Toilet      06/20/2020

Scheme of how to build a sandbox ship with a roof. Options for children's sandboxes in summer cottages. How to make a sandbox with your own hands. Stages of work and basic recommendations for making a sandbox with your own hands. Design and dimensions of a sandbox for children's playground

As everyone knows very well, children love to play in the sandbox, sculpt figures, castles, and just mess around pouring sand from place to place) The activity for a child is very exciting and he can play in the sand for hours, and in the meantime parents can do important matters around the house, but the child must remain within sight and under supervision.

To make a sandbox, it is best to use environmentally friendly material (wood), for which you will need boards 30 mm thick and 1.8-2.4 m long, as well as 50x50 timber for attaching the corners. You need to make a box out of the boards, then sand them thoroughly so that the child does not get scratched or get a splinter. For durability, it is necessary to coat it with a special impregnation for wood, and then paint it in a bright and joyful color. Removable before installation upper layer turf and agrofibre is laid so that worms and beetles from the ground do not crawl into the sand, and the sand does not sink into the ground.

So, let's look at what exactly the author needed to make the sandbox?

1. board 30 mm
2. timber 50x50 mm
3. bolts, nuts, washers, engravers
4. screws
5. paint
6. wood putty
7. agrofibre
8. staples (for stapler)

1. hacksaw
2. drill
3. screwdriver
4. ruler
5. pencil
6. roulette
7. key head
8. spatula
9. brush

Step-by-step instructions for creating a children's sandbox with your own hands.

Before starting construction, you should decide on the choice and layout suitable place Location on. The sandbox should be in sight of adults so that the child is under control. Children need sun) but in moderation, which means they need a canopy that protects from ultraviolet radiation or, as they usually do, a fungus. The space should not be blown through by wind. The sandbox can also be placed next to a tree that will let in the optimal amount of light and provide shelter from the wind.

Having decided on a place, it needs to be cleared and marked.

Then you need to prepare the boards, namely how to plan them, so that they are even and smooth.

First you need to try it on and figure out how everything will be located.

The corner is sawn to the height of the side board.

2 holes are drilled in the upper and lower parts, then drilled out with a crown - this is done so that the nut is recessed into the cavity of the wooden beam.

In the same beam, 2 more holes are drilled in exactly the same way, but the location in height is different, so that later the connections do not intersect.

And so all 4 bars.

It turns out that a beam located in the corner secures 2 boards.

This is how the box itself is assembled.

It is necessary to make benches on top of the box so that the child can sit and play comfortably.

He cuts out blanks and tries them on.

The corners of the benches are twisted using self-tapping screws.

The master also sinks the self-tapping screw into the cavity of the board so that nothing sticks out of it.

For greater reliability, everything is secured with a metal plate on the back side.

He screws the bench directly to the box, where he previously drew a guide line.

The master seals the joints where gaps and cracks remain with a special putty for wood; it can also be used to seal the heads of screws recessed into the wood, that is, everything will turn out uniformly and neatly. By the way, you can easily make this kind of putty yourself, you need to take some small sawdust after sanding and add wood glue to it, stir it in some kind of bowl and bring it to a homogeneous mass (in the form of semolina), and then you can putty it. This putty will be no worse than store-bought putty.

The putty surface must be given time to dry, and then everything must be sanded thoroughly.

The dust generated during the grinding process should be blown off and wiped with a damp cloth.

In order for the sandbox to be durable, it needs to be coated with impregnation and then painted in a bright, joyful color.

And so, the box itself is ready, now you need to remove the layer of turf in the marked area.

Your baby is growing up, and it’s time to think about a cozy children’s corner in the personal plot. What is your favorite pastime at this age? Of course, outdoor games. One of the main attributes of a children's playground is a sandbox, where children can play with sand from morning to evening. Installing such a structure in the yard is as easy as shelling pears, since they are sold in specialized stores already in finished form. However, their price often does not please caring parents. The best solution in this situation, a sandbox with a lid, made by yourself, will become. This does not require special skills, and you can use any available means as material.

Types of sandboxes for children

If you decide to make a sandbox for your beloved child with your own hands, so that you won’t be ashamed to show your friends a photo of the structure, then before you start work, you need to figure out what types of these structures exist.

By design features It is customary to distinguish between two types of sandboxes:

  • open;
  • closed.

Open structures

Perhaps the presented type can be called the most common and popular in playgrounds. It is made and installed quite simply. Although you can rarely find them in their “pure” form. Today, many masters complement them with a variety of decorative elements, giving them original forms. Open sandboxes are often combined with houses, benches, slides and other elements. The most popular options are:

  1. Sandbox mushroom. In the center or on the side of such a structure they place wooden post with a roof so that children can play quietly without overheating in the sun.
  2. Sandbox sailboat. An umbrella or a canopy acts as a roof, which serves as a protection for children from sun rays.
  3. Mobile sandbox (foldable). A special feature of this structure is the ability to move it to any place. Perhaps this is due to the presence of a collapsible frame.


  • all materials for manufacturing are available and relatively inexpensive;
  • installation does not require special skills;
  • develops the child’s physical and mental skills;
  • if a breakdown occurs, it is quite easy to repair it;
  • simple and easy to use.


  • Since the structure does not close, leaves, sediment, and debris get into it.
  • while the sandbox is unattended, animals can “choose” it, turning the child’s favorite structure into a toilet;
  • sand erodes over time.

Despite the fact that an open sandbox has few disadvantages, its functionality compared to a closed structure is sharply reduced, in particular due to the need for constant cleaning of debris.

Photo gallery: open sandboxes

Mushroom - a classic design for a children's sandbox The sandbox-sailboat perfectly protects the baby from exposure to sunlight A folding sandbox is perfect for those who like to travel a lot with children An open sandbox is the most popular option The canopy can also be placed near the sandbox

Indoor sandboxes for children

This type of sandbox appeared relatively recently, but thanks to many advantages it has already earned the sympathy of parents.

Closed sandboxes are divided into:

  1. Classic (covered with a lid). In this version, the structure is tightly covered with a board after the game.
  2. A sandbox that transforms into benches or a table. This structure differs from the others in that it allows you to turn the lid into an additional playground or into seats with backrests on both sides.


  • the lid closes the sandbox from precipitation, debris and animals, and also prevents sand from weathering;
  • you can store various children's equipment (spatulas, scoops and rakes) under the lid;
  • there is an additional play area for children;
  • prices for materials for manufacturing are low;
  • reliable and durable design.


  • in the event of a breakdown, repairing a closed sandbox will be more difficult than an open one;
  • required a large number of materials for manufacturing.

Photo gallery: sandboxes with lid

The appearance of a closed sandbox can be absolutely anything The lid protects the sand from moisture and debris The lid can be transformed into benches

Almost every parent has the opportunity to build a sandbox on their garden plot for their beloved child. However, in order for the structure to last a long time and not pose a danger to the child, it is worth following several recommendations during its manufacture and installation:

  1. The sandbox should be within sight of parents so that they can check what their child is doing at any time.
  2. In order to reduce the likelihood of infection through sand, it is recommended to choose an installation location away from trees.
  3. The dimensions of the structure must be chosen such that it can ultimately accommodate more than three children.
  4. The structure should be installed on an elevated area, since with this location it will not collect sedimentary moisture.
  5. It is necessary to install the sandbox so that one part of it is in the sun and the other in the shade. This will allow the sand to warm up evenly without burning the child.
  6. It is better to choose river sand, because it is cleaner and contains minimal amount impurities.
  7. To prevent stray animals from trying to “take a fancy” to the sandbox, you can treat the outer perimeter with a special agent that repels cats and dogs.
  8. Before you start construction, you must check that all the boards are sanded.
  9. For manufacturing, use only high-quality materials.
  10. When choosing a location for installation, it is recommended to immediately check whether there are thorny bushes, allergens or other plants nearby that could harm the child.
  11. Ensure that there is no electrical wiring, various hoses and pipes.
  12. It is advisable to make a lawn around the sandbox, seeded with trampling-resistant grass.
  13. It is recommended to locate the structure on the south side - this way the sand will warm up faster.

Which material to choose

There are three classic version, which can also be combined with each other:

  • wood;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.


Wood structures are classic and popular.


  • long service life with proper care;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • safety;
  • availability;
  • poor thermal conductivity.


  • the need for periodic painting to maintain a neat appearance;
  • susceptibility to rotting, since wood is easily susceptible to any influence (this can be avoided by processing by special means);
  • increased risk of injury if the surface is untreated and there are gaps.


Constructions made of plastic and resin can be safely called modern version sandboxes They are often purchased ready-made, because these materials are extremely inconvenient to process with your own hands.


  • safe, harmless and high-quality plastic is used in production;
  • there is no need for constant maintenance and periodic painting;
  • He doesn’t care about any precipitation;
  • the sandbox is easy to install and operate;
  • has compact dimensions;
  • plastic is a fairly light material, which means the sandbox design will be mobile;
  • There is a wide range of bright, colorful and rich design colors available.


  • plastic fades and becomes faded over time;
  • expensive;
  • unstable to ultraviolet radiation, as a result of which the plastic is susceptible to deformation.


Metal structures, like wooden ones, are familiar to everyone since childhood. Quite often they could be found in the courtyards of the city. However, today they are purchased and built quite rarely, since their disadvantages are several times greater than their advantages.


  • long service life;
  • strength and reliability of the structure.


  • manufacturing complexity, since without welding machine and you can’t build such a sandbox with special skills;
  • high price;
  • increased thermal conductivity;
  • susceptibility to corrosion.

Preparing for work

Careful preparation will help make the work of making a sandbox with a lid with your own hands easier.

Drawing up a drawing with dimensions

It is customary to start any construction with a design diagram. Having decided on the type of design and material for manufacture, you must consider whether you will have a regular lid or a transforming one. Also carefully plan all stages of creating a sandbox.

The sandbox cover consists of:

  1. Door hinges.
  2. Back support.
  3. Basics for fastening.
  4. Sandbox side boards.
  5. The backs of the bench.
  6. Limiter.

This version of the lid is optimal, since it not only covers the sandbox from debris, but also transforms into benches.

Tools and materials

Due to the fact that the structure is square in shape, we will need boards of the same length and width. Materials you will need:

  • 8 boards measuring 1500x150x30 mm (2 boards on each side of the side);
  • 12 bars measuring 700x50x50 mm (for securing wooden elements sides);
  • 4 boards measuring 1500x175x30 mm (for the bottom and base for fastening);
  • 4 bars - 1500x200x30 mm (for the back of the bench);
  • 4 limiters - 175x60x30 mm;
  • 4 stops - 700x60x30 mm;
  • 4 metal door hinges.

To cover the base, you will need a special waterproofing coating. Great option It will be thick polyethylene. The area it will occupy is easy to calculate: you need to multiply the width of the structure by its length (1.5 m * 1.5 m = 2.25 m²). Since the sides will also need to be covered with polyethylene, it is recommended to leave a margin of 12 cm on each side.

For construction you will need a few more tools:

  • bayonet and shovel shovels;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper;
  • brushes and roller for painting;
  • chisel;
  • electric drill;
  • square;
  • set of wood drills;
  • bolts with nuts;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • construction tape;
  • wooden stakes and cord.

Photo gallery: tools for making structures

A shovel will help make indentations for the base. A screwdriver will help speed up the process of tightening bolts Instead of a jigsaw, you can use a hacksaw The chisel will allow you to make indentations in the wood required sizes You can also take a professional angle

Step-by-step instructions for making a children's sandbox with a folding bench

  1. Once you have decided on the location, you need to mark the area. To make the calculations more accurate, it is recommended to install pegs around the perimeter and stretch a cord between them. Using a tape measure and a square you can make the corners even.
  2. Now you need to remove the top layer of soil with a shovel. It is advisable to make the depth a little more than 25 cm. This step will eliminate the rotting of plants and the appearance of various living creatures in the sandbox, and will also ensure the reliability and stability of the structure.
  3. Next, you need to level the bottom and fill it with gravel and sand in a 10 cm layer. Then the surface of the pit is compacted and leveled. Due to this, water will not accumulate under the sandbox.
  4. After preparing the bottom of the pit, you need to lay the base of the structure. Polyethylene is suitable for this. It needs to be laid at the bottom of the hole, after making several holes in it with a nail. This is necessary so that moisture does not linger in the sand for a long time, but goes into the ground.
  5. At this stage you need to make a frame for the sandbox. To do this, sides are constructed from two boards. For fastening it is customary to use self-tapping screws, bolts or metal plates. The connecting parts are bars - they fasten the sides with inside sandboxes.
  6. Before installing the sandbox in the soil, you need to dig 9 holes around the entire perimeter of the prepared hole, into which the supports will then go.
  7. Then the boards are secured with self-tapping screws to the upper edge of the side, serving as the basis for the lid.
  8. The boards you just installed need to be attached door hinges at a distance of 35 cm from the edge.
  9. Now you need to secure two more boards. The hinges are installed on the opposite side.
  10. Then you should install boards that will act as a backrest. Relevant wooden parts secured with self-tapping screws.
  11. Now you need to fix the stops to the base of the seat.
  12. In order for the back of the benches to have a stop, you need to install the bars and secure them with self-tapping screws.
  13. At the end, it is necessary to install the structure in specially prepared holes in the ground and secure it well.

Features of finishing of a wooden structure

Having completed the construction of the sandbox, it is necessary to treat it with special means that will make it look beautiful. It is important to choose the right paint. Cheap options can evaporate in the hot sun and release harmful chemicals that can enter a child’s lungs. Also, some paints and varnishes begin to stick to your hands after drying, and this is extremely undesirable. Therefore, you should contact a specialized store, where they will tell you the safest and most convenient option specifically for a children's sandbox.

It is very difficult to meet a child who does not like to play in the sand. To give the child the opportunity to fully enjoy his favorite activity, caring parents install sandboxes in the countryside or simply in the courtyard of their home. You can easily find ready-made designs on sale, but you will have to pay quite a lot of money. The best option- this is to make a sandbox with your own hands. In this case, all the needs and desires of your child will certainly be taken into account, and the price will be several times lower.

What can you make a sandbox out of?

Wood has always been considered the most popular material for creating a children's sandbox with your own hands. Boards, logs, beams or block houses are well suited for these purposes. They are the main materials for the production of sandboxes. So that the end result pleases your appearance It is better to choose sanded wood. It costs a little more, but the result of the work is worth it. If the construction budget is small, you can save money and sand the existing material yourself.

You can also use moisture-resistant plywood. But this type building material best used in extreme cases, since the presence of glue and formaldehyde in its composition does not have a very good effect on human health. But it is worth noting that plywood is the easiest to work with. It is easily cut with a jigsaw and assembled with a screwdriver. And after assembly, it’s enough to simply sand the ends of the structure and coat the sides with paint.

If you want to make a sandbox with your own hands at the dacha, you can use any available material. For example, empty ones can be used plastic bottles from under the water. To make a strong wall out of them, the lids are screwed in with self-tapping screws. wooden base, and then screw in the bottle. Also, using thick wire, additional strength is added to the walls of the sandbox. To do this, sharp wire is used to pierce the bottles through the top and bottom. The ends of the wire must be twisted well, and the dangerous ends are hidden.

The twist is located on one side only. When installing the side of the sandbox, try to make it inaccessible to the child. The finished structure for sand is mounted in a shallow ditch and well sprinkled with sand and soil, and then compacted very carefully. Plywood is laid at the bottom of the sandbox and then filled with sand.

Another very popular material for making a children's sandbox with your own hands is car tires. They are great for this kind of thing. To quickly make a place for playing with pitch, one sidewall of the tire is removed. The result is quite high sides. Then you can go in two ways:

  • cover the hole with plywood and screw it to the second side;
  • cut off the second part and get just a side.

Attention ! Regardless of the choice, the cuts must be secured. If the reinforcing fiber is plastic, then it is enough to simply sand it, but if it is made of metal, it must be covered with something.

The main stages of making a sandbox

In order to understand how to make a sandbox with your own hands, we will consider in detail the main stages of its construction. Regardless of the type of construction, all steps will be repeated.

Choosing a location

It is better to choose a site for placing the structure so that part of it is located in the sun and part in the shade. If this is not possible, then it is better to make a sandbox in the sun and make a good awning. It is important to ensure that tall trees and bushes do not grow near the place where children play. Plants, of course, provide shade, but, firstly, branches sometimes fall from the trees, which can injure a child, and constantly dropping leaves in the fall add work for adults.

Never make a sandbox in hot sun or in a place where there is no air movement. Avoid drafts. There is also another important factor that needs to be remembered. Place the sandbox in a place that is very clearly visible from the window of the house, so you can be sure of the child’s safety.

Making the markings

If the structure has a rectangular shape, then wooden pegs and threads stretched between them are used for marking. The stakes are driven in after measuring the required parameters. Traditionally, the size of handmade children's sandboxes is 2*2m. A rope, twine or metal cord is pulled between the stakes. Check the corners. They should be exactly 90°C.

If the design provides for rounded edges or sides, then sand will help to make the arc correctly. You need to pour it into a bag, make a small hole in it and draw the desired shape.

Digging a pit

To do this, first remove the top layer of soil and remove the soil. It is important to clear all roots, rocks and other debris. The foundation pit for a children's sandbox should be made about 30 cm deep. In the middle of the dug rectangle or square, make a hole smaller in size, but deeper. Pour crushed stone into it. This is how a system for draining melt or rain water is set up.

Advice ! If you provide a slight slope from the edges of the sandbox, the sand will always be dry.

Mounting the base

We fill the bottom of the resulting pit with a small layer of sand, no more than 5 cm, after which we compact it well. Only after this can the base be laid. The best option for these purposes is geotextiles. It represents a special non-woven material, which is characterized by increased strength and wear resistance. It does not allow grass to grow, and will not allow the soil and sand to combine. If, during installation, the geotextile is wrapped over the edges of the pit, it will still hold the ground, preventing it from getting wet during heavy rain. In cases where geotextiles are not available, you can make a base from plywood or linoleum. Only then do you need to make several holes in the material so that water does not accumulate at the bottom of the sandbox.

Construction of a seasonal sandbox

The seasonal sandbox is a box with sides. The height of the box is approximately three boards (depending on their width). The frame is assembled by attaching the boards with screws to vertical bars, mounted at the corners of the sandbox perimeter. If the board is about 10 cm wide, then two fastening points are required, in the case when the board is 15 cm wide - 3 points. If the sidewall is made of ordinary edged boards length over 1.8 m, then another additional vertical element is attached in the middle of the side.

The corners of the sandbox must be additionally strengthened. To do this, the corner posts are mounted outside, and the boards, which represent the walls of the sandbox, are connected together into half a tree.

We mount the sides

The sides of the sandbox are a frame made of boards. It serves for additional rigidity of the box and can look like a seat or shelf for toys. In order for the sides to connect securely, they need to be cut at an angle of 45°C. It is very important to ensure that the angles coincide clearly.

Important ! The outer edge of the corner is very sharp and grassy. Children very often scratch themselves on it and get splinters. To avoid injury, it is better to make the corners semicircular; to do this, you need to cut them down, and sand all kinds of flaws and edges.

During installation, the sides are laid on the box and secured with corner and intermediate posts. Attaching the sides to the edge of the box board is not very reliable. The backing block will also not save the situation, because children love to hide toys under the side. Most best method fastening the sides of the sandbox - pieces of plinth with a cross-section of at least 4 cm. A cut of 30 cm long will be quite sufficient for a meter of side. Self-tapping screws are attached in those places in increments of about 10 cm. Also, if the supports are mounted under the outer edge of the side, then its fasteners must be made hidden.

We arrange the roof

Since the sandbox is located on outdoors, then she simply needs a roof. The traditional roof model is a mushroom. But everyone who has ever played in a sandbox understands that such a roof will cover few people. It is better to make a fungus separately, for quiet, relaxing games in the yard. But it is better to equip the sandbox with a different type of roof.

The best, simplest and most reliable roof option is a surface on four pillars. The only disadvantage of such a roof is that it is very dangerous for restless children.

An equally good roof option for a sandbox would be a surface on two pillars. They are attached to the sides of the box. If the roof is heavy or complex in design, the pillars are reinforced with struts.

It is better to make the roof of the sandbox soft or tension. The latter option is very profitable, as it minimizes the cost of materials. Remember, whatever you choose for the sandbox roof, the materials must be safe for life and health.

Advice ! If polycarbonate remains from the construction of a greenhouse, gazebo or porch, then it may be the best option for covering the roof.

How to fill the sandbox

What kind of sand is best for children to play with? White and small will definitely not work. Such sand does not mold well, generates dust, gets into your eyes and ears, and is also an allergen. Even adults, when working with such sand, wear masks and respirators to protect themselves.

White or gray quartz sand is also not suitable. It doesn't get dusty, but it doesn't stick either. But this sand injures the delicate skin of a child very quickly. The thing is that quartz is a very hard mineral and its particles cannot be polished to complete roundness.

Red or gully sand. Of course, it molds well, but it’s not at all suitable for children. This sand contains a lot of clay, in which bacteria and microorganisms multiply very quickly.

The best option for a children's sandbox is yellow sand of medium fraction. It is very suitable for good sculpting, and the special layer that envelops the grains of sand reliably protects the sand from the growth of bacteria.

If sand is reused up to 2-4 times, then it requires special handling:

  1. During the winter, sand must be stored properly. The best way will be stored in bags in a dry, unheated room. If sand is stored outside, it must be covered with film.
  2. As the weather warms up, the sandbox is filled with sand. If sand has been in it all winter, then it must be ventilated and sifted.
  3. The sandbox is filled in layers of 10 cm. Each layer of sand is dried in the sun for at least twenty-four hours.

Requirements for the playing area

After the sandbox is made, you need to pay special attention to its strength and safety. Therefore, it is very important to secure everything well and polish all the corners and roughness with a grinding machine.

After the sandbox is made, it is painted. On the one hand, the sandbox is painted bright colors It is very attractive to children, on the other hand, wood impregnated with paints significantly increases its service life.

Children love to play - and play is one of the methods of exploring the world and developing imagination, creative thinking, memory, and attention.

There is nothing better than playing outdoors using imagination: inventing a sand city, populating it with interesting creatures, creating a highway for toy cars, because the child needs to reveal his creative potential.

What can I say - play is very important for a child and is a way of understanding the world. It is very good when a child is in nature and plays, then this is doubly beneficial, because children at this time are still close to nature and they need to maintain contact with it.

The role of the sandbox in a child’s life

In order for a child to have a place to play, it is not at all necessary to build expensive slides.

In order to be children's Corner at the dacha - it’s enough to make a sandbox where the child will frolic, because there is nothing better for a child than to create, create sand castles, sculpt Easter cakes, dig secret passages, make “secrets”.

Let's talk about building a sandbox for children.

But, also, for the sandbox they use brickwork, metal, plastic. It is very good when the space around is sown with clover or grass that is resistant to trampling.

The size of the sandbox is directly proportional to the number of children who will play in it, and also depends on the age of the kids (the older the children, the larger the dimensions). If the area where the sandbox is being placed is vast, then you can make a green zone in the center.

List of what is needed for construction

What we need to build a sandbox:

  • shovel;
  • Bulgarian;
  • bars;
  • door handles (for the lid);
  • gate hinges (for the lid);
  • cord;
  • pegs;
  • sanding machine and dust collector;
  • antiseptic;
  • varnish, paints;
  • geotextiles, agrofibre, paving slabs or plastic film.

For what purposes it is used and how it is manufactured - details in the article on our resource.

Any summer resident who knows how to hold a drill and hammer in his hands can make a gate from corrugated sheets with his own hands. .

Sandbox placement rules

You should never hide the sandbox behind outbuildings or bushes; children should be in plain sight.

It is advisable that the sandbox is located not far from a spreading tree (you can also install a fungus or any canopy if there are no trees nearby; no need to place it near old trees to avoid that a branch may fall at any moment).

It is very important that the sandbox is not located in the open sun, because this will make the place for games practically hell on hot days. But you should also not install the sandbox in excessive shade, because it can be damp in the fall and spring.

The ideal placement of a sandbox is when half of its area is in the shade, half on the sunny side.

Making a sandbox

Of course, you can buy a sandbox, but wooden ones have astronomical prices, and plastic ones are very short-lived, so it’s better to do everything yourself, using your imagination.

So, we choose where our sandbox will be located, following the recommendations given above.

Using such simple devices as pegs and cords, we mark the perimeter of our future sandbox.

Marking the perimeter of the sandbox

Then we dig out the soil inside the fence a quarter of a meter deep (we make a hole about 170x170x25 cm - standard size; a sandbox with these dimensions is very well suited for games of 2-3 children; for the youngest from one to three years, a playground in the sand with sides of 1.5 meters is very good.). Carefully level the walls of the pit.

We make the base

Then we move on to the base. Before laying, pour about 5 cm of sand onto the bottom and begin leveling.

To make it easier to care for the site, you need a flat and dense base such as agrofibre or textiles (then secured with furniture stapler from the bottom of the frame), so the soil does not mix with the sand.

Thanks to these materials, the sandbox will allow water to pass through well, and not a single invertebrate or mole will be able to get into the sand where children play (instead of agrofibre, you can use film or plywood with drainage holes made there; paving slabs are also suitable).

Cover the bottom with textiles

Creating walls

We make the walls from four bars (pre-treated with an antiseptic, it is good to use bitumen), having dimensions of 45x5x5 cm.

We hammer each block to a depth of 15 cm in the corners of our future sandbox. Then, to these bars, to make walls, we nail four boards 150x30x2.5 cm.

You can use boards of smaller width (for example, 3 boards of 10 cm each, in the photo, or one board 30 cm wide). But it is best to assemble the frame together with the beams, securing it with screws and corners.

Sandbox walls assembled

Then you need to make sides from 4 boards, which are laid around the perimeter (then the sand does not crumble and the children can sit comfortably); we fix them with self-tapping screws, you can strengthen them with corners (you need to make sure that the heads of the screws are tightly pressed into the wood so that children cannot get hurt).

The most optimal height of the sandbox is a quarter of a meter, which equals two boards (in this case, a total of eight boards will be required).

The best thickness for boards is 32 mm, which reduces the likelihood of the boards cracking. The sand layer should be from 15 cm. After final assembly It is best to thoroughly compact the sand near the walls and sprinkle it with gravel.

River sand, which contains almost no impurities, is best suited for filling sandboxes. You can buy quartz sand in the store.

There is a special quartz sand for filling sandboxes, which contains a high percentage of clay and contains additives to repel cats and dogs.

You can also use quarry and sea sand (but judging by the reviews, it is best to use quartz sand for filling).

Any sand must be completely sifted to remove debris before being poured into place.

You should know one thing when buying sand: it is usually delivered wet, so you must first wait until it dries and then sift it.

Children's sandboxes made with their own hands can be seen in the photo selection:

Requirements for the playing area

The most important requirements for a children's play area are strength and safety, so you need to secure all the parts well and smooth everything sharp corners and notches using grinder or Bulgarians.

Then, after assembly, it is advisable to paint the sandbox oil paint, and it will not only be beautiful: the colorful coating protects the wood well (you can also turn the sandbox into a work of art by painting it with patterns and drawings).

This was considered the simplest option for a sandbox that you can make yourself; other options will be given below.

Advantages of a sandbox with a lid

It is very good to cover the sandbox with film or awning fabric to prevent contamination of the sand with various debris (therefore it has to be changed from time to time, which requires sufficient costs) and to protect it from animals that can simply “do their thing”; It is also thanks to the closed sandbox that the sand remains dry, which is important for children's health.

You can make a sandbox with a lid yourself using this drawing:

But it is best to make a special door that will cover the top of the sandbox, but the best option is from two half-shields that form a kind of door; they need to be installed on hinges and equipped with handles; the best option for a transformable lid is when the doors can easily be converted into benches for comfortable sitting kids.

You should always make lids that can be easily handled by a child's hand.

Very a good option lid, which in one motion becomes a bench: for this, hinges are attached between the boards, thanks to which the lid can be folded into something like a bench.

In the video there is a sandbox with a lid:

Useful little things and sandbox ideas for imaginative parents

For parents with imagination, you can go all out, because square sandboxes are too common, so you can make a round sandbox from logs driven around the perimeter or make a polygonal sandbox from boards.

To make it interesting for children, you can make a whole labyrinth in the sandbox, then the child will definitely have the opportunity to plunge into Fairy Tale and Magic.

You can decorate the sandbox space with animals, mills, houses - but this is only as long as you have enough strength and imagination. It is very good to have a path leading to the sandbox so that the child can better walk to the place of play.

It is advisable to purchase the necessary inverter: buckets, shovels and others. It’s good to brightly paint the walls of the sandbox so that it is the entrance to the Fairy Tale. Such a sandbox will become not just a playground for children, but a real decoration of the garden or summer cottage, and will be an example for other people.

There are very simple circuits sandboxes, even simpler than mentioned above, for example - from bottles, from tires, but still, for our flowers of life, everything needs to be done well and not spare material.

It is very convenient when thick grass, resistant to trampling, grows around the sandbox: lawn or clover.

Sandbox in the form of a boat:

You can play and ride:

By following these tips and instructions, you can now completely make your child’s dream come true and occupy his leisure time with interesting games that are possible thanks to the sandbox; and this develops creative thinking and motor skills.

Children's games in the sandbox have still not lost their relevance in our age high technology and continue to delight our children. It would be great if, after reading our article, you are inspired to build a children's sandbox on your property.

Good luck and success to you in creating joy for children, creating a truly happy childhood!

You won’t be able to fully relax at the dacha with small children due to constant monitoring of the kids. These fidgets will not be in one place, so every now and then you will have to be distracted and keep order. How to attract children so that they all play with interest in one place? There is a way out of this situation - you need to install a sandbox with a lid. To create a play area for children and comfortable stay For you, you can buy a ready-made sandbox design. However, this pleasure is not cheap, so it is quite possible to build the structure with your own hands. This process does not take much time and does not require any specific materials. Enough available tools, your basic plumbing skills and imagination.

Types of sandboxes. Advantages and disadvantages

Exist different kinds sandboxes, which are divided into:

By material By type of design
WoodWith a coverable lid to protect the sand from debris and rain. It is made in the form of a removable panel or door attached to metal hinges.
Plastic and plasticWith a lid that can transform into a bench.
MetalThere are sandboxes with a collapsible frame, which are beams with cuts of equal height and width.
Fabric or polyethylene that creates shade. These materials are fixed on racks and look like an umbrella or canopy.
In the form of a house, where there is a play area with stairs, a slide and a climbing wall. In this case, the sandbox is located under it or next to it.

Wooden structures are traditional and familiar from childhood. They are made from natural wood or from plywood.

Plastic and resin structures are a modern version of sandboxes. As a rule, they are purchased ready-made, since these materials are inconvenient for self-processing.

Advantages Flaws
High-quality and harmless plastic is used in the manufacture of these sandboxes.Materials change their physical properties exposed to direct sunlight and low temperatures.
In the first case, plastic and plastic may be susceptible to melting, in the second - increased fragility.
He doesn't require ongoing care and periodic painting.Over time, the color of these materials will fade.
This material is not afraid of precipitation.
Installation of this structure is not difficult.
Plastic is a very light material, so it is easy to carry if necessary.
Structures made from these materials have bright and rich colors.

Metal structures are less common, as they have more disadvantages than advantages.

Gallery of options

The lid has turned into another seating area
This sandbox will be comfortable not only for children, but also for their parents.
Excellent location under the play area, protects from sun or rain
Option with extra space for games
This sandbox has smooth surface and light weight
The red canopy easily turned into a cover
Thanks to the removable fragments, this sandbox can be given any shape.
This design will decorate the yard
The height of this sandbox is convenient for games

Preparation: drawings, dimensions, diagrams

Before you start creating a sandbox, you need to carefully design all construction stages. Even such a small design requires precise calculations. By spending a little time on this, you will create a reliable and, most importantly, safe building for children. The drawing and diagram you created will help speed up the process of assembling the sandbox.

The most popular shape of this design is the square. To ensure that the sandbox is not bulky, its length and width are made in the range from 150x150 cm to 300x300 cm. These parameters and the form of manufacture are optional. The size of the side should be sufficient to hold sand inside and at the same time convenient for children to play. Due to this optimal height sandboxes are 30 to 40 cm in size. If the structure is made of wood, then this value is equal to the thickness of two or three boards.

An important point will be right choice sandbox locations. There are several criteria that meet this goal:

  • the sandbox must be located in a visible place so that the child is always in your field of vision;
  • it should not be in direct sunlight; it is better to install it under the shade of trees or on the veranda;
  • the sandbox should not be located in close proximity to outbuildings, as nails, chips, glass or other construction debris may get into the play area;
  • There is no place for this structure near buildings where pets are kept - this increases the risk for the child of contracting infectious diseases;
  • You cannot place a sandbox or any other play area under old trees.

Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the previously described materials for making a sandbox, we should focus on wooden structures. Wood is most suitable for these purposes. coniferous species, namely pine. This option is optimal when you compare its price and durability in use. It is not recommended to use spruce boards, as this material is prone to rotting. Can be built from weather-resistant wood such as oak or larch. However, using these materials to build a sandbox is very expensive, but again, it depends on your wishes and means.

Please note that before any construction work, the material of which is wood, it must be treated with antiseptic agents and antifungal impregnations. This must be done when using any type of wood.

Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the sand. Many people think that this is not important, but its composition, the size of grains of sand and the presence of impurities can affect the health of the child. To understand what filler is needed in the sandbox, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. River sand is suitable for these purposes, which should at least be sifted and have approximately the same grain size.
  2. If we look at this issue in more detail, the scatter of small sand particles should be no more than half a millimeter. The permissible diameter of one grain of sand will be from 1.4 to 1.8 mm.
  3. Sand must combine the qualities of lightness and sufficient mass. It should be small to hold its shape when sculpting, but not so weightless that it rises under the influence of the wind, getting into the child’s eyes.
  4. The material should be pleasant to the touch.
  5. When buying sand, you need to choose options that have the appropriate quality certificate. Thanks to this, you will be sure that the bulk material is safe for children and does not contain harmful impurities.

Calculation of materials (with examples)

Since the sandbox structure is square, boards of the same size are needed for each side. For the side of the frame on one side, two boards with a section of 150x30 mm and a length of 1500 mm are required. For the four sides of the sandbox you will need: 2·4=8 boards 1500x150x30 mm. This design will have two benches located opposite each other, which can be transformed into a lid.

For one seat you need:

  • The lower part and the base for fastening are 2 boards measuring 175x30 mm, 1500 mm long;
  • The back of the bench is 2 boards measuring 200x30, 1500 mm long;
  • Limiters - 2 boards measuring 60x30 mm, 175 mm long;
  • Supports for the back of the bench - 2 boards measuring 60x30 mm, 700 mm long.
  • 2 metal door hinges.

Since there are two lids, the entire quantity must be doubled, therefore:

  • 2·2=4 boards measuring 1500x175x30 mm (for the bottom and base for fastening);
  • 2·2=4 bars - 1500x200x30 mm (for the back of the bench);
  • 2·2=4 limiters - 175x60x30 mm;
  • 2·2=4 stops - 700x60x30 mm;
  • 2·2=4 metal door hinges.

The wooden elements of the sides of the sandbox will be secured using beams with a section of 50x50 mm and a length of 700 mm. For one side you need 3 of these elements, respectively for the entire sandbox: 3·4 = 12 bars measuring 700x50x50 mm.

The base of the sandbox requires a waterproofing coating. Thick polyethylene is suitable as such. To find out the required amount of this material, you need to calculate its area. To do this, you need to multiply the width of the sandbox by its length: 150 cm·150 cm=225 cm². Since you will need to make small sides from polyethylene, you need to add 10 cm to each side.

To fill a structure with these parameters with sand, about two tons are needed bulk material. Do exact calculation doesn't make sense since some people like a little sand and others will want their kids to build tall slides.

To treat the joints of the wooden elements of the sandbox, a wood primer is needed. The finished structure will need to be painted, so 1 can of oil or acrylic paint is enough.


To make a wooden sandbox with a lid you will need the following tools:

  1. Bayonet and shovel shovels.
  2. Hacksaw or jigsaw.
  3. Hammer.
  4. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  5. Building level.
  6. Sanding machine or sandpaper.
  7. Brushes and roller for painting.
  8. Chisel.
  9. Electric drill.
  10. Square.
  11. Set of wood drills.
  12. Bolts with nuts.
  13. Self-tapping screws.
  14. Construction tape.
  15. Wooden stakes and cord.

Step-by-step instructions for making a sandbox with a bench lid with your own hands

  1. First you need to make markings on the site. For accuracy, it is convenient to use wooden pegs and a cord. To do this, you need to drive pegs along the intended perimeter and pull the cord. To ensure that the corners are even, use a tape measure and a square.
  2. Then, using a shovel, remove the top layer of soil. The depth of the removed soil must be 30 cm. This small pit will ensure the stability of the sandbox structure. First of all, this is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of insects and rotting plants.
  3. Smooth its surface. Fill the pit with a mixture of sand and gravel to form a layer of 10 cm. Compact the inner surface of the pit. This layer will serve as a drainage layer, thanks to which water will not accumulate under the sandbox, but will be absorbed into the soil. To prevent water from accumulating around the sandbox after rain, you need to make a similar drainage layer around the perimeter of the structure. Make the width of the pillow from 40 to 50 cm.
  4. In the pit along its perimeter, dig 9 holes 40 cm deep, 10 to 15 cm in diameter. Cover the bottom of the holes with gravel and sand to create a layer 5 cm thick.
  5. Now you can move on to making the base of the sandbox. Place insulating material - polyethylene - at the bottom of the pit. Use a nail to make several holes in the coating. This is necessary so that moisture does not linger in the sand.
  6. Make a frame for the sandbox. To do this, it is necessary to make the sides of the structure from boards measuring 1500x150x30 mm. Each of the four sides of the sandbox looks like two boards of the specified size fixed on top of each other. There is no point in talking about methods of fastening wooden elements, since there are many of them. Only one rule should be taken into account - to fasten the sandbox parts, you must use only self-tapping screws, bolts, metal corners and plates. These fasteners are quite sufficient, since the sandbox frame will not be subject to significant loads. As a connecting part, use beams with a section of 50x50 and a length of 70 cm, which fasten the sides together internal corners structure and in the middle of each side.
  7. For these elements use bolts and nuts. To prevent metal parts from protruding outward, it is necessary to make holes using wood drills with a diameter larger than the nut. These supports, like all wooden parts, were previously impregnated with antifungal mixtures and antiseptics. At this stage, it is necessary to cover them with liquid bitumen as an additional insulating material.
  8. The result should be a structure on nine supports.
  9. Next, you need to secure the boards that serve as the basis for the lid, which transforms into a bench. To do this, parallel to the upper edge of the side, with the wide side, attach a board measuring 1500x175x30 mm to the screws.
  10. Attach door hinges to the indicated boards with self-tapping screws. They must be installed 30 cm from the edge, as shown in the image.
  11. Then, attach another board measuring 1500x175x30 mm to the hinges. Do the same with the loops on the opposite side.
  12. Now you need to attach the boards that will serve as the back of the bench. To do this, you need to install wooden parts measuring 1500x200x30, securing them with self-tapping screws.
  13. Attach the limiters to the base of the seat using self-tapping screws.
  14. Attach beams with a cross section of 700x60x30 mm to the boards that serve as the backs of the benches. They will serve as stops.
  15. The design of a wooden sandbox with a transforming lid is ready. You can install it in prepared holes by compacting them or cementing them.

Final finishing and nuances of use

Beginning Finishing work, you should first of all get rid of burrs and sharp protruding fragments in the wood. For this it is convenient to use grinding machine with replaceable discs that have coatings of different grain sizes. If you don’t find such a machine, you can do it just fine with a regular one. sandpaper. Particular attention should be paid to the corners of the structure. When everything is external and internal surfaces sandboxes are sanded, it is necessary to treat the joints of the elements with a primer intended for wood. This must be done because over time, fragments of wood fibers on the edges of the boards can split, causing burrs to appear.

To further protect the wood from natural precipitation and give the sandbox a beautiful and finished look, you need to paint it. To make it look more creative, you can paint each board a different color or draw child-themed patterns.

To cover the sandbox you can use oil and acrylic paints. In the latter case, it is necessary to apply a couple of layers of varnish to the sandbox, which must be on water based. It contains much less chemical substances, which is important for the health of our children.

When all surfaces have been treated and time has passed for them to absorb and dry, you can fill in the sand and delight the children with a new play area.

Video: How to make a wooden sandbox with a lid

By building a wooden sandbox with your own hands, you will give your children a little holiday. This design will not only decorate the yard, but will be a useful structure that will interest the kids at least for a while. Thanks to this building, you will not be distracted by looking after the children, and when they become adults, the sandbox can be turned into beautiful flower bed with flowers or a mini-garden.