a heat accumulator.

    A rocket furnace with a water circuit is characterized by the fact that the thermal insulation of the vertical channel provides an optimal mode for burning pyrolysis gases, while all the heated air enters the "coil" with a water jacket and gives off the main part of the thermal energy there, heating the coolant.

    rocket stove with water circuit

    The heat accumulator will continue to supply the heated coolant to heating circuit even after the oven has cooled down. The water tank is provided with a thick layer of insulation.

    Heating unit with bed

    A rocket stove with a bench is a device that can create a comfortable environment in one room. Such a unit cannot be used to heat several rooms, not to mention the whole house.

    The arrangement of such a long-burning unit with your own hands requires accurate calculations - its power and maximum power depend on the size of the stove body. allowable length a boar on which a couch is arranged. It is also important to choose the right cross-section of pipes for mounting the structure. Errors will result in the fact that the jet furnace will quickly become tightly overgrown with soot or will roar loudly during operation due to the turbulence of gas flows.

    The design of the oven with a stove bench

    Dimensions and proportions of the structure

    To build a do-it-yourself rocket stove, detailed drawings must be prepared, indicating the dimensions of all elements. At the stage of project preparation, calculations are made based on the base values ​​to which all the others are tied.

    The basic calculated values ​​are:

    • D is the diameter of the drum (furnace body);
    • S is the area of ​​the inner cross section of the drum.

    Calculations of the design parameters are carried out taking into account that:

    1. The drum height (H) is between 1.5 and 2 D.
    2. The drum is coated with 2/3 N (if it is planned to cut it curly, then 2/3 of the height should be the average).
    3. The thickness of the coating layer on the drum is 1/3 D.
    4. The area of ​​the inner cross section of the vertical channel (riser) is 4.5-6.5% of S, optimal value– in the range of 5-6%.
    5. The height of the vertical channel is as high as the design of the furnace allows, but the gap between the top edge of the riser and the drum cover must be at least 70 mm for normal flue gas circulation.
    6. The length of the flame pipe (fire pipe) must be equal to the height of the vertical channel.
    7. The cross-sectional area of ​​the igniter is equal to the corresponding indicator of the riser. Moreover, it is recommended to use a profiled square-section pipe for the fire pipeline, in this case the furnace works more stable.
    8. The cross-sectional area of ​​the blower is ½ of the cross-sectional area of ​​the furnace and riser. For stability and smooth adjustment of the furnace mode, a rectangular profile pipe with an aspect ratio of 2: 1 is used, which is laid flat.
    9. The volume of the secondary ash pan depends on the volume of the drum minus the volume of the riser. For a barrel stove - 5%, for a gas cylinder stove - 10%. For intermediate volume tanks, it is calculated according to linear interpolation.
    10. The cross-sectional area of ​​the external chimney is 1.5-2 S.
    11. The adobe pad under the external chimney should be 50-70 mm thick - if the channel is made of round pipe, counting from the bottom point. The thickness of the pillow under the chimney is halved if the bench is mounted on wooden floors.
    12. The thickness of the coating layer of the bench above the chimney channel is 0.25 D if the drum from the barrel is 600 mm, and 0.5 D if the drum from the cylinder is 300 mm. If the coating layer is reduced, the structure will cool down faster after heating.
    13. Flue Height outer pipe should be 4 meters.
    14. The length of the gas duct, on which the length of the bed depends: for a stove from a barrel - up to 6 m, for a stove from a cylinder - up to 4 m.

    A long-burning rocket furnace made from a 600 mm diameter barrel reaches a power of about 25 kW, and a heating rocket made from a 300 mm cylinder reaches up to 15 kW. It is possible to regulate the power only due to the volume of fuel loading; such a stove does not have air regulation, since an additional flow violates the furnace mode and provokes the release of gases into the room. By changing the position of the blower door, it is not the power that is regulated, but the operating mode of the furnace.

    Lining Features

    The quality of the thermal insulation of the riser directly affects the efficiency of the heating unit. Light fireclay bricks SHL and river sand mixed with alumina are available for lining in our area. An external metal casing should be provided for the lining, otherwise the materials will quickly absorb carbon deposits and the furnace will roar during operation. The end face of the lining is tightly covered with furnace clay.

    Proper lining

    When using hewn fireclay bricks, the remaining cavities are filled with sand. If only sand is used for lining, it is sifted from large debris and covered in layers - each approximately 1/7 of the pipe height. Each layer is compacted tightly and sprinkled with water to form a crust. The backfill must be dried for a week, and then cover the end with a layer of oven clay. Then the construction of a rocket furnace with their own hands continues according to the drawings.

    Heating unit options

    Arrangement of a rocket furnace from a gas cylinder can also be performed in the case of creating a heater with a bench. The design is somewhat different from the one discussed above.

    The changes concern:

    • flame tube length;
    • the presence of thermal insulation of the vertical channel;
    • connecting a horizontal rather than a vertical external chimney.

    Scheme of the rocket furnace
    Note! The extended part of the external chimney is an ash pan, into which there must be access for cleaning - a metal door sealed with non-combustible material.

    Due to the fact that the chimney channel can be made long and curved, it is easy to give the stove an original shape.

    Option for making a stove bench with original form

    The adobe coating, which acts as a heat accumulator, is made from a mixture of oily clay with sand and chopped straw.

    Principles of starting the stove

    Important! Continuous combustion reactive furnaces are launched exclusively “on a warm pipe”.

    Before loading regular fuel, kindling is carried out with paper, shavings, straw and other dry light materials, which are placed in an open blower. When the vertical channel warms up enough, the hum of the stove subsides or changes tone. This is a signal that you can lay the main fuel, it will flare up from the booster.

    The jet furnace will not adjust itself, so the hopper cover of a small furnace or the blower door of a stationary unit should be kept open until the standard fuel flares up and the furnace hums. The door is closed, reducing the sound to a "whisper". When the sound of the oven intensifies again, the door is closed again a little tighter. If the door is slammed, then lifting it up you can let the fuel ignite normally.

    A mobile rocket stove is a convenient hiking option, undemanding to fuel and economical. Stationary units, depending on the design and size, are used for heating residential and auxiliary premises.