Well      07/02/2020

How to make tomato juice for the winter. How to cook tomato paste at home. Serving on the table: what goes with tomato paste

Tomato is a unique product in its palatability and content useful substances. In fact, a tomato is a berry, but in our country it is called vegetable crop, and in European countries, the tomato is considered a fruit. Despite this confusion, people have not stopped loving this product. The demand for tomatoes is growing every day, and all because of the huge amount of nutrients that are included in their composition. Let's learn in detail about tomato juice and recipes for its preparation.

Tomato juice: benefits and harms

Tomato juice is useful because it contains vitamins and mineral components - A, C, PP, minerals, calcium, chlorine, iodine, boron. The presence of such a large assortment of useful components has a positive effect on the performance of all internal organs and human systems, normalizes metabolic processes, removes slag and toxic accumulations from the body.

Tomato juice is considered an ideal preventive remedy that helps during cardiovascular diseases.

  • Tomato juice contains components that are involved in the formation of serotonin. It relieves tension in nervous system and reduces the consequences that have arisen after a stressful state.
  • Tomato juice also fights germs when it enters the intestines, slowing down the process of decay and cleansing the body.
  • This product is considered indispensable during constipation and various problems associated with digestion.
  • Many doctors recommend tomato juice as a choleretic and diuretic. They advise it to be used for urolithiasis, overweight, anemia and so on.
  • The huge benefit of tomato for diabetics, as it lowers the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • Tomato drink is an ideal prevention during thrombosis. Tomato juice is useful during pregnancy and breastfeeding (but only if the baby is not allergic).

Harm of tomato juice

If we talk about the dangers of tomato juice, then this concept is considered relative. If tomato juice is used correctly, then it will only benefit the human body. Tomato juice is not recommended to mix with some products, for example, those that contain starch.

It is also not advisable to add table salt to tomato juice, as it significantly reduces the beneficial qualities of the juice itself. It is better to replace it with vegetable fats, for example, olive oil.

tomato juice calories

Tomato juice is considered a favorite drink of many people already. long time. Useful qualities of this drink and its calorie content are identical to those of fresh tomatoes, but only if it does not undergo heat treatment and does not have all kinds of additional ingredients.

Now consider with you the energy value of tomato juice:

  • If no ingredients are added to it, then it will contain only 21 calories per 100 g of its weight. It should be noted, however, that there are many different varieties tomatoes, and they differ from each other in sweetness.
  • Tomato juice, which is preserved for the winter with salt, contains only 17 calories per 100 g of the product. Be aware that after heat treatment, some useful components tend to break down.

After you know the calorie content of tomato juice, you can easily calculate the desired value, for example, how many calories are in 1 glass of juice, or how much this or that dish prepared with the addition of tomato will contain.

tomato juice recipe

There is nothing difficult in making tomato juice. However, it cannot be compared at all with those juices that are sold in supermarkets and shops. The juice that you prepare according to our recipe can be drunk immediately or canned, the choice is yours.

You will need to stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Tomatoes - 1 kg
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Ground black pepper - 1 pinch

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the tomatoes well and chop them
  2. Next, make juice from tomatoes, which you can prepare using the following methods:
  • First method. Pass the tomatoes through an ordinary meat grinder. If you want the juice to be "clean", strain it through a sieve.
  • Second method. Grate the tomatoes. The peel will remain, and strain the juice itself.
  • Third Method. Boil the tomatoes in an enamel bowl, make cuts on each tomato in advance. Pour water into the dishes, put on fire, simmer until the tomatoes become soft. Cool them, drain the water and rub the tomatoes through a sieve.
  • Fourth method. Make tomato juice with a juicer.

Tomato juice for the winter

Tomato juice prepared for the winter has a pleasant taste and a lot of vitamins. If you have your land plot and you grow tomatoes yourself, you can easily prepare this drink.

Recipe #1

To prepare this drink, stock up:

  • Tomato juice - 1 l
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking process:

  1. Add all of the above ingredients to the tomato juice
  2. Boil it and pour into jars
  3. Sterilize jars for 10 minutes
  4. Screw on the lids and wrap the jars until completely cool.

Recipe #2

Stock up on the following for this recipe:

  • Tomato juice - 1 l
  • Bulgarian pepper - 250 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the pepper, cut it into slices
  2. Boil in tomato juice for 5 minutes. bell pepper and then pass through a sieve
  3. Mix tomato juice with pepper
  4. Boil the resulting mass
  5. Put seasonings in it
  6. Pour the boiling composition into jars, sterilize in the same way as in the first recipe

Recipe #3

For the next recipe, you should stock up on these ingredients:

  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Tomatoes - 12 kg
  • Salt - 180 g
  • Allspice - 30 peas
  • Vinegar - 280 g
  • Carnation buds - 8 pcs
  • Cinnamon - 3 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Ground pepper - on the tip of a knife
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the pepper well, peel it, chop it
  2. Squeeze juice with a juicer
  3. Pour it into an enamel bowl, boil for 30 minutes, make the fire smaller
  4. Add seasonings and boil the juice for 20 minutes
  5. Pour the resulting juice into jars and roll up

Tomato juice from tomato paste

If you wanted to drink tomato juice, but could not find tomatoes, do not be discouraged. Prepare juice from ordinary tomato paste. The better you buy pasta, the richer and tastier your juice will be.

You can drink the juice obtained from tomato paste or use it to prepare a dish. The cooking process is:

  • Boil water and then cool it down. Take 1 cup of tomato paste, fill it with water (3 cups). Mix the resulting composition well.
  • If you want your juice to be free of lumps, first stir the paste well into 1 cup of water, then add the rest of the water.
  • To make your juice very tasty, salt it. Use common table salt for this purpose.
  • If you add sugar and pepper to the juice, its taste will turn out piquant.

Drink tomato paste juice chilled.

Homemade tomato juice

Tomato juice is not only tasty, but also quite healthy. Homemade juice prepared at home will be an ideal drink that all your relatives, friends and even children can use. Recipes for homemade tomato juice are very diverse. The classic recipe does not provide for the presence of granulated sugar and other additional spices. This method prioritizes more natural flavors during cooking.

In the version that we offer you, you need to add both salt and sugar to the juice. Choose your own proportions, taking into account your own taste preferences.

To make juice at home, you should stock up:

  • Yellow and red tomatoes - 3 kg
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Sugar sand - 2 tbsp. l

The shade of tomato juice will depend on which tomatoes you take. Take vegetables of any size. Meaty tomatoes are considered ideal, as you will get the most delicious and richer drink from them.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, peel them and cut into small pieces
  2. Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or juicer
  3. If you want the juice to be homogeneous, repeat the process
  4. Pour the composition into a clean dish and put on fire
  5. Add seasonings to the consistency, stir the juice well
  6. Bring it to a boil
  7. Remove the foam that will form during cooking with a spoon.
  8. Boil the juice for another 5 minutes
  9. Pour it into sterilized jars and roll up

Now we want to offer you tips that will help your dish become tastier:

  • If you want the juice to better separate from the tomato pulp, boil the tomatoes before placing them in the meat grinder.
  • Before you start pouring juice into jars, sterilize them well.
  • Store tomato juice in a cool place
  • It is not necessary to add spices to the juice. You can add them when you open
  • Pour juice only into hot jars
  • For spice, you can add garlic or dried basil.

Can you drink tomato juice?

It is a pity, but not many people know the exact answer to this question and how to drink this drink correctly. But if you use tomato juice incorrectly, it can cause kidney stones and other complications.

  • Never drink juice with food at all. Remember, no matter what juice you drink, it must be drunk within 30 minutes. before eating. Only in this case, it will bring great benefits to your body.
  • Never drink juice along with protein foods and meals that contain a lot of starch, such as potatoes, cottage cheese, bread, eggs, and so on.
  • If possible, do not boil, fry or pour tomatoes hot water, it is better to make freshly squeezed juice with the skin and seeds.

  • Never use imported tomatoes for juicing, as you do not know how they were processed and fed during cultivation.
  • If you want carotene to be absorbed faster, add any vegetable oil(olive, sunflower, linseed).

Diet on tomato juice

Unloading day with tomato juice:

  1. Drink only tomato juice throughout the day. In total, you need to drink 1.5 liters per day.
  2. In the morning, drink 1 glass of juice, at lunch - the same amount of juice with a slice of rye bread, in the evening - again the same amount of juice.
  3. In the morning, eat 2 tomatoes plus a slice of cheese, for second breakfast - 1 tbsp. tomato juice with sour cream, for lunch - soup made from pureed tomatoes (you can take any recipe, but not very high-calorie).

Tomato Diet #1

  • 8-00 - 1 boiled egg + a cup of unsweetened coffee
  • 11-00 - fat-free cottage cheese (150 g) + tomato juice (1 tbsp.)
  • 14-00 - boiled chicken or lean fish (150 g) + fresh vegetable salad (tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers)
  • 18-00 - infusion made from herbs

Tomato diet number 2 for 7 days

For the whole day you should drink 1 liter of tomato juice. Drink it 1 tbsp. for breakfast and dinner, drink the rest in the afternoon.

  • 1st - juice + boiled potatoes in their skins (6 pcs.)
  • 2nd - fat-free cottage cheese (500 g) + tomato juice
  • 3rd - fruits (1 kg) and tomato juice
  • 4th - boiled chicken breast (500 g) + tomato juice
  • 5th - dried fruits (500 g) + tomato juice
  • 6th - natural yogurt (0.5 l) + tomato juice
  • 7th - boiled chicken breast(500 g) + tomato juice

Tomato diet number 3 with rice

This diet will allow you to lose about 2 kg.

  • 1st - only tomato juice and boiled rice (preferably brown)
  • 2nd - cottage cheese with kefir
  • 3rd - boiled turkey + green tea
  • 4th - whole day tomato juice + low-fat cheese

Tomato juice during pregnancy

The diet of a pregnant woman should include those foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. If in warm season in stores you can easily buy vegetables with fruits, then with the advent of cold weather this is problematic. A great alternative is tomato juice.

Some time ago, doctors argued that it is advisable not to use tomato juice for pregnant women, since it contains a lot of salts and acids. But in Lately, after numerous studies, scientists say that drinking this drink is not only possible, but also necessary.

Why do many expectant mothers sometimes want to drink tomato juice? The fact is that this desire arises only at the beginning of pregnancy, since the baby’s body begins to actively develop - the cells differentiate and all the baby’s organs are formed.

It is during this period of pregnancy that toxicosis often occurs: a woman feels unwell, she is sick, her water-salt metabolism fails. That is why a pregnant woman often dreams of drinking a glass of tomato juice.

Tomato juice for men

Tomato juice has a positive effect on the male body. This healthy drink can even be included in the daily diet in order to maintain normal functions of many organs and the whole organism as a whole.

  • Tomato juice contains a lot of zinc, as well as selenium. If a man regularly drinks tomato juice, his sperm quality improves, erection prolongs, and sexual stamina increases.
  • Magnesium, which is part of the juice, is useful for bodybuilders, as it takes part in the synthesis of natural proteins.

  • Since the drink contains vitamin C, it is recommended for men who smoke.
  • It can remove toxins and metals harmful to the organs from the male body. That is why very often this drink is recommended to be consumed by those men who work in hazardous industries.
  • Tomato juice also contains a lot of calcium. This component eliminates the risk of cancer and inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland.
  • Tomato juice contains tocopherol and retinol, which are involved in the formation of testosterone. As a result of this process, a man's sexual and reproductive function is normalized.

Tomato juice for women

No less useful tomato juice for women. Let's take a look at how this healthy drink affects the female body:

  • The composition of tomato juice includes antioxidants that maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Tomatoes contain serotonin. This component improves women's mood, relieves depression.
  • It is useful to drink tomato juice for pregnant women, as this drink helps the fetus to fully develop. As a result, the risk of premature birth disappears.
  • Tomato juice is not high-calorie, so it is great for those representatives who dream of losing weight.

  • Also, tomato juice fights toxicosis, which often occurs in many pregnant women.
  • And most importantly, tomato juice contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Tomato juice for weight loss

Juicy tomatoes are not just very delicious fruits. They are also useful during weight loss. Tomato juice quenches thirst, “feeds” the human body, since this drink contains a lot of vegetable proteins.

Thus, the benefits of tomato juice during weight loss are as follows - if you drink 1 glass of the drink, you will thereby satisfy your hunger, which means you will eat less. This is very important if you decide to lose extra pounds, but you cannot moderate your own appetite at the same time.

So, tomato juice during weight loss has the following effects:

  • It improves the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Tomato juice normalizes metabolism and significantly speeds it up
  • Tomato juice removes toxins from the body, harmful toxic deposits, it cleanses the body of everything that contributes to excess weight.

If you want to lose weight, drink juice, and follow these rules with it:

  • Drink a lot of pure water daily (from 1.5 l)
  • Do not go on a tomato diet if you have gastritis and stomach ulcers
  • Never drink tomato juice on an empty stomach, you have a high acidity of the stomach
  • When losing weight, give preference to freshly squeezed juices.
  • Eat fresh tomatoes with tomato juice

Tomato juice: reviews

Olga, 25 years old:
“In early childhood, my parents grew tomatoes in the country. And somehow the harvest was so great that the parents decided to make tomato juice. To be honest, my kids don't really drink this drink. But as soon as they tried the juice that their grandmother (my mother) prepared for them, this drink became their favorite for them. Also, tomato juice once helped me lose weight well. During the diet, I drank freshly squeezed juice in the morning, and throughout the day I tried to drink it in 30 minutes. before the main meal.

Tatyana, 30 years old:
“I love tomato juice, which I make myself. For cooking, I use only large and well-ripened tomatoes that cannot fit into jars. Earlier, my husband and I grew specially tomatoes "Bull's Heart", as the grown fruits are very fleshy and juicy. Drink tomato juice. It is very tasty and healthy!”.

We can say that tomato juice is a very healthy drink. You can cook it at home and this will give you additional confidence in the naturalness and usefulness of the product.

Video: Tomato juice. All the benefits of tomato juice. How to use tomato juice?

Tomato juice is very tasty and healthy product. If the norms and rules of conservation are observed, all vitamins and useful microelements are preserved in the juice. You can use the twist for two years. They close it in different ways, there are recipes with acetic acid, sugar, with salt and without these components. On average, one liter of juice will need a kilogram of ripe tomatoes. The process is not very labor intensive. It will take about an hour to cook, but the family will be delighted with the aromatic drink.

For cooking, you must have ripe tomatoes, preferably fleshy and large. Cream for juice will not work. There are several options for making tomato juice.

Number 1. Divide the tomatoes into four parts, boil in a container for 15-20 minutes. Let cool and pass through a sieve.

Number 2. Pour boiling water over whole tomatoes, soak in it for several minutes, transfer to running ice water. Remove skin. Blend into a homogeneous mass with a blender.

Number 3. Process the tomatoes with a meat grinder. Boil the finished juice with pulp for 10-15 minutes until the foam leaves. Packed in pre-prepared and processed containers. Sterilize for 15-20 minutes, depending on the volume of the container, cork. Cool upside down.

How long to cook tomato juice for the winter

For different options cooking is necessary and a different amount of time. No matter how the tomato is cooked, it will always have a special taste of summer.

It is also worth noting that only fleshy ripe fruits should be used for juice. You can cook with the skin, you can remove it first. After the mass began to boil, add spices, salt, granulated sugar, boil for 10-15 minutes. There is a recipe with a longer boiling process, it depends on the desired consistency of the juice, the thicker, the longer it takes to boil.

Recipe for tomato juice for the winter from tomatoes

Very easy way harvesting juice for the winter. You will need:

  • Tomatoes at the rate of 1 kg per 1 liter of finished juice;

Cut the fruits, place in a container filled with water and boil for 10 minutes. Remove the skin from the cooled fruits.

Blend with a blender until smooth. Transfer to a saucepan and boil for 10-15 minutes. You can add spices.

Pack the hot mixture into a processed dish. Roll up. Cool upside down.

Tomato juice for the winter easy way

Delicious juice can be prepared at home, it is not necessary to buy a store-bought, which contains a large number of preservatives and stabilizers.
You'll need:

  • Tomato, preferably large and large, calculation 1 kg per 1 liter of juice;
  • Spices, at your discretion.

It is not necessary to suffer with a meat grinder or other complex household appliances. Pour the washed tomatoes with boiling water, let stand for 10-15 minutes.

Remove the skin from the cooled fruits. In a large bowl, crush them with a puree tool or hand blender.

The juice can be filtered, or left as is, it will be with pulp.Boil the mass for 10-15 minutes until the foam settles. Pour the hot mixture into pre-treated dishes. Spin.

Tomato juice with pulp for the winter

Juice with pulp is a very favorite treat for both children and many adults. To stock up on them for the winter, you will need:

  • One and a half kg of ripe fruits;
  • 15 g of salt;

This recipe closes without boiling, which allows you to maximize the freshness of the product and all the nutrients.

Place the washed fruits in a net or colander, and dip in boiling water for a few minutes.

When the fruits are completely cool, remove the skin.

Grate the finished fruits, you can use a blender. Be sure to salt, you can a little bit, as you like.

Pack the thick mixture in a bowl.We install it in a container for sterilization. The process takes 20 to 30 minutes on average.Roll up with finished lid.

Cool upside down.

Tomato juice for the winter you will lick your fingers

Homemade insanely delicious juice. In order to stock up on them for the winter, you will need:

  • Ripe fruits 1.5 kg, based on 1 kg of the finished mixture;
  • Salt 20 g;
  • Essence or citric acid. 10 g;
  • Sugar sand 20 g;
  • Ground pepper 5 g;
  • Spices (coriander) 5 g;

Divide the washed fruits into several parts. Using home appliances, a meat grinder or juicer, process them. Pass the finished thick mixture through a colander, it is necessary to remove all unnecessary components. Boil the resulting mass for 10-15 minutes. When the foam sits down, combine with bulk components. Boil for another 5 minutes.

Remove the hot processed dishes from the oven, quickly pack the hot mixture into it. Roll up with a processed lid. Cool upside down.

Tomato juice from a juicer for the winter

Most The right way cooking juice, in a juicer. All useful substances of ripe fruits are not lost. The taste becomes very bright and fragrant.

The process of boiling in a juicer:

  1. Fill the container of the juicer with water, approximately 4 liters.
  2. Place the juice bowl over the water container.
  3. Fill the bowl with washed and cut fruits. Add spices of your choice to them.
  4. Close the bowl.
  5. It should be remembered that the tube must be closed. Thus, the evaporating juice will be collected in a separate container.
  6. After about 45 minutes, it should be drained into the already processed dishes and twisted.

The technology is very simple and does not require much effort. During this time, from 3 to 5 liters of the finished mixture can come out.

After processing, the useful substance Lycolin will be collected in the fruits. It is the most powerful antioxidant. Its action is aimed at suppressing cancer cells, improves the functioning of the entire cardiac system.

Tomato juice for the winter through a juicer

The recipe is pretty interesting. The result is a product with a very rich and bright taste. You can use absolutely all fruits, even not quite red ones. In the process of processing, they will become pliable, it will be easier for the juicer to handle them. You will need to clean it less.

Bake the washed tomatoes in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 C.

Chilled, process with a juicer.

Place the resulting mixture in a container and boil for about half an hour.Combine with spices of your choice, boil for another 5 minutes.

Immediately pack in a hot processed container, twist.Cool upside down.

Tomato juice for the winter through a meat grinder

In order to have 500 g of a pure mixture at the output, it is necessary to process 1.5 kg of fruits.

Process washed and peeled fruits with a meat grinder.

Boil the resulting mixture for about 20 minutes, before the end of boiling, combine with spices at your discretion.Pack into processed hot dishes. Accordingly, the lid must also be processed.Cool upside down, do not cover.

The more powerful home appliances, the better and faster it will cope with the fruit processing process.

Sweet tomato juice for the winter

Such a sweet delicacy will help to cook irreplaceable in household meat grinder. You do not need a lot of different devices and devices, everything is elementary simple.

  1. Pour the pre-washed and cut fruits with boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel them off. And feel free to start processing. A meat grinder can easily cope with such a task.
  3. Additionally, wipe the mixture through a colander. If you like not pureed juice, start boiling.
  4. Combine the mass with spices, all additions are calculated at your discretion.
  5. Pack the hot mass into processed dishes. Screw on the finished cap.

The recipe is for:

  • 5 kg of fruits;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • Salt 15 g;
  • Garlic 10 cloves;
  • Ground pepper 5 g;

Cool dishes upside down.

Tomato juice through a sieve for the winter

The recipe is designed for 1.3 kg of fruit. At the exit, you will get about 1 liter of pureed mass. You will need:

  • Ripe fruits;
  • Sugar per 1 liter - 25 g;
  • Salt per 1 kg - 5 g;

Before cooking, the fruits must be washed, peeled, cut into small pieces.

Transfer to a container for boiling.Boil with the addition of 200 g of water for about 10 minutes.Cool down and start processing.

Rub the boiled tomatoes through a colander, then a sieve. The mass will be homogeneous, without unnecessary components.

Pour the prepared mixture into a container. Combine it with bulk components. Boil for 15-20 minutes.Process the dishes in the oven, on average at least 15-20 minutes.

Boil the lid for 5 minutes.Pour the mixture into a bowl, swirl. Cools upside down.

Videos tomato juice for the winter

Tomato paste is rightfully considered a universal dish. Soups, meat dressings, salad dressings, side dishes and much more are prepared on its basis. If in the summer season you can replace the product with fresh tomatoes, then in winter the housewives are forced to buy tomato paste. The store-bought product is stuffed with preservatives and flavor stabilizers, so it often causes heartburn. Many people prefer to comprehend the culinary niche, so they choose effective recipes for making tomato paste at home. Let's consider them in order.

Tomato paste: a classic recipe

  • table vinegar (concentration 6%) - 125 ml.
  • ripe tomatoes - 3.2 kg.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 120 gr.
  • fine salt - to taste
  1. Plum-shaped tomatoes are considered the best option for making tomato paste. The main thing is that they are ripe, dense, elastic, but in no case green.
  2. Wash the tomatoes under the tap, dry with a towel to eliminate any hint of water. Cut out the stalk and other wrinkled / rotten places.
  3. Start slicing the tomatoes. Grind them into two parts vertically or horizontally, the division is conditional, it is not necessary to chop them into 2 equal halves.
  4. Clear onion, place it in an enamel pan, pour in 145 ml. filtered water. Pour chopped tomatoes, cover with a lid and turn on the fire.
  5. On medium power, bring the mixture to the appearance of the first bubbles, then reduce the heat and start simmering. At low power, the mixture should be simmered for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, the tomatoes will start up the juice and soften.
  6. After all the manipulations, turn off the heat and cool the future pasta to room temperature. Take a kitchen sieve, wipe the cooked ingredients through it. Be sure to put a deep bowl down, pasta will drain into it.
  7. The peel, seeds and stalks will go into the cake (if you did not remove them). Also, onions will go into the remains, it is needed only for bactericidal action and aroma. If desired, you can skip the previously strained mixture a few more times.
  8. Next, pour the mass into the pan and put it back on the stove. Simmer and stir until the pasta is reduced. As a rule, the mass will decrease in size by 5 points. It is at this point that the burner can be turned off.
  9. Pour granulated sugar and salt into the hot paste, wait for the granules to dissolve. Evaluate the result, if necessary, adjust the taste, taking into account personal preferences. Immediately pour in table vinegar.
  10. Sterilize jars and lids, dry the container so that the lid does not swell. Pour the hot pasta into a container, seal, turn upside down. Wrap each jar in a warm towel or blanket, leave to cool completely. Transfer the paste to long-term storage in the cellar.

Tomato paste in the oven

  • tomatoes "Plum" - 3.7 kg.
  • rock salt - 110 gr.
  • crushed black pepper - 10 gr.
  • ground coriander - 7 gr.
  • cinnamon - 10 gr.
  • carnation - 12 buds
  • fresh dill - half a bunch
  • basil, celery (fresh)
  1. Sort through the tomatoes, exclude spoiled and too overripe. Wash them, dry them to remove all moisture. Cut off the rotten places, remove the stalks, chop the tomatoes into several sections.
  2. Prepare a steam bath for the tomato. Take a saucepan, pour boiling water into it, put a colander or sieve on top. Put the tomatoes in it with the skin down, put on the stove. Boil the water for about 10 minutes so that the fruits are steamed.
  3. Since there are a lot of tomatoes, it is recommended to divide the entire volume into 5-8 sections, and then process each batch separately. You may need to increase the duration of the heat treatment, it all depends on the degree of ripeness of the tomatoes.
  4. When the tomatoes are soft, take a kitchen sieve. Substitute a wide pan under it, wipe the tomatoes. Throw away the cake, it will not be needed anywhere. Mix future pasta with spices, fresh chopped dill, basil and celery. Sweeten, salt.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Take a baking dish with high sides (a baking sheet will not work), pour the tomato mass into it. Simmer the mixture for about 2.5 hours, open the door every 20 minutes and stir the composition. Control the consistency, the paste should become thick.
  6. After the prescribed period, when the mass reaches the desired consistency, remove the basil and celery from it. Sterilize glass jars and lids, pour the paste into containers, cork. Turn upside down, wrap in a thick cloth.
  7. Let the compound cool down room temperature about a day. After that, send the finished product to the pantry, cellar or refrigerator for long-term storage. Consume as needed.

  • tomatoes - 1.3 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1.2 kg.
  • granulated sugar (preferably brown) - 225 gr.
  • ground salt - 65 gr.
  • red chilli pepper - 30 gr.
  • olive oil - 110 ml.
  • garlic - 1 head
  1. Dip the tomatoes in a colander, rinse them running water then dry with towels. Cut out the inedible parts, make a cross cut on the skin.
  2. Pour into a saucepan clean water and boil, immediately pour in the tomatoes, leave them to “gurgle” for 7 minutes. At this time, pour ice water into another container.
  3. After 7 minutes, transfer the tomatoes to a second bowl. Let stand 3 minutes, then remove the peel. Chop the fruit into 4 equal parts, remove the seeds with a tablespoon or teaspoon.
  4. Send the resulting fruits to a blender, bring to a state of porridge. If there are seeds in the mass, pass it through a sieve, eliminate the excess.
  5. Pour the crushed tomatoes into a multi-bowl. Wash and de-seed capsicum and bell pepper, chop into small pieces, send to tomatoes.
  6. Pass the garlic through the crush, also place to the tomatoes. Pour spices, salt, oil, sugar and other ingredients there. Stir, close the multicooker, set the "Extinguishing" mode (duration 1 hour 25 minutes).
  7. At this time, sterilize the jars with lids. When the pasta is cooked, evaluate the result and proceed to packaging. After capping, wrap each jar warm cloth and put the neck on the floor.
  8. When tomato paste cools to room temperature, check if the lids are swollen. Then send the final product to the refrigerator, basement or cellar.

Italian tomato paste

  • tomatoes - 4.7 kg.
  • onion - 450 gr.
  • pea pepper - 20 pcs.
  • cinnamon capsicum - 1 pc.
  • carnation - 13 buds
  • olive oil or vegetable - 90 ml.
  • table vinegar solution - 475 ml.
  • salt 55 gr.
  1. Clean the onion from the husk. Wash the tomatoes and remove the stalks. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, chop the onion, pass the vegetables 3 times through a meat grinder.
  2. Place the resulting porridge in a gauze bag, folding the fabric into 7 layers. Tie the edges, hang over the basin, leave overnight. During this time, the liquid will drain, you just have to transfer the mixture to a cauldron or a thick-bottomed pan.
  3. Place seasonings in a linen bag, add a cinnamon pod, breaking it into small pieces. Put the container on the stove, bring the mass until the first bubbles appear.
  4. As soon as the composition begins to boil, send a linen bag inside, simmer the product for another quarter of an hour. After the specified time, remove the bag from the dishes.
  5. Add salt, pour in the vinegar solution, cook for 15 minutes. Start sterilizing jars and lids. After heat treatment, pour tomato paste into still hot containers, pour in a little oil and roll up.
  6. Turn upside down, cover with a warm blanket. Wait for the tomato paste to cool down. After that, move the jars with the composition for long-term storage in a cool place.
  7. If you plan to store the tomato paste in the refrigerator, you can seal the jars plastic lids. In this case, the shelf life will decrease, it is advisable to use the product in the next month.

It is not difficult to prepare tomato paste from fresh tomatoes, if you have some knowledge regarding the procedure. Consider options with the addition of ground pepper, cloves, coriander. Adjust the proportions of salt and sugar, cook the mass in a slow cooker or oven.

Video: spicy tomato paste

Tomato paste is used to prepare many dishes, it is needed in winter and summer, and if in summer it can often be replaced with fresh tomatoes, then in winter you have to use a purchased product. However, zealous housewives prepare tomato paste at home. It is much tastier than store-bought, besides it does not contain artificial colors, flavors, thickeners and preservatives. In order to make tomato paste at home with your own hands, you need to know the features of its preparation technology and recipes.

How to cook tomato paste at home

When preparing tomato paste at home, you need to achieve several goals: to get a thick tomato mass without seeds, skins and foreign inclusions, to ensure that it is well stored at room temperature. To do this, you need to know a few secrets.

  • Juicy tomatoes are not suitable for tomato paste, fleshy ones are needed and must ripen no earlier than August. At the same time, they must be ripe, but not overripe: rotten ones will spoil the workpiece.
  • There are several ways to chop tomatoes:
    • After manually peeling the skin and seeds, grind the pulp in a blender or with a meat grinder.
    • Boil the tomatoes cut into slices, cool and rub through a sieve.
    • Use a juicer with a special nozzle for tomatoes.
  • In order to thicken tomato puree, turning it into a paste, there are also several technological methods:
    • Hang in a linen bag for 8-10 hours so that the excess juice drains, and only tomato pulp remains in the bag.
    • Boil the pulp four times in a saucepan on the stove, stirring the contents all the time. This takes several hours.
    • Boil in a slow cooker.
    • Evaporate excess liquid by placing a baking sheet with tomato pulp in the oven for one and a half to two hours.
  • Jars for tomato paste must be sterilized, as well as lids for them. It is preferable to choose jars of small volume. It is convenient to sterilize them in the oven.

The technology option often depends on the recipe chosen, but if it does not contain instructions on how exactly to grind the tomato pulp and evaporate excess liquid from it, then the hostess can use a method that seems more convenient and less laborious to her.

Classic tomato paste recipe

  • tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • onions - 0.5 kg;
  • grape vinegar (3 percent) - 100 ml;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Sort, wash the tomatoes and cut each into 6-8 pieces.
  • Place the tomato slices in a cauldron or heavy-bottomed pot.
  • Remove the husk from the onion and cut it into small pieces of arbitrary shape.
  • Put onion slices and laurel leaves to the tomatoes.
  • Put the pan on a slow fire and cook until the skins of the tomato slices are separated. It will take about an hour. At this time, periodically you need to mix the tomato mass so that it does not burn.
  • Remove the pan from the heat and wait until the tomato mass has cooled to about room temperature. Rub it through a sieve.
  • Put the tomato paste back on the stove in the same saucepan. You need to cook it for so long until it decreases in volume by at least three times.
  • Pour sugar and salt, pour in vinegar and cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Pour into pre-prepared jars, roll up. After cooling, the jars can be stored in the pantry and opened as needed. Open jars should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Tomato paste according to this recipe is very tasty and fragrant. Its preparation at home takes a lot of time - about 5 hours, but the result is worth it. However, there are more simple recipes, focused, for example, on the use of a multicooker.

Tomato paste "Appetitka" (recipe for multicooker)

  • tomatoes - 1 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • garlic - 50 g;
  • hot capsicum - 100 g;
  • vinegar (9 percent) - 30 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tomatoes, make cross-shaped incisions on their skins. Dip in boiling water for 5 minutes, then transfer to cold. Clear. Cut into 4 parts, remove the seeds with a teaspoon, chop the pulp with a blender and put in a multicooker bowl.
  • Wash stinging and Bell pepper, remove the seeds from them, cut into several pieces and also chop. Put in tomatoes.
  • Pass the garlic through a press and add to the multicooker bowl.
  • Put in it all the other products (oil, salt, sugar), add vinegar, stir.
  • Set the "Extinguishing" program for 90 minutes.
  • Arrange in sterilized jars, seal them. After cooling, it is better to put the jars in a cool place, but you can store them at room temperature.

Homemade tomato and pepper paste prepared according to this recipe turns out to be quite spicy. It can be used instead of a sauce, and not just as a dressing.

Tomato paste in the oven

  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • vinegar (9 percent) - 30 ml;
  • olive oil - 60 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the tomatoes into slices and cook for half an hour over low heat, cool.
  • Rub the tomato mass through a sieve.
  • Mix the resulting puree with salt, oil and vinegar, put on a baking sheet or in a baking dish.
  • Place in oven preheated to minimum temperature, for two hours.
  • Remove the tray periodically and stir the contents.
  • Arrange in sterilized jars, cork them.

This paste can also be spread out in plastic trays and frozen. In this case, it will need to be stored in the freezer; for use, it will be necessary to get the paste in advance.

Easy homemade tomato paste recipe

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • vinegar (9 percent) - 80 ml;
  • rock salt - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tomatoes well, cut off the stalks and the part of the pulp adjacent to them. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and pass through a meat grinder or, even better, through a juicer.v
  • Pour thick tomato juice into a linen bag and hang it over the pan for 8 hours (you can overnight).
  • In the morning, transfer the tomato pulp from the bag to the pan.
  • Put the pan on the fire, bring the tomato puree to a boil, pour in the vinegar, cook for a quarter of an hour.
  • Salt and cook the same amount more.
  • Arrange in jars that need to be sterilized beforehand. Close with metal lids. After cooling, remove to a cool room.

Despite the ease of preparation, homemade tomato paste is delicious and keeps well even at room temperature. Its advantage is ease of manufacture, the absence of spices, which makes it possible to add it to almost any dish during its preparation. For lovers of spicy dressings, a more complex recipe for homemade pasta may be suitable.

Spicy tomato paste

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • apple cider vinegar - 0.25 l;
  • cinnamon sticks - 4 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 20 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • rosemary - 10 g.

Cooking method:

  • Remove stems from washed tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes themselves into slices and put in a cauldron or pan with a compacted bottom.
  • Cut the peeled onion into half rings and add it to the tomatoes.
  • Place the pot of vegetables on the stove and cook for 25-35 minutes until the skins are completely removed from the tomatoes.
  • Remove from heat and let the mass cool to a comfortable temperature.
  • Rub it through a sieve. Transfer back to saucepan.
  • Wrap the pepper in cheesecloth and lower to the bottom of this pan. Put cinnamon sticks, rosemary, bay leaves there.
  • Bring the mass to a boil, cook for a quarter of an hour and remove all the spices from it.
  • Boil until the mass is reduced in volume by three times.
  • Pour salt with sugar, pour in vinegar, boil for another 10 minutes.
  • Divide the tomato paste into sterilized jars. Seal and leave to cool.

Tomato paste prepared according to this recipe has a spicy aroma. If necessary, she can replace the sauce.

Italian tomato paste

  • tomatoes - 5 kg;
  • onion - 0.5 kg;
  • table vinegar - 200 ml;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • cinnamon (stick) - 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns - 25 pcs.;
  • cloves - 15 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the tomatoes and cut off the stems. Peel the onion.
  • Turn the vegetables through a meat grinder, pour the resulting mass into a canvas bag, hang it over the basin overnight.
  • In the morning, transfer the contents of the bag to a cauldron (it can be replaced with a saucepan with a thick bottom).
  • Put all the spices in a small linen bag or gauze, while the cinnamon stick can be broken into several pieces.
  • Put the cauldron on the fire and bring the tomato-onion mixture to a boil.
  • Put spices in it, cook it for another 15 minutes. Take out the spice bag.
  • Pour in salt, pour in vinegar, cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Sterilize the jars and spread the tomato paste over them.
  • Pour some oil into each jar.
  • Seal the banks. If you plan to store tomato paste in the refrigerator, then you can close the jars with plastic lids.

If you make homemade tomato paste according to this recipe, it will turn out to be very fragrant. It can be served instead of sauce for pasta, vegetable casseroles, used as a dressing when preparing fish dishes.

By combining spices, you can get tomato paste with a unique flavor. She will always help out when you need to season dishes, cook tomato sauce and sometimes even replace it.

Homemade tomato paste, prepared with your own hands, unlike the purchased counterpart, is useful because it has retained the taste and aroma of fresh tomatoes. This is a concentrated mass obtained by boiling and rubbing ripe tomatoes, and retaining a lot of useful substances during the heat treatment. There are two types of tomato harvesting: simple, unsalted pasta, and with the addition of salt.

IN different countries the taste of the pasta is different. Italians put spicy seasonings in the tomato - garlic, basil, red pepper, oregano. The Greeks have a milder taste, they strive to preserve the taste of natural tomatoes. In the tomato paste of Caucasians, one can catch the characteristic nutty notes inherent in their cuisine.

How to prepare a tomato at home

Keep some tips for making your own tomato paste.

  • For harvesting, select the most ripe tomatoes, not too juicy, fleshy.
  • If you use your own tomatoes grown on the site, try to process them on the day of harvest, the vegetables will have more lycopene, a substance valuable for health.
  • To spend less time boiling the tomato, be sure to drain the excess juice. If possible, put the mass obtained after grinding into a gauze bag. Hang to allow the juice to drain naturally.
  • You can grind any tomatoes in mashed potatoes, accessible way. Activate electric meat grinder, juicer, fit a blender or a regular sieve.

What can be added to the workpiece:

Simple pasta is good on its own, but made from ripe tomatoes, it will turn out fragrant and tasty. Many housewives, using concentrated tomato for restoring tomato juice, preparing sauce for spaghetti, pizza, cooking borscht, put various spices and spices in the product in advance. Add basil, dill, hot and black pepper, garlic.

Advice! In an open jar, tomato paste quickly becomes moldy. In order not to lose the leftovers, using a part, smooth the top. And then sprinkle with salt, or pour vegetable oil.

A simple recipe for tomato paste through a meat grinder

The easiest way to cook tomatoes at home. It is considered a classic because it does not contain any additives.

You will need:

  • Red tomatoes - 10 kg.

How to prepare a homemade tomato:

Divide the tomatoes into halves and quarters. Cut off the whitish part of the stem.

Scroll through a meat grinder, or punch with a blender.

Drain excess juice. Pass through a sieve to remove the seeds and skin.

Put the bowl of puree on the stove. On a fire of low power, begin to boil the contents.

Soon the liquid will begin to evaporate, the paste will begin to thicken. The thicker the tomato, the more often it needs to be stirred.

Boil the mass to the required density. Depending on the juiciness of the tomatoes, this will take up to an hour, sometimes up to 1.5 hours. The product will darken and change color.

Fill the jars, roll up. Cool upside down under a towel.

The most delicious tomato paste - homemade recipe

According to GOST, a tomato contains only tomatoes and salt. A small addition and a change in cooking technology can turn ordinary pasta into a stunningly delicious sauce.


  • Tomatoes - 4 kg.
  • Salt - 4 large spoons.
  • Olive oil - ½ cup (can be replaced with vegetable oil).

How to preserve for the winter:

  1. Select tomatoes, wash. Cut into pieces, place in a saucepan.
  2. Boil for 20-30 minutes. Count the time from the moment of boiling. The pieces will become soft.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat. Cool the contents a little, then grind by rubbing through a sieve or colander.
  4. Salt the remaining mass, pour in the oil, stir.
  5. Pour onto a baking sheet or wide dish with high sides.
  6. Put on maximum temperature(preferably 300 o C).
  7. Periodically look into the oven, if the top begins to darken quickly, lower the temperature. At the same time, stir the mass. The pulp will soon thicken.
  8. Simmer the pasta for 1 hour, then moderate the intensity of the fire to 250 ° C. Continue to evaporate the liquid for another hour and a half.

How to store the workpiece

  1. Arrange hot pasta in jars, pour a layer of oil on top, roll up under an iron lid.
  2. Pour the tomato into small containers, refrigerate, send to freezer. Frozen pasta is stored for a very long time without losing taste and quality.

Tomato paste - recipe "Lick your fingers"

Spicy pasta can be served with meat, cabbage rolls, lasagna, added to borscht, pickle, kharcho.


  • Tomatoes - 4 kg.
  • Salt - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • Ground coriander, black pepper, cinnamon - a teaspoon.
  • Clove sticks - 10-12 pcs.
  • Dill, celery leaves, parsley, basil.


  1. Cut out the white space around the stalks of the tomatoes. Cut into 4 pieces.
  2. Fold in a sieve, put it in a pot of boiling water. When the pieces become soft, rub them into a separate bowl. Do it in several steps, as it is more convenient to blanch in small portions.
  3. After collecting the entire mass, put to boil. After an hour, add spices and spices.
  4. Continue cooking until the puree has reduced to a thick paste. The methods for storing the workpiece in winter are described above.

Recipe video step by step cooking homemade tomato paste for the winter.