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Air filter for the kitchen. What to choose: a full-fledged hood or an air purifier for the kitchen? Types of Kitchen Cleaners

Reading time: 12 minutes. Published 01/18/2020

Classification of devices

Air purifiers can vary in several ways. Based on the principle of operation, equipment is divided into:

  • Devices with an exhaust type of operation;
  • Recirculation devices;
  • Mixed action air purifiers.

In the first case, the devices collect air impurities and remove them outside the room through the ventilation shaft.

The second option involves treating contaminated air inside the air purifier. In this case, impurities remain on the surface of the filters, and purified air is returned to the kitchen.

Mixed-action devices are equipped with two filtration mechanisms.

According to the type of installation, air purifiers are divided into:

  • Dome. Fixed above the stove and act by removing air into exhaust ducts.
  • Hanging. Also installed above hob and operate according to the recirculation rule.
  • Built-in. Characterized by mixed version work and are intended for installation in kitchen elements.
  • Mobile. They operate only in air processing mode.

If we talk about the shape of the devices, they produce hoods in the form of truncated pyramids, cones, inclined and T-shaped devices, cylinder hoods, cubes or devices with a bent corner.

The best modern air purifiers can remove up to 96% of contaminants and odors.

Like any other kitchen appliances, air purifiers have pros and cons that influence the choice of a specific device:

  1. The easiest installation is for recirculation equipment. Its installation does not require exhaust shafts and complex systems ah air removal. The hood can simply be fixed above the stove, turned on and used.
  2. By performance level the exhaust design is in the lead. Polluted air is released into the atmosphere irretrievably.
  3. If we talk about saving heat, the palm belongs to recirculation technology, which prevents the exit warm air through the ventilation pipe.
  4. Savings Money guaranteed by the exhaust system, which does not require regular filter changes.
  5. The noise level is lower exhaust devices. Purifiers don't have to work hard to force air through dense carbon filters.

When comparing, it is worth clarifying that recirculation devices are not capable of retaining moisture. Its circulation in the kitchen will be at the same level as before installing the hood.

Air purifiers for the kitchen

Air purifiers are more efficient in operation. They really purify the air, thanks to built-in HEPA filters, and are not installed above the stove. These are free-standing devices. But not all of them are equipped with a fine filter; there are different types of models. Depending on the type, the air can simply be cleared of dust, or it can be ionized.

Air purifiers with an aqua filter also humidify the air, which is beneficial for the lungs and respiratory tract.

Technical specifications

The flow-through appliance throws kitchen fumes and soot out

  • Working blade size;
  • Performance;
  • The height of the noise.

Magnitude work surface stationary air purifier must be greater than or equal to the size of the stove. There are three standards for hoods: 60, 90 and 120 cm. Some owners install cooking appliances in the center of the kitchen or form an island from several surfaces. In any option, it is necessary that the air purifier controls the entire slab surface.


Productivity is the amount of air mass that the device passes through in one hour.

To determine the calculated indicators, the volume of the room is multiplied by 12 (the air exchange rate for the kitchen) and by 1.3 (the level of air pumping through ventilation in a multi-story building). IN one-story houses the last indicator can be neglected.

Air purifiers for the kitchen cannot be called low-noise devices. The maximum noise level is 65 dB, but in general, kitchen air purifiers are noisy at 55 dB. For comparison, the same indicator for a refrigerator is 45 dB, and a centrifuge washing machine produces 68 dB.

A kitchen air purifier removes exhaust air outside or cleans it in recirculation mode. You can install the hood and air duct yourself.

Everyone knows that when cooking food in the kitchen, unpleasant odors. In addition, if you cook on a gas stove, waste carbon monoxide accumulates in the room. As a rule, this leads to the fact that housewives have to fry and bake with the window open, which is not always convenient, especially in cold weather. winter time. Kitchen air purifiers, the popularity of which is only growing every year, will help correct the situation. Most often, a kitchen air purifier is understood as a conventional hood that removes exhaust air outside or cleans it in recirculation mode. You can install it yourself, the main thing is to choose the right model.

Types of hoods

There are three main types of hoods: flat, built-in and fireplace. Each of these types has characteristics and is suitable for various spaces.

  • Flat – the most budget and common option. As is already clear from the name, they are distinguished by their small height, which, depending on the shape of the device, can reach 7-15 cm. They come with a set of fasteners, installation instructions and an adapter to which the corrugated air duct is attached. The power of such air purifiers for the kitchen is usually small, as a rule it does not exceed 200-300 m³/hour. This is enough for an area of ​​8-10 squares. A feature of such models is an open air duct in air exhaust mode.
  • Built-in. Such models are almost completely built into the cabinet; only the retractable front panel is visible. They are larger and usually more powerful. for the most part hidden inside the closet.
  • Dome. These include a fairly large group of air purifiers. Unlike built-in ones, not only power indicators and dimensions are important, but also appearance. The dome hood is completely open and occupies quite a significant part of the wall. As a rule, it is equipped with 1-2 decorative boxes that can hide air ducts. It is typical for air purifiers of this type wide base, gradually tapering towards the top, in the form of a dome (hence the name). They can be made of stainless steel or painted metal, combined with glass or wooden inserts. The power of such devices can reach 1000 m³/h.

How to determine the required air purifier performance?

It is determined by the formula: “Room volume * 10 = Productivity”, where 10 is the air exchange rate, i.e. a number indicating how many times per hour the air in the room is completely renewed. Let's say the kitchen area is 9 m². Standard ceilings are 2.5 m. Then the minimum required power air purifier: 9 * 2.5 * 10 = 225 m³/hour.

If a corrugated hose is attached to the hood, through which air will be removed, then at each turn of the hose the power will drop by about 10% - this should also be taken into account.

Of course, there are more complex calculations that take into account the need to pump air through air ducts or the volume of furniture in the room, but the average person has no need to delve into them. The above formula is enough to estimate the required performance before purchasing.


There are four standards for the length of hoods: 50, 60, 90 and 120 cm. In Russia, air purifiers of 50 and 60 cm are popular. 90 and 120 are extremely rare. The model is selected so that its length matches the width of the slab. If the stove is 50, then the kitchen air purifier should be 50. Air purifiers of 90 and 120 cm are most often selected for large ones, installed on a separate island, or for production. Such units are quite bulky and difficult to install with your own hands without outside help.

Principle of operation

Some kitchen air purifiers can only operate in exhaust mode, some only in circulation mode, but most models combine both principles.

If the air purifier operates in exhaust mode, then all exhaust air is completely removed from the room through the air ducts. If the model is set to recirculate, then the air is taken in, passed through a filter system, and then returned to the room.

As usual, each of these cleaning methods has its own pros and cons. The advantage of exhaust is that the air is completely removed - this is much more effective than cleaning through filters. On the other hand, this operating principle requires more serious installation, not to mention the fact that corrugated hoses do not look very aesthetically pleasing and take up a lot of space.

Models operating in recirculation mode take much less space, since they do not require any additional connections. They are very easy to install - just drive two self-tapping screws, hang the hood on it and plug the cord into the socket. But the efficiency of such purifiers is significantly lower, and owners will have to periodically spend money on replacing filters.

Filters for such hoods come in two types: universal and branded. Universal ones are a fibrous sheet impregnated with carbon, which absorbs unpleasant odors. This filter is placed on the grease filter and pressed with fasteners. The branded one is usually screwed directly onto the motor. Its carbon layer is much thicker, so it will purify the air better, but the cost of such a filter is higher. Depending on the model, filters must be changed every 3-6 months.

How to switch the hood from exhaust mode to recirculation mode?

Almost all air purifiers on the market can operate in two modes. In exhaust mode, the air exits through the outlet at the top or rear of the hood and then through the air ducts into the ventilation. To switch the device to recirculation mode, you need to close the outlet with the plug included in the kit and move the lever to change the direction of air movement. A kitchen air purifier configured in this way can be attached directly to the bottom wall cabinet. However, it should be mentioned that flat models are usually switched this way. Built-in ones, which in any case come with ducts and air ducts, do not make sense to reconfigure.


You can easily install the hood with your own hands. The device usually comes with installation instructions and a sheet with markings for fasteners. It is easiest to attach a model operating in recirculation mode; with an air purifier in exhaust mode, you will have to tinker a little longer.

Installation takes place in several stages:

  • mark the wall and install dowels or screws;
  • hang the hood;
  • then the air ducts are secured: an adapter is installed, one end of the corrugated hose is attached to it, and tightened with a clamp;
  • To ventilation hole attach the grille with an adapter, put the second end of the corrugated hose on this adapter and also tighten it with a clamp of the appropriate diameter. The hood is ready for use.

This is far from the only option for installing a hood. Much depends on specific model, from the location: against the wall or in the center.

Its main task is to capture and remove fumes during the cooking process. Do not mask odors and fumes, but rather eliminate them. With the help of a kitchen hood, the air will not stagnate and the smell of food will not spread throughout the apartment. In addition, if the kitchen is not closed, the air throughout the apartment will be ventilated and circulated.

Neglecting the hood will lead to the fact that harmful substances released during gas combustion will spread in the air and negatively affect the health and well-being of residents. And soot and grease will settle on the walls, ceilings and furniture, which is difficult to eliminate through regular cleaning; to remove such contaminants you will need at least redecorating. Good hood– the main condition for cleanliness and freshness of the kitchen.

How does the hood work?

The main part of this device is the motor. Its productivity can vary, most often it ranges from 324 cubic meters per hour. This power is quite enough to ensure air changes 10 times per hour in an average kitchen measuring 9 - 12 square meters.

Which hood to choose for a kitchen with gas stove- you need to choose according to the degree of productivity depending on the floor on which the apartment is located, the length of the air duct, its contamination, temperature changes, intensity and frequency of cooking and the number of smoking residents or guests. A hood with a productivity twice the minimum, which is approximately 600 cubic meters per hour, will serve the best quality. This power is fully enough for the most intensive users and will be a win-win option in any case.

However, by choosing kitchen hood With high power, you may encounter a problem such as high noise. This is indeed a very significant drawback of this technology, which over time can lead to failure of its operation. Therefore, when choosing a hood, you should pay attention to this factor. The latest models of hoods operate almost silently even at maximum performance. This was made possible thanks to an anti-vibration device that separates the motor from the body itself.

Another factor that determines the quality of a hood is its grease retention. A good hood has removable grease filters that can be simply washed with water several times and replaced with new ones during long-term use.

Certainly, silent hood with high productivity and other high indicators will not be cheap, but this option will be the best and will help avoid not only extra costs for repairs, but also take care of the health of residents and guests, which is very important.

Over-the-stove kitchen air purifier- this is undoubtedly an important item in any kitchen, the best assistant to the housewife. This device will not only clean your kitchen from dust, wool, grease when cooking, but also protect the air from unpleasant odors. Also this device saved your plastic windows from fogging, which is most important when cooking in winter.

Air purifiers of the Belarusian brand Gefest are worthy representatives of devices of this type. The Gefest company produces flat-type air purifiers and the familiar convex design. You can also purchase either a hanging or a built-in air purifier. You can choose an over-stove kitchen air purifier in black, white, brown, and other colors. It is worth noting that not all companies produce devices Brown. Air purifiers type VO-3603 have interesting designs, which will undoubtedly decorate your kitchen and make the cooking process easier. The weight of the devices varies from 5 to 14.5 kg. Most Gefest air purifiers have three exhaust modes. You can adjust the power of the appliance when cooking. During operation of the last mode, noise is possible, but operation in the most powerful mode will allow you to clean the air much better. Also, most devices have a button to turn on the backlight for good lighting when working in the kitchen.

The power of the device and the size vary depending on the type, but all air purifiers are economical in terms of energy consumption. Gefest air purifiers have carbon cassette and metal mesh filters. The fan allows the device to operate in exhaust and circulation modes.

To install this device, you do not have to contact a professional. Following the instructions, you can install the air purifier without any problems. Included with the air purifier, each buyer receives a user manual in ten languages. The removable panels of the air purifier can be washed, which allows you to keep the device clean and increase its service life. You can clean the air purifier using warm water with detergent or soap modern materials easy to clean.

It's no secret that even with regular and thorough cleaning of the house, the air in the apartment is saturated with various contaminants: bacteria, microscopic particles of epithelium, plant pollen, combustion products formed as a result of operation kitchen stoves. The only one the right decision in the current situation is to install a modern “heavy” air purifier for the kitchen.

Installation of such modern devices allows you to significantly increase the comfort of living indoors, get rid of various types ailments: increased fatigue, headaches, allergic reactions, respiratory diseases and so on.

Many products, one principle

Each specialized supermarket is replete with a variety of household appliances. Qualified employees will be able to tell you quite accurately about all the advantages and disadvantages of each model, the specifics of production, work, manufacturer, and justify the cost of the product.

However, despite the large flow of information, choosing an air purifier is much more banal and simpler. A wide range of modern air purifiers are based on only 2 basic operating principles: exhaust and recirculation.

It follows from this that devices are divided by type of operation.

  • Exhaust type air purifiers. The operation of products of this type is based on the irreversible removal of various impurities and odors from the kitchen into the ventilation shaft, and then into environment.
  • Air purifiers are recirculation type. The operation of products of this type is based on the forced emission of air through filters. It should be noted that the air itself does not disappear anywhere, but is only cleansed of odors and dust harmful substances, leaving them in the structure of the filters themselves.
  • Mixed type air purifiers. The operation of mixed-type products implies the ability to use common functions depending on need and appropriateness.


For recirculating kitchen air purifiers, there are several of the most common types of replacement filters used, including:

  1. Mechanical. Installed to capture large debris and pet hair. Such filters are usually a mesh with small cells. Mechanical coarse filters are installed on almost all models of modern air purifiers. To filter air from more small particles pollen, cement or asbestos dust, more sensitive fiber filters are used in installations.
  2. Electrostatic. Captures most microscopic particles floating in the air. Such filters work according to the law of attraction electric charges different polarity. The filter operates by creating a corresponding stable electric field, which attracts dust particles. Although electrostatic air purifiers do not require regular replacement, they do require periodic wet cleaning.
  3. Photocatalytic. Such filters effectively decompose the smallest particles, the size of a large molecule, regardless of its production. The action of such filters is carried out using photocatalysis technology, that is, harmful impurities of organic origin are decomposed to the level of absolutely harmless air components.
  4. Coal. Such filters are used to purify the air from household gas contaminants and unpleasant odors. It should be noted that such a filter cannot absorb all gaseous compounds harmful to humans, in particular carbon monoxide.

Important! To achieve maximum purification of the kitchen space from harmful substances, a combination of several filters is often used.


Every modern technical device has its advantages and disadvantages, knowing about which will make it much easier to make a purchase. So let's get started.

Advantages of a recirculation hood system:

  1. Ease of installation. Such Appliances does not require the installation of additional ventilation shafts and complex systems for removing polluted air. The operation of the device begins immediately after the purifier is installed above the stove and connected to the electrical network.
  2. Valuable heat will not leave the walls of the kitchen during the cold season.
  3. It perfectly cleans the air, trapping all odors, fumes and fats.

Advantages of a kitchen ventilation exhaust system:

  1. The silent operation of the device is due to the easy and unhindered removal of “heavy” air masses through special ventilation shafts.
  2. Saving on accompanying materials. In such systems there is no need to periodically change and install new filters, which are by no means cheap.
  3. The high efficiency factor is based on the principle of absolute elimination of “heavy” air and moisture in the air.

Installation of the unit in accordance with individual parameters

To make the right choice of the required household equipment for the kitchen, you should decide on several important criteria. Having decided on the parameters, it will be much easier for you to not only right choice, but also avoid unnecessary costs. So let's get started.

  • We define right size working surface. Length working area the hood should be equal to or slightly larger than the working surface of the stove. This condition must be met so that all odors generated go directly into the hood and do not spread throughout the kitchen. Today there are 3 standard sizes hoods: 60, 90 and 120 cm. There are cases when the stove is placed in the center of the kitchen. Then a hood is required custom sizes working surface.
  • We calculate productivity. Productivity is determined by the volume of air that the air purifier is able to process in 1 hour. There are 2 productivity: declared and calculated.

Important! The performance indicated in the technical data sheet must always be greater than the calculated one.

To determine the estimated productivity, you should calculate the volume of the kitchen, then multiply this number by 12 and 1.3.

12 is the air exchange rate for the kitchen room. 1.3 is the coefficient for pumping air through ventilation in multi-storey buildings. In private one-story residential premises, the coefficient of 1.3 can be neglected.

  • We choose the most comfortable and acceptable noise level. The noise level of modern air purifiers is within 55 dB. Although such noise cannot be ignored.

Equipment installation

For correct installation equipment must always be followed general rules, which are indicated in the technical documentation.

The process of installing equipment must be taken with full responsibility. That is why the markings of all fasteners must be additionally checked using building level. The correct horizontal installation location is not only an aesthetic issue, but also a guarantee of rational functionality.

If for installation it is necessary to lay outlet channels, then preference should be given to channels made of PVC material.

Beauty requires care

For the manufacture of hoods, metal is most often used, which is quite easy to care for. It should be noted that filters used in recirculating air purifiers are not subject to such care.

The filter can be cleaned either independently or by dishwasher. However, if you clean it in the car, you must first wash its walls to remove food debris. Otherwise, the damaged filter can simply be thrown away.

Choosing an air purifier is a delicate matter

For optimal selection When installing an air purifier in the kitchen, you should take into account all the features of the room and the possibility of laying ventilation shaft equipment for an exhaust type device. If you decide that you want to install a recirculation type hood, then questions regarding the air duct and its installation are not affected in principle.

The best option for purchasing a hood is a general purchase with kitchen furniture. However, not everyone can afford such luxury today. Much more often all components kitchen set purchased at different times or different places. After which the installation and adjustment of the containers is carried out.

Let's consider perfect option purchases when you have the opportunity to purchase kitchen furniture with built-in household appliances. In this case, specialists furniture showroom will carry out a professional selection of the model of the air purifying device, taking into account the size of the kitchen, work surface and furniture.

When choosing an air-purifying device, you are required to decide only on the type of desired placement of the hood on the kitchen furniture.

Accommodation types:

  1. Hanging. The main advantage of this model is the implementation easy installation directly to furniture installation. Devices with such mounting often do not have large size They work in depth and work efficiently when using several air purification filters.
  2. Built-in. Such devices are built into kitchen furniture using high-quality fastening. They blend perfectly with it (in color and texture). As a rule, such hoods are made in uniform style with kitchen furniture and are almost invisible.
  3. Fireplace (in the shape of a dome). The appearance of such a device resembles a fireplace chimney, which fits perfectly into any interior style of the room. Such air purifiers can be of only ventilation or mixed types.

Nowadays, combining a kitchen with a living space, forming a studio, is especially popular. Thus, on the one hand, there is visual increase space, and, on the other hand, the spread of odors from the stove throughout the entire territory.

To prevent the latter, experts recommend installing a high-quality air purifier for the kitchen, which will be selected according to the size of the common room and the personal wishes of the owner.

Undoubtedly, modern models Air purifiers for the kitchen are technically advanced devices that today purify the air much more effectively than their predecessors. In addition, modern models have perfect designs, allowing only to complement and favorably emphasize the interior details of the kitchen space.

Kitchen is a room in a house with an aggressive environment where it is necessary to provide good cleaning air, because it contains unpleasant odors and harmful gas decomposition products released during cooking. A kitchen air purifier does this job perfectly. What kind of device this is, how it is selected and installed, you can find out further.

Operating principle and difference from a classic hood

Conventionally, kitchen purifiers can be divided into 2 types – hoods and air purifiers. The meaning of their work is the same - purification of polluted air masses, but the operating principle is different.

The air purifier assumes the following operating scheme:

  • The clogged air is sucked into the device via a fan.
  • IN exhaust pipe the air is cleaned passing through the filter elements.
  • The purified mass of air returns to the kitchen.

Due to the fact that the air purifier recirculates air, it is called a recirculating hood.

Classic flow hoods work in this order:

  1. Polluted air is drawn into the purifier.
  2. Immediately discharged into the ventilation shaft.
  3. Discharged into the environment without returning to the premises.

In fact, we can say that conventional hoods completely remove contaminated air masses through a ventilation system or a special opening. Air purifiers return air after filtration. You can clearly see how the operating cycle of both types of devices differs in the following diagram:

It is worth noting that there are mixed hoods with two modes, which are set depending on the degree of air pollution. In the exhaust mode, contaminated air is completely removed from the kitchen through the air duct, and in the recirculation mode, it is taken in, passes through cleaning filters and returned to the room.

Filters for kitchen air purifiers

As noted above, air is drawn into the air purifier and forced through the filters. They can be of the following types:

  • Carbonic. The most common filter. It cleans the air well from various odors, but does not cope with carbon monoxide. Requires replacement on average once every 3 months.
  • Photocatalytic. This filter does not require cartridge replacement. It decomposes organic substances into simple components that do not harm the human body.
  • Mechanical. It is a metal mesh with tiny cells on which large particles, pet hair, grease, etc. settle. They are installed on almost every modern purifier. These filters need to be washed regularly warm water.
  • Air. Used to retain smaller solid particles. The filter has a fibrous structure in which smaller particles easily settle. Depending on the intensity of use of the device, on average it changes once every 3 months.
  • Electrostatic. Attracts dust, mechanical particles, soot, soot and toxic fumes by creating an electric field. It does not require replacement, but does require regular wet cleaning.

To effectively purify the air in the kitchen, it is better to purchase a model that has at least two filters installed.

Types of models

Air purifiers come in several types depending on the mounting method:

  • Flat or suspended. These are the most common and inexpensive options, which have a small height of 7-15 cm, which depends on the shape of the device. They are easily attached to furniture and have a small capacity - up to 300 cubic meters. m/hour, therefore suitable for small kitchens (8-9 sq. m). Such hoods often have a recirculation mode. They are preferable to devices with flow-through mode, since such air ducts remain visible, thereby spoiling the interior of the kitchen.
  • Built-in. This is an ideal, but expensive option, since it is bought immediately as a set with furniture. The advantage of the model is that it is almost completely hidden in the cabinet, so it is practically invisible (only the retractable front panel is visible). Of course, the built-in purifier looks harmonious with the kitchen furniture, since they are one with it in color, texture, and size. These models are more powerful than the flat type and larger in size.

  • Domed or fireplace. To get an air purifier, you need to purchase a fireplace hood with mixed mode. In appearance they resemble a chimney, since the wide base gradually narrows towards the top. They fit into almost any interior, but take up quite a lot of space. When choosing these purifiers, in addition to size and performance, you should also consider their appearance since they are completely open. They are usually equipped with two decorative boxes, under which the air ducts are hidden. They are made from stainless steel or painted metal, often combined with glass and wood. These are quite powerful purifiers - their productivity can reach up to 1000 cubic meters. m/hour.

Which is better: an air purifier or a regular hood?

It depends on the area of ​​the kitchen and the air circulation in it:

  • if the kitchen is large in area and very little time is required for cooking, then a recirculating air purifier above the stove will be sufficient;
  • If the kitchen is small and has a small window where ventilation is difficult, you should think about installing a hood.

Separately, it is worth taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each option, which the following table will help with:



With recirculation (air purifier)

This is a mobile device that can be installed anywhere. During the cold season, it will not remove heat from the room, and also does not affect the circulation of moisture in the room. It purifies the air not only from small solid particles, but also retains a variety of odors and fats. The disadvantages include expensive maintenance (replacing filters), but installing a device with washable filters will help reduce costs.

With outlet (regular hood)

This is a less expensive type in terms of maintenance, since it does not require replacement or reinstallation of filters. Guarantees high performance due to the complete removal of contaminated air into ventilation. It creates virtually no noise during operation. The main disadvantage is installation difficulties, since it is necessary to make ventilation passages to connect the hood to the shaft.

It should be borne in mind that the smoother the air duct runs, the more efficient its operation will be, since the power of the purifier drops by 10% with each turn of the corrugated hose.

How to choose an air purifier?

To buy a suitable model, you need to take into account the parameters of the kitchen. Only in this case will the purifier work effectively, and the air during the cooking process will remain fresh and clean. In general, the instructions for choosing an air purifier are as follows:

  1. Select the size of the working surface. The length of the air purifier should be slightly longer or the same as the width of the stove. In this case, all the “aromas” will immediately enter the hood and will not have time to spread throughout the apartment. There are four standard sizes of air purifiers on the market - 50, 60, 90 and 120 cm. The most popular are 50 and 60 cm purifiers, which are chosen for small rooms. If the kitchen is large and the stoves are large, you will have to choose devices with a length of 90 or 120 cm.
  2. Calculate device performance. You need to make the calculations yourself based on the size of your room. The calculation formula is as follows: multiply the volume of the kitchen by 12 and 1.3. Let's consider each parameter separately:
  • calculate the volume of the room by multiplying the height of the wall and the area;
  • 12 – air exchange rate, which shows how many times per hour the air in the room is completely renewed;
  • 1.3 is a coefficient that takes into account the pumping of air through ventilation in a multi-story building.

Let's look at an example. The kitchen has an area of ​​9 square meters, and the height of the walls is 2.5 m. Then the productivity will be equal to: 9x2.5x12x1.3 = 351 cubic meters. m/hour. So, you need to choose an air purifier whose characteristics indicate approximately the same performance.

  1. Understand the material. It largely determines the cost of the purifier. Decorated aluminum is optimal. It is resistant to corrosion, but dirt quickly settles on it, although it will not be difficult to wash it off. Do you want to give your hood a more “expensive” look? Then consider models made from tempered glass or of stainless steel.
  2. Take account noise level . It is worth choosing a model with a comfortable and acceptable noise level. As a rule, in modern purifiers this figure is within 55 decibels. If it is larger, then the sound of the operating device can cause significant discomfort.

Having understood these parameters, you can choose the optimal air purifier of any type - suspended, built-in or dome-shaped. As for the appropriate type, you should proceed from your own preferences and financial capabilities.

Basic installation rules

Before installing any type of cleaning device, there are two recommendations to consider:

  • Take care of the outlet. Ideally, it should be located at the level of the hood, and the cable should be hidden in the wall, since neither the socket nor the wire should be exposed to steam and heat. It is recommended not to use an extension cord that has extreme tension or sagging in the cord, as this is unsafe.
  • Determine the installation location above the stove at a height of 75 cm. This way, the air purifier will capture all fumes and will not be affected by heat and steam.

The installation of a recirculation and flow device differs from each other. To understand the differences in detail, it is worth considering the installation principle of each device:

  • Air purifier with recirculation mode. This model is easy to install yourself, since all the necessary components for installation are included in the kit along with a cleaner, installation instructions and a sheet with markings for fastening. All markings are checked using a building level. After the device is secured, it is plugged into the outlet. It's ready to go.
  • Hood with “outlet” mode. Installation of these models is more labor-intensive, since it is necessary to connect the corrugated hose to the ventilation. They adhere to this order: markings are made on the wall and screws are screwed in, on which the hood is hung. Next, they begin to install the air duct, for which they use an adapter. A corrugated hose is attached to it, and then tightened with a clamp. The second end of the corrugated hose is connected using a clamp to the ventilation hole, onto which a grille with an adapter is pre-installed.

Air purifiers are devices that help cope with the smell of grease and burning, soot, gas combustion products, dust, hair, unpleasant odors and toxic substances. When purchasing them, you need to proceed from the sizes own kitchen and slabs, as well as financial opportunities. Whatever air purifier you choose, do not forget that it needs regular care and timely change of filters.

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