Shower      04/05/2019

Winter and summer modes of plastic windows. Video and description of how to translate. Do-it-yourself adjustment of plastic windows

The best indicator of the quality of manufacturing a plastic window and its installation is frosty weather. Perhaps this is why some prefer to install these structures in winter time. If your window was installed in the summer, and in winter you notice that it is blowing, then you should understand the reasons for this phenomenon. To do this, you can contact the company where the product was ordered and its installation was carried out, or you can perform insulation plastic windows with your own hands.

As a rule, a quality product should not create any problems in principle. On the contrary, its purpose is to solve them. However, in reality everything turns out differently. However, do not rush to blame installers or manufacturers for everything - blowing from the sashes can be caused by the fact that the fittings were initially set to summer mode. In this case do-it-yourself repair plastic windows (or rather, setting them up) is quite simple.

I would immediately like to note the fact that in some designs the fittings do not allow changing the modes of plastic windows in accordance with the time of year. In order to find out whether your design supports changing modes, it is enough to study the system of trunnions that are responsible for this event. If the trunnion has a recess for a hex key or it is oval-shaped, then such fittings are initially designed to be able to adjust the mode. In this article we will talk about how to set winter mode on plastic windows, considering all the intricacies of this process.

Winter mode of plastic windows - setting up fittings

The optimal time to adjust the fittings is late autumn (you can also catch this moment if you feel cold air blowing from under the window sash). In this situation, if you do not experience discomfort while indoors in winter, then it is highly not recommended to switch plastic windows to winter-summer mode. This is due to the fact that with such manipulations the rubber seal wears out much faster. If you feel the need to calibrate the fittings for winter mode, then try to be as attentive to this process as possible. Due to incorrect settings, you can damage the fittings themselves.

Considering the fact that you can set up the winter mode of plastic windows yourself, we offer you a complete guide to action. This way you can save on the services of specialists.

So, let's look at the sequence of your actions:

  1. Raise the hardware roller.
  2. Use a hex wrench to adjust the amount of pressure (the direction of rotation of the trunnion can be determined by trial and error).
  3. Lower the roller into place.
  4. Turn the roller so that the mark marked on it faces inside the room. To set plastic windows to summer mode, the roller should be turned towards the street, loosening the degree of pressure.
  5. All of the above must be done with each roller that is present around the perimeter of the sash or door.

If you are still not confident in your abilities, then in such a situation it is better to seek the help of specialists. However, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for their services, taking into account the technician’s visit to your home.

Concluding this topic, we will give you some more useful tips Regarding the modes of plastic windows:

  1. If the seal is worn out, it must be replaced with a new one.
  2. It is highly not recommended to leave the fittings in permanent winter mode. It needs to be adjusted periodically according to the time of year.
  3. Be careful in setting up. If you adjust the fittings incorrectly, the window may break. As a result, you will have to “fork out” for a full repair of the product.

By properly calibrating the fittings, you will be able to maximize its service life, as well as the service life of the rubber seal. To put it more briefly, the principle of the modes is as follows: in the warm season, the degree of pressure on the sash should be reduced, and in the cold season, accordingly, increased.

Reasons for blowing unrelated to the modes of plastic windows

Among others existing reasons The most common reasons for blowing plastic windows are: poor-quality installation of the structure or defects in the manufacture of the product. For poor-quality installation, claims must be made to the company that actually installed the structure. In the event of a manufacturing defect, responsibility falls entirely on the manufacturer. In such a situation, claims must be submitted to the organization where you purchased such a window.

If we consider the reasons in more detail, we can highlight following points, promoting the ventilation of plastic windows:

  1. The window profile cracked due to the fact that it was made of low-quality plastic.
  2. Incorrect calibration of fittings. This leads to the fact that the sash is not pressed tightly enough to the frame, as a result of which blowing occurs.
  3. A loose glazing bead that does not securely hold the glass unit. A similar problem is observed in most cases in winter - it is at this time that the product decreases in volume due to low temperatures. Often, as a result, the glazing beads jump out of the grooves.
  4. Poor quality fixation of the structure on foam.
  5. Incorrect fastening of the frame in window opening(insufficient shutter of the sash to the window appears).

Of course, all of the above in no way gives you a reason to panic. These faults must be corrected by the company that installed the product. If something happens, some components can be replaced due to their malfunction - warranty service and consumer rights will be your trump card in such a situation.

The main advantages of plastic windows

If the product was manufactured with high quality and its installation was carried out in compliance with all modern technologies, then the design will act as an ironclad guarantor of a favorable microclimate in the room where it is installed. The main advantages of plastic windows include the following:

  • They are warm. Due to their tightness, the products eliminate the need for additional thermal insulation.
  • They are sealed. When closed, the structure does not allow random gusts of wind and drafts to pass through.
  • They are effective. Thanks to plastic windows, it is possible to raise the room temperature to five degrees without resorting to additional heating means.
  • They are persistent. Thanks to metal reinforcement plastic profile, the stability and strength indicators of the window are kept at a fairly high level.
  • They are universal. High-quality structures do an excellent job with all the responsibilities assigned to them. When choosing PVC windows, you will forget for a long time what annual insulation of openings is. In addition, there is no need to paint these products and constantly care for them - all you need to do is wipe them occasionally with a damp cloth.
  • They are durable. A good product can serve you for more than forty years without losing its quality and color.

If the structure installed in your apartment does not comply with any of the above points, you can safely send a claim to the manufacturer. A truly high-quality plastic window must fully comply with the previously stated characteristics.

Additional window insulation for winter

Windows prevent extraneous noise from the street from entering the apartment and ensure the desired air temperature in the room. Plastic structures require periodic maintenance after installation. First of all, you need to figure out how to switch windows to winter mode, why this is necessary, and when to carry out such procedures. In addition, it is important to study the operating principle of locking mechanisms, which have a number of functional features.

Don't forget about this wonderful regime in winter!

Window Modes

In the absence of theoretical knowledge and practice, it is advisable to contact specialists. They can give professional advice on pending issues and offer optimal options problem solution.

On plastic windows there are three modes with which you can adjust the pressing force of the sashes. Among them:

  1. Summer - the sash is pressed weakly. This position promotes air circulation in the room. The sealing rubber is minimally subject to wear.
  2. Winter - provides a fairly tight clamp. There is no movement of air masses, therefore heat is retained in the room. In this case, the maximum load on the seal is applied.
  3. Standard - middle position. Often, installers leave structures in this form. The difference is that real professionals explain to owners how to switch windows to winter (or summer) mode, while unscrupulous ones do not consider it necessary to tell this. This position is intended for the off-season.

In this video you will learn how to adjust plastic windows

Pros and cons of switching

It is enough not to put plastic windows in winter mode for 2-3 years, so that even after adjustment, it starts blowing from the window sill or balcony door. There are a number of problems that can arise if correct adjustment Eurowindows. The main one is a violation of the microclimate in the room.

Excessive humidity causes condensation to appear on the walls, frames and double-glazed windows. All this leads to the formation of mold. Summer mode in winter leads to significant heat losses; there is a need to heat the room additionally, which can lead to increased costs for electricity or gas.

If you use the winter position in summer, this will lead to rapid wear of the rubber seals. As a result, any subsequent adjustments will be useless. The way out of the situation is to replace the seals, which are expensive.

You should not use winter variations of using windows in summer

Disadvantages of window adjustment can appear due to incorrect manipulations that the owner carries out independently. If the procedure is carried out correctly, changing modes will be beneficial. First of all, you need to figure out in what situations switching will be justified.

Timely change of position increases the service life of windows, even if such manipulations were not carried out long time. You can get rid of drafts in winter or dust ingress in summer due to worn-out seals by rearranging the structures “for the winter.” This will delay repairs by one to two years. Sagging hinges can be eliminated in a similar way. The last resort is to replace the hardware.

Types of eccentrics

It is not possible to change the modes on all plastic windows. To figure out whether such a system exists on specific double-glazed windows, you need to pay attention to the locking mechanism. The eccentric located in the middle can be oval. In addition, there are parts that have a hexagon hole in the center. This indicates the presence of winter conditions in window structures.

Algorithm for adjusting plastic structures with various types The fittings are identical, only their position differs. Before you get started, you need to study all the types of trunnions:

  1. Oval parts after installation are often located diagonally - this is the standard position, the middle between winter and summer mode. Horizontal position means “winter”, vertical position means “summer”.
  2. On a round pin for a hexagon, you can determine the position as follows: if the part is extended in relation to the street, this is winter mode; placed in the center - standard; recessed towards the room - summer.
  3. The third option is a round eccentric with a hexagon, but it does not move when rotated. This type of fittings is equipped with a mark indicating the position of the windows. The meaning is similar to the previous option: if the label is located towards the street - “winter”, towards the room - “summer”, in the middle - “standard”.

There are several types of tools for regulating winter conditions

Preparatory work

Before adjusting the fittings of plastic windows for winter mode, it is necessary to perform a number of additional manipulations. First, use a rag to remove the grease from the locking mechanisms. This is necessary to prevent dirt and dust from getting inside during the adjustment process. After the procedure, you need to restore the lubricant layer.

Then you need to find all the eccentrics, the number of which depends on the size of the window. If there is a mosquito net, you need to dismantle it, wash it and put it aside until warmer weather arrives.

Before the onset of cold weather, the seal should be treated with silicone or glycerin grease. Experts recommend giving preference to silicone-based sprays, which can be purchased at automotive or hardware stores.

Many craftsmen believe that the fittings should be switched from “summer” to “winter” when drafts are felt. But this option is optimal for those areas of the country where a warm climate prevails. The best time is the beginning heating season. In addition, the need for adjustment is indicated by fogged glass or frozen ice with inside PVC windows.

Before changing the mode in plastic structures, you need to carefully examine the rubber parts. There are situations when the fittings are adjusted correctly, but the seal has become unusable (torn or cracked). In such a situation, it is imperative to replace it. You can buy cheap products for one season, but they won’t last more than a year.

After a detailed study of the fittings and how to transfer them, you can move on to the adjustment itself. For example, over time window frame may skew, causing one side to fit more tightly than the other. This situation is unacceptable, because it creates an additional load on all components and drafts appear, so it is important to configure it correctly.

You need to start adjusting the sash horizontally or vertically from the bottom hinge. To do this, you need to remove the protective plastic cover and find a screw with a special hexagon hole, which is located on top.

When turning the part clockwise, the frame will rise, and when rotating counterclockwise, it will lower. To move the sash towards the frame or, conversely, place it further, you should turn the screw located at the bottom of the hinge.

Step-by-step instruction

Having understood the theory, you can move on to practical setup window designs. Step by step guide How to winterize plastic windows:

  1. After opening the sash, find all the pins on standard windows there are three of them. If the marker is closer to the street, it needs to be moved in the opposite direction so that it is located towards the room.
  2. To work, you will need a hexagon of a suitable size; a 4 or 6 mm tool is often used. It is advisable to have a set of different keys at hand during the manipulation, because thin products will be needed for vertical and horizontal adjustment.
  3. Having picked up the tool, start turning the trunnion. Carry out similar manipulations for the remaining eccentrics. Then check the tight fit of the sash to the frame.

Regardless of the frame design, adjustment is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is important to follow certain rules and follow step by step instructions. If the windows were installed not so long ago and are still under warranty, it is better to call a specialist from the company that did the installation. This procedure is free, but you cannot hope that everything will be done perfectly, and you should not exclude the possibility of finishing the structures yourself. After setting up at least one leaf, subsequent maintenance can be done yourself.

In your apartment or country house installed modern windows made of plastic, which served reliably for a long time. And suddenly minor malfunctions began to appear: they noticed that the sash began to not close completely, and a draft and extraneous noise appeared in the room; The handle became blocked and would not turn.

All these minor troubles can be easily eliminated. The main thing is to understand the scheme and technique for adjusting PVC windows, individual parts and fittings, and the window will function correctly again. Before troubleshooting window operation, you need to study step-by-step work, as well as prepare a mandatory set of tools, without which the task will not be completed.

Tools for adjusting PVC windows

To set up the window mechanism, you need to acquire the following tools:

  • hex wrench;
  • a set of screwdriver bits (star-type);
  • a Phillips screwdriver and a regular flathead screwdriver;
  • pliers.

It is better to use car oil or a special aerosol as a lubricant.

Find out what types of window fittings are available for plastic windows.

Many window adjustments are carried out using a hexagon. A set of screwdriver bits can be useful if, in the production of the window frame, mechanisms were used that had bolts with a specific tip for a star-type bit.

Basic areas for adjusting plastic windows

Compared to a sliding window mechanism, adjusting swing sashes in plastic windows is a more labor-intensive process. You need to know the main adjustment points, of which there are five. By adjusting them, you can raise or lower the sash, adjust it horizontally to the left or right, or adjust one of the corners located at the bottom of the sash horizontally. There are also two more adjustment sections, the adjustment of which allows you to reduce or increase the density of pressing the sash to the frame.

Troubleshooting window and balcony handles

It happens that the window or balcony handle has become loose, so the sash does not close tightly. To eliminate this malfunction, it is necessary to tighten the fastening mechanism of the handle itself. To do this, remove the rectangular trim under the handle. She calmly rises and turns to the side 90˚. Underneath there are bolts that need to be tightened with a Phillips screwdriver. You can remove the cover easily, without much effort or picking with a screwdriver., which can only damage the profile and harm the edges of the overlay.

How to repair a sticky knob that won't turn to the desired position

This malfunction is more significant, having several reasons:

  1. The mechanism may need cleaning and lubrication.
  2. If the handle does not turn completely to the position, or does turn, but with great difficulty, you may just need to slightly loosen the pressure on the sash itself.

Adjusting the handle when the pressure is poor.

We talk about which fittings for plastic windows are better.

Two options to solve the problem:

  1. To clean and lubricate the entire mechanism, it is necessary to dismantle the handle. Cleaning can be done with a vacuum cleaner or a special brush. After cleaning, it is necessary to lubricate the mechanism.
  2. To reduce the pressing action, the eccentrics, which are located at the ends of the sashes on the side where the handles are located, are subject to adjustment. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the bolts located on the hinges on the opposite side.

Adjusting the handle that is blocked

If the window handle is blocked, it makes no sense to replace it with a new one. In this case, you don’t even have to dismantle it completely. The occurrence of a malfunction is due to improper operation of the locking mechanism. At the same time, it does not allow the sash to change its state when it is open. To do this, you need to turn the locking lever to allow the handle to move freely.

There are two ways to resolve this problem depending on the type of design of the window mechanism and fittings. In one embodiment, the locking lever can be in the form of a tongue located at an angle to the seal and screwed to the end of the sash when the window is open. In another embodiment, the lever can be in the form of a clamp that fits onto the seal and serves as a gasket.

The window handle is broken

If the handle breaks, the window cannot close. This type of repair can be done independently. To do this, you need to purchase a new pen or hardware store, or order from the organization from which the plastic windows were ordered. Then proceed directly to the replacement work.

To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the decorative trim that covers the attachment of the handle to the frame. It rotates freely in any direction. Then you need to unscrew the bolts that hold the old handle. The new handle is screwed onto the same bolts.

Quite often, adults install PVC windows that have handles with a safety lock. This is due to the need to protect children from opening windows on their own. This mechanism prevents the window from opening.

You will find detailed information about glass railings for stairs.

If the fuse fails, you must turn the handle 90˚ along with the plug. Then two bolts are unscrewed. After which it gets old pen from the sash (by gradual loosening). A new one is placed in place of the old one, in the same position at the time of its removal, and bolted.

Adjustment of PVC windows “winter-summer”

Window adjustment for winter provides a high level of pressure, and for summer - a low level.

Some adjustment rules:

  1. If there is a need to adjust the level of pressure of the sash to the frame from the hinge side, then for this you need to use the adjusting screw, which is located on the lower hinge.
  2. If the sash has a tilt-and-turn mechanism, then additional adjustment of the sash pressure on the side of the top hinge should be made.
  3. To access the adjusting bolt, which is located in the upper hinge area, you must first open the sash and then turn the handle to the ventilation position. Before doing this, press the locking lever.
  4. If you turn the blocker to the right, it is pressed against the frame; in the opposite direction, the pressure weakens.

Adjustment of some types of fittings occurs using special parts located on the frame on the handle side. Their position can be adjusted using a hex wrench. For more significant pressure, it is moved closer to the outside. If there are clamping mechanisms on the frame on the hinge side, they can also be adjusted with a hex key. At the same time, if the tongue is pulled out more, the sash will have greater pressure against the frame.

Adjustment of the clamping mechanism: due to cracks or according to the season

The clamping device is presented in the form of a rubber seal, which can also fail over time. The reason for this is: shrinkage and loss of elasticity of the elastic band. When installing a new window, the sash fits tightly against the seal, and when the level of pressing force decreases, the seal is broken, which becomes insufficient for a tight fit.

The manufacturer of window fittings has foreseen this situation, so the PVC window has a mechanism that allows you to change the clamping pressure when closing the sash. The pressure can be increased or decreased depending on needs or the season.

In practice, the following situation arises when, in the summer, the rubber seal tends to expand, since it has the most high level elasticity. In winter, the opposite situation occurs; the elastic band begins to shrink at low temperatures. temperature conditions. That is why, in winter, it is necessary to strengthen the pressure so that the cold wind does not blow through the sealing joint.

About the types of seals for metal doors, read it.

If you forget to adjust the winter version of pressing plastic windows for higher summer temperatures, the gasket will be deformed by the window sash. This may cause the sash to break. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to adjust the pressure before each season from winter to summer and vice versa.

Clamping mechanism adjustment diagram

To adjust the sash pressing mechanism, there are eccentrics for this purpose. These are special mechanisms - trunnions, which allow the sash to be firmly fixed when closed. The pressure adjustment is carried out using these pins.

As the clamping force increases, the trunnions must be turned to the right. It should be remembered that with full rotation the eccentric returns to its original place. When the pressure decreases, the trunnions turn to the left. The above diagram is applicable only for those doors that open from left to right. When opening in a different direction, it is necessary to rotate the trunnions to the right to reduce the pressure, and to the left to increase it.

What a magnetic seal for metal doors is is indicated.

Manufacturers offer several options for adjusting these mechanisms. There are three such methods:

  1. The trunnion is rotated using a flat-head screwdriver. To do this, it is inserted into a groove located on the eccentric.
  2. The pin is clamped with pliers and pulled towards itself, then rotated.
  3. The pin is clamped with pliers and rotated in the required direction without being pulled in its direction.

When using pliers to grip the trunnions, do not use too much force to turn the eccentrics. Initially, you need to make sure which option will be used to adjust the clamping mechanism. Otherwise it may be damaged.

Don’t be afraid of this problem; the main thing is to start adjusting the window sashes in time.

In practice, there are three common ways to adjust the position of a window sash:

  1. When the window sash begins to cling to the lower part of the frame along the edge of the handle with its lower section. To correct this problem, you need to move the sash upward and move its upper section in the direction of the support.
  2. When the sash touches the middle support of the frame. To do this, you need to move it towards the awnings. When the contact area is located closer to the top or bottom, it is necessary to move the sash closer to the corresponding support.
  3. When the sash touches the top opening of the frame. To do this, the lower part of the sash moves towards the support. If this adjustment is insufficient, the entire sash moves down.

All adjustments are carried out using a hex wrench. To move the sash to the upper or lower part, you need to rotate the adjusting bolt, which is located in the lower support. To get to it, you need to remove the decorative plastic panel from the frame. At the top edge of this section there is a hole that you need to get into with a key. The sash is raised when the adjusting screw rotates to the right, lowered when it is turned to the left.

It is possible that you will be interested.

Below on the same support there is another adjusting screw. Access to it is possible from both sides of the sash. When this screw rotates, the sash moves closer or further away from the support. The adjustment is carried out as follows: the key is turned half a turn and the presence of a gap between the frame and the sash is checked. If the bolt is not turned sufficiently, it should be slowly continued to be turned until the contact is eliminated.

Adjustment of the upper section (“scissors”) is carried out in a similar way. To get to the bolt with which the sash moves to the sides, you need to open the window wide. In this position of the tilt and turn mechanism, the hole for the adjustment key will be visible.


You can see an example of summer-winter window adjustment in the video:

All the described schemes for adjusting plastic windows do not present much difficulty in getting rid of faults with your own hands.

The instructions contained in this article will help you find out what position the trunnion is in and figure out how to switch the windows to winter mode without calling a technician to your home. The text contains an overview of the features and characteristics of window fittings, tips on its use and proper adjustment, as well as visual video material and photos with a clear description of this procedure.

Metal-plastic double-glazed windows are widely used for glazing apartments and private houses. Such designs have the ability to make adjustments and set the degree of pressing of the sash. Thanks to this window adjustment PVC system can be switched to winter or summer seasonal mode. This function is very convenient, although not all owners know about it.

The availability of the adjustment function depends on the type of fittings used. This feature is not inherent in every type of window, but only in modern modifications. There are several modes. Each of them has its own characteristics.

Standard, summer and winter modes of plastic windows

The standard mode assumes the middle position of pressing the sash. This means that the eccentric will be located in the middle. A window structure installed in this mode is, in most cases, capable of operating effectively both in winter and summer. This ensures an optimal level of compression of the sealing material.

In winter mode, windows are characterized by a tighter fit of the sash to the frame. Thanks to this, during the cold season, metal-plastic structures effectively retain heat, keeping it indoors.

Summer mode is characterized by less tight fixation of the sash. In this position, air flows circulate freely between environment and the room. In other words, a micro-ventilation effect is ensured, due to which optimal microclimatic conditions are maintained in hot weather.

Note! Using the summer mode allows you to weaken the sashes as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the condition of metal-plastic windows that have survived a long winter. At the same time, it remains possible to protect the room from dirt, dust and heat.

Why is it necessary to adjust plastic windows for summer and winter modes?

Switching from one mode to another allows you to keep the window structure in a functional state and extend its service life. Adjustment involves changing the degree of fit of the sash to the window frame. During the winter season insulation material It contracts, and in the summer it expands. It, like all fasteners, can be protected from wear with the help of adjustment, video and photographic materials with instructions describing how this can be done are available on the Internet.

Sometimes during operation the sash shifts. When it is warm outside, this does not cause any inconvenience, but in winter this can cause the room temperature to drop significantly. If this happens, you should check the condition of the frame. When installing metal-plastic windows, craftsmen check the position of the sashes in each mode, as well as the absence of gaps between the parts. However, a perfectly executed installation does not guarantee that the sashes will not come apart over time.

If the window installation is completed in early spring or in winter, structures are exposed to external influences:

  1. The temperature outside is rising.
  2. Under the influence of climate change, plastic begins to expand.
  3. The temperature outside is dropping.
  4. Under the influence of temperature changes, plastic decreases in volume, but it is not always able to take its original shape.

Similar processes occur if windows are installed in the summer. But first the material contracts as temperatures drop, and then expands. However, it is impossible to avoid changes in technical specifications products, so gaps often appear in the windows.

The need to switch plastic windows to winter or summer mode may be due not only to the seasonal transition, but also to a number of other reasons:

  1. Drafts from the window, carrying frosty air in winter and dust in summer.
  2. Sagging of the sashes due to wear on the hinges.
  3. Sash jamming in ventilation mode.

Note! During operation of windows, the sealing material is subject to severe wear. Therefore, it is very important to promptly adjust plastic windows with your own hands when switching to winter/summer modes.

How to check the possibility of adjusting plastic windows for the winter

The ability to switch between summer and winter modes is provided by special fittings. The availability of this function depends on the class of these parts.

There are several types of components:

  1. Budget fittings are parts that have the lowest cost and are solely responsible for opening and closing the window structure.
  2. Standard fittings – the kit contains standard and burglary-proof parts that allow you to prepare the window structure for summer or winter.
  3. Specialized fittings - includes anti-burglary and specialized parts that allow you to switch plastic windows to winter or summer mode.

Most modern manufacturers produce standard and specialized fittings with the function of switching from one mode to another.

The most popular brands:

  • Siegenia Aubi;
  • Maco;
  • Roto.

During installation, the user is not always given detailed information about the functionality of the fittings. To find out whether the window design provides a transition between modes, you should study appearance and marking of the configuration, namely, the axle.

An eccentric or trunnion is one of the elements of the fittings that allows you to adjust the degree of pressure of the sash to the frame metal-plastic window. This part is placed on the side.

If the trunnion contains special holes intended for a key, then the design has an adjustment function. This can be easily seen even in photos of plastic windows, of which there are many on the Internet. As a rule, the marking is marked with the image of a hexagon, screwdriver or asterisk. In some cases, the control part has an oval shape, which also indicates that the window can be operated in different modes.

How to determine which mode of plastic windows is set: winter or summer

Before adjusting plastic windows for the winter, you should determine in what position the fittings are installed. There are several ways to help you find out how the sash is placed. In each case, the technique depends on the shape of the trunnion.

How to determine the winter mode of plastic windows before adjusting the fittings:

  1. Take a sheet of paper.
  2. It is placed between the sash and window frame so that one of the ends remains on the side of the room.
  3. The window closes.
  4. Then you should pull the sheet towards you.

If the paper passes easily, it means that the structure is set for operation in summer mode. Otherwise it will tear.

Helpful advice! Manufacturers of metal-plastic structures advise using windows in summer mode all year round. If there is no reason to switch to the winter position of the sash, this procedure is not necessary.

In addition, there is a way to visually determine whether winter mode is installed on plastic windows; photo examples with markings can be easily found on the Internet. According to this method, it is necessary to find a marking in the form of a dash, asterisk or dot on the round pin. Next, you need to determine the direction of this mark. If the marking points towards the room, it means that the windows are set to summer operation. If the mark faces the street, then the design is set to winter mode.

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Trunnions are not only round, but also oval. The operating mode in this case is determined by the nature of the eccentric placement. If it is turned vertically, then the windows are set for summer weather. In a horizontal position, the trunnion presses the sash as tightly as possible to the frame, which indicates winter mode.

Having determined the position of the sash, you can move on to solving the question of how to switch the windows to winter mode; video instructions describing this procedure are presented in large quantities on the Internet.

How to adjust plastic windows in winter/summer modes: video review and description

To find out how plastic windows are adjusted, it is advisable to read the manufacturer’s instructions, study descriptions and video materials, which can later be used as visual material. If the work is carried out without the help of a specialist, it is very important to fully understand the essence of the issue and act as carefully as possible, since there is a risk of damaging the fittings with a careless movement.

How to set windows to winter modeoperation: photoand description of the preparatory stage

Preparing the window for customization begins with cleaning. To perform this procedure, you will need a certain set of tools and devices.

This list includes:

  • mop equipped with a telescopic handle;
  • a product intended for cleaning window glass;

  • paper napkins or towels;
  • a product intended for cleaning accessories;
  • silicone-based lubricant;
  • brush or hard brush.

Helpful advice! If you constantly take care of your double-glazed windows and keep them clean, you won’t have to spend a lot of time preparing them before adjusting your plastic windows for the winter.

The preparation of the window structure is as follows:

  • glass is washed;
  • the frame is wiped;
  • dirt on connections and joints is removed;

  • use a brush or hard brush to thoroughly clean the fittings;
  • all window elements are wiped (especially areas with grease);
  • by applying a few drops of silicone grease, the fittings are treated;
  • the position of the trunnion is determined;
  • the trunnion is set to the required position;
  • lubricant is reapplied;
  • All hinges are lubricated.

After all the above manipulations have been completed, the result is checked using a sheet of paper.

How to switch windows to winter mode: photoand recommendations

To adjust the fittings on double-glazed windows, you will need a special tool. Experts recommend having with you:

  1. Pliers.
  2. Screwdriver.
  3. Hex key.

The necessary tools should be purchased immediately after purchasing the windows, since the need to adjust them may arise suddenly. Sometimes the eccentrics do not protrude outward, and many owners search the Internet for videos on how to adjust plastic windows with similar features. The secret is to pull the pin outward. After this you can already configure it. When the eccentrics are installed in the required position, they should be recessed into the sash again.

Experts do not recommend changing modes during the first year of window operation. In new designs, the sealing material has not yet been subject to wear, so the mechanical loads on the fittings should not be increased or adjusted. If the winter in the region does not have too low temperatures, it is possible to operate double-glazed windows in summer mode. At the same time, winter adjustment should not be left for the summer, since in this mode accelerated wear of the seal will occur.

Note! Changing the regime is allowed no more than 2 times a year. Moreover, the length of the winter operating period is much shorter than the summer one.

Setting up plastic windows: how to adjust the sashes horizontally and vertically

Regardless of the mode of operation, the doors of the structure are not allowed to be skewed. Sometimes you have to resort to correcting their position in order to correctly configure the fittings. The presence of sagging or misalignment reduces the service life of the seal. To work, you will need a pencil with a soft lead and a ruler. All manipulations with the window must be performed extremely carefully, otherwise the plastic can be damaged.

Preparing the window for adjusting the sashes:

  1. The structure is closing.
  2. The sash is traced around the perimeter using a pencil (marks are applied to the frame).
  3. The window opens.
  4. The distances between the frame opening and the marked lines along the entire perimeter of the structure are measured.

The indicators should be the same on all sides. A slight deviation is allowed, but not more than 7 mm. If the level of the left edge is too low relative to the right, or vice versa, you need to adjust its position. To do this you will need to remove decorative insert and tighten the screws that are installed at the bottom.

In some cases, it becomes necessary to raise the sash. To do this, unscrew the top screw halfway. If the level of the sash is too high, the fasteners are tightened ¼ turn. If it is clearly underestimated, the bolt is unscrewed by ¼ turn. Horizontal adjustment of the sashes is carried out using screws located on the hinges.

How to adjust plastic windows horizontally:

  1. The window opens.
  2. There is a hole whose configuration corresponds to a hex key.
  3. The screw turns smoothly until the sash is aligned to the required position.
  4. Check in progress.

To check the quality of the setting, close the window structure. If you need to reduce the distance between the hinge and the sash, the hex key must be rotated clockwise. If the distance between these elements is too small, then the tool is rotated counterclockwise.

Important! A strong horizontal movement of the window is not allowed. The maximum allowable value is 3 mm (in either direction).

Possible problems with metal-plastic windows and ways to solve them

You can check the quality of the work performed not only with a sheet of paper, but also by ear.

A well adjusted window behaves like this:

  • nothing interferes with the free opening of the doors; they close without hindrance;
  • there is no creaking, grinding or other extraneous sounds;
  • all the screws holding the sash in the desired position are screwed in approximately the same way;
  • along the entire perimeter of the window, the sealing material has the same thickness and shape;
  • after opening/closing the sash, the sealing material returns to its original shape.

Changing the operating mode of a structure is sometimes accompanied by problems. If the roller does not turn, it may need to be pulled out of the groove on the latch by turning it 90°. If this does not help, the part needs to be lubricated with WD-40. This lubricant comes in the form of an aerosol mixture in a can. It is designed for processing joints and threads.

If, when switching to winter mode, drafts from the window do not disappear, it means that the service life of the seal has expired. It is very easy to replace this material. It is enough to remove the old seal from the frame and grooves of the sash and insert a new one in its place (by hand or using a dull spatula). Since the material is welded to the profile in the corners, you will have to trim it to remove it.

The information contained in this article clearly explains how to set windows to winter mode. Videos, photographs and detailed descriptions procedures allow you to fully understand the features of adjusting double-glazed windows. Using this data, you can quickly and easily provide warmth and comfort in own home when it's cold outside the windows.

On the one hand, such manipulations promise benefits by reducing heat loss through the window structure, but on the other hand, as a result of adjustment, the seal quickly wears out.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode: video-instructions

Installing plastic windows is often not enough, since they also require proper maintenance. If used incorrectly, problems may arise, and in this case the windows will not protect the room from wind, cold and noise. Most often, you need to pay attention to this problem when you need to change the mode. To do this, you need to configure it.

Why adjust metal-plastic windows?

Everyone knows that plastic windows have two main modes: summer and winter, each of which plays its own role. Window manufacturers usually indicate in their recommendations how to properly operate and configure metal-plastic construction. We can confidently say that this allows you to avoid a lot of problems.

We will tell you how to do this correctly later in the article. It is important to remember that all the recommendations will help you correctly set up the metal-plastic structure and keep your home warm.

Why is it necessary for the “summer-winter” mode?

Few people know how to set up a window, so some prefer to turn to specialists for help. But there is nothing complicated in setting up windows, and if you carefully study all the recommendations, you can carry out all the work to regulate the structure yourself.

Initially, adjustments are made when the windows are first installed. This greatly simplifies operation, but, unfortunately, does not allow you to select the desired mode in the future. For example, if windows were installed in the summer, then in winter they need to be reconfigured, and vice versa.

Experts say that it is simply impossible to do without adjustment, since it is a kind of repair, which allows you to determine whether the structure is prepared for operation in the cold season. Adjusting plastic windows for the winter improves their tightness and prevents drafts from entering the room. Thanks to it, the microclimate in the room will always remain at a normal level.

If the adjustment is carried out incorrectly, then there will always be a presence in the room. high humidity, and sometimes even frost on the windows. If the structure is used for a long time, then the tightness becomes minimal, and there are many reasons for this.

Often, adjustment of plastic windows is required when a breakdown occurs. To avoid this, they must be constantly adjusted as the seasons change. If you leave the windows on the summer mode, then cold air masses will be able to freely penetrate into the room, which will naturally affect both the level of heat and the energy consumption to maintain it. By setting the windows to the desired mode for the winter, you can keep the heat in the room.

When is window adjustment required for the winter?

Adjusting plastic windows "winter-summer" may be required in several cases, which are worth focusing on in more detail:

  1. Windows should be adjusted immediately after the structure has been installed.
  2. Even specialists can sometimes make mistakes during installation; such violations lead to deviations and cracks begin to form. In this case, a complete repair and adjustment of plastic windows will be required.
  3. A technical inspection should be carried out every two years. If the frame is operated without such checks, some deviations may be detected.
  4. The window may fail if it was installed in a new building or in an old house, as the building may sag. This is not difficult to notice - after adjusting the windows for the winter, the room will still be penetrated. cold air. In this situation, it is important to take into account the possibility of building subsidence, and the problem can be avoided.

Naturally, these are not all the reasons why window adjustment may be necessary for the winter, but they are the main ones that a consumer may encounter.

Instructions for adjusting windows in winter

Setting up plastic windows for the winter with your own hands has always been the most topical issue. To attract specialists to work, you need to spend a fairly decent amount of money, and in order to do all the work yourself, you just need to carefully follow the recommendations.

The structure must be prepared for winter in advance, otherwise the owner may face big problems during operation. The fact is that it will be very difficult to fix anything when temperatures drop.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the fittings. Adjusting the fittings of plastic windows allows you to make the windows fit tightly to the frame. If the windows were previously adjusted incorrectly, you will notice strong drafts in the room.

Adjusting the window doesn't take much time. In order to carry out all the work, you will need to use a hex key, which is available to almost every owner in the house. At the end of one leaf there is an element that serves for locking; in another way it can also be called a clamp. It is located on a rectangular platform, but can be moved up or down. It is very important that this clamp is moved towards the street when there is a strong cold snap, this is exactly what will provide the owner with good tightness.

To properly tighten the clamp, you should use a hex wrench. You need to twist it counterclockwise, applying a small amount of effort. Thanks to this, he will be able to turn in correct position and it will lock itself. As soon as all the manipulations are completed, it will be possible to say with confidence that the work has been completed at the proper level, and now the room will be warm and comfortable even in the most extreme cold.

How to set up different types of fittings for the winter?

Each hardware manufacturer strives for quality in its own way, and this also affects the adjustment of the plastic window. Some developers use complex structure designs, and some - simplified. Let's look at all types of fittings and how they can be configured:

  1. The Roto company has round heads in its designs, which is why the owner may have problems with the keys, since it will not be possible to find a suitable one. Here you will have to suffer and look for a key with a large cross.
  2. The Maco company made sure that the heads were as comfortable as possible - the manufacturers made them oval-shaped, and you can tighten them with ordinary pliers.
  3. The most reliable fittings are considered to be from TORX. To change to winter, you will need to use a hex wrench.

Some developers of plastic windows use special protection in their system, in which the mechanism can be rotated 360 degrees, but as soon as the owner does this, the mechanism will return to its place. By the way, it is often highly not recommended to do this, since the mechanism may simply break down, and then it will need to be completely replaced.

It should be noted that adjusting plastic windows without specialists requires special attention and patience. As soon as one head is tightened, it is worth checking how tightly the window closes. As a rule, adjusting one head does not give anything, therefore, by gradually tightening the others, you can check the tightness on all sides and all sashes of the metal-plastic window.

another way

When adjusting plastic windows, you should pay attention to the condition of the seal. Often the reason for drafts from cracks is precisely its wear and tear. This seal is made of rubber. If the material is not properly looked after, then you will soon notice that no adjustment of the windows can save the owner from the penetration of cold into the room.

To prevent the seal from wearing out too much, you should use a special silicone grease, which motorists love to use. Thanks to it, rubber is covered with a special molecular film that lasts for six months.

Over time, the seal can be completely changed, and then window settings will become even simpler.

What problems can arise when adjusting windows?

Today, some plastic windows have complex design. Naturally, setting up plastic windows with your own hands in this case can cause certain difficulties. Such windows often require proper preparation for winter, so in this case adjustment alone is not enough.

Windows require special attention, and if they are not switched to summer or winter mode in time, their service life will soon expire. It is important to remember that if they are always in winter mode, they will soon fail, or rather, the seal will deteriorate. Switching from winter to summer mode is also beneficial because more fresh air will penetrate into the room.

Some people wonder how to adjust plastic windows themselves. It should be noted that all manipulations are performed very simply, so there is no need to seek help from specialists. Most often, difficulties arise when cylindrical eccentrics are used in fittings. Before you begin, you must first carefully examine all the window locking elements and try to adjust the screws. Window manufacturers, as a rule, leave their recommendations, so you can use their tips.

Step-by-step adjustment

When you need to adjust plastic windows, you should follow some recommendations:

  1. It is necessary to carefully examine the end of the sash. This part of the window is moving, with cylindrical elements that, when moving, enter the window frame and fix the sash in one position. Among the elements you can see two stripes, which are divided into two semicircles.
  2. To switch the window to winter mode, simply turn these strips towards the street. In this case, expansion occurs, and the window sash automatically falls into the bar, while the frame is pressed harder and air cannot freely penetrate into the room.
  3. You can return the windows to summer mode in the same way, but this requires turning the sash to reverse side, more precisely, towards the room.

Innovations in setting up windows for winter

Today, windows with a three-chamber double-glazed window are considered innovative. In this case, this term means windows with a three-chamber double-glazed window - such glass allows you to retain heat by 70%. Some believe that these windows are absolutely unsuitable for the summer, but we can say with confidence that they will reflect the energy of the sun.

You can freely install a climate valve on plastic windows, then setting up plastic windows with your own hands will become even easier. In this case, without any effort, you can make sure that air from the street does not enter the room, and, on the contrary, make sure that there is more fresh air in the house, ensuring good ventilation. Using the mechanism correctly, you can achieve the expected results.

If you can’t adjust the window, you should take care of replacing the seal. After all, when the product has been in use for a long time, adjusting plastic windows may turn out to be almost impossible and all that remains is to replace the seal. Over time, it may lose its properties, cracks appear in it, and recommendations for switching to winter mode will not give the expected effect.

It won't be difficult, you should buy it suitable material and carry out the appropriate manipulations. It is advisable to carry out replacement not when the house becomes cold. The old seal is removed from the upper or lower corner; as soon as this work is done, the grooves should be processed, or rather cleaned of dust and dirt, otherwise the new seal will not fit as it should. After that, a new seal begins to be laid from the top corner, which is applied across the entire width.

It is very important to carefully ensure that it fits tightly. Only when all the work has been done can you begin to attach the new seal. Under no circumstances should the rubber be stretched, as it will then not match the size of the window. Remember that it is also not recommended to turn the eccentrics all the way, otherwise the seal will need to be replaced again. If you follow all the recommendations, window adjustment will be done quickly and efficiently.