Shower      06/14/2019

Bamboo is an indoor plant. Care. How to twist at home. Simple and neat DIY bamboo furniture What to make from bamboo by hand

In countries where bamboo grows, it is often used in the construction of fences, since this material is durable and inexpensive. For example, in Japan, where bamboo sale carried out almost everywhere and at a low price, bamboo is used to make neat sections from which the fence is assembled (the sections are attached to pre-dug posts).

But in Russia, bamboo is a rare plant, and although in selling bamboo you can find it, its cost is quite high, so not everyone can afford a bamboo fence. Simple calculation: if you find in selling bamboo at a price of 100 rubles for a 4-meter trunk with a diameter of 3 cm, then linear meter a fence with a height of 2 meters will cost about 1,700 rubles. Of course, non-solid and low decorative bamboo fences will cost much less (2-4 times). There is always a place for such fences in landscape design, made in oriental style. In addition, bamboo trunks can be used as inserts in sections of a fence made of another material - they will add originality and unusualness. appearance fence In any case, when choosing material for the fence, try to find selling bamboo– you may not need so many trunks and the total cost will suit you.

Bamboo decor - pyramid for the garden

Pyramids in the garden are used as columnar supports for climbing plants and lianas. Also this bamboo decor can be used in winter to protect seedlings and low-growing trees from excessive snow pressure, while simultaneously protecting plants from frost.

Why bamboo? First of all, any bamboo decor It is quite beautiful and decorates the area. Secondly, bamboo is distinguished by its high strength. Thirdly, bamboo is a lightweight material; moving a pyramid from it will not be difficult. The design of the bamboo pyramid is foldable, so it is not only easy to carry, but also convenient, and when stored it does not take up much space.

In southern countries I have seen many useful things made from bamboo, please tell me how this material can be used to decorate a garden plot.

T. Petrova, Korolev

Decorative structures made from bamboo are popular all over the world, but are not yet widespread in regions with cold climates.

Although herbaceous bamboo species are native to the tropics, some woody species are adapted to life in colder, temperate regions. Representatives of the Sasa genus are adapted to the conditions of the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

Bamboo for summer cottages up to the Moscow region (with shelter for the winter) - Kuril sasa (sasa) 0.3-2 m high and fargesia (mountain Chinese bamboo). As a rule, frost-resistant bamboo can withstand temperatures down to -20 ° C.

Bamboo is everywhere

Massive flowerpots with bamboo decorate the front entrance country house, terraces and patios. Suitable for heavy and spacious pots: fairly frost-resistant and slow-growing Shibataea kumasaca(aka ruscifolia, Bambusa aureostriata, Bambusa kumasaca, Phyllostachys ruscifolia, Sasa aureostriata). It has a number of advantages - it is cold-resistant, decorative, relatively compact, and does not grow excessively.

In Europe, one of the most common Japanese variations of bamboo is: Bambusa fortunei – Fortune bamboo(found under the names Arundinaria fortunei, Bambusa variegate, Sasa variegate), with relatively low, graceful stems with variegated leaves.

Bamboo as a unique material

In Indochina Bambusa tulda grows by 22 m in a month. In many countries of the world, bamboo is the most important industrial crop, not inferior to the coconut palm: how construction material bamboo produces 25 times more raw material than the growth of tree wood.

Due to rapid growth, the trunks do not accumulate harmful substances– this is an absolutely clean and hypoallergenic eco-material that is completely renewable without additional planting when cutting down is limited.

This is interesting!

These plants have a phenomenal growth rate: in an hour they rise to 5 cm, in a day - more than 90 cm. The Japanese claim that by looking at bamboo, you can see how it grows. Has a record speed madake (Phyllostachys bambusoides) – 120 cm per day.

Tree-like bamboos reach a height of more than 40 m and a diameter of up to 0.3 m, forming huge forests on the planet.

Light and durable bamboo fishing rods are very popular among fishing enthusiasts.

Only pros

Among plants, the universal bamboo has no equal in its range of uses. It is cheap, has almost the same manufacturability as wood, and its strength exceeds that of most tree species. Bamboo products are easily converted into compost.

Popular in low-rise construction: a simple and ideal material with high fire resistance provides greater thermal insulation, sound insulation, and high comfort. It provides pleasant opportunities for creativity - a variety of trunk diameters (1-15 cm), ease of cutting when adjusting the length, elasticity and elasticity for creating curved shapes.

The smooth, fibrous structure of the trunks, various colors (white, yellow, green, almost black) are ideal for finishing surfaces and creating furniture. Bamboo combines and harmonizes with natural materials-clay, straw bricks, wood, stone, lime, cement, hemp and palm ropes.

How to use bamboo

Bamboo is resistant to moisture and ultraviolet radiation, has high resistance to mechanical damage. From it they create a variety of garden products, arrange the bed of water cascades, they are used to decorate wet rooms (baths, swimming pools, summer showers).

Bamboo products without additional processing have an aesthetic appearance, but they are given a finished look by varnishes and stains, which also protect them from external influences, extending their service life. Without protective coating bamboo quickly dries out and loses its elasticity. The disadvantages of the material include sensitivity to sudden changes in temperature and humidity - it is not used near heating devices.

Abundance of opportunities

New wood processing technologies make it possible to make almost everything from bamboo that was traditionally made from wood. Light, rigid and very durable wood is used to build houses, summer playgrounds, kitchens and green theatres, outbuildings, beach bungalows, small platforms and rafts, bridges, and water pipelines. Lightly bent bamboo trunks are joined together to form arched structures that support the shed roofs. Bamboo goes on scaffolding, fittings and formwork.

In temperate zone gardens, bamboo is affordable and is used where a small amount of material is required: gazebos, pergolas, trellises, decorative trellises, supports for climbing and climbing plants, supports for flowers, fences.

Country houses are equipped with bamboo products - overhead stairs to the roof, ladders, water gutters, lamps, wind chime pendants, blinds, curtains, carpets, durable and lightweight garden furniture, greenhouses - shadows, household utensils - flowerpots and containers for garden and indoor plants, wicker baskets, dishes, mats, etc. Suitable for gardening various instrument with bamboo handles (rakes, paint brushes, shoulder blades).

Lucky bamboo, Chinese bamboo is Dracaena Sandera, which has no family ties with bamboo, but very reminiscent of bamboo stems with a rounded shape and green color.

In the garden, bamboo is used to make supports for climbing plants.

In India, bamboo is a symbol of friendship.

Today, bamboo is organically integrated into various areas of garden design, without a strict ethnic focus.

DIY from bamboo

Exotic bamboo poles are cheaper than certain types of construction wood. It is beneficial to use them in subsidiary farming. Bamboo trunks are sawed with a hacksaw using fine teeth, drill holes and connect with special staples or strong knots made of hemp rope. If its wood is heated small gas burner, it bends in the desired direction, and after cooling it retains its shape.

In order to give the required form bamboo, it is heated by rotating over steam or in an oven

For an “ethnic garden” you can make stairs, benches, lattice fences, plant supports, and pergolas with your own hands.

The outer layer (0.5-1.5 mm) of the stem is smooth, hard and dense, it is difficult to leave a scratch on it.


Bamboo is an excellent material for landscape stylizations - African, Chinese, Japanese,

where they give the garden a natural feel. In China, bamboo is a symbol of material well-being and career growth, nobility, longevity and fortitude. It is believed to absorb and neutralize negative energy.

Bamboo shingles and fuel are the basis of rural life in China. When assembling roofs that resemble slate in shape, the stems are cut lengthwise, and the resulting halves of the tubes are laid in 2 layers.

In Japan, bamboo is a symbol of purity due to its straight growth and fresh green color of shoots and foliage. Thick bamboo tubes are used as containers for bulk materials and liquids, like flasks.

For convenient watering of flowers, use a bamboo gutter


The slender, often branching, often tall stem of woody plants, which carries an aerial crown of leaves, is valued as a building material. Best known common bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris).

It has numerous stems (length 18 m and above) with narrow leaves (length 18 cm). f Low (rarely higher than 1 m) herbaceous bamboos grow in thickets.

According to adherents of the philosophy of Feng Shui, indoor plant bamboo can bring happiness, luck and prosperity to its owner. A variety of dracaena, this flower has nothing in common with real bamboo, was brought to us from Asia and has become a real hit in the design of offices, restaurants and hotels.

How to grow bamboo at home

The plant, which has become fashionable among gardeners, can be grown in several ways:

  • In a pot with soil;
  • In water;
  • In hydrogel.

Like all indoor plants, bamboo thrives in a pot of soil. In order to make him comfortable, it is best to choose soil suitable for dracaena. At the bottom of the pot in which the flower will be planted, you need to pour small pebbles or decorative glass, which will serve as drainage.

Indoor bamboo. Care and reproduction

The second, rather unusual method for traditional plant growing, is planting and caring for bamboo in water. To do this, take a vessel with clean, filtered water, add pebbles to the bottom, and plant the plant. Drainage should not exceed the level of the plant's root system. The only condition for caring for bamboo in water is frequent replacement and topping up.

Bamboo, or as it is also called, Dracaena Sander, feels best in a special hydrogel. It is a special soil composition impregnated with a gel-like substance. Hydrogel can be of different colors (transparent, pearlescent, green), therefore, to make the plant look especially impressive, it is planted in a transparent pot.

Indoor bamboo: care and propagation

To grow Sander bamboo, you can use seeds or cuttings. It is best to plant the plant in March, when natural forcing begins. For reproduction indoor bamboo, the seeds are soaked in water until they germinate completely. Then they are planted in soil, which includes:

  • drainage - 1/4
  • sand 1/4
  • land 2/4.

After planting in the ground, the seeds should be covered with film to create a greenhouse effect.

Indoor bamboo. Care

Indoor bamboo can also be propagated by cuttings. To do this, you need to pinch off the shoot and put it in water. In 3-4 weeks it will have roots, which means it will be possible to plant the plant in soil, water or hydrogel.

If you have a plant in your home that brings good luck, learn how to properly care for it:

  1. Water deeply in summer and reduce watering in winter;
  2. Once every 3 months, feed the plant with a special fertilizer for dracaenas;
  3. Make sure that the room is not too hot, otherwise after a while you will notice that the leaves of indoor bamboo have turned yellow;
  4. Water bamboo only with settled water, the temperature of which is 18-20 degrees;
  5. Do not place it on the windowsill on the sunny side.
  6. Also, the plant does not like cold air. Therefore, to prevent the leaves of indoor bamboo from turning yellow, when ventilating, remove it from drafts. If brown or yellowish spots appear on the leaves, it means that the bamboo does not have enough moisture.

Caring for a houseplant Sander bamboo does not require special, complex procedures, but if you create it comfortable conditions, the plant will delight you with its original appearance.

“Bamboo of Happiness”: how to twist it yourself?

The exotic houseplant Sander bamboo has a leafless, curved stem. It is this that is the “feature” of the flower. By bending the stem and giving it various shapes, designers create unique, original figures and displays.

You can twist the plant yourself:

Push the plant stem into a curved plastic tube and leave it that way for several weeks. The bamboo will take on its shape and, after removing the tube, will not change it.

Bend the young shoots that have not yet become woody as you need them and secure them with wire. After a few weeks, the fasteners can be removed, and the stem will secure and take shape.

In order for the plant to look truly impressive, it must be artificially twisted, since the bamboo will only grow in height on its own.

How to twist a boombook yourself. Photo

What does bamboo mean according to Feng Shui?

There is a system for combining the number of stems in bamboo. According to Feng Shui, by creating a certain composition of several branches, you can attract all the good things into your home.

  • 3 stems - joy and peace;
  • 5 stems - financial well-being and good luck in business;
  • 7 stems - health and longevity;
  • 20 stems - love and family happiness;
  • 21 stems - well-being in all areas of life.

To avoid causing trouble, compositions with 4 stems should be avoided. It is considered unfavorable according to Feng Shui.

To enhance magical properties plants, bamboo stems are tied with beautiful golden or red ribbons, and multi-colored glass and pebbles are placed on the ground.

It is also customary to “plant” animal figures on the bamboo of happiness: a dog, an elephant, a panda or a frog. They are believed to have a beneficial effect on the energy of the plant.

Trimming and propagating bamboo in water

To give shape and also provide quality care for the indoor bamboo plant, shoots and stems are pruned annually. To do this, you need to use special garden scissors or pruning shears for trimming indoor flowers.

Trimmed shoots can be used as cuttings to propagate the plant. Removed shoots are placed in a jar of water until roots appear. Sections of the plant stem should be lubricated with liquid wax to prevent rotting in water.

If the plant does not sprout well, then you should pinch or cut off part of the trunk and then new green leaves will appear on the sides.

Oriental-style interiors are gaining more and more fans around the world due to their natural beauty and exoticism. An integral part of such an interior are natural materials, including bamboo. Europeans appreciated its advantages after they began to trade with Asian countries, where they have been making bamboo furniture with their own hands for many centuries in a row. Among Asian peoples, this is the same material at hand, used everywhere in construction and design, just like oak or aspen wood in our country.

Bamboo trunks are not attached to each other using screws and nails. To do this, use special staples.

Product Features

On sale you can find whole bamboo poles of different diameters, its halves (a trunk cut vertically), and pressed slabs.

The thickness of the plant varies from 0.5 to 20 cm. Bamboo is a hollow grass that has an attractive texture that does not require additional decoration. The color of the furniture remains natural, preserving the beauty of the plant stem. Therefore, bamboo furniture is a real interior decoration.

Bamboo interior items are made by hand, so their cost is quite high. And the material in the form of hollow plant trunks is affordable. Exotic stems can be less expensive than many common wood species, such as oak. It is beneficial to use them in your own bed or table production.

Bamboo furniture should not be placed near heating appliances. Most often, to protect against climatic influences, those located outdoors need to be varnished.

The herbaceous inhabitant of Asian forests is distinguished not only by its unusual in appearance, but also the peculiarity of the installation of products made from it. Regardless of what you need to make: a picture frame or bamboo furniture, you need to know the following rules:

  1. Bamboo trunks are not connected to each other using screws and nails. For this purpose, special staples are used. Another equally popular way to make bamboo furniture is to tie the pieces with strong knots of hemp rope.
  2. You need to cut bamboo poles with a fine-toothed metal hacksaw. If used for these purposes regular saw for wood, the logs will crumble.
  3. The structure is connected using holes drilled in thicker trunks. It is important to learn how to combine plant elements at right angles.
  4. If exotic wood is heated, it will bend in the desired direction. This makes it possible to make curved armrests, headboards and table legs. Do not overheat the wood: it may become charred. Under straight or acute angle You won’t be able to bend the pole: it will break.
  5. IN finished product you need to drill holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm. This will allow the wood to breathe and increase its service life.
  6. It is better to wrap the log with tape at the place of cutting. This will help make a smooth edge and avoid damage.

Thick stems are used for load-bearing structures of furniture or for interior elements: partitions, columns, etc. Thinner stems and bamboo strips can be seen in additional elements structures. Wicker furniture or parts thereof are made from bamboo rods. Slabs of pressed plant trunks preserve its texture. They are used to make countertops, bed bottoms, and closet partitions.

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Bamboo interior items

Bamboo products can be placed throughout the house: they do not cause allergies and do not emit harmful fumes, such as chipboard or MDF.

The principle of assembling bamboo parts into a single whole is the same. The only difference is the size of the structure and the amount of material used. Bamboo furniture is very durable, despite the fact that the material is hollow. To work with logs you will need the following tools and materials:

  • drill with round attachments (crowns);
  • gas burner, if it is necessary to bend logs;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • drill;
  • pencil;
  • hammer;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal staples;
  • hemp rope;
  • PVA or other glue for wood;
  • spray varnish.

To assemble, for example, a bamboo bed, you need to purchase an appropriate mattress. Based on its size, the quantity is calculated required material. The frame around the bed is made of massive bamboo pillars. They are placed horizontally, stacked on top of each other and connected to each other using metal staples, hemp rope or stems of smaller diameter. A sheet of thick plywood or pressed bamboo is suitable for the bottom.

A bamboo bed will be strong and durable. But before you begin such an experiment, it is better to try your hand at simpler subjects. For example, make a table for tea drinking. To do this you need to prepare:

  • bamboo trunks of different diameters;
  • woven napkin made of bamboo plates;
  • two wooden sticks 5 mm thick with a flat section and with a diameter of 7-8 mm - with a round one;
  • 4 sticks 10 cm long and 1 cm thick.

A table stand can be made from a stem large diameter, sawing it lengthwise into two equal parts. In two blanks of greater thickness, recesses are made into which logs of smaller thickness are inserted. The result is a square or rectangular frame. All parts must be sanded first. Before assembly, the prepared parts with holes inside for wooden sticks on which the tabletop (bamboo mat) will rest, and with recesses for the legs, must be coated with a layer of varnish.

The legs for the table are made from halves of logs, into which sticks are inserted, two in each. To ensure that the parts hold together better during the operation of the product, they are coated with glue and then connected. The final step will be to adjust the legs so that the tabletop does not turn out to be tilted. Almost all handmade bamboo furniture is assembled using the technology described above.

Natural bamboo products are at the peak of popularity today. And this is not surprising, because they are characterized by elegance and environmental friendliness. Today, not only plant trunks are used in design, but also compressed bamboo panels, canvases and furniture made from wood of this material.

IN Lately designers are paying more and more attention to bamboo furniture. This is largely due to the fact that it is environmentally friendly and goes well with all natural materials. Thanks to the latest technologies and developments, if desired, you can decorate the entire room with bamboo, from the floor to the ceiling.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

The bamboo ceiling is a continuous rolled sheet or pressed panels. This design looks individual and quite extravagant, especially against the backdrop of tension and plasterboard ceilings, which are found in almost every home. Bamboo fabric can complement the exotic, Chinese or eco style of the dining room, kitchen, and bedroom.

Bamboo curtains and blinds give the room lightness and sophistication. They can be installed in the hall, kitchen, children's restroom, dining room. Blinds are unpretentious in maintenance, in addition, they combine very beautifully with fabric curtains.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Bamboo wallpaper Quite unusual and even exotic, but despite this they are easy to stick. They can be used in the design of the living room and bedroom. They give the design a cozy atmosphere. Bamboo wallpaper is characterized by durability, does not fade or fade. Bamboo wallpaper must be wiped periodically with a damp cloth.

Bamboo tiles are expensive because they are made by hand. The number of layers and size of tiles can be completely different. To cover the floor, 5- or 7-layer products are usually used.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks chic

Bamboo panels are used for outdoor and internal lining Houses. The modern market offers a chic assortment of weaving patterns. The bamboo panels are attached to each other with grooves.

Rolled bamboo sheet consists of thin slats attached to tissue based. It is attached to the wall using liquid nails. Bamboo canvas can effectively highlight part of the wall in the recreation area.

Bamboo parquet looks expensive and chic. It fits perfectly into the eco style.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo trunks add exotic notes to the design; the main thing is to correctly fit them into overall design. They look stylish and attractive, and are also practical. Bamboo trunks can be placed in vertical and horizontal positions. With the help of decorative bamboo trunks you can delimit a room, or create interior partition. You can visually delimit the space using several bamboo trunks; thanks to this solution, you don’t have to install a full-fledged partition.

You can completely cover one wall with bamboo trunks, come up with a picturesque display, or use them to create a unique headboard for a bed.

Bamboo trunks can be used to fill stair railings, which will give the staircase design an extravagant look, but in a home with small children this option may not be safe.

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks chic

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Bamboo furniture and accessories in the interior

Made from bamboo amazing beauty furniture and accessories to complement interiors in various styles. They produce sets for kitchens, bedrooms, hallways and so on. Bamboo headsets will appeal to lovers natural style and environmental friendliness. They give the room warm atmosphere, create a feeling of harmony and cleanse the energy.

Bamboo sets and decor look very harmonious in eco style, Japanese stylizations and ethnic designs.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks chic

Bamboo in the interior - how to combine it correctly with various designs

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

Features of bamboo parquet

Experts explain the popularity of bamboo parquet by the presence of a huge number of advantages that outweigh the disadvantages.

The main advantages of bamboo parquet include:

  • absolute environmental friendliness;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • high degree of strength and density, superior to maple and oak;
  • high heat saving;
  • durability;
  • resistance to damage by insects;
  • antistatic;
  • easy maintenance during operation;
  • affordable price;
  • attractive appearance.

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks chic

Bamboo in the interior of the room

As you can see, there are quite a lot of advantages, but this one natural material There are also some disadvantages:

  • Over time, natural stains may appear;
  • at high humidity flooring swells;
  • dark shades are less durable, since to create the tone they undergo heat treatment during the production process;
  • Despite the good strength of the material, it is necessary to install gaskets under the legs of heavy sets.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks chic

How to choose bamboo parquet?

To make a successful purchase, you must take into account several selection criteria.

Manufacturing company

It is best to give preference to well-known manufacturers with a good reputation, since they test all materials before releasing them to the market, and their manufacturing process and compliance necessary technology carefully controlled.

Price and category

According to GOST, the best bamboo parquet is assigned class A, but it is classified as an expensive building material. You can purchase high-quality material at an affordable price by choosing a product from an unpromoted, young brand. In this case, it is very important to pay attention to the characteristics.

Type of bamboo panels

Manufacturers offer 3 types: parquet board, mosaic and piece bamboo parquet.

Bamboo parquet boards are presented in the form of a panel with a horizontal structure. It has the best quality characteristics, but is also the most expensive.

Mosaic is more suitable for decorative finishing. Such planks can be of almost any shape.

Piece is a strip with grooves. This design guarantees reliable fastening of the material. U piece parquet made of bamboo vertically or horizontally glued three-layer structure. Such models can be laid in the form of various patterns. Another advantage is that they can be restored if necessary.

Bamboo in the interior of the room

Room design with bamboo

Laying bamboo parquet

The easiest way to install parquet is with the adhesive method. For high-quality finishing, the floor must be perfectly flat. Uneven surface needs to be brought into proper shape. Regardless of the type of bamboo parquet, it must be prepared for installation:

  • 48 hours before installation, you need to unpack and remove all elements from the packaging;
  • leave them lying in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of about +20 degrees and a humidity of 40-50%;
  • If there is a heated floor, then it must be turned off.

Installation is quite easy.

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks chic

Bamboo in the interior of the room

  • Bamboo parquet should be installed from the side opposite the door.
  • You need to leave a 10-15 mm gap at the wall, which will prevent the floor covering from swelling.
  • For adjacent boards, the joint is shifted by 50 cm.
  • It is best to use a parquet hammer to connect elements.
  • The planks are fixed with nails at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the horizontal surface.
  • After installation is completed, the hollow spaces near the wall are filled with fiberboard strips.
  • After completion of the work, the room is closed for 3 days, as the floor covering must settle.

Room design with bamboo

Bamboo in the interior of the room looks chic

Bamboo in the interior of the room

The use of bamboo in the interior brings city ​​apartment a piece of the tropics and southern warmth. It gives the room originality, comfort and natural luxury.

Video: Bamboo in the interior of an apartment