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Rules and technology for finishing walls with plastic panels. Description of the process with photos and videos. Do-it-yourself wall panel installation Do-it-yourself pvc wall panel installation

Plastic panels (lining) are used for finishing inside houses and apartments. They are actively used to give the desired appearance to various premises, such as balconies, bathrooms, bathtubs, shops, offices. Installation wall panels Do-it-yourself PVC is a simple matter that will be within the power of anyone who has the desire to make repairs on their own.

First of all, you should decide what is hidden behind the abbreviation PVC. There is nothing difficult or scary about this. Under the three letters, a simple one is hidden - polyvinyl chloride, and if even simpler, then this is a type of plastic. It has many advantages that are successfully used in the manufacture of finishing materials.

PVC wall panels

For greater persuasiveness, it is necessary to list those positive traits, which are available for PVC panels. So:

  1. The technical characteristics of this product make it possible to use them in rooms that are exposed to moisture. This material is absolutely not subject to rotting, does not absorb water. The only thing that can reduce the effectiveness of the application plastic panels- Incorrect use of the frame.
  2. If there are sufficiently flat surfaces, you can not deal with additional wall decoration. Installation of PVC wall panels - does not require much effort and time.
  3. They can keep their appearance. Namely - do not fade under the influence of sunlight, do not absorb various fumes. To clean them, you do not need special tricks - just wash the products with soapy water and wipe dry.
  4. If a frame is used, then additional sound insulation is created. This is achieved through air cushion between wall and panels. If desired, this space can be used for additional insulation premises, as well as to hide communications.
  5. The cost of this material is quite low compared to other types. Do not think that such an attractive price category greatly affects the quality of the product. Naturally, if you purchase panels that have neither factory packaging nor certificates, then you can run into a cheap fake.
  6. Long service life. Yes, such lining can serve for many years. The only thing they fear is temperature changes. From this, the panels may become unusable. You should also pay attention to the mechanical impact, which can damage the integrity of the structure.

PVC panels are very popular due to their low price, as well as many other advantages.

It becomes clear that this product can be used in different occasions. Of course, it is better to avoid installing panels when making repairs in children's and bedrooms.

Material selection

In any hardware store There is a wide choice of plastic panels. They can be of various sizes, colors and textures. Modern technologies allow you to get products that can give a certain elegance to any interior.

Plastic panels are a great alternative to ceramic bathroom tiles, but with the right choice of material

What do you pay attention to when choosing such a material:

  • The panels are quite light, but you should immediately be wary if the weight is too small. This may indicate that there is a fake. Unfortunately, this occurs even in large specialized stores.
  • On the front and wrong side there shouldn't be any flaws. Namely, any cracks, chips, color inhomogeneities immediately indicate that the product is of poor quality.
  • When choosing PVC panels, you need to pay attention to the release date of different packages. It is better to choose those that have the same marking. Otherwise, significant variation may occur.

On a note! When choosing PVC products, do not be shy to ask the seller for everything Required documents. It is a guarantee of safety and long term material service.

Various ways of mounting wall panels

To carry out work on the repair or decoration of the premises with PVC plastic panels, there are two main options.

1. Mounting the frame.

This is the easiest option. For its implementation, various materials. The following can be distinguished:

  • Wooden bar. Great for many spaces, but may not be used in areas with high humidity.
  • Plastic slats. These are specially designed products that allow you to quickly mount the panels.
  • Metallic profile. The same option is used that allows you to install GKL sheets. But this method is quite expensive, although very reliable. Best for ceiling.

2. Installation of panels without crates.

Mounting panels directly on the wall

This method requires some skill and fairly even walls. But, if you understand how this process occurs, then the skills come quickly enough. There is a significant drawback - if one of the elements becomes unusable, then the entire wall will have to be broken.

Each of the options is selected individually. It is necessary to take into account the size of the room, its shortcomings and climatic features.

VIDEO: How to properly fix PVC panels on a wall without a crate

Preparation stage

It is produced using a common tool that can be found in almost every home owner.

You will need the following:

  • roulette and level;
  • pencil and meter ruler;
  • drills and screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws (nails) and dowels;
  • stapler;
  • jigsaw (saw).

Do not forget that consumables will also be needed. First of all, these are drills, bits, nail files and staples. It is better to prepare everything in advance, then the repair time will be significantly reduced.

Do-it-yourself installation of wall panels should not be carried out immediately after purchase, you need to give time for them to adapt to the conditions of the room. To do this, they are unpacked and allowed to mature. It is better to take a day for this.

On a note! If, during the repair, the installation of plastic panels is planned without using a frame, then the surface is first primed. To do this, use solutions that are selected based on the material of the walls.

Making a frame

As already noted, the crate can be of several types. In principle, they are all similar in their installation conditions. Installed frame allows you to correct significant irregularities and imperfections of the walls. And also create an additional layer of thermal insulation and hide numerous communications.

On a note! It should be borne in mind that the distance between the guides should be from 30 to 45 cm.

Installation of plastic elements

After installing the frame, you can proceed with the installation of facing products. Do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels is carried out according to the following scheme (let's consider the example of a wooden frame):

VIDEO: Installation of panels on the crate

Installing wall panels on the frame is easy. In the absence of a crate, everything is done with glue, which is applied to the finishing element. The main thing is to do everything quickly and not to forget that it will be extremely difficult to correct the shortcomings.

The modern market offers a huge number of varieties, sizes and design options for PVC panels, so they can be matched to any interior style. PVC panels are inexpensive, quickly mounted, operated for a long time, and most importantly, they will help to equip a unique, unlike anything room design. How to fix plastic panels to the wall: on glue, on screws, on the crate? Which panels to choose and which installation method to prefer, we will analyze all these issues in detail in our article.

Why PVC bathroom panels have become the number one competitor to tiles? It's all about ease of installation. Laying tiles even on the most even base is beyond the power of a person who has never done this. You will need the services of a specialist to level and strengthen the base, mark the wall and lay out the tiles row by row, observing the levels and width of the tile joint. In addition, the cutting of tiles itself, if necessary, requires special tools and certain skills.

With PVC panels, everything is much simpler. They have a lot of advantages:

  1. Light in weight: their transportation to the house and installation do not cause any difficulties.
  2. Exists several mounting methods from simple wall stickers to purlin systems, each of which can be handled even by a layman.
  3. Panels biologically sustainable and during operation, the appearance of fungus on them is excluded.

In addition, there are such advantages plastic products, How moisture resistance, hygiene, duration of operation And inexpensive cost. Of course, they also have their own characteristics. For example, despite the presence of stiffeners in the design of the product and the thickness of the plastic, which is quite large for some manufacturers, the panels are quite brittle material. and with an accidental strong point impact, they can break through. Therefore, when buying, you need to choose the most durable products of European manufacturers.

However, if the lining good quality, then when bathing, for example, you can rely on it as much as you like: it has sufficient flexibility and elasticity to support the weight of a person.

When choosing products, you should look at such specifications, How:

  • plastic thickness (the more, the more reliable);
  • the presence and number of stiffeners;
  • when viewed under artificial lighting on the front plane, transverse ribs should not be visible;
  • the surface must be intact, undamaged, not scratched, the film on the front plane must not be damaged;
  • plastic from the ends should not be with burrs and microcracks.

There are several types of PVC panels, differing in size and other parameters.

Table 1. Types of PVC panels.

CeilingThinner thicknesses up to 5 mm
WallThicker and tougher up to 10mm thickwidth 15-50 mm, length 90-300 mm
RackNarrow planks with shaped edges, similar to lining, have a thorn-groove locking connectionwidth 13-50 mm, length 90-300 mm
leafyLarge rectangular sheets with a relief or pattern on the outsidewidth 50-122 mm, length 30-98 mm
TiledTilewidth 30-98 mm, length 30-98 mm
SandwichDouble-layer, with a heat-insulating layer, the thickness can reach 4 cmwidth 90-150 mm, length 300 mm

In width, standard wall panels are most often found 25cm and 37cm, length - 2700cm, 3000cm. Different manufacturers may produce products different sizes. The difference in price depends on various factors: the quality and thickness of the plastic, the type of decor printing, its complexity, etc.

Polyvinyl chloride panels are divided into several types according to their coating. They are:

  • monochrome;
  • colored, with a dye added to the mass;
  • mirror;
  • with an image pasted on a thermal film;
  • with a pattern applied by offset;
  • with one image spaced into several panels, forming a panel.

According to the method of connection, the products can be seamless and with a recess. Of course, when joining seamless panels, the seam still remains visible, but hardly noticeable. If the products are chamfered, then the seams are more highlighted and create a certain geometry of the room.

In addition, a wide range of accessories for fastening elements is offered: start and F-shaped profiles, internal and external corners, joint profiles, skirting boards. The use of fittings allows you to give an aesthetic appearance to the joints, and of course it is used for more reliable and simple fastening.

Find out what types, and also check out step by step instructions for finishing, in a special article on our portal.

Prices for popular finishing wall panels

Wall panels


To carry out the calculation, you first need to determine the direction of installation. Products can be attached horizontally And vertically. Vertical placement is preferred for small spaces such as hallways, kitchens, and bathrooms. With this method of finishing, the ceiling visually rises due to vertical lines. Horizontal mounting more often used for finishing spacious rooms, for example, at camp sites, in hostels. It resembles a traditional horizontal finish, especially if the panels are matched, for example, under a tree.

Panels can be fixed in three ways:

  • on any adhesive composition;
  • on self-tapping screws;
  • on the crate.

The first method is the easiest, simplest and fastest, but only applies if the base is sufficiently level. The second is also not particularly difficult, but requires skill in handling a screwdriver. In this case, the panels can be dismantled over time and moved to another location. The method of fastening to the crate is the most durable, time-consuming and capital. Thus, the cladding can be firmly mounted on uneven surfaces.

The selected mounting option does not affect the order of events when mounting the plates directly:

  • fittings are installed: initial and finishing strip, internal and external corners;
  • fittings are installed along the openings;
  • panel inserted narrow shelf into the fastener. Fastened from the side of a wide shelf with self-tapping screws. Elements must be mounted tightly;
  • the final panel must be squeezed between the one in front of it and the finishing element of the row. The excess can be trimmed neatly along with a knife;
  • joints with the ceiling are covered with ceiling, joints with the floor - with floor plinths.

How to glue panels

Bonding - most easy way finishing the room with panels, which is allowed either in the event that when the wall is perfectly flat or when the rented premises are being renovated according to the principle and so it will do, clean and okay. It will be quite difficult to dismantle such a finish in the future and it certainly will not be possible to use it for re-assembly.

The panels are glued to a flat or slightly uneven base. Previously, to improve adhesion, it is necessary to remove and clean out all the bumps and weak layers of the previous finish. Then plaster and putty uneven places. Then prime the surface to improve adhesion. The finished base for gluing the cladding must be even, dry, clean.

Apply the adhesive to the wall, spread it evenly with a notched trowel and gently press the panel against the wall. The duration and force of pressing usually depend on the adhesive and are indicated on the packaging or in the instructions for use. Also apply glue to the next panel, then it should be carefully docked with the previous one and pressed to the base. Thus, you can quickly get a beautiful decorative coating.

Video - Installation of PVC panels with glue

As for the adhesive for panels, modern manufacturers offer just a huge selection of adhesives. You can list the most popular:

  • quality liquid nails;
  • liquid nails and Titan Wild glue;
  • Emfikol 34012A;
  • Kleiberit 636.

Prices for liquid nails

Liquid Nails

The above adhesives are resistant to high humidity and temperature fluctuations. glued on them facing materials will last throughout the life of the product.

Advice! If there is a choice, it is better to choose the most quickly setting adhesives - for example, liquid nails. Then you don't have to wait for a while until the first panel grabs to start gluing the second one.

Installation of PVC panels on self-tapping screws

This mounting method also includes a sufficiently level base. Although the requirements for the surface condition are less than when working with glue. No need to output greasy spots from the wall and treat it with a primer to increase adhesion. However, to improve the quality of work and increase the speed of installation, a screwdriver is required. However, today screwdrivers can be bought even for one and a half thousand rubles, so this installation method can be called quite budgetary.

As for self-tapping screws, you can opt for wood screws with a wide notch. Length 16 mm will ensure proper fixation to the wall. If finishing is planned bathroom, you should opt for galvanized, that won't rust during operation. Do not choose self-tapping screws with a wide hat, it can interfere with docking.

The process itself is extremely simple. From the inside, the screws are screwed into the bottom of the lock, where they will not interfere with the fixation of the next panel. The next strip is inserted into the lock, pressed and fastened with self-tapping screws with inside. All subsequent parts are attached in the same way.

Attention! Be sure to check where the wiring goes in the wall. To do this, you can use inexpensive devices such as indicator screwdrivers, signaling devices or metal detectors.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


How to fix panels to an uneven wall on a crate - step by step instructions

If the wall is very uneven, and living in the apartment is supposed to be long, you can’t do without crates. There are 3 types of crate systems: wooden, metal and plastic. Wooden is an option for the most last resort. The tree is not suitable for the bathroom - it will swell from moisture, for the same reason you should not use it on the loggia. That's why the best option- galvanized profiles for plasterboard width 40mm.

The only drawback of the traditional crate fastening is that it eats 3-4 cm of usable area at each wall. But under it, you can lay communication cables, as well as make a soundproof layer in the apartment or a heat-insulating layer on the loggia.

A good variety of a convenient and easy-to-assemble crate system is plastic mounting strips and plates - kleimers. This is a special fastening system designed for PVC cladding. Fastening is carried out as quickly and simply as possible: the plate snaps into the groove on the profile with clamps. No other fastener is used. If necessary, such a finish is instantly disassembled: just pry it with a screwdriver. Installation of the entire cladding in a room of 15 squares with such a system will take no more than a day.

The advantages of plastic crates are obvious. Firstly, in case of damage to one panel, it can be pulled out and replaced for this no need to disassemble the whole structure. Secondly, if the house is shrinking, or if it Vacation home, as well as during seasonal shifts cladding will retain its solidity. Thirdly, such a crate eats only 1 centimeter from every wall.

For bathrooms and kitchens, the best option is a ready-made plastic crate system sold in construction departments. It does not deform due to high humidity and temperature fluctuations, does not rot or crack. Galvanization is also a great solution to the problem. It is also permissible to use wood blocks, but before starting work, they must be treated several times with special impregnations from decay.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to mount the crate:

Step 1. We clean the wall from crumbling old finish. You don't need to level it.

Step 2 We process the surface of the wall with antifungal compounds.

Step 3 We mark the places for the slats of the crate structure. They should be perpendicular to the PVC panels. If they are mounted vertically, then the crate is mounted horizontally. The spacing of the bars should be 30-35 cm.

Step 4 We fasten the bars at the beginning and at the end of the wall, around openings, niches and other structural elements rooms. Then the rest. The whole system is attached to the dowels. IN concrete put 6*40mm, V brick 6*60mm in increments of about 60cm.

Step 5 We align the crate with a plumb line in one plane. To do this, at first the fasteners are not completely twisted, and if necessary, they are tucked under the strips. thin plywood to the required level. After alignment, the fasteners can be tightened. For attachment, you can use hangers for plasterboard. With them it is easier to level the surface of the crate.

Step 6 If the system is assembled from plastic elements, it is necessary to check their perpendicularity to the PVC panels, otherwise there is a risk that the locks will not snap into place. It will be more convenient to work with a plastic crate if you install wooden bars guide thickness.

Prices for building levels

Building levels

Now you can consider how the panels are attached to the crate:

  1. Starting and ceiling plinths and fastened with appropriate fasteners to the system. The result is a frame. It is necessary to strictly check the verticality and horizontality of this frame, and then the plane of the cladding in terms of level, since even a millimeter deviation can cause a blockage in the future.
  2. Elements are cut to length with a hacksaw. A protruding spike is cut off from the first panel, then the cut side is inserted into the corner, and the edges are tucked into the profiles. The bar is driven all the way and fixed to each crossbar.
  3. Joining subsequent panels.
  4. The latter is cut to width and inserted into profiles.

Video - Installation of PVC panels on the crate

Note! Some craftsmen prefer to work without corner profiles. The panel that goes into the corner can be cut from the back and gently bent so as not to break. This usually succeeds the first time, since plastic for the manufacture of panels is used quite flexible and elastic. From the front side, such a fold will look nice and neat.

Features of fastening in different rooms

Pay attention to the article - where we analyzed interesting options installation of panels in the restroom.

The following features of the finishing device in different rooms can be distinguished:

  1. In the bathroom and high humidity and temperature changes often occur, so it is better to take a crate system made of plastic or stainless steel. If the wall is without special bumps and pits, you can glue the lining on liquid nails or even mounting foam. Mounting on self-tapping screws (also made of stainless steel) is acceptable.
  2. For decoration loggias or balconies it is better to take sandwich panels and lay them on the crate, under which you can place a layer of thermal insulation.
  3. For decoration living rooms take decorative panels with patterns, drawings or with a 3D effect. Installation should be carried out taking into account the condition of the walls. If there are a lot of wires in the room, it is better to use a crate for which they can be hidden. In the rooms, you can arrange a more economical wooden crate, since the humidity drops are small here.
  4. For decoration country house rooms, used only in the season, as well as terraces and verandas, you should use any crate, except for wood, since during an unheated period, humidity may increase in them.
  5. In addition, the panels are used for finishing administrative premises, offices, trade departments and supermarkets.

Plastic panels are one of the most popular finishing materials due to their low price and a large selection of colors. One of the big advantages of lamellas is the possibility of self-installation.

Why choose PVC panels, and which ones?

You should buy only certified goods, as fakes are of poor quality, therefore they do not have sufficient strength and quickly fade. Advantages of plastic plates:

  • high resistance to moisture and chemicals;
  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • hygiene;
  • fire safety;
  • durability;
  • biological resistance;
  • low cost.

The disadvantage of the material is low impact resistance, so care must be taken during transportation and installation. The strength depends on both the wall thickness and the number of stiffeners inside the panel. We check it by pressing a finger on the panel: if it bends, then the service life will be short.

Depending on the production technology, the panels are printed and film, according to the quality of the coating - glossy and matte. Naturally, the main criteria when choosing lamellas are color and pattern, but there are several nuances that you need to pay attention to when buying a material. If the material is packed, it is advisable to unpack it and inspect each panel:

  • Let's look at the cut. The thicker the jumper and the polymer layer on the front and back of the panel, the stronger the material. Weight can be a guideline, thick lamellas are heavier.
  • Plastic should have the same thickness throughout the plate, without thin spots and thickenings.
  • We check the geometry: the cells and edges should be smooth without flaws.
  • The drawing on the front side must be of high quality and clearly applied, without blurry spots, scratches.
  • Buy material from the same batch, if this is not possible, then carefully compare the pattern and color to plastic elements did not differ in tone.

The choice of plastic elements depends on the purpose of the room in which the sheathing will be performed. Several types of panels are produced:

  1. 1. Traditional lamellas with tongue-and-groove connection in the form of a plastic board.
  2. 2. Sheet panels resembling sheets of plywood.
  3. 3. Plastic lining, outwardly resembling an analogue made of wood of small width and various colors.

Material should be selected taking into account the design and purpose of the room. PVC lining will perfectly replace the wooden analogue, create warm atmosphere. Sheet panels are used for finishing rooms with walls of large areas. Wall panels are ideal for kitchens, bathrooms, hallways and other spaces due to their ease of maintenance: dirt can be easily removed with a cloth moistened with detergents.

The main advantage of plastic is its low cost. Dimensions of slats: width: 20–35 cm, thickness: 8–10 mm, length: 2.7–3 m. Due to such dimensions and low cost, it is possible to finish with PVC plates with a minimum budget.

How to prepare the walls, and what tool to stock up?

We begin work on finishing with the calculation of the required amount of material. First, we take measurements from the room: length, width, height. Then we measure the window and door openings. The calculation of the material depends on the method of fixing the panels. They can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. If the panels are mounted vertically, then we subtract the width of the openings from the length of the perimeter of the room and divide by the width of the lamella. We add 2-3 spare elements to the received quantity. With horizontal fastening, we find the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, divide it by the area of ​​​​one lamella. Material consumption with this fastening increases due to trimming blanks, so we take 10% more in reserve.

To calculate how many rails are needed for the crate, we divide the height of the wall by the step between the rails and multiply by the perimeter of the room. The result obtained is required amount rails in running meters. The number of corner profiles is calculated by measuring the height of the corners and multiplying this value by their total number. In addition, we add the sum of the perimeters of door and window openings to the obtained value.

If we glue plastic directly on the walls, then we perform preparatory work. We clean the walls from the old coating, repair the surface, filling up all the cracks, level out large defects, treat the surface with an antifungal agent. This will protect the walls under the plastic from mold and fungus, which negatively affects the microclimate of the room. The method of attaching PVC plates to the frame does not require the preparation of walls. In addition, communications and wires can be hidden under the coating. The frame can be made of wooden or plastic slats, metal profiles. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A wooden frame is rarely used, only for dry rooms. The tree is adversely affected by temperature changes, high humidity. Therefore, they are not used in rooms where the climate has a noticeable effect, for example, a veranda, loggia, balcony. We choose a beam of a small section, 30x30 mm and 30x40 mm are suitable. We take a beam of a larger section if we insulate the walls.

U-shaped plastic profiles have many advantages: low cost, convenience and ease of installation, light weight, resistance to moisture and high temperatures. We fix the profiles every 30 cm with dowels and self-tapping screws. We join the profiles at a certain angle, cut the material with a hacksaw and a construction miter box, which makes it possible to obtain even cuts that fit snugly together. An additional plus plastic profiles is the presence of cable channels formed due to internal grooves that can be used for laying wires and communications. Due to the thinness of the plastic frame, you can save several centimeters of the internal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

The metal frame is more used for fixing drywall, as it is heavier. If a metal frame is used, corrugated PVC pipes should be used to lay the wiring cables to protect the wire braid from the sharp edges of the metal frame and increase fire safety.

To perform the work, we prepare the tools:

  • perforator or drill;
  • hacksaw;
  • construction miter box;
  • sharp knife;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • hammer.

We mark the walls and assemble the frame - how to get started?

Depending on the direction of finishing, the crate can be mounted vertically or horizontally; accordingly, we apply markings. Since we will install a decorative PVC plinth at the junction of the ceiling and the slabs, we pre-drill holes for dowels under the ceiling with a puncher or drill to install the strips on which we will mount the plinth. Similarly, we make holes for attaching corner strips. Before mounting the frame, you need to consider where hanging cabinets, shelves or other decorative elements will hang. In these places we fasten additional bars horizontally. Before installation, we treat wooden parts with antiseptic agents.

In order to avoid distortions, which will give the wall an unsightly appearance, we fasten the crate, strictly observing horizontality and verticality with the help of a level. The slats of the frame must lie in the same plane. In order not to try on each rail, we make markings on the wall.

We place the bottom row 1-2 cm above the floor level. We make a mark on the wall with a pencil and draw a horizontal line along the entire perimeter using the level. We draw the same horizontal line under the ceiling or mark the edge of the finish if the finish is not up to the ceiling. Next, for the horizontal fastening of the frame, we measure 40–50 cm from the lower horizontal line and draw a new line parallel to it along the perimeter. Similarly, we apply parallel horizontal lines to the ceiling.

We fix the panels to the frame perpendicularly. If it is necessary to fix the plastic horizontally, we assemble a vertical frame. To do this, we apply the first line on the wall from ceiling to floor, measuring the distance from the corner, using a plumb line or level. Then we make markings for the second corner. Between the corners we draw the remaining parallel lines with a step of 50 cm.

Professionals recommend marking walls not only with a level and marks, but also using an ordinary rope of small thickness for quick marking. It is done simply. We paint the rope with colored crayons, apply it to the wall, colored marks from the chalk will remain at the points of contact. This method will speed up the marking and save time on preparatory work.

According to the marking at a distance of half a meter from each other, we drill holes for the dowels, then we apply the rails and fix them on the wall with fixing material. If the walls are uneven, level the plane of the frame with wooden wedges. If necessary, hide the wiring under the trim. To do this, we drill holes in the wall, with the help of clamps we fix the wires on the wall. We pay attention that they do not protrude beyond the plane of the frame.

Step by step installation of plastic panels

If it is necessary to insulate the walls, we put a heater between the bars of the frame. In this case, it should be taken into account that we take the cross section of the beam, respectively, with the thickness of the heat insulator. As thermal insulation material you can use polystyrene plates, which we fasten with an adhesive solution, additionally fixing them with special dowels - "fungi". Then, on top of the crate with insulation, we attach a vapor barrier film.

We start the installation of PVC panels on the wall from the corner where we fix the starting bar. Insert the crest of the first plastic lamella into the groove of this plank. If necessary, we adjust the plastic elements in length by cutting them with a hacksaw. From the back side, we fix the panel on the frame using a stapler with special brackets. Next, we install the second panel in the groove of the first, we make sure that the elements are in close contact. Then securely fix them to the crate. For maximum sealing, silicone is applied to the joints before installation.

By analogy, we fasten the remaining lamellas. We insert the last panel into the groove of the pre-installed finishing bar. If the width of the lamella is too large, cut it to the required size, but not more than a third of the width. Under the sockets and switches in the panels, we pre-cut holes of appropriate sizes. After installing the lamellas, we close the holes with boxes.

When the walls are completely sheathed, they should present a monolithic, even surface without gaps along the seams and perimeter. To do this, we install special plastic moldings at the seams, in the corners and at the joints. Thanks to their design, the edges of the panels can be inserted from both sides, which makes the corners more visually appealing.

When decorating walls with PVC slabs with your own hands, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • If we attach the lamellas to the frame, we do not level the surface of the walls to an ideal state, we eliminate only significant defects. This makes it possible to save on finishing work.
  • We fix the wooden crate only with the help of galvanized dowels and self-tapping screws.
  • The first trim elements must be perfectly aligned, because they will align the rest of the panels. If the first panel is installed crookedly, the entire skin will be uneven.
  • Materials before installation must lie down. If sheathing work is carried out in the summer season, the plastic is kept at room temperature for 12 hours. In winter, we increase this period to two days if the material was stored at a temperature of -10 degrees.
  • If PVC lamellas are installed in a room with high humidity, we make ventilation cuts in the frame.
  • It is necessary to unpack the panels very carefully, as they are unstable to mechanical damage. We take out the lamellas from the packaging by the edge and only separately.
  • To keep the cuts neat, the hacksaw should be used with fine teeth, it is better to take a hacksaw for metal.
  • When installing panels with a pattern, we start the sheathing from the left corner, moving sequentially to the right.

Quality interior decoration plastic plates depends on the evenness of the installation of the frame. The slats should be adjusted as tightly as possible, then the surface will look perfectly flat. If you follow the recommendations, the sheathing will be neat and will last a long time, making the premises attractive and cozy.

Wall decoration with plastic panels is now very popular. But before deciding to choose this particular option, it is worth studying information about the properties of the material and the technology for its use. At first glance, you can find a lot of information about this finish, but often it is distorted or presented in a form that is inconvenient to read. For this reason, the choice of the source of information should be taken carefully.

Plastic as a material

Wall decoration with plastic panels has its advantages and disadvantages. They must be taken into account when making the final decision. Finishing material has the following advantages:

  • Absolute harmlessness. Many are afraid of plastic due to the fact that it is not a natural material. Modern technologies that allow the production of harmless products are simpler and cheaper than the old ones. For this reason, it is extremely difficult to find dangerous material even among fakes.
  • Wall panels for interior decoration are very beautiful. There are many options for colors and textures. In addition, manufacturers are releasing new seamless options that are very different from the usual office panels. You can choose a wood finish, plain, color. Photo printing is also applied to the coating.
  • Ability to use in tight spaces. Plastic panels for interior decoration are perfect for various niches and other corners of an apartment or house where it is inconvenient to work with other materials.
  • Panels are easily mounted together with ventilation grilles, sockets. On any color, these elements look natural and are not striking.
  • Plastic is perfect for finishing the bathroom and other wet areas. Wall and ceiling decoration is durable, does not require complex maintenance, can be operated at low temperatures (for example, on an uninsulated balcony).
PVC panels look pretty good for their price

The disadvantages include the following negative points:

  • Flammability. The material is difficult to set on fire, but when exposed to fire, it supports combustion and emits a large number of gases hazardous to humans.
  • Panels do not breathe. They completely block the movement of air through the walls, which is necessary to ensure normal ventilation. Due to this property, the type of finish is not recommended for use in the bedroom and children's room.
  • Insects can settle in the voids of the panels. This problem is especially relevant for the southern regions.
  • The need to use a special tool for cutting and certain skills during installation.
  • Do-it-yourself wall decoration with PVC panels requires careful preparation of the base.

Finishing can look very non-trivial!

Having considered all the advantages and disadvantages of the material, you should calmly make an informed decision about the possibility of using this type of finish.

What tools will be required

It is worth preparing for working with PVC panels. First of all, you need to find a special tool:

  • Circular Saw. If it is not possible to find it, you can use a jigsaw. The file or disk should be fine-toothed (“clean cut”). It is preferable to use a saw. The jigsaw file is highly flexible, so the cut can turn out to be wavy.
  • Jigsaw chute with 45 and 90 degree angles.
  • Construction stapler when sheathing on a wooden crate.
  • Rubber mallet with hook rule. The same tool is used for installing laminate. Needed to "pull out" jammed panels. By doing this by hand, you can easily damage the panel or crate.
  • Plaster spatula, which is used to bend the finishing profile when installing the last plank. Spatula length 80-120 cm.

Also, when performing work, you will need:

  • pencil and tape measure;
  • building level;
  • square;
  • fasteners (self-tapping screws, dowel-nails, clamps);
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • sealant;
  • antiseptic.

Installation of plastic panels for wall decoration

Plastic can perfectly replace wooden decorative elements and other finishes. But it must be fixed in strict accordance with the technology. Decorative panels for walls will help to make your home cozy and beautiful.

Finishing the walls in the bathroom and other rooms, as well as the ceiling with plastic panels, is carried out in the following order:

  1. ground preparation;
  2. markup;
  3. crate device;
  4. installation of start and finish profiles;
  5. installation of all other strips;
  6. facing of slopes;
  7. fixing skirting boards.

Foundation preparation

Work with plastic begins with the removal of the old coating. In order for the finish coat to have an attractive appearance without distortions and other troubles, you will need to carefully close up all the cracks in the walls and ceilings, and eliminate irregularities.

Cleaning the surface of the walls is necessary to prevent the appearance of dust, fungus and mold.


Before finishing the room, it is necessary to determine the location of the racks of the frame. Finishing with plastic panels of ceilings and walls provides for marking in the following order:

  1. Mark a point at a distance of 1-2 cm from the level of the floor or walls. Through this point draw a line around the perimeter. For marking accuracy, a building level is used.
  2. When marking the walls, the same line must be drawn under the ceiling.
  3. From the bottom line with a step of 40-50 cm, parallel lines are drawn to the entire height.

This marking is suitable for mounting panels vertically. The cladding is always fixed perpendicular to the frame, therefore, if necessary, arrange the cladding elements horizontally, perform vertical markings.

horizontal and vertical types mounting

Lathing device

Most often, wood is used as a crate for panels for interior wall decoration. In this case, the slats must be pre-treated with an antiseptic composition to protect against destruction. Holes for fasteners with a distance of 50 cm are made along the marking lines using a puncher. The frame rails are fixed to the wall. If it is necessary to lay wiring under the finish, this must be taken into account at this stage:

  1. provide fasteners for wires;
  2. check that they do not protrude beyond the plane of the crate.

Be sure to check the horizontality of the crate

When using a metal C-profile as a crate, you need to additionally buy elements for fasteners. They are usually sold as a set. The metal is fixed to the base with self-tapping screws in dowels. All work must be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

To increase the thermal insulation or sound insulation of the walls, special mats can be laid between the frame rails. They are fixed depending on the type of material used. For different types can be used both for fastening to dowels and for adhesive composition.

Lamella fastening

The first plastic bar needs to be fixed in the most illuminated and noticeable corner. Most often, this becomes the one that is located opposite the entrance to the room. Take measurements using a tape measure. The panel is cut to the required length with a special tool (usually a circular saw).

One edge of the plank is inserted into a special side molding. This element is designed to ensure mutual fastening of panels that are located on opposite sides of the corner. An element with a molding is applied to the corner and fixed to the crate from the back.

Next, you need to connect the first panel to the second. For this, the tongue-and-groove system is again used. The joint is pressed tightly and the bar is fixed to a wooden or metal frame. All subsequent elements are mounted using the same technology. To guarantee maximum tightness of the joints, it is recommended to grease the side edges with silicone before installing the panel. When installing the last part, it is worth checking whether it fits in width. If necessary, the element is trimmed in width. The last panel is not fixed to the crate. It must be snapped onto the finishing element. If necessary, all joints are treated with silicone (sealant).

Installation of panels on the frame using clamps and clips

To complete the installation, you need to install accessories. Such elements include skirting boards and their plugs, corner elements. The latter are bought together with the panels and glow over them.

Panel fittings will give your finish a neat finished look.

To make holes for switches and sockets, use a sharp knife. They cut holes of the required size.

Mounting panels with glue

If necessary, finishing elements can be fixed directly to the wall without the use of crates. In this case, increased requirements are imposed on the base. It will take more time to prepare it, since the surface must be perfectly flat.

Before starting work, they acquire a special glue. It is allowed to use liquid nails for installation. It is important to check the composition of the substance in the store. It should not contain solvents that destroy plastic elements.

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. cleaning the base from the old lining;
  2. treatment with antibacterial putty or a layer of primer, which contains components that can protect against mold and mildew;
  3. drying the base;
  4. preparation of the adhesive composition in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions on the package;
  5. the choice of working tool is carried out depending on the consistency of the glue: roller, brush, spatula;
  6. work begins with corner elements;
  7. adhesive is applied at one time small area(equal to about 1-panels) so that it does not have time to dry;
  8. a corner piece is fixed, to which an ordinary element is mounted with the help of grooves;
  9. the panels are pressed against the wall with their hands for a short time, during which the adhesive solution has time to grab;
  10. mount all other panels;
  11. install decorative elements, coat the seams silicone sealant.

In addition to mounting on glue and on the crate, there are several more methods that are used by professional workers. But they are not widely used. In conclusion, a few general tips can be given:

  • The panels are recommended for finishing balconies, loggias, bathrooms, hallways and living rooms. For bedrooms and nurseries, you should pay attention to more breathable materials.
  • It is best to use seamless plastic in rooms with air conditioning or a forced ventilation system.
  • In the bedroom for adults, it is permissible to use material for individual sections of the walls.
  • It is unacceptable to use items in the kitchen. In this case, grease and other substances will settle on the surface of the panels, which will become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

If, while putting the apartment in order, there was a desire to move away from the usual wallpaper and not mess with ceramic tiles, then you can turn your attention to the decoration of the walls with plastic panels made of polyvinyl chloride. Installation of such a coating is very simple, you can do it yourself, without resorting to professionals. Moreover, this material will perfectly fit into the interior of the living room, and the corridor, and the bathroom, and even the balcony.


PVC is polyvinyl chloride, in a simple way, a type of plastic. Panels made of this material are especially popular, as they are not afraid of moisture and do not rot, they are quickly mounted, they do not change under the influence of ultraviolet rays, they retain a decent appearance for a long time and, when using a frame, create additional sound insulation. Finally, they are relatively cheap.

The installation of PVC plastic panels always begins with the preparatory stage. First, the material is selected and purchased in compliance with several important points. While in the store, you need to inspect the panel cut. If thick layers are observed, both external and internal, and a thick jumper, then the finish will be reliable. Panel thickness can also be determined by weight - the heavier, the thicker. Then the uniformity of the plastic is considered. The entire sheet must have a uniform thickness without too thick and too narrow places - this is a guarantee of good quality.

When the brand and manufacturer are chosen (it is better to turn your attention to European companies), then you also need to calculate how much material is needed. Otherwise, unused fragments will remain (and will be overpaid), or vice versa, there will not be enough material and you will have to urgently buy it in the store (excessive time will be spent). PVC panels are placed either vertically or horizontally. In the first case, it is necessary to measure the length of the room along the perimeter, then subtract the width of doors and windows from this figure and divide the remainder by the width of one panel. Get the number of items needed to repair the premises. It is better to add a couple of units to this figure in case of unforeseen situations.

If the panels are placed horizontally, then the area of ​​​​the room is first calculated. Following from this figure, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdoors and window openings is subtracted. Finally, the resulting number is divided by the area of ​​​​one panel (usually this figure is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer). There is also a 10% extra for emergencies. If the sheets are mounted horizontally, then you should be prepared that the material will have to be cut, which means that there will be trimmings.

After getting rid of the packaging, you can clearly see the edges and individual cells. The panels should not show any dents or damage. The more complex the image, the more important it is to study the quality of its application - blurred fragments and uneven coverage should cause alertness. Also, if you have to purchase several packs of sheets that must match in color, it is wise to unpack and check if the shades converge. Finally, material testing should be carried out right in the store. One sheet is bent by about 30%, and then unbent. If there is no damage, then everything is in order with the purchase.

Having acquired the material, it is necessary to prepare the walls. Removed first old paint, tiles, wallpaper and layers of old finishes. Then the surface is leveled with plaster. In addition, it would be nice to try to close up existing recesses or eliminate protruding elements. Having completed with the alignment of the wall, you can proceed to the primer. It is recommended to choose a composition with additives against mold and mildew. While the primer dries, you can start assembling the battens, as well as bring the panels into the room - they need to stay inside for about 12 hours to adapt to existing conditions.

The elements of the crate should be perpendicular to the plastic sheets. This means that if the batten runs horizontally, the panels will run vertically, and vice versa. The distance between the laths of the crate should be from 30 to 50 centimeters, the first digit is still optimal. Planks to be fixed near window openings, about doorways, as well as at the beginning and end of the wall.

The crate is most often attached to dowels. Length for concrete wall is 40 millimeters, and brick - 60 millimeters. The distance between the dowels varies from 50 to 60 centimeters. In order for the PVC panels to be evenly laid as a result, the crate must also be in the same plane. To do this, you can use pieces of plywood or wooden spacers, pre-treated with an antifungal compound.

In the case when a plastic crate is selected, it is necessary to observe even more carefully the perpendicularity relative to the plastic sheets themselves, otherwise the fastening mechanism will not work.

Material selection

Plastic panels are made from a polymer called polyvinyl chloride. Being in a semi-liquid state, this material is laid out in a prepared form, and then a picture is placed on it. Most often, the image is printed on a film that is glued to the panel and laminated. Sometimes an illustration has a certain texture, but unusual design and decorative items have to pay more. Another way to fix the image on the panel is to draw it directly on the plastic and fix it with a double layer of varnish. This technology, like the resulting product, is much cheaper, but the quality of the picture and its lifespan suffer.

Plastic panels are most often selected either on the wall or on the ceiling. The thickness of the ceiling reaches 5 millimeters, and the wall varies from 8 to 10 millimeters. The partitions connecting the two layers of plastic also differ approximately - they are slightly thicker for wall panels. To determine which surface a particular sample is suitable for repairing, just look at the cut. Plastic panels have flat surfaces, therefore, if docked correctly, the seams will practically not be noticeable.

In addition, plastic panels are good because they can be used in the so-called cramped conditions. They are suitable for decorating niches, door frames, slopes and other places in the apartment in which it is not very convenient to work with standard materials. For example, using a PVC panel, you can sheathe a window.

The material is easily combined with ventilation holes, sockets, switches and other “outstanding” wall elements. The latter are not striking and harmoniously combined with the panels. PVC is also suitable for decorating “difficult” rooms, for example, a concrete wall on an uninsulated balcony. It is worth mentioning that the sheets can be attached to concrete, and to drywall, and to wood, and to other bases.

There are several standard sizes of wall plastic panels. The width of the finish is either 25 or 37 centimeters, and the length is 2700 and 3000 centimeters, respectively. These numbers are the most common, but you can always order sheets with non-standard parameters. The spread of prices is determined by the country and the manufacturer, the presence and difficulties with the pattern, wall thickness, specifics of printing and other parameters.

There is a variety of plastic panels called plastic clapboard. It allows you to create a relief on the walls, reminiscent of wooden lining. This material has a panel thickness of 10 millimeters, a width of 10 centimeters and shaped edges are available.

Relatively recently, such a variety of PVC panels as a thin wall panel appeared on the market. Its thickness is only 3 millimeters, and the distinguishing feature is the absence of cells. The main advantage of this finishing material in that it cannot be pushed through, unlike standard models. Such panels are mounted only with glue. The material can be easily cut with scissors and saves space in the room after installation.

PVC plastic panels are good for almost everyone, but giving them preference, you should be prepared for some unpleasant moments. First, the material is quite flammable. Although it is unlikely to ignite on its own, when exposed to fire, it will still begin to emit toxic substances and support the process. The panels do not breathe at all - ventilation through the walls will be completely blocked. Therefore, PVC is not recommended to be installed in bedrooms and nurseries. Insects can live in the voids formed by two layers of plastic. This problem is especially acute for residents of areas with a warm climate. Finally, the panels require high-quality wall preparation for further installation.

What can be attached?

As for the question of how to fasten the panels to the crate, it is better to avoid nails that can damage the material. The best way fastening is carried out using clips, but staples driven in with a stapler and self-tapping screws are also good. If the decision is made to glue the panels (which is possible only with perfect alignment and priming the walls), then preference is given to liquid nails, Moment-installation glue and other varieties. If the panels are installed in the bathroom, then only water-resistant, non-toxic products should be used.

Required Tools

Since the installation of PVC panels is easy to do with your own hands, you will not need any specific tools for this.

There are a few common items to prepare:

  • A drill with drills and a wood crown (the former will be needed to install dowels, and the latter to drill holes for switches, lamps, sockets and other parts).
  • What will be used to fasten the sheets themselves. It can be glue (liquid nails or the universal “Moment-mounting” are considered optimal), a screwdriver or a screwdriver;
  • Saw for sheet panels.
  • Building level.
  • Knife to adjust the parameters of the panels.

Of course, it is also worth purchasing a starting bar (to close the ends of the sheets or to arrange the docking points with door and window openings), corners for hiding joints in the inner corners of the room and other moldings, sealant for finishing seams, a molding connector for connecting the short sides of the panels in case of a lack of length of one panel to cover the ceiling space, universal edging for perimeter decoration and other details.

The crate can be made of wood, metal or plastic. Wooden structure assembled from pieces measuring 40 by 20 millimeters. The material must be treated with an antiseptic solution and, if necessary, against mold. The fastening of panels and wooden lathing is carried out by using special self-tapping screws, nails with large hats or staples.

The metal crate is not always convenient to use, as it takes up a sufficient amount of space. Each wall will lose approximately 5 centimeters, which in the case small room maybe even critical. However, if it is still decided to use this type, then fastening will be carried out using metal screws. It is also worth bearing in mind that if the crate is placed in a room with excessive humidity, the metal must be galvanized.

Plastic crate is designed exclusively for plastic panels. Its components are mounting strips and mounting clips that snap together. If necessary, this design is quickly dismantled. In addition, it takes up little space - the walls will lose only 1 centimeter.

Of the three types of crates, the most convenient is plastic, which can be used almost everywhere, followed by galvanized metal. The most careful thing is to be with a wooden crate and not take risks by installing it in rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom. In any case, it must be treated with a protective solution.

Installation instructions

When the assembly of the crate is completed, you can move on to the next task. Wall decoration with PVC panels begins with the processing of one of the corners. From above and below it is necessary to install auxiliary moldings and attach them to the crate using fasteners combined with it. With this, it will be possible to create a certain frame that you have to fill in yourself. plastic sheets. The first panel will need to be joined along the length of the wall, so it is cut with a special saw. In the process, you can not rely heavily on the material, but you need to cut exclusively from the front side. In order for the element to fit into the frame, you will need to measure its length, subtract 4 or 5 millimeters, and then cut it.

The finished panel is deprived of the protruding "point", and then placed in the corner molding, filling the edges. The bar is driven all the way, then the vertical is checked with a level, after which the panel is fixed on the crate. The mechanism is repeated several times up to the final panel on the wall. It will have to be shortened in width, and then joined simultaneously with the previous plate and with the corner molding. If this cannot be done neatly, you will have to wait a little with fixing the corner profile. First you need to put it on last panel, dock with the previous one, and then fix it on the crate. If there is no desire to work with corner molding, then you can cut a strip of plastic with a knife and bend the panel as needed.

It is also important not to forget that the material can change with temperature changes, therefore, during the “trying on” of the panels, you should always leave a small gap. In addition, if the crate was made of wood and wide bars were used for it, then something can be placed in the resulting space between the wall and the panels. For example, it can be a heat-insulating or sound-insulating material.

When the wall after preparation is absolutely leveled, then the crate can be abandoned- it will not bring any benefit, but it will “steal” the necessary square meters. In this situation, plastic panels are glued to silicone or mounting foam. Even in the store, you should carefully study the composition of the glue you buy - whether it contains substances that destroy plastic elements. The starting profiles are mounted on dowels, the sheets are covered with foam or silicone, the bar is inserted into the profiles, pressed and fixed with fasteners. Everything needs to be installed correctly quickly, because it will only take a couple of minutes to fix the flaws, and then the glue will harden.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the sheathing with plastic ceiling panels. Before installation, you need to find out what distance is required between the ceiling and the panels - this value depends on the type of luminaires chosen. If they are point-to-point built-in, then the distance should be from 10 to 15 centimeters - this way it will be possible to disguise the wiring and get to it without problems if you need to fix something. The places where the lamps will be placed are marked when the panels are still “on the ground”. The holes are drawn with a pencil, then cut out, and the lighting fixtures are installed. Further, all actions correspond to those for wall cladding. It can be added that when working in rooms with high humidity, the distance between the panels and the ceiling itself can be filled with silicone sealant. It will contribute to complete waterproofing.

Installation always ends with installation decorative elements giving the structure a finished look. These include skirting boards with plugs and corners. On last step all joints and seams are treated with sealant.

It can be concluded that laying wall panels with your own hands is quite possible without extra costs and physical effort. You just need to follow the instructions and use useful tips professionals. For example, when cutting and drilling panels, you should always wear protective equipment to protect your eyes. When working with nails, you need to be extremely careful, otherwise dents will remain on the surface that cannot be repaired in any way. It is recommended to clean PVC panels with a “mild” soap-based solution. Do not use hard sponges or strong detergents, such as those based on solvents.