Water pipes      06/12/2019

DIY extruder drawings. Homemade feed extruder: step-by-step instructions

Grain extruder, feed is used in the agro-industrial complex for the preparation of extruded feed. During the extrusion process, complex sugars (fiber, starch) are converted into simple, better digestible di-sugars, as well as mono-sugars. The content of simple sugars increases by 2 times, di-sugars by about 20 times.

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The extruder is specialized for the production of modern energy-efficient feed from grain crops, grain waste, soybeans, with the addition of various additives (straw, chaff, meat and bone meal, slaughterhouse waste, etc.). It is used both for the industrial production of various feeds for sale, and for the optimal reorganization of fattening animals and poultry. The extruder makes it possible to process both wet grain, the preservation of which without drying is not absolutely acceptable, and “ripened” grain, while the resulting product is completely suitable for animal feeding and storage.

Extruded feed, pure feed of the final generation.

Feed obtained from various raw materials (grain or grain mixture) is one hundred percent digestible by animals. Digestion occurs due to the decomposition of complex sugars (fiber, starch) into more ordinary content models - disaccharides and monosaccharides. In extruded feed, the total number of ordinary sugars increases up to two times, disaccharides up to twenty times, the effectiveness of feeding animals is greatly increased due to an increase in digestibility by 2.5 times. %. The advantages of extruded feeds when compared with classic ones: very high digestibility of up to ninety percent and this makes it possible to saturate the animal with the smallest portion, much less extrudate is required, crushed wheat has the highest possible digestibility of thirty-five percent. After processing in the extruder, the grain becomes sterile and this is an important property of the feed that is provided to animals during fattening at the early stages of the formation process. When feeding animals, various digestive infections and irritations are neutralized. high feed palatability due to the taste properties of the extrudate, which has a very sweet bready taste and aroma. Possibility of long-term preservation (the extrudate is sterile and has low humidity, but it can be used in a dry form without steaming) a stimulator of animal growth and development with improvement of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. Extruded feed is indispensable for fattening young animals of most agro-industrial animals: pigs, horses, cattle, hares, chickens, quail, sheep and other animals. Feeding extruded grain brings to the minimum acceptable death of young animals, which occurs as a result of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or diseases introduced through the feed. The results of large studies have shown the enormous effectiveness of using extrudate to increase milk yield with increasing milk production.

Grain extruders from the company "Kormotsekh"

It is very important for cattle, pigs, fish, birds, and domestic animals to receive adequate nutrition. To provide animals with all the necessary vitamins and substances, their diet must contain a variety of types of feed: concentrates, silage, hay, root vegetables, green feed, twig and humic feed. In order to save your budget and at the same time have a constant opportunity to feed animals with nutritious and healthy food, we offer you buy an extruder for feed.

What is extrusion?

During the extrusion process, instant thermal processing of grain occurs under pressure for about 10-13 seconds. The grain is deformed and swells, thus turning into a solid mass. The product change takes place on cellular level, while up to 90% of harmful deposits in the form of insect deposits, infections, mold and absorbed pesticides are destroyed. With this treatment, the vitamins contained in the product do not have time to die and retain their beneficial features and integrity.

Extrusion equipment

Kormotseh supplies, develops and manufactures innovative modern equipment grain extruder , used for processing grass, legumes, grains, straw, various feed additives and agricultural raw materials into pellets. There is also the possibility of processing substandard and stale grain, meal and cake. The percentage of grain moisture is 15-20%. The grain is not pre-steamed.

Feed extruder from the Kormotseh company will be able to process:

  • Grain (wheat, corn, rye, barley) and grain mixture.
  • Moldy and stale grain.
  • Straw mixed with grain up to 50%.
  • Meal and cake mixed with grain up to 20%.

Such equipment can extrude not only whole grains, but also crushed grains, which contain fiber, starch, proteins, fats and proteins. During extrusion, grain consumption is reduced by 30-40%. Before extruding, you can add reeds, chopped straw, husks and flour from processing into grain groats.

Using grain extruder in agriculture, you will be able to produce improved feed with high performance. That's why it's best buy extruder for feed from a trusted company. Buy from us extruder for feed, price “Feed Shop” has the lowest!

Refinement and various changes to the mechanism have significantly improved grain extruder:

  • Energy consumption has noticeably decreased.
  • Reliability has increased.
  • Operation has become more convenient.
  • Compact design size.
  • Soft and smooth start.
  • Possibility of processing grains mixed with grass, straw, bran, hay, lime, meat and bone meal and fish meal.

What does a feed extruder consist of?

Consists of feed extruder from an electric motor connected to the extruder part by a V-belt drive, starting equipment and the extruder part.

In the extruder part there is a loading hopper, a pressing and loading chamber, in which there is a screw system: feeding, intermediate and pressing.

The pressing chamber ends with a die. It is in it that the grain is compressed and the finished extrusion product comes out through it.

Therefore, if you need buy feed extruder, pay attention to the complete set and serviceability of the mechanism.

Feed press serves for the production of compound feed, grass meal and bran pellets. They are widely used on large livestock farms, poultry farms, elevators and feed mills. When preparing feedstuffs using feed press, each material will have a different compression ratio and will be used various technologies processing.

Extruder Capabilities

If you decide buy a grain extruder, then you should be familiar with all the useful features and characteristics of the unit. For the production of animal feed the most best choice it will be exactly extruder for feed, price which will pay off after 1.5 years.

  • The extruder can easily process grain mixtures of various fractions.
  • Stopping the supply of raw materials can be done without stopping the extruder itself.
  • All extruders from the Kormotsekh company do not have vibration technology for feeding raw materials, which would loosen the extruder units.
  • Safety margin for all components. The angle steel frame prevents deformation when the belts are tensioned. This allows the extruder to be moved freely without having to various works on installation. The main motor allows the extruder to operate continuously for several hours. A belt drive can hold maximum torque by preventing belts from slipping without creating unnecessary drag. Each extruder and mini extruder They have a forward/reverse motor switch, a feed switch, and an on-the-fly tension regulator.
  • After finishing work, the extruder does not need to be disassembled to clean the working part. For this process, a reverse button is provided for self-cleaning of the working part.
  • All extruders have a magnet installed, which makes it possible to extract the smallest metal particles from the fraction. Therefore, when entering the working part foreign body, it does not jam.
  • Due to the special design of the working part of the extruder, the fraction after extrusion turns into “corn sticks”, and it does not require additional preparation before feeding to animals.

The benefits of extruded feed

Extruded feed has better absorption in the body of all animals. The starch contained in cereal grains is difficult to digest in their stomach. At high temperatures during the extrusion process, mold and harmful microbes that carry diseases are destroyed, fiber is also converted and starch is broken down. Such feed is digested by 90%, in contrast to grain feed (55-65%).

Using extruded feed, for the production of which was used mini extruder , you significantly reduce the energy costs of the animal for its processing. Buying grain extruder, price he will make you happy!

Let's look at the example of a pig using extruded barley, corn, wheat and peas:

  • On average, the growth of pigs increases by 16-25% per day.
  • Significantly reduced feed costs.
  • Due to a 3-15 times reduction in bacterial fungal contamination of grain crops, the mortality rate of piglets is reduced.
  • The ability to speed up the process of weaning piglets from the sow without the risk of delayed development and growth.

With constant feeding of chickens with compound feed, their egg production increases by 22-27%, the cow will give more milk by 20-55%, and the live weight of the young will increase by 35-40%.

Animals eat extruded food with great pleasure, since during its processing all unpleasant odors, and the natural smell of the product is enhanced.

For feeding young cattle, pigs, rabbits, and horses, it is recommended to use extruded feed to avoid the death of animals from gastrointestinal diseases. The food obtained by extrusion has a good absorbent effect and is bacterially pure. Studies have shown that such food is sterile and can be stored for up to three to four months in a warehouse.

The use of extruded animal feed can significantly solve the environmental problem of reducing environmental pollution with manure.

Extruder for feed. Price quality

Buy a grain extruder from the company "Kormotsekh" and producing feed on your own is much more profitable and economical than purchasing from suppliers finished products. On grain extruder price the lowest in the region! Mini extruder And feed press easy to use. To ensure comfortable and comfortable work with the equipment, it can be placed on a table or stand. When working with an extruder, no special feed production skills are required. This mechanism is designed to provide small amounts of food household, where there is no industrial voltage of 380 V.

Feed extruder from the company "Kormotsekh" is supplied in various options with different equipment. It depends on the raw materials that are processed and the products that are produced. Ready-made feed is a wonderful absorbent for the intestines of animals. It has the ability to remove substances that can poison their body. The prepared mixture looks like a rope, which is cut off or remains intact. Buying grain extruder, price it is formed from equipment.

The company has the ability to produce and market rod, flat, granular and hollow products. After which, using additional equipment, they are fired and mixed with binder material or glazed. With cut-off feed extruder needed for preparing food for small animals, fish or birds.

The company "Kormotsekh" supplies, also produces, and develops the best extruder for feed, price its acceptable even for a novice farmer.

Where to buy a grain extruder?

If you are interested in where buy feed extruder, This means that you care about your farm and will feed it only with healthy, fortified, nutritious and balanced food.

Feed press, feed extruder And mini extruder can give considerable income from sales of feed to fisheries, poultry farmers and livestock farmers. All of the above does an indispensable assistant in housekeeping grain extruder. Price This device is quite affordable and fully justifies itself. Buy a grain extruder won't be difficult. To do this, you can contact the Feed Shop company directly or order it on our website.

lines for 4 main food technologies - corn sticks, bread rolls, stuffed products, soft crackers

lines for the production of corn sticks

lines for the production of products with filling - pads (like “Lyubyatogo”, triangular), bars, tubes (“bamboo”)

bread production lines
Offer with prices for the supply of a line for the production of extrusion crackers

lines for the production of breakfast cereals (sweet and salty figured products, chocolate filler, elements decorative design confectionery)

food bran production lines

corn flake production lines

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lines for the production of food for domestic rodents

lines for the production of food for commercial fish

lines for the production of technical adhesive components

lines for the production of starch-containing reagents for oil and gas production

line for the production of grain components baby food, instant porridge

lines for the production of soy (cereal) texture, “soy meat” (pieces)

lines for the production of industrial breading

lines for the production of pellets (semi-finished product for chips)

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lines for the production of modified starch, swelling flour

lines for the production of food for aquarium fish

An extruder is a tool that allows you to process large volumes of cereals, fruits and vegetables, which are turned into complete feed. On a farm, such a device is indispensable, especially for those that require feed for normal growth. But the problem is high prices.

Not all farmers can afford to buy such a tool. As a solution, you can make your own feed extruder.

1 How does a feed extruder work?

Before you make an extruder with your own hands, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The operating principle of the extruder includes the following stages:

  • grains, vegetables and fruits are loaded into the tank of the device;
  • here they fall into the compartment where the raw materials are affected high pressure(about 60 atmospheres);
  • Then the feed is processed at high temperature (in most extruders it reaches 1.5 thousand degrees);
  • the resulting composition is compacted and comes out in the form of a long rod with a thickness of 3 cm;
  • the rod is cut into smaller pieces, after which it is completely ready for use.

The main advantage of food processed by such a device is that it is very quickly and completely absorbed by the animal. Under the influence high temperatures and strong pressure, the structure of the original components breaks down into simpler components, which are individually absorbed much better. According to this principle.

1.1 What does a feed extruder consist of?

The structure of this device is quite simple. It is based on a frame that connects all units and ensures the stability of their operation. A hopper is installed on the frame, into which everything is supplied, and the mechanism drive.

Next there is a dosing auger and a delivery auger, through which small portions of cereals are fed into the receiving chamber. The whole process is organized by a motor with a gearbox. When leaving the device, the finished feed rods are automatically cut off with a special knife or manually.

2 What is a homemade feed extruder made of?

The main snag when assembling the device at home is the need to purchase most of the parts, since the design is quite complex. First of all, an accurate drawing is needed.

You can either download it from the Internet (you can find every imaginable model here) or use ready-made instructions from the factory model. The drawing must convey as accurately as possible the dimensions of the components and all required material. After the drawing is ready and that's it important points thought out, you can proceed to collecting materials.

2.1 Assembling a homemade extruder

First of all, let's start making a screw for the device. It consists of a cylinder and a body. To make the cylinder, gears from the tractor transmission are used. They are tightly welded together. If standard gears were used, then the diameter of the resulting part should be somewhere around 62 mm.

Next we work with the body. The basis for it will be the previously prepared rod from the hydraulic cylinder. A wire is wound around the rod in the form of a spiral (if you have a long enough spring that matches the diameter, you can use it). The wire on the rod must be placed so that the distance between the turns of the spiral gradually decreases towards the end of the part. The initial clearance is 25 mm, after which there is a gradual decrease to 20 mm.

As soon as the wire (spring) is correctly secured, we grab it welding machine. The welding must be very strong, since the part will be subject to serious loads. Next, the auger is carefully inspected for irregularities and extra protrusions.

All detected defects are erased using a file or grinding machine. The screw can also be turned on lathe, if there is one. The part will be of higher quality, and the work will be much less. In addition, the channels will be much deeper, which will simplify grain feeding.

How to make a housing for an auger? Any piece of pipe of suitable diameter will be suitable for this component. The auger cylinder is placed inside it. It must be connected to the extruder head and the gearbox that drives the screw. To do this, we turn two bushings on a lathe. Then we connect all the parts. At the junction between the gearbox and the auger shaft, it is necessary to additionally install a bearing.

First of all, you need to make a strong frame on which the device will be installed. There are no specific instructions here. Its design depends on the features. The main requirements for the frame are stability, stability and strength. The first two points can be achieved by making a wider base, which, after assembly, is screwed to the floor with bolts large diameter. The frame can be assembled from corners welded together.

We install the engine and gearbox with a screw and head welded to it on the frame. The transmission of torque to the gearbox will be carried out by a belt. It connects the trigger mechanism, gearbox and electric motor.

We fix the grain hopper onto the installed auger. This part can be any metal container with a hole in the bottom. In the absence of one, an ordinary iron bucket will do. The hopper is fixed so that the grain easily passes into the auger, where it is pushed and compressed. It reaches its peak in the spinneret, which produces ready-made food. The thickness of the resulting feed rod will depend on the diameter of the die.

We install the frame in the selected part of the room, after which we weld all parts of the device. The self-made extruder is ready.

2.2 Last checks and first launch

The resulting extruder is quite powerful electrical device, which requires a thorough check of all components and assemblies before direct work. For safety reasons, you should adhere to the following inspection plan:

  1. The first point is recheck reliability of all seams and connections. If individual components are connected using bolts, tighten them as much as possible.
  2. Next comes checking the flatness of the surface on which the device is installed.
  3. The next stage is starting the mechanism. The mechanism should run idle for some time. This will allow you to warm it up before work. To check whether the extruder is warm enough, you can put flour into it. The readiness of the device for operation can be determined by the shape of the processed raw materials.
  4. If all preparatory processes went well, you can proceed to checking with grain. Cereals should be fed into the bunker gradually and steadily. Breaks in supply lead to negative idle which harms the car. But, an excess of raw materials will lead to work “through force”, which can damage the mechanisms.
  5. The finished product should be constantly twisted. This will remove gaps in the die and increase density.
  6. Under no circumstances should you suddenly stop the device after active operation. If the required amount of grain has already been processed, add flour or waste from the grain to the bin again. sunflower seeds. During processing, such material collects cereal oils and unprocessed residues released during processing, which contaminate the mechanisms.
  7. Gradually reduce the engine speed until it cools down. After stopping, you need some more time for the machine to cool down, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned on the hot extruder mechanisms.

2.3 Operation of a homemade grain extruder (video)

Extruded feed appeared on the market relatively recently. However, among livestock breeders they immediately gained recognition and began to enjoy wide popularity.

The thing is that when regular feed is extruded, some indigestible grain enzymes (for example, starch) are split into those that are fully digestible by both animals and poultry (sugar and simple carbohydrates). Such food is not only more useful, but also, due to increased taste qualities, much better to eat.

Almost all livestock farmers know about the benefits of extruded feed. But not everyone can afford to buy a grain extruder itself because of its very high cost. To help those who “want to, but can’t,” we offer options for making an extruder with your own hands.

1 What is an extruder?

An extruder is a device that allows you to turn regular feed into extruded feed. In other words, a grain mixture is poured into the unit at the entrance, and the output is a kind of granulated feed.

Depending on the design of the unit, sausages with a diameter of up to 3 cm come out of it.

Any grain, even slightly spoiled grain, can be processed in an extruder. This device processes feed under high pressure up to 60 atmospheres and at high temperatures up to 180 degrees.

With such a physical impact, the breakdown of enzymes occurs. They release sugar and carbohydrates. In addition, the finished food is not only sweetish, but also acquires the aroma of freshly baked bread, which significantly improves both digestibility (from 60% to 90%) and palatability.

Extruded feed significantly reduces the energy consumption of animals for their consumption. Thanks to this, with less feed consumption, the farmer receives a much greater increase muscle mass on the farm. In addition, such food completely protects poultry and animals from gastrointestinal diseases and bacteria entering the intestines.

Grain extruder can be different power. Everyone chooses what they need based on personal requirements and the size of the farm. For example, the KESH grain extruder has a capacity of up to 20 kg of finished feed per hour, while the EKZ 20 grain extruder produces 1.5-2 times less product in the same time.

1.1 Extruder functions

This unit is needed not only for converting simple grain into granulated feed. Its tasks include:

1.2 What is the unit made of?

This unit, despite the complexity of the process being performed, has a rather simple configuration:

  • frame base, which is the base of the unit. All other components are fixed on it;
  • a drive that drives the mechanism;
  • bunker It is loaded with raw materials that will be processed (grain, meal, etc.);
  • a dosing screw supplies raw materials at a certain speed and in certain quantities;
  • screw blower;
  • cylinder - a body in which the processing of raw materials takes place;
  • receiving chamber;
  • cutting knife;
  • die;
  • engine;
  • gearbox;
  • belt and cuff.

1.3 How does it work?

All manipulations to convert grain into extruded feed take place in. That is the injection auger does all the work, closed by a cylindrical body. The injection screw, in turn, consists of 3 parts (input, output and middle) and a heating washer.

There is a hole in the housing above the inlet part of the screw through which raw materials enter. There are longitudinal ribs on the inside of the body that help mix the grain to create a homogeneous mass. Due to the constant rotation of the auger, high pressure arises in the housing, which breaks the grain. After high-temperature treatment, the finished product in the form of a sausage comes out through the die.

The extruder heats up gradually. Loading grain can only be done after the mechanism has completely warmed up, otherwise it will not rupture. When starting, you can load flour or meal into the hopper.

2 How to make an extruder with your own hands

Making a grain extruder with your own hands is not an easy task. But difficult does not mean unrealistic.

In addition, many elements of the unit will still have to be purchased. But, if you take into account the cost of the factory device, it will cost much less.

And so, in order to make the unit with your own hands, you will need:

  • engine with a power of at least 2.2 kW with a rotation speed of 3000 rpm and above;
  • springs or rod, 10-12 mm in diameter for making a sleeve;
  • a rod, for example, from a hydraulic cylinder with a diameter of at least 50 mm;
  • wire, 8 mm in diameter or cone spring;
  • welding machine and lathe.

2.1 Making a granulator

Making sure everyone is available necessary elements, let's start assembling the unit.

2.2 Assembling the extruder

2.3 Launching

You need to start the extruder made by yourself gradually. After starting the engine, let it run idle for 2-3 minutes. Then, we begin to gradually add small raw materials (flour, flour, meal) so that the unit warms up, the matrix is ​​filled and the required pressure is created.

When the finished feed begins to come out through the spinneret in granular form, you can fill the hopper with whole grain.

Making an extruder with your own hands is a long, expensive and labor-intensive process, but it’s worth it. Now you can prepare complete, balanced food at home.

2.4 Manufacturing and launching a grain extruder (video)

Extrusion is a popular method for producing semi-finished products or goods made from polymers of any length, so a DIY extruder can save you money in some cases. This process is used in Food Industry or in feed production. The process goes like this: the polymer melt is extruded using an extruder head into a molding head with the required profile. This production method, along with injection molding of plastic materials, is now one of the most popular. Almost all polymers can be extruded: thermoplastics, elastomers and other materials.

Extruder technology has been in use for over sixty years. During this long period, enough a large number of machines that are made specifically for the use of this technology. If you look at the extruder in detail, you can understand what it is. The extrusion process is quite complex; it is based on physical and chemical laws. The process takes place directly under the influence of mechanical actions when exposed to high temperatures and the presence of moisture. Due to the fact that mechanical energy is converted into heat, which is released due to internal friction, the material is heated during processing.

When processing with extrusion technology, there are several changing characteristics: the composition of the raw materials provided, the percentage of its moisture content and its nature. During production, pressure, temperature, etc. may change.


  • feed processing;
  • production of plastic and polyethylene;
  • pipe manufacturing;
  • food production.

A little history

The extruder began to be used back in the nineteenth century. And mass production of this equipment began in the twenties of the last century. Extruders today are significantly different from what they used to be.

In modern industry, extruders are very popular, and you can choose from a wide variety of different types. Buying a new extruder is quite expensive. But there are extruders that you can make yourself.

The easiest to manufacture are clay and feed extruders. To make other types of this equipment yourself, you must have at least some basic engineering knowledge. And these extruders don’t take much time to make, and the materials are inexpensive.

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Extruder parts

  1. Extruder head. It consists of a body, which is heated, and a forming tool with a hole. The housing is attached to the extruder. The tool hole can be tapering towards the center or in the form round channel. There must be a distributor in the form of a spiral.
  2. A crown or activator improves the adhesion of material surfaces. Activators are different, they differ in power, width, they come with one-sided and two-sided fixation, or with a varying width of surface processing.
  3. Hot knife. The hot knife is designed quite simply, but it must be directed correctly relative to the sleeve that is moving. This element almost doubles the yield. The hot knife is used economically.
  4. The auger may or may not be included in the equipment. It is designed to be high productivity and good homogenization of the melt of the processed polymer material.
  5. Embossing unit. It is needed to give the film special rigidity and a beautiful presentation.
  6. A node that provides rotation of the head. Rotating the extruder head places constant irregularities in the film, making the roll quality better but not improving the quality of the film.
  7. Folding device equipment.
  8. Pulling device of the extruder.
  9. Equipment winder.
  10. Extruder blower ring.

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DIY clay extruders

To make a simple extruder for clay, you will need a regular plastic bottle any shape.

Such extruders are called sculpting extruders. With their help you can work with a variety of clays and plasticine. These extruders allow you to make various parts and figures. For example, you can make human hair or clearly draw grass.

The basis for this extruder is a simple transparent plastic bottle. It must be washed and dried well, and the lid too.

From the cover with inside you need to remove the plate. This can be done with a needle or pin. Next, you need to make a hole in it from which the clay will be squeezed out. Its diameter should be the same as the thickness of the desired lines. This is done using a sharp knife. The edges of the hole are made smooth.

Next you need to take a metal disk to which you need to attach a handle in the shape of the letter “T”. The resulting extruder should look like a syringe. The plate must be made of durable material so that during operation it does not change its shape under pressure.

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A little about the extruder for welding

Thanks to the manual welding extruder, you can do many different types of work with polypropylene and polyethylene.

At first it may seem that these materials are not very common and are rarely used.

But in reality they are used in many areas. Water purification systems are made from similar materials using this type of manual extruder, various types containers, etc. Mostly these materials will be used as auxiliary materials, but in any case you cannot do without them.

Welding hand extruder has a number of advantages. Any extruder model you choose for extrusion welding will be much better than others.

The main advantage of such equipment is ease of use.

You can work with such an extruder absolutely in any room and at different conditions. Simply put, you don’t need to prepare a specially equipped space or workshop for work.

A manual welding extruder can be used to make seams into a variety of shapes and designs. This is quite convenient, because you can independently control all the work. It often happens that in one area the seam needs to be made thin, and a little further away it needs to be thicker. No equipment can do this automatically.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth considering that this device not too expensive. Its price will be acceptable for almost anyone. It is not necessary to use a welding extruder during production. Quite often it is used at home. Further care and maintenance will not take a lot of money. This extruder can perform its work for many years, and it always remains a relevant and necessary device.

Manual welding extruders come in the following types:

  • screwless;
  • screw;
  • combined.

Combined extruders are appropriate to use when processing composite goods. These devices use both a disk zone and a screw part. This equipment is also called worm-disc. In addition, this type of extruder has an excellent mixing feature.

Extruders that do not have screws are used to produce a solution of polymers that have high quality elements.

Usually, when purchasing this product, in the kit the buyer receives several special attachments and stands, but the manufacturers are different, so the equipment package is also different. The welding manual extruder can operate at temperatures from 180 to 260°C. To put the device into operation, you need to connect it to electrical network. It is advisable to connect it to a voltage of 220 V.

Extrusion welding is a rather complex process, so to make an extruder with your own hands, you need to have certain knowledge and skills. It would be wiser to purchase equipment from a reliable manufacturer.

Extrusion is considered a common method for producing semi-finished or polymer goods. This process is created in the food industry or in the production of animal feed. The polymer melt is pulled out using an extruder head into a molding head with a special profile.

How does the process work?

Most polymers can be extruded: thermoplastics, elastomers and other materials. Technology welding extruder has been used for many years. During processing with special equipment, there are several different characteristics: composition of raw materials, percentage of humidity and nature. Pressure and temperature may change during operation. Where can a welding extruder be used?

  • Feed processing.
  • Creation of plastic and polyethylene.
  • Creating pipes.
  • Food production.

Extruder design:

Do-it-yourself extruder for a 3D printer

A special feature of a hand-held 3D printer is that it works on the basis of filament-like plastic of different types, most often used ABS and PLA. The device of such an extruder consists of two blocks, the first is responsible for supplying the filament, the second is a nozzle with a heater that cools the device.

How to make a homemade 3D printer extruder? First you need to choose a stepper motor or use motors from old scanners instead. To mount the motor, you will need a housing, a special roller and a hot end. The body can be made from different materials. A special roller is adjusted using a spring, because the thickness of the rod is rarely ideal. The material is connected to the feed mechanism, but the grip should not be too tight, otherwise pieces of plastic will start to break off.

You can buy a part called a hot end, but the price is quite high; it would be more profitable to download the drawings and make it yourself. The radiator is made of aluminum to remove heat from the barrel of the hot end. This helps to remove premature heating of the material.

The most The best decision- This is a LED heatsink, cooling is applied with a fan. The hot-end barrel is created from a metal tube, which is created to connect the radiator and heater. The thin piece of tubing is a thermal barrier that handles the heat at the top of the extruder.

The heater in the 3D extruder is made from aluminum plate. First, a hole is drilled in it for hot end barrel mounts, then a hole is created for the bolt, resistor and thermistor. The plate is heated using a resistor, and the thermistor regulates the temperature. The nozzle is created from a blind nut with an oval end.

When choosing a nut, it is better to choose brass or copper; they are very easy to process. The bolt is secured in a vice, then the nut is screwed onto it, and so on. final stage- This is creating a hole in the center. This is how a homemade extruder for a 3D printer is created.

If you don’t quite understand how to make such a device for a 3D printer, then you should familiarize yourself with the videos and drawings to simplify your work.

DIY clay extruder

This equipment is designed for modeling. With the help of such manual extruders you can work with clay and plasticine. Main design For this extruder, a plastic bottle of transparent color is considered. Before use, it must be washed and dried. You need to remove the plate from the cover using a needle or pin.

Next you need to create a hole from which the material will be squeezed out. The diameter must match the lines. Trim the edges of the hole and take a metal disk to which you attach the handle. Done, now you have a clay extruder. Everything is very easy and you don’t even need a drawing.


An extruder is considered very useful, because thanks to such a tool you can create many materials that used in vital areas. The 3D printer device produces the highest quality parts, and it is very profitable to make it yourself; you can earn a lot of money from this. When creating such a tool for a 3D printer, do not forget to familiarize yourself with the diagram.