Well      03/05/2020

Homemade mousetraps made of wood at home. Do-it-yourself mousetrap from a plastic bottle. Glass jar trap

Rodents can settle in a room where from time to time there is access to products. The consequences of such a neighborhood are disappointing. In addition to irritation and anxiety, mice are carriers of infections, active pests for products and furniture in the house. The solution to the problem can be a do-it-yourself mousetrap made from improvised means. Below is a rating of the most effective trap options that you can make yourself.

What are the advantages of mousetraps made from improvised materials?

Before looking at the features of the top mousetraps, a few remarks about their advantages over ready-made traps or fancy devices such as electronic mousetraps for exterminating rodents.

If we compare home-made traps with drugs used to bait rodents, then the former will turn out to be more humane and safer. You can catch uninvited guests with homemade boxes, buckets and bottles at any time without requiring the removal of household members from the house. But insecticides do not provide for the presence of children and pets in the house, which creates certain difficulties.

Indisputable advantage makeshift trap for rodents - the availability of funds. You can make a mouse trap from anything without extra costs starting from cardboard box from under the cake and ending with a plastic bottle.

An important advantage of handmade mousetraps is their reusability. Besides, most of traps work in such a way that they do not require constant monitoring.

The secrets of choosing the right bait

You can make a mousetrap, which will be thought out to the smallest detail, designed for reusable use in automatic mode, but only the right bait will help to achieve the effect.

It is believed that rats and mice are crazy about cheese. Actually this is a stereotype. Indeed, the product does not leave animals indifferent, but it is not their favorite delicacy. Loose ones with a pungent odor are of much greater interest to rodents, for example, bait from:

  • sunflower seeds;
  • crusts of bread dipped in sunflower oil;
  • crackers in sesame oil;
  • lard and black pudding.

All these products will attract the attention of rodents, which means they will lure them into pre-prepared traps.

How to make a wooden trap at home?

The desire to make a trap for mice or rats with your own hands and from improvised means fully justifies itself in all respects. Using earlier waste materials(remains from repairs or construction works), it is possible to build really working devices for catching pests.

Mousetraps made of wood - one of the most practical options. Such devices can be used for a lifetime, having exterminated a single generation of rodents. On initial stage it is worth trying to make a trap for 5 cells. For this, a small piece of timber with parameters 180 × 100 × 60 mm from any tree is suitable, two parts of steel wire with a diameter of 2 mm and 0.2 mm, as well as natural thread No. 30.

The manufacturing process begins with the preparation of holes in the wooden base of the device. In total, such holes will need 35 pieces with a diameter of 1 mm each. The next step is to drill 5 niches with a diameter of 30 mm and a depth of 65 mm. For the device, you will need brackets and springs - they are made from prepared parts of the wire. As soon as the springs are fixed on the base, thin wire chokes are attached with a margin of 15 mm.

The finished mousetrap is charged using a thread. It is threaded into a large needle, a spring is pressed and tied into several knots. The rest of the cells are prepared in the same way. Once all compartments are charged, prepare the bait. These mouse traps work on simple principle. Rodents are like the smell of bait, they gnaw through the thread to get to it, a spring with a noose is triggered.

Bank and paper - how does the trap work?

A simple option is a mousetrap from a jar, which even a child can make. In order for rodents to be able to climb to the neck of the jar, a kind of “ramp” is built for them, while the bait is placed inside the jar, tightening the throat with paper cut crosswise.

As soon as the mouse touches the paper, its parts will open and the victim will fall into the container. This humane mousetrap is suitable for those who are not ready to take on the responsibility of exterminating mice. She has a significant drawback - low level efficiency. Often mice, especially with experience, feel the catch and do not touch the notched paper. Only young individuals, unable to sense the danger in advance, get into the jar.

Bank and coin - how to make a mousetrap?

Another version of the device for catching mice from a jar, this time with a button or a coin. Just like the previous option, the jar will not kill, but will only help to catch rodents in a humane way.

The principle of operation is more than simple. A button, coin or any puck is used as a support, lifting the jar (can be replaced with a pan or bucket). A strong thread with a hook is tied to the support, a rod is placed inside the container to fix the thread, and a bait is put on the hook. The smell of the treat will attract the mouse to the jar, she will pull the hook, the thread will stretch and drop the puck as a support, as a result of which the rodent will be trapped unharmed.

By the same principle, a trap can be made from a box, for example, from under a cake. A hole is made in the lid exactly in the middle, where they insert half of the stick with a cotton swab at the end so that it is outside, and the part without the swab is inside the box with the bait.

Any weight is placed on the lid of the box, it can prevent the mouse from trying to get out after the trap slams shut. A bait is attached to a stick inside the box, the edge of the lid is lifted and placed on a small support. The rodent will be attracted by the smell of the bait, it will climb into the box, and when it tries to remove the food from the stick, the box with the weight on the lid will close.

Such homemade mousetraps are quite effective, but they have one significant drawback - they work once, which means they are able to catch one mouse.


A bucket of water at the base of the trap - a device

A working mousetrap from a bucket of water is made simply and quickly. To do this, two holes are drilled in the bucket, a metal rod is passed through them with a plastic bottle previously put on it with a lid lubricated with oil for easy rotation.

The neck of the bottle is pulled to the edge of the bucket, and the bait is attached to the middle. The mouse, smelling the smell of food, will climb the bottle, will not be able to stay on the slippery surface and will fall into the water.

Simple and at the same time effective designs of this type of mousetraps allow you to catch several individuals at once in the absence of the owners of the house.

A simple mousetrap from a flower pot - the secret of the device

Ownerless flower pots can be used at home. One of them is a do-it-yourself mouse trap. The primitive and at the same time effective device of the mousetrap allows you to catch rodents in a short time without much difficulty and expense. It works simply: the pot is turned upside down, set at an angle on a small "gatehouse" by analogy with the jar described above.

The bait is planted at the end of the "gatehouse". As soon as the rodent comes to the smell of the bait, he will make an attempt to remove it from the point, which will lead to the fall of the pot and the slamming of the trap. To prevent the prisoner from escaping, it makes sense to install such traps on plywood sheets that prevent undermining.

Glue mousetraps - how do they work?

Glue traps are also quite easy to make with your own hands, with mouse glue, a base, such as plywood or a plastic pallet, and of course bait.

The base is smeared special glue for mice (just buy in a specialized store), a trap is placed in the center. There is nothing complicated about how this type of mousetrap works: a mouse or rat will get close to the treat and stick to the composition of the pallet.

The disadvantage of the trap is not the most humane method of capture. The rodent, sticking to the base, does not die, but tries to free itself for a long time, desperately squeaks and wriggles, at the same time, it is no longer possible to peel it off. For those who find it difficult to endure the suffering of animals, such an option as homemade Velcro for mice will seem inappropriate.

A simple trap made of plastic containers - manufacturing algorithm

More than simple, and most importantly humane way catch rodents at home - make a trap out of a plastic container. To do this, you will need the following elements:

  • plastic bottle;
  • thread or rope;
  • bait.

A mousetrap is constructed from a plastic bottle simply. The neck is cut off at the container, two holes are made for attaching the thread. In inner part lay the bait. One part of the thread is tied to the load or glued to the edge of the table. The container is placed on the table in such a way that most of it hangs from it.

As soon as the mouse comes to the aroma of the bait, it will climb into the bottle and gravity will play a role here - the bottle will fall to the floor along with the rodent, hover above the floor due to the correctly selected length of the thread. Caught prey can be released away from home without stress for her and the household.

Mousetrap "top" - how does it work?

Effective traps for mice at home, also suitable for trapping rats - "tops". Visually, these are structures based on oblong cells with a cone-shaped entrance. At the level of the cut end of the structure, another entrance begins - this is a dead end. Its lower part is the bottom of a smooth plate fixed wide base. The plate is pressed against the cone under the bottom and masks the stroke as a counterweight.

A rat or mouse will try to get inside by smelling the bait. When attempts fail, she will try to move back to make sure the exit is safe, after which she will go inside again and fall into the second cone. Under the weight of the animal, the platform will sink and the victim will fall to the bottom of the trap, after which the structure will be brought back into working condition for new prey. It will turn out to make a design with your own hands, having finished drawing traps.

Zürner mousetrap - how to make at home?

Similar to the previous design - a zürner trap at the base with a box, which is masked from the outside with a sloping lid, inside upholstered with galvanized iron. Two opposite sides have inlets or windows, opposite each there is a fixed bridge on a hinge, the ends of which rest on the edges of the holes. Inner ends without supports, form long bridge, stretched "over the abyss". A hook with a bait is attached above the bridge closure zone, fixing it on the box lid.

The design works according to the following principle:

  • the mouse runs along the bridge to the bait;
  • under its mass, the bridge bends and the animal falls to the bottom;
  • the bridge returns to its original position.

Is it possible to make a trap at home with such a device? This is possible, and the process of constructing the structure will turn out to be many times simpler than the process of arranging the previous “top” mousetrap.

Rodents are the main enemies of dachas and country houses. They not only destroy grain stocks in the barn, but also sometimes gnaw through electrical wiring, spoil valuables and bring various infections. On sale there are many devices that allow you to quickly get rid of small pests. A homemade mousetrap from a plastic bottle works no worse than a purchased model, and it also saves money.

Advantages of homemade mousetraps

Do-it-yourself devices have a number of advantages over ready-made traps and electronic mousetraps. If there are small children or pets in the house, then a simple trap can be dangerous. They may pay attention to toxic substances, which look like seeds, eat and get poisoned. Or hurt your body parts. Advantages of a homemade mousetrap from a bottle:

DIY designs are disposable or reusable. If we compare them with each other, then reusable devices are better, since several mice fall into one trap at once. As soon as the mouse gets into a disposable mousetrap, it will have to be taken out and the device reinstalled.

Mouse bait

Mice are intelligent creatures and will not go anywhere in vain. Therefore, even the most high-tech device will become useless if the bait is not installed. Before you make a trap out of a bottle, you need to take care of a good bait. What mice love:

Plastic bottle traps

A mousetrap made from a bottle simple design. It can be collected in three ways. From the materials you will need:

  1. Two liter plastic bottle.
  2. Metal wire.
  3. Stationery knife.
  4. Stapler and glue.
  5. Bait.

Consider how to make a mousetrap from a bottle at home in a few minutes.

Method number 1

This is the simplest and fast way making a trap, which will take no more than 10 minutes:

When the mouse falls into the bottle, it will no longer be able to escape.

Method number 2

Because of unusual design making a trap using the second method is a little more difficult. Manufacturing technology:

  1. The bottom of the plastic bottle is cut off and long teeth are made along its edges.
  2. Each tooth is bent inward. There is a small hole in the middle.
  3. The structure is securely fixed, and the bait is placed inside.

As soon as the rodents climb for food, once they get into the bottle, they will not come out back.

Method number 3

The principle of operation of this trap is based on balancing. Manufacturing:

When the mouse goes inside for seeds, the center of gravity will be broken. She will slide further into the bottle and fall down with it, hanging on the rope. DIY mousetraps made from a bottle are reusable designs that can be left unattended for several days.

Bucket and plastic bottle design

A mouse trap is made not only from plastic bottles but also from other improvised means. Making a mousetrap from a bucket:

When the mouse stands on the bottle to grab the bait, the container will turn over and the animal will fall into the bucket.

From a bucket on the principle of a swing

To make a trap, you need a five-liter bucket. If there is no bucket, then a pot or any container with a wide mouth is used instead. Manufacturing technique:

When rodents climb for prey, they will fall directly into the container.

From a glass jar and a coin

The trap has a simple design and is easy to make. The jar can be replaced with a small saucepan, glass or any other container. Manufacturing description:

  1. The jar is turned upside down and placed on flat surface. Having previously attached the bait inside. Tape is used for fixation.
  2. One edge of the jar is lifted and a coin is placed under it.

The coin will fall and the mouse will be inside the container when it tries to get the bait.

Glue mousetrap

A good and quick way to catch a rodent is to make a glue mousetrap. Plywood or a plastic pallet is used as a base. It is smeared with special glue for rodents. Glue is sold in the store. The bait is placed in the center of the base. When the mouse tries to get to it, it will stick to the glue, and it will be impossible to peel it off the base. This trap is considered not very humane and unaesthetic.

Human life is not complete without pests created by nature - mice. Mousetraps are used to fight them. Usually people buy them from specialized stores, but this method is not always effective because mice learn to avoid getting caught in the same mechanism that is used in factory devices. Therefore, it makes sense to try to make a trap yourself.

Mice have long learned to bypass the monotonous factory traps, so you should try homemade traps.

Harmless do-it-yourself devices

Not every person can afford to buy factory mousetraps, especially in large quantities. In this case, you can use homemade mouse traps. Moreover, many of the homemade mousetraps do not kill animals, and this is a significant plus for humane pest hunters.

Thin paper construction

One of the easiest to make is a mousetrap made from a can and paper. To make a trap you will need:

  • jar with a wide neck;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • bait.

This video shows how to make mouse traps:

To make such a mousetrap with your own hands, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. cover the open neck of the can with thin paper;
  2. hang the bait over the jar;
  3. cut the paper in the center in such a way that, standing on it, the mouse falls into the jar;
  4. provide access to the mouse jar by placing it in a place where rodents can often be found.

When the rodent wants to get the bait, he steps on a thin layer of paper, which he perceives as a surface and falls into the jar. The cut parts of the paper will close the exit for the prey so that it cannot escape.

Using the jar and lid

The principle of operation of this trap is similar to the previous one: you need a jar with a wide neck and a bait in the form of smoked sausage so that the mouse will definitely smell the smell. But instead of paper, a tin lid is used, the center of which also needs to be cut and the notched tin teeth bent into the can. This is necessary so that the mouse does not get out.

Sausage or wheat, which also strongly attracts mice, is placed in a jar. Then you need to put it in a place accessible to mice. In such a simple way, you can make a fairly effective homemade mousetrap at home.

Bridge rotating over the bucket

If there are a lot of rodents in the house, such a trap will become simply irreplaceable. Scroll necessary materials to make it:

  • bucket;
  • long needle (any other thin cylindrical iron object);
  • plastic bottle;
  • bait;
  • scotch.

First you need to put the bottle on the needle so that the edges of the needle remain a few centimeters from the edges of the bottle, the needle itself runs through the center of the neck and bottom of the bottle. Then, in the center of the bottom of the bottle, it is necessary to fix the bait with adhesive tape, and there should be a minimum amount of adhesive tape: its smell can frighten away mice. The made construction of the knitting needle, bottle and bait is placed on opposite edges of the bucket. Tempted by the appetizing bait, the mouse will slip on the spinning bottle and fall into the bucket.

Horizontal trap with a bucket of water is the most effective among homemade

If this mouse trap is designed for reusable, it should be finalized: the knitting needle must not only be put on a bucket, but threaded through side surfaces buckets, and in such a way that the spoke can easily rotate. If the survival of mice is not a priority, then the bucket can be filled with water.

Gravity trap for rodents

A good option for a homemade mouse trap is a simple gravitational device, the principle of which is based on the use of gravity. For self-manufacturing Such a mousetrap will need the following items:

  • plastic bottle;
  • weight in the form of any heavy object;
  • scissors.

In the area of ​​​​the neck on the surface of the bottle itself, it is necessary to cut a hole in the plastic, through which the mouse will get into the bottle. Then you need to tie the bottle by the neck to any object that can hold it.

The next step is to place the bait at the bottom of the bottle and place the bottle horizontally on the edge of the table so that the part with the bait remains on the weight, but the bottle does not fall. As soon as the mouse reaches the treat, the weight of the part that is on the weight will increase, the bottle will turn over and fall down. She will not be able to fall to the floor because of the weight to which she is tied, and the mouse will remain inside, because the entrance to the bottle is arranged on the neck, and the rodent cannot reach it in such a situation.

Making a plastic trap

For this trap, you only need a plastic bottle, scissors, tape or wire, bait in the form of seeds or bread. First you need to cut the bottle into pieces in a ratio of 1: 2, where the smaller part is the top with the neck, and the larger part is the rest of the bottle with the bottom.

The smaller part must be inserted into the large neck down. Pour seeds or bread on the bottom, to enhance the smell, the neck can be lubricated with oil. Secure the smaller part with wire or tape. Due to the light weight of the bottle, it is necessary to fix it on any surface.

This plastic bottle trap is very effective and does not harm the rodent.

Cans and coins application

The beauty of the can and coin mousetrap lies in its incredible simplicity. The bank is easily replaced by a saucepan, a coin - by a button or a metal washer. In addition, you will need bait and double-sided tape. In order to make such a design, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Wrap the bait with tape on both sides.
  2. Place the jar upside down.
  3. Fix the adhesive tape with the bait inside the jar on one side.
  4. Put a coin or puck (button) with an edge and put on this edge, as on a support, the part of the can opposite to the bait.

Thus, the mouse that pulls the bait will also shake the support, so the jar will fall, and the pest will remain inside. This method is suitable for those who do not want to kill the mouse. However, this trap gives a lot of misfires: a breath of wind or a strong draft can shake a coin, and the bank will slam shut ahead of time.

Less humane options

A special glue has been developed for catching mice and insects. Using it is very simple: you need to take a piece of cardboard, fix it tightly and spread glue on it. Then you should put the bait on this cardboard. If a mouse gets in there, it won't be able to get out. But this does not apply to large and strong rats, it is more difficult with them. In addition, such a mousetrap is not the safest, and children or pets can easily step on it. To remove the stuck cardboard, it is necessary to lubricate the skin with vegetable oil. Work with such traps must be carried out with gloves.

You can make a mousetrap out of wood. In this case, you need a wooden block measuring 180x160x60 mm. You need to drill a hole in it with a diameter of 3 cm and a depth of 6 cm - a way for a rodent to get inside. It is also necessary to drill holes for installing the spring. You will need a loop and a wire noose. A thin wire noose is attached with a thicker wire loop. The rope connects the mechanism of the spring and the noose. The bait is placed inside the holes drilled for entry. When the mouse tries to take the bait, it will tear the rope with its teeth, and the noose with the help of the spring will do its job.

Any of the traps will good choice for those who are tired of rodents, but there is no opportunity or desire to buy a ready-made mousetrap. It is worth noting that most of them are assembled by improvised means and their manufacture does not require special knowledge. For those who consider it inhumane to kill mice, there are mousetraps that are safe for animals, which you can make yourself.

Baits can range from simple seeds to smoked sausage, you can try each of them in order to understand which is the most effective. Simplicity and low cost of manufacture are the main advantages of the presented mousetraps.

A do-it-yourself mousetrap made from improvised materials can cope with the task of catching no worse than an industrial product of a similar purpose. In addition, some types of homemade mouse traps do not kill the animal, but only restrict its freedom of movement. This moment attracts those who, for whatever reason, do not want to become the cause of the death of the animal and are ready to take on the burden of carrying it away from home in order to release it to freedom.

Contrary to your sweetheart appearance Mice bring a lot of trouble to the house. The smallest is the noise at night, which is created by rodents moving in the cavities of the building. Often, following the smell of food, mice encounter obstacles to their movement in the form of various building structures. If such parts are made of materials that are accessible to the incisors of mice, the animals will damage them.

Mice cause damage not only by eating food. Naturally, a mouse that gets to them is not able to eat everything, but you are unlikely to want to use edibles that mice have walked on. One of the negative aspects of the neighborhood with mice is their smell. It is not only unpleasant, but also very stable.

Mice can cause a fire - these rodents are not averse to tasting the insulation of laid electrical wires, which will cause a short circuit that provokes a fire. In addition, mice are very fond of such a habitat as foam, and which is easy to gnaw through passages. They often settle where foam was used as a heater.

Mice are animals that excrete excrement directly as it accumulates in the relevant organs. Therefore, if mice have entered food storage areas, they will not only gnaw through the packaging, but will also leave traces of their visit in the form of excrement, which, of course, will render food supplies unusable.

The main danger lurking in mice

Mice are not just unpleasant neighbors, but also quite dangerous animals for human health. These rodents are natural carriers of microbes that cause diseases such as:

  • various lichen and fungal diseases;
  • salmonellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • leptospirosis;
  • rabies;
  • tularemia;
  • pseudotuberculosis;
  • rickettsiosis.

In addition, the mouse can become a source of infection with the rabies virus. The mouse itself does not bite a person, but it can manage to bite a cat hunting for it and infect it. Subsequently, an already sick cat attacks people.

The negative aspects of the neighborhood of mice are not limited to those listed, but the examples given are enough to take all measures to breed these rodents.

Effective mousetraps are often relevant not only for private houses in rural areas, but also for residents. apartment buildings in the city. With the onset of cold weather, rodents move to where it is warmer, and channels for laid communications and ventilation shafts make it possible to get to the upper floors. If the apartment does not clean up the remnants of food at night, leave the trash can open, general unsanitary conditions - there is a high probability of the appearance of mice.

Mousetrap or cat

As the best remedy from mice are often called cats. However, this is not true. Firstly, as practice shows, the smell of a cat is not a factor for mice to immediately leave the place where such a mark is present. Secondly, the cat hunts for mice only when it is hungry, and, having eaten, it stops hunting. There is no strict scientific data on how many mice a cat catches. The only statistically reliable can be considered a recorded count of mice caught over a period of twenty-one years by the Scottish cat Towser. Their number was 28,899 rodents, but if we consider the day, then this is only 4 mice during the cat's wakefulness.

The famous Austrian ethologist Konrad Lorenz cites an interesting case in his books. About two dozen mice were caught in a mousetrap made from such an improvised item as a bucket during the night. A cat was thrown to the rodents. pet quickly strangled 4 mice, grabbed one of the victims in the teeth and jumped out of the bucket. Having eaten the prey, the cat did not return to the trap, but calmly went home.

Unlike a live mouser, correctly made traps are more effective and fight rodents constantly.

Types and types of mouse traps

In general terms, mouse traps can be classified according to the methods of trapping.

  1. Mechanical traps.
  2. Sticky traps.
  3. Electronic traps.

To destroy small rodents, various poisoned baits are also used. The use of such baits has some limitations:

  • it is undesirable to use if there is a possibility of eating poisoned baits not only by mice, but also by pets;
  • allergic reactions may occur in humans;
  • if the corpse of a poisoned mouse is eaten by a pet (dog, cat), it may be poisoned;
  • if a poisoned mouse dies within the house in hard to reach place, for example, under the floor, the smell of decomposition will bring a lot of unpleasant moments.

Unlike poison baits, traps do not have these negative features.

To make sure that there are mice in the house, a piece of paper can help. It must be crumpled up and put overnight in front of a hole that could serve as an entrance to the mink. If in the morning it turns out that the piece of paper is discarded, it means that uninvited guests really appeared in the house.

Advantages of self-made traps

Trade organizations offer a lot various devices designed for catching small rodents. But self-made traps are still somewhat preferable for a number of reasons:

  • Since self-made traps are made from existing materials at hand, they will not require acquisition costs;
  • Unlike some types of poison baits that cause allergies or have bad smell, the use of self-made traps will not cause the need to leave the house;
  • Self-made traps do not pose a danger to young children;
  • Can be reused at no extra cost
  • In case of breakage, it is easy to make a new one.

Traps from cans and buckets

The simplest effective traps to make can be made from such improvised materials that are available in almost every household, such as buckets and various cans.

Using glass jars from eaten homemade preparations for the winter, you can make a simple trap. Enough jars with a capacity of ½ liter. With the help of chewing gum or other sticky material, for example, a piece of insulating tape, a thread with a bait tied to it is attached to the bottom of the can. The length of the thread is chosen so that the bait hangs freely in the jar turned upside down, and the rodent needs to pull the string to make it easier to eat the delicacy. The jar is turned over and set so that it rests with the edge of the upper cut of the vessel on some object that is in a state of unstable equilibrium, for example, on a coin placed on the edge large diameter. The diameter of the coin should be such that the resulting gap gives the rodent the opportunity to freely penetrate under the jar. The mouse that has made its way into the jar takes the bait, begins to pull it towards itself, the balance is disturbed and the coin, and after it the bank falls - the mouse is under the jar and it will not be able to get out on its own.

The disadvantages of such a trap include its disposability, that is, until the mouse is removed from the jar, which will have to be placed again over the bait, no other mice will be caught. The simplest traps made from a bucket and improvised materials do not have such a drawback.

To make the simplest version of such a trap, you only need a bucket and a sheet of paper, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich allows you to cover the bucket. Even a newspaper will do. The bucket is covered with paper, in which slits are made radially from the center. A bait is placed in the center, for example, grain is poured. You can also hang the bait over the center, from which the slots diverge radially. They also create an opportunity for mice to climb to the upper cut of the bucket by tilting a flat lath (this part of home-made traps is called the “inlet”). Attracted by the smell of the bait, the mouse climbs the river and rushes to the food - under the influence of the weight of the rodent, the paper bends in the slots and the mouse falls into the bucket.

Using a bucket, you can make another kind of trap. In addition to the bucket, you will need:

  • ruler or thin wooden rail;
  • piece of wire;
  • spoke.

The needle is attached across the ruler and, acting as a support, is placed on the upper section of the bucket. The length of the rail or ruler should be such that at one end it rests on the edge of the bucket, and the other end sags above the bottom. The bait is placed at this end. The trap is set so that the rodent can easily reach the ruler. The second end of the ruler is attached to the cut of the bucket with a thread of such length that the ruler can rotate at an angle of 70 to 85 degrees. Under the weight of the mouse moving towards the bait, the ruler will turn and the rodent will slide into the bucket. The thread will hold the second end of the ruler, and it will return to its original position under the influence of its weight. If the bait is firmly attached to the ruler, the trap will be ready to work again.

It is easy to make a mouse trap from improvised materials, the principle of which is based on the inability of the mouse to stay on a rotating surface. As a part providing efficient work traps can use metal cans of beverage packaging, plastic bottles. How to do similar trap- seen in the photo.

The bait is attached to the outer side of the walls of the jar or bottle, which will rotate under the influence of the weight of the rodent and the mouse trying to get to the food will slide into the bucket. If you fix the baits in several places opposite each other, so that after turning the bottle one of the baits remains on the upper side, then several mice can fall into such a trap.

Plastic bottle traps

Perhaps the most popular homemade traps are traps made from plastic bottles. As a rule, bottles with a capacity of one and a half to five liters are used.

The most simple trap It is a bottle with bait at the bottom.

To increase the effectiveness of the trap, the neck of the bottle is often cut off.

Proven effective in practice homemade mousetrap shown in the photo.

The bottle itself is fixed with a thread to the surface. Trying to reach the bait, the animal sneaks into the bottle and under the influence of its body weight it overturns - the bottle falls, but it hangs, held by the thread, and the mouse cannot get out of the trap.

It is very easy to make a trap out of a plastic bottle into which several mice can fall overnight. The walls of the bottle are lubricated with any vegetable oil, the bait is placed on the bottom and the bottle is placed obliquely, providing easy access to the neck. A mouse that has made its way into the bottle for the bait will not be able to get out, since the slippery surface with no protrusions that can be hooked on with claws will not allow the animal to move up towards the exit / entrance.

For the manufacture of such traps, you can use not only plastic, but also glass bottles. For example, they take a bottle of champagne, pour unrefined sunflower oil into the vessel and roll the bottle on the table so that the oil is evenly distributed over the walls of the bottle. The rodent, attracted by the smell of oil, enters the bottle through the neck and cannot get out, because the paws slide along the oiled glass.

In order for the mousetrap to work effectively, you should keep it clean, wash it regularly with a solution of ash liquor or at least ordinary soda. Neglecting this light will cause the mousetrap to acquire an unpleasant odor that repels rodents.

An effective trap, which is based on the same principle by which fishing gear such as tops are made, can be made from a one and a half liter plastic bottle. Cut off the upper third of the bottle and, turning it over, insert it into the lower part. The parts are fastened together with glue, wire or paper clips. The bait is placed inside such a trap, and the neck itself is lubricated with vegetable oil. The mouse crawls inside for food, but can no longer get out.

A mouse trap can also be made from half a plastic bottle. Having retreated from the bottom a few centimeters, the walls are cut along the line of the circle so that when the resulting sectors are bent, sharp teeth are formed, directed towards the center inward. A bait is placed at the bottom and the mouse that has penetrated behind it will not allow these teeth to get out.

wooden traps

The simplest wooden trap is an ordinary mousetrap, which is based on the principle of a spring trap. A metal frame with a spring is attached to a wooden plank. You also need a hook on which the bait is strengthened, as well as a latch that catches on the hook. At the moment when the mouse makes an attempt to pull the bait off the hook, the spring will work and slam it to the plank.

You can catch several mice at once using a mink trap, a device sometimes called a beehive mousetrap. IN wooden block tunnels are drilled three centimeters in diameter and six to seven centimeters long. A loop is made of wire, with the help of which a noose made of thinner wire is attached to the bar. Also, holes are drilled in the bar for attaching springs. The charged springs are tied with thick threads and the baits are placed in the tunnels. Trying to get a “yummy”, the mouse gnaws through the thread, the noose spring is activated and the trap holds the rodent.

A schematic diagram of such a mousetrap is shown in the figure.

The Zürner trap has proven itself well in the extermination of rodents. The bait is hung over the point of contact of two swivel bars. Under the weight of a mouse approaching the bait, the bar rotates along the axis at the point of attachment to the wall of the trap, and the animal slides into the box, from which it cannot get out.

Electronic mousetrap

Mousetraps of this type can be made by anyone with minimal knowledge in electrical engineering. There are 2 types of such mousetraps.

  1. Mousetrap cage. After the rodent enters the cage, attracted by the smell of the bait, the trap door slams shut, the contacts located on the wall and the door are connected - electrical circuit closes and a signal sounds that the trap has worked.
  2. Murder mousetraps. In such devices, the current is supplied to a metal plate installed at the bottom of the trap, as well as to the parts on which the bait is attached, or to the parts that are placed on the path to the bait and which the animal making its way to the prey will certainly touch. The current passing through the body of a rodent that completes the circuit kills it.

Traps with glue

For the manufacture of such traps, a sheet of cardboard, or plywood, or plastic is smeared with a special glue, which includes rosin, pine resin, bituminous pitch and petroleum jelly. There are also modern synthetic adhesives. You can buy them in hardware stores, or cook them yourself from the above ingredients. A bait is laid out in the center of the area covered with glue, and the mouse rushing to it is firmly glued, and subsequently dies either from stress or from dehydration.

The use of snares

To make such a mousetrap you will need:

  • cable tie;
  • heavy load;
  • fishing line;
  • clip;
  • bait.

The snare is placed as shown in the photo.

On the fishing line to which the load is tied, a loop is made into which the bait is inserted and fixed on a paper clip. The mouse, capturing the bait, pulls it out of the loop, the load is in free fall and tightens the snares from the cable tie.

How to make your own bait

The success of using self-made traps directly depends on the attractiveness of the baits placed in them for mice, because it is necessary to arouse in the rodent an irresistible desire to visit the trap.

Thanks to fairy tales and works of children's literature, a stable idea has formed that mice love cheese. In fact, for small rodents, the foods they are used to eating in natural conditions are more attractive. First of all, it is:

  • cereals:
  • grain of wheat;
  • barley;
  • oats;
  • buckwheat;
  • sunflower seeds;

Mice also like bread crusts.

Since mice receive information about the presence of nutritious foods primarily from the olfactory organs, the attractiveness of baits can be increased by impregnating them with unrefined sunflower oil, fat obtained by frying lard, meat sausages, and sesame oil. Attracts mice also fat with meat streaks, fresh meat.

Below is a list of products that can be used to make baits. Products are listed in descending order of their attractiveness to mice:

Smoked salo

  1. unrefined sunflower oil;
  2. White bread - this product will become even more attractive to mice if you drop a little unrefined on it vegetable oil;
  3. Fried seeds, mice are especially fond of pumpkin seeds, to enhance their attractiveness, they need to be fried and peeled;
  4. Peanuts, pre-fried;
  5. Smoked meat sausages. The mice are most avid for sausages, in the preparation of which chemically synthesized food flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives were not used;
  6. Cold smoked fish, the product will attract more mice if it is fresh;
  7. Cookie;
  8. Salted lard, if I process it with garlic - the attractiveness of the product for mice increases.

For effective catching, not only the quality of the baits is important, but also the place where the trap will be placed. After leaving its shelter, the mouse begins to explore the open space, marking the movement, and subsequently increases the area of ​​the studied area, passing along the already laid paths. It is advisable to find such paths and set traps on them. You can find it by such marks as mouse excrement.

When choosing a place to install a trap, you need to take care not only to place the device in the area most frequently visited by mice, in the places of their constant movement, but also to provide for the possibility of an unhindered approach of small rodents to the trap, remove all obstacles.

When gray rodents appear at home, the owners use different methods fight. Ready-made and homemade traps - good way catch dangerous "neighbors". It is important not only to correctly place the device for catching rodents, but also to know which bait for mice in a mousetrap is the best.

Useful tips will be useful to all owners who are faced with the penetration of gray pests into a private house or an apartment. The most popular baits, making a homemade trap for rodents, what should not be put in a mousetrap - this is only a small part of the issues disclosed in the article.

Causes of mice

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of the appearance of "uninvited guests" in a person's home increases. In the summer, there is enough food in the fields, garbage dumps, mice rarely climb into apartments and houses.

In late autumn, the harvest is harvested, the remains are eaten, rodents do not like frozen food waste. What to do? Go in search of food and warm shelter. For this reason, mice and rats enter cellars, apartments in high-rise buildings, granaries, pantries, and private houses. From the basements, rodents get not only to the first floors, but often rise higher along the ceilings. Rats in the chicken coop also bring a lot of trouble.

A simple test will help you understand how high the risk of meeting mice in your home is. Score 1 point for each “Yes” answer and 0 points for each “No” answer.


  • Do dirty dishes often end up in the sink?
  • Is it always dinner table do the owners wipe off immediately after eating?
  • How long does a trash can with rotting waste last?
  • Are there scattered cereals, flour, pasta, seeds on the shelves of the kitchen cabinet?
  • How cluttered is the pantry: a lot of garbage, old things or not?
  • Is there a garbage dump or food waste bins near the house?
  • Is it easy to find free water (pipes leak, wet rags often lie on the floor)?
  • Crumbs on the table, floor in the kitchen - a common thing?
  • Are bulk containers tightly closed?
  • Does the hostess buy flour and cereals "in reserve"?
  • Are there holes in the baseboards next to sewer pipes, in the floor, cellar walls?
  • Do the owners keep pets?

Got 3 or more positive answers? We will have to urgently reconsider the attitude to order, pay more attention to protecting the home from rodents

How to get rid of and save food stocks from harmful bugs? We have an answer!

Useful tips on how to deal with the whitefly in the greenhouse and save the crop, read the page.


Mice bring people a lot of trouble:

  • gnaw through bags, bags with cereals, flour;
  • leave excrement among bulk products;
  • carry pathogens of dangerous diseases on their paws and wool;
  • damage wires;
  • frighten household members;
  • attack poultry, steal eggs;
  • rustling at night in the pantry, under the stove, disturbing sleep;
  • excrement scattered on the floor dries up, releases substances that provoke allergic reactions.

Various types of trapping devices are effective in catching rodents. Important point- to lure a cunning creature. Not every product is suitable for attracting mice and rats. There are several myths about the most delicious rodent bait. What is the truth, and where is the error? Let's figure it out.

How to lure rodents

A strong, pleasant smell is a prerequisite for catching rodents using ready-made and homemade traps. The product must be natural: rats and mice cannot stand chemistry. For example, cheap smoked sausage always loses to fragrant sunflower oil or roasted seeds.

An important point is the quality of the bait for rodents. Old fat, rotten fish, cheap smoked sausage, rotten cereals are bad options for catching mice and rats. Cunning creatures are always more willing to eat natural, fresh foods than chemicals.

TOP - 7 products that attract rodents:

  • Salted or smoked lard. The popularity of the bait has been tested by many generations of owners. Important condition: use fragrant, fresh lard: rancid, old fat is unlikely to attract picky rodents.
  • Vegetable oil. Perfect option- an unrefined product with a well-defined, pleasant smell. Moisten the crust of bread with sunflower oil or dip cotton wool into the oily liquid. Many rodents react positively to the aromatic product pressed from sesame seeds, but sunflower oil attracts more.
  • Grain, baking. Many owners find that fresh muffins mixed with whole grains or bran are great at attracting gray pests. A simple technique increases efficiency: moisten a piece of bread unrefined oil from sunflower seeds. The treatment of buckwheat, millet, rice, rat poison enhances the effect on rodents.
  • Cold smoked fish. Another popular product, like a magnet, attracts rats and mice. High quality bait is a must. Rodents quickly feel that the owner took pity on a fresh fish for them, put an old, rotten product, and bypass the trap.
  • Sausages. Not a bad option if there are no other products from the top of the rating. Unfortunately, most sausages contain flavors, flavor enhancers, chemicals, and preservatives. Smart rodents rarely covet a product that has few natural ingredients. If you choose sausage, then homemade, with the minimum amount chemistry.
  • Smoked cheese. It is this option that will help to catch a rodent: ordinary cheese has a less characteristic smell, dries quickly, and attracts mice less. Smoked sausage cheese is exactly what you need.
  • Raw minced meat with onions. This option is suitable for attracting rats. If the owners do not know who is rustling under the stove or in the pantry, but they guess from the harm done that the rodent is large, a mixture of ground meat, onions and rat poison will help. The main thing: add a little poison so as not to interrupt the aroma of natural bait. Finely chopped onion should also be taken in moderation: for about 10 parts of minced meat - 2 parts of the product with a bright aroma.

Knowing the little tricks will help the owners more effectively catch "uninvited guests." There are foods to which rodents react less.

Mice are less likely to touch the following baits:

  • dried cheese;
  • a piece of apple;
  • chocolate
  • cheap, low-quality sausage;
  • old fat;
  • dried baked goods.

How to catch gray pests

To catch rodents, manufacturers offer several types of devices:

  • mechanical mousetrap;
  • live trap for catching mice;
  • containers, cages;
  • electric mousetrap.

How does the simplest and affordable option traps:

  • the mechanical device consists of a clamp, a trigger and a retainer. All metal elements are mounted on a wooden plank;
  • put on gloves before starting the "operation". Mice and rats smell well, they understand: a person has been here, they do not touch the cooked food;
  • to charge the mousetrap, take the bait from the TOP - 7, put it on the trigger. Check if a piece of bacon or bread is securely fastened, otherwise a cunning rodent will carefully take out a treat and run away without affecting the trap mechanism;
  • the next step is to cock the clamp. Carefully place the holder, insert the element into the trigger. It is important to ensure that at the slightest touch the holder slides off easily;
  • it is not always possible to quickly and correctly charge the device the first time, it will take several training sessions. Caution does not hurt: the clamp hurts the fingers painfully;
  • after charging, the device is ready for action.

How the mechanical trap works:

  • a mouse or rat smells the bait, touches the treat, clings to the trigger;
  • further actions follow the chain: the holder slides off, releases the clamp, the mousetrap slams shut, the mechanism firmly presses the rodent;
  • if a large rat “pecked” at the bait, it can drag the device with it.

Advice! For catching mice, a lighter one is suitable, wooden structure, a product with a metal base will help to catch a rat.

Where to put a mousetrap

Helpful Hints:

  • the optimal time for installing fixtures is evening: mice, rats do not like daylight, they quietly move around the apartment or house at night;
  • it is important to inspect baseboards, corners, cluttered areas, the perimeter of the pantry and cellar. Be sure to put a mousetrap next to the mink;
  • to catch rodents, place several devices along the walls, under the oven, behind household appliances, between the wall and the cabinet, next to any openings in the floor that are not covered yet. If there is space between the pipes and the wall, place a trap there as well.

How to make a device with your own hands

It is easy to make from items that are always at home. Minimum cost, maximum efficiency.

What do you need:

  • bucket with water;
  • a sheet of paper, a notebook cover or a desk calendar;
  • bait with a bright aroma.

Find out how to clean rooms and prevent insect breeding.

How to get rid of bed bugs on your own? Effective ways pest control are described on the page.


  • fill the bucket with water (about a third);
  • put on the floor at the edge of the table;
  • make a structure like a paper house;
  • put the pyramid closer to the edge of the table: half of the house is on the countertop, the second hangs over a bucket of liquid;
  • on the edge hanging over the water container, put the bait, align the structure so that the lard or a piece of bread does not outweigh the second section;
  • The principle of operation of the trap is simple: the mouse smells the bait, gets close to it, the light house overturns, the rodent falls into the water.

Preventive measures

Mice and rats often live in basements, attics, climb into a dwelling from garbage dumps, or move from field to house during seasonal migration. Why do some owners constantly complain about the penetration of rodents, while others practically do not meet with gray pests?

To solve the question, you will have to remember the test from the first section. If there were too many “Yes” answers, you need to correct the situation. Prevention of the appearance of rats and mice in the home will be successful if there are as few positive answers to the test questions as possible. There is often no escape from the neighborhood with a garbage dump, but regularly taking out food waste, maintaining order in the apartment, getting rid of holes and cracks in the floor, walls, baseboards, not forcing the home with bags of cereals and flour is a feasible task.

A suitable bait for mice in a mousetrap, knowledge of the behavior and taste preferences of cunning rodents, setting several traps are the main measures for catching gray pests. A simple test will help you understand if there is a risk of rats and mice settling in your home. It is easier to keep rodents out of the apartment than to hunt dangerous "neighbors".

Next is a video on how to make a mousetrap from improvised means and what to use as bait: