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How to get rid of weevil on strawberries. Strawberry-raspberry weevil

Our garden and garden is teeming with various pests that feed on cultivated plants or spoil the harvest. These pests include the weevil, which will be discussed in the article. Familiar to everyone as a "barn pest" can also destroy green spaces, so you should learn more about the beetle in order to quickly and correctly destroy it.

Weevil: getting to know the enemy

Weevil, or "elephant beetle" - an insect from the Coleoptera order. This is a small bug that has a length of several millimeters, but there are individuals up to 3 cm in length. The color and shape of each species varies, and since there are about 5 thousand species of weevil only in the CIS, it is not possible to describe each.

The family is divided into two broad subgroups: long-proboscis and short-proboscis.

Long-tailed weevils. The beetles of this group are distinguished by a very large proboscis, which can reach the length of the body. This proboscis is used to pierce a larger layer of tissue. The larvae develop and feed inside the plant tissues.

These insects are less dependent on the absorption of nutrient juices from plants. They are more "universal", their structure allows you to eat both living vegetation and harvested planting material. The larvae develop in the soil.

Did you know? Most weevils feed on plants, and only a few consume decaying organic matter as food.

The weevil lays a considerable "army" of larvae, which from birth begin to harm crops and plantings.

It is important to know not only what the weevil looks like, but also to recognize its larva. Beetle larvae are very small, painted in White color with a brown head and prominent jaws.

In appearance, it looks like a small caterpillar, but the main difference from the "offspring" of butterflies is the absence of limbs. The larva has no legs.

Sometimes the larvae can be painted gray or brown. This is inherent in the species of weevils, the larvae of which feed directly on the surface of the leaf. If the weevil larva develops in the ground, then the roots of plants serve as food for it.

Types of weevil and the harm they cause

You learned about what weevils eat in the last section, but each individual species of beetle infects different cultures. To properly deal with a pest, you need to identify it.

Why is the weevil so dangerous? This insect eats everything from roots to inflorescences. Both adults and larvae will harm your plantings. Even a small colony of beetles with a trunk can destroy the entire crop of strawberries, raspberries or apples.

Important! The granary weevil differs from the rice and corn weevil, which feed exclusively on the "profile" plant.

Fruit weevils. This group includes pest beetles fruit crops. They eat everything that grows on a tree, including the bark. Incredibly dangerous pests not only deprive the crop, but also cause serious damage to the tree.

Important! Many fruit trees fall into the risk group, such as apricot, quince, cherry plum, apple tree (apple weevil), pear, viburnum, peach and others.

This group also includes the Andean potato, oriental, common and striped weevil.

Preventive and agrotechnical measures against the pest

It is rather difficult to carry out preventive measures against the pest if both fruit crops and vegetables grow on the site, since certain groups of plants will infect different kinds weevil.

The most dangerous pest of harvested crops is the barn weevil. To prevent the appearance of a pest beetle with a proboscis in your storage, you need to follow the instructions.

  1. Before storage, the products must be heated or cooled, as the pest is afraid of sudden changes in temperature.
  2. Good drying (weevil loves wet grain).
  3. Complete cleaning of grain from debris and impurities, with which the beetle most often enters the barn.
  4. Pre-treatment of the premises with preparations based on hydrogen phosphide.

Important! The barn weevil does not like strong odors, so if the beetle has wound up in a small warehouse, it can be driven away with garlic, lavender or bay leaves.

So that weevils that infect legumes do not appear on the site, you need to adhere to preventive measures:
  • during planting, carefully dig and loosen the soil to destroy the larvae;
  • remove weeds from the site;
  • carry out early sowing of legumes;
  • delimit the site (plant perennials away from annuals).
This is followed by prevention from the fruit weevil, which affects almost all cultivated fruit trees.

  • Planting fruit crops away from wild plants in a well-drained area.
  • Installation of a "trapping belt" on each tree during bud swelling. The bark is cut off from the trunk so that the beetles cannot crawl inside the bast, and the cut point is wrapped with double-sided tape. Another option is paper coated with glue, such a “belt” stops the pest moving along the tree well. After flowering, the belt is removed and burned.

Important! The adhesive belt stops not only the weevil, but also beneficial insects, so you should not install it without a reason.

  • Whitewashing with milk of lime at the beginning of bud swelling. It is the crown of the tree that needs to be whitewashed, since whitewashing the root part of the trunk will not give any effect.
  • Autumn cleaning of the trunk from the old dead bark and whitewashing of bare places.
In order not to look for information on how to deal with weevil, preventive work should be carried out to help keep the crop intact.

It is important to understand that the weevil most often visits those areas that are not properly cared for. The presence of rotten residues, lack of crop rotation and too dense plantings lead to the appearance of a pest.

Mechanical method of struggle

The mechanical method makes sense when you are fighting a pest in small plantings. fruit trees or vegetable crops.

Did you know? oral apparatus in weevils it is located at the very end of the tube and has a very small size. It is impossible for them to gnaw anything, so insects use it like a gimlet.

Fighting weevil with folk methods

Folk remedies are another way to get rid of weevil.

Raspberry-strawberry weevil after such control measures should leave the plantations.

Fruit weevil can be removed using decoctions and infusions.

  1. Infusion on field chamomile. It is necessary to collect about 150 inflorescences and fill them with 10 liters of water. A day later, the infusion is filtered and 60 g of laundry soap is added.
  2. A decoction of tomato leaves. Immediately after flowering, tomato tops are harvested (about 1 kg is needed for a decoction) and boiled in 10 liters of water for 30 minutes. Next, 40 g of laundry soap is added to the broth and fruit trees are sprayed.

Important! Folk remedies for weevil should be used only in cases where infectionNotis massive. If the weevil will multiply faster than it will die from any means, then there will be no point in spraying.

In order to prevent the destruction of plantings of peas or beans by the weevil, it is necessary to treat legumes with the following infusion: onion peel, garlic peel and pine needles are placed in a large container; the container is filled with water and left to ferment for 2 weeks, after which it is diluted with water 1: 10 and the plantings are sprayed. Processing should be done once a week.

Most folk "medicines" contain bactericidal components (onions, garlic, needles), so you can prepare your own infusions and decoctions on their basis if you did not find the desired type of weevil in this article.

Fighting weevil with biological methods

Biological control methods are the use of other animals or organisms that eat or drive the weevil off the site.

Important! biological method weevil control cannot be used in tandem with chemistry, since most of the beetle's natural enemies will be destroyed by drugs.

It's worth starting with ants. There is a variety of insects that are used to destroy the weevil in plantings. However, it is worth remembering that ants can bring aphids to your site, so their benefits are rather doubtful.

Birds. Winged friends are always happy to help with the destruction of uninvited guests. In order for the birds to help get rid of the weevil, you need to place several feeders near the affected plants. This way you can not only liven up your garden with singing, but also get rid of a small pest population.

Ground beetles. This predator insect eats not only weevils, but also other garden pests. In appearance, the ground beetle looks like a medium-sized beetle, which has a matte black color of the entire body. These beetles are very useful, but it is quite difficult to buy them, so it is impossible to breed useful insects.

Did you know? There are about 70 thousand species of weevils in the world, and every year more and more new species are discovered, most of which inhabit tropical countries.

Fighting with "heavy artillery": spraying chemicals

Pesticide treatment is reliable means getting rid of the weevil. You only need to use pesticides if your plantings are completely covered with weevil, or if this beetle destroys tons of harvested grain.

In any other cases, it is not recommended to use "heavy artillery" in order to avoid the total destruction of all life on your site, poisoning the soil and fruits.

However, it should be understood that different cultures react differently to pesticides.

The most affordable and effective insecticides:"Fufanon", "Kemifos", "Novaktion", "Alatar", "Initiation" (for the destruction of larvae), "Mospilan" and others.

In order for the insecticide to cause minimal harm to the plant, it must be used exactly according to the instructions, since different dosages are required for different crops. Knowing who the weevil is and how dangerous it is, you need to timely deal with its complete destruction or population reduction.

We recommend not to use strong drugs in the event that the losses from the activity of the weevil are insignificant, because you can poison the entire crop or destroy all the microflora on the site. Use our tips to protect plantings and harvesting from weevil.

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Growing strawberries requires a lot of strength and patience. But growing strawberries is half the battle. It is also necessary to protect it from numerous pests (and there are plenty of those who want to eat strawberries). One of these dangerous insects capable of destroying 50-80% of the total crop areweevils. Signs that your strawberry has been attacked by this enemy are: the appearance of small holes in the green leaves of the plant, the sudden fall of peduncles, the drying of the buds, as if someone had cut them. In such situation complete victory you will no longer win over the beetle - time has been lost, and in order not to lose the entire crop, you will have to thoroughly fight the weevil. In order to prevent such a situation, you need to prepare in advance, learn better what the weevil is and how to deal with it on strawberries e.

Did you know? The family of beetles weevils (elephants) (lat. Curculionidae) has more than 70,000 species. The name of the beetle is associated with a long proboscis on the head (rostrum), with which the beetle pierces plant tissues, with which it feeds and lays eggs. The family of weevils is represented by a variety of sizes (from 1 mm to 50 mm), body shapes (round, flat, cylindrical, etc.), colors. The larvae of some weevils live in the ground, others live in flower buds. Each of the species has its own niche, its own tastes: some feed on forest plants, some on palm trees, some on garden crops, some (for example, the barn weevil) feed on cereals collected by people.

What does a strawberry pest look like?

More than 5,000 species of these beetles live in mid-latitudes. Among them, the raspberry-strawberry weevil (lat. Anthonomus rubi) poses the greatest threat to strawberries. To successfully deal with the pest, you need to know what the weevil looks like. The size of an adult beetle is small - up to 3 mm, the color of the chitinous cover is black-brown. The beetle is covered with short hairs, has wings with which it flies from plant to plant. Female weevils are much larger than males. The name of this species of weevil indicates its predilection - the beetle infects not only strawberries and strawberries, but also raspberries, blackberries, rose bushes and rose hips.

The mating period is one and a half months. During this time, one female is able to lay up to 50 eggs. The raspberry-strawberry weevil is a representative of the long-proboscis - it is more attracted to flower buds. It is in them that female weevils lay eggs (one in one bud), from which larvae hatch - thick white or cream worms (the head has a brown chitinous shell). After 20 days, pupation occurs. The soft yellowish pupa has the rudiments of a cephalothorax, wings, and legs. After a few weeks, the pupa turns into an adult beetle. Beetles overwinter in the ground in rotten leaves under a strawberry bush and become active again after the soil warms up to plus 13 degrees Celsius.

Did you know? What is a weevil? Weevil is one of the most dangerous pests, eating roots, leaves, stems, fruits of almost all known plants (including aquatic ones). Most of species of weevils lives in the tropics. Global warming and human activities have led to the fact that many species of weevils, getting along with imported products to other regions, acclimatize in new climatic conditions. A vivid example is the red palm weevil from Southeast Asia, which became a disaster for France, Spain, Mexico, even reached the Krasnodar Territory of Russia (in 2015, this pest destroyed many date palms in Sochi).

Weevil damage

Overwintered beetles get out of the ground and, in anticipation of buds, concentrate in the middle of strawberry bushes, on growing stalks and leaves. After the appearance of buds and mating, the female weevil damages the bud, lays an egg in it, and then a process occurs, the description of which was given: larva, pupa, young beetle (approximately in the middle of summer). As a result, the pest devours buds, flowers and pedicels, strawberry leaves. Only one female can damage 50 flowers. If there are many pests, and the strawberry plot is small, then you can completely lose the crop. From strawberries, weevils can switch to raspberries.

Did you know? In 1920, in the USA, in the city of Enterprise (Alabama), a monument to the cotton weevil was erected. The monument was erected by farmers as a sign of gratitude after the weevil destroyed all cotton crops and ruined farms. After that, farmers abandoned monoculture, began to develop other industries Agriculture and got rich quick.

Prevention and agrotechnical methods of pest control

The harm that the raspberry-strawberry weevil causes is so great that it is necessary preventive measures fight him. Preventing the appearance of a pest is easier than trying to get rid of it later. Prevention should be done in the fall: after the end of the harvest, it is necessary to cut off all the leaves from the strawberry bushes, weed the weeds, treat with an insecticide. If the leaves have traces of damage by weevils, then they should be burned.

In addition, the use of some agricultural practices also contributes to the success of the fight against weevils:

  • it is necessary to “breed” raspberry and strawberry bushes on the site (both plants are equally affected by the pest);
  • plant strawberry varieties with the shortest flowering period;
  • remove buds and leaves damaged by the pest;
  • apply regularly mechanical way beetle control - collecting beetles from the bushes. It is best to do this in the early morning (beetles have not yet warmed up after the night). In the evening, you can lay paper, film under the bushes (you can use a flat tray, etc.), and in the morning gently shake the plant and collect the beetles (then burn the paper, rinse the tray with water). Despite the complexity, the efficiency of this method is high;
  • try to scare away the pest with a strong aroma (plant garlic, onions, marigolds, etc. nearby), while periodically breaking off or cutting off the shoots to enhance the smell;
  • dig the soil for the winter, mulch pine needles or dark thick film.

Experienced gardeners, answering how to deal with weevil on strawberries in the spring, are advised to arrange traps for weevils. For this, a special mixture is prepared: 200 g of sugar and 100 g of yeast per liter of water. This mixture is fermented in heat. Then it is poured into glass container with a narrow neck. Traps are placed among the strawberry bushes during its flowering (the mixture must be changed every three days). A simpler (but no less effective) solution would be to use a trap from a piece of matter (burlap) on a hot afternoon and corrugated cardboard above. Hiding from the heat, weevils hide under corrugated paper, and the gardener can only remove them (along with paper)

Important! When deciding how to get rid of weevil on strawberries, you need to remember that more an important factor it will not be what method you will fight the pest, but what period of time you will start this fight. There is no one-shot remedy - you will need to inflict several hits when the weevils are most vulnerable.

Fight with folk remedies

One of the advantages of folk remedies for pest control is the possibility of their use at any period of the vegetative development of strawberries without harm to the plant. Folk methods require repeated repetition - they are easily washed off when watering or during precipitation. By efficiency folk remedies they are very different from the weevil on strawberries, so it is better to use proven ones.

Spraying strawberry bushes is popular:

  • mustard solution (100 g of dry mustard per 3 liters of water);
  • a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water);
  • infusion of bitter capsicum (1 kg of fresh red pepper per 10 liters of water, leave for two days, then boil for 10 minutes and leave for another two days. Store in a hermetically sealed container);
  • during the formation of buds - an emulsion of mustard and laundry soap (10 l of water, 200 g of soap, 200 g of mustard);
  • infusion of tansy (evening): 1.5 kg of fresh tansy per 5 liters of water. Insist 3-4 days, 30 min. boil, dilute 5 l cold water, before spraying, add 50 g of laundry soap;
  • tobacco and garlic infusion;
  • ammonia (2 tablespoons per bucket of water);
  • solution from wood ash(3 kg), laundry soap (40 g) and 10 liters of water (during the budding period);
  • a decoction of bitter wormwood (slightly dry one plant, boil for 15 minutes in 4 liters of water, add 6 liters of cold water and 40 g of soap).

A good result is achieved by mulching strawberry bushes with ash in spring, as well as watering with iodine solution (1 tsp per bucket of water).

Important! When asked when to spray strawberries from weevil, experts say that strawberry bushes should be sprayed only during budding, when buds are forming.

Processing with biological preparations

For safety for plants, humans and bees to folk methods approached biological means of pest control. They are environmentally friendly, do not pollute or accumulate in soil, plants, etc.

- a beetle with characteristic outward signs. His head is very elongated, so it resembles a small trunk. This is where its name comes from.

These beetles are widely distributed in tropical climates. On the territory of Russia there are about five thousand of their varieties. The vast majority are the worst enemies for gardens and orchards.

Description of weevils

In another article, we covered the issue -. Another strawberry pest is the weevil. The body itself is small - about three millimeters. It has a dark gray color.

Strange, but the weevil does not like ripe berries. But they may not even grow, because the beetle will damage the berry buds in advance. The larvae pose a danger not only to plants and crops, but even to trees. Beetles are very fond of using coniferous plantations as food and at home.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

Harm weevils for the garden and vegetable garden

The time of laying eggs is the most dangerous for berry crops. During this period, the buds separate, and after that the female bites the stalk. This leads to drying and death of the buds. So, up to half of the crop can be lost.

Scientists have proven that this pest loves male flowers strawberries, which are distinguished by long pedicels.

Young individuals of weevils can be found in July. They eat leaves and gnaw on berries. And in the fall they go to sleep in the soil under a bush. Therefore, treat your strawberry bushes twice a year (in spring and summer).

The weevil beetle destroys not only strawberries, it also harms raspberries, currants, strawberries. In addition to spoiled and dried buds, you can also see broken stems.

If you missed the processing time before the appearance of weevils, then the situation can be saved. Treat strawberries before breeding and juveniles begin.

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How to process strawberries from weevil?

The fight against beetles should be carried out long before the buds appear. Weevils do not tolerate cold air, during this period they simply hibernate. Therefore, it is advisable to start processing when there is still snow in the yard.

The first time it is better to spray a week before the start of flowering buds. In mid-July, you can repeat the procedure. This way you will protect your berries from new weevils, and the beetles will not have the opportunity to stay for the winter. Your future harvest will be securely protected.

An inexperienced gardener can get lost in variety modern means for pest control. In addition, familiar gardeners can give a lot of advice based on their experience. How to do right choice, do not throw money away and save your harvest?

To do this, you can use the services of sanitary services. It is they who will be able to correctly assess the problem and choose suitable way getting rid of beetles.


Many resort to the use of chemicals. Such spraying should be performed in spring and summer. It is very important to choose the right moment here.

This way of fighting is the most effective. The result can be fixed by using top dressing, which is enriched with microorganisms. They prevent the appearance of not only weevils, but also other harmful insects. This will help not only save the fruits, but also make them more juicy.

The most popular spraying agents are Atellix, Inta-vir, Metafos, Karbofos. For autumn and spring prophylaxis, Antonem-F, Iskra-bio, Nemabakt, Akarin, Fitoverm are well suited.

Folk remedies

Many owners are wary of various kinds chemicals. They prefer to use proven grandmother's methods. And there are a huge number of them.

Do not forget that after rain their effect loses its effect. Therefore, you will have to repeat the procedure often. But the most important thing is timeliness. By taking care of the fight against weevil in advance, you can save your crop and get delicious fruits.

When to spray strawberries for weevil?

Weevils can well overwinter in the ground under strawberry bushes and come out of hibernation when it is warm outside and the earth warms up to eight degrees.

At this time, the buds are just beginning to separate. Already in the very first even unopened buds, the pest lays larvae and bites them. Subsequently, the pests eat the cores of the flowers, and then return to the ground to pupate.

Most of all they like to eat the buds of the largest berries. And, as a result, the most delicious part of the fruit is destroyed.

Most often, the owners begin to sound the alarm when they notice shrunken and damaged buds. But it is too late to fight, because by this time the weevils begin to eat raspberry bushes or nearby weeds.

Then they come back to the strawberry bushes to feast on new, young leaves. At the same time, dots (punctures) can be found on the leaves at this moment.

Is it advisable to process strawberries during flowering?

The most effective time for processing strawberries is when the snow melts. At this time, the soil is still cold, and the beetles are still in hibernation. Water the soil with a water solution once a week.

When the buds begin to form, treat them with biological preparations. It is best to use tools such as Iskra-bio or for this procedure. Already two days after irrigation, you can not be afraid to eat berries.

If you have not completed these manipulations, then there is no point in spraying strawberries during flowering.


Preventive measures will allow you not only to save your crop, but also to make it better:

  • Trim the leaves in the fall.
  • Get rid of weeds.
  • Water the ground using any insecticide.
  • Periodically shake the bugs on a newspaper.
  • Break off bad buds.
  • After you have harvested, process the bushes.
  • Just before the first frost, cover the strawberries using airtight black plastic. Let the strawberries keep warm until the end of spring. When the temperature under the film reaches forty degrees, you must wait a week. Then you can remove it and get rid of the pest.
  • Get rid of various plant debris in the fall.
  • Also in the autumn months it is recommended to dig up the soil in the beds.


There are plenty of ways to process strawberry bushes. Choose a method that is convenient for you to deal with weevil. Remember that regular pest prevention on your strawberries is the best way save your harvest and get tasty and ripe berries.

How to process strawberries in the fall so as to protect them in the winter can be found in this article.

First of all, properly prepare the plantation for processing with the help of the advice of experienced gardeners.

It is necessary to know how to properly approve strawberries so that they grow without diseases. It is important to protect it from pests and various insects.

We will protect strawberries for the winter with the help of special covering coatings.

Processing strawberries in the fall from pests and diseases is successful harvest in the future and providing strawberries with health for a long time.

After harvesting a good harvest, it is necessary to ensure good harvest and in the future tense. To do this, you need to process the strawberry bushes and properly prepare them for the winter.

The advice of experienced gardeners will help.

Preparation for processing

Before we start loosening, pruning and fertilizing, we will first prepare the plantation. What needs to be done? Read on.

Get rid of all dried leaves

Powdery mildew damages a large amount of greenery, which must first be removed. It can simply be torn off and cut off. Collect everything collected in one heap and burn it, otherwise the infection will adversely affect the strawberries.

Some summer residents believe that it is not worth breaking natural processes and remove the leaves, but there are many opinions and based on the experience of many people, it is worth removing the extra leaves.

You can conduct such an experiment: cut off half of the plantation of beds and remove the leaves, leave on the other half. What will come out of this experience will be known at the next harvest.

Cut the leaves very carefully. Cut with scissors only the necessary plates, without touching the stems. Get rid of all tendrils.

transplant bushes

This is done very rarely, about once every 6 years, depending on care. When the time has come, the outlet should be planted away so that you will be pleased with the aroma of strawberries at the next harvest.

How to fertilize

Many summer residents forget that in addition to summer and spring, it is extremely important to fertilize the soil in the fall.

Pure organic endorsements won't do as you can burn the leaves.

Here, common chicken manure, humus or manure will be an excellent fertilizer.

Wood ash will also be an excellent soil fertilizer. It will also help as an insect control. Arrange handfuls under the bush.

In order to make live top dressing from wood ash, you need to pour a glass of ash with ten liters of water and insist. Then divide and water each bush.

Suitable such mineral fertilizers like superphosphates or potassium salt.

Important to know: no chlorine-containing substances. Strawberries don't like chlorine.

It is also important to remember to mulch the grass with straw or sawdust to ensure safety from a large number weeds.

Nitrogen fertilizers in the fall will not work. They are used only in the spring. Because of them, in the fall, plants can begin to grow strongly upwards, which is undesirable.

We fight pests and diseases

From whitefly and ticks

In the vast plantation with strawberries, you can find pests such as whiteflies, strawberry mites or weevils.

Experienced summer residents are advised to fight them with folk remedies.

This way is perfect:

For 10 liters of water at a temperature of 30 degrees, use 3 tablespoons liquid soap, vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of vinegar and ash.

Apply this solution to all soil, foliage, bushes.

From weevil

How to get rid of the weevil on strawberries using folk remedies

Who likes chemical substances, and to whom the people. It is up to the summer resident to decide, but folk remedies have long been considered effective. Consider the methods of struggle.

onion peel

We use a three-liter jar. We put onion peel and celandine there 2 to 1 for 1/3 of the can. Fill with boiling water and strain. When the solution has cooled, spray the leaves. We repeat the process after 2 weeks.

Laundry soap

200 grams of soap per 10 liters of water. Strawberries are sprayed with this solution during the budding period.


Dissolve mustard powder in warm water in about 3 liters. Carry out processing at the same time as with laundry soap- during the budding period.

Potassium permanganate

For 10 liters of water - 5 grams.


Infuse for a week in 10 liters of water - 100 grams of garlic, add coniferous extract - 400 ml. and boric acid about 2 tablespoons.

We cover strawberries for the winter

It all depends on the harsh winter temperatures, that is, on the terrain.

Shelter under the spruce

If large frosts are expected, then it is worth covering the strawberries with spruce branches. A little later, in winter, cover with snow on top.


Another method is mulching.

There are many options here - straw, sawdust, hay, reeds, peat and others. All of them will create heat for strawberries and will warm in cold winters. The main thing is not to forget to remove the mulch in the spring so that the strawberries do not fry.

But mulching in this way has its drawbacks:

  • Every year you need to update the mulch;
  • Attracting any pests;
  • Soil acidification.

Polyethylene film

A good method how to cope with frost and durable, but it also has several disadvantages:

  • Overheating of the roots;
  • Violation of the work of earthworms, which favorably promote growth;
  • Restriction of soil in the air;
  • Restriction of soil to abundant water.

You can help strawberries survive winter stress by spraying them with a special Zirconium stimulant.

Black covering material

Considered the most common and comfortable material to shelter strawberries for the winter.

There are a lot of myths about it being waterproof, but that only happens when it's new. Its suitability can be checked immediately and ensure that water enters easily and without problems.

With the help of black covering material, strawberries will live from 3 to 4 years without problems.

Some covering materials are sold immediately with special holes for strawberries.

Other materials for sheltering strawberries

There are also white-black, yellow-black, white-red materials. What is their feature?

For example, the yellow-black material is different in that to yellow all sorts of pests and insects are attracted, thereby protecting the plant. And the black color helps to reduce the growth of weeds.

How to deal with the weevil in the spring during the ripening of strawberries?

Who among us does not like to eat fresh strawberries with own garden? A bright juicy berry is a sweet reward for labor for every gardener. But what to do if a weevil pest has settled on your strawberries? In fact, the fight against weevil on strawberries is not at all difficult, it is enough to know a few nuances.

Know the enemy "by sight"

Weevil is a small gray-brown beetle 2.5-3 mm in size. His body is covered with hairs, and on his head is a long proboscis, for which he received the name weevil.

There are about 70,000 species of this pest on Earth, but only the raspberry-strawberry weevil infects strawberries.

Beetles hibernate under strawberry bushes in the remains of leaves and plants, hiding under clods of earth. In the spring, when the snow melts and the air warms up to 8-15 °С. the weevil wakes up and moves to the plant, feeding on the juice of strawberry or raspberry leaves.

Why is weevil dangerous?

The most dangerous period is the period of laying eggs by the female. It just coincides with the moment of isolation of the buds. The female lays her eggs in the first buds on the strawberries, and then bites the stalk. After that, the bud dries up and falls off.

Thus, the beetle can destroy up to 40% of the strawberry crop. Moreover, this pest chooses the buds located in the very center, which give the largest berries.

How to get rid of weevil?

Fighting weevil on strawberries is a painstaking task. You need to start it even when the snow begins to melt. The air temperature is still too low, so the beetles are still hibernating under dry leaves. It's time to treat the earth with an iodine solution (half a teaspoon of iodine per bucket of water). We process every 10 days.

During the period of extension of strawberry inflorescences, about a week before flowering, they are treated with insecticides.

Will do" Inta-vir"(2.5 tablets per 10 liters of water). If there are too many pests, it is imperative to re-treat after harvesting in early August.

Biological control preparations can also be used Nemabakt" And " Anthony-F“, they can be applied from early spring to late autumn. In early May, you can carry out treatment with preparations " spark bio «, « Akarin" or " Fitoverm «.

Remember! If the weevil stays on strawberries, it will soon move on to raspberries and vice versa.

If you don’t want to treat the garden with chemicals, there are other ways to deal with weevils, for example, folk remedies:

  • Insist for a week in a bucket of water 100 grams of garlic, add 400 ml of coniferous extract and 2 tbsp. spoons boric acid and spray the beds.
  • Spray the plants with a solution of potassium permanganate (5 g per 10 liters of water) or tincture of capsicum - it repels beetles very well.
  • Put fresh fern leaves under the strawberry bushes.
  • Water with infusion of tansy. Since fresh tansy grows later than strawberries and raspberries, you will have to buy an infusion at a pharmacy.
  • Treat in the spring after the appearance of young leaves with a solution ammonia(2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).
  • Plant onions and garlic around the affected plants, weevils do not tolerate its smell.

The most important thing to remember is that it is still impossible to get rid of all the bugs with chemicals. Therefore, do not be lazy and shake off the weevils from the bushes on a lined oilcloth or paper. Do not spare the spoiled buds either, they need to be broken off, they will no longer bring any benefit.
