Shower      06/26/2020

Fabric phone holder. How to make a phone stand? A handy gadget made from improvised materials. From a credit card

How often, being at home, in the office or on the road, we cannot remember where we put our phone. To prevent this from happening, you should get comfortable and ergonomic stands that you can make yourself. A phone stand can be made with your own hands from the most unexpected materials at hand. How to do this, our step by step wizard Class.

How to make a do-it-yourself phone stand: options for office and car

Whether at work or in the car, we all need to always be in touch. At the same time, you don’t want to spend a lot of money on expensive coasters, because they can be made from waste and outdated materials.

Card stand.

The simplest option for a phone holder is a card holder. To make it, you need to carefully bend the unnecessary plastic card in two places, as shown in the photo below, preventing it from breaking.

Experience shows that the stand plastic card is very reliable and withstands even air travel at the time of strong turbulence.

Stationery clip stand.

To make a phone stand from stationery clips or from binders, as they are also called, you will need one large and one small clip. The legs of the small clamp should be placed between the holding part of the large clamp and put the resulting design on the table so that the clamp bigger size rested on its surface.

Similar coasters can be made in five minutes from clothespins.

From paper clips great option car stands. To make it, you need to disassemble the large clamp and slightly bend the metal parts, as shown in the photo below.

In order not to damage the surface of the phone metal mounts It is recommended to wrap with threads in several layers. We return the holders to their place, additionally fix them with adhesive tape and clerical gum. We fix the clamp on the ventilation shutters. The phone is securely fastened between the metal parts of the binder.

Paper stand.

Plain office paper, folded in a certain way, can even support the weight of a large smartphone. To make a stand out of paper, you need to measure the dimensions of the phone and adjust the pattern below for them.

Cut out the piece from paper, fold it along the dotted lines and insert the side pieces into the slots. This design is good because it allows you to charge your phone without removing it from the stand.

We study popular options for coasters for home comfort

A desktop phone stand for the home should not only be comfortable, but also durable, stylish and fit well into the interior of the home. Consider options for such products.

Stand made of newspaper tubes.

A phone stand made of newspaper tubes will be a wonderful gift and a great decoration for any interior.

To weave such a stand, you will need several pre-painted long newspaper tubes, scissors, knitting needles, a little glue and varnish.

We place six blanks parallel to each other at a distance of about 1-1.5 cm and firmly fix them in the machine or in any convenient way. We lay knitting needles or wire in the extreme racks to make it more convenient to form even and neat contours of the product. We begin to braid the base with a working tube using the “rope” technique or chintz weaving. We monitor the parallelism of the rows and, if necessary, coat them with glue for better fixation.

Weave a rectangular blank of the required length. We take out the knitting needles or wire. The ends of the stands are neatly trimmed and trimmed. We give the workpiece the necessary curved shape, if necessary, wetting it a little with water.

Similarly, weave the leg of the stand on a smaller number of tubes. We bend the finished leg, install it on the main part and fix its racks between the rows of the stand. Cut off the excess and hide it. We coat the product with glue, if desired, additionally paint and cover with 1-2 layers of varnish. After complete drying, the stand can be used for its intended purpose.

Stand made of origami modules.

Modular origami is a fairly young, but very popular type of needlework. With it, you can make a lot of unusual and original gizmos, including a phone stand from modules.

To make the stand, you will need double-sided paper in blue and Pink colour. We cut the sheets into blanks and fold the modules.

We start weaving from the base of the stand. For it, you will need 28 blue modules, which must be connected to each other and closed in a ring. We make three more rows in the same way. From the fifth row, we reduce the number of modules by 1, 2, 3, 4 pieces. In the seventh row we put one pink module in the middle.

In the eighth row we put 6 modules, make a pass, another 10 modules, a pass, 6 modules. The number of pink modules is 2 pieces. In the next row, we put three pink modules on the pink section. We begin to make out the curly edging of the stand, as shown in the photo below.

In the back, we form a pattern in the form of a heart, above which we install a number of modules blue color. Gradually narrow the stand until a triangular wedge forms in its back.

Stand of modules is ready!

Video on the topic of the article

We suggest watching the video tutorials below on making other options for phone stands.

In our progressive time it is difficult to meet a person who does not have a mobile phone. Even sending a child to first grade, parents provide him with the necessary means of communication. We use modern mobile devices not only for communication, but also for gaming applications, typing, reading, watching videos and much more. Often, the owner, who wants to have a phone always at hand, wants to arrange it in a convenient way. The stores offer various expensive holders, but from our article you will find out what you can do

Stationery binders

Surely those who study or work in the office will have several stationery clips called binders on their desktop. Next, let's look at how to make a phone stand from these devices. To create a strong holder, you can use 1, 2, 3 or even more binders. Some craftsmen assemble three-dimensional structures from a variety of clips of various sizes. But such coasters look bulky, and they are inconvenient for temporary use. It is enough to fasten two binders together and do not forget to bend one metal end of the holder slightly towards the phone located on it. Even one piece with a folded lug will be enough to support the mobile device.

From the same binders, you can build another structure by placing the clamps opposite each other so that the ears look to the sides. The phone is inserted into these ends, as if into grooves. To keep the clips stable, clamp a small piece of cardboard on both sides.

Using pencils

If there are no binders at hand, the question may arise: how to make a phone stand out of pencils. Before building this structure, prepare 4 rubber bands and 6 pencils. In fact, you need to collect a volumetric geometric figure- tetrahedron. The principle is that it is necessary to fasten two pencils with an elastic band, and stick the third between the turns. It is advised to use pencils with an elastic at the end to prevent slipping on the table and a stronger grip on the phone.

bottle models

IN household we use a variety of cleaning and detergents. Most of them are contained in plastic container. It can be used as a mobile device holder. And how to make a phone stand out of a bottle, we will consider further.

The type of fixture will depend on the shape of the container. It can be a container for shampoo, shower gel, cleanser and more. Take a bottle twice as long as your phone. Cut off the neck and part of the container on one side approximately to the middle. All sizes are relative - measure at your discretion. On the opposite area of ​​the bottle, cut a hole corresponding to the parameters of the charger. You should end up with a piece that looks like a handbag or a pocket with a handle. Put the phone in the stand and connect the adapter to the network through the hole. Your mobile communication device will not lie on the floor, and the risk of crushing it will disappear. You learned another way - how to make a phone stand. Optionally, this holder can be painted, pasted over beautiful paper or cloth.

paper clips

The simplest and affordable option coasters are an ordinary metal clip. It must be unfolded into a straight line and folded as shown in the diagram. The resulting product is quite strong and stable. This design holds up well. mobile phone, without interfering with watching the video at all.

Cardboard and plastic cards

How to make a cardboard phone stand? You will need a cardboard sheet from which you will need to cut a strip measuring 10 x 20 cm. Then you need to fold it in half along the short sections. Next, draw a shape as shown in the photo below. The fold line must remain intact. Opening the detail, you will see that you have a comfortable and stable phone stand.

If you have an unnecessary card lying around (any discount card), it will also make an excellent phone stand. To make such a device at home is very simple. Step back from the edge of the card 1 cm and bend the part along the short side. Bend the rest of the card in half reverse side. You will get a zigzag shape. Place the phone on the formed ledge. The stand is ready.

Unusual coasters from simple things

Savvy people began to use ordinary glasses as a phone holder. They only need to be turned upside down, which, in turn, must be crossed. The mobile device is located between the bezel and the temples that hold the phone.

How to make a phone stand from a children's designer? In this case, it all depends on your creativity and imagination. To create such a model, you need to use a platform and some bricks various shapes. The stand made of parts can hold the phone both vertically and horizontally. The tilt of the screen can be adjusted by adding or removing additional bricks.

Another interesting detail that will help keep the phone upright is the old cassette holder. It must be opened and the lid folded back, thereby turning the box inside out. In the hole that once served as a pocket for an audio cassette, you can put your communication device. The convenience of the stand is that it is quite durable and transparent, does not interfere with the use of the phone. In addition, it can be easily washed.

As you can see, from the simplest items that can be found in every home, you can make such useful thing like a phone stand.

It is impossible to imagine a person who would not have a mobile ...

Now it is almost impossible to imagine a person who would not have such technical device like a mobile phone.

With the invention of this technique, life has been greatly simplified: if you need to call urgently, the phone is always with you, besides this, it is also much easier to find someone ... In general, it makes no sense to describe all the advantages of a mobile phone, since they are really obvious and do not need advertising.

However, today, when we talk about mobile phones, we most often mean modern smartphones, which, in addition to ordinary calls, are capable of performing a lot of different functions. A modern phone is able to instantly access the Internet and find the necessary information there, receive and send e-mails, take amazing photos and video clips of excellent quality, etc. That is why we most often use the phone not as a means of communication, but also as a multifunctional gadget.

It is for this reason that you always want your phone to be always at hand, in the field of maximum availability. In addition, sometimes you need to view photos or videos on your phone, so you want it to be located in the most convenient way for this.

In order to satisfy all these needs, one must, of course, use mobile phone stand. Today in stores you can find a lot of different shapes of accessories. So, for example, many people probably remember the phone holders in the form of a female hand that were popular a few years ago. Nowadays, coasters have become not only more attractive and elegant, but also functional. They are able to charge the phone's battery, report a call, tilt the phone to view from a variety of angles, etc. So everyone, even the most demanding and demanding consumer, will always be able to purchase a product to their liking.

DIY mobile phone stand

However, if you prefer things made with my own hands, which will be a real exclusive, we will tell you how you can make an attractive phone stand. There are many different ways to do this, but we will talk about the simplest, and at the same time unusual.

DIY mobile phone stand - 1

The first option is perfect for a phone with a wide display and a fairly long body, such as an iPhone or any phone from the Samsung line. The stand is incredibly comfortable to use and really functional. It only takes 2 minutes of your time to make it.

  1. You need a binder (a kind of clip that is used to fasten papers together), as well as a suction cup, which is used to attach, for example, towel holders. So, attach the binder to the suction cup in the place where it has a hook. Voila! Simple and convenient stand ready.
  2. Attach the suction cup to the back of your phone (don't worry, it won't damage it and won't leave marks when you remove it) and position your phone however you like, vertically or horizontally, either way the viewing angle will be perfect.

DIY mobile phone stand - 2

The second option is suitable for truly creative natures. In order to make it, you need to master the art of origami.

  1. To make such a stand, you need to make 24 white checkmarks and 23 pink ones. Check marks are made in the same way as cranes.
  2. Then the white checkmarks are fastened in a circle so that a kind of circle eventually forms. Insert one pink tick between each pair. Thus, you get a cone tapering upwards.
  3. Continue the construction to the desired height. Place a mobile phone in the center, and boldly admire the creation of your own hands!

Modern means of communication perform many functions, so it often becomes necessary to install a gadget on desk. Easiest to buy finished fixture in the nearest store, or you can make it yourself. There are many ways to make a phone stand from improvised materials and stationery.

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The most common material that phone holders are made of is plastic. To make a smartphone holder with your own hands, you can use everything that is available in every home - paper clips and binders (clips), wire hangers for clothes, paper, wooden planks, and even the children's designer. Self-made coasters will be not only comfortable, but also original in their design and size.

There are a few simple ways, thanks to which you can quickly create functional and perfect stands for your gadget.

From stationery binders

Students and office workers are familiar with special clips for large stacks of papers, which are called binders. If you have holders, it is easiest to make a do-it-yourself phone stand from them.

To do this, it is enough to connect 2 elements to each other, and bend 1 metal end towards the phone.

You can also fasten 2 binders with a piece of cardboard, and insert the smartphone into the plane between the metal ears. Despite its small size, such a device is able to hold even a phone with a large screen diagonal both vertically and horizontally.

From the Lego constructor

If children live in the house, there will definitely be a plastic constructor with parts of different sizes and colors. There are no special instructions for making a phone stand, you just need to select the appropriate elements and connect them in any order. The main thing is that the design is stable and attractive.

From a paper clip

Of the many ways to make a shipment for a smartphone, the fastest and easiest is the one that uses a simple, oversized paper clip.

To make a fixture, you must first unbend the clamp into a straight line. Then bend again so that the middle part creates support for rear wall, and the hooked edges prevent the phone from sliding forward.

From a wire hanger

If you have a wire clothes hanger, you can make original stand for smartphone or tablet. To work, you only need pliers and a little patience:

  1. First you need to bend both edges of the hanger so that they are located from each other at a distance equal to the width of the gadget. The edges are compressed with pliers until they are completely connected.
  2. At each end, 2 folds are made about 3-4 cm in size.
  3. In the next step, the hook is bent at an angle of 90° and turned towards the wings.
  4. Then, a hook is made at the end of the upper part, for which the inner element of the hanger is hooked and fixed.

The design can be improved with rubber tubes, which will provide an anti-slip effect and make the product more attractive.

Shampoo bottle version

An empty shampoo bottle can be turned into a convenient and beautiful phone holder. The advantage of such a device is that it can be hung on the power supply of the charger and eliminate the risk of hooking the wires and dropping the gadget on the floor.

To make the holder, you will need a plastic container of the required size, a marker and a stationery knife. First, markings are applied to the bottle for future cuts, taking into account the depth of the phone, the location of the holes for the plugs and the dimensions of the power supply. After the layout is carefully drawn, all the lines are cut out with a knife, and the edges are cleaned. If everything is done correctly, the holder can be easily put on the charger plug and plugged into a power outlet. The gadget itself will fit freely in the bowl, excluding the bending of the wires.

To make the device look more attractive, its surface can be pasted over with a cloth or bright paper, painted with paint suitable for plastic. The advantage of such a stand is its cheapness, since the material intended for discarding is used. Also available wide choose colors and container sizes.

Popsicle stick option

Do not rush to throw away popsicle sticks. You can also make a beautiful stand for your phone out of them. Depending on the project, the design consists of several elements or includes a dozen components. Sticks can be glued with PVA or glue gun. After the holder is ready, it is recommended to paint or varnish it.

From paper

One of the most common materials used to make a DIY smartphone stand is paper or cardboard. With proper design, a fairly strong product will turn out.

The easiest way is to create 2 triangular blocks different size. One will serve as a base, the other - a support for the bottom end of the phone. After the blanks are completely dry, they are fixed on 1 paper rectangle.

It happens that in some places there is not always a stable connection, in my case, the Beeline operator, since the tower is far away and nearby trees interfere with calmly transmitting the signal. I didn’t want to make any antenna for the phone, I came up with a simpler one, this is a phone stand that could be placed in the place where the connection is stable and does not depend on weather conditions. And about how to make a stand for the phone, I will tell you in this article.

As in any other homemade product, we need to decide on necessary materials.

In order to make this stand you will need:
* Parquet.
* Board width 8cm.
* Epoxy adhesive.
* Threads, matches.
* Black felt.
* Hacksaw for metal.
* Drill and drills for it with a diameter of 3 and 6 mm.
* Coarse and fine-grained sandpaper.
* Screw length 55mm.

That's all the materials that we need, which is not hard to get, and if there is no parquet, then any strong board will do.

Now you can proceed to the gradual manufacture of the stand.

Step one.
The first step is to determine the dimensions of the future stand, for this we measure the dimensions of the phone that we want to install in the stand in the future, and do not forget to measure the thickness.

In my case, the thickness of the phone turned out to be quite large for the current time, after all, 1.5 cm is not small for a phone in 2017, but all this taking into account the fact that the phone has a protective bumper.
For convenience, we make a drawing on paper or in a program, as I did.

Step two.
After you have decided on the size of the stand, you can take the tools and cut out the main part. The basis in the stand is its so-called back, the dimensions of which are 8 * 9 cm. We take the thickness of the base 5 mm, no more and no less, because we don’t want the stand to be heavy or too fragile due to lack of thickness. To do this, I sawed across an already sawn board 8 * 9, reducing the thickness from 18 to 5 mm.

Now you need to drill a hole for attaching the stand to the wall, first drill with a 3mm drill, then 6mm, but not through, in order to hide the screw head. Then we round the corners with sandpaper.

Step three.
When the base is ready, you can start making legs that, with their design, will not allow the phone to fall.
To make paws, as it seemed to me, is best from the parquet that I found in my garage.

At first it was conceived so that the paws were composite, that is, assembled from two parts.

But due to the loss of strength with such a connection, I decided to make them solid. The result is such a foot in the form of the letter G.

There are three such paws in my design.

Step four.
At the beginning of great importance appearance I didn’t attach it, but in the course of manufacturing I realized that all sharp edges needed to be rounded off, which I did.

It is best to round sharp edges with coarse-grained sandpaper. Upon reaching the desired result, we grind with a finer grit to remove all teases.
Also, do not forget to sand the main part, since the surface of contact with the phone should be even.
Step five.
After all the component parts are sanded, you can proceed to fixing them to the base.
For these purposes, epoxy glue is best suited, which I have tested repeatedly and has proven to be high-strength.

Stir with matches one to one the right amount of epoxy glue and smear the places where the paws will be installed.

Epoxy glue dries long enough, but keep your hands long time parts to be glued just don't have the patience. Without thinking twice, I decided that the easiest way to fasten such a design with thread and matches, wrapping a dozen turns around its edges. Because of a large number turns of thread, everything is held securely, and most importantly, the parts are pressed tightly enough.
We first glue the lower foot in the middle, and then the two side ones.

I had to tinker a little with the side ones, in this case it is better to ask a friend to help, since two hands were clearly not enough to hold two parts, and also wrap it all around with a thread.

Leave everything to dry completely.
Step six.
The epoxy glue has dried up and despite the fact that the width of the touching plane is only 5 mm, the paws hold very tightly.