Mixer      04/03/2019

Propagation of currants by autumn cuttings. Technology for planting currants in the fall using cuttings

Sometimes one can come across the statement that blackcurrant - long-liver, and it can be harvested for twenty or more years.

On the one hand, this is true: older bushes are found in old berry bushes. On the other hand, the biological lifespan and the period of maximum productivity are two different things.

Black currant brings the best crops in the 4th to 8th year of life. After that, she requires rejuvenation, and in the 12th year she will have to uproot the bush.

Therefore, you need to think about how to propagate this wonderful culture in advance.

Currant (both black and red) is a culture that is very easy to vegetative reproduction. There are two main ways:

  • layering (survival rate 100%);
  • cuttings (survival rate 90%).

Looking at these figures, one can decide that propagating a culture by cuttings is not the most the best option. In addition, it is more troublesome and laborious.

Reproduction of currants by cuttings is a troublesome process, but it has many advantages.

And yet, there are several advantages in breeding currants with cuttings and subsequent cultivation:

  1. Possibility to update the varietal composition. Cuttings can be taken not only from your own plants, but you can buy or exchange with neighbors.
  2. Possibility to do without a transplant. The cuttings easily take root in a permanent place, and the root layering system is injured when transferred to a new place.
  3. More planting stock. Cuttings can be cut as much as you like.

At all, 90% survival rate of cuttings is a very good indicator. For comparison: in raspberries it is 60-80%, and the yield of seedlings is even less.

Red currant cuttings take longer to root. Unlike black, in this variety of currants, the upper parts of the shoot are harvested - they take root better.

Reproduction green or lignified - which is better?

Blackcurrant is propagated by both green and woody cuttings.

"Green" are called cuttings, cut from the current year's vegetative shoot. "Lignified" take either from well-ripened shoots of this year (autumn), or from last year's (spring).

Each type of cutting you want to plant has its own advantages and disadvantages:

Material Advantages Flaws
green cuttings They do not require worries about the long-term preservation of planting material.
Able to bloom and show the first fruits the next year.
Moisture easily evaporates through unripened bark, so more effort is required to maintain moisture levels.
lignified cuttings They can be harvested during the entire dormant period - at any convenient time.
Dense matured bark and wood retain moisture and nutrition well.
Allow until disembarkation at open ground discard weak plants.
They require the preparation of a storage place with the correct level of humidity and temperature, with protection from mold and decay of planting material.

Thus, You can successfully cut blackcurrants in any way and at any time of the year..

It all depends on the capabilities and desires of the gardener himself. At proper organization process, the yield of seedlings is the same.

Proper preparation of cuttings in the summer

To plant green cuttings black currant, they are prepared in phase active growth plants in summer from the end of June to the beginning of July.

In clear weather, harvesting should be carried out early in the morning, due to dew. On cloudy days - at any time of the day, according to the following scheme:

  1. A one-year growth is selected, the lower part of which has begun to wood, while the upper part remains flexible and elastic.
  2. The secateurs are scalded with boiling water, wiped with a clean cloth. The selected shoot is cut off from the bush.
  3. From the central part of the shoot, a site with three good buds is selected. A straight cut is made under the bottom at a distance of half a centimeter. Above the top - at an angle, on the kidney.
  4. From the two lower buds, the leaves are removed completely, along with the petioles. The petiole is left on the top, and the leaf plate is cut off by two thirds to reduce the evaporation of moisture.

prepared in this way cuttings can be planted immediately. If for some reason this is not possible, you need to put planting material into the water and cover with a bag on top.

Long-term storage of summer cuttings is impossible, we must try to land them as soon as possible.

How to plant and care

Currant cuttings will take root better if the soil is loose and nutritious. That's why planting site should be well fertilized humus and add peat.

If you plan to grow a small number of bushes, you can immediately plant cuttings on permanent place. In the case when many seedlings are required, it is worth organizing a school. So it will be easier to care for the cuttings after planting.

General rule: the rooting site should be located so that it can be easily shaded.

The order of planting cuttings:

  1. In the prepared moist soil, deepen the cuttings into 2 lower buds at an angle of 45⁰.
  2. Make sure that the upper bud with the leaf is pointing up, otherwise the growth of the new shoot will go to the side.
  3. Press the soil around the cuttings and water. Mulch the plantings with a layer of peat 3-5 cm thick.
  4. Cover the cuttings with a cut plastic bottle without a cap to ensure optimal temperature and humidity. For normal root formation during the day, the temperature should be about +25⁰, and at night it should not fall below +16⁰.
  5. Make sure that the landing site is in diffused shade. Direct sunlight will "weld" the cuttings.

Some gardeners before planting withstand cuttings in a solution of "Heteroauxin". It won't hurt, but blackcurrants root so easily that they don't really need to be treated with stimulants.

Before rooting, while the cuttings are "on self-powered", will require constant care for watering, spraying and airing plantings.

Usually blackcurrant takes root in the third week. You can check if the cuttings are rooted like this: pull a little on the “crown”. If there are no roots yet, the cutting will easily pop out of the ground.

If there is some resistance, there are roots. After that, the mini-greenhouse is removed, leaving shading.

The next year, one long shoot can stretch from the cutting. To get a full-fledged bush, you need shorten it, leaving 3-4 kidneys below.

For the fastest formation of a bush experts advise planting blackcurrant cuttings in holes of 3 pieces. They need to be buried at the same angle, but directed in different directions.

Such a close planting does not affect the overall yield of currants per unit area.

Cutting a bush in autumn: the nuances of work

Despite the ease of summer cuttings of currants, many gardeners traditionally harvest cuttings in the fall, after leaf fall.

In this situation, you can go two ways: store until spring or root in the substrate.

Storage until planting in spring

Typically, this need arises when there is a lot of planting material, and there is no way to keep a lot of cups in the house all winter.

First of all, after dividing the bush, slices of cuttings are dipped in melted wax or paraffin to dry out less. Then they are sorted, tied and wrapped in polyethylene.

After that, the bundles should be placed in a cold place. The ideal option is a snowdrift. A little worse - a basement or a refrigerator.

From time to time, you need to inspect the cuttings, checking if they are suffocated, if any fungus is developing.

You can store cuttings until planting in the spring in the refrigerator or cellar, perfect option- in a snowdrift

Rooting seedlings in the substrate

For this you will need pots for seedlings with a volume of at least 0.5 l, soil mixture and vermiculite:

  1. Pour vermiculite into the bottom of the pots for drainage.
  2. Lay the soil mixture, water it well.
  3. Deepen the cuttings on the two lower kidneys.
  4. Press the substrate around the cuttings so that there are no voids.

Since at home the air temperature is quite comfortable, it remains only to monitor high humidity air. If you ensure regular spraying (2-3 times a day), the currant will give roots.

It is possible to transplant cuttings rooted in this way after the onset of stable warm weather without the risk of returning frosts.

Reproduction of currant cuttings:

“Autumn” cuttings can be dug into the ground in the almost “lying” position in the same autumn before frost and mulched. If they successfully overwinter, then in the spring they will start growing completely on their own.

Blackcurrant is a horticultural crop that easier than all others to vegetative propagation. At the same time, she forgives the gardener many flaws, and even children can cut currants.

Reproduction in this way allows you to quickly rejuvenate the berry, increase its area and expand the varietal composition.

Blackcurrant is a popular plant, it practically grows in every gardener. Propagation of blackcurrant does not take long, and it is easy.

When is the best time to transplant blackcurrant cuttings in autumn period.

The best time for planting blackcurrant cuttings in autumn is mid-September and lasts until mid-October. Cuttings need time to root.

If the blackcurrant cuttings are well lignified, then the cuttings will have time to start up their root system in the autumn period.

How to properly prepare the soil for planting blackcurrant cuttings in September-October.

Currant cuttings should not be planted in a sunny place. A place that is in partial shade is best, so that some tall plant covers the currant cuttings.

And a good place there will be one where a lot of snow accumulates in winter so that the snow covers the currant cuttings, thereby warming it.

Before planting the cuttings, the soil must be loosened, fertilized with humus or sand, if the soil needs it. Currant cuttings take root well if the soil “breathes” well and the soil is well loosened.

How to properly prepare blackcurrant cuttings for planting in the soil.

At the beginning of autumn, that is, in September or October, before planting blackcurrant cuttings, it is necessary to cut. Branches of blackcurrant should be cut into twenty centimeters. It is necessary to choose annual branches.

How to properly plant blackcurrant cuttings and how to properly care for them.

Blackcurrant cuttings must be planted in rows. In this case, the distance between the planted cuttings should be at least fifteen centimeters.

The cuttings must be placed four to five centimeters into the ground, and they must be dug in with soil in a horizontal position. At least two buds must be left on the surface. After the cuttings are dug into the ground, it is necessary to thoroughly water the soil.

Where blackcurrant cuttings are planted, it is necessary to mulch with grass. Before frost sets in, it is necessary to put leaves, grass, straw as much as possible on the planted blackcurrant cuttings so that a lot of snow accumulates. IN spring period after the thaw begins and the snow melts, you need to remove the leaves, grass and everything that you put on the cuttings. This is done so that the soil warms up well. Thanks to this, the buds on the blackcurrant stalk will begin to grow rapidly.

For the cuttings to take and bring good harvest, you need to be guided by simple rules.

You need to insulate the currant cuttings so that they do not freeze in winter time, since cold can adversely affect the root system;

It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil after planting currant cuttings. The soil should not be dry, it must be carefully watered;

In the summer, a full-fledged care for blackcurrant cuttings is necessary. It is necessary to water the beds with cuttings abundantly, loosen the soil, remove weeds. What crop blackcurrant will bring you in the future will depend on this;

In autumn, mulching is necessary.

In order for blackcurrant cuttings to take root in a new place, it is necessary, not only to choose correct cuttings for landing. You also need to choose and prepare the right place for planting cuttings.

And not a few an important factor is the care of blackcurrant cuttings in the autumn. And preparation for wintering cuttings.

March madness - this is how those who grow seedlings of their favorite vegetables themselves perceive the first calendar month of spring. In March, they sow their favorite tomatoes and peppers, carry out the first crops in the greenhouse and even sow vegetables in the beds. Growing seedlings require not only timely diving, but also considerable care. But only her efforts are not limited. It is worth continuing to sow in greenhouses and on window sills, because fresh greens from the beds will not appear so soon.

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Currant is a rather unpretentious horticultural crop. To maintain a bountiful harvest, the bushes need to be rejuvenated from time to time. It is not necessary to buy new planting material; propagation of currants by cuttings in spring is the most in a simple way obtaining new seedlings. In addition, this will preserve all the varietal characteristics of the plant.

Breeding blackcurrant in the spring begins with the collection of cuttings, which are prepared in the process of planned pruning of bushes. You will need a pruner and a sharp garden knife. Harvest cuttings from one-year-old shoots (they grow from the root, as well as on two to three-year-old branches).


  1. Choose annual shoots with a thickness of 7 mm, they should be lignified, without damage. The cutting is the middle of the shoot.
  2. Cut off the strongest of them with secateurs. The length of the finished cutting should be up to 20 cm.
  3. Take a sharp garden knife and cut the shoot into cuttings 13-20 cm long.
  4. To do this, cut off the lower edge of the shoot directly under the kidney (at an angle of 50-60 °), make the upper cut oblique 1 cm above the kidney (at an angle of 90 °).

For harvesting cuttings, you can not use the uppermost and lower parts of the shoot, they take root poorly, so they need to be thrown away.

Currant cuttings in water

Spring cuttings of currants in water helps to speed up fruiting for the whole year.

Put 2 cut cuttings in each container (for example, a plastic cup will do). Water should cover no more than 2 buds. After 7-10 days, the first signs of roots will appear in the internodes.

After the formation of the root lobe, place each cutting in 1 container with a volume of at least 200-250 ml. After a while, leaves will appear. Flowering should not be allowed, so the flowers that appear must be cut off.

Glasses with seedlings should be in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight. Change the water in the containers from time to time. The whole process of spring cuttings lasts an average of 5-8 weeks. Plant prepared cuttings in early-late May, when spring frosts have passed.

Selecting a landing site

Currant grows well and bears fruit on neutral heavy and medium loamy soils. The choice of planting site will depend on the type of shrub. Black currant loves open spaces and penumbra, can grow in lowlands, moist areas, but without waterlogging.

White, red currant is more drought-resistant, prefers light and sandy loamy soils. A good harvest can be obtained by planting bushes in elevated, well-lit places.

Soil preparation for breeding

Preparing the soil for planting currant cuttings is best done in the fall. It is recommended to choose a well-lit place. They should be protected from the wind and well moistened.

Usually, currants are planted along the boundaries of the site, the distance between the bush and the fence should not be less than 1.2–1.5 m. Prepare the site before planting seedlings. Dig the ground to a depth of 20-22 cm (on a shovel bayonet) and clear of weeds.

Currant prefers organic fertilizers, so put compost (or rotted manure) in the planting trenches. Thanks to this method of preparation, the earth will be able to accumulate enough moisture for better root formation. organic fertilizers are made at the rate of 3-4 kg per 1 m 2.

In the spring, before planting cuttings, you can make:

  • granular superphosphate - 100-150 g / m 2;
  • potassium sulphate or wood ash- 20-30 g/m2.

It is advisable to check the acidity of the soil; at pH 4-5.5, it is necessary to add lime in the amount of 0.3-0.8 kg / m 2.

Planting cuttings

Immediately before planting, soak currant cuttings in a growth stimulator (Heteroauxin, Kornevin, Epin, etc.). This will speed up the rooting process.

Plant the finished cuttings at a distance of at least 1 meter from each other. On fertile lands, this distance can be reduced; on poor soils, plants are planted at a distance of up to 1.5 m.

Deepen the cuttings into the prepared moist soil on the 2 lower buds at an angle of 45⁰.

The upper bud with a leaf should be directed upwards. Experienced experts advise planting 3 blackcurrant cuttings in each hole. Bury them at an angle, but point them in different directions.

After planting the cuttings, cover them with humus, the layer of which should be at least 5 cm. This method will retain moisture in the soil for the formation of roots. Instead of humus, it is allowed to use a black film. It will accelerate the development of roots, keep the soil loose. Cover the cuttings with cut plastic bottles without a cap.

Caring for cuttings after propagation

In order for currant cuttings to take root quickly, it is very important to ensure proper care. Plants must be protected from direct sunlight. Temperature and humidity should be comfortable for plants.

In the first weeks, spray the cuttings 3-4 times a day, slightly opening mini-greenhouses from plastic bottles. For normal root formation, the daytime temperature should be +25⁰, and at night it should not fall below +16⁰. If it is too hot under the greenhouses, ventilation is necessary.

Currant cuttings should be watered regularly and plentifully. After 16-20 days, the cuttings will take root, then the amount of watering can be reduced. When shoots 4-5 cm long appear on the cuttings, the currants are fed with slurry (10 liters per 1 m 2) after watering and loosening. It will be necessary to carry out another 1-2 top dressing with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

One month after rooting, gradually increase the time spent by young shoots on outdoors. Reproduction of currants by cuttings allows you to get powerful bushes with a good root system in a year.

Care for young blackcurrant seedlings for 2 years

Next year in early spring prune, leaving up to 4 buds on each branch. Remove the appeared ovaries, flowers. This will ensure the growth of side shoots.

Loosen the soil regularly, but shallowly so as not to damage the roots. If the summer is dry, water the seedlings (up to 15 liters of water per 1 plant). Fertilize the bushes with slurry, a solution of bird droppings.

When propagating blackcurrant by cuttings, the first crop can be harvested in the 3rd year of the life of the bush. The maximum yield is achieved at the 6th year of cultivation, then the plant is depleted. To prevent this, it is necessary to carry out rejuvenation by cuttings every 10 years.

  1. Pay attention to right choice mother plant. Cuttings need a healthy bush, which gives a good harvest of delicious berries.
  2. Harvest cuttings in the early morning, when the dew has not yet come down, or in cloudy weather.
  3. Sawdust can be added to the soil for planting cuttings.
  4. The first 3 weeks of watering should be plentiful and regular.
  5. The rooting of the cutting can be checked very simply, just pull slightly on the top of the shoot. If a little resistance is felt, the plant has taken root. In this case, remove the mini-greenhouse.
  6. Fertilize seedlings 3-4 times per season. You can use complex additives (at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 5 liters of water). Organic fertilizers will also work.

These helpful tips will help to propagate and grow healthy currant bushes without any special financial costs.

Growing black or red currants suburban area- This is a worthy occupation for every gardener. The plant itself is unpretentious, and the harvest is generous, and every year. By following the basic standards of agricultural technology that are required when providing full-fledged shrub care, you will be able to root young seedlings, and at the height of the summer season you will collect tasty and nutritious berries that can be eaten fresh or used for cooking. However, in order for the shrub not to degenerate, you need to master one key technique - the propagation of currants by cuttings.

No matter how prolific the currant shrub you have grown, it will take several years - and you will notice that the long-rooted plant is gradually withering and weakening. The reason for this in most cases is the depletion of the soil circle. The thing is that the currant has been cultivated in the same place for many years, replanting it too often is an extra chore for the farmer, and a significant stress for the shrub itself. Even considering the fact that you may be regularly fertilizing the soil, crops will sooner or later become much more scarce.

What to do in this case? Ensure the planting of blackcurrant on the new land plot. However, in order for the results to please you, and the plant to take root well, it is necessary to carry out several preparatory stages.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the preparation of the cuttings themselves. Breeding homemade currants with cuttings is perhaps one of the most common ways, and it is not difficult to implement this plan. How to properly prepare cuttings for planting in open ground? There are several key steps:

  • the implementation of one or another cutting method largely depends on the time of year. For example, in summer, gardeners mostly work with green cuttings, and in spring and autumn they use lignified shoots. The main thing is to cut off the shoots necessary for planting currants from those bushes that bore the best fruit, and whose fruits had the most pleasant taste;
  • if you are harvesting lignified currant cuttings, the wood on them should look well ripened. In this case, the length of each shoot will be approximately 15-20 cm;
  • in the process of harvesting cuttings, it is necessary to observe the principle of the golden mean regarding the length of the shoots. If they are long enough, then they contain enough nutrients in their composition. But on the other hand, in this case, you will collect a much smaller number of cuttings for planting them in open ground;
  • how to cut currant cuttings? First of all, make an oblique incision under the lower kidney. An incision is also made on the upper part, leaving another centimeter of length above the upper kidney.

Blackcurrant shrub cuttings take root and form their root system soon enough if you follow the basic recommendations of experts.

landing conditions

Propagation of blackcurrant by cuttings is quite an important point for any gardener. Although this process seems time-consuming at first glance, nothing particularly complicated is required of you. Even a novice farmer can handle the technique of growing blackcurrant cuttings, or rather, their rooting. The main thing is to carefully prepare for the implementation earthworks. It is this stage that in most cases is given little attention.

For example, start by leveling the area in your garden. First of all, you need to dig and level it, and then dig the trenches necessary for planting the cuttings. If you want to achieve high results in the process of cultivating young currant seedlings, be sure to apply fertilizer to the soil. Currants respond best to organic fertilizing. Add a mixture of compost and rotted manure to the soil - and the shrubs will grow quite intensively.

One more is enough important point: it is recommended to prepare the site and dig trenches in the autumn, but to carry out direct planting of seedlings better in spring. Before this, thoroughly moisten the ground so that the cuttings take root in a new place as quickly as possible. In the future, as you know, currants will not have to be watered too often. Rooting of the cuttings will occur soon after they are planted in open ground, if all the necessary points are taken into account in a timely manner.

Landing before winter

How to propagate blackcurrant? To do this, you need not only to correctly prepare the cuttings for planting, but also to be able to organize the planting process itself correctly. When the shoots are already prepared, place them for a while in a container of water so that they are at least half submerged in water. Special attention It is also worth paying attention to the choice of site. The best place for planting currant bushes will be a well-lit area, preferably protected from the winds. Be sure to take care of the presence of fertilizers in the soil. If the soil is not fertile, then the shrub will not be able to fully develop.

What recommendations should a farmer follow in the process of planting cuttings in open ground? Use a distance of about 15 cm between shoots. The first time after planting them in the ground, try not to forget about the need for regular soil moisture. Water the soil and mulch it so that moisture remains in the soil for as long as possible. What else needs to be considered in the implementation autumn planting cuttings? Winter cold is coming, so you should take care of secure shelter shoots. For this, use the cropped plastic bottle or glass jar. In the spring, this kind of shelter can be removed.

spring planting

Planting blackcurrant seedlings can also be carried out in the spring, but it is advisable to start this procedure as early as possible so that the root system has time to properly form. Keep a distance of 10 cm between the cuttings during the planting process. Another important condition: it is desirable that there is a gap of about 50 cm between the rows. Why is this technology good? The thing is that in the future it will be much easier for you to provide full-fledged care for young seedlings, as well as transplant them to a permanent place at the appointed time.

Make sure you mulch trunk circle. So you keep the level of humidity necessary for the full development of homemade currants.

If you ensure that all stages of this procedure are carried out correctly, you will be able to transplant cuttings with an already formed root system in the fall. In the event that some seedlings seem to you not strong enough, they should not be replanted until next spring. Planting homemade currant cuttings is not difficult at all. The main thing is to follow the basic recommendations of experts.

General cutting rules

As you know, currant cuttings are a process that every gardener can carry out without special preparation. However, by adhering to some additional rules, you will get even better results. What recommendations should be followed by a farmer who cultivates black currants on his plot:

  • carry out timely feeding of the soil with nutrients. Only in the case when the soil passes air well, is it fully suitable for growing black currants on it;
  • do not forget about fertilizers even after planting the cuttings in a permanent place. Moreover, currant cuttings will take root much better if from time to time they are saturated with both organic and mineral mixtures;
  • Regular watering is of great importance. By saturating the soil with moisture, you accelerate the development of the shrub, and in this case it propagates by cuttings much more actively;
  • on shoots of domestic blackcurrant, it is recommended to pick off flowers and ovaries during the first summer season, otherwise the plant will simply waste energy.

Almost every gardener knows how to grow currants from ordinary cuttings. Take the study of this issue with all seriousness - and you will certainly be satisfied with the fertility of the planted young currant bushes. In addition, with the help of competent cuttings of a shrub, you can not only propagate and plant young currants, but also save the variety you like in your collection.

Video “Propagation of currants by cuttings”

From this video you will learn how to properly propagate currant cuttings.