Well      08/11/2021

Working with the elderly. How to learn to communicate with people? We comprehend the art of effective communication Work where you need to communicate with people

You don't have to love people who have become successful in this life. In fact, there are many highly paid professions that do not require any interactions with other people. If you are an introvert and do not like to contact with a large group of individuals, if you think that working together is a nightmare, then you should definitely consider getting into one of these professions. The possibilities are endless! You can work on your laptop as a blogger or writer, do math research, or do other interesting things like work with chemicals or watch the stars in the sky. Here are some interesting careers that are sure to make an introvert happy and successful.

Graphic Designer

You can go far if you're into graphic design, well that's in terms of salary and career advancement. And you don't even have to sit in the office all day! You will need a more or less powerful laptop, a sharp and fresh eye for detail, a basic knowledge of specialized software that is used in graphic design (such as Photoshop or InDesign), and a lot of free time. This is a job that is usually done in silence and alone, and all your assignments can be received and sent to the customer via Skype. This is a real paradise for haters of people!

Social media manager

We all know that communicating with people in person and online is not the same thing. Chat in real life much scarier than the internet! And if you have accounts on Instagram, Facebook and other interesting social media platforms, then you should definitely try working as a social media manager. You will need a gadget (laptop, smartphone), good connection to the internet. It will be much easier to communicate with people via the Internet, and the salary is decent too! Think about it!


If you don't like people, how will you work with plants? After all, they need care, attention, but they are certainly less talkative, and some of them are quite beautiful (magnolia, roses, orchids). You will learn to study many plants in the laboratory, classify all their parts and explore all their possibilities. Plants are used in a wide variety of fields, so you will always have interesting research to do. Who knows, maybe you will find a wonderful plant that cures all diseases? You can also visit many forests and nature reserves.

How we feel about each other is largely the result of how we feel about each other. Most people build neutral relationships, some are openly antagonistic, but one way or another, the bulk of people are indifferent to you.

Worse than that! People with a difficult character do not care about you at all. They only care about themselves. By and large, they are all focused on themselves. That is why they are "difficult".

What can be done here? The answer is brutal: practically nothing. It is unlikely that you will be able to change them. Why waste energy? There is a much easier way out. Remember one simple axiom: "Difficult people are predictable people."

Since difficult people are difficult in themselves and communication with them is usually difficult for everyone, a certain behavioral algorithm can be clearly traced in their behavior. If you follow some time, you can track these behaviors in order to prepare to work with them. It becomes possible to build plans taking into account the characteristics of these people. They remain true to their habits, and all you have to do is skillfully maneuver them.

It does not follow from this that you become a soft-bodied opponent or a weak-willed opponent. This means that you will be guided more by the mind than by the emotions. The trick is to determine in advance what you want to get from such contact, make a plan accordingly, and stick to it.

If you know that this person is a bore and a big fan of small details, give him these details. "I included in the report all reference material that I could think of, including the spreadsheets of our scripts. Let me know if you need anything else."

If the other person you're talking to loves brevity, skip any introductions and get to the point: "I know you're very busy, so I'll get straight to the point. What do you think about the next phase of development?"

Tell narcissistic people how wonderful they are. "Jane, I know you're an expert in a related field, so I've summarized the details here and made a couple of recommendations. But I can hope that you will suggest any alternative directions, if you think they will be better?"

The strategy is simple. You won't change difficult person if you yourself show "difficulty" in communication. They don't care about you, they only care about themselves. By determining what you want from the contact, and by preparing to maneuver, hypocrisy, give way, change - call it what you want - you will eventually come to victory. That is, you get what you want.

It's actually so simple that you might even think that it would be nice if everyone were "difficult" people, because "difficult" people are the easiest to manage.

There are 9 basic personality types that are classified as "difficult". Here they are short review sufficient to become an expert in this matter.

Hostile - "Heavy Tank"

The term "Heavy Tank" accurately conveys what such a hostile person is doing. Tanks usually immediately go on the attack. They act offensively, abruptly, unexpectedly, and intimidatingly and destroy everything in their path. They attack the way people behave, their personal qualities. Tanks usually achieve short-term goals, but they pay for this with the loss of friends and damaged relationships.
Tanks have a strong need to prove to themselves and others the correctness of their view of the world. Above all put aggressiveness and confidence. The most important belief of a tank is: "If I can convince you to become weak and insecure, then in the eyes of others I will become strong and confident."

An approach:

Let him talk and get a little tired.
- Seize the initiative with any possible way.
-Get his attention by calling him by his first name or standing up or sitting down emphatically.
- Try to seat him too.
- Maintain eye contact.
- Don't argue with him.
- Be friendly.

Aggressive - "Sniper"

Snipers are completely different from "heavy tanks", but just as terrible. They prefer a stealthy approach. Hiding behind the parapet of friendliness, they shoot arrows at close targets; resort to indirect allusions; use not quite joking attempts to tease and release not the most innocent ridicule and barbs. Snipers use the tension in the team to create their own shelter from which to strike at the objects of their anger and envy.
They accompany their verbal attacks with friendly gestures, because of a retaliatory strike against them, it may look not as a defense, but as an act of aggression, as if you are attacking groundlessly.

An approach:

Expose them, get them out of the broodstuff. Don't let social conventions stop you.
- Do not focus on his point of view, involve everyone in the discussion.
- If you are a witness conflict situation with the participation of the Sniper, do not take part in it, but be able to insist that the conflict in your presence be stopped.
- Offer him an alternative to a direct fight.

Irreconcilable "Grenade Launcher"

It is characterized by barely controlled bouts of aggression fueled by rage. These outbursts can occur during a conversation or discussion that starts off quite amicably. They usually occur when the grenade launcher feels physically or psychologically threatened. The typical reaction of a grenade launcher to a threatening remark is anger followed by accusations.

An approach:

Give him time to breathe.
- If he doesn't stop, interrupt his outburst with some neutral phrase (Stop! Stop!)
- Show that you are serious about his words.
- If possible, take a break and talk to him alone on abstract topics.

Eternal "Complainer"

He moans bitterly and raises a fuss about everything, but never takes real action to make things right. A complainer is a person who finds defects in everything. Sometimes they have justified claims, but rarely do they really want to settle the problem.
Complainers perceive themselves as people who do not have power, but are able to give recipes for what should be done, and also as people who are perfect by nature. This confidence leads to the fact that they turn really useful attempts to solve the problem into claims and complaints.

An approach:

Listen to his claims, even if you feel guilty and lose patience.
- Make it clear that you understand the essence of his claims by responding with the wording of his statements in other words.
- Do not agree with his conjectures, but do not enter into an argument either, because this will end in an exchange of arguments like "accusation-acquittal" - and so on ad infinitum.
- Establish and announce the facts without giving any comments.
- Switch the conversation to specific solution Problems.
- If all else fails, ask him: "Well, how do you think this discussion should end?"

Unsociable "Buka"

Silent, reluctant conversational people, faced with any undesirable situation, fall silent. Ask them what they think at this moment and you will get an unintelligible grunt in response. In fact, the Buks use silence as a defensive weapon, trying not to give themselves away and thereby avoid reproaches. On the other hand, silence can become a weapon of aggression and offensive, a way to hurt you, to deprive you of access to yourself. Sometimes silence masks fear, sullen anger, it can also mean malicious non-cooperation.

This type of personality is incredibly difficult to work with because of the communication barrier they put up. These people are reluctant to openly talk, their speech is punctuated by long pauses. As a result, communication can break down, and interaction can be unproductive.

An approach:

Instead of trying to guess the essence of his silence - talk to him.
- Ask questions that do not allow one-word answers.
- Ask leading questions, helping the interlocutor.
- Do not fill pauses with your comments, wait for an answer without irritation.
- If you don't get a response, comment on what's going on. End with a question that allows multiple answers. Wait a little and do it again.
- Take it easy with cues like "I don't know" and "Can I go?"
- If the interlocutor has opened up, do not skip remarks that are supposedly irrelevant, grab the thread, and you can reveal an important problem.

Super flexible Claudel Models

Such a person behaves with you reasonably, logically, sincerely, is ready to support you, but does not always fulfill the promise. Such people want to be friends with everyone, they love attention. But their friendliness has a downside. They tend to lure you in with deceptive hints and references to the problem they are working on, readily go along with your plans for completing the task, and then let you down by getting nowhere.

This type of "difficult people" is especially problematic, because first they tame you into thinking that they are completely in agreement with your plans, and then let you down.

An approach:

Find out and identify the reasons that prevent him from doing his job.
- Let him know that you appreciate him as a person, ask about his family, hobbies, interests.
- Ask him to tell you about something that can become a hindrance in your good relations.
- Listen to his jokes. There may be a hint in witticisms and barbs.

Denier "Nihilist"

A person with a negative attitude towards others acts like corrosion on the team and can deprive people of any incentive to work. A negative is a person who, when working in a team, does not agree with any general proposals, but is the first voice in the choir of critics of general success. Sometimes this criticism is perceived as constructive, although in fact it is more likely to destroy the progress made by common efforts.

Although these people are embittered at life because it is unfair to them, they can take with deep interest and seriousness any task assigned to them. However, they will only be useful if they directly manage the process, because they believe that no one can cope with this better than themselves.

An approach:

Be on the lookout for the fact that he can inspire you and your team members with a sense of deep desperation at work.
- Speak optimistically about successes in solving similar problems in the past.
- Do not try to break his pessimism.
- Do not offer your own solutions until the problem has been thoroughly analyzed.
- Be the first to raise a question about negative aspects one or the other solution to the problem.
- Make your intentions public without subterfuge or evasiveness.

Boring "know-it-all"

Know-it-alls have an all-consuming need for everyone to recognize their intellectual abilities. They are boring, boring, tiring in communication. Know-it-alls provoke irritation, resentment, anger, sometimes even aggressiveness in others.

Know-it-alls are very complex people. They can be bullies; they can be quite persuasive; besides, they are so sure of their rightness that it is useless to argue with them. They love to talk to you like an adult to a child, and it's terribly annoying!

The problems of know-it-alls stem from the fact that they need others to treat them as important and respected people. Usually people, having worked with a know-it-all, experience disappointment. As a rule, this leads to tension in working relationships.

An approach:

Make sure you are well prepared for the discussion, carefully review the relevant materials and check their accuracy.
- Avoid dogmatic statements.
- If you do not agree with his arguments, and want to disagree with him, do it in the form of questions.
- Give him a chance to save face.
- If possible, talk to him alone, without strangers.

Indecisive "Clam"

In the soul of the indecisive there is a person striving for perfection and trying to break through. The trouble is, he can't do it. There are two types of indecisive ones: one wants everything to be done according to his understanding and nothing else; the second intentionally drags out the discussion, offering more and more new points of view, confusing and causing annoyance to the participants in the process. Indecisive, as a rule, can hardly convey their thoughts, desires, opinions to others. The most they can do is to withdraw, because they are unable to survive the stress. To cope with stress, he begins to play for time, letting his colleagues down. They stop work without considering alternative ways its implementation.

An approach:

Help him talk about the conflicts and obstacles that prevent him from making a decision.
- Listen to phrases that are not directly related to the topic - this can lead you to the core of the problem.
- Offer your plan, help in making a decision.
- When a solution is found, show your support.
- Follow phased implementation tasks.
- Watch for signs of anger and attempts to withdraw from the conversation.
Materials from Roy Liley's book "How to work with difficult people" were used.

Working with the elderly

From this article you will learn:

    What are the benefits of working with the elderly?

    What is working with older people?

    What kind of social work with elderly people is carried out in Russia

    How do they deal with it abroad?

    What are the technologies of psychological work with the elderly

    Who works with older people to help them

Working with the elderly involves providing support to grandparents. Such assistance requires a large number free time, as well as some qualities of character, for example, patience, responsiveness, the ability to find mutual language with them. Relatives of the elderly do not always have the opportunity to constantly be near and help them. For help in such a situation, people, as a rule, turn to social workers, nurses or a boarding house. Working with the elderly begins with an examination of the problems that concern the elderly.

What are the benefits of working with the elderly?

As life expectancy rises, the proportion of older people in the population also rises. According to statistics, about 12-22% of the population economically developed countries applies to persons over 60 years of age. In Russia, the proportion of elderly people is 14%. That is why the problems associated with their social status, role in the family, medical and social rehabilitation, service and provision are very important, and social work with the elderly is of particular importance.

The World Health Organization considers people 60-74 years old to be elderly, 75-89 years old to be older, and those over 90 years old to be long-livers. Such a division allows taking into account the characteristics of people of different age categories, because working with older people involves taking into account their needs, requirements, biological and social capabilities.

Improving the quality of life and modern advances in the field of medicine contribute to an increase in life expectancy. It turns out that there are more elderly people in countries that are economically developed, in large cities, as well as in rural areas.

Social work with the elderly allows you to make the life of grandparents bright, rich and full.

The situation in the family, standard of living, working conditions, social and psychological factors determine the rhythm of aging.

All older people can be divided into groups:



    those who suffer from any disease;

    those who live in a family;


    satisfied with retirement age;

    those who work, but work is a burden to them;



    those who live active lives.

The organization of work with the elderly involves taking into account their social status, mental characteristics, material and spiritual needs.

What is working with older people?

Work with the elderly is based on the characteristics and social problems of grandparents.

We list the main problems of older people:

1) Social problems of the elderly:

- Health . This problem worries the elderly the most. The incidence rate doubles at the age of 60-74 years, and after 75 - 6 times. As a rule, grandparents are overcome by diseases that did not manifest themselves much at a younger age. Many of them have visual impairment, hearing loss, joint problems. According to statistics, there are 2-4 illnesses per elderly person in our country. By the way, the cost of treatment is twice as high as that of young people. Of course, the work of caring for the elderly implies taking into account the state of health of the patient.

Financial situation . For lack Money many older people complain. Alas, the level of inflation, the rise in prices for food and medicines are of great concern to them.

Of course, such stresses negatively affect the state of health. As a rule, older people cannot boast of a balanced diet. Many of them do not have enough money for shoes and clothes, cultural events. It is imperative to pay attention to such features of working with the elderly.

- Loneliness is another pressing issue. Many older people do not have full communication with friends and even relatives. This is due to the fact that they have a gradual narrowing of the circle of friends, because business ties are lost over time, and illnesses make you forget about friends and buddies. Relatives die, and the death of one of the spouses is the most common cause of loneliness. Psychological work with older people allows them to cope with such life difficulties.

Moreover, the problem is exacerbated by the huge disparity in the number of men and women in Russia. There are twice as many women as men. Alas, men do not live as long as women, and because of this, there are much more representatives of the weaker sex.

The perception of the death of a companion or life partner is different for grandparents. As a rule, a man recovers from the loss of his wife faster, as it is difficult for him to lead a single life. Yes, and it is much easier for representatives of the strong half of humanity to find a new love. Grandma, left without her grandfather, behaves differently. She is not interested in marriage, because she can live on her own and cope with all matters alone. As a rule, elderly women in such a situation expand their social circle and find new girlfriends, friends and buddies. Psychological work with older people in situations where an elderly person is left alone helps them to look at the world in a new way.

By the way, the desire of older people to create a couple is often caused by the fact that together they decide financial question much easier. Many elderly people want to find a good companion, someone they can rely on in any situation.

Sometimes older people are not interested in finding a partner, because they enjoy their loneliness, considering it freedom and independence. They do their best to narrow their social circle and enjoy the situation.

2) Health problems:

  • The aging process causes thinning of the skin. Feet, hands, places where bones protrude and large joints are very thin skin. The skin loses its elasticity due to the fact that the processes of sweating and sebum secretion slow down. It becomes dry, flabby, wrinkles appear, it is easy to injure it, it often cracks, and heals very badly. Working with older people requires taking into account similar age characteristics of older people.
  • Hair changes throughout life for hormonal, immune, genetic reasons. Due to changes in the follicles, hair color is lost, they become sparse and brittle.
  • Decreased amount of muscle tissue, which causes a decrease in the activity and working capacity of the elderly. Due to rapid fatigue, it is difficult for them to do any work and finish what they started to the end.
  • Walk is disturbed. You must have noticed that older people walk very slowly, unsteadily. The gait is shuffling, and the step is short. And turning around for grandparents is a whole problem, they do it clumsily.
  • The lung tissue loses its elasticity. There is a decrease in mobility chest and diaphragms. The lungs no longer fully expand when inhaling. Many older people complain of shortness of breath. Grandparents often have congestive pneumonia caused by reduced bronchial patency, a violation of the “cleansing” function of the bronchi, and poor ventilation of the lungs.

3) Psychological problems. Psychological work with the elderly involves solving the following problems:

  • Loss of social fullness of life. Older people often self-isolate, that is, stop communicating with loved ones and friends. Social work with the elderly is aimed at the adaptation of grandparents in society.
  • Psychological protection, which causes fettering of the mind and feelings. It helps an elderly person to find temporary inner peace. However psychological protection leads to the fact that the elderly refuse to accept any innovations that are not included in their usual understanding of things.
  • A peculiar sense of time. Of course, older people live in the present. But it is filled with memories of the past and fears of the future. This leads to old man becomes more careful, stores everything for future use. Life turns into a monotonous flow of days. Elderly people have to prepare mentally even for simple things, for example, going to the pharmacy, visiting a doctor, calling children, etc.
  • There are some negative qualities that were not so obvious in youth. Older people turn into more grumpy, irritable, quick-tempered.

What kind of social work is being done with the elderly in Russia

The Russian system of social protection of the population is now actively developing. The economic and social processes that take place in our society affect the well-being of every citizen, including the elderly. Social work with the elderly involves taking into account these factors.

Social work with the elderly has three main areas:

    Social assistance (providing benefits and benefits to old people);

    social services;

    Organization of pension provision.

Social work with the elderly is aimed at meeting the needs of the elderly.

Social work with the elderly is an activity aimed at supporting grandparents, providing psychological, medical, domestic, legal, material assistance, and adapting those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Social service is an enterprise that provides social services to the population, or an entrepreneur who provides customer service without forming a legal entity.

The clients of the social service are people who find themselves in a difficult life situation and for this reason receive assistance.

Social work with the elderly involves the provision of social services at home or in an institution social services. The Government of the Russian Federation determines and reviews every year the basic list of social services. The amount of assistance guaranteed by the state cannot be reduced.

The federal list determines the content of the territorial list. The executive authorities of the constituent entities of Russia approve it, paying attention to the needs of the inhabitants of this territory.

A difficult life situation involves a violation of human life. It can be associated with inability to self-care, serious illness, loneliness, etc.

Social work with the elderly is carried out in stationary, non-stationary, semi-stationary institutions.

If an elderly person cannot satisfy his needs on his own or with the help of loved ones, then this is not always a reason for placing him in a stationary institution.

Semi-stationary and non-stationary institutions make it possible to provide assistance to those who have retained full / partial ability to self-service. Thus, older people get the opportunity to use social services, but, at the same time, continue to live in their usual environment.

Assistance is provided through social service centers that use semi-stationary and non-stationary forms of work with the elderly.

Social work with the elderly is carried out through the departments:

    help at home;

    emergency assistance;

    day stay;


    assistance in kind;

    specialized home care unit.

Various forms social work with the elderly are permanent or temporary. It all depends on the needs of the elderly. The service may be provided to an older person free of charge or may be paid/partially paid.

Women over the age of 55 and men over the age of 60 are entitled to social security only if they need outside help due to the complete or partial loss of the ability to care for themselves.

The Gerontological Center is a semi-permanent institution of a new type. Here the work of a social worker with the elderly is carried out. In such a center, a favorable environment is created that allows improving the psychological state of the wards, providing them with medical care and caring for them.

What technologies of work with older people are used abroad

1) Sweden. Since 1982, in this country, work with the elderly has been regulated by the Law on the Social Security of the Elderly. Of particular importance is the article entitled "The Right to Assistance". It's not just about financial benefits.

The article says that work with older people is aimed at ensuring that they "can lead an active existence."

Every Swedish citizen has the right to receive pension benefits. The basic pension does not depend on a person's income. An additional pension is added to it, which is calculated taking into account the labor activity of the elderly.

Working with the elderly involves monitoring the living conditions in which the elderly live. Firstly, housing should be comfortable, and secondly, it should be located close to social services. Grandparents are supposed to:

    housing subsidies;

    ordinary housing or one that is specially adapted to the needs and abilities of an elderly person;

    housing for severely disabled people;

    boarding houses.

Social work with the elderly is not limited to this. They are assisted in cooking, cleaning the premises, washing clothes, etc. In addition, the elderly are provided with transport services.

Fees collected by county councils, state grants and the insurance system are sources of funding medical care for the elderly. As a rule, care in hospitals is provided free of charge. Consultations outside the hospital are paid, but they are inexpensive.

Parliament and government are responsible for national health policy.

2) UK. Social work with the elderly in this country is aimed at creating comfortable conditions for grandparents to live at home. There are not so many stationary institutions, therefore, basically, issues related to the care of the elderly are solved at home.

Assistance to the elderly is provided by both social workers and volunteers. The State Committee for Social Services for the Elderly coordinates their activities.

Home Help staff help guide household. Nurses visit the elderly to give injections or dressings. In addition, day centers have been created for the elderly, in which interest clubs are organized.

Social work with the elderly is also carried out in boarding schools. They are old people who have no family. Pensioners constantly live in small houses with verandas. They are looked after by staff of the boarding school and, if necessary, provide them with assistance.

About 200 specialized hospitals provide services to the elderly, including preventive, curative and household care.

3) Germany. Volunteer associations, the main of which are church unions and the German Red Cross play important role in the welfare of the elderly in this country. Of course, social work with the elderly is not carried out without the participation of the state. Numerous centers have been created in Germany where the elderly can stay during the day, interest clubs, etc. Just a few years ago, centers appeared that provide social and medical assistance to the elderly at home.

4) USA. Here, work with the elderly is also aimed at creating comfortable conditions for the elderly to live at home. In the United States, there are funds that provide the elderly with medical care, housing, food, and transportation services. Families who organize their own care for the elderly are paid an allowance.

Social work with the elderly includes the provision of services such as bathing, changing clothes, laundry, gymnastics, haircuts, pedicures, etc.

In addition to the usual social welfare institutions, work with the elderly is also carried out in paid centers, the number of which is growing rapidly. In such institutions, services are provided to wealthy pensioners. Elderly people undergo procedures, get diet food, dance, sports games visiting a beauty salon. By the way, the cost of staying in such a center is lower than in a stationary institution.

5) Japan. Average duration The life expectancy of men is 74.3 years, and that of women is 79.8. The proportion of older people is 20%.

The health service for people over 40 operates at the local level. Working with the elderly involves:

    maintaining a medical book;

    health education;

    consultations with medical professionals;

    health monitoring;


Local government authorities and insurance systems provide assistance to the elderly. Increasing life expectancy requires changes in the system of medical care and pensions. The current policy of Japan in such an area as working with the elderly is aimed at developing medical and social institutions of an intermediate nature.

What kind of psychological work with the elderly is carried out in a nursing home

Employees of the boarding house use various technologies of social work with the elderly. Attention is given to each guest. Specialists of the boarding house organize interesting leisure activities for their guests. So, let's look at the main methods of working with the elderly:

1) Bibliotherapy is carried out in the form of artistic reading in a group or collective listening to works. In addition, literary evenings, meetings with authors, book exhibitions are often organized in boarding houses.

Bibliotherapy involves the impact on an elderly person with the help of literature, due to which his mental state is gradually normalized. Such methods of working with older people as bibliotherapy have a rehabilitation effect, allow older people to take a different look at their problems, satisfy their information needs, and develop speech abilities.

Reading allows you to normalize the state of a person who is not satisfied with his lifestyle and seeks to change it. Reading-related methods of working with older people only have a positive effect on grandparents. Thanks to reading, the elderly get new impressions, make up for the lack of their own ideas and images. Bibliotherapy restores peace of mind, replaces anxious feelings, thoughts with more positive ones.

2) Isotherapy- this is one of the psychotherapeutic methods that allows you to eliminate or reduce neuropsychiatric disorders. Working with older people using art therapy allows you to restore the individual value of an older person.

Art therapy is a rehabilitation technology for people with limited abilities. An elderly person manages to express his emotions, experiences through a drawing. Such work with older people improves the basic functions of the psyche.

3. Music therapy allows you to relieve stress and inner feelings.

In order for work with the elderly to give the maximum result, music should be carefully selected. It must meet the following requirements:

    calm rhythm;

    lack of tension;


Working with the elderly through music therapy allows you to correct psychological disorders, develop abilities and activate the social and adaptive abilities of the elderly.

As a rule, experts use music of different genres. Working with the elderly involves a combination various methods. For example, music can be an element that harmoniously complements the main activity. Musical accompaniment is included when the elderly are engaged in modeling, drawing, etc. Thus, the program of work with the elderly involves a combination of various methods and technologies.

4. Play therapy- a rehabilitation method that allows you to liberate pathological mental states, contributing to the adaptation, socialization of the wards.

Working with the elderly through play therapy involves developing, board, computer, outdoor games, competitions, tournaments. Any game can be adapted to the abilities of the elderly. To do this, it is enough to ease the conditions, reduce the number of participants or its duration.

By the way, such methods of social work with the elderly not only give good results, but also bring grandparents great pleasure. It is known that many of us love to play, and such activities are acceptable for people of any age. Through the game we can express ourselves, our emotions, acquire social skills.

5. Clay therapy involves working with dough, plasticine, clay and is effective way rehabilitation. By the way, the clay itself has healing properties.

It is known that people working with clay do not suffer from joint diseases, high blood pressure, etc. Such work with older people helps them develop fine motor skills, intellectual abilities, and also contributes to the acquisition of professional skills.

6. Garden therapy- involvement in the cultivation and care various plants. This activity allows you to calm the psyche and improve well-being. Gardenotherapy contributes to the correction of emotional disorders. It is used as a method that helps older people recover from stress and illness, and normalize their mental state.

As a rule, working with older people involves a combination of all of the above methods.

Who works with older people to help them

Social worker. There are social workers in every city in our country. They can provide the following assistance to an elderly person:

    Carrying out hygiene procedures;

    Control of medication intake;

    Assistance in the implementation of medical procedures and escort to the place where they are carried out;

    Purchase of food, medicines (expenses are paid by relatives of an elderly person or by himself);

    Cooking food;


    Cleaning and ventilation;

    Washing, ironing clothes, linen;

    Accompanying during walks.

Nurse- a medical professional who knows how to care for an elderly person. Social work with the elderly is not an easy task, and such a profession will require such qualities as patience, hard work, and the ability to compassion. Alas, it is very difficult to find a nurse who will have such a character.

The assistant can be a visiting one, that is, her work with the elderly is paid by the hour, or live with the elderly. In the latter case, the nurse is paid a fixed salary.

Specialized boarding house (care for the elderly with accommodation). Such boarding houses are country hotels offering medical services. They are located in the suburbs, in quiet and deserted places, but not far from the center, so that relatives can easily get to a private nursing home. If most work takes your time, help for the elderly, that is, your grandparents, will be provided in one of these boarding houses.

Boarding houses offer not only care and accommodation. These facilities have the equipment needed to care for older people who have recently had injuries, surgeries, severe illness. Health care and control is important factors However, work with older people is not limited to this. Elderly people walk every day, communicate, attend concerts, picnics, watch movies and listen to music. In other words, employees of a private boarding house apply modern technologies work with the elderly.

Alas, when thinking about a boarding house, many of us imagine a dreary nursing home with its frightening living conditions. However, the cost of being in a public institution is lower than in a private one, and this attracts many. However, before making a decision, you need to think about whether it is worth saving when it comes to living conditions for an elderly relative?

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of a private boarding house:

    Employees have the necessary qualifications, which means that they will provide quality care and qualified assistance to patients. The boarding house has necessary equipment which cannot be installed at home. Nurses look after the elderly, and doctors of various profiles are engaged in treatment. The nurse only supports the life of the elderly, and working with the elderly in a boarding house can significantly improve their quality of life.

    Working with the elderly in boarding houses involves following a rehabilitation program that includes proper nutrition, entertainment, organized leisure, etc.

    Eat the possibility of developing and selecting an individual program depending on the needs of the patient;

    An elderly person can live a few days or on an ongoing basis;

    The staff is very large, so an elderly person will be able to choose exactly the nurse with whom he is comfortable;

    In order to decide on the choice of boarding house may take a long time. Take this matter seriously. Come to the institution, communicate with employees and guests, read reviews on the Internet. The work with the elderly is carried out 24 hours a day, and you must be sure that you leave your elderly relative in safe hands;

    The idea of ​​moving rarely pleases an elderly person.. As a rule, a nursing home is associated with hopelessness and boredom. It is for this reason that we recommend visiting a boarding house with your elderly relative, so that he is convinced that life in such an institution is much more interesting than being at home all the time alone.

We are ready to offer:

    Round-the-clock care for the elderly by professional nurses (all staff are citizens of the Russian Federation).

    5 meals a day full and diet.

    1-2-3-seater placement (for recumbent specialized comfortable beds).

    Daily leisure (games, books, crossword puzzles, walks).

    Individual work of psychologists: art therapy, music lessons, molding.

    Weekly examination by specialized doctors.

    Comfortable and safe conditions(comfortable country houses, beautiful nature, clean air).

At any time of the day or night, the elderly will always come to the rescue, no matter what problem they are worried about. In this house, all relatives and friends. An atmosphere of love and friendship reigns here.

You can get advice on admission to the boarding house by phone.

Almost everyone has encountered such people at least once in their life. They have a heavy temper and a quarrelsome character. IN ordinary life such people are most often ignored or avoided, but this is not always possible at work. Someone works with them side by side, and someone submits to them.

You have to be very wise to get along with them - you can't accidentally spill coffee on them or solve a problem with your fists. This is the professional approach.

Forget about psychology

Never let a difficult person convince you that their behavior is normal. Better look around for a role model. When faced with inappropriate behavior, some people listen to the offender and try to understand what happened in his past and made his character so difficult. But this psychological exercise is unlikely to help at the moment when you are being yelled at.

Ignore the insults that are pouring in your address, and try not to let the situation turn into a personal conflict. If you do the opposite, it will only aggravate the situation - it is much more difficult to restore the old relationship if you have stooped to the level of a fight. If the conversation has become personal, it's better to leave. Take a short walk, grab a coffee, find some quiet space, and chat with a colleague you know.

If someone's behavior is preventing you from doing and enjoying your job, examine the situation. If you refuse to deal with such a person, it will mean that you - and only you - will suffer much more, because the person giving you trouble will continue to do the same and may not even realize what problems he creates. .

Stay Objective

An HR manager must also be able to get along with people who do not get along well with other employees. Stay professional and be objective - never take sides. Keep yourself neutral.

One of characteristic features quarrelsome people is that they tend to humiliate their "victim" in public. Show empathy when interacting with such "victims", but resist the urge to humiliate the offenders in return.

If you are asked to deal with a situation where someone has been behaving inappropriately for a long time, ask yourself if they are of such great value to the company and are they worth the money invested in them? Are you really willing to shell out for training on managing your own emotions, or would it be better to just let them go? The unbridled temper of difficult people can lead you and your organization straight into litigation.

positive example

Don't be afraid to engage in explanatory conversations with senior employees who are behaving inappropriately. After all, they should serve as a positive example for young employees and support the HR department during any disciplinary procedures.

So for effective work with "heavy-tempered" employees, you need to:

Make sure all employees understand what behavior is considered unacceptable.

Immediately stop any manifestation of inappropriate behavior.

Do not allow the behavior of the "criminal" to become the norm in his team.

Don't put up with an employee's bad behavior because they're doing a good job.

Apply your rules to all employees without exception.

Expert opinion

Jez Cartwright, CEO company Akindred, believes that the most a big problem working with such people lies in the fact that it is easier not to deal with them at all. It takes a certain amount of courage for an organization to be ready to address this burning issue, and it is imperative that the company has clear regulations and management has a vested interest and involvement.

There are such difficult people in every company. They just need to enter the office, and they will immediately cause a negative reaction from colleagues. Most importantly, it is necessary to have a transparent policy in relation to the behavior and standards applicable to each employee, regardless of their position. If higher-level employees are not involved in the process and do not provide any assistance, all efforts will be reduced to zero. This is the second problem, because top managers always have an excuse for the "difficulty" of communicating with such a person. Be prepared for this and back up your story with facts. Emphasize how much money the company is losing due to the negative influence of such a "superstar".

Do not fall into the emotional "trap" of such a difficult person: what you see is important, but you should not be like him. You will only make the situation worse.

The main trick is to understand your own emotional state and know where your secret "buttons" are - a "skilled" heavy person knows how to press them. It is also important to use those language tools that will not only confirm their emotional status, but also emphasize that this is their problem and that they themselves, only themselves, should solve it.

Professional advice

Keep calm.
- Make sure all company procedures are followed.

Invest in your employees.

Finally, if you think you need special training on dealing with difficult people, do it. This will ensure that you have a healthy, pleasant work environment and the situation will not be left to chance.

Of course, the ability to communicate is important in almost every profession. Simply because it is simply impossible to carry out work without interaction with other people - colleagues, partners, customers. However, there are professional areas in which work will allow a sociable employee not only to feel comfortable, but also to use their potential to the maximum.

1. Call center operator, telemarketer

An experienced professional may refuse this job. But for the young and sociable, this is a great opportunity to show their friendliness and sociability and train their stress resistance well. At the same time, it is worth considering that working as a telemarketer provides an amazing opportunity to learn how to work with objections and literally “sell snow”.

2. Technical support services, reference

This is an opportunity to be that welcoming voice answering our calls for support and information. To work in this position, you may also need special knowledge, for example, in the field of Internet networks. This work trains remarkable patience. We advise you to refuse such a vacancy if you cannot explain to your grandmother how to use the Internet.

3. Event manager, organizer of holidays and events

"Holiday person" should be able to communicate a lot - with customers, with suppliers of goods and services, with sites and others. Personal charm and a presentable personality will also come in handy in this job. appearance. Such work is perfect not just for sociable, but for those who like to be in the center of events.

4. Guide

A profession that is tied to speech. The guide should know the route well, understand which group should tell a joke and which should not, be able to manage a group of people who see it for the first time. This profession requires, in addition to a strong voice and a desire to communicate, high erudition and leadership qualities.

5. Journalist

Yes, today there are very successful bloggers who need only one gadget with Internet access to maintain a popular column. But this is typical for narrow-topic blogs and the possibility of expressing only one's opinion and expertise. In the work of a journalist, a lot of time is devoted to communication. A journalist must be able to quickly win over people, navigate the situation and ask the right questions, while remaining sensitive.

6. HR specialist, recruiter

This job requires professional education. But you can still get into junior positions if you have increased sociability and a desire to help people. In these professions, literally everything is connected with people. The job will require the ability to find them in people. strengths and talents, it is good to distinguish the human qualities of candidates and employees, and also to report not the best news.

These professions require good intuition and understanding of human nature. In addition, the ability to convince - customers, management, performers. After all, in the field of marketing and advertising, it is often possible to protect your decision only thanks to personal charm and persuasiveness.

8. Purchasing managers

These are professionals who do nothing but constantly negotiate with suppliers. They must be able to find the best deal and negotiate discounts and special conditions for your company.

9. Sales consultants

This job requires the ability to control not only the voice, but also the facial expression. The more charming the consultant, the easier it will be for the client to communicate with him, which increases the likelihood of a sale. It is worth noting that for this work you will have to learn everything, in general, everything about those goods that are to be sold.

10. Sales Manager

One of the most interesting professions for sociable people. After all, there is really a lot of communication in it in a wide variety of forms - negotiations by phone or in person, business correspondence, brainstorming sessions with colleagues, discussion of tasks with performers and production. Success in this work will also require energy, ambition, resistance to stress and openness to new things.