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Do-it-yourself paper stand made of cardboard. How to make a do-it-yourself stand for papers, magazines and newspapers from cardboard Do-it-yourself office paper stand

Stand- useful and handy thing at home. For example, phones or tablets that have become an integral part of our Everyday life, in stationary conditions a little inconvenient to use. If you do not have a branded or suitable case that can secure the gadget in an inclined position, then you will have to hold it with your hands. This is inconvenient when watching a movie for a long time, while eating or reading for a long time.

The best solution to this problem may be to purchase a stand specially designed for this. But, sometimes, we need it right now, or we simply feel sorry for the money for a seemingly temporary thing. In this case, you can make a stand yourself from improvised means. It does not take a lot of time! A couple of minutes and you can comfortably sit in front of the screen of your gadget, while freeing your hands.

In this article, we will primarily rely on phone stand options, but they can also be slightly upgraded and used for tablets, books, even pictures or plates. It all depends on your imagination. But if she sleeps, then there is nothing wrong with that. The options proposed in the article are analyzed in detail, and it will not be difficult for you to slightly increase the dimensions specifically for the thing for which you are making a stand.

Handy materials to help

You can make a stand yourself from improvised materials. Almost any material that you have at home is suitable for this. It could be:

  • wire
  • cardboard
  • cardboard box
  • fabric and padding
  • bottle
  • tree
  • paper
  • pencils
  • constructor
  • stationery holders
  • unwanted plastic cards
  • old cassette

Only your imagination can limit your choice. Of course, the stores offer a huge selection of products in this category. However, making the holder yourself has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Rapidity. Sometimes a stand is needed as soon as possible, and there is no time to go to the store to buy it.
  • Cheap or free. You can make a holder from what you already have in your home.
  • Originality. With your own hands you will create a truly unique product.

Pencil phone stand

In order to collect this design, you will need:

  • 6 pencils
  • 4 rubber bands

Despite the intricate appearance, this design is very easy to assemble. The bottom line is that two pencils are fastened at the ends with an elastic band, and the third pencil is pushed between the turns of the elastic band. In the end it will geometric figure- tetrahedron. If you still have questions about how to make this version of the stand, then use the example below.

The figure clearly shows how the pencils are held together.

To avoid slipping and to make the stand more stable, use pencils with erasers on the ends.

Paper clip phone stand

The most economical and simple version of the stand, to create which you only need a paper clip.

To do this, you need to bend it into the same shape as in the figure.

This design will hold the phone without any problems.

Plastic card phone holder

For this, any unnecessary a plastic card. Just fold it along the short side, stepping back from the edge about 1 cm, and bend the rest in the opposite direction exactly in half. You will get it as shown in the picture.

Stand for phone or tablet made of cardboard

Cardboard- an excellent material that is widely used for various homemade "things". Probably, many people have a cardboard box or an unnecessary sheet of cardboard at home. It is worth trying to use it to create a stand.

For this you will need:

  • cardboard
  • scissors

From a sheet of cardboard folded in half, cut a strip measuring 10 by 10 cm. Then draw the figure shown in the figure on it and cut it out along the contour.

You will get a comfortable and stable stand that you can carry with you.

This holder option can be used for a tablet or a book. The essence of manufacturing is the same, only it is necessary to fit the part to the size of your gadget, as shown in the figure.

It is necessary to use well-flexible cardboard so that the stand does not "open".

It is important to understand that a cardboard stand is not necessarily a sloppy design. Brown. It can be stylish, comfortable and beautiful. You just need to change the shape a little and the result will change dramatically.

Origami paper phone stand

You may not have cardboard at home, but you do thick paper. It is also suitable for making a stand! All you need is paper and scissors. Cut out the shape as shown below, then fold along the fold lines.

That's all. The origami stand is ready to use.

Wire stand for phone or tablet

One of budget options made from scrap materials.

During work you will need:

  • wire 2-3 mm thick
  • pliers
  • wire cutters to cut the wire

Everything is done as simply as possible: in the right places, the wire is bent so that a holder is made from it.

To make the design more stable, the wire can be connected with a rubber band.

Such a stand can become a real design decision: it can be painted in a different color and it will completely change, or you can fill in the "voids" with decorative wire curls. This design is suitable for both phone and tablet, the difference is only in the size of your gadget.

Unusual phone stand from Lego

Probably, this version of the stand will especially appeal to teenagers and men. Here you can show your imagination by creating a whole complex for your smartphone with the ability to change position, and maybe even amplify the sound of the speaker, or get by with a minimum of details. The creative process will not only bring pleasure, but also benefit.

To make such a design, you will need a few parts and a base. The tilt level can be changed by adding or removing details. And the position of the gadget is easy to change, just adjusting the design.

Phone stand from an old cassette

Perhaps someone has an old cassette player lying around at home. It is unlikely that it will ever come in handy, and with the advent of disks and electronic media, no one uses cassettes anymore. But still, you can find a use for the cover in which the cassette was located.

To do this, it is enough to "turn" the cassette player inside out by folding the cover back. You can put a phone in the hole where the cassette was held. One of the advantages of this design is that it is easy to wash and it is transparent.

Plastic bottle phone stand

Many of us go on a trip or travel on business by train. Often, on trains, there is nothing near the sockets where a phone could be securely placed. However, the gadget is discharged and needs to be charged. You can simplify this task with a stand made from a bottle. Its essence lies in the fact that the gadget is placed in the cut off bottom of the bottle, which remains hanging on the plug from the charging device. Thus, there is no need to stand nearby and hold the phone in your hands or look for a way to secure it.

To make this holder you will need:

  • plastic bottle for shampoo or drink
  • scissors

First, wash the bottle to remove any residue. cosmetic product or soda. Then, mark it up. The back wall of the stand should become a kind of handle on which the phone holder will hang. The front wall should be high enough so that the phone does not fall out over the edge. The next step is to cut the stand around the office.

To do this, it will be more convenient to use a sharp clerical knife.

Cut a hole in the top of the handle so that it can be attached to the charger plug. You can decorate the stand for every taste: with adhesive paper, paints or stickers.

Wooden phone or tablet stand

If you want to do original stand, then one of good materials for its manufacture, you can call a tree. Such a stand will be strong, durable, and can also serve as a good gift for a loved one. It is important to understand that working with wood requires some minimal skills and special tools.

In the course of work, in addition to wooden block you may need materials such as:

  • jigsaw
  • sandpaper
  • wood cutting knives

Be careful and attentive while working with such tools.

Stand manufacturing steps:

  • Process the wooden block by sawing off the excess parts and making a recess in the top middle for a phone or tablet.
  • Using sandpaper, remove all roughness and splinters from the surface of the future holder.
  • you can cover ready product varnish or special paint.

Another option wooden stand for a phone or tablet, you can call an analogue of its cardboard version. In this case, instead of a wooden block, it is better to use plywood.

To do this, make a template for the "legs" of the holder and a crossbar that will fasten them together. And transfer it to plywood. Carefully cut with a jigsaw and smooth sandpaper unevenness and roughness. Using super glue, connect the legs and the crossbar.

DIY stand case for phone or tablet

The most popular option for a gadget stand is a stand case. It will take a little fiddling with it, but the result is worth it. This option Convenient to take with you on your travels, it is durable and can protect your screen.

To make this holder you will need:

  • cladding material, it is best to choose leather
  • material for inner cladding
  • simple and thick cardboard or rigid material
  • rubber band for fastening
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • scissors
  • double sided tape

How to do it?

  • Cut the cardboard according to the size of the tablet, so that it completely covers it. This is the future base, the dimensions of which will be the base for all elements.
  • Make a few folds in the way that the front of the case will then need to bend to support the tablet.
  • Now we take a hard material, which will give the case stability. Cut it so that it follows the contour of the workpiece.
  • We apply to the base and make a border, so that it does not interfere with the folds.

  • WITH inside we process the case soft materials, gluing to the base blank with double-sided tape.
  • The next step is fasteners for the tablet itself. To do this, we make small holes in the hard elements for rubber bands, which will hold the tablet.

  • From the outside we glue the finishing material.

Do this as carefully as possible. The appearance of the product will depend on this.

That's all. The stand is ready! It is convenient and can be used not only as a holder, but also to protect the screen.

Pouch for tablet or phone

An original and cute version of the stand for the gadget. It is suitable for girls and can become a cute home accessory.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • scissors
  • textile
  • stuffing material
  • thick cardboard
  • thread and needle
  • button

Manufacturing process:

  • First you need to cut out a template from cardboard according to the size of your gadget.
  • Then cut a rectangle out of the fabric twice the size of the resulting template.
  • Fold the base of the fabric in half and mark the crease with stitches 10 cm from the edge.
  • Sew the bag, leaving one side unswept.
  • After turning the bag inside out, position it so that the seam runs through the middle, and at the end you get a rhombus. After ironing it, bend the upper corner of the rhombus so that it is in the middle and sew. This is shown in more detail in the figure.

  • Then insert cardboard into the product and fill the remaining space with stuffing material.
  • Make a seam along the very edge of the template. After folding the edges of the unsewn side, carefully stitch it, leaving an opening for stuffing.
  • Make a roll and sew up the hole.

That's all. The product is ready. You can decorate it to your taste, giving it even more charm!

Phone holder made of stationery clips

Another interesting and at the same time very simple option. If you have a few stationery clips at home, feel free to use them!

You will need 2 clips: one larger and one smaller. By connecting them together as shown in the figure, in a couple of seconds you will get a holder for the phone.

It can also be done with two clips of the same size.

Stand for phone from an unnecessary CD-disk

An unnecessary CD-ROM can serve as a stand for the phone. In order to make such a holder, you will need a little time and work with temperature. So be careful!


For a creative person, all boundaries are erased. And he can create any object with his own hands from improvised materials. For the stand, you can use options such as an ordinary office business card holder, or a book stand well known to all of us since school days, even a sleeve from toilet paper can be great option holder.

There are many opportunities for creativity, you just need to carefully look around. Maybe you will make the most unusual smartphone accessory with your own hands!

04 September 2013 1

There is a catastrophic lack of space on the desktop, one storage box is somehow not enough for me for my pieces of paper. And I, like a first-grader, have colored paper, and PVA glue, and scissors, and sheets of felt - and everything needs to be folded somewhere. And I decided to make a box or tray for storing papers myself. It is done quickly - cut out of cardboard and glue. However, first things first.

What you need to make a cardboard box with your own hands

  • Cardboard (I have thick corrugated cardboard from the packaging box)
  • Super glue
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • masking tape
  • Scissors
  • glue stick
  • Stationery knife
  • Napkins (for pasting our beauty)

You will need a lot of space for cutting a full-fledged box for storing A4 papers - I freed up a table in the kitchen for this.

We start with a pattern. We mark the future box with a pencil and a ruler.

You can make the box one-piece and then fold and glue it, but even my huge piece of cardboard was not enough for this, so I still cut out the front wall separately.

Using a ruler and a pencil, make a pattern. As a basis, I took the box I already had. The sizes are as follows:

1) Bottom: 27x10 cm

2) Sidewall: height - 30 cm, depth 27 cm

3) Front wall: 10x15 (10 cm corresponds to the width of the bottom, and the height can be varied as you like).

Cut out. You can cut with scissors, but thick cardboard is much more convenient to cut with a clerical knife. Also, with a sharp blade of scissors, we draw the fold lines of the future box.

Cut out the front wall.

We fold the box along the fold lines.

It remains to glue. I didn’t know how to glue cardboard well (I had PVA, a glue stick and superglue), so I used superglue for reliability - it holds tightly.

At the second box, I made the front wall a little lower. And I cut this box out of double corrugated cardboard - I suffered wildly. Such a thick cardboard for storing papers is not needed, but it is oh so hard to cut it out.

It remains to paste over the box with napkins.

We iron the folds of napkins.

To paste one box on the outside, you will need 3 napkins 30x30 cm - one for each sidewall, and from the third we cut out three strips (on back wall, bottom and front wall).

The master class is designed for students in grades 4-6, in order to use waste material.

The purpose of the master class: teach students how to make a stand for magazines, give information on the phased sequence of the product; develop the skills of robots with cardboard, napkins, glue, varnish; develop thinking, attention, creative imagination, memory; educate the aesthetic taste of children, interest in design.

When we shop, we have no idea how useful packing cartons can be in everyday life. Corrugated cardboard in addition to its strength, it is an environmentally friendly material, which allows it to be used in decoration. One of these decors can be a cardboard holder for folders. It's economical, easy to create, and its functionality depends on your creativity. Thus, we offer you to try yourself in creating interesting and unusual item interior, like a cardboard folder holder.

We will need:

Carton boxes,



PVA glue,

White napkins, napkin with motif,

Brush, wide brush (paint brush),

Bowl for dissolving glue with water,

White acrylic paint (or white gouache diluted with PVA glue in equal proportions),

Foam rubber (piece of sponge),

colored acrylic paints or gouache

Lacquer interior acrylic (glossy).


1. We take cardboard box and mark with a pencil the place of the cut on one side. We cut off. For symmetry, we apply the cut out part on the other side, mark it with a pencil and also cut it off.

2. If the cardboard box is thin, for strength, we glue cardboard or a cardboard box, selected by size, from the middle. If desired, you can make compartments using the lid of the shoe box, gluing it around the edges. Cardboard can be cut, unfolded, choosing the size of the box. Design, fantasize!

3. We tear the napkins into strips with our hands. We begin to glue the box from the top, and then the sides. With the left hand, we fold the strip with folds (we drape), and with a brush, holding it in right hand, glue the strip along the edges with PVA glue with water (divorced equally). Glue the strip partly to save volume

4. A draped box comes out.

5. Paint over the box with a wide brush. To easily paint over the sides from the bottom of the box, put it on a plank or on some smaller object. Waiting for the paint to dry (approximately 10 hours)

6. Choose a napkin. Cut out the motif with nail scissors and separate upper layer napkins. We won't need two other layers without a picture for our work.

7. Using PVA glue, glue the motif from the napkin.

8. Using a sponge and a small amount of yellow acrylic paint, diluted equally with water, lightly apply the background. We are waiting for it to dry.

9. Slightly blur the background with a sponge and black acrylic paint (or red, as in another version of the stand), diluted equally with water.

10. Using green (for the stem, flower leaves) and red (for petals) acrylic paints, paint on small elements.

11. Using a wide brush, cover the stand acrylic varnish and let dry. After drying (the varnish does not stick when touched with fingers), the stand can be used for its intended purpose.

12. These are the coasters.

Helpful Hints

Cardboard is a versatile material from which you can make not only boxes, but also various crafts, as well as things that are quite useful in everyday life.

This environmentally friendly material is easy to find and quite easy to work with.

Here we have collected the most interesting and useful things that you can make from cardboard at home or in the country.

How to make a cable / cord / wire organizer out of cardboard

You will need:

Toilet paper rolls

Cardboard box (from shoes is ideal)

Tape or glue to hold the grommets together (optional)

* The number of bushings depends on the number of cables and space in the box.

* You can fill the box full or half full with bushings to leave room for larger items.

* So that the bushings do not hang out in the box and fit snugly together, you can fasten them with tape or glue.

Cardboard Crafts: Laptop Stand

From an ordinary pizza box you can make convenient stand for a laptop. This stand was created by Russian designer Ilya Andreev. He cleverly managed the folds on the cardboard to create a folding stand.

Another option for a cardboard laptop stand

You will need:

Stationery knife

Ruler (preferably metal)

A place where you can cut (a plank or a special rug)

Glue (PVA or hot).

* Select the dimensions of the parts according to the dimensions of your computer.

* Make incisions on the parts about 6 cm.

* This stand has been designed for 13" and 15" laptops.

*Use glue to secure all the pieces starting from the bottom.

* Allow the adhesive to dry before testing the stand.

Triangular shoe rack made from cardboard boxes

You will need:

Scissors or utility knife

Ruler and pencil

Wide tape.

* Each module in this shelf is a triangular tube. Its size depends on the size of the shoes.

First you should make one module.

1. First, cut the cardboard, divide it into 3 parts with a pencil and a ruler, bend it into a triangle and secure with a wide adhesive tape.

2. Create some more modules in this way.

3. Each row of triangular modules must be glued to a sheet of cardboard for stability.

4. You can put another cardboard box on top.

Cardboard organizer (scheme). Option 1: for papers and documents.

You will need:

cereal boxes


Colored tape or colored paper for decoration (optional)

PVA glue.

1. Glue the boxes together.

2. Wrap the boxes with colored cardboard or colored wide tape.

Do-it-yourself cardboard organizer (scheme). Option 2: for papers and magazines

Cardboard organizer for stationery (photo)

You will need:

cereal boxes


Colored tape or colored paper

PVA glue

Cardboard sleeves from toilet paper or paper towels.

Do-it-yourself cardboard shelves (photo)

1. Prepare the cardboard. If you have boxes, then straighten them.

2. Now you need to make a hexagon from a sheet of cardboard. To do this, you need to make additional folds, one on each of the two largest sides of the cardboard.

3. Place the box flat and make a couple of slits (see image) so that the tops of the figure can be bent towards the center.

instead of a preface.
As often happens, a lot of unnecessary boxes accumulate on the farm, but instead of just throwing them away, I suggest putting them into action.
So how to do vertical tray(folder) for papers.

Photo 1. Take an unnecessary cardboard box and cut it into whole pieces (sidewall and lids) - I took a paper box.

Photo 2 and photo 3. Cut it into pieces, choosing desired shape. The folder consists of 2 sidewalls (photo2) and 3 segments (the width of your tray depends on them, mine is 11 cm - photo 3).

Photo 4. We compose it according to the principle shown in this photo (the scribbled or dirty side must be done inside your tray. We fasten with adhesive tape (small pieces) - this will be a fitting of the details.

Photo 5

Photo 6. Almost finished, but outwardly not quite a beautiful tray. Although it can already perform its function.

Photo 7. As an option for finishing the tray. I used the decoupage technique and so my favorite napkins with sunflowers. You can decorate to your liking.