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Blue flowers in spring what's the name. First flowers: names, descriptions and photos of spring primroses

Forest spring primroses. Excursion. April 1st, 2014

A good tale about 12 months, the one where brother April helped a kind girl to find snowdrops in a snowy forest. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. They say that Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “spied” the plot of the fairy tale from the Greeks or from the Czech writer, and there such phenological phenomena are quite possible. IN Lately and here in Central Russia, in the fall, the wild rose will suddenly bloom, then the alder. But still, these are exceptions to the rules that nature has developed for its own good, adapted to possible short-term temperature fluctuations. Such as yesterday's Moscow blizzard with snow.

It is still cold and there are no pollinating insects at all, but there are heavy gusts of wind, aspen and alder are blooming. They have adapted to the fact that there are no winged helpers. Therefore, pollen is produced in large quantities and there is even such a concept as “Alder has become dusty”.

On the same days, willow begins to bloom, and a little later, other willows. It is to them that the first awakened insects fly, but the willow has a protective device against the cold. All of a sudden it will start flying for a week in April, all the bees will sleep. Therefore, the good ability of many of our willows to shoot plays a major role in their resettlement - an abandoned field in a few years can turn into impenetrable willow thickets.

At the same time, one of its main plants, cotton grass, begins to bloom in the swamp. In the harsh conditions of the tundra and swamps, insects also cannot help in pollination.

And again the wind comes to the rescue. Pollination occurs throughout the entire territory of one swamp at the same time, and therefore all plants bear fruit together and at once, in summer the swamp begins to resemble a large cotton field.

In humid places, in swampy clearings, an inconspicuous plant begins to bloom - the spleen. Tourists walking in the forests in spring may not even understand that they are walking on flowering plants - it is so inconspicuous to the eye. Perhaps it would be inconspicuous for insects, but they also see in the ultraviolet range. And if they don’t see it, the “adapted” spleen can pollinate itself and disappear underground in a couple of weeks until next spring. Such plants are called ephemeroids.

But this plant is difficult not to notice, or rather not to smell. You walk through the April forest, the snow is still crunchy, but on warming, more often on the edge or clearing, a surprisingly pleasant, subtle and alluring aroma covers the traveler. Here it is - an inconspicuous bush of a wolf's bast.

Its scent attracts overwintering butterflies and bees like a cat's valerian tincture. In the repeatedly cut forests of the middle zone, the wolfberry is usually a thin small bush. And only once I came across a real giant in the Valdai National Park with a trunk 4 centimeters thick and a huge dense two-meter cap of flowers.

The wolfberry pleases us with the smell, like many early-flowering shrubs even before the leaves are fully blooming.

In the undisturbed dark spruce forest, which both in winter and summer will flare up in one color with rich blue paint, a noble liverwort. It seems to me that she retains this rich color in the first few days of flowering.

And near, under spruce paws, if you look a little closer, you can find a completely inconspicuous plant with almost black flowers. This is an evergreen European hoof.

The backdrop for the spring forest is the anemone forever trembling in the wind - to the north and west of Moscow it is the white oak anemone.

To the south and east, yellow buttercup anemone dominates.

For me, sleep-grass has become a real fairy tale of pine forests, old birch groves, and sunny edges. Twenty years ago, it was quite common in nature at a small distance from cities. But everything is changing, today this plant is in almost all central regions in the regional Red Books. In the Novgorod region, together with the Valdai National Park, we organized a small expedition, but found only a few plants in two places.

Another interesting plant spring forest - Peter's cross.

It does not have green leaves, as well as chlorophyll. The short flowering period will end and the mysterious Peter's Cross will end, as Count Dracula will go underground until next spring or even for several years.

In the meantime, last year's shoots of the fern-ostrich are beautifully glowing in the setting sun in the aspen forest. Not a primrose, of course - but pretty. Some even put it in vases, but these are certainly not villagers, but biologists.

In more southern or eastern oak forests, the grassy cover in spring is not green, but blue. As botanists say, this blueberry aspects, i.e. creates a specific color background.

The Siberian blueberry, like all lilies, accumulates nutrients in the bulb for a whole year. And then it breaks through the dry and rather dense litter of broad-leaved forests and rushes
up to the light.

The goose onion does the same in the oak forest.

Once there was a calm in the riverine ribbon oak forests on the right bank of the Seversky Donets. Quiet, the foliage is not yet noisy, because the buds have not blossomed. Taking off this goose bow from a low point, I always felt a very quiet rustle. Do voles rustle? No - it was thousands of woods and goose onions rushing towards the light through the old foliage.
And on the sandy alluvial dune on the left bank of the Oka, the goose onion does not need to overcome the crust of old leaves. That's how he grew up so sloppy.

And in a small forest stream, and on floods, on rivers, marigold rises from the water

Beautiful marigold at the very beginning of flowering, while the buds look like small yellow-green balls, or on the first day full bloom.

And then huge burdocks of leaves will stick out of the water, petals that have flown around will float on the water and try, build a picture in complete chaos of yellow.

So the first mosquito appeared, which means almost summer. There will be other herbs - violet, oxalis, bathing suit, orchis and venus slippers, bells and gentians. But this is another, summer story about flowering plants.

And finally. I think it’s not even worth reminding the readers of my blog that primroses are good where they could grow. In a bouquet, they will droop in a few minutes. But digging out is not worth replanting, only a super experienced person will be able to simulate the natural conditions on a personal plot, observe all the conditions of moisture, shading and nutrition for such fragile creatures. But if you have time - go out into the spring forest with a camera, look for the heroes of my story, at least to find out their names.

In early spring, your favorite garden lacks colors. The lawn is only on its way to lush greenery, and the trees and shrubs are still sleeping. This is the time when primroses reign in flowerbeds and alpine hills. We present to your attention the best early flowers for the garden with a wide variety of colors.

About the features of growing

All primroses have a special development cycle. At a time when all nature is reborn after winter and begins to actively vegetate, they have already experienced the most active phase of their lives. This occurs in April-May, depending on the type of plant and variety.

Primroses are always planted outdoors in autumn from September to November to in early spring enjoy their blooms. Places are chosen open, drained, consecrated by the sun. Suitable areas between stones, under trees that do not yet have leaves in spring and the area is completely open to the sun.

Bulbs or perennial plots are planted with the condition that in summer their aerial part will either be completely absent or lose their decorative effect. That is, you need to plant them in groups near the summer ornamental plants and shrubs.

In the garden, the option of planting bulbs in the lawn is interesting. In a few years they will grow and will delight the eye with whole flowering glades.

Primroses not only beautiful plants but also very easy to care for. Do not require watering and any agrotechnical measures. It is enough just to feed them 1-2 times a year and seat them if necessary.

Ultra early bulbous

There is still snow, but the first heralds of spring - snowdrops - begin to break through from under its cover, and they are replaced one by one. bright colors other flowering bushes will also please us.


Snowdrops are the first to wake up from hibernation. Their white bell flowers appear in March, as soon as the snow melts. The botanical name of the plant is. Propagated by daughter bulbs or seeds. Prefers growing conditions close to natural. Terry varieties of snowdrops look especially impressive in the garden.

Groups of galanthus are planted under shrubs, trees, in partial shade, so that in the summer in the scorching sun the bulbs in the ground do not dry out.

  • crocuses:
  • hyacinths;
  • blueberries;


This is one of the most numerous color groups of spring flowers. They are yellow, blue, purple, pink, and have a two-tone color. There are natural forms and hybrid ones, bred in Holland and with large flowers. Most often on household plots grow unpretentious Tommasini and Ancyra. The plant grows rapidly, as it forms numerous children after flowering.

Crocuses are like hyacinths and are great for early forcing in containers. To do this, in November they are planted in a light substrate with a high sand content. By March, the crocuses will bloom. For a spectacular appearance, 5-10 bulbs are planted in a container.


Bushes have not only an aesthetic appearance, but also a bright aroma, especially Dutch varieties. In total, more than 300 varieties of this plant have been bred over a 5-century history of cultivation. They plant it both in groups and singly on alpine slides or in combination with crocuses and tulips.


The most unpretentious and bright primroses appear in the garden. Depending on the variety, they bloom from April to May. They bloom for about 1.5 weeks, after which the aerial part dries up. planted in groups to create the effect of a flowering carpet. The predominant color of the inflorescences is white, blue, purple.


A low-growing plant with small flowers fits in. The botanical name is scylla. The Siberian bluebell has bright blue flowers, it is she who is widely represented in the gardens of the middle lane. Exceptionally unpretentious and ideal in the landscape of the garden, made in natural style. All the plant needs is moist, light soil during the flowering period. When planting a scilla in the garden, you need to be prepared to restrain its active growth.


This plant is also included in the list of ultra-early bulbs. Blooms bright in April yellow flowers with a diameter of only 2-2.5 cm, and does not lose its decorative effect even during snowfalls. The plant reaches a height of 10 cm. They must be planted in groups, in single plantings it does not look spectacular.

The list of early flowers for the garden can be supplemented by representatives such as irises (netted), daffodils, hazel grouse. The latter are the most numerous and are represented by both dwarf species, similar to snowdrops, and large ones, reaching a height of 80-90 cm.


Members of the family are no less numerous in varietal diversity. On the market you can find ultra-early bulbs and late ones that bloom in May. The most elegant among daffodils are:

Delicate irises

Reticulated iris is a dwarf representative of irises. The botanical name is iridodictium. It reaches a height of 10 cm, so I plant it in groups on or among the lawn.

Most bulbs do not need to be dug up. In one place, they can grow for at least 5 years. The exception is plants that grow quickly and require more space. This also applies to tulips, which every year go deep into the earth, from which the flowers become smaller or do not appear at all.


The brightest and long-awaited symbol of spring is the tulip. The plant is found both wild in fields and meadows, and cultivated. Hundreds of cultivars and hybrids have been bred. They differ in the size and color of the bulb, the height of the plant, the diameter and color of the flower, the timing of planting and flowering.

Tulip flowers can be goblet, oval, cupped. Petals can be simple, terry, fringed. There are varieties that form several buds on one plant.

The earliest varieties of tulips that bloom at the end of March:

There are many more varieties of tulips that bloom from mid-April to the end of May. They are distinguished by a high stem up to 40-50 cm, a variety of shapes and colors of inflorescences. For abundant flowering they need moisture and nutritious soil. The more organic components it contains, the larger and brighter the flower will be, and the bulb will give more babies.

Grown in open field and in containers. Bulbs are planted in the ground in October-November, depending on the region and the weather. Soil temperature should not exceed +10°C. The bulb should have time to take root before the onset of persistent frosts, but not develop a green aerial part.

If the plant is used for container planting, the bulbs are planted in November and left in a cellar or other cool and dark room until January.

In the month of planting, water 1-2 times to prevent complete drying of the soil. In spring, tulips are fed 2 times with nitrogen and mineral fertilizers until flowering.

When the plant fades and the stem turns yellow, the bulbs are dug up, dried and stored in a ventilated room until autumn planting. Tulips differ from other early flowering bulbs in that they are ideal for cutting and arranging bouquets.

Herbaceous early flowering perennials

Perennials are very easy to grow, as they don't take much time and are usually less whimsical than annuals. For several years in a row they take permanent place in the garden, grow and delight decorative. Knowing the exact timing of flowering plants, it is possible to form the so-called gardens of continuous flowering, highly decorative throughout warm season of the year.

spring primrose

- the most numerous early perennial in terms of varietal characteristics. The first green leaves of the plant appear in March, and bloom from April to May. Primrose bushes are compact, from 8 to 20 cm high. Inflorescences are simple or terry white, yellow, burgundy. Propagated by dividing the bush and seeds. Can be grown outdoors and in containers.

Among the variety of varieties there are representatives with flowers similar to muscari, they are called so - muscariodes. There are so-called candelabra primroses, the peduncles of which are very high, and the inflorescences are arranged in a circle in a ring.

Varieties are distinguished by high decorativeness:

Primroses are divided into early flowering, medium flowering and late flowering, and some species bloom 2 times per season - in early spring and late summer.

Hellebore Caucasian

Hellebore - differs from other early-flowering ones in that it is planted in the garden in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws a little. Its green remains decorative all season due to dense and tough green leaves. The plant is frost-resistant, strong and highly decorative. It blooms from February in warm regions, in cold regions - from April. Used in the garden hybrid varieties, which differ in the variety of colors of flowers and their diameter. Hellebore can be white, purple, yellow and pink.

Anemone longhaired

Anemone - gentle and unpretentious flower, popularly called anemone. It blooms in April with white, pink, pale purple flowers on tall stems. There are both simple and hybrid forms with double flowers. It grows rapidly due to the creeping rhizome, most often its growth must be restrained. After the plant has faded, the greenery of the bush remains decorative until the onset of winter. In a long and warm autumn, the anemone blooms again.

Marigold marsh terry

Kaluzhnitsa - a resident of wet and swampy regions. In the garden, it is used to decorate ponds. It is a compact shrub with bright yellow flowers. Hybrids have double flowers.

Early and mid-flowering primroses include daisies, forget-me-nots, periwinkle, bathing suit and dicentra, the flowers of which look like a broken heart. All of them are unpretentious and perfectly adapted to the climatic conditions of the middle zone.

Rare exotics

In temperate climates, adapted varieties feel good. tropical plants. One of them is Ornithogalum, a bulbous relative of the hyacinth. The second name of the plant is the Poultryman.

The following types of this primrose winter well and are unpretentious in care:

Sanguinaria terry

Canadian Sanguinaria is a miniature flower that blooms as soon as the snow melts. Flowering is long - about 3-4 weeks. The flowers look like tiny water lilies. This is a representative of the poppy family, whose homeland is North America.

The plant is shade-tolerant, frost-resistant, unpretentious. Not affected by diseases and pests, propagated by plots. In the garden, it is planted under trees and shrubs, quickly growing to whole glades.

Kandyk Siberian

Kandyk is a rare bulbous plant from the lily family, outwardly similar to cyclamen. It blooms in April, and both flowers and leaves with brown spots are decorative. It forms dense bushes 30-40 cm high. Peduncles are high, on which drooping flowers with bent petals of white, pink, purple and other shades are located. Winter-hardy and unpretentious plant, originally from the northern regions.

Early flowers for the garden have one main advantage - they are eagerly expected to bloom. It is they who symbolize the arrival of the long-awaited spring, even if there is still snow in the yard, and frost is getting stronger at night.

Primroses in landscape design - video

What a cottage without flowers! Spring flowers in the flower bed have become a must-have decoration, especially those types that require a minimum of effort to grow and at the same time have an excellent aesthetic appearance. A flower bed of spring flowers can be created both from plants of the same species with different colors of inflorescences, and it can be arranged from flowers of different types so that they harmoniously combine with each other in height, spreading and color scheme.

In this article, we will consider the most popular spring flowers for flower beds.

Belongs to plants of the Lily family. It is perhaps the most popular perennial decorative spring flower. His homeland is Asia. Today, more than 150 of its species are known, and breeders continue to work on the development of new ones. The tulip is often called the “king of spring flower beds” for its unique appearance, special decorative effect and colorful variety of petals and types of inflorescences, as well as for the fact that these are the first earliest flowers in the country in spring.

Did you know? Early varieties tulips - Candy Prince, Cooler Cardinal, Duke van Tol (simple), Abba (the smallest of tulips - up to 10 cm in height), Monte Carlo, Peach Blossom, Beauty of Apeldoorn, Ice Cream (terry).

Tulips are suitable for any gardens, flower beds, flower beds. They look great in group compositions, rockeries, alpine slides, bordering borders and flowerpots. They are combined with almost all flowers, but the spring flower bed, consisting of tulips, daffodils, lilies of the valley, crocuses, looks especially advantageous. Compositions of tulips of different colors and / or shades with lawn grasses and undersized shrubs. Also, beautiful spring flowers tulips are cut for a vase and often decorate houses and premises, they are used to decorate interiors during a variety of events.

Crocuses are spring flowers, the name of which is also on everyone's lips. Crocus is a perennial from the Kasatikov family. In appearance, it is a bit like a tulip, only with narrower leaves, much lower in height, since it does not have a ground stem, and the inflorescence blooms directly from the tuber root. His homeland is the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, the Crimea. Crocuses are also the earliest flowers to appear in spring after winter. They are very decorative, with delicate petals of various colors and always a rich orange pistil.

Did you know? Harvested and dried crocus stigmas are called saffron - one of the most expensive spices in the world.

Inflorescences in color are lilac, white-lilac, pink-lilac, yellow, pink, orange, white, purple, etc. Today, there are more than 280 varieties of crocus, including 14 separate groups - spring flowering. Popular varieties of spring crocuses are Zubflaus, Zwanenburg, Dr. Lotsi, Confidence, Albus Biflorus Veldenii, Alexander, Princess Beatrice, Lady Killer, Blue Pearl, Nanetta, Marietta, Albion, Inchantress, Harlem Jam, Pickwick, Negro Boy.

Crocus is an unpretentious flower, it takes root and reproduces well, it is resistant to many garden pests and practically does not get sick. The flowering period is up to 1 month.


Or fritillaria. The name hazel grouse is folk, given because of the diversity of the inflorescences of the flower, after the name of the hazel grouse bird of the same name. Grouse - a magnificent decorative tall, perennial bulbous flower the Lily family. His homeland is middle Asia, Caucasus. More than 90 species of fritillaria are known, among which such spring varieties are especially popular. beautiful varieties- Imperial, Aurora, Orange Brilliant, Maxim Rubra, Maxim Lutea, Prolifer, Flava.
The hazel grouse stands out among all the flowers for its exoticism - it has a long powerful stem (90-140 cm) with large drooping cup-shaped inflorescences (5-6 pcs.), On top of which the leaves gathered in a bunch rise in a crown. Low lush foliage also surrounds the stem at the root. The flowers are orange, yellow and all shades of red, and inside them are spots and rims along the edge of the petals. Fritilaria is absolutely unpretentious and looks great in a park, garden, alpine hill, lawn, rocky gardens, rockeries. Flowering time - 2.5-3 weeks.

Important! All early flowers are planted in winter - in late summer or early autumn. Plants have time to take root, overwinter, harden and in early spring “wake up” and start growing.

The well-known white spring flowers of snowdrops are a rare endangered species listed in the Red Book. Their name speaks for itself - "appearing from under the snow." Snowdrops are the earliest flowers that are always associated with spring; they have long become a symbol of the onset of warming and the awakening of nature after hibernation. The first flowers of spring, whose second name is galanthus, are perennial bulbous herbaceous flowering plants of the Amaryllis family.
More than 16 species of galanthus are known, growing in their natural environment in Europe, the Caucasus, Asia, and the Crimea. The flowers are low - up to 15-18 cm in height, with delicate tiny drooping milky-white bell inflorescences and two linear pointed leaves. Galanthus appear in March and bloom for 2-3 weeks. Today you can buy bulbs for seedlings of the following varieties of snowdrops - Flore Pleno, Voronova galanthus, Nivalis galanthus, Elvis galanthus.

Did you know? Breeding snowdrops on your site, you will not only get aesthetic pleasure, admiring the wonderful flowers, but you will also contribute to the protection and preservation of the Galanthus population.

Snowdrops are combined with all kinds of early spring garden flowers, without exception, they also look great on their own, especially their different varieties planted at the same time in one area.


This is a perennial original corm flower belonging to the Lily family. At the top of a thick erect short stem in the form of a cone, the flower has many, up to 43-45, adjacent to each other inflorescences-bells. The color of their petals is white, purple, blue, pink, yellow, red, orange, lilac, cream, lilac. The height of the peduncle is 12-40 cm, the smallest of the hyacinths are centellas, not more than 12-14 cm high. Centella varieties are Lady Derby, City of Harlem, Jan Boss. Other early flowering varieties of hyacinths are Amethyst, Anna Marie, Ostara, Bismarck, Lord Baflour, Pink Pearl, La Victoire, Delft Blue, Carnegie, Innosance.

Did you know? Hyacinths of various shades look great with the same height in the center and shorter ones along the edge, planted in a circle or in a round open flowerpot - they look like a multi-colored curly hat.

Primula is a perennial rhizomatous primrose with a bright three- or four-color color, belonging to the Primrose family and numbering more than 480 species. It is a flower up to 30 cm high with a basal rosette of green wrinkled rounded leaves and with a strong peduncle, with flowers collected in an inflorescence or single flowers. The color of the petals is blue-yellow, white-yellow, lilac-yellow-white, yellow-pink with white, red-yellow, lemon yellowish-orange, yellow-beige-orange, pink-purple-yellow, crimson-orange with yellow and etc.
In the natural environment, it grows in Asia, Europe, America, mainly in the mountains or on a flat strip with a humid climate. In our country, the primrose is bred everywhere, the flower is unpretentious, cold-resistant, with excellent survival and rapid reproduction. In addition to its beauty, primrose is good for its early, friendly, abundant and long flowering. Blooms 4-4.5 weeks. Some primroses bloom again and again in the fall, and the decorative foliage of faded flowers lasts all spring and summer. Primula is combined with all primroses, herbs, shrubs and is used to create combinatorial complex compositions on lawns, alpine hills, flower beds, flowerpots, for edging flower beds, borders.

And primroses planted together different varieties and colors in a chaotic manner form a picturesque, colorful, bright carpet that can decorate any corner of the site. The earliest flowering primroses are large-cup primrose, Voronov's primrose, spring, Julia's primrose, stemless, serrated, auricula (ear primrose).

This little flower with an affectionate Russian name is correctly called bulbocodium and belongs to the Lilein family. His homeland is Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean. Brandushka is a herbaceous flowering plant up to 8 cm high with a delicate, elongated-bell-shaped single flower on a corm (has no stem). Inflorescences - pink or pinkish-lilac. The leaves are green with a slight blue, linear, collected in a bunch around the inflorescence.
Brandushka fully justifies such “affection” in its name - small, cute, with thin translucent petals of delicate shades, and at the same time a real primrose - frost-resistant, undemanding and unpretentious in care. Blooms 3 weeks. Types of brandushki for our gardens are multi-colored bulbocodium (it has white buds, and the blossoming inflorescence is lilac-pink) and spring bulbocodium. Bulbocodiums are very decorative, combined with all early spring vegetation, often used for alpine slides, rocky gardens, border and multi-level garden compositions.

Or our adapted name anemone. This is a perennial herbaceous tall (up to 75 cm) primrose of the Buttercup family. More than 45 species of anemone are found in Russia and the CIS countries, in total there are almost 150 of them. Under natural conditions, the anemone is common in North America, Asia, Eastern and Southern Europe, the Caucasus, the Far East. Anemone has large cup-like flowers, single or collected in an inflorescence. The leaves are incredibly decorative in themselves - carved, openwork, rich green (sometimes brown or purple below), gathered at the base into a bush, on which the flowers seem to lie down. Inflorescences of different colors - lilac, blue, light blue, white-pink, pink-yellow, lilac with pink, red, white-lilac-violet, red-black-white, etc. By the type of petals there are terry and simple.

Important! The juice of these flowers has a strong irritating effect on the skin and causes an allergic reaction. Be careful when working in the garden - do not pick flowers or work with gloves.

Early types of anemone - Lyutichnaya, Gentle, Dubravnaya, Forest. In general, the anemone is a flower with amazing decorativeness, it never gets boring, and some of its species can bloom all spring and summer until the beginning of autumn. Suitable for rock gardens, rocky hills, mixborders.

Vesenniki, or erantis, are spring yellow flowers, the name of which is literally translated from Greek as “spring flowers”. Erantis is a perennial herbaceous undersized (up to 15 cm tall) primrose of the Buttercup family. Their homeland Far East, Siberia, Asia, are found in the natural environment in Southern and Eastern Europe.
The spring has a low stem with a spherical six-petal inflorescence, surrounded, like a frill, by short, strongly or slightly divided leaves at the ends. Over time, the foliage bends in an arc and sags down.

Dacha is not only garden beds, berry bushes And fruit trees. Perennial flowers help to create beauty on the site. For a garden, unpretentious long-flowering plants are indispensable, like a magnificent frame for a canvas created by labor of a summer resident.

It may seem to novice gardeners that laying out a flower garden and caring for it is too troublesome. But at correct selection cultures, caring for flowers will not take much time, and the buds will open from early spring until late autumn.

The most unpretentious flowers for spring

Early spring in the middle lane does not please with colors. Annual flowers have not yet been sown, even the most unpretentious ones are just showing up from under the ground.

Are there really plants that are ready to bloom in the first warm days? Yes, wintering bulbous crops have formed the beginnings of buds since autumn and in spring they are the first to illuminate the flower beds with all the shades of the rainbow.


Corollas of white, blue, yellow and even striped crocuses appear practically from under the snow. Plants with a height of 7 to 15 cm bloom from March to May, and after the flowers fade, they retire. Planting of bulbs is carried out in the traditional terms for spring bulbous plants, from August to September. The best place for crocuses - well-lit areas or partial shade, for example, under the crowns of shrubs or trees that have not yet blossomed.


Tulip - not only the most common perennials in summer cottages, but also the most unpretentious flowers. Today, lovers of spring flowers have hundreds and thousands of magnificent varieties at their disposal. However, not everyone knows that these garden plants belong to several species, differing both externally and in terms of flowering.

Having skillfully selected varieties, with the help of tulips alone, from 10 to 50 cm high, you can decorate the site up to the alpine hill. The flowering of the first tulips begins in March, and the latest varieties wither at the end of May.

Tulip bulbs are planted in the first half of autumn in sunny areas with loose, nutrient-rich soil.

During growth and flowering, plants need regular watering, which is stopped in the summer when the bulbs are resting.

Types of garden tulips react differently to frost. If in the southern regions the most lush terry and lily varieties can be considered unpretentious plants for summer cottages and gardens, then in the northern regions the common tulips of Greig, Gesner and Foster need to be dug up annually.

Undersized, but easily wintering in any climate, botanical tulips or Kaufman tulips will help to replace them.


Along with tulips garden beds daffodils appear. Flowering lasts from April to the last days of May, while the flowers illuminate the garden not only with bright sunny shades, but also with an exquisite aroma.

Depending on the variety, the plants reach a height of 30 to 60 cm. The flowers can be either simple or double, with a short or long crown. Daffodils prefer areas with loose fertile soil. They grow well in the sun and under the crowns that open at this time. The main thing is that the soil in which the bulbs were planted in the fall should not be oversaturated with moisture.

Daffodils are long-blooming, hardy garden flowers used successfully in mixed plantings with tulips, garden varieties, dicentra and other plants. For several years, daffodils feel great in one place. Growing, they form very dense clumps, which are planted after the leaves wither, that is, at the beginning of summer.

Wintering bulbous crops seem to appear “out of nowhere” in the spring, unpretentious and bright, but at the same time their foliage cannot retain decorative effect for a long time. It dies off, exposing a place in a flower bed, so you should take care in advance of planting a number of "replacement" crops, such as peony bushes, perennial poppies or aquilegia.


It's one thing to pick long-blooming perennials and hardy flowers for a sunny garden. Another is to find the same plants for both open and shady areas.

There are not so many shade-tolerant garden crops - a vivid example of one of them is the periwinkle. or small dwarf shrubs bloom in the midst of spring and spread quickly, rooting easily on contact with the ground.

Periwinkle cultivars create spectacular clumps of fresh greens flecked in all shades of blue, white, pink and purple. At the disposal of gardeners are specimens with simple and terry corollas, smooth and variegated foliage.

Romantic legends are associated with many ornamental plants. No exception - which, thanks to such a story, is better known not by its real name, but as a "broken heart".

Due to the powerful rhizomes of the dicentra, it tolerates winter cold without loss. The foliage dying off in the fall with the advent of heat rises again above the ground, at different varieties reaching a height of 30 to 100 cm. A spectacular plant in May is covered with white, pink or two-tone corollas collected in racemose inflorescences of a bizarre, heart-shaped shape. Flowering lasts about a month, and under the transparent shadow of young foliage, drooping inflorescences unpretentious plant for cottages and gardens look brighter and last longer.

Dicentra will be indispensable in a flower bed next to primroses and daffodils, muscari, ferns and ornamental varieties Luke.

A flowering plant is worthy of admiration in a single planting, and after the inflorescences wither, it will become an excellent background for other flowers.

Lily of the valley

The classics of spring flower beds are forest ones that bloom in May. Thanks to creeping rhizomes, plants hibernate. In the spring, leathery leaves folded into dense tubes first appear on the flower beds, then flower stalks up to 30 cm high rise above the unfolded rosettes. Each inflorescence has from 6 to 20 white or pinkish, fragrant bells. Flowering lasts until the beginning of summer, and then red rounded berries appear in place of the flowers.

The dignity of these unpretentious garden perennials- flowers that do not lose their beauty in the sun and in the shade, the ability to grow in one place up to 10 years.


In the forest, next to lily of the valley curtains, you can see graceful kupen plants. Blooming from May to June, the perennial is not as bright as other spring flowers.

But in shady areas, near coniferous crops and shrubs, a culture from 30 to 80 cm high with drooping white or greenish bell flowers is simply irreplaceable.


May is the month of the brightest greenery and extraordinary lush flowering garden perennials.

At this time, under the crowns of trees, near paths and ponds, under the protection of walls and fences, blue brunner flowers appear. Plants with a height of 30 to 50 cm, with decorative pointed-heart-shaped foliage, prefer to settle in partial shade, where there is enough moisture and nutrition for lush deciduous rosettes and inflorescences towering above them.

Pale blue, unpretentious garden flowers enliven the most shady corners, do not require special care, thanks to their attractive, often variegated foliage, they protect their decorative effect for a long time and can do without a transplant for many years.

Under favorable conditions, Brunner grows excellently and reproduces by dividing the bush.

Summer, beautiful and unpretentious flowers for a summer residence

Bright, fast-growing letniki, 1-2 months after sowing, bloom flower beds in the most incredible colors. But autumn comes, and the plants complete their short life. The next spring, the summer resident begins with the selection of annual, ornamental crops, sowing and caring for young seedlings. It takes a lot of precious time that could be devoted to vegetable seedlings, caring for fruit and berry plantations.

Long-flowering, unpretentious flowers specially selected for the garden, blooming in different seasons and not requiring painstaking care, will help save time and energy. Although they bloom only in the second half of summer or in the second year, they live in one place without a transplant for several years.

Summer is the most fertile time for flowering plants. An incredible number of species are ready to give their flowers to the summer resident. The main thing is to choose them from those plants that can rightly be called non-capricious and beautiful.


When late tulips and daffodils bloom in the garden at the end of May, decorative foliage of aquilegia or catchment areas begins to rise above the ground. The bizarre bells of this, one of the most unpretentious perennials for giving, as on, are revealed on tall erect peduncles.

Flowering almost without interruption lasts from late May to September. And even without flowers, plants do not lose their charm. Their leaves take on purple and lilac tones by autumn. Depending on the variety, aquilegia can grow from 30 to 80 cm in height. All of this species grow well both in the shade and in open areas. Already by the name it is clear that the catchment loves moisture, but even with a lack of irrigation, it can find water thanks to its powerful taproots. Aquilegia grows best in light, well-drained soils.

Flowers appear in the second year of life. Mature plants can be divided. You can do this in early spring or autumn.

Although, under favorable conditions, aquilegia propagates by self-sowing, this method does not allow preserving the properties of hybrid and varietal specimens. Seedlings are most often purple or pink in color and can become a kind of weed plant if immature seed pods are not removed in time or flower beds are not weeded.

bathing suit

The moisture-loving unpretentious garden flowers also include the favorite of many summer residents.

Her yellow or orange flowers open in May and with regular watering do not disappear until the second half of summer. The plant, with a height of 50 to 90 cm, is noticeable enough to lead in group plantings near and in shady corners of the garden. Tall flower stalks will be safe next to fences and ornamental shrubs.


Although the flowering of arabis begins in the second half of spring, this unpretentious perennial can rightly be considered summer, since its flowering does not end until the very frosts.

A ground cover or creeping plant with stems 20 to 30 cm long, the planting field quickly forms dense, cushion-like curtains covered with brushes of small white, pink or purple flowers.
Shearing helps to prolong flowering and maintain the shape of plantings. Arabis does best in open areas with light, aerated soil. This culture with variegated foliage is indispensable for decorating, slides and other parts of the garden.


At the junction of spring and summer, many rhizomatous perennials take over the baton of flowering in bulbous plants. No exception - a bright doronicum with large yellow inflorescences-baskets resembling daisies. Flowers open on erect, bare or leafy stems 30–80 cm high. Unpretentious flowers for summer cottages and gardens are planted in the sun or in transparent shade, but not under the crowns of trees.

Doronicum plants love moisture in order to save it in the soil under light green foliage, the soil is mulched.

When flowering ends, the greens also wither. Ornamental ferns, curtains of leucanthemum and aquilegia, with which doronicum is perfectly combined, will help to hide the gap formed in the flower bed.


It's amazing how one type of perennial can decorate an entire garden. This is within the power of numerous, blooming from June to September. Lush inflorescences, racemose or panicle-like, are not the only decoration of this plant. Shade-tolerant carved foliage no less enlivens the site. To do this, you just need to cut the flower stalks with dead inflorescences in time.
Depending on the variety and species, plant height ranges from 40 to 120 cm. Astilbes bloom better with regular soil moisture, but do not like stagnant moisture. IN garden plantings these beautiful and unpretentious flowers for giving look great against the background of conifers, and they themselves will be a luxurious frame for.


Many cultivated varieties of garden perennials are descendants of wild-growing species, which can be found literally behind the fence of a summer cottage.

From May until the end of summer, amazingly quivering flowers continue to bloom. Single or collected in inflorescences corollas of all shades of pink, purple, lilac and blue are short-lived. All day, and on the spot withered flower a new one appears.

When the flowering season ends, the garden does not become empty thanks to the decorative cut foliage of geraniums. By autumn, it is painted in bright golden, orange and purple tones and enlivens faded flower beds and hills until the very snow.

The height of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for giving, depending on the type, is from 10 cm to a meter. All plants are unpretentious and do not impose special requirements on the soil; they grow in the light and under crowns.


If there is a place in the garden for, or you need to plant a tall plant with bright flowers and the same decorative leaves, there can be only one answer -!

How is this possible? This is about different types loosestrife, equally unpretentious and suitable for site decoration.

Depending on the variety and species, easily adaptable to different conditions flowers have a height of 20 to 80 cm.

For shady corners and partial shade, the coin or meadow loosestrife is perfect with long lying stems covered with rounded leaves similar to coins. This culture is indispensable near the reservoir, in wet areas, which will be successfully revived by light green foliage and yellow flowers.

To decorate flower beds, mixborders and rocky hills, erect types of loosestrife with green or variegated foliage and yellow flowers are used, forming spectacular spike-shaped inflorescences in the upper part of the stem. All loosestrife are unpretentious, tolerate frost well and are rarely affected by pests.

Cornflower perennial

Annual cornflowers relatively recently moved from the meadow to the garden. They were followed by their perennial relatives. Blooming from June to September, plants form spectacular, thanks to the carved, rich green foliage of curtains from 40 cm to a meter high.

One of the most unpretentious perennial flowers for summer cottages, cornflowers grow well in the sun and in partial shade. They do not impose special requirements on the soil, get along well with other crops and will be an excellent backdrop for peonies, cornflowers, low-growing flowering and decorative leafy plants in flower beds.

Today, gardeners have at their disposal varieties of perennial cornflower with flowers of purple-pink, lilac, purple and white. The large-headed cornflower has fluffy flowers of the original yellow color.

Turkish carnation

In June, multi-colored caps are revealed Turkish cloves. Bright flowers with jagged petals are quite small, but collected in dense inflorescences, they will perfectly enliven the summer cottage, create a summer mood and color the flower beds in all shades from white to rich purple.

A distinctive feature of the plant is flowering, lasting until September, the possibility of reproduction by self-sowing and incredible combinations of colors. The height of the Turkish carnation, depending on the variety, ranges from 40 to 60 centimeters. Plants show the maximum decorative effect in the light or in partial shade, if they are planted next to decorative leafy crops.


Not only belong to the most unpretentious garden flowers. This perennial culture alone can bloom the entire site. Blue, white, pink, purple and two-color spike-shaped inflorescences appear in the first half of June, and then re-blooming begins in the second half of summer.

Plants up to one meter high bloom magnificently in the sun, do not like too fertilized soils and, thanks to a powerful rhizome, are able to survive in conditions of moisture deficiency. In the garden, lupine is an ideal neighbor for leucanthemum, multi-colored aquilegia, perennial poppies.


In terms of flowering splendor, perennial poppies can only be compared with. Just one plant with corollas of scarlet, pink, white and purple is enough to change the look of the most inconspicuous corner of the garden.

Despite their exotic appearance, poppies are quite unpretentious. They are not afraid of frost, grow excellently on any soil and endure drought without loss. But they react negatively to excessive moisture. Once settled on the site, with the help of very small seeds, the poppy can settle on its own, creating spectacular clumps of densely pubescent carved foliage.


There are more than a hundred species of irises in the world, many of which are actively used as ornamental plants. The flowering of garden varieties begins at the border of spring and summer, and continues until mid-July.

With a difference in color, size, habitual habitat, these perennial rhizomatous plants have in common the appearance of pointed xiphoid leaves collected in flattened bunches, as well as the graceful shape of flowers. Although corollas that open for a day or a little more cannot be called centenarians, amia plants bloom profusely and for a long time due to the many simultaneous rising peduncles.

In the garden, irises choose light or barely shaded areas with light, loose soil.

During the growing season and flowering plants need regular soil moisture. But it is necessary to intervene in the development of the curtain carefully. Loosening and weeding can affect powerful rhizomes closely located below the surface.

Flowering shoots of irises rise 40–80 cm above the ground. White, yellow, pink, purple, cream, blue or light blue flowers make a great garden decoration and are ideal for cutting.


Daisies, along with cornflowers, are traditionally considered a symbol of Russian expanses. garden varieties leucanthemum - these are the same daisies, only much larger and more expressive. Simple and double inflorescences-baskets are crowned with erect stems from 30 to 100 cm high.

In the garden, cornflower prefers to grow in open, well-lit areas with loose, nutrient-rich, but not too light soil. The plant responds to the lack of moisture and organic matter with flowers shrinking over time and with the rapid withering of the baskets.

Nivyanik propagates by seeds, division of adult curtains, as well as self-sowing. This must be taken into account if all cultures have clearly defined boundaries in flowerbeds and mixborders. For the most lush flowering rosettes, it is advisable to divide the rosette every few years.

The best neighbors for one of the most unpretentious perennials to give, as in the photo, flowers, gypsophila, bright poppies and bluebells. White inflorescences look great against the background of carved greenery and cornflower inflorescences, next to decorative cereals and onions.


Growing bells in the country is not difficult even for beginners. Plants are unpretentious, resistant to diseases and pests, winter well without shelter. The only thing that interferes with the perennial is an excess of moisture and dense, poorly drained soil.

In nature, there are many types of bluebells with simple, semi- and double flowers in white, blue, lilac, pink and deep purple tones. Plants from 20 to 120 cm tall, depending on the type and shape, find a place on the hills and as part of group plantings with cornflower, pyrethrum, lush peonies and strict cereals.


Easily tolerant of drought, with luxurious decorative greenery and racemose inflorescences, it can rightfully be considered the queen of the summer cottage. Plants up to 2 meters high are among the largest in Russian gardens. They rise above the rest of the flowers and even fruit bushes.

Stock roses or mallows can easily create living wall or turn into the center of a lush flower bed. Beautiful, unpretentious flowers for summer cottages grow on light, well-drained soils, propagate by seeds, including self-sowing. But moving a large plant to another place will be problematic. Transplantation is hampered by powerful long rhizomes, damage to which leads to weakening and even death of the mallow.

Simple and double, white, yellow, pink and red, burgundy and bright crimson flowers on powerful erect stems are used to decorate hedges and walls, in flower beds and in, as background plants. Incredibly beautiful group plantings of mallow different shades. In front of them you can land the same unpretentious phloxes, bells, decorative forms onions, cornflowers and undersized varieties, as well as any flyers.

Spicy aromatic unpretentious perennials for summer cottages

When choosing long-blooming unpretentious flowers for the garden, one should not lose sight of the plants that are more often popular as spicy, medicinal or fragrant herbs. At the same time, many of them are in no way inferior to flowering perennials, their flowers will decorate flower beds and can be used for cutting.

Today, numerous varieties are available to gardeners, lemon balm, catnip. On the site, if desired, you can plant hyssop, thyme and even lavender. These plants look great in a separate, “pharmaceutical” garden, but they can also be easily imagined as part of a mixborder, in a country-style flowerbed or in the form of free curtains near a hedge or wall of a house.

unpretentious and useful perennials thanks to lush greenery, they are decorative from spring to frost. And during flowering, they attract a lot of bees and other pollinating insects.


Oregano is a native inhabitant of the European part of Russia. The plant, familiar to many by the characteristic aroma of greenery and pink-lilac caps of inflorescences, prefers to settle in open, well-lit areas with light soil. In nature, oregano can be seen in clearings and forest edges, in oak forests and in dry meadows.

The first green of oregano appears in March, literally from under the snow. By June, the plant forms a lush cap of densely leafy shoots from 20 to 50 centimeters high. A month later, stems with delicate inflorescences-baskets rise above the greenery.

The entire aerial part of the plant, incredibly revered in France, Italy, and the USA, has a spicy aroma. Here, oregano is grown as a natural seasoning for sauces, salads, pasta and poultry meat, pastries, in particular, in pizza. Tea with herbs and oregano flowers is no less tasty. Harvesting oregano or oregano is carried out from July to October, while the perennial blooms.

Herbaceous shrubs of oregano, covered with flowers, are magnificent in the company of nivyanik, lupins, rudbeckia, clouds of white-pink gypsophila and cereals.


Lofant or polygon with lilac-violet or white spike-shaped inflorescences is one of the most prominent medicinal and ornamental perennials. In the garden, the culture easily settles in the lightest areas, does not feel discomfort even in the sun itself, and winters well, showing everyone the first green with a purple or bluish tint from early spring.

Lofant is so unpretentious that it grows and blooms not only with a lack of moisture, but also on poor soils. Simple care and a little attention - and an unpretentious plant will generously share with the summer resident a fragrant, smell reminiscent of anise or licorice, a herb rich in essential oils and useful for colds, diseases of the digestive system and urinary system.

In the garden, the spectacular inflorescences of the lofant will not go unnoticed by either people or bees. The plant, which blooms from June to the end of summer, is suitable for decorating front gardens and easily tolerates cutting.


Monarda with white, pink, purple and purple inflorescences is also a resident of sunny, wind-protected corners of the garden with light soil.

For decorative purposes, this fragrant perennial is planted next to other similar plants, as well as in the vicinity of coreopsis and, nivyanik and undersized annuals, for which a monard up to a meter high will be a luxurious background.

The combination of this plant with annual, blue and white large-flowered bells, stonecrops and other crops is interesting, allowing you to imitate a corner of a wild meadow in the garden.

In summer cottages, you can often find lemon monarda. Its greenery during the flowering period, that is, from July to September, accumulates a lot of essential oils, close to the oils of lemon balm, hyssop, and other spicy-flavoring and medicinal plants their Yasnotkov families.

Autumn unpretentious flowers: long-blooming perennials for the garden

With the onset of September, autumn comes into its own faster and faster. But it is too early to part with the beauty of the garden. Until the snow falls, garden geranium curtains amaze with the play of bright colors, bergenia dresses up in purple tones, on hills and curbs they surprise with bizarre forms of stonecrop. There are many flowers of unpretentious garden perennials in the garden.


One of the brightest "stars" of the autumn flowerbed is considered. These plants overwinter excellently in most regions, form green clumps in spring, and bloom in the second half of summer, almost until October, retaining an incredible variety of colors and splendor of inflorescences.

Depending on the type and variety, phloxes will be indispensable on alpine hills and traditional flower beds, near small ponds and next to buildings that tall plants perfectly decorate at any time of the year.

The list of cultivated phlox today includes more than four dozen species, among which only Drummond's phlox is an annual. All other creeping, bushy, semi-lodging forms with stems from 20 to 150 cm tall are ready for many years to settle in the garden of a lover of decorative and unpretentious perennial flowers.

perennial asters

Annual asters are the unchanging leaders in the list of garden flyers for summer cottages and gardens. However, the true ones are often and undeservedly forgotten.

From August until the snow, these plants bloom, illuminating the whole area with flashes of blue, white, pink, purple hues. There are more than 200 species of perennial asters, varying in size, lifestyle and shape. alpine aster quite small, and its inflorescences-baskets are located on grassy erect stems, resembling the familiar chamomile. And in the Italian variety - the form of a grassy, ​​densely leafy shrub, completely covered with medium-sized flowers. Moreover, all types are extremely decorative and non-capricious.

The height of perennial asters varies from 20 centimeters to one and a half meters. Flowers can be not only different colors, but simple and double. These perennials form dense dark green clumps from spring, easily tolerate excess light and moisture deficiency in summer, and completely transform the garden in autumn.

Bush forms can be molded, they can be used to create dense living borders and picturesque groups with other autumn plants.

The only downside perennial asters found in many perennial crops. A plant that takes root in the garden begins to multiply uncontrollably, quickly mastering all new territories. So that the flowerbed that was previously motley does not turn into the “kingdom” of asters, you will have to monitor the resettlement of the shrub and regularly remove the shoots.

Each of the 30 described ornamental plants can claim the title of the most unpretentious perennial flower for giving. All of them are beautiful and amazing in their own way. In fact, the list of non-capricious, requiring minimal attention and generously sharing their beauty of cultures is not three dozen, but much more. One has only to look around, notice and transfer an interesting plant to the garden, choosing for a flower appropriate place and neighborhood.

Video about ground cover perennials in the garden

Spring really comes into its own and we get a truly spring mood only when the very first spring flowers that are not afraid of frost begin to bloom in the gardens and lawns in front of the houses.

These delicate and beautiful multi-colored buds bloom before others, despite the changeable weather, and delight the eye of the gardener and the passer-by with their colors. Let's look together at a selection of the very first spring flowers - domesticated and wild, which are the first to wake up from winter sleep.

1. Snowdrop (galanthus)

This flower is familiar to everyone since childhood. Who does not remember the fairy tale "12 months"? These unpretentious touching flowers with white bell flowers are among the first to appear in early spring. Snowdrops bloom for about a month, they tolerate temperature extremes well and are not afraid of early spring frosts.

2. What are the blue forest bells called - Scilla (scylla)

Scilla is sometimes called a blue snowdrop, because of its resemblance to the latter, and also because it appears as soon as the snow melts. In fact, they are different plants. These blue or blue flowers also do not frighten spring frosts.

3. What kind of flowers bloom under the snow - Hellebore

The name itself suggests that it blooms in the cold. In the south, hellebore blooms in winter, at the end of February. Hellebore, or, as it is customary to call it, helleborus, belongs to the buttercup family and, like all buttercups, is also poisonous! The evergreen hellebore is not only frost-resistant, but also drought-resistant, and its flowering in the middle lane begins in March, when our flower beds are not yet decorated with bright colors of annuals. Helleborus flowers are very beautiful, a bit like lanterns - drooping, quite large, reaching 8 cm in diameter.

4. What are the early yellow wild flowers called - Erantis (spring)

These sunny golden blooms will add mood to a dull spring garden. Erantis also blooms in early spring, in March-April, and is not afraid of frost and snowfall.

5. Primula (primrose)

There are many varieties of this plant, only a small part of them is grown in culture. Primroses bloom profusely and for a long time in early spring, in some species repeated autumn flowering is possible.

6. A flower with multi-colored leaves is called - Lungwort

Lungwort blooms in April-May. Grows well in light, well-drained soils. After flowering, it forms many colorful leaves.

7. What are the names of low white flowers - Crocus

Bright low crocus flowers also appear along with the first spring warmth. Crocuses bloom for a short time, only 5-7 days, without a transplant in one place they can grow up to 5 years. There are types of crocuses that prefer to bloom in autumn.

8. What are the small blue spring flowers called - Periwinkle

The evergreen periwinkle retains its foliage even under snow. As soon as the soil begins to thaw, it forms new shoots, and in April it is covered with pale blue flowers.

Bright yellow, like little suns, adonis flowers appear on the very first fine spring days. Prefer well-lit areas and light fertile soil.

10. What kind of yellow spring flower with round glossy leaves - Chistyak spring

Chistyak spring appears immediately after the snow melts. Its lovely yellow flowers fully bloom only in the bright sun, that is, in the middle of the day, and in cloudy weather and at night they close.

11. Small blue flowers as they are called - Liverwort

The liverwort is popularly called the coppice, because she does not like open spaces and grows only in the forest. Her elegant, bright blue lush bouquets are so nice to find in the forest after a long winter.

12. Violet

Fragrant violet - perennial early spring plant. During flowering, the whole district is filled with its aroma. In the south, if a warm long autumn is issued, the violet may bloom again in October-November. And it happens that its flowering continues all winter.

13. Muscari

Muscari or mouse hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant. Its tiny bell flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of blue, blue, purple or white, depending on the species. There are also bicolor species of this plant.

The spring belotsvetnik blooms in April for 20-30 days. The height of the plant is 20-20 cm. Green or yellow spots are clearly visible at the ends of its white bell flowers.

15. Chionodoxa

Chionodox appears in early spring, it is also called the snow beauty. The leaves of this plant appear at the same time as the buds. Flowers can be solitary or collected in small inflorescences. Chionodox is white, blue, blue or pink.

16. Pushkinia

Pushkinia is a herbaceous bulbous plant 15-20 cm high. The flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of white or blue color. Blooms in early spring.

17. Corydalis

Unpretentious frost-resistant plant, blooms in early spring. Corydalis reaches a height of up to 20 cm. After flowering, its ground part dies off, after which the plant is not afraid of any mechanical impact, it does not care about trampling or digging.

18. What does a wild-growing iris look like - Iridodictium (iris net)

These tiny bulbous irises bloom in April and give off a pleasant fragrance. They reach a height of 10 cm. They grow well in sunny areas, but they also tolerate slight shading.

19. Kaluzhnitsa

Kaluzhnitsa is very similar to chistyak, but these plants still have differences. The foliage is preserved until October, this is their main difference. Prefers well-moistened swampy soils.

20. What are the names of white spring flowers - anemone or anemone

This plant is called anemone because the petals of most species fall off easily in the wind. Depending on the species, anemones may bloom in early spring, summer or autumn.

21. Hyacinth

Hyacinth can rightfully be considered a favorite of the spring garden for its spectacular inflorescences and amazing intoxicating aroma. These plants begin to bloom in April and delight with a rich palette of shades of white, blue, orange, yellow and pink flowers.

22. Hyacinthoides

Another early spring plant. Outwardly, this plant resembles a blueberry, but has larger and elongated flowers. There are plants of white, blue and pink flowers. Blooms for a long time, up to three weeks

23. What kind of flowers with long lilac petals - Bulbokodium (brandushka)

This is a very beautiful stemless multicolor, forms 2-4 flowers surrounded by leaves. It blooms for two weeks, spreading an intoxicating aroma around itself.

24. Small bright blue spring flowers as they are called - Brunner (forget-me-not)

Herbaceous perennial up to 40 cm high. This unpretentious frost-resistant plant grows well in shady corners of the garden. The flowers are small, collected in apical inflorescences. Blooms in May.

25. What wild tulips are - Tulip

Wild varieties of tulips, unlike their cultivated counterparts, bloom much earlier, as early as April. In total, there are more than 100 species of this plant.

26. Narcissus

This perennial with a huge variety of varieties and hybrid forms. Blooms from March to June, depending on the species.

27. Orange flowers similar to a bell and lilies are called - Fritillary

Perennial bulbous plant with large flowers. Blooms in early spring. The hazel grouse got its name for the similarity of the color of the flowers with the feathers of the bird of the same name. The most popular are the chess hazel grouse and the imperial hazel grouse.

Bulbous perennial ephemeroid, blooming simultaneously with blueberries and snowdrops. White star-shaped flowers are collected in racemose or corymbose apical inflorescences.

To everyone who looked, have a wonderful spring day and a sunny mood!