Toilet      06/13/2019

Miscanthus - tall cereals for the garden. Miscanthus Chinese: range and care

Miscanthus (Miscanthus) or fan - belongs to the genus of perennial herbaceous plants family Cereals (Poat grasses). A close relative of sugar cane, but the sugar content of the stems is much lower. The natural habitat is the tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Australia, Asia.

Botanical description

The creeping rhizome is able to penetrate deep into the soil up to 6 m. Spreading shrubs. The erect stems are from 80 cm to 2 m in height. The leaf plates are leathery, scaly, long, only 0.5-1.8 cm wide. The juicy green color in autumn changes to yellow, brown, bronze, burgundy shades. Fan-shaped panicles are 10-30 cm long. At the beginning of flowering, they have a pinkish tint, then become silvery. The flowering period begins in mid-July-early August, if the summer is cool - even later.

The plant is hardy, unpretentious in care. Even a novice gardener will cope with this, in response, the cereal will be a great addition to your site.

Benefit and harm

Except decorative properties, miscanthus is of practical importance. It is used as fuel for power plants. The moisture concentration in the raw material is low, therefore, during combustion, a large number of energy, while producing little ash.

It should be remembered that miscanthus is an aggressive plant that displaces other garden crops and grows rapidly in breadth. To limit the growth of cereals, root growth limiters must be dug in around the perimeter: up to 30 cm in depth, it is desirable to create an obstacle to a height of 5-10 cm above the ground.

Growing miscanthus from seeds

Sowing miscanthus for seedlings should be started in the fall. Seeds do not need pre-treatment.

  • In individual containers (peat pots or plastic cups) place 1-2 seeds, lightly press them into the soil.
  • Moisten crops, maintain optimal humidity soil, provide diffused lighting.
  • To speed up the germination of seeds, crops can be covered with cling film or a plastic bag.
  • When shoots appear, the film is removed.

  • So that the seedlings do not stretch, especially in the first 2 weeks, it is desirable to provide an air temperature of 18-20 ° C, in short daylight hours it is necessary to illuminate with fitolamps.
  • Grow seedlings until spring, providing moderate watering and diffused bright lighting.
  • Landing in open ground should be carried out with the establishment of real heat without night frosts, this is approximately mid-late May.
  • Before planting in the ground, accustom the seedlings to sunlight and wind, taking it outside to a place protected from drafts. First, they take out for a couple of hours, increasing the duration of their stay on the street every day. At the end, the seedlings should spend the night outside.

Hardened seedlings will easily transfer the transplant to the ground and immediately grow. Try to plant without disturbing the earthen ball. And so that the pots can be easily removed from the roots, you need to moderately water the plants a day before planting and let the earth dampen.

Reproduction of miscanthus by dividing the bush

Do this before the onset of frost, as the bushes may die from a sharp temperature drop. Bushes should be spudded, trunk circle mulch with fallen leaves or peat. Build a kind of hut: cover with a film, leaving holes on the sides for air circulation, install wooden boards on top. Remove the shelter with the onset of spring heat. Trim brown leaves and stems.

Types and varieties of miscanthus with photos and names

The genus is represented by 40 species.

Consider the most popular, cultivated culturally.

Miscanthus giant Miscanthus giganteus

Culturally grown since ancient times. Upright shoots reach a height of 3 m. Leaf plates about 2.5 cm wide are weeping, dark green in color with a longitudinal stripe white color. In general, the appearance creates a semblance of a fountain. At the end of the summer period, flowering occurs, but if the weather is cold, it may not bloom at all. Paniculate inflorescences have a light pink hue, changing to silver during flowering. Frost-resistant.

Miscanthus Chinese Miscanthus sinensis ‘Nippon’ photo

The most popular, in culture since 1875. The height of the bush reaches 3 m, the shoots are erect. The leaf blades are oblong, 1.5 cm wide, hard, rough to the touch, the central vein is rough, ribbed. During flowering, loose paniculate inflorescences about 7 cm long appear.

Shelter for the winter is a must.

About a hundred varieties have been bred from this species, consider the most popular ones.

Blondeau - the height is about 2 m. Frost-resistant (able to withstand frosts down to -34 ° C).

Variegatus - limited to a height of 1.5 m. Leaf plates are decorated with white stripes. Inflorescences are reddish.

Miscanthus Chinese Zebrina Miscanthus sinensis ‘Zebrinus’ photo

Zebrinus (Zebrina) - variegated variety (has stripes yellow color located transversely). The height of the bush is 2.5 m.

Miscanthus Chinese Ferner Osten Miscanthus sinensis ‘Ferner Osten’ photo

Ferner Austin - bushes up to 1.5 m high. Narrow green leaf plates are decorated with a longitudinal white stripe, which becomes red-red in autumn. In August, fan-shaped paniculate inflorescences of fiery red color appear, as they bloom, they acquire a bronze-silver hue.

Morning Light - compact bushes. Leaf plates are green with a white border. Blooms not every year.

Miscanthus Chinese Strictus Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’ photo

Strictus - the height of the bush is about 2.7 m. The leaves are not more than 15 mm wide, decorated with alternately arranged stripes of white and green.

Flamingo - notable for panicles of a pink hue. Frost resistance is low.

Miscanthus sugarflower or sugarflower Miscanthus sacchariflorus

The height of the bush is 2 m. The leaf plates are linear, drooping, about 60 cm long, 1.5 cm wide, pale green in color. Panicles of a white or pink-silver hue are extended by 25 cm. It blooms in July, retaining its decorative effect until October. For the winter, it is enough to mulch the trunk circle.

Robustus is a popular form of this species, the dimensions are more compact.

Miscanthus in landscape design photo selection

Miscanthus is one of the most popular. It is beautiful throughout the season: from early spring to the onset of winter cold. It is used for framing ponds, decorating lawns. Large bushes look spectacular among the boulders.

Perfectly fulfill the role, will become the background for flowering plants.

In some species, by the end of the summer period, leaf plates fall from the lower part. The exposed part can be covered by planting a tall one near it (from a height of 0.5 m).

Dried flowers are used in floristry.

Creating our garden, we strive to achieve harmony in the combination of shapes and colors. Some plants serve as an excellent background, others perform a bright solo, and still others will become a highlight and style-forming elements of our garden. For me, such plants are various cereal herbs. Their decorativeness enlivens the garden, creates style, adds additional volume and structure, emphasizing the sophistication and grace of the whole garden history. And we will begin a story about a structural cereal - miscanthus, which, as a rule, occupies a leading role in any garden composition, if it is "invited" there. This luxurious plant, which won the heart of more than one gardener with its all-season charm and unpretentiousness in care, deserves to be written about at least an article.

Miscanthus, also known as Veernik (lat. Miscánthus), belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the bluegrass family (Poaceae Barnhart) and came to our gardens from warm regions: Asia, Africa and Australia. But do not rush to draw conclusions about the nature of the plant. Nature endowed this cereal with the ability to survive in any conditions, which allowed miscanthus to spread throughout the globe over time. Now they can be found on high mountain slopes, in zones of extinct and living volcanoes, in swampy areas and in meadows. The powerful creeping root system of this cereal provides it with survival on any soil, however, on sands and heavy clay soils it will be less decorative.

The height of miscanthus depends on the species and variety and ranges from 80 to 200 cm. Sharp, hard lanceolate leaves are placed on erect stems. From mid-summer, plants bloom with a fluffy fan of panicles, and by autumn they show maximum decorative effect. The genus Miscanthus includes more than 40 species. In our climate zone, you can also admire some representatives.

Miscanthus sacchariflonis (Miscanthus sacchariflonis)

The most common species, growing well in the sun and in partial shade. The height of the grass reaches 1.5 m and above. The root system is resistant to flooding. The plant loves fertile soil, so in the spring it is recommended to feed it. mineral fertilizers or compost. It forms sprawling shoots that need to be limited by stable barriers: you can dig a border tape 28 cm deep around the plant and lay pieces of slate or tiles there.
If you are planning to do on the site living wall, a screen, a landscape background for ornamental shrubs and, it is better not to find this cereal.

If you are planning to make a living wall, a screen, a landscape background for ornamental shrubs and perennials on the site, then you can’t find this grass better.

The peak of ornamental miscanthus sugarflower reaches in August, when it has luxurious panicles, and in autumn the leaves turn burgundy. So he will stand all winter, covered either with raindrops or spectacular frost.

Sometimes, by the end of summer, the lower leaves of the sugar-flowered miscanthus can tie and expose the bottom of the bush, which leads to a slight loss of decorativeness. Well-chosen companions will save the day, for example perennial aster, undersized barberries, clameris, tall, loosestrife. So opting for this herb is a real bliss for the eyes and a feast for lazy gardeners as this plant doesn't require much maintenance other than pruning in early spring.

Miscanthus sacchariflonis in the landscape

Giant Miscanthus (Miscanthus giganteus)

A very powerful spreading grass, reaching a height of 3 m. It is a complex hybrid, the origin of which is unknown. It grows in a neat wide tussock, not aggressive. Feels good in sunny areas and in partial shade. It is not afraid of flooding, tolerates a short drought well. It has a wide, up to 2.5 cm, shiny foliage that acquires a golden hue in autumn. By the end of summer, the bottom of the bush may turn brown and become bare, it is recommended to stuff with stable ornamental plants. Flowering occurs in September, but the wait is worth it, because the panicle flowers of the giant miscanthus have an unusual pink color, gradually changing to silver. But sometimes, during cool summers, flowering may not occur, but the spectacular fountain of golden miscanthus leaves is gorgeous and self-sufficient in itself. I would recommend planting this cereal monster on open space to be able to consider it and feel the exotic to the fullest. Of course, it can be combined with trees and shrubs, such as turf, canadian shadberry, pines, ornamental elderberry and other berries.

Miscanthus Chinese (Miscanthus sinensis)

This miscanthus hails from China, as the name suggests. It also grows naturally in Korea and Japan. The shape of the Chinese miscanthus bush is loose, with a short rhizome and stems up to 3 m high. The foliage is rough to the touch, with a rough rib along the median vein, linear, up to 1.5 cm wide. Ears are one-color, collected in fluffy panicles up to 0.7 cm. Compared to other types of miscanthus, this one is less resistant to our frosts, therefore it requires shelter for the winter with dry mulch. Despite this fact, it remains one of the most desirable and stylish varieties in our gardens and has many promising and interesting varieties in terms of design.

For example, varieties such as:

Blondo- height up to 2 m, very cold-resistant. Zone 4
- height 2 m, inflorescences are large, pink, sprawling, leaves are narrow.
- height 2 m, the color of the inflorescences is copper, the leaves are narrow, golden yellow in autumn. The shape of the plant is round.
Grosse Fontane- with green leaves and a dense bush up to 2.4 m high.
Hinjo- height 2 m, horizontal yellow stripes on the leaves. The best variegated variety.
Kleine Fontane- red-brown lush inflorescences, height 1.2 m.
Malepartus- red-brown early-flowering inflorescences, red in autumn, height 2 m.
Nippon- a narrow vertical bush 1.5 m high with leaves turning red by autumn.
Rotsilber- pink-red inflorescences and leaves that turn orange-red in autumn.
Variegatus- height 2 m, leaves have very bright white longitudinal stripes.

I will describe in more detail three favorite varieties.

Grade Silberfeder- a strongly growing grass that forms dense thickets 1.5–2 m high. The width of the curtain can be adjusted by limiting barriers. Green leaves 2 cm wide have a white central vein. Abundant flowering - from August to mid-winter, fluffy brushes of a silvery hue. During flowering, it may need support, since in wet weather the stems, with panicles weighted with moisture, may droop. The full decorativeness of the cereal is manifested only on fertile, well-moistened soils.

Variety Zebrinus- an ornamental grass up to 2 m high. It has spectacular green foliage with yellow transverse veins. Grows slowly. Prefers fertile sunny areas and abundant watering. It tolerates short drought, light partial shade. Flowering later, in October, and in cold autumn panicles of inflorescences do not always appear. But the lack of flowering is compensated by the decorative striped foliage.

This variety of miscanthus is the most desirable for extravagant and exotic gardens. Its unusual, colorful greenery will look great in combination with at least chrysanthemums, dahlias, stonecrops, daylilies, roses, vesicles and euonymus. And if you choose a related grass for him, then it is better to stop the choice on millet rod-shaped or hakonechloe.

In spring, cheer up Chinese miscanthus with bright companions, which, until the peak of its decorative effect, will insure with their colors. Choose hardy, robust perennials, as well as other types of miscanthus.

Grade Morning Light- a spectacular thin-leaved variety, the width of the leaf plate does not exceed 0.7 cm. The variegation of the plant is given by longitudinally located white stripes - wide in the center and millimetric along the edges. Bush up to 1.2 m high, requires shelter for the winter. Blooms late. Tolerates openwork penumbra, short drought. Prefers sunny places sheltered from the through wind.

This variety of miscanthus can be compared to a cloud or haze. So if you need a similar effect in the garden, take note of it. Plants similar in atmosphere and image are suitable as partners for this cereal. For example, and lilac, as well as peony, sage and rose. And in the spring, of course, daffodils and tulips will become his most tender companions.

This cereal was born for the background of monogamous flower beds, it balances them, creates a light and light canvas-canvas, on which other plants stylishly “lay down with paints”.

The nuances of agricultural technology

1. Miscanthus should be planted in open sunny areas. This grass is undemanding to soils, but heavy clay soils inhibit the development of the plant, bushes noticeably lag behind in growth, and the decorativeness of panicles decreases.
2. For planting, you should dig a hole 3 times larger than the root ball, add fertile soil to it, place the plant and carefully cover it with earth, lightly tamping and filling the voids.
3. Water the planted plant thoroughly. Prolonged drought is detrimental to miscanthus.
4. Top dressing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers has a positive effect on the decorativeness of the bush, if applied in May. The second time is fertilized in mid-July with potassium-phosphorus solutions. Attention should be paid to strict adherence to the dosage: with an excess of nutrients, the plant grows strongly, which leads to lodging, and sometimes even a complete fall of the stems.
5. Many varieties of miscanthus are prone to sprawling, so when planting, you should immediately install protective borders made of durable material, such as plastic or slate. Embedding depth at least 20 cm.

Reproduction features

Miscanthus propagate by sowing seeds or vegetatively. The seed method of reproduction under the conditions of our climate zone less successful - miscanthus are thermophilic and, despite the high frost resistance of adult plants, the seeds located in fluffy panicles do not have time to ripen in all varieties. In addition, the seeds collected from the bush you like do not always retain the varietal characteristics of the parent plant.

Vegetative propagation is more efficient. To do this, in the middle of spring, when the shoots are still sleeping or have barely started to grow, the mother bush is dug up and carefully divided. You should not grind too much - there should be at least 5-6 shoots in a detachable tussock. Such "kids" for the current season will quickly develop into a strong, beautiful bush fully prepared for the winter.

Small requirements for growing conditions have secured the fame of miscanthus plants, easy to care for, but in the first years of life you still have to pay more attention to watering and weed control.

In the spring, last year's stems are cut as low as possible, the bumps are carefully cleared of the remaining foliage, and, if necessary, the overgrown turf is removed.
Miscanthus love water - it is better to water them in sunny warm weather, trying not to get on the foliage.
For the first wintering, it is recommended to cover all young bushes with an additional layer of dry earth, branches, or build a loose shelter from a film so that air can circulate freely. Further winter warming needed only for heat-loving varieties of miscanthus.

Plants are very resistant, miscanthus has no pests or other diseases.

miscanthus in a regular garden style

Miscanthus in a garden landscape

IN landscape design Miscanthus are becoming more and more widely used every year. They are successfully used as tapeworms, singly standing plants, as well as in mixborders and discounts. Miscanthus visibly revitalizes coniferous gardens, effectively contrasting with evergreens. With their help, you can visually hide the unsightly corners of the garden or protect a secluded place to relax with a living screen.

Miscanthus and pond - a classic combination. The excessive variegation of the flower beds is successfully diluted with the lush modesty of the grassy bushes. In addition to their decorative qualities, gardeners successfully use these cereals as functional plants for fixing loose slopes and draining wetlands.

So that miscanthus does not lose its decorative effect by the end of summer, one should be selective in the selection of its partners. The bare bottom of lush bushes can be covered with plantings of daylilies, peonies, phloxes, astilbes, white and pink-flowering varieties of which will feel great in the sun. But special preference should be given to late-flowering plants, such as hairy rudbeckia, hybrid goldenrod (solidago), prominent sedum, nivyanik.
Graceful inflorescences of miscanthus include in compositions winter bouquets, combining them with brighter dried flowers and berries.

In addition to the obvious beauty, its technical characteristics are also valued in miscanthus:

succulent biomass is used as animal feed and paper making material;
high combustion efficiency and low economic production costs allow it to be used advantageously as a biofuel.

Miscanthus is now in trend and is increasingly used in plantings "" - a popular trend in landscape design. Naturalness, simplicity and at the same time plasticity in the garden is possible through the use of this multifunctional plant. You can create a screen, hedge, backdrop or a chic solitaire that will stay with you half the summer, autumn and winter without requiring special attention and giving pleasure with its beauty and the sound of swaying stems.

Ornamental grasses, reeds and grasses are an indispensable resident of the modern garden. Discreet in appearance and unpretentious, with its delicate texture, variety of species, play of colors and shades ornamental grass fit naturally into a rock garden or water garden, framing an artificial reservoir, stream and pond. Ornamental grasses serve as a wonderful backdrop for others garden plants, first of all, brightly flowering specimens.

Many ornamental herbs that have come into our garden culture come from China, Japan and other countries of Southeast Asia. Among them is miscanthus Chinese zebrinus.

Plants of the genus Miscanthus are very close relatives of the well-known sugar cane and are perennial herbaceous cereals that grow in the subtropical regions of Asia, Australia and Africa. About forty species of wild and cultivated plants. In cultural horticulture, miscanthus are one of the most common cereals, they are used to decorate lawns, place the necessary accents, and decorate the banks. ornamental ponds and to create dry flower arrangements.

Miscanthus Chinese zebrinus is a very decorative and extraordinary variety. Zebrina grows up to two meters high and differs from relatives in a more rounded spherical shape of the bush. The leaves of this herb are elongated, hard, green with yellow-golden transverse stripes. Miscanthus blooms in late summer. In summer, on the tops of the plant, beautiful fan-like lilac inflorescences collected in a brush with a transition to silvery colors appear, consisting of many spikelets. It is in them, as it is believed, that the unpretentious beauty of this plant is hidden, it is they that are used to compose compositions of dried flowers.

Zebrinus is very hardy, it winters well at temperatures down to -29 degrees, it is not afraid of storms, snowfalls and drought.

Miscanthus has a powerful hard rhizome that slowly grows in all directions and holds the plant firmly on the ground.

Miscanthus is planted in the spring, from late March to mid-May, in sunny, well-warmed, moist areas. This reed is not demanding on the quality of the soil, but it should be remembered that it develops more difficult and slower on poor sandy and heavy clay soils.

In summer, miscanthus requires generous watering and top dressing with potash and nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers. In the first years of life, the plant will have to constantly fight weeds that threaten to clog young plantings. In the third or fourth year, when a powerful turf ball forms at the roots, weeds will not be able to break through it and the miscanthus will be safe.

Miscanthus zebrina does not like frequent transfers and grows well in one place for many years. The transplant is combined with the division of the bush and is carried out when a bald spot appears in the middle of the bush due to dead shoots. This is the signal for the need for a transplant.

The gardener should remember that, like all reeds, miscanthus is aggressive in the garden, and in order for the garden composition to be balanced, the cereal rostra must be artificially limited by periodically cutting off the bush around the perimeter. You can also use buried metal or plastic shields around the plant.

A distinctive feature of zebrina miscanthus is its high resistance to pests and plant diseases, so even an inexperienced or very busy amateur gardener can cope with the cultivation of miscanthus.

Miscanthus sinensis is one of the most famous ornamental grasses. In nature, it can be seen on the territory of countries Far East, Japan, Korea and China. Among gardeners of the world, there are other names for this plant - "Chinese reed", "fan".

What is a plant

Miscanthus is a powerful perennial grass with a short rhizome. The height of its bushes is from 60 to 200 cm. They have hard erect stems, the lower part of which is covered with long leaves. Their hard surface has a variety of colors. To the touch, the leaves, whose width is about 2 cm, are very rough.

Miscanthus sinensis has single-flowered spikelets. Their place of placement is loose, shortened, fan panicles.

There are more than 100 varieties of miscanthus in the world. Not many of them have taken root on the territory of our state. Many species of this plant, despite careful care and shelter, freeze in winter time.

Miscanthus use

In ornamental gardening, miscanthus are most often used to decorate the banks of water bodies. It also looks very good in mixborders. At the same time, it can be used both separately and in group plantings.

Almost all varieties of miscanthus have a fairly long decorative period, which begins in early spring and lasts until the onset of cold weather. In autumn the leaves of this ornamental plant turn yellow, red and brown.

Cut flowers are used when they are fully ripe and fluffy. Also with the help of this plant create scenes.

A big advantage to using Chinese Miscanthus is its ability to hold its shape. Most of its species have the appearance of a solemn upright bush, which grows rather slowly. Other varieties are more aggressive - they quickly grow in breadth and clog neighboring plants.

Miscanthus Chinese: planting and care

Miscanthus is not very picky about the soil. But during its planting, places with sandy or heavy clay soil should be avoided.

Caring for this plant is relatively easy. In order to prevent unwanted intensive growth, the plant should be limited during planting. artificial way. The restriction should be placed along the planting perimeter and have a depth of at least 10 cm. But it is not necessary to deepen it too much, since the plant has a superficial root system. The upper edges of the restriction should be placed about 5 cm above the ground. This is due to fairly strong roots that can bypass a low barrier.

If miscanthus sinensis has formed a dense kut, it may begin to die off in the center. main reason of this is the delay in timely division. This ornamental cereal must be periodically divided and seated.

Feeding should be carried out only minor. If there is an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers, the plant will grow very quickly and fall to the ground.

Pruning Chinese miscanthus should be done in early spring, because its shoots have a decorative appearance even in the autumn and winter seasons. You should regularly remove shoots that are not as decorative as the bush itself. This plant does not like transplants very much - therefore, the most the best option will provide him permanent place in the garden.


There are two ways to propagate miscanthus:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush.

It is necessary to divide the bush in early spring. This work must be carried out very carefully and carefully, since miscanthus does not like manipulations associated with transplantation.

For propagation by seeds, it is necessary to carry out their winter sowing. They do not require pre-treatment. If you prefer this particular method of reproduction - please be patient. This bush will acquire its natural beauty only after 3-4 years.

In order to minimally injure the roots of the plant, the seeds are first germinated in pots. And only after the onset of spring and complete thawing of the soil, they are transplanted into open ground.

During the cultivation of miscanthus from seed, there is no preservation of varietal characteristics. Therefore, another type of reproduction is more popular - division.

Miscanthus groups

Chinese miscanthus are generally divided into three groups, depending on their height.

  • Undersized - graceful bushes with thin leaves, reaching 150 cm in height. Most often they are placed in the forefront of a flower bed or flower garden. There is also a place for their landing in the rock garden.
  • Medium-sized - the most common varieties, reaching 180 cm. In the garden, in most cases, they are located in neat groups or independent hummocks.
  • Tall - their height is more than 200 cm. They are placed in the background. Most of the representatives of this group bloom only in warm climates.

Miscanthus varieties

Miscanthus chinensis is very common today. There are more than 100 varieties of it. They can be distinguished from each other by the shape and color of the inflorescences. It is pure white, pink, brown, with a burgundy tint. Also, varieties differ in color, shape and size of leaves. There are graceful thin, curved and vertically standing leaves, painted in a wide variety of shades.

Among the main differences, one of the main places belongs to the size and shape of the bush. Also an important role is played by adaptability to a variety of growing conditions and weather-climatic zones.

Conditions middle lane ideal for growing these varieties.

  • "Blondo" - the height of the bush of this cold-resistant plant reaches 2 meters.
  • "Flamingo" is a tall miscanthus with large inflorescences and beautiful spreading leaves of pink hues.
  • "Grosse Fontane" - also belongs to the group of tall plants, has green lush leaves and a dense bush in the form of a fountain;
  • 'Hinjo' is an ornamental variegated shrub with leaves tinged with horizontal yellow stripes.
  • "Variegatus" - has leaves with bright white longitudinal stripes.
  • 'Kleine Fontane' is a member of the undersized Miscanthus group, with a deep red-brown color and very lush blooms.
  • Miscanthus Chinese "Morning Light" is the most suitable for growing in containers. Its main feature is narrow leaves whitened at the edges and a reddish inflorescence.
  • Miscanthus Chinese "Zebrinus" refers to tall plants, as the height of its bushes reaches 250 cm; cream-colored stripes are placed across its leaves.
  • Miscanthus Chinese "Strictus" is a very tall plant (up to 270 cm), which has a columnar shape, transverse white stripes are located on the leaves, and the inflorescences have a reddish color.

Chinese Miscanthus 'Purpurascens'

Miscanthus Chinese "Purpurescence" at the peak of its beauty acquires a bright crimson color. And during the flowering period, the bush is covered with inflorescences of a silvery hue. The long leaves of this plant resemble brown needles in their appearance.

This variety of miscanthus can be planted in small prickly islands in a chaotic manner. They will also look good along the curb. They are used to mark the boundaries of the flower bed.

When planning the placement of this variety of miscanthus, its meter height must be taken into account. And in order for the plant to look like a frame, taller flowers should be placed in the flower bed.

Breeding it is so simple that even a beginner can handle it. When caring for Miscanthus Chinese Purpurescens, one should not forget about frequent watering.

Miscanthus 'Strictus'

Miscanthus Chinese "Strictus" has a relative frost resistance. It is a powerful short-rhizome grass plant with erect stems, leafy at the bottom. The height of the bushes reaches 180-270 cm, and the width is 45 cm. The leaves have a linear shape. In the middle they have a thick rib, and on the surface there are a large number of transverse white stripes.

Flowers have the form of single-flowered spikelets of a reddish color. These are loose panicles, the length of which is 0.7 cm. They bloom in early autumn.

As for cultivation and care, waterlogged areas are ideal for Strictus Miscanthus. But it can be grown in relatively dry places. Although in this case it does not grow so much.

This type of cereal is not picky about the soil, but prefers fresher. It does not grow well in clay and sandy areas.

Growing miscanthus in the garden

It is not so easy to successfully breed miscanthus sinensis in your garden. Growing it involves observing some mandatory rules.

  • During the selection and purchase of seedlings, preference should be given to an adult planting material. This is due to the peculiarities of our climate, which is unusual for miscanthus. Therefore, he needs more time to go through the vegetation process. Otherwise, a small seedling simply will not have time to get stronger and will not endure a cold winter.
  • The landing site should be sunny and protected from the winds.
  • A pit is needed for planting with fertile, fairly moist soil.
  • Organization of regular watering.
  • Mulching the root zone of the bush, as the plant does not tolerate drying out.
  • Providing annual top dressing organic fertilizers in the spring time of the year.

Winter Care for Miscanthus

It is advisable to cover miscanthus for the winter. In particular, non-hardy varieties and those that were planted in cold areas need this. This grass gradually adapts to a slight decrease in temperature. But its sharp drops can provoke his death.

You can cover it with garden film. In this case, do not forget to leave space on the sides for ventilation.

The climatic zone of the middle zone is characterized by the fact that here only in spring or early summer can Chinese miscanthus be divided. Planting and care suggests that after this process, it takes several years for this plant to reach its maximum decorative effect.

Increasingly popular are the landings of miscanthus on personal plot. The plant is thermophilic, but the bred varieties grow well in open ground temperate climate. Unpretentious in care, fabulously beautiful miscanthus wins the hearts of gardeners.

Description, variety of morphological features

Plot owners sometimes prefer to see a riot of green spaces around, so miscanthus is used in landscape design. An ornamental grass in the wild is found in the tropical climate of Australia and Africa. Some varieties have successfully acclimatized to the frosty winters of our area. Miscanthus is a perennial grass, the height of which varies from 80 to 300 cm. An upright stem, linear leaves, reaching half a meter, have a variety of colors:

  • bright green;
  • reddish;
  • with transverse golden stripes;
  • with transverse white stripes;
  • with a white vein in the middle of the leaf.

By the beginning of autumn, the plant produces an inflorescence panicle, on which spikelets are located. The inflorescence may have a different color depending on the variety:

  • silver;
  • pink
  • red;
  • yellowish.

The plant is popular with landscape designers

The plant received its second name fan for unusual shape: mature plant has dense foliage that resembles a fan, falling down in a green fountain.

Wild species, bred varieties

There are more than 30 species of miscanthus. The most common species are shown in the photo.

Seed and root propagation, selection of a place for planting

The fan can be propagated by seeds and rhizome. The first method is used for overseeding. Seed propagation is rarely used due to the possibility of loss of species characteristics and the duration of the process. The seeds are small, making them difficult to collect. most efficient and fast way reproduction - rhizome. Seeds are harvested in autumn. The soil for sowing should consist of sand and peat. The first shoots will appear in 2 weeks. In spring, sprouts are planted in open ground. A lush sprawling bush will form only after 3-4 years.

In the spring, reproduction is carried out by rhizomes. The plant is dug up, the rhizome is cut into several parts and planted in open ground in holes.

Attention! Digging and dividing the bush must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

At first, frequent watering is necessary for better rooting. Reproduction by rhizome retains all the properties of the variety. It is desirable to grow a fan in a well-lit place, closed from drafts, preferably near a reservoir. When planting in a shady place, the plant may not expel the panicles, which means that the decorative effect will be lost.

Miscanthus dislikes clay and sand. For planting, it is better to choose areas with the most fertile soils. Chemical composition soil should be neutral or slightly acidic. If the site is acidic, apply lime or dolomite in the fall. The soil must be carefully loosened: the first time in the fall, the second before planting.

Advice. If your site has a pond or lake, plant miscanthus around the pond. This is the most appropriate place for miscanthus, besides the proximity of water will save you from frequent watering.

The root system of miscanthus can grow strongly, so set limits before planting. It can be tin or metal sheets, slate. The limiter must protrude at least 10 cm above the surface.

Miscanthus grows very fast

Features of care: watering, top dressing

An adult plant does not require special care. It is enough to monitor the soil moisture and carry out top dressing in a timely manner. Fertilize preferably twice a year: the first time in the spring, the second - in the fall. Spring top dressing should consist of nitrogenous fertilizers that promote the growth of green mass. In autumn, potash or phosphorus fertilizers are applied. The fan is a tropical plant, which means it constantly needs watering. In hot weather, watering should be plentiful; when dry, the plant will lose its decorative effect. Young plants obtained from seeds will require more careful care.

  1. After planting in open ground, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture.
  2. Keep the plant free of weeds.
  3. The soil around the miscanthus must be loosened.
  4. For the winter, the root system of a young seedling requires additional insulation. To do this, cover the soil with dry leaves or other covering material.
  5. It is necessary to warm the shoots. Use fabric insulation.
  6. Fertilize in spring and fall.

Use in landscape design. Preparing for the winter

An adult plant also requires preparation for winter. Insulate the soil around the stems with leaves, hay or straw. The ground part is not cut, it serves as an additional insulation. In addition, high stems retain snow, which serves as an additional accumulator of heat in winter and moisture in spring. Dried stems are cut off in the spring to allow young sprouts to fully develop.

Miscanthus in garden design

In landscape design, miscanthus is used to decorate ponds. Hanging long leaves above the surface of the water look beautiful like a fountain. Can be used as hedge. At good care, due to its high stems and density of shoots, such a fence will close all non-aesthetic places.

Combination different types or varieties of miscanthus around the pond will decorate the landscape. Planting miscanthus can be used as a backdrop for a flower bed. In plantings, it goes well with daylilies, astilbes, nivyanik. You can plant nearby peonies, asters, phloxes. Combining the fan with other lower plants is even recommended. By the end of summer, the lower leaves dry up and have an unaesthetic appearance. Miscanthus is used in mixborders, as well as to highlight zones. Single landings look like an emerald fountain.