In a private house      03/31/2019

Types and varieties of perennial and annual marigolds. Landing and care. Plant photo. Marigolds - varieties, photo and description (thin-leaved, erect, rejected)

The first admirers of these flowers - the Aztecs - sowed all the gardens with them just for beauty. Soon they began to use golden flowers in the treatment and prevention of fever., exhaustion and kidney disease. They did not forget about marigolds during ritual ceremonies.

The Indians were sure that students' flowers grow wherever gold can be found. And now Latin Americans respect perennial marigolds and decorate their houses on the Day of the Dead and always plant graves with these plants. With the spread of Tagetes around the world, their popularity does not decrease at all: in many countries, marigolds symbolize longevity.

The stems of this flower are straight with a branch, can grow from 20 cm to 120 cm, depending on the variety. The root system is rod. Castings are most often divided, with teeth. They are both light and dark green, located opposite each other, and sometimes alternately (“ladder”).

Inflorescences in the form of a basket, there are terry and simple, you can find plants of all shades of yellow, orange and brown.

The heads of representatives of this variety are medium in size, which are formed by one row of leaves fused with each other. They bloom for a long time - from June to the first frost.

On a note. The fruits of marigolds are in the form of black or black-brown seeds. You can store them for 3-4 years.

Species and varieties

Landing of the Tagetes

Reference. Planting marigolds will not cause trouble even for a novice florist, because this is one of the most unpretentious plants that grow beautifully in 99% of cases and delight everyone with their appearance.

The student flower will germinate easily if the seeds are sown in open ground, but this can be done not earlier than May, when the soil is warm enough. And here if you want to admire the flowering earlier, it will not be superfluous to start with seedlings.


Seedling breeding

You will have to spend money on buying seeds in the store only once, because in subsequent years you can use the seeds collected from your own dried flowers. The main thing is to store the seeds dry throughout the year.

But with this method of obtaining seeds, it must be borne in mind that marigolds are mostly hybrids, and therefore every fourth generation of seeds will have species characteristics of only one of their parents. Due to this majority experienced gardeners germinated seeds are used. You can get them too. For this you need:

  1. Arrange the seeds on a plate, cover with a damp cloth.
  2. send a plate to plastic bag and place it in the body place.

Literally in three days you will receive hatched seeds.

The time for planting seeds for seedlings depends only on your desire. The sooner you want to see flowering, the sooner you plant the seeds, this can be done even in early spring. There are some nuances of sowing that should not be missed. For example:

  1. The composition of the soil, which should include humus, peat, turf and sand. All this must be disinfected with a disinfectant solution of a fungicide or potassium permanganate.
  2. Do not forget about a drainage layer about 3 cm high and organic fertilizer(but not manure!).
  3. Make notches and spread the seeds at a distance of 1.5-2 cm, then sprinkle with a small amount of soil.
  4. Be extremely careful when watering, so as not to accidentally wash the seeds with a sharp stream of water. And make sure the soil doesn't dry out.
  5. It is necessary to place boxes with seedlings in a place where the temperature reaches 22-25 degrees above zero.
  6. No later than seven days you should see the seedlings, then move the containers to a lighted place, and the temperature can be slightly reduced to 15-18 degrees Celsius.

You will learn about growing marigolds from seeds, and read how to grow seedlings yourself.

Marigolds can only be planted outdoors after the danger of frost has passed. Usually this is the end of May - the beginning of June. But this procedure can be carried out only when there are at least three leaves on the sprouts, and the root system is sufficiently formed.

Golden flowers always need well-moistened soil. during the formation of the plant, and if it is not fertile, your task will be to feed the earth with fertilizers during the growth and flowering of marigolds. Lack of watering can cause the leaves and stems to be weak, and the inflorescences to be small.

Location selection

Chernobrivtsy love the sun. This fact must be taken into account when choosing a landing site. These flowers are perfect for borders.

On a note! In the garden, it is advisable to plant them near cabbage, potatoes and various berries - flowers will help you in the fight against pests.

Mature plants no longer need abundant watering. It is better not to plant marigolds very densely, these flowers love freedom. We wrote in more detail about how to plant marigolds in open ground.


If your pets find themselves in a place where strong winds constantly blow, then it will be necessary to provide them with some kind of protection. With care, it is important not to overdo it. Top dressing should be done no more than once a month, because otherwise the bush itself will only actively grow, and not bloom.

It is necessary to carefully monitor that moisture stagnation does not occur, which causes disease, rot and lack of flowering of marigolds (how to care for and how to feed marigolds?). In very hot weather it is better to water the flowers in the evening.

Read about caring for marigolds after planting in open ground.


Most often found in still young plants. It is characterized by light pigmentation at the bottom of the stem, which gradually darkens and rots, which is why the whole plant dies.

To avoid this, you need to remember to disinfect the land when planting seeds, but do not overdo it with potassium permanganate. If these preventive measures did not help protect the flower from this disease, it is necessary to cut off the affected areas and reduce the frequency and abundance of watering. Do this only after it dries. upper layer soil. If this does not help, and the plant continues to die, we recommend transplanting it into new soil.

root rot

As a result of unsuitable conditions for the growth of marigolds, they can be attacked root rot. It manifests itself in the slow development of the plant and yellowing of the stem and leaves. To avoid this scourge, you should take into account all the recommendations for choosing a landing site given in the article above.

Important! Do not plant flowers where flowers with this disease were found in the past year.


spider mite

It shows itself even on seedlings if it is in a room with dry air. But sometimes already formed plants in dry weather can also be exposed to this danger. Symptoms of damage: the leaves become whitish, and then the whole plant dies.

To resist ticks, you can use air humidification. Many flower growers recommend using tobacco tincture. Prepare it as follows: pour 200 grams of tobacco with three liters of water and let it brew for two days. Then filter and dilute to 10 liters of water with the addition of 50 grams laundry soap until it is completely dissolved. The solution is ready for use immediately. For more information on what to do if a spider mite or other pests appear on marigolds, read at.


This pest appears in very hot weather and sucks the juice from the leaves, and its larvae infect the leaves with a fungus, which then turn black. To combat whiteflies, you need to use special preparations bought in the store.

Slugs and snails

They go on the attack in wet weather, gnawing stems and leaves. To fight slugs, you just need to collect them from plants and sprinkle the soil in a circle with ash and lime.

Reproduction features

It would not be superfluous to recall the need to renew your seed every three to four years, because after this period the marigolds will lose their specific features.

Useful video

All about marigolds. Planting, cultivation, care, pests, diseases, feeding and reproduction:

I also call marigolds Tagetes and Chernobrivtsy. Due to their unpretentiousness, flowers are widely used in landscaping urban flower beds and garden plots. The plant has a specific smell. But this is more positive than negative quality of the plant.


Marigolds are an annual and perennial plant belonging to the Astrov family. Flowers grow in the range from 20 to 120 cm. Marigolds decorate flower beds with their lush bloom from June until the first frost. The root system of the plant is fibrous. The bush consists of branched stems.

The leaves are serrated in all shades of green, on which the glands are visible. They have a pinnately dissected form. Arranged oppositely or alternately on the stem.

Flowers of yellow, orange or brown shades with a velvety sheen, thanks to which the plant got the name "marigolds". Marginal petals are pseudolingual, median, have a tubular shape, bisexual. Flower baskets are simple semi-double and terry.

The fruit of marigolds is an achene. Seed germination is very high and lasts up to 3-4 years.

Marigolds have a tart, specific smell, which is more positive than negative quality of the plant. Planting marigolds next to vegetable crops you can save them from the defeat of many pests.


  • In Arizona;
  • In New Mexico;
  • In Argentina.

Marigolds are considered the first flowers in Russia, brought from sea countries.

Types and varieties of marigolds

About 50 species of annual and perennial marigolds are known.

Flowers are classified according to the types of inflorescences:

  • simple;
  • Terry;
  • Semi-double;
  • Carnations;
  • Chrysanthemum.

According to the height of the bush, they distinguish:

  • Giant. Plant height is more than 90 cm;
  • High. They reach a height of 50 - 60 cm;
  • Medium height. The flower grows up to 50 cm in height;
  • Undersized. Plant height does not exceed 40 cm;
  • Dwarf varieties reach only 20 cm in height.

Types of marigolds:

  • Marigolds erect. They are also called African. The stems are erect, reaching 1 m in height. Inflorescences monophonic, terry, spherical. Flower basket 13 cm in diameter. The erect appearance of marigolds does not tolerate rainy weather. The plant loses its aesthetic appearance, and eventually rots;
  • Marigolds thin-leaved or Mexican. The plant forms a dense bush up to 40 cm tall. The form of light green leaves is pinnately dissected. Flower baskets grow up to 3 cm in diameter, resemble the shape of a camomile. The Mexican type of marigolds are demanding on lighting and heat;
  • Marigolds rejected or French belong to undersized plants, no more than 40 cm in height. The duration of flowering falls on July - October. Bicolor flowers 3-5 cm in diameter. unpretentious look marigolds;
  • Interspecific hybrid appeared as a result of crossing African marigolds with French ones. Compact profusely flowering bush with large flower baskets, reaching 8 cm in diameter.
  • "Mexican tarragon" or it is also called"Spanish Typhoon" Perennial tall plant, reaches a height of 65 - 70 cm. It is widely used in cooking. The aroma of flowers has a similarity with the aroma of anise.
  • Marigolds are graceful or small. An annual plant. Grows up to 120 cm in height. The variety is characterized by small inflorescences. Used in cooking.

Growing features

Most types of marigolds - undemanding plants. For this feature, gardeners love them.

Plants like to grow in open areas, but planting in the shade will not be detrimental, only flowering will be less lush and long-lasting.

Planted marigolds under the scorching sun will delight with lush flowering all season.

Grows well in neutral, loamy soils.

Watering should be moderate, with the beginning of flowering it must be reduced.

Stagnation of moisture will cause marigolds to stop blooming and rot over time.

Respond well to feeding complex fertilizers. Although the plant will grow, develop, bloom without it. Fertilization is carried out in three stages: when the seedlings grow to 10 cm, during the formation of buds and at the beginning of flowering.

To access air to the root system, flowers must be systematically weeded and weeds removed. Marigold bushes can be formed by pruning.

Marigolds propagate by seeds. Faded flower baskets must be removed; and for maturation and collection of seeds, it is enough to leave two or three heads.

There are two methods of sowing seeds:

  • When the last frosts pass, around May-June, they start sowing seeds in open ground (). Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 - 2 cm. To accelerate germination, the soil can be covered with agrofiber. After 10 days, the seeds will begin to germinate.
  • In the middle of spring, you can start sowing seeds for seedlings. Soak them first by wrapping the seeds in a damp cloth. Seedling containers are filled with a mixture of turf, peat, humus and sand. For disinfection, the soil must be shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The soil should not be allowed to dry out. Watering should be moderate.

The air temperature before germination should be 2225 degrees, and with the advent of sprouts should be maintained temperature regime within 15-18 degrees.

The first sprouts will appear after 7 days.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground when a good root system and at least 3 true leaves are formed.

Grown flowers in this way will bloom in June.

Marigolds are bright unpretentious flowers that can be found in many suburban areas, in parks, city flower beds. These charming decorative flowers in juicy orange, sunny colors will brighten up any garden and create a cheerful, cheerful mood in it. Marigolds are very popular in Ukraine, they are called "Chernobrivtsy" here. Marigolds have long been used to decorate rural courtyards and streets. They so organically fit into the rural color that they are considered to be a symbol of Ukraine, although America is the birthplace of flowers. Marigolds deserve popular love not only because of their attractiveness, but also because of their unpretentiousness in care, even a beginner can grow these charming flowers.

Marigolds (lat. Tagetes) - annual or perennials, belong to the Aster family or Compositae. Blossoming homeland unpretentious culture is America, where they are widely distributed from the southern American states to Argentina. Marigolds came to Europe thanks to the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century and soon spread throughout the continent. To date, there are up to 40 species of this plant. The Latin name Tagetes (Tagetes) flowers received in honor of the grandson of Jupiter - Tages (Tagete), who has the gift of a predictor.

Tagetes is a compact bush with an erect, branched stem, the height of which reaches from 20 to 130 cm. The marigold leaves are openwork pinnately dissected or pinnately divided, arranged oppositely, sometimes in the next order. The leaves, depending on the variety of the plant, are painted in a light green or dark green shade. Marigolds have a fibrous root system.

The inflorescences of the plant are baskets: terry or simple, can be collected in inflorescences. The median bisexual flowers are tubular, and the marginal flowers are false-lingual, there are five stamens. The color of the flowers is bright and showy. There are marigolds of bright yellow, orange, red, golden, brown colors.

The flowering of marigolds is plentiful, long, starting from June, ending with the first frosts. The fruit of the plant is a linear achene, narrowed towards the base, the flowers reproduce perfectly by self-sowing, retaining their germination for 3-4 years. Distinctive feature flowers - a strong spicy, slightly tart aroma, exuded not only by flowers, but also by the leaves of the plant. Not everyone likes the aroma of marigolds, but it is this pronounced specific smell that repels pests from the plant that can harm it.

Types of perennial marigolds

The species diversity of marigolds is huge, the most common in our region are three types of plants:

Tagetes rejected (Tagetes patula), another name for the species is French, small-flowered, undersized. A low compact plant reaching a height of no more than 60 cm. small flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be double or collected in simple inflorescences with a pronounced disk in the center. The color of the flowers can be yellow, orange, golden or bicolor. Small-flowered marigolds are often used to decorate lawns, flower beds, flower beds, they are planted as a border or grown in flowerpots, containers. The unpretentious type of marigold grows everywhere, is a cold-resistant species.

The most common varieties of rejected marigolds:

  • Carmen is a variety with bright double flowers with corrugated petals. The color of the petals is a yellow-orange core, framed by a red-brown edging. The height of a sprawling bush is up to 30 cm.

  • Gold Bol - the height of the plant bush is up to 60 cm, the color of the flowers is a bright yellow core with a red border.
  • Lemon marigolds - have bright lemon-colored petals, double flowers. They look great in a one-color flower bed.

  • Bolero marigolds are a low-growing plant, up to 20 cm tall with lush inflorescences, wavy petals, painted in yellow-red colors. The most common variety of marigolds, grows well in the shade.

Tagetes thin-leaved, Mexican (Tagetes tenuifolia) - a miniature type of marigold with original openwork foliage. There are about 70 hybrids of this plant species. The height of the bush is about 20-40 cm, the inflorescences are small, up to 2 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is golden, orange, red, yellow.

Popular varieties:

  • Ursula is a bush up to 50 cm high with golden flowers.
  • Paprika - bush height up to 25 cm, blooms red or orange.
  • Lulu - bush height up to 25 cm, blooms with yellow-golden flower baskets.

Tagetes erect or African (Tagetes erecta) is a variety of tall marigolds. The height of the bush is from 30 cm to 1 meter. A feature of this species is luxurious large double flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. As a rule, the color of flowers is monophonic: yellow, cream, golden, orange.

Popular varieties:

  • Vanilla - a bush up to 70 cm tall with creamy double inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter.

  • Kilimanjaro is a shrub up to 70 cm tall with charming large spherical white flowers.
  • Antigua is a low bush up to 30 cm tall with bright flower baskets: golden, orange, lemon.

Which marigolds to choose: annual or perennial?

decorating country cottage area, many flower growers are wondering which better varieties marigolds to choose for cultivation. When choosing between annual or perennial marigolds, you need to decide on the purpose of growing flowers. For a permanent place near the house, a veranda, or to decorate a flower bed, undersized perennial marigolds are suitable. It should be remembered that, propagating by self-sowing, perennial species have the peculiarity of capturing new territories, and every year, the bushes of the plant develop better, and the flowers become more magnificent. These varieties include: Carmen, Bonasa. Perennial marigolds can be bought at flower shops or assemble by yourself.

Annuals hybrid varieties propagate by dividing the bush or by digging. Every year, more and more new and interesting bright annual marigolds appear, which do not have time to get bored, surprising with a new color or flower shape. New hybrid varieties for the summer period can be planted in flower beds, in hanging planters, flowerpots, pots, decorate window sills. They can be both short and tall. Among the well-known annual varieties are: Mandarin, Eye of the Tiger, Kilimanjaro.

Perennial Marigolds: Growing

Unpretentious marigolds can be grown in several ways: sow seeds immediately into the ground or grow through seedlings.

Growing marigolds through seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings of upright tagetes is carried out in March, it is better to plant small-flowered and thin-leaved varieties for seedlings in early April. For an earlier planting, in February, seedlings will need to be illuminated, since daylight hours in February are still short.

Stages of planting seedlings:

In May, when the night frosts are gone, the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground or in flowerpots and containers for growing on windowsills, balconies, verandas. To transplant seedlings, it is enough to gently pry with a spatula and transplant onto permanent place on the site, observing the distance between landings of 30-40 cm. Undersized varieties planted according to the scheme 20 by 20 cm. The earth under the bush needs to be lightly tamped. The soil for planting should be nutritious, saturated with minerals, neutral or loamy. For flowers planted in soil with low fertility, in the future, during the growing season, top dressing will be required.

Watering young plants should be moderate and regular, the lack of moisture in the soil affects the further growth and flowering of marigolds.

Sowing seeds of perennial marigolds immediately in open ground

Perennial marigolds can be planted immediately in open ground. For the first planting, seeds can be bought at the store, and then harvested planting material after flowering for breeding marigolds on the site, also the seeds of marigolds are abundantly propagated by self-sowing. Seeds collected in autumn are stored until spring, and then planted in the ground. The optimal time for sowing seeds is mid-May, when the soil warms up enough.

For planting, it is necessary to prepare in advance wide holes, 5 cm deep, at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Seeds are sown in moistened holes, and then sprinkled on top with a small layer of earth, about 1 cm. Watering is neat and moderate until the first shoots appear, which will appear quite quickly. If young marigolds have risen too densely, they should be thinned out and transplanted to another place.

Perennial marigolds: care

Caring for marigolds is not difficult, just observing simple conditions for their cultivation:

Reproduction of perennial marigolds

Marigolds can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by rooting. stem cutting in water or soil. In addition, adult marigold bushes are perfectly propagated by dividing the bush. It is enough to dig up the mother bush and divide it into several parts with a root and foliage.

Collection and storage of perennial marigold seeds

To collect planting material, you must wait to wait for the inflorescence on the bush to dry completely. Then, in dry weather, the inflorescences are torn off and the seeds are removed from them. You can store marigold seeds in a paper bag in a dry, dark and ventilated area. When collecting seeds of a certain variety, it should be taken into account that only three out of four seeds inherit parental traits.

Diseases and pests of perennial marigolds

Marigolds rarely get sick. Their specific aroma is a kind of protection of plants from many diseases and pests. Due to the high content of phytoncides, the plant can protect not only itself, but also other crops surrounding it.

But, if the summer turned out to be rainy, damp, the flowers are attacked by slugs and snails that feed on the leaves and stems of the plant. For pest control, traps from a bleach solution are used, which are placed around the perimeter of the site.

Another disease associated with an excess of moisture is gray rot. Infected bushes should be removed to prevent infection of healthy specimens.

In a dry summer, flowers can be attacked by a spider mite; in the fight against it, onion infusion is used, which is sprayed onto the bushes. To prevent the appearance of spider mites, flowers in dry weather must be regularly sprayed, artificially increasing the humidity of the air.

Possible problems in growing perennial marigolds

  • With insufficient soil moisture, the plant will not fully develop, and this indicator also affects the size of the flowers.
  • Excessive moisture leads to root rot and fungal diseases.
  • In rainy summers, there is a possibility of decay of faded inflorescences, so it is recommended to remove them regularly.
  • When the air temperature drops to 10 degrees, the plant stops developing.

Perennial marigolds in landscape design

Marigolds look great in any part of the garden, decorating flower beds, lawns, borders with bright juicy and lush inflorescences. Tall varieties harmoniously look in the center of the flower bed, and stunted ones look like decoration of borders and the side of a flower bed or lawn. Monochromatic velvet flower beds made of yellow marigolds or bright multi-colored flower beds with planted marigolds of various colors look very impressive.

Marigolds - perfect option to decorate even the most small plot if the area for planting flowers is limited. Bright, unpretentious flowers can even be grown in beds, among potatoes or other vegetable crops.

Marigolds planted in flowerpots, containers on verandas, in arbors look very beautiful. cheerful flowers will give a good mood until autumn.

Marigolds are an unpretentious and versatile plant that a beginner can grow. These brightly scented flowers will fill your garden with warmth, joy and happiness.

Perennial marigolds, photo

It is probably hard to find a person who does not know such a flower as marigolds. This bright plant can be seen everywhere - in squares and parks, in gardens and near houses, on loggias and balconies, it pleases with its magnificent flowering until the onset of winter frosts.

Marigolds (Tagétes) are fragrant perennials and annuals that are distinguished by their bright colors and long flowering. The petals of these flowers, collected in double inflorescences or simple, and can be different shadesbrick red to light lemon. The height of the bushes also differs - from "dwarf", which are no more than 12-16 cm, to "giant", which grow up to 2 meters in height. Due to this species diversity, given flower actively used in the design of adjoining and garden plots.

Varieties of marigolds: photo and description

Today there are about 60 varieties of marigolds, most of which grow in South and Central America. Plants differ in the shape of petals and leaves, color and structure, size of inflorescences. As a rule, marigolds have a recognizable and bright aroma, but today hybrids have already been bred that do not have a strongly pronounced aroma, for example, the Gold Dollar variety.

On the continent of Eurasia, the most such varieties have become very popular, How:

  • Tagetes tenuifolia or Marigolds thin-leaved;
  • Tagetes patula L. or Marigolds rejected;
  • Tagetes erecta L. or erect marigolds.

Among these varieties there are both annual and perennial flowers. various shapes and heights.

Varieties of undersized marigolds

All varieties of this species are traditionally used to decorate lawns, flower beds, paths. They are also great as balcony flowers and for decoration. flower arrangements in pots. Among the low marigolds, you can find both perennial and annual plants.

perennial marigolds

Special mention must be made of perennial varieties of marigolds. Most gardeners think that velvet flowers are annual flower. But some species can reproduce by self-seeding. The flower does not need to be dug up, the plant itself will throw off the seeds and in the spring they will sprout into healthy and full-fledged bushes. Perennial marigolds can be seen in our region not so often, they include the following undersized species, such as:

  • Carmen;
  • Orangeflamme;
  • Bonanza.

Any perennial plants are good because summer residents do not need to sow seeds and grow seedlings every year. If you want to avoid unnecessary hassle, then you need to pay attention to perennials, for example, the following varieties.

Grade Bonanza

Refers to a variety of rejected tagetes. The color of the flowers of this species can be anything from bright yellow to variegated orange-red. bushes small size, grow only up to 20-35 cm. The flower is double, medium in size, the size of the inflorescence is up to 7 cm. Flowering occurs approximately 3 months after planting the seeds, and passes until the first frost. The Bonanza variety includes a large number of varieties:

  • Harmony;
  • Bolero;
  • Flame;
  • Orange


Just like Bonanza, it is a type of rejected marigold. As the flower grows, it forms a small bush up to 35 cm in size. The petals are clove-shaped lush flowers brown-orange color with a pronounced yellow color in the middle. The size of each flower, as a rule, is no more than 7-8 cm.

Hybrids and annuals. Photo and description

Almost every year new hybrids and varieties are created. annual marigolds, because this flower will never bore you, constantly striking with its new shape and color. Here are a few of the most common cultivars among low annuals.


As the name implies, this type of marigold is characterized by a bright tangerine color. The flowers are clove-shaped, double, 7-8 cm in size. They are a variety of rejected marigolds. Creates a spherical and dense bush up to 30 cm in size.

petite orange

This flower forms into small bushes (up to 30 cm) with abundant foliage. Terry buds of a bright red hue up to 7 cm in diameter.

Red Gem

flowers globular, which grow in length no more than 35 cm, are distinguished by a pinnately dissected leaf shape and thin stems. The inflorescence is small and simple - up to 3 cm in diameter. Color - burgundy-red, in the middle interspersed with a yellow tint. Blooms quite extensively.


It is a variety of upright marigolds. It forms small bushes up to 30 cm high. The flowers are quite large, they can reach a girth of about 20 cm. As a rule, no more than 5-6 inflorescences appear on a bush. The color is monophonic, you can find marigolds of orange, golden, yellow hue.

Eyes of the Tiger

These marigolds do not exceed 35 cm in size. The flower has an average size - approximately 6-7 cm in circumference. The color is quite bright, usually orange, the center of the flower often has more dark color than the edges.


Inflorescences of a beautiful pure white color, which form dense double flowers. The size of the flowers in the circle is average - approximately 6-7 cm. The size of the bushes is about 35 cm.

Varieties of tall marigolds

Tall types of these flowers look great in multi-level flower beds, in which flowers of various heights are planted. They can be planted in the middle of a round flower bed, along the walls of the house or along the fence. These beautiful flowers will delight the eye with their continuous and abundant bloom from May until the first frost. Among the "giant" marigolds, flower growers are very fond of such varieties.


The flowers are strongly branched up to 90 cm in size. It has clove-colored flowers, the inflorescences are double and dense, usually orange or yellow color. The size in the circumference of one inflorescence can reach up to 18 cm.

Lemon Queen

Quite tall plants that reach a height of up to 150 cm. The buds are clove-shaped, the size of an individual inflorescence reaches 10 cm. The color is usually lemon yellow.


The size of this plant is not more than 90 cm. This variety is distinguished by the original color of the petals, which combine yellow, orange and golden colors. The flowers themselves are small, clove-shaped, no more than 9 cm in size.


Marigolds reach a size of about 120 cm. It has quite abundant flowering. Chrysanthemum flower buds, small in size - about 7 cm. Petals of a yellow-golden hue.

Mary Helen

These flowers form a dense bush up to 1 meter in size. The buds are quite large - up to 12 cm in circumference, have a clove-like appearance. Inflorescences of a beautiful lemon color.

To decorate your household plot no need to dwell on any one type of marigold. Experiment, plant various varieties and views, and then your flower garden will sparkle with the brightest colors.

Most flower growers opt for marigolds, as this plant is completely unpretentious in care - it grows quickly, sprouts well, is rarely susceptible to diseases, and does not need to create a special microclimate. But the cultivation of these flowers has certain specifics, which we will discuss later.

Planting seeds

Most often, seed producers are advised to plant marigolds in mid-spring, deepening them by about a few centimeters. Planting raw materials can not be soaked before, but it is still advisable to do this by wrapping the seeds in a wet bag or cloth. The sprouts will sprout in about one week.

Marigold seeds are planted in fertile and light soil. If you make the soil yourself, then you can prepare the following mixture:

  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part of humus;
  • 0.5 parts of sand;
  • 1 part turf.

soil needed treat with manganese solution or fungicide for disinfection. Ready store flower soil is also suitable for sowing.

The water in the boxes for seedlings of marigolds should not stagnate, that is, you need to make drainage drainage at the bottom of the tank (if it is not there) and lay a small stone on the bottom.

Seeds are planted at a distance of 1.6-2.1 cm between themselves, making small grooves for this. From above fall asleep with a small layer of soil. A week after sowing, the first sprouts will appear. In addition to the above method, seeds can also be sown directly into the ground. This should be done in early June, when the earth warms up well. It should be borne in mind that plants sown in the ground will bloom much later, unlike marigolds, which are planted in seedlings.

Requirements for light and ground

Marigolds are planted in open ground after the completion of all spring frosts. These flowers are quite sensitive to low temperatures, therefore it is advisable not to rush with planting, and wait until the soil warms up well.

This plant needs good nutrient soil, suitable neutral and loamy. If the soil is sandy, then you need to make it more dense by adding humus or black soil.

Most luxuriantly, these plants bloom under bright sunlight, so it is advisable to choose a place for their planting light and open, or a slight penumbra. When planting, it is necessary to take into account the variety of marigolds: high ones are planted at a distance of approximately 45 cm, medium - about 35 cm, undersized - at a distance of 10-18 cm.

During growth, seedlings need good watering. But, when flowering occurs, watering must be limited so that rotting of the root system of flowers does not appear. If the soil is sufficiently nutritious, then the flowers can not be fed. If the soil on the flower garden is not fertile enough, then you need to add bait several times during the growing season.

Care for marigolds consists in loosening the soil, weeding and timely watering. If you want to get a good flowering of planted plants, be sure to remove faded buds.

Pests and diseases

These plants are very resistant to various kinds of pests and diseases. Sometimes gray rot appears on marigolds. In this case, the infected bush must be removed so that this disease does not pass to healthy plants. In hot weather, marigolds can form spider mites. These pests can be neutralized with chemicals, or using folk waysinfusions of hot pepper or onion.

As you already understood from the article, marigolds are universal flowers that can be suitable both for interior design of a room and for decorating house adjoining and garden areas. For growing, which you will not need a lot of time and effort.

marigold flowers