Toilet      06/17/2019

Why does garden hydrangea wither? Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow: causes and solution to the problem Leaves of garden hydrangea dry out

Hydrangea is a shrub plant with beautiful large flowers and lush green foliage. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, hydrangea leaves dry out. This development of events upsets and makes both the amateur gardener and the experienced landscape designer nervous. But don’t despair: having determined the cause, you can choose the right way to solve the problem.

The flower belongs to moisture-loving plants. This applies not only to watering, but also to air humidity. In an arid climate, hydrangea will not be able to survive and delight the eye with those charming flowers for which it is valued.

In addition to changing the color of the flowers, hydrangea has very sensitive leaves. They respond to soil quality and moisture. Leaves may wither, dry out and fall off. What to do if hydrangea leaves dry out? How to save a plant? Read on for answers to these and other questions.

Why do hydrangea leaves dry out?

A common problem is leaves drying out. As a result, it does not develop, withers like a plant and does not produce large luxurious flowers. There are several reasons why this process may occur.

Dry soil

The first reason why hydrangea leaves dry out is overdried roots. The flower loves moist soil and requires compliance with the watering regime. It is also worth considering the time of watering and lighting of the plant. In order to save a hydrangea whose leaves and flowers are drying, water it on time, introduce spraying into the care system and darken the flower a little for a while.

Sloppy transplant

Due to incorrect actions, the root system is disrupted. Hydrangea may dry out and wither after transplantation, during which the small roots were disturbed. They are the ones responsible for feeding the plant. To avoid problems with leaves and flowers, replant the flower in the spring. Do not destroy the earthen lump, but transfer it to a new large pot. Choose slightly acidic and loose soil. Deepen the neck of the plant a couple of centimeters, but no more. By observing these conditions, you will not need to save a hydrangea whose leaves are drying.

Excessive soil moisture

Waterlogging of the soil is also one of the reasons for leaf fall. At first glance, a flower that loves moisture cannot dry out due to constant watering. But that's not true. Since the root system, especially the small one, is responsible for feeding the flower, its waterlogging can negatively affect the condition of the foliage. Roots that receive too much moisture simply begin to rot and die. As a result, the leaves do not receive nutrition and fall off.

In order to revive a hydrangea in a pot with diseased roots, carefully remove the plant and cut off the rotten roots. They will Brown. Sprinkle the cut areas with activated carbon. Transplant the flower into a new pot, which will be smaller in size than the previous one. You can also cover the flower with a portable compact greenhouse for a week or two. Also consider ventilation in this design.

Low air humidity

It is very difficult for a plant that loves moisture to survive dry air. Therefore, the tips of its leaves begin to dry out, then the entire leaf dries out and falls off. What to do if hydrangea dries out in a dry climate or? IN open ground– spray the plant as often as possible. At night, you can create a small stationary greenhouse for hydrangea. Reanimate large leaf hydrangea, which is easier to grow in a greenhouse. It is recommended to humidify the air using a humidifier. It is also worth ventilating the greenhouse as often as possible.

It is worth noting that hydrangea is a flower sensitive to soil pH. If the soil is within the normal range for the plant, the flowers change color. For example, in neutral soil, hydrangea flowers become beige or white, in acidic soil - red, and in alkaline soil - blue or purple. If the soil goes beyond the comfortable pH for the flower, it begins to act up and get sick.

Hydrangea leaves wither - reasons and solution

We carefully examine the plant and look for the cause in order to provide proper assistance to the plant.

Excessive moisture

Abundant and frequent watering of the flower, too high air humidity can also harm the hydrangea and cause damage to the condition of the roots and leaves. Accordingly, if the foliage-root system is disrupted, the plant will not be able to form normal flower stalks and delight with abundant color. If a hydrangea in a pot begins to fade, the first thing you need to do is replant it. Replace the old earthen ball, but not completely. Remember that the root system, especially young ones, is very sensitive and can easily be injured. Transfer the plant to new soil and a new pot. Reduce air humidity levels. Ventilate the room as often as possible, but at the same time protect the hydrangea from drafts.

Temperature changes, drafts

Frequent and sudden changes in temperature and the presence of drafts harm such a delicate plant as hydrangea. Temperature changes (night and day shifts) cause hydrangea leaves to turn black and dry out. To resuscitate a flower, normalize the air temperature. Try to achieve +20-23 degrees. This indicator is considered comfortable for hydrangea. If the leaves are severely wilted, some of them can be cut off.

If your beauty does not bloom, and you still do not lose hope of contemplating these lovely bouquets of flowers, give your hydrangeas a period of rest. This means that it is necessary to reduce the temperature to +10-13 degrees.

In this case, it is necessary to reduce it to a minimum - just make sure that the flower does not dry out. Also, during the dormant period, the plant must be hidden in a dark and secluded place. In just a couple of weeks, small flower stalks will appear on the hydrangea, which will delight you with beautiful and lush flowers.

Heavy and dense soil

Pay attention to the consistency of the soil in which you plant the flower. Hydrangea needs loose, light and at the same time nutritious soil. Heavy and dense soil will retain moisture and, as a result, the flower will not be able to feed and “breathe” normally.

Please note that garden hydrangea is especially picky about the composition of the soil. In addition to the incorrect density of the earth, the level and balance of micro- and macroelements is also important for it. By violating these wishes of the flower, the leaves of the garden hydrangea may begin to wither and then fall off.

Why do hydrangea leaves turn yellow?

Dry hydrangea leaves are sometimes accompanied by yellow or black spots. Besides improper care and the fact that yellow leaves spoil appearance, they may be a sign of a disease in the plant:

First, to understand the reason why hydrangea leaves curl, inspect the plant and rule out the presence of pests. To do this, examine the sheets with inside. If you find unwanted guests, start destroying them with drugs.

If the flower turns out to be clean, it means that the reason for the curling lies in a viral infection of the plant. In this case, the fight for a healthy plant should be aimed at restoring its immunity.

By following all the rules for caring for such a whimsical flower, it will very quickly delight you with luxurious flowers!

Let's help the plant - video

Hydrangea belongs to a large genus (with about 90 varieties) and all types of this plant are incredibly beautiful and attractive. You can’t just take hydrangea and not plant it in your garden, put it on the windowsill in a pot, or plant it in a flowerpot, decorating a balcony or terrace. It is very difficult to care for such wondrous beauty, but it is quite possible. The fact is that hydrangea has its own preferences, which must be followed in order for it to feel good and bloom with each new season. These include soil acidity, abundant watering, correct landing(meaning the place of choice for landing) and others. If you don’t adhere to correct scheme care, then the hydrangea will begin to hurt, and a detailed examination of the methods of caring for hydrangea will help to understand the reason.

Problems include when the edges of hydrangea leaves dry out. If you also observe yellowing of the leaf itself, then the problem, in this case, lies at the heart of a decrease in the acidity of the soil in which the hydrangea grows. On average, the soil pH should be at the level of 5.5-6.0, which ensures normal health for the flower. To restore the plant at least a little, you need, first of all, to water the hydrangea with water and lemon juice - a few drops per liter of water - and then acidify the soil with fertilizers or a special solution.

If the tips of the leaves simply dry out, which is what we actually wanted to know, then the reason is insufficient watering of the hydrangea or dry air. For hydrangea, both air and soil humidity must be balanced and optimal to support its powerful root system. To save a hydrangea if the edges of its leaves dry out, you simply need to increase watering of the plant and also humidify the air. This can be easily done using sphagnum moss, for example.

When you notice brown spots on dried out hydrangea leaves, rest assured it's a matter of watering again. This is, so to speak, the next stage of desiccation after the previous one. You need to improve the intensity of watering if you have decided on the amount of water applied. But if you notice light spots on the leaves, then the reason is not due to watering or its lack, but to an excess of light. In simple words, the hydrangea received a burn. If you are growing hydrangea in a pot, you need to move it to a slightly shaded place, and if in open ground, protect it from intense sun artificially.

And finally, let's say one more important problem like a slow growing hydrangea. The reason may be either too little watering or insufficient feeding. The category of reasons also includes the active sun, which dries out the soil, and possible drafts, movements of air masses, if the hydrangea was planted incorrectly (in this case, you will also notice rotting processes on the roots and stems). To improve the condition of your plant, you need to alternately add complex mineral and organic fertilizers, which, so to speak, will pull the hydrangea to the surface and give it strength for further growth and flowering.

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Indoor hydrangea leaves dry for several reasons.

Garden hydrangea (lat. Hydrangea opuloides), or hydrangea, is perhaps one of the most favorite indoor plants among domestic gardeners. He was loved for unpretentious care and beautiful flowering.

Hydrangea is native to Asia, America and Japan. This deciduous shrub blooms for almost six months from spring to autumn, blooming up to 6 “caps” of inflorescences on each bush.

However, like everyone indoor plant, even this one unpretentious variety like hydrangea, there are problems associated with its care.

Why can indoor hydrangea leaves dry out?

Most often, flower growers ask the same question: why do the leaves of indoor hydrangea dry out? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon.
First of all, this:

  • injury to roots when transplanting or handling plants;
  • problems with watering;
  • lack of nutrients;
  • unsuitable air humidity.

Let's look at each moment separately to identify the reasons why indoor hydrangea leaves dry.

One of the most common reasons why leaves of indoor hydrangeas dry out is replanting or transshipment of the plant. In this case, trauma to the roots occurs, and the plant simply “gets sick.” This condition can last up to 2 months, during which time it is advisable to water the hydrangea once every 10 days with a solution of the Zircon preparation.

Problems with insufficient or, on the contrary, excessive watering, as well as low air humidity, can also lead to the fact that the leaves begin to dry out or fall off. Optimal - when the clod of earth does not dry out. In addition, spraying is necessary in the summer.

Another reason why the leaves of indoor hydrangeas dry out is a lack of nutrients. Fertilizer feeding should be done weekly throughout the flowering period.

Hydrangea is a beautiful plant that is often grown by gardeners, both in the garden and at home. The plant blooms very beautifully and fits perfectly into home interior. Caring for hydrangea is quite simple, as it is not picky about its conditions. But sometimes hydrangea leaves turn yellow and dry out. Why this happens and what to do in such a situation, we will try to tell you in this article.

Causes of yellowing

Why did the hydrangea leaves begin to turn yellow, what should I do? There can be several reasons for yellowing, but usually it happens due to inappropriate care of the flower. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider the correct care of the flower.

Hydrangea leaves can also turn yellow due to errors such as:

  1. Excessive humidity. Homemade hydrangea loves moisture very much, but if you water it too much, the flower can simply be flooded, and this will have a rather detrimental effect on the leaves, which will eventually turn yellow and fall off.
  2. Lack of heat. Hydrangea does not tolerate drafts and low temperatures very well. temperature regime. Under such conditions, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and dry out.
  3. Insufficient amount of nutrients. For good flowering, home hydrangea must receive the necessary micro- and macroelements.
  4. Lack of lighting. In order for a flower to grow and develop normally, it needs good lighting. Hydrangea prefers bright and diffused light. But only straight Sun rays should not fall on the plant, otherwise the leaves may get sunburned.
  5. Lack of fertilizers during active growth flower. If you do not fertilize, the leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Why do the leaves of homemade hydrangea dry out and what to do? home flower needs nutritional components, and in particular during the flowering period. If there is a lack of useful elements, the formation of inflorescences will be defective, and the tips of the leaves will turn yellow. Very often this happens when the soil is deficient in nitrogen and iron.


Why do hydrangea leaves turn black? Sometimes it happens that a plant is cared for correctly, but the leaves still turn yellow, which means the reason is something else. In some cases, hydrangea leaves become yellow and dry out due to disease. Although the plant is quite resistant to various infections, in certain cases it can be affected by diseases.

If hydrangeas are susceptible to disease, the reason is very simple - poor care of the plant.

The most common disease of hydrangea is ring spot. When a disease affects a flower, its leaves not only turn yellow, but also become deformed.

In addition to ring spotting, indoor flower Other diseases may also attack:

  • powdery mildew;
  • chlorosis;
  • white rot.

Powdery mildew

The disease manifests itself in the form of oily spots, which turn black after a while. The disease occurs due to high humidity. To get rid of powdery mildew, you need to treat the flower with soapy water, to which you add copper sulfate. This treatment must be performed on early stages diseases.


Why does chlorosis affect hydrangea? The disease most often occurs due to improper watering. Chlorosis appears when the plant is watered cold water from the tap, where there is a large proportion of lime content. With this disease, the leaf turns yellow and dries. In some cases, chlorosis leads to the death of the plant. Treatment of a flower for chlorosis includes spraying the plant with special preparations: Ferovit, Agricol, Ferrilene.

White rot

This disease is manifested by rotting of the roots. With such a disease, the flower does not receive nutrients, then begins to darken and dies. To eliminate the disease, the plant must be treated chemical agent such as Fitosporin or use other fungicides. If you do not want your hydrangea to be affected by various diseases, then caring for the plant must be correct.

Treatment of diseased leaves

When the edges of the leaves dry out, you need to react urgently, otherwise the plant may die. First you need to determine the cause, and only then choose a treatment method.

Main methods of treatment:

  • if there is excess moisture, it is necessary to stop watering for a while or water, but not so often;
  • if there is a lack of heat, the hydrangea should be removed from drafts and placed in a warmer room;
  • if not enough useful substances- you need to start feeding the flower. Experienced flower growers It is recommended to add fertilizer to the pot when watering along with water; you should also use soft and settled water for watering.

If there is insufficient iron in the soil, the acidity of the soil should be restored. In this case, you need to add vinegar essence to the soil. Prepare the solution as follows: take 1 teaspoon of essence and pour it into 10 liters of water. By the way, vinegar can be replaced with oxalic acid. In addition, to restore the acidity of the earth, a solution of ferovit should be used.

In case of viral diseases, diseased leaves must be removed and the flower treated with fungicides. Quite often, professionals use it against diseases. Bordeaux mixture(1%). If you properly care for hydrangea, the edges of the leaves will not turn yellow and dry out.

Disease prevention

In order to prevent yellowing of leaves, it is recommended to follow some tips:

  1. It is necessary to properly organize the watering regime. You don’t need to overfill the flower, but you don’t need to dry it either.
  2. Use settled and soft water for irrigation.
  3. The plant is best placed in a warm room.
  4. Keep the plant pot out of direct sunlight, as the edges of the leaves may dry out.
  5. From time to time you need to feed hydrangea (mainly during the flowering period).

In addition, you can sometimes spray the flower with various preparations against microbes. If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to avoid the appearance yellow leaves at home hydrangea, and maintain its excellent appearance for a long time.

It's easier for me, of course. I live in my own house. My main concern is to open it when leaving for work and close it at night. You probably already know, but maybe this information will be useful to you: HOW TO PROPERLY PLANT AND GROW HYDRANGEA IN THE GARDEN OR AT THE HOUSE What doesn’t hydrangea like? Landing. Feeding. PruningPlanting hydrangeaHydrangea is light-loving, so it prefers sunny places, but can also grow in partial shade. Best time for planting in spring the first half of May, in autumn - September. Planting pits dig 50x50x60 cm at a distance of 1-1.5 m from one another. They are filled to the top with a soil mixture consisting of humus, leaf soil, peat, sand (2:2:1:1) and fertilizers (10 kg of humus, 20 g of urea, 60 g of granulated superphosphate, 20 g of potassium sulfate). Under no circumstances should you add lime - hydrangea cannot tolerate it. The bushes are planted so that the root collar is at soil level. After planting, the plants are protected from midday sun and strong winds. The first two years the inflorescences are removed so that all the nutrients go to the growth and development of the bush. Feeding hydrangea If, when planting, the hole was filled with soil mixture, the hydrangea is not fed for the first two years. But then fertilizers are applied regularly. In early spring, at the beginning of growth, give the first fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer with microelements (30 g/10 l of water) or add 20-25 g of urea, 30-40 g of superphosphate and 30-35 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2. During the budding period, feed a second time mineral fertilizers at the rate of 60-80 g of superphosphate and 40-50 g of potassium sulfate per 1 m2. The third and fourth feedings are given in the summer with a solution of mullein (1:10), spending on mature plant 10 l. Watering hydrangeasHydrangeas are moisture-loving, so they are watered weekly and abundantly (15-20 liters for each plant). If the summer is rainy, watering is reduced to 4-5 times per season. To enhance the strength of the shoots, add a little potassium permanganate to the water. Soil care Twice a season, after watering and weeding, the soil around the bushes is loosened to a depth of 5-6 cm. To keep moisture in the soil longer, trunk circle mulch with peat or sawdust (layer 6 cm). Mulch is poured in the spring and left throughout the summer. Proper pruning hydrangeasPruning of hydrangeas is done in March, leaving, depending on the age and size of the bush, 6-12 of the strongest shoots, which are shortened by 2-5 buds of old wood. In autumn, faded inflorescences must be removed. Old bushes are rejuvenated by heavy pruning. In this case, stumps 5-8 cm high are left. Next year, young flowering shoots will grow from them. Preparing hydrangea for winter The roots of paniculata hydrangea are covered for the winter by covering it with rotted manure, while the tree hydrangea overwinters well even without shelter. True, the roots of young bushes may freeze in the first year or two after planting. To avoid this, cover the soil with peat or dry leaves with a layer of 10-15 cm. Protecting hydrangea from diseases and pests Hydrangea rarely gets sick, but sometimes it can be affected powdery mildew. In this case, the bush must be sprayed with a solution of foundationazole (20 g/10 l of water) or Bordeaux mixture (100 g/10 l of water). It happens that hydrangea is damaged by aphids. Garlic infusion helps drive it away. To prepare it, take 200 g of peeled cloves, pass it through a meat grinder and add 10 liters of water. After 2 days, filter, add 40 g laundry soap. The bushes are sprayed with garlic infusion once a week, repeating the treatment until complete victory over the pest. Useful tips for hydrangea care winter bouquet Hydrangea should be cut as soon as all the flowers on the inflorescence bloom. It is better to dry in a dark place, tying them up by the shoots with their heads down. When watered with a solution of aluminum alum (40 g/10 l of water), hydrangea flowers change color, that is, white ones become blue, and pink ones become purple. But be prepared for the fact that 3 or even 4 buckets of solution must be poured onto each bush, and this must be done several times with an interval of 10 days.