In a private house      08.03.2020

The best building level according to customer reviews. Building level What level is needed to build walls

The bubble level is indispensable tool for construction and repair work different kind. This device helps to create straight lines in any plane, check the necessary slope or angles. The progenitors of building levels are plumb lines and spirit levels, the functions of which they, in fact, perform. Levels are indispensable when laying pipes and various surfaces that are demanding on the angle of inclination. They are used during the installation of equipment that vibrates during operation and is demanding on the evenness of the installation surface. The arrangement of sewers or steps is also not complete without this tool. Building levels are in the arsenal of any master and are a necessary thing in the household, so it is important to know how to choose the right building level.

bubble level design

The building bubble level is a fairly simple but functional design. It is based on a plank of solid material, in which a certain number of ampoules with air is mounted. Measuring marks are applied to the ampoule, which determine the position of the air inside it. It is this indicator that is the key to the work of the level. When the bubble is exactly in the middle, this means that the surface is perfectly flat. To check inclined surfaces, an indicator of air deviation relative to the center of the ampoule is used.

The main and most important part of the level is an ampoule with a liquid in which air floats. If the integrity of this part is violated, then the entire device is considered unusable. The filling of the ampoule is most often technical alcohol. For ease of use, manufacturers modify the level, some models are equipped with a lens that allows the worker to better see the bubble. To work at night, fluorescent additives are added to the liquid, which help to use the device without additional lighting with their glow. In such improved models, the ampoule with all the additives is called the eye.

Shockproof models have become quite popular. During work at a construction site or during transportation of the device, unpleasant incidents often occur - falls, shakes, mechanical damage that disable the level. Longer models are especially prone to breakage, as their size makes them more likely to fall and makes the impact force stronger than short frame models. At this level, the building price is slightly higher than for conventional models. However, buying a shockproof device is still more profitable than regularly replacing damaged ones with new ones.

The base is equally important in the whole structure. It consists of wooden, plastic or aluminum slats. Wooden planks are made solid, aluminum or plastic hollow. Most often there are levels with an aluminum base. When choosing a device, pay attention to its weight, since the heavier the device, the better its readings. Practitioners among all the modifications distinguish the cruciform design with rubber handles. They call such levels the most convenient and accurate. To work with metal surfaces It is recommended to use devices equipped with magnets. Another optional but handy addition is a ruler on the long side of the level. Such a modification will help out when carrying out measuring work and eliminate the need to carry a ruler or tape measure.

The simplest and most primitive level model has only one measuring ampoule. But such modifications are quite difficult to find in a modern store. Manufacturers offer a larger range of levels with two or three ampoules. One of the containers is located on the long wide side and is designed to work in a horizontal plane. The second container is located on the narrow short side of the device, perpendicular to the first. It is designed to work in a vertical plane. If there is another container on the bar, then it is also located on the narrow part, but on the reverse side. They fix it at an angle of 45o, and the purpose of this ampoule is to control the operation of the device.

Manufacturers offer bubble levels not only in different versions, but also in various lengths. The shortest standard model has a length of 20 cm, the longest - 3-4 m. This indicator determines functional purpose level. To install various household appliances and perform simple repair tasks in a private house or apartment, it is enough to use levels small size. When laying tiles or working with various finishing materials of this type, a length from 40 cm to 1 m is best suited. Long building levels are professional, used when carrying out major construction and repair work. Experts note that the longer the level, the more accurate its readings.

What to look for when buying a bubble level

Building levels are one of the most popular products from manufacturers of cheap and low-quality products. Since this product is used not only by professional builders who know exactly what they need, but also by ordinary people. The manufacturing technology of the building level is not so complicated, but it requires precision and use quality materials for the device to work properly. Unfortunately, manufacturers of fakes and low-quality goods take advantage of the ignorance of people who are not qualified in matters of construction and offer low-quality products, the readings of which are not accurate. Trademarks that have already established themselves as responsible manufacturers of building levels:

  • Kapro
  • Stabila
  • Ermak
  • Bosch
  • Gross Laser
  • Shark (Israel)
  • Leader

But, even focusing on these names, it is not always possible to buy a high-quality and durable building level. You need to know some of the nuances of choosing this device, as well as be able to determine the required model so as not to overpay extra money for professional level in the event that it is necessary only for small household work.

  • To begin with, they are determined with the required length of the tool. To do this, determine the goals and objectives that are set before him. For finishing works and leveling surfaces will need a device of great length. For small decorative works- installation of hanging furniture, shelves, switches, paintings will suffice for the level of small or medium sizes. The best choice for use in living conditions- level 50-60 cm long.

  • During the selection, carefully inspect all the glass elements of the device. We are talking about containers with air, which perform the main function. First of all, they must be intact and not have traces of mechanical impact. Next, the strength of their fastening is checked, these parts are fixed tightly and should not stagger or unscrew. There are models with the ability to adjust capacities, the presence of this function is a very controversial point. On the one hand, the adjustment allows you to adjust the failed level, on the other hand, it makes the device more vulnerable to shocks and mechanical stress. Professional builders recommend purchasing levels with a rigid fixation of all containers.
  • After examining the fixation of the flask, pay attention to the air itself in it and the strips applied to the surface. All these elements should be clearly visible and located close to each other. The best option is the location of the control strips inside the bubble, and not on its outer surface. Since at active use these marks will quickly wear off.
  • The next important factor is the base material of the level. Whether it is made of wood, plastic or metal, it must be heavy and durable. Optimal models with stiffeners located inside. Overall design and external structure levels differs for each manufacturer, but this aspect does not affect the accuracy of the device itself.
  • After an external inspection of the level, it must be checked. Specialized stores should always have a stand to test the device, which has a perfectly flat surface. But even if there is no such stand, it is not difficult to check the level in any other place. To do this, it is placed in a horizontal plane and the position of the air bubble is marked. Even if it deviates from the center, this is not scary, since this is not the essence of this check. Then the level is raised, turned 180o and placed exactly in the same place. In this case, the position of the bubble should be at the same mark. If so, then the device is OK.
  • The accuracy of the indication of a flat plane without the presence of a verified surface is impossible. But in this situation, it is enough to keep the receipt from the goods and then check the level readings using other devices. For example, to do this, use a level or laser level, or bubble, which has already proven its testimony. These checks must be carried out even with branded and expensive items, since during transportation they are often violated specifications and device readings.

How to set up a bubble level

The bubble level setting is only possible if a model with loose containers is available. The level setting process is quite simple:

  • Determined by the most flat wall in the room, this area should be at eye level, while the corner is located on the left side.
  • Stepping back from the corner about 4 cm, they drive in a nail or twist a self-tapping screw. They do this not to the end, but so that 2-3 cm remain on the surface.
  • The device is placed with one side on the nail and leaned against the wall, and then adjusted so that the air in the container shows a flat surface. A line is drawn along the edge of the level on the wall.
  • Turn the device over and repeat the procedure.

The correctness of the setting is checked by the drawn lines, if they do not go beyond each other, then the device is functioning properly and its readings are accurate. If the marked marks diverged, then proceed as follows:

  • On the right side, where the marks end, mark the center point between them.
  • The device is placed again on the nail, and the other end is applied to the marked point.
  • For convenience, another self-tapping screw is screwed into the mark, or simply hold the level with your hand.
  • In the fixed position, the liquid container is adjusted to the required position.

In the same way, the container is adjusted to work in a vertical plane, only the level is pressed against the nail with the long side.

How to work with a bubble level

When working with a building level, it is important to remember that this device has a working surface, with which it is applied to the control area. This area is distinguished by a raw edge or a magnetic insert. In some models, there is no distinction between the work surface and other faces. If you put the device on the other side during use, it will not harm it, but the measurement accuracy will drop. The level is never laid sideways, all measurements made in this way are not correct, since, in fact, a non-existent surface is measured.

To work in a horizontal plane, they are guided by a container in the long side of the level. The device is applied to the surface and a line is marked in which the air is exactly in the center of the ampoule. If there is a deviation to the left, then slightly lower the left edge of the frame or raise the right one. The same is true for deviations to the right.

To work in the vertical plane, they are guided by the container in the narrow edge of the device. For example, if it is necessary to control the quality of the wall finish, then the device is applied to it with the capacity up. If the air moves away from the wall, there is a convex unevenness from below. If the air moves towards the wall, then it means that you need to add a little volume below the level.

  • LEVEL, -vnya, m.

    1. A conditional horizontal line or plane that is the boundary the height of something. A few minutes later Zvonarev stood up to his full height, and his head was just at the level of the funnel. Stepanov, Port Arthur. On the same level with the tower, a cloud slowly, lazily crawled. M. Alekseev, Soldiers. || The height of the water. The sea rose, its level was 9 feet above the level of the highest tides. Herzen, On earthquakes. This high bank rises fifty fathoms above the level of the Rohli [river]. Garshin, Bears.

    2. what or Which. The stage reached in the development of smth., the qualitative state, the degree of this development. The level of development of technology. pre-war level of production. The level of well-being of the people.If you want to educate the people, raise the level of education in a civilized society. Pisarev, Realists. At consultations, he, Shelestov, is always struck by the low level of knowledge in his comrades. Chekhov, Intrigues.

    3. A device for checking the horizontalness of planes and measuring small angles of inclination (in the form of a bar with an ampoule fixed in it, filled with alcohol or ether, with the exception of a small gas bubble); spirit level

    Sea level- the position of the free surface of the water of the seas and oceans, measured along a plumb line relative to the conventional reference point.

    To level with what- in full accordance with smth. The young, lively part of society did not stop developing and constantly tried to keep up with modern requirements. Dobrolyubov, Literary little things of the past year.

    Be ( or be) at the level- comply with the requirements.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999;

The building level is an indispensable working tool designed to check the vertical and horizontal of various surfaces. It is used at all stages of construction, from the preparation of the foundation, and ending with the plastering of walls and laying flooring.

Types of building levels

There are 5 types of levels that are used in construction and installation work. They are:
  1. Bubble.
  2. Electronic.
  3. Pipe.
  4. Water.
  5. Laser.

Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice in favor of a separate tool largely depends on the operating conditions and the scale of construction or decoration.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bubble level

The bubble level is the most common. Often, in addition to the function of the level, it performs the task of the ruler. Usually the device is a flat rail on which glass flasks with alcohol liquid are fixed. They have small air bubbles. The central flask serves to display the horizontal, and the two extreme rulers located across the section show the vertical and 45 degrees. This is the simplest and universal tool. It is used to check the vertical and horizontal, to draw marks, it is used as a ruler and even as a rule. To check the horizontals and verticals with such an instrument, it is necessary to check that the air bubble in the corresponding flask is exactly in the center.

Bubble devices are budget and very common. This level is made from metal profile. On sale you can find levels, the body of which is made of aluminum or steel. Aluminum appliances are best avoided, as their surface bends or the stiffeners deform when dropped. The bubble tool will be indispensable when laying walls or plastering works. Such levels are used by both professional builders, who can afford to purchase a more expensive tool, and amateurs. This device has an error of approximately 1 mm for each meter of length, but this is not so significant.

The length of this level is the most diverse. The cheapest are short instruments 30-40 cm long. They are of little demand, since they allow you to determine level deviations only on a perfectly flat surface. In the same case, if you need to work with a non-ideal plane, on the surface of which there are slight differences around the entire perimeter, you need to use a level of great length. The most popular are bubble instruments 1 m long. Levels up to 4 m can be found on sale.

Often on working surface level, which is applied to the measured plane, there is permanent magnet. This allows it to be fixed to steel elements such as beams and roofing sheets.

The bubble building level has several advantages:
  • Low cost.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Versatility.
  • Ease of use.
  • Possibility of calibration of flasks.

The disadvantages of the tool include its massiveness. This level is difficult to use in small rooms, such as a bathroom or storage room. In this case, you have to choose short devices that are less accurate.

When buying a bubble level, you need to check it. To do this, the tool is applied to any horizontal surface and the indicator that it shows is fixed. Next, the level must be rotated 180 degrees and compare the new position of the bubble with what it was before. If everything remains the same, then the tool is working as it should, and if the bubble is in a different position, then the level needs to be calibrated, which is accompanied by a number of inconveniences, so it is better to look for another one. The flask for vertical measurements is checked in the same way.

Electronic building level

It is practically the same bubble, with the exception that it is equipped with an electronic display, which displays the indicators of the angle of deviation from the norm. Some instruments have an internal memory that stores data.

Such a tool is more expensive, but in some cases it is more preferable. Thanks to its use, it is possible to measure the amount of material that needs to be used to level the horizontal or vertical surface. For this, well-known geometric formulas are used. This device has a sound indication that indicates that the ideal vertical or horizontal has been reached.

It is worth noting that the electronic building level allows you to receive measurement data with an error of only 0.1 degrees. The sensor of the instrument is not perfect, so the instrument must be checked before purchase. If the error in the angle of horizontal or vertical inclination in one position in two directions with a difference of 180 degrees is only 0.2 units, then this is a very suitable tool that you can buy.

Features of the pipe level

The pipe level is also a bubble structure, but in unusual shape. Instead of a rail, it is fixed in a small plastic corner at 90 degrees. Such a tool is designed to check the slope of pipes and beams. Due to the angular shape, such a tool is securely fixed on the surface, and allows you to simultaneously control the horizontal and vertical.

The pipe level, although it has a short base, but since it is used on almost ideal planes, such as pipes and beams, therefore it has good accuracy. It often has a magnet in its design, so it can work on metal surfaces without support. When buying it, you also need to conduct a preliminary check for compliance with the indications of the bubble in the flask, depending on the direction of the instrument. Often, the device is attached to the measured surface using the perforated tape that comes with the kit. The undoubted advantages of such a tool include its compactness and maximum adaptation of the design for convenient operation with pipes and beams. The only drawback that the pipe building level has is that it is not suitable for other work.

Features of hydraulic levels

The water building level is used to check the slope of long horizontal surfaces. The device has 2 vessels made in the form of flasks, which are interconnected by a long flexible hose. Before using the tool, the flasks are fixed in one position at the same level, and filled with water. Fluid fills them along with the hose that connects them. Water is poured until the hose and the flasks themselves are filled with 2/3 of their volume. Next, the flasks must be closed with special tight lids. Vessels are placed at the ends of the surface to be measured, after which the lids are opened. This device works on the physical principle of connected vessels. Atmospheric pressure equalizes the liquid column in the vessels to the same level. If the column of water is at the same height in the first and second flasks, then the horizontal has been reached.

The hydraulic building level is the cheapest. The length of its hose is usually from 5 to 25 m. The cost of the tool depends on the quality of the flasks. When buying, you should pay special attention to the material from which they are made and the density of the covers. If they are unreliable, then when filling the instrument with water and stretching the hose for installing the flasks at the edges of the surface to be measured, liquid may leak out. The disadvantages of this equipment include its limited capabilities. When the flasks are quickly filled with water, air bubbles may appear in the hose, which air the system and affect the accuracy of measurements. Often, when storing the tool in direct sunlight, the transparency of the plastic is lost, and it turns yellow.

Advantages and disadvantages of the laser level

The laser building level is also called the level. This professional equipment, which not only allows you to determine the vertical and horizontal, but also shines through the surface with a laser beam, which allows you to draw on it or immediately navigate along the luminous strip. Such equipment can be fixed in the center of the room, after which its body is set exactly with the help of a vial flask, which is located on its surface. Next, the device turns on, after which the laser beams outline horizontal and vertical lines on the walls. Depending on the power level, the length of the luminous lines can be several tens of meters.

The laser building level is the most perfect. It gives the most accurate indicators and is small in size, while allowing you to work in rooms with a large area and even in very cramped closets. With it, you can detect the slightest deviations on the measured surface. Laser levels are used by professional builders, as they significantly speed up the workflow. The tool highlights perfectly vertical and horizontal lines, which allows finishing without preliminary drawing. With this level, it is easier to lay wall or floor tiles, glue wallpaper, fix the frame for drywall or stretch ceilings.

The obvious disadvantage of this equipment is its high cost. Those tools that have a more or less affordable price have low efficiency. Of course, they are accurate, but the laser built into them does not allow illuminating a large room along the entire contour. In daylight, the luminous lines are almost invisible, and the process of setting the level itself before switching on takes more time.

Regular measurement and scrupulous control are the basis of all areas of construction. If a perfect result is needed in finishing or repair, it is necessary to mark and check the geometry of the structures. A normal owner will not hang a shelf or install a washing machine without measuring and control manipulations. They are carried out with the help of building levels used to comply with horizontal and vertical directions. These are devices and devices that differ in degree of complexity, cost, purpose. Home master you should know which building level is better, what is useful or may not be needed on the farm.

The ancestors of building levels were the spirit level and plumb line, which have been used by builders for marking and control since ancient times. A plumb line is used to determine the verticals, the spirit level - horizontals.

The principle of operation of old uncomplicated devices is closely connected with the law of universal gravitation. Most main element the simplest devices - a heavy steel blank with a cone-shaped tip. Under the action of gravity, the metal part steadily tends downward, repeating the vertical line without the slightest error. Actually, the blank is a plumb line, which is tritely hung on a cord or fishing line, if you need to find or verify the vertical direction.

In the spirit level, the plumb line is attached to the top of an equilateral triangle or to the highest point of the structure, shaped like an inverted letter T. Its own weight causes the blank to rush down, thereby clearly denoting the vertical line. The device is applied with its base to the surface to be tested. If the plumb line of the spirit level is not located exactly in the middle, i.e. does not repeat the central axis, then the surface cannot be considered horizontal.,

All types of building levels used today in construction perform similar functions. They are used for marking structures before pouring the screed, leveling and plastering walls, before installing drywall and suspended ceilings. Marking and verification devices are necessary when plumbing, window systems are produced.

According to their functional purpose, representatives of the family of building levels are divided into two groups:

  • Control devices. With their help, they check the quality of the masonry, the horizontality and verticality of the surfaces being constructed, mounted systems, communications, and devices. The control group includes bubble building levels, often referred to as spirit levels after their immediate predecessors.
  • Devices used for marking. With their help position of points concerning horizontals with verticals is defined, contours of the created surfaces are drawn. This group includes the simplest water levels, plumb lines, and a more complex and high-precision category - laser devices.

There is no universal building level. For example, in markup, the bubble type is a very weak helper, although a number of models have rulers with a millimeter scale. Its purpose is to display deviations from the horizontal. There is only one working face, the other three are auxiliary: it makes no sense to apply them to any surfaces.

The primitive plumb line can be used for both stakeout and control, but only for vertical lines. Site marking is best done laser level. True, the cost makes you think about the feasibility of acquiring an expensive device for a single job.

An antediluvian water level is indispensable if you need to beat off points at the same height in rooms separated by partitions. Before buying these devices and accessories, you should carefully consider the intensity of use and the rationality of costs. You need to weigh what tools you need to purchase and what is cheaper to rent.

In any case, you need to know exactly how to choose a building level, and clearly understand the scope of its application.

Bubble building levels

In the name of a simple control device, in addition to the “bubble” definition, “alcohol” or “oil” may appear on equal grounds. Among the people, depending on the shape of the hull, they are called "box" or "rail". It is a bar or rail with built-in ampoules filled mainly with liquid, partly with air.

The case is most often metal, less often plastic, but there are still outdated wooden options. Among the case materials, metal is the priority, because. polymers are not heavy enough and resistant to deformation, and wood products need increased attention, regular monitoring of readings and scrupulous care.

Regardless of the name, the principle of operation of bubble levels is the same. It is based on the difference in the specific gravity of liquid and gas, as well as the inability of substances with different aggregate states to mix. Simply put, no matter what position the building level would take, a light bubble of air will invariably end up at the top of a vessel slightly curved in the same direction. If it is set exactly in the middle, then the surface is perfectly horizontal.

The volume of the bubble does not change, this is prevented by a hermetically sealed ampoule-flask. It will not disintegrate into several components, because the liquid will constantly push the air up and group its disparate molecules into a single formation. To be sure, shake a tightly sealed jar of water. The small bubbles that appeared in it will soon disappear, and the distance between the lid and the surface of the liquid will remain the same.

Functional classification

The number of mounted flasks determines the functionality of the building level model, because the devices:

  • With one ampoule in the center of the working face to search for deviations in the horizontal direction;
  • With two ampoules: a central flask for checking horizontal lines and a side flask for checking vertical planes and lines;
  • With three ampoules, two of which, by analogy, are designed to check verticals and horizontals, and the third is used to control inclined lines and planes.

The third variety with three control flasks is universal. However, if the level is acquired only in order to qualitatively fill the screed or, there is no reasonable need for a third control device. It is in demand mainly in the construction of roofs and in the construction of stairs.

The sealed flask is filled with an alcohol or oil solution, the freezing point of which is significantly lower than that of ordinary water. Therefore, it became possible to work with a bubble building level when negative temperatures. Solutions are tinted for clarity of perception. They are distinguished by less fluidity than water, due to which the air bubble in the flask moves with a agility sufficient for a calm visual fixation of its position.

Convenience and add-ons from manufacturers

The body of the building level is of the usual rectangular or tee section. The shape of the case does not affect the result of the readings at all, but it can be convenient or inconvenient for a particular human hand. Determining the ergonomics of a device is a purely personal matter, but it is advisable to carry out a crane before buying it. To test for convenience, you need to simply hold the tool in your hands, compare several options.

Among the options offered by manufacturers to facilitate work with the building level:

  • A magnifying lens that allows you to read instrument readings without tension;
  • The introduction of fluorescent components into the liquid to enable reading in low light conditions;
  • Rubberized gripper holes for improved usability;
  • Magnetic inserts on the edge applied to the tested surface for fixing on metal structures;
  • Rulers that allow simultaneously with checking verticals with horizontals to control geometric parameters.

Models of building levels are available with and without the listed additions. Nevertheless, the size of the ampoules, the pleasant brightness of the liquid and the clarity of the scale are rightfully recognized as the main convenience.

Those who want to buy a level with useful options should think about the possibility of using them. They will certainly increase the price of the instrument. Is it reasonable to overpay for something that is absolutely not necessary to solve the tasks already set or only planned?

Accounting for application prospects

Rack-and-pinion control devices are now also available in electronic form, but the demand for conventional bubble ones has not fallen at all. Simplicity captivates. After all, it has been proven by practice that the simpler the device, the more reliable and longer it serves the owner.

A simple device is easier to learn, easy to maintain, and almost never requires costly repairs.

To perform a variety of control operations, levels are produced in lengths from 0.4 m to 2.5 m. Depending on the brand, the spread can be in both directions from the specified limits. Thinking about the question of which building level of the bubble group is better to choose for domestic needs, you need to focus on your own needs and real prospects.

Please note that devices:

  • With a length of 2 m and more, they are designed to control the planes of ceilings and walls, to check the quality of screeds, leveling with plaster;
  • Lengths in the range of 1 - 2m are used to check the evenness brickwork, geometric data of suspended and stretch ceilings;
  • With a length in the range of 0.4 - 1 m, they are suitable for arranging window and door openings, for installing and hanging a variety of household appliances, for performing various finishing and repair manipulations.

Do not forget that the place of storage of the building level with a length of more than 2m must be taken care of in advance. Remember that the error for long devices is much less than for short counterparts.

Noteworthy Aspects

It was not in vain that the simplicity of the design inspired vague thoughts about the possibility of serial production of fakes to the counterfeit sculptors. Checking the documents for products before purchasing will save you from offensive oversights and from buying "left" devices.

Products of domestic manufacturers must comply with the GOST 9416-83 protocol, devices from foreign manufacturers - with ISO 9001 regulations.

In addition to checking technical documents, the buyer of a bubble building level must:

  • Thoroughly examine the condition of the main elements of the device - ampoules with liquid;
  • Decide on the size of the devices and the color of the liquid;
  • Inspect fasteners. On sale there are models whose flasks are fixed with adjusting screws. Whether they are needed or not is debatable. According to experts, the levels should not be adjusted independently. The result of the efforts of ignorant people is too doubtful.
  • Investigate the clarity of the application of the metric scale and divisions of the protractor, if there is an ampoule to control the angular directions;
  • Test ergonomics, i.e. hold in your hands;
  • Check the condition of the hull.
  • Check the accuracy of the readings.

Most specialty stores have stands with a perfectly horizontal surface.

Let's say you're buying a level from a newly opened outlet or online store. In such situations, the accuracy of the readings of the control device is checked as follows:

  • Let's find a horizontal platform on which the tested level can freely fit. Without instrumental definitions, it should appear almost flat;
  • We apply the tool to the surface. With a marker or pencil, we outline the contour of the corners so that the level can be put back in the same place.
  • We fix and remember the position of the bubble. We note how much he deviated from the risks.
  • We turn the level 180º and set it according to the marks made earlier.
  • Fix the position of the bubble. If he took a similar position, there was no doubt about the accuracy of the instrument. If not, check a couple more devices.

The ampoule responsible for the verticals is checked by an identical method, but on a vertical plane. Even among the people there is a way of applying two spirit levels to each other with working faces. The position of the bubbles according to this method must be the same, otherwise one of the devices is blatantly lying.

There are also tips according to which, to check the rack device, a horizontal line is beaten off with a water level or a laser level, the principle of operation of which should also be studied.

The simplest water level

The device consists of two flasks of equal volume, interconnected by a flexible thin hose. It is used in the marking of horizontal lines, if the layout needs to be done in different rooms or over long distances. Those. where the use of a laser level is impossible, unprofitable or pointless.

The principle of operation of an elementary device is based on the law of communicating vessels. The water level in both communicating vessels will always be at the same absolute mark, for fixing which there are risks on the flasks.

The use of a water device allows you to correctly beat off the horizontal lines, regardless of the actual position of the surfaces of the floor, ceiling, parapet, etc. No digital device has yet been able to replace it. Note that the reference horizon is beaten off by the water level, from which the heights indicated by the project are then deposited. With its help, they do not directly mark the future planes formed false ceiling, lags or, installation points for plumbing fixtures, etc.

To mark the water level, we will invite an assistant, we will act as follows:

  • On the wall we mark an arbitrary point at a distance from the floor, convenient for marking;
  • We apply one of the flasks to the point, fix and remember at what mark the water level has been established;
  • We send an assistant to the desired point. Moving his flask up/down along the wall, he must find a position in which the water level will be set at an equivalent level.

Significant advantages of the device: low cost, simple operation and accuracy. Disadvantages: the inability to break down at negative temperatures, limited use, the need to wait for the moment the level is established in both flasks.

Advanced laser devices

Buying a laser level for domestic use is considered unprofitable. Why do you need a completely expensive device if the markup can be done using a water level and a ruler? However, for owners who have decided to seriously equip their country estates, a laser device will certainly come in handy. It will help to lay out open areas and indoor areas, ensure the accuracy of vertical and horizontal lines, and, if necessary, mark entire planes in the cultivated space.

A variety of models of laser devices are used in construction: from compact pocket devices with a built-in laser pointer to ultra-complex multiprism devices that allow marking in three mutually perpendicular planes.

The miniature version is ideal for everyday household needs and cosmetic repairs. To perform in-depth redevelopment, cardinal leveling of surfaces, laying pipelines, it is advisable to acquire a serious laser level that is installed in a stationary position on a tripod or on a wall bracket.

Most of the lasers used in construction only target verticals and horizontals. Some of the new modifications are equipped with the function of splitting inclined lines, which are required in the construction of stairs, for example. Instructions for use are simple, manufacturers attach to the device detailed description. Optimal color laser beam is considered green, because it does not irritate the eyes, and is also perfectly readable in a brightly lit room and in an open area in sunny weather.

Videos with a detailed explanation of how to correctly select the right device will help to finally clarify the issue.

Overview of bubble variety devices:

Bubble Level Accuracy Test:

Analysis of compact laser levels:

Let's summarize. Building level rack type with bubble "sensors" are not used for marking. With its help, the horizon and verticals of structures under construction and restoration are checked. The breakdown of the premises and the construction site is performed by laser devices. If the laser is not available at a cost, marking is done with a good old plumb line paired with a water level. There is no universal device, each of them performs its own functions.

Greetings, dear visitors! I've been thinking about a topic for an article for the past couple of days when I got an email from a reader asking me to talk about building levels. And I thought, what a great idea. After all, where in the repair without a level?

To date, the choice of levels is simply epic. From the simplest water to digital with a built-in laser. What level and for what purposes is needed, as well as by what criteria to choose them - we will find out right now.

Building level: types

The simplest structurally is an ordinary water level, it is also a hydro level. It consists of two plastic, usually cylindrical flasks with a scale, connected to each other by a flexible long hose. The principle of its operation is simple and should be clear to any high school student. It is based on a well-known physical phenomenon - the water level in communicating vessels is always the same.

With such a device, we can easily mark two points that are in the same horizontal plane at a maximum distance equal to the length of the hose. You just need to put marks opposite the boundaries of the water in the flasks.

Such a tool will be indispensable in the construction of a country house, marking ceilings and floors during repairs and similar matters. The lengths of hoses of such levels are in the range of 7 - 25 meters, which is quite a lot. The cost of such a tool, of course, is small, in the region of 150 - 300 rubles.

It is more convenient to work with flasks that are not cylindrical, but rectangular in cross section - they are easier to apply to the surface. The diameter of the tube - the larger, the faster the same level is established in both flasks. As a rule, hydraulic levels have a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.

The next class of instruments is bubble levels or spirit levels. Most of them have a length of 40 - 250 cm. The horizontal and vertical lines in them are controlled by the position of an air bubble in alcohol, sealed in special transparent flasks. Short spirit levels are needed when laying tiles, installing windows and window sills ...

Long - for installing beacons, checking the verticality / horizontality of planes and lines, different kind markup. Strange as it may seem at first glance, spirit levels can differ in many characteristics, which we will discuss in more detail in the next chapter.

Goniometers and inclinometers are devices that allow you to measure and set the angles between planes, and the slopes of the planes from the horizontal and vertical, respectively. Such devices may look different. Goniometers are also in the form of a flask in a quarter of a circle and in the form of two "rails" connected by a hinge, or whatever it is.

Basically, goniometers and inclinometers are digital instruments, that is, they have an LCD display that displays the angle values. An inclinometer is also often referred to as an electronic or digital level.

I think that goniometers are needed mainly not by builders, but by carpenters. They will also be more useful for inclinometers. In finishing, the inclinometer will be in demand only, perhaps, in tile work, and even then, more for control. Their highest accuracy (usually 0.05 degrees) does not leave the tiler a chance even for the smallest hack. And you will most likely freak out already on the second or third tile))

A colleague of mine who is a tiler recently purchased a Bosch digital inclinometer and confirmed it. But damn, how cool is that Bosch.

There are also various avant-garde types of building levels on sale. For example, pipes. Moreover, they are also in different performance. There are devices in the form of “hairpins” that are put on a pipe, there are ordinary bubble ones with a recess for a pipe on the case, and there are generally masterpieces of the avant-garde - “sticks” with five eyes, each of which is set to a certain slope - to make it easier to sewer, you know whether.

laser levels. I already have an article about them, so I will be brief. This is the most technologically advanced type of them (I mean self-levelling). High accuracy, ease of use, huge savings in marking time. Such devices are divided into two large classes: positional and rotary.

Positional ones do not have any moving mechanisms, as a rule, they give out a classic laser cross, or several points.

Rotary lasers give out one point, but it quickly moves 360 degrees due to the rotating base. Such devices are used, for example, by ceiling masters.

Choosing a bubble level

Of course, the most common home repair tools are bubble ones. So what are the most important criteria when choosing a spirit level?

First you need to decide for what kind of work you need it. This will determine the length of the tool. If for a tile, then you cannot do with one level, you will need at least two: short (40 or 60 cm) and long (200 cm). The short one is used constantly to check the level between adjacent tiles. Long - to control the entire plane of the cladding.

If you intend to assemble structures from gypsum boards, plaster, pour a screed, you will definitely need a long spirit level, at least two meters.

The next most important criterion is form.

Often there are levels that in cross section represent a rail. Is not the best choice- such a tool bends very strongly. Much more powerful than the box-type "stick". And if they have a stiffener inside, then it’s generally great!

The next item is the device of the flasks.

Extremely important feature. In the store, you can see the levels, for example, with the following flasks:

How do you think, in which case the readings of the device will be more accurate? Of course, in the first. The smaller the distance from the boundaries of the bubble to the divisions of the flask, the more accurately the deviation can be determined. Remember this. Also pay attention to the sensitivity of the bubble, it strongly depends on the radius of curvature of the flask. It seems to the eye that the flask has the shape of a cylinder, but this is not entirely true, it is slightly curved, otherwise the slightest deviation from the horizon would “carry away” the bubble to the very edge of the flask.

One more thing can be added here. The verticality flask is often not available for good review, because by attaching the building level to the wall, we will not be able to look at the level readings parallel to it - the head is in the way. So, we will not be able to objectively judge the readings of the device. But there are levels in which a special system of mirrors is built in, and the image of the bulb is “displayed” on the rear end of the level, which is extremely convenient. Such a system has, for example, the Israeli Kapro levels of the Plumbsite series.

Accuracy "sticks" for professional use- not worse than 0.5 mm per 1 meter of length, a simpler tool is also suitable for housework, with an error of 1 mm per 1 meter.

Workspace processing. Ideally, they should be processed by a milling cutter. This can be understood by the rough surface(s).

The presence of built-in magnets is also a very important addition to any level. Hung it on the profile and calmly adjust it. Another extremely useful “chip” of spirit levels are slots in the case for easy grip and rubberized pads, which often also serve as shock absorbers in case the instrument falls.

Swivel and adjustable flasks are controversial advantages. Tools that have manual adjustment available instead of a dead mount are more likely to wobble. It is better to take sealed flasks once and for all. The main thing is to carefully check the tool in the store.

The verification procedure is quite simple. Put the level first on the table or counter, look at the readings, remember. Then turn 180 degrees (but keep it in the same place!) and look again. If the position of the bubble is the same, the tool does not lie. You do the same procedure for the vertical, just apply it to the wall already.

In some spirit levels, the flask for horizontal control is recessed into the middle. Personally, this solution seems inconvenient to me, and I do not advise you to purchase such a ***. The flask should be on top, period.

Here is a good video about bubble levels:

Well, he told me everything he knew. Do not buy frank cheap stuff, carefully inspect the tool before buying. This article is over, thanks for reading! And don't forget to subscribe for updates.