Shower      04/14/2019

Why geraniums don’t bloom: reasons and tips for gardeners. Why homemade geraniums don’t bloom - tips and tricks

Indoor flowers can transform any living space. Blooming and healthy plants refresh the home environment and create coziness. Pelargonium, or, more simply, geranium, is considered unpretentious in care. It is very popular with many housewives. Its variety of bright colors pleases the eye. It blooms for a long time. It often happens that a plant, for unknown reasons, does not bloom for a long time. Why doesn't pelargonium bloom and what can I do to make it bloom again?

Why doesn't indoor geranium bloom?

Homeland of geranium - South Africa , this part of the mainland is famous for its harsh climatic conditions. In this regard, growing geraniums at home does not present any difficulties. The flower pleases with an abundance of color all year round. And yet problems arise. Pelargonium may look quite healthy flower, have lush green leaves and not bloom. What is the reason and why geranium does not please with its bright blooms?

The flowering and development of geraniums is influenced by many factors. All of them are related to the cultivation and care of the flower. There are many varieties of geranium, and only the royal one requires special attention; it is very capricious. Other varieties of geraniums grow well on a windowsill at home. Her successfully grown in other places:

  • in the summer in the garden;
  • in flower beds in parks;
  • in hanging bowls on balconies and loggias.

Many housewives, knowing that caring for geraniums is not difficult, limit themselves only to watering. To make bright caps of flowers pleasing to the eye all year round, watering alone is not enough. Pelargonium also has its own little secrets that are worth knowing about when having a flower in the house.

Main errors and reasons

There may be several reasons why geraniums do not bloom. It seems quite healthy and has new leaves but no color. By carefully studying the main reasons, you can understand and correct possible errors.

When the pot does not match the size of the pelargonium, it continues to grow, sends out new branches. She has a new leaf mass and for this reason all her strength goes only to growth, and not to flowering. You should change the container and then it will bloom in a small pot. For several pelargoniums, you can choose one large container and plant several plants at once. So, they will have competition and all pelargoniums will definitely bloom.

To plant pelargonium, you need a certain substrate, which consists of:

  • from 2 parts of garden soil;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part humus.

For a flower to bloom better, it is necessary once a year. change his soil mixture fresher and more nutritious.

Geranium likes to grow in a well-lit place; the shady side is not suitable for it. Direct sunlight is also contraindicated for it. It is best to try to protect it from the bright sun. It is ideal to choose a place where there is sun, but at midday there should be some partial shade.

Pelargonium does not respond well to waterlogged soil, as this causes rotting of the root system. Watering should be done when upper layer It's already dried out well in the pot. Geraniums can be watered occasionally tap water, but you can’t do it all the time. Such water will lead to the appearance of plaque on the top layer of soil and salinization of the soil. The plant does not need to be sprayed with water; excess surface moisture will lead to flower disease. It also cannot be placed in the same place with moisture-loving indoor plants. This will have a bad effect on the foliage.

Proper feeding and care

From March to September, pelargonium begins active growing season. At this time, it needs fertilizing with mineral fertilizers. The nitrogen content in it should not exceed 11%, otherwise the plant will only have lush greenery, but it will not bloom. A composition in which potassium and phosphorus predominate is best suited as a fertilizer.

When it is already warm outside, it is advisable to place pelargonium on a balcony or loggia. The flower is very well affected by the difference in temperature that occurs at night in the spring. Such a stay on the balcony or veranda will ensure an abundant release of buds. When the blossoming inflorescences begin to fade, it is better to cut them off immediately or break them off. Thus, it is possible extend the flowering period for a longer period. It is better not to touch the pot of geranium and not to unwrap it in vain. Changing the position of the container with the flower can negatively affect flowering.

In winter, it is time for pelargoniums to rest. It is desirable that the temperature be within 10-12 o C. At this time, it should be watered no more than once every 10 days and very moderately. The plant cannot be fed during this period of time. If you follow all these rules, then the flowering of pelargonium will be abundant and long-lasting.

Pruning and replanting in open ground

Proper pruning and removal of old stems are also necessary conditions for normal development and vegetation. The only variety that reacts negatively to these measures is royal pelargonium. Other varieties of geranium need in short pruning in early autumn. You need to pinch the flower at the end of winter. This will give impetus to good and abundant flowering of the plant.

Replanting geraniums in open ground. It can be done when there is no likelihood of a threat to the plant - low night or day temperatures. Sudden changes will lead to the death of the flower.

After its stay in the open ground, the geranium should be returned to its original place, trimmed short and put in a cool place in the house. This procedure will definitely benefit the flower. Already in early spring it will bloom profusely and allow you to admire its flowers for a long time bright inflorescences.

Geranium is one of the most popular plants for the home, which is extremely common on apartment window sills, balconies, loggias, and also in garden beds. People are impressed by the fact that this flower is not demanding of growing conditions and care measures.

A healthy, comfortable plant will certainly please bright colors petals. Unfortunately, due to certain circumstances, the process of formation and blossoming of buds may be delayed or may not occur at all. In such cases, a completely logical question arises: why does the geranium not bloom, how to correct the situation? Below are recommendations regarding the nuances of plant care. Compliance with them will certainly contribute to education large quantity spectacular flowers on a bush.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of beautiful geraniums. The climatic conditions of this part of the continent are quite specific. As a result, geranium species borrowed for breeding work in the wild provided impressive endurance and unpretentiousness to numerous varieties and hybrids that were bred on their basis.

Poor choice of pot

One of the most common mistakes that leads to home geraniums not blooming, or not blooming well, is a poor choice of pot. The plant does not like having too much free space in the pot. As a result, it spends all its energy on increasing the volume of the root system in order to completely fill the soil, growing leaves and stems to the detriment of flowering.

Solving this problem is very simple. All you need to do is transplant the bush into a smaller container. Also, it is allowed to plant several copies of the flower in a large pot.

Poor quality soil

To terry geranium at home it bloomed for a long time and beautifully; initially, when planting, it needs to be provided with a flowerpot filled with a substrate with a certain composition. The priority is the choice of soil mixture, including: garden soil (2 shares), sand (1 share), humus (1 share). Garden soil can be replaced with turf soil with the addition of leaf soil. To ensure good flowering, you will need to update the substrate annually by adding a fresher, nutritious mixture.

Inappropriate lighting

Having become interested in why indoor geraniums do not bloom, one can come to the conclusion that it is quite possible that the pot with the flower is installed in the wrong place. The plant feels most comfortable in conditions of good lighting. At the same time, being in direct sunlight will not the best option. This will cause burns of leaves and buds.

Keeping the bush in a dark or poorly lit place can lead to the situation: it does not bloom Royal geranium, since this species is considered the most capricious. As for ordinary varieties, they are less picky, however, their presence on a windowsill oriented north, in a hallway, in a dark corridor will negatively affect the budding procedure.

Improper feeding

Improper organization of fertilizing can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the flower. An excess of applied nutrients is the reason that geranium stretches upward and does not bloom; it develops an excess of green mass. Due to excessive meager fertilizing or complete disregard for its implementation, the plant can wither, or even die.

Improper watering, lack of drainage, failure to loosen

Studying information on the topic: geranium does not bloom - what to do, you can come to the conclusion that the reason lies in improper watering of the flower. The plant can react negatively to excess or lack of moisture. It is best to water when you notice that the top soil layer is drying out.

Excessively frequent irrigation leads to rotting of the root system. When faced with the question of why geraniums turn yellow, you need to reduce the moisture content of the substrate in the flowerpot with the plant. An even greater deterioration of the situation is observed in the absence of a drainage system at the bottom of the pot and the loosening procedure is ignored.

The gardener who grows geraniums should refuse to spray the plant. Drying out of the soil due to insufficient moisture causes the flowers and ovaries to fall off.

Refusal to trim

When deciding what to do if geranium does not bloom, you need to take into account that the plant needs regular pruning. To obtain a beautiful lush bush that will produce many buds, you should systematically shorten its shoots.

Refusal of such a procedure will lead to the fact that the plant will have little strength to flower.

No temperature changes

Red, pink geraniums and other species with petals of different colors actively respond to temperature changes. In such conditions, the bushes show abundant flowering. But when maintaining a constant temperature, the bush may throw out buds. To stimulate the development of flower stalks, you will need to take the indoor plant to the balcony (loggia) at the beginning of the warm season.

Damage by pests, diseases

Often geranium is blood-red; other varieties and hybrids do not bloom due to pest damage. A florist who has discovered that the bush has dried out and the leaves have acquired a brownish tint should find out that the causes of such troubles may be emerging pests: mites, weevils, whiteflies, aphids.

A florist who is worried about why geranium leaves turn yellow should not discount the possibility of the bush becoming infected with pathogenic microflora. Excessive watering can provoke the development of fungal infections. Late detection of the disease can lead to the loss of the plant. It is necessary to quickly respond to dangerous signs when geranium leaves turn yellow and become covered with plaque, in order to be able to correct the situation with the least losses.

Lack of a resting phase in winter

It is useful for a novice florist to know: why geranium does not bloom at home in winter - during this period the plant is at rest in order to gain strength to form buds in the next warm season. Stimulating the formation of flower stalks in December - February will negatively affect the health of the bush, so it is better to avoid such activities.

When deciding how to make geranium bloom profusely, you should reconsider the conditions for keeping the plant in the dormant phase. If during wintering the room is too hot and humid, this will certainly lead to the death of the bush. It is best if the house is cool during the autumn-spring period. Otherwise, you should place the flowerpot away from heating devices. You will also need to increase the interval between watering the plant.

How to stimulate flowering of indoor geraniums?

A florist who is preoccupied with the problem of how to make a geranium bloom must create the appropriate conditions for the plant in which it will be forced to strive to form buds. Experienced florists We are sure that the bush will definitely throw out flower stalks under stress.

“Stressful” temperature regime

A cool wintering of the bush with restrictions on nutrition and irrigation will be an excellent stimulator of subsequent flowering. For this purpose, you will need to remove the plant from warm room. Temperature values ​​recommended for geranium during this period should not exceed + 13 ... + 14 ° C. Royal, ampel varieties of the plant can be placed in conditions: + 10 ... + 12 ° C.

By resorting to this method, you should count on the formation of peduncles on which 6 to 10 buds will form simultaneously. In spring it is necessary to place a flower on the balcony. At this time of year it is still quite cool here at night and hot during the day, which will be an excellent impetus for the start of flowering.

Feeding geraniums with iodine

The simplest in an economical way Watering with a solution of pharmaceutical iodine is considered to provoke the flowering of geraniums. A limited amount of this drug is added to rain or settled water. Some florists practice light heating of the liquid for irrigation. The solution is prepared as follows: add iodine (1 drop) to water (1 l). In cases where the plant is very weakened, the amount of the drug can be increased to 3 drops. The solution is thoroughly shaken to ensure even distribution of iodine.

Watering with this product directly under the root of the plant is not recommended. It is better to add the nutrient liquid to the moistened soil near the side walls of the pot. About 50 ml of solution is poured under one bush. Excessively frequent fertilizing with iodine is not recommended, as it can cause root damage and flower disease. Nutrient watering is carried out maximum once every 3-4 weeks.

Trimming and pinching

In spring, it is necessary to prune the shoots. This will ensure an increase in the number of inflorescences planted. Correction annual varieties performed only when absolutely necessary. The stems of perennial plants undergo regular shortening.

In order not to later wonder: why the geranium does not bloom but the foliage grows and the flower stretches out, the bush must begin to be formed from early age. Thanks to this, you can count on the growth of a large number of lateral branches and flower stalks. It is recommended to use only a sharp knife that has been previously disinfected as a tool.

Experienced flower growers advise pinching geraniums with well-washed hands. This will prevent the introduction of infection from other crops. The cut areas will need to be treated using cinnamon powder and charcoal.

In autumn, you will need to remove wilted inflorescences, stems, and leaves. On the eve of frost, the main stems of the bushes are shortened by a third.

In order for the plant to show lush flowering next summer, you can get rid of the buds that formed in winter.

Garden geranium does not bloom

Spectacular perennial garden geranium is considered an unpretentious, shade-tolerant, drought- and frost-resistant crop. This plant, just like the indoor one, can sometimes have problems setting buds; the flower does not bloom for a long time. Gardeners identify several reasons why geraniums stopped blooming.

Bushes planted in a brightly lit flower bed, suffering from a lack of moisture, may not bloom. It is worth noting that in natural conditions, meadow geranium prefers to stay in openwork shade, in partially lit places. This example is a demonstration of the dislike of representatives of the geranium family for the bright sun.

Under the strong influence of ultraviolet radiation, plants make every effort to retain moisture - their leaves curl, decrease in size, and acquire a purple or reddish tint. Quickly drying, inconspicuous, single flowers can form on the stems.
The way out of this situation is to transplant the bush to a more suitable place.

A significant hindrance to flowering will be damage to the roots of the plant by wireworms. Having identified signs of wilting in plants in a flowerbed, you will need to dig up one specimen and inspect its root system. Once you are convinced that the cause of the poor condition of the geranium is the wireworm, you need to treat the plantings with Aktara. It is also allowed to dig up all geraniums, clean their roots from pests, place them in an insecticide solution for a certain time, and plant them in a new area. The soil where the bushes used to grow is treated with the same product.

Luxury of bright colors

To make life in the apartment brighter and the air cleaner, many housewives breed houseplants. Indeed, how official and uncomfortable it would be at home without them. Geranium has long been one of our favorite house flowers. But for some reason, not everyone is pleased with her umbrella-shaped inflorescences. Some, despite their efforts, stand as if lifeless. We decided to figure out why geraniums don’t bloom and what to do in this case?

Botanical description

Crane beetle or, as we are used to, geranium - annual and perennials: Herbs or shrubs that are commonly found throughout the world and even in tropical forests. In total there are more than 400 species. It’s easy to recognize, you won’t confuse it with anything. Among the characteristic features are the following:

  • The flowers are beautiful, with a five-leaved cup and five identical petals.
  • The color of the inflorescence is varied: white, blue, violet, purple of different shades.
  • The leaves are usually dark green, bright in color, and have a distinctive aroma. They feel fleecy or smooth, and look like an open human hand. Sometimes they have a pattern in the form of a border.
  • The stem is thin, up to 50 centimeters high.

Geranium blooms from May to July. It all depends on the conditions and place of growth. There are so many types of it that anyone can grow it at home.

There are frost-resistant and shade-tolerant, low and tall, light-loving and shade-loving. There are up to 40 varieties in Russia alone. It is for this versatility that all gardeners and home gardeners love this plant.

Useful properties of geranium

Besides the fact that it is beautiful and unpretentious flower, He benefits, which many did not know about. For example, its pungent odor is not accidental. Geranium releases bactericidal substances to protect itself from diseases. They are destructive to microbes.

Its leaves, roots and flowers contain pectin, gallic acid, and gum. This makes it possible to use it in the treatment of many diseases.

For example:

  1. A decoction of roots and herbs will help cure airway inflammation. To prepare it, you need to cook 1 tablespoon of dried geranium over a fire for about 5 minutes. You will need a mug or 200 ml of water. Drink the decoction at least 3 times a day, 1 spoon during lunch, breakfast or dinner. And the cough will go away quickly.
  2. For otitis media make a lotion using the same geranium juice. Place a few drops into each ear canal and apply a warm compress on top. For it, mix camphor alcohol and dried crushed herbs. Apply this paste to gauze and apply it to your ear. Then continue as usual. A small piece of compress paper or cellophane, cotton wool, so that it covers the entire ear, and secure the compress with a scarf or bandage. After several procedures, the otitis media will go away.

Don't forget, however, that geranium is contraindicated for pregnant women and the elderly in any form.

In this video, biologist Marina Tsvetaeva will talk about growing and caring for the “grandmother’s flower”:

Fragrant geranium: home care

Here are a few rules to help you keep your plant healthy:

  1. Geranium is unpretentious to temperature conditions, but will not bloom at temperatures below 10 degrees. The most optimal temperature is from 18 to 23 in summer, 10-15 in winter.
  2. It all depends on the plant variety. Those that are found on our windowsills are most often light-loving and it is better to place the pot on the sunny side. Geranium will not bloom in the shade. In winter, you will most likely need an additional light source.
  3. In summer you need to water every day; in winter, watch the soil. If it is dry, be sure to water it.
  4. A small pot will do. Then the roots will fill it completely and the plant will not get sick and will delight you with bright flowers more often.

The most common disease is stem rotting at the base. This is caused by hypothermia or overwatering. Unfortunately, you can't help here anymore. I'll have to throw the flower away.

Keep an eye on the leaves, they often become moldy. If there are any, remove them immediately, treat the geranium with an antifungal agent and change the soil. Place drainage on the bottom. By following these simple rules, you will be able to admire bright umbrellas all summer long.

Ivy geranium: care and propagation

IN Lately Housewives are increasingly planting ivy-shaped or ivy-leaved geraniums. Its peculiarity is the stem, which is not located vertically, but hangs down. The leaves are smooth and hard to the touch. It seems that they are not real.

Care is not very different from other types, but there are some subtleties. For example:

  1. This variety of geranium came to us from Africa, however, it does not like heat. Comfortable temperature no more than 20 degrees.
  2. In winter, it is necessary to water the plant extremely rarely, once every 10 - 14 days.
  3. Do not spray the leaves. Ivy geranium does not like this and immediately begins to hurt.
  4. In order for a flower to bloom, the soil must be fertile. You can assemble it yourself from peat and sand, humus soil and leaf soil.

It reproduces like other species. Cuttings or seeds. Seeds are sown from December to April. Depth - no more than 0.5 cm. If the thermal regime is observed and proper watering, they will germinate in two weeks. And after 3, the stronger sprouts can be transplanted into another, larger pot.

Ivy geranium blooms during the same period as other species. If flowers do not appear in the spring, and you seem to have followed all the rules of care, try fertilizing the soil.

Rules for cuttings

A cutting is a specially separated part of a plant, which will later be used for planting in the ground. Simply put, this is a branch, a shoot that we cut off for transplantation. The correct way to make cuttings is:

  1. Take a sharp knife, disinfect it and carefully cut a stalk 5-7 cm long. Choose one that has several leaves on it.
  2. Leave the cut branches to dry for 2 hours until a film forms.
  3. A small shoot does not need a pot; a small glass will do. Be sure to treat it with potassium permanganate and make holes before adding soil.
  4. Plant the cutting.
  5. Now you need to wait for the plant to take root. It all depends on the species. But this is definitely not less than 2 weeks. Most often, crane grass roots grow after 4 weeks. In some varieties, after 6 - scented geranium. A sure sign that the plant has taken root is the vigorous growth of young leaves.

Treat the wound that remains in place of the cut part with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This way it will heal faster and will not cause disease.

There is probably no other houseplant so beloved by all housewives. We told you about it: how to care for it and why geraniums don’t bloom, under what conditions this usually happens. Now you know exactly what to look for.

Video: how to make geraniums bloom?

In this video, florist Angelina Markova will tell you how to grow pelargonium (geranium) and make it bloom profusely:

pretty geranium unpretentious plant, which can be kept on a windowsill, in open ground in flower beds, and the plant will equally please the eye of the gardener. But sometimes it happens that it does not bloom. We will consider below what factors can influence this.

Main reasons

There may be several reasons why geraniums do not bloom:

  1. The wrong size pot. Geranium is one of those plants that do not like space too much. In a large pot, the root system will develop and the green mass will increase, but there will be no energy left for flowering.
  2. Violation of proper watering. This factor plays an important role in the flowering of geraniums. It should be watered abundantly, at such intervals so that the top layer of soil dries well. You should not over-water it, otherwise it will lead to rotting of the root system and the plant will die. But lack of moisture will also have a detrimental effect on flowering.
  3. In order for geraniums to bloom in spring, they must rest in winter time. During the rest period you need to create the necessary conditions: stop feeding and reduce watering, ensure a cool temperature in the room where the plant is located. If the room is hot, the flower’s energy will be spent on maintaining vital functions, and then you can’t count on flowering.
  4. With excessive watering, the root system may develop fungal diseases. This leads to the gradual death of geranium, and it is almost impossible to save the plant. In this case, the rule applies: it’s better not to top up than to overfill.
  5. And another reason for the lack of flowering of a plant can be a variety of pests. You need to inspect not only the top part of the plant, but also the soil.

How to make geraniums bloom

When planting pelargonium, it is important to choose correct soil. The soil should be light and contain turf and leaf soil, sand, and humus. To ensure flowering, you can plant several bushes of plants in one container. By creating crowding and competition, you can force them to bloom profusely.

After transplantation you should choose right place. It should be light, but without direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will get sunburn. In an outdoor flower garden, you should also choose a place in the shade from direct rays for geraniums. In the first year of transplanting geraniums into fresh soil, no feeding is required. And over time, of course, it is better to introduce. Feed the plant for abundant flowering better with a hood from superphosphate with a nitrogen content of 11%.

If all the conditions for planting geranium are met, but it still does not bloom, then shock therapy can be performed. When there is a threat to life, any plant, trying to preserve its species, begins to bloom. It is necessary to provide unfavorable conditions for it, namely:

  • increase the iodine content in the soil using special fertilizers;
  • provide coolness and hunger during the rest period;
  • complete spring pruning leaving 2 eyes;
  • replanting in the summer in a street flower garden or on a balcony.

Ground, correct landing

Important rule when choosing soil for geraniums, make sure that the soil is loose and well-drained. Also, it must be fresh, i.e. not previously used by other plants. When purchasing a ready-made mixture, you can choose soil for flowering indoor plants or universal soil, so that the composition contains peat. Then you need to add perlite, river sand and vermiculite to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and can be used to transplant pelargoniums.

When you are not sure of the quality of the purchased soil, you can keep it in the cold over the winter to get rid of all the unwanted inhabitants. But if this is not possible, then the transplanted plant should be kept in quarantine for about a month.

Temperature and lighting

Pelargonium doesn't like it too much warm rooms in winter. Optimal temperature for it 12-14 0 C. When wintering in warmer temperatures, it may bloom poorly. Temperatures below 10 0 C will lead to lush flowering in winter, and a dormant period must be required. It should also be taken into account that spraying and ventilation to lower the temperature in this case is unacceptable.

Geranium loves sunlight, but direct exposure of the rays to the leaves of the flower will lead to burns, and constant exposure to the shade contributes to the lack of flowering. The best place for the plant there will be a window on the south side, which needs to be shaded from the midday sun.

Moving from one place to another has a detrimental effect on geraniums, especially if the first buds appear. The flower can shed its inflorescences.

In a garden or flower garden, this should be a well-lit place, closed from drafts.


Geranium can grow in conditions in which additional moisture and spraying are not needed. It is enough to water on time.

In spring and summer, watering is carried out when the top layer dries, pouring water into a special tray. This will keep the soil from cracking.

Water is used for irrigation room temperature. Cold water can lead to rotting of the root system and various diseases. Hard tap water should be filtered, but ideally water the plant with melt or rainwater at room temperature. Geranium leaves should not be wiped or sprayed too often, as they may darken and dry out.

It should also be remembered drainage system: holes are made in the bottom of the pot for drainage excess moisture. Otherwise, the roots will simply rot.


Feeding for pelargonium is introduced depending on the season: in the spring-summer period, application is carried out 2 times a month, in the winter months no feeding is applied. Geranium is one of those plants that absolutely cannot stand organic fertilizers. Mineral ones containing potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus are selected for it. Such fertilizers are applied in the same percentages, but before flowering the dose of potassium is increased and the dose of nitrogen is reduced.

Yellowed and fallen leaves of geraniums indicate that too much nitrogen fertilizer was applied. You should temporarily stop feeding and reduce the concentration in the future.

In addition to these three main microelements, for abundant flowering, magnesium sulfate is added, which is a stimulant for the formation of inflorescences. For 15 gr. take 5 liters of water at a temperature not lower than 20 0 C.

At home, you can prepare the following solution: dilute 100 ml of milk in 1 liter of water and pour alternately with plain water. You can replenish potassium reserves using ash mixed with soil.

Iodine influences abundant flowering. The solution is prepared as follows: 1 drop of iodine is dissolved in a liter of water. To water one bush, 50 grams is enough. solution.

Fertilizing should be applied after the main watering along the walls of the pot. If you water dry soil, you can burn the roots.

Proper pruning

Pruning geraniums is the main step in obtaining lush and beautiful inflorescences. Neglecting this process, we get a situation where the shoots quite soon begin to stretch out and become bare, and the number of inflorescences is reduced and the flower becomes shapeless.

Geraniums need to be pruned constantly and regularly in order to:

  • a compact and even shape has been formed;
  • appeared side shoots;
  • flowering was more abundant and longer.

Geranium rarely produces side shoots unless the side buds are awakened by pruning. This manipulation should be carried out with a disinfected sharp blade, or use a stationery knife. It is better not to use scissors, as the shoot will bend and the tissue at the cut site will be damaged.

The cut location is chosen above the leaf node, which is directed outward. This will make the shoots freer and the crown less dense. Young stems can simply be carefully pinched without pruning. The cut site is treated with activated carbon, and after the procedure, the plant can be watered with a nitrogen-containing solution, which will lead to the accelerated appearance of greenery and shoots.

Pruning can be done at any time of the year, but subject to some recommendations:

  1. Autumn pruning It is carried out when the inflorescences have faded and new flower stalks have already formed. Dried stems, wilted flowers, and dry leaves are trimmed. Elongated, bare stems are shortened, which spoil the appearance of the bush. Before the winter dormant period, the plant is shortened by a third. With proper wintering, it forms healthy growth. Conduct autumn pruning It is possible until December, after which the plant is left alone.
  2. Spring pruning held at the end of February, beginning of March. If pruned later, the plant will bloom later than usual. Excess weakened stems are cut off and 3 buds are left at the bottom.

Transplantation into open ground

There are two ways to transplant geraniums into open ground using cuttings:

  1. At the end of May, cut the cuttings from the bush, dip them in a solution to stimulate growth, apply ash or coal to the cut and plant it in the ground. Make a hole for watering near the planting site.
  2. Cuttings after May 10 are placed in water for 14 days. Afterwards they are planted in the ground.

After transplantation, the plant begins to bloom within a month and a half. Until autumn, the bush will take root and will be able to withstand the winter under covering material.

You can replant geranium bushes in late May - early June. Before planting, water the pot well and divide the flower into separate bushes with a stem and leaves. Plant in wide holes and water generously. Transplantation using this method promotes flowering within 2-3 weeks.

It should be borne in mind that geranium grows well both from above and from roots, so you need to choose a place away from neighbors.

It is not recommended to replant geraniums during flowering. We must wait until all the flowers fall off.

How to care for flowering geraniums

Geranium blooms from spring until frost, and some species bloom in winter. For abundant flowering it is necessary to provide nutrition and sunlight, proper watering, and, if the plant is in a garden bed, weed out weeds and cut off faded inflorescences in a timely manner. By carrying out these simple procedures, you can ensure that geraniums bloom for a long time.

In the next video, Alisa Bartova will tell you everything about the correct maintenance of pelargonium in her program “My Home Greenhouse”:

Having received good and proper care, geranium will gladly delight its owners with flowering and will protect the house from quarrels and disagreements, creating warmth and comfort. It can normalize sleep and calm nervous system, relieve fatigue. And on personal plot there will never be aphids near her.

Who said that growing indoor flowers is difficult and problematic? Never seek advice from such a person again. And don't ask him why it doesn't bloom indoor geranium. What to do? - He won’t answer you either. But we’ll tell you what we’ll do now. We will discuss the ordinary room, we will not touch the royal one. It requires completely different care. And proper care of simple geraniums will allow you to admire the blooms almost all year round. Go!

General principles

Under natural conditions, geranium grows in rather harsh climatic conditions. And in the room the owners really pamper this fragrant beauty. So she takes advantage of kindness and fattens for her own pleasure. The greenery grows, but is in no hurry to release buds. So, we need to give the little darling a Spartan upkeep. Then she will think that the hour of death is near, and will rush to leave offspring. That is, it will bloom.

For achievement best results you will need:

  • reduction of living space
  • proper watering
  • short haircut
  • proper diet
  • relocation (extreme measures)

All this is quite doable under conditions home grown without special costs.

Reducing living space

Some owners plant indoor geraniums in a huge tub for growth. Then they wait for years for flowering. They are waiting in vain. Buds will appear only after the root system has completely occupied the entire space of the pot. Until this moment, the beauty will grow green mass and “legs”.

Solution. Keep young plants in small pots. Replant adults in containers of the same size, only replacing the soil with new one. For indoor geraniums 5 years old, a “living space” with a diameter of no more than 16 cm is sufficient.

Advice. If the roots begin to crawl out through the drainage holes or openly look out on the surface of the soil, then simply carefully trim them with scissors and rinse the wounds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Proper watering

Indoor geraniums sometimes do not bloom due to excessive care. This includes abundant watering. But in natural conditions, geranium does not grow in a swamp. No, it rains there, but quite rarely. But it’s customary for some gardeners to surround indoor plants with care, which means arranging a watering hole regularly, and from the heart. It is quite natural that the roots of indoor geraniums will be under constant stress from water. And what kind of flowering can one expect when the main feeding organ rots and dies?

Solution. Water the plant only when the top layer of soil has dried at least 2 cm. Don’t be lazy once again dig the soil in the pot to see if it’s time to water the beauty. And another loosening will never be superfluous.

Advice. Be sure to place a decent layer of good drainage at the bottom of the planting container. Expanded clay, pebbles, broken brick, gravel. This will allow excess water to drain freely into the pan.

Short haircut

Like any lady, indoor geraniums definitely need to take care of their hair. It is problematic to do this yourself, so the owners will have to regularly engage in this procedure. Without a haircut, you will not get a lush bush. There will be a long bare branch sticking out of the pot with a shabby tuft of leaves at the top. And buds appear only on young growth. Such a pole will not bloom.

Solution. Regularly - this is not once a month, like in a hairdresser. This is a strong pruning (half the height of the shoot) immediately after the next flowering. That is, in the fall. There is no need to feel sorry for the faded branches. They will no longer produce buds. But after cutting, indoor geraniums will begin to actively produce young shoots in the spring, which will soon delight the owners with buds.

By the way, try planting several plants in one wide pot. Then your bouquet will not only be lush, but also colorful.

For those owners whose indoor geranium has never bloomed, another method of stimulating and maintaining the pet’s “hairstyle” will be suitable. The young plant begins to be pinched above every 4 leaves. After this happens active growth side shoots. They also need to be pinched in the same manner.

The result is a compact, lush bush, rather than a long bare trunk sticking out alone. By the way, if you inherited such an ugly specimen, as a gift, or started the plant yourself, then you don’t need to torment it with a haircut. Just cut off the top and root. Do not throw away the remaining barrel. At proper care it is still quite capable of growing side branches. This will not add aesthetics to it, so carefully cut off the young and plant them in a separate pot.

Advice. If an adult indoor geranium is neat, lush and does not “shoot” individual long branches to the sides, then you should not bother with scissors. Lightly pinching the tops of all shoots will be enough.

Smart diet

Everything about women should be perfect, so they strictly monitor their diet. Indoor geranium too female, but she doesn’t have to choose. Because her diet is made up of her owners. Often they don’t bother and simply shove any available fertilizer into the pot without any measure. Typically, this is a nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

With this diet, a thick, powerful green mass grows, and the leaves turn out juicy, bright, and large. But there are still no flowers. Well, what kind of lady will bloom if she is fed the same thing every time? And if you overdo it, then the greens will become loose, watery and begin to get sick. Everything is like people.

Solution. A proper diet should contain the maximum possible set of microelements. After all, you take multivitamin complexes? And for good flowering, the fertilizer must contain potassium and phosphorus. This is an axiom. And of course other goodies.

Just don’t forget that too much good is no longer good. Too much fertilizer will not help indoor geraniums bloom. He might just destroy her from the inside.

Better buy a comprehensive one mineral fertilizer famous manufacturer. Then read the instructions carefully and follow them strictly.

Advice. Ask the store to choose a mineral water that is suitable specifically for pelargoniums. This packaging provides the most balanced nutrition for your beauty.

Relocation (last resort)

You tried very hard to provide suitable conditions for your indoor geranium. Spring has arrived, but no buds are in sight. Well, we'll have to act decisively. What did the famous poet say? “The less we love a woman...”

This means you will have to arrange a move for your beauty. After all, changing your place of residence is always stressful. And plants often try to leave offspring in such a situation.

Solution. As soon as the threat of return frosts passes, we boldly pick our young lady out of the pot. Let's go to the garden or flowerbed. And with a firm hand we plant it directly in open ground. We choose a sunny place; in the shade you won’t see flowers blooming.

We take care of her in the usual way:

  • watering
  • loosen
  • getting rid of pests

Around mid-summer we take a closer look at our transplant... and are stunned by the number of buds. It is very important not to change anything now. Care and conditions must remain at the same level.

Now you can admire the fabulous caps of flowers until the onset of cool days. Then you need to carefully dig up the indoor geranium and transplant it back into the pot. Often, this procedure requires cutting off a significant part of the root system. Because sometimes it grows a lot.

In this case, simply add treatment with a root formation stimulator and any adaptogen to your usual care. These drugs will significantly help indoor geraniums recover after transplantation.

What should those who live in an apartment do? Or for those who don’t have a dacha or flowerbed? There is an exit. It’s not at all necessary to hug the potty, thinking about where to put it. It is enough to take the container with indoor geraniums to the balcony or loggia for the summer season. Some even manage to keep plants on the windowsill outside. Naturally, with the help of stands.

The care does not change. Even such a refreshing procedure, instead of a radical transplant, has a beneficial effect on the plant. You'll see, flowering won't keep you waiting.

As you can see, it is very easy to find out why indoor geraniums do not bloom. What to do? - It’s not difficult to remember either. And by following our recommendations, it is very easy to achieve lush flowering plants at home.

Video: how to make geraniums bloom