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Blue spring flowers. Early garden perennial flowers

Forest spring primroses. Excursion. April 1st, 2014

A good tale about 12 months, the one where brother April helped a kind girl to find snowdrops in a snowy forest. A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it. They say that Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak “spied” the plot of the fairy tale from the Greeks or from the Czech writer, and there such phenological phenomena are quite possible. IN Lately and here in Central Russia, in the fall, the wild rose will suddenly bloom, then the alder. But still, these are exceptions to the rules that nature has developed for its own good, adapted to possible short-term temperature fluctuations. Such as yesterday's Moscow blizzard with snow.

It is still cold and there are no pollinating insects at all, but there are heavy gusts of wind, aspen and alder are blooming. They have adapted to the fact that there are no winged helpers. Therefore, pollen is produced in large quantities and there is even such a concept as “Alder has become dusty”.

On the same days, willow begins to bloom, and a little later, other willows. It is to them that the first awakened insects fly, but the willow has a protective device against the cold. All of a sudden it will start flying for a week in April, all the bees will sleep. Therefore, the good ability of many of our willows to shoot plays a major role in their resettlement - an abandoned field in a few years can turn into impenetrable willow thickets.

At the same time, one of its main plants, cotton grass, begins to bloom in the swamp. In the harsh conditions of the tundra and swamps, insects also cannot help in pollination.

And again the wind comes to the rescue. Pollination occurs throughout the entire territory of one swamp at the same time, and therefore all plants bear fruit together and at once, in summer the swamp begins to resemble a large cotton field.

In humid places, in swampy clearings, an inconspicuous plant begins to bloom - the spleen. Tourists walking in the forests in spring may not even understand that they are walking on flowering plants - it is so inconspicuous to the eye. Perhaps it would be inconspicuous for insects, but they also see in the ultraviolet range. And if they don’t see it, the “adapted” spleen can pollinate itself and disappear underground in a couple of weeks until next spring. Such plants are called ephemeroids.

But this plant is difficult not to notice, or rather not to smell. You walk through the April forest, the snow is still crunchy, but on warming, more often on the edge or clearing, a surprisingly pleasant, subtle and alluring aroma covers the traveler. Here it is - an inconspicuous bush of a wolf's bast.

Its scent attracts overwintering butterflies and bees like a cat's valerian tincture. In repeatedly felled forests middle lane wolfberry is usually a thin small bush. And only once I came across a real giant in the Valdai National Park with a trunk 4 centimeters thick and a huge dense two-meter cap of flowers.

The wolfberry pleases us with the smell, like many early-flowering shrubs even before the leaves are fully blooming.

In the undisturbed dark spruce forest, which both in winter and summer will flare up in one color with rich blue paint, a noble liverwort. It seems to me that she retains this rich color in the first few days of flowering.

And near, under spruce paws, if you look a little closer, you can find a completely inconspicuous plant with almost black flowers. This is an evergreen European hoof.

The background for the spring forest is the anemone forever trembling in the wind - to the north and west of Moscow it is the white oak anemone.

To the south and east, yellow buttercup anemone dominates.

For me, sleep-grass has become a real fairy tale of pine forests, old birch groves, and sunny edges. Twenty years ago, it was quite common in nature at a small distance from cities. But everything is changing, today this plant is in almost all central regions in the regional Red Books. In the Novgorod region, together with the Valdai National Park, we organized a small expedition, but found only a few plants in two places.

Another interesting plant spring forest - Peter's cross.

It does not have green leaves, as well as chlorophyll. The short flowering period will end and the mysterious Peter's Cross will end, as Count Dracula will go underground until next spring or even for several years.

In the meantime, last year's shoots of the fern-ostrich are beautifully glowing in the setting sun in the aspen forest. Not a primrose, of course - but pretty. Some even put it in vases, but these are certainly not villagers, but biologists.

In more southern or eastern oak forests, the grassy cover in spring is not green, but blue. As botanists say, this blueberry aspects, i.e. creates a specific color background.

The Siberian blueberry, like all lilies, accumulates nutrients in the bulb for a whole year. And then it breaks through the dry and rather dense litter of broad-leaved forests and rushes
up to the light.

The goose onion does the same in the oak forest.

Once there was a calm in the riverine ribbon oak forests on the right bank of the Seversky Donets. Quiet, the foliage is not yet noisy, because the buds have not blossomed. Taking off this goose bow from a low point, I always felt a very quiet rustle. Do voles rustle? No - it was thousands of woods and goose onions rushing towards the light through the old foliage.
And on the sandy alluvial dune on the left bank of the Oka, the goose onion does not need to overcome the crust of old leaves. That's how he grew up so sloppy.

And in a small forest stream, and on floods, on rivers, marigold rises from the water

The marigold is beautiful at the very beginning of flowering, while the buds look like small yellow-green balls, or on the first day of full flowering.

And then huge burdocks of leaves will stick out of the water, petals that have flown around will float on the water and try, build a picture in complete chaos of yellow.

So the first mosquito appeared, which means almost summer. There will be other herbs - violet, oxalis, bathing suit, orchis and venus slippers, bells and gentians. But this is another, summer story about flowering plants.

And finally. I think it’s not even worth reminding the readers of my blog that primroses are good where they could grow. In a bouquet, they will droop in a few minutes. But digging is not worth replanting, only a super experienced person will be able to simulate natural conditions on personal plot, observe all the conditions of hydration, shading and nutrition for such fragile creatures. But if you have time - go out into the spring forest with a camera, look for the heroes of my story, at least to find out their names.

The first long-awaited spring flowers appear on the thawed snow. In the summer when there are so many around bright colors, they would hardly have been turned Special attention. But after a long winter, even a tiny coltsfoot bud that has grown on bare ground delights us. There are many primroses that can decorate our site. Among them there are those that are still too early to be considered popular.

Adonis spring, or spring adonis (Adonis vernalis). This perennial (150 years and more!!!) early-flowering herbaceous plant of the Ranunculaceae family was known as medicinal as early as the 16th century. They were treated for heart disease. Blooms in April - May for 2 - 3 weeks. Adonis, whose flowers light up in the sun, is considered a difficult crop to grow by amateur flower growers. Popular names (“yellow flower”, “gold flower”) contain a hint of the color of the flower. In cloudy weather and at night, the flowers close. When growing on the site, it is worth paying attention to the fact that adonis in nature grows better on chernozem soils. It is advisable to finish off a small amount of lime. The place should be well lit, shading can destroy the adonis. Reproduction is difficult due to the low germination of seeds (up to 30%), which have an underdeveloped embryo. They need to be sown within one year. The division of the rhizome is The best way reproduction, since adonis after that may not take root. There are several varieties of spring adonis, even with white flowers.

Or anemones (anemona). Some species of this plant of the Ranunculaceae family replenish the number of primroses. Among them anemone radde (Anemone raddeana), which naturally grows on Far East. Mass flowering in April - May for two weeks. The maximum height of the peduncle is 25 cm, more often 10-15 cm. The flower with white “petals” has a diameter of about 4 cm. Anemone oak loves loose soil. There is a terry variety "Vestal", which blooms later, by the middle - the end of May.

spring whiteflower (Leucojum vernum) like the snowdrop belongs to the Amaryllis family. This bulbous perennial blooms very early, appearing on thawed patches. The flowers are white, the edges of the petals are corrugated, there is a yellow or greenish spot on the petals. Peduncle up to 20 cm high can hold not one, but two flowers. Leaves appear towards the end of flowering. The plant grows rapidly (especially in the partial shade of trees), forming bouquets of flowering primroses on moist nutrient soil. Grows well in low places. Avoids acidic soils, grows best on nutrient soil mixture. Propagated by freshly harvested seeds (flowering will have to wait up to 6 - 7 years) and children (dry quickly). Bulb nests should be planted every 5-6 years. In summer, planting white flowers must be watered.

Spring bulbocodium, or spring brandushka (Bulbocodium vernum). This perennial stemless bulbous bulbous plant (from the Mediterranean, the southern part of Eastern Europe, the south of Ukraine), only 7-8 cm high, has pinkish-lilac flowers. They appear in April - May, flowering lasts about three weeks. Narrow, green leaves with a bluish tint, which grow up to 25 cm long, turn yellow and die by mid-summer. Prefers sunny places, fertile soils. Propagation by seeds (blooms for 6-7 years) and corms.

(iridodictyum). A miniature bulbous perennial iris belonging to the Kasatikovye family. Flowers appear in April-May. Some species are fragrant. All types and varieties are decorative, great for rockeries and flower beds, where the bulbs are planted on the south side. Flower color is different. It is bulbous winter-hardy, most species hibernate without cover. A light-loving plant tolerates partial shading. On fertile soils (neutral), a whole nest of bulbs is formed in three years. Poorly tolerates prolonged waterlogging and planting in damp places. The bulbs are left without transplantation for 4-5 (up to 8) years. In the flower departments of stores, you can buy bags of iridodictium bulbs of one color or a mixture. Until planting in the second half of September, they are stored at a temperature of about 18 - 20 ° C. Seed propagation is more often used for breeding purposes.

Bulbous iris-snowdrop

Marsh marigold (Caltha palusrtis). The name of this plant confirms its craving for damp places: “kaluzha” = “puddle, swamp”. One of the popular names for marigold is "frog". You can see the marigold near water bodies and in the damp meadows of most of Russia, when its bright yellow simple flowers bloom from the end of April. Eat garden form with white-yellow flowers and with golden-yellow double flowers. Flowering lasts about 20 days. After the end of flowering, the leaves grow. All parts of the marigold are slightly poisonous. In our area, the marigold appeared on its own. Not only near the decorative pool, but also under ... blackberries. In the spring, this plant with golden flowers looks wonderful. Later it dissolves in the greenery of other plants.

Kandyk (Erythronium). This interesting plant, called "dog's fang" for the color and shape of the bulb, grows on the edges, meadows and in moist but light forests. Some species are grown by amateur flower growers on their plots. This is, first of all, hybrid erythronium, which blooms in April. Flowering does not last long, no more than two weeks. There are varieties with bright crimson flowers, lilac-pink, white, etc. Their central part has a contrasting color. American erythronium, whitish erythronium and some other species (Siberian kandyk, Caucasian kandyk) are also grown with slight shading on light soils with an acidic reaction. Bulbs are planted and transplanted in the second half of July - in August. Protect them from drying out. Kandyk grows without a transplant for up to 6 years, forming a beautiful curtain during this time. In the spring, kandyk is not transplanted!

spring crocuses

Merender three-column (Merendera trigyna). This is a very beautiful corm plant 5-12 cm high. Blooming in April (simultaneously with crocuses), it is rare in our areas. One of the problems is poor reproduction. Merendera is a cold-resistant culture. Neither spring frosts nor snowfalls kill her. The flowers are pink, appeared later - whitish. The diameter of each flower is from 3 to 5 cm. Another species blooms early in spring, merendera radde (Merendera raddeana). Its light purple-pink flowers resemble crocus flowers. Merendera is often propagated by seeds (autumn sowing), which bloom in 3-4 years.

Hellebore (Helleborus). This plant of the Ranunculaceae family in Europe is called the "Christ rose". Rhizome perennial with evergreen leaves blooms in April - May. Flower color white, yellowish green tint, burgundy, peach, dark reddish, etc. Hellebore is grown in partial shade. Water moderately, do not plant in damp places and where melt water stagnates for a long time. High frost resistance. Hellebores reproduce by division, less often by seeds. Beware, the plant is poisonous.

(Muscari). This unpretentious perennial bulbous primrose is known by many as "mouse hyacinth" or as "viper onion". Most likely due to appearance and the smell of some species, reminiscent of musk. There are several dozen species in the genus. Not all of them can be cultivated in Russia. Muscari are especially good at a young age, until the elongated peduncles have died under the weight of the inflorescences. Flowers are more common (collected in spike-shaped inflorescences) different shades blue coloration. On our plots, Armenian Muscari (Colchis) usually blooms with bright blue flowers and white teeth. There are varieties with white, purple and dark blue inflorescences. Incredibly decorative inflorescences with smooth transitions different shades of color. Flowering (late April - May) lasts 3 - 4 weeks. Seeds form the lower tiers of inflorescences, which usually consist of 40 or more flowers. A very interesting late-flowering variety "Blue Spike" has inflorescences in which up to 170 flowers !!! It is decorative for 20 - 22 days. "Terry" varieties of seeds are not tied, they need to be propagated only by children. Other species are also popular, for example, muscari grape-shaped. It is worth considering the thermophilicity of some species (broad-leaved muscari). Bulb nests are planted every five years. When sowing seeds, flowering has to wait about three years.

daffodils. Early varieties daffodils bloom in late April - early May.

(Hepatica). This charming perennial in the Moscow region blooms in the second half of April. In nature, it can be seen on slopes and other dry places freed from snow. We have a liverwort settled among the stones on alpine slide. Delicate blue, light blue, whitish, pink and purple-blue simple and double flowers are visible from afar. Bright yellow stamens are clearly visible on them. The liverwort gets used to the site and begins to weed. You can read about the liverwort in the article.

Or galanthus (Galanthus). Primrose belongs to the Amaryllis family. More often planted on plots snowdrop white (Galanthus nivalis) or another kind, Elwes snowdrop (Galanthus Elwesii) and its hybrids. This bulbous plant may not bloom for the first couple of years, settling in a new place. After that, galanthus will invariably bloom in those places where snow lay yesterday. There are no worries with this primrose. It can stay in one place without a transplant for 5-6 years. It is said that the long frosty winter prolongs the flowering period of galanthus. After the end of flowering, the leaves gradually die off. Detailed description snowdrop and caring for it are in the article.

Snowdrop (galanthus)

Or scylla (Scilla). The earliest of the forests - Scylla bifolia (scilla bifolia) with pink, blue and white flowers. Soon the flowers will appear Scylla Siberian (Scilla sibirica) with blue or white flowers. At the same time, white-blue blooms Scylla Tubergen (Scilla tubergeniana) and large-flowered scylla rosena (Scilla Rosenii). Scillas are often weedy, as their seeds are taken away by ants. Scillas grow well in semi-shady places.

Gardeners respect bright flowers. To grow a flowering plant in your garden, you need to find the subtleties of the content. Every plant needs individual approach. In this article, the authors intended to present several articles in order to avoid diseases during cultivation. exotic plant. The subtleties of the content of many classes of colors do not differ. We recommend that you determine which group your pet belongs to in order to determine useful measures.

Photo of spring flowers - primroses

Spring flowers, in particular, early-flowering ones, are popularly called primroses, for their uniqueness, they begin to grow even under snow cover. The first spring flowers that delight us after the long winter months are, of course, bulbous and small-bulbous. These cute heralds of spring appear in our flower beds as soon as the snow melts.

Early-flowering small-bulbous ones include spring white flowers, crocuses, blueberries, muscari, snowdrops, pushkinias. The group of bulbs includes tulips, daffodils, hyacinths ....

In the photo, small-bulbous (bulbous) give us the very first spring flowers ...

In order to enjoy the beautiful spectacle of blooming bulbs in the spring, you need to take care of this from the fall. Bulbs are usually planted in September-October. First of all, you can plant small-bulb flowers, then - hyacinths, daffodils, tulips. Planting depth is approximately equal to three bulb diameters. It is not required to cover plantings of bulbs for the winter.

Small-bulbous ones are very easy to care for, do not need annual digging, and are not capricious. Spring flowers grow on almost any soil. Look most advantageous if planted large groups. Planted, keeping a distance between adjacent bulbs of about 10 cm. Thus, by 1 square meter about 100 bulbs are planted.

But it should be borne in mind that small-bulbous ones grow rapidly, eventually forming large nests of bulbs. Therefore, every few years they need to be divided. This is done in late spring or early summer, after all the leaves turn yellow.

Bulbous ones need more care than small-bulbous ones; soils prefer fertile, rich in organic matter. Tulips, in addition to botanical species, need annual digging for the summer. Daffodils are less whimsical, grow for years in one place without digging, multiplying rapidly.

Now a huge number of varieties of daffodils have been bred. Among them there are dwarf (about 8 cm high) and high (up to 60 cm). Flowers, in addition to the usual white and yellow color, can be orange, pale pink, cream, apricot.

Usually spring bulbs and small bulbs are planted between herbaceous perennials. Flowers - primroses look good in rock gardens, in company with early-flowering biennials, for example, forget-me-nots, daisies, pansies.

Additional Information

garden plants

Erantis is a perennial herbaceous plant of the buttercup family. The name comes from the Greek - spring Flower". Blooms one of the first spring flowers. as soon as the first thawed patches appear. Erantis is called the harbinger of spring.

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The first flowers of spring. Which plants welcome spring first?

The first flowers of spring in the forest and meadows

The first thawed patches have just appeared in the forest, and life invisible to the eye is already boiling on them - various larvae, insects have awakened in the earth, the earth itself is ready to accept every living creature, every smallest blade of grass into its bosom. And now, among the islands of porous snow, the most daring flowers - snowdrops - begin to appear. It is customary for us to call snowdrops all spring primroses, although the true snowdrop - galanthus - is only one of the many types spring primroses. This is the very first flower in spring, and it does not grow in all regions. The flower looks like a small white flashlight on a thin stem. It can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees. Only in such a cold it becomes brittle, like thin glass. But as soon as the sun comes out, the galanthus comes to life.

Delicate snowdrops - the awakening of nature

The legend of the Slavs says how once Winter the old woman decided not to let Spring come to the earth. The flowers drooped with fear, one snowdrop was not afraid, opened its petals. The sun saw him, warmed everything on earth with its warmth and made way for the beautiful Spring. Since then, spring and the snowdrop have been inseparable.

The first flowers of spring, which in many areas are also called snowdrops, are nothing more than sleep-grass, corydalis or backache. They say that once the leaves of the lumbago were so large and wide that Satan, who was expelled from paradise, could hide behind them. But the Archangel Michael, having discovered his refuge, threw an arrow at him. And the leaves of sleep-grass remained shot through - dissected into thin slices. The lumbago also blooms even at sub-zero temperatures. The whole secret of this, it turns out, is in the cup of the flower. She, like a concave mirror, collects solar heat. And the temperature inside the cup is +8 degrees.

What other flowers appear first in spring?

A little later, the snowdrop blooms yellow as the sun, spring adonis, or adonis. In some regions it is also called the old oak.

In Russian villages, spring is the time when domestic birds begin to hatch their chicks. At this time, it was strictly forbidden to bring home both adonis and sleep-grass, it was believed that these flowers could harm future bird offspring.

The same first flowers of spring have different names in different regions. This is due to the fact that the people, not knowing botanical scientific names gave the flowers their names.

The very first flowers in spring:

  • spring;
  • anemone;
  • coltsfoot;
  • dandelion;
  • lungwort;
  • grouse;
  • periwinkle;
  • buttercup;
  • viper bow;
  • wild iris (in some rural areas it bears the poetic name "cuckoo's tears", or "pikulki").

The first flowers of spring do not indulge in the luxury of their flowering for long. After a few days, they shed their petals and go into a state of rest, or summer hibernation. During this time, they accumulate in the roots, often in the bulbs, nutrients that will give them the strength to bloom ahead of everyone next spring.

Primula and crocus - spring rebirth

Perennial primroses, brothers of forest flowers, only cultivated, are also the first to wake up in summer cottages and gardens. What flowers appear first in spring on personal plots?

First of all, this is a real primrose - primrose. Its name is translated from Latin - "first". Primrose blooms with all the colors of the rainbow. In the people it is called rams or golden keys. They say that these "keys" open the door to summer.

And there is also a superstition that the primrose can open hidden treasures. A maiden in white robes and with a golden key in her hand allegedly sometimes appears in the fields. And if you pick a primrose with it, then the flower receives a magical gift to find underground and open treasures.

And the royal primrose, which grows on the slopes of volcanoes, blooms shortly before the volcanic eruption, thereby warning people of the danger.

Simultaneously with the primrose, and sometimes even before it, lovely crocuses open their blue eyes. True, there are crocuses of a different color - purple, white and even striped. Another name for crocus is saffron. So they call him in the Crimea. Previously, in nature, these flowers were only yellow. This flower is mentioned in the Old Testament and in ancient medical treatises. It turns out that saffron belongs to the most ancient spices.

True, we do not call crocuses saffron, but marigolds. And they bloom much later, already at the height of summer.

Strict handsome tulip

In the spring, the handsome tulip also blooms. In appearance, he is strict, but the color of his outfit is sometimes the most frivolous! There is an ancient legend about the tulip. Like a bud yellow flower contained happiness, but no one managed to get to it, because the flower did not open. But one day this tulip was picked up by a child. His sinless soul, carefree laughter and sunny childish joy performed a miracle - the bud opened.

A yellow tulip in the East is considered a flower of happiness, although we have a different interpretation. But red tulips are everywhere - a symbol of passionate love. Now many varieties of tulips have been bred. There is even an exotic black flower.

Hyacinth - a flower of fidelity, happiness and sorrow

Another spring flower is the hyacinth. Many gardeners liked its multi-colored inflorescences-sultans. Hyacinth is a flower of fidelity, happiness and sorrow. And, of course, he has his own legend.

The god Apollo had a favorite on earth - a simple boy, whose name was Hyacinth. Often they started sports. Once Apollo threw a disk, and it flew at Hyacinth. The young man's blood spattered the grass, where lilac-red flowers soon grew, which the ancient Greeks called hyacinths.

The flower quickly spread throughout the world and, due to its beauty and aroma, became a favorite in many countries. Only in France in the past, hyacinth was used "for showdowns" in palace intrigues. Flowers sprinkled with poison were placed in the victim's boudoir. The poison, along with essential oils, penetrated the human body and killed it.

If you look closely, you will see that the hyacinth inflorescence consists of many miniature lilies. During its “cultivation”, the range of colors and shades has expanded; terry hyacinth has been bred by selection.


In many gardens, daffodils are the first heralds of spring. In some nationalities, the flower is considered a medicinal plant. Everyone knows the legend of the young man Narcissus, who fell in love with himself when he saw his reflection in a transparent stream. It is this legend that is to blame for the fact that the narcissus has long been called the flower of narcissists.

Even the appearance of flowers can be deceiving. The elegant appearance and delicate petals of the narcissus mislead many, make them consider it fragile and vulnerable. Nothing like this! This flower is unpretentious, strong, and in the wild can successfully resist various rodents.

Lilies of the valley - bright May hello

First flower ball

After the gray winter days especially keenly longing for living colors. Therefore, with such impatience, we are waiting for the first spring flowers with their delicate sky-blue and pink colors.

It doesn’t matter if you didn’t have time to plant the bulbs in pots last fall, this should not prevent you from enjoying their quivering freshness. At your service is a large selection of spring beauties expelled by gardeners, which can be purchased at specialized stores and nurseries.

It is important to remember: driven out spring flowers should be in a protected place - against the wall of the house or on the balcony. If there is a danger of night frosts, they should be covered with foil or wrapped with newspaper. In prolonged cold weather, move the flowers to a frost-free garage or a cool, lit place in the house.

Regularly make sure that the soil in pots is constantly moist, because on sunny days the substrate in small containers dries out quite quickly. And in order not to overwater the plant, the pot must have a drain hole.

This applies equally to ampelous flowers if they are not protected from rain. Seasonal guests, such as daisies or pansies, do not need to be fed.

Bulbous plants need to be added to the water for irrigation once every two weeks. liquid fertilizer. Take care of the flowers until they are completely faded, then next season they will delight you again with their delicate colors.

We suggest you abandon bulbous varieties with rich yellow and red flowers and purchase flowers of soft pastel colors instead. You will find them among crocuses, blueberries, muscari, tulips and snowdrops. These bulbs pair well with pansies, daisies, primrose and violets. You just need to pick up worthy pots for this motley company.

mouse hyacinth

Mouse hyacinth, or Armenian Muscari (Muscari armeniacum), depending on the variety, shows sky-blue, purple, white or pink flower candles.

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The liverwort is popularly called the coppice, because she does not like open spaces and grows only in the forest. Her elegant, bright blue lush bouquets are so nice to find in the forest after a long winter.

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5. Primula (primrose)

lilies of the valley

This flower is familiar to everyone since childhood. Who does not remember the fairy tale "12 months"? These unpretentious touching flowers with white bell flowers are among the first to appear. in early spring. Snowdrops bloom for about a month, they tolerate temperature extremes well and are not afraid of early spring frosts.

Caring for daffodils is not difficult: when planting them, the earth is dug up to a depth of 30 centimeters, up to 5 kilograms of humus and compost are added per 1 square meter. In autumn, ash is added under the flowers (40 - 50 grams per square meter). Daffodils grow in one place for 4-5 years. Then they are dug up, dried and planted in September to a depth of 10 centimeters in groups. More valuable varieties for the winter should be covered with leaves. During the period of growth of daffodils, three top dressings are carried out: when sprouts, buds appear, and after flowering, full mineral fertilizer(40 grams per 10 liters of water).​

This flower is the living embodiment of the rainbow. The variety of colors and shades of color is simply amazing! White, yellow, pink, blue, blue, purple - all shades of these colors are present in the meadow of blooming irises. The photographic film is not able to convey all the diversity color palette. Refined and subtle aroma of these flowers. Steppe Gems! - here is the impression of a "self-seeing", speaking in a chronicle word.


Every spring, after the snow begins to melt, the first spring flowers appear. But some of them are on the verge of extinction, because of this they were listed in the Red Book. They are forbidden to tear, sell and buy, as primroses are in danger. Many people do not pay attention to this, they collect bouquets of flowers in the forests. This applies to snowdrops, lilies of the valley. You can visit the forest and just admire these flowers. Snowdrops are under particular threat. Various legends have been created about them since ancient times.

Scales stretch from the bottom of the bulb, with the help of which the flowers are stored with water and substances. And the bulb is used for plant propagation.


peach, etc.


Listing each name of the first spring flowers, it should be noted that none of them can be compared with the beauty of hyacinths blooming. This flower is propagated with the help of small bulbs that appear on an adult plant several times a year. The baby that appears must be carefully separated during the rest period. After 2 years, the plant will delight with its extraordinary flowers.

Sleep-grass, spring chistyak

The snow is just beginning to disappear, and the first spring flowers are already appearing in the garden. Many people are looking forward to them, as they become the decoration of the beginning of spring.​


12. violet

The evergreen periwinkle retains its foliage even under snow. As soon as the soil begins to thaw, it forms new shoots, and in April it is covered with pale blue flowers.


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Hellebore and violet

2. Scilla (scylla)

In May, unpretentious violas, daisies, primroses, forget-me-nots, all kinds of saxifrage, young, lilac-purple will bring variety to the garden.

  • Flowers in spring
  • The thin-leaved peony also disappears. Even 50 years ago, it could be found in early spring throughout the country. Its flowers are painted burgundy, it grew in glades, in the Black Sea regions, on the slopes of low mountains. The plant sprouts in groups, and people have begun to pull out flowers in whole bouquets. Gradually, its population decreased. Now the peony is rarely seen, most often it appears on the Black Sea coast.​
  • Spring bulbous plant blooms in early spring. After flowering, it continues to develop, grow leaves. This happens in order for the bulb to absorb maximum amount useful substances. These plants have a dormant period when all the leaves dry up.
  • This plant loves partial shade, does not tolerate damp places. But the violet reaches for the sun's rays. Her flowers are blue-blue.

There are also such primrose flowers: spring chistyak, sleep-grass. They grow in meadows, dry sunny slopes. Sleep-grass is also grown in the garden. For this, seeds are planted. A plant dug out in the forest will not take root, it will dry out. Seeds will germinate well in the ground, where there is the presence of peat, sand, fertilizer. This flower has long been listed in the Red Book, so you should take care of it.

Of course, it is impossible to list all the names of spring flowers. Opens our list of snowdrops. This plant is not at all capricious, it begins to delight with its flowers when the snow is still sparkling nearby.


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9. Adonis or Adonis

Daisies, lungwort

There are many varieties of this plant, only a small part of them is grown in culture. Primroses bloom in early spring profusely and for a long time, in some species repeated autumn flowering is possible.

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Admire the mouse hyacinth. Slowly, spring comes to the garden. In April, breaking through a thin layer of the last snow, the first tiny snow-white flowers with yellow spots on the inner leaves bloom - these are snowdrops (galanthus). They say that a new summer season begins, with the next worries and troubles. They are in a hurry to open buds and crocuses (saffron) of the most diverse colors - from pure white to lilac-purple and yellow. The size of the varietal flower reaches 9 centimeters in diameter. By the way, crocus flowers are not afraid of frosts down to minus 7 degrees. Blooms in April graceful spring white flower (mukoyum vernum) 20 centimeters high with drooping white flowers - bells with small yellow spots.

Growing spring bulbous plants

These flowers include yellow iris, which also blooms in spring. By the way, it is even used in perfumery. But its quantity is also declining, so it is worth protecting the first spring flowers.

Tulips are one of the earliest flowers. They are especially often used for planting in gardens, parks, squares.

By the way, liverwort is often confused with violet. It is also a spring flower that appears mainly in the forest. It is often covered with leaves or needles, so people who grow this plant in the garden should do the same. The liverwort grows on moist soil in the shade.

The very first spring flowers are signs of the beginning of spring. They are of particular beauty. Such plants are hazel grouse. They have a variegated color, and their flowers hang like umbrellas. It is easy to grow in the garden. The main thing is that the place is sunny, with nutritious soil.​


Snowdrop propagation can be done by seeds or bulbs. White flowers will appear in the third year after planting.

Fragrant violet is a perennial early spring plant. During flowering, the whole district is filled with its aroma. In the south, if a warm long autumn is issued, the violet may bloom again in October-November. And it happens that its flowering continues all winter.

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  • 6. Lungwort
  • The blueberry is sometimes called the blue snowdrop, because of its resemblance to the latter, and also because it appears as soon as the snow melts. In fact, they are different plants. These blue or blue flowers also do not frighten spring frosts.


The charm of spring flowering is enhanced by the blueness of the scillas and chionodoxa. Three types of scylla are widely known - they differ in the size of the flower arrow, the shape and color of the flowers. The most common blueberry is Siberian, up to 20 centimeters high and with blue flowers 2 centimeters in diameter. The flowers of the two-leaved blueberry are smaller, openwork dark blue. Rosen's Scilla grows to a height of up to 25 centimeters, and its flowers resemble tiny cyclamen.

Spring flowers listed in the Red Book

Spring has come, and soon it will delight us with the first spring flowers. Which of them may appear with us very soon?​

Tulips love lighted areas where the wind does not reach, where there are no drafts. This plant thrives in direct sunlight. To make it happy amazing colors, the sun should shine on it for more than half a day. From a lack of lighting, the bulbs of the plant are small, and the inflorescences are brittle and thin.

The names of spring flowers include pushkinia. Its flowering is very beautiful, which cannot be compared with another plant. It is usually white with blue stripes. Pushkinia is a bulbous plant, therefore it is propagated with the help of bulbs. Although there are options to use seeds. If a person decides to plant this flower in his garden, the best period for this will be autumn. But in winter, the plant requires a warm place, then the seedling will be well preserved.


But hazel grouse do not like strong moisture. Because of this, drainage must be placed in wet areas. To grow a plant in the garden, it is recommended to dig up a bulb every year.

If a person decides to transplant the bulbs, this should be done after the flowering has passed. But some gardeners believe that the most best time for transplantation will be August.​


Multi-colored brandy (Bulbocodiuv virsicolor Spreng.)

13. Muscari Bright yellow, like little suns, adonis flowers appear on the very first fine spring days. They prefer well-lit areas and light fertile soil.

Spring adonis, Adonis. (Adonis vernalis L.)

4800487_medynica (700x525, 130Kb) 3. hellebore

Open lumbago, sleep-grass. (Pulsatilla patens L.)

crocuses, hyacinths

Iris dwarf

(Iris pumila L.)

Chionodox blooms almost simultaneously with the blueberry, sometimes even a little earlier. The most common chionodoxa in gardens is Lucilia, with a stem up to 20 centimeters tall, with blue star-shaped flowers collected in an elegant brush.


What flowers bloom in spring? What flowers bloom in spring?


The onset of spring is associated with snowdrops for many. Snowdrops (galanthus) begin to bloom even before the snow melts. Their flowering approximately coincides with the women's holiday on March 8th. The common snowdrop is a milky white drooping bell. These flowers grow in many countries of Europe, Turkey and the Caucasus. If you want to plant such a spring flower in your area, then it will not give you much trouble. Snowdrop is a bulbous plant and can grow in one place for a long time without transplanting. The bulb should be planted to a depth of 5 cm. Snowdrops love partial shade and plenty of moisture during the formation of buds. Chionodox is the very first spring flower. This is also a bulbous frost-resistant plant. They grow in alpine meadows and near melting snowfields of mountains. From themselves they are wide-bell-shaped flowers, placed on a thin stalk. Hinodoks bloom for about two weeks, and their flowering resembles a lush basket filled with beautiful flowers. Spring chistyak or spring ranunculus. This is perhaps the most conspicuous spring flower. It is difficult to pass by a bright yellow flower with emerald leaves. Buttercup bloom coincides with the snowdrop. A flowering plant resembles a miniature bouquet. But it is not worth sowing such a flower in the country. Chistyak spring - noxious weed, and grows at a record speed. Reticulated iris. The homeland of this plant is Iraq, Iran, Türkiye and Transcaucasia. Iris is a perennial bulbous plant that blooms in early spring to mid-summer. This is a miniature plant 15 cm long. The color of the flower is varied from pale blue to dark blue. Iris is light-requiring, prefers planting in a sunny place. Spring belotsvetnik is a bulbous spring flower. They appear on thawed patches and bloom very early. The peduncle holds one or two flowers, the height of the plant is up to 20 cm. The flowers are white with corrugated edges. The plant grows rapidly and is a bouquet of white primroses.

The tulip needs feeding, then it will grow healthy and beautiful. It should be carried out:

After the snow disappears, primrose also appears. Her inflorescences are very large, and the leaves are oblong. The plant is not afraid of frost, but does not tolerate drought and highly moist soil.

Daffodils are also the name of the first spring flowers. Their flowering is associated with the condition of the bulb. Therefore, those wishing to plant daffodils in the garden should pay attention to it when buying. The plant needs nutritious soil and the sun, does not like winds. In one place, daffodils grow for about 5 years, then they should be transplanted. They look good if other plants bloom nearby.

The names of spring flowers fill up with lilies of the valley. They grow only in the forest, appear near shrubs, where there is a lot of moisture. The plant belongs to the lily family. It pleases with its beauty for many years, as it is a perennial.

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10. Spring Chistyak

Lungwort blooms in April-May. Grows well in light, well-drained soils. After flowering, it forms many colorful leaves.

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Snowdrops, old oaks, mother - and - stepmother.

The earliest group of spring flowers should be attributed to one more pretty rare plant- Kandyk (Erythronium European), or Dog's tooth. It is named so because the shape of its bulb resembles a dog's fang. Kandyk is low, up to 15 centimeters high, with dark green spotted leaves and lilac-pink flowers resembling cyclamen. Kandyk loves humus, moist soil and partial shade. Propagated in June by dividing the bulbs after 3-4 years. At the same time, it is not recommended to dry the bulbs - they must be planted immediately to a depth of 6 centimeters.

Christina Gavrilova

Brandushka, like the blueberry, is a primrose flower. But, unlike the blueberry, it is found much less frequently in our places. Blooms in March - April. Ruthlessly breaks out on spring bouquets, which is why it has been preserved only in secluded places. The flower has a delightful pale pink color. This is a perennial plant; grows from a bulb, like most primroses. In the people, these flowers are also called orphans: they shine lonely among the withered grass. There is a legend from which this name came. The evil stepmother had two beautiful daughters, beautiful and pretty. Yes, the stepmother disliked them, planned to destroy them and drove them out of the house at the end of winter into the cold. Orphans are standing on the hillside, dying of cold, mourning their orphan's lot. So their stepmother would have killed them, but Spring came, and the warm Sun came. They warmed and lusted the orphans with maternal caress and warmth. And they bloomed with magical spring flowers. From that time, as a symbol of the victory of good over evil, orphan flowers appear in spring


after the emergence of the tulip;


There are also some spring flowers. The names "daisies" and "lungwort" in themselves evoke positive emotions. These plants also appear in early spring.

Shkurko Olga

Spring flowers delight the eye. The names "violet" and "halloween" are familiar to many. These plants bloom among the first.

Ludmila Kolosova

However, lily of the valley is also planted in the garden. drop him off better in autumn. The soil should be fertilized, you need to make sure that the root is not bent.

Chulpan Manyapova

Muscari or mouse hyacinth is a perennial bulbous plant. Its tiny bell flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences of blue, blue, purple or white, depending on the species. There are also two-color species of this plant.

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7. Crocus

The name itself suggests that it blooms in the cold. In the south, hellebore blooms in winter, at the end of February. Its buds and flowers are not afraid of either frost or snow.

Primula. daffodils. tulips, forget-me-nots, coltsfoot.​

A little later than the first group, muscari (mouse hyacinth, viper onion) bloom. Its bluish-purple flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences with an arrow height of up to 15 centimeters. There are also white muscari, they bloom 10 days later than blue ones.

during the appearance of buds;

As for daisies, they grow low, but large. There are several varieties of them, but they all radiate cheerfulness and brightness. They bloom in early May, and the buds persist all winter. By the way, when growing in the garden, daisies should still be covered for the cold period.

Hellebore is a perennial with beautiful evergreen leaves. Its flowers are of different colors, appear in April. They can be:

There are different early spring flowers, their names are different, as well as their care. But the lily of the valley is unpretentious. The only thing he needs is moist soil. In such a habitat, he will delight with his flowers. This plant has developed roots. Because of this, he is able to survive other plants, only bushes and trees are beyond his power. Therefore, gardeners do not recommend planting lily of the valley along with other flowers.

14. Whiteflower

Spring chistyak appears immediately after the snow melts. Its lovely yellow flowers fully bloom only in the bright sun, that is, in the middle of the day, and in cloudy weather and at night they close.

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4. Erantis (spring)

With the appearance of the first flowers in our gardens, real spring begins. These tender touching creatures, which appear before others, fill the soul of any gardener with joyful awe. I offer a selection of flowers that are the very first to wake up after a winter sleep.

In April, the first spring shrubs bloom. The air is filled with the delicate aroma of daphne (wolf, wolf's bast) - the first-born of spring among ornamental shrubs. Behind him, a golden forsythia blooms.

Adonis blooms after blueberries and saffron; also applies to primroses. Its flowers burn like sunbeams among the still withered grass. The plant is perennial. In our area, it has almost disappeared due to intensive collection for medicinal purposes. An ancient Greek legend is also associated with the name of this flower. The son of the beautiful Mirra, the handsome young man Adonis, was the chosen one of Aphrodite, who loved him dearly. Once, while hunting for a wild boar, Adonis was mortally wounded by an angry beast. When Aphrodite found out about the death of Adonis, she herself went to the mountains of Cyprus to look for the body of her beloved. Since then, so that the memory of a beautiful young man remains on earth forever, every spring delightful flowers of golden and red color bloom - these are drops of blood of Adonis

During flowering.

But the lungwort surprises with its inflorescences, since they can be blue and Pink colour. This plant is durable, as it lives for 30 years. It sprouts on moist and fertile soils, so it is difficult to grow it in the garden.


If we talk about bulbous spring flowers (their names are varied), we should not forget about crocuses. There are many types of them, each of which differs in the shape of the petals and their color. They should be transplanted in the summer. The main thing is to have a neutral acidity of the soil. The place where the plant is going to be placed must be sunny.

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11. liverwort

Bright low crocus flowers also appear along with the first spring warmth. Crocuses bloom for a short time, only 5-7 days, without a transplant in one place they can grow up to 5 years. There are types of crocuses that prefer to bloom in autumn.

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1. Snowdrop (galanthus)

Early daffodils pick up buds, harbingers of white nights. Opens the parade of daffodils white, like a porcelain beauty "Aisfolis". It is followed by other marvelously fragrant, tubular, crowned, terry, plain, two-color. An amazing atmosphere of tenderness and peace reigns in flower beds at this time.

Of course, if top dressing was introduced in the fall, it can be omitted further.

Allium is also called ornamental onion. Inflorescences appear on long stalks. This plant is able to decorate any area, and it is not difficult to grow it. It blooms in late spring, but there are also species that delight with their flowers in autumn.


Crocus flowers begin to be seen even when there is snow nearby. It looks especially beautiful if you plant plants in groups.

Spring white flower blooms in April 20-30 days.

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8. Periwinkle

These sunny golden flowers will add mood to a dull spring garden. Erantis also blooms in early spring, in March-April, and is not afraid of frost and snowfall.

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Daffodils are perennial bulbous plants. About 12 thousand varieties are known in the world, which are divided into 11 groups. Recently, a group of flowers with a split crown (split) has been very popular. Neutral, humus-rich soil, sunny or slightly shaded place, protected from the wind is suitable for growing daffodils.​

We call sleep-grass a forest tulip. It blooms in late March - April and is also relatively rare in our forests. Intensively breaks out on bouquets and a day later ends up in the trash can. A lovely flower greets you with a slight bow, as if begging you not to touch it. And really, how can you ruin such beauty!

In order for tulips to bloom, it is required to dig out bulbs every year when the leaves have already turned yellow. They need to be stored in a dry place, having previously cleared the ground. So that the bulb does not rot, in the place where it is planted, sand is poured into the bottom. Tulips are planted to a depth equal to 3 bulbs.

Most plants that bloom first are bulbous spring flowers. Their names are listed above. Each of them has its own originality, feature. They all grow in the wild, but over the years people began to plant these in gardens. beautiful flowers that delight the eye in early spring. Those who want to decorate their country cottage area with similar plants, you should know how to grow them correctly.

The arrival of spring is always associated with the onset of warmth, the singing of birds, greenery and, of course, the appearance of the first flowers. Beautiful spring flowers delight the eye with a bright color, impress with their diversity and inspire any gardener to start productive work. Already from the first month they fill houses, flower beds and gardens with colors.

flowering time

As you know, all plants, even wild ones, require a certain comfort for optimal implementation.

Some survive only in sunlight, others only in the shade, some need constant moisture, others gradually disappear in the water. Therefore, each type of plant, depending on its characteristics, produces due to some factors. The first spring flowers grow depending on such factors:

Types of plants blooming in spring

There are many varieties of spring flowers, which allows these green creatures to please every grower throughout the first warm season. They differ in appearance, variety, color, smell, size, period and place of growth, and others characteristic features, attracting the attention of lovers of primroses with different tastes and interests.

Snowdrop and blueberry

Snowdrop is one of the very first blooming spring plants. It is not difficult to guess why it has such a name, because its flowers can appear literally from under the snow. Snowdrop - bulbous flower with white bell-shaped inflorescences. Able to reproduce both by seeds and with the help of daughter bulbs. The plant blooms for about a month, is not afraid of frost and temperature changes, but blooms only two years after planting.

The scilla or scylla is often confused with the snowdrop due to its resemblance and similar growth characteristics. But Scylla flowers, unlike Galanthus, have a blue or blue color. Scilla can decorate a grassy lawn, a flower bed, and even a room.

Crocus has earned the love of gardeners with its impressive beauty and diversity. They can bloom not only in spring, but also in autumn. Different varieties of this undersized species are characterized by their petal shapes and their color: blue, white, yellow, purple. Reproduction of saffron occurs by corms and babies, which are planted in August, September or October, and dug up in June and transferred to the room. Plants that bloom in spring in September are planted in nutrient soil in a sunny area. Crocuses bloom a little longer than a week at the beginning or middle of April.

Lilies of the valley are another irreplaceable spring flowers in the garden. These are unpretentious perennial lily plants with white bell-shaped inflorescences, wide leaves and stems of approximately 25 cm.

The flowering period is the end of May or the beginning of June. Lilies of the valley are planted from early September to October, preferably under trees or bushes, as they are shade-loving (but without sunlight no flowers). The soil for this plant is better to choose a neutral, organic and moist. Flowers grow rapidly, which can lead to crowding out other species.

Tulip and daffodil

Tulips are very common spring flowers with a huge number of varieties that vary in color, size, flowering period and more.

These are bulbous perennials from 10 cm to a meter in height. They are planted in mid-September, but some flower growers say that this can be done in the spring. For this, sandy, dug up soil is suitable. well popular dutch tulips, hallmark which is a big red flower. By planting different varieties of tulips together, you can get a spectacular, bright flower garden. They will also look good on the lawn.

Narcissus, like most spring flowers, are unpretentious bulbous plants. It attracts attention with an unusual inflorescence and a pleasant smell. Daffodils differ in rapid reproduction (six children per year can grow from one bulb). auspicious time landing - the end of August - September. A place for them should be chosen sunny, although these plants are not afraid of moisture. White or yellow narcissus flowers bloom for two weeks in April. They are well suited for decorating borders or solo flower beds.

Pansies and violets

Pansies are very often used for landscaping the garden. They are herbaceous annuals or biennial plants from 15-30 centimeters, with violet-shaped flowers. Large-flowered and undersized varieties are known.

Most often grown in seedlings. Sowing seeds should be done in early July in order to get seedlings by autumn. Pansies are planted in open ground at the end of September, although planting in early spring is possible. Viola requires good, fertile soil to produce better quality flowers. The plant blooms in early spring, and fades by mid-summer.

Blue violet flowers are also early spring plants. They often become favorites of flower growers, as they are very beautiful, compact, grow in the garden and in the room, and also emit a pleasant aroma. These herbaceous plants have many varieties:

  • graceful violet;
  • Manchurian;
  • moth;
  • motley and others.

Violets propagate by seeds or by dividing curtains. In the first case, the seeds are covered with earth and kept until germination in a dark, cool place, after a month they dive, after which (in June or before winter) they are planted in pots or in the garden. Violets will also be a wonderful decoration for flower beds or borders.

In April or May, the garden of many flower lovers fills with elegance the evergreen primrose - hellebore. It is a rhizomatous perennial with white, peach, red or other shades of flowers. It does not tolerate excessive moisture and direct sunlight. As the name suggests, frost tolerant plant. Reproduction occurs often by division, sometimes by seeds.

If you plant daisies in September, then by May you can provide garden paths or borders with an unusual star-shaped ornament that will delight every year, thanks to self-seeding.

Daisy seeds can also be sown along with herbs on the lawn. Different varieties of these plants give white, pink, red colors of baskets. They love light, watering and are unpretentious to the soil.

Primula is a bright bell-shaped primrose up to 30 centimeters tall. It will perfectly highlight unremarkable shrubs or trees.

In addition, it will be a pleasant addition to food, since its leaves at the beginning of flowering are quite edible and healthy. But for this, the soil for the primrose must be supplied with sand, ash and rotted compost, and regularly watered during the flowering period. The flower propagates by dividing the bush or seeds. They plant it in early June in a place in partial shade. Primula blooms for a long time and abundantly. Sometimes she tries to bloom again a year - in the fall.

Perennial bulbous hyacinths are a tall plant with a stem of 30 centimeters, at the top of which are collected inflorescences in the form of a cylinder. The color of flowers is quite diverse, depending on the variety. It can be white, pink, blue shades. Soddy and leafy, neutral soils are acceptable to hyacinth. Landing takes place in September. Hyacinths are capricious plants, they do not tolerate frost, direct sun rays and waterlogging. They begin to bloom in early May and continue for about 25 days. These flowers grow like open ground as well as in room conditions.

Every gardener, looking forward to the fruits of his labor, will certainly decorate his garden with several types of early flowers, so that they become heralds of spring and delight him until summer.