Mixer      20.04.2019

When to dig up dahlias in the fall and how to store them. When to dig and how to store dahlias in winter

Dahlias are one of the most common, vibrant and memorable flowers on the planet. suburban area. In order to take care of the future harvest, it is necessary to collect the tubers of the current year in the fall and put them in storage.

Tuber formation

Despite the fact that dahlia tubers are formed in the spring, their final formation occurs only by the end of the season. Moreover, the longer they stay underground, the better they will form and be better stored in winter. It is not necessary to over-fertilize these plants at the end of the growing season.

During the summer, the root neck of dahlias can be exposed due to washing out after rains, so hill these plants from time to time. Their roots must be constantly underground so that the tubers ripen better.

When to dig?

Dahlias are kept in the ground until the first severe frosts. At this point, the bushes begin to turn black. The tubers should be dug up within 3 days of this event. During harvesting, it is better to dig up all outwardly diseased and severely weakened plants in advance and burn them together with a clod of earth around the tubers.

Some summer residents advise cutting dahlia stems at a level of 10 cm above the ground a few days before digging. Do not forget to hang a tag with the name of the variety on each such stem.

Digging is better to start in the morning. When digging, try not to damage the neck of the tuber. To do this, dig the plant at a distance of 30 cm from the stem. Upon completion, the tubers are left for several hours on the surface of the earth so that they can dry well in the wind. After that, each tuber is washed under running water, thoroughly washing off earthen residues from them.

Winter storage

Washed dahlia tubers are placed in a cold, damp room (basement, covered veranda) for 6 days. At the same time, the air temperature should not fall below 0 C so that the tubers do not freeze. During these days, the skin of the tubers will cork and will better protect them from moisture loss during further storage.


After a decade of dominance in the catalogs of the original variegated and bright varieties of tulips, trends began to change. At exhibitions best designers of the world are invited to recall the classics and pay homage to the charming white tulips. Glittering under the warm rays spring sun, they look especially festive in the garden. Meeting spring after a long wait, tulips seem to remind you that white is not only the color of snow, but also the joyful celebration of flowering.

Despite the fact that cabbage is one of the most popular vegetables, not all summer residents, especially beginners, can grow its seedlings. In the conditions of the apartment they are hot and dark. Quality seedlings in this case, it is impossible to obtain. And without a strong healthy seedling hard to count on good harvest. Gardeners with experience know that it is better to sow cabbage for seedlings in greenhouses or greenhouses. And some even grow cabbage by direct sowing of seeds in the ground.

Florists tirelessly discover new ones for themselves houseplants, replacing one with another. And here the conditions of a particular room are of no small importance, because the requirements for their content in plants are different. Difficulties are often faced by lovers of beautiful flowering plants. Indeed, in order for flowering to be long and plentiful, such specimens require special care. unpretentious plants There are not very many blooming in the rooms, and one of these is streptocarpus.

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For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chore, for some it is a difficult necessity, and someone is thinking about whether it is not easier to buy ready seedlings in the market or with friends? Whatever it was, even if you refused to grow vegetable crops, for sure, you still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, coniferous plants and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you plant.

A lover of humid air and one of the most compact and rare orchids, pafinia is a real star for most orchid growers. Its flowering rarely lasts longer than a week, but it is an unforgettable sight. Unusual striped patterns on the huge flowers of a modest orchid want to be considered endlessly. In room culture, pafinia is rightly credited to the ranks of species that are difficult to grow. It became fashionable only with the spread of interior terrariums.

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In 2014, the Japanese company Takii seed introduced a petunia with a striking salmon-orange petal color. By association with bright colors southern sunset sky, the unique hybrid was named African Sunset (“African Sunset”). Needless to say, this petunia instantly won the hearts of gardeners and was in great demand. But in the last two years, the curiosity has suddenly disappeared from shop windows. Where did the orange petunia go?

This question is very important in autumn time. There are many tips on how to do this, but still proceed from your particular conditions. It is important here in which region you live, and what kind of autumn it is. There are many nuances, just consult with local flower growers, they always have an answer to the question.

Agree! The most beautiful autumn flowers are. To grow such beauty, in general, is not difficult. It is difficult to save the planted seeds until spring. Possible waste with savings is 10%. Experienced flower growers, give a few secrets for storing tubers:

  • it is necessary to dig up the roots of dahlias after the first frost, the leaves should turn black, the flowers should be beaten with frost.
  • do not leave tubers in the ground after freezing; when warming, the buds start to grow, greatly weakening them.
  • cut the stem to a height of 10 cm -15 cm from the root collar.
  • Rinse the dug roots, make disinfection.
  • put in a cool room for 5-6 days, to tan the skin of the seeds.
  • for laying planting material, there are some rules that have been tested by time:
  • coarsened tubers are placed in parchment bags, covered with large sawdust;
  • wrap dahlia plots with cling film; control of the condition of the stored material is required.

Note! Boxes are also used for laying tubers, the bottom is covered with newspapers, a layer of earth is laid, then a layer of plots, and the top is covered with earth. They cover everything with newspapers and store it in an underground or basement. Storage temperature +1…+7ºС, humidity not more than 80%. Now let's talk about this topic in more detail.


In autumn, after the first frost on a fine day, start digging flowers. Before removing the soil from the tubers, cut the stem to a height of about 15 centimeters above the root collar. Whatever you confuse, immediately attach a tag to it with the name of the variety.

768w" title=" when to dig up dahlias and how to store them in the Urals" /> !}

Let's get started! Put on gloves, take a strong shovel, at a distance of 25 cm -30 cm from the plant, start digging the bush. Why at this distance? Move away from the bush away, so as not to inadvertently injure the plant. If this happens, then it will no longer be possible to save it and will have to be destroyed. After digging, together with a clod of soil, we take out the tuber root from the hole, and shake it off the ground.

This must be done very carefully, you can not allow the stem to break at the base of the nodules. If this happens, then be prepared for the loss. Often, when the neck is damaged, the tubers begin to rot. So do not think that the process of extracting roots from the soil is so simple. Better take it seriously.


Autumn, it's time to lay seeds for savings. Each region has its own terms for digging seed material. Experienced flower growers begin digging roots after the first frost. I grabbed the leaves from the plant, they withered, which means it's time.

IN middle lane In Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia, the first frost is like a bell, it's time to get to work. And when in the south of the country to dig tubers of autumn beauties? Dig at the end of October, not earlier.

The main thing is to start! Work is preferably done on a dry, warm, sunny day. Place the dug out root tubers with the rest of the stem on a wire rack, let them dry, so the dirt crumbles more easily and you do not injure them. Tubers for storage should be absolutely healthy.


The place where it will be stored planting material dahlia, should be chosen with good ventilation. The room must have an acceptable level of humidity and an optimal temperature for their lying. Storage parameters must be observed.

To save plots, stock up on dry sawdust or vermiculite. When using vermiculite, carefully monitor and observe temperature regime. With its slight increase, seed germination may begin, this should not be allowed ahead of time.

768w" title=" when to dig up dahlias and how to store them at home" /> !}

It is advisable to take a separate bag for each plot. Lay a layer of newspapers at the bottom, pour vermiculite, but usually they use sawdust, preferably a large fraction. Lower the workpiece into it and pour sawdust or vermiculite on top. Newspapers hold moisture better.

Bags with prepared dahlia seeds, be sure to tie them up. Pack them in plastic bags, but don't tie them. Otherwise, flower blanks will begin to mold and rot.


After viewing and dividing the root tubers, they need to be prepared for laying on the bed:

  • check seeds for diseases;
  • inspection of tubers for the presence of brown, rusty spots on them;
  • remove the remnants of the earth;
  • cut off the tips of the tubers;
  • treat the roots with a fungicide.

Make a disinfecting treatment of the material done in a dry way, pollinate the harvested seeds with powder. Treatment with a solution, a troublesome procedure. The plots are dipped in a disinfectant solution, placed on a wooden grate, let them dry, after the procedure they are laid down for storage.

Prepared bags with roots are stored at a temperature from +1º to +5ºС and humidity should not be higher than 60-65%. The laying of tubers should occur without sudden changes in temperature. Ventilation of the room for their storage is necessary. With a high degree of humidity, the tubers can rot.

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768w" title="dahlias when to dig up and how to store photos" /> !}


In early October, on one of the fine days that stood out in autumn, they accidentally begin in the Urals. The first frost has already plucked the leaves of chic beauties, and the flowers have suffered and look completely unaesthetic. It's time to clean up, the garden needs to be cleaned up for the winter.

768w" title="dahlias when to dig up and how to store videos" /> !}

Necessarily! The first step is to cut the stems, the beauty has already withered, so it's not a pity. Then arm yourself with a pitchfork and very carefully dig under the dahlia and remove it from the hole. Remove lumps of dirt, rinse in running water.

Then dip and leave in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Remove and dry the tubers in the air. Place to dry with the stump of the stems and the root neck up, but be careful not to break. Leave in the room for 10 days, let the skin on the tubers become coarse, they will be better stored.

Please note! The room for lying should not freeze, otherwise you will destroy the roots, there will be nothing to plant next spring.

Think! The cause of the infection is often the large buds that are on the neck, do not hesitate to break them out when you prepare the plots for laying. Of course, you can just dry the tubers and send them to storage, why spend a lot of time preparing seeds for savings. And you have the most beautiful varieties in District. And they will all die from a small pocket of rot, it's a pity. Then you will reproach yourself for negligence.


Found on one of the forums interesting way saving dahlia plots by waxing. The cleaned, pickled and dried planting material is dipped in paraffin melted in a hot water bath or an ordinary candle. You freely put the roots preserved in this way in a box, arrange it near the balcony and calmly forget it until spring. The tubers flooded with paraffin are perfectly preserved, there is no rot, mold, or drying out.

And most importantly, there is no worry that the nodules will freeze, because it happens that in the basement in the country, sometimes the ground freezes so that the vegetables freeze and then are no longer suitable for food.

768w" title="dahlias when to dig up and how to store" /> !}

dahlia tubers are stored in cling film

Many advise storing problem plots in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. They keep it like this, clean the rotten place, treat with activated charcoal, wrap it in coconut fiber or sawdust, moisten, all this is placed in plastic bag and in the refrigerator. The tubers are perfectly preserved until spring. Do not forget to make a few punctures in the bag for ventilation.

Interesting! And here is another non-standard method of saving seeds, in cling film. Haven't tried? Processed nodules are wrapped in cling film and stored in the apartment, in the shade. You can in the refrigerator, if of course there is a lot of free space. Normally and at the balcony are preserved.

Someone saves the seeds in the attic, warming them with blankets, they say that the tubers are not afraid of frost, but you must admit that the method is controversial, although they say that the temperature dropped to -27 ° C. Of course, everything is worth a try, each region has its own tricks. Flower growers come up with and preserve the roots of these regal flowers in different ways.

Dahlias, when to dig and how to store, everyone decides for himself how he will do it. Yes, there are classic tips on how to dig up the roots, how and with what, to process before storing, but you know, you often have to deviate from the canons and look for your own methods.

How beautiful multi-colored dahlias look in autumn garden! If you want to plant flowers next year, be sure to dig up the tubers from the ground in the fall. Root tubers of dahlias are afraid of frost and in winter they will freeze. The plant can withstand a slight sub-zero temperature, but do not leave dahlias in the ground until severe frosts. The safety of planting material also depends on proper storage.

When to dig up dahlias

The first frosts occur in each region in different time. We saw that the leaves of the plant turned black from frost and the flowers drooped - start digging. Do not dig before, with green leaves, dahlias are feeding on the roots, and the buds are preparing for flowering next year. If you dig up the plant prematurely, the tubers will not survive well and will bring few flowers next season. Do not keep black bushes in the ground for a long time after frost - rotting of the root system and buds begins.

Correctly digging dahlias

Get a pruner, a small shovel or pitchfork, and a rake ready. Let's start digging dahlias:

  • break off the leaves and cut off all the stems on large bushes. Trim the stem so that it remains up to ten to fifteen centimeters from the ground. Leave no more;
  • carefully dig the flower in a circle with a shovel at a distance of 30 cm to the cut stem. Do not put a shovel close to the stems, the roots of the plant diverge far and you will damage them;
  • rake the earth from the roots with a rake and gently begin to lift the tuber from the soil with a pitchfork or shovel;
  • remove excess soil - shake the tuber gently or remove it with your hands.

Don't help yourself by pulling the bush by its cut stem out of the ground! You will damage the flower and it will disappear.

How to store dahlias - preparation

Prepare to store dahlias:

Sign the planting material if they grow in the garden different varieties, and in the spring you will not get confused. Dahlias with strong root tubers need to be divided, but do so in the spring after winter storage.

How to store dahlias - we send flowers to "winter"

There are the following storage methods:

  • in the cellar. Dry the dug up tubers for a week and prepare spacious wooden boxes or cardboard boxes. Arrange the dahlias in a container and lower them into the cellar. You can sprinkle them with dry sawdust, moss or sand. If there are no suitable boxes, spread the root tubers on racks in the cellar. Check flowers periodically. If the tuber is moldy or softened, throw it away, otherwise it will infect all the other dahlias or treat it;
  • on glazed balcony. Put the tubers in insulated boxes and send them to winter. But on the balcony, the temperature should not rise above 10 degrees Celsius and fall below zero. At sub-zero temperature dahlias will die. During severe frosts, bring the boxes into the room and place them near the balcony - this is the coolest place for flowers;
  • waxing. This will help keep the tubers in the apartment if there is no cellar and balcony. Melt the paraffin in a saucepan to a liquid state and lower each dried and intact flower root to the basal neck. Immediately spread the root on the film. After the paraffin crust has hardened, transfer the tubers to a bag. Pour wood shavings into a flower bag and store in the coolest place in the apartment. In the spring, clean the paraffin crust and plant flowers.

Check periodically in winter all planting material. Remove rotten tubers, moisten dried ones. Make sure that the rodents in the cellar do not get to the flowers. Timely digging and proper storage will help you enjoy the bright flowering of amazing flowers next season.

When and how to dig up dahlias in the fall? This question is very important in the autumn season. There are many tips on how to do this, but still proceed from your particular conditions. It is important here in which region you live, and what kind of autumn it is. There are many nuances, just consult with local flower growers, they always have an answer to the question.

Dahlias are flowers of the Asteraceae family. Dahlias are not only amazingly beautiful flowers, but also long-lasting and profusely blooming. Flowering lasts from July until the first frost. In Europe, dahlias became widespread in the 18th century.

Scientists - botanists have approximately 15,000 varieties of this garden flower. In care, they are unpretentious.

The main thing is a correctly chosen site for planting, a balanced composition of the soil, regular watering and top dressing.

Seedlings are usually bought in mid-spring. Tubers should be chosen strong and fleshy with small sprouts.

The cultivation of this flower is associated with painstaking digging and proper storage tubers.

Can be planted annual varieties for seedlings. In April, the seeds are sown in a greenhouse or boxes.

On a layer of sand, which is used instead of earth, seeds are laid out, then watered, covered with a film. Sprouts germinate in 10 days.

Then they dive into separate containers, for example, plastic cups. The soil should consist of peat, sand, leafy humus.

Seedlings are watered as the earthen surface dries. In mid-May, seedlings are moved to open ground. The site for landing is chosen calm, well lit.

In April, tubers preserved after wintering are prepared for planting. To do this, they are cleaned of dried roots, damaged areas are removed.

All sections are disinfected with greenery. The tubers are placed in a container with nutrient soil, peat. At the same time, they should be located 3 cm above the earth's surface. After 14 days after budding, the tubers are cut into segments.

On each segment, you need to leave a kidney with a root neck. These tubers are germinated until side shoots appear, which are then removed. Now the dahlia tubers are ready for planting on the prepared site.

circumcised side shoots used as cuttings.

Tall varieties are advised to tie to a support.

Mulching the place under the dahlias will protect the flower from pests, will allow you to refuse weeding and loosening the earth, and most importantly, even on the hottest days, the earth will not dry out for a long time. Every two weeks, the flowers are fed with fertilizers of mineral or organic origin.

The main thing to remember is that these fertilizers need to be alternated.

To prolong flowering, all wilted buds must be removed. In tall varieties, the lower side shoots are removed. The main pests of dahlias are slugs, thrips, aphids, mites, caterpillars.

Proper storage tubers of this garden flower in winter is the key to success in their breeding.

Secrets of preserving dahlia tubers until spring

Agree! The most beautiful autumn flowers are dahlias. To grow such beauty, in general, is not difficult.

  • it is necessary to dig up the roots of dahlias after the first frost, the leaves should turn black, the flowers should be beaten with frost.
  • do not leave tubers in the ground after freezing; when warming, the buds start to grow, greatly weakening them.
  • cut the stem to a height of 10 cm -15 cm from the root collar.
  • Rinse the dug roots, make disinfection.
  • put in a cool room for 5-6 days, to tan the skin of the seeds.
  • for laying planting material, there are some rules that have been tested by time:
  • coarsened tubers are placed in parchment bags, covered with large sawdust;
  • wrap dahlia plots with cling film; control of the condition of the stored material is required.

Note! Boxes are also used for laying tubers, the bottom is covered with newspapers, a layer of earth is laid, then a layer of plots, and the top is covered with earth. They cover everything with newspapers and store it in an underground or basement.

Storage temperature +1…+7ºС, humidity not more than 80%. Now let's talk about this topic in more detail.

How to properly dig dahlias

In autumn, after the first frost on a fine day, start digging dahlia tubers. Before removing the tubers from the soil, cut the stem to a height of about 15 centimeters above the root collar. Whatever you confuse, immediately attach a tag to it with the name of the variety.

Let's get started! Put on gloves, take a strong shovel, at a distance of 25 cm -30 cm from the plant, start digging the bush.

Why at this distance? Move away from the bush away, so as not to inadvertently injure the plant. If this happens, then it will no longer be possible to save it and will have to be destroyed. After digging, together with a clod of soil, we take out the tuber root from the hole, and shake it off the ground.

This must be done very carefully, you can not allow the stem to break at the base of the nodules. If this happens, then be prepared for the loss.

Often, when the neck is damaged, the tubers begin to rot. So do not think that the process of extracting roots from the soil is so simple. Better take it seriously.

When to Dig Up Dahlias in Fall 2018

Autumn, it's time to lay seeds for savings. Each region has its own terms for digging seed material.

Experienced flower growers begin digging roots after the first frost. I grabbed the leaves from the plant, they withered, which means it's time.

In central Russia, in the Urals, in Siberia, the first frost is like a bell, it's time to get to work. And when in the south of the country to dig tubers of autumn beauties? Dig at the end of October, not earlier.

The main thing is to start! Work is preferably done on a dry, warm, sunny day. Place the dug out root tubers with the rest of the stem on a wire rack, let them dry, so the dirt crumbles more easily and you do not injure them.

Tubers for storage should be absolutely healthy.

How to store tubers at home

The room where the dahlia planting material will be stored should be chosen with good ventilation. The room must have an acceptable level of humidity and an optimal temperature for their lying. Storage parameters must be observed.

To save plots, stock up on dry sawdust or vermiculite. When using vermiculite, carefully monitor and observe the temperature regime. With its slight increase, seed germination may begin, this should not be allowed ahead of time.

It is advisable to take a separate bag for each plot. Lay a layer of newspapers at the bottom, pour vermiculite, but usually they use sawdust, preferably a large fraction.

Lower the workpiece into it and pour sawdust or vermiculite on top. Newspapers hold moisture better.

Bags with prepared dahlia seeds, be sure to tie them up. Pack them in plastic bags, but don't tie them. Otherwise, flower blanks will begin to mold and rot.

Comfortable storage conditions for dahlia tubers

After viewing and dividing the root tubers, they need to be prepared for laying on the bed:

  • check seeds for diseases;
  • inspection of tubers for the presence of brown, rusty spots on them;
  • remove the remnants of the earth;
  • cut off the tips of the tubers;
  • treat the roots with a fungicide.

Make a disinfecting treatment of the material done in a dry way, pollinate the harvested seeds with powder. Treatment with a solution, a troublesome procedure. The plots are dipped in a disinfectant solution, placed on a wooden grate, let them dry, after the procedure they are laid down for storage.

Prepared bags with roots are stored at a temperature from +1º to +5ºС and humidity should not be higher than 60-65%.

The laying of tubers should occur without sudden changes in temperature. Ventilation of the room for their storage is necessary. With a high degree of humidity, the tubers can rot.

Video: When to dig up dahlias and can they be stored without a cellar

When to dig and how to store dahlias in the Urals

In early October, on one of the fine days that stood out in autumn, dahlias accidentally begin to be dug up in the Urals. The first frost has already plucked the leaves of chic beauties, and the flowers have suffered and look completely unaesthetic. It's time to clean up, the garden needs to be cleaned up for the winter.

Necessarily! The first step is to cut the stems, the beauty has already withered, so it's not a pity. Then arm yourself with a pitchfork and very carefully dig under the dahlia and remove it from the hole. Remove lumps of dirt, rinse in running water.

Then dip and leave in a solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. Remove and dry the tubers in the air.

Place to dry with the stump of the stems and the root neck up, but be careful not to break. Leave in the room for 10 days, let the skin on the tubers become coarse, they will be better stored.

Please note! The room for lying should not freeze, otherwise you will destroy the roots, there will be nothing to plant next spring.

Think! The cause of the infection is often the large buds that are on the neck, do not hesitate to break them out when you prepare the plots for laying.

Of course, you can just dry the tubers and send them to storage, why spend a lot of time preparing seeds for savings. And you have the most beautiful varieties in the area. And they will all die from a small pocket of rot, it's a pity. Then you will reproach yourself for negligence.

On one of the forums, an interesting way was found to save dahlia plots by waxing.

The cleaned, pickled and dried planting material is dipped in paraffin melted in a hot water bath or an ordinary candle. You freely put the roots preserved in this way in a box, arrange it near the balcony and calmly forget it until spring. The tubers flooded with paraffin are perfectly preserved, there is no rot, mold, or drying out.

And most importantly, there is no worry that the nodules will freeze, because it happens that in the basement in the country, sometimes the ground freezes so that the vegetables freeze and then are no longer suitable for food.

Many advise storing problem plots in the vegetable section of the refrigerator. They keep it like this, clean the rotten place, treat it with activated charcoal, wrap it in coconut fiber or sawdust, moisten it, put it all in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. The tubers are perfectly preserved until spring. Do not forget to make a few punctures in the bag for ventilation.

Interesting! And here is another non-standard method of saving seeds, in cling film. Haven't tried? Processed nodules are wrapped in cling film and stored in the apartment, in the shade. You can in the refrigerator, if of course there is a lot of free space. Normally and at the balcony are preserved.

Someone saves the seeds in the attic, warming them with blankets, they say that the tubers are not afraid of frost, but you must admit that the method is controversial, although they say that the temperature dropped to -27 ° C. Of course, everything is worth a try, each region has its own tricks. Flower growers come up with and preserve the roots of these regal flowers in different ways.

Dahlias, when to dig and how to store, everyone decides for himself how he will do it. Yes, there are classic tips on how to dig up the roots, how and with what, to process before storing, but you know, you often have to deviate from the canons and look for your own methods.

Is it possible not to dig up dahlias for the winter

It is absolutely impossible not to dig up a dahlia. In our latitudes, not a single winter is complete without severe frosts. Such a climate is not suitable for flowers, and they simply die.

Video: When to dig up dahlias. Dahlia diseases