Mixer      06/23/2020

The best insulation for an attic roof. What insulation to choose for an attic roof. Insulation of the attic gable from the outside

The attic can serve not only as a place to store all the necessary and unnecessary things - you can arrange a bedroom, living room, nursery, office or even a bathroom there. To make the room under the roof itself comfortable, it is not enough to make repairs there and install powerful ones - you need to take care of high-quality insulation. - one of the coldest places in the house, because from above and on at least two sides it borders on the street, and the slopes of the roof here play the role of not only the ceiling, but also the walls. If you do not insulate the attic, then no heater will help create normal living conditions there, and all the heat will easily escape into the street. So what kind of insulation for the attic is better to choose than to insulate the walls and roof and what thickness should the insulation be?

No. 1. What kind of insulation should be used for an attic?

Not every thermal insulation material is suitable for insulating an attic, since this is a rather specific room. High-quality insulation should have the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity– the most obvious requirement. The material must reliably protect the room from the cold, keeping maximum warmth inside. In addition, it must withstand temperature changes, be durable, not crack or lose its integrity over time;
  • noise insulation properties should be higher, the louder the roofing material is chosen. and, for example, during rain and hail they emit an unpleasant ringing sound, and high-quality can significantly reduce discomfort;
  • moisture resistance. It is advisable to choose a material that is inert to moisture and does not accumulate it, because when water is absorbed, the weight of the insulation increases (therefore, the load on all structures increases) and its thermal insulation qualities decrease. If the material meets all other parameters, but is prone to moisture accumulation, then it is better to use hydro- and vapor barrier together with it - this will complicate installation, but will make the insulation more durable;
  • fire resistance, especially if the roof frame is made of wood. For maximum flame resistance, even some low-flammability materials are treated with fire retardants - substances that prevent the spread of fire;
  • resistance to fungus and rodents;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • efficiency;
  • ease of installation will be a plus, but some very effective spray-type thermal insulators cannot be applied with your own hands.

To insulate the attic today they use mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, ecowool, polyurethane foam and some other heat insulators. It is not recommended to use a fill-in thermal insulator (for example), since you will need quite a lot of it to achieve the necessary thermal insulation qualities. In the mountainous Caucasus regions, even wool– in terms of thermal insulation properties, it is close to mineral wool, but is susceptible to the negative effects of insects and rodents.

No. 2. Mineral wool for attic insulation

Glass wool

Glass wool is cheaper stone wool, but is used infrequently due to inconvenience in operation. Since the material is produced from glass waste, it contains small sharp particles that can easily injure skin and respiratory tract. However, if you work with glass wool in compliance with all the rules of personal protection, you can insulate the attic inexpensively and efficiently. To the main benefits materials include:

No. 3. Foam plastic for attic insulation

No. 4. Extruded polystyrene foam for attic insulation

In popularity, extruded polystyrene foam is catching up with mineral wool. In terms of the chemical composition, this is still the same as ordinary polystyrene foam, but a fundamentally different production technology makes it possible to obtain a material with more favorable performance properties. The whole point is that regular foam obtained by expanding microgranules under the influence of steam, and extruded, as the name suggests, by extrusion at elevated temperature and pressure, as well as by adding a foaming agent.

Basic advantages:

  • high-quality thermal insulation. Thermal conductivity coefficient is at the level of 0.029-0.034 W/m K;
  • moisture resistance, which is largely ensured due to the structure of the material with closed pores;
  • ease of installation, which is ensured by low weight and ease of processing;
  • sufficient strength;
  • low price;
  • resistance to mold and rodents.

Among cons not the highest vapor permeability, so you will have to approach it more responsibly attic room, as well as low combustion resistance. To insulate the attic, it is better to take polystyrene foam of the G3 flammability class - according to the standards, it can be used even in rooms with increased requirements for fire safety. Since the material belongs to tile insulation, a cold bridge may form at the junction of individual slabs, so it is better to take expanded polystyrene with a special lock.

No. 5. Polyurethane foam for attic insulation

Basic advantages:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.02 W/m K, and this is one of the best results;
  • the ability to create a completely seamless surface, so the problem of cold bridges will be completely solved;
  • absolute moisture resistance, which is important for the material that will be used under the roof itself;
  • high adhesion to most materials;
  • the ability to insulate an attic of the most complex shape - in some cases the use slab insulation generally impractical, and foam makes it easy to fill all the cracks and hard-to-reach places;
  • high vapor permeability;
  • resistance to mold and rodents;
  • high speed of work.

Among cons price and the need to resort to the help of professionals, but all work will be carried out very quickly. In addition, the ignition temperature of the material is not very high - about 200-215 0 C, and when burned, the material emits toxic gases.

No. 6. Foam glass for attic insulation

When calculating, it is worth taking into account the heat transfer resistance of all fencing elements, including gable walls and roofing pie. It is convenient to use special calculators for this or even turn to professionals. With a certain degree of error, you can make a calculation, taking into account the required heat transfer resistance of only the attic covering, because it occupies the largest area among all the external fences of this room. According to the rules, the heat transfer resistance is already subtracted from the tabulated or independently calculated value existing materials, but for a roofing pie this value is very small, so we neglect it.

It turns out for insulation mineral wool(0.035-0.045 W/m*K) attic in Moscow (heat transfer resistance 4.7 m 2 K/m) a thermal insulation layer of 16.5-21 cm is required, depending on the characteristics of the wool, the thermal conductivity indicator is always indicated on the packaging. In this case, experts recommend making thermal insulation with slabs 20 cm thick, and installing rolled mineral wool another 5 cm thick on top.

Naturally, the attic space is insulated from the inside, and the practice of combining two types of insulation is common. Correctly performed thermal insulation allows you to use the attic all year round and turn it into a full-fledged living space.

Solve the problem of lack of useful living space in country house You can arrange the attic space. This part of the building is not distinguished by thick enclosing structures, so for all-season use, the owner of the building must install properly selected thermal insulation. In our article we will talk about which insulation is best for mansard roof.

On this moment On the domestic construction market there are many products that can be used as insulation for an attic roof or other enclosing structure, gable.

How does heat exchange occur in the attic?

Work on insulating the attic began after installation heating system in the attic, because such materials allow you to save warm air in the middle of the house. In the absence of a heating system, laying thermal insulation does not always give the desired effect. The heat here is retained by a small air gap, which is located between the ceiling and the roof; this is also facilitated by a layer of snow on the roof.

When installing a heating system on the attic floors, the heated air will tend to rise, it will quickly heat the roof and melt the snow. To reduce energy losses, the owner of the house must provide insulation for the facade of the building. This work can be done using one of the methods described below:

1. Insulation of the roof of the house from the inside. In this case, it would be advisable to lay insulating mats in the space between the roof rafters. This method of reducing energy losses is considered one of the most expensive, but in some cases it is considered the only one possible solution. Many people ask what is the best way to insulate an attic roof. One of possible options installation of mineral wool with further laying of a vapor barrier film is considered.

2. Another method of insulation is external thermal insulation. Experienced builders recommend this particular method, because when joining insulation boards, the possibility of the formation of cold bridges is reduced. It is advisable to carry out such work during roof installation, while thermal insulation materials laid on a vapor barrier film. This element is fixed to the rafters using staplers. At the final stage of work, the insulation is protected from moisture with a waterproofing film, the rolled products are fixed with the same stapler and installation begins roofing covering.

If we compare internal and external insulation, the latter option has worse protection against precipitation. Materials for external insulation must hold their shape well and not allow moisture to pass through. For those who do not know what is the best way to insulate an attic roof from the outside, it is advisable to choose polystyrene foam.

What characteristics should the insulation have?

Most roofers know that the effectiveness of insulation of the roof, as well as the gable part of the building, depends not only on the quality of the work performed, but also on the type of thermal insulation material. Before you start purchasing a product you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements that the selected insulation must meet:

1. First, you need to take into account the resistance of thermal insulation to external aggressive factors. The best insulation for the roof and gable of a building should retain its original dimensions and structure throughout the entire period of operation. Insulation materials are resistant to influences such as sudden temperature fluctuations, moisture ingress, and changing freezing and thawing cycles.

2. The second requirement is low hygroscopicity. The term “hygroscopicity” itself indicates the ability of a material to absorb moisture. Moisture in the insulation structure reduces the thermal insulation properties of products, promotes the formation of fungi and mold, and increases the weight of a particular element.

3. The third requirement is low thermal conductivity, the possibility of hermetically joining adjacent parts. Products with low thermal conductivity retain heat indoors in winter. In addition, effective insulation for the attic roof will create coolness in the summer.

4. And the last, but important requirement is safety during operation. It is necessary to insulate the attic roof from the inside, as well as sheathe the pediment with elements of increased fire safety. Such products should not ignite when exposed to high temperatures and should support the combustion process. Another important point– thermal insulation materials must be absolutely safe for human health and not cause allergies or other diseases.

If you don’t yet know what is the best way to insulate the roof of a house, check thermotechnical calculation and calculate the thickness of thermal insulation products. This parameter is selected according to climatic conditions for a specific region. For example, in middle lane In Russia, it is desirable to install a thermal insulation layer with a minimum thickness of 15 centimeters. In this case, the joints between adjacent products must be overlapped by the next row of slabs.

Types of materials for attic insulation


This subspecies includes products that have a fibrous structure; they fall into construction stores in the form of rolls or slabs and are called mineral (basalt or stone) wool. The main types of raw materials for the production of such elements are waste from the glass industry and metallurgy. Stone wool is obtained from hard stone by melting, it has a fibrous structure. This material has excellent heat and sound insulation characteristics, is not affected by rot and mold, and can withstand high temperatures of up to 900 degrees.

Stone wool slabs and rolls have a soft structure, so they are used to insulate the attic with inside. The thermal conductivity of this thermal insulation is within 0.4 W/m, but this value can double after moisture enters the structure of the material. To prevent this from happening, mineral wool is protected from dampness by attaching a vapor barrier and waterproofing film.

Thermal insulation materials based on polymers

Not everyone knows what is the best material to use for insulating the gable and roof from the inside and outside. Experienced builders recommend using polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam for this purpose. Similar method used for insulation of old civil buildings. The described technology has several advantages:

  • Small mass. Each of the foam plates weighs several tens of grams, which reduces the load on load-bearing walls and roof structure.
  • Such products have minimal hygroscopicity. The surface of polystyrene foam repels moisture, so mold and mildew do not appear on it. The absence of moisture in the structure means the absence of destruction during freezing and thawing of the liquid, preserving the original properties of the insulation. There is only one answer to the question of which insulation to choose for the gable - polystyrene foam.
  • The products in question, in addition to increased thermal insulation characteristics, do not conduct sound. In this regard, foam plastic is considered an indispensable material for finishing civil buildings located near highways. Expanded polystyrene will reduce the noise of rain on a roof covered with corrugated sheets or metal tiles.
  • One more useful property The described products are fireproof. The plates do not burn, but melt under the influence of fire.
  • An important characteristic of polystyrene foam is the simple installation of slabs on smooth surfaces. The consumer can choose insulation required thickness and install it yourself. Such products can be quickly cut using hand saw or a sharp knife.

The main disadvantage of the material under consideration is fragility; its structure is destroyed under minor mechanical loads. A similar problem can be solved by using products of increased strength and density (extruded polystyrene foam) or penoizol. The latter is blown between the rafters over a pre-laid plastic film.

Thermal insulation of the attic using natural components

People who are responsible for their own health are trying to understand which insulation for an attic roof is better. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to natural products that are made from fibers of agricultural crops such as flax or hemp.

Ecowool is quite expensive; it contains up to 12% antiseptics (additives that prevent rotting processes) and 7% antipyrine (minimizes the effects of fire). Specifications natural thermal insulation materials are as follows:

  • Thermal conductivity indicators are the lowest among all described types of insulation - 0.032 W/m;
  • The degree of moisture saturation in such products is almost 2 times less than in mineral wool or glass wool;
  • Natural insulation materials have a second class of flammability. According to this indicator, they are significantly inferior to stone wool;
  • Ecowool has a loose structure, its density reaches 75 grams per square meter;
  • One more important advantage Natural thermal insulation materials are considered to have a high degree of sound absorption.

According to experienced builders, ecological wool ranks first among insulation materials for attics of frame, timber and log buildings. It goes perfectly with wood; its use can reduce 30% of the family budget’s heating costs.

The space under the pitched or sloping roof wooden house often used not only for technical purposes, but also as a living space. But to create comfortable conditions the attic must be carefully insulated from heat loss and external noise, and normal ventilation of all rooms must be ensured.

To understand which insulation is best for an attic, you need to carefully study the parameters of the materials on the market and correlate them with the project requirements for thermal insulation of the room and the degree of preparation of the roofing system.

Depending on the type of roofing materials and common system roof devices in wooden house, the basic requirements for thermal insulation materials are assigned.

During the construction of an object, lathing and counter-lattice for metal or soft types of roofing can be carried out according to different schemes. As a result, there are two types of roofing devices:

  • with laying a waterproofing film or diffusion membrane;
  • without installing a counter-lattice and a layer of waterproofing.

The second option is considered a gross mistake, but from time to time builders do not leave space for natural ventilation rafter system and do not protect its elements from moisture.

Material requirements

Requirements for insulation materials may differ depending on the type of roofing device, but the basic characteristics must remain unchanged:

  • thermal conductivity no more than 0.045 W/mK;
  • material density in the range of 30 – 50 kg per cubic meter;
  • rigid or semi-rigid structure of the heat insulator.


The thickness of the insulation layer directly depends on the purpose attic floor. When installed within this space living rooms and bathroom, it is necessary to protect the structure as much as possible from heat loss and freezing.

That is why experts advise using a layer of insulation of at least 100 - 150 mm. Moreover, the material is laid in 2 layers for more effective protection from heat loss.


It is also worth remembering that the lower the density of the material, the greater its thermal insulation ability and the less impact on the rafter system. We must not forget that making the roof heavier can negatively affect the condition of the entire structure of the house, because the pressure of the rafters on the walls increases, and this can lead to their deformation.

That's why before you choose optimal insulation for an attic, it is necessary to carefully study its properties and calculate the approximate load on the rafter system.

If there is no waterproofing film or diffusion membrane that protects the rafters from moisture accumulation during steam condensation, it is best to choose one of the polymer insulation materials.

Most often, a similar situation arises during the construction of a house in which a residential attic was not intended. That is why the best option materials with extremely low permeability, such as polyurethane foams and expanded polystyrene, are becoming available.

Such insulation perfectly protects not only from freezing of the structure or a decrease in room temperature, but also from constant exposure to moisture. They are harmless to humans, but require the creation of ventilation systems, as they interfere with normal air circulation.

An interesting option for roof insulation is a material based on polyurethane foam. This insulation is applied by spraying, which ensures the absolute integrity of its layer without the formation of cold bridges.

In addition, this material does not require additional fastenings or fixation due to good adhesion to the base. For roof treatment 100 square meters it will take no more than 4 – 8 hours, which significantly reduces the process of arranging the attic floor.

The thickness of such insulation to protect the attic compared to classic mineral wool can be reduced by 1.5 - 2 times and amounts to 80 - 100 mm. It is thanks to the integral structure of the applied layer, as well as the formation of absolutely closed air cavities, that polyurethane foam perfectly protects the room from heat loss.

But it must be remembered that when using such insulation, home owners should install forced ventilation, otherwise accumulated moisture will lead to the development of fungi and pathogens.

In this case, both classic polystyrene foam and extruded polystyrene foam will cope perfectly with the task of insulation.

Both materials have excellent thermal insulation properties, but the extruded version is more reliable and durable. Its thermal conductivity is lower, therefore effective layer reduced to 80 mm.

The cost of polystyrene foam is lower, but taking into account the difference in the required amount of materials, the total costs remain approximately equal. The undeniable advantage of extruded polystyrene foam over polystyrene foam is its non-flammability.

Extruded polystyrene foam, unlike polystyrene foam, is not susceptible to rodents; its structure simply does not allow them to create their nests in the thickness of the material. Nevertheless, polystyrene foam still remains one of the most popular insulation materials.

The density of both types of expanded polystyrene is also selected in the range of 30 – 50 kg/m3 to prevent the weight of the structure. They are fastened using special disc-shaped dowels with large polymer caps.

Fiber and natural insulation

When creating a roof with a counter-lattice and any type of waterproofing device, it is worth choosing semi-rigid materials, such as mineral and stone wool or composites based on natural fibers.

Such materials require additional protection from getting wet, since when exposed to water they lose their properties completely or partially. In addition, their fastening involves the creation additional frame, which complicates the work. But such wools have excellent permeability, therefore they support natural air circulation, ensuring a normal level of humidity in the room.

Mineral and stone wools

In fact, such materials are the most budget option attic insulation. They are lightweight and dense, so they do not weigh down the structure. Installation of such insulation is simple, but will require several days.

Most often, mineral wool is laid in the space between the rafters. To increase the effectiveness of thermal insulation, complete overlap of beams and rafters is periodically used. The required layer of such materials is 150 - 200 mm.

The main disadvantages of mineral wool are the complete loss of properties when wet, as well as harmfulness to humans when weathered. Exposure to wind can knock out small stone or glass fibers from the bulk of the material.

If they enter residential premises, allergic reactions can occur and respiratory tract diseases can be provoked. That is why mineral wool must be protected on both sides.

Natural fiber materials

Insulation materials are semi-rigid wools formed from plant fibers, natural binding components and antiseptics. The latter help prevent biological corrosion and increase the durability of the insulation. In addition, fire retardants are introduced into ecowool, which reduces their flammability.

Such materials are afraid of waterlogging, but partially retain their properties when wet and completely restore them after drying. Natural wools are suitable for insulating any home, but also require a vapor barrier and diffuse membrane.

Protection of insulation from external and internal moisture

When using semi-rigid wool to insulate the attic of a private house, it is necessary to protect the thermal insulation materials both from condensation that forms under roofing material, and from the internal moisture of the premises.

Pie device

The interior decoration of the attic of the house is a kind of layer cake:

  • waterproofing film or diffusion membrane over the rafters;
  • insulation layer;
  • vapor barrier;
  • frame for interior decoration;
  • directly finishing material.

It is the presence of two films that allows you to completely protect the selected insulation.

Superdiffusion membranes

When using superdiffusion membranes, the selected material can be attached so that it is pressed tightly against the film. Due to the high throughput of such membranes, water vapor from the premises quickly passes through the insulation without condensation.

Ventilation gap

When using waterproofing with low throughput, it is necessary to leave a ventilation gap of at least 2.5 - 3 cm between the insulation and the film. In this case, the steam will circulate freely in this space, gradually being released outside and not condensing in the body of the heat insulator.

At proper insulation A loft can be a wonderful extra space in any home.

Equipping the roof with insulation is one of the most important stages roof construction, which is designed for long-term operation.

External insulation

This process is not complicated and is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Primarily the rafters from the bottom side hemmed with plywood or edged boards.
  2. After that laying a layer of thermal insulation. The surface of the layer and the joints are glued using foil tape. It is very important to lay the vapor barrier on the correct side, because this material is capable of functioning in one direction.
  3. Next is laid insulation material . In this case, you should avoid free space; you need to ensure that the insulation lies tightly.
  4. The next step is hydrobarrier layout on top truss structure . Gluing is also carried out with specialized tape.
  5. penultimate make ventilation gaps. This process is carried out using a rail, which is placed on top of the hydraulic barrier. The height of the slats is selected depending on the parameters of the roofing. If the roof is of a wavy type, then the standard of the slats is 20-30 mm, if the roof is of a flat type, then 50 mm.
  6. Last install the sheathing and lay the roof.

Considering that the material is not protected from precipitation, work should be carried out only in clear weather.

External insulation

Insulation of an attic roof from the inside

At first glance, you can decide that this method of insulation is more reliable and practical due to the fact that precipitation does not fall on the material, because protected by roofing.

However, this method has disadvantages:

  • It is very inconvenient to install most of the material from the bottom to the top, and it is impossible to fix rolled materials in some places;
  • The rafter system contains elements to strengthen the structure, the junctions of which are not protected by heat-insulating material.

Stages of installing a heat-insulating layer internally:

  1. Installation starts from the bottom of the roof and a film with waterproofing properties is laid out overlapping, secured with adhesive tape. In places located near walls, the coating should have a larger margin, which is adjusted after completion of the entire process.
  2. Equip the structure with counter rails, which are attached to rafter system nails. This is necessary to ensure a ventilation gap and a tight fit of the layers to each other.
  3. After that laying insulation.
  4. The last step is vapor barrier membrane equipment, which is fixed construction staples overlap


Seal cracks and gaps using construction foam Not recommended. To avoid unnecessary distance between sheets, it is best to lay them with a margin of 5 m.

Internal insulation


Which installation method to choose for arranging a heat-insulating structure for an attic roof largely depends on the individual parameters of the structure. You should initially study fully all the nuances and conditions.

Useful video

In this article you will learn how to properly insulate an attic roof:

In contact with

Most regions of Russia can “boast” of the prevalence of cold, which leads to heating of premises using heating systems. And if there is an attic floor, the situation becomes extremely serious. After all, the attic has the largest area of ​​contact with open air, which becomes quite cold in winter. Therefore, the insulation of a room of this type should be approached very responsibly.

Due to the emergence big difference temperatures on different sides of the roof, the flow of heat begins to move towards the cold. Therefore, the task of insulating the attic is to place an obstacle in the path of heat flow and reduce its heat loss. For this purpose, various insulation materials can be used, that is, materials with low thermal conductivity.

When deciding which insulation is best to use for the attic, it is important to take into account not only the quality characteristics of the material, but design features attic, materials for its manufacture, as well as the expected temperature indicators inside this room.

What properties should attic insulation have?

Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. In most cases, a consumer choosing insulation for an attic pays attention to the following:

  • The ability of a material to retain heat.
  • Operational period.
  • Moisture resistant.
  • How simple and easy it is to perform installation work.
  • Is it possible to save on material?
  • To what extent does the material reduce the level of noise and extraneous sounds?
  • is it possible to universal use material.

The second most important thing is the versatility of the insulation. Many people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to use one insulation for the roof, floor and walls of the attic. In this case, you need to carefully study the manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging: if the term “station wagon” is present, you can safely purchase material for insulating the pitched walls of the attic and floor. The use of universal insulation helps to avoid the problem of varying degrees of insulation of surfaces.

The next significant property when deciding which insulation to choose for an attic is sound and noise absorption. Even taking into account the fact that there is no noise and trampling from neighbors in the attic room, the roof definitely needs sound insulation. This is especially true for attic rooms, the roof of which is covered with metal profiles and metal tiles. Insulation with good soundproofing properties helps create a comfortable environment in a residential attic.

An excellent choice for insulating an attic can be a material with low flammability. This property is very important for rooms with a wooden supporting structure. When choosing insulation for an attic roof, you should remember the rule: the higher the risk of fire of the attic frame, the more non-flammable the insulation should be. Only in this case can the degree of fire on the entire floor be reduced.

Of no small importance for attic insulation are its hydrophobic properties, since water vapor will always be present in the room. It is best to use materials with low water absorption. Otherwise, it is recommended to use additional waterproofing.

Popular materials for attic insulation - which one is better

To find out which insulation is best for the attic, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of some materials. Materials based on mineral wool and fiberglass are very popular when insulating an attic; little-known insulation materials are slightly behind them: ecowool, foil board and natural materials.

Glass wool

Among the budget materials for attic insulation, you can highlight fiberglass wool. She's different simple installation, lack of toxicity. The absence of organic components in the material makes the material uninteresting for rodents. But the main advantage of glass wool is its low degree of combustion.

A disadvantage is the presence of fine glass dust, which can cause damage to the mucous membrane of the eye and irritation on the skin. However, this problem can be solved by using personal protective equipment.

Mineral wool for attic roof

This material contains fine stone or clay chips, as well as a small amount of fiberglass. Mineral wool is based on synthetic fibers, so it is safer for human health. The material is characterized by low weight, good vapor permeability and low hygroscopicity, which makes the material no less popular than glass wool.

The multilayer structure of mineral wool allows you to retain heat due to the fact that air can be retained in the layers.

However, the material contributes to the accumulation of dust and has poor resistance high humidity. But this problem can be solved by performing waterproofing work.

Mineral wool belongs to high class Fire safety and retardation of even open fire are facilitated by particles of quartz sand in the composition of the material.

Among large quantity mineral wool manufacturers, there are two leaders who are most suitable as an answer to the question of which mineral wool is best for the attic.

Izover insulation has high thermal insulation properties and perfectly absorbs excess noise. Therefore he is ideal option for arranging a children's room or home cinema in the attic. In addition, such insulation will protect against the noise that raindrops make when hitting metal surfaces. Such properties of the material are ensured by the presence of special air lenses in the insulation cavity.

Ursa insulation materials contain only natural raw materials, in particular we are talking about quartz sand and fiberglass. Consequently, the material does not pose a danger to the environment and human health. It retains heat perfectly, absorbs most noise and sounds, and is not damaged by rodents. The density of mineral wool for the attic ranges from 30 to 225 kg/m3.

Mineral wool is characterized by a fairly long service life; for half a century the material does not bloom or rot.

Basalt or stone wool

The most popular and safest type of mineral wool is basalt wool. This material is based on natural stone- basalt, which under the influence high temperature melted and stretched into thin fibers. Basalt wool can withstand heating up to 1000 0 C, but is not able to withstand rodents.

The most popular brand of stone wool, Rocklight, is characterized by its ability to retain heat, absorb excess noise, fire resistance and easy installation. At the same time, basalt insulation for the attic of sufficiently high quality can be purchased at a relatively low price.

Another advantage of the material is durability and maintaining the ability to “breathe” throughout long term operation. The vapor permeability of the insulation is of great importance when finishing the attic, as it prevents the appearance of mold and various fungi.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Simple and easy installation, no irritation on the skin during operation and a fairly low cost are just minor advantages of expanded polystyrene. However, in most cases the material is used in combination with other insulation materials. For example, the gaps in the frame are filled with mineral wool, and polystyrene foam is laid on top.


The cheapest insulation option for the attic is polystyrene foam. It is lightweight, so the work can be done independently, without involving experienced craftsmen. This property is especially important when insulating sloping roof walls.

Polystyrene foam is an excellent soundproofing material, as it has several levels of density. In addition, it is not characterized by shrinkage during operation.

The density of insulation for an attic roof in this case shows the degree of its resistance to mechanical loads, but denser foam plastic is less resistant to fire. Therefore, to insulate the attic roof, you can choose materials with less rigidity, since in this place significant loads will not be placed on the insulation.

Polyurethane foam

Spraying polyurethane foam is in a good way attic insulation. In addition, the material has the following properties:

  • Excellent degree of thermal protection.
  • Possibility of insulation without a frame and special fastenings.
  • Lack of seams, which are always conductors of cold.
  • Creating tightness in hard-to-reach places.
  • No reaction with any roofing material, excellent resistance to moisture and vapor permeability.
  • Good grip on any surface.
  • Polyurethane foam is not afraid of rodents and insects, and is also not affected by mold and rot.

But polyurethane foam still has a drawback: it cannot be applied independently without special equipment.

Natural wool

In some regions, natural wool or felt is used as roof insulation. These materials have good vapor permeability and excellent thermal insulation properties.

Wool can be used independently, but its use in a roofing pie is considered more effective.

For the Caucasian region, wool is the most affordable insulation, what gives big advantage before ready-made, more expensive materials. But in this case, do not forget about insects and rodents that can live in natural material.


Relatively recently, a new insulation material has appeared on the construction market - ecowool. For its production, waste newspapers are used, which are pre-shredded and treated with fire retardants and antiseptics. At the same time, dangerous lead, which, according to many, is contained in newspapers, is completely excluded from ecowool.

The composition of the material fully complies with environmental requirements, even during the smoldering process and with a sharp change in temperature. This property makes ecowool more effective and profitable compared to mineral wool and expanded polystyrene.

But due to insufficient knowledge, insulation with this material is carried out only by specialized construction organizations.

Which one to choose: rolled material or mats

When choosing insulation for the attic, the question may arise: is it better? roll material or slabs? In this case, the answer will be individual for everyone, since everyone has different preferences.

Practical experience shows that material in rolls is more convenient to use. It is enough to roll out the roll the required length and cut off a piece. In addition, when insulating a roof that has a standard distance between the rafters, you can easily cut the material in half and fill the free space with them.

In the case of insulation boards, the advantage is convenient transportation. However practical use turns out to be more problematic since the slabs are rectangular in shape.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that when buying insulation for the attic, it is very important to pay attention to the packaging. There should be no scratches or damage on it that indicate a leak. Only in this case is protection against moisture getting into the insulation guaranteed before starting installation work. Moisture that gets onto the material through poor-quality packaging leads to the insulation getting wet and changing its shape. As a result, installation becomes difficult in many ways, and gaps form between the slabs. In addition, damp material becomes a favorable environment for the growth of mold and mildew, which damage appearance surfaces and become a source of unpleasant odors.