Well      06/23/2020

What to do if the wall of a brick house is cracked? What and how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions and recommendations The house has cracked, what to do

Cracks in the walls of buildings can appear suddenly, and not only in old houses, but also in new buildings, panel and brick. This, of course, is not the norm, but there is no need to panic about it. It is better to sensibly assess the scale and understand how dangerous the destruction is in order to determine how to eliminate it. All cracks are divided into two types:

  • Passive– if the cracking occurred simultaneously and does not go further, in this case you can eliminate the defect yourself;
  • Active– if a crack in the wall of a house expands or lengthens over time, there is a risk of the wall or building collapsing, in this case you need to call specialists from the specialized service, who will make a decision.

Causes of cracks in walls

There are dozens of reasons why a building deforms and, as a consequence, serious faults or “spider webs” appear. They are caused by various factors, but the most common is problems with the foundation. It is also the most dangerous and difficult, since in some cases you have to redo everything anew, or somehow strengthen the foundation, and this is often not easy.

So, let’s look in detail at why cracks appear on the walls in various buildings, whether to worry, and how to repair them.

Why do wall cracks occur so often in new homes?

Cracking of new buildings is a fairly common phenomenon. 9 out of 10 houses may crack in a few years due to shrinkage, but, as a rule, cracks on the walls in a new house are small and passive, and after sealing there are no problems.

Experts do not recommend making major renovations in the first year and a half, and if your apartment is on the lower floors, and many people will be doing renovations on top, you should wait a little longer. The fact is that all the neighbors above will “add” weight to the structure with plaster and finishing, which means the house will shrink even more noticeably.

Small cracks on the walls in a new house do not seem to be terrible, but they can lead to tiles falling off, wallpaper deformation and similar problems. It is better to wait with finishing than to redo everything again. In addition, small “cobwebs” under the wallpaper will not be noticeable, and it is advisable to repair it as soon as it appears.

Why did a crack appear in the wall of a house that no longer shrinks?

In more lived-in and seemingly strong houses, cracks can appear completely unexpectedly, and usually they are what frighten residents the most. The reasons in this case can be very different.

  • Violation of construction technology, in which the dressing of the brick wall was incorrectly performed. For many years everything is fine, and then a fault appears, which is also difficult to repair.
  • Violation of communication technology. It happens that first a house is built, and then communications are brought in, as a result of which the foundation is dug up - this is one of the common causes of horizontal cracks in the wall.
  • The foundation may settle and by itself, for example, due to an incorrectly calculated load or insufficiently competent design without specialized calculations. Owners of private houses often suffer from this because they do not conduct geodetic surveys, do not study the soil characteristics, and choose the wrong type of foundation. Causes of cracks in walls can also include improperly placed sand under the foundation, or groundwater not taken into account during construction.

Why did a crack appear on the wall of the old house?

In old houses that have stood for decades without problems, sudden cracking can occur due to new construction taking place nearby, digging a pit nearby, or vibrations occurring when installing piles or re-laying a road. Often problems arise due to unsuccessful, ill-conceived redevelopment, when the new owner demolishes load-bearing supports, or illegal construction of basements and subfloors, as a result of which the load shifts and the foundation suffers. Crack outer wall at home also arises due to the fact that the mortar can crumble over time, and if floors are added to the house, or it is extended, the problem can become critical.

Problem with a crack in the load-bearing wall at the base of the building

Another common answer to the question, why do cracks appear on walls? – ill-conceived redevelopments, especially on the ground and first floors. This happens when residential apartments are converted into non-residential buildings, shops or service establishments are installed, and at the same time load-bearing walls are affected. The load on those remaining is greater, and the house is destroyed from the inside, and the residents of the upper floors are usually the first to notice the problem.

It is usually impossible to resolve the issue with the owners of the premises, so if cracks appear on interior walls, and at the same time below there are offices or retail premises, it is necessary to contact the relevant authorities to check the condition of the building.

Types of cracks in walls

You can try to determine the cause of cracking yourself, focusing on the direction of the fault: vertical, horizontal, in the corner. In brick walls, the direction may be broken, but the general trend is usually visible.

  • Vertical cracks. Temperature deformation may occur in the middle part of the building if there is a problem with expansion joints. In places of supports and beams - due to overloading of the walls (this is very dangerous). The reason may also be a weak foundation, as a result of which one part of the building settles differently.
  • Horizontal cracks on the wall of the house can be caused by subsidence of the foundation in its central part, and moisture entering the walls and foundation. They are less dangerous for the structure as a whole, but it is necessary to check the quality of the insulation. The causes of horizontal cracks in the wall are usually less dangerous, and the building collapses more slowly than with vertical ones. But it is also more difficult to fasten the structure; serious measures may be required to correct the situation.
  • In the corner of the wall destruction can occur due to flooding of the foundation, this often happens when moisture drips from the roof into this corner. Microcracks are usually harmless, although they are more difficult to repair.

In any case, if there is a crack in the wall of the house, you should call specialists who will determine the cause and scale of the problem.

What kind of cracks in the walls of a house are dangerous?

A fine web of cracks is generally not dangerous, no matter where it is located. But in any case, it is better to control this process.

To determine the danger, that is, the future divergence of the wall, various beacons are used. IN living conditions To control a wall crack inside a house, you can use paper or plaster, which is applied to the crack at different ends, and possibly in the middle. If the line is broken, you will need to apply beacons to all areas. Be sure to write down the installation date next to it.

It happens that it is not possible to install a beacon on an external wall yourself if the fault occurs on high floors. In addition, plaster and paper simply will not withstand weather conditions, and a gypsum beacon can generally crack due to temperature changes. There are other options for beacons, which are available to specialized specialists, and are suitable for external monitoring.

If over the course of 8-12 months a crack in the outer wall of a house or inside it has not changed or enlarged, it can be considered passive, stable, and can be repaired.

If the beacon was deformed or collapsed, be sure to call specialists, this means that the process is active and measures need to be taken.

Crack in the wall of a house: what to do and how to repair it

There are many ways to solve the problem, and the choice of a particular one depends on the characteristics of the fault and its development. Keep in mind: if a large crack in the wall quickly spreads and the beacons are destroyed, you are unlikely to cope on your own; you may have to fasten the house with metal plates, raise the building to adjust the foundation, strengthen it, put supports instead of load-bearing walls, etc.

Crack in the outer wall

Small stable cracks are cleaned of plaster and finishing, a deep penetration primer is applied, and the entire crack is covered with a putty mesh so that it reliably covers the edges. Putty is applied on top, which is better reinforced, as it will withstand temperature changes and exposure to weather conditions.

Cracks in the brick are sealed using a metal mesh for plaster, which is secured with bolts. A layer of mortar (cement + sand) is applied to it.

A large crack in the wall is filled with polyurethane foam, but first you need to widen and clean it, perhaps rinse it with water and dry it so that more solution gets inside. There are various nozzles for the cylinders, so you can seal even complex bends.

Cracks in concrete are also cleaned, blown out with foam and sealed with a cement-sand mixture.

Crack in the corner of the wall

It especially often occurs at the joints of slabs, and if it is a corner of the house, then it can blow noticeably from it. It is sealed either with polyurethane foam and then plastered, or a system of metal plates is used; the entire house, if the problem is serious, or part of it can be pulled together.

In multi-storey buildings, you have to do everything from the inside, or order insulation along with sealing cracks. If the fault is large, it must be deepened and thoroughly cleaned, preferably construction vacuum cleaner, or at least with a brush, and the foam is applied to the primer that has not yet dried.

Wall cracks inside the house

A small cobweb that formed as a result of shrinkage of new buildings, can be easily covered up: you will need a putty mesh and a deep penetration primer. A primer is applied to the cleaned wall with the coating removed, covered with a mesh, and sealed with putty. Then, after drying, the surface can be rubbed and painted, or covered with wallpaper. It's better to wait a little to make sure the problem doesn't happen again.

If there is a crack in the wall concrete house, it needs to be expanded, creating 45-degree angles, and primed well. Sealing is carried out either with concrete mortar or sealant. The sealant is better because it is a little “rubbery,” which means that future movements will be compensated and the crack will not expand. Do not use silicone-based sealant, as nothing sticks to it and it will be difficult to paint over or wallpaper it later. A crack in the wall of a house can also be sealed with any cement-based mixtures, for example, tile adhesive, or plaster. You can use an emulsion to which cement is added, or there is even more a budget option– PVA glue and cement. This mixture can be applied with a spatula, and special guns are used for the sealant to help squeeze it out of the tube. The remaining mixture is removed with a spatula flush with the wall.

Cracks in a plasterboard wall usually appear due to excess humidity, dampness, or improper installation. If flooding occurs, the sheets need to be changed; in other cases, you can save the situation using a special putty for drywall, or use acrylic (sold in the same tubes as sealant). Another option is to glue fiberglass; it is more reliable, although more expensive and labor-intensive. All these methods can be used only in case of high-quality fastening plasterboard sheet to the wall, if it does not wobble, otherwise you need to change the sheet itself.

Vertical and horizontal cracks on the wall brick houses are sealed up different ways, depending on the depth and nature of the fault. In any case, if the crack is active, seal it in simple ways there is no point, since it will continue to grow. Repair only makes sense when the fault has stopped and been stable for several months. Small cracks on internal brick walls are repaired cement mortar, if the fracture is larger than 7-10 mm, you need to widen it with a hammer (for better adhesion of the mortar) and seal it with a mixture of cement and sand. A crack larger than 10mm requires professional intervention, regardless of whether it is expanding or not.

Crack in the wall of a house: what to do if the wall is load-bearing?

You can repair cracks yourself only if the crack is small and does not expand. In this case, the same technologies are used as when repairing minor damage in brick wall. But it is important to understand that a fault in a load-bearing wall can lead to the collapse of the entire building, so it is worth contacting specialists. They will check the condition of the building and find out why the cracks in the wall appeared in the first place: perhaps the neighbors did a redevelopment somewhere, or something happened in the basement of the building, and it urgently needs to be strengthened, water pumped out, the roof raised and the load reduced.

Crack in a load-bearing wall is always very dangerous, so you should not delay it, especially if it is active and expanding. It is already possible to identify a dangerous fault in a day or two, placing a simple plaster or paper beacon, and checking its safety and absence of deformation. In any case, it's better to be safe.

Through cracks in the walls

Most dangerous look cracking, in which the building can be considered unsafe. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, but most often there are problems with the foundation or extension, or construction work ongoing nearby.

To seal through cracks in the walls, a lime-cement mortar is used; if the crack is large, brick fragments can be added to it. Formwork may be needed to hold the mortar in place until it hardens completely.

Sometimes they use metal plates made of durable material, and at least three strips will be needed, sometimes more. They are secured with bolts and dowels. After fixing, a specialist’s decision is required - if a crack appears in the wall of the house, then the problem is already quite serious. The crack can be repaired from the inside with polyurethane foam, but in any case, the cause must be eliminated.


If a crack appears in the wall of the house, evaluate it the crack is growing, visually (in the case of “cobweb” cracks) or using a beacon. For sealing different types walls are used various materials and technology, but in case the crack is growing or is itself large, it is better to consult with specialists. Minor repairs can be done independently, but only if the fault is stable and there is no reason to believe that in the future cracks in the walls of buildings can lead to emergency situation.

Anastasia Bezdenezhnykh

Melwood company expert

Spent 449 construction expertise, 94 forensic examinations

In company with 2014 of the year

During a major or cosmetic repairs It is very useful to know how to repair a crack in a wall, because without rough preparation, further work is useless. Even a small crack requires special attention, since it will increase over time, which will entail serious consequences. When starting to eliminate a crack, it is important to take into account its width and depth, the material of the wall, since the methods and tools used in each individual case may differ. In addition, after eliminating the defect, the restored surface must be properly cared for.

Required tools and materials

To seal cracks you will need the following material:

  • wood glue in the consistency of thin sour cream, mixed with tooth powder or chalk chips;
  • strips of cotton fabric, gauze, medical bandage, soaked in PVA glue (they can be replaced with fiberglass tape);
  • cement mortar mixed with paint prevents moisture penetration;
  • lime-cement mortar reinforced with mesh;
  • sandpaper for grouting;
  • primer;
  • sealant;
  • putty mixture;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • plaster for finishing.

Preparation of cement mortar for sealing gaps, cracks, seams

Tools you will need:

  1. brush;
  2. brush;
  3. putty knife;
  4. construction mixer;
  5. foam sponge;
  6. gun for sealant and polyurethane foam.

In some cases, the work will additionally require a hammer, chisel and a hammer drill with attachments.

How to repair a crack: types of mixtures

In order to choose what to cover cracks in the wall with, you need to take into account the features of the coating:

How to dilute the solution yourself

Cracks in walls can occur both outside and inside the building. Therefore, there are two main types of mortar - plaster for exterior and plaster for interior works.

I. Mortar for sealing cracks outside the building

Restoring the integrity of the surface of the walls outside the building is carried out using cement mortar plaster. It is prepared as follows: use cement and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3, add PVA glue, dilute with water to a medium-thick consistency. You can use ready-made dry solutions, which just need to be diluted with water in the ratio indicated on the package.

II. Interior solution

For interior work use mortar: lime and sand are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 4, diluted with water. The consistency should be such that when thrown onto the wall, the mixture forms a dense “pancake” and not a lump.

Using polyurethane foam

Large gaps in walls, for example, made of brickwork, can be sealed using polyurethane foam. The gap is first cleared of debris, filled with primer, then foam. When the polyurethane foam “sets,” it is cut to a depth of about 20 mm, and cement mortar or adhesive is placed in this gap.

Foam is also used to seal through cracks in temporary buildings.

What nuances do you need to know when using polyurethane foam to repair cracks?

When working with polyurethane foam, you should remember that too much of it leads to an increase in the crack, and its remains should not stick out out of the gap. It is added not as a single filling, but in stages, for those areas where it is not enough. Excess foam is cut off, the gap is waterproofed, the outside is covered with cement mortar, and the inside is plastered.

Foaming a large gap between the wall and the ceiling

Crack sealing method

Repairing cracks in walls is carried out different methods, depending on the type of surface. Let's consider the details of eliminating gaps on surfaces made of various materials.

In brickwork

Repairing cracks in brick walls is carried out different ways, depending on the size of the damage. If the width of the defect is up to 5 mm, you can get rid of it using cement mortar or regular tile adhesive. The gap is widened with a spatula or hammer and cleaned of dirt. The gap is treated with a primer, then filled with cement or adhesive mortar.

To eliminate cracks 10-15 mm wide, a cement-based solution is also used, but with the addition of fine sand. Sickle tape is glued over the repaired area and putty is applied.

In a plastered wall

Plaster can crack both outside and inside the house. In any case, the restoration procedure begins with widening the cracks and deepening them with a spatula or a sharp knife. Next, the gap is cleaned of contaminants and primed with a deep penetration solution. When the primer has dried, the plaster mixture is placed inside the gap to its entire depth. Without waiting for the solution to dry, reinforcing tape is glued over the crack and covered with plaster. For repairs, it is recommended to use a gypsum mixture.

When the plaster layer dries, it is rubbed with sandpaper for complete leveling.

On sheets of drywall

Cracks in drywall may appear due to too thick a layer of applied plaster or a violation of the thermal regime when it dries. Vertical and horizontal cracks occur at the joints between sheets due to weakening of the metal frame of the wall or the absence of reinforcing tape.

In the first case, the cracks form a “web”. To get rid of it, you need to remove the damaged layer of plaster and apply a new one, but no more than 2 mm thick. Each layer of plaster must dry thoroughly.

In the second case, you need to carry out a number of actions:

  1. Use a sharp knife to widen the cracks at a 45-degree angle.
  2. Fill the gaps with gypsum mortar.
  3. Apply reinforcing tape over the filled crack.
  4. The surface is leveled with plaster and sanded with an abrasive mesh before applying a decorative coating.

In a concrete wall

For filling gaps on concrete walls ah use cement mortar. The surface is prepared, cleaned of dirt, the remains of old plaster are removed, then the cracks are carefully filled with mortar. Experts often recommend that before filling a gap with cement mortar, lubricate its internal cavity with PVA glue.

In case of large defects and through cracks, the cracks are filled with mounting foam, sealed from the inside with gypsum mortar, and from the outside with cement-sand plaster. Defects less than 5 mm wide can be sealed with sealant.

What to do if the crack is long and deep

How to repair a crack in a wall if it is deep? Slots wider than 15 mm are considered dangerous because... may cause wall destruction. If such gaps appear on brickwork, the defective area is dismantled and replaced with new masonry. In this case, the bricks are laid in a special, interlocking way, strengthening the rows with pieces of reinforcement.

New masonry will help such a crack

You can protect the wall from destruction due to significant cracks by installing lintels or making metal reinforcement. This method is effective for monolithic concrete walls: metal corners are tightened with long bolts, sometimes it is necessary to install reinforcing belts along the entire perimeter of the room or building. The reinforcing belt is installed before sealing a crack in the wall - under the roof, above the foundation, sometimes in several rows.

Such a crack should be sealed with foam, cement, reinforced with a reinforcing belt

A wide and deep gap in drywall can be filled with gypsum plaster

How long does it take for the solution to dry?

Proceed to finishing Walls can only be painted after the repair mortar has completely dried. Drying time depends on the material used. Gypsum plaster dries in about three days. The cement-lime mortar will need from 24 hours to two days. The cement mortar dries in 24 hours, and for facade plaster It will only take 8 hours.

When the material dries, special conditions must be created to prevent repeated cracking: air temperature no higher than +25C, absence of drafts and direct sun rays.


The final finishing after repairing cracks and cracks is carried out after the solution has completely dried. The dried mixture is sanded well, leveling it with the rest of the wall surface. Then the primer is applied until it stops being absorbed into the restored surface area. After this you can start decorative finishing– painting, wallpapering, applying textured plaster, etc.

Consistency finishing putty should be dense, but not too thick

How to care for a restored wall

A wall restored after repair must, first of all, be protected from various mechanical influences - do not move furniture too close to it, hammer nails into places where cracks have been repaired, or protect it from being hit by a door.

You need to wipe the walls carefully so as not to damage the decorative layer of the coating. If decorative coating durable, it will be able to protect the wall from various influences that could cause repeated cracking, provided that the repair of the crack was carried out efficiently and the plaster was completely dry before decorative finishing work. Therefore, methods such as coating with colorless varnish are used decorative plaster, applying waterproof paint to the surface of the walls, using wooden, plastic, gypsum panels, non-woven wallpaper.

Videos on repairing cracks in walls

The main stages of sealing a crack in a plastered wall in a video:

You can learn what materials to use to cover cracks from this video:

The appearance of cracks on the facade of a house or inside it can be caused by for various reasons: shrinkage of the foundation, improper execution of rough finishing, disruption of the bricklaying process, use of low-quality or unsuitable materials, and many others. It is important to notice their appearance in time and take all necessary measures to eliminate defects. A fine network of cracks in the plaster is usually not associated with the danger of wall destruction, but in any case, the process of the appearance of new gaps must be controlled, as well as the increase in their size

Many owners of brick buildings face such a problem as cracks in walls. country houses. Of course, such defects need to be eliminated as quickly as possible. Cracks in the walls not only spoil appearance at home, but also provide Negative influence on its performance characteristics. Moreover, such defects in some cases can even lead to the collapse of the building.

Step-by-step instruction

Cracks in brick walls are usually repaired in several stages. To eliminate such a defect, you need:

  • determine the nature of its occurrence;
  • eliminate identified deficiencies in order to prevent crack expansion;
  • carry out a control check;
  • Depending on the width of the crack and its nature, choose a method for eliminating it.

Actually, there are several methods of sealing themselves:

  • using cement mortar;
  • using polyurethane foam;
  • by replacing the damaged section of masonry.

The main causes of the defect

What and how to repair cracks in houses? The answer to this question depends on many factors. Before you begin to eliminate such a defect, of course, you need to find out why, in fact, it could have appeared. Most often, cracks are a consequence of non-compliance with construction technology. This could be, for example, an incorrectly selected type of foundation or roof design, various kinds violations of technology when performing masonry, etc. Also, cracks in walls often appear:

  • as a result of improper redistribution of the load on the walls (during the addition of a building or during its redevelopment);
  • due to temperature deformations;
  • when laying engineering communications under the foundation;
  • during construction ground floor under an already constructed building without strengthening the foundation;
  • as a result of wear and aging of the material.

Sometimes cracks can occur due to declines underneath the building. This often happens, for example, due to the redistribution of groundwater.

According to regulations, repair of cracks in brick walls should be carried out only after the identified cause of their appearance has been eliminated. That is, if necessary, you should first strengthen the foundation, tie the wall using metal locks, increase its load-bearing capacity, etc. In any case, it is allowed to seal only those cracks that have already stopped expanding.

How to determine the stability of a defect

It is not difficult to find out that a crack has stopped spreading. To do this, you just need to stick several beacon pieces of paper across it. If they don't break in about a couple of weeks, the cracking has stopped. The easiest way to stick the pieces of paper is on PVA. You can also use Moment glue.

How to repair a crack in a brick wall at home: choosing a technique

Once the problem that caused the crack has been resolved, you can begin the actual repair work. In brick walls this procedure is usually performed:

  • using cement mortar;
  • using polyurethane foam.

With use, you can easily remove a blind crack from the wall. usually finished with a fairly thick layer of plaster. This is where such defects most often appear. Cement mortar can also be used to seal through cracks. The use of these materials, however, is allowed only if the size of such a crack does not exceed 10.1 mm. If this indicator is higher, the damaged section of the masonry will have to be dismantled.

with your own hands, if it is not through

Such defects usually occur in the plaster after it has dried due to a violation of the application technology, as well as as a result of aging of the material, etc. In any case, it will not be difficult to fix a blind crack yourself.

The methods and procedure for sealing cracks in brick walls (non-through) depend on what exactly the defect is. Very often, for example, so-called “cobwebs” appear on the plastered surface, that is, a network of small cracks. To get rid of this defect, you must first clean the problem area completely. The easiest way to do this is with a narrow metal spatula. After the collapsed plaster has been removed, you can begin finishing the area with a new layer of gypsum or cement-sand mixture. Before applying it, the brickwork should be cleaned of dust and moistened with water using a broom.

Sometimes individual large cracks appear in the plaster. Such defects usually occur in the area of ​​windows and doors. Most often, their appearance is caused by changes in the house. To eliminate such defects, they must first be expanded. To do this, you can use a chisel or any other tool suitable for such work. Next, the crack should be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt. The easiest way to do this is with a regular household vacuum cleaner.

After the crack has been cleared, it inner surface You need to wet it with water using a spray bottle. Cement mortar for sealing is prepared in a ratio of 1:3. You can also purchase a special dry mixture in the store. The crack should be filled with excess solution. Ultimately, he should close it completely and even protrude a little beyond. A reinforcing mesh tape must be pressed into the still fresh solution (along the entire length of the crack). After a few minutes, you need to apply a little more solution to the wall. Ultimately, the tape should be completely covered with the mixture. After the solution has dried, the repaired area should be treated using a special grater.

Sealing narrow through cracks in brickwork with concrete mixture

The solution in this case should be made on the basis of high grade cement (preferably M400). River sand is usually used as a plasticizer for cracks up to 5 mm wide. Of course, before starting work, it must be sifted. If the width of the crack exceeds 5 mm, a little fine quarry sand should be added to the mixture. In order for such a procedure as sealing cracks in brick walls with your own hands to be successful, before use concrete mixture It is advisable to drive metal T-shaped anchors into the cavity (fixed with dowels).

Also, additional strengthening can be done using a special metal lock(thick plate). The latter is fixed across the crack onto an anchor. The lock is installed as the defect develops. If the crack expands from bottom to top, the plate is applied closer to the ceiling. Sometimes the wall is strengthened using ordinary steel brackets. The latter must be driven into it to at least half the thickness.

Actually, the answer to the question of how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house is essentially given above. This procedure is performed using approximately the same technology as when adjusting plaster. That is, first the crack is widened and cleaned. Then its cavity is moistened with water from a spray bottle. Next, the crack is filled with cement mortar.

Using polyurethane foam

This material will also help answer the question of how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house. However, use polyurethane foam need to be careful. When using it, you should always keep in mind that, as it expands, it can enlarge the crack. Therefore, foam should be applied in small quantities. In the future, you can simply add it in the right places.

After the foam has completely dried, cleaning should be done. First, the excess material protruding outwards is simply cut off with a sharp knife. Then the foam is cleaned along the crack to a depth of several millimeters. This is necessary so that the plaster layer applied on top lays down as firmly as possible and does not subsequently crumble. To further strengthen the finish in this case, it is also advisable to use mesh tape.

How to repair a wide crack

So, let's find out how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house, if it is not too big. Defects wider than 10.1 mm, as already mentioned, can only be eliminated by dismantling the masonry. This procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. Begin dismantling the masonry exclusively from the top row. You cannot knock bricks out of the wall.

Replacement with new brickwork is carried out according to the “lock” principle with bandaging of the seams. In this case, reinforcing metal plates are used. The latter should cover the gap completely. Instead of plates, you can use regular thick reinforcement.

Instead of a conclusion

Thus, we have figured out how to repair a crack in a brick wall of a house. The methods described in the article are suitable for both residential buildings and commercial or industrial buildings. The main thing when eliminating such defects is to strictly adhere to the required technology. In this case, the crack will never appear again, and the wall itself will perform its functions as efficiently as possible.

The question is how to repair cracks in a wall apartments or how to cover up cracks in a wall, oddly enough, most often worries the happy owners of new homes.

Absolutely all developers, for obvious reasons, want to sell the built houses and apartments to their clients as quickly as possible. At the same time, almost always, after moving into a new home, happy buyers are faced with certain shortcomings, shortcomings or defects.

Quite often such manifested defects are small or large cracks on the main structures. In many cases, they do not pose a threat to the integrity of the structure or the safety of the occupants, but they must be repaired and corrected.

Theoretically, when buying a new house or apartment, you should be sure that all the main elements of the housing structure will be in good condition, without any damage, defects or cracks. However, practice often shows something completely different.

Increasingly, when buying an apartment, we encounter various minor damages, such as cracks and scratches on walls, ceilings and floors. More often this happens because it runs too fast plastering works before the required moisture level has been reached and the foundation itself has fully settled and stabilized.

Whatever the walls of your home are: brick, plaster, concrete or panel, the formation of cracks often has the same reasons.

Long-term construction of housing, especially such a complex one as a multi-story building or apartment building quite natural. In some cases, a good builder will recommend allowing the building frame to stand in its raw state for one season.

That is, the foundation, walls, ceilings and roof are made in one year, and only in the next year are they produced Finishing work. This is a very good practice because between jobs there is time for the building to shrink sufficiently. This significantly reduces the risk of mini deformations and cracks.

Cracks in an apartment are not such a rare occurrence when buying or building a new home

In a word first and most common reason- this is the natural shrinkage of a newly constructed building. Unfortunately, most developers want to sell as quickly as possible. ready-made apartments and at home. Even the customers themselves rarely agree to extend the construction period due to the need to wait out the winter.

Another reason for the appearance of cracks may be poorly carried out geodetic work. The obligatory geological study of the soil before the start of any construction is a guarantee of the expected result for each homeowner. As a consequence of this, or as a separate cause, is non-compliance with the specific soil of the structure or foundation materials.

Geological soil research involves drilling at least 2-3 wells and examining the soil, of course, even before the start of designing a house. This procedure will protect you from many unpleasant surprises in the future, such as unstable soils or high level groundwater.

Cracks often appear as linear damage to the surface along the entire height of the wall or as transverse cracks. Before starting repairs, carefully check the condition of the underlying coating around the repair site.

Important: When starting work, you must be sure that the expansion of the crack, its growth has stopped. You should not eliminate defects whose development has not yet stopped if the wall crack is creeping. Don't do double work. The cause must be identified and eliminated.

Also, before you begin to repair a crack with your own hands, you should look into the purchase and sale agreement or contract work and decide on the guarantee. It is necessary to accurately record the condition of all walls and ceilings at the time of receipt of the apartment or acceptance of the house.

2. How to repair a crack in plaster on a wall

If you need to eliminate a crack on a plastered surface, then you only need to do a few simple actions. However, this may also be cement-sand and gypsum and lime plaster. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Large and small spatula
  • Brush
  • Sponge
  • Sandpaper
  • Primer
  • Putty (repair composition)
  • Reinforcing mesh (in some cases)

Crack expansion and cleaning

The correct solution is to remove paint, if any, and plaster in the immediate vicinity of the repair site, in order to more thoroughly introduce the new filler into the crack, and more tightly contact it with the base material. Extension can be done using a wire brush and a small spatula.

Expanding a crack using a metal spatula and then cleaning its edges is one of the necessary steps repairs

The next step is to carefully crack cleaning from dirt and dust. This is very important because even minimal amount foreign elements significantly reduces the connection of the leveling mixture with the base material.

Then it is necessary to apply a primer into the crack, which will increase the overall adhesion of the surface. The composition of the primer is selected based on the putty material and the main structural element.

Remove dust from the crack using a brush or vacuum cleaner and apply primer to obtain optimal adhesion.

Filling, leveling and sanding the crack

Use a small trowel to initially fill the crack with repair mortar, and only then level the surface with a wide trowel. For such wall repairs, a flexible spatula made of of stainless steel or a plastic spatula with a rubber end.

How to seal the crack? How to cover cracks in the wall? To repair small cracks a few millimeters wide, it is recommended to use ready-made polymer putty. It is sold in plastic containers and, once opened, is immediately ready for use, without the need for stirring.

In addition to polymer putty, you can use gypsum putty, cement-based mixture or acrylic paint sealant. All these materials are comparable in the quality of the result obtained when eliminating minor damage, but differ in price and the need for preliminary preparation.

The ideal option would be to choose a filler that forms the basis of the surface of the wall being repaired, although the use of non-identical compositions, contrary to some opinions, is not critical. It means that small cracks on a wall in cement-based plaster can be easily removed with a composition based on gypsum or polymer putty or PVA-based putty.

Important: don't forget to clean the spatulas possible contamination before use. Use only clean tools. Any dirt or dry material left on the spatula may prevent the surface from being even and smooth.

You should not apply putty in one layer if the crack is deeper than 2-3 mm. If you need to repair deeper damage, perform the work in two or even three stages, since almost any material has a tendency to shrink.

When repairing a surface with a crack more than 2 mm wide, it is possible to use a special fiberglass mounting tape

For complete confidence in the quality of the work result, it is possible use of special mounting tape which is glued over the crack filled with the selected composition after it has completely dried. After this, the top of the tape is again covered with the same solution, which is leveled with a spatula.

This tape takes on some of the stress that arises during the process of gaining and releasing moisture. separate materials, for example plaster. In most cases, the formation of cracks on traditional plastered surfaces is sufficient to simply fill them, without the use of additional elements.

After the repaired area has completely dried, it is necessary to carry out work on grinding the surface sandpaper with a grain size of about 100-150. It is best to use manual grinding machine, however, simply manual grouting is also possible. At this point, the question of how to repair cracks in the wall of an apartment can be considered resolved.

Acrylic sealant is indispensable for many repair work, thanks to excellent adhesion to most materials: brick, concrete, stone, plastic, plaster. Apply manually using an air gun.

If you decide to use for work paint acrylic sealant, then the technology differs only in the method of introducing the repair solution into the crack. Painting acrylic is a plastic-elastic, modified sealant based on aqueous acrylic dispersion.

It can serve as a leveling material for any surface, and is ideal as a base for subsequent ceilings or seams. And this most quick way sealing cracks on painted walls.

Acrylic sealant is ideal for masking imperfections and defects in concrete, brickwork and plaster, for filling joints in baseboards, window sill junctions, decorative panels and very convenient for embedding cracks in the corners of the walls.

One of the most popular materials for the construction of various objects is brick. However, this material is not ideal, and buildings made from it may experience defects and damage during use.

The most common defect is cracks in the wall. It will not be possible to correct such a deficiency a lot of work. To do this, you need to find out the cause of the crack and select the necessary technological method to eliminate it.


The appearance of cracks on brick wall surfaces is a bad sign. However, if the foundation is laid correctly and the masonry is done correctly, cracks should not occur.

Any visible flaw indicates non-compliance with construction or use standards and requires immediate correction of the cause of its appearance. The level of difficulty in sealing cracks in wall surfaces depends on their thickness and depth (sometimes you have to dismantle the required area of ​​​​the brickwork).

You can repair the crack yourself if you follow our recommendations. We will help you eliminate any defects (for example, cracked surface load-bearing wall).

Causes of cracks

There are several reasons that create this unpleasant problem.

  • Absence or unsuitability of connections between blocks. Appears as vertical crack along the entire height of the wall (occurs when constructing an extension to an existing building or when the work is not carried out correctly). It is possible to get rid of the gap only if a preliminary screed is made with a reinforced belt.
  • Disadvantages when laying the foundation of a building: pouring the foundation to a shallow depth (less than the ground freezing level), using granular or mineral blocks, using concrete with poor strength and frost resistance. External manifestations: cracks in corner areas or rapidly increasing cracks in the upper parts of brick wall surfaces.

This can be avoided by strengthening the perimeter of the foundation by creating a belt of concrete.

  • Erroneous determination of soil quality, due to which errors occur when taking into account the load. This also includes soil deformation as a result of vibrations, natural phenomena (for example, active groundwater), as well as work being carried out nearby the object. All this leads to the appearance of large cracks across the entire surface of the walls.
  • Subsidence of the structure during the first year of operation. This manifests itself in the form of small and shallow cracks, which do not subsequently increase in size. To eliminate them, you only need to make minor repairs.
  • . Cracks occur in areas of greatest stress. To avoid this, you need to distribute the load evenly and apply screed in the necessary places.

To repair a crack in the wall brick house, you should follow simple instructions:

  • carefully inspect the entire building, identify and eliminate sources of cracks;
  • periodically check the condition of wall surfaces;
  • if the slightest cracks are detected, you must immediately do everything possible to prevent the spread of defects;
  • when cracks form, it is necessary to clear the necessary internal area of ​​the cracks, as well as to maximize interaction with finishing agents;
  • After checking the walls and treating the cracks, you should cover up the detected cavities and make external insulation(or finishing).

Until the cause of the flaw is determined, there is no point in doing anything to correct it.

In addition, it is necessary to constantly check for the rate at which cracks are growing. To do this, the gap must be marked with markings made of putty or concrete mortar. The desired strip sizes are 100x40mm with a layer thickness of less than ten millimeters. There is also a simpler method using paper. Checking for tears should be done every day for five weeks. If problems arise, it is necessary major renovation foundations of the structure and professional assistance.

It is worth remembering that a crack width greater than twenty millimeters is critical. In such a situation, it is necessary to auxiliary reinforcement of the crack edges and strengthening brick structures. Areas susceptible to destruction need to be dismantled.

If after checking you note that the crack has not increased, then you can use simple method sealing a crack in a brick wall.

Methods for fixing cracks

It is worth remembering that the occurrence of vertical cracks with a width of ten millimeters is a harbinger of the destruction of the walls of the structure. Therefore, it will not be possible to repair this crack with cement mortar without a strong metal screed. In this regard, there are several repair options.

  • Driving in special anchors made of metal into dowels mounted along the edges of the crack.
  • Installation of longitudinal metal brackets with bends at the edges into pre-made holes in wall surfaces (later they should be covered with cement mortar). This method is the easiest and most reliable when correcting through cracks from the outside.

  • Strengthening brick masonry with inside special fastening compounds. When installing fasteners into the wall surface, they must be recessed to a great depth (more than half the entire thickness of the wall). It is entirely possible to alternate fasteners. In practice, sealing cracks in brick wall surfaces is done after installing fixing structures.
  • Using reinforcement mesh It is rational if you want to strengthen the entire area of ​​the structure, because even a careful calculation of the foundation does not guarantee the absence of the risk of shrinkage. When choosing a method and material for repairing cracks, it is necessary to take into account the upcoming exterior finishing. All parts made of metal material are treated with anti-corrosion compounds and are masked by painting or covered with plaster.

How to seal cracks

Compositions for sealing cracks depend on the location of the flaws (inside, outside the house or even under a window). It is possible to close the crack indoors using a gypsum-based composition or a mixture of lime and cement. For external installation, it is better to choose the most moisture-resistant materials (otherwise, the finish will not last long).

  • For minor cracks(less than five millimeters wide) repair using cement mortar is suitable. In situations where microscopic shrinkage cracks do not exceed one millimeter, it is better to cover them with epoxy resin.
  • For defects between five and ten millimeters in length sealing can be done with a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. To achieve a plastic consistency, you need to add water.
  • For more problematic cracks in wall structures made of brick (as well as in structures with a layer of air) great solution will become foam for installation. Such material requires mandatory protection from sunlight, so after hardening the excess foam is removed.

  • For various types of defects A cement composition with the addition of polymers from the M400 grade category is suitable. The compositions are passed through a fine grid with a medium-sized grain of sand or wood glue based on polyvinyl acetate and water. In such cases, PVA is added in excess (from one liter per bucket) and is added to the composition last.
  • For problem areas of the wall(from the inside or outside) you can use silicone-based sealant. The advantages of such a tool include plasticity and long term operation of the material, tolerance to changes in temperature and humidity, ease of sealing cracks using mounting gun. The disadvantage of this method is the large financial costs, so it is not suitable for large areas and volumes.
  • If it is necessary to eliminate defects on the outside and if there is an outdated mortar, mixtures with the addition of brick crumbs are used.

At the end of the repair the condition brick surfaces must be carefully examined within two months.