Toilet      06/17/2019

Potted flowers for the office. What flowers are suitable for office landscaping? General requirements for office colors

Fatshedera is a plant of the Araliaceae family. This is a garden form resulting from hybridization between Fatsia japonica and one of the ivy species. This crop is most often used for growing indoors, but in the southern regions it can grow in open ground. For example, it is often planted on personal plots in the south of the Krasnodar region, in ...

Thunbergia belongs to the Acanthaceae family. This is a widespread genus throughout the tropical zone of Asia and Africa, numbering about 200 species. The Thunbergia flower got its name in honor of the Swedish naturalist and flora and fauna researcher Thunberg. The plant is popularly called “black Suzanne” due to the fact that its central part is dark purple, almost charcoal in color. This crop is grown as...

Tetrastigma is a plant of the Grape family. Homeland - East Asia and Northern Australia. Grows in tropical rainforests of Vietnam and Laos. In indoor floriculture, one type of tetrastigma is most often cultivated - voinier (T. voinierianum), a description of which is given below. Much less common is the lanceolar tetrastigma (Tetrastigma lanceolarium), which differs from the voignier by its more elongated leaf plates, shaped like an irregular...

Stapelia is a plant of the Lastovniaceae family of the genus Stapelia. Homeland - South and South-West Africa. Distributed in South and South-West Africa, some species in East Africa. The genus is named after the Dutch physician J. F. Stapel, who lived in the 17th century. About 100 species are known. The plant is grown for its beautiful flowers, although they have an unpleasant smell. Stapelia - ...

Helxine soleirlii syn. Soleirolia soleirolii - low-growing perennial herbaceous plant with creeping shoots from the Nettle family. Originally from the Mediterranean. The only species of the genus was found by Captain Soleurol in the 19th century. in the humid forests of the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, and a genus and species of plant were named after him. The soleirolia flower resembles a green fluffy ball...

Ruellia is a flower that, in its external characteristics, is very similar to representatives of the Gesneriev family. The buds of this plant are especially similar to the inflorescences of streptocarpus. But in fact, Ruellia belongs to the Acanthus family and this is clearly visible in caring for it, since it loves more warm conditions content, while representatives of the Gesnerievs...

Setcreasea is a plant of the Commelinaceae family. Homeland - Mexico, southern USA. The netcreasia flower lives naturally in Mexico. It is a member of the Comellinaceae family and is similar to Tradescantia. Unlike Tradescantia, it needs a little more sun, because from a lack of light the lilac-reddish leaves and stems of stunning beauty will stretch out ugly and turn green. Setcreasia, as seen in...

Euphorbia pulcherrima (Euphorbia pulcherrima) is a plant of the genus Euphorbia, family Euphorbia. The genus Euphorbia has about 2000 species that are different from each other. It includes annual, biennial and perennial plants, evergreen or deciduous, as well as trees, shrubs and succulents that naturally grow in the most different places a habitat. What they have in common is the inflorescence in...

Chrysalidocarpus - plant family: Palms. Homeland - Madagascar and Comoros. Chrysalidocarpus is a palm tree of the Arecaceae family, widespread in indoor culture. The genus got its name due to the yellowish color of the fruits. Translated from ancient Greek chryseus means golden and karpos means fruit. Sometimes palms of this group are called by the outdated name areca. The genus includes about 20 species. Local...

Tabernaemontana is a plant of the Cutraceae family. Homeland - India, Singapore. The second name is “ervatamia”. Looking at the photo of the tabernemontana flower, one can assume that it is a relative of gardenia or jasmine due to some similarities with these plants. In fact, it has nothing to do with them, unlike oleander, periwinkle and mandevilla, which belong to the same family that ...

Stromanthe belongs to the Marantaceae family. It grows naturally in the tropics of America. Stromanta is one of the most spectacular indoor plants, which surprises not only with its beauty, but also with its complex character. Tropical beauty It is demanding in care, so breeding it should only be done by those who can create all the necessary conditions for it. Thanks to its unusual colors, this…

Pedilanthus belongs to the Euphorbiaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of America. It mainly grows in the Northern, Southern and Central regions of the country. Since the plant is distributed in different parts continent, the characteristics of some species differ significantly. Some species are successfully cultivated in indoor culture. Such indoor flower, like pedilanthus, is a succulent shrub with branching dark green stems, ...

Pereskia is a plant of the Cactus family. Homeland - tropics and subtropics of America. This ancient representative of the Cactus family retained its leaves and shrubby form thanks to more or less favorable conditions environment compared to the desert. Pereskia is not like the cactus we are used to. It is a shrub with real fleshy, almost succulent leaves, and sparse spines on the stem. ...

Sabal is a plant from the Palm family. Grows in warm areas of America (including the West Indies). There are about 25 species in the genus. Some species are cultivated as ornamental. In the collection of the National Botanical Garden. N. N. Grishko there are five types of saber. The original form of this plant is the dwarf sabal palm, which is native to the coast of the southern states of the United States. A tree, a symbol of Florida, ...

Chamaerops is a genus of plants in the palm family. Homeland - Western Mediterranean and Southern Europe. The genus has 2 species (with varieties), according to other sources, 9 species, in the Western Mediterranean, from Spain to Sicily and in North Africa. Hamerops squat (Ch. humilis) is the only species of palm tree in Europe. Most often, the Hamerops palm is used as an element...

Pachypodium is a cactus or succulent whose name comes from the Greek phrase meaning “thick leg.” The plant has a high ability for morphological adaptation: its appearance strongly depends on the influence of various factors environment. Like many other succulents, pachypodium is a hardy plant, popular for this reason in indoor floriculture. Family: Kutrovaceae. Homeland - South Africa, …

Rapis (Rhapis) is a plant from the Palm family. Homeland - China, Japan. The name of this plant comes from the word “rhapis”, which translates as “rod” or “stick”. That is why in everyday life the tree is sometimes called a stick palm. Thanks to its thin reed-tubular trunk covered with felt-mesh fibers, the rapis palm tree is distinguished by its grace and perfection of form. However, it is worth considering that all representatives of this genus...

Decorative capsicum (Capsicum armuum) belongs to the Solanaceae family. Homeland - Central and South America, as well as Asia. IN given time the culture is widespread on all continents. A flower such as decorative pepper is a small perennial ornamental plant up to 30-40 cm high. In an apartment it can grow well and bear fruit for 4 to 5 years. ...

Smithiantha belongs to the Gesneriaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of America. Smithiantha is a perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant with shoots. Smithianta leaves are very beautiful - velvety green with red-purple veins and streaks. The bell-shaped Smithianta flowers on tall peduncles are yellow-orange or orange-red in color, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 4 cm long. A scaly rhizome spreads along the soil, from which ...

Selaginella belongs to the Selaginella family. Homeland - tropics and subtropics of the globe. In the 18th century one of the species of mosses was named Lycopodium selago by the Swedish biologist Carl Linnaeus. Subsequently, a diminutive suffix was added to the species name Selago and a different, longer word was used to designate the genus of lycophytes - Selaginella. The order Selaginella belongs to the class of heterosporous polushniki (Isoetopsida). ...

Turmeric is a highly decorative perennial herbaceous deciduous plant. The genus Turmeric (Curcuma L.) belongs to the genus perennial plants The ginger family includes about 60 species. Homeland - the tropics of Southeast Asia. Its complex root system consists of a yellowish-gray, short (3-10 cm), almost round, tuberous rhizome, up to 4 cm in diameter. Turmeric leaves are large, beautiful, basal, up to ...

Orchids of the genus Miltonia belong to the perennial herbaceous plants of the Orchidaceae family. Its homeland is Central and South America. It got its name in honor of one of the collectors of these beautiful flowers, the English scientist Milton Adligen. Popularly, this plant has another name - “ pansies" This is due to its buds, which in their structure are very similar to...

Calamondin or tender citrus (Citrus mitis) is a member of the Rutaceae family. The birthplace of the culture is South China. Calamondin is a highly ornamental plant, also known as citrofortunella or “golden orange”. It is believed to be a hybrid between kumquat and tangerine. The fruit gets its appearance and aroma from the tangerine, and from the kumquat it gets its frost resistance and sweet taste...

Ctenanthe belongs to the Marantaceae family. Its homeland is South America, namely rainforests located in the tropical zones of this continent. It is there that the crop has the opportunity to grow in natural conditions that are comfortable for it - in areas with swamps under the cover of foliage tropical trees. An indoor flower called ctenante is a perennial ornamental leafy herbaceous rhizomatous plant with a height of ...

The plant called Livistona belongs to the Palm or Arecaceae family. It grows naturally in the tropics of Asia and Australia. In the wild it prefers high humidity, so it can most often be found in damp forests, swampy areas, and near open water bodies. It is unpretentious in care, develops quite quickly and produces beautiful ornamental greenery. It is her who is very...

Zebrina is a perennial herbaceous decorative deciduous, hanging and ground cover plant. indoor plant from the Commelinaceae family. Homeland - Central America, also found in the southern USA, Mexico, and the Antilles. Scientific name– hanging zebrina, or hanging tradescantia, Tradescantia zebrina Bosse. It is often confused with other types of Tradescantia, which are very close to it. The name of the plant “zebrina” is apparently due to the presence of...

Dionaea is a monotypic genus. Belongs to the sundew family (Droseraceae). Her homeland is North America: In nature, Dionaea grows in the swampy plains and pine savannas of the Atlantic coast (in Georgia, North and South Carolina). Dionaea, also known as the Venus flytrap, is a carnivorous plant. Due to its unusual appearance and way of feeding, it is popular among lovers of exotic flowers. IN …

Maranta belongs to the Marantaceae family. Homeland - the tropics of Brazil. In some countries this genus is also called "ten commandments", prayer herb or prayer plant. The indoor arrowroot flower is a beautiful decorative leaf plant, 20-25 cm high, with tuberous thickenings on the roots. Leaves, 10-15 cm long, have fancy pattern of dark green, red-brown, sometimes almost black velvety spots...

Calceolaria belongs to the Norichnikov family. Homeland - Central and South America. Calceolaria – herbaceous abundant flowering plant. It has dark green, slightly pubescent soft leaves and unusually shaped bright yellow-orange speckled flowers. This plant is popularly nicknamed "lady's slipper". It blooms from the second half of March to May for 3 to 5 weeks in a row. Calceolaria hybrid...

Plumbago (Plumbago) is a plant from the Plumbago family. Homeland - South Africa, tropics and subtropics of Asia, America. The family has about 27 genera and 800 species, which are periodically replenished. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word “plumbum”, which means lead. Previously, it was believed that this plant is an antidote for poisoning with this substance. In addition, pale blue and...

Caladium, a flower popularly known as the “heart of Christ”, “angel wings” or “elephant ears”, is famous for the shape and color of its foliage. The fruit is a panicle with berries. The root system is tuberous. Caladium is a perennial decorative foliage plant with beautiful arrow-shaped leaves: the color is dominated by white, carmine, purple, pink and yellow. Leaves can be monochromatic, with darker...

Blechnum is a perennial fern that forms beautiful spreading bushes of bright green color. They can decorate a flowerbed, a windowsill or a winter garden. The plant has a rather complex nature and requires care, so to grow it at home, you need to know a few simple rules. In return, the fern will delight the eye with its rapid development and lush growth. ...

Epipremnum: types and varieties, care and propagation The Epipremnum flower is a representative of a small genus of vines, distinguished by its longevity. It comes in both tall climbing and small specimens. There are about 30 varieties of Epipremnum, which are distributed mainly in the tropical forests of India, as well as in Southeast Asia. Family: Araceae. Homeland - Solomon Islands, Southeast Asia. ...

Gloriosa – beautiful plant with rather unusual flowers. Family: Colchicumaceae. The plant's homeland is the tropics of Africa and India. Gdoriosa is a climbing herbaceous tuberous plant. The beautiful Gloriria flower is shaped like a Chinese lantern and is also compared to a lit torch. This explains its name, because in translation gloriosa sounds like “flower of glory.” Description of the appearance of the plant...

Currently, “bottle trees” are becoming increasingly popular - unpretentious, rather large plants with a characteristic “bottle-shaped” stem shape. This group includes plants from various genera and families. They may differ greatly from each other in appearance, but all are characterized by the formation of specific tissue with reserves of moisture and nutrients in order to survive in arid natural conditions...

Gynura is a perennial deciduous plant of the Asteraceae family. Homeland - tropical Africa, Southeast Asia and the island of Madagascar. The stem is erect, branching, up to 1 m high, quadrangular in cross-section. Over time, the stems droop and spread along the ground. The leaves are oval-shaped, 5-8 cm long, fleecy, blue-violet on top and burgundy on the underside. Leaves …

Bouvardia belongs to the Rubiaceae family. Homeland - Mexico. The plant is also often found in Central America. This is a beautifully flowering evergreen plant with an average height of up to 90 cm. Depending on the species, plants with a height of about 50 cm can be found, the largest ones grow up to 1.5 m in height. Includes up to 30 subspecies, each of which has ...

Jacobinia belongs to the Acanthaceae family and is native to South America. Botanists often use other names for this plant - justitia or justice. A small shade-tolerant shrub up to 1.2-1.5 m high. For indoors, the most interesting is Jacobinia meat-red, blooming all summer and autumn. Stem shoots are distinguished by their density and smooth surface greenish-pink hue. Internodes in a bush...

The home flower aspidistra, like asparagus, is one of the most unassuming. He can tolerate a lack of bright lighting and is undemanding temperature conditions. If the plant is happy with everything, the aspidistra will thank you by flowering, although this does not happen often when kept at home. The main advantage of the culture is the clustered lanceolate leaves on thin, tall petioles. Aspidistra belongs to the family...

Household hippeastrums, like most bulbous plants, are in dire need of a period of rest, when they cannot be watered, loosened or otherwise actively manipulated. It is better to completely “forget” about the flowers at this time, without performing any agricultural practices. Hippeastrums are also suitable for growing in hydroponic culture, that is, on substrates that do not contain soil impurities. Hippeastrum belongs to...

The houseplant croton is valued not for its flowering, which occurs extremely rarely in cultivation, but for the original beauty of its large, glossy, leathery leaves. Their colors cover the entire plant gamut - from pale light green to dark brown. The foliage of some species is yellow-lemon, orange and bright scarlet in color. Enough characteristic feature home flower croton - contrasting, clearly defined veins on the leaves. Croton...

Amaryllis flower (Amaryllis) is one of the most beautifully flowering indoor plants. This is a perennial bulbous plant belonging to the Amaryllis family. The homeland of indoor amaryllis is South Africa, from there the flower was brought to European countries, where it immediately gained great popularity. Amaryllis leaves are long (up to 70 cm), dark green, belt-shaped. The flowers are white-pink, orange or red up to 8-10 cm in...

The rhoicissus flower or the beloved home birch tree is very popular in indoor plant growing. Moreover, only the leaves of the rhombic type are similar to birch, while the foliage of the Cape form of this plant looks different. There are also differences when caring for rhombicus rhombicus and cape rhombus - you will receive recommendations for growing each species in this material. The plant Rhoicissus belongs to...

The Radermacher plant is not suitable for growing in rooms with too dry air. In this case, you will have to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every day and give it a shower twice a day. But if the air in your room is humid, caring for a Radermacher flower at home will not be difficult. Familiarize yourself with the botanical characteristics of the crop and recommendations for its cultivation. ...

Unlike peperomia, the leaves of the plectranthus flower are velvety, with small fibers on the surface. To the touch they resemble the leaves of homemade coleus, but do not have such a richly contrasting color. The ability of this plant to drive away flies and mosquitoes has long been noted, for which it is popularly nicknamed “fly wagon.” Here you will get tips on caring for plectranthus at home and can find out...

Allamanda belongs to the Kutrovye family. The plant's homeland is tropical America. A spectacular liana with leathery leaves up to 3 m tall. The flowers are large, tubular, golden yellow, bright yellow or orange. Some species have pink flowers. They bloom at the very tops of the shoots, quite large, funnel-shaped, up to 6 cm long. The allamanda plant blooms all summer, starting in May...

The pandanus or spiral pine indoor plant requires a lot of space. Some of its species are similar to palm trees, so when caring for such pandanuses, they are given a lot of territory, placing the tub in the brightest place in the room. Experienced flower growers When advising on how to care for pandanus, they recommend not to moisten the soil, but to water the plant exclusively through a tray. Pandanus belongs to the Pandanaceae family. ...

The nerine or nerine flower is classified as a monocotyledonous plant and is represented in its natural habitat by 13 species. Outwardly it resembles a lily, but its flowers are more graceful, thin-petaled, with long stamens extending far beyond the petals. Many species of nerine are valued very highly and are on the same level with orchids on the hierarchical ladder. The Nerine plant belongs to the Amaryllidaceae family. ...

The medlar plant or eriobothrya is one of the earliest fruit-bearing trees with small yellowish fruits of original taste. IN warm seasons Medlar fruits, which taste like a combination of pears and cherries, ripen by the end of spring. True, this is only possible in subtropical regions. IN middle lane growing medlar is practiced at home. Medlar, loquat (Eriobotrya) belongs to...

The name of the flower Ceropegia comes from Greek word Ceropegia, which means "candelabra". Indeed, the flowers of this plant with bilobed outer lobes and stamens fused into a tube have a bizarre shape and resemble ancient lamps. For successful care For ceropegia, it is recommended to grow this crop in compositions with succulent plants. Ceropegia belongs to the Kutrovye family. Homeland - ...

The howea palm, along with the chamedorea and date palm, is a frequent visitor to home greenhouses. Its large-pinnate leaves can decorate both a winter garden and an office space, as they can be content with artificial light. One of the main advantages of the Howea indoor plant is its absolute undemanding quality of air, so it can be placed even near a heating radiator. Howea or Kentia (Howea) ...

The date palm plant is one of the oldest on the planet. In areas where these trees are actively cultivated, dates serve not only as one of the main food products (they are even called second bread), but also have important medicinal value. Fans of exotic crops can try to grow a date palm at home - as the experience of amateur gardeners shows, these trees can easily ...

The trachycarpus palm is considered one of the most suitable for growing in urban apartments. In nature, these plants reach 5-7 meters in height; in a room they can grow up to 2.5 meters. You need to care for trachycarpus, like other types of palm trees: in a large tub with turf soil, in a bright place, in a regularly ventilated room, not forgetting to feed. ...

Vriesea or bromeliad is an ornamental houseplant native to Central or South America. In botanical reference books, the indoor flower vriesea is most often called frisea (not to be confused with freesia from the Iris family). To achieve flowering of Vriesia, you will have to work hard, and above all, protect the plant from drafts and negative influences sun rays. How does vriesea (bromeliad) bloom? Vriesia flower...

Representatives of the extensive Crassulaceae family are found in all territories of both hemispheres. Crassulaceae is represented by 39 genera. Flowers of the Crassulaceae family are widespread in home and garden culture - they are grown both as independent plants and as part of succulent floral compositions. Here you can find photos, names and descriptions of indoor Crasula plants, the most popular among gardeners. Crassulaceae…

The houseplant Sansevieria is one of the most popular in home floriculture due to its ease of care. Like many cacti, this crop can not be watered, loosened or replanted for a long time without losing its decorative qualities. At home, sansevieria practically does not bloom, but the interesting coloring of the leaves fully compensates for this deficiency. What does Sansevieria look like at home...

The genus Rebutia includes 41 species of cacti. In the wild, these plants are found mainly in Argentina, Peru and Bolivia, and in indoor cultivation they are grown everywhere due to their ease of care and fairly compact size. Some types of Rebutia cactus are so miniature that they are often used in creating floral succulent compositions. Flowering cactus Rebutia and care at home...

Many, with a fleeting glance at the indoor flower Rhipsalis, cannot immediately understand that it is actually a cactus. It doesn't look like a thorny succulent at all. On the contrary, the Rhipsalis plant seems delicate, almost weightless due to its thin branches strewn with dense beads of berries or graceful yellow or orange flowers. Sometimes you can find a Rhipsalis cactus with white...

One of the most popular commonly used ornamental plants is saxifrage. Due to the fact that in its natural habitat this plant grows in rock cracks, at the foot of mountains and in lowlands with rocky soil, it is most often used for decoration. alpine slides, rockeries and retaining walls. However, it feels quite comfortable on…

Gatsania is a very beautiful and unique, heat-loving plant that migrated to us from distant and hot Africa. In our latitudes, flower growers and gardeners quite successfully grow about 50 varieties of this bright, beautiful and unpretentious flower. In its homeland it is a perennial flower, but in our climate it cannot exist in a flowerbed during the period...

Wallota flower is a deciduous bulbous plant native to the tropics and subtropics. All varieties of this beautiful plant, of which there are about 50, are known to amateur gardeners under the general name “amaryllis”. Family: Amaryllidaceae Homeland: South Africa Rhizome: bulbous, elongated ovoid or pear-shaped, pink-brown. Stem: smooth thick peduncle from 10 to 60 cm in height depending on ...

A plant such as home amaranth is often called an unfading flower. This name stuck to the plant due to its bright inflorescences, which are pleasing to the eye and do not require special care. However, in addition to beauty, this flower has many beneficial properties. Thus, the plant is an excellent honey plant, medicinal and fodder crop. Its grains provide humans with valuable oil used in the treatment of...

Very often, flowering plants from flower beds, borders and alpine slides can be seen on terraces, loggias and balconies. They are planted in boxes and pots of various sizes, large floor flowerpots and tubs. This is explained simple desire flower growers can admire their blooms for as long as possible and inhale the aroma of summer. Among these plants that often migrate from the garden to…

Along with pests, houseplants are threatened by diseases, both viral and bacterial. In addition, domestic flowers are susceptible to rot and can become infected powdery mildew and suffer from other misfortunes. To prevent this from happening, it is important to carry out timely tillage of the soil in pots and preventive spraying, especially after you have returned the plants to the windowsill from the terrace or balcony. ...

Along with decorative properties, many house flowers are medicinal: for example, Kalanchoe, geranium, golden mustache, crassula and many others. With their help, you can get rid of or significantly alleviate many disturbing symptoms. Below you can see photos and names of useful home flowers and learn how to use their healing properties to treat certain diseases. What kind of home flowers are...

Orchids are one of the oldest families, appearing in the Late Cretaceous era. These flowers have no equal in their beauty. There are so many varieties and species of orchids that Sander’s List of Orchid Hybrids is updated every five years. Below you will find out what types and varieties of orchids there are, and what varieties indoor orchids grown at home. ...

Canna is a bulbous plant with a long stem and large, bright flowers, suitable for planting in the garden. However, many lovers of this crop grow it in room conditions in a tub or pot. To plant cannes in your home, you should choose suitable low-growing varieties and types that fit in a room, on a terrace, loggia or winter garden. Reproduction of canna at home...

Catharanthus is a small genus of annual or perennial herbs and subshrubs belonging to the cucumber family (Apocynaceae). Most of species are endemic to Madagascar, one is an inhabitant of the tropical regions of Asia; they are used in culture as beautiful flowering flower beds and indoor plants. Family: kutrovye. Homeland: Madagascar, India. Rhizome: taproot type root system. Stem: straight, ascending or decumbent, branched. Leaves: opposite,...

Enjoy indoor pineapple(Ananas), of course, will not be necessary, because it is an ornamental plant, but you will definitely be able to surprise your neighbors by having such a miracle on your windowsill. With proper care for an indoor pineapple, you can get a fairly large fruit, barely distinguishable from a real fruit. You will learn below how to care for an indoor pineapple and how to propagate this home plant. Family: Bromeliads, photophilous, ...

Rhipsalidopsis (Easter cactus, Rhipsalidopsis) was brought to Europe from South America and became widespread in indoor floriculture. Its large, bright flowers delight with a riot of colors closer to Easter, for which the plant acquired its “European name.” Caring for ripsalidopsis at home is not difficult - the main thing is to avoid direct contact with sunlight and provide Easter...

The houseplant asparagus (Asparagus) is unpretentious, and therefore widespread in home floriculture. There are several hundred species of asparagus, but Asparagus densiflorus is the most popular. The asparagus indoor plant is not only a decoration for your windowsill, but also an excellent addition when making bouquets. You will learn below how to care for asparagus and how this plant is used. You will also receive recommendations for...

The office is often imagined as a dull, colorless room with monotonous walls, desks, computers and stacks of documents. Due to stress and an abundance of other harmful factors, many people feel like they are in a cage at work.

Green “pets” will help you lift your spirits, liven up the atmosphere and feel comfortable in the office.

It is quite difficult to overestimate the benefits of indoor plants in the work area. Indeed, in addition to satisfying emotional needs, they also help in a practical sense. For example:

Given the obvious benefits of flowers in the office, it is important to understand that not every representative of indoor flora will be able to survive everyday office life.

Requirements for choosing colors

When choosing a flower for your workplace, it is important to consider several rules:

  • Unpretentiousness. It is unlikely that it will be possible to create special conditions in the office, and there is not much time for complex care, spraying, fertilizing, maintaining the necessary air humidity at work. In addition, capricious pets may simply not survive long weekends or vacations.
  • Beautiful appearance– optimally, if the plant looks presentable and impressive, it should not have obvious defects - spots on the leaves, bare stems, dried flowers.
  • Odorless and hypoallergenic– plants in the office affect both employees and visitors. They must be absolutely safe and not irritate anyone, since even the slightest smell of flowers can cause allergies in someone.

The best indoor plants for the office

  • , or “mother-in-law’s tongue” - has a beautiful appearance, sometimes with variegated leaves. Some species have big sizes and are placed on the floor, others are small, for window sills. Tolerates drafts and drought, temperature changes. It can grow for a long time without replanting, read more about caring for it;
  • – has a magnificent appearance, in addition, it grows easily in the shade and is not particularly demanding on watering. Tolerates well, and even prefers, cool;
  • - A popular office plant. Its spectacular large leaves will decorate any room. In addition, it easily tolerates low air humidity. It can grow under artificial light; see how to care for it;
  • – perfectly cleans the air in the room. It blooms for a long period with beautiful white boat-like flowers. Shade-tolerant, tolerates dry air. Requires regular;
  • – a very hardy flower that perfectly purifies the air. Attractive rosettes of light green leaves produce tendrils with babies at the ends. It looks especially impressive hanging plant V hanging planters. It can grow in the shade, tolerates irregular watering and lives for a long time in one pot without replanting, more details;
  • - a beautiful decorative deciduous hanging plant. Looks great on a shelf or cabinet. Not capricious, can grow in artificial light. Tolerates dry air and irregular watering; plant care can be viewed here;
  • unpretentious flower, which tolerates lack of light and low air humidity well. It grows slowly. Exist large species, which will decorate a large office with their variegated foliage, you can look at caring for aglaonema;
  • - a beautiful large plant with bright multi-colored leaves. It is important to know that it needs enough light and warmth, more details;
  • care, while always looking good.
  • Bamboo – grows in a vase with stones and water. It looks very original and impressive. Unpretentious. The only thing required is to remember to add water.

When choosing and arranging indoor plants in the office, it is important to remember that they require at least minimal care.

A little attention and care - and green “pets” will reward you with a magnificent appearance, give you strength and give you a lot of positive emotions! What flowers grow in your office?

Photo gallery

Flowers that are suitable for office premises, from the list above. Detailed galleries can be viewed in separate color sections.

Potted ornamental plants, as a rule, are associated with the private sphere of our lives. We will be happy to grow many of them in apartments or on the balcony. However, if you work in an office, it's worth trying to grow them there.

Of course, not all plants are suitable for the office, as they require special care or special conditions. But there are many species that can successfully acclimate to office spaces and will provide us with many different benefits.

Mild climate

Let's start with the fact that flowers always, as soon as the thaw sets in, have a calming effect on us and help us relax. In such a friendly atmosphere, it is certainly better and more efficient to perform professional duties. If there are many plants in the room or have large leaves, they create a favorable microclimate around them. They absorb carbon dioxide, releasing into the atmosphere the oxygen we need to live. In such a place it is better to breathe, and the body functions much more efficiently.

Office threats

However, along with these advantages, indoor plants can provide us with even more tangible benefits. Perhaps few of us understand that office premises contain a wide variety of toxic substances. Their concentration, as a rule, is not life-threatening, but such stale air, systematically inhaled, can over time cause various ailments associated with headaches.

Chemicals that are harmful to our body can be released through: carpets, walls, new furniture, paints, household chemicals, insecticides, air fresheners, tobacco smoke, glue, and even running computers. Among them, the most common are: benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene, xylene, octane and toluene. For this reason, frequent ventilation of office premises is recommended. However, it turns out that certain plants can also be very helpful in neutralizing these toxins.

Effective plants to combat toxins

In studies of these plant abilities, a number of species have been identified that are much more effective than others in coping with the problem of air pollution. Among indoor plants, for cleaning office premises, Special attention deserve: ivy philodendron, ficus benjamina, chlorophytum, rubber ficus, nephrolepis sublime, sansevieria, dracaena, common ivy, spathiphyllum, areca, tradescantia, asparagus dense-flowered. Their ability to absorb or neutralize certain airborne toxins has been supported by research, and if grown specimens are in good condition and disease-free, they will successfully filter and purify the air.

For example, most of the listed plants are good absorbers of formaldehyde, however, areca does not cope with this task. However, areca is quite good at neutralizing xylene and toluene, as well as tradescantia, dracaena and ivy. Ficus benjamina skillfully copes with octane, and spathiphyllum, ivy and dracaena with benzene. And, of course, all species absorb CO₂, producing oxygen.

These types are suitable not only for offices, but also for schools, banks, offices, sanatoriums and hotels, that is, public places. Fortunately, in many of these places the plants have already found their permanent home.

Office workers spend a significant part of their lives in a workplace that is not original, and is often completely boring and dull. But there is a great way that will help turn a nondescript space into something pleasing to the eye, and that is fresh flowers. Of course, not every plant is suitable for this, and offices are different - somewhere there is more sunlight, somewhere artificial lighting predominates. Let's try to figure out how to extra costs and hassle to transform working space.

What flowers to choose for the office

First, let's find out what requirements plants for an office must meet.

  1. An attractive appearance at any time of the year - a plant that has lost its leaves will not decorate the room, but will make it even more boring.
  2. The absence of a pronounced aroma will relieve workers from headaches and allergies.
  3. Unpretentiousness in care - oh, the bosses try in every possible way to overwhelm the employee with tasks, so there is not always enough time for a whimsical plant.

This elegant and bright flower- poinsettia - certainly attracts attention, but it is not suitable for the office - it requires too much special care

Now let’s look at a few examples that will help, taking into account the peculiarities of the office, to make right choice among unpretentious flowers.

Shade-tolerant flowers

  • Aspidistra. A very unpretentious, durable and shade-resistant flower. The leaves are long-petiolate, collected in a basal rosette and form a lush bush. The leaves are large, often lanceolate, with a glossy surface. The foliage color is green, but there are varietal variations in the form of light green or white stripes. Unpretentiousness is very high. It may bloom in winter, although the flowering is inexpressive.

    Perhaps aspidistra is the best plant for the office, and the size of the plant can be selected commensurate with the size of the workspace

  • Sansevieria (sansevieria). Well known as "mother-in-law's tongue." The leaves grow directly from the rhizome, the shape is elongated, the length and color depend on the variety. In addition to its spectacular appearance, it is also incredibly useful. It purifies the air from substances toxic to humans, while releasing oxygen. It propagates very easily using rhizomes.

    Straight, upward-stretching leaves of sansevieria will bring austerity to the room, however, the bright color of the leaves can soften this impression

  • Pilea. This modest flower is perfect for a small office; you can even decorate your desktop with it. Height up to 40 cm, there are specimens creeping or branching at the base. The stems are juicy and fleshy. Leaves are opposite. Size and shape depend on the variety. As well as numerous colors. You definitely won’t be bored with such a plant.

    The compact pilea can be successfully placed in any corner of the office

Bright sun lovers

These are plants with brightly colored leaves to maintain color range which require bright natural light:

  • Croton (Codium). A very bright and elegant flower. The plant is branched, with leaves of various shapes (three-lobed, notched, broadly ovate, spirally twisted). Coloring includes both two-color (yellow-green) and multi-color combinations (green-yellow-red-purple). The leaf blade is leathery and shiny. Of course, such an exotic will require some care, but it is quite simple.

    Even one croton in a properly selected flowerpot can enliven a space

  • Aglaonema. A perennial with an erect short stem, which is practically invisible in young plants. The leaves are on short or long petioles, entire, oblong-lanceolate or broadly ovate in shape. The leaf blade is dense and moderately leathery to the touch. Color variations depend on the variety. At good care It blooms often, but the flower is not bright and does not look good against the background of foliage.

    Large specimens of agloanema can serve as a flower screen, dividing a large workspace into smaller and more comfortable zones

  • Aucuba. Evergreen shrub form. The leaves are oval or oblong-lanceolate, the edges are smooth or serrated. The color can be bright green or green-yellow. Great for helping those who are busy with mental work relax. Not very difficult to care for.

    The joyful and bright colors of aucuba will invigorate those who engage in mental work


Among the flowering plants you can also choose quite attractive and unpretentious ones:

Palms or false palms

The flowers listed below can be impressive in size and suitable for a spacious office, but they can be small and fit perfectly into a small room:

Of course, the list of plants suitable for the office does not end with the examples given. Do not forget about the well-known chlorophytum and ficus, the luxurious zamioculcas. But no matter how easy a flower to care for, it still needs attention.

It so happens that we are at work almost all the time. The room in which we work should not be a garden with exotic plants. However, when visiting different organizations, we rarely see an office without at least one flower on the windowsill. Indoor plants are an integral part of the office interior. Even the most modern reception rooms and offices lack comfort without them. Indoor plants, moreover, beautifully and unobtrusively divide the office into certain zones.

But there is an obstacle: not every indoor plant can be kept in a service room. For one, office dust and radiation from equipment are contraindicated; for another, it is necessary high humidity, intolerable to documents and office equipment, and some need increased attention, which takes a lot of time, which is usually not enough. This article provides information about the most suitable plants for offices, how to care for them, and which plants are not suitable for keeping in offices. So, let's sort it out in order.

The first rule: the number of plants and their size must be calculated based on the volume of the room. One large indoor plant looks good in a small office - it will visually divide the room into zones, which will be a plus in spatial design. It should be taken into account that when there is a small amount of furniture (for example, in a reception room), a plant with large leaves will be appropriate, and in a long and narrow room, small-leaved plants with arched stems will be advantageous.

One more nuance: the office should not be overloaded with catchy, bright plants so that they do not direct all attention to themselves. 1-2 accent plants will be enough, otherwise the visual harmony will be disrupted. The plants will produce an irritating effect, and instead of a calm atmosphere, nervousness will be felt.

The most suitable plants for the office

The primary plant to keep in offices should be called chlorophytum. It is a natural filter that cleans the air in the office from impurities around the clock and actively reduces the level of ionization. Does not require special care and does not need bright lighting. Unless, if placed in a dark corner, the plant will lose some of its attractiveness. But it will fit into any design style - from minimalism to modernism.

This beautiful plant has several beneficial properties: it relieves headaches, can relieve stress from sitting at the computer and fatigue from mental work. Phytoncides secreted by laurel disinfect the air and improve blood circulation.

Interior design of your office - classic French or English style? Then by the way lemon! In other office styles, this plant with bright fruits will also create a wonderful accent. Lemon is useful for relieving stress and increasing productivity. It also destroys up to 70% of viruses contained in the atmosphere, which is very important for an office filled with people.

This plant is one of the first recommended for office spaces. Sansevieria is unpretentious: it does not need frequent watering and spraying, and the dry air of offices does not harm it at all. In addition, it can purify the air, and its beauty is far ahead of many indoor plants.

This small plant in the form of a variegated bush is suitable for an office of any shape and any size. When creating floral arrangements, Pilea is an ideal backdrop for plants with flowers.

This plant belongs to the category of flowering plants, most suitable for office premises. The brightly colored flowers look spectacular among the mass of green leaves. As for its “usefulness,” abutilone perfectly cleans and humidifies the air in the room. The only drawback is that the plant requires a lot of space, so it is not suitable for small spaces.

Another flowering plant recommended for keeping in offices. It also doesn't need special care and lighting, blooms all year round and can humidify the air well. Looks beautiful in a minimalist interior.