Water pipes      06/16/2019

Wood impregnation equipment. Installation of vacuum impregnation. Antiseptic for impregnation

For the production of impregnated wood, the company “Standard Wood” applies processing Tanalitom®. Such processing is carried out in a special installation, the main part of which is an autoclave.

The impregnation process, or “vacuum-pressure-vacuum”, consists of several stages:

  1. The initial vacuum removes air from the wood cells. Then the chamber is filled with a protective compound Tanalit®.
  2. Hydrostatic pressure forces protective compound penetrate deep into the wood structure.
  3. Vacuum removes the remnants of the protective composition from the surface of the wood. The reduced pressure inside the wood draws the protective compound from the surface.

As a result, the components of Tanalit ® are fixed in the wood structure in such a way that it becomes almost impossible to remove them. Wood receives long-term protection against fungus, insects, including termites, weather conditions.

Impregnation process

  • Wood impregnated Tanalit® pressurized - a proven and effective material for fences, walkways, garden furniture, equipment for sports and playgrounds, as well as for use in building structures and exterior cladding of buildings.
  • Wood impregnated Tanalit®, is protected by a unique highly effective preservative based on the patented copper treazole technology. Tanalith provides long-term protection against the damaging effects of microorganisms (fungi, mold) and insects. Shows high color fastness when used both indoors and outdoors. outdoors.
  • Wood impregnated Tanalit®, approved by certified bodies in more than 30 countries around the world. Arch timber protection has carried out extensive laboratory and field tests on impregnated wood.

What is Tanalith?

In our time, almost any reasonable person understands that reliable and durable protection of wood can only be achieved by its through impregnation in an autoclave. This method is called in Europe impregnation, and in Russia it is called the “vacuum-pressure-vacuum” method. Almost any wood product used outdoors, and often indoors, in Europe has a characteristic greenish tint. Green color is the color of Tanalit®, the market leader in long-term wood protection in most European countries, including Scandinavia, as well as America, Australia and Oceania.

Tanalit® (Tanalith®)- preservative for wood bioprotection, which is produced by a British corporation Arch Timber Protection. It is applied by the impregnation method (vacuum-pressure-vacuum). Tanalit ® protects wood from decay and insects for a period of 15 to 100 years, depending on the service conditions, and is approved for use almost all over the world, including Russia.

To ensure durability, wood and wood products must be protected. And how serious protection is required? Of course, it depends on the conditions in which the wood is used.

In Europe, according to BS EN 335, the service conditions of wood are divided into five classes (the so-called Hazard Classes, literally translated - hazard classes):

Hazard Class 1 - wood intended for indoor use, there is no risk of moisture, i.e. humidity during operation does not exceed 18%. This class includes almost all wood and wood products used indoors.

Hazard Class 2 - Indoor use, but with the risk of moisture - there is a possibility that during operation the humidity will exceed 18%. This class includes almost all construction and frame wood, as well as window frames, doors, walls, floors, partitions inside the building, etc.

Hazard Class 3 - outdoor use, but without direct ground contact. Here we will refer outer skin buildings, ceilings, cornices and architraves, gates, pergolas, arbors and much more. Sometimes Hazard Class 3a is also distinguished - the use of wood outdoors, but without direct contact with precipitation, for example, under a canopy or under waterproof painting.

Hazard Class 4 - use in direct contact with the ground. These are elements such as fence posts, cellars, decking, logs, railway sleepers, telegraph and transmission poles and traverses, etc.

Hazard Class 5 - use in direct contact with sea and river water. These are supports for bridges, moorings, fairways, etc.

The average life of wood treated with Tanalit® is 60 years for Hazard Class 1 and 2, 30 years for Hazard Class 3 and 15 years for Hazard Class 4. And these are not just words, because the company Arch Timber Protection has been on the market since 1917 and is backed by vast experience in the practical use of Tanalit®, as well as a strong research and development department.

Tanalit-E® can be used in various fields:

  • Construction timber used in public buildings and agriculture;
  • bridges;
  • Fairways, spillways, moorings and other wood for river and sea facilities;
  • Noise barriers along highways and other noise sources;
  • Avalanche barriers;
  • Fences and barriers along roads;
  • Fencing around livestock farms (except farms for rodents, deer and other animals that can gnaw on wood);
  • Land retention systems;
  • Energy and telegraph poles.

Here is how the director of international sales of Arch Timber Protection commented on the decision of the European Commission Malcolm Jones:

First of all, it should be recalled that CSA-based preservatives have been used effectively and safely for more than 50 years. This is reflected in the fact that the European Commission directive does not apply to wood treated with CCA that is already in use. Wood processors can feel completely confident that they have been producing a safe and quality product throughout the entire period of use of the CCA, and they can also be sure that there will be no restrictions on the exploitation of previously processed wood. Arch began developing a chromium and arsenic-free preservative alternative to CCA preservatives in the mid-1980s. The developed product Tanalit-E® has by now firmly taken a leading position among preservatives without chromium and arsenic practically throughout Europe, in the USA, Australia and countries Far East, including where laws have been in place for a number of years to restrict the use of chromium and arsenic. The high performance of Tanalit-E®, combined with its environmental friendliness, allows our customers to be competitive, especially in the face of growing demand for processed wood from the consumer-oriented market. Tanalit-E®, a new generation product, is based on copper and organic biocides (azoles). Tanalit-E® is approved in many countries around the world for residential and garden construction, landscape architecture, children's playgrounds, etc.

Wood is a light and durable material, it is easily processed and is actively used in various industries. However, like other natural materials, it is subject to many destructive factors: fungal infections, mold, insects. As a result of such a negative impact, its mechanical and decorative properties, the service life is reduced. In order to save beneficial features wood, it is necessary to treat it with antiseptics.

Antiseptics (from Greek άντί - against and σηπτικός - putrid) - chemicals, protecting wood from biological destruction (rotting, mold, damage by woodworms). When wood is impregnated with an antiseptic, its structure is deeply filled with components of the antiseptic composition, which helps to provide truly effective and long-term protection. There are several methods of antiseptic treatment: brushing/spraying; dipping; pressure impregnation. Let's consider each method in more detail.

Application of antiseptics by brush/spray

Brushing (staining) and spraying are among the most common wood preservative treatments. When applied with a brush or spray, the protective layer on the wood surface is thin enough to provide very limited UV protection. As a rule, wood that has undergone such processing is used for finishing interior spaces low humidity.

Dipping in antiseptic

Antiseptic wood treatment by immersion (dipping) is performed using special antiseptic baths. This type of processing is carried out in industrial production.

With the help of special submersible devices the package of wood is immersed in the impregnating bath, held there for some time, then rises. Excess antiseptic solution is removed from the wood spontaneously, by draining. When processed by immersion (dipping), a protective layer 1-2 mm thick is formed on the surface of the wood. Wood treated in this way can be used both for interior decoration, in which the humidity level is not more than 20%, and for exterior surfaces, but in this case, the treatment must be repeated after 4-6 months.

Impregnation - impregnation of lumber with antiseptics under pressure

Impregnation of lumber with antiseptic compounds in an autoclave under pressure (impregnation) is the most effective method wood protection. With this treatment, the antiseptic composition penetrates deep into the pores of the wood and fills it.

Antiseptic treatment of wood by the "vacuum - pressure - vacuum" method is carried out only in industrial conditions using an autoclave.

The surface of wood impregnated with an antiseptic in an autoclave is destroyed ten times slower than treated with a brush, and the impregnation, which is deep in the pores, prevents damage to the wood by bioorganisms and atmospheric action. This processing method provides a deep impregnation of the sapwood with an antiseptic. Wood that has undergone such treatment can be used for outdoor use in conditions of constant contact with the ground and atmospheric exposure.

For better penetration of the antiseptic solution into the pores of the wood, all the air is pumped out of the autoclave before treatment (a vacuum is created), after which the antiseptic solution enters it, which, under the action of excess hydraulic pressure, fills the pores of the wood freed from air. Due to the reduced pressure in the wood, when atmospheric pressure is restored in the autoclave, the solution from the surface is drawn into the lumber.

The scheme of processing according to the double vacuum method is shown in the figure.

Autoclave operation

As a rule, the autoclave is a steel cylinder with a diameter of 1-2 m, a length of 13-27 m. From the ends, the cylinder is equipped with hemispherical lids, one of which is always tightly closed, and the other leans back from the side; connection design is hydraulic. There are tracks for carts in the boiler.

Impregnation with an antiseptic composition is carried out in autoclaves under a pressure of over 12 bar using initial and final vacuum.

The autoclave after loading the impregnated material into it is hermetically closed, the vacuum pump is turned on, and a vacuum of 0.8 kgf/cm -2 is created in the autoclave, which should be maintained for 45 minutes; the time is counted after reaching the specified pressure. At the end of the evacuation, the autoclave is filled with a solution at a temperature of 5-35°C, and the vacuum in the process of filling the autoclave should not fall below 0.6 kgf/cm -2 .

After filling the autoclave with a solution, the vacuum pump is switched off, and further supply of the solution to the autoclave is carried out by a hydraulic pump under pressure from the working tank.

The duration of the filling process and the pressure are determined depending on the size of the blanks and the estimated amount of sapwood. For example, for pine products, the duration of the filling process is 90-180 minutes. at a pressure of 12-14 bar.

The end of the absorption of the solution is the moment when within 10 minutes. no more than 20 liters of solution per 1 m 3 of wood are absorbed, which is recorded by control and measuring devices. At the end of the impregnation process, the pressure is gradually (within 10-15 minutes) reduced to 4 bar. Next, the working solution is pumped into the shunting tank.

After the pressure is reduced, the wood is vacuumed back, remaining in the autoclave for 30-45 minutes. The time is counted down after the specified pressure has been reached. This process is necessary to remove excess impregnating solution from the wood.

The impregnated wood is unloaded from the autoclave and subjected to a fixing process in a closed and well-ventilated area for at least 48 hours. The area must be equipped to collect chemical liquids.

At each impregnation cycle, it is necessary to impregnate a sample of lumber for testing in order to remove a sample to analyze the depth of impregnation and the quality of impregnation. After drying the wood, a visual control of the degree of impregnation is mandatory. The sapwood part of the wood must be 100% impregnated, the impregnation must be continuous and uniform. If necessary, a chemical control of the impregnation depth is also carried out using special test kits.

Use of impregnated wood

Timber impregnated with an antiseptic is widely used both in industry and in everyday life.

impregnated wooden poles are widely used as power transmission towers. Impregnation in an autoclave provides long term pillar services, and the new generation of copper-based antiseptics used for impregnation make such wood harmless to humans and animals, providing reliable protection from biological pests.

Impregnated wood is also used in the manufacture of sleepers. To increase the efficiency of impregnation, wooden sleepers are first pierced, which are then impregnated with an antiseptic in an autoclave.

IN last years, in connection with the development of the industry of wooden housing construction, impregnated lumber has been widely used in this area. Fences, terraces, piers, gazebos, playgrounds are made from impregnated wood, it is used for outdoor and interior decoration premises.

Impregnated deck board ( terrace decking) is a material intended for laying floors in open areas for recreation: terraces, verandas, etc. Terrace board is used in the construction of stairs, podiums for gazebos and pavilions, it is able to withstand heavy loads, which allows it to be used as flooring in garages and car parks.

Architectural forms created using impregnated moisture-resistant wood are very practical, because in the open air, even under the most severe weather conditions, the service life of wood treated with an antiseptic in an autoclave is at least 30 years.

Prepared by experts
Wood Protect Technology LLC

English to impregnate(from lat. impregnare) - to saturate, soak.

impregnated wood- this is wood impregnated with protective antiseptics on water based during deep autoclaving to prevent rotting and other environmental degradation. Antiseptics currently used for wood impregnation do not contain chromium, arsenic, petroleum derivatives or other harmful compounds.

The service life of impregnated wood is practically unlimited.

Oily liquids, creosote, as well as arsenic and chromium compounds are NOT USED for impregnation.

After processing, the wood DOES NOT SMELL and DOES NOT STAIN. It is NOT HARMFUL to the health of people and pets.

Currently, impregnated wood is produced in two shades: greenish and brown.

The impregnation process is carried out in hermetically sealed chambers. Various products wood is placed in a chamber where a vacuum is created in a computer-controlled mode. After that, a special composition is fed into the chamber, penetrating deep into the wood. After a certain time, excess liquid is removed from the chamber and a vacuum is created there again. After finished products removed from the chamber and packaged for shipment to consumers.

When should you use impregnated wood?

Impregnated lumber - non-rotting lumber

In Russian weather conditions environment exposes external wooden structures and buildings to a large load. In the presence of moisture, heat and oxygen, ordinary wood rots and quickly becomes unusable. This usually causes significant additional costs, and often can even lead to dangerous, even tragic consequences.

Biological decomposition of untreated wood begins as soon as its moisture content rises above 18%. In practice, in outdoor structures, this figure often reaches 20-25%, and in those in direct contact with the ground, it even exceeds 30%. For this reason, only impregnated wood products should be used in all outdoor wooden structures and buildings.

Only impregnated wood (board) ensures compliance with the requirements for wooden products used in outdoor structures.

Paints, varnishes and other protective agents applied to the surface of products do not provide effective and long-term protection against decay. Impregnated wood lasts about 5 times longer than conventional wood, and does not require constant repainting.

Whenever contact is expected wooden structures with soil or water, as well as in places exposed to atmospheric precipitation, use only impregnated wood!

We offer different kinds materials such as, for example, impregnated terrace, impregnated timber, impregnated wood and other types.

Impregnated wood production technology

This method is widely used to impregnate garden furniture, fences and terrace boards, floors, wooden products for streets, etc., which require a high degree of protection.

The impregnation process, or "vacuum-pressure-vacuum", consists of several stages on special equipment - an autoclave. As a result of processing, a protective composition consisting of 1-5% antiseptic " Bioneutral W72" ( Bioneutral IN 72 ) analogue of Tanalith E, penetrates centimeters into the workpiece. However, according to GOST, if a pine product is impregnated by 2-3 mm, then the service life of this product is 30 years. In the first step of the process, an initial vacuum removes air from the wood cells. Then the chamber is filled with a protective composition. In the next step, hydrostatic pressure forces the protective compound to penetrate deep into the wood structure. At the next stage, the vacuum removes the remnants of the protective composition from the surface of the wood. The reduced pressure inside the wood draws the protective compound from the surface.

As a result, the protective components of the preservative are fixed in the wood structure in such a way that it becomes almost impossible to remove them. Wood receives long-term protection.

Autoclave wood processing technology:

After treatment in an autoclave, impregnated wood does not need additional treatment with paints, varnishes, etc., has a several times lower cost compared to synthetic and composite counterparts, is extremely practical, and can be used as load-bearing structures. Even completely immersed in water impregnated wood will serve you for many decades! Down with the exhausting annual painting in order to somehow save the tree!!! Down with all the "synthetics" from your home, only natural materials!!! Allow yourself the luxury of using high-quality, environmentally friendly materials!!! If you share our views - contact us, we will find The best decision for your home or cottage!

Advantages of impregnated wood

Impregnated wood is an excellent construction and finishing material. Unlike thermowood and WPC (Wood Polymer Composite), impregnated wood can be used not only as a decorative and finishing material, but also as structural material.

Thermowood cannot be used as a structural material because during heat treatment it becomes very brittle and becomes very prickly. WPC products containing polymers are subject to severe deformation. WPC products bend and change their shape.

impregnated wood remains unchanged throughout the entire service life. It is not subject to deformation, like WPC, does not splinter, like thermal wood. Impregnated wood can be used as building material.

Wood of deep vacuum impregnation is actively used in the construction of structures and structures. For example, it is widely used in frame housing construction, in road construction. Canned, non-rotting lumber is used as rafters and logs.

impregnated(preserved) wood does not rot.

It can be in direct contact with soil and water.

Impregnated lumber does not require additional protective treatment throughout the entire service life.

European manufacturers of impregnated (preserved wood) guarantee their products for up to 75 years.

The actual service life of impregnated lumber is much higher and can exceed one hundred years.

Unlike thermowood and WPC products, impregnated wood has increased fire resistance.This saves a lot of money, time and labor compared to conventional lumber.
Even thermowood, requires treatment with oil or a special compound to prevent cracking.
Impregnated wood eliminates these hassles and troubles.

Impregnated wood is an environmentally friendly material.

The wood of deep vacuum impregnation is not harmful to people and pets.

Comparison of impregnated wood with other building materials

impregnated wood- grateful and pliable building material. Manufacturers offer a fairly wide range of non-planed and planed boards of different sections and lengths, making working with the material not only simple, but also enjoyable.


Fences and fences perform a wide variety of functions: they protect from wind and noise, enclose the territory, close from the prying eyes of neighbors and passers-by. It is by the fence, as a rule, that the owners of the house are judged. Building a fence and a fence is a much more responsible and time-consuming job than making a flower bed or sandbox.


IN Lately get acquainted with the pier a large number of Russians. Despite the rapid growth in popularity, the Russian language does not even have an exact term for this structure. Usually people use the words "pier", "bridge", "platform" and others, one way or another reflecting the essence of the phenomenon.

We will call them berths, even if their owners are only going to catch perch from them or dive into the water after a bath and do not intend to moor to them on ships, boats, yachts, boats and other watercraft.

So. Reasonably made berth significantly expands the possibilities of its own shore and significantly improves the quality of rest. When designing a berth, it is necessary, first of all, to choose the right place and type of structure. The choice is largely influenced by the topography of the coast. After that, you need to understand the dimensions of the future structure and design it. Then you need to take care of the purchase of materials. And finally, down to business...

From the very beginning, we should remember that the construction of the pier will take away some of our expensive free time. But how can this be compared with the joy of work and pride in the results achieved. You can, of course, entrust the construction of the pier to specialists. But even in this case, it will not be superfluous to see if they use impregnated wood. Otherwise, in a few years, what was built today will have to be repaired or rebuilt.

  1. Compositions for deep protection
  2. Antiseptics
  3. flame retardants
  4. Combined composition
  5. Surface Finishing
  6. Manufacturers' offers

Wood impregnation is a process of impregnation natural material solutions and antiseptics in order to acquire the necessary qualities of future products:

  • Pest resistance;
  • Resistance to wetting, rotting;
  • fire resistance;
  • Increasing the strength of wood;
  • Increase the life of wood.

"Impregnate" in Latin means "to fill". In other words, the impregnate penetrates into the wood structure, fills its space, strengthening the material from the inside.

What materials are processed

It is necessary to impregnate materials, products from which are exposed to destructive factors:

  • Floor and terrace board;
  • Blanks for the manufacture of garden furniture;
  • Timber and board for the construction of sheds, arbors;
  • Fence board, etc.

Compositions for deep protection

The main requirement that is imposed on all impregnating compounds is environmental friendliness and safety. Today, responsible manufacturers with a good reputation do not use toxic and caustic solutions for wood treatment.

By purpose, impregnates can be divided into groups:

  • Impregnations for weather protection;
  • flame retardants;
  • Combined.

Weather impregnations

Solutions of this type are designed to strengthen the structure of wood in order to improve its resistance to weathering:

  • temperature fluctuations;
  • Seasonal climate change;
  • Rain, fog, high humidity;
  • Ultraviolet;
  • Sunlight, prolonged heating.

These factors rapidly spoil the raw wood. The impregnated board withstands these influences, does not crack, does not dry out, does not change volume with changes in humidity.


Biocides, which are part of antiseptics, suppress the reproduction of microflora and completely eliminate it, new settlements become impossible. With solutions of this type, it is necessary to impregnate timber and boards of critical structures:

  • Runs and gaskets for them;
  • floor beams;
  • Strapping of walls, crossbars;
  • Sheathing board, etc.

flame retardants

Fire is merciless for all types of wood. A dry tree, to varying degrees, supports combustion and the spread of flame, smoke, which threatens the person inside wooden house. To reduce risk or completely eliminate given property building material, components for the construction of structures in residential buildings necessarily impregnated with flame retardants. These are substances that do not support combustion, they minimize the ability of the material to smoke as much as possible and allow you to gain time in the event of a fire.

Combined composition

Impregnations of the Senezh type are in high demand: they penetrate deep into the timber or board, compact the structure and create a protective hydrophobic film on the surface of the product. It does not allow water to penetrate the material. As a result, the product does not lose or absorb water and moisture, retains its properties in any weather for a long time.

Senezh stops the primary processes of damage by fungi, some types of pests, has insecticidal properties.

Another feature of the solution is that it protects wood from burning, has the properties of a fire retardant.

Combined solutions are suitable for processing beams and boards for floors, rafters, external and internal load-bearing beams, wall cladding.

Deep impregnation methods

There are 2 main ways to impregnate timber and boards: deep and superficial. Deep is preferred, since wood is processed over the entire volume or most of it.

Deep processing can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Dipping. This is a simple method, which can be repeated in the conditions household at a private construction site. For dipping, no additional equipment is required - only a reservoir with the preparation. Wood quickly absorbs impregnates. The degree of penetration depends on the exposure time of the workpiece in the solution from 2 hours to a week.

  1. Impregnation under pressure. For this it is necessary industrial equipmentspecial installations, in which the autoclave conditions are created. Thus, the composition is quickly and deeply absorbed into the wood. It is allowed to use lumber with its own moisture content of 30%.

  1. The diffusion method is effective, but little in demand. The bottom line is this: stacks of wood are poured with a mixture of sand and the drug in a 5: 1 ratio and wrapped in a film. Impregnation lasts up to 10 days. In this way, lumber can be processed throughout the volume. Low demand for the method determines the long duration of the procedure and the high price finished products. Diffusion-impregnated materials are used to assemble critical structures.

Surface Finishing

These are the simplest and at the same time ineffective ways to protect wood. And yet, the methods are used quite often, in many cases it is the surface treatment that is recommended by the designers.

  1. Staining with solutions with a brush or rollers is carried out on horizontally laid wood - this is how the compositions penetrate to a maximum depth of up to 3, sometimes up to 5 mm. Mounted elements in any plane are recommended to be painted 2-3 times to achieve the best effect.

  1. Rubbing is indicated for rough wood with a rough surface that is difficult to paint. The solution is literally rubbed into the surface with thick swabs, using protective gloves.

  1. Spraying is used only for processing continuous facade decking, floors. This processing method is ineffective - penetration is only 1-2 mm. Thus processed hard-to-reach places structures, individual elements it is unprofitable to cover by spraying in view of the high consumption of the impregnate.

Manufacturers' offers

Impregnated lumber is produced in Europe and in Russia. Basically, processing is carried out on pre-order, but you can buy both blanks and products.

Basically, manufacturers supply a board of types:

Board type


Dimensions (cm)*

Price / m 3 (rub.)





Price / m 2 (rub.)

Terraced EURO 2






*In parentheses are the ranges of length, width and thickness of the processed board.

The sizes and prices of products from different manufacturers are different, the table shows the average values ​​​​of the price and size of products of domestic timber processing enterprises.

The market is dominated by impregnated lumber from Russia and Finland. The difference in quality is insignificant, but the price of the imported one is much higher than the Russian one.


Rimwood. Fire protection of wood with flame retardants.

Wood is a wonderful eco-friendly and warm building material, the only drawback of which is its rapid flammability.

That is why even at the construction stage wooden structures, and even more so for residential buildings, it is necessary to use flame retardants for wood, which help reduce its flammability and make the material less fire hazardous.

The most effective technologies for protecting wood at present are the treatment with fire-retardant coatings and impregnation with special compounds.

Processing consists in applying a layer of a special coating to the surface of the protected material. With this method, the fire retardant is applied with a brush or sprayed onto the surface of the wood, the depth of penetration of the fire retardant into the wood will be insignificant. And even with the guarantee declared by the flame retardant manufacturer, the fire retardant cannot provide long-term fire protection of wood throughout the entire life of wooden structures. It is also worth remembering that in accordance with the rules fire safety such surface treatment must be carried out once every 2 years.

The second method, which is the most reliable and durable wood processing technology, is the method of deep impregnation in an autoclave (impregnation) using vacuum-pressure-vacuum technology. With this method, the fire retardant composition penetrates deep into the material, the wood becomes protected for the entire service life, turns into a slow-burning material, does not lend itself to fire, and after the fire source is removed, combustion and smoldering cease.

The company RIMWOOD PRO LLC offers its customers affordable prices both options for treating wood with flame retardants. When processing lumber, we use the most modern technologies and effective flame retardant formulations.

For surface treatment, we use special industrial baths in which the lumber is soaked long time. This method is more effective than conventional brush or roller application, as it provides a deeper and more uniform impregnation of the material with flame retardants.

We carry out deep impregnation with flame retardants in special autoclaves. After loading the lumber in the autoclave, a vacuum is created - air is pumped out of the pores of the wood, after which an antiseptic is pumped in and a overpressure, under the influence of which the flame retardant composition penetrates deep into the structure of the wood. On last step a vacuum is re-created, which extracts the excess antiseptic from the wood.

Attention! Be as selective as possible when choosing flame retardant treated lumber. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers use the cheapest and most ineffective flame retardants, or simply tint products in a pinkish color. Remember that high-quality processing of wooden structures with flame retardants is, first of all, the safety of you and your family.