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Insecticides for the garden against caterpillars. Insecticides for garden and indoor plants. Basic rules of use

Before the gardener reaps the long-awaited harvest, he will have to deal with many pests that degrade the quality and reduce the number of fruits. Unfortunately, not only fruit crops, but also decorative ones are subject to annual attacks. Insects feed on leaves, plant sap, which significantly spoils the appearance of the plant. In addition, with a strong infection, the tree may even die.

For crop conservation and attractive appearance ornamental plants systemic insecticides are used, which significantly reduce the population of garden pests. At the same time, depending on the active substance, they can have an effect on one or several species of insects at once.

A nice bonus is that a certain type of systemic insecticide can help get rid of weeds. Herbicides penetrate the plant and burn it to the root. When using, it is important to avoid contact with horticultural crops.

Varieties of insecticides by chemical composition

Systemic insecticide is developed in chemical laboratories on the basis of organic substances. Their toxicity allows them to poison insects by affecting the digestive system and sensory organs. The most common types of insecticides are:

Systemic insecticides are popular due to their ease of use and high efficiency, but require some human safety measures.

Classification according to the method of penetration into the body

A systemic insecticide can enter the body of an insect in different ways. Some drugs are able to combine several methods. Varieties according to the method of penetration are as follows:

Classification according to the spectrum of action

According to the spectrum of action, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Electoral- Applicable to combat a specific type of pest. The species also includes preparations against ticks and helminths that infect plants.
  2. continuous action- aimed at group destruction different types insects.

The choice of drug depends entirely on the needs of the gardener. Some substances are harmless to bees, which are considered beneficial insects, as they help pollinate horticultural crops.

Types of drugs for industrial purposes

For ease of use, systemic insecticides for the garden are also divided according to their industrial purpose. They have differences in the nature of the impact on the insect and in the chemical composition. There are the following categories of funds:

  1. Pheromones- substances that attract insects, as they are created on the basis of substances released to attract beetles of the opposite sex. Such traps are capable of massively destroying insects of a certain species.
  2. Insectoacaricides have a paralytic effect on ticks and other insects. The disadvantage is bad influence on nervous system person. This species requires the use of a protective suit when processing plants.
  3. Ovicides affect only insect eggs and are harmless to other stages of the life cycle.
  4. Aficides used to kill all types of aphids.
  5. Larvicides designed to destroy insects at the larval stage.
  6. repellents- repellers that do not destroy insects, but their smell makes it clear that the plant is inedible. Used by gardeners for preventive purposes.

Most drugs are highly toxic, so experts do not recommend their use without special need as a preventive measure.

The best systemic insecticides

  • "Decis Lux", "Aktara", "Bi-58", "Zolon", "Lufox" - are used on fruit trees, especially often on apple trees, pears and cherries;
  • "Aktellik", "Apollo", "Bi-58 New", "Varant", "Nissoran", "Omayt", "Ortus" - are intended for spraying vineyards;
  • "Vertimek", "Karate" - for cucumbers, pumpkins and carrots;
  • "Voliam Flexi", "Danadim Mix", "Engio", "Confidor Maxi" - for tomatoes;
  • "Reldan", "Helikovex" - for bell pepper;
  • "Ratibor", "Karate Zeon" - for eggplants;
  • "Antizhuk", "Calypso", "Matador", "Mospilan", "Fastak", "Fury" - are used to control insects on potatoes, in particular with the Colorado potato beetle;
  • "Greenfort", "Douglas", "Marsh", "Nurel D", "Pirinex Supper", "Sumition" - are used on cereal crops, including for processing large fields;
  • "Arrivo", "Fufanon" - for melons (melon, watermelon);
  • "Vertimex", "Force", "Omayt" - for strawberries.

Impact on plants and ecology

When treating plants in favorable conditions (suitable air temperature, lack of precipitation, moderate climate humidity), the entire list of systemic insecticides does not harm plants. Despite this, any attempt to treat a plant with a chemical preparation is stressful for him. If the dosage is calculated correctly, the drug stimulates the metabolism of plants, in some cases develops immunity to individual pests.

Soil insecticides have a detrimental effect, which is neutralized only after 10 weeks. They also have a negative effect on fish, (especially bees), domestic animals. Therefore, it is important to spray away from apiaries, ponds and pastures.

When to treat plants

All drugs have instructions for use. in which the dosage is indicated in detail, as well as favorable conditions for spraying. The rules for processing horticultural crops are as follows:

  • it is worth considering the phase of the life cycle of an insect when choosing an insecticide - it is too late for adults to use ovicites, which act only on eggs;
  • when processing several drugs, it is worth considering their compatibility, because with the wrong approach chemical substances can cause irreparable harm to plants;
  • treatment is not performed as a prophylaxis - only when the first symptoms of a lesion are detected;
  • during the flowering of plants, spraying should be stopped - this may affect the quality and quantity of the crop for the worse;
  • the end of spraying occurs 40-45 days before harvest, as pesticides can harm the human body.

For maximum effect, treatment should be carried out in dry, calm weather, in the evening.

You should also avoid dripping the drug from the leaves and strictly follow the instructions from the manufacturer.

Insecticide treatment methods

There are several effective ways treatments with chemicals that are widely used in horticulture. These include the following:

The method is selected individually and depends on the wishes and capabilities of the gardener.

Systemic insecticides for houseplants

These systemic insecticides for indoor plants are also applicable to horticultural crops, it is important to follow the dosage indicated on the drug label. If possible, you should choose those products that are harmless to people and pets.

Preparations for coniferous plants

Insects strike coniferous plants no less garden. For this reason, systemic insecticides for conifers are used by gardeners who protect the beauty of the site.

It should be remembered that a small space and high humidity are stimulants for the development of insect pests in the garden. In order to avoid their attack, you must first provide normal conditions for the growth of horticultural crops.

Correct use chemical insecticides taking into account safety precautions and dosage recommendations from the manufacturer, it will preserve the beauty of the site, plant health and yield.

It is necessary to protect the garden from pests, as they actively spoil the fruits, significantly reduce yields, eat leaves, flowers and tree bark. Although there are many folk ways to combat them, the greatest effect is the use of chemical methods.

When choosing a particular drug, one should take into account characteristics pests: way of feeding, time of appearance, number of generations. One insecticide will have an intestinal effect, it has a good effect on insects gnawing leaves, the other is a systemic contact, which destroys sedentary, but rapidly breeding pests.

When harmful insects are characterized by a hidden lifestyle, a systemic drug will cope with them. To enhance the effect, several active ingredients in the composition are used simultaneously. They differ in processing time and their number. Each protective equipment is equipped detailed instructions about how, when and from what insects it works.

Spraying can be practiced from early spring from the moment the first leaves and flowers appear until a certain moment of ripening. Some time before harvesting, plants are not treated with chemicals so that they do not enter the human body along with the fruits.

Insecticides are aimed at the destruction of scale insects, aphids, codling moths, apple flower beetles, moths, leafworms and many others.

Assortment of chemicals-insecticides

Russian and imported insecticides help to achieve success in the fight against harmful insects, which affect both adults and larvae with eggs. Instructions, which are supplied with all drugs, inform in detail about the methods of their use.

Means for plant protection Aktellik from a complex of pests, 10 ml Wireworm insecticide Zemlin, 100 g

For soil pests, preparations are placed on the surface of the earth, among plantings, and they fight against sucking and leaf-eating pests by spraying the aerial parts of plants.

To scare away or destroy ants, special granules or powders are scattered on their paths, but snails and slugs are distracted from the “tasty” beds with the help of attractant substances.

The advantages of these insecticidal preparations lie not only in their effectiveness. These are concentrated products, they are diluted in a large amount of water, so there is a saving in financial resources and the solution itself.

Pests living on the surface of the earth (aphids, fleas, wireworm, scoop) can be destroyed with the help of Grom, Barguzin, Provotoks, Flycatcher, Anteater, etc.

For processing fruit trees, berries and vegetable crops use preparations based on malathion - Karbofos, Fufanon, Phenaksin-plus, Iskra M and others. They are slightly toxic to humans, but effectively cope with many pests: psyllids, apple moths, mites, mealybugs, etc.

The pyrethroid group includes insecticides designed to fight the potato ladybug, the Colorado potato beetle, and butterflies. The most famous include Senpai, Lightning, Tsunami, Spark, Kinmiks and others. The negative impact on a person is minimal, the drug does not accumulate.

Biological preparations are also produced, which are based on biological microorganisms, they have a negative effect on leafworms, scoops, moths, peach and melon aphids and many other pests.

So the arsenal of fighting garden pests large enough to make it easy to find the right preparation to destroy them and ensure a generous harvest.

Overview of insecticides

Almost every gardener knows that in order to grow a rich harvest, it is important not only to provide plants with favorable growing conditions, but also to protect plants from pests. It is not only gardeners who face the problem of pests. Houseplants are also often in the affected area. How to choose the right way to deal with insect pests read in the articles " " And " ". In this article I will review popular insecticides, most often recommended on garden marketplaces and flower growers' forums.

An overview of insecticides.

In this review, I will not dwell on the instructions for breeding chemical preparations. This information can always be found on the packaging of drugs. I will dwell on the features of their impact and side effects application, placing drugs as their strength increases.

Fitoverm, Akarin (Agrovertin).


Smell-sparing insecticides: Fitoverm, Akarin (Agrovertin). Produced on the basis of microbiological synthesis. Effective against ticks, whiteflies, , thrips and other insects, as well as their larvae.

There is almost no smell that can cause allergies in children and households. At Akkarin (Agrovertin), it will be barely noticeable after less than an hour of airing the room.

The preparations are contact-intestinal, they are not absorbed into the fruits and plants. Fruit can be harvested 2 days after the last treatment.

Fitoverm, Akarin (Agrovertin) - practically do not cause addiction in harmful insects.

To be effective, preparations must be sprayed directly onto skin pests, and the leaves of the plant are evenly and abundantly moistened. It is necessary that in the first 8-10 hours after treatment, the plants do not fall under the influence of natural precipitation. Temporarily do not spray treated indoor flowers, but carry out only in the basal way, and not by spraying.

Akarin (Agrovertin) is especially effective in high temperatures, more than 18°С.

Fitoverm retains its protective functions for 7-20 days, Akarin a little less, but much depends on environment.

Guaranteed shelf life in original sealed packaging is 2 years. Storage of diluted preparations is not allowed. The prepared solution must be used within an hour.

When sprayed, they do not leave stains. Can be used during the flowering period and at home.

Moderately dangerous for bees and inhabitants of reservoirs.

Flaws. Due to the short duration of the active substance, they are not effective against pest eggs. Many flower growers note that they are "weak", not effective. You need to understand that this is a “payment” for a gentle effect on flowers, the possibility of using it when fruits ripen and the absence of a pungent odor. I recommend for the prevention of indoor plants.



Actellik is a broad-spectrum insecticide and acaricide based on organophosphorus compounds. The period of action of the active substance is 7-14 days.

It is effective not only as a means of controlling insect pests, but also affects ticks and barn pests. That is why many flower growers often opt for it. Even if the plant is this moment struck by harmful insects, simultaneous prevention against ticks will not hurt.

Among the shortcomings, a strong smell can be noted. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out the processing of home flowers in the fresh air, where you can leave the plant until completely dry and aired. As an option, spray indoor flowers on weekends if you are going to leave for a few days.

Very toxic to aquatic life. Therefore, do not process indoor plants in rooms with an aquarium and in cottages near water bodies.

Dichlorvos, Karbofos.


They belong to the same group of drugs as Actellik. Dichlorvos and Karbofos have been known, perhaps, since grandmother's times and until recently, one of the most common and used drugs.

Dichlorvos is available in the form of aerosols, karbofos in various commercial forms.

Dichlorvos is more often used to control insects and mites in everyday life, and karbofos in agriculture. With its help, they not only fight against harmful insects and mites, but also carry out disinfection of warehouses to destroy stock pests.

They are highly toxic not only to insects, but also to humans. They have a strong, poorly weathered smell. As a result of long-term use, entire groups of pests have developed resistance to these chemicals.

Dichlorvos preparations, produced under the brands "Neo" (the effectiveness of the product is 15 days) and "Varan" (the effectiveness of the product is 20 days), are devoid of a pungent odor and are even flavored with mint and lemon. But we should not forget that the smell performs additional warning functions when spraying these toxic agents. Acute poisoning with dichlorvos and karbofos is not uncommon.


Aktara is a modern, well-established, moderately persistent, broad-spectrum systemic insecticide. A very popular chemical protection against aphids, whiteflies, thrips, , false scale insects and their larvae. Does not work on ticks.

Virtually odorless.

It is applied both by spraying on the surface of the plant, and by watering pre-moistened soil in the root zone. When dealing with pests of indoor plants, I advise you to combine spraying with watering. It is absorbed and acts on pests through plant sap, therefore it is not recommended for processing food and fruit crops. In case of severe damage to such crops by a pest, it is allowed to use Aktara before flowering and after harvesting the fruits.

The chemical agent is active on the leaf surface for 2-3 weeks, with soil application up to 8 weeks. Long term activity of the active substance allows you to be sure that a new generation of harmful insects that have emerged from eggs is guaranteed to fall under the action of the drug. There is no need for additional processing.

Spraying the working solution of Aktara must be carried out using personal protective equipment. The drug is very toxic to bees, toxic to fish, birds and animals.

Shelf life in the original packaging is 4 years. Storage of the working solution is not allowed.

After treatment, it is necessary to carefully dispose of the remains of the drug, containers and water, which was used to wash the sprayer and auxiliary equipment.

I advise you to use Aktara only in case of severe damage to the plant by a pest and on early dates vegetation. Due to the strong toxicity of the drug, the flower itself often dies along with harmful insects, especially for indoor plants that do not have high natural immunity.

Nurell-D, Bi-58, Bi-58 New.

Nurell_D, Bi-58

In the garden, during the beginning of the growing season of plants, in the event of the appearance of pests and basic treatments, I advise you to use Nurell-D or Bi-58. They provide effective protection against apple, plum, pear codling moth, leafworm (not all species), pipeworm, cherry fly, plum paws, aphids, eastern codling moth spider mites and fruit sawflies. They are also distinguished by high efficiency of action on ticks resistant to organophosphorus compounds.

Nurell-D, Bi-58, Bi-58 New is quickly absorbed by plants, so frequent spring rains will not reduce the effectiveness of the product. The preparations have long half-lives of the active active substance, and do not depend on temperature regimes.

When applying these chemicals need to pay Special attention so that children and pets do not penetrate the treated flowers.

Preparations are very dangerous for inhabitants of reservoirs and bees. Therefore, processing garden plants must be carried out before the flowering period so that the active substance does not get into the nectar and pollen.

When spraying drugs, the use of personal protective equipment is mandatory.

Spraying can be carried out before and after flowering, a month before harvesting. 1-2 treatments of affected plants are enough.

What insecticides did you use? Share in the comments your opinion about the effectiveness of various chemicals and details of their application. I will be happy to add them to the review of insecticides.

An overview of insecticides. popular insecticides. updated: February 22, 2016 by: Elena

Knowing what is the peculiarity of systemic fungicides, you can choose the right drug for treating a flower garden and garden, and reap a rich harvest in the vineyard and garden. You won't be scared fungal diseases plants, because you will know how to prevent and treat them.

What are systemic insecticides and fungicides?

Systemic plant protection products penetrate the leaves, move through plant cells, protect and treat the disease from the inside. Insecticides rid plants of harmful insects, and fungicides from fungal diseases.

In addition to systemic preparations, there are those that act locally, protecting the plant from pests by contact, from the outside. Such drugs are used mainly for the prevention of infections.

Systemic insecticides are most effective against insects and the Colorado potato beetle, whiteflies, scale insects and aphids

When choosing a systemic insecticide, you need to read it chemical composition on the package. Insects can become addicted to the drug if treated constantly. Therefore, for alternation it is necessary to choose fungicides from different chemical classes.

The most popular systemic insecticides include: Biotlin (from aphids, whiteflies, etc.), Mospilan (from the Colorado potato beetle, scale insects, etc.), Prestige (combines the properties of an insecticide and a fungicide).

Effective systemic fungicides against mildew, coccomycosis, moniliosis

TO effective drugs belong to Horus. It helps to cope with moniliosis, coccomycosis, preserves the crop from rot, mildew, etc. It belongs to the chemical class of aminopyrimidines.

The combined drug Ridomil Gold helps to effectively fight mildew and other diseases. Provides protection for potato tubers during storage.

Systemic insecticides against thrips, caterpillars, bedbugs

Inta-vir insecticide is effective against thrips, whiteflies, aphids, caterpillars. To guide the working solution, 1 tablet of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. The drug is used at the first signs of plant infection, but not more than 3 times per season. During flowering plants can not be processed.

Confidor is a systemic insecticide that is used to control aphids, thrips, and whiteflies. Analogues of the drug are: Monsoon, Tanrek, Corado, Iskra Zolotaya, Respect, Tsvetolyuks Bau, etc.

The best systemic fungicides for scab, late blight, oidium, late blight, anthracnose

There are effective combined fungicides on sale that combine contact and systemic action: Acrobat, Sandofan M8, Oksihom, Poliram, etc.

Fungicides containing several active ingredients that belong to different chemical groups have a wide spectrum of action and can be used against many fungal diseases: Archer, Falcon, Mikal, Ryder, Thanos, Alto-Super, etc.

Systemic insecticides for conifers and houseplants, fruit trees list

Coniferous plants are subject to attack by various pests. The choice of drug will depend on which pest you need to fight:
- for the fight against bark beetles use - Clipper, Bifentrin, BI-58, Krona-Antil;
- with ticks - Flumite, Floromite, Appolo, Borneo, Envidor, Fitoverm and Aktellik;
- with a shield and false shield -, Confidor, Aktellik;
- with Hermes - Commander and Aktara;
- with sawflies - Actellik, BI-58, Fury.

For the treatment of indoor plants, the drug is also chosen depending on the type of pest that attacked the flower:
- to fight aphids use - Karate, Inta-vir, Iskra, Fas, Hostakvik;
- With mealybug- Fitoverm, Confidor, Aktara, Calypso, Tanrek;
- with whitefly - Aktelik, Fufanon, Intavir;
- - Actellik, Fitoverm, Agravertin, Neoron.

To combat garden pests, it is effective to use a set of measures - pruning branches, whitewashing trunks, top dressing and spraying. In the fight against codling moth, drugs are used - Insegar, Karate; from ticks - Neoron; from aphids - Hostavik and Fitoverm.

Treatment with systemic fungicides (on the example of Topsin-M)

The active substance of Topsin-M is theophanat-methyl. The drug is toxic not only for pathogenic fungi, but also for some insects and soil nematodes. Use a fungicide before or after flowering plants.

To guide the working solution, 10 or 15 grams of the powder is dissolved in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic to humans and animals, so it is necessary to direct the solution and carry out the treatment, observing all safety measures. Wear protective clothing, goggles, gloves, respirator. The working solution is used immediately after induction for the prevention of diseases and their treatment. Grapes and currants are processed before flowering and after harvest.

The question of the use of "chemistry" on suburban area ambiguous. There are both opponents and supporters of the use of chemicals. Opponents of "chemistry" stand up for the environmental friendliness of grown vegetables and fruits, supporters of "chemistry" strive to get a guaranteed result with the least amount of labor.

Of course, the most environmentally friendly and safest method of growing vegetables is not to use "chemistry" at all in the country, but to manage, for example, with herbal infusions, ash, tobacco dust - i.e. means of natural plant origin. However, in this case, two factors must be taken into account: 1. Treatment with herbal remedies requires constancy, because. usually such products work on the principle of repelling insect pests due to the content essential oils, phytoncides and other chemical compounds that are found in plants (for example, in garlic, wormwood, tobacco dust, etc.), and which are quickly weathered / washed off. Usually enough for a couple of days, then you need to repeat the treatment. 2. Precipitation (rain, dew) instantly wash off such solutions from plants, which reduces the result to zero if you do not have time with a quick re-treatment.

If you have the opportunity to constantly be in the country, keep the condition of the plants under control, and are also ready to instantly respond to emerging problems, then “life without chemistry” is quite feasible for you.

If you come to the dacha, like most working summer residents, 1-2 times a week, then, most likely, one natural remedies you can't do it. For a week's absence, plants can be attacked, for example, by caterpillars, and almost completely destroy cabbage plantings, leaving the owners with eaten leaves with handfuls of moving green creatures. Therefore, from time to time, you still have to resort to "chemistry" that guarantees a stable result, but it is better to do it consciously, within reasonable limits, choosing the most suitable and gentle means.

Now in gardening stores there is a huge selection of all kinds of chemicals for different applications in their summer cottage. For people who are not connected with the chemical industry, and generally far from chemistry, it can be very difficult to understand the differences between drugs, the nuances of their use, and most importantly, to understand which drug is most suitable for your specific problem and is the safest.

In this article, we will consider only one group of chemicals - insecticides.
"Insecticides - a group of chemicals that are part of the group of pesticides, and intended for the destruction of insect pests."

Types of insecticides

Hazard Class

The hazard class of substances is determined according to GOST and depends on the degree of exposure harmful substance on the human body.

According to the method of penetration into the body of the pest:

1. Contact insecticides destroy only those pests that are exposed to droplets of the substance during spraying. If the insect "successfully hid", it will avoid death and safely acquire offspring. Preparations of this type are able to protect only those parts of plants directly on which they are applied. They are washed away by rain and therefore are very dependent on weather and climatic conditions. The advantage of contact preparations is that they act quickly, the plant immediately feels relief.

2. Systemic insecticides penetrate into the cells of the plant and spread through it - from the tip of the root to the crown. The defeat of the pest occurs when eating poisoned parts of the plant. Such preparations are very quickly absorbed by plants and therefore practically do not depend on weather conditions. They give protection for 2-3 weeks, but act more slowly than contact preparations.

By the nature of the impact:

1. Continuous insecticides - able to deal simultaneously with several different types of pests.

2. Selective insecticides - directed against certain types of pests.

According to the active substance and principle of action:

The main basis of insecticides is the active substance, which is indicated on the packaging in small print. Different preparations prepared on the basis of the same active substance have the same effect on pests. At the same time, the trade names of drugs are different for different manufacturers. When choosing a remedy, it is better to pay attention to the active substance., because Manufacturers change, and the trade names of drugs change accordingly.

1. Commander, Confidor Extra, Biotlin, Colorado, Bison, Golden spark, Monsoon, Tanrek are made on the basis of imidacloprid - a systemic insecticide. The drug is easily absorbed by plants, it works well systemically through the roots. Imidacloprid gained particular popularity due to its effectiveness against the Colorado potato beetle. It is also used to control a complex of pests: aphids, whiteflies, thrips, incl. spider mites and soil pests (wireworm, cabbage flies, etc.)

The effect of exposure is observed 3-5 days after treatment. The active substance exhibits high residual activity. The period of protective action is 14-28 days. The mechanism of action eliminates the emergence of resistance.
Imidacloprid is a highly toxic substance, the period of its decomposition in the soil is from six months to two years. For summer residents and gardeners, it is allowed on a limited number of crops.
Aktara also belongs to this group. It has an active substance with a different name, but of the same chemical group. This is a systemic drug that acts both from the inside - when watering, and through plant tissues - when spraying. Works especially well against scale insects, aphids, mites. Has no smell. Recommended for roses and ornamental shrubs.
I personally classify Aktara as a "heavy artillery", so I use it exclusively on flower and ornamental crops in closed ground, for example, if potted crops at home or on the loggia were attacked by pests.

2. Iskra M, Antiklesch, Phenaksin-Plus, Fufanon-nova (malathion emulsion concentrate), Inta-CM, Karbofos (malathion powder) are produced on the basis of malathion - a non-systemic insecticide and acaricide with a wide spectrum of action. It is used to control harmful insects and mites on fruit crops, highly effective against a large number pests of vegetable crops: aphids, caterpillars, red mites, thrips and whiteflies, poutine mite. When used in open ground malathion has only a short period of action, and it is also unstable to wind and water. Its systematic use can affect the reproduction of pests, although its somewhat pungent smell may deter you from using it too often. Malathion is a moderately toxic substance for humans and animals, with a decay period in the soil of 1 day. Therefore, it is allowed and recommended for use in personal subsidiary farms on almost all crops. The withdrawal period from plants is 7 days.

This group also includes Actellik- a drug with a wide spectrum of action. Actellik, unlike a number of less harmful drugs, evaporates strongly, it has high pressure vapors, so it is not recommended to use it indoors. In addition, the drug has a rather pungent odor. Hazard class for humans - 2.

3. Inta-Vir, Spark, Spark Double effect(tablet; additionally contains potassium, to increase the immunity of the affected plant), Kinmix, Tsunami, Senpai, Lightning KE, Decis(powder; at correct use can be used 1 day before harvesting) - these drugs have different active ingredients (cypermethrins, lambda-cyhalothrin, permethrin), but they all belong to the same chemical group - pyrethroids. This is a new generation of insecticides. These compounds were first isolated from Damascus chamomile - pyrethrum (Piretrum), receiving the name from it. They have also been found in tansy and chrysanthemums. Pyrethroids have been used to control insects for a long time. They are used in plates and smoldering spirals from mosquitoes, in flea shampoos for cats and dogs. These are non-systemic substances for the control of many chewing and sucking insects. They are very effective against aphids, whiteflies, fungus gnats and thrips. Approved for use by summer residents and gardeners on many vegetable, fruit, berry and ornamental crops. The group of these insecticides has the least toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals. They have good residual activity with minimal negative impact on environmental objects, easily decompose in the soil (decompose under the action of soil microorganisms within 2-4 weeks) and almost do not penetrate into plants.

4. Complex preparations with several active ingredients:

Inta CM(cypermethrin + malathion) - tablet form
Alatar(cypermethrin + malathion) - emulsion
Knockdown(cypermethrin + creolin) - emulsion

This group of drugs is highly toxic, therefore it is used in the case of heavily infected areas.
Of particular note is the drug Prestige(analogue - prestigitator) is a complex preparation, insecticide + fungicide, for processing (spraying) planting material(tubers) from wireworm, Colorado potato beetle and potato scab-late blight. The active ingredient in it is imidacloprid, the same as in Komandor, Biotlin. It takes about 60 days for the chemicals to be completely eliminated. It is not advised to use Prestige for processing early varieties, but only for medium or late ones, so that the chemicals that have got into the tubers have time to be neutralized. The mechanism of protective action is as follows: immediately after planting the treated tubers, soil moisture partially releases the active substance, which diffuses into the soil, forming a protective area around the tuber. The growing plant absorbs the active substance both from the mother tuber and from the soil with the help of roots. Due to its pronounced systemic properties, imidacloprid is evenly distributed over the vegetative organs of the plant, providing them reliable protection from sucking and gnawing pests during the growing season (information from the site).

5. Anteater, Anteater, Muratox, Muratsid, Flycatcher, Thunder, Thunder-2, Zemlin, Medvetoks, Pochin, Provotoks- all are made on the basis of the active substance diazinon, only in different concentrations. These are non-systemic broad-spectrum drugs. Effectively act on soil-dwelling pests such as wireworm, cabbage and onion fly, weevils, nibbling scoop, aphid, flea. They have a number of significant drawbacks: they are highly toxic to humans and animals (hazard class 3); with regular use, pests develop resistance to the action of drugs of this group. The half-life of diazinon in the soil is 2-3 weeks, but after the introduction of granular forms, it is found in small quantities and after 14 weeks. Previously, diazinon was used to make preparations for home use, but then it was banned for home use due to the ability to accumulate in the human body.

6. Akarin, Fitoverm, Iskra-Bio, Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin- this group of biological preparations is made on the basis of various microorganisms and fermentation products soil bacteria. They are effective in the fight against whites, scoops, Colorado potato beetle, spider and red fruit mites, moths and leafworms on currants and apple trees; With spider mite, peach and melon aphids, tobacco and western flower thrips on cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and greenhouse roses; also used in greenhouses. A feature of biological products is that they are effective only in a warm (at least 20 degrees) and humid environment. Under the influence of natural factors, the effect of the drug stops in 5-7 days. The maximum effect is achieved 3-5 days after the treatment of the plant. The toxicity of biopreparations should not be underestimated. At high concentrations, they are dangerous to humans and animals.

Special notes about the preparation Fitoverm- the death of pests occurs 2-3 days after treatment, and maximum effect achieved in 5-7 days. The action of the drug on the leaf surface under favorable weather conditions lasts from 7-20 days. Even slight precipitation or heavy dew significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Personal experience- Fitoverm works more effectively if it is used in a higher concentration than indicated in the annotation, 2-3 times. And treatments need to be done 3 times in 10 days. Experience of summer residents: Fitoverm of not all manufacturers works effectively, good feedback about Fitoverm manufactured by August and Bashinkom.

* It must be remembered that with prolonged use of only one group of drugs, pests develop resistance to this type of exposure, in other words, resistance. To avoid such habituation, it is recommended to alternate different kinds preparations for the treatment of plants.

* In the spring, when planning the location of beds and flower beds, you need to consider whether these plants will be treated with insecticides. For example, if you are planting potatoes and plan to spray them with insecticides from Colorado potato beetles, then it is better not to have green beds or berry plantations near the potato plot. The same considerations apply to planning. decorative zones- mixborders, flower beds. For example, lily buds are often attacked by various pests. During the season, you need to spray them several times with any insecticides, which means that it is better not to place berry bushes or plantations near the lilies. These precautions will help avoid accidental and unnecessary exposure of sprayed insecticides to berries, herbs and other plants.

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We thank the consultants for their help in preparing the article: Irina Vladimirovna Suslova, chemist and biologist