Mixer      06/20/2020

How to insulate a house made of silicate brick? The better and how to insulate a brick house from the outside with modern materials Insulation of the facade of a house made of silicate brick

Practical and high-quality silicate brick - a material suitable for construction multi-storey buildings. Subject to construction technologies and the selection of the correct strength grade, a ten-story house made of silicate brick(SK) will stand for decades, delighting residents with its comfort and warmth. In addition, manufacturers offer a wide range of SC varieties shown for arranging bearing walls, internal partitions, self-supporting structures, the shape of the bars can also be varied, but there are some limitations. Everything is worth talking about in more detail.

Silicate brick: production features

In its structure, SC is almost identical to natural limestone. Today, plasticizers and other components are added to the composition to increase the moisture resistance of the material and strengthen its brittleness.

Important! For the production of bricks, special equipment is required, so SK can be considered the least counterfeit building material.

Production stages:

  1. Composing a mixture that includes sand, limestone, additives and water;
  2. Molding and pressing mass. The important point is that the blanks remain in the molds until the last stage, therefore they retain the ideal proportions;
  3. Autoclaving involves "hot steaming" at 100° C. and well above atmospheric pressure;
  4. The blanks are inspected and ready for sale.

The production process is similar to the production of foam, gas silicate blocks, so manufacturers often offer a complete range of products.

Marking and types of material

When choosing for yourself the construction of a house from silicate brick, you need to be well versed in the types of products. It should be noted that in terms of frost resistance, the density of SC is identical to ceramic, that is, the qualities are extremely high.

Important! All material characteristics are regulated by GOST379-79.

The standard indicators of the finished product are as follows:

  • Strength - grades M125, M150;
  • Frost resistance - F15, F25, F35;
  • Thermal conductivity - 0.38-0.70 W / m.

Frost resistance means the ability of a material in a state of complete water saturation to endure thawing and freezing cycles without loss of high qualities.

Strength is an indicator of the ability of a material to resist internal and external deformations. The numerical designation of the parameter shows the limit permissible load for 1m2.

There are also types of bricks: solid and hollow. Unlike ceramics, silicates are equipped with cylindrical holes located in the center of the bar. It is important that manufacturers often produce SC in the form required by the customer. In this case, parties can be either medium or large.

Important! The production technology requires the use of equipment, the changeover of which takes long time, so if you are offered a small batch, then build good house it will not work out of such silicate brick - this is a fake, made with violations of production.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

When deciding to build a residential building from SC, you need to familiarize yourself with the positive and negative qualities of the product. The pluses include the following:

  • Increased bearing capacity. With strength and density over 1500 kg / m3, which the bars have, you can be absolutely sure of the reliability of the structure. This class withstands pressure up to 30 MPa, so neither hurricane winds, storms or mechanical damage are terrible.
  • The durability of the material is also extremely high. Moreover, even appearance, slightly changing the color. Qualitative characteristics remain ideal until the end of the use of the building.

Important! Cladding elements of SK meet higher requirements than the material intended for internal partitions.

  • Resistance to fungus, mold. The lime included in the material does not require additional antiseptic treatment, therefore, in a house, if it is built from SC, there will never even be a smell of mold.

Important! Lime compounds are a natural component, therefore silicate brick belongs to the category of environmentally friendly materials. Compounds of an artificial nature (additives, plasticizers) make up no more than 0.3-0.7% of the total specific gravity.

  • A house built from SC accepts and allows any type of finish: vinyl panels, siding - whatever the owner wants.
  • Thrift. The material is cheaper than ceramic bricks by at least 20%, while the variety of shapes and textures allows you to implement the projects of any silicate brick houses. Color solutions yellow color is presented, and white brick houses, photos of which are often found in the best magazines, look extremely noble and “rich”.

But with all the advantages, the material has a number of disadvantages:

  1. The main disadvantage is the ability of the SC to receive water. The indicator reaches 11%, so the bars cannot be used in the arrangement of foundations, lining of plinths.

Advice! Under the condition of very good waterproofing, low groundwater, silicate brick can be used for lining the basement, but the strength characteristics deteriorate over time, which will lead to the destruction of the structure before the minimum operation period.

  1. Increased thermal conductivity requires a good insulation. Moreover, insulation is needed in any regions, since the property of thermal conductivity guarantees rapid cooling and heating of the building.
  2. Despite the fact that the product is fireproof and non-flammable, it does not tolerate excessively high temperatures and begins to crumble.
  3. Massiveness is another minus of silicate brick. So, to save on the foundation will not work.

To make a choice, you should take into account the evenness factor of the elements. Thanks to the production process, in which the blanks are released from the mold only at the very end, the texture and geometric evenness are preserved in ready-made. Increased performance properties do not affect the cost - it remains low regardless of the type and grade of the material.

Important! The use of SC for lining and furnishing furnaces is strictly prohibited. In a few years, such a structure will collapse, which can cause not only an expensive repair of the entire structure, but also a fire with the complete destruction of the house.

Technological features of building a house made of silicate bricks

If there is an order, bricklaying is not difficult even for a novice builder. However, you will have to be patient and attentive. The geometry of the forms helps to tightly join, but with the slightest negligence, the dignity of the material will be lost. To carry out the work you will need cement mortar from cement, water and sand, although many builders use a clay composition.

Important! The masonry mixture must be very thick, since the blocks have an increased mass.

A trowel, a hammer for setting the masonry and a plumb line with a horizontal level will not interfere. You need to check the evenness for vertical and horizontal every row. As for the features of the building, they are as follows:

  1. The most commonly used combined masonry of silicate bricks and ceramic. SC for carriers wall panels and partitions, ceramics for cladding. This option significantly increases the strength and service life of the house, while reducing the cost of construction.

Important! The combination is beneficial in terms of using the high qualities of both materials: internal partitions rarely exposed to moisture, but must be excellently durable. Facing, on the other hand, often experiences the aggressiveness of the external environment, therefore, strength and resistance to water, snow and other phenomena are required to be excellent.

  1. SC masonry, as shown in the video, is similar to ordinary brickwork, but here the first row is laid on a carefully waterproofed base without mortar, all others - on a cement or clay composition with a layer of at least 30 mm.
  2. Laying is recommended by the “press” method, which increases the complexity, but guarantees strength. Applying the mixture to the brick with a layer of 1 cm will help to achieve filling of the seams, and then removing the excess.
  3. Be sure to wet the silicate before laying, so that it does not draw water out of the mixture until it sets.
  4. The thickness of the wall depends on the number of storeys of the building, the requirements of insulation. The standard is one and a half bricks for low-rise buildings, and for more solid ones, a double layer is needed.
  5. Additional reinforcement will provide the desired strength of the structure. You can use wire, laying it in every third row.

Important! If the insulation parameters require even a little double brick, laying is done in two and a half, however, with careful insulation, such masonry is unprofitable.

How to insulate the house outside and inside

To insulate a house made of silicate bricks, you can use almost any material. The peculiarity of the application is that the external method is used for cladding, which has a lot of advantages:

  • Condensation conditions, i.e. "dew point" remains outside;
  • The vapor permeability of the SC is reduced, so it is much easier to choose the insulation material than for any other building material;
  • Finishing only the outside, as shown in the video, does not reduce the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises inside;
  • The insulation solution has little effect on the facade of the building, since beauty flaws can be covered with any cladding.

There are no tips on choosing a material, since all indicators depend only on the requirements for insulation: we are building a house in a warm climate - the easiest option is used, in colder latitudes, the shortcomings in the thermal conductivity of the SC need to be leveled good insulation. A plus for the choice of thermal insulation is the low vapor permeability of silicate bricks.

Important! Considered objectively, this point is more likely to be a minus, because of which the material is not advised to be used in a humid climate, but for insulation, the disadvantages of permeability turn into pluses.

Professional home insulation is a complex and lengthy process that will delight residents with comfortable and warm room in winter time. Thanks to the insulation of a brick building, you can reduce energy costs for home heating.

Warming brick walls differs from the insulation of concrete or wooden structures. To identify the material for thermal insulation, you need to set the type of brick.

Brick density is of two types:

  1. Hollow weighs less, inside there are voids filled with air.
  2. Solid - solid type of brick.

There are two types of masonry: solid and building with the formation of air voids. In the process of the second type of masonry the heat-insulating element is poured into the inner part of the wall- special air pocket.

Why is thermal insulation needed?

The main function of thermal insulation is energy saving and utility bills. The walls and ceiling can be covered with heat-insulating material on both sides, and the windows and floor can be covered from the inside.

Additionally, you can close up window and door gaps, as well as cover the walls that separate the house from the street with insulating material.

Thermal insulation of the room will get rid of mold and other fungi that live inside wet and cold walls.

Mold formed due to big difference in temperature external and inner surface walls. It is better to insulate a brick wall on both sides.

Modern materials

The durability of the finish depends on the choice of materials. and degree of insulation. Some materials are better suited for finishing the inside of the wall and crevices, and some are made specifically for the outside.

As a material for insulation brick houses are used:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • plaster;
  • thermal panels.

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is a substance consisting of fused silicone fibers mixed with metallurgical waste.

The most important advantages of mineral wool are a high coefficient of heat conductivity, as well as no combustible elements in its composition. Cotton wool is a durable material, it is difficult to break it or break its integrity.

cotton wool repels water easily and does not absorb rain. The substance ideally isolates the room from sound signals and noise. The material does not melt or deform under high temperature. It is resistant to chemicals and biological agents. Minvata is easy to install.

Resins, phenol and heavy metals that make up cotton wool, can adversely affect the human respiratory system. Expanded polystyrene, silicate fiber and polyurethane foam are considered less harmful materials for construction.


Polyfoam occupies a leading position among the materials used for insulation of residential premises.

He low cost, easy to install. A thin layer of foam plastic is enough to insulate the living space, isolate it from external noise.

Styrofoam has the following advantages:

  • does not deteriorate under the influence of chemicals;
  • has a high density;
  • does not absorb moisture, rain and precipitation;
  • does not lose its shape under the influence of mechanical damage;
  • it is enough to lay a layer of foam, which will be ten times thinner walls to prevent the penetration of cold into the room;
  • the material is durable and can last up to half a century;
  • weighs little;
  • resistant to decomposition processes;

Styrofoam is used as a heat-insulating material for insulation of roofs, walls, facade structures, foundation slabs and basement floor.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Expanded polystyrene is produced by mixing polymer metal particles with a blowing agent. From liquid mixture of these substances the sheet is smelted. After curing sheet becomes light and strong.


  • the material is durable and can withstand heavy loads;
  • resistant to action chemical substances And high temperatures;
  • does not pass or absorb moisture;
  • serves for a long time;
  • does not pass harmful vapors;
  • ecologically pure;
  • does not ignite.

Due to its low vapor permeability, expanded polystyrene promotes the formation of mold and fungi.

Such a feature contributes to the destruction of the supporting structure of the house and poor health of residents. This material is used only for the insulation of facades in buildings whose height does not exceed nine floors.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane is a type of plastic. He has a foamy texture, and the gaseous substance in its composition reaches 90 percent.

Polyurethane is easy to manufacture, it can be made right on the construction site.

The advantages of this material include:

  • adheres well to any kind of walls: brick, concrete, stone, wood, etc.;
  • there is no need to carry out additional processing of the wall surface;
  • increases the strength of walls and partitions;
  • does not respond to temperature changes;
  • forms a single solid construction without gaps and seams.

Material can wear out quickly as a result of the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. This material must be protected with plaster.

The heater does not burn, but under the influence of high temperatures will begin to melt, therefore, it should not be used near smelters and in production.

Warm plaster

Plaster is inexpensive has adhesion to different surfaces, does not ignite, has a bactericidal effect, is non-toxic, resistant to moisture penetration.

If water gets on the plaster, it can cause it to freeze and development of fungal growths inside the wall.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels give the facade a respectable look, as well as perfectly insulate the house. They consist of several layers of expanded polystyrene and polyurethane foam with the addition of air. For decoration, artificial stone is used.

The benefits include:

  • environmentally friendly solution for thermal insulation;
  • installation does not depend on the season and weather conditions;
  • their use reduces the installation time.

The cons include:

  • before installation, the wall surface must be carefully leveled;
  • are expensive, especially corner elements.

What is the best way to insulate a home?

Insulation is selected depending on the material from which the walls are made.

Housing from concrete slabs insulated with foam or mineral wool. The stone house is insulated with the same mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

Walls made of gas silicate blocks are well insulated with mineral slabs or polystyrene. These materials have good thermal insulation properties And have a long service life, they will be a good protection against the cold for walls made of gas silicate.

For insulation of houses from foam blocks the following materials are used:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • cork;
  • penofol;
  • polyurethane foam.

For insulation of residential premises from aerated concrete well suited:

  • plaster;
  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam.

These materials excellent wall protection aerated concrete house from freezing and increase the life of the building.

brick walls insulated with the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded polystyrene;
  • Styrofoam;
  • polyurethane foam;

How to properly insulate a brick house from the outside with your own hands?

Insulating a living space with foam plates is easy. It is enough to adhere to the following algorithm of actions.

pre-surface wall debris and dirt must be removed. Then trim it with plaster.

Important: treat the wall with primer to achieve evenness, and then wait for it to dry. Foam plates will firmly lie on the primed surface.

Then it is necessary nail the starting profile horizontally. The plates are glued to the wall starting from the bottom edge. You can treat the wall with glue or apply the substance directly to the slabs with a spatula.

Laying of plates must be done in a checkerboard pattern. When the glue dries, the plates must be fixed with dowels. The gap between the plates must be sealed with the same material or filler.

On final stages masonry plates are fixed with mesh, and the dried facade must be covered with plaster.

Warming a house with your own hands is not an easy task, but doable with some preparation. Insulation is selected depending on the material of the walls. The choice of material is also influenced by its cost, heat-insulating and waterproof qualities, as well as environmental friendliness and safety for the health of residents.

Warming brick house do it yourself: video instruction.

We will look at some of them in this article.

The wall that , will cool down several times slower. The undoubted advantages are:

  • Heat losses are minimal;
  • The dew point is located either in the insulation itself, or at the edge of the outer wall(it all depends on the parameters);
  • Condensation will never form on the wall;
  • The heating of the wall is complete, there are no significant temperature jumps.

Differences in insulation

walls are not considered so popular, all because of a number of significant drawbacks:

  • Heat is lost by 10%.
  • Dew point location. She is in the space between inside walls and insulation or in the insulation itself. This causes the accumulation of condensate, after a while dampness appears in the room.
  • The wall does not retain or accumulate heat in itself..

Despite a number of disadvantages, internal insulation is characterized and positive qualities:

  • Work can be carried out at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions.
  • Warming is easy to carry out on your own, for this you need to have only basic knowledge and the necessary materials.

The main types of insulation and their brief description

Organic heat insulators on the market are represented by a wide range of assortment of goods.

They are based on materials of natural origin:

  1. Wood concrete insulation counts latest material, which is based on sawdust, shavings, uncut straw and reeds. Also, the insulation is made from cement and organic additives. These are CaCl2, H2SO4, as well as the product obtained after processing ordinary clay, kaolin or nepheline, and Na2O.
  2. Foam-polyvinyl chloride insulation. It consists of a polyvinyl chloride resin, which, after exposure to light or electromagnetic vibrations, acquires a characteristic foam structure. At the same time, it is considered a universal heat insulator.
  3. Chipboard insulation. Components - shavings, resin obtained as a result of controlled chemical processes, antiseptics, fire retardant.
  4. Insulation with fiberboard core. It resembles chipboard in its own way. The base is wood waste, or cut corn and straw stalks. The material may well also consist of compressed old paper.
  5. Polyurethane based polyester, it includes H2O, emulsifier and isocyanates. When catalysts begin to act, all elements interact under investigation. chemical reaction, at which appears the new kind insulation.

Inorganic heat insulators

Mineral wool is of two types: slag and stone. To produce the first companies use slag. Stone wool is distinguished by: CaCO3, rocks that are used for paving streets, minerals containing calcium and magnesia, volcanic rocks and others.

External insulation of brick walls - how to choose the optimal thermal insulation?

mineral wool

This concept includes the following varieties:

  • glass wool, as well as stone wool;
  • slag.

All these materials are characterized by appropriate fibers, which are based on glass, rocks, slags.


  • heat conductivity - 0.041-0.044 W / (mK);
  • impermeability - 20-200 kg/m3.

Before deciding whether to insulate a brick facade with this material, it must be borne in mind that it is prone to excessive moisture absorption. Therefore, it is additionally treated with special chemical materials.

Mineral wool


Oversized material, which, in view of its characteristics and affordable price became the most popular material for thermal insulation. In the construction market, you can always find a copy, the average indicators of which are equal to:

  • heat conductivity - 0.033-0.037 W / (mK);
  • impermeability - 11-35 kg / m3.

Styrofoam is practically devoid of moisture, plus it is vapor-tight. In addition, the material is quite fragile, easily flammable, during smoldering it releases many hazardous chemical elements. This material has many disadvantages, but as an economy option it is ideal.


Extruded polystyrene foam

In terms of its features, the material resembles the foam plastic described above, only there is one difference - only the latest developments are used in its manufacture.


  • heat conductivity - 0.028-0.032 W / (mK);
  • impermeability - 25-38 kg / m3.

It is often used for outdoor insulation, it is quite strong and retains heat well. Naturally, its cost is several times higher than that of the two options considered above.

Warm plaster

It is distinguished by sound insulation, vapor permeability.


  • heat conductivity - 0.065 W / (mK);
  • impermeability - 200-340 kg / m3.

This is an ideal insulation for cladding the outer wall of a brick house, but requires special conditions due to its characteristics:

  • plaster layer no more than 50 mm;
  • The foundation needs to be further reinforced.


Thermal panels

This material is distinguished by both thermal insulation and the ability to clad the surface of the walls..


  • heat conductivity - 0.025 W / (mK);
  • impermeability - 45-55 kg / m3.


Today on the market you can find panels that are produced as an imitation of siding or lining. They are covered with a special quartz powder.

Thermal panels

Wall pie - what elements does a brick wall consist of

  1. Plaster - from 10 to 35 mm, depending on the chosen brick wall cake option;
  2. Hollow or solid brick;
  3. Polyfoam PSB 25 (from 70 to 120 mm);
  4. Steel crate;
  5. Vapor barrier and wind barrier multifunctional membrane.
  6. Plaster or mortar known;
  7. External finishing - facing brick or decorative plaster.

wall pie

A few words about waterproofing and vapor barrier

At the stage of thermal insulation of the wall, it is necessary to pay Special attention on the vapor barrier, otherwise the insulation material will become unusable after a while. The classic material for vapor barrier is polyethylene.

When installing, it must be handled with extreme care, do not stretch too much, otherwise the film may be deformed, especially during seasonal changes in climatic conditions.


Mastics specially created for this purpose are considered to be commonly used vapor barrier materials. If they are applied to the wall, they will let air through, while retaining moisture. Waterproofing protects various building structures from moisture penetration. It is easy to apply, does not require special qualifications from workers, and also does not form seams.

For brick walls, instead of vapor barrier, plaster is often used, which is not very true in the case of mineral wool, because. the heater will begin to dampen.

Vapor barrier and waterproofing

Sealing gaps and preparing the crate

Damaged walls should be replaced or repaired. overhaul. The gaps in the joints are sealed with natural materials or synthetic stone sealants..

Before you insulate the wall, you need to take care of the preparation of the crate. The distance between its bars should be determined based on the width of the insulation plate. Important using building level check the vertical and horizontal surface for finishing. The lathing bars should be directed perpendicular to the direction of the cladding panel.

Brick wall sheathing

Do not forget about the installation of the transverse crate to ensure high-quality ventilation.

For the convenience of installing the intermediate elements of the batten, a rope is pulled from the bottom and top of the facade from the corner bar. Some mark up future elements with chalk.

Insulation of a brick wall from the outside using mineral wool as an example

  1. From the outside, the brick base must be sheathed OSB boards , between them you need to keep the gaps, the size of which is indicated by the manufacturer. After installation, the gaps are earned with foam.
  2. Then, from the outside, a membrane with waterproofing is pulled, which protects the mineral wool from moisture, over which the entire exterior finish. Many companies produce waterproofing materials with strips on which connecting elements for a tighter joint. If there are no such strips, the joints should be glued with double-sided tape.
  3. Then sheets with mineral wool are tightly mounted.. Often used material, the density of which starts from 35-50kg/m3. A material with a lower density will certainly settle or roll off, which will cause cold to pass through the formed voids.
  4. Mineral wool slabs are mounted in such a way that past joints of min. by 150-200 mm. The overall thickness of the insulation is based on climate and temperature indicators, but the average is 150 mm.
  5. After laying the sealant in the walls, all the voids that have appeared are filled with a film for installation.

Warming with mineral wool

Insulation under siding

Thermal insulation with polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam - basic principles

Today, many builders insulate the facade with extruded polystyrene foam. The slabs are laid taking into account the degree of horizontality. The sags will ideally cope with the task. When installing the slab, it is imperative to pay attention to maintaining the uniformity of the profile strip; for this, the building level is used.

Docking of plates is carried out according to the principle brickwork, in other words, you need to mount half of the plate through each row. The cracks are sealed with liquid polystyrene and polystyrene pieces, while it is better not to use mounting foam. If the plates are poorly joined, this can be easily corrected with a grater.

Styrofoam plates are attached with glue, but do not forget about special dowels with caps. Otherwise, due to strong gusts of wind, the plates will break.

As for polyurethane foam, this is a new generation material that:

  • It is non-toxic and environmentally friendly;
  • Does not lose its characteristics for a long time and lasts more than half a century;
  • It freezes in a short period of time, due to this, the installation time is significantly reduced;
  • Heaters based on Polyurethane are completely safe for health. After hardening, this material becomes environmentally friendly;
  • Thermal insulation with polyurethane foam is characterized by the lowest flammability when compared with other types of heaters;
  • Polyurethane foam is not able to pass and absorb moisture. Thanks to excellent thermal insulation, the owners of the house are free from problems associated with the formation of condensation, mold and fungus.

Thermal insulation with expanded polystyrene

PPU thermal insulation

Warming a brick house from the outside has several advantages. The main thing is to choose the right material and use it rationally, taking into account all the subtleties.

Useful video

How to insulate a brick wall with your own hands:

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Energy saving programs are gaining popularity, and many are thinking about the best option for their home. How to insulate silicate brick? Which insulation options are better: outside or inside? What features of a brick should be considered when choosing a heater?

Insulation for a house made of silicate brick must be selected based on the type of construction and type of masonry.

Wall insulation should begin with an examination of their features, the type of masonry that was used during construction. In order for the insulation of the house to meet all modern requirements, it is necessary to take into account the following parameters:

  1. Brick shape. This indicator directly affects the thermal conductivity, on which the required level of insulation will depend.
  2. Brick type. For example, for silicate brick m-150, a minimum insulating layer is sufficient.
  3. Masonry type. The thickness of the wall and its need for insulation will depend on this indicator.

Expert advice! If the house has solid masonry, then it needs to be insulated inside and out, if hollow masonry is used, then the material is laid only inside the walls.

What insulation materials are available on the construction market

Today, a network of construction supermarkets offers wide choose materials for wall insulation made of silicate bricks. All of them have their own characteristics that you need to know and take into account in order for the insulation of the house to be of high quality and reliable.

  1. Mineral wool.

Despite the fact that this material has been used for a long time, it has not lost its popularity. Buyers prefer it for:

  • optimal price;
  • ease of installation;
  • light weight;
  • environmental safety;
  • long period of operation;
  • the complete absence of a breeding ground for rodents, fungus and mold.

Among the shortcomings of the material are the following indicators:

  • rapid absorption of moisture;
  • ignites easily;
  • does not retain its shape during deformation processes.
  1. Styrofoam.

Many experts suggest insulating silicate brick with foam. Its coefficient of thermal conductivity is slightly lower than that of mineral wool. But among the advantages are the following:

  • the material is resistant to moisture;
  • easy to mount, no special tools required;
  • a light weight;
  • environmental Safety.
Polyfoam has special water-repellent properties.

If it was decided to insulate a house made of silicate brick with foam plastic, then you need to know that it ignites easily and releases toxic substances when burned. Many cases have been noted when ignition and spread of fire occurs instantly, and the owners manage to save only their lives.

Expert advice! Today, the construction market offers a new type of foam, which has improved performance and greater protection against fire.

  1. Expanded clay.

This material can be used to insulate the house during the construction phase. It is added to the cement mortar, which will be used when pouring the floor, plastering the walls. Expanded clay has a lot of advantages that make it in demand in the construction market:

  • minimum weight;
  • environmental Safety;
  • mice do not gnaw it, fungus and mold do not develop in it;
  • has high rates of heat and noise insulation;
  • does not react with moisture, so it is ideal for bathroom, kitchen, toilet.

Among the main disadvantages can be called a high degree of dust emission.

  1. Polyurethane foam.

It is increasingly recommended to insulate a house made of silicate bricks with polyurethane foam, since this material has the highest rates of thermal insulation and strength. The material itself can be used in the form of slabs or applied to the walls by spraying. Polyurethane foam involves additional finishing, preferably with fire-resistant mixtures.

The main disadvantage is the high cost.

  1. Warm plaster.

This material provides the room with the highest thermal insulation performance. With the help of warm plaster, you can easily cover the sand-lime brick. Among the main advantages are the following:

  • walls have high rates of heat, noise and sound insulation;
  • the material is not subject to combustion;
  • does not absorb moisture.

The main disadvantage that prevents the material from gaining popularity is the cost and methods of application to the walls. Warm plaster is applied using special automated equipment. Only a professional team has such systems, which will take a lot of money for work.

In addition, the maximum layer of plaster is up to 5 centimeters. The large mass of the layer that is applied to the wall requires the construction of a massive foundation or additional strengthening of an existing one.

  1. Fiberglass.

This material has excellent characteristics and is recommended by many experts. The main thing that everyone needs to remember is that this material should be mounted only by professionals. It is toxic, therefore, if installed incorrectly, it can harm the health of not only the employee, but also everyone who will live in such a house.

  1. Ecowool.

It is used only for internal insulation. The material has optimal performance thermal conductivity, while quickly absorbing moisture.

Insulation of the house from the outside

How to insulate a house made of silicate bricks, you need to decide in each case individually.

If the house has been built and is functioning for a long time, then the wall insulation will be external. This type will protect the structure of the house from precipitation, sudden changes in temperature, while the dew point will move closer to the insulation. Such insulation of the house makes it possible to increase the life of the entire building.

Suitable for outdoor insulation mineral wool, polyfoam, polyurethane, expanded polystyrene. Silicate brick covered with insulation must be additionally plastered or covered with facade panels.

Before you insulate the house from the outside, you need to carry out horizontal waterproofing of the foundation. For these purposes, you can use hydroisol or roofing material. Unfortunately, the latest material does not have long term services. The installed waterproofing layer should not be on the walls of the first floor.


How to insulate a house from the inside

For silicate brick, wall insulation from the inside is considered only in the most emergency cases. In addition to the fact that the usable area will be taken away from the room, when the walls are insulated from the inside, the dew point changes, it shifts inward. This causes condensation to form on the walls, which can only be removed after the installation of a productive ventilation system.

If it was decided to insulate the house from the inside, then it is necessary to use the material not only for the walls, but also on the ceiling, floor, and slopes. If such work is not performed, then places will appear in the house where freezing will appear.

When choosing a material for insulating silicate brick from the inside, you must first of all pay attention to the indicators environmental safety. All components, when heated, will be released into the room, which can harm human health.

When insulating a silicate brick from the inside, it is not necessary to use a vapor barrier.

It is enough to cover the material with plaster. If there is a need for additional fixation of the insulation, then a reinforcing mesh can be used.

When choosing a material for insulation, you should pay attention to fire safety indicators. All walls inside the house are equipped with a large number of wires, various devices that can ignite.


Warming a house made of silicate brick is a necessary and important process that will help save the family's budget for heating, create coziness, comfort, optimum temperature throughout the house. Only conscious choice material will provide the desired result for each particular home.

In private construction, brick is still very popular for building walls at home. Houses built of brick can be found almost everywhere. But, despite its excellent performance, such a house requires insulation. The issue of warming a brick house is especially acute today, when the cost of energy is quite high and you have to save every kilowatt of energy. The way out in this situation is to create a reliable thermal insulation of the house, which can reduce heat loss to a minimum. All work on the arrangement of thermal insulation can be done on your own, especially since how to insulate brick house, there is nothing complicated.

The specifics of the insulation of a brick house

When planning to insulate a brick house, it must be remembered that house insulation is a whole range of works aimed at reducing heat loss through the roof, walls, floor and foundation. And in order to answer the question of how to properly insulate a brick house, you will first have to find out what kind of brick and what masonry the house is built from, consider the types of insulation of a brick house and decide on the materials for its insulation.

Features of brick walls

Unlike concrete or wooden walls, brick walls have a number characteristic features. Firstly, the walls can be made of solid or hollow bricks. The thermal conductivity of a brick wall depends on this, the indicator of which is in the middle between wood 0.2 W / (m K) and concrete 1.5 W / (m K) and is 0.4 W / (m K). Secondly, masonry can be solid and with an air pocket (well masonry). Depending on what type of brick is used and what kind of masonry is done, the thickness of the walls changes, and along with this, the performance characteristics and required thickness thermal insulation layer.

Important! Above are the average thermal conductivity values. Depending on the type of wood and the materials used for the production of bricks and concrete, the thermal conductivity may fluctuate in one direction or another. So concrete with the addition of expanded clay has a thermal conductivity of 0.66 W / (m K), solid silicate brick 0.7 W / (m K), and pine 0.09 W / (m K). Therefore, before proceeding with the insulation of the walls of the house, it is important to know what they are made of and how thick they are.

Regarding the masonry method, it should be noted that with continuous masonry, the insulation is placed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall on one or two sides. In this case, the thickness of the layer directly depends on the thickness of the wall: the thicker the wall, the smaller the layer will be required. In the case of well masonry, the insulation is placed inside the wall, between the bricks. This approach is also called intra-wall insulation. It can provide additional thermal insulation due to the air gap between the outer and inner walls, and when using a heat-insulating material, it can reduce heat loss by half.

Types of insulation

In total there are three types of insulation: external, internal, intra-wall. External insulation is the most popular and involves the placement of insulation outside the building. This approach will provide additional protection of the walls from various kinds of natural phenomena. Unfortunately, the external insulation of a brick house has its drawbacks - this is the seasonality of work and the rather high cost of materials. Internal insulation of the house, in addition to wall insulation, provides for insulation floors, floor, attic and roof. You can perform internal insulation at almost any time of the year. The third type is intra-wall insulation, it can be performed only at the stage of wall construction. Therefore, those who have purchased an already built house will not be able to perform this type of insulation.

Characteristics of thermal insulation materials

It is necessary to choose materials for warming a brick house with special care, paying attention to their characteristics. There are several reasons for this. First, some thermal insulation materials can only be used for interior decoration, some - only for outdoor. Secondly, the total weight and thickness of the insulating layer will depend on the density of the material and its thermal conductivity. Thirdly, its durability and ability to maintain its operational qualities depend on the resistance of the material to various kinds of negative influences. Fourth, than more natural material, all the better. Below are the main features with their brief description to which special attention should be paid.

  • Coefficient of thermal conductivity. The lower this indicator, the less the thickness of the thermal insulation layer will be.
  • Water absorption coefficient. As in the case of thermal conductivity, the smaller this figure, the better. The water absorption of a material indicates its resistance to moisture absorption.
  • Density. In fact, this indicator displays the mass of thermal insulation. The higher it is, the heavier the material.
  • Flammability class. In total there are four classes of flammability. Class G1 materials stop burning without a source of fire, so their use is more preferable in construction.
  • Material durability. With this indicator, everything is simple. It indicates how much given material will last without loss of its performance characteristics.
  • Steam capacity. The ability of the material to “breathe”, passing moist air through itself, will be most welcome for internal insulation of rooms, which will only increase comfortable living in the house.
  • Soundproofing ability. Some heat-insulating materials also have excellent sound-proofing properties, which can significantly save on special sound-proofing materials.
  • Environmental friendliness. This indicator indicates only the naturalness of the materials and will be useful for those who seek to make their home as safe as possible for living in it.
  • Difficulty of installation. This indicator only affects the speed and ease of installation, which will be especially useful for beginners in the construction business.

In modern construction, do-it-yourself insulation of a brick house is carried out with various materials. Below are the usual artificial materials and again gaining popularity natural:

  • Mineral wool. Perhaps the most commonly used thermal insulation. Its thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.041-0.044 W/(m.K) and its density is from 20 kg/m3 to 200 kg/m3. Of the shortcomings, high moisture absorption should be noted. More suitable for internal insulation.
  • Expanded polystyrene (styrofoam). The second most popular material for insulation. Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.033 - 0.037 W/(m.K), density 11 to 35 kg/m3. This material practically does not absorb moisture, but at the same time its vapor permeability is almost zero. In addition, it is brittle, flammable, and releases toxic substances when burned. Can be used both inside and outside the building.
  • Extruded polystyrene foam. Thermal conductivity coefficient 0.028 - 0.032 W / (m.K), density from 25 to 38 kg / m3. Unlike regular styrofoam, extruded styrofoam is more durable, but otherwise they are virtually identical. Suitable for external and internal work.
  • Expanded clay. The thermal conductivity coefficient is from 0.10 to 0.18 W/(m.K), density 200 - 800 kg/m3. Pretty narrow range of applications. It is mainly added to concrete for the foundation or construction of a monolithic frame of the house. It can also be used for interior wall insulation.
  • "Warm" plaster. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.065 W/(m.K), density 200 - 340 kg/m3. This material has quite a few advantages - sound insulation, vapor permeability, low water permeability, non-combustibility, and so on. But there are two significant drawbacks. The first - the maximum layer of such plaster should not exceed 50 mm, the second - a lot of weight, which entails the need for a reinforced foundation. But in general, it is an excellent insulation for both external and internal work.
  • Cork heaters. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.045 - 0.06 W/(m.K), density 240 - 250 kg/m3. This natural material perfect for internal insulation due to its performance. The only serious disadvantage is the high degree of flammability. Best used for internal insulation.
  • Ecowool or cellulose wadding. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.032 - 0.038 W/(m.K), density 30 - 75 kg/m3. The ecowool obtained as a result of cellulose processing perfectly absorbs moisture and does not tolerate mechanical loads well. Used only for internal insulation. It is usually used to insulate attics.

Starting to insulate an already built brick house, first of all, you need to do small project, indicating in it all areas requiring insulation with the materials used and their quantity. At the same time, it should be remembered that for internal and external works are used various materials. If the house is under construction, then all necessary calculations are indicated in the project documentation and it remains only to purchase everything you need and start work.

As noted earlier, this type of insulation can be carried out only at the stage of wall construction. To do this, do the following:

  1. first, we lay the outer wall, where every 5 rows of bricks we insert a metal pin made of wire with a diameter of 5 mm into the seam. We select the length of the pin in such a way as to drown it by 2 - 3 cm and the remaining part of the wire should be 2 - 3 cm more than the thickness of the heat-insulating material used;
  2. as soon as an external wall with a height of 1 - 1.5 m has been erected, we begin installing the thermal insulation in place, resting the materials on the pins;
  3. at the end we make masonry inner wall, after which we again raise the outer one. And so to the very top.

The method described above is suitable for materials produced in mats or plates, such as foam, mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. You can also use expanded clay. To do this, you will have to erect both walls at once to a height of 1 - 1.5 m, leaving a gap of 10 - 15 cm between them and tying them together with metal pins in the seams of the masonry. Then we fall asleep inside expanded clay and continue the construction of walls. For this method of insulation, coarse expanded clay should be chosen. Since it has a lower density and, therefore, its total weight will be less.

Important! You can not be limited only to the intra-wall insulation of a brick house. The walls of such a house can be additionally insulated from the outside.

Insulation of a brick house from the outside

The external insulation of a brick house consists in the insulation of the walls, the basement and the outer walls of the foundation. The technology of warming a brick house from the outside consists in cleaning the walls of the building from construction debris and dirt for further fixing a multi-layer heat-insulating cake on them or arranging a hinged structure over the bare walls with thermal insulation placed inside. From materials, you can use foam, extruded polystyrene foam, "warm" plaster. In this case, one simple rule must be observed - the sequence of arrangement of materials for insulating the walls of a brick house from the outside should be such that the vapor permeability of each subsequent layer increases towards the outer edge.

To insulate the walls of a brick house from the outside with polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam, you must do the following. Perform basic plastering of the walls to even out the main irregularities, then clean the surface of dirt and treat it with a primer. Then, in one of two ways, either with glue or with the help of “umbrella” facade dowels, we fix the sheets of thermal insulation to the wall.

If you chose the first method, then you need to apply glue to the surface of the sheet and press it firmly against the wall. We carry out work from the bottom up, placing the sheets gradually row by row. In this case, each next row is shifted relative to the previous one, placing the sheets in a checkerboard pattern. In this simple way, the stability of the entire structure is achieved. When fastening with facade dowels, we perform the same operations, with the difference that glue is applied pointwise in small portions to the surface of the sheet. Then, after gluing, we drill a hole in the wall through the sheet, into which we insert the dowel. The resulting surface is reinforced with a special mesh, plastered and finished with paint or decorative plaster.

Video: insulation of a brick house outside with foam

Another popular way of external wall insulation is to create ventilated facade. Creation works are as follows. The first thing to do is to place a layer of vapor barrier on the wall surface, then create and fix metal or metal anchors to the wall. wooden frame. After that, between the rails of the frame we place thermal insulation material, on top of which we lay a layer of waterproofing. For a ventilated facade, basalt or mineral wool is most often used. We fix heat and waterproofing materials to the wall with the help of facade dowels with a wide hat already familiar to us. At the end we set outer skin from siding, porcelain stoneware or other material.

The simplest and most widely available option for external insulation is the use of "warm" plasters. The work consists in cleaning the walls of dirt, after which their surface is impregnated with a primer. Next, a plaster mesh and beacons are fixed on the wall, along which “warm” plaster will be applied. After the plastered walls have dried, they can be finished with bark beetle decorative plaster, clinker tiles, decorative facade bricks, or simply painted.

The insulation of the foundation and basement of a brick house is carried out by analogy with the walls, with the only difference being that it is not customary to create a ventilated facade for the foundation or basement. Most often, insulation is performed with polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, clinker tiles or “warm” plaster.

Insulation of a brick house from the inside

Heat loss through external walls is only a fraction of the total heat loss. Most of the heat escapes through the roof and floor of a brick house. Of course, for more reliable heat retention, you can insulate the walls from the inside, and this will require very little effort. Consider the internal insulation of a brick house as it is being built, starting from the floor and ending with the roof.

Floor insulation in a brick house

The floors in a brick house are best insulated even at the stage of its construction. It is also possible to make insulation in an already built house, but this is associated with increased labor costs. This is due to the need to dismantle and repair an existing wooden or concrete floor. Floor insulation is carried out using polystyrene foam, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral and basalt wool or expanded clay. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the "warm floor" system, which, in combination with conventional heaters, will allow you to save heat and provide additional heating at home.

During the construction of a new house, the insulation of wooden floors is carried out as follows:

  • having created a structure from a log and a draft floor from waterproof plywood, we lay a layer of waterproofing on top of them. Between the edges waterproofing material let overlap, and bring the edges along the perimeter up with an overlap of 10 - 15 cm;
  • then we put a heater in the space between the lags. On top of the insulation, if desired, you can lay a layer of vapor barrier;
  • the next will be a rough floor made of boards, on top of which the finishing floor and flooring are laid.

If the house has two or more floors, then the insulation of the floors of the upper floors will also be the insulation of the ceiling in a brick house. In fact, you will have to create a wooden floor on the logs with insulation inside on the second floor.

The creation of thermal insulation in an already built brick house begins with the disassembly and repair of a wooden floor. After that, if necessary, excavation of excess soil is carried out, backfilling of a new substrate of sand, crushed stone and their compaction. Finally, a lag structure and insulation are assembled according to the scheme described above.

If the wooden floor can still be dismantled with minimal labor, then the concrete floor will require a lot of effort and a lot of time to remove the old screed. Therefore, it is extremely important to carry out the insulation of concrete floors at the stage of building a house. The work itself is as follows:

  • after creating and compacting a pillow of sand and gravel on the ground, we perform a rough screed, lay a layer of waterproofing on top;

Important! To reduce the thermal conductivity of concrete, expanded clay should be added to it. Such concrete will have a thermal conductivity of 0.66 W/(m·K) rather than the usual 1.5 W/(m·K).

  • Next, lay the insulation. For concrete floors, foam and extruded polystyrene foam are used. In addition to these materials, others can be laid. The main thing is to choose a material with the highest strength and density of more than 160 kg / m3;
  • a layer of vapor barrier is laid on top of this multilayer cake and a finishing screed is poured, after which the finishing floor covering is laid.

Wall insulation from the inside of a brick house

In most cases, wall insulation inside a brick house is not performed, due to the presence of external thermal insulation. But sometimes internal insulation is still necessary. Especially when the insufficient thickness of the walls or the maximum layer of thermal insulation on the outside is not enough to keep the heat. To insulate brick walls from the inside, mineral and stone wool, polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, cork or "warm" plaster.

The internal insulation of the walls of a brick house is as follows:

  • clean the walls of dirt and impregnate them with a primer;
  • using wooden bars or a metal profile, equip the frame and fix it to the wall. Frame racks are placed in increments of 40 cm or 60 cm;
  • if necessary, cutting the thermal insulation to the width of the opening between the posts, we put it inside the resulting structure;
  • from above we sheathe with drywall, plaster and apply the finish.

Important! Internal insulation of a brick house with polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam is highly undesirable due to the toxicity and flammability of these materials.

Insulation of the attic and roof of a brick house

In the question of how best to insulate a brick house, it is impossible to ignore such parts of the house as the roof and attic. After all, it is through them that up to 40% of the total heat loss can escape. This is due to the simple laws of physics, according to which warm air lighter than cold air and therefore all the heat goes up. Therefore, in order to keep warm in a brick house, it is so important to insulate the roof and attic.

To insulate the attic, you must do the following:

  • if you use floor beams as logs, you can build an already familiar wooden floor construction with insulation, but with minor changes;
  • we cover the beams themselves and the space between them with a vapor barrier;
  • then we fill the space between the beams with ecowool, mineral wool or basalt wool;
  • from above, for ease of movement in the attic, we lay a draft floor of rough boards.

Important! To save operational properties thermal insulation of the attic and roof, it is necessary to equip high-quality ventilation of the under-roof space.

Insulation of the roof of the house is carried out as follows:

  • over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe structure we lay between the rafters and fix the vapor barrier. We overlap the edges of the material with each other and glue it with adhesive tape;
  • in the space between the rafters we lay heat-insulating material. It can be polystyrene, extruded polystyrene foam, mineral or basalt wool, as well as any other insulation with low thermal conductivity and low density;
  • on top we lay another layer of vapor barrier and, to maintain the insulation in place, we fix the crate in increments of 0.4 - 0.5 m.

Despite the large amount of work to create thermal insulation of a brick house, everything is quite simple. Perform insulation within the power of anyone who knows how to use the tool and has minimum experience construction works. In order for everything to be done correctly, it is necessary to adhere to SNiPs and the recommendations of specialists.