Water pipes      06/23/2020

The choice of the optimal material for thermal insulation of walls from the inside. Modern thermal insulation Thermal insulation materials types and properties

From year to year, prices for energy resources are inexorably growing, and the level of income of the population remains practically the same. Looking at the unbearable bills for heating a house or apartment, it comes to understanding that the problem needs to be solved on its own - by warming the living quarters.

For this purpose, they can be used different kinds insulation for the walls of the house from the inside and outside.

Let's take a closer look at the possible options for insulation materials, their advantages and disadvantages.

Insulation work is best done in the summer, when air humidity is minimal.

Walls for insulation in the room must be perfectly dry. You can dry them after additional plastering, finishing work on leveling surfaces using building hair dryers and heat guns.

Stages of surface insulation:

  1. Surface cleaning decorative elements- wallpaper, paint.
  2. Treatment of walls with antiseptic solutions, priming the surface with deep penetration into the layers of plaster.
  3. In some cases, when installing polystyrene foam and electric heating elements, the walls are pre-leveled with waterproof plaster for bathrooms.
  4. should be carried out according to the instructions prescribed by the manufacturer for this type of material.
  5. Mounting a protective partition for applying the final finish, or covering the surface with a construction mesh, its plastering.
  6. Creation of a single composition with the overall design of the room.

Wall insulation inside the house is one of the most effective ways protect your home from the penetration of cold and negative impact condensate, the main thing is to observe the technological sequence of stages. You can read more about the technology of home insulation from the inside in

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Modern types of insulation for walls, properties and characteristics:

Tips for insulating walls in an apartment - an analysis of common mistakes:

Warming a house, made with the help of even not the most expensive materials, is not a cheap pleasure. Now there are many types of insulation for interior work, which are presented in a wide price range. Therefore, choose an inexpensive and quality material won't be difficult.

A warm home in the winter and comfortable coolness in the hot season, as well as lower bills public utilities will show that the thermal insulation of the room is done well and with high quality.

What material did you use to insulate the walls of the house? What guided the choice and are you satisfied with the result? Please tell us about it in the comment block. There you can also ask a question on the topic of the article, and we will try to answer it promptly.

To protect your home from heat loss and high humidity, it is covered various types heaters. It is very difficult to choose the best of them, because each product has its own unique properties and scope. Thermal insulation materials that are used in modern construction, on the one hand, are environmentally friendly, on the other hand, they are easy to install. Having studied the main types of insulation, you can choose the best thermal insulation material that meets your needs.

The main types of heaters

Modern thermal insulation materials for use in construction and repair are divided into many varieties: industrial and household, natural and artificial, flexible and rigid thermal insulation materials, etc.

For example, according to the form, modern thermal insulation is divided into such samples as:

  • rolls;
  • sheet;
  • unit;
  • loose.

The structure distinguishes the following types of thermal insulation with its unique feature:

  • fibrous;
  • cellular;
  • grainy.

According to the type of raw materials, such products of various quality classes are distinguished:

  1. Organic, natural or natural heaters are cork bark, cellulose wadding, polystyrene foam, wood fiber, foam plastic, paper pellets, peat. These types of building insulation materials are used exclusively indoors to minimize high humidity. However, natural building thermal insulators are not fireproof.
  2. Inorganic thermal insulation materials - rocks, fiberglass, foam glass, mineral wool insulation, foamed rubber, cellular concrete, stone wool, basalt fiber. A good heat insulator from this category is characterized by a high degree of vapor permeability and fire resistance. Particularly effective is insulation with a product with water-repellent additives.
  3. Mixed - perlite, asbestos, vermiculite and other heaters from foamed rocks. Differ in the best quality and, of course, increased cost. These are the most expensive brands of the best thermal insulation materials. Therefore, such a heater covers the premises much less often than more economical materials.

If you need to make thermal insulation of the pipeline in the wall, then special "sleeves" of increased density are used for this.

Determining the best product depends on more than just price. They are chosen for their quality characteristics, ergonomic properties and environmental friendliness.

What tasks does thermal insulation material solve?

Thermal insulation is one of the priority areas in construction, since its use can significantly increase the performance of buildings. A building with a sufficient amount of insulation freezes much less in winter, which reduces the cost of heating it. It is also less prone to overheating in summer, keeping a comfortable temperature inside, which saves the resource of air conditioning equipment.

The presence of thermal insulation makes it possible to avoid sudden changes in temperature in the room. This is very important if a sensitive to this parameter is used indoors. finishing material, for example, wood or certain types of plastic, including PVC used for the production stretch ceilings. The absence of significant temperature fluctuations makes it possible to remove favorable conditions to form condensate. It is the use of thermal insulation that eliminates the appearance of dampness and the development of mold. Of course, provided that moisture does not form too intensively inside the room from other factors or accumulate as a result of the lack of waterproofing between the foundation and facade walls.

Dampness on the walls leads to peeling of finishing materials. As a result, there is a tearing of wallpaper, as well as heavy ceramic tiles. An excess of moisture from a lack of sufficient thermal insulation also leads to the expansion of wood products. As a result, there is warping of the flooring, deformation of the doors, from which they do not fit tightly into the door frame, and so on.

It is also worth noting that heat-insulating materials, in addition to their direct purpose, have sound-proofing properties. Of course, their efficiency is not as high as that of coatings specialized for this purpose, but it is quite sufficient to reduce the transmission of loud sounds.

Applied thermal insulation materials

There is a fairly wide range of materials on the market that can be used as a successful insulation. Among them, the optimal balance between cost and efficiency is:

What parameters to pay attention to when choosing?

The choice of high-quality thermal insulation depends on many parameters. Installation methods, cost, and other important characteristics are taken into account, which are worth dwelling on in more detail.

When choosing the best heat-saving material, it is necessary to carefully study its main characteristics:

  1. Thermal conductivity. This coefficient is equal to the amount of heat that passes through 1 m2 of an insulator with an area of ​​1 m2 in 1 hour, measured by W. The thermal conductivity index directly depends on the degree of surface humidity, since water transmits heat better than air, that is, raw material will not cope with its tasks.
  2. Porosity. This is the proportion of pores in the total volume of the heat insulator. Pores can be open or closed, large or small. When choosing, the uniformity of their distribution and appearance is important.
  3. Water absorption. This parameter shows the amount of water that the heat insulator can absorb and retain in the pores in direct contact with a humid environment. To improve this characteristic, the material is subjected to hydrophobization.
  4. Density of thermal insulation materials. This indicator is measured in kg/m3. Density shows the ratio of the mass and volume of the product.
  5. Humidity. Shows the amount of moisture in the insulation. Sorption humidity indicates the balance of hygroscopic humidity under conditions of different temperature indicators and relative air humidity.
  6. Vapor permeability. This property shows the amount of water vapor passing through 1 m2 of insulation in one hour. The unit of steam is mg, and the air temperature inside and outside is taken as the same.
  7. Resistant to biodegradation. A heat insulator with a high degree of biostability can withstand the effects of insects, microorganisms, fungi and in conditions of high humidity.
  8. Strength. This parameter indicates how the product will be affected by transportation, storage, installation and operation. A good indicator is in the range from 0.2 to 2.5 MPa.
  9. Fire resistance. It takes into account all the parameters of fire safety: the flammability of the material, its combustibility, smoke-generating ability, as well as the degree of toxicity of combustion products. So, the longer the insulation resists the flame, the higher its fire resistance parameter.
  10. Thermal stability. The ability of a material to resist heat. The indicator shows the temperature level, after reaching which the characteristics of the material will change, the structure will change, and its strength will also decrease.
  11. Specific heat. It is measured in kJ / (kg x ° C) and thus demonstrates the amount of heat that is accumulated by the thermal insulation layer.
  12. Frost resistance. This parameter shows the ability of the material to endure temperature changes, freeze and thaw without losing its basic characteristics.

When choosing thermal insulation, you need to remember a whole range of factors. It is necessary to take into account the main parameters of the object to be insulated, the conditions of use, and so on. Universal materials do not exist, since among the panels, loose mixtures and liquids on the market, it is necessary to choose the type of thermal insulation that is most suitable for a particular case.

Thermal insulation materials types and properties

Expanded clay- one of the main porous aggregates used in construction. It is a durable and lightweight material with a density of 250-800 kg/m. Expanded clay is produced in the form of sand, gravel and crushed stone.

Expanded clay gravel obtained by firing low-melting intumescent clays at a temperature of about 1200 ° C. As a result, granules 5-40 mm in size are formed. The sintered shell on the surface of the granule gives it strength. In a fracture, the expanded clay granule has the structure of a hardened foam.

Expanded clay sand has grains up to 5 mm, it is obtained in the production of expanded clay gravel in small quantities. In addition, it can be obtained by crushing gravel grains with a diameter of more than 50 mm.

slag pumice- an artificial porous filler of a cellular structure - is obtained from metallurgy waste - molten blast-furnace slags. When slags are rapidly cooled with air, water or steam, they swell. The resulting pieces of slag pumice are crushed and scattered into crushed stone and sand.

Granular slag is a fine-grained porous material in the form of coarse sand with grains 5-7 mm in size.

expanded perlite- loose heat-insulating material in the form of small porous grains white color, which is obtained by short-term firing of granules from volcanic water-bearing glassy rocks. At a temperature of 950-1200°C, water evaporates vigorously from the material, the steam swells and increases the perlite particles by 10-20 times. Expanded perlite is produced in the form of grains with a diameter of 5 mm or sand and is used for the production of lightweight concrete, thermal insulation products and fire-retardant plasters. For the production of concrete, the density of expanded perlite should be 150-430 kg / m 3, for heat-insulating fillings - 50-100 kg / m 3. The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.04-0.08 W/(mˑ°C).

expanded vermiculite- loose heat-insulating material in the form of scaly particles of silver color, obtained as a result of grinding and firing water-containing micas. With rapid heating, vermiculite splits into separate plates, partially connected to each other. As a result, its volume increases by 15-20 times. Bulk density of vermiculite is 75-200 kg/m 3 .

Expanded vermiculite is used for the manufacture of heat-insulating boards for the insulation of lightweight wall panels and lightweight concrete as a heat-insulating backfill.

Fuel slag- porous lumpy materials formed in the furnace as a by-product during the combustion of anthracite, hard and brown coal and other solid fuels.

Agloporite obtained as a result of sintering granules from a mixture of clay raw materials with coal. The sintering of the granules occurs as a result of the combustion of coal. Simultaneously with the burning of coal, the mass swells. The bulk density of aggloporite crushed stone is 300-1000 kg/m.

At present, expanded clay concrete is widely used in construction, from which single-layer and three-layer panels are made.

foam concrete obtained from a mixture of cement paste with foam (whipped from rosin soap and animal glue or other component) having a stable structure. After hardening, the foam cells form concrete with a cellular structure. A number of products are produced from foam concrete.

aerated concrete obtained from a mixture of Portland cement, a silica component and a blowing agent (most often aluminum powder). Often air lime or caustic soda is added to this mixture. The resulting mixture is poured into molds, to improve the structure, it is subjected to vibration and processed mainly in autoclaves. Aerated concrete products are molded in large sizes and then cut into elements.

Gaeosilicate autoclave hardening is obtained on the basis of a lime-silica binder, using local materials - airborne lime, sand, ash, metallurgical slag. At present, houses, the walls of which are made of gas silicate, are widely used in rural areas.

sawdust concrete also used to build houses. It consists of lime-cement dough, which is mixed with a mixture of sawdust and sand. The resulting concrete composition - binder: sand: sawdust - (1:1.1:3.2) - (1:1.3:3.3) (by volume) is a good heat-insulating material.

The highest heat-insulating characteristics are possessed by heat-insulating foams used for insulating walls, coatings and other elements of residential buildings. They are porous plastics obtained by foaming and heat treating polymers. Under the action of temperature, there is an intensive release of gases that expand the polymer. As a result, a material with pores evenly distributed in it is formed. In cellular plastics, the pores occupy 90-98% of the volume of the material, while the walls account for 2-10%. Therefore, foams are very light. In addition, they do not rot, are quite flexible and elastic. The disadvantage of heat-insulating polymers is their limited heat resistance and flammability.

Styrofoam divided into rigid and elastic. In construction, rigid insulation is used to isolate enclosing structures. Foam plastics are easy to process, they can easily be given any shape. In addition, they can be glued together and with other materials: aluminum, asbestos cement, wood. For bonding, diphenol rubber, modified rubber and epoxy adhesives are used.

Porous plastics are produced on the basis of polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride, polyurethane, phenolic and urea resins.

Polystyrene foam(expanded polystyrene) is the most common heat-insulating material, consisting of sintered together spherical particles of expanded polystyrene.

Styrofoam is a rigid foam with closed pores. It is a tough material resistant to water, most acids and alkalis. A significant drawback of expanded polystyrene is its flammability. At a temperature of 80 ° C, it begins to smolder, so it is recommended to arrange it in structures closed on all sides with fire-resistant materials. It is used as a heater in laminated panels made of reinforced concrete, aluminum, asbestos cement and plastic.

polyurethane foam made rigid and flexible. Polyurethane foam is produced in the form of porous polyurethane mats with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.04 W / (m ° C) with a size of 2 × 1 × (0.03-0.06) m, as well as hard and soft plates with a density of 30-150 kg / m and thermal conductivity of 0.022-0.03 W/(m'°C). Ease of manufacture allows you to get plates from this material not only in the factory, but also on the construction site. With special additives, polyurethane foam does not support combustion.

Mypora- porous heat-insulating material of white color, produced on the basis of urea-formaldehyde polymer. Mipora is produced in the form of blocks with a volume of at least 0.005 m3 and a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.03 W / (m '° C) or tiles with a thickness of 10 and 20 mm. Mypora is not a combustible material. At a temperature of 200 ° C, it only chars, but does not light up. However, it has low compressive strength and is a hygroscopic material. Mipora is used as a lightweight filler frame structures or voids where there are no requirements for moisture resistance.

Penoizol refers to new high-performance heat-insulating materials and is a frozen foam with closed pores. Depending on the additives introduced into it, it can be rigid and elastic. When used as a filler, finely ground expanded clay sand, penoizol becomes a difficult-to-ignite heat-insulating material. Up to a temperature of 350°C, it is resistant to fire, at temperatures up to 500°C it does not emit toxic substances, except for carbon dioxide. Penoizol has good adhesion to brick, concrete and metal surfaces. It is used for warming of country houses, cottages, garages, hangars, coverings of pools.

Honeycomb plastics produced in the form of corrugated sheets of paper, cotton or glass cloth impregnated with polymer and flame retardant. Honeycombs are regularly repeating cells of regular geometric shape (in the form of honeycombs). It is used as a heater in three-layer panels made of aluminum or asbestos cement. When filling the cells with mipora crumbs, the heat-insulating characteristics of the honeycomb increase. Honeycomb plastics are used in the form of plates and blocks with a thickness of 350 mm.

The most rational for construction are kraft paper honeycomb impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde resin with a honeycomb size of 12 and 25 mm. Honeycomb plastics made from ordinary paper and impregnated with urea-formaldehyde resin are brittle and brittle. When cut, they crumble a lot.

Aluminium foil - one of the effective heaters. At the same time, it is a good air and vapor barrier. At present, the non-ferrous metallurgy industry produces foil with a thickness of 0.005-0.2 mm. Aluminum foil has a shiny, silvery surface with great reflectivity. Most of the flow of radiant heat incident on the structure covered with foil is reflected, due to this, heat losses through the fences are reduced and their thermal protection is increased.

Aluminum foil for construction is produced in rolls with a diameter of 8-43 cm, a web thickness of 0.005-0.02 mm and a width of 10-460 mm.

Mineral wool is a heat-insulating material consisting of the finest vitreous fibers obtained by spraying liquid melts of charge from metallurgical and fuel slags, rocks such as dolomites, marls, basalts. The length of the fibers is 2-60 mm. Thermal properties mineral wool due to the air pores enclosed between the fibers. Air pores account for up to 95% of the total volume of the mineral wool skeleton. Mineral wool occupies a leading position among inorganic thermal insulation materials due to its ease of production, unlimited raw materials, low hygroscopicity and low cost.

The disadvantage of mineral wool for thermal insulation is that during storage it compacts, clumps, some of the fibers break and turn into dust. Having very low strength, mineral wool laid in structures must be protected from mechanical influences. Therefore, products manufactured on its basis are used in construction - mats, rigid and semi-rigid slabs.

Mineral wool mats are used for thermal insulation of external fences, as well as structures, the temperature of which is not less than 400 ° C. They have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.052-0.062 W/(m'°C) at a density of 100-200 kg/m. Stitched mats are produced with a length of 2 m, a width of 0.9-1.3 m with a web thickness of 0.06 m. In construction, stitched mats are used on a metal mesh, on a fiberglass lining, on a starch binder with paper and fabric lining.

Mineral wool mats on a metal mesh are produced by stitching a mineral wool carpet on a metal mesh with cotton threads. The mats are produced with a density of 100 kg/m with a thermal conductivity of about 0.05 W/(m'°C) and a size of 3×0.5×0.05 m.

Mineral wool mats on fiberglass lining are made by stitching a mineral wool carpet with a glass bundle processed in soapy water. They are produced with a density of 125-175 kg/m3 with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.044 W/(m'°C) and dimensions of 2×06×0.04 m and can be used to insulate structures with temperatures up to 400°C. Mineral wool mats on a starch binder with a paper lining are produced with a density of 100 kg / m with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.044 W / (m '° C) 1-2 m long, 0.95-2 m wide, 0.04 to 0.07 m thick in steps of 0.01 m.

Heat-insulating semi-rigid boards based on a synthetic binder are used for insulation building structures etc., mainly as effective thermal insulation coverings and roofs, including slate. Their use is possible in all cases where moisture and deformation of the insulation during operation are excluded.

Half-life plate consist of mineral fiber impregnated by spraying solutions of phenolic alcohols with subsequent cooling. Plates of the PP brand are produced with a density of 100 kg / m with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.046 W / (m '° C) 1 m long, 0.5 m wide, 0.03 thick; 0.04 and 0.06 m.

Semi-rigid slabs on a synthetic binder are made from a mineral wool carpet impregnated with a synthetic binder (for example, carbamide resins) with subsequent heat treatment. They are produced with a density of 80-100 kg / m with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.031-0.058 W / (m ° C).

Rigid mineral wool boards on a bituminous binder, having a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.042 W / (m ° C), are produced in sizes of 1 × 0.5 × 0.06 m. They have low hygroscopicity, high water resistance and are little susceptible to damage by fungi and insects.

Rigid mineral wool boards of the PE type on a synthetic binder have a thermal conductivity of 0.04 W/(m'°C) and are available in sizes of 1×0.05×0.06 m. structures.

Mineral wool soft boards called mineral wool. It is produced in the form of rolls packed in rigid containers or waterproof paper. Mineral felt sheets are produced in length 1; 1.5 and 2 m, 0.45 wide; 0.5 and 1 m, thickness 0-05-0.1 m in increments of 0.01 m. Soft mineral wool boards on a bituminous binder are used to insulate building structures. Their serious disadvantage is the ability of the felt to compact under slight loads, primarily from its own weight. In this case, there is a sharp increase in density, sometimes twice, which leads to a decrease in its heat-shielding qualities.

Construction felt obtained from low-grade animal wool, to which vegetable fibers and starch paste are added. The resulting panels are impregnated with a 3% sodium fluoride solution to protect against moth damage and dried. Construction felt is a good insulating and soundproofing material, used for plastering walls and ceilings, insulating gaps between door or window frames and the wall.

glass wool is a heat-insulating material obtained by drawing molten glass and consisting of silky, thin, flexible white glass filaments.

Fiberglass mats on a synthetic bond with a density of 350 kg / m 3 with a coefficient of thermal conductivity of 0.045 W / (m ° C) they are produced with a length of 1-1.5 m, a width of 0.5; 1; 1.5 m, thickness 0.03-0.06 m.

Basalt super thin glass fiber BSTV is a highly efficient heat-insulating material with a low density of 17-25 kg/m 3 and a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.027-0.036 W/(m'°C). Mats are made from it, which have good thermal protection and sound insulation.

Foam glass is a material made from cullet or quartz sand, limestone, soda, i.e. the same materials from which various types of glass are produced. Foam glass is formed by sintering cullet powder with coke or limestone, which release carbon dioxide at high temperatures. Due to this, large pores are formed in the material, the walls of which contain smaller closed micropores. The dual nature of the porosity makes it possible to obtain foam glass, which, depending on the density, has a low thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.058-0.12 W / (m ° C). It has water resistance, frost resistance, fire resistance and high strength. Foam glass is used to insulate walls, ceilings, roofs, to insulate basements and refrigerators.

cement fiberboard is a good thermal insulation material, consisting of a mixture of fine wood shavings 20-50 cm long (wood wool), Portland cement and water. The resulting mass is formed, subjected to heat treatment and cut into separate plates. Wood shavings made from non-commercial wood conifers on special machines, they perform the role of a reinforcing frame in the slabs. Cement fiberboards are produced in grades of density M 300, 350, 400 and 500 with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.09-0.12 W / (m ° C), 2-2.4 m long and 0.5-0.55 wide m and thickness 5; 7.5 and 10 cm.

Arbolit made from a mixture of Portland cement, crushed chips and water.

Chipboards are made by pressing specially prepared chips with liquid polymers. Shavings are made on machines from non-commercial wood, using waste from plywood and furniture production. The slabs are a kind of layered structure, the middle layer of which consists of thick chips about 1 mm thick, and the outer layers of thin chips 0.2 mm thick. To ensure the biostability of the plates, an antiseptic (borax, sodium fluoride, etc.), as well as flame retardants and water-repellent substances, are introduced into the mass of chips and polymers. The use of water repellents makes it possible to reduce the swelling of the plates under the action of air moisture.

The plates are finished on the outside with polymeric film materials, paper impregnated with resin, which also protects them from moisture and abrasion. Sometimes the surface of the plates is covered with waterproof varnishes.

Chipboards are produced in various densities from 350 to 1000 kg/m 3 . Plates of medium (510-650 kg/m) and high (660-800 kg/m) densities are used as a structural and finishing material, and low density (350 kg/m) are used as heat-insulating and sound-proofing material. Plates are made 1.8-3.5 m long, 1.22-1.75 m wide, 0.5-1 cm thick.

Wood fiber boards are made from wood or plant fibers obtained from woodworking waste, non-commercial wood, as well as fires, reeds, cotton. The most widely used boards based on wood waste. Fibreboards are produced in various densities - from 250 to 950 kg/m 3 . Solid slabs (density greater than 850 kg/m) are used for partition walls, ceiling filing, flooring, fabrics and built-in furniture.

Insulating wood fiber boards with a density of up to 250 kg/m3 with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.07 W/(m'°C) are used for heat and sound insulation of premises. They are 1.2-3 m long, 1.2-1.6 m wide, and 0.8-2.5 mm thick.

Hardboard represents heat-insulating wood-fiber boards from the crushed and chemically processed wood. With a density of 150 kg / m 3 they have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.055 W / (m '° C) and are used for thermal insulation of walls, roofs, etc.

Peat insulating boards are made by pressing from slightly decomposed peat, which has a fibrous structure. Peat slabs are produced with a density of 170 and 250 kg/m3 with a dry thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.06 W/(m'°C), 1 m long, 0.5 m wide, 30 mm thick, and are used to insulate building envelopes.

Asbestos cardboard obtained from asbestos of the 4th and 5th grades, kaolin and starch. It is produced on sheet-forming machines in the form of sheets with a length and width of 0.9-1 m, a thickness of 2-10 mm. The thermal conductivity coefficient in the dry state is 0.157 W/(m'°C).

sawdust obtained as a result of wood processing, in furniture production, during sawing. Sawdust with a density of about 150 kg/m is used as an insulating backfill, as well as for the production of wood concrete, xylolite, in the manufacture of sawdust concrete and other building materials.

Tow is a short-fiber material obtained from hemp and flax waste, has a density of 160 kg / m, a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.047 W / (m ° C) and is used for caulking walls and window frame gaps.

Gypsum boards for partitions are fire-resistant, have high sound-proofing qualities, nails are easily hammered into them. Plates are used for partitions in rooms with relative humidity no more than 70%. Gypsum partitions produced solid and hollow, 0.8-1.5 m long, 0.4 wide, 80, 90 and 100 mm thick.

Plasterboard sheets are a finishing material made of building gypsum reinforced with vegetable fiber. The surface of the sheets is pasted over with cardboard on both sides. Dry plaster is easily cut, does not burn, and is well nailed. Drywall sheets burst when bent. Like all products based on gypsum, they are destroyed by moisture.

Dry plaster is produced in sheets 2.5-3.3 m long, 1.2 m wide, 10-12 mm thick and is used for interior decoration premises. It is glued to the surface of walls and ceilings with special mastics. The seams between the sheets are sealed with non-shrink putty.

Gypsum concrete stones are a local building material, they are used for the exterior walls of low-rise buildings in areas where there are no other effective wall materials.

Gypsum concrete are made on the basis of building, high-strength gypsum or gypsum-cement-pozzolanic binder. Porous fillers are introduced into its composition - expanded clay gravel, fuel slags, as well as a mixture of quartz sand and sawdust. Depending on the filler, gypsum concrete has a density of 1000-1600 kg/m. Solid and hollow slabs of partitions are made from it.

Thermal insulation of walls from the inside often has to be used to save heat and money in already used rooms, where exterior finish is not possible. And the question of choosing the material for the work becomes the most important. What to choose? How ? Let's talk about it in this article.


Styrofoam, or as it is also called - expanded polystyrene, is produced by polymerization of styrene. Heated and foamed granules can be used on their own, falling asleep in the ceiling. But most often on sale there are plates and blocks pressed from them. This type of insulation has been used for a long time and successfully. It has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • high coefficient of thermal insulation;
  • easy to install (easy to cut with a knife);
  • moisture resistant;
  • has a low weight;
  • high vapor barrier;
  • does not require additional waterproofing;
  • retains properties for several decades;
  • low price.


  • fragile;
  • low sound insulation;
  • combustible (when burning, it releases harmful substances);
  • rodents often start;
  • not suitable as a heater for walls inside a wooden house (does not allow steam to pass through, which is necessary for proper air circulation in the room).

In order for the selected material to meet all the conditions, you need to use it correctly.

Mounting Features

Using foam for wall insulation, it is possible to increase thermal insulation even with thin slabs. Due to the fact that the foam does not allow moisture to pass through, there is no need to apply additional hydro and vapor barrier.

But, in order for it to work as it should, it is necessary to very carefully seal all the joints between the plates and at their junction with the structure. This can easily be done with polyurethane foam. In addition, some manufacturers have foam boards made with a stepped edge, which allows them to be joined very tightly to each other.

Perfectly fastened to the walls with dish-shaped dowels or adhesive composition. Both methods can be used at the same time. Glue for fixing foam is best used in the form of foam. This composition acts as additional insulation.

Due to the strength of the foam, finishing can be done directly on it without building additional frames. Due to its low weight, there is no overload of the walls. Compared, for example, with mineral wool, the same layer of foam will weigh 2-2.5 times less.

Scheme of wall insulation from the inside with foam

This no less popular insulation is made on the basis of rocks (basalt, slag), which is why it is also called "stone wool". It is produced in rolls and in pressed plates. The different density of the material are determined and thermal insulation properties, and cost.

But the roll version is used to insulate the ceiling or floor, while plates are more suitable for walls. This material also has both advantages and disadvantages.


  • retains heat well in winter, and coolness in summer;
  • high sound insulation (moreover, a looser material protects against noise, and a denser material protects from the sound of impacts from the outside);
  • not combustible;
  • in contact with open fire does not emit harmful substances and does not smoke.


  • the security provided by certificates does not always correspond to the declared one;
  • during installation, it is necessary to cover hands and face from the ingress of small particles;
  • strong moisture absorption (in case of getting wet, it loses its thermal insulation properties).

Mounting Features

As a heater for walls, basalt wool made of very thin fiber is best suited. To work with mineral wool, it is necessary to protect the body and face. It is better to work in a respirator.

Choosing mineral wool as a heater, you should not hope for an excellent result. Its main disadvantage is high vapor permeability. It is several times higher than other materials for thermal insulation.

That is, any moisture from the outside will be easily absorbed. And since the wet mineral wool loses its properties, it very quickly ceases to act as a heater. Of course, this effect can be avoided by isolating the layer of wool with a film.

You can "solder" the plates into packages, although this will complicate the technology of their fastening to the walls. But all these precautions may be in vain, as soon as small holes appear in the waterproofing. If the cotton wool starts to get wet, then this will inevitably lead to smudges or fungus.

If you nevertheless chose mineral wool as a heater, then the easiest way is to lay it in drywall construction, while waterproofing is required. In addition to its direct purpose, the film is also designed to prevent the ingress of small particles of cotton wool into the room.

This type of insulation is one of the most famous and previously used. But now, thanks to more technologically advanced materials, the use of glass wool is receding into the background. This wadding is made from glass waste, which looks like fibers up to 5 cm long.


  • high resistance to vibration;
  • high sound insulation;
  • non-toxic;
  • not combustible;
  • high elasticity (can be pressed for storage);
  • not subject to the formation of mold and fungus;
  • pests and rodents do not start in it;
  • low cost.


  • short service life;
  • some formulations contain formaldehyde;
  • you need to work in a protective suit.

Mounting Features

The very first thing to think about before installing glass wool insulation is to protect your face and body. If the smallest particles of cotton wool get on the skin, they will cause severe itching. If it enters the respiratory tract, irreversible and serious health problems are likely. After work, you need to throw away all clothing and a respirator.

For laying glass wool, a crate sewn with drywall is used. Insulation is placed in the empty space, previously covered with a layer of film. You can first lay cotton wool in the crate, cover it with a waterproofing agent, and then sew it up with drywall.

This is a modern and safe insulation made from cellulose, boric acid and an antiseptic composition. Outwardly, it is a loose, gray material.


  • natural composition;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • high thermal insulation;
  • does not shrink and shifts even in a vertical position;
  • can be used on metal structures;
  • high sound insulation;
  • fungus does not occur in it;
  • not combustible;
  • installation by spraying will fill all cracks.


  • installation requires special equipment (installation is carried out by specialists);
  • may begin to smolder from high temperatures (next to the fireplace, chimney);
  • higher cost.

Mounting Features

To insulate walls with ecowool, a special blowing unit is used, which crushes and then blows ecowool through a hose. Due to high pressure and fine structure, the material penetrates into all cracks and hard-to-reach places, covering the surface with a continuous monolithic layer.

You can also blow ecowool into finished cavities. If the surface is deaf, then small technological holes are drilled through which the material is blown. It can also be used for soundproofing interior partitions.

This modern heat insulator looks similar to ordinary paint. It contains antiseptic additives that prevent the occurrence of fungus. Compared to conventional heaters, for example, mineral wool, a layer of 1 mm hard-ceramic insulation will be equal in terms of thermal insulation characteristics to a layer of 50 mm of mineral wool.


  • service life is several decades;
  • no need for vapor barrier;
  • very easy to install;
  • does not complicate further finishing;
  • does not reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;
  • does not load the walls;
  • good adhesion with any materials.

Perhaps the only drawback of this solution will be its higher cost compared to other heaters.

Mounting Features

Since the composition of liquid-ceramic insulation is similar to regular paint, then its installation is carried out in the same way - with a brush, roller or spray gun. The latter option is preferable, since the pressurized insulation will fill all cracks and hard-to-reach places. In addition, the consumption of the spray gun is lower than when using a roller.

Liquid insulation does not change its operational properties even at temperatures from -60 to +250 C⁰. The absence of steam and waterproofing makes the job much easier.

General requirements for materials

Insulation of walls from the inside is not always a measure used, but if you decide on it, then there really is a need for this.

To do everything right and achieve the desired result, you need to follow a number of requirements for materials:

  • low conductivity of heat from the inside and cold from the outside;
  • long term service, the insulation should not slip and deform;
  • the material must be non-flammable and not emit toxic substances during smoldering;
  • water resistance and the ability to repel moisture;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • vapor permeability;
  • the material should not attract rodents and be convenient for arranging their holes;
  • compactness, which is especially important for small houses.

What material to use

When choosing a material for wall insulation from the inside, you need to focus on its main properties. So the foam does not let air through, does not breathe, but it is easily mounted without requiring a frame. Glass wool, on the other hand, easily absorbs moisture, requires careful handling and must be laid in a frame.

Ecowool is environmentally friendly, but it needs to be applied with special devices and preferably by specialists, this increases the cost of insulation. Liquid ceramics is quite expensive, but it does not require the creation of additional structures and does not reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Whether you choose low cost, environmental friendliness, moisture resistance or easy installation, remember that the main thing is to follow all the rules of insulation technology.

Wall insulation technology from the inside

No less important than the choice of material will be the observance of all the rules for the installation and operation of the heat insulator.

In order for the insulation to serve for a long time and with high quality, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. Provide necessary insulation by precise calculation of materials. Calculate Quantity required material can be calculated by knowing the area required for insulation and guided by the tables on the packaging of the insulation.
  2. Fasten the heat insulator tightly to the base. In order to avoid vaporization, which will occur in the air space between the heat insulator and the wall, it is necessary to try to avoid gaps between these two planes.
  3. The heat insulator layer must be closed waterproof film.
  4. Do not install sockets, switches, and other devices requiring through holes in the heat insulator casing. This is done for reasons of tightness of the waterproofing, the holes in which will lead to the passage of moisture to the insulation and, ultimately, to its damage.
  5. Ensure tight joints and adjoining material to the walls.
  6. Before starting work, make sure that surfaces are dry.

When starting to insulate walls, you must first properly prepare these same walls. To do this, wooden surfaces are impregnated with antiseptic primers, concrete and brickwork is cleaned of dust and dirt, and dried well.

Further, if necessary, a frame is assembled, into which the insulation will subsequently be laid. The frame is necessary in case of using mineral wool, glass wool, or similar sheet or roll insulation, if it is not possible to stick them on the walls. For the construction of the frame, it is best to use a material similar to the material of the walls.

So, if you warm wooden house, then it is better to assemble the frame from wooden bars, soaking them with special antifungal compounds. If the room is built of brick or concrete, then it would be better to use metal profiles.

The insulation is attached to the walls depending on the type of material chosen. So soft sheets or rolls are laid in the crate, the foam is simply glued to the walls, the sprayed insulation is blown out with special devices, respectively.

The cost of insulation materials

Prices for building materials for wall insulation from the inside vary quite a lot. For some sellers, the cost depends on the volume of the purchase, and you can get a discount on a large lot:

The cost is approximate, check it on the websites of material sellers.

Also, to the cost of wall insulation, it is necessary to add not only waterproofing films and accessories necessary for installation, but also to think that if the room was already residential, then after wall insulation it will be necessary to make repairs.

  1. When buying fragile materials(styrofoam), it is worth taking them with a margin.
  2. Pay attention to the main indicator heaters - thermal conductivity.
  3. Materials for insulation must be environmentally friendly.
  4. All joints (heat insulator or waterproofing film) are made very tightly. The film is overlapped with adhesive tape, and the joints between the layers of insulation are sealed with mounting foam or acrylic sealants.
  5. Insulate partitions, which are adjacent to the outer wall.
  6. For additional moisture reduction on windows special control valves are installed.
  7. Ask sellers quality certificates.

The need for wall insulation is a consequence of the wrong choice of materials, non-compliance with technology during construction work, or errors in calculations during design.

One way or another, the problems that have arisen must be solved, and this should be done as soon as possible, until the processes of swelling and destruction of the walls from moisture have gone too far. The first step should be to study the problem, understanding the impacts that need to be stopped (ideally eliminated).

Only after that it is necessary to carry out the necessary operations that can solve the issues that have arisen and regulate the heat exchange at home, eliminate processes that destroy wall material.

The choice between external and internal insulation, with equal possibilities of both methods, should definitely be taken in favor of the external one. From a physical point of view, only it can be denoted by the term "insulation", internal insulation is, rather, a cut-off of walls from contact with warm, moist air.

At the same time, if the insulation is located, then the wall receives heat from the inside, which is why it cools less and does not have a temperature that contributes to the condensation of water vapor. With an internal location, the insulation becomes an obstacle that does not allow heat to pass out.

At the same time, the wall is able to cool down to almost complete equalization of temperatures on both sides, losing its heat-insulating properties and remaining only a mechanical barrier to external influences.

Dew point

Such use external walls unproductive, besides the dew point moves to the line of contact of the insulation with the wall, causing abundant condensation of moisture. Such a disadvantage is a frequent consequence of illiterate actions during internal insulation, moreover, the consequences are not immediately noticeable.

Internal insulation is done for two reasons:

  • In addition to the outside.
  • If it is impossible to carry out work outside - there is no access, technical conditions or rules do not allow, etc.

If there is no other way out and work is possible only from the inside, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the occurrence of condensate and eliminate them with maximum efficiency. First of all, you should remember the basic rule of internal insulation:

The vapor permeability of materials, regardless of the number of layers in the cake, should follow in descending order.

This means that the material of the insulation must be more of a vapor barrier than the material of the wall. This condition makes it possible to withdraw the steam that has passed through the thickness of the insulation to the outside.

Otherwise, steam will condense on the wall surface (which happens most often). The problem is that the presence of insulation does not allow the wall to come into contact with warm internal air, it does not heat up and the steam immediately begins to condense upon contact with a cold wall.

Comparison of thermal insulation characteristics of materials

No measures other than effective vapor protection work here, and the density of the vapor barrier layer should tend to absolute. No matter how gradual the accumulation of moisture, sooner or later it will be enough to start destructive processes - several cycles of freezing and thawing can turn the most durable material into dust.

From this follows the conclusion - to enhance vapor protection, it is necessary to use the most suitable insulation.

Materials for thermal insulation of walls from the inside

Not every heater is suitable for internal insulation. From should have a set of properties that ensure the fulfillment of the tasks:

  • Low vapor permeability.
  • Lack of ability to absorb moisture.
  • Absence of emissions harmful to human health.
  • The ability to keep the shape, rigidity.

These properties are more inherent in such types of heaters:

  • Glass wool.
  • Ecowool, cellulose.

The materials are not listed in random order, but in order of effectiveness and frequency of use.


The record holder for application by a wide margin is polystyrene foam (PPS). It has such positive qualities:

  • Light weight.
  • Low vapor permeability.
  • Rigid structure, plates have clear dimensions.
  • Easily processed.
  • Practically does not absorb water.
  • The cheapest heater.

The combination of such properties rightfully distinguishes it among the leaders. Unfortunately, the material crumbles a lot and is afraid of fire.


Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) — chemically similar to styrofoam, but structurally different due to manufacturing method.

In terms of its properties, it even surpasses polystyrene:

  • Absolutely impervious to steam and water.
  • More rigid, does not crumble.
  • High heat resistance.

At the same time, it costs significantly more than a regular teaching staff, which reduces its competitiveness.

polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a material that has all the necessary qualities for internal insulation:

  • Tight contact with the wall.
  • Does not let moisture or steam through.
  • It has no organics - does not rot, does not emit hazardous substances.

Wherein, the use of polyurethane foam is limited, since its application requires special equipment and skilled workers, plus, when applied, polyurethane foam emits toxic fumes. In addition, the price of the insulation itself, plus the cost of work, sharply reduce its demand.

polyurethane foam

Mineral wool

Mineral wool, glass wool, ecowool, cellulose - traditional materials, for internal insulation they are of little use. Nevertheless, they are used quite often, which is due to the low theoretical knowledge of users and adherence to stereotypes.

The qualities of these materials, good in other cases, lose their effect - any type of cotton wool has a fibrous structure, which helps to absorb moisture. No rigidity required, high vapor permeability. For internal insulation, such materials are not recommended.

Wetting of the insulation can be stopped by installing a special vapor barrier film, which will not only protect the material from the penetration of water vapor, but will prevent harmful mineral dust from entering the room.

Mineral wool

What insulation is best for insulating walls from the inside?


The most effective heaters - Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam. They combine all the most valuable properties both for insulating materials in general and for the specifics under consideration.

The most useful property is vapor permeability. Styrofoam consists of soldered granules, each of which is a sealed capsule with gas bubbles. A small absorption of water is possible only through the capillaries between the granules, but its value is very small.

What's better?

XPS is a foam material consisting of a single array of substance. It is impervious to neither steam nor water, there is absolutely no absorption. If the size of the insulated surface is not too large, then EPPS will be the best choice.

How to avoid problems of internal insulation?

To avoid internal problems insulation, it is necessary to determine the mode of operation of the wall cake and find the location of the dew point.

Ideally, it should be located either inside the wall, or, somewhat worse, inside the insulation.

If the dew point is at the border of two materials, then sooner or later condensate will appear due to a small penetration of vapors through the side walls, through the insulation, loose areas of vapor barrier, etc.

This situation becomes possible with a large thickness of the insulation (a complete cut-off of the wall from internal heat is created) or with its low vapor permeability (a consequence of the wrong choice of material).

To resolve the issue, several recommendations can be made:

  • Thermal insulation thickness. Do not use insulation thicker than 50 mm.
  • Choose only vapor-tight materials, forming the most hermetic layer.
  • Organize effective ventilation premises. This item is desirable in any case, since the removal of supersaturated air with steam reduces the partial pressure and the intensity of the effect of steam on the materials of the wall and insulation. When there is nothing to condense, the issue is resolved automatically.
  • When installing the heater, proceed carefully, do not skip sections, do not create gaps. It is especially important to tightly wrap the window opening in the areas of slopes, window sill and upper cut. The side walls are also a source of steam, penetration through them, although to a lesser extent, does occur. Ideally, the whole room should be isolated, but this is not always possible.


Window block - a source of steam penetration. It has a lot of slots and gaps along the perimeter between the wall and the box. Before installing the insulation, the slopes and the window sill should be removed and all doubtful places should be carefully filled with mounting foam.

To equalize the steam load, it is possible to prime all (not only external) walls with special compounds that reduce the passage of steam through the wall material. This is especially important for loose porous materials prone to moisture absorption.

Is an internal vapor barrier necessary?

The need for internal vapor barrier is undeniable. Almost the whole point of internal insulation is to create an airtight boundary between the steam-saturated air and the wall.

At the same time, if the insulation itself is a good vapor barrier (like PPS or EPS), then the presence of a separate layer of rolled vapor barrier is not necessary, especially if there is effective supply and exhaust ventilation.

However, to insure against possible microscopic cracks, gaps or other cavities in the insulation, as well as to cut off adjacent walls, an additional layer of vapor protection is often installed.

If a looser material that allows steam to pass through is used as a heater, then the presence of a full-fledged vapor barrier is mandatory. Attempts to do without it will nullify the whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200binsulating the wall - it will get wet, condensate will saturate the insulation, which will stop it from retaining heat, turning into a moisture accumulator. At this time, the material of the wall will get wet, freeze and from this actively collapse.

Internal insulation is significantly inferior in efficiency to the external method, and is used only as additional measure. As an independent measure, such a technique is doubtful and requires an understanding of the dynamics of the processes occurring in the wall cake at different temperatures and in different time of the year.

wall pie

The effect of such a technique often requires a lot of experimentation and changes, which in practice means constant repairs. Therefore, you should act very carefully and carefully in order to try to achieve the desired result on the first try.

In contact with

Updated: 09/18/2019 22:45:13

Judge: Lev Kaufman

*Overview of the best in the opinion of the editors of the site. About selection criteria. This material is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a guide to the purchase. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

In a private house, unlike a multi-storey one, there are much more heat losses. The air heated from heating gives temperature to the walls, windows, roof and floor. In order not to spend even more money on heating, it is advisable to perform insulation, for which various materials are produced. We have prepared a rating of the best heaters for the home, based on reviews from craftsmen and ordinary customers, as well as product characteristics. This will help you navigate the available variety and choose a home insulation with optimal properties for walls, attic or floor and at an affordable price.

How to choose a heater for the house

  1. Thermal conductivity. The indicator informs about the amount of heat that can pass through different materials under the same conditions. The lower the value, the better the substance will protect the house from freezing and save money on heating. The best values ​​are 0.031 W/(m*K), the average values ​​are 0.038-0.046 W/(m*K).
  2. Vapor permeability. It implies the ability to pass moisture particles through itself (breathe), without detaining it in the room. Otherwise, excess moisture will be absorbed into the building materials and promote the appearance of mold. Heaters are divided into vapor-permeable and impermeable. The value of the former is from 0.1 to 0.7 mg / (m.h.Pa).
  3. Shrinkage. Over time, some heaters lose volume or shape under their own weight. This requires more frequent fixing points during installation (partitions, clamping bars) or use them only in a horizontal position (floor, ceiling).
  4. Mass and density. The insulation characteristics depend on the density. The value varies from 11 to 220 kg/m3. The higher it is, the better. But with an increase in the density of the insulation, its weight also increases, which must be taken into account when loading building structures.
  5. Water absorption (hygroscopicity). If the insulation is exposed to direct water (accidental spill on the floor, leaking roof), then it can either withstand it without harm, or deform and deteriorate. Some materials are not hygroscopic, while others absorb water from 0.095 to 1.7% by weight in 24 hours.
  6. Operating temperature range. If the insulation is laid in the roof or directly behind the heating boiler, next to the fireplace in the walls, etc., then an important role is played by maintaining the elevated temperature while maintaining the properties of the material. The value of some varies from -60 to +400 degrees, while others reach -180 ... +1000 degrees.
  7. combustibility. Heaters for the house can be non-combustible, slightly combustible and highly combustible. This affects the protection of the building in case of accidental fire or intentional arson.
  8. Thickness. Formation section or roll insulation can be from 10 to 200 mm. This has an impact on how much space you need to allocate in the structure for its placement.
  9. Durability. The service life of some heaters reaches 20 years, while others up to 50.
  10. Ease of installation. Soft insulation can be cut a little with a margin and they will tightly fill a niche in a wall or floor. Solid insulation must be cut exactly to size so as not to leave "cold bridges".
  11. Environmental friendliness. It implies the ability to release vapors into the living space during operation. Most often these are binder resins (of natural origin), so most materials are environmentally friendly. But during installation, some species can create an abundant dust cloud that is harmful to the respiratory system and prick hands, which will require protection with gloves.
  12. Chemical resistance. Determines whether it is possible to lay plaster over the insulation and paint the surface. Some species are completely resistant, others lose from 6 to 24% of their weight upon contact with alkalis or acidic environments.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of heaters

Having considered the criteria for choosing a heater for the house, we will briefly formulate the advantages and disadvantages of the types of thermal insulation materials in the table for clarity.































































Rating of the best heaters for the house

Nomination place Name of product price
The best basalt insulation 1 695 ₽
2 302 ₽
The best polystyrene foam insulation 1 1 100 ₽
2 980 ₽
The best foam insulation 1 890 ₽
2 1 688 ₽
The best fiberglass insulation 1 660 ₽
2 800 ₽
The best insulation polyester fiber 1 1 780 ₽

The best basalt insulation

This category of heaters in the rating is also called stone or mineral wool. It is obtained by melting basalt rocks, during which thin villi are formed. The substance is completely natural, and natural resins are used for the bond.

In the first place in the ranking of basalt insulation for the home is the product of a company from Denmark. Cotton wool is produced in rolls and slabs, which is convenient for mounting on logs or when laying in walls. The material can be used for both internal and external insulation of the house. In terms of thickness, the manufacturer offers options from 50 to 100 mm with a density of 37 kg / m3. stone wool completely non-flammable and safe for living quarters. Masters in the reviews share that you can buy it in various packaging of 6-12 sheets per package, which is practical for different amounts of work. Suitable insulation for all building materials in the house. Cotton wool fibers can withstand temperatures up to 1000 degrees, so even the walls of the fireplace can be covered with it.

Our experts liked the insulation for the house because of the presence new technology Flexi. One of the edges of the sheet has a springy property and is additionally unclenched after installation. Such an edge is specially marked by manufacturers and improves the tightness of the installation, for which the product got into the rating of the best.


  • does not crumble during installation;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • easy to fit;
  • low weight at a density of 37 kg/m3.


  • the whole body itches strongly after styling;
  • increases thermal conductivity when wet;
  • absorbs water up to 1 kg per m2;
  • need more supports for vertical installation.

In second place in the ranking is a product from a Russian manufacturer. This insulation is produced in the form of plates with a thickness of 50-100 mm and has a thermal conductivity index of 0.036 W / (m * K). In its production, organic substances (resins) were used no more than 2.5%, so during operation no odors are emitted in the house. The insulating layer is completely non-combustible and can be used as a fire barrier in metal doors.

We included the heater in the rating of the best due to the good combination of price and quality, which buyers agree with in the reviews. The company guarantees the service life of the insulation in the house up to 50 years. The production of basalt slabs is carried out on German equipment, and a new furnace is used to melt the rock, which ensures good quality at an affordable price. The material also has a compressibility of up to 50%, against 30% for competitors, so the masonry is especially dense and the insulating layer takes up less space in the room.


  • low weight - with dimensions of 1200x600 mm, the plate weighs less than a kilogram;
  • absolutely does not burn;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • has three safety certificates in Russia;
  • suitable for cold attics, pitched roof and floor insulation.


  • water absorption 1.5%;
  • loses its shape without proper fixation;
  • density 22 kg/m3 loses to competitors;
  • not recommended for house walls.

The best polystyrene foam insulation

Extruded polystyrene foam is obtained by foaming polystyrene. The result is a hardened foam with small cells isolated from each other. Thin walls do not allow the temperature to be actively transferred, due to which the isolation effect occurs.

Technicol XPS Technoplex

In this category of heaters, in the first place is a product known for its white and green packaging. Insulation for the house is made in Russia. The material is produced in the form of plates with a thickness of 20 to 100 mm, which the masters like in the reviews, because it allows you to choose the optimal section for different parts of the house. It is allowed to use thermal insulation in the bathroom and in the kitchen, because it is able to pass steam with a coefficient of 0.01 mg / (mhPa). At the same time, the surface does not absorb water, preventing the development of the fungus.

Our experts liked the insulation due to its compressive strength of 0.1 MPa at 10% deformation. This allows you to insulate the floors along the logs and not worry about the load exerted on them. It can also be used when organizing underfloor heating in a house with pipe or cable laying. This effect was achieved by adding nano-carbon, visible as a light gray tint. For this product, and pressed into the rating as the best for floor insulation.


  • large range in thickness from 20 to 100 mm;
  • low thermal conductivity 0.032 W/(m*K);
  • L-shaped edge for easy insertion under structures;
  • almost does not absorb water (0.1%);
  • high vibration resistance.


  • high price;
  • the substance burns and smokes strongly;
  • produced only in slabs.

Penoplex Comfort

In second place in the ranking is another domestic insulation used for sound and heat insulation at home. Extruded polystyrene foam has a thickness of 3-5 cm and is produced in sheets of 118x58 cm. It is sold in packs of 4-12 sheets. The thermal conductivity coefficient is close to the minimum and is 0.033 W per meter per Kelvin. The manufacturer assures the versatility of the insulation both in terms of spatial distribution and temperature range. The substance does not deteriorate from precipitation and is characterized by compressive strength up to 0.18 MPa. But users share in the reviews, then the material can damage the rodents in the house, so you should first remove them, and then carry out the installation.

We marked this heater in the rating as optimal for thermal insulation of a balcony in two-story house, verandas or covered terraces. The product is designed to maintain its properties even at a temperature of -50 degrees, therefore it is suitable for use in unheated rooms. Masters in the reviews recommend it for both internal and external insulation of the house.


  • keeps its shape well;
  • universal in application;
  • easy;
  • serves up to 50 years;
  • does not deteriorate from water and frost.


  • do not lay next to heat sources that produce temperatures above 75 degrees;
  • high price;
  • combustible material;
  • precise cutting is required.

The best foam insulation

The material is obtained by foaming the polymer, but differs from the previous group of products in the rating by larger cells. This technology is easier to implement, so home insulation is cheaper, but the density is one of the lowest.

Knauf Therm House

The first place in the ranking was taken by a product of a well-known brand, the name of which directly indicates the intended use - home insulation. Suitable for laying in floors along logs, insulation of pitched roofs, laying in wall niches. Environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful gases into the room during operation. The manufacturer claims the service life of the insulation up to 100 years. The product is manufactured in accordance with GOST 15588-2014 and has quality certificates. Unlike extruded species, this one is not attractive to rodents.

The insulation is rated by experts as the lightest - the weight of a sheet of 100x60 cm with a thickness of 5 cm is 400 g. This the best option for finishing the walls of the house, if the masonry already gives a large load on the foundation and a minimum mass is required from the insulating layer so as not to harm the base. But in view of the rigid structure, the masters in the reviews advise isolating the seams with mounting foam in order to eliminate “cold bridges”.


  • the lowest price in the entire rating of goods;
  • a light weight;
  • many options for the cross section and size of the plates;
  • not afraid of water.


  • density is only 10 kg/m3;
  • burns and emits poisonous smoke at the same time;
  • crumbles during installation;
  • you need to accurately cut and additionally isolate the seams with sealant.

In second place in the ranking is a product of a domestic manufacturer, produced with a density of 10 kg/m3. This gives light weight and minimal cost, which is liked by many users in the reviews. But the tensile strength of the frozen foam is small and amounts to 0.05 MPa in compression, and if you try to bend, the material breaks. The thermal conductivity of the insulation is average - 0.042 W per meter per Kelvin. But installation does not need numerous jumpers and fixation points, so less time is spent on laying in the house. The plate can be located in any spatial position.

We added insulation to the rating as having the widest range of sizes. Styrofoam is produced with dimensions of 1x1 m, 1x1.2 m, 1x2 m, which is convenient for quick installation into the walls of the house in order to immediately sew up a large area. On request, the manufacturer can provide other sizes required by the user.


  • resistant to aging;
  • not exposed to moisture;
  • do not spoil microorganisms;
  • environmentally safe.


  • low density 10 MPa;
  • on sale it is designated in the old GOST (PSB-S15) and in a new way (PPS-10), which leads to confusion;
  • burns violently on contact with fire;
  • additional sealing of joints is required.

The best fiberglass insulation

This type of product in the rating is popularly called glass wool. It is produced by melting soda, sand, borax, limestone and cullet. It gives thick fibers different orientation effectively delaying heat transfer. The material costs less than analogues, but it hurts the hands a lot during installation.

Isover Warm House

In the first place in this category of the rating is a product known to the whole world. Glass wool for the home is produced in rolls with a cross section of 5 cm and a width of 55 cm. In the production, the company uses the patented TEL technology, which is highly environmentally friendly. The insulation is suitable for use in a house on a pitched and straight roof, in floors and wall partitions. The product complies with ISO9001 and EN13162 standards. In addition to insulation, heat contributes to noise protection. In terms of thermal conductivity, the substance has an indicator of 0.040 W / (m * K). Buyers in the reviews note affordable price and long service life with proper water protection.

Our experts added insulation to the rating due to the convenient form of release in rolls from 5.5 to 7 meters long. This is practical when filling walls in drywall partitions to immediately close the space from floor to ceiling and get by with a minimum of cuts. The thickness of 50 mm is well suited to the width of the profile.


  • meets hygienic standards (can be used in childcare facilities);
  • does not burn;
  • completely out natural materials;
  • elastic and does not require exact dimensions when cutting;
  • lets steam out of the house.


  • does not hold its shape well;
  • properties deteriorate when wet;
  • uncomfortable to lay;
  • average thermal conductivity.

In second place in the rating of the glass wool category is the domestic brand, which is often used as a common noun when indicating the type of insulation. Now these products are known throughout the CIS and are in high demand. The thickness of the insulation for the house varies from 5 to 10 cm, and the width of the roll is 120 cm. Square meter weighs 1 kg (with a cross section of 10 cm), which is convenient for calculating the mass for load-bearing structures. Glass wool is allowed to isolate not only the walls, floor and roof in the house, but also the pipes of the chimney, heating, ventilation. The product belongs to the fire hazard class KM0. The masters in the reviews like the vapor permeability, which is 0.64 mg / mchPa, but its thermal conductivity loses to its counterparts and is in the range of 0.040-0.046 W / (m * K).

The product is rated as the best for pitched roofing and floor insulation in the house, since it is also available in convenient rolls. The choice of the buyer can be two rolls of 6 m in one package, or one, 10 m long. When installed in the floors along the logs, this allows you to stretch one roll immediately along the length of the room and save time.


  • glass wool does not burn;
  • light weight simplifies transport and installation;
  • does not have a serious impact on the foundation;
  • high sound insulation;
  • compatible with wood, aerated concrete, foam blocks, bricks.


  • low density 11 kg/m3;
  • gets wet and changes shape;
  • inconvenient to lay due to increased causticity.

The best polyester fiber insulation

Polyester fiber is produced by recycling plastic containers and other raw materials, which contributes to the preservation of the environment. The result is multidirectional synthetic fibers that pass steam well, but delay heat transfer. In appearance and characteristics, the substance is similar to synthetic winterizer.

Shelter EcoStroy ShES arctic

This is the latest product in the ranking, manufactured using MicroFiber technology. The insulation is obtained with multidirectional villi, creating an elastic layer with a constantly maintained shape. The effect of the firba is the easy passage of steam. Nanotechnology also managed to achieve a hollow structure of the villi, due to which the temperature is retained better and sounds are absorbed. The substance is hypoallergenic and has no phenol. According to environmental indicators, the purity is 100%. Thermal conductivity is at a minimum level - 0.031 W / (m * K), which buyers like in the reviews. The insulation does not rot and is not of interest to rodents.

Our experts have included the product in the rating as the best for warming a house in a cold region, which confirms the name "Arctic". 100 mm of this material replaces 125 mm of mineral wool in efficiency, so it will be possible to achieve high thermal insulation with a smaller layer thickness.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • water-repellent properties;
  • does not rot and is not attractive to rodents;
  • service life of 50 years;
  • need less thickness compared to other materials.


  • high price;
  • weak, but supports combustion;
  • emits harmful smoke when ignited.

Attention! This rating is subjective, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.