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Frameless way to install drywall on walls. Ways of attaching drywall to the wall: on concrete, brick and wood. Self-tapping mounting

Drywall is a versatile material that is used in various forms. repair work. It makes it possible to change the state of space in a short time. But the budget will be quite optimistic. That is why drywall is so popular, and virtually everyone can learn how to work with it.

In this case, it all depends on the type of drywall - the smaller the distance between the supports, the more durable the sheet will be. In this case the best option there will be a sticker. This method is far from always suitable, therefore a metal profile is used.

There are building codes that prescribe:

  • For wall gypsum, it is necessary to install support strips at least every 40 cm;
  • Moisture resistant GKL assumes an interval of every 60 cm;
  • Ceiling drywall - for it you need to assemble a grid from the profile, the cell size of which is not more than 40 by 40 cm.

But it's not enough that you install planks with a support step.

It is very important to correctly make holes for the screws. If they are screwed in very often, then the integrity of the sheet will be violated, it will be crumbled and fall out. If there are few fasteners, then the consequences will be the same.

How and how to fix drywall with your own hands

All installation work is recommended to be carried out with the appropriate types of screws. And there are only two of them - these are screws for metal, and screws for drywall. The first type of screws is divided into two subtypes: metal-to-metal and metal-to-wood. Metal-metal is needed to connect profiles. The screw at the end is equipped with a special drill, which easily allows you to connect the elements to each other.

Screws with a black phosphated finish are suitable for fixing drywall. It reduces friction, this is, firstly, and, secondly, it protects against corrosion. When cutting drywall, the seam will not destroy the structure of the gypsum.

Installation process: drywall how to fix, step by step instructions

Installation of drywall will consist of four stages - these are measurements and a drawing, assembly of the frame, installation of insulation and soundproofing material, installation of the drywall itself.

It is very important to take measurements and draw a plan as you see the future structure.

If you plan to fix the drywall only on the wall, it is enough to display the frame on the plan.

Frame assembly:

  • First, guides are installed - a wide U-shaped profile, it is attached to the bottom and top of the wall, or along the perimeter of the ceiling. They need to be installed perfectly straight.
  • If a gap forms between the profile and the wall, thick cardboard or wood should be inserted into it.
  • Depending on which frame, the guides need to be fixed with dowels in increments of 30 cm from each other. After installing the guides, the frame is mounted.

First, one corner sheet is installed, which is fixed with one screw. Then comes the level check and fixing the second self-tapping screw to the cross. Then the sheet is "compressed" around the perimeter. Then the sheet is screwed to the carrier bars. This procedure requires sequential execution.

What you need to fix drywall to the ceiling

Examples: how to fix drywall (video)

Fixing drywall is a simple technology, if you do not engage in amateur activities. Correct mounts, good frame, tools, parts, and work will not seem difficult to you.

Good repair!

Taking wall measurements. This is necessary in order to plan the future placement of drywall sheets. It is also necessary avoid cross joints, since the sheets will be offset.

Wall surface preparation. At this stage, the surface should be cleaned of old wallpaper, traces of paint, whitewash. Necessary identify protruding places on the wall, then mark them with chalk. Next, a soil mixture is applied to the wall in several layers and dries completely.

Before attaching the frame to the wall, it is necessary to cut strips of 100 mm wide from drywall, after which one of the sides is covered with a primer. Next, glue is applied to the strips, then they are glued along the wall, one close to the ceiling, the second to the floor. Be sure to take into account the fact that glue needs to be worked as fast as possible You don't have to mix too much at once.

Preparing the bulk of the adhesive. For this, gypsum mixtures of slow setting or building gypsum are often used. In the second case, it is necessary to prolong the hardening by adding PVA glue to the adhesive. Therefore, if you want to attach drywall to a wall without a frame, while acting carefully, you must provide for these details.

Fixing sheets to the wall. The thickness of the adhesive layer will depend on the degree of curvature of the surface. If it is relatively flat, then it will be possible to glue directly on it. The adhesive is applied notched trowel, to perform the technology, he or a trowel can be used.

Fastening drywall to a wall without a frame involves aligning the large curvature of the walls; for this, special "beacons" which are made from drywall strips. Usually they are glued vertically around the perimeter, the interval is 40-50 cm. From the very beginning, the left and right beacons are set, and then, using the fishing line that is stretched between them, vertical stripes are attached. As for the upper and lower horizontal beacons, they are aligned using a certain rule, which is pressed against drywall sheets.

Installation of drywall on walls without a frame is carried out in several simple actions and should be done gradually.

After applying the adhesive, take linings of 10-20 mm from the floor and install a sheet of drywall on them. Thanks to this technique, compensation for the elongation of the sheet will be ensured at a time when humidity and temperature change in the room. Sheet needed align using a special rubber mallet, lightly tapping it.

After gluing the drywall to the wall and curing the adhesive, it is necessary to fix it with dowel-nails. In this way, durability as well as fastening reliability can be improved. To do this, it is necessary to drill a hole in drywall, then insert a dowel into which a nail is hammered. The nail must be struck until the head is completely sunk into the drywall. In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the drywall.

Thus, plasterboard wall cladding without a frame is carried out as quickly as possible if the sequence of actions is followed.

Wireframe method

In this case, there are two main ways of fixing drywall - this is the use of a frame made of wooden bars and metal.

The use of a frame made of wooden bars

When using the method, there are two main steps: frame assembly, then installation of drywall bars. The assembly process begins with the sequential fixation of the guides. Unlike a procedure such as leveling walls with drywall without a frame, it will require put in more effort. It is also necessary to choose the appropriate fastening - it can be a dowel-nail, self-tapping screws with a large pitch, depending on the base material.

To correctly set the guides and the entire frame, veneer strips and a level are used. After installing the guides, you need to set, and then fix the main bars. Drywall on wooden walls also fastened using special technologies.

Unlike the previous installation method, this one has its own characteristics. On the one side, it allows you to create new designs- these are arches, niches, partitions, on the other hand - requires a lot of money and effort. In addition, when conditions change environment wood is subject to deformation, so the quality of the entire structure can deteriorate significantly.

Among the variety of modern building materials, there are undoubted bestsellers that are used everywhere, are versatile and are very popular with builders. Drywall is a well-deserved leader in wall decoration, it is affordable and easy to use. By examining in detail the properties and specifications of this wonderful material, as well as observing the technology, you can make repairs using drywall with your own hands without involving expensive specialists and reduce costs by choosing the best option for the price, because there are several ways to properly fix drywall to the wall.

Pros and cons of using drywall for repairs

The gypsum panel, glued on both sides with thick cardboard, has amazing strength for soft crumbling gypsum, it can be cut, sawn, planed. Drywall is indispensable for leveling walls and ceilings, erecting partitions, arches, architectural structures of complex shape.

Walls with shaped niches and multi-level ceilings, columns and openings are easily constructed using GC

Repair using GKL has several advantages:

  • perfectly smooth walls, the smooth surface of which is ready for painting or other finishing, including any kind of wallpaper and tiles;
  • low weight does not create a load on the wall and frame, has sufficient strength;
  • does not support combustion, there are refractory GKLO models;
  • comfortable standard sizes sheet, different thickness depending on construction tasks and affordable price;
  • ease of processing, cutting and installation, perfectly holds fasteners;
  • ample opportunities for the realization of creative ideas and the most daring design ideas;
  • environmental safety allows you to sheathe walls even in children's rooms;
  • under the panels you can hide communications and insulation;

The disadvantages of using the material include:

  • eats up some room space, not suitable for small areas;
  • afraid of getting wet, for use in conditions high humidity waterproof types are produced with the GKLV marking;
  • breaks, crumbles when bent, so it requires caution in work.

There are two ways to install drywall on a wall - with and without a frame. The second method is considered more difficult. Let's consider both options in detail.

How to properly fix drywall to a wall with a profile

Beautiful complex partitions and flat surfaces are created on the basis of special frame from aluminum or steel galvanized profile. It slightly reduces the space of the room, but hides all the defects and irregularities of the walls, allows you to additionally insulate the room and has high vapor permeability and sound absorption.

Such elements can only be made on the basis of the frame

Necessary materials and tools

To work, you need to study step by step instructions, draw a sketch of the room indicating the dimensions and mark the location of the frame and panels, calculate the material consumption and prepare the following tools and materials:

  • tape measure, level, ruler, pencil;
  • perforator, drill with mixer nozzle, screwdriver;
  • dowels, self-tapping screws, screws;
  • wooden blocks measuring 30x50cm or a galvanized profile to create a frame, suspensions, crabs;
  • ordinary and rubber hammer, sickle;
  • construction knife for cutting drywall;
  • special glue based on cement or gypsum, a clean container for diluting it, a spatula;
  • roller, brush and trowel, stepladder;
  • putty for grouting seams and fastener caps;
  • drywall sheets: for living rooms- GKL, for bathroom and kitchen - GKLV. To calculate the consumption of panels, you need to subtract the area of ​​​​window and doorways and add 10-15% for possible waste. The length of the panel should be chosen based on the height of the ceiling, 2.5 m or 3 m, so that the surface is covered with a single sheet.

Preparatory work

GKL sheets can be attached to various types reasons, everyone has their own technological features. Before installation work surface needs to be prepared. Here are the main stages of work:

  1. Take off old finish, remove dirt, dust and inspect the walls.
  2. For the frame method, leveling the rough base is not required; it must be treated with antiseptic impregnation.
  3. Using a tape measure, measure the dimensions of the wall and make markings with an exact indication of the location of the profiles and hangers. The minimum thickness of the frame is 4.5 cm, a layer of insulation or irregularities on the walls add thickness and mark the corresponding points on the ceiling and on the floor.
    On the wall with a window, the markup should start with it
  4. Using a plumb line, draw vertical lines in increments of 60 cm - the places where the racks are attached. suspensions, and the distance from the upper and lower rails to the suspensions should be at least 25 cm.
  5. To create a wooden crate, fill the slats with self-tapping screws or nails vertically in increments of 60 cm, placing veneer or plywood linings under them. Such a frame should be impregnated with an antiseptic.
  6. Cut the aluminum profile into equal pieces. The guide UD profile is attached to the ceiling and to the floor, as well as to the walls with dowels in increments of 30–40 cm, and the verticality is checked with a plumb line. In order for the plane of the frame to be at the same level, suspensions are used, it is enough to fix each plank at two points.
    All electrical work carried out before the installation of the frame
  7. Strictly according to the markup, fix the carrier profile, connecting the vertical and horizontal strips with special crabs. If necessary, it is possible to strengthen the structure with the help of horizontal jumpers from the CD profile.
    The walls are finished one by one - after installing the sheets of the Civil Code on one wall, they move to another

Fixing sheets GKL

Now you can proceed to the sheathing of the frame with plasterboard panels. It is done like this:

  1. The first solid panel is fixed close to the wall with two screws and its position is adjusted. Then, every 30 cm, screws are screwed in. So that the hats do not stick out and the panels do not crack, it is necessary to step back 1.5 cm from the edge and drown the screw by 1.5 mm. A gap of 12 mm from the floor after installation must be puttied.
    The edge of the sheet must lie exactly in the middle of the rack profile.
  2. A series of solid sheets is attached end-to-end from floor to ceiling, above door and window openings cut off pieces are used, they also sew up the remaining sections.
    The main thing is to understand the principle of work
  3. Putty all seams, self-tapping screws, chips. A reinforcing mesh or tape is glued to the seams. Then the surface of the sheets is primed. For better adhesion when applying a finish.
    Priming is necessary for better adhesion when applying the finish.

To properly cut the GK sheet, you need to draw a construction knife along the marking line, then break the panel, opening the ends, and with reverse side cut off a layer of cardboard.

How to fix GKL without a profile

The second installation method is suitable for various materials rough base and for small or dark rooms, if the walls are relatively even and correct form, then the GKL landing on the glue will be good decision. A glued wall will last at least 15 years. There are limitations for the frameless method:

  • it is not recommended to fix the GKL on constantly damp surfaces, where moisture penetrates from the foundation with poor-quality waterproofing or seeps from a leaky roof;
  • if the thickness of the walls of the building is calculated incorrectly, then with inside condensation forms, drywall in this case is attached only to the frame;
  • if the fluctuations uneven walls are more than 40 mm.

Mounting Features

Bes wireframe method fixing is easier and faster, but it requires more careful preparation of the rough base. The consumption of sheets will be equal in both cases, and the consumption adhesive composition depends on the unevenness of the walls. With differences over 40 mm, the frame method is used. Let us consider in detail the intricacies of attaching GKL to the most popular base materials.

To a wooden surface

Wooden surfaces are usually even, drops and protrusions can be corrected with a planer, and hollows can be filled with thin planks. The problem of rotting and burning wood is easily solved by treating it with an antiseptic and flame retardant.

Experienced builders recommend fixing drywall to wooden walls without using glue with self-tapping screws or screws. They are screwed in with a screwdriver without recessing in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. The caps are manually carefully sunk into the surface by 1.5 mm and puttied.

TO wooden surface sheets are easier to attach than to others

To the concrete wall

Concrete is porous and highly absorbent. To reduce glue consumption, primer treatment is necessary, which will increase adhesion and fill pores and microcracks.

As an adhesive composition, a starting putty mixed with PVA glue or gypsum in a ratio of 1:10 or a special dry glue for working with GKL is used. You will also need dowels 80–120 mm long. To dilute the glue, first pour water into the container, dilute the PVA glue in it, and then pour in the dry powder and stir with a mixer.

If the wall is relatively flat:

To the brick wall

Brickwork has unevenness and brittleness, which add complexity to the work. In this case, it is advisable to fix drywall on hardware 6x80 mm, 8x10 mm or driven dowels with a length of at least 80 mm and glue.

For novice specialists, a method of setting beacons from pieces of the same drywall is suitable, which will act as a frame and help to accurately align the plane of the sheet.

Liquid nails are also used as an adhesive composition. mounting foam. Beacons can be thick glue cakes, they are applied in 40 cm increments. When pressing the sheet and tamping rubber mallet they themselves will take the required size and be distributed in the cavity.

In some cases, mounting foam is used instead of glue

To the wall of the foam block

To finely level the foam concrete, it is enough to remove small irregularities using a perforator with a chisel nozzle. Gypsum is processed in the same way.

The fastening technology is similar to fixing on a wooden wall. Antiseptic impregnation will protect the base from biological damage, and the sheets should be kept indoors for at least a day to stabilize the temperature and humidity conditions. According to the layout of the GKL, attach to the wall, first fix it on diagonal corners, set strictly vertically, and then, in increments of 30 cm, in a checkerboard pattern, screw in hardware measuring 3.9x45 mm.

The cost of a frameless mounting method is 60% less than using a profile, and a flat wall will save time and effort

To begin with, you should carefully inspect the wall and identify defects that will prevent a snug fit and secure fixation of the sheets, and then take the following steps:

  1. Knock down layers of plaster and old finishes, otherwise, under the weight of drywall, the plaster may fall off during operation and you will have to redo the entire repair. Then clean the surface of dust and dirt with a brush and a damp cloth.
    The wall should be thoroughly cleaned. Instead of putty, a cement-sand mortar can also be used.
  2. Mark the wall according to the drawing or sketch. From the floor and ceiling, it is necessary to leave a damper gap of 5–10 mm. This will provide air access for ventilation and solidification of the glue, as well as protect the GKL sheets from warping during temperature and humidity fluctuations, mark the attachment points with self-tapping screws.
    The red dotted lines show how sheets cannot be divided.

How to fix drywall

Now you can proceed with the installation of the GKL:

The frameless method saves money and time, while the frame method allows you to create fancy architectural forms. In both cases, you will get perfectly even and smooth walls, ready for finishing, which last for many years and do not require special care.

Anyone who has thought about repairing walls or ceilings has heard about drywall. It is commonly used to flatten curved surfaces, create interior partitions And various designs. However, everyone believes that for work it is necessary to create a special design from metal profiles. In fact, it is possible to attach drywall to walls without a frame, but this is not possible in all situations.

If possible, then you need to abandon the creation of the frame in favor of other methods of attaching drywall. The selection of guides, marking the walls for them, fixing them and other aspects of working with profiles cause the main difficulties when repairing a wall using drywall.

A visual process of attaching GKL to glue

I would like to avoid using guides if possible. However, this is not always the case. In what situations can you reduce the amount of work by refusing to create a crate?

  1. If the walls are even. A curvature of 2 cm is allowed, because if it is larger, then without creating a crate it will not work to level the surface. We will consider the option of good walls that do not need alignment.
  2. There are no communications. If you need to hide wiring, meters or other communication elements, then you need a frame. When the walls are sheathed with drywall without a frame, the sheets are attached in such a way that there are no gaps for anything.

If both points coincide, it makes sense to think about the frameless method of fastening the GKL. Not only time is saved, but also space in the room, because installing a profile steals at least 5 centimeters.

The ideal situation would be when the house has even wooden walls. Then you can fastendrywall without frame on self-tapping screws, which are very easy to enter the tree.

Preparatory work

When it comes to the frameless method of attaching drywall, they consider the option with a special adhesive mixture. Such a mixture is applied to a sheet, which with its help is attached to the wall. Therefore, the surface of the wall must be carefully prepared.

These four steps will lead to the fact that the cladding of walls with drywall without a frame will be as efficient as possible. Further work should be started only after the primer is completely dry.

Installing drywall on a wall without a frame is possible if a high-quality adhesive mixture is used. It is best to buy dry mixes that are diluted with water. In this form, they are stored longer and they can not be used immediately. It is necessary to choose a gypsum-based adhesive, because it is with the help of such a mixture that drywall is most firmly attached to the wall.

The Knauf-Perlfix adhesive is usually used, but you can choose another mixture that has these qualities:

In order for the installation of drywall on walls without a frame to be successful, you need to knead the adhesive according to the instructions on the package. It is also worth considering that the mixture must be worked out within 30 minutes, so you do not need to try to use the entire bag at once.

To knead the glue, it is best to use a drill with a special mixer attachment.

When the solution is mixed to the consistency of very thick sour cream, it can be applied. Someone puts it on the wall, but this is not very correct. It is best to lay out the adhesive on the back side drywall sheet. So the material will spread evenly over the surface and all will be used. It makes sense to apply glue to the wall if the work is done independently (so as not to make the GKL even harder).

When finishing walls with drywall without a frame, it is very important to apply the mortar in an even layer so as not to create curvature on the wall. Therefore, each time you need to collect the same amount of solution on the trowel for application to the drywall sheet. For this purpose, you can use a construction bucket. Then it will come out to apply the glue as evenly as possible.

Priming, mixing glue and applying it to the GKL

The solution is applied to the sheet in piles at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. It is necessary to place the adhesive around the perimeter, and then another strip along the sheet in the center. You cannot lift the sheet alone, because it has become too heavy for this. Such attempts can lead to the fact that drywall simply crack.

The sheet is applied to the wall and slightly pressed. You don’t need to press hard in one place, because the GKL will then lie unevenly. The sheet should not rest on the floor, but on pegs or drywall trimmings. It is necessary to leave a gap with the floor of about 1 cm. The same indents must be made from the ceiling and side walls. Between the sheets themselves, a gap of 1-2 mm is enough. This is done so that in the event of a slight deformation, the drywall has room to expand, and it does not bend.

The evenness of each sheet is checked by a level

Before you sheathe the walls with drywall without a frame, you will need to acquire a long level. With its help, you can always determine how evenly laid GKL.

The protruding places are gently tapped with a rubber mallet to level the surface. After that, the presence of curvature is determined using a level, not only horizontally and vertically, but also diagonally.

The rest of the sheets are installed similarly and aligned with the first. You need to lay sheets according to the principle brickwork performing the so-called ligation of the seams.

Self-tapping method

It is possible to carry out work without the use of adhesives using self-tapping screws alone. This procedure can be carried out without pre-training surfaces. GKL fastening to a wall without a frame with self-tapping screws can only be carried out if perfect wall that doesn't need alignment.

In this method, the material from which the wall is made plays an important role. It can be concrete, brick, made of foam blocks, etc. If the screws are easily screwed in, then you can simply lean the drywall against the wall and immediately fix it. If the screw does not enter the surface, then you have to go for a trick.

You can safely mount drywall on brick wall without frame with self-tapping screws. Such a surface should be even, which means that sheets can be screwed directly to the wall without additional preparation. It is difficult to screw a screw into a brick, but it is possible. You just have to put in a little effort.

Self-tapping screws with mounting foam

WITH concrete base or any other in which the screws do not twist, attaching drywall to walls without a frame on self-tapping screws can only be done using mounting foam. To do this, the sheet is attached to working surface and several holes are drilled in it along with the wall. 10-15 holes should be evenly distributed throughout the sheet.

Dowels are hammered into the wall, and then the GKL is planted on self-tapping screws. It is necessary to screw them not to the very end, but leave a small gap of 1-2 cm between the sheet and the wall. This is how the entire wall is mounted, and then it is leveled to one level. At the same time, you can block small differences on the surface.

Now, holes of such a diameter are made over the entire flat surface in the drywall with a drill so that the nozzle of the nozzle tube from the balloon with polyurethane foam enters into them. About 15-25 holes are made per sheet, which are evenly distributed over its entire surface. From the edges you need to retreat centimeters 10-15.

The protruding foam is then carefully cut off with a knife

Before you attach drywall to a wall without a frame using this method, you will need to buy a low-expansion mounting foam. Otherwise, it will inflate greatly and distort the drywall. The foam is blown into the holes made in a small amount. It will expand and serve as a reliable fastening of drywall to the wall.

It must be remembered that, regardless of the chosen method of fastening, you will need to take care of sealing the seams with putty and reinforcing tape.

Fastening drywall to the wall can be done in several ways.

The execution technology depends on what methods you are considering and where you stop.

Each of them has its own "indications for use", therefore home master, before starting work, it is worthwhile to thoroughly study all the options in order to be able to reasonably choose the most suitable one.

Let's start from the very simple method, which is often called frameless.

Frameless method of fastening GKL

If the geometry of the wall as a whole is sufficiently correct, and the irregularities on its surface are of small height and distributed almost evenly, the sheets can be put on the glue.

The technology of working with drywall is very simple.

The advantages of this method of wall decoration are:

  • ease of installation of GKL;
  • high speed of work;
  • low cost.

But frameless technology also has a characteristic drawback: the surface of the wall must be carefully prepared before pasting.

Not only the old coating is removed - wallpaper or paint, but also exfoliated or crumbling sections of plaster.

If the base has the ability to absorb moisture well, then it should be primed.

It should be noted right away that freezing walls, as well as those on the surface of which condensation often forms, cannot be pasted over with drywall.

Work on fixing drywall to the wall can be divided into several stages.

GKL location layout. The main task of this stage is to perform the correct cutting of sheets.

The material must be laid under the following conditions:

  • sheets of the overlying row must be glued with an offset relative to the underlying one so that the horizontal and vertical seams do not converge into crosshairs;
  • the gaps between the plasterboard should be 5 - 7 mm, between the finish and the floor - 7 - 10 mm, between the finish and the ceiling - 3 - 5 mm.

Cutting drywall. According to the markings applied to the GKL, an incision is made with a paint knife.

Gluing drywall. Joints and corners are smeared with a continuous layer, in other places the glue is applied in small portions in the form of cakes, separated from one another by no more than 35 cm.

So that drywall sheets can be glued with equal gaps, pre-prepared wooden planks are laid between them.

After sticking on a sheet of drywall, you should go through the rule, pressing the latter into different directions and tapping it with a rubber mallet.

In the event that the irregularities on the wall differ in a small height difference, then the alignment of the drywall sheets is carried out by changing the thickness of the applied adhesive layer.

If the “relief” is replete with significant bumps and depressions, then linings from GKL fragments about 10 cm wide should first be glued to the latter.

If compensation is needed on a large area, then several strips of drywall are glued at a distance of 40 - 50 cm from one another.

The seams between the sheets of drywall are sealed with putty.

Installation of plasterboard on the frame

More complex and expensive ways of finishing walls with drywall are associated with the use of frames.

The advantages of this technology for working with drywall include:

  • opportunity to give flat surface even strongly curved walls;
  • the presence of a "technical" space under the drywall, in which communications or insulation can be placed;
  • a wide range of all kinds of design "frills" that can be implemented using the frame: arches, niches, boxes for hidden placement of pipes or building structures etc.

For the construction of frames under the GKL, two types of materials are used.

Wood. TO strengths wooden crate include affordable cost, as well as the fact that given material easy to process.

The tree also has “cons”: the material can deform in response to changes in temperature and humidity conditions, and without special processing subject to decay.

The frame is assembled from several rails with a section of 30x50 mm, which must be attached to the wall with dowels (brick or concrete) or self-tapping screws with a large pitch (wooden wall), at a distance of about 50 - 60 cm from one another.

In order for the edges of the bars to be in the same plane, plywood or veneer linings are used.

The crate must be aligned vertically, for which you should use a plumb line or level.

To fasten drywall to the wall, self-tapping screws or nails are used.

Aluminum or galvanized steel. A more expensive version of the frame, but also more resistant to all kinds of negative influences.

The metal profile for fastening drywall to the wall is represented by two types of rails - carriers and guides.

Procedure for construction metal frame as follows:

  • One of the guides should be attached to the ceiling along the wall using dowels;
  • Next - on the floor, using a plumb line, mark two points that are strictly under the ceiling guide. A line is drawn through these points, along which the second guide profile is laid;
  • On the wall, using a plumb line, several vertical lines are marked in increments of 40 - 60 cm, along which the carrier rails will be mounted. The latter must be positioned so that they have joints between the GKL;
  • Along the vertical markings, the so-called suspensions are installed - special fittings, through which the supporting profile is attached to the capital structures of the building and brought out into the plane. The distance between adjacent hangers located along the same line should not exceed 70 cm;
  • According to the marking between the ceiling and floor guides, carrier profiles are installed. They are attached to the guides by means of special parts, commonly referred to as "crabs". In addition, the carrier rails are attached to the suspensions, and by adjusting this fastening, they achieve such a position of the profile so that its outer edge along its entire length is adjacent to the plumb line, that is, it occupies a strictly vertical position.

It remains to attach sheets of drywall to the finished frame, using self-tapping screws for metal, 25 mm long, as fasteners.

The step of their installation should be about 30 cm.