Well      03/08/2020

Wall decoration in the bathroom. Decorating bathroom walls: materials and ideas for renovation. Drywall - easy, cheap, but cramped

The bathroom for any apartment is a particularly intimate and mysterious room. Due to its specific properties, the walls in the bathroom are decorated in a special way, taking into account all the features of the room, which is characterized by increased humidity and temperature changes. In addition, there is always insufficient air ventilation, and rather aggressive cleaning chemicals are used.

The bathroom protrudes great place, where fungal plaques and armies of bacteria multiply and exist in humid conditions. When furnishing a bathroom, it is also advisable to select durable finishing materials. This is due to the fact that, as a rule, this room has a small area, and therefore it is quite easy to damage the surfaces with any object, for example, a bucket or mop.

Properties that coatings for finishing a bathroom should differ and possess:

  • moisture resistance;
  • increased strength and durability;
  • exposure to chemical compounds;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • aesthetic and decorative qualities.

Preparing for wall decoration

When asking the question of how to carry out any manipulations to finish wall surfaces in the bathroom, you should take into account and evaluate the following indicators:

  • Condition of wall surfaces

They should be completely even. However, this indicator will depend on what material is chosen for further finishing. If you plan to use paint or smooth materials in rolls as a coating, then there should not be the slightest unevenness on the wall surface. In the case of using tile or plastic panels, minor irregularities will not in any way affect the quality of the repair work.

  • Elements of old finishing on surfaces

If there is a coating of old tiles, it must be removed, and the remaining adhesive composition cleaned thoroughly. This process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. If there is a paint coating, it is permissible to leave it. Depending on the new material, it may be necessary to prime the walls. On oil paint Putty and tile panels do not adhere well. For smooth concrete Plaster will not work. The fastest way to prepare the surface so that the materials have good adhesion is to coat the wall with a primer.

To protect the walls bathroom from the proliferation and formation of fungal plaques, they should be treated with antiseptic compounds.

Types of finishing materials

Modern assortment finishing materials for wall surfaces in the bathroom is amazing. Along with the usual paints and tiles, many alternative coatings have appeared, with which you can turn your bathroom not only into the most practical room, but also make it uniquely attractive.

Ceramic wall coverings

  • Ceramic tile elements. Traditional tiles are a classic way to decorate a bathroom. Choice color shades, sizes and textured surfaces are very large. To decorate ordinary panels, there are borders, inserts, and panels, thanks to which any tile composition can be made individual.

Like ceramic material has a number of advantages:

  • long service life - even under harsh conditions, tile panels will last for several decades;
  • hygienic properties of the material - dirt particles do not linger on the ceramics, it is quite easy to clean;
  • decorative qualities - choosing any color and texture today is quite simple in a huge assortment.

But the tile material also has a minus. It lies in the fact that the cost of the layout and the tile itself is high. In addition, this will require a lot of time and the involvement of professional craftsmen. Yes, and the vaunted durability is a minus, since tastes and fashion trends change, but the tiles will still remain in place unchanged.

Installation of tile work begins only after preparing the wall surfaces. The walls are plastered with special compounds with increased moisture resistance. After this, a primer is applied. When all the preparatory layers have dried, they begin to lay the tile panels on a moisture-resistant adhesive base. Level control is carried out throughout the entire display period, otherwise any flaws and shortcomings will be noticeable.

  • Porcelain stoneware materials are worthy competitors to traditional tiles. Porcelain stoneware is distinguished by its strength and durability. In addition, it perfectly imitates natural stone. This is an environmentally friendly, safe product on which various microorganisms cannot reproduce and live.

The main disadvantage of porcelain stoneware is its high cost.

Plastic for wall coverings

Plastic modules are one of the most versatile and suitable materials for the bathroom. The plastic panel is very popular among ordinary people, as it can withstand high humidity levels, changes temperature conditions, does not lose its color and can withstand loads. The undeniable advantages of working with plastic are quick and simple installation procedures, in which there is virtually no dirt and dust. Anyone can decorate walls with such panels independently, without the involvement of qualified workers.

Installation manipulations take place in several stages:

  • remove old coating and remove debris;
  • to avoid the formation of fungus and mold, the walls are treated with antiseptic compounds;
  • install lathing from profiles of metal or plastic origin. Constructions made of wood that has been pre-treated with moisture-repellent solutions are also acceptable;
  • installation begins by installing a starting corner in the corner of the room;
  • each new panel is installed, the fastening narrow shelf fits into the previous groove, while the wide one is fastened with self-tapping screws. If there are installation profiles, fastening is carried out with clips. This option is much more convenient and faster.

Plastic panels are produced with different textures. Color palette the material is very diverse. Therefore, with their help you can reproduce real designer masterpieces. It is possible to arrange the panels both horizontally and vertically, alternating shades or textures. The layout of the panels diagonally looks very stylish.

We don’t change traditions - we paint the bathroom

Painting walls is the oldest, but still relevant, way to decorate wall paintings in a bathroom. The main thing is to choose materials that are not afraid of moisture.

If you choose the option of covering the walls with paint, then you should consider several important aspects:

  • surfaces must be perfectly smooth and even, because after applying a layer of paint the slightest inaccuracies will become noticeable;
  • for the bathroom, special compositions are selected that are resistant to steam and moisture deposits;
  • When painting small rooms, it is preferable to use a light palette of colors, as this will visually increase the area of ​​the room.

Types of paints

Among all the types of paint presented in stores, the following compositions are suitable for rooms with high levels of moisture and steam:

  • Water-based latex or acrylate based

Acrylic emulsion is inexpensive material, which adequately withstands humidity. However, you should not use it on surfaces that come into contact with water, such as the area near the shower, sink or bathtub. A dense protective film is formed on a surface coated with a latex composition, which can even “tighten” and fill in small irregularities.

  • Alkyd emulsions

In appearance they resemble oil ones, but they differ best characteristics. They are available in glossy, semi-gloss and matte finishes. The advantages of this paint are its low cost and average vapor permeability. The disadvantages are the ability to change color over time, acquiring a yellowish tint, and highlight all the irregularities. In addition, such emulsions contain strong-smelling substances in the form of gasoline and turpentine, so a pungent odor lingers in the room until it dries completely.

  • Silicate compounds

Fungi and mold do not form on surfaces coated with these paints. This is a very strong and durable coating with high vapor permeability. However, silicate emulsions must be used very carefully, because until they dry completely they are dangerous to human health. After crystallization of the composition, the coating is absolutely harmless. Work must be carried out in protective clothing and a respiratory mask. After application, it is better to leave the room until it dries completely.

  • Silicone paint compositions

One hundred percent waterproof coating. This fact necessitates the installation of a powerful ventilation system.

  • Chlorinated rubber varieties of paints

They are used to decorate swimming pools, and therefore they can be safely used for painting surfaces that come into contact with water. At the same time, it is also necessary to consider high-quality ventilation.

Modern paints have a variety of properties and characteristics; the color spectrum is very wide, which makes it possible to create the most unimaginable designs, turning renovation into a creative, exciting process.

When creating a unique bathroom design, you can use various combinations of shades. Depending on the chosen style, wall surfaces are decorated with paintings. If you don’t have drawing skills, then you can use ready-made stencils.

Wallpaper for the bathroom

Modern wallpaper sheets can be used to cover surfaces even in the bathroom. Such materials are a great way to decorate a room and make it more cozy and warm.

Rolls of wallpaper suitable for pasting in conditions of high humidity are marked with an icon in the form of 3 wavy lines. The only weak point when wallpapering surfaces is the joints. This is where moisture penetrates, as a result of which this wall covering is short-lived.

Today there are many varieties of canvases, represented by vinyl, acrylic and glass wallpaper. The most suitable option for pasting would be a room with a shower.

Plasterboard structures

Plasterboard sheets are a fairly moisture-resistant material with a special moisture-proof impregnation layer. The distinctive sign of such a sheet is green color. Drywall is very convenient to use, the cost of the sheets is low, and it has good sound and heat insulation properties. Installation does not require additional preparatory operations to level the walls.

Along with the positive characteristics, plasterboard sheets have one significant drawback. To install sheets on the wall, it is necessary to design a profile frame that will “eat up” several centimeters of precious area. In addition, after installation, the sheets have an unaesthetic appearance, which requires further work to coat the surfaces with other compounds.

After the plasterboard sheet is installed and processed, it can be decorated and designed to your liking. It is better not to use sheets near contact with moisture.

Decorative plaster compositions

If the owners have a desire to decorate the bathroom in a unique way individual project, then you should use decorative plaster. Such coating properties as moisture resistance and absorbency make plaster a universal coating for the bathroom.

As a rule, before applying plaster, wall surfaces are leveled. Great option will become Venetian plaster, which is covered with several layers of wax. All moisture will simply roll off from this surface. It is possible to apply plastering materials different ways, creating unique textures and patterns. The disadvantages are the high cost and complexity of implementation.

Non-standard finishing methods

  • Self-adhesive film sheets – belong to non-standard ways wall decoration. The film does not allow water to pass through, and the butt seams are sealed with sealant. The advantages of the coating are the low price and a large selection of patterns and colors. However, upon closer examination of the surface on which the film is applied, it becomes clear that it is cheap way replace more expensive coatings;
  • Decorating the walls in the bathroom with tiles and photo printing will look non-standard and unique;

  • Linoleum for wall surfaces is a completely new type of covering, which is currently produced only by one company, TARKETT. Initially, these materials were developed for covering walls in medical institutions. Therefore, these are very reliable coatings that are resistant to water and chemicals. Their appearance resembles flexible plastic, the thickness of which is only 1 millimeter. Rolls of linoleum are two meters wide. The canvas is cut with scissors.

Installation of canvases is carried out on a flat surface. The sheets are fastened together by welding using a soldering iron with an adhesive cord.

  • An expensive but very attractive option is to decorate the walls with natural stone. The slabs have an impressive weight and arbitrary shape, and therefore installation is quite difficult.

An alternative is decorative rock, which has the proper aesthetic appearance, but it weighs much less. It is produced on the basis of cement or gypsum powder. When laying stone, each separate fragment is selected according to shape and fits with another. The masonry is embossed, creating a unique interior look. Quite often, not the entire surface of the wall is finished with stone, but only a separate section, combining it with other coatings.

Decorating the bathroom with one or another type finishing coatings, we must not forget about the end result. To give the room individuality and uniqueness, you should pay attention to different combinations of materials.

Even the ancient Romans were sure that the place where a person washes must be special. They decorated their baths, as baths were called at that time, as luxurious palaces. Centuries have passed, but the attitude towards rooms for hygiene procedures has changed little. Every owner of a house or apartment wants to make his bathroom not only as functional as possible, but also beautiful.

In the process of developing a design project, it is important not only to choose the design and decor, but also to wisely select materials for finishing the walls in the bathroom. Correctly selected wall covering will serve for a very long time and will be able to maintain an attractive appearance.

There is an opinion that it is simply impossible to create an unusual and interesting interior. Especially if the room has small sizes. Therefore, most often, owners listen to the recommendations of designers and decorate the bathroom in the same style as the rest of the apartment or house. The result is often not the best.

The place where a person performs hygiene procedures should be not only functional, but also beautiful

And this is not at all because some stylistic miscalculations are being made. The bathroom requires a special approach. Here you can implement original ideas and experiments. Fenced off from living space interior door, the room can be bright, original and stylish.

And first of all, you need to think about finishing materials. It's not true that the best choice- ceramic tile. There can be a lot of options. However, before you start choosing them, you need to understand that the bathroom is a room with special conditions, therefore all coatings used for finishing must be:

  • resistant to significant temperature changes and high humidity;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • easy to clean and hygienic;
  • durable.

The last requirement, at first glance, is not directly related to the special conditions of the bathroom. However, you need to understand that renovations in the bathroom are more complex and time-consuming than in any other room. Therefore, you need to strive to do it as rarely as possible.

In addition, modern plumbing fixtures have long term operation, therefore they need the same durable frame.

How can you decorate the bathroom walls?

There are a lot of finishing options, for every taste and, of course, for every budget. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of several of them.

Option #1 – ceramic tiles

That's what they call records various shapes and sizes, made of baked clay. The tiles are made by pressing a homogeneous crushed mixture and subsequent firing in ovens at a temperature of about 1200C. There are different types of ceramics:

  • Glazed tiles. Additionally, it is coated with a special transparent layer, which not only protects the ceramic plate, but also gives it a more attractive appearance.
  • Unglazed cladding. There is no protective layer. The tiles are distinguished by the natural structure of the material and attractive natural texture. It can be considered conditionally suitable for decorating wet rooms.

Design ceramic tiles can be very different. In addition to the traditional square and rectangular cladding of various sizes, more interesting plate shapes are produced: hexagons, triangles and even circles and ovals. The colors and textures of the tiles are also varied.

Interesting models with all kinds of inserts made of metal, mirror or stone. Manufacturers offer tile collections that include basic cladding and decor: borders and plates decorated with various patterns and motifs.

The obvious advantages of ceramics include:

  • high wear resistance;
  • resistance to aggressive compounds, including detergents;
  • environmental safety;
  • high resistance to the damaging effects of moisture;
  • hygiene and ease of care;
  • maintainability, damaged tiles can be easily replaced;
  • resistance to toxic substances and fire.

The main disadvantage of any ceramics can be considered the complexity of installation, before which it will be necessary to carry out labor-intensive work to prepare the surface of the walls for cladding.

The manufacturer offers collections of ceramic tiles, in which the main cladding and decor have already been selected. Using such a collection, even a non-professional can create an attractive design

The features of the finishing material are such that it can only be laid on a completely leveled, dry base primed with a special compound. The cladding process is also complex and requires the involvement of specialists. It is almost impossible for a person without experience to lay tiles on walls efficiently.

In addition, the surface of ceramics is always cool to the touch, so leaning against such a wall is not very pleasant. The material is classified as brittle and fragile, which complicates transportation and laying of tiles. The cost of cladding depends on the quality and the manufacturing company.

On sale you can find both elite models belonging to the high price category and quite budget material. Thus, if desired, cladding that is acceptable in cost and quality can be found without much difficulty.

Option #2 – self-adhesive film

basis self-adhesive film is polyvinyl chloride. On front side coating applied decorative pattern, on the opposite side there is a layer of glue that holds the material to the surface. It is covered with a protective layer of paper.

To apply the film to the wall, you need to very carefully and gradually remove the protective layer, while straightening and pressing the vinyl to the base. This film adheres perfectly to plastic, wood, glass, plasterboard and metal surfaces.

There are many varieties of self-adhesive film available. On sale you can find a single-color coating, glossy or matte, mirrored, with a 3D effect or metallized.

Films that imitate various materials are interesting: fabric, mosaic, tile, wood, cork, and the like. The advantages of vinyl film include:

  • high tensile and fracture strength;
  • speed and ease of installation;
  • sufficiently high wear resistance, which allows the material to serve for at least 5 years;
  • large selection of colors and textures;
  • resistance to high humidity;
  • easy to clean, stains can be removed with soapy water;
  • The pattern applied to the film does not fade for a long time and does not deteriorate from direct sunlight.

Self-adhesive film is available in the most different designs. Using this material you can quickly and inexpensively create an exclusive design for your bathroom

Installation of the coating is extremely simple, however, before starting it, it is necessary to prepare the base very well, since all, even the smallest cracks and irregularities will be clearly visible.

Option #3 – paint

Painted bathroom walls are becoming popular again thanks to the variety of modern paint compositions. For painting, experts recommend using special paints:

  • Acrylic. It is made on the basis of acrylic polymer, to which titanium dioxide and marble chips are added. The composition forms a durable film on the painted surface with microscopic pores, giving the walls the opportunity to “breathe”.
  • Latex. Its base is latex acrylate, which retains its original appearance for a long time. The composition can withstand numerous wet cleanings using chemicals.
  • Silicone. Combines the advantages of previous options. Prevents the proliferation of microorganisms, applied to any surface, including brick, concrete slab and plaster. Not sensitive to temperature changes and high humidity.
  • Silicate. Its basis is liquid glass mixed with silicon and resin. To give the composition the desired color, oxides of various metals are added to it. Resistant to high humidity and temperature. Before applying to the wall, the base must be primed with a special solution.

The advantage of painting walls is the ability to do the work yourself, while their quality directly depends on the artist. If desired, you can use different combinations of paints, which allows you to create original design interior

The disadvantages include the need to carefully prepare the base before painting.

Painted walls in the bathroom are a practical solution. For painting, we select special compositions intended for rooms with high humidity.

Option #4 - plastic panels

Modern plastic panels are made from polyvinyl chloride, which is completely safe for human health. When choosing a material for finishing a bathroom, you need to take into account that there are two types of such panels. One of them is intended for ceiling decoration, and the second for walls.

It is important to choose the right lamellas, since wall lamellas differ from ceiling lamellas in being more durable and resistant to mechanical damage, less flexibility. For the manufacture of wall panels, a composition with a high content of PVC is used. In addition, their internal stiffeners are made of plastic with a thickness of at least 1 mm. It will no longer be possible to cut such material with a knife.

Laminated panels are best suited for wall decoration. Their main difference from the others is their increased resistance to any mechanical damage. This effect is achieved through the use of special protective film, which protects the design from fading and the surface of the product from scratches and chips. The advantages of polyvinyl chloride panels include:

  • Low demands on the quality of the base. To install the lamellas, a prefabricated frame made of wood or metal is used. It can be assembled over any walls; leveling, primer and putty are not required.
  • Relatively easy to install. If desired, a craftsman can install the panels without much experience in construction work.
  • Possibility to hide any engineering communications behind the slats.
  • Maintainability. A panel that has become unusable can be easily removed and replaced with a new one.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Large selection of all kinds of textures and colors.

Among the disadvantages of plastic panels, it is worth noting that they are less resistant to mechanical damage and vapor permeable than tiles, which leads to the formation of condensation on the surface of the coating. In addition, the frame required to install the lamellas “eats” part of the usable area of ​​the room.

For finishing a bathroom, it is best to choose laminated pvc panels who have additional protection from mechanical damage

Option #5 – decorative plaster

A special mixture consisting of a binder, filler and auxiliary components. The basis of plaster can be either natural or various synthetic substances.

A special relief of the treated surface appears due to the use various fillers: crumbs natural stone, polymer granules, glass, cellulose fibers and others. When choosing plaster for bathroom decor, it is important to choose a moisture-resistant solution.

Experts recommend paying attention to compositions intended for facade finishing, which are created using polymer, acrylic and epoxy resins. Decorative plaster has many advantages:

  • Covering the entire surface to be decorated without seams or joints, which allows you to flawlessly decorate any complex areas of the room. For example, columns, arches, niches and shelves.
  • Durability of the coating. It does not fade, does not wear out and does not fade.
  • Easy to care for.
  • A wide selection of various textures and the ability to color the mixture, which allows you to choose the ideal material for decorating a bathroom of any style.
  • There is no need for complex preparation of the base for applying decorative plaster. In some cases, you can only get by with priming.
  • Good compatibility with any finishing materials.

Significant disadvantages of decorative plaster include the risk of cracks if the house has not yet undergone shrinkage after completion of construction.

In addition, it is very important to choose the right composition, since there are fragile and moisture-sensitive varieties of material that will very quickly become unusable in the bathroom. For insurance, you can apply a layer of protective varnish over the coating.

Decorative plaster is distinguished by a relief surface, which is created by the filler present in the solution - natural stone chips, cellulose fibers, plastic granules

Option #6 – mosaic

Very beautiful coating, which is made up of small pieces of stone, ceramics, glass, metal or smalt. The shape, color and size of the elements can be very different. There are mosaics made by hand and coatings pre-applied to a plastic mesh.

In the first case, the installation process will be very labor-intensive and take a lot of time. But as a result, the bathroom will acquire an exclusive design. In the second case, installing the mosaic will not be too labor-intensive and time-consuming.

You can find mosaics on sale at plastic base, which is very easy to mount on the wall. Its installation does not require special skills, and the result is a beautiful and practical coating.

Mosaics are usually not divided into wall and floor, so the same fragments can be laid on any surface. The design of a bathroom is very interesting, when the mosaic seems to “flow” from the wall to the floor. The advantages of mosaic coating include:

  • Spectacular appearance. You can choose between multi-colored and single-color patterns, simple and elaborate motifs.
  • Hygiene. Fungi and mold rarely grow on glass, metal or ceramics. Dirt from such a coating can be easily removed by wet cleaning.
  • Resistant to high humidity and temperature changes.
  • High strength and durability.
  • No visible joints, the ability to decorate the most complex surface configurations.

The disadvantages of mosaic mainly depend on the material from which it is made. For example, glass parts are quite easy to scratch, and if hit with a heavy object, cracks may appear on them. Metal fragments deteriorate when exposed to harsh chemicals, so you should carefully select cleaning products.

In addition, any mosaic coating has a high cost, which includes not only the price of the material, but also the installation services. Only experienced craftsmen can install mosaics themselves.

A bathroom decorated with mosaics emphasizes the impeccable taste of its owner

What to give preference to?

The variety of materials for decorating bathroom walls serves as a kind of guarantee that everyone can choose for themselves best coverage. When choosing, you must take into account individual characteristics bathroom, since the same material in different conditions will manifest itself in different ways.

The deciding factor should not be the attractive appearance, but the durability and practicality of the coating. Then the bathroom will delight its owner for many years not only with beauty, but also with functionality.

The bathroom is a secluded corner for the owner of the house, and its design is an important part home comfort. Very often, tiles are used to decorate the walls and floors in the bathroom, but they are not cheap. In this article we will talk about how to decorate the walls in the bathroom, except for tiles, and thereby get rid of the obsessive template that the bathroom is a tile country, additionally saving a decent amount.

Requirements for finishing materials

The main purpose of the bathroom is to use water for various purposes: hygiene, washing, etc. Therefore, the fact that the air humidity in this room is higher than in the rest is not surprising. Saturation of air with moisture in such concentrations has a negative effect on most conventional finishing materials. This means that before choosing what to decorate your bathroom with, other than tiles, you need to know what requirements the selected material must meet. Let's look at the requirements in more detail.

Moisture resistance

Regardless of the level of moisture saturation in the air, the decorative finishing of the walls should not lose its properties indicated in the operating instructions. Also, the material should not allow moisture to pass through to the structures that are located underneath it: walls, floors, etc. The finishing material must protect support structures from destruction.


The service life also plays an important role in the decision making, because no one wants to redo the repair after 2 years. At the same time, do not forget in what conditions your material will be located.


The surface of the finishing material must be hygienic and not spread microorganisms. Many materials, under certain conditions, become ideal breeding grounds for bacteria. This shouldn't happen here.


When choosing what to decorate a bathroom with, in addition to tiles, take into account the fact that not only temperature, but also mechanical effects will occur. Appliances and plumbing also affect the finish.


The less the surface gets dirty and the easier it is to clean, the better for you and for the surface itself. The most suitable are smooth finishing materials or those with very little porosity.

Chemical resistance

Under the influence of detergents and other household products the coating may be destroyed, which will lead to unintended consequences. Therefore, choose materials that are resistant to aggressive agents.

Types of finishes

It is quite possible to design a bathroom without tiles on the walls, and there are many different means for this, which we will talk about. In addition to tiles, possible materials that meet all the above criteria include:

  1. Waterproof paint.
  2. Linoleum.
  3. Self-adhesive film.
  4. Waterproof wallpaper.
  5. Plastic panels, also known as siding.
  6. Mosaic.
  7. Wooden lining, MDF.
  8. Porcelain tiles.
  9. Glass blocks.
  10. Oilcloth.
  11. Stone.

As you can see, there is enough variety to choose exactly what you need. Let's talk in more detail about each material.


When choosing a cheap way to decorate your bathroom other than tiles, you should choose this option. It is recommended to cover the walls in the bathroom with moisture-resistant latex or acrylic paint. Among other things, this finish has antibacterial properties and prevents mold.

Important! Before applying paint to dry walls, you need to walk over the surface with a water-repellent primer and only then begin work.

This type of finishing allows you to create unique wall decoration: painting, mixing color range, drawings. Brick walls look great in this light. It is better to cover the areas around the sink and bathtub with glass block or glass.

By using paint for wall decoration, you enjoy the following advantages:

  1. Easy to care for.
  2. Hygiene.
  3. Wide choice of color palette.
  4. Ease of doing the job.


How to decorate the bathroom? In addition to tiles, it is also possible to use linoleum. Many will be surprised by such an unexpected alternative, because it is more common to see this type of material on the floor. In fact, there are a lot of different options for linoleum for walls. At the same time, this type of wall covering has its irreplaceable advantages. The most significant are the following:

  1. There are no joints, which eliminates the need to create an environment for bacteria to grow.
  2. Wear resistance. The service life of linoleum, even on the floor, is at least 10 years, so what can we say about the walls?
  3. A variety of textures and design solutions.
  4. Easy to install. Even the most inexperienced person can do such repairs.

Important! To lay linoleum correctly, you need to completely level the walls under it: remove excess materials, level with putty, prime, and then glue your covering.

Self-adhesive film

One of the newest options for wall decoration. Film is a very diverse material that can satisfy the requirements of even the most picky buyer.

Let's talk about the advantages of this material over others:

  1. Fast and inexpensive repair in the bathroom with your own hands.
  2. Easy to care for and does not require much attention.
  3. A variety of colors, shades, textures.
  4. This material can be glued to any surface.
  5. For those who like to quickly change their interior, self-adhesive film is the best option.

This material did not avoid some disadvantages:

  1. The maximum service life of the film is 10 years.
  2. Because of improper care behind the bathroom, pathogenic bacteria may form under this material.

Waterproof wallpaper

If the walls of your bathroom are well made and do not have large unevenness, wallpaper will also be suitable for decoration. Since the special microclimate of the room does not allow the use of ordinary ones, moisture-resistant wallpapers are suitable for gluing in it. Among these options are thick vinyl wallpapers that can be washed and cleaned.

Important! With prolonged contact with water, even the option with moisture-resistant wallpaper may not withstand it, so it is recommended to use them away from the bathtub and sink itself.

Plastic panels

When wondering what to decorate the walls of the bathroom with, besides tiles, do not forget about such an option as plastic panels. With their help, a smooth and moisture-resistant surface is quickly created.

Important! If the space of the room allows, you can mount the panels directly on top of the tiles, without wasting time on removing them and leveling the walls.

The big advantage of plastic panels compared to tiles is the fact that the panels have a larger coverage area, which means you will need less effort to install them.

This material can be attached in two ways: on the frame and using liquid nails.

Important! The first option will be useful in case of large uneven walls. The frame is made mainly of aluminum or plastic profile, or from wooden planks specially treated with an antiseptic. The joints in this material are almost invisible and the wall cladding looks like a solid structure.


If you want to make your bathroom design spectacular without tiles on the walls, use mosaic options. The ability to lay out drawings and decorate individual elements of different sizes makes this material stand out among others. The material also visually increases the space in the room, which is something that some other options lack.

Important! Mosaic can be combined with many other materials, which will look beneficial in any case. Laying mosaics requires skills, so it is better to entrust such painstaking work to a professional.


In addition to the usual lining, they often use moisture-resistant ones, which are made of plastic or MDF. This plastic material is no different from the panels described above, and most suitable option after all, it is MDF. Installation of this material is easy to do with your own hands.

Among the advantages of MDF are:

  1. Easy installation and subsequent maintenance of the material.
  2. Moisture and light resistance.
  3. Soundproofing properties of the material.

To cover the walls in the bathroom with wooden paneling and not risk the coating, you just need to cover it with transparent varnish or wax.

Important! If possible, place insulation between the covering and the wall, and thus insulate the cold room.

Porcelain tiles

Porcelain tiles are durable quality material. Stronger than tiles, but has the disadvantage of a lack of variety in colors. Wherein, whole line advantages convinces us that the wall decoration will not only look great, but also serve for a very long time.

Among the advantages are:

  1. Strength.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Hygiene.
  4. Light, moisture and heat resistance.
  5. Great wear resistance.

Important! Porcelain tiles can hide grooves for wiring and other communications.

Glass blocks

Once lost in popularity, glass blocks are once again becoming a sales leader. They will quickly help you create a great bathroom design without tiles on the walls.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

  1. It harmonizes perfectly with other finishing materials, which provides endless possibilities for creating a unique interior.
  2. Easy to care for.
  3. Hygiene.
  4. The light transmittance of the material even allows you to separate the shower area from the entire bathroom only with the help of glass blocks.

Important! The downside of the material is its susceptibility to various kinds scratches and other damage. You can quickly create a glass block wall with your own hands.


A natural material that always looks beautiful and elegant in the interior. The variety offered on the market is quite enough to decorate your bathroom simply and tastefully.

The problem is that if you are thinking about how to decorate your bathroom other than tiles on the cheap, then this is not your option. For many, such material remains inaccessible due to its high cost and the amount of work required for installation. Or more precisely, the money spent on a finishing specialist, because to lay the stone yourself, you need to have a lot of experience.

Important! Sold cheaper fake diamond, but its price is still higher than the average on the market for similar materials.


If you want a quick repair, then this option is for you. Like self-adhesive film, it has a huge variety color solutions, the same lack of durability of the material. But if you often experiment with the interior and change it more often than once every 5 years, then this option is perfect.

Video material

All the options proposed above provide a comprehensive answer to the question of how to decorate the walls in the bathroom, except for tiles. When choosing this or that material, do not forget to take into account the characteristics of your bathroom, your love of experimentation and other factors influencing your choice. Combine! IN adjacent bathrooms divide the zones with different colors or even different materials- this will give a special charm to your bathroom.

The bathroom is such a place in the apartment, the renovation of which must be approached with special attention. The point is that materials don't just have to look good: if they can't withstand moisture and frequent temperature changes, you'll have to redo the renovation over and over again. In addition, it is important that they do not contain any toxic substances, because under the influence of vapors they will be released into the air and harm your health. And, of course, the speed of repair and its total cost play an important role. Therefore, in order to choose how to decorate the walls in the bathroom, you must first study the options that today’s market offers and choose the most suitable one.

The main materials usually include:

  • tile;
  • dye;
  • wallpaper;
  • PVC panels;
  • decorative plaster;
  • drywall.

Pros and cons of bathroom finishing materials

Tiles, of course, are very popular due to their durability, variety of appearance and hygiene. On the other hand, this material is quite difficult to install, and it is impossible to do without leveling the walls.

Paint is one of the most economical materials, which opens up a lot of scope for imagination, because you can select and combine any colors. At the same time, in order for the paint to look really beautiful in the bathroom, it is necessary to have an absolutely flat surface. In addition, you need to carefully choose what you can use to decorate the walls in the bathroom: not every paint will hold up in high humidity (you should choose from water-dispersed and latex).

Wallpaper in bathrooms has almost ceased to cause surprise: special varieties of them can withstand moisture. However, they still remain quite vulnerable at the joints, and therefore new wallpaper will have to be glued quite soon. The only exception is one of their varieties - glass wallpaper.

PVC sheets or panels are enough economical solution. A wide range of colors makes it possible to decorate the interior in an interesting way, and no special preparation of the room (leveling the walls in the bathroom, etc.) is required. When deciding what you will use to decorate the walls, keep in mind that weak side This coating lies in its fragility: plastic requires fairly careful handling.

Decorative plaster is good because it can be used to create unusual shapes, And original jewelry ceilings and walls, and in general use its full potential in any way. After applying even a moisture-resistant material of this type, it is recommended to coat the plaster with two or three layers of varnish to further protect it from exposure to water.

If you're looking for an inexpensive way to decorate your bathroom walls, look no further than drywall. It is well suited for spacious or combined bathrooms. Today on sale you can find moisture-resistant types of this material that can be installed in rooms with high humidity. Drywall provides sound and heat insulation, and you can install such partitions yourself. One of the inconveniences is the need to treat the installed sheets with putty and paint.

There are many more ways to decorate a bathroom: mosaics, stickers and photo wallpapers, and others. Some of them are more expensive, and some, on the contrary, are quite budget-friendly.

How to install drywall?

Let’s focus on one of the options that is quite optimal in terms of cost and reliability - plasterboard sheets. To decorate the walls in the bathroom with this material, you first need to decide what exactly you will use for coating, that is, choose drywall (necessarily moisture-resistant). You also need to purchase galvanized metal profiles for the frame and materials for puttying (serpyanka, primer mixture and putty).

Having decided what to use during the renovation, you need to decide how to decorate the walls in the bathroom with plasterboard: you can glue the sheets directly on them or install metal carcass, onto which drywall is sewn. The first method allows you to maintain the dimensions of the room (with a frame, the material “takes up” about 5 centimeters of space on each side), but for this the surface must be perfectly flat. Installing profiles is considered a more reliable option and, in addition, allows you to hide communication systems: pipes, wires, etc.

To glue the sheets, the walls are first primed, and then gypsum glue is applied in heaps to the drywall. The sheet is carefully glued and its evenness is checked using a level. If you decide to install a frame, then the profiles are driven in with dowels, forming a lattice on which plasterboard sheets are sewn with self-tapping screws.

Painting a plasterboard wall in the bathroom

Having installed the gypsum board using any of the described methods, you need to decide how you can finish the walls on the surface: paint or surround the bathroom with tiles. When painting, it is necessary to take into account that first the surface is primed and the seams are sealed (sealed with sickle tape and puttied in several layers). Then the starting and finishing putty over the entire coating so that it is as even as possible. Only after this can you think about painting.

When choosing a paint, be sure to check that it is suitable for bathrooms: this is usually indicated by a symbol on the packaging.

Laying tiles on gypsum boards

Because tiles need ideal Smooth surface, properly processed drywall is just suitable to become the basis for it. To lay tiles on a gypsum board wall, you must perform the following steps:

  • Make markings. To do this, you need to know the dimensions of your tiles and the area of ​​sheets that it needs to cover. This is one of the most important stages of work, so it is better to check the measurements several times.
  • Dilute the glue. Buy special tile adhesive and make the solution according to the instructions on the package.
  • Lay the tiles. Apply the adhesive in small portions and lay tile by tile. Be sure to check its evenness using a level.
  • Unstitch the seams. To do this, you need a jointing solution, which is applied to the joints with a rubber spatula. The seams must be free of glue, and after applying the jointing solution, the excess mixture must also be removed.

In general, in order to decide what is the best way to decorate the walls in the bathroom, you need to decide on your priorities: for some it is important to do it inexpensively, for others it is important to do it quickly, etc. We looked at the most popular design options, but if you know others, you can leave them in our comments.

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Decorating the walls in the bathroom: 6 ways to satisfy the sophisticated artistic taste of the district police chief

September 2, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high technology, computer equipment, programming.

I recently received a new order for a bathroom renovation. I would not have told you about this case if it were not for the fact that the owner, who, by the way, heads the district police unit, had not decided on how to decorate the walls in the bathroom before concluding an agreement with me. That is, he, of course, said that it was possible to tile the surfaces, but asked me to help select alternative options for finishing the plumbing room.

I told him in detail what materials there are for decorating walls in the bathroom, what their pros and cons are. I will describe in detail the finishing options that I offered him in this material, so that everyone interested can also choose something for themselves.

Well, at the end I’ll tell you what wall covering my client chose. You might want to decorate the walls of your own bathroom with it yourself.

Existing finishing materials

First, I’ll tell you what materials can be used for decorative design plumbing facilities, and then together we will decide how best to decorate the bathroom. I’ll warn you right away that there will be subjective assessments, so if you don’t agree with my opinion, you can express yours in the comments.

So, in my practice, during renovations in bathrooms and toilets, I used the types of finishing materials that are listed in the diagram above. Not all options gave excellent results, and in each specific case you need to choose based on the size of the bathroom, the presence of a window, height, installed plumbing equipment, and so on.

Features of individual decorative materials

I will tell you about the pros and cons of the most common options, and you are free to choose what to cover or cover the walls with yourself.

Method 1 - Ceramic tiles

  1. Long service life. Despite significant temperature fluctuations and high air humidity, ceramic tile cladding will last you for several decades. If, of course, you glue it correctly.
  2. Antiseptic properties and hygiene. The tile has a smooth and dense surface without pores, so dust and dirt do not stick to it, and it can be washed without any effort, using ordinary household detergents.
  3. Aesthetics. IN construction stores You can find such a wide variety of tiles that even the most experienced buyer in this matter can make his choice.

Tiles come in different colors, sizes and textures. You can make plain walls, lay out some kind of ornament and even a pattern (for example, from a mosaic).

The same applies to cost. The price of tiles depends on many factors, so you can always choose affordable option. But here I advise you to pay attention to one nuance. To the costs of the material, you need to add the amount of remuneration for the workers who will line the walls.

Of course, you can do everything yourself, but for this you need to have certain skills.

As I already said at the beginning of the article, the customer of the renovation just wanted to move away from the classics in the form of tiles, so I won’t focus on this, moving on to the description alternative options wall decoration in the bathroom.

Method 2 - Wallpaper

So what can I say about the wallpaper? First of all, ordinary paper varieties will not work here. If you are looking for something to cover your bathroom with, you should immediately pay attention to moisture-resistant wallpaper that can withstand exposure to humid air well.

Despite its apparent unusualness, this finishing material for sanitary facilities has certain advantages, although it is not without its disadvantages. So that you can objectively decide what you can use to cover your bathroom walls, I suggest comparing the pros and cons of the option under consideration.

pros Minuses
The wallpaper itself costs little, as does the work of covering the walls with it. Moreover, there is hardly a person in our country who has not glued wallpaper himself at least once in his life. That is, if you are looking for the most economical option, you don’t need to look further, you have found it. Paper, no matter how well it is protected, deteriorates when wet. Therefore, no matter how much your grandmother, who still has a large stock of wallpaper from the last renovation, would like it, I categorically do not recommend gluing it in the bathroom.
The wallpaper is easy to stick and remove. Therefore, if your significant other is suddenly tired of the appearance of the bathroom, within one or two days you can radically change the design of the room. After gluing, glue may appear on the wallpaper, which increases in size under the influence of moisture. As a result, your brilliant design idea will be hopelessly ruined.
The wide variety of options makes it easy to combine different wallpapers, which gives the room a truly unique touch. You can do the same with tiles, but in this case there is simply an unlimited field for imagination. Paper is a hygroscopic material. Therefore, if you cover the walls with such wallpaper, during operation they will absorb water vapor dissolved in the air, which will sooner or later cause them to collapse.

But, if you are determined to use wallpaper to decorate your bathroom, I will give you some recommendations on how to glue the walls in it so that they look perfect and do not change their appearance during use.

So, I suggested to my client (and I suggest you) to use the following wallpaper:

  1. Washable. Have protective covering, which does not allow water vapor to penetrate into the deep layers of paper. Such wallpaper does not increase in size or swell during use. They have a relatively long service life.

Another advantage is ease of cleaning. Dust and dirt can be easily removed from the surface of the protective layer, and if it appears, mold and mildew can be removed. In this case, after processing, the pattern of the material remains intact.

  1. Vinyl. Ideal for finishing walls in rooms with high humidity levels. They withstand not only water vapor, but also direct contact with liquid (albeit short-term).

I consider the main disadvantage of this material to be high cost. Typically, wallpaper is chosen to save on room decoration. But in this case it won’t be possible to do that. But in defense vinyl wallpaper I can say that they have a huge service life. In the coming years, you definitely won’t have to decide what to cover your bathroom walls with.

  1. Self-adhesive. These wallpapers, in truth, are a type of vinyl, but I decided to separate them into a separate block.

They differ in the method of gluing. An adhesive composition has already been applied to their reverse surface. You just need to moisten the surface of the wallpaper with water, then press it onto the surface to be treated.

  1. Liquid. This wallpaper, on the contrary, is not wallpaper in the classical sense of the word. They are a dry powder, from which a kind of decorative plaster is then made, which is used to treat the walls.

This material has a long service life, is resistant to moisture and is easy to clean. Moreover, I can say with confidence that with the help liquid wallpaper You can decorate your bathroom very effectively.

  1. Glass wallpaper. A unique type of finishing material that looks like wallpaper and adheres the same way, but is absolutely impervious to moisture. Therefore, they are simply ideal for furnishing a bathroom.

Another huge plus is the ability to paint the surface on which the wallpaper is glued. That is, you can combine any colors, patterns, shapes, and so on. And the special texture of the wallpaper will only add sophistication to the interior of the sanitary room.

By the way, changing the appearance of the bathroom is very simple. Take a brush or roller and repaint the walls. Your significant other who wants to feel like a designer will really like this.

  1. Photo wallpaper. Another way to inexpensively and effectively decorate a bathroom. I advise, as in all other cases, to choose moisture-resistant wallpaper that does not deteriorate from exposure to water or water vapor.

As for gluing, there are no subtleties here. The main thing is to combine the canvases correctly so that the drawing looks solid.

Whatever type of material you choose, you need to maintain a sense of proportion and select wallpaper to match the overall interior solution. Otherwise, you will end up with a kind of eclecticism that will cause confusion, not tenderness.

Method 3 - Paint

Another very simple, fast and inexpensive way finishing the walls in the bathroom - painting. As with wallpaper, you need to choose and buy moisture-resistant paint and varnish compositions. If this is not done, mold stains will soon appear on the treated surfaces.

To avoid such troubles, I advise you to buy paint that contains fungicides - substances that prevent the formation and development of microorganisms on treated surfaces.

Most often I had to use water-based paint for bathrooms. If it is applied correctly to thoroughly dried surfaces, it penetrates deeply into the mineral surface, after which it retains its characteristics and attractive appearance for a long time. However, it is necessary to choose a latex-based water-based emulsion, which is more durable, strong and can withstand moisture well.

Construction stores offer a huge number of colors and shades. If for some reason you don’t find something suitable, you can contact specialists who will tint the paint using special equipment, adding the necessary pigments.

Paint, among other things, allows you to significantly save on the finishing work itself. A pre-prepared surface can be painted with a brush or roller in a matter of hours.

Additional benefits of using wall paints in bathrooms are:

  • high resistance to water vapor and splashes of water;
  • ease of surface care;
  • no abrasion during operation;
  • high hygiene.

It is possible to beautifully paint the bathroom walls, as well as paste them with wallpaper, only if the surfaces of the room have been thoroughly plastered and puttied beforehand. Otherwise, all defects and other imperfections will be visible.

Therefore, giving preference to the options listed above, immediately decide how to plaster gas silicate block, brick or monolithic concrete so that later you can easily hang wallpaper in the bathroom or paint the walls with water-based paint.

Method 4 - Plastic panels

IN Lately Plastic panels are becoming increasingly popular, which can be used to decorate various rooms, including the bathroom.

Structurally, this finishing material consists of rectangular sheets of plastic (reminiscent of wide lining), which are equipped with a system of tongues and grooves at the ends for tight joining to each other, as well as special perforations that facilitate installation.

Panels can be painted specific color or have a pattern that imitates a mosaic. Some types of materials are decorated with three-dimensional images that allow you to effectively decorate your bathroom.

This finishing material for bathrooms has the following advantages:

  1. Economical. The material itself is inexpensive, especially compared to tiles or, for example, wood panels. In addition, the process of installing polymer panels itself does not require any special qualifications from the master (as is the case with tiles).
  2. Easy to install. To install the panels you need wooden sheathing, with which you can easily level the walls. Therefore, you will not need to plaster or putty them, achieving a perfectly flat and smooth surface. I would say that paneling a bathroom is even easier than painting the walls.
  3. Long service life. Plastic perfectly withstands the effects of aggressive environmental factors that are typical for the microclimate in the bathroom. At the same time, he not only preserves his specifications, but does not change the appearance.
  4. Waterproof. The polymer surface does not absorb water even in direct contact with liquid. Therefore, the humid air in the bathroom in no way affects the operation of the plastic panels.
  5. Wide variety of designs. In stores you can find various panels: from simply painted ones to models with flowers and animals. Therefore, the scope for your creativity will not be limited in any way.

Now as for the shortcomings. I consider only one significant disadvantage: poor environmental friendliness. Still, polymers do not have the best effect on human health, releasing substances harmful to humans during operation.

However, modern manufacturers are constantly working to improve panels and, perhaps, when you read this article, material that has minimal, if not zero, emissions of harmful substances is already being delivered to the store.

I would like to devote a few words to the choice of colors and patterns. I have extensive experience in finishing bathrooms with panels, so although I do not have a designer’s education, I can still give some practical advice:

  1. Choose panels based on the area of ​​your plumbing room. If the bathroom is small, give preference to light shades and small patterns. This visually expands the space.
  2. You can make the walls plain or combine several colors. If you bought non-white panels, make sure that their color matches the overall design style, as well as the color of the plumbing fixtures.
  3. I advise you to buy panels for the bathroom with a minimum of catchy flowers and decorations. Especially if they are embossed. Dirt often accumulates in the folds of the surface, and in case of poor ventilation, mold and mildew grow.

By the way, plastic panels allow you to mask all utility lines without any problems. To do this, you need to make the lathing above or in front of the pipes. There is no need to resort to additional tricks.

Method 5 - Decorative plaster

Performance properties modern materials improving all the time. And if earlier I would not have advised you to use decorative plaster to decorate your bathroom, now I not only advise, but recommend. By the way, my client settled on this particular design option for the plumbing room.

Modern decorative plaster compositions are made on the basis of acrylic with special additives, which makes the materials waterproof. They do not lose their color throughout the entire period of operation and can withstand significant temperature fluctuations in the air in the bathroom.

In addition, I can name a few more significant advantages of this type of material:

  1. High coefficient of vapor permeability. Decorative plaster is capable of absorbing water vapor in the air and releasing it back. Therefore, unlike tiles, this finish is able to regulate the humidity in the room, creating a comfortable microclimate.

For example, I like that in plaster-finished bathrooms the mirror does not fog up after taking a shower, even if you forget to turn on the exhaust fan.

  1. Easy to care for. Modern plaster for decorative wall decoration is not the delicate material with which I began working several years ago. Now the coating has excellent mechanical strength and is not damaged chemicals contained in detergents.

Moreover, after application, some compositions acquire antistatic properties, due to which they do not attract, but rather repel dust from the surface.

  1. Possibility of creating unique designs . Decorative plasters not only beautiful in themselves, but also capable of imitating surfaces made of other materials, such as marble.

In addition, if you have the appropriate abilities, you can paint a whole picture with this finishing material. But here everything depends only on the firmness of your hand and confidence in the impeccability of your artistic taste.

If I have convinced you of the need to use this particular material, then you will learn how to plaster the walls in the bathroom, that is, what specific type of finish to choose.

There are two large categories of plasters:

  1. Smooth. The most common in this group is the so-called Venetian plaster, which is most often used for finishing plumbing blocks. It has a glossy surface that does not allow water to accumulate on the surface.

Venetian plaster imitates marble in its appearance, so it is unlikely that you will be able to make your bathtub unique with its help. You can only vary the colors and some effects. For example, I plastered the walls, making them look a little cracked.

Also in my practice, I worked with plaster using pre-made stencils. With their help you can create paintings on the walls. But know that such a service is quite expensive, since the process takes a lot of time.

  1. Structural. After processing the walls, they form a certain ordered relief. You most likely know similar materials under the names “bark beetle” or “pebbles.”

Before purchasing such plaster, it is important to know that the textured surface retains liquid. If it's not for long, nothing bad will happen. But if the plaster gets wet constantly, this can sometimes affect it. appearance and strength.

This plaster can be used to decorate walls in the bathroom, but its service life will be much shorter than the service life of a smooth composition.

Finishing the conversation about this type of finishing material, I’ll give you a few more tips that once helped me:

  1. Plasters are sold in the form of dry construction mixtures and ready-to-use compositions. Buy dry powders. Ready-made plaster cannot be thinned by adjusting the viscosity. This often makes it difficult to work on walls.
  2. If you buy material with coarse filler, do not mix it with a mixer mounted on a drill. In this case, you will have to achieve uniformity manually, using a trowel or spatula.
  3. I find plasters with decorative fillers to be the most difficult to use. different sizes. If you have no experience working with this material at all, it’s best to hire a specialist or choose a different finishing option.
  4. Do not buy water-soluble plasters. They are more environmentally friendly, but do not tolerate humid air well. If you had to plaster with this composition, after drying, treat the surface with protective wax.

Method 6 - Wood

Decorating a bathroom with wood is a very exotic and rare way to decorate a sanitary facility. And we are talking here not only about the high cost of the material, but also about its inability to withstand external destructive factors characteristic of the bathroom.

Therefore, if you decide to use wood to decorate a room, I recommend following a few tips:

  1. It is necessary to select wood species with a minimum deformation coefficient. This means that blanks and cladding parts will practically not change their original dimensions under the influence of high temperature and humidity.
  2. It is advisable to buy panels or lining made of wood, which has high antiseptic properties. That is, mold and mildew will not develop on its surface. It's best if they are exotic plants, but you can take oak or hornbeam.

In any case, you should not forget about treating surfaces with antiseptics. However, you should make sure that they do not cause harm to humans, otherwise all your efforts to create an eco-friendly bathroom will be nullified.

  1. When choosing a finishing material, you should check the humidity level. Only completely dried wood can be used. Otherwise, during operation it will be deformed, which will disrupt the harmony of the interior.

Remember that wood gets wet differently in the same bathroom. For example, a section of walls located near a sink or toilet will get wet more often. Therefore, to design such areas, I recommend using:

  • beech elm or oak;
  • larch or cedar;
  • merabu or ebony;
  • bamboo.

In all other zones, you can choose the type of wood yourself.

Remember that no matter how you protect the wood, it will warp in humid air. Therefore, wall cladding should be laid with small gaps. It is better to generally use the tree in fragments.

After installation, surfaces made of natural materials must be treated with varnish or paint. By the way, I recommend repeating the treatment every 5 years so that the wood lasts as well as possible.

Varnish can also be replaced with oil, which gives the wood excellent hydrophobic properties. However, the instructions for its use suggest that impregnation of surfaces must be repeated at least once a month.

But a bathroom decorated with wood will be truly unique. I can count on one hand the times I have used this material for decoration.


The choice of finishing materials is a subjective matter. I told you about the options that I like. You also learned how and with what to plaster the walls in the bathroom. If you are interested in surface finishing technology plastic panels, you can watch the video in this article.

And if you have decorated your bathroom in some exotic way, I and my readers would be interested to know about it. In the comments to this material, you can tell what and how you did to create a masterpiece of home design.