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What flowers should you not keep at home? folk signs. Signs about flowers that should not be kept at home

Buying flowers for an apartment is a pleasant, but quite difficult task. Hundreds of names and varieties, bright buds, luxurious leaves, exquisite aroma. What plants to choose to decorate your home?

Experienced flower growers and doctors advise you to listen to the recommendations when landscaping your apartment. It is important to know: there are flowers that cannot be kept at home. Some plants cause allergies, contain poisonous sap, and emit too strong an aroma.

Dangerous indoor plants

When landscaping your home, you should not use flowers from several families:

  • euphorbia (poisonous juice);
  • nightshades (poisonous fruits);
  • kurtaceous (leaves and flowers highlight toxic substances);
  • aroid (juice is hazardous to health).

What indoor flowers should not be kept at home? The following types and varieties of plants should not be grown:

  • nightshade. Bright saturated berries orange color attract animals and children. It is important to know: fruits contain toxic substances;
  • evergreen ivy. Many gardeners grow flowers from the Araliaceae family at home, but it is advisable to plant ivy outside to decorate a terrace or arch. A climbing plant with bright green leaves is poisonous. If pets try the leaves, they may become seriously poisoned or die;
  • Gesner tulip. Spectacular appearance: formed on a medium-sized stem large flower, shade - from bright yellow to rich red. If you place a Gesner tulip in an apartment, then after a while adult family members may develop problems with hair follicles: alopecia (baldness) develops;
  • adenium. The toxic plant looks beautiful: a thick stem with sparse leaves and many not very large flowers of pleasant Pink colour. Adenium juice is toxic; other parts of the plant are also dangerous for humans and pets;
  • spurge. milky juice white, released on the incision, provokes irritation of the epidermis, burns, and discomfort on the skin. The Euphorbiaceae family includes many species; some plants have spines that are easy to injure. Feature- fleshy leaves and stem;
  • Dieffenbachia. Many gardeners grow at home a plant of an original appearance with large leaves of a yellow-green hue. If the leaves or stem are damaged, poisonous juice is released; contact of drops with the skin or eyes can lead to irritation, redness, burns, and itching. It is dangerous if a cat eats a leaf: the animal may be poisoned;
  • Sims azalea. It is this variety of decorative flowering plant that is dangerous to human health. If you swallow a Sims azalea leaf, cramps and spasms develop in the intestines. Other varieties can be grown for decoration in the apartment: the plant pleases with delicate yellow, pink, white, red buds and lush flowering;
  • croton Green decor for an apartment of this type is not as popular as Dieffenbachia or ivy, but some gardeners plant a small tree from the Euphorbia family to decorate the home. You should not risk your health: if you accidentally cut or break off the stem or leaves, the milky juice can get on your skin. The toxic substance can cause serious poisoning, including hospitalization for emergency care.

There are other dangerous plants:

  • philodendron. Experts advise planting a flower for decoration summer cottage or a private house outside, but it’s not worth keeping green decor in the apartment. Philodendron contains poisonous juice, contact with which causes burning, irritation, and burns. The juice of a plant from the azalea family is especially dangerous for the sensitive retina of the eyes;
  • bashful mimosa. Original look attracts amateur flower growers. Thin leaves, curling into a tube after touching, long stems give mimosa unusual look. When diluted in an apartment, toxic substances enter the air, negatively affecting the condition of adults and children. Some complain that their hair is thinning and falling out;
  • Trichocereus. The appearance resembles a cactus. Trichocereus has long, sharp spines. Large white flowers are formed periodically and emit a pleasant aroma. If you keep Trichocereus in the bedroom and poorly ventilate the room, the air becomes filled with toxins and hallucinogens, which manifests itself bad influence for the work of the central nervous system. The more pots of trichocereus there are in an apartment, the higher the risk of paralysis from inhaling toxic substances.

Note! Some plants can be damaged if flowerpots are placed incorrectly. Many people know that lilies should not be placed in the bedroom: the plant emits a sharp, tart aroma. Flowers also actively produce carbon dioxide. The impact of two negative factors can provoke insomnia, cause headache And bad feeling. It is strictly forbidden to purchase lilies for your home if one of the family members is asthmatic. When inhaling a bright sweetish aroma, bronchospasm and asthmatic attack are possible.

Impact on humans

It is important to know the facts about the effect of plants on humans:

  • hydrangea. A spectacular flower: a luxurious “cap” consists of small buds. Various shades of blue and pink are pleasing to the eye. Hydrangea pots should not be placed in a room where an allergy sufferer lives;
  • orchid. A royal, delicate plant with a pleasant aroma and luxurious buds on a long peduncle should not be placed in the bedroom: the smell activates nervous activity and can provoke insomnia. The best option- place exquisite green decor with spectacular flowers close to the workplace to enhance mental activity;
  • tuberose. This popular flower is grown by many amateur gardeners. On a long peduncle there are white flowers, similar to bells. The bright, very sweet aroma irritates the receptors, leading to an exacerbation of hypertension and heart pathologies. If the flower remains in the bedroom for a long time, then hypertensive patients and heart patients experience dizziness, loss of strength, and possible development of depression. The negative impact is enhanced if there are several pots of tuberose at home;
  • fern. The action of the components of the popular home flower resembles a lily: active release of carbon dioxide provokes headaches. For this reason, you should not place pots with a luxurious plant in the bedroom, but ferns are suitable for room decor;
  • ficus Some allergy sufferers and asthmatics are sensitive to waxy substances containing tiny particles of allergens.

What to do if and how to get rid of ubiquitous insects? We have the answer!

On the page, read about how to remove mold from the bathroom and stop the proliferation of fungal colonies.

Folk signs

There are beliefs and superstitions, on the basis of which some housewives make a choice in favor of one or another plant for landscaping their apartment. Many signs do not have sufficient grounds to classify a flower as “harmful”. Cacti, sansevieria, mother-in-law's tongue, palm trees, and climbing plants have undeservedly fallen out of favor. Geraniums and ficuses are not recommended for growing at home, even if you are not allergic.

Folk signs:

  • curly ornamental plants prevent a woman from getting married, provoke infidelity. If ivy grows in an apartment, then household members lose optimism and become nervous. However, if ivy is planted on the outside of the house or on the balcony, then reliable protection from the “evil eye” is provided;
  • ficus can interfere with the birth of babies. If there is a flowerpot with a flower of this genus in the house, then you need to remove the plant from the home - and soon children will appear. There is an opposite belief: ficus in the house - to prosperity and addition to the family;
  • Sansevieria or “pike tongue” prevents the owners of the apartment from getting married. Popular beliefs are unfairly recorded beautiful flower with a delicate aroma to the list of green decor, which negatively affects the choice of a partner for family life;
  • cacti can turn a husband into a person suffering from addiction to alcoholic beverages. Another belief: thorny plant disrupts the peace of mind of family members. If an unmarried girl keeps cacti at home, then it is more difficult for her to meet a reliable chosen one;
  • You can't keep bonsai at home. This sign seems strange: compositions from dwarf trees fit perfectly into the interior of the home Japanese style. Some people believe that bonsai interfere with career growth and take away vitality: achievements become small, insignificant, and the path to the top will be as slow as the growth of a dwarf tree;
  • the risk of loneliness increases if there are pots of mother-in-law's tongue on the windowsill. Long green leaves symbolize the long road along which future husband can unexpectedly leave the girl at any moment;
  • Dieffenbachia often takes away the health of family members and brings discord into the home;
  • Fern is an energy vampire. Beautiful plant with luxurious greenery - home decoration also fell out of favor. If the housewife is keen on growing ferns, then family members may feel inexplicable irritation, fatigue, and drowsiness.

To believe in omens or not? Is it worth buying flowers that, according to many, cannot be kept at home? Each case is individual. If the housewife is sincerely convinced that “mother-in-law’s tongue” is to blame for quarrels with her husband or loneliness, then it is difficult to convince the woman to leave the flower in the house. There are many amateur gardeners who breed cacti. People are happy, enjoy their hobby, they don’t care about strange signs. You can place a cactus next to your computer to reduce the effect of radiation from the monitor screen and enjoy the pleasant flowering of the prickly “balls”.

Video about which flowers are prohibited from growing in an apartment and why:

Have you noticed that an apartment filled with flowers is usually cozy and beautiful. Peace and tranquility reign there. A variety of flowering and decorative foliage plants on shelves and window sills not only please the eyes, but also warm and soothe the soul. Houseplants are silent helpers, faithful friends and healers of their owners. By absorbing gases and harmful substances from the surrounding air, indoor plants benefit apartment owners and have a positive effect on human health. In addition, they absorb negative auras and release vibes of joy and happiness.

Where do harmful toxins and toxins come from in our homes? hazardous substances? Firstly, these are combustion products gas stoves, on which we cook our food. Secondly, these are all kinds of construction and Decoration Materials– boards made of synthetic resins, linoleum, polymer wallpaper, plastic panels and others that release hazardous substances into the indoor air. Even natural materials in the process of aging they begin to deteriorate and become dangerous to human health. TVs, computers, microwaves, smartphones during operation reduce the amount of negative air ions useful for the human body.

Useful indoor plants

It is indoor plants that purify the air from harmful impurities, improve its quality, as well as the quality of life and health of people and animals living in the house. This ability is due to the fact that all plants secrete phytoncides that are destructive to pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, scientists have determined that many plants destroy pathogenic bacteria with their phytoncides much faster than the phytoncides secreted by garlic.

For example, there will be half as many pathogenic microbes in the room if there is a flower pot with. Lianas, asparagus and Chinese rose. Some indoor flowers absorb heavy metals, while others reduce harm from electromagnetic radiation. Still others reduce the negative effect of synthetic materials.


Houseplants that can harm human health

Some people believe that plants emit carbon dioxide, which is harmful to human health. In fact, indoor flowers during the day, in the light, release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Only at night, in the dark, they emit carbon dioxide, but in tiny quantities that do not in any way affect our health.

And yet, there are plants that, if handled carelessly, can harm its owner.

Dieffenbachia is a very beautiful decorative foliage plant, but it has poisonous sap. This flower should not be kept in bedrooms and children's rooms. When working with a plant - wiping its leaves, cutting cuttings for propagation - wear gloves, and then wash your hands with soap. Make sure that the plant juice does not get into your mouth or eyes, not only of you, but also of your children and pets.

Oleander also has poisonous sap. Handle it with gloves once again do not touch its stem and leaves to avoid getting an allergic burn or poisoning.

Croton is another representative of the poisonous indoor plants. If its juice gets on the skin, it can cause a burn or develop contact dermatitis. Croton juice, if ingested, will cause vomiting and diarrhea. Even worse, if croton juice gets into the blood, it is poisonous and a person can die. Therefore, it is not advisable to place a flowerpot with croton in the nursery, so as not to provoke the child to tear off a beautiful leaf and put it in his mouth. Wear gloves when handling the flower, and wash your hands with soap when finished. Croton does not emit harmful substances into the surrounding air.


The leaves and flowers of indoor anthuriums are also considered poisonous. This flower should be handled with care, as with all other poisonous houseplants. (see above). Find a place in the house that is inaccessible to children and pets - and everything will be fine.

Pachistachis is another conditionally poisonous indoor flower. It also does not pose a danger in terms of poisoning the surrounding air. It is advisable to work with the plant with gloves, although it is not as dangerous as previous flowers. Do not put parts of the plant in your mouth, wash your hands after any manipulation with it - and everything will be fine.

Thus, with a certain amount of caution, you can safely grow any indoor plants. Just look after them, love them, take care of them like children, wash, water, feed and fulfill all their whims. After all, for human health, it is simply necessary to have indoor flowers in the house - they humidify the air, purify it, and make it healthier. Medicinal plants By releasing their phytoncides, they increase the resistance of the body of people living next to them to all kinds of infections.

But don’t fill the entire opening with flower pots. window frame- sunlight should penetrate freely into the room. Then your flowers - helpers, healers and protectors - will reveal all their healing properties and they will give them to you!

Therefore, if you don’t like flowers, you don’t need to have them... By the way, it didn’t come to me right away either, only with motherhood, before that I was completely indifferent to them. Drawn to flowers « interesting position» so to speak))

Now, my flowers nourish and protect me (they take away negativity and illnesses). And of course they make you happy! By the way, there was a case when, after the arrival of a “difficult” person, all the flowers in my office where I work died. I had to get new ones later. Like this.

We consider flowers from the point of view of energy. So, there are flowers for the home, and there are flowers for offices, for large rooms. There are “male” flowers - with male energy, and there are “female” flowers - “women”. When one particular species prevails in a house, this may affect the composition of the household itself. That is, if there are many “female” flowers in the house, there is more feminine energy in the house, and it is already difficult for men to survive there. And vice versa. It's better to keep a 50/50 balance.

Flowers grow quickly and look healthy only with positive energy. Your indoor plants serve as an indicator of your family (work) atmosphere. If something is wrong with your pets, they get sick, the leaves turn yellow, they die, you can expect problems...

When you come to visit someone, you can easily determine “what” people (with what thoughts and mood) live in the house. If the flowers grow symmetrically and look healthy, it means the residents have positive thoughts, and vice versa. Flowers cannot survive in negativity.

Vampire flowers that you should not have in your home:

Generally any climbing plants. - They give rise to quarrels and gossip, attract various diseases. They take away positive energy.

Even in offices, it is undesirable, or install a wire frame so that the stems lie on the frame in a circle.

But the vines are useful in front of the house, from the outside. There they serve as guards. On the contrary, they do not allow negativity into the house.

Ivy- This is a vampire plant. You can’t keep it in the house, it has masculine energy, and practically drives the men out of the house where it is located. So keep that in mind.

Monstera - a vampire plant, and a very powerful one at that. Please be careful not to place it in the bedroom or children's room. If there are small children and old people in the house, the monstera will feed on them first. It's better not to keep her in the house at all.

Dieffenbachia- Also a vampire plant. Takes energy. You can't install it in small rooms at all. Designed, like Monstera, for large spaces with very high traffic. There they will even be useful, they cleanse the space.

Ferns- “vampire” flowers, they are undesirable for the home, or you need to know where to place them.

Lilac- better on personal plots and do not plant it near residential buildings, it is not for nothing that it is planted in cemeteries - this plant attracts otherworldly forces.

Useful flowers for the home:


“Flower of Love” (spathiphyllum) - The name speaks for itself, I hope you don’t have to decipher it).

"Male flower" (anthurium)- attracts men, it is better to place it next to the “Flower of Love”.

"Chinese rose" (hibiscus). In general, any Rose is a flower of Venus, the goddess of love) - attracts men.

Lavender- for those who have insomnia. Strengthens sleep, relaxes.

Orchid- it can also be called the “flower of love”, it also cleanses energy and improves mood.

Red geranium - strengthens the union between a man and a woman.

White lilies, any indoor plants with white flowers- these flowers (like all women) are under the protection of the Moon. The moon gives magical powers to a woman. White flowers should be placed on the windowsill so that moonlight falls on them and nourishes them at night.

Children's room.

"Vanka-wet" (balsam) - a very positive flower, purifies the air and energy .


Citrus - improve appetite.

Geranium - purifies the air and energy.

Violet, any color- violets can be characterized by color in accordance with the chakras (red - enhances the energy of the residents; pink - stimulates the 4th chakra, love; blue - opens the creative flow; purple - stimulates the work of the seventh chakra, spiritual; white - cleanses the energy). Therefore, choose the one according to the color you need, according to your needs. Violets can be used not only in the kitchen, but also in any room.

Chlorophytum- cleanses toxins and energy.

"Pike tail" (ansevieria)- a very positive flower, purifies the air.

Living room

Dracaena - protects the room, an energy indicator; if she is sick, the residents have problems, it is better to clean the house. He feels the energy of the house very subtly.

Ficus of any variety- very positive energy from him.

Myrtle- purifies the air and energy of the room. Very useful.


"Dollar Tree" (Zamioculcas) , the same functions as the fat woman, for attracting larger sums))

“Reach towards the clear sun,

Take root firmly in the ground.

Grow in our sight and joy,

Protect from adversity and sadness.

I give my word,

I fasten it with an alatyr stone.


And yet, I forgot the most important thing))) We are all very different, including in terms of energy, that’s why...

When choosing flowers for your home, focus, first of all, on yourself and your feelings. If you like a flower, you should take it no matter what...

P . S . IN " critical days"- it is not advisable to water flowers)

They can not only complement the interior with bright rich colors, but also completely transform it. Flowers are living beings that are capable of transmitting their energy to space and the people who are in it. Floriculture is a fascinating hobby; even a novice amateur can find satisfaction in the first weeks of growing indoor plants.

When choosing certain plants to suit your taste, we pay attention to their appearance and the conditions under which it must be kept. Rarely does anyone think about the energy of plants and how they can influence our mood, physical and psychological state, and even events in life.

Plants that bring misfortune to the house

Most indoor plants benefit the home in which they grow and bloom. The bright rich color of greenery lifts your spirits. Indoor plants saturate the air with oxygen, cleanse it of harmful impurities, thereby having a beneficial effect on immunity, performance and general emotional state.

Turning to the experience of our ancestors, having studied folk signs and superstition, we can avoid the negative influence of plants on our home, relationships in the family and at work.

If you believe folk superstitions, there are “a lot” of such household pests:

  1. - energy vampires. If, after purchasing such a plant, you quickly become tired, feel laziness and apathy, immediately get rid of this plant. This plant is not suitable for home or workplace decoration
  2. Ivy, like ferns, also feed on human energy. In addition, it is popularly famous for its influence on men. It should not be started by women who want to attract a man into their lives. Men will run from such a house as if from fire. Ivy clearly demonstrates its harmful influence on others. One by one, the flowers surrounded by ivy begin to wither and die. In general, it is best to avoid breeding in the home. climbing plants. They create a negative atmosphere, create the ground for disputes, gossip and quarrels
  3. cacti There are the most controversial plants in the house. One believes in their positive impact on the health of household members. They surround computers with them, believing that the cactus absorbs radiation harmful to humans. However, folk signs tell a different story. A cactus in the house means that the husband is drunk. And the more cacti there are, the more terrible and destructive the disease will be. In addition, cacti and succulents are strongly not recommended for a young girl to keep in her bedroom. By providing your Negative influence, cactus takes away vital energy, freshness and beauty
  4. Lilac- another secret enemy. Lilac smells great and enlivens the interior, but, unfortunately, that's about it. positive traits are ending. According to folklore, lilac bouquets attract negative energy, misfortune, and open the door to dark forces. Our ancestors noted that lilacs in the house not only cause apathy and anxiety, but are also a harbinger of tragic events in the family. It is not even recommended to plant lilacs in the courtyard of a private house, as this can affect the harmony family relations tenants
  5. Sansevieria or simply “mother-in-law’s tongue” is another insidious resident on your windowsill. It causes particular harm to women, as it can take feminine beauty and strength. The young girl in whose room this handsome handsome man grows up is not going well with her personal life. New relationships end before they even begin. Outwardly attractive and bright, she scares away men and spends her days alone for months. Our grandmothers believed that the flowering of “mother-in-law’s tongue” was a very bad omen. The worst thing is if it blooms in winter. Then quarrels or discord in the house cannot be avoided
  6. Monstera harms people with weakened vital forces. It is not recommended to place them in children's rooms or in houses where there are elderly people.

Flowers hazardous to health: photos and names

There are plants that can cause causeless insomnia, anxiety, apathy and even depression. It is better not to keep such plants at home or in the workplace, but to choose others.

Distracting from folk signs, let's move on to scientific facts:

  1. Dieffenbachia– does an excellent job of purifying the air thanks to its wide, fleshy leaves, but if you have small children or pets in the house, you should definitely get rid of it. Dieffenbachia juice is poisonous and can cause skin irritation if it comes into contact with the skin. It is dangerous to taste the juice. Such experiments threaten severe poisoning. Caring for Dieffenbachia should be done with gloves, and after transplanting the plant, wash your hands thoroughly with soap. It is completely prohibited to grow in preschool institutions
  2. Geranium one of the favorites on grandmothers' windowsills, but flowering plant harms people with weakened immune systems and those suffering from respiratory diseases. The strong smell of geranium may trigger an asthma attack or allergic reaction.
  3. Spurge, like Dieffenbachia, has toxic substances in its juice. If milkweed juice comes into contact with the mucous membrane, it causes burns. It is dangerous to try milkweed juice; if ingested, it causes dizziness, headaches and nausea.
  4. Aloe famous for his beneficial properties. Its juice is popular in folk medicine. However, do not underestimate this plant. Aloe has two types that can harm humans: Aloe striped and Aloe intimidating. Using the juice of these two plants is extremely dangerous. They can cause particular harm to pregnant women. On early stages, drinking juice inside can cause miscarriage
  5. Cyclamen- a beautiful flowering plant that decorates any interior, it turns out, is also not harmless. Cyclamen tubers contain a poison that resembles curare in its actions. Consuming it internally causes irreparable harm to the human or animal body.
  6. Ficus It is also no coincidence that it ends up on the “black” list of house plants. When replanting a ficus or taking cuttings, be sure to wear gloves. Ficus juice can cause skin burns

People care about the cleanliness of their homes and that they are surrounded by positive energy. Indoor plants bring great benefits to humans: they purify the air, green color have a positive effect on the mood and they perfectly decorate the interior.

But there are also flowers that have special meaning for humans.

Useful indoor plants for the home

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, each living space corresponds to a specific plant. But there are also those that are considered universal - suitable for any room.

The listed plants are considered universal and can be placed in any room.

Plants for the kitchen

For landscaping of this premises suitable for resistant to temperature changes, undemanding to care, not requiring constant spraying and drought-resistant.

Kitchen plants should be hardy and good at purifying the air.

Attention! There is no need to turn the kitchen into a jungle - one or two colors are enough to maintain sufficient air humidity.

Plants for the nursery

For the nursery, you need to choose plants that, first of all, will be healthy. This means that they should not cause allergies, are non-poisonous, and caring for them should be quite simple. After all, how much fun floriculture can bring to a child!

Note! To make it more interesting for your baby to care for his green friends, it is best if you select interesting flower pots. This will allow the child to form the right attitude towards nature.

Plants for the bedroom

When choosing indoor plants, you need to be guided by the same principles as for a nursery.

    1. Myrtle and eucalyptus They do an excellent job of purifying the air. They also relieve bronchospasm, so they will be especially useful for asthmatics.

    1. Spathiphyllum.
    2. will refresh the relationship between spouses.

    1. reduces the content of harmful substances in the air. At night, it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.

  1. Kalanchoe.

Attention! According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is best to place red plants in the bedroom, symbolizing mutual love and harmony.

Flowers for harmony and happiness

All of the above plants have positive energy and create a favorable homely atmosphere. Of particular note:

    • Spathiphyllum;

  • Hibiscus;

Plants that should not be kept at home

There are a number of indoor plants that are not suitable for indoor use. This is due to the fact that they emit toxic substances that can be dangerous to animals or humans.