Toilet      04.03.2020

Concrete trowel - steel, smooth and serrated models for creating a perfectly even screed. Types of trowels for concrete What is the name of the mop for leveling concrete

To proceed to the finishing work, the floor surface should preferably be smooth. Smoothing of the concrete is carried out immediately after the mortar is poured, distributed over the formwork and thoroughly vibrocompacted. In our article, we will talk about the smoothing process, and how to achieve the best result.

On photo man does not wash the floor, but smoothes it

First meeting

It must be understood that for large and small areas there are various methods formation of smooth surfaces.

In the factory, the exposed surfaces of newly formed products are smoothed with special machines, the equipment is equipped with various nozzles in the form of:

  • Valikov.
  • "Skis" that reciprocate in a direction perpendicular to the movement of the machine.
  • Rotating discs used for finishing the surface.

As for the conditions in closed areas, other devices are used for this purpose.

Concrete smoothing agents

Depending on the volume and method of concrete work, as well as on the requirements for floors, there are several options for smoothing:

  • Primary smoothing is performed directly in the process of laying the mixture into the concrete floor structure.
  • Smoothing the surface of the freshly laid mixture.
  • Smoothing cement-sand or quick-drying leveling screed, made on a concrete base.

Smoothing concrete at the same time as laying

Private developers doing do-it-yourself work on small area, think about how to make a smooth concrete floor in sync with the laying of the mixture. To, so to speak, not to waste time, and the result was good.

In this case, the instructions for flooring are as follows:

  • Along the long wall indoors at a distance of 1000-1200 mm from each other and indented from the walls by 200-250 mm, beacons are arranged from wooden slats (metal profiles). These structures are fixed in small quantities cement mortar. They simultaneously fulfill their intended purpose, and the role of guides for the rule. As a rule, a perfectly flat bar or board, or an acquired aluminum tool, is used.

Approximately as shown in the figure

  • Keep styling concrete mix follows the grips between the lighthouses. In this case, the supplied concrete is distributed and at the same time smoothed out by “ironing” the rule, which is pulled along the guides. The rule must be pulled towards you, making a vibrating movement from side to side with a small amplitude.
  • If everything went right, you can perform the final smoothing of the concrete surface with a trowel (we will talk about it a little lower).

Hand tool allowing smoothing hard-to-reach places

Someone smoothes the concrete surface upon completion of laying in full, others immediately follow the rule. But they all use special devices for this purpose.

Concrete trowel

The so-called concrete trowels can be branded or do-it-yourself. The main thing for this improvised tool is to have a smooth, and preferably a glossy surface.

Some try to build an ironing board from improvised materials

Smoothers complete concrete work by causing the formation of "cement milk" - a mixture of water, cement and a small amount of sand - on the smoothed concrete surface. Due to this, the layer, freed from large aggregates (crushed stone, gravel, etc.), after hardening and gaining brand strength of concrete, can be sanded if necessary.

On large areas of industrial floors, factory-made trowels are used. They may be manually operated or electrically or gasoline engine.

To achieve the most even surface without violating the established thickness of the concrete layer, you can work with a trowel alternately in two directions perpendicular to each other.
In the process of work, make sure that the tool is not immersed in the mixture.

Hand tools are like a large mop with a wide working bar and a very long handle (the length is usually adjustable). The construction is made of aluminum or other extruded alloy and is therefore quite light, maneuverable.

Take care of the horizontal guide, any defect renders the tool unusable

To create ultra-smooth floors, various models of smoothers are available, aimed at specific tasks:

  • Smoothing slats, are used for smoothing concrete subjected to vibration compaction.
  • Reiki control, which are responsible for leveling the bumps formed on the still plastic solution.
  • Corrective devices the mounds are cut off and the recesses on the concrete surface left after the preliminary grouting are filled with this mixture.

Such equipment is used for large rooms. For example, to smooth the concrete floor in parking lots

The high price of a stroker with an electric or petrol drive compared to a manual one is compensated by more effective work due to measured vibration. It is noteworthy that mechanized trowels can be rented, saving several thousand rubles.


A clear advantage, of course, belongs to an automatic tool that allows you to achieve the best result. On the other hand, one hundred percent smoothness is not always required, for example, for a garage room it is enough to visually create the illusion that the concrete surface is even and smooth.

In general, it's up to you, we only helped find the answer to the question - how to make concrete smooth. In the video we presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Concreting the base is a rather laborious process. The quality of the final result is measured not only by the strength of the coating, but also by the evenness of the surface. To ensure this, apply different instruments. At the initial stage, the mixture is leveled with a rule. But after it, ridges may remain. Therefore, at the final stage of leveling, a concrete trowel is used. This is a simple, but extremely necessary tool in the builder's work. It is quite possible to do it yourself. Before starting work, you need to delve into this issue.

General characteristics of the process

The process of pouring concrete bases is not the same for different rooms. If you want to create a floor in a large production shop hand tools will be practically useless. In this case, equipment with various nozzles is used (rollers, discs, skis, etc.).

In a small room, it is easier to level with other tools. First, wooden beacons are laid on the surface of the base. They will serve as guides for the rule. Concrete is laid between the lighthouses. It is led by the rule, distributing the mixture in an even layer along the level of the guides. This First stage fills.

Further, a more precise smoothing of the mixture is carried out. Here you will need a concrete trowel. This is special hand fixture, which can be used both in the process of removing the mixture by the rule, and after arranging the entire base.


The presented tool can be manual or have an electric or gasoline drive. For a small room, the first variety is ideal. When leveling large areas, it is better to use mechanized devices. The most commonly used aluminum or magnesium trowel for concrete. Its length is more than 1 meter. For ease of use, the profile is attached to a long handle. Because of this, the tool is somewhat reminiscent of a mop.

There is a division into channel and scraper trowels. The first variety is intended for leveling still plastic, not hardened concrete. At the same time, "cement milk" is formed on the surface. This is a mixture of cement, water and sand in a small amount. The scraper type of trowels is applicable for already hardening mortar. Such tools contribute to the removal of "cement milk" from concrete.

Blades also vary in size. For a small room, small-sized inventory with a width of 13 cm and a length of 28-68 cm is suitable. The step of increasing the size is 10 cm. The corners of the working plane should be rounded so as not to leave scratches.

Device and features

The hand trowel for concrete has a number of features in application. It is moved along the solidifying mixture back and forth, as well as from side to side. To maintain the original layer of concrete, it is necessary to move the tool in directions perpendicular to each other. Otherwise, depressions and bumps will appear. The trowel must not be immersed in concrete. It just skims over the surface.

During the movement, the angle of inclination of its profile surface. If you push the trowel away from you, it will rise far edge, and vice versa. The gearbox is responsible for this movement. The plasticity of the mixture also affects the angle of elevation. It can reach almost 60 degrees. The handle of the tool can be from 3 to 12 m long. Working planes must have deflection stabilizers. Capture width is from 1 to 5 meters. The reducer has the form of a cable. It connects the blade and the handle.

DIY tool

In the conditions of private construction or repair, a home-made tool is quite applicable. Do-it-yourself concrete trowel is quite simple. If you are not going to use it more than 1-2 times, you should not spend money on buying new equipment.

If you have a little free time, and there is also the ability to handle wood, creating a do-it-yourself trowel and leveling concrete with it is not difficult. To do this, you will need to prepare wooden slats, boards, hand tools and fasteners. Usually all the necessary tools for such work are in the arsenal. home master. If they are not, the tool and material can always be obtained. For ease of use, it is better to give preference to soft woods. Most often, such a tool is made from such materials.

Work surface technique

When wondering how to make a concrete trowel with your own hands, you should consider the tips experienced builders. When preparing softwood beams, attention must be paid to their processing.

The side of the trowel that will be in contact with the concrete must be perfectly smooth. It is pre-sanded. Then the working surface is treated with a special water-repellent solution. This will keep the tool until the end of processing concrete base. The smoothness of sliding will be as easy as possible. The standard dimensions of the timber for the work surface are selected depending on the area of ​​​​the room. The width of this product should be about 30 cm, and the length can be from 1 to 2 m.

Making a pen

The handle is an integral element of such a product as a concrete trowel. The telescopic handle is used in purchased tools. But for homemade varieties, you just have to make a long rail. For infrequent or one-time use, this will be enough. The handle should be selected according to the length of the room. Usually this element of the trowel is from 3 to 5 m. This option is even suitable for smoothing the mortar along the upper cut of the lighthouses or between the brickwork.

With the help of a triangular strut of wooden slats, the handle is rigidly attached to working area. If the grip of the working surface is large, it is difficult to guide the tool with one handle. Therefore, for the convenience of carrying out work, it is better in such cases to make two holders at once.

scraper trowel

A homemade concrete trowel most often involves leveling concrete that has not yet hardened. On sale there are special nozzles that make a scraper from a channel tool. Although most often they are simply included in the set of purchased trowels.

Scraper working surfaces, most likely, cannot be made independently. But if necessary, you can buy them. This tool will remove excess from the surface of the concrete. The blade is made from durable aluminum alloys. This will eliminate bumps and irregularities, fill in the recesses on the surface of the base. This tool helps to finally level the surface.

Expert reviews

Since such products are made from an extruded alloy, they are very light and maneuverable, unlike homemade ones. At the same time, these tools are characterized by high strength. The whole design contributes to a smooth change in the angle of inclination of the surface during operation.

According to expert reviews, purchased trowels have only one drawback - they are quite expensive. In addition, it is better to purchase such irons from good, proven manufacturers. Cheap products do not justify the money invested in them. Therefore, for infrequent use, it is still better to make a home-made design. Especially if you plan to use it no more than two or three times.

How to use a spatula

A properly made concrete trowel allows you to level fairly large areas. Due to the wide working surface, large areas are quickly processed. Even with a homemade trowel, you can qualitatively align the bumps and depressions.

Home-made varieties of the tool should be used only for rooms with a length of no more than 6 m. Otherwise, purchased varieties will have to be used. They have a telescopic handle that can reach 12 m.

After the first leveling, "cement milk" may appear on the surface of the concrete. It should be removed with a scraper with a special blade. If during the surface treatment it is planned to treat it with various grinding machines, this step is mandatory. Large humps and depressions must be removed before the cement sets.

Having considered such a tool as a concrete trowel, you can correctly use it in construction or repair. Under certain conditions, it is better to use homemade varieties. They can be easily made by hand. But for large rooms it is better to use a purchased tool. It usually has a telescopic handle. Also, these trowels have a set of special blades. But for infrequent use, it is recommended to make a trowel yourself, which will level the surface almost perfectly.

Types of concrete trowels

In order for the floor surface of the ceilings to allow any finishing work, it must be perfectly flat and meet all the necessary technical requirements.

The smoother is used for leveling by adjusting the smoothing angle.

All this is very often impossible to achieve without additional installation work. In order for the surface of the floor slab to become suitable for further work, it is necessary to make a screed over it and properly level it.

This requires specially made by hand or ready-to-use mixtures that can be bought in construction stores. But, in order to achieve what you want, these mixtures alone will not be enough - you also need special equipment, a trowel.

Stroking device

The scraper trowel is designed to remove excess water after vibration treatment of the surface.

The so-called do-it-yourself trowel for leveling happens different types. Such equipment is used for minor floor correction - leveling, by adjusting the smoothing angle. The trowel for private use is suitable for work in rooms up to seven meters long. This device is made of lightweight and durable aluminum alloy which is why it is very practical to use.

A conventional float has rounded edges, with which you can smoothly change the angle of inclination, and this allows you to leave on the surface minimal amount roughness. The equipment has a long handle, which, if necessary, can change its length, remove and add additional sections, which makes it sociable and easy to use.

Leveling the surface with your own hands is sometimes impossible without first using a special scraper trowel or, as it is also called, a scraper trowel. It is she who allows you to remove excess water and concrete milk from the surface. Usually such scrapers with blades come with a trowel. And this dual equipment and allows, ultimately, with correct use achieve the desired result and make the coating as even as possible. In addition, you need to remove excess liquid from the surface, it is very important to clean it of residues and other construction debris.

See also: using a grinder


Alignment scheme.

You can level concrete different ways, even when the solution has set. But in this case, it will take much more time and effort than with the timely leveling of the solution that has not yet solidified, when it is poured. It is for these cases that it is recommended to use hand-held compact equipment made of lightweight material specifically for working with freshly laid mortar.

This equipment is used only after vibration treatment has been carried out. The control rail will help to remove and smooth out all the bumps on the still plastic surface. And the corrective rail will help not only to correct the deformation, but also to fill in the depressions with high quality. This device, even at the stage of fresh concrete, will allow you to get results that will greatly speed up the process of completely leveling the surface. by special means.

The concrete trowel is aluminum profile one and a half to two meters long with a handle attached to it, which, if necessary, is extended to 12 meters. This profile has a tilt angle adjuster relative to the surface. The angle of inclination varies depending on the direction of movement and the plasticity of the mixture.

Features of smoothing

Smoothing scheme

The hand trowel moves over the surface at the required distance. To vibrate the profile, the handle of the device is shaken in short jerks. Travel speed this device and intensity of vibration depend on the mobility of the mixture and on its composition. With a high mobility of the mixture between the trowel and the surface, adhesion occurs. It increases if fine silica is added to the concrete, in which case too much adhesion can cause the laid concrete to move, which is unacceptable, as it can lead to a change set height coatings. To prevent this and to achieve the most even surface, smoothing is carried out in two directions at right angles to each other.

Smoothers can be used for do-it-yourself leveling with varying degrees of mobility, but in any case, it should be such that the smoother does not sink into concrete. Despite the small radius of action, they can successfully process a large area. When using plasticizers in a mixture, one must not forget that the mobility of the mixture in this case changes rapidly when their action ceases.

Concrete trowels can run on petrol or electric motor. The angle of inclination on such models is set by turning the knob, and it is much easier to work with them, since the mechanized machine sets automatic vibration with stepless frequency control. Cleaning and carrying such irons after work is also quite easy. If necessary, ironing machines can be rented, which will be much cheaper than buying it.

Page 2
  • Reinforcement
  • Manufacturing
  • Tools
  • Installation
  • Calculation
  • Repair

Do I need a concrete trowel when pouring the floor

To proceed to the finishing work, the floor surface should preferably be smooth. Smoothing of the concrete is carried out immediately after the mortar is poured, distributed over the formwork and thoroughly vibrocompacted. In our article, we will talk about the smoothing process, and how to achieve the best result.

In the photo, a person does not wash the floor, but is engaged in smoothing it

First meeting

It must be understood that for large and small areas there are different methods for forming smooth surfaces.

In the factory, the open surfaces of newly formed products are smoothed with the help of special machines, the equipment is equipped with various nozzles in the form of:

  • Valikov.
  • "Skis" that reciprocate in a direction perpendicular to the movement of the machine.
  • Rotating discs used for finishing the surface.

As for the conditions in closed areas, other devices are used for this purpose.

Concrete smoothing agents

Depending on the volume and method of concrete work, as well as on the requirements for floors, there are several options for smoothing:

  • Primary smoothing is performed directly in the process of laying the mixture into the concrete floor structure.
  • Smoothing the surface of the freshly laid mixture.
  • Smoothing cement-sand or quick-drying leveling screed, made on a concrete base.

Smoothing concrete at the same time as laying

Private developers doing DIY work in a small area are thinking about how to make a smooth concrete floor in sync with the laying of the mixture. To, so to speak, not to waste time, and the result was good.

In this case, the instructions for flooring are as follows:

  • Along the longest wall in the room at a distance of 1000-1200 mm from each other and indented from the walls by 200-250 mm, beacons from wooden slats (metal profiles) are arranged. These structures are fixed with small amounts of cement mortar. They simultaneously fulfill their intended purpose, and the role of guides for the rule. As a rule, a perfectly flat bar or board, or an acquired aluminum tool, is used.

Approximately as shown in the figure

  • The laying of the concrete mixture should be carried out along the grips between the beacons. In this case, the supplied concrete is distributed and at the same time smoothed out by “ironing” the rule, which is pulled along the guides. The rule must be pulled towards you, making a vibrating movement from side to side with a small amplitude.
  • If everything went right, you can perform the final smoothing of the concrete surface with a trowel (we will talk about it a little lower).

A hand tool that allows you to smooth out hard-to-reach places

Someone smoothes the concrete surface upon completion of laying in full, others immediately follow the rule. But they all use special devices for this purpose.

Concrete trowel

The so-called concrete trowels can be branded or do-it-yourself. The main thing for this improvised tool is to have a smooth, and preferably a glossy surface.

Some try to build an ironing board from improvised materials

Smoothers complete concrete work by causing the formation of "cement milk" - a mixture of water, cement and a small amount of sand - on the smoothed concrete surface. Due to this, the layer, freed from large aggregates (crushed stone, gravel, etc.), after hardening and gaining brand strength of concrete, can be sanded if necessary.

On large areas of industrial floors, factory-made trowels are used. They can be manually operated or run on an electric or gasoline engine.

Advice! To achieve the most even surface without violating the established thickness of the concrete layer, you can work with a trowel alternately in two directions perpendicular to each other.

In the process of work, make sure that the tool is not immersed in the mixture.

Hand tools are like a large mop with a wide working bar and a very long handle (the length is usually adjustable). The construction is made of aluminum or other extruded alloy and is therefore quite light, maneuverable.

Take care of the horizontal guide, any defect renders the tool unusable

To create ultra-smooth floors, various models of smoothers are available, aimed at specific tasks:

  • Smoothing slats are used for smoothing concrete that is subject to vibration compaction.
  • Reiki control, responsible for leveling the bumps formed on the still plastic solution.
  • Corrective devices perform cutting of bumps and filling with this mixture of depressions on the surface of the concrete left after preliminary grouting.

Such equipment is used for large rooms. For example, to smooth the concrete floor in parking lots

The high price of an electric or petrol-driven trowel compared to a manual trowel is compensated by more efficient work due to measured vibration. It is noteworthy that mechanized trowels can be rented, saving several thousand rubles.


A clear advantage, of course, belongs to an automatic tool that allows you to achieve the best result. On the other hand, one hundred percent smoothness is not always required, for example, for a garage room it is enough to visually create the illusion that the concrete surface is even and smooth.

In general, it's up to you, we just helped find the answer to the question - how to make concrete smooth. In the video we presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Concrete trowel: types and applications in pouring concrete

Equipment for smoothing concrete

A concrete trowel is a tool for smoothing the surface of a freshly laid monolithic concrete floor in order to obtain an even and smooth base. The smoothing of the concrete surface is carried out only after leveling and thorough vibrocompaction of the concrete solution.

How to make concrete smooth, and what tools are needed to produce this type of work, will be discussed in detail in this article.

Tools for smoothing concrete

The most important technological requirements for concrete surfaces when laying a concrete mixture in molds or monolithic structures are a strict horizontal level of the laid base and a smooth, flawless surface. Achieving such quality indicators as smooth concrete is ensured by a whole range of special tools.

The most effective devices for performing this type of work are concrete trowels, presented in various modifications:

  • channel;
  • scraper;
  • grinding machines.

Channel trowel for correcting the surface of freshly laid concrete

channel type used for smoothing and simple correction of the surface with the coordination of the smoothing angle up to 30 ° and the optimal width of the corrected coating up to 3 m. The length of the rod (with extension) is up to 6 m.

As a separate option, it can be equipped with a deformation joint former (toothed nozzle) for dividing the surface of the laid mixture into sections (cards). As you can see, the device of expansion joints is carried out simultaneously with the smoothing of the solution, which significantly reduces the complexity and cost of work.

Usually, seams are cut on dry material using power tools with expensive diamond discs. In this case, the wages of workers and the price of diamond blades are removed from the cost of works on the construction of expansion joints.

Channel devices are made of aluminum alloy or special of stainless steel. The blades are smooth mirror surface and have high corrosion resistance.

Scraper trowel for smoothing the concrete mix

The scraper type is designed to collect cement laitance, fill depressions and remove tubercles from the surface of the laid coatings, and also serves to control the horizontal level of the floor. It can be used for work on large areas.

The width of the processed coating is up to 6 m. The maximum length of the handle (rod) is 6 m. The design provides for a smooth increase or decrease in the angle of inclination of the working blade by turning the handle, which facilitates work at the time of operation.


  • wide choose blades;
  • low weight due to blade material (aluminum alloy);
  • strong and durable construction;
  • thanks to the long handle (up to 6 m), a large area can be used.

Trowels - mechanized concrete trowels

To smooth large areas, mechanized types of devices for a freshly laid screed are used - paddle trowels. Depending on the design of the drive, the machines are divided into electric and gasoline.

For the production of work in indoor areas a relatively small area, and especially on sites of a complex shape, electric single-rotor bladed units with a working disk diameter of 600–1200 mm are used.

The electromechanical unit kit includes the following equipment (see photo):

  • electric motor;
  • reducer;
  • rolling wheels;
  • batch switch;
  • handle;
  • disk.

Electromechanical machine diagram

Gasoline-powered machines are used to carry out work in open areas.

Depending on the power and design of the gasoline unit, there are two types of gasoline-powered machines:

  1. Manual machines controlled by a handle. Ideal for processing coatings on narrow and small areas of the floor.

Manual petrol driven machine
  1. Self-propelled twin-rotor trowels equipped with hydraulics for autonomous operation.

Double-rotor petrol plant

Use of manual slatted trowels for concrete placement

For small areas of the treated surface, small-sized manual trowels are used. The corners of their blades are rounded, and the handle of the tool is attached to the working plane.

Concrete smoothing equipment

The volume of processed coverages determines the size of the work area. Materials for manufacturing are light aluminum alloys. Working surface(blade) is characterized by specularity.

Hand trowels are equipped with a cable reducer, with the help of which, when moving forward and backward, you can change the angle of the blade. The angle of inclination of the blade depends on the mobility of the mixture and can reach 60°.

Tools of this type are equipped telescopic rod(handle) maximum length up to 12 m. Maximum effect when smoothing the concrete mixture, it is achieved by moving the unit along the concrete surface in directions perpendicular to each other - forward-backward, left-right.

Hints: When working on smoothing concrete, it is not recommended to immerse the blade in the material being processed.

Making a concrete trowel at a construction site

A factory tool is usually used for smoothing coatings on large objects, but for individual construction and disposable small volumes, you can make a do-it-yourself trowel.

To perform the work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • dry edged board 100–130 mm wide;
  • beam size 50x50 mm;
  • moisture resistant impregnation for wood;
  • abrasive skin of medium grain;
  • screws;
  • plane;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw.

DIY manufacturing

Instructions for making your own hands (see the video in this article):

  • Cut off the board right size and process with a planer.
  • We cover the finished blank for the working part, cleaned with sandpaper, with moisture-resistant impregnation and set aside to dry.
  • From a bar of 50x50 mm we make a handle. The optimal length of the handle is from 3 to 6 m.
  • We make two struts for firmly attaching the handle to the base of the blade.
  • Using screws and a screwdriver, we connect the handle to the blade and strengthen this connection with struts (struts). The ironing board is ready.

Hints: Instead of attaching the handle with struts, you can choose a ready-made factory-made swivel mount.

Concrete Trowel Applications

The technology for smoothing freshly laid concrete mix consists of three stages:

  1. The first stage is carried out using a trowel disc with a diameter of 600–1220 mm. When rotating, the smoothing disc eliminates all primary roughness and unevenness of the concrete surface.
  1. Then, smoothing blades with rounded edges are attached to the rotor. The angle of inclination of the rotating blades can be adjusted from 0° to 30°. First, the blades are set to a horizontal position. Then, as the concrete mixture dries, the angle of inclination is increased.

Trowel blades with round edges
  1. When finishing the concrete surface, the finishing blades of a rectangular shape are attached to the rotor of the trowel and the maximum angle of inclination of the rotating blades of the trowel is set.

Blades for finishing concrete surface

Despite the simplicity of the work of trowels, you still need to follow some rules:

  1. Before starting concrete work on smoothing concrete, for electromechanical drives, it is necessary to check the electrical cable and the earth connection to the trowel. For gasoline vehicles, check for fuel or oil leaks and open the fuel supply valve.
  2. Install disc or blades, adjust desired angle tilt.
  3. Upon completion of work: clean all parts of the unit, check the lubrication.

A clear advantage when processing concrete surfaces, for an automated tool that allows you to achieve the best performance. However, in individual construction not always required perfect surface. For example, in the garage, when carrying out concrete work, you can do just fine homemade tool.

However, it is up to you to decide which tool to use and on which objects. The purpose of this article was actual question How to make concrete smooth For more information on this topic, watch the video in this article.

The use of a professional correction tool when laying screeds from concrete mortar eliminates the risk of accumulation on the surface excess moisture, eliminates the smallest irregularities and strengthens the coating by removing the upper fragile layer of cement laitance. The ironers are used for different stages solidification of the mixture by itself or after the passage of vibratory compactors, the effect of such treatment is always positive. With a limited budget or for one-time purposes, they can be made on their own.

The main purpose is to work with movable freshly poured bases for the purpose of primary distribution, leveling and improving the quality of the resulting plane. Additional functions include the removal of cement laitance and excess moisture and the adjustment of a slightly hardened mortar. Structurally, it resembles a mop on a long pipe, the dimensions of the handle and the rules determine the area covered in one go. Designs for domestic purposes are suitable for rooms with a length of up to 7 m, professional factory models usually have a convenient telescopic handle that expands from 3 to 6 m, and have the ability to connect sections.

Smooth movement is ensured by slightly rounded edges and smooth surface the working part, which in turn looks like a long and narrow ruler. The standard profile length varies from 1 m to 3 s in steps of 50 cm, width - from 80 to 100 mm. The thickness of such a ruler for factory aluminum products is 0.8-1.1 mm. The most reliable ones have additional stiffness profiles, but not more than 2. Long models are equipped with two conventional or telescopic handles and are moved by the joint actions of two people. Such a stroker is driven in zigzags, top scores are achieved with two profile passes in mutually perpendicular directions.

Suggested varieties

Depending on the functions performed and the profile, they are divided into channel and scraper. The former are intended for smoothing and easy correction of the concrete screed in its plastic state, this group includes types with the ability to adjust the blade angle. After their passage, no laitance is formed and the number of protrusions and depressions is minimized. The desired effect is achieved exclusively when processing a freshly laid mixture that has not lost its plasticity.

Scraper types are used to eliminate irregularities on the already hardening mortar (1-3 hours after pouring) and to control the level. They remove the cement milk protruding on the surface and remove excess moisture. The working elements of such trowels are made of special aluminum, their design is more rigid than that of floating channel trowels. Some manufacturers implement the rules with interchangeable nozzles, that is, with an included scraper in the kit. The use of such equipment allows to achieve optimal results and coordinate the smoothing process in time.

Depending on the type of material, this tool is divided into wood and aluminum. The former are more common among home-made ones and cope quite well with their functions. During their operation, the ability of wood to deform when wet is taken into account, the working part needs periodic monitoring for distortion. Ignoring drying after contact with concrete mortar leads to bending or dips on the blade, which is unacceptable, in general, their service life is limited. For the purpose of its extension wooden elements treated with hydrophobic compounds, protection requires periodic updating.

Aluminum varieties have a long service life, but are much more expensive. The range includes trowels with telescopic handles and a variety of blade edge shapes: rectangular, square, trapezoidal or rounded, the rule profile is double. Most have built-in bubble levels to make smoothing the screed easier. It is recommended to buy when planning a large amount of work or multiple use, it is not suitable for one-time purposes due to the high cost. In addition to aluminum, light and alkali-resistant extrusion alloys can also be selected for fabrication.

Alignment Technology

These features are taken into account when planning actions: for the primary distribution, you need to purchase or make your own smoother for moving concrete, ideally with a hinged pipe. In small rooms, this tool is used after rubbing the mixture with a beacon rule or with the simultaneous operation of two devices. In any case, the motion vector will be common - from the corner to the exit, but the grouting of the layers will be perpendicular. This technique will eliminate voids and irregularities.

An ideal screed is obtained by smoothing compositions with plasticizers in two overlapping directions. But if such actions are impossible, one should not contrive, one should not walk on a leveled surface. It is important to remember about the viability of concrete and the influence of foreign impurities on this indicator. The introduction of plasticizers improves the mobility of the mixture at first, but can accelerate its setting time. If the moment is missed, the effect of the use of ring options is sharply reduced. The final quality of the plane is also affected by the size of the fractions of the components: the smaller they are, the more accurately the screed is laid.

It should be remembered that the device should not be buried in concrete; all movements must be smooth and coordinated. Guides help to avoid mistakes, a slight increase in the cost of the screed when placing them definitely pays off. The step of the beacons depends on the length of the working part, it is desirable that it be 30-40 cm less than this indicator. This tool is also used in finishing, the rules are generally unchanged.

How to make a do-it-yourself ironing board?

by the most simple material softwood is used for homemade levelers: it has affordable price and is easily processed. The working part is made of a board or a bar with a width of 13 cm and a thickness of 30 mm. The length is selected based on the planned tasks, taking into account the heavy weight and area restrictions for private purposes, the optimal range is 1-1.5 m. The handle is made from the same beam with a cross section of 40 × 40 mm, or from a pipe welded to a metal plate. Thinner strips (25x25 or 35x35 mm) are used as reinforcing struts. You will need wood screws, sandpaper and water-repellent impregnation.

Homemade wooden spatula for concrete screeds produced according to the following scheme:

  1. All elements are processed by a planer and carefully polished sandpaper. The smoother the timber, the better, deviations are unacceptable. It is recommended to round the corners of the future handle.
  2. The lower end of the handle is cut at an angle of 60 ° and screwed to the working part using self-tapping screws. It is extremely difficult to make a floating concrete rail yourself, this will require a hinge system and certain turning skills, most wooden crafts have a rigid mount.
  3. The fastening of the handle is reinforced on both sides with a bar-strut.
  4. All wooden structures treated with antiseptic and hydrophobic impregnation, if necessary - twice.

With a rule length of more than 1 m, it is recommended to make 2 handles, with appropriate spacers on both sides. Maximum allowable length handles improvised designs is 4-6 m, while it is necessary to take into account the inevitable increase in weight with an increase in the size of the trowel and the risks of its immersion in concrete mortar. To reduce it, holes can be drilled in a wooden beam, but not in places where forces fit and with a diameter of not more than 4 cm (with a width of 13 cm or more). Alternative option is a pipe welded to the finished aluminum rule, but for its implementation it is necessary welding machine. By analogy with factory products, you can attach to the surface of such homemade products bubble level, without forgetting about the obligatory check of the evenness of the device itself.

The simplest wooden blanks are made right on the site and thrown away at the end of the work. They do not perform scraping functions. It should also be remembered that due to the high weight of the material, their dimensions are limited. With a length of more than 3 m, 2 people will be needed to move them, even if there are 2 handles. Homemade products help to quickly and relatively accurately level the screed, but with high requirements for smoothness, it is better to buy professional correction trowels. The most comfortable and light products are recognized with drilled holes, protected from the ingress of the solution by polymer plugs. This equipment is provided for rent, the cost of such services is considered affordable.

When building flat concrete structures (concrete floors, blind areas and other concrete-cement sites), it is impossible to achieve a perfectly flat surface without straightening and smoothing operations.

The so-called “trowel”, which can be made on your own, acts as a tool for smoothing concrete.

Concrete trowel

The concrete trowel is used on finishing stage construction of a concrete structure. In the process of smoothing the surface from the thickness of the concrete, cement "milk" is squeezed out and leveled over the surface, small depressions are filled, small "waves" and bumps are leveled, and differences in the level of the plane are corrected.

The result of this operation is the release of the surface layer of concrete from coarse filler and hardening of the surface - ironing.

Tool types

IN general case, the concrete trowel is a machined meter-long aluminum alloy metal strip to which one or two long handles are attached.

Structurally, the tool resembles a large mop for cleaning surfaces. There are two types of trowels: classic and scraper. Classic trowels smooth out a still plastic surface, which allows you to effectively level the surface.

Scraper trowels level the already setting material and at the same time effectively remove excess water.

Tool Features

The main factor determining the dimensions of the working element of the trowel and the length of the handle is the area of ​​the treated surface. Prefabricated tools are mainly used on large objects.

Do-it-yourself concrete trowel, as a rule, is used in the construction of low-rise private buildings, and after the completion of concrete work, it is disposed of or thrown away. At the same time, the scraper trowel, due to the complexity of manufacturing at home, is purchased in the factory version.

How to make a tool on your own from improvised materials?

To assemble the tool you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Wooden beam with a section of 100x100 mm, preferably 130-130 mm (the wider, the better up to a width of 400 mm), 700-1000 mm long for a working element;
  • Wooden beam with a section of 50x50 mm or 40x40 mm, 4-6 meters long for the handle (one or two pieces);
  • Wooden beam 25x25 or 35x35 1-1.5 meters long for reinforcing struts;
  • Self-tapping screws for wood;
  • Water-repellent impregnation;
  • Medium grit sandpaper;
  • Plane;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Wood saw.

An unplaned timber for the working element and the handle is processed with a planer, after which it is polished with sandpaper. At the same time, the corners of the handle and the working element are “filled up” with chamfers of approximately 10x10 mm and, if possible, are also rounded with sandpaper.

One end of the trowel handle is cut at an angle of 60 degrees and attached to the top of the working element with a self-tapping screw. Perfect option- fasten the handle pivotally. However, this will require certain engineering and locksmith knowledge, turning work and practical experience.

If, according to the working conditions, the length of the working tool is more than 1 meter, it is advisable to attach two handles with spacers to it and perform the burnishing operation with two workers.

A typical example is concrete slab poured between brick sides or into side formwork. In this case, the working element of the trowel must have a certain length and rest with both ends on the brick ledge or on the opposite walls of the formwork.

Permissible handle length is limited by rigidity wooden beam and its weight. As practice shows, the maximum length of the wooden handle of a "home-made" trowel is 5-6 meters.

Exceeding these dimensions leads to a significant weighting of the structure and a deterioration in the quality of work due to a decrease in bending strength under the action of the handle's own weight.